ij b if i uu u1t - university of kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7d251fkj0t/data/0175.pdf · a charge of...

Lt > yep iJ f t t < I < i- ii 1 > t t b t wtl If > b i UU fJ U1t VOL XVIII NO 127 PADUCAH KY THURSDAY EVENING MAY 24 1900 10 CEiSLTS PER WEEK I MORE IMMIGRANTS i FOR DIXIES LAN McCreary Says Kentucky Can Support Greater Population Over Vunrirr Million Located In New Yoik LiiWi YearSix lluudml 4 Cnnio Mallet HLACKHUKN MAY MiKE HACK r Washington May 24 When the senate resumed consideration of the immigrant bill the committed amendment authorizing the motion of a bureau of Information tor Mr Ualllngcr moved to strike out all of the amendments except that portion permitting tho various state to be repreitcnteJ by agents At Uio Imml nstation and Senator McCreary op ¬ posed tho motion Ho eald that ospe clal efforts had bran mado to secure a better distribution of Immigrants 1 tiropentstem new comers locatu In the eastern state atiil largo cities wh t they are not needed whereas the south Whore Immigration I Is desired Is al niD enUry overlooked In support of lets contention he nand that 2SG 000 alleys located In Now York last 4oor and only COO sought homes < n Kentucky He also called attention to tho fact that the south is not represented ilff the Immigration service and criti ¬ 1 used the arrangement as sectional d Huy Malirial I At Home Washington May 24 The son nlo cotutuIUtv on finance toddy fa ¬ vorably reported a resolution direct Ing that materials for the Panama ranal shull bo of domestic production and nianufactureunleiu the president 1t + KIIIII tlio bids for the same vxorbl tant llnlxo Post l lo ICmlmMy 44 NVashlngton May 24 Senator 1 Knox yesterday gave notice of an ntnrndnvnt to the diplomatic and mitill e pie from a legation to au embassy Joe Not on Sliclf UackIt Itbllrn Kentuckys Inimitable cam paigner may not after all paw horn the stump and become a forgotten iluantlly There Is reason to belles that llepresentallve Frank Hopklni was not Indulging In mere speculation the other day when ho stated I In an In ¬ terview that Senator Iilackburn may yet be In the race for the democratic s nomination for governor WIMi ItlCSIST e KnliMin Men Will Atlcnipt to Hnlso Lid- s hiheokvlllee UiulsTllIe Ky May 21Ioon keepers at a meeting this morning de cldrd to resist the Sunday closing or ¬ Sundayf arrnts HACIXO I COMMISSION i I n k II < nji liic < l lroin Interferlni With loiiliii Inik Louisville Ky stay 24Judge 4 Ryan In the federal court sustained un Injunction against the Kentucky racing commission to prevent Interfer dice with the proposed meet at Doug ¬ las park- S Lau Siuliilncil lf Jury F lexhu ton Kylay 24 The a1 suit of J Alexander ChtUs a color- ed ¬ attorney of this city to test the right of railroads to compel negroes to ride In separate coaches from the white people was tried before a jury tin lha circuit court today and a vor diet rendered In favor of the defend ¬ ant company Mm Davis In Better New York May 24Mrs Jeffer son Davis had a restless night but I II much hotter this morning g 1r ffi KYCfSSKS CHA1K1KII V- A 4 IN STATE PIUNTIXn A OK AT liJaST 20000 4i 4 Frankfort K May 24 i Zf J Jik t i J j that he desires any persons b > Aboutlo bid oh state printing to ttt I I a1 s i tract Ho peak parlcularlf of ty Q thy I printing of teachers record J e <I grade 0kS No more con can lot 93 the state 1Cn J hand liarboo four years supply lII iIMii tNm o j i if oo rf I S I 1J7 r f S Tho circulation of The Sun for the iiiontli of April was Diluslueas average Instinct tclU you that It Is the paper that tells Us circulation dally that merits your confidence r FINDS MANY SOLONS HOXMHT Lobbyist However Says Hu Cnn Buy Homo and Jolly Ollicrs Boiton May 24 Lobbyist Walter J Bullock who aided In killing the overtime bill before the state leglsla lure last night cynically classified the members of that body Ho nays 16 per cent are good fellows who can bu reached by dinners theater tickets anJ Jollies 201 per cent can bo bought outright or Influenced and C5 par cost aro honest Bullock says ho has never urutl money to influence legislators CTcvelmiehC- leveland 0 May 21An earth ¬ quake shock lasting fortyeight sec¬ ondiwas recorded here today on the seismograph at St Ignatius college The Initial movement como from tlu I Hast and the return shock from the West STANDARD OIL PUT ON lUCK HY INTERSTATE COMMKHCIi COMMISSION Mirny Attorneys Iresrnt and Start linK IXvelopinenU ire Iolked Iur Cleveland May 4Thu Inter- state commerce commission began an Investigation of the Standard 011 company here today Many witnesses are summoned and Jt Is expected tlmra will be 6omo startling develop montsA dozc r Standard Oil and rail- way ¬ attorneys are In attendance Loses Posilloo Cleveland May 24 W R Judd former manager of the Republic Oil ionipany lies lout his position Ills illsmlfwal followed the anknawkxlge lriit of the ownership of till Ito publlo by the Standard company Judd Is summoned to appear before tbu Interstate contra < Tco r commission KUAXDAli IIHKWIXn b HiMill of Kxtortlonatc Clmrees for lulu Hire Son Francisco May tExtor tlontlu charges for automobile hire during the pet two weeks