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i1ktfi m nf i mjiritlfi h j iill f > 0 C7 > J TT < T i 1 111 f if11 Iii I- N STTteT W < You should OCIMI nou < w Itlr1- iV- JvLt i o for TtrnrcTmiSTMAs NKWS TUDTJl i i c c > h AND IJHEHTl = 2f Jb i Ii miifum Jij< i m 11iF 1910 SALT LAKE CITY UTAH SIXTIETH YEAR 11 1IIf- c itl sf lWI Jf MMIND- fr UUUU < M r V < jJtahfDelegation tai Congress i tc Present fto JJ f = gifTaHr i L FOR THE EIGHTH QIJLT > t u i Possibility of IIiAppolntnidil Vlcutil- AaCiiiloiiutcil IJccniti of tlio Jurists Vast Itccoul- Authentic L advices received In halt Like iOdaXilrc to tlio effect tnnt tilt nimo of gO John A Marshall of the United States dlstiict couit of Suit Like vlllje iubiiilttiil bv the Utah- congressional1 delegation to IisllleIIJ- ufl for ills appointment MicancyMns the circuit court of up- pcilslof theelghth district caused by the iiromotloii of Judge Vumle enter r to thOt supreme couit of he United fetatcs On nccqiinf of his record us district Judge Judge Marshall s pros inct are excellent JIIlh appoint- ment ¬ JIgoL Marshall w is appointed lies district Jldgcby Presi- dent ¬ Grovci Gicvclund 4 jilSlC for the dlbtrlct of TJtah Hos prih biite Judge of bull Like county for ISSStand 18 9IUIscrI01n the terri- torial ¬ Mar- sh ¬ ill vn born In Faunuler county Vu- on 1854 He In the son of John Mnibhall and RebecoaiB Smith Mar- shall ¬ Ho was educated In tlio Jhona dbah academy and Uhe YiglnlaJInISTS hoc nIeluJ1ahIJul engaged inpractlslng Hint tlrno hnmldc Salt Lake Clt > his home Ho Jcjslc KIKputrlck two children Incli DROWNED IN THE SNAKE t FU r Ciuto TOOS Ilfe Iillc Crossing Jlhor In Hout ost Special Nowi BlacKfoot Ida pe 6 Word was 10- cclvidiul UlncKfoot this morning i5f tho- iiruwnln In Snake river at n JOInlabo1- olhtmWs bilow here t Mlnlnt coroptuy Qf jPetor- Cnrtolnaii employe of tlia dole Point company Cnuo nnd companion fa V- Clcvlngvi attempted to irusi the river t Ilnn rW bo it ttlicn the small skiff cap vthrowhiK both menIilto theWUter- Carto Jeoulcl not IWln1 and ClcvliiRO- isUugjDnK bra > cl > tobgct him t hore nasuitnble to comhatthocuqcnl1I1II1 to the rlcr nbout 201 f etTrom slioie > lo- Insei Biiccocdcd In K > tllnr to the bqnki lut Uartoivb > n Olye t bcn J ed 1 Ht Y rr- l IJ ri1 n econaln the rl > ei asjhad been tlielr Imblt loIeLlh Olltdlnn the bo tidin t huimt 1- 10tlherhcrrrollliwliimAlhcfcrew lk > deud- mm cuniQ here about tvo months aio rom 1 ltnwQoII1sncJtnsoirolnUveH- L far ins known hrrq The local lodo- of Woodmcnio hlchhIl i alimcmf herwlllsond a paity Ii i1rugtl1o rhir for the bod i r 16 PERMANENT HOUAI of ARB i ACJU STIGE 0 1 1 > MtKliitiej JSrqiicteil IIIIltCI- i national Conference Ui Iclrnrca bpuelnl Japer on the Question Wnshl 1ltonDccl6TltnunujogYof tlio supremo court of the United States unil the fconoral efficacy oi the court ot- iilwtnllrlousl counties as opposed to tllonorltofcOt1mlsslon Judicial oi IlH tho senei il lumu for l- Odus session of the Intel national eon feiencQ of tho Amu anSocltffolJi ¬ f dicial Settlement of International Dis- putes ¬ H r yllBronfOlulurJ assoCIate justice ot the HUpumo couit of the Uni- ted ¬ J Stntpuflth tho Biibject of Intei- btute contnncisles In tlio supreme com I- of the Unlled Mates as expected to delineate the Ilmi points In MHiclgnty UUI1lntorslalo filctlon Whleh lmo i arisen from time to tlmu in the Judicial JilHtoiy of tho country B In order to cn ass cveiy possible ob- ft 5J t lon LJfl paUi of the establishment Ifll permanonlcourtjCnibllrnl Justice h Ie I aim of the society Prtdcilck D > McKennj counsel tortw Unltd States In the Oilnoco itcunship- aibltratlon an icnueHted to prcpaiis- a paptr on The Objectloim tin the Present Hague Tribunal white to Hen I rnl Mnirirlincl of this elty wili assigned Uiu tuple Difficulties In the v Way ot the Success of Oui Realizing thltllhIU lnl1roAros i In r Invention and science pirtluijaily nia lion has uftorded a now means of es- pionage ¬ <might posslbh affect tho attl- tuile of homo natloius In hastening the i movement for r couit aihlti i Jus ¬ tice the subject AylnlondlsAfCcclhflr the Iiullclal Settlement of Intiimtinniil Disputes ns Included In today H pio g nun it Is to bo b Nohlo GrcortdcanolhcoUcjid of Invv of Iowa stato Il MEN IN LEYDEN- MINENOT I RESCUED fi 1 Denver Dec lOAt iVclock tis mom ing thu lu minors Impilson d b > fho In iiu iijdeu coal mine 14 inllus north I west ot hvio Wednesday nlLjit WeIi sun i in tho mint Anoidulg CU JltJorts tlio ovuiiiniint oxpeitln ehaio of Dm I cscUI1Wurlii tlm men bllJIIIUtIlIlIallco S ini fun Is allvd rcmahie 1I le wcie orllnif when lIlIimlllo ctPIIhLJIi- cAiIIlUIYpCIomclIirurr the jovura ° rc c fHIIIJIlI vlth cvv le lhcJII1 I XIJ ° K Ipvvar vvoil- slinft hls0lhomhl e4t 1hohUIU r1luCishan JiolItlllllet I clcrHI I< OC il II loII d- lll 1 hcCIlleoyl t hlkMnllbrglli Wi t hI whljII HVe tJ rU ncl315 tIJjIII ot I h q- tcollil C rcl1 rhllnii it ll Ilml Hhnrt tI Vfril o lh Cnn from bellovodtllit uOO Ifccl nt bi utlclng will thkovttliu resciicm- nfiVi1 I Ol 01 Kiis About half IJlRlnllco JIIlI bciiicovcietlnit No otirl rim flro Is burning In ah ill 2 0- rIJJ cjjosisTjii oinoG- ilillpolls fjlllo iDtc tlj llio Ohio rl vor Is piartlcnlly closed ItoVnivx Ifcv 1 tiqnjiom thlsicltvto I I rliI < n91ls IcS nccgoiBe3luo fpimudJ- lL n H 11 nl rA f pllcc tncl lIlilpI11 ng IHi In latifel Y tfTh iit gi S9 1 f j I 1 Qlw IJOf r1d J 0 n1 Tnigorgo Lplart Irnll8i30hmlcaaboo here V 1f Ji i 1 c i- j Iii 0 i iR M A Y I I i i BOARO t IOHJS DEF 0I t 5 IAfter rryJbOh B si essof 11BI en n I um ra ft of 7475 Ii i f Remains in the Bank r RECOMMENDATIONS ARE MADE c Inspector llniployi clfUl IhrccMontliI- topoilK l > cclenl Voi U Would I lf lchnli iCIllIIcnlcs Chief of tlie recommendations ot the stato board of pliaimapy Included In Its blennlil icport to Uie governoi and slflaturo Is lh lfolnleilsIIlUICplO vlslon tor 10 sip I alrc 1111 y ¬ er states legaidlng tlio Interchange u t celt n lllcs Jhls inovo says the ro lhls been made by suvcial of lhe- stlllcsIlh8aUHfIlClot results The opciatlotts of tho boaid tho- blcnnlum have eonslsted of eight gu lai iiiaiterly meetings 111111 special meeting called foi thu consideration of- tho luport- An Ineieat in tho examination fee Is asked follJlIic board and wheio1- U Is now tho exaction foi pharm iclstj examination the buaul would hitvu Inucascd to 515 Anothci recommenda- tion ¬ lslhalunlI amendment be attached to the laws rcguUtlng food and drug1 exacting u llcensu or Jj 1Isoar fiori 1 tillers otitslrtf the col potato limits of cities foi the tale of patent nostlmns or iliugn In thc oilginal package The itinerant cimloililipelirsluhc nn object of attack fiom the report since It recommends the creation or a license of 100 a YC 1COI this class of- donlcis JOB LASTED TlltlCC MONTHS In the liibpcctors theset vices of which lrlcllllw eio lscdwllh- It the conclusion of tl cthhLliniiilh bccuuso of A depleted tieasuiy and no- prdvlslon having been i cIcJjY the legislature foi turthei rcconipenee tho rcfntllc IstablUhments of the state grocery btoics and diug dlspenbarlc- aio declined to have been In first class condition at the <conclusion pf tho thrcu months tenure of the Inspector This carries tho Infoimatlon that whl IlStlif are tv o druggists In Silt 1crsslilllHOHhlgcocahlcllntl moiphliie the llhullhcUt sell to none ijl Ii tit than fiends to these diugs and that these partieswill furntshnoI- nfoimatlon that Is reliable prosvcution- IsJmposslblo wHhout a fund sot aside for the piupoKe i1 crobtaining evidence irt phaimacltts ob- tained ¬ ccrUilclrieTtlUrln theitvvo yiais Jj ofIhlm wejre frum Sult Uike- Twentyllcrsl6cnicriiivoro Brantirdto1- assUtant pharmacists bamo- pctlod 10 of whom registered from Salt Lake JIONOTONY RULJDVUD- TheMnonotony i of the color bchome of- tho < repott at least wuslcllcoclhylhdr- ed llno II lilch I hd atcs that though leculptsfor oertltleates and fee foi ex- amination ¬ amounted to J190S CS tho ex- penses ¬ of the board amounted to 74 75 more than this amount for vhlch an- ovlidiaft nV ieposes in the bank Thl feature is mute evidence to sub Rtantlato isuggestlon ot tho boaid that a fundother than the lecelpts- fiom tho sourceh named should be pro- vided ¬ whereby to p ly the tunning ex- pqnscs of the Institution i r 0 EXAMINATIQNSHOWSMBS- C P McKENNA MURDERED fat Paul Dee 16A postmortem ex- amination ¬ of the body of Mrs Charles P- McKeima who vos found clldln a room of liur homo K Da Solo stieot as- n polled by Chief of Police OConnoi to 111 showed that the woinnn had fooe- niho munlolld autopsy disclosed the fact thnt the vvuinan been nciuilc so lolently that sivcral gf her ilbt wiro bioken und hivui tlnough hei lungs bald Ml O Coanor- Cliarli s P McKenna lier lullband wns- Uune with Ms wife when sha dlcj but dcnlib UlIllhenltucldhcr PATENTS AND POSTMASTERS Siei lal to The Npws- AVnvtilngton VC Dcc16 Patents J ssu id Wyoming William Aden Sani- oga plow attachmont James IJaguley Mansion jmnip- ChatleH r Latin op has been Plioln k- ed luial cairler Cl lud U Sande rs Bubstltute route 1 ntiuthdium Idaho BH1BUAHU NUIHANH- EANUSMOKEPRUBLEM Aintrlean Civic