ifmsa policy statement control of emerging infectious...

IFMSA Policy Statement Control of Emerging Infectious Diseases Adopted during the 64 th August Meeting General Assembly in Ohrid, FYR of Macedonia, 7 th August 2015 Summary The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) recognizes the need to strengthen preparedness for control of Emerging Infectious Diseases and response to public health disasters as a means to reducing the occurrence of disease outbreaks and further catastrophe in case of an outbreak. Most recently, the ongoing outbreak of Ebola in West Africa, which has overwhelmed local health systems and shocked the world in its severity, has become a catalyst for a long-needed global discussion about this issue. The IFMSA regrets the thousands of deaths and immeasurable suffering caused by Emerging Infectious Diseases outbreaks, the risk of which remains a major public health concern and will have many long-term impacts on the societies and economies of the affected countries. Furthermore, the IFMSA believes strong action is required to improve preparedness and respond better to future outbreaks. The IFMSA therefore calls for a coordinated public health emergency response with relation to strengthening and setting clear guidelines on the mechanisms of detection, control and prevention of Emerging Infectious Diseases involving all relevant parties including the World Health Organization, NGOs and national governments. Introduction Emerging Infectious Diseases (EIDs) are infectious diseases ‘whose incidence in humans has increased in the past 2 decades or threatens to increase in the near future.’ 1 From 1940 to 2004, 335 EID events are thought to have emerged, of which 60% have been from animal reservoirs. 2 EIDs may cause localised epidemics, or become pandemics if given the correct environmental factors, causing significant suffering and deaths worldwide. Historical examples of EIDs include H1N1 influenza, which killed over 20 million people worldwide after arising from an avian source 3 , and HIV/AIDS, with an incidence of 2.3 million in 2012 4 . Outbreaks in recent years which had previously remained localised have since become major public health concerns, notably the emergence and spread of chikungunya fever through the Americas since 2013, causing over 1 million cases 5 , and the West African Ebola epidemic, which has caused over 15,000 confirmed cases and over 6,000 deaths 6 . Middle East Respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) has seen an increase in incidence since May 2015 7 with the Republic of Korea investigating the largest known outbreak outside the Arabian Peninsula, including 182 confirmed cases and 33 deaths 8 . Factors driving disease emergence Zoonotic diseases are a major player in EIDs. Although many zoonotic diseases are difficult to track, those that are vector borne are directly affected by environmental factors 9 . Climate change is predicted to have a profound influence on emergence of infectious diseases with zoonotic vectors in the coming decades, altering disease incidence and placing millions more people at risk 10 . Economic development can increase disease emergence, as dam

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IFMSA Policy Statement Control of Emerging Infectious Diseases

Adopted during the 64th August Meeting General Assembly in

Ohrid, FYR of Macedonia, 7th August 2015 Summary The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) recognizes the need to strengthen preparedness for control of Emerging Infectious Diseases and response to public health disasters as a means to reducing the occurrence of disease outbreaks and further catastrophe in case of an outbreak. Most recently, the ongoing outbreak of Ebola in West Africa, which has overwhelmed local health systems and shocked the world in its severity, has become a catalyst for a long-needed global discussion about this issue. The IFMSA regrets the thousands of deaths and immeasurable suffering caused by Emerging Infectious Diseases outbreaks, the risk of which remains a major public health concern and will have many long-term impacts on the societies and economies of the affected countries. Furthermore, the IFMSA believes strong action is required to improve preparedness and respond better to future outbreaks. The IFMSA therefore calls for a coordinated public health emergency response with relation to strengthening and setting clear guidelines on the mechanisms of detection, control and prevention of Emerging Infectious Diseases involving all relevant parties including the World Health Organization, NGOs and national governments. Introduction Emerging Infectious Diseases (EIDs) are infectious diseases ‘whose incidence in humans has increased in the past 2 decades or threatens to increase in the near future.’1 From 1940 to 2004, 335 EID events are thought to have emerged, of which 60% have been from animal reservoirs.2 EIDs may cause localised epidemics, or become pandemics if given the correct environmental factors, causing significant suffering and deaths worldwide. Historical examples of EIDs include H1N1 influenza, which killed over 20 million people worldwide after arising from an avian source3, and HIV/AIDS, with an incidence of 2.3 million in 20124. Outbreaks in recent years which had previously remained localised have since become major public health concerns, notably the emergence and spread of chikungunya fever through the Americas since 2013, causing over 1 million cases5, and the West African Ebola epidemic, which has caused over 15,000 confirmed cases and over 6,000 deaths6. Middle East Respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) has seen an increase in incidence since May 20157 with the Republic of Korea investigating the largest known outbreak outside the Arabian Peninsula, including 182 confirmed cases and 33 deaths8. Factors driving disease emergence Zoonotic diseases are a major player in EIDs. Although many zoonotic diseases are difficult to track, those that are vector borne are directly affected by environmental factors9. Climate change is predicted to have a profound influence on emergence of infectious diseases with zoonotic vectors in the coming decades, altering disease incidence and placing millions more people at risk10. Economic development can increase disease emergence, as dam

