ii r woman is a mystery i llyceum...

THE WASHINGTON HERALD FRIDAY AUGUST 16 190r 9 wTTi iI iIIL r i I WOMAN IS A MYSTERY Alexandria Police Puzzled by Strange Prisoner WILL NOT TELL HER NAME Tuken tfr on Street in early Hour She Declines to Give Information Two Auto Companies Chartered Negro Accused of Jforgery Cnton Has Xo Qpposltlpn for Legislature WASHINGTON HKRALD BORKAO Bell TVJephcwe k- S9 King abeet Alexandria Va Aug 15 A strong sug- gestion of mystery figure m the case of a weildreeed and goodlooking woman about thirtylive years of age a stranger In this city who was apprehended while wandering about the streets in light attire last night and is now detained at the sta- tion house As to her name residiice and the reasons which brought her to this city the polc have little information She declines to state who she is or to tell anything definite concerning herself The police learned however that she camo to Alexandria yesterday from Catletts Va and that she has lived in PitUbarg lift ween 3 and 4 oclock this morning the woman left a boarding house on South Columbus street where she hail paid for a weeks lodging in advance and started to roam about the streets When she left the place she was in a highly nervous and excited condition and some- one at the houee notified the pollee de- partment Lieut Bottte and Officer Young who started In search of the stranger finally caught sight of her gliding like a phantom across one of the streets near the center of the city They succeeded in get ting her back to her rooms and Dr Wil- liam M Smith was summoned She ap peared to be in a state bordering on but was quieted Though ex- tremely loquacious she resisted all at tempts to learn anything about her Men tity SIte stated that she had lived in Richmond Says She Seeks Dlvoree This afternoon she ww conveyed In a carriage to the station and con- fined in the witness room where she wee detained for the night This evening she asserted that she had come to this State In order to secure a divorce Her plans she said had failed to work out and she had gotten into misfortune but beyond that she declined to make any state meat The police learned that baggage is being held for the woman at Munaseas It hi said that the trunks are held in the name of Mrs S M HuckeetSne but whether that is her name the police are unable to say It was stated at the fetation house this evening that an effort had been made to have the stranger placed In care of a Catholic benevo lent society in Washington and that she would probably be taken to that city tomorrow Plus to that effect were made after it was learned that she k a Catholic Lieut Smith made the witness room comfortable for the woman tonight It is declared that the cue emphasise the pressing need of some provision in this city for the care of women who have to be detained by the police Auto Companies Chartered The State corporation commtaeion has granted a charter to the Auto Sales and Comjkuiy of this city formed to engage in the automobile business The capital stock it to range between 15W and 15000 The officers are W P Barn hart president a T Diggs secretary and H L Quinn treasurer all of Wash- ington A charter has also been granted to the International Auto Sightseeing and Tran- sit Company of this city with a capital stock not to be less than M nor to ex- ceed 100008 It will also engage in the automobile business The officers are the same as in the other concern Held for Forgery- At a hearing in the police court to day the case of Charles Johnson col- ored charged with forgery wee Justice Caton to the grand Jury Sev eral checks for small amount were placed in evidence against the defendant and J H Rice testified that he had accepted- one of the cheeks from Johnson The prisoner declared that the checks had been given him by a white man in Bos- ton He stated that he came to this city several days ago from Providence R I W E Faulconer Iend The remains of William E Faulconer who died last night at the Alexan- dria Hospital were forwarded this morn- ing to Yorkvllle S C his former home for interment Mr Fauleoner was twenty tine years old and had lived in this city a number f years He was a nephew of Mrs Henry F Robertson of city Xo Lagislntive Primary- As James R Caton was the only one his name with the Democratic com rrit tec for Alexandria city and county as a candidate for the house of delegates no primary will be held to make a nomina- tion for that position but Mr Caton will declared the nominee of the party The time allowed for the registration of names of candidates expired today Mr eaton has represented Alexandria County and city in the legislature for a number- of years By the explosion of a gasoline stove this afternoon at the residence of Prank Power Ml North Pitt street Flor- ence Pulman daughter of Gturrmt man was severely burned about tbe hands and v face The home was only slightly damaged by the Are that resulted from the accident Eight dogs were gathered in today when the corporation ig wagon made its rounds The luckless animals were lodged in an inclostir at Ute city Jail where they will be butchered with a bat unless the owners come forward- to redeem them FROSTBURG HAS NEW ORGAN- Is Partly Gift of Andrew Carnegie to Mcthodiat Church Froatburg Md Aug First Methodist Episcopal Church is the recip ient of a fine new pipeorgan which is partly the gift of Andrew Carnegie The organ cost JUn and half of the price being paid by Mr Carnegie the other half being raised by popular sub- scription It is twenty feet wide twenty feet long and six feet deep and encased In black walnut surmounted by pipes decorated to harmonize with the fresco- Ing of tbe auditorium The first recital on the new organ was given by Mrs Jenny Lind Green organ- ist of Grace 2kL E Church Baltimore Md assisted by Mrs Mackenzie Byrne of New York City After the initial performance It was an- nounced that another recital would be given the following Sunday In a short white the church was filled to its soar- ing capacity of TOO and many stood in the aisles and outside to listen to the service which was almost entirely mu sical I del- irium the Gar referred- b to- e f Jill Pul liThe e S I i P house Negro b this lit base- ball p > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ NEW MIDDIES NUMBER 279 Fourth Clans This Includes Many Marylanders Anpupolis Md ug 15 The admission- to Naval Academy of H G W 4fC ot Waterbury Conn yesterday swells th membership of the new fourth class to fHL This is IS more than wore in the class which entered the institution in 3606 In addition to those already admitted there re 10 youths still to pass the physi- cal examination after undergoing minor operffHons In the new class there a number of Maryland youths and Baltimore Is repre- sented by four M Kenny son of Mrs T M Kenny 178 Park avenue Lee C Carey son of W L Carey St Paul apartments Sherwood Picking son of Mrs Laura S Picking 14 West Pratt street and Julius Hall who has lived in Annapolis a number of years and whose father to Julius Hall of The other MarYlanders In the clue are Charle Oscar Badger of Annapolis son ot Superintendent Badger of the Naval Academy Lewis H Brereton son of Commander W D Brereton U S N of Annapolis John A Baird of An- napolis son of Capt William Baird U S A of the Adjutant Generals office Mil- ton H Anderson son of Mrs Annie An- derson of Annapolis John A Gray son of William M Gray of Chevy Chase Frederick Rodgers jr son of Frederick Rodgers of Havre de Grace and John H Calhoun son of J G Calhoun of Har wood AIMS AT NEGRO HITS OFFICER Young Winchester Man May Have to Face Murder Charge Altercation with Barber Followed by Fusillade of Shuts Ton MorlaliNt Escapes SyecW to The sWagtii UtnM Winchester Va A ff 15 P Jio ut Lewis Legg of Winchester lies in hospital in this city tonight with 6 n- gerous bullet wound Just over his and James ar Jack son of C P Jack proprietor of the Evans Hotel is in charged with the shooting Shortly before noon young Jack and Charles Hall a negro barber engaged in an altercation at the latters shop Jacks assault upon Hall It Is alleged being without provocation Legs arrived jut as Jack who had gone for revolver reappeared Jack began firing it Is said at Hall the sec- ond shot striking Legg jut over the heart Jack fired five shots into the shop but Han and a customer in the chair ee coped Jack was arrested shortly after- ward by Chief Seabright NEW CHAMPION JERSEY BULL Animal Soul uy Carter Glass Downs GKCTTCJ nt Lexington SpedoJ to The WaabtacUm Herald Lynchburg Va Aug 15 Congreaaman Carter Glass former owner of the Mont view herd of highbred Jersey cattle which was sold In this city last week received a telegram from Lexington Ky stating that Morrltts Flying Pox the Im- ported bull bought at the sale by J R Slann of Texas had won first prize at the Kentucky Blue Grass Fair in the class for bulls three years old or over and also the sweepstake prize as the champion bull of any age Morrltts Flying Fox competed with several of the most noted bulls In the country including Galloway the bull imported by MeLaury Brothers the New York Jersey breeders Galloway has been sweeping the prizes in ovary show for three years but It seemg that he went up against a superior proposition when he struck the head bull of Mont view farm DAVID E EVANS DEAD- Head of Telephone Company and Prominent Consulting Engineer Special to The Waabtegtoo Herald Baltimore Aug 15 David R Evans president of the Maryland Telephone Company died at St Josephs Hospital at 115 oclock this morning of peritonetis- Mr Evans was prominent as a consult ing electrician and as a builder of rail- ways He constructed more than 75 per cent of the United Hallways in this city and built the electric road from Norfolk- to Berkley Va Prior to taking the pres- idency of the Maryland Telephone Com- pany he was engaged in