Association Discusses Hum but Offcis Xo Definite Jteineilj toi llioin- t Washington Dec 10 Billboard nuis- ances ¬ tho smoke problem tho lavages- of thu typhoid lly and the oigankationo- f eltoit ilr idlcato them for Uie 1m- iiovoinuit of community life eonstltut- d the genual tlend of Uie discussion utilncd foi the clo lnr bosslon ot thu- VnfeilcaiiMJivIc assocl itlon today Ulvlc Coouiatlon lovvaul a Clean qiliulIOh subject ol thu opening s tn clclolidh Irs Laio UnuHallIult Cranb of Kal tniazoo- lleli Allbs MIM of Portage Vis wan hci lc lloiftilhiili lthn- Il upli OnIiltniUhrii Vlliuhe Jinpiovu- nent I Society In 1ullnrUiotolllu Leral Con lr ilAUiclfIIIiI d I Day ns coipoi llonlotlnHoloC Qhi- ilgg vas txpcitul to show tho let il- nuthodj whlli balnvoked itOIlllli L IUI hiCUii billboard llieic t Jii only one plusu tha bill tJOlliil nulfiiicc1 says tho associationst- inniiuncemcnt foi todays besslon and Unit Istthi legalphiiMe foi public senti- ment ¬ Is marked fn opposition to It- Cy i us Lochu of thu cliambei of com- moicfiAOfiiplrvclaiKl Ohio was expect- ed ¬ on Iho fatnoko Nuisance j and thofLnwloutlining as the method fli h hi 11 ilr relief fiom smoKo evils tnc drafting Ofroidltmnces tobo utlnptc- dnftein thoiough study of tho u I Hi Howard chlotfontomol S tt- oftllolcpaltmlnl ofc agriculture of III- lellliX lI hCl ii il l s oii tV 11111 n i p 1111 Ull rhry P hIldJ I D I s- IHu t hlnHoni wllilin n wclY1Uloii Ilucslclnti i iiXl i1 r i MIonoapolIs tell L CU LpC Educational AgainstthrfITlyy > i < i I sn TlmB UF- HUNTlNH SEASON Tn New ftfie Record > i Shows That Eighteen Per- sons F Were Killed r 1iit- o tt JM I ENEpR pEER < In Malno Woods 3310 Doer 100 ij sMoosc and UJ Ilcn- Vcic Slain < Hoston Dec 1C With the last day of hunting tot this oar InXolnh lunil endcil at midnight tho lecoidb- hovvb a total of Ib deaths for the jea ton It U possible thai other deaths may result from scjlous Injuries ic- eclved Thu numbci of dulls Jill below that of the past two yiars 31 having been Killed IlIstlrllIHI2S1hu- ciiibcfurl More than thu vic- tims ¬ this vcni were youths uiulei 21 veils of age Ten wcic killed by guns In the hands iotl thejlctlnu In fom cases being mistaken for deer rive wcie Killed bv theh own c weapons and three met diath by drowning One of the Inttei was chasing a deei over thin Ice when the lea broke drowning tho hunter and his riuury The two others were swamped Inll bon hoavilv- fielghtcd with the dlei they had bagged Maine with its two la halt months of open season lends the New Ellsland death fl llIUllOXc ITampihlro with Jo das top n sea on adds fie victims Ilhode Island vlUllls open season on l lrdRc611 ¬ tributes oni nndjVoimrint one Coun- ties ¬ of Ma an open season on doer for a c kbulno falnllthHrcRullccl of doer 10D mnoc and 22 bo ir < from thc Malm u nodshlri been shipped through nancor tin to today VlRi year T 022 deer 323 moose and 2i boars were killed As doer will con- tinue ¬ to come in foi ovoral dav It Is opocted the total will reach fully 1DO- Ollioy iI OALIJION ISJH LHAD- t UN In lSJSt Hr VILY > c Aie Ahead IliinilUMl and Tlilr 1 teen Mlli Onh TvventNnc l i i1I1fJ ill chlII cl h c11G4 London One giiln each for the JibcralH ttml thojUnlonlsN ls the l rl yfJi t dn li- i J lf f yilct wereannounccd today iho respective totals aie ndv- Coalitionists3T7 Unionists 2CI H Tho composite gov eminent majority lsil1IInecla asfollows- LlbTils 2f < JiHi Nationalists C3 Independent Natlonallstb i10 vUibor- mcnibcir 12 I > The Laburltoi Jto the only partv tlins- fai to show an Ihen used rcproscntatron- In thu new p irllament Already they have fcccuied two sonts In addition to those held In tho previous house of commons Only 29 scJtsiaio to be filled Tlio coalitionists now havo a majority oC 111 as against a total majority In the list paillanient of 111 The two constituencies which changed colci yesterday rtll Leek division of htiftordshlre where It Pearce won hncjkrol tho Llboiili the scat lost list Jmuniy and the High Peak division of Derby shire which S HillWood brought back to the Unionist tanks O Pirtlngton who was defeated in High Peak Is Junioi lord of the treas- ury ¬ nnd so tho second member of the government to bo unseated In tho pres- ent ¬ elections William OBrien Icrul roflho Inde- pendent ¬ Nationalists seoied it huccesi- In tho South division of Cork vv bore tho Independent Nationalist can- didate ¬ AValsh tinned out E 1 Barry who had represented that constituency In the Inteicst of John lUdmond for 13 yetrs- Tlp Orangemen of Ulster county who recently started tv fund foi the puipohe- of buy Ingarms to light a home rule gov- cinment aio now widelyiclidilating tho- m inunl of tlilll for li regular forces McLACHLAN DENOUNCES CHAIRMANJAWNEY Washington Dec 16 nepresentatlve- MqL ichlan of California In a state- ment ¬ Issued today denounces Chalt- mun Tavvnoy of the house appioprla- tlons committee for faprinu t o sup II CBS lop J the official lepoi tb 0 n the win depaitincnt on the alleged mllltaty- unprepuednessfot the United States 0 I3IirCTllOCUTBn- Ulchmond Vn 18 John J- Smutho a I bartender vvhi shot and Allied his wife and young daughtoi at their home In Norfolk last Aigil t Uvas electrocuted In the penltciitlttryjhtre to lIllY t Tjrft1 J Sltllngton colored i ho robbed and nniidcrcd a 70yearold whltovvom nan In llocklnghnm itjt August also was put to death MRS TURNBULLS YS LETTER S CLEVER FORGERY Los Angcics i li 1C Wrs Lil ¬ ian Ashley Turnbull of Udston who umlciwunt a ilgorous erossuxamlnn t 011 yestiiduv In lhc11Ji1 of hei- iilUghleii contest of tho Iato Lucky tuldvv Ins will Is again to face a mcr llcss flro o t questions vvhon the caw Is- csiimed r next Tucsdav j In tho cnissovimlnntlonf ofrMrs1- urnbull the attoin iijc representing- ho locognlzed dauehteisMiHClaiaS- tockot Mrs Anita McCloHghrov and Mis Uosiilda belln had reached the mint of Introducing 1IioIletters alleged 10 have been written by Mrs Turn mll yesterday i she pionounced a clqv- r foigoiy pcipetiated by ai office boy amed OKcefo in tho office fII Bos- on ¬ detective named James II Wood HutlicrolirQWlnor tn come when case fn According to the attoineVs1 for the Jaldvvln estate these letterc written 4 orilu years ago contain sensational B tatcmcntH and threatH against tho old iUfmnn In Una handwriting ofi Mrs I urnbull and have a Iln In- ho nrOSenFclllC All of thomfaio said o that Baldwin nd betrayed cMrn Turnbull h1 JJbc flu 111 heriwlth the promise ot adopt ng hornB his daughter Inthoil1rcuenl anoHMrs TuinlnilP that Bald j vlnSmarrledvher byf contract ancallc t hovonullinediiliori- ormer o ji J i it I 1 1 h t vi 0 lM 11 III- E < r iWlbK PRESSED Gen Navaripfs Inactivity Simply Due to Waiting for Rein- forcements ¬ C SOtlDIERS SENT TO JUAREZ Their nustlnnllon Undoubtedly Anoth- er ¬ Point im All I Quiet There 7 Cliihuahua t kbcc 14 Dclayei- In transmlsblon A speclal tiiiln of- bov cars was quickly made up here this afteinoon to accommodntn 100 sol- diers ¬ destined for Juiuoz Just acrost- tho Texas line from Kl 1ato Homo othei city In Chihuahua piobably is their ultimate destination nlls Juarez Is quiet Gen Fernande i In an Interview to- day ¬ stated that Gen Navanos Inac- tivity ¬ following the of Ccrio- Irleto last Sunday illsiucctohis Hernandezs ordeis that reinforce- ments ¬ be awaited bcfoie pressing tho- r < Iolllllolllstsfulllltr Advices fiom Pedernatles tonight state that a jmall detachment of rcvo- lutlonlhts arrhed In tha tvlclnlty of Cerro Plctif and Hancho Santiago making good thq insurgent boast that when the federals iljtiiin attack It will be agUnst 1000 men Nnvnrro hhiTelf expects that the next engagement will be moro curious than lhatjot last fnin- dny Gen HcrnandP denies the Ptory that Naval ro cxeruted 30 alleged antl- rcclcctlonltts after bundnys battle The story was told however not only iJiUllii Na- varres ¬ among the revolutionists awn camp fr Thc lelnforinemcnts j dqutlned for Cerro Prleto arrived Ilerclo uThw numbeied GoilIl r itatcd that the dlsaftccted dlfifrlct would bu flooded with soldlci nnd that ho In- tended ¬ to place guards along tho rall- inad o that ho could use It in torward Ing troops Sllico tho attack on tho train nt > San Andres a month ago no- attPnipUhas been made to uso tho line f6r military purposes as the Insui gents threatened In suchtcase to blow uptthu bridge Tho consulship tightened here Mon- day ¬ The Associated Press dispatch split fiom Pedernalles that night and telllnK of Sundays battle reached Chl- huahua7over the n ll road tclegraphand- nfi dcllvcredto tho federal line but It- fflllntoofflclnl hands and theroforB never sitwxtho light of dayi ngnln It offended presumably InJJ1la ngthL11n1 g Idss Ii t w h Icnsi1 1 e c r- r loltSa iEQ and J n a In Ulg ICj c- Jla I i IIiil lWt nill II11e 1 a though tho IcolullonlstsplcdlclelJn- I rfi t l4 JtIi tho fid rlllsI f Navar- ro continues tonwnllr rolnforccmentw and tho Insurgents do not themselves attack U will bi > o days befor- anotherscngagement Is fought T oOps AREHENJ- r TO THE COLONIES J CI Government Ghos OlTlclnl iteColtll lion to T5cohitlonnry Trou- blo Nctr Mormon Settlement 121 