ignou feg-02 solved assignment 2011

Ery Bachelor's Degree Programme (BDpy ASISIGNMENT 2010-r1 (ForJuly2010 and January 2011 sessions) - :,7 rlff. '} il FOUNDATION I]OURSE IN ENGLISH-O2 (FEG-02) School of Humanities Indira Garrdhi National Open University u,,.ar,' Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-l 10 068 ,i$', , 'ift

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Page 1: IGNOU FEG-02 Solved Assignment 2011

EryBachelor's Degree Programme



(For July 2010 and January 2011 sessions) -


r l f f .



School of HumanitiesIndira Garrdhi National Open University u,,.ar,'

Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-l 10 068 ,i$', ,


Page 2: IGNOU FEG-02 Solved Assignment 2011


Dear Student,

For June ExamFor December Exam

Good l-uck,!

: H-E;qii{:qi sB\.+6De.: "_. ..

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You are required toil:o..::iq_ent for the Foundariorrtor Marked Assignment (iilil;;:;:,::: i:y:111"" course in English-02. rt is acorurse. sstgnment (TMA) and carries r oo marts. It covers four blocks of the

Aims: The TMA is primarily concerned with assessins

*!'T,'f"t'HH"if"x:"ilxg. j*f *tfit5iil='ffiH#iJ:f 'Jlll:These assignments aim to,.JJ-* Ji as to nssess rnu, o"H#j:Io"t.

vour answers.

:rffirj#r:: you w'r be required to write a paragraph, an essay, reports, make notes and

As 'n day-to-day life,-pranning is imporranl]i ,n.,rqting the assignment as we'. Readj[il',!i{#:,"ryfi]'1"ff $*:li*1lxx*tjyqu",,ioi,*;;il: jo,downlTri': f.o voyr introductio;;;;;;.rusion, 'ilffi:,jTr

l" a rogicar o.ir1. puy1ffiffii,:T"il';: J:t":,ili"x;J ;o u p.upo,.,, o o.u*ri|'i| " ffy Jli n:L * j1Make sure that your answer:

a) is logicalb) is written in simple and correct English

;l *"nffiffiin:11;:fl"?',"";,indicatedinyourquestions

lj;:ilH:ilHr,H"[,r;":l#:i::,o ," subrnit your assignmen_r before you canl'.T,X"f :" " nJ Jo t t' ; -;' * ; ; il; TT;l H.f H ;.""Jn.f li: 3;"*'l:',TiJl;;,ilt#:ffi3Jffiii$$,::rent to the Coordinaror ar the Study centre ailotted ro you

Programme: BDp/201 0-l ICounse Code: FEG-02

{+.t$rl:Tryi|r.r. -.. - t--r....,

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Page 3: IGNOU FEG-02 Solved Assignment 2011

All questions are compulsuy. Max" Marks: 100

l Read the foilowing passage and make notes on it in the ap;rropriate format. ( l s )

Foundation Course in English _ 2 (FIIG-02)r{ssignment

A ssi gnmenr ."0* F3Hi,f irii,ff t??

Most people believ'e that children are the world's most verluable resource and should beloved and cherished. However, because th3v Qf d.p"n,J;;;n adurts for safety anrJnurturing, and can neither lo.k after themselveJi'o, rrirri rl.',i"ir rights, they are ofterrtreated badly and abused. A.report published by the viorld H"^rtr, organization (wHotin 1999 claimed that more than +o million children *oundii,* *o.ro suffer from abusr:and maltreatment.

But things are beginning. to change. Did you know that thrl United Nations has a specialconvention on the Rights of tfie chili and that Article -is-;no

Article i]4 0f thir;Convention deal specifically vrith child abuse?

child abuse has ber:n definecl as 'all forms of physical, tnd/or emotional treatment orcommercial or other exploitattion, resulting in actual "",r

p"""ti"l harm to the child,sright to health, survivar, deveropment or-dignity i" th; ;;;; of a rerarionship or.responsibility, trust or power'.. li is being iricrelingly i.""g"Lo that even childrendeserve to be treated with digniry and that"their freed-om srrouji-L ."rp..i"JErr;il;year 2000' 20 Novernber is celebiated as the Internationai ii"v rorir'. Rights of'the Childand l9 November is wortd Day for the prevention of chir,c Af";;.

Since. India is a poor countr) and we can barely guaranlee our children badic health.nutrition and shelten, there is little time ano oppoiru"rrt i" itrinr "uout

the rights of.children or of their abuse. Alsr, because of our tradition-of'giving unquestioning respectto elders, the convention of not letting outsiders know of pi"'ur"r". within the family andviewing children as the property of parents, a great deal oichild abuse is tolerated in oursociety' People are neither wiiling to talk ab-out it not irpon iito tr,. police or otherauthorities' since aurareness is thJonly effective responseio tir.n". and denial, talkingabout the issue and nraking as many pelple as possibie awarre of it is the only way to dealwith the violation of children's rights.

Write a summary of the paragraph in aboutthe passage.

write a paragraph in about r00- r 50 words on any one of the fo!rowing topics: ( r0)

i. The happiest day of 1,orur tife.ll The problem of child larbour in In.tia.i i i Your favouri te f i lm.iv Places of hislorical imp,ortance in your state,

120-150 words;. Give an appropriate title to( l s )

(20)write a composition in about 2it0-300 words on any one of the foilowing:

i. What is ailing our narional game hockey?ii Reality showrt- where to drarv the line?iii Are we losing our mother-tongue?iv The nrosr unforgettable p"oo,i in my life.