the general con- tracting business and before that was general manager of the Brush Electric Company POHCEIMN CARRIES MAD DOG Baltimore Officer Grasps It by Throat and Takes It n Block Special t The Waahtacton herald f Baltimore Aug 15 Officer John Burns of the traffic squad caught a mad dog by its throat with his hands this morning on Hanover street near Fayette It had snapped at a number of people and was causing a panic He carried It to Bal- timore and Hanover streets where he placed It in a vacant store front of the Piper Building Later it was put to death by agent of the Society for tho Prevention of Cru- elty to Animals The dog created a great deal of excitement and caused a complete tieup on the three streets for a short time MARYLAND NEWS IN BRIEF Condensed Special Dispatches from he Old Line State Laurel Aug funeral of Mrs Cyrus who died Monday It Hfeh ItWgB Hew art Comfy u Mid today She was about fert- yRockvile Aug 15Tempemnce work I meeting of the Mont today at Waahiogton OTOTC Cumberland Aug 15John T Zollner 4flrd flftyfiw a brakemen was killed this DOOII whfle attaapdnc to era Ute DalUraore sad Ohio track at Oldtown read He vms deaf sad did Centerville Aug l The Democratic jxaMMtan of the Second jmfefal dn k aot here thte afternoon aid aoalooted WUHam H AW ot Thaw CowUr Hill IhflemoB B lIsp per of Qtiee A e tor tbe two associate judge aMpt Baltimore Aug liAn Inventory of tINt estate of the taU finely Johasn wkkh was te the Orphans Owrt to ay ows iMtMty of about JBSO dl she emter part of wkhh fe in torts and bonds of the ofaw geMrally kaown as giittjg sowritie Mountain Lake Park Aug 15 Today wee recognittai day at tIM Mowntafe ChantaHQ s slId one of the Wpgest days of Uw se sae The ChnutaaqwuH Marched teas ben f phflo- opby to ttw amphitheater where tile dlplomaa were csented to Ute cfa s of TffK Annapolis Aug 15 Dr Caswcll Grave of UK shell fish canadsitoa with Kncfatecr ibrh and Uw hyOroKiaphte force left AnewpeHs this mondoff for Herriatr flay to gather data sad draft exhibits needed for the wramteions answer to Ute petitlwi of the oyitcrmsn of the lower pert of the county r boUt membersThomas Balti- more but Wa the a heart Jell an 15The Reel n cI age and is wind Ity her es to the of probsbly UOO at heeded the CAMuItJ AIItWaJooD was heM ym oct hear Ute apaeeth of a sir lied Ute Year the orb re- tired a yes hesbend ae othes amiber Lesue wbl alto Jed C ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < HEAR RAILROAD SIDE North Carolina Rate Case Taken Up in Gotham STATES RIGHT IS DEFENDED Connncl for Attorney General Rends Memorandum Jimlwtlns Upon Prltclmrds Lack of Jurisdiction and Roads constitutional to Sue the Commonvcalih Now York Aug 15 North Carolinas flffht with the Southern Railway for a 4cnt passenger rato was taken up In this city today when half a dozen law- yers from that State marched Into the Southerns offices at 80 Broadway and be gnu taking testimony before a master In chancery appointed by Judge Pritchard of the United States Circuit Court Upon the report of the master will de- pend whether Judge Pritchard will Issue- a permanent injunction against the North Carolina corporation commission and the attorney general restraining them from enforcing the now rate law The tempo rary injunction Issued by Judgo Pritchard is being held In abeyance by agreement the railroad having consented to conform- to the law pending a decision by the United States Supreme Court The ap peal from Judge Prltcharfis decision will be carried direct to the highest court Brilliant Array of Counsel ExJudge W A Montgomery of North Carolina is the master The State cor- poration commission was represented at todays hearing by oChlef Justlee James E Shepherd of the North Caro lint Superior Court exCongressmen F A Woodward exJudge R W Winston and State Senator Walter E Daniel The attorney generals interests were pro- tected by E J Justice speaker of the North Carolina house of representatives and exGov Chance B Aycock Franklin McNeil and Henry C Brown chairman Mid secretary respectively of the North Carolina corporation commission attended the hearing The railroad lawyers were Alfred P Thorn F H Busbey and Wal- ter D Hines Only reference was made In todays proceedings to the State rights phase of th litigation That was when Mr Jus- tice read a statement which made It plain that the State authorities had no intention of appearing through counsel- In the prevent proceedings to acknowledge right of the Federal court to grant the injunction Defends State RlghtM I specialty appear for the attorney general and his assistant said Mr Jus- tice to assert that the passenger rate law went into effect by the operation of the act of July 1 Ififfi and that the at tempt by the Southern Railway to enjcdn the corporation commission and the At- torney general from putting into oJ ct the previsions of the law was a pretense- at acquiring jurisdiction by a Federal court and that the court did not acquire jurisdiction through the railroad company bringing suit against those who had noth- ing to do with the putting of the law Into effect Mr Justice went on to road Into the record that this was a fraud on the courts jurisdiction that the railroad company did not sue the State of North Carolina and could not sue It or Its of- ficers boeauee of the eleventh amend- ment to the Constitution of the United St es which forbids this and that they did not and could not enjoin the State and its officers by indirection when they could not do it directly Connnel Thorn Objects Mr Thom of counsel for the railroad objected to the filing of the Justice mem- orandum He said that the question of jurisdiction had been argued before the court and had been determined to the contentions in the memo- randum Vice President H B Spencer of the Southern and J M Barr former presi- dent of the Seaboard Air Line were the only two witnesses examined today Operating Expenses High Mr Spencer testified that owing to an Increase in the price of material and wages the operating expenses of rail roads in the South have been steadily growing larger The operating expenses of the Southern he declared are now 71 per cent of the gross receipts Mr Justice wanted to know of Mr Barr if it was the policy of the Southern Railway to maintain a monopoly by threatening to make reprisals on other railroads that contemplated entering its territory- I dont think so said Mr Barr Well didnt you say at one time that the Seaboard Line couldnt build into Greensboro N C for fear that Southern would make reprisals- I did Was there a gentlemans between the two roads in regard to this Mr Barr objected to answering that question but when the master ruled that it was relevant he said there was none NEGRO PAIR A DANGER Troops Held at Onancoclc tor It Threaten to Lynch Blacks Special to The Washington Herald Onancock Va Aug 15 Tho troops sent here by Govt Swanson as a result of tho recent race riots will remain until the negroes State fair which will be held for several days next week If no fur- ther trouble occurs during tho fair it is believed no more need be feared The negroes who Incited and led the recent attack on the whites are still at large and open threats of lynching are made against them in the event of their being captured GIVES COMER A CHANCE Railroad Gets Sweeping Injunction- in Rate Controversy Special to The Washington Herald Montgomery Ala Aug 15 An was procured last night by the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Com pany from Judge Jones of the United States Court restraining the State from enforcing the commodity freightrate law and the passenger rate law until the Federal courts shall have passed on the validity of these acts Every sheriff in Alabama and every solicitor is restrained from arresting or Indicting employes of the company who violate the terms of the acts This Is a challenge to Gov Comer who recently announced would prose cute every railroad which violated the laws despite the action of the Federal courts De Vonpfcs Oilenvrald Speck to The Wohfa stoc Uarald Laurel Md Aug 15 Miss Bertha Oden weld daughter of Mr and Mrs G Odenwald was married to Francis De Vonsea son of Mr and Mrs Alphose Do Vonges formerly of Annapolis Junction last evening at St Mnrys Catholic Church by Rev T S Dolan Miss Marie OFarrell of Baltimore was maid of honor and Jamos Kelley of Baltimore was best man A reception followed the ceremony Mr and Mrs De Vonges have gone to Atlantic City I one the the 1 understand- Ing cent that Ale Herman In- ability ad- versely in- junction 2 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ½ JONES CONFESSES KILLING Man Who Shot Operator at Hancock Pleads Guilty to Charge Sjwdal to The WashUgtoh Herald Hancock Md Aug 16 William T Jones who last Sunday morning shot and killed Morris F Van Goaen a Baltimore and Ohio Railroad telegraph operator In charge of the signal tower at Hancook station was given a preliminary hearing before Justice P J Couglan at Berkeley Springs oUter the charge had been road to him Jones entered a pie of guilty and was committed by Justfca Coughlnn to jail without bond for court There is still a strong feeling against Jones who admits that he shot Van Gosen by mistake for Tllden Barnes for whom he was hunting with his shotgun GIRL ACCUSES BOY OP 17 He Is Held la 70O flail on Two Serious Charge Specie to The Waahtaeton herald Salisbury N C Aug 16 Judgo Harry J Overman last night held for court Numa W Sowers a boy of seventeen related to one of the wealthiest farmers- in the county under two serious charges preferred by Miss Beulah Watson The bond In the that case won put at 5500 and the second J200 His rich relatives gave It Congressman Theodore F Kluttz State Senator Wliltehead Kluttz and T F Hudson appeared for the defendant and State Senator R Lee Wright and T H Vanderford represented Miss Watson