Paso D ciGThnl revolu- tionary ¬ trOli fontJuOS Elvallo and othor towns In tho vicinity of the Mormon colonies In Chihua- hua ¬ has been given official recog- nition ¬ became evident today when It was learned that a hundred cav- alrymen ¬ were disembarked Thurs- day ¬ at Gallegos north from Chi- huahua ¬ from where they wore sent across country to the west to- tho region affected A telegram todav from Casas Grandos reports Kl Vallo captuied by tho Insur rectos This towills between Casas- Grandos and Namatmlpa which captured RCmolhncnoWlho insurgents These troops probably aio tho ones that left Chihuahua December 14 ostensibly for Juarez as none reached Juarez < CARLISTS BLOCK- NEGOTIATIONS < WITH VATICAN Madrid Dec Ik During Che debate to ¬ 1Oln thu chamber of deputies on thu padlock bill which piohlblts tlio crcn lion QC further religious establishments In Spain until thu revision or tlio con ¬ wlh tho vntlcan has boen com- pleted ¬ Prtmlcr Camtlajns declared tha- thi CnrllRts were responsible for the de la tlinnegotiations between the Spnn Isligovernmentitlidtheholy soo Thc announced that Ihonc- fotlnlonsJhtho holy seq would not pnrtlock bill had boon enacted Into law and ho appealed to the Carlisle toi recognize tho futility of placing fuithor obstruction In the way of- thu nicnMire = TU- ECi1tistnnas = jroe s Will bo Issued T ifhliMO In ROW = Sliortly nrterunon- i i i It will of 101 paces reading matter and lllustratlous with four cover puces printed Injcsilors innk- ll hillldi 108 paces IIiC > t- < THE POSTAGE on lio Isfno will1 bo JS ccnistniln inostluUinil 10 centsjto l rnr i i- ir iil8tw Jt I Iii nnUillonnOUKWILl j- TRYTO nOMEBAGK Sends Word tosHis Friends That He Will Reappear Next Week TO ARRIVE NEXT WEDNESDAY Uniiucstlonnhly I Believed That on April 21 liHlff We lIlIIlBenchc- d1hccllat Now York Doc 15Dr Frederick A Cook the Brooklyn traveler has sent woul to his friends here that he will re- appear ¬ noxt week following his slot Imposed exllo of one year Dr Cook will arrive from Iuropc probably on next Wednesday Thc doctor has con- fessed ¬ that he does not know whether he reached tho north polo or not antI In ioinoirows Issue of Hamptons Mag- azine ¬ ho tolls of the mental and phys- ical ¬ stress he labored under on his Jouiney northward Dr Cook speaking of the trip over the Ice says There was little In the white waste about melo occupy my attention fomotlmcs a spot onthe hpilzon or Inn twist of a dogs tall would fascinate mo and hold my attention for many min- utes ¬ i A PROCESSION MIUAOKS Dining this tlmci from the early days of our Journey as I want to show cveiythlng centered lllhoul tho Idea of the pole Then to hewilder one to set one laughing with silly amusement or to JlHonu withn sensu of awe tho- paity began a procession of mirages nrillollllcaft Illusions The mental ef- fect ¬ I Und It difficult to analyze Some- times ¬ these exaggerated transforma- tions ¬ had the effect of far oft objects apparently near to usnils ortoileausellcconfusion In estimating CUfitlI1C- CSJustaflcrITrhorgLund v had become a dull haze behind us these fantastic unrealities of the north began to mani- fest ¬ themselves most Peaks of snow weie transformed Into volcanoes belch Ipg smoko oiit of the pearly mist rose marvelous cities with fulry castles hugo creatures misshapen and gro- tcsquc wilthed along the horizon i These spectral denizens of the north accompanied us dining the entire jour riey aifd when fagged of brain mid- uPlJCcof bodily strength felt my- inlnd svvlmmliiK In ir panf hivHcpn- sclousnef3 they nllcllmnl1ltnI1Ht with Jiorror lmpreaslng me aa the mon lcrsiono tCc lnnnIKllltT1aro 1 rN j 1ed 11 UlctcnllerIlturenllnus4- G11cfr i II l t Fahrenheit tho iaelips of pureyovfroze together aswo winked and vviep wo rubbed UICItI11dl6r apnrtJhoIls- ql Icicles breath froze on our faces Often wo had to uncover our hands and apply the warm pnlmn to tho face before It was possible to ee- Wlien I recall the many hairbreadth escapes from death tho hazards wo took and feel again that physical and mental sufferlng I wonder whether any Hying man would do this wcio he pro meditating a He That Idill travel upward of 2500- milch In Fomu direction even my ene- mies ¬ credit WKNT DIBECTLY X MOUTH Whether I went directly north or was diverted ut times does not cannot change the facts of my experience Wir- wero compellod I nollr Journey to go- in various directions to find a way Wo mndo wide lsnl other Un c- had we to letroat and Und new pas- sages ¬ P rhipslnso doing Idlel be- come ¬ confused and overestimated my progress Iflhallsso Ills a fact neither Inor any one can settle now Wherever I wet however I maintain Ie was northward and I did re lclla spot which II Mloved tu be the polo Ono day was very Ilka n nolhctnu7 yond tho eightythird parallel Hfo Is devoid of any pleasure The Intense objective Impressions of cold and hun- ger ¬ assailing the body rob tho mind of- Insphatlon and cxhlllratlon- At times It was impossible to per- spire ¬ and tho toxin of fatigue generat- ing ¬ unearthly weariness filled the brain with fag When perspiration o zed from our pores It froze In the gar- ments and the warmer portions of our bodies worn frlngod with snow Dally unremittingly this was our agony My boys had tho advantage of sleep I envied them Anyone who has suf- fered ¬ from Intomnhiinay bo able In a- pinall degree to gauge my condition when sleep became Impossible To reach the nllor my Journey became tho haunting everpresent goading thought of my vvnkoful existence lIIgrOLAItNIGHT- FronllhoondoClhopoalnllillale In February up to the date of April 7 I estimated by various systems of reckoning that wo had cIHdls ¬ tance which placed me somewhat over 2UO miles fiom goal Tho sun be- cause ¬ of cIOl lleilsIlnshllcl not been visible befoic but now It was scon for the llrst time at midnight nnd It n- sunicd a stningo shape lhrio dc- scilbcd It as a viifco of blue lire from which rose luminous floaters I havo spoken of the distorted faces which leered at us over the horlzan Some- time In our nortlilitrdprorcss these faces laughed again they scowled AVlmt the actual conllguiatlons wore I- do not know Despite a physical lassitude und suffering whlcli made It painful to move 1 took observations In it regular mechanical way The much ado sl iJc0- mllioohoulsuch I proofs never at that tlmo occurred to mo or scorned pos slbUv Although IhlldlCJudol othor I expeditions nnd had performed scien ¬ such a feat an this alwnyn meant to mu tho satisfaction of a spiritual hunger lather than n tiophy- to before geographers who never ste ip lloitofUIO protected circle of their liQinn environment 1 never expected that my accom- plishment ¬ of tho polo If 1clllllIOUIII be regarded as n thing of great Im- portance ¬ to science which ll18110t WANTS TO BK HONEST I wantto bo honest in tbls and light here I say Unit any observations I took vvero taken tof all for my own satisfaction to check our lino of march The constant traveling over miles icu und Iho enduring of pain llic ld- rNIlili ¬ mind a conviction which o have evoked At a point which I calculated as 29 miles flora tho polcvwo paused to rest Not possessing theistrength to build snow houses wo uoed tlio Hlllc tontil Whllcttho ISaklmos slept I I took obsorv There wo r c anextrtf cup ot ilea prc QrcMpfcast of pomralcau < i t w 1 GUNGERff AMn H- WUOL HBO JEHS Tariff to beSubjectolDiscussion- AtNati 1alConvention at Portland- DISGUSSloNS V EDyCATIONAL- Slx Thouwiiiil Sheep Kniirrs Will Jatlicr hi Wcbfoot Metropolis Xcv1 Month Kpfclul toTliw News PortlandjOiv Dec 1C When the Na- tional ¬ Wool Growers association muct- sinIurtland next month In annual con- vention ¬ thC Hession will resemble consultation of physicians over a com- plicated ¬ case flit problem to bu solved Is lipvv to kcei tho noxt Congress from making Jig sixw piizzlo out of- NClieduta K whlchfnhl grave danger Its friends fear of being cut to pieces when thu Democrats get In control of- tho next House This Will be the dominant topic of- theconvention buyoiid a dpulit No less than 6000 sheep iralsera from all parts of the country will bo In attendance and there will1 IMJ niany a discussion oyor tho threatened tariff changes as they alTcot the wool inci- iPiest Fred W Goodlng of the Nntlpn- lil assuclatlon In illicusHliig that will engage tlie attention of thi- dcIiigatcK whiiii they moot lit conven- tion ¬ said One of our chief concerns as follow- ers ¬ of iho oldest lino cif husbniidry6i Which history speiiks ls he assault that has recently boon so juirnlsteiitly- inadu upon the and vvoolens iilcs hi tho PayncrAldilcli tariff law Plscusslons that will bu held In the cohvciitlon will be uducatlpnal Not onlyls tlio general almostentire- ly ¬ uninformed or nithor misinformed In rCBard to the merits of the tariff rates oti wool iind vvoolens but 1 lie JleyeVthat a ycry largo niajorlty of the wool grovvcrs tlicnrKelyqshavpbut little Idea of iho Importance of discussions that will be hold the conventionnothing more Is accomplished thiin tlie removal of the projudlces that hiivu been engendered by the iiitieknikers In the nVa