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construction provides new habitats for disease vectors and improved transport infrastructure accelerates human-to-human transmission across international borders11. Weak health systems and a lack of skilled healthcare personnel can leave communities vulnerable to changing patterns of disease virulence or geographic spread. Infection prevention and control measures are insufficient in many poorly resourced countries, with key infrastructure such as isolation rooms not in place. Inadequate support for public health provision, surveillance and disease monitoring is a key influence on the emergence of infectious disease in new locations and can have a devastating impact on local healthcare systems. War and conflict can also drive infectious disease emergence, by damaging health and civic infrastructure as well as displacing people and accelerating migration11. Global nature of disease emergence Emerging Infectious Diseases are affecting nations across the world and have demonstrated their capacity to overload existing healthcare systems in diverse circumstances. The emergence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Clostridium difficile have been driven by global inappropriate use of antibiotics12. These emergent and re-emergent pathogens have demonstrated their ability to overwhelm public health systems, causing widespread fear and mistrust of health facilities, even in highly resourced healthcare institutions. Changing patterns of human migration, increasing levels of international air travel and novel processes in the agricultural industry present new risks and challenges as new strains of influenza emerge. The spectre of pandemic influenza is an ever-present threat to global health and in 2015, the WHO declared that the world must be on “high alert” for the spread of new strains of influenza13. These EIDs have devastating effects on the economies of the countries affected. In the example of Ebola, at least 40 countries issues travel restrictions to Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, resulting in a further detrimental impact on trade14. Societal cohesion was also disrupted during instances of violence against healthcare workers and security forces. The ineffectiveness of rapid response mechanisms and subsequent scale of the epidemic left governments unable to cope with the emergency, clearly demonstrating the need for efforts to strengthen health systems around the world15. Preparedness for disease outbreak control Preparing for emerging disease threats involves not only complying to international regulations, but also strengthening laboratory capacity and communicating appropriately with the public. In some recent cases, these preparatory tasks have been inadequately undertaken due to chronic underinvestment in health care systems. The international legal framework for disease outbreak control - the International Health Regulations (IHR) - require that countries declare Public Health Emergencies of International Concern (PHEIC) promptly, and mandate a response from World Health Organization (WHO). They also require that countries strengthen surveillance capacity to monitor epidemics, and that countries make every effort not to introduce travel restrictions which would further damage international trade16. However, in the context of fragile socio-political situations such as those in West Africa during the recent Ebola outbreak, a PHEIC was not reported promptly, which lead to the call for a semi-autonomous international body as heard at the World Health Assembly 2015. Despite the many challenges present in the control of zoonotic diseases, success in this prevention would be both cost-effective and directly beneficial to the burden on the human population. However, certain strategies such as culling are disproportionately dependent on

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farmers who receive inadequate compensation, as demonstrated in the outbreak of H5N1 avian influenza in 200617. Education and advocacy are also imperative, as mechanisms must be in place to disseminate information to the public in order to ensure that health messages are coherent and quickly transmissible through the media. The absence of such processes can lead to long-term socio-economic damage, such as the reaction to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in England in the 1990s causing large economic losses that extended well beyond the timeframe of the outbreak18. Main Text The unprecedented nature of the recent Ebola epidemic has demonstrated the inadequacies of existing organizational structures and international frameworks to respond to Emerging Infectious Diseases. It is certain that novel infectious diseases will continue to emerge and our global response must learn the lessons of this recent catastrophe. The IFMSA acknowledges: 1. The efforts being made towards developing a coherent, coordinated response to the continued emergence of infectious diseases from the international community. 2. The efforts that have been undertaken so far by the West African nations, the International community, health workers, students and NGOs in fighting the Ebola epidemic. 3. The sacrifices made by local communities in order to reduce the transmission of Ebola and the great progress that has been made towards ended this crisis. The IFMSA promises to: 1. Promote education and advocacy efforts to increase infection prevention and control amongst both medical students and the general public in situations of Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2. Continue to advocate for an effective and coordinated public health response to current and future Emerging Infectious Diseases. 3. Work with all relevant stakeholders to develop effective global mechanisms to combat emerging diseases, including the envisaged Global Health Emergency Workforce proposed at World Health Assembly 2015. 4. Promote collaboration between animal and public health stakeholders to allow for thorough understanding of zoonotic diseases and successful control of emerging zoonoses. We call upon healthcare providers to: 1. Continue to improve infection control practices to prevent spread of Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2. Recognise the vulnerability of healthcare workers and train their medical personnel accordingly in emergency treatment, prevention and infection control strategies. 3. Commit to provide culturally sensitive and ethically sound care as well as maintain clinical competency in the context of emergency situations. We call upon national governments to: 1. Invest in laboratory capacity in order to better detect the presence of pathogens, including drug resistant pathogens. 2. Work with public health associations and other relevant parties to strengthen their current health systems as a matter of urgency. 3. Strengthen commitment and implementation of International Health Regulations. 4. Ensure investment in cost effective research for neglected infectious disease treatment and manufacture cost-effective, accessible and affordable treatments and vaccines.