VIRGINIA AND WEST VIRGINIA I Brief Items of Interest from the Sis ter States Over the River Sunday School Superintendent Re Hipnii Eighteenth Aimuul Re- union of Dine und Gray ICflyaer Aug If Rv Mr Hammond fMftaim4Mt the Vhstata Fttfwm School at Pnwtjtowm take aSset 0 U- hFmlrmont Aug 18F C Cook of SVtlefc W Vt bee a ugtal iMntor ef tile beaM f MPMto t Falraoat Nmoal School Key r Aug l The eighteenth annual of the Bhw and UH Owy will be MA at IlawwwoJd W Va S pteoabar 4 awl 5 Ohio and Richmond Aug 15 Henrlco County Is roa by pa ta of wW dogs wbo are dwirofinff- rmbjn of itorp and The farmers bare bcm a caapttem of axtcnatoaUa agalawt Richmond Aug 1 Th ninth annual O TT UOK of Sotttbmt iiauauiaiMis AModtloB- fc in sMatoa at J MMB Hotel RefmM a- Clartcsburg Aug B Addte Swiger aged aixteea ao of Leoa Siftt of Center L mir Cfarkabwc bad a Richmond Aug Washing toi Tbcwaa M attd Koeiatate of Hooxfeo OaHU had a arrow lion belie biased to death at hk how last xtekt hr Ae uarli no of a hmtaatl- aaap his ttdduarttr SHAKE THAT SAFETY RAZOR- If You Must Use It Then Cut Your Own Hair Say Barbers Local TonsorialifttM Make Horrible Threats to Those Who EfTom mate and lUnch hinted Device A bs the safety razor is running neck and neck with the slogan Rause rait em for position top of column next to reading matter as the war cry of the journeymen barbers union of America The whole trouble originated with the convention of the master barbers now on in New York and it was the near unanimous opinion of the members that he who shaves himself must trim his own hair- Do we approve well I guess said a member of th Washington union yes- terday afternoon I cant know what a bus moans ex- actly but so far as Reuse mit em Is concerned thats us every turn of the wheel Gee a man that shaves himself must have a stinky disposition to hate to give the money to barber If he shaves himself he sure ought to do his own scalpin and if the master barbers say the word Ill refuse an Offer to cut the hair of a man whose face looks like he had been In close communion with a moat Any time you see a face that looks like a relief map of Case Blanca you can bet the owner was too stingy to sep- arate himself from the price of a shave and we barbers must live you know Summed up It seems that In the future when Washington takes Its head to a barber shop It must provide a clean bill of health for its face If the barber asks where the slashes came from and Wash- Ington cannot prove they were trade- marks from a fellowcraftsman the artist of the cutlass will kindly but firmly In- vite evacuation and Washington wilt go home to try Its luck with the lawn mower As usual John D Rockefeller will get the best of such n move because hs hasnt any hair to need trimming and anyhow his shears are said to have be come dulled from long clipping of coupons According to the local members of the union that organization Is opposed to the safety razor principally because It be longs to no union and everybody knows a wellregulated safety razor cant talk so whats the use As one member here put It yesterday Safety razors arc all right In their place but the place Is riot where most of them are ket They belong to an age to como when beards begin to appear on the faces of women because well all be dead then and wont have to make a living for the rest of the family As an afterthought however he thusly Well there are women barbers now to shave men so why not women barbers to shave women This particular member of the trade the only way to eliminate the safety razor Is to convince the owners that the visit to the bjrber Is a dally necessity and not a monthly convenience Three AniiivemnrJci in One Special to The Watagtca Herald Lanham Md Aug 15 A trio of happy couples who have not grown weary In five years of married life the anni versary of their respective marriages at Lanhanj Wednesday They are Mr and Mrs Guy S Meloy Mr and Mrs Richard- J Crosby and Mr and Mrs Edgar Brown The celebration was a Joint af- fair and took puce at Longvlew the charming residence of Mr and Mrs Me lay Largest Morning Circulation AJadv contracts made by Tns Washington Herald are based upon Its sworn circula- tion In Washington larger by thou was ever before attained by any morning newspaper at the Capital Its books are open I it Wet rnad te MIa a Ute of It L NiIf YettfUI ri1 panicleste eS mUle diem the tile u eC belt ta she South HI hi at tIoa of his abet lis the ICIdIhIdaI of Ilk scm 111 utJIc 15George t Use as- sembled axe solilo- quized celebrated I circulationa shds than his ort pMce Base russia PeaaeflaaiO the neosrise teadasic a slat band away israe vhf ape a be- lieves ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Good Crowd at on Final Day FINE RACING DRAWS PEOPLE Running and Trotting Events Create Enthusiasm nnd harness Horses Share the Interest Julian aiorris Gnrbcr and Garber flyers Brothers and Others Aftioner the Winners Spurfal te The WMMaeton Herald Harrlsonburg Va Aug 16 Tha at- tendance today the last day of the Horse Show was not as large as yesterday but It was large nevertheless The events of the day were the running and trotting races while the hunters and harness horses shared the plaudits of the grand stand The 23 trot and pace was especially close Humbeldt owned by J M Ka anaugh of Harrlsonburg win- ning the first second and fifth heats the other two being taken by Major Kip- ling owned by H J Jameson Radford Va The winners Best brood rattaWe for breedlaz saddle h s Slare Isbn F Lovrta Lmvood list mire Charles Ortan Ilarriaj HarriMafewg second mare hike Ltezle B Miner Btktoe tided Marea sottabie to prodwe matonMare Tfcemai G Herring Brldgewater first mare Piers Bros aeeosd Joseph Clatter Bttek Dayton third Pairs of roadstersPair Dr John A Mien rtoonbwrg Out par Rodders Taylor maaatoa- Moond Siacie horaesBjors Boss first and third M M Jataaa second Stogie roa4MpnKodeEn Tar Stauston Va Ant and aoeom- iSterfe hanew hones W 8a3 rGar- bw Gftriwr HarriMHewz Seat and ftcoad BronB- fQfc thW- 1ark hacisIrtjfe Rose Merrfe firtt Sir nfa Jorfaa Mflrrta tttooA Meets CbrWo Garter Gerber tided SporUsg tainkewOtsrber Gerber flaiL Dyers Bros Mooad- Cflsab4wUoai SIddle sad kotaeos komsGarher Garter ftrat Silica second D Myen G itd aaddte stalbKvsflwwral Dr John A Myers Harrtsoabwrc Ant Woodfoid John T OB Cottey Ha iaetwre ateoad Ladles koat Kewkk ant Band Grar lee cad both owned br Sulks Morris FrwforaU trot and paw wffc heats best three te KreBad Xw C F IlfMurtpn QkMfornia woo three Seat bests St limb F X Iturjew- nooewrt W Va seaaftA Mined Thompson H J Jaweson tibet Tom LittMoo L DM Richmond fourth HvaboUt J M Kareanfib Sect Major KipJiivs H J Jaaaaton s ooNd Alto Clark C F Bunch Pteoaiium CaL tMrd Now W Dr W K TteborrlOo Va fourth Ttae 222H Rormtoir three ajarteK of a atte LitUe COt Alex McDMk Dmw n Va irK OohaH J I Tempi ItWuBood second Bonding T K Sn fkte Rtcbraood tided Th 115 Ranntos Aro hto of a ellob L P Hoflkkr SUtmtos frat Vaaloon Alex McDan tel Ktes of Rcgra urea Haaall third Thaw 1L Pales barneM barns OBese aad oaehalf haMs and nwlerOarber Garber lest L L Yan coy Ladles Miners horaeoLmir Gay Gerber Gar ber OeM Gay Law GuM Garber second needy Byen Bwe tided Hunt UaaMK Mkk Ifwt ChA Ant CortetbiR otetfrDarid Oval ant Majestic sec- ond Wflhwr Ktac third sIt oroed by Julian Ktovsek Va FREAR GOVERNS THE ISLANDS Succeeds George E Carter as Ex- ecutive in Hawaii New Ofllclnl Han Been Chief Justice of Territorial Supreme Court In a Graduate of Yale The resignation of Gay George R Car- ter of Hawaii which was ottbtftitted to President Roosevelt about six weeks ago took effect yesterday and his successor Judge Walter F Freer chief justice of the Supreme Court of Hawaii enters upon his duties as chief executive of the islands Mr Carter was appointed governor of the islands on November 21 1608 Pre- vious to his appointment he had served for nine months as secretary of the Terri- tory ExGev Carter is a native of Hawaii having been born in Honolulu in ISM He was educated at Phillips Academy Andover and was graduated as a civil engineer from the Sheffield Scientific School Yale in 1M During his college days he was a famous athlete and was member of the Yale football teams from 1555 to 3387 rowed in the Yale crews of 1SS7 After his return to Hawaii he was elected In 18M to the Hawaiian senate and served until his ap- pointment as secretary of Hawaii in Mr Carter has spent most of his life In Hawaii and takes a deep nterost in the successful administration ot the affairs of the Territory and he will remain in Hon olulu and assist the new governor in acquainted with the duties of his office Gov Frear has been since July 5 1900 the chief justice of the Hawaiian Supreme Court He was born In Cali- fornia In 1S8I but in early life went to the Islands and was graduated from Oahu College Honolulu In 1881 He later took the degree of bachelor of arts from Yale University In 1SS5 and graduated from the Yale Law School In 1S90 winning the Jewel prize for making the highest marks In his examinations at graduation From 1556 to l8S he taught Greek mathematics and political economy In the Oahu College at Honolulu He entered judicial life In 1893 as second judge of the first judicial circuit of the kingdom of Hawaii and In March 1881 became second associate judge of the Supreme Court of the provisional govern- ment of Hawaii In 1900 he became chief Justice of the Hawaiian Supreme Court He was a member of the Hawaiian commission which made recommenda- tions to the Congress in 1S03 regarding the legislative needs of the islands He was offered In March 1S09 the position- of minister of foreign affairs and public Instruction but declined In May 1008 ho served as chairman of the Hawaiian code commission MORE MEN FOR ANNAPOLIS- Capt Badger AVnnt Complement of Officers Enlarged Capt Charles J Badger superintendent of