azliiesi- inU tho niudsllngers ion the political hustings Hgalnst tlio vyopl grpwera and woolen manufacturers the convention will have been Wellworth holding OSCAK- SturglB H Due ICrTiiQ Jury try lug Oscar Jlicolfichargervvltli1thc kllN bore III Jupuary 100D broughtIn iiYor- t14 nrtIi Vttl Mill Vl Irt Ml 111 IT liouhC- tlie tir- prjEdh forlife f FLOODS iN ENCJLAND ALMOST UNPRECEDENTED iiJiidon Dec ill Ii Is M years slneu- Kiigliind has khoivii such floods an ari now tteyilHtatliiK Inlinelisa stlvtulies of- coiintry hiui bVen ly Incessant slncu tho 1st lit 1fceiiiber- unlytvvo ilayajout of thoICbelni wllhout- ruiii Tlio nirinors liavu nurtured heavy josses l irgdi Iir i8oir tbrrliory aro In- uijdiited aim tho1 vvaterrla some parts of- tlie country is 12 luet deep Inni any villaees ilipusosiiavc boon flood- ed ¬ and tlio resdeMits aro ilivlng In the up- per Blorles iutlook In the Thames valloy la grave Thu river In tho llciiluy district nils flooded eliorinous urvaa Many rcsl- cJeats hiive bocn ruined Todiiy iBevoro galu swopt tlio cbust- catihlng Havoc at MoasldL towns lllcu1 LIUIIHK IliistlilgH CuvyiiH am Uovisr- vVlicie s a Walls woro wnsliod away aiid- tiioiiHuncls uf tons of saiid deposited m- ihii slivuls- Vachls IKLVU botntossod tishoro and sev- eral ¬ minor Wrecks aro reported Otf- SlieoniiHS a Ilrltish naval lendur oceu- jlfrd by 10tsillornwho wore goingvahori- on llberty thno waa capslzod aim ftyu of- thumoil weru drowned Tho ptlitrs Avtro- resoued Much dainagoliaa bueii dono tha heiiyy soil at Portsmouth IIJON AND STEEfj INSTITUTJ- 3Plttsburg Dec 15 Thrco sections of the Amorlcan Iron t Steel IhstltVuo- hivyo held Heqrot meetings in IMttsburg during thuvveek tlie last being held yesterday by the Bar llnnufactiirers association Tho Tin Plate section inet- on Arodiiesday and the Plate section oh Tuesday TlieHb inectlrigg > vero calle l by the yarlptis cbinmlttuo chalrnien of the In- stltiitb for Iho purposo of dlscuKslhg trade conditions anil other Important features of the Industry particularly thoso which have a bearing on prices Will Hun a Coal Mine to Study jiloslon living Iieon In llrMii- Worlc Under Actual Conditions Plttsburg Dec 10 With a big coal mine operated by experienced miners nnd other employes the United Status bureau of mines Is about to start ex- perimental ¬ work on tho largest snilo ever attempted in any country Tho- Plttsburg Coal company has turned over to the buroTau an Important mine at Bruccton Pa and tho work will begin next week Experts In thu employment of tho- buieau will oxpcilment In tho produc- tion ¬ of mine explorations giving los fons on rescue work under actual con- ditions ¬ show tho proportion uf puro air needed for each employe explain vojitilatlon In Its every phase but pnr- ttQularly as it applies to work follow- ing ¬ an accident tost mining machinery ami giving cute to tho elimination of dim as n possible cause of explosions broth thus UFlng an extra quantity of our precious fuel and nto as much as we dared still remaining Insanely hungry My heart thumped and pur- suing ¬ our march through tho Icy va- cantncss my Imagination peopled tho region with glorious things For a little while I forgot the nn- gulsh of my body Of course I was hungry thlisty weak dizzy with falntness and I inado Iho last upward marchon In a delirium Just what I fet then Just wbat happened I do not There arc In my notebook brief notes and calculations HoroU snow houso wan built and a- round of1 observations taken Unquestionably rbqlloycd that on April i2l 190S wo had reached tho polo Has Been Compelled Heavily to < Increase Expenditure in Order To Avoid Criticism STILL KATSURA IS HOPEFUL Conplcmnis innovations of Pcmers lu Typos of Warships Ccnnpols In- vroiibcil Cost for Japan Toklo Dec IB Tho budget for 1911 151 as finally completed was an- nnunccil today as follows Iteceipt ordinary 4D21SS000 yen ex- traordinary ¬ 4S79C973 expenditures or- dinary ¬ 407113274 extraordinary 133- S21R93 A yon Is equivalent to about 30 cents In American moiioy- JlarnUIs ICntsura premier and minis- ter ¬ of finance tnkrs a hopeful view ot the situation Ho says that the affairs of tho current year and the financial program have worked well Tlils pro- gram ¬ will be continued During the year past the government has had a particularly heivy burden to carry Tho navy has called for an Increased ex- penditure ¬ In order to avoid tho clrtlclsm- of neglect In tin face ot the advances mndn by other powers Tho anncxa- tlon of Korea and dlsa trouB Hoods havo added materially to the cxtraor- tliiiury expenses Tilurruls ICUsura lays down these two riilci as effective In directing the policy of tho goveininent- Khit In maintain tho balance pf- ivveiiue and i xponilture In the general estimates and not to look to loans as- Ilnanclal resources Second to maintain tho program of annual redemption ot thq public debt by nn amount of r 000000 yen or more Hu says the govuinmcnt has commit- ted ¬ Itself to these principles In tho- noxt six years 52000000 yen will be spent In supplementing and Improving thu navy Fifteen millions Is nppronrl- nteil for the next fiscal year CONSPICUOUS INNOVATIONS Tile minister says that tho consplcu- oua Inhovatlons adopted by other pow- ers ¬ In tho types of their warships has made It necessary for Japan to bome- vvlmt IncreaHeltB naval expenditures not because of any danger arising from differences with other cojmtrles but be- cauo the navy of Japan while ifot en- deavoring ¬ to compete with or surpass those of other nations must bo kept up- toa modern standard Incidentally tho minister states that Japans relations wlih other government are most tun Icable- Xoxt years estimate for railways ls > nearly 52000000 yen This amount Is- icqulred thupreinior saysbqeauiKJOf- thpld termliiatlpn > ofJtUo governmentto Improve Iho monclng noxt year t tho reconstruction of thcvrnaln line Intoabrondrgage roadjj will be undertaken A loan for purpose probablywIllTjo nilscu but lt will bo In thonatureofa specialriq count for which tho railroads bo responsible The tlmo and placo o raising this loan will depend wholly upon economic conditions nthome ana abroad ABE ItKUP COJIPKOJIISES San Francisco Dfc 16 Abraham Uuof former political boss of San Franclscu who Is under sentence of 14 years im- prisonment ¬ for bribery compromised yes tcnl15 on a claim for nearly J270- ibroiiftlit > ngajnst him by Frank J Mur- phy ¬ an attiifncy who represented lilih- at Ids trial A jury Imd been cmpanolod- to try tlio claim when tho settlement wa announced Noitlicr Iluof nor Murphv would reveal the tirm of agrocmpnt- DnrhiK the llueC tilnl a chargft of at- tpiniillng to bribe a jiuor was brought ngilnst Murphy and hu thereupon threw un his briijf Ilii Avas arterwauls tried oii- Hie charge ami acquitted CURING THE INSANE Moving Plcturue Are to ho Trlcil nt- Klgin 111 State HotpltnlC- hlcnKPi ec 16 Moving pictures as n means or curing Insane patients will he tiled by Supt Sidney n WllguK of tho- Klgln state hospital The first pictures win he shown on Christmas day andtvo shows a week will ho given thereafter Moving plnturcfl will help UN material- ly In inning patlonts stated Dr Wiluus- yistoiday will taki thomlnds of- tho patients from their misfortunes and illto any othcr harmlesn diversion will fcllmulatu their weakened brains 1 will censor all pictures shown at tha hospital and will not permit any pictures aro frequently eoen at 5cent chows to bo shown at the hospital Fredonla N Y Dec Ifi Biil over n radius of several blocks woro damaged by a boiler explosion In tho- Ficdonla street railway pqvvor house hero shortly before midnight One man was killed and another fatally Injured Two boilers exploded simultaneously with a great tonr watt plainly heard at a distance of several miles Tho pioperty loss will exceed 160000 The dead man L B Burrows a fire- man ¬ was hit by a 1 200pound frag- ment ¬ of flying metal Ills assistant William Bishop was seated on a beam which wan blown through tho root to- tho top of a barn BOO foot away carry Ing him along Ho Is dying of his f Injuries Fragments of the bollcis wore scat- tered ¬ In all directions and a bundled peiKons had hairbreadth escapes from death from the flying missiles Tho buildings damaged Include tho postof- flcn and the Colunibla hotel Several street cars wore jvrockoil LAND DESIRNATEO AS NOT SUSCEPTIBLE OF IRRIGATION Washington Doe 10 Approximately 9250 acios of land In Oiogon and lfOO acres In Now Mexico recently havo boon designated by Secy Of tho Inter lor Balllmror under tho provisions of- tho enlarged homestead act as not bolng susceptible o suceosrful Inlyai tlonThCHo changes hrltu tho total of Now Mexloo designation to data to 15932 029 Oregon llODOM- OROCKEFELLER LARGEST PURCHASER OF R CSEALS- N iw VorU DOC 13 John I > toclceffcl- lor > Is the lucst piircbntiar of hodCrosii- al In the United fjtatps Ills rordert- llKM by the Now Torlt ntd Cross sp- clety was fcr 60nXi of ijho Christina slickers which will be pustedon tharei verso side of nil mull matter isont out > from tho offlees of thostandurdOll com- pany ¬ durlni tho holiday season > rv

