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  • 8/2/2019 iGOconnect May



    Can any food be addictive?

    Sugar has been studied far more than anything else, says Brownell. Is fat a player? What about salt or all the preservative

    and additives that go into food? Or the flavorings or what the industry euphemistically calls flavor enhancers, adds

    Brownell. What are those things doing in the brain? Nobody knows. But researchers have some clues.

    Sugar. Working with the late Bart Hoebel of Princeton University, Nicole Avena found that rats showed signs of dependenc

    when exposed to sugar for only a few hours a day. When animals get sugar, theyll overeat, she explains. And theyll

    show tolerance to itthey eat more and more each day, perhaps to feel the same euphoria.

    If we take sugar away, theyll show signs of withdrawal anxiety, tremors. And shakes, she adds. And theyll show

    evidence of craving for the sugar. Theyre willing to work harder to get at sugar, and they show behaviors to suggest that

    theyre seeking the sugar.

    What To Do

    Avoid Mindless Eating Eat half of the food on your plate and save the rest. Beware of Cues Smells, Advertising and Habits can trigger desires for foods. Like popcorn at the movies. Avoid the Troublemakers Know which foods make you lose control and steer away. Eat Healthy Foods When you accustom your body to healthy foods you will start to crave healthy foods. Distract YourselfIt matters if you Give in just this one time. Engage in another rewarding activity. Beware of Stress Stress can cause you to fall into more eating and getting too hungry as well. ExerciseIt doesnt need to be extreme. A brisk walk is good enough.

    The Bottom Line

    Research on food and addiction is in its infancy. But studies suggest that overeating may dampen your dopamine response

    That weak response may make you overeat even more. You may be more likely to overeat foods that are calorie dense,

    fatty or sweet. Stress and Dieting can lead to overeating.

    This is an excerpt fro

    Nutrition & Action Newsletter: Foods & Addiction. Pg 1-7. May 201


    GO Slim Extreme Highlight

    GO Slim Extreme is a natural, wild-crafted and organic nutrient dense

    supplement that helps to provide you with control over unhealthy cravings and give you a smooth long-lasting energy so yo

    can conquer your day with confidence and WITHOUT the jittery feelings typical of most weight loss formulas.

    Green Organics Slim Extreme is packed full of the nutrients, minerals and antioxidants that your body needs to perform at p

    levels. When we give our body the nutrition that it craves it will then perform at peak fat burning levels. The magic of this

    product comes from what so many other weight loss formulas lack, nutrients for your body and brain!

    i connect

  • 8/2/2019 iGOconnect May


  • 8/2/2019 iGOconnect May


    Alkalize And Alive! Part 1

    Your blood is your River of Life. Everything you eat has a positive or negative effect on your inner terrain. Just like a river

    becoming toxic from an upstream factory - mutating aquatic life & the land around the river, your blood can eventually

    pollute the rest of your body if not looked after properly. Upstream of YOUR river- is your mouth!

    You can either choose to give yourself live giving nutrients or slowly poison your body. Years of poor diet and the use of

    chemical filled personal care products and the land around your river slowly becomes polluted as your blood cells, skin,

    internal organs and muscle degenerate! You age FAST!

    One of the keys to long term health is inner pH balance. Foods are either Acidic or Alkaline. Your diet should contain at leas

    70% alkaline forming foods and supplements otherwise the acidic toxins build up internally.

    You many not feel it for many years, then one day, the body can no longer deal with the ferments that have polluted your

    inner terrain for so long. Symptoms of over-acidity begin to express themselves. The body will do anything to try and expel

    them. Any symptom in the body is an expression of your inner terrain overloaded with toxins. Acids develop into yeast,

    fungus and mold. We literally begin to compost!

    These microforms settle in the weakest areas of the body breaking down our muscles, tissues, organs and DNA.

    Furthermore, there are more than a thousand toxins produced by yeast, fungus and molds.

    The rise in disease is related directly to our lifestyle choice. For most, we dont suddenly get a disease, we create it. Some o

    you may think that to start a cleanse or be conscious about everything you eat is extreme, but it is not. We are bombarded

    every day with chemicals, pesticides, and other environmental toxins, and unless you take responsibility for your health an

    take action to cleanse and purify, dis-ease will come faster than expected.

    Heart Disease, obesity and diabetes are on the rise because of our lifestyle choices. Although many people are living longer

    people are getting serious diseases earlier on in life. It really is time to make choices to enhance your everyday life. Even if

    you are already health conscious, there is always more you can do. It doesnt mean cutting out all your favorites but it does

    mean making significant changes in your daily heath choices for the long term.

    You blood changes according to its environment. Healthy cells begin to take on a bulls eye

    appearance as they ferment from the inside out. Excessive sugar iron and nutrient deficiencies

    cause them to ferment . Acid crystals build up in the plasma causing pain in the body

    wherever they settle. Acid = Pain. Debris collects in the blood along with developing yeasts

    and molds.

    If you choose to make your inner environment acidic from your lifestyle choices, eventually your

    body is unable to filter out all the toxins and deeper seated health challenges develop. If you

    dont eat enough nutrient dense food, you start to become malnourished and crave more and more

    sugar forming foods just to keep the energy levels up! The importance of long term cleansing of

    toxins in the colon, liver, kidneys, muscle or body fat is essential in order to fine tune your health.

    In fact, toxins can settle anywhere there is a weakness, whether that be genetic, injury or the storing of unreleased


    In our June Newsletter we will discuss: How to slow down Ageing and which foods are Alkalizing?

    Catherine Daly

    Next Month:How to slow down Ageing and which foods are Alkalizing

    Here is a picture of healthy live

    blood. Notice how

    round the cells

    are. Also notice

    how clean and

    clear the space

    that the cells are bathed in.

    This is a picture of

    unhealthy blood.

  • 8/2/2019 iGOconnect May



    GO Important Updates & Announcements

    GO New Products!!!!

    GO Smooth Vitality Protein Shake GO Baby Bliss Organics for Mother & Baby GO Daily Essentials expanded personal care


    Monday Thursday 12pm EST, 3pm EST, 8pm EST Opportunity Calls

    Monday 9pm EST Product Education with Ken Parent, Glenn Shock & Frank Filippo

    Tuesday 9pm EST Leadership & Mindsetwith Joe Schroeder

    Wednesday 9pm EST Business Builderwith Barry Mcleod

    Thursday 9pm EST Mentoring Workshop with John Meatte


    Check out our Facebook page!


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    date news about Green Organics!

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