Annapolis Naval Academy was In Washington yesterday and had a confer- ence with the officials of the Navy De- partment In regard to having the of officers who will do duty at the institution during the coming scho- lastic term completed shortly The principal matter in this connection that of designating the officers who will preside over the departments of Instruc- tion to fill tho several vacancies that occurred has been consummated but It has been found that eight more younger officers are needed to complete the quota of assistants In different branches There will be more than the usual number of changes in the roster when the next academic term begins on October 1 Lieut Commander George W Laws yesterday at the Academy and was assigned temporarily to duty In the department of steam engineering HORSE SHOW CLOSES H alrisol1 burg Bar Lacy Series mare lie 4 len i tIdni RaM W J trot and JIIOI Mats three to J e Girl second Sped tell second Mo- rn a He also and isss lOOt be- coming th com- plement re- ported harness beads sad Sultan Miles nil best See Fable Roy I ¬ ¬ ¬ < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ i THE GOOD BUSINESS MAN The wideawake business- man the sort who appre- ciates modern methods avails himself of the advan tages of a checking account By it he pays bills conven- iently remits to any distant point and always has a X record of his expendi- tures You ought to enjoy this convenience If not familiar with the facilities this bank offers we will gladly inform g you Home Savings Bank J 7th and Mass Ave N W BRANCHES th and H Sts N E Deposits more than a Million and Threequarters CREDIT FOR ALL WASHINGTON Our August Clearing Sale Affects department There is hardly a piece of Furniture or yard of Floor Coverings in this vast estab- lishment that is not deeply reduced in price We must make a clearance before the arrival of fall stocks and we are not hesitating to sacrifice I prices I CREDIT- We invite you to buy on I Credit and arrange the terms of payment to suit yourself fe Peter Grogan 817819821823 Seventh St Bet H ant I Eye Sts J SELL BONDS BELOW PAR Contractors Do What City Cannot and Prices Are Demoralized New York Aug 15 The citys bar gaincounter sale of bonds has struck a Contractors who accepted part of the bond issue In payment for money due them from the city have taken the securities into the financial district In an endeavor to realize cash thereon As bankers and brokers had refused to bid let tbe bonds when bids were recently advertised for because they believe the interest is not high enough in these times of Ught and high money the contractors were forced to sell their bonds from one to two points below par Thfeupset the market for city bonds and incidentally established the lowest price for these se- curities in years Under the law the city cannot sell bonds below par so that it the lower price continues in the bond market the citys private sale must necessarily stop Financiers want the city to pay higher interest on its bonds and they believe- it will be compelled to do so before it can get a satisfactory market for Its JONES VERDICT RECEIVED Chaplains Case Concluded 1 y Xor folk Conrtmartlnl The Judge Advocate General of the nay yesterday received the courtmartial verdict In the case of Harry W Jones chaplain attached to the Minnesota The chaplain was tried at Norfolk on charges of falsehood and scandalous con- duct to the destruction of good morals on account cf uttering and passing worth- less checks The verdict has not been made public but it Is the general belief that the chaplain has been found guilty and will be dismissed VAN HOESEN THE WINNER IK Awarded Finals in Mount Pleas- ant TcnnlH Tournament Van Hoesen the champion of last year was awarded the final round in the tournament at School and Lamon streets yesterday as Heylmun his opponent Is unable to complete the match The final round In the doubles will be played today the contestants being Van Hoesen and Jameson and Hill and Win field MARYLAND RESORTS OCEAN CITY WRGE ROOMS WITH EXCELLENT BOARD 5 per day 57 to 10 per wwlc Sea Crest Cottage Ocean City Md Mrs ANNA B SHOWELL artlit Y P i com- plete i y Y X 436 yth St S V i v every se- curities x X snag C ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ + = + = + + AMUSEMENTS POPULAR WITH THE fEOPLE OPERA NKff NATIONAL THEATER lLYCEUM I MATINEE DAILY ALL Tilts WEEK THE INNOCENT MAIDS WITH A LAVISH OF SCENEElC- OKTUMKM AM GIRLS UllllS NEXT AMEKICANS PROD tTlC GIRLS 250 SOc 75c I I Saturday At 219 Matins 26c- 50c Mat I ADORN OPERA COin 1 ThiRtrainleOpiiMARITANACMt if Sixty I WEEKSEATS SELLINU 1- IL TUOVATOBE With E81ELLE VENTVOnTH I- Ba THEATRE AD sUM ROOF GARDEN Prices i5r to 75c Teddy Bear Matinee Tomorrow 25c and 50c CHARLOTTE In H II Darks 4 deter Comedy Next We kTHE MARJUAOE OF KITTY Direct Lat dt Amnjnrent Ccmpinr THE POPlLAK FAMILY PLAYHOUSE OPENS NEXT MONDAY AUGUST 10 llntlnccs Dully 215 Evenings 8tl5 Prices Mat in 25c Evgn 2T SOc D Fitzscrulil Preent the rumoR Stock Company Daily Mstjfcfs 2V L i ings 2 c and tOe NINTH iHAM ANNt AL OPENING MONDAY MATINEE AUG 19TH Has Offlw now upon for Advance a m to 3 p m MiEnificent inaugural bill Aerial Ballet Mr sad Mrs SM tr Drew and Company The Amencn Comedy Your Mite Walter Dariei IotUton L utv Kdncnted KuNxm and the Motion Pictures Per th and Bath dents at oucv and xcure the brIt GLEN ECHO HIPPODROME GILBERT SULLIVANS Say H M S PINAFORE Dip Chorus Excellent Cast Reserved Seats POPULAR PRICE 2Sc on sale at A F Jones Ticket Agency in Tophams 1219 F St N W JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION The Herald at Jamcstowa Exposition and Norfolt The Waafctestea HtcaM is on sale at tfit- feJlawfns i at the Jasuuutrn- ErnoaiUea LAST I O WALKER Cousin Kate 1 V IN THE CHRISTIAN Phone Jr IPO Open Sale fees G ti IS a Ie Im The the Bur th DaB hilt Td J kx Odice Ncw 133 ioctu41n Clara Bust Jul ThIs Week < lisa Beech IwM Sa View States Ibid Betel Jan Grmteae D tM Cncketb- liaid Un i a laD AIro at Ute sews boetbs ttrswsWat its At Norfolk the paper be had at lbs I InIIIDIb may Ezt1on ilreri Hotel o Fairfax I lt Atlantic NfMa New tffcah 1 u I icterta Also at all Norfolk sews ttatx- V1LIO UIIBY 1JBACH HOTEL WIIAOUOHBY VA Special rusts tor WMbtoetM o wMIe Tla ni Aaer Old IoJ t ffijucM or Beach from Norfolk Floe fcoitica and f Doet e sad Iron i V- yl6de3cStf If a PARKftR ilaw r VICTORIA HOTEL Mata at XcrfolS Va Etsopean ptas V A a Brine Manager Can to Jamotiiws JfzposKMS pu the door two squares to tor wile route A1VN AltBOK COTTAGEVIRGIXIA BAT STA- tion Oe Va New cgttagt ewh fez aifad lighted by rfeetrieitj So tare 10 CC4 bcatd rrtMoablc peterS MRS C A hAs UiUS trBSit Algonquin Hotel A S2St sent qmpai acoeBimotiates 2H European plat zcelleat s Cars to Jameitcwa doors W1L C ItOYKK Manaer or ask Mr Foster aylStt TUB MEBPHiIAC COTTAGE Qftan View Va- DirecUy water front new house brae mm Ins and asbinc ATLANTIC CITY HOTEL MONTCELLO Ocean end of Kentucky are New tlirourhout Citys tersest ftnest and hotel at moderate Kle t roorw with baths at- tached table and nice of bSjhwt standard boae like tuntrandicgs liberal rates up weekly J bgrtembsr rates orchestra Booklet C Ask Mr FotUr ALL NEW BUT THE NAJIE New Hotel IslesworthI- n the Hurt f Atlantic City the Boardwalk anti Steel Pier 4C9 Newly Furnished ROMM en salts and srnjte Baths tea water CMioections our sir refer please jaa UooUets and rates fir the HOTEL JACKSONDire- ctly Opposite Steel Pier Fireproof Virginia the Beach American and European plans lloonta with bath Finest Cafe IB sty Jti9 T fr JHW per weak up American Also a la carte e nr orchteira JOHN CltUaB anMltixwi HOTEL MAJESTIC Ha- nd Ikacti Cl s to steel Pier Etemvr private HP weekly 2 up dairy SAMUEL THE BERESFORDIe Bract X Week from Steel Pier Appointments com Caisin unexcelled to 13 weekly CHARLES PEASE ROOMS OMATHE SEERY adjoining Marrbcr- ougbBknbcim H6 Sft Ohio aye Center of city Jl per day up C FRANK HAGAN aaSlSt VIRGINIA RESORTS NATIONAL ccnrenif ncei newly fiiruUliH superior table Ireeitone water did scenery and drirln two blacks tram depot HOVEL JENKINS Proprietor Va s W tioc 3 dAy and up View tat f COMfort QI Oafi marked 111 local t 13t 1 auf then U kieR eat Jl till board rnokrte rates tiDe Ida jJtHk I JB4 Ca J I L rare We W F Aveand the 11 See Out Ift t Take Ocean mwdc jed5lm Vt erna inn the excellent beat At- lantic acHy ill asking lrupr OItEE- Mrr des The Unne of At Are flU ELLIS house freti ¬ Virginia Mountain Resorts OX THE LINE OF THE CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILWAY- Dr Joseph Holt who ranks among the foremost sanitarists of the says I con- sider of Virginia as a natural sanitarium where visitors warm lat and especially crowded centers may surely enjoy the benefit of and a long sustained activity in the occupation of a busy and In this favored region where the waters arc renowned 4or their curative proper- ties where the mountain scenery Is magnificent and where the Summer is unsurpassed the days being mildly warm and the nights cool and refreshing aro situated the Virginia Hot Springs Greenbrier Sulphur Springs Warm Springs healing Springs Hockbrldprc Alum Springs Sweet Springs Sweet Chalyb- eate Springs Natural Bridge Red Sulphur Springs Salt Sulphur Springs The Allegheny Jlcalth and Resort Bath Alam Springs Mount Elliott Springs Cold Sulphur Springs Mllltoro nnd many others Stopover privileges at White Sulphur Springs at Cbrlagtoa for Virginia Hot Springs and at lwge toe Natwal Low rate WeekEnd tickets to Mountain Resells tickets parlor and sleeping car accommodationz pansphlets and fell lafoncaUca t C O ediCtS S3 avenue 6W street Trains leave Washlnstou 20 p m week days and iUD p a and 1109 p tn dtUj World tad stiseulna a rI the very best for health often orreworked life bite i lor r ioa P cnnt nth from which insures recuperation and renewed Rest Sr ¬ ¬ ¬ <