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NSTTteT W < You should OCIMI nou < wItlr1-


i ofor TtrnrcTmiSTMAs NKWS


i c c


hAND IJHEHTl = 2f Jb

i Ii miifum Jij< i m 11iF 1910 SALT LAKE CITY UTAH SIXTIETH YEAR11


c itl sf






<jJtahfDelegation tai Congress i tc

Present fto

JJf= gifTaHr


u i

Possibility of IIiAppolntnidil Vlcutil-

AaCiiiloiiutcil IJccniti of tlio

Jurists Vast Itccoul-



advices received In haltLike iOdaXilrc to tlio effect tnnt tiltnimo of gO John A Marshall of theUnited States dlstiict couit of SuitLike vlllje iubiiilttiil bv the Utah-congressional1 delegation to IisllleIIJ-ufl for ills appointmentMicancyMns the circuit court of up-

pcilslof theelghth district caused by

the iiromotloii of Judge Vumle enterr

to thOt supreme couit of he Unitedfetatcs On nccqiinf of his record usdistrict Judge Judge Marshall s prosinct are excellent JIIlh appoint-ment


JIgoL Marshall w is appointedlies district Jldgcby Presi-


Grovci Gicvclund 4 jilSlCfor the dlbtrlct of TJtah Hos prihbiite Judge of bull Like county forISSStand 18 9IUIscrI01n the terri-torial




ill vnborn In Faunuler county Vu-on 1854 He In the son of JohnMnibhall and RebecoaiB Smith Mar-


Ho was educated In tlio Jhonadbah academy and UheYiglnlaJInISTS hoc nIeluJ1ahIJulengaged inpractlslngHint tlrno hnmldc Salt Lake Clt> hishome Ho Jcjslc KIKputrlck

two childrenIncliDROWNED IN THE SNAKE


FU r Ciuto TOOS Ilfe Iillc CrossingJlhor In HoutostSpecial Nowi

BlacKfoot Ida pe 6 Word was 10-

cclvidiul UlncKfoot this morning i5f tho-iiruwnln In Snake river at n JOInlabo1-olhtmWs bilow heret Mlnlnt coroptuy Qf jPetor-Cnrtolnaii employe of tlia dole Pointcompany Cnuo nnd companion fa V-

Clcvlngvi attempted to irusi the rivert Ilnn rW bo it ttlicn the small skiff cap

vthrowhiK both menIilto theWUter-Carto Jeoulcl not IWln1 and ClcvliiRO-isUugjDnK bra > cl > tobgct him t horenasuitnble to comhatthocuqcnl1I1II1

tothe rlcr nbout 201 f etTrom slioie > lo-

Insei Biiccocdcd In K > tllnr to the bqnkilut Uartoivb > n Olye t bcnJ ed 1 Ht Y rr-

l IJ ri1 n econaln the rl > ei asjhadbeen tlielr Imblt loIeLlh Olltdlnnthe bo tidin t huimt 1-10tlherhcrrrollliwliimAlhcfcrew lk

> deud-mm cuniQ here about tvo months aiorom 1 ltnwQoII1sncJtnsoirolnUveH-

L far ins known hrrq The local lodo-of Woodmcnio hlchhIl i alimcmfherwlllsond a paity Ii i1rugtl1o rhirfor the bod i r16



01 1 > MtKliitiej JSrqiicteilIIIIltCI-

i national Conference Ui Iclrnrcabpuelnl Japer on the Question

Wnshl 1ltonDccl6TltnunujogYoftlio supremo court of the United Statesunil the fconoral efficacy oi the court ot-

iilwtnllrlousl counties as opposed totllonorltofcOt1mlsslon Judicial oi

IlH tho senei il lumu for l-Odus session of the Intel national eonfeiencQ of tho Amu anSocltffolJi ¬

f dicial Settlement of International Dis-putes


H r yllBronfOlulurJ assoCIatejustice ot the HUpumo couit of the Uni-ted


J Stntpuflth tho Biibject of Intei-btute contnncisles In tlio supreme com I-

of the Unlled Mates as expected todelineate the Ilmi points In MHiclgntyUUI1lntorslalo filctlon Whleh lmoi arisen from time to tlmu in the JudicialJilHtoiy of tho country

B In order to cn ass cveiy possible ob-

ft5J t lon LJflpaUi of the establishmentIfll permanonlcourtjCnibllrnl Justice

h Ie I aim of the societyPrtdcilck D > McKennj counsel tortwUnltd States In the Oilnoco itcunship-aibltratlon an icnueHted to prcpaiis-a paptr on The Objectloim tin thePresent Hague Tribunal white to Hen

I rnl Mnirirlincl of this elty wiliassigned Uiu tuple Difficulties In the

v Way ot the Success of OuiRealizing thltllhIU lnl1roAros i Inr Invention and science pirtluijaily nia

lion has uftorded a now means of es-pionage


<might posslbh affect tho attl-tuile of homo natloius In hastening the

i movement for r couit aihlti i Jus ¬

tice the subject AylnlondlsAfCcclhflrthe Iiullclal Settlement of IntiimtinniilDisputes ns Included In today H piog nun it Is to bo bNohlo GrcortdcanolhcoUcjid ofInvv of Iowa stato Il



Denver Dec lOAt iVclock tis moming thu lu minors Impilson d b > fho Iniiu iijdeu coal mine 14 inllus north

I west ot hvio Wednesday nlLjit WeIi suni in tho mint Anoidulg CU JltJortstlio ovuiiiniint oxpeitln ehaio of Dm

I cscUI1Wurlii tlm men bllJIIIUtIlIlIallcoS ini fun Is allvd rcmahie 1I

le wcie orllnif when lIlIimllloctPIIhLJIi-

cAiIIlUIYpCIomclIirurr the jovura° rc c fHIIIJIlI vlth cvvle lhcJII1 I XIJ ° K Ipvvar vvoil-


hls0lhomhl e4t1hohUIU r1luCishan JiolItlllllet IclcrHI I < OC il I I loII d-

lll1hcCIlleoyl t hlkMnllbrglli Wi t hI whljII

HVe tJ rU ncl315 tIJjIII ot I h q-

tcollil C rcl1 rhllnii it llIlmlHhnrt

tI Vfril o lh Cnn frombellovodtllit uOO Ifcclnt bi utlclng will thkovttliu resciicm-

nfiVi1 I Ol 01 Kiis About halfIJlRlnllco JIIlI bciiicovcietlnitNo

otirl rim flro Is burning In ah ill20-

rIJJ cjjosisTjii oinoG-ilillpolls fjlllo iDtc tlj llio Ohiorl vor Is piartlcnlly closed ItoVnivx Ifcv 1

tiqnjiom thlsicltvto I I rliI< n91ls IcS nccgoiBe3luo fpimudJ-lL n H 11 nl rA f pllcc tncl lIlilpI11 ng IHiIn latifel Y

tfTh iit gi S9 1 f jI 1 Qlw IJOf r1d J 0 n1

TnigorgoLplart Irnll8i30hmlcaaboo here

V 1f Ji i

1 c i-



0 i iR M A YI I





IAfter rryJbOh B si essof11BI en n I um ra ft of 7475

Ii i

f Remains in the Bank



Inspector llniployi clfUl IhrccMontliI-topoilK l > cclenl Voi U Would

I lf lchnli iCIllIIcnlcs

Chief of tlie recommendations ot thestato board of pliaimapy Included InIts blennlil icport to Uie governoi and

slflaturo Is lh lfolnleilsIIlUICplOvlslon tor 10 sip I alrc 1111 y ¬

er states legaidlng tlio Interchange u tcelt n lllcs Jhls inovo says the ro

lhls been made by suvcial of lhe-

stlllcsIlh8aUHfIlClot resultsThe opciatlotts of tho boaid tho-

blcnnlum have eonslsted of eight gulai iiiaiterly meetings 111111 specialmeeting called foi thu consideration of-

tho luport-An Ineieat in tho examination fee

Is asked follJlIic board and wheio1-U Is now tho exaction foi pharm iclstj

examination the buaul would hitvuInucascd to 515 Anothci recommenda-tion


lslhalunlIamendment be attachedto the laws rcguUtlng food and drug1exacting u llcensu or Jj 1Isoar fiori

1 tillers otitslrtf the col potato limits ofcities foi the tale of patent nostlmnsor iliugn In thc oilginal package

The itinerant cimloililipelirsluhcnn object of attack fiom the reportsince It recommends the creation or alicense of 100 a YC 1COI this class of-

donlcisJOB LASTED TlltlCC MONTHSIn the liibpcctors theset vices

of which lrlcllllw eio lscdwllh-It the conclusion of tl cthhLliniiilhbccuuso of A depleted tieasuiy and no-prdvlslon having been icIcJjY thelegislature foi turthei rcconipenee thorcfntllc IstablUhments of the stategrocery btoics and diug dlspenbarlc-aio declined to have been In first classcondition at the <conclusion pf tho thrcumonths tenure of the Inspector This

carries tho Infoimatlon thatwhl IlStlif are tv o druggists In Silt

1crsslilllHOHhlgcocahlcllntlmoiphliie the llhullhcUt sellto none ijl Ii tit than fiends to these diugsand that these partieswill furntshnoI-nfoimatlon that Is reliable prosvcution-IsJmposslblo wHhout a fund sot asidefor the piupoKe i1 crobtaining evidence

irt phaimacltts ob-


ccrUilclrieTtlUrln theitvvo yiaisJj ofIhlm wejre frum Sult Uike-Twentyllcrsl6cnicriiivoro Brantirdto1-assUtant pharmacists bamo-pctlod 10 of whom registered fromSalt Lake