Page 4: IGNOU FEG-02 Solved Assignment 2011

v ff;.ifltillversities

can now sel up their campuses in India. write argumenm for

There has been a naturar caramity i'.th= neighbouring .srate. your principar hascalled a meeting of the studeni cafiru:t. D,ecist;il; be taken abour the rescuework to be carried out, resourc., to'u, coilecteJ anrjitriurt.a, and money to beraised. Write a report in about 2SOwords.

--- -'-'ributed, and .on.t ,ro,Read the foillowing speech made by the^former president of the united States andwrite a relnrt based

", it i;;ilur 250 words for aappropriate title.

-' -vv w('r(ts ror a newspaper. Give it an

Good evenirng' Toda-y, our felrow .i,,:r::r:-o-y rvay ofrife, our very n .ou,o .llrllunder attack in aseries of deliberaie a.d deadr, ;;J;ts. The victims were inairplanes, o:r in their om."r; ,".r.t*irr, Uuriir;;; *d women, military andfrfi*y:*flTf?:ff ,?1ff1;a:tftr1#Tilit],,,"**#;il;;'*",.The pictur* of airpranes flyi'g into buildings, fires burning, huge structurestrll3l'frx,:'ffiTlfl;:x5:';fh i.a't '**,,1*d a quier, unyierdingand retreat. eui,r,"y r,uu" ruii.J; ;;;"TJ,;lJlJlg*nt.n our nation inio.r,'uo,

A great peopile have been moved to defend a great natiorshake the fcmndarions "r "*-lileest buitaii;r;. ffi ,l;l"m:1ffi.ff :ilrrT*Tr""T1#;r'" rr'"" "r,,li"ftered o.i,i,'uri r,., "un,o, dent the steer

ilmmJffitT.Yff**TH. y:',..ll,: brightest .gT.on for freedomrodav, ;"' ;;i"; saw evi r,,r,. *rv f.$ni;ffi"r""*:.' H: *:1":1"*:;with the best of Amqti:3 -*itr, tr,Jo*irrg of our .*"r, *..t"rs., with the caringa;T**rs

*d neighbours;il;"r". to give r,r.u *i r,erp in any way they

Immediately fo'owing the first attar:k,. I impremented our government,semergency re!,ponse plans. our military i, p"ir!rdri..""

ffi'ffi:r,.'ff :::ffi;:**inJ in r.i** r o,r. c;t ;;d \t;:fr "Hffiifi"* #i;Our first priority is to get help to those vvho havc been injured, ,nd to take everyprecaution to protect our citizens u, horn. una arourrJ,til. .,.,orrd from further

The functioos 01'gul SoiBrnment continue rvithout intemrption. Federal agenciesin Washington which' frua ,o-U.-.r,"."""A. today ar ilop.ning for essentialffiT:ffil,1"#fl ,ilX*l#o T. f,n.lf 9,'i;l',*,"oi,iJ;o,, our nnanciaras well.

-!'v'r6' qru *rqi frrnencan econcrmy wilr be open for uurinarr.

Page 5: IGNOU FEG-02 Solved Assignment 2011

-l 'he search is underu'a1'lbr ttrose'urho are behind these er"il acts. I'r 'e directed the

lirll resources of'our intelligence and larr etrfbrcement c:omu'lunities tr: find thosercsponsible and to br ing thenr 11r. just ice. We * ' i l l rnake no dist inc' ion hetwr:cn t l reterrorists who cornmitted thcse acts and those r.r ho trarbour tltelr.I appreciate sr) very much t.he mernbers of Congress who have .iorned tne itt

strongl,v- condenrning these atrlacks. And on behalf of thc American people, I thankthc' nran\ world leaders rvlql have called to offer their condc,lenccs antll ss is tance.

\ -

,A,rnerica and our friends and allies join with u11 ftcrse who want peace andsecuritt in the rvorld. and u,'e stand together to win the war against terronsm.I'onight. I ask for )our pra!'ers firr all those rvho grieve. for the children whoseuorlds have heen shatteled. fbr all u'hose sense of safrety and security has beenthrcatened. .,\nd I pra),the) uill be comforted by a pouier greater than an;/ of us,spokcn through the ages in P'salnr ?3: "Hl'en though I r,valk through the valley ofth,.' shadou' of death. I ti:ar no evil. for You are with nre."'l 'his

is a da1' w'hc'n all Anrericans iiom every' walk of lit 'e unite in our resolve fbtjustice and peuce. Anrerica has stood dor.r'n enenries betjrre. and we will do so thistinrc. None of us urll ever fbrget this day. Yet, we go forward to defend freedomantl al l that is good aud just in our rror ld.

Page 6: IGNOU FEG-02 Solved Assignment 2011
Page 7: IGNOU FEG-02 Solved Assignment 2011

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Page 8: IGNOU FEG-02 Solved Assignment 2011

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Page 9: IGNOU FEG-02 Solved Assignment 2011

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Page 10: IGNOU FEG-02 Solved Assignment 2011
Page 11: IGNOU FEG-02 Solved Assignment 2011

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Page 12: IGNOU FEG-02 Solved Assignment 2011

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Page 13: IGNOU FEG-02 Solved Assignment 2011

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Page 14: IGNOU FEG-02 Solved Assignment 2011
Page 15: IGNOU FEG-02 Solved Assignment 2011

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Page 16: IGNOU FEG-02 Solved Assignment 2011




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Page 17: IGNOU FEG-02 Solved Assignment 2011


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Page 20: IGNOU FEG-02 Solved Assignment 2011

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Page 22: IGNOU FEG-02 Solved Assignment 2011

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