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Alexandria Police Puzzled by

Strange Prisoner


Tuken tfr on Street in early HourShe Declines to Give InformationTwo Auto Companies CharteredNegro Accused of Jforgery CntonHas Xo Qpposltlpn for Legislature


S9 King abeetAlexandria Va Aug 15 A strong sug-

gestion of mystery figure m the case ofa weildreeed and goodlooking womanabout thirtylive years of age a strangerIn this city who was apprehended whilewandering about the streets in light attirelast night and is now detained at the sta-

tion house As to her name residiiceand the reasons which brought her to thiscity the polc have little informationShe declines to state who she is or to tellanything definite concerning herself Thepolice learned however that she camo toAlexandria yesterday from Catletts Vaand that she has lived in PitUbarg

lift ween 3 and 4 oclock this morningthe woman left a boarding house onSouth Columbus street where she hailpaid for a weeks lodging in advance andstarted to roam about the streets Whenshe left the place she was in a highlynervous and excited condition and some-one at the houee notified the pollee de-partment Lieut Bottte and Officer Youngwho started In search of the strangerfinally caught sight of her gliding like aphantom across one of the streets near thecenter of the city They succeeded in getting her back to her rooms and Dr Wil-liam M Smith was summoned She appeared to be in a state bordering on

but was quieted Though ex-tremely loquacious she resisted all attempts to learn anything about her Mentity SIte stated that she had lived inRichmond

Says She Seeks DlvoreeThis afternoon she ww conveyed In

a carriage to the station and con-fined in the witness room where she weedetained for the night This evening sheasserted that she had come to this StateIn order to secure a divorce Her plansshe said had failed to work out and shehad gotten into misfortune but beyondthat she declined to make any statemeat

The police learned that baggage is beingheld for the woman at Munaseas It hisaid that the trunks are held in thename of Mrs S M HuckeetSne butwhether that is her name the police areunable to say It was stated at thefetation house this evening that an efforthad been made to have the strangerplaced In care of a Catholic benevolent society in Washington and that shewould probably be taken to that citytomorrow Plus to that effect weremade after it was learned that she ka Catholic

Lieut Smith made the witness roomcomfortable for the woman tonight Itis declared that the cue emphasise thepressing need of some provision in thiscity for the care of women who haveto be detained by the police

Auto Companies CharteredThe State corporation commtaeion has

granted a charter to the Auto Sales andComjkuiy of this city formed to

engage in the automobile business Thecapital stock it to range between 15Wand 15000 The officers are W P Barnhart president a T Diggs secretaryand H L Quinn treasurer all of Wash-ington

A charter has also been granted to theInternational Auto Sightseeing and Tran-sit Company of this city with a capitalstock not to be less than M nor to ex-ceed 100008 It will also engage in theautomobile business The officers are thesame as in the other concern

Held for Forgery-At a hearing in the police court to

day the case of Charles Johnson col-ored charged with forgery wee

Justice Caton to the grand Jury Several checks for small amount were placedin evidence against the defendant andJ H Rice testified that he had accepted-one of the cheeks from Johnson Theprisoner declared that the checks hadbeen given him by a white man in Bos-ton He stated that he came to this cityseveral days ago from Providence R I

W E Faulconer IendThe remains of William E Faulconer

who died last night at the Alexan-dria Hospital were forwarded this morn-ing to Yorkvllle S C his former homefor interment Mr Fauleoner was twentytine years old and had lived in this citya number f years He was a nephewof Mrs Henry F Robertson of city

Xo Lagislntive Primary-As James R Caton was the only one

his name with the Democratic comrrit tec for Alexandria city and county asa candidate for the house of delegates noprimary will be held to make a nomina-tion for that position but Mr Caton will

declared the nominee of the partyThe time allowed for the registration ofnames of candidates expired today Mreaton has represented Alexandria Countyand city in the legislature for a number-of years

By the explosion of a gasoline stove thisafternoon at the residence of PrankPower Ml North Pitt street Flor-ence Pulman daughter of Gturrmtman was severely burned about tbehands and v face The home was onlyslightly damaged by the Are that resultedfrom the accident

Eight dogs were gathered in todaywhen the corporation ig wagon madeits rounds The luckless animals werelodged in an inclostir at Ute city Jailwhere they will be butchered with a

bat unless the owners come forward-to redeem them


Is Partly Gift of Andrew Carnegieto Mcthodiat Church

Froatburg Md Aug FirstMethodist Episcopal Church is the recipient of a fine new pipeorgan which ispartly the gift of Andrew Carnegie

The organ cost JUn and half of theprice being paid by Mr Carnegie theother half being raised by popular sub-scription It is twenty feet wide twentyfeet long and six feet deep and encasedIn black walnut surmounted by pipesdecorated to harmonize with the fresco-Ing of tbe auditorium

The first recital on the new organ wasgiven by Mrs Jenny Lind Green organ-ist of Grace 2kL E Church BaltimoreMd assisted by Mrs Mackenzie Byrneof New York City

After the initial performance It was an-nounced that another recital would begiven the following Sunday In a shortwhite the church was filled to its soar-ing capacity of TOO and many stood inthe aisles and outside to listen to theservice which was almost entirely musical














I i P



































Fourth Clans This IncludesMany Marylanders

Anpupolis Md ug 15 The admission-to Naval Academy of H G W 4fC otWaterbury Conn yesterday swells thmembership of the new fourth class tofHL This is IS more than wore in the classwhich entered the institution in 3606 Inaddition to those already admitted therere 10 youths still to pass the physi-

cal examination after undergoing minoroperffHons

In the new class there a number ofMaryland youths and Baltimore Is repre-

sented by four MKenny son of Mrs T M Kenny 178Park avenue Lee C Carey son of W LCarey St Paul apartments SherwoodPicking son of Mrs Laura S Picking 14West Pratt street and Julius Hall whohas lived in Annapolis a number of yearsand whose father to Julius Hall of

The other MarYlanders In the clue areCharle Oscar Badger of Annapolis sonot Superintendent Badger of the NavalAcademy Lewis H Brereton son ofCommander W D Brereton U S N

of Annapolis John A Baird of An-

napolis son of Capt William Baird U SA of the Adjutant Generals office Mil-

ton H Anderson son of Mrs Annie An-

derson of Annapolis John A Gray sonof William M Gray of Chevy ChaseFrederick Rodgers jr son of FrederickRodgers of Havre de Grace and John HCalhoun son of J G Calhoun of Harwood


Young Winchester Man May Haveto Face Murder Charge

Altercation with Barber Followedby Fusillade of Shuts Ton

MorlaliNt Escapes

SyecW to The sWagtii UtnMWinchester Va A ff 15 P Jio ut

Lewis Legg of Winchester lies inhospital in this city tonight with 6 n-

gerous bullet wound Just over hisand James ar Jack son of C P Jackproprietor of the Evans Hotel is incharged with the shooting

Shortly before noon young Jack andCharles Hall a negro barber engagedin an altercation at the latters shopJacks assault upon Hall It Is allegedbeing without provocation

Legs arrived jut as Jack who hadgone for revolver reappeared Jackbegan firing it Is said at Hall the sec-

ond shot striking Legg jut over theheart

Jack fired five shots into the shop butHan and a customer in the chair eecoped Jack was arrested shortly after-

ward by Chief Seabright


Animal Soul uy Carter Glass DownsGKCTTCJ nt Lexington

SpedoJ to The WaabtacUm HeraldLynchburg Va Aug 15 Congreaaman

Carter Glass former owner of the Montview herd of highbred Jersey cattlewhich was sold In this city last weekreceived a telegram from Lexington Kystating that Morrltts Flying Pox the Im-

ported bull bought at the sale by J RSlann of Texas had won first prize atthe Kentucky Blue Grass Fair in theclass for bulls three years old or overand also the sweepstake prize as thechampion bull of any age

Morrltts Flying Fox competed withseveral of the most noted bulls In thecountry including Galloway the bullimported by MeLaury Brothers the NewYork Jersey breeders Galloway hasbeen sweeping the prizes in ovary showfor three years but It seemg that hewent up against a superior propositionwhen he struck the head bull of Montview farm