TheMnonotonyi of the color bchome of-

tho < repott at least wuslcllcoclhylhdr-ed llno II lilch I hd atcs that thoughleculptsfor oertltleates and fee foi ex-amination


amounted to J190S CS tho ex-


of the board amounted to 74 75more than this amount for vhlch an-

ovlidiaft nV ieposes in the bankThl feature is mute evidence to subRtantlato isuggestlon ot tho boaidthat a fundother than the lecelpts-fiom tho sourceh named should be pro-


whereby to p ly the tunning ex-pqnscs of the Institution i r



fat Paul Dee 16A postmortem ex-


of the body of Mrs Charles P-

McKeima who vos found clldln aroom of liur homo K Da Solo stieot as-

n polled by Chief of Police OConnoi to111 showed that the woinnn had fooe-


autopsy disclosed the fact thntthe vvuinan been nciuilc so lolentlythat sivcral gf her ilbt wiro bioken undhivui tlnough hei lungs bald Ml OCoanor-Cliarli s P McKenna lier lullband wns-Uune with Ms wife when sha dlcj butdcnlib UlIllhenltucldhcr


Siei lal to The Npws-

AVnvtilngton VC Dcc16 PatentsJssu id Wyoming William Aden Sani-

oga plow attachmont James IJaguleyMansion jmnip-

ChatleH r Latin op has been Plioln k-ed luial cairler Cl lud U Sande rsBubstltute route 1 ntiuthdium Idaho



Aintrlean Civic Association Discusses

Hum but Offcis Xo DefiniteJteineilj toi llioin-


Washington Dec 10 Billboard nuis-


tho smoke problem tho lavages-of thu typhoid lly and the oigankationo-

f eltoit ilr idlcato them for Uie 1m-

iiovoinuit of community life eonstltut-d the genual tlend of Uie discussionutilncd foi the clo lnr bosslon ot thu-

VnfeilcaiiMJivIc assocl itlon todayUlvlc Coouiatlon lovvaul a Clean

qiliulIOh subject ol thu openings tn clclolidh Irs Laio

UnuHallIult Cranb of Kal tniazoo-lleli Allbs MIM of PortageVis wan hci lclloiftilhiili lthn-

Il upli OnIiltniUhrii Vlliuhe Jinpiovu-nentI SocietyIn 1ullnrUiotolllu Leral Con

lr ilAUiclfIIIiI d I Dayns coipoi llonlotlnHoloC Qhi-

ilgg vas txpcitul to show tho let il-

nuthodj whlli balnvoked itOIlllliL IUI hiCUii billboard


Jiionly one plusu tha billtJOlliil nulfiiicc1 says tho associationst-inniiuncemcnt foi todays besslon andUnit Istthi legalphiiMe foi public senti-ment


Is marked fn opposition to It-

Cy i us Lochu of thu cliambei of com-moicfiAOfiiplrvclaiKl Ohio was expect-ed


on Iho fatnoko Nuisancej

and thofLnwloutlining as the methodfli h hi 11 ilr relief fiom smoKo evils tnc

drafting Ofroidltmnces tobo utlnptc-dnftein thoiough study of tho u I

Hi Howard chlotfontomol S tt-

oftllolcpaltmlnl ofc agriculture


III-lellliX lI hCl ii il l s oii tV 11111 nip1111 Ull rhry PhIldJ I D I s-

IHu t hlnHoni wllilin n wclY1UloiiIlucslclntii iiXli1 r

iMIonoapolIs tell L CU LpCEducational

AgainstthrfITlyy >


< iI

sn TlmB UF-


Tn New ftfie Record


i Shows That Eighteen Per-


Were Killedr

1ii t-o tt JM I ENEpR pEER


In Malno Woods 3310 Doer 100ij sMoosc and UJ Ilcn-

Vcic Slain<

Hoston Dec 1C With the last dayof hunting tot this oar InXolnhlunil endcil at midnight tho lecoidb-

hovvb a total of Ib deaths for the jeaton It U possible thai other deathsmay result from scjlous Injuries ic-

eclved Thu numbci of dulls Jillbelow that of the past two yiars 31having been Killed IlIstlrllIHI2S1hu-ciiibcfurl More than thu vic-tims


this vcni were youths uiulei 21veils of age Ten wcic killed by gunsIn the hands iotl thejlctlnu Infom cases being mistaken for deerrive wcie Killed bv theh own c weaponsand three met diath by drowning Oneof the Inttei was chasing a deei overthin Ice when the lea broke drowningtho hunter and his riuury The twoothers were swamped Inll bon hoavilv-fielghtcd with the dlei they hadbagged

Maine with its two la haltmonths of open season lends the NewEllsland death fl llIUllOXcITampihlro with Jo das top n seaon adds fie victims Ilhode IslandvlUllls open season on l lrdRc611 ¬

tributes oni nndjVoimrint one Coun-ties


of Ma an openseason on doer for a c kbulnofalnllthHrcRullccl

of doer 10D mnoc and22 bo ir< from thc Malm u nodshlri beenshipped through nancor tin to todayVlRi year T 022 deer 323 moose and 2iboars were killed As doer will con-tinue


to come in foi ovoral dav ItIs opocted the total will reach fully1DO-




> c

Aie Ahead IliinilUMl and Tlilr1 teen Mlli Onh TvventNnc

l i i1I1fJ ill chlII cl hc11G4

London One giiln each forthe JibcralH ttml thojUnlonlsN ls the

l rl yfJi tdn li-i J lf f yilct wereannounccd todayiho respective totals aie ndv-

Coalitionists3T7 Unionists 2CIH

Tho composite gov eminent majoritylsil1IIneclaasfollows-

LlbTils 2f < JiHi Nationalists C3

Independent Natlonallstb i10 vUibor-mcnibcir 12 I >

The Laburltoi Jto the only partv tlins-fai to show an Ihen used rcproscntatron-In thu new p irllament Already theyhave fcccuied two sonts In addition tothose held In tho previous house ofcommons

Only 29 scJtsiaio to be filled Tliocoalitionists now havo a majority oC

111 as against a total majority In thelist paillanient of 111

The two constituencies which changedcolci yesterday rtllLeek division ofhtiftordshlre where It Pearce wonhncjkrol tho Llboiili the scat lost listJmuniy and the High Peak divisionof Derby shire which S HillWoodbrought back to the Unionist tanks

O Pirtlngton who was defeated inHigh Peak Is Junioi lord of the treas-ury


nnd so tho second member of thegovernment to bo unseated In tho pres-ent


electionsWilliam OBrien Icrul roflho Inde-


Nationalists seoied it huccesi-In tho South division of Corkvv bore tho Independent Nationalist can-didate


AValsh tinned out E 1 Barrywho had represented that constituencyIn the Inteicst of John lUdmond for 13yetrs-

Tlp Orangemen of Ulster county whorecently started tv fund foi the puipohe-of buy Ingarms to light a home rule gov-cinment aio now widelyiclidilating tho-m inunl of tlilll for li regular forces


CHAIRMANJAWNEYWashington Dec 16 nepresentatlve-

MqL ichlan of California In a state-ment


Issued today denounces Chalt-mun Tavvnoy of the house appioprla-tlons committee for faprinu t o supII CBS lop J the official lepoi tb 0 n thewin depaitincnt on the alleged mllltaty-unprepuednessfot the United States0I3IirCTllOCUTBn-

Ulchmond Vn 18 John J-

Smutho a I bartender vvhi shot andAllied his wife and young daughtoi attheir home In Norfolk last Aigil t Uvaselectrocuted In the penltciitlttryjhtre tolIllY tTjrft1

J Sltllngton colored i ho robbedand nniidcrcd a 70yearold whltovvomnan In llocklnghnm itjt August alsowas put to death



Los Angcics i li 1C Wrs Lil ¬

ian Ashley Turnbull of Udston whoumlciwunt a ilgorous erossuxamlnnt 011 yestiiduv In lhc11Ji1 of hei-iilUghleii contest of tho Iato Luckytuldvv Ins will Is again to face a mcrllcss flro ot questions vvhon the caw Is-

csiimedr next Tucsdav j

In tho cnissovimlnntlonf ofrMrs1-urnbull the attoiniijc representing-ho locognlzed dauehteisMiHClaiaS-

tockot Mrs Anita McCloHghrov andMis Uosiilda belln had reached themint of Introducing 1IioIletters alleged10 have been written by Mrs Turnmll yesterday i she pionounced a clqv-r foigoiy pcipetiated by ai office boyamed OKcefo in tho office fII Bos-on


detective named James II WoodHutlicrolirQWlnor tn come when

case fnAccording to the attoineVs1 for theJaldvvln estate these letterc written4 orilu years ago contain sensational

B tatcmcntH and threatH against tho oldiUfmnn In Una handwriting ofi Mrs

I urnbull and have a Iln In-ho nrOSenFclllC All of thomfaio saido that Baldwinnd betrayed cMrn Turnbull h1JJbc

flu 111 heriwlth the promise ot adoptng hornB his daughter Inthoil1rcuenlanoHMrs TuinlnilP that Bald jvlnSmarrledvher byf contract ancallct hovonullinediiliori-ormer o ji J i it

I 1 1h t vi


lM 11 III-E


Gen Navaripfs Inactivity Simply

Due to Waiting for Rein-





Their nustlnnllon Undoubtedly Anoth-



Point im All I Quiet


7Cliihuahua t kbcc 14 Dclayei-

In transmlsblon A speclal tiiiln of-

bov cars was quickly made up herethis afteinoon to accommodntn 100 sol-



destined for Juiuoz Just acrost-tho Texas line from Kl 1ato Homoothei city In Chihuahua piobably istheir ultimate destination nlls Juarez Is

quietGen Fernande i In an Interview to-


stated that Gen Navanos Inac-


following the of Ccrio-

Irleto last Sunday illsiucctohisHernandezs ordeis that reinforce-



be awaited bcfoie pressing tho-

r < IolllllolllstsfulllltrAdvices fiom Pedernatles tonight

state that a jmall detachment of rcvo-lutlonlhts arrhed In tha tvlclnlty ofCerro Plctif and Hancho Santiagomaking good thq insurgent boast thatwhen the federals iljtiiin attack It willbe agUnst 1000 men Nnvnrro hhiTelfexpects that the next engagement willbe moro curious than lhatjot last fnin-

dny Gen HcrnandP denies the Ptorythat Naval ro cxeruted 30 alleged antl-rcclcctlonltts after bundnys battleThe story was told however not only

iJiUllii Na-varres

¬among the revolutionistsawn camp fr

Thc lelnforinemcnts j dqutlned forCerro Prleto arrived Ilerclo uThwnumbeied GoilIl r itatcdthat the dlsaftccted dlfifrlct would buflooded with soldlci nnd that ho In-


to place guards along tho rall-

inad o that ho could use It in torwardIng troops Sllico tho attack on thotrain nt > San Andres a month ago no-

attPnipUhas been made to uso tho linef6r military purposes as the Insui gentsthreatened In suchtcase to blow uptthubridge