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5. Educate communities to raise awareness on disease prevention and infection control practices needed to stop the spread of current and future Emerging Infectious Diseases, having in mind the cultural and religious circumstances of the population. 6. Respond in a more transparent way to Emerging Infectious Diseases, ensuring the necessary information is provided for populations and visitors. We call upon the WHO to: 1. Lead coordination of the Health Cluster in disaster response for future outbreaks whilst including all relevant international, governmental, non-governmental and local stakeholders. 2. Encourage the international community to continue assisting the countries affected by infectious diseases; this will include, but not be exclusive to donating protective gear used in handling patients, medicines and contributing to research and development of vaccines. 3. Create and invest in a well-funded, international outbreak control organisation, which is always prepared to respond to the emergence of new pathogens in areas with weak health systems. 4. Work closely with all nations and especially low income countries to strengthen health systems, in order to be better prepared for public health threats such as Ebola, in the future. 5. Improve collaborations with relevant stakeholders in the control of emerging zoonotic diseases. References 1. Background and Goals - Emerging Infectious Disease, CDC 2014, Available from: 2. Jones, Kate E, Nikkita G Patel, Marc A Levy, et al. 2008. Global trends in Emerging Infectious Diseases. Nature 451, no. 7181: 990-993. 3. Belshe, Robert B. 2005. The origins of pandemic influenza—lessons from the 1918 virus. New England Journal of Medicine 353, no. 21: 2209-2211. 4. Maartens, Gary, Connie Celum, and Sharon R Lewin. 2014. HIV infection: epidemiology, pathogenesis, treatment, and prevention. The Lancet 384, no. 9939: 258-271. 5. Número de casos acumulados - PAHO/WHO. Available from: 6. Situation summary - Ebola data and statistics, World Health Organization, 2015. Available from: 7. CDC (2015). MERS-CoV | Home | Middle East Respiratory Syndrome | Coronavirus | CDC. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Jun. 2015]. 8. WHO (2015). WHO | Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV). [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Jun. 2015].) 9. WHO. Report on the WHO/FAO/OIE joint consultation on emerging zoonotic diseases. Geneva, Switzerland; 2004. 10. A Marm Kilpatrick, Sarah E Randolph, Drivers, dynamics, and control of emerging vector-borne zoonotic diseases, The Lancet, Volume 380, Issue 9857, 1–7 December 2012, Pages 1946-1955, 11. Morse, Stephen S. "Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases." Emerging Infectious Diseases 1.1 (1995): 7. 12. Morens DM, Fauci AS (2013) Emerging Infectious Diseases: Threats to Human Health and Global Stability. PLoS Pathog 9(7): e1003467. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1003467 13. Warning signals from the volatile world of influenza viruses, World Health Organization, 2015. Available from:

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14. Plan to reform WHO after Ebola to be unveiled by Angela Merkel, 2015. Available from: 15. Heymann, David L et al. "Global health security: the wider lessons from the west African Ebola virus disease epidemic." The Lancet 385.9980 (2015): 1884-1901. 16. International Health Regulations, World Health Organization, 2005. Accessed 29 Jun. 2015 17. Heymann David L, Dar Osman A. Prevention is better than cure for emerging infectious diseases 2014; 348 :g1499 18. Forbes, Ian. "Making a Crisis out of a Drama: The Political Analysis of BSE Policy‐Making in the UK." Political studies 52.2 (2004): 342-357.

Note: Policy statements should be submitted to the General Secretary ([email protected] and [email protected]) no later than the 1st of February for the March meeting and 1st of July for the August meeting. Please, take into consideration that you need to submit a call for input on the topic available to all NMOs until January 10th for March Meeting and June 10th for August Meeting. Policy statements can also be submitted as urgency policy statements during the General Assembly itself. Urgency policies should arise as an outcome of working group discussions at the General Assembly. The proposer of an urgency policy should be prepared to justify why their policy should be considered immediately, and not deferred until the following meeting.