Head of Telephone Company andProminent Consulting Engineer

Special to The Waabtegtoo HeraldBaltimore Aug 15 David R Evans

president of the Maryland TelephoneCompany died at St Josephs Hospital at115 oclock this morning of peritonetis-

Mr Evans was prominent as a consulting electrician and as a builder of rail-ways He constructed more than 75 percent of the United Hallways in this cityand built the electric road from Norfolk-to Berkley Va Prior to taking the pres-idency of the Maryland Telephone Com-pany he was engaged in the general con-

tracting business and before that wasgeneral manager of the Brush ElectricCompany


Baltimore Officer Grasps It by Throatand Takes It n Block

Special t The Waahtacton heraldf Baltimore Aug 15 Officer John Burnsof the traffic squad caught a mad dog byits throat with his hands this morningon Hanover street near Fayette It hadsnapped at a number of people and wascausing a panic He carried It to Bal-timore and Hanover streets where heplaced It in a vacant store front of thePiper Building

Later it was put to death by agentof the Society for tho Prevention of Cru-elty to Animals The dog created a greatdeal of excitement and caused a completetieup on the three streets for a shorttime


Condensed Special Dispatches fromhe Old Line State

Laurel Aug funeral of MrsCyrus who died Monday It Hfeh ItWgB Hewart Comfy u Mid today She was about fert-

yRockvile Aug 15Tempemnce workI meeting of the Mont

today at Waahiogton OTOTC

Cumberland Aug 15John T Zollner4flrd flftyfiw a brakemen was killed thisDOOII whfle attaapdnc to era Ute DalUraore sadOhio track at Oldtown read He vms deaf sad did

Centerville Aug l The DemocraticjxaMMtan of the Second jmfefal dn k aot herethte afternoon aid aoalooted WUHam HAW ot Thaw CowUr Hill IhflemoB B lIspper of Qtiee A e tor tbe two associate judgeaMpt

Baltimore Aug liAn Inventory oftINt estate of the taU finely Johasn wkkh was

te the Orphans Owrt to ay ows iMtMtyof about JBSO dl she emter part of wkhh fe intorts and bonds of the ofaw geMrally kaown asgiittjg sowritieMountain Lake Park Aug 15 Today

wee recognittai day at tIM Mowntafe ChantaHQ sslId one of the Wpgest days of Uw se sae TheChnutaaqwuH Marched teas ben f phflo-opby to ttw amphitheater where tile dlplomaa werecsented to Ute cfa s of TffK

Annapolis Aug 15 Dr Caswcll Graveof UK shell fish canadsitoa with Kncfatecr ibrhand Uw hyOroKiaphte force left AnewpeHs thismondoff for Herriatr flay to gather data sad draftexhibits needed for the wramteions answer to Utepetitlwi of the oyitcrmsn of the lower pert of thecounty











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North Carolina Rate Case

Taken Up in Gotham


Connncl for Attorney General RendsMemorandum Jimlwtlns Upon

Prltclmrds Lack of Jurisdictionand Roads constitutional

to Sue the Commonvcalih

Now York Aug 15 North Carolinasflffht with the Southern Railway for a4cnt passenger rato was taken up In

this city today when half a dozen law-yers from that State marched Into theSoutherns offices at 80 Broadway and begnu taking testimony before a master Inchancery appointed by Judge Pritchard ofthe United States Circuit Court

Upon the report of the master will de-

pend whether Judge Pritchard will Issue-a permanent injunction against the NorthCarolina corporation commission and theattorney general restraining them fromenforcing the now rate law The temporary injunction Issued by Judgo Pritchardis being held In abeyance by agreementthe railroad having consented to conform-to the law pending a decision by theUnited States Supreme Court The appeal from Judge Prltcharfis decision willbe carried direct to the highest court

Brilliant Array of CounselExJudge W A Montgomery of North

Carolina is the master The State cor-

poration commission was represented attodays hearing by oChlef JustleeJames E Shepherd of the North Carolint Superior Court exCongressmen FA Woodward exJudge R W Winstonand State Senator Walter E Daniel Theattorney generals interests were pro-tected by E J Justice speaker of theNorth Carolina house of representativesand exGov Chance B Aycock FranklinMcNeil and Henry C Brown chairmanMid secretary respectively of the NorthCarolina corporation commission attendedthe hearing The railroad lawyers wereAlfred P Thorn F H Busbey and Wal-ter D Hines

Only reference was made In todaysproceedings to the State rights phase ofth litigation That was when Mr Jus-tice read a statement which made Itplain that the State authorities had nointention of appearing through counsel-In the prevent proceedings to acknowledge

right of the Federal court to grantthe injunction

Defends State RlghtMI specialty appear for the attorney

general and his assistant said Mr Jus-tice to assert that the passenger ratelaw went into effect by the operation ofthe act of July 1 Ififfi and that the attempt by the Southern Railway to enjcdnthe corporation commission and the At-

torney general from putting into oJ ctthe previsions of the law was a pretense-at acquiring jurisdiction by a Federalcourt and that the court did not acquirejurisdiction through the railroad companybringing suit against those who had noth-ing to do with the putting of the lawInto effect

Mr Justice went on to road Into therecord that this was a fraud on thecourts jurisdiction that the railroadcompany did not sue the State of NorthCarolina and could not sue It or Its of-ficers boeauee of the eleventh amend-ment to the Constitution of the UnitedSt es which forbids this and that theydid not and could not enjoin theState and its officers by indirectionwhen they could not do it directly

Connnel Thorn ObjectsMr Thom of counsel for the railroad

objected to the filing of the Justice mem-orandum He said that the questionof jurisdiction had been argued beforethe court and had been determined

to the contentions in the memo-randum

Vice President H B Spencer of theSouthern and J M Barr former presi-dent of the Seaboard Air Line were theonly two witnesses examined today

Operating Expenses HighMr Spencer testified that owing to an

Increase in the price of material andwages the operating expenses of railroads in the South have been steadilygrowing larger The operating expensesof the Southern he declared are now71 per cent of the gross receipts

Mr Justice wanted to know of MrBarr if it was the policy of the SouthernRailway to maintain a monopoly bythreatening to make reprisals on otherrailroads that contemplated entering itsterritory-

I dont think so said Mr BarrWell didnt you say at one time that

the Seaboard Line couldnt build intoGreensboro N C for fear thatSouthern would make reprisals-

I didWas there a gentlemans

between the two roads in regard tothis

Mr Barr objected to answering thatquestion but when the master ruled thatit was relevant he said there was none


Troops Held at Onancoclc tor ItThreaten to Lynch Blacks

Special to The Washington HeraldOnancock Va Aug 15 Tho troops sent

here by Govt Swanson as a result of thorecent race riots will remain until thenegroes State fair which will be heldfor several days next week If no fur-ther trouble occurs during tho fair it isbelieved no more need be feared

The negroes who Incited and led therecent attack on the whites are still atlarge and open threats of lynching aremade against them in the event of theirbeing captured


Railroad Gets Sweeping Injunction-in Rate Controversy

Special to The Washington HeraldMontgomery Ala Aug 15 An

was procured last night by theLouisville and Nashville Railroad Company from Judge Jones of the UnitedStates Court restraining the State fromenforcing the commodity freightrate lawand the passenger rate law untilthe Federal courts shall have passed onthe validity of these acts

Every sheriff in Alabama and everysolicitor is restrained from arresting orIndicting employes of the company whoviolate the terms of the acts

This Is a challenge to Gov Comer whorecently announced would prosecute every railroad which violated thelaws despite the action of the Federalcourts

De Vonpfcs OilenvraldSpeck to The Wohfa stoc Uarald

Laurel Md Aug 15 Miss Bertha Odenweld daughter of Mr and MrsG Odenwald was married to Francis DeVonsea son of Mr and Mrs Alphose DoVonges formerly of Annapolis Junctionlast evening at St Mnrys CatholicChurch by Rev T S Dolan Miss MarieOFarrell of Baltimore was maid ofhonor and Jamos Kelley of Baltimorewas best man A reception followed theceremony Mr and Mrs De Vonges havegone to Atlantic City







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Man Who Shot Operator at HancockPleads Guilty to Charge

Sjwdal to The WashUgtoh HeraldHancock Md Aug 16 William T

Jones who last Sunday morning shot andkilled Morris F Van Goaen a Baltimoreand Ohio Railroad telegraph operator In

charge of the signal tower at Hancookstation was given a preliminary hearingbefore Justice P J Couglan at BerkeleySprings

oUter the charge had been road to himJones entered a pie of guilty and wascommitted by Justfca Coughlnn to jailwithout bond for court There is still astrong feeling against Jones who admitsthat he shot Van Gosen by mistake forTllden Barnes for whom he was huntingwith his shotgun


He Is Held la 70O flail on TwoSerious Charge

Specie to The Waahtaeton heraldSalisbury N C Aug 16 Judgo Harry

J Overman last night held for courtNuma W Sowers a boy of seventeenrelated to one of the wealthiest farmers-in the county under two serious chargespreferred by Miss Beulah Watson Thebond In the that case won put at 5500 andthe second J200 His rich relatives gave It

Congressman Theodore F Kluttz StateSenator Wliltehead Kluttz and T FHudson appeared for the defendant andState Senator R Lee Wright and T HVanderford represented Miss Watson