Tho consulship tightened here Mon-


The Associated Press dispatchsplit fiom Pedernalles that night andtelllnK of Sundays battle reached Chl-

huahua7over the n ll road tclegraphand-nfi dcllvcredto tho federal line but It-

fflllntoofflclnl hands and theroforBnever sitwxtho light of dayi ngnln Itoffended presumably InJJ1la ngthL11n1

g Idss Ii t w h Icnsi1 1 e c r-

r loltSa iEQ and J n a In Ulg ICj c-

Jla I i IIiil lWt nill II11e1a

though tho IcolullonlstsplcdlclelJn-I rfi tl4 JtIi tho fid rlllsI f Navar-

ro continues tonwnllrrolnforccmentwand tho Insurgents do not themselvesattack U will bi > o days befor-anotherscngagement Is fought




J CI Government Ghos OlTlclnl

iteColtll lion to T5cohitlonnry Trou-

blo Nctr Mormon Settlement

121 Paso D ciGThnl revolu-



trOli fontJuOS Elvalloand othor towns In tho vicinity ofthe Mormon colonies In Chihua-


has been given official recog-



became evident today whenIt was learned that a hundred cav-


were disembarked Thurs-day


at Gallegos north from Chi-


from where they woresent across country to the west to-

tho region affected A telegramtodav from Casas Grandos reportsKl Vallo captuied by tho Insurrectos

This towills between Casas-Grandos and Namatmlpa which

captured RCmolhncnoWlhoinsurgents These troops probablyaio tho ones that left ChihuahuaDecember 14 ostensibly for Juarezas none reached Juarez <



Madrid Dec Ik During Che debate to ¬

1Oln thu chamber of deputies on thupadlock bill which piohlblts tlio crcn

lion QC further religious establishmentsIn Spain until thu revision or tlio con ¬

wlh tho vntlcan has boen com-pleted


Prtmlcr Camtlajns declared tha-thi CnrllRts were responsible for the de

la tlinnegotiations between the SpnnIsligovernmentitlidtheholy soo

Thc announced that Ihonc-fotlnlonsJhtho holy seq would not

pnrtlock bill hadboon enacted Into law and ho appealedto the Carlisle toi recognize tho futility ofplacing fuithor obstruction In the way of-thu nicnMire




jroe s

Will bo Issued

T ifhliMO In ROW=Sliortly nrterunon-

i i iIt will of 101 paces readingmatter and lllustratlous with fourcover puces printed Injcsilors innk-

llhillldi 108 pacesIIiC



THE POSTAGEon lio Isfno will1 bo JS ccnistnilninostluUinil 10 centsjto l rnri i-

iriil8tw Jt




Sends Word tosHis Friends ThatHe Will Reappear

Next Week


Uniiucstlonnhly I Believed That onApril 21 liHlff We lIlIIlBenchc-


Now York Doc 15Dr Frederick A

Cook the Brooklyn traveler has sentwoul to his friends here that he will re-


noxt week following his slotImposed exllo of one year Dr Cookwill arrive from Iuropc probably onnext Wednesday Thc doctor has con-


that he does not know whetherhe reached tho north polo or not antIIn ioinoirows Issue of Hamptons Mag-


ho tolls of the mental and phys-ical


stress he labored under on hisJouiney northward Dr Cook speakingof the trip over the Ice says

There was little In the white wasteabout melo occupy my attentionfomotlmcs a spot onthe hpilzon or Inntwist of a dogs tall would fascinate moand hold my attention for many min-


i A PROCESSION MIUAOKSDining this tlmci from the early

days of our Journey as I want to showcveiythlng centeredlllhoul tho Idea ofthe pole Then to hewilder one to setone laughing with silly amusement orto JlHonu withn sensu of awe tho-

paity began a procession of miragesnrillollllcaftIllusions The mental ef-


I Und It difficult to analyze Some-times


these exaggerated transforma-tions


had the effect of far oftobjects apparently near to usnilsortoileausellcconfusion In estimatingCUfitlI1C-


had becomea dull haze behind us these fantasticunrealities of the north began to mani-fest


themselves most Peaks of snowweie transformed Into volcanoes belchIpg smoko oiit of the pearly mist rosemarvelous cities with fulry castleshugo creatures misshapen and gro-tcsquc wilthed along the horizoni These spectral denizens of the northaccompanied us dining the entire jourriey aifd when fagged of brain mid-

uPlJCcof bodily strength felt my-inlnd svvlmmliiK In ir panf hivHcpn-sclousnef3 they nllcllmnl1ltnI1Ht withJiorror lmpreaslng me aa the mon

lcrsiono tCc lnnnIKllltT1aro1 rN j 1ed

11 UlctcnllerIlturenllnus4-G11cfr i II l tFahrenheit tho iaelips of pureyovfrozetogether aswo winked and vviep worubbed UICItI11dl6r apnrtJhoIls-ql Iciclesbreath froze on our faces Often wohad to uncover our hands and apply thewarm pnlmn to tho face before It waspossible to ee-

Wlien I recall the many hairbreadthescapes from death tho hazards wotook and feel again that physical andmental sufferlng I wonder whether anyHying man would do this wcio he promeditating a He

That Idill travel upward of 2500-milch In Fomu direction even my ene-



Whether I went directly north orwas diverted ut times does not cannot

change the facts of my experience Wir-wero compellod Inollr Journey to go-

in various directions to find a wayWo mndo wide lsnl other Un c-

hadwe to letroat and Und new pas-sages


P rhipslnso doing Idlel be-


confused and overestimated myprogress Iflhallsso Ills a factneither Inor any one can settle nowWherever I wet however I maintainIe was northward and I did relcllaspot which II Mloved tu be the polo

Ono day was very Ilka nnolhctnu7yond tho eightythird parallel Hfo Isdevoid of any pleasure The Intenseobjective Impressions of cold and hun-ger


assailing the body rob tho mind of-

Insphatlon and cxhlllratlon-At times It was impossible to per-


and tho toxin of fatigue generat-ing


unearthly weariness filled the brainwith fag When perspiration o zedfrom our pores It froze In the gar-ments and the warmer portions of ourbodies worn frlngod with snow Dallyunremittingly this was our agony

My boys had tho advantage of sleepI envied them Anyone who has suf-fered


from Intomnhiinay bo able In a-

pinall degree to gauge my conditionwhen sleep became Impossible To

reach the nllor my Journey becametho haunting everpresent goadingthought of my vvnkoful existence


In February up to the date of April 7

I estimated by various systems ofreckoning that wo had cIHdls ¬

tance which placed me somewhat over2UO miles fiom goal Tho sun be-


of cIOl lleilsIlnshllcl not beenvisible befoic but now It was scon forthe llrst time at midnight nnd It n-

sunicd a stningo shape lhrio dc-

scilbcd It as a viifco of blue lire fromwhich rose luminous floaters I havospoken of the distorted faces whichleered at us over the horlzan Some-time In our nortlilitrdprorcss thesefaces laughed again they scowledAVlmt the actual conllguiatlons wore I-

do not knowDespite a physical lassitude und

suffering whlcli made It painful tomove 1 took observations In it regularmechanical way The much ado sl iJc0-

mllioohoulsuchI proofs never at thattlmo occurred to mo or scorned posslbUv Although IhlldlCJudol othor

I expeditions nnd had performed scien ¬

such a feat an this alwnynmeant to mu tho satisfaction of aspiritual hunger lather than n tiophy-to before geographers who neverste ip lloitofUIO protected circle oftheir liQinnenvironment

1 never expected that my accom-plishment


of tho polo If 1clllllIOUIIIbe regarded as n thing of great Im-


to science which ll18110tWANTS TO BK HONEST

I wantto bo honest in tbls and lighthere I say Unit any observations I tookvvero taken tof all for my ownsatisfaction to check our lino of marchThe constant traveling over milesicu und Iho enduring of pain llic ld-


mind a conviction which ohave evoked

At a point which I calculated as 29miles flora tho polcvwo paused to restNot possessing theistrength to buildsnow houses wo uoed tlio Hlllc tontilWhllcttho ISaklmos slept I I took obsorv

There wo r c anextrtf cupot ilea prcQrcMpfcast of pomralcau

< i t w




Tariff to beSubjectolDiscussion-

AtNati 1alConvention atPortland-




Slx Thouwiiiil Sheep Kniirrs Will

Jatlicr hi Wcbfoot MetropolisXcv1 Month

Kpfclul toTliw NewsPortlandjOiv Dec 1C When the Na-


Wool Growers association muct-sinIurtland next month In annual con-


thC Hession will resembleconsultation of physicians over a com-


case flit problem to busolved Is lipvv to kcei tho noxt Congressfrom making Jig sixw piizzlo out of-