Brief Items of Interest from the Sis

ter States Over the River

Sunday School Superintendent ReHipnii Eighteenth Aimuul Re-

union of Dine und Gray

ICflyaer Aug If R v Mr HammondfMftaim4Mt the Vhstata Fttfwm School

at Pnwtjtowm take aSset 0 U-

hFmlrmont Aug 18F C Cook ofSVtlefc W Vt bee a ugtal iMntor eftile beaM f MPMto t Falraoat Nmoal School

Key r Aug l The eighteenth annualof the Bhw and UH Owy will be MA at

IlawwwoJd W Va S pteoabar 4 awl 5 Ohio and

Richmond Aug 15 Henrlco County Isroa by pa ta of wW dogs wbo are dwirofinff-

rmbjn of itorp and The farmers bare

bcm a caapttem of axtcnatoaUa agalawt

Richmond Aug 1 Th ninth annualO TT UOK of Sotttbmt iiauauiaiMis AModtloB-fc in sMatoa at J MMB Hotel RefmM a-

Clartcsburg Aug B Addte Swigeraged aixteea ao of Leoa Siftt of Center L

mir Cfarkabwc bad a

Richmond Aug Washingtoi Tbcwaa M attd Koeiatate of Hooxfeo OaHUhad a arrow lion belie biased to death athk how last xtekt hr Ae uarli no of a hmtaatl-aaap his ttdduarttr


If You Must Use It Then Cut YourOwn Hair Say Barbers

Local TonsorialifttM Make HorribleThreats to Those Who EfTom

mate and lUnch hinted Device

A bs the safety razor is runningneck and neck with the slogan Rauserait em for position top of columnnext to reading matter as the war cryof the journeymen barbers union ofAmerica

The whole trouble originated with theconvention of the master barbers nowon in New York and it was the nearunanimous opinion of the members

that he who shaves himselfmust trim his own hair-

Do we approve well I guess saida member of th Washington union yes-terday afternoon

I cant know what a bus moans ex-actly but so far as Reuse mit em Isconcerned thats us every turn of thewheel

Gee a man that shaves himself musthave a stinky disposition to hate to givethe money to barber If he shaveshimself he sure ought to do his ownscalpin and if the master barbers saythe word Ill refuse an Offer to cut thehair of a man whose face looks like hehad been In close communion with a moat

Any time you see a face that lookslike a relief map of Case Blanca you canbet the owner was too stingy to sep-

arate himself from the price of a shaveand we barbers must live you know

Summed up It seems that In the futurewhen Washington takes Its head to abarber shop It must provide a clean billof health for its face If the barber askswhere the slashes came from and Wash-Ington cannot prove they were trade-marks from a fellowcraftsman the artistof the cutlass will kindly but firmly In-

vite evacuation and Washington wilt gohome to try Its luck with the lawn mower

As usual John D Rockefeller will getthe best of such n move because hshasnt any hair to need trimming andanyhow his shears are said to have become dulled from long clipping ofcoupons

According to the local members of theunion that organization Is opposed to thesafety razor principally because It belongs to no union and everybody knowsa wellregulated safety razor cant talkso whats the use

As one member here put It yesterdaySafety razors arc all right In their place

but the place Is riot where most of themare ket They belong to an age to comowhen beards begin to appear on the facesof women because well all be dead thenand wont have to make a living for therest of the family

As an afterthought however hethusly Well there are women

barbers now to shave men so why notwomen barbers to shave women

This particular member of the tradethe only way to eliminate the

safety razor Is to convince the ownersthat the visit to the bjrber Is a dallynecessity and not a monthly convenience

Three AniiivemnrJci in OneSpecial to The Watagtca Herald

Lanham Md Aug 15 A trio of happycouples who have not grown weary In fiveyears of married life the anniversary of their respective marriages atLanhanj Wednesday They are Mr andMrs Guy S Meloy Mr and Mrs Richard-J Crosby and Mr and Mrs EdgarBrown The celebration was a Joint af-fair and took puce at Longvlew thecharming residence of Mr and Mrs Melay

Largest Morning CirculationAJadv contracts made by

Tns Washington Herald are basedupon Its sworn circula-tion In Washington larger by thou

was ever before attainedby any morning newspaper at theCapital Its books are open


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Good Crowd aton Final Day


Running and Trotting Events CreateEnthusiasm nnd harness HorsesShare the Interest Julian aiorrisGnrbcr and Garber flyers Brothersand Others Aftioner the Winners

Spurfal te The WMMaeton HeraldHarrlsonburg Va Aug 16 Tha at-

tendance today the last day of the HorseShow was not as large as yesterday butIt was large nevertheless

The events of the day were the runningand trotting races while the hunters andharness horses shared the plaudits ofthe grand stand The 23 trot and pacewas especially close Humbeldt owned byJ M Ka anaugh of Harrlsonburg win-

ning the first second and fifth heatsthe other two being taken by Major Kip-ling owned by H J Jameson RadfordVa The winners

Best brood rattaWe for breedlaz saddleh s Slare Isbn F Lovrta Lmvood list mireCharles Ortan Ilarriaj HarriMafewg second marehike Ltezle B Miner Btktoe tided

Marea sottabie to prodwe matonMare TfcemaiG Herring Brldgewater first mare Piers Bros

aeeosd Joseph Clatter BttekDayton third

Pairs of roadstersPair Dr John A Mienrtoonbwrg Out par Rodders Taylor maaatoa-Moond

Siacie horaesBjors Boss first and thirdM M Jataaa second

Stogie roa4MpnKodeEn Tar Stauston VaAnt and aoeom-

iSterfe hanew hones W 8a3 rGar-bw Gftriwr HarriMHewz Seat and ftcoad BronB-fQfc thW-

1ark hacisIrtjfe Rose Merrfe firtt Sirnfa Jorfaa Mflrrta tttooA Meets CbrWo Garter

Gerber tidedSporUsg tainkewOtsrber Gerber flaiL Dyers

Bros Mooad-Cflsab4wUoai SIddle sad kotaeos komsGarher

Garter ftrat Silica second D Myen

G itd aaddte stalbKvsflwwral Dr JohnA Myers Harrtsoabwrc Ant Woodfoid John TOB Cottey Ha iaetwre ateoad

Ladles koat Kewkk ant Band Grar leecad both owned br Sulks Morris

FrwforaU trot and paw wffc heats best threete KreBad Xw C F IlfMurtpn QkMforniawoo three Seat bests St limb F X Iturjew-nooewrt W Va seaaftA Mined Thompson HJ Jaweson tibet Tom LittMoo LDM Richmond fourth

HvaboUt J M Kareanfib Sect Major KipJiivsH J Jaaaaton s ooNd Alto Clark C F BunchPteoaiium CaL tMrd Now W Dr W K

TteborrlOo Va fourth Ttae 222HRormtoir three ajarteK of a atte LitUe COt

Alex McDMk Dmw n Va irK OohaH J ITempi ItWuBood second Bonding T KSn fkte Rtcbraood tided Th 115

Ranntos Aro hto of a ellob L PHoflkkr SUtmtos frat Vaaloon Alex McDantel Ktes of Rcgra urea Haaall

third Thaw 1LPales barneM barns OBese aad oaehalf haMs

and nwlerOarber Garber lest L L Yancoy

Ladles Miners horaeoLmir Gay Gerber Garber OeM Gay Law GuM Garber secondneedy Byen Bwe tided

Hunt UaaMK Mkk Ifwt ChA AntCortetbiR otetfrDarid Oval ant Majestic sec-

ond Wflhwr Ktac third sIt oroed by JulianKtovsek Va


Succeeds George E Carter as Ex-

ecutive in Hawaii

New Ofllclnl Han Been Chief Justiceof Territorial Supreme Court

In a Graduate of Yale

The resignation of Gay George R Car-ter of Hawaii which was ottbtftitted toPresident Roosevelt about six weeks agotook effect yesterday and his successorJudge Walter F Freer chief justice ofthe Supreme Court of Hawaii entersupon his duties as chief executive of theislands

Mr Carter was appointed governor ofthe islands on November 21 1608 Pre-vious to his appointment he had servedfor nine months as secretary of the Terri-tory

ExGev Carter is a native of Hawaiihaving been born in Honolulu in ISM Hewas educated at Phillips AcademyAndover and was graduated as a civilengineer from the Sheffield ScientificSchool Yale in 1M During his collegedays he was a famous athlete and wasmember of the Yale football teams from1555 to 3387 rowed in the Yalecrews of 1SS7 After his return toHawaii he was elected In 18M to theHawaiian senate and served until his ap-pointment as secretary of Hawaii in

Mr Carter has spent most of his life InHawaii and takes a deep nterost in thesuccessful administration ot the affairs ofthe Territory and he will remain in Honolulu and assist the new governor in

acquainted with the duties of hisoffice

Gov Frear has been since July 51900 the chief justice of the HawaiianSupreme Court He was born In Cali-fornia In 1S8I but in early life went tothe Islands and was graduated from OahuCollege Honolulu In 1881 He later tookthe degree of bachelor of arts from YaleUniversity In 1SS5 and graduated fromthe Yale Law School In 1S90 winning theJewel prize for making the highest marksIn his examinations at graduation From1556 to l8S he taught Greek mathematicsand political economy In the Oahu Collegeat Honolulu

He entered judicial life In 1893 as secondjudge of the first judicial circuit of thekingdom of Hawaii and In March 1881became second associate judge of theSupreme Court of the provisional govern-ment of Hawaii In 1900 he became chiefJustice of the Hawaiian Supreme Court

He was a member of the Hawaiiancommission which made recommenda-tions to the Congress in 1S03 regardingthe legislative needs of the islands Hewas offered In March 1S09 the position-of minister of foreign affairs and publicInstruction but declined In May 1008ho served as chairman of the Hawaiiancode commission


Capt Badger AVnnt Complement ofOfficers Enlarged

Capt Charles J Badger superintendentof Annapolis Naval Academy was InWashington yesterday and had a confer-ence with the officials of the Navy De-

partment In regard to having theof officers who will do duty at

the institution during the coming scho-lastic term completed shortly

The principal matter in this connectionthat of designating the officers who will

preside over the departments of Instruc-tion to fill tho several vacancies thatoccurred has been consummated but Ithas been found that eight more youngerofficers are needed to complete the quotaof assistants In different branches Therewill be more than the usual number ofchanges in the roster when the nextacademic term begins on October 1

Lieut Commander George W Lawsyesterday at the Academy and

was assigned temporarily to duty In thedepartment of steam engineering


Halrisol1 burg


Lacy Series mare



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BUSINESS MANThe wideawake business-

man the sort who appre-ciates modern methodsavails himself of the advantages of a checking accountBy it he pays bills conven-iently remits to any distantpoint and always has a

X record of his expendi-tures

You ought to enjoy thisconvenience If not familiarwith the facilities this bankoffers we will gladly inform

g you

Home Savings BankJ 7th and Mass Ave N W


th and H Sts N E

Deposits more than a Millionand Threequarters


Our AugustClearing Sale

Affects departmentThere is hardly a piece ofFurniture or yard of FloorCoverings in this vast estab-

lishment that is not deeplyreduced in price We mustmake a clearance before thearrival of fall stocks and weare not hesitating to sacrifice Iprices I

CREDIT-We invite you to buy on I

Credit and arrange the termsof payment to suit yourself


Peter Grogan817819821823 Seventh St

Bet H ant I Eye Sts J


Contractors Do What City Cannotand Prices Are Demoralized

New York Aug 15 The citys bargaincounter sale of bonds has struck a

Contractors who accepted part ofthe bond issue In payment for moneydue them from the city have taken thesecurities into the financial district Inan endeavor to realize cash thereon Asbankers and brokers had refused to bidlet tbe bonds when bids were recentlyadvertised for because they believe theinterest is not high enough in these timesof Ught and high money the contractorswere forced to sell their bonds from oneto two points below par Thfeupset themarket for city bonds and incidentallyestablished the lowest price for these se-

curities in yearsUnder the law the city cannot sell

bonds below par so that it the lowerprice continues in the bond market thecitys private sale must necessarily stopFinanciers want the city to pay higherinterest on its bonds and they believe-it will be compelled to do so before itcan get a satisfactory market for Its


Chaplains Case Concluded 1 y Xorfolk Conrtmartlnl

The Judge Advocate General of thenay yesterday received the courtmartialverdict In the case of Harry W Joneschaplain attached to the Minnesota

The chaplain was tried at Norfolk oncharges of falsehood and scandalous con-duct to the destruction of good morals onaccount cf uttering and passing worth-less checks The verdict has not beenmade public but it Is the general beliefthat the chaplain has been found guiltyand will be dismissed


IK Awarded Finals in Mount Pleas-ant TcnnlH Tournament

Van Hoesen the champion of last yearwas awarded the final round in thetournament at School and Lamon streetsyesterday as Heylmun his opponent Isunable to complete the match

The final round In the doubles will beplayed today the contestants being VanHoesen and Jameson and Hill and Winfield



WRGE ROOMS WITH EXCELLENT BOARD5 per day 57 to 10 per wwlc Sea Crest Cottage

Ocean City Md Mrs ANNA B SHOWELLartlit









436 yth St S V i




x X



























SaturdayAt 219





1 ThiRtrainleOpiiMARITANACMt if Sixty I




Prices i5r to 75c Teddy Bear MatineeTomorrow 25c and 50c

CHARLOTTEIn H II Darks 4deter Comedy


Direct Lat dt Amnjnrent CcmpinrTHE POPlLAK FAMILY PLAYHOUSE


llntlnccs Dully 215 Evenings 8tl5Prices Mat in 25c Evgn 2T SOc

D Fitzscrulil Preent therumoR Stock Company

Daily Mstjfcfs 2V L i ings 2 c and tOe



Has Offlw now upon for Advancea m to 3 p m

MiEnificent inaugural billAerial Ballet Mr sad Mrs SM tr Drew

and Company The Amencn Comedy Your MiteWalter Dariei IotUton

L utv Kdncnted KuNxm and the MotionPictures Per th and Bath

dents at oucv and xcure the brIt



Dip Chorus Excellent CastReserved Seats POPULAR PRICE

2Sc on sale at A F Jones TicketAgency in Tophams 1219 F St N W


The Herald at JamcstowaExposition and Norfolt

The Waafctestea HtcaM is on sale at tfit-feJlawfns i at the Jasuuutrn-ErnoaiUea





Cousin Kate



Sale feesG ti


a IeIm

The theBur


DaB hilt



kx Odice Ncw





Jul ThIsWeek


lisa BeechIwMSa ViewStates Ibid


GrmteaeD tM Cncketb-liaid Un i a


AIro at Ute sews boetbs ttrswsWat itsAt Norfolk the paper be had at lbs



ilreri Hotel


I lt

AtlanticNfMaNew tffcah

1 u


Also at all Norfolk sews ttatx-


Special rusts tor WMbtoetM o wMIe Tlani Aaer

Old IoJ t ffijucM orBeach from Norfolk Floe fcoiticaand f Doet e sad Iron i V-

yl6de3cStf If a PARKftR ilaw r

VICTORIA HOTELMata at XcrfolS Va Etsopean ptas V A aBrine Manager Can to Jamotiiws JfzposKMS puthe door two squares to tor wile route

A1VN AltBOK COTTAGEVIRGIXIA BAT STA-tion Oe Va New cgttagt ewh fez

aifad lighted by rfeetrieitj So tare 10CC4 bcatd rrtMoablc peterS MRS C A hAsUiUS trBSit

Algonquin Hotel A S2Stsent qmpai acoeBimotiates 2HEuropean plat zcelleat s Cars to Jameitcwa

doors W1L CItOYKK Manaer or ask Mr Foster aylStt

TUB MEBPHiIAC COTTAGE Qftan View Va-DirecUy water front new house brae mm

Ins and asbinc


HOTEL MONTCELLOOcean end of Kentucky are New tlirourhout

Citys tersest ftnest and hotelat moderate Kle t roorw with baths at-tached table and nice of bSjhwt standard boaelike tuntrandicgs liberal

rates up weekly Jbgrtembsr rates orchestra

Booklet C Ask Mr FotUr


New Hotel IslesworthI-n the Hurt f Atlantic City

the Boardwalk anti Steel Pier 4C9

Newly Furnished ROMM en salts and srnjte Bathstea water CMioections our sir refer

please jaa UooUets and rates fir the

HOTEL JACKSONDire-ctly Opposite Steel Pier

Fireproof Virginia the BeachAmerican and European plans lloonta with bath

Finest Cafe IB sty Jti9 T fr JHWper weak up American Also a la carte e nr

orchteira JOHN CltUaB anMltixwi


nd Ikacti Cl s to steel Pier Etemvr privateHP weekly 2 up dairy SAMUEL

THE BERESFORDIeBract X Week from Steel Pier Appointments com

Caisin unexcelled to 13 weeklyCHARLES PEASE

ROOMS OMATHE SEERY adjoining Marrbcr-ougbBknbcim H6 Sft Ohio aye Center of city

Jl per day up C FRANK HAGAN aaSlSt


NATIONAL ccnrenif ncei newlyfiiruUliH superior table Ireeitone water

did scenery and drirln two blackstram depot HOVEL JENKINS Proprietor



Wtioc 3dAy and up View tat f

COMfort QI Oafi marked111 local

t 13t 1

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tillboard rnokrte rates tiDe Ida



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Virginia Mountain ResortsOX THE LINE OF THE


Dr Joseph Holt who ranks among the foremost sanitarists of the says I con-sider of Virginia as a natural sanitarium where visitors warm lat

and especially crowded centers may surely enjoy the benefit of

and a long sustained activity in the occupation of a busy and

In this favored region where the waters arc renowned 4or their curative proper-ties where the mountain scenery Is magnificent and where the Summeris unsurpassed the days being mildly warm and the nights cool and refreshing arosituated theVirginia Hot Springs Greenbrier Sulphur Springs Warm Springs

healing Springs Hockbrldprc Alum Springs Sweet Springs Sweet Chalyb-eate Springs Natural Bridge Red Sulphur Springs Salt Sulphur

Springs The Allegheny Jlcalth and Resort Bath AlamSprings Mount Elliott Springs Cold Sulphur Springs Mllltoro

nnd many othersStopover privileges at White Sulphur Springs at Cbrlagtoa for Virginia Hot Springs and at

lwge toe NatwalLow rate WeekEnd tickets to Mountain Resells

tickets parlor and sleeping car accommodationz pansphlets and fell lafoncaUca tC O ediCtS S3 avenue 6W street

Trains leave Washlnstou 20 p m week days and iUD p a and 1109 p tn dtUj


tadstiseulna a rI the very best for health

often orreworked life



r ioaP cnnt nth


which insures recuperation and renewed