NClieduta K whlchfnhl grave dangerIts friends fear of being cut to pieceswhen thu Democrats get In control of-

tho next HouseThis Will be the dominant topic of-

theconvention buyoiid a dpulit No lessthan 6000 sheep iralsera from all parts ofthe country will bo In attendance andthere will1 IMJ niany a discussion oyor thothreatened tariff changes as they alTcotthe wool inci-

iPiest Fred W Goodlng of the Nntlpn-lil assuclatlon In illicusHliigthat will engage tlie attention of thi-dcIiigatcK whiiii they moot lit conven-tion


saidOne of our chief concerns as follow-


of iho oldest lino cif husbniidry6iWhich history speiiks ls he assaultthat has recently boon so juirnlsteiitly-inadu upon the and vvoolensiilcs hi tho PayncrAldilcli tariff lawPlscusslons that will bu held In thecohvciitlon will be uducatlpnal Notonlyls tlio general almostentire-ly


uninformed or nithor misinformedIn rCBard to the merits of the tariffrates oti wool iind vvoolens but 1 lieJleyeVthat a ycry largo niajorlty of thewool grovvcrs tlicnrKelyqshavpbut littleIdea of iho Importance of

discussions that willbe hold the conventionnothing moreIs accomplished thiin tlie removal of theprojudlces that hiivu been engenderedby the iiitieknikers In the nVa azliiesi-

inU tho niudsllngers ion the politicalhustings Hgalnst tlio vyopl grpwera andwoolen manufacturers the conventionwill have beenWellworth holding

OSCAK-SturglB H Due ICrTiiQ Jury try

lug Oscar Jlicolfichargervvltli1thc kllN

bore III Jupuary 100D broughtIn iiYor-t14 nrtIi Vttl Mill Vl Irt Ml 111 IT


tir-prjEdh forlife fFLOODS iN ENCJLAND


iiJiidon Dec ill Ii Is M years slneu-Kiigliind has khoivii such floods an arinow tteyilHtatliiK Inlinelisa stlvtulies of-coiintry hiui bVenly Incessant slncu tho 1st lit 1fceiiiber-unlytvvo ilayajout of thoICbelni wllhout-ruiii Tlio nirinors liavu nurtured heavyjosses l irgdi Iir i8oir tbrrliory aro In-

uijdiited aim tho1 vvaterrla some parts of-

tlie country is 12 luet deepInni any villaees ilipusosiiavc boon flood-


and tlio resdeMits aro ilivlng In the up-per Blorles

iutlook In the Thames valloy lagrave Thu river In tho llciiluy districtnils flooded eliorinous urvaa Many rcsl-cJeats hiive bocn ruined

Todiiy iBevoro galu swopt tlio cbust-catihlng Havoc at MoasldL towns lllcu1

LIUIIHK IliistlilgH CuvyiiH am Uovisr-vVlicie s a Walls woro wnsliod away aiid-tiioiiHuncls uf tons of saiid deposited m-ihii slivuls-

Vachls IKLVU botntossod tishoro and sev-eral


minor Wrecks aro reported Otf-SlieoniiHS a Ilrltish naval lendur oceu-jlfrd by 10tsillornwho wore goingvahori-on llberty thno waa capslzod aim ftyu of-

thumoil weru drowned Tho ptlitrs Avtro-resoued Much dainagoliaa bueii donotha heiiyy soil at Portsmouth

IIJON AND STEEfj INSTITUTJ-3Plttsburg Dec 15 Thrco sections of

the Amorlcan Iron t Steel IhstltVuo-hivyo held Heqrot meetings in IMttsburgduring thuvveek tlie last being heldyesterday by the Bar llnnufactiirersassociation Tho Tin Plate section inet-on Arodiiesday and the Plate section ohTuesday

TlieHb inectlrigg > vero calle l by theyarlptis cbinmlttuo chalrnien of the In-

stltiitb for Iho purposo of dlscuKslhgtrade conditions anil other Importantfeatures of the Industry particularlythoso which have a bearing on prices

Will Hun a Coal Mine to Studyjiloslon living Iieon In llrMii-

Worlc Under Actual Conditions

Plttsburg Dec 10 With a big coalmine operated by experienced minersnnd other employes the United Statusbureau of mines Is about to start ex-perimental


work on tho largest sniloever attempted in any country Tho-Plttsburg Coal company has turnedover to the buroTau an Important mineat Bruccton Pa and tho work willbegin next week

Experts In thu employment of tho-buieau will oxpcilment In tho produc-tion


of mine explorations giving losfons on rescue work under actual con-ditions

¬show tho proportion uf puro

air needed for each employe explainvojitilatlon In Its every phase but pnr-ttQularly as it applies to work follow-ing


an accident tost mining machineryami giving cute to tho elimination ofdim as n possible cause of explosions

broth thus UFlng an extra quantityof our precious fuel and nto as muchas we dared still remaining Insanelyhungry My heart thumped and pur-suing

¬our march through tho Icy va-

cantncss my Imagination peopled thoregion with glorious things

For a little while I forgot the nn-gulsh of my body Of course I washungry thlisty weak dizzy withfalntness and I inado Iho last upwardmarchon In a delirium Just what Ifet then Just wbat happened I do not

There arc In my notebook briefnotes and calculations

HoroU snow houso wan built and a-

round of1 observations takenUnquestionably rbqlloycd that on

April i2l 190S wo had reached tho polo

Has Been Compelled Heavily to <

Increase Expenditure in OrderTo Avoid Criticism


Conplcmnis innovations of Pcmers luTypos of Warships Ccnnpols In-

vroiibcil Cost for Japan

Toklo Dec IB Tho budget for 1911151 as finally completed was an-

nnunccil today as followsIteceipt ordinary 4D21SS000 yen ex-


4S79C973 expenditures or-


407113274 extraordinary 133-

S21R93 A yon Is equivalent to about 30cents In American moiioy-

JlarnUIs ICntsura premier and minis-ter


of finance tnkrs a hopeful view otthe situation Ho says that the affairsof tho current year and the financialprogram have worked well Tlils pro-gram


will be continued During theyear past the government has had aparticularly heivy burden to carry Thonavy has called for an Increased ex-penditure


In order to avoid tho clrtlclsm-of neglect In tin face ot the advancesmndn by other powers Tho anncxa-tlon of Korea and dlsa trouB Hoodshavo added materially to the cxtraor-tliiiury expenses

Tilurruls ICUsura lays down thesetwo riilci as effective In directing thepolicy of tho goveininent-

Khit In maintain tho balance pf-

ivveiiue and i xponilture In the generalestimates and not to look to loans as-Ilnanclal resources

Second to maintain tho program ofannual redemption ot thq public debtby nn amount of r 000000 yen or more

Hu says the govuinmcnt has commit-ted


Itself to these principles In tho-noxt six years 52000000 yen will bespent In supplementing and Improvingthu navy Fifteen millions Is nppronrl-nteil for the next fiscal year

CONSPICUOUS INNOVATIONSTile minister says that tho consplcu-

oua Inhovatlons adopted by other pow-ers


In tho types of their warships hasmade It necessary for Japan to bome-vvlmt IncreaHeltB naval expendituresnot because of any danger arising fromdifferences with other cojmtrles but be-cauo the navy of Japan while ifot en-deavoring


to compete with or surpassthose of other nations must bo kept up-toa modern standard Incidentally thominister states that Japans relationswlih other government are most tunIcable-

Xoxt years estimate for railways ls>nearly 52000000 yen This amount Is-

icqulred thupreinior saysbqeauiKJOf-thpld termliiatlpn >ofJtUo governmenttoImprove Ihomonclng noxt year t tho reconstructionof thcvrnaln line Intoabrondrgage roadjjwill be undertaken A loan forpurpose probablywIllTjo nilscu but ltwill bo In thonatureofa specialriqcount for which tho railroads boresponsible The tlmo and placo oraising this loan will depend whollyupon economic conditions nthome anaabroad

ABE ItKUP COJIPKOJIISESSan Francisco Dfc 16 Abraham Uuof

former political boss of San Franclscuwho Is under sentence of 14 years im-prisonment


for bribery compromised yestcnl15 on a claim for nearly J270-ibroiiftlit

>ngajnst him by Frank J Mur-


an attiifncy who represented lilih-at Ids trial A jury Imd been cmpanolod-to try tlio claim when tho settlement waannounced Noitlicr Iluof nor Murphvwould reveal the tirm of agrocmpnt-

DnrhiK the llueC tilnl a chargft of at-tpiniillng to bribe a jiuor was broughtngilnst Murphy and hu thereupon threwun his briijf Ilii Avas arterwauls tried oii-Hie charge ami acquitted


Moving Plcturue Are to ho Trlcil nt-

Klgin 111 State HotpltnlC-

hlcnKPi ec 16 Moving pictures as nmeans or curing Insane patients will hetiled by Supt Sidney n WllguK of tho-Klgln state hospital The first pictureswin he shown on Christmas day andtvoshows a week will ho given thereafter

Moving plnturcfl will help UN material-ly In inning patlonts stated Dr Wiluus-yistoiday will taki thomlnds of-tho patients from their misfortunes andillto any othcr harmlesn diversion willfcllmulatu their weakened brains

1 will censor all pictures shown at thahospital and will not permit any pictures

aro frequently eoen at 5centchows to bo shown at the hospital

Fredonla N Y Dec Ifi Biilover n radius of several blocks worodamaged by a boiler explosion In tho-Ficdonla street railway pqvvor househero shortly before midnight One manwas killed and another fatally InjuredTwo boilers exploded simultaneouslywith a great tonr watt plainlyheard at a distance of several milesTho pioperty loss will exceed 160000

The dead man L B Burrows a fire-man


was hit by a 1 200pound frag-ment


of flying metal Ills assistantWilliam Bishop was seated on a beamwhich wan blown through tho root to-

tho top of a barn BOO foot away carryIng him along Ho Is dying of his fInjuries

Fragments of the bollcis wore scat-tered

¬In all directions and a bundled

peiKons had hairbreadth escapes fromdeath from the flying missiles Thobuildings damaged Include tho postof-flcn and the Colunibla hotel Severalstreet cars wore jvrockoil



Washington Doe 10 Approximately9250 acios of land In Oiogon and lfOOacres In Now Mexico recently havoboon designated by Secy Of tho Interlor Balllmror under tho provisions of-tho enlarged homestead act as notbolng susceptible o suceosrful InlyaitlonThCHo changes hrltu tho total of NowMexloo designation to data to 15932029 Oregon llODOM-


N iw VorU DOC 13 John I > toclceffcl-lor


Is the lucst piircbntiar of hodCrosii-al In the United fjtatps Ills rordert-

llKM by the Now Torlt ntd Cross sp-clety was fcr 60nXi of ijho Christinaslickers which will be pustedon thareiverso side of nil mull matter isont out >

from tho offlees of thostandurdOll com-pany

¬durlni tho holiday season

> rv