following the flre are likely to develop Into n scandal of IIIIKO proportions before 1 tint llnanro rommltteo finishes auditing nc counts In then tabulated statement tiled with tho committee there appean a charge of UOii99 for automobile hire Only 129 claims were presentee to cover this sum In the same tauli Is a statement of charges for milk huller eggs bread vegetables drugs hay grain and clothing fTho total cost of there necessaries duns not equal the cost of hire of automobiles Thenlrlnil hank IroJecte l Chicago May 1The Theatrical National Hank I Is the namo to bo giv- en to a new financial Institution which A III be opened next month In this city Tho new bank Is the outcome ui the large theatrical merger recently effect ¬ cd by now Krlangcr U F Keith jnd the managers of the Western Van devlllo Managers Association and will bo financed by the manager Time cap- itol stock will bo 1000000 and all paid up and the business will be made up largely by theatrical managers nnd professional people No Nearer Solution Louisville May 2Lrrhadetectivesa polka and coroner aro today no near ¬ er a solution to the mystery surround ing the find of a mans head In the Ohio river near Shawnee park than they wore twentyfour hours ago Not the slightest clew that would lead lo the Identification has to tar been found All cling to the murder theory and are working along that line Intrlrk H earing Ended New York May 2tThe hearing before Hcconiicr Ooff to determine whether or not Albert T Patrick shall bo granted a new trial on the charge of causing the death of Wil ¬ liam Marsh Rico was practically con ¬ cluded today roo recorders decl ¬ alan Is expected In a few days Go to Pen New Castle May 24 Peter Bra ley was given two years for accesses ry to his father In killing Len Hal lard John Dow toy a promlntnt voting man was given three years for hors stealing flotrh Heat Jenkins Kansas City Mo May 24 Frank Patch defeated Tom Jenkins for the chaniploushlp of America as catch ajcichcan hutch won the first and ihled Wits J 1 fltd eA i EDITOR IN JAIL FOR CONTEMPT J E Gbittenden of Crjltenden Record Held Case Grew Out of Hitter rolltlcal War and 15 tslonlslslentocrntd LIVINGSTON COUNTY AFFAIR t J E QhUtenden editor of the Crlttcnden Ilecord a paper at Marl ¬ on Crittenden county Ky Is In jail at Smithland Livingston county awaiting trial on the charge of con ttmpt of court lie will be tried to- morrow ¬ Chlttenden Is alleged to have printed uncomplimentary and dam ¬ aging arUcles against Judge J F Gordon circuit judge In that cir ¬ cuit and was Indicted at Smithland The publications grew out of an elec- tion ¬ and although the Indictment was found ilnlo time ago arrest did not follow until Monday Chltten ¬ den was taken to Smlthland yester day and In falllns tii glvo bond was locked up liis I case iJnUractlng a great deal of attention Ho Is known here among lhe + oiltlclan8 and newspaper men Burton Will Not Rdilgn senalorll1urtoll ticing before the postofflce depart- ment ¬ for personal gain announctd ire will not resign from the senate RUNS AMUCK MAXIAO KILUS WUR AXD AS SAIJLTS DAUOIITKH In Felled With Chair amid Jumpi Off Two Story Hulillntf With ¬ out Injury Elmyra N Y May 24Leon Kleffer insane and angered at his family bemuse ho was to bx removed to an nay ¬ lum today beat his wifes head to a pulp with a shovel and hammer leaving her for diad and at ¬ tacked his daughter A nelghfor fell ed Kleffer with a chair The daugh ¬ ter escaped 1 serious Injury Kkffor then crawled to tbe top of a two sto- ry ¬ houso and jumped off unhurt Mrs Kleffer Is dying The man was ar ¬ rested Two toys Drowned South Haven Mich May 24 Scott Shepherd of Chicago aged 19 and Clarence Coleman of Kalama zoo Mkh were drowned today lie torn the eyes of the Shepherd and Coleman families who were having n family picnic at the lake They slip ¬ pal Into1 ttip water from a raft and clutching each other In the water sank before aid could reach them Irlnrm Unas Farewell London May 24Princess Kna os llattenberg left today for Madrid whore her marriage to King Alfonso takes place next weekAll along the route from Kensington Palace to VIe toxin station the future queen was cor dually tainted by thq people The princess Is accompanied by her mother and two brothers Will InvoHtlunle Clearer Philadelphia May 4t a meet- ing ¬ of the board of directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad company II committee was appointed to Invoitl gate the allegations recently made be taro the Interstate commerce commls slon that certain officers of the Penn ¬ sylvania railroad hold stock In several coal companies To Toke Iartjr Xortliwaitl lIer1e Norway where ha will nmcet and conduct to DanOs Island the first tar ¬ ty of the Wellman polar expedition eighteen joiners will accompany Ma ¬ jor Hersey to put together the tint ¬ ber and canvass shed In which the dirigible balloon will bo housed I Arrested for Theft Will Mltcho colored was arrested this afternoon by Patrolman Cross on the charge of stealing a number of valuables from John K Heodrkk Mr Hendrick Is moving from Smlthland to a house on Broadway near Eighth street Several articles of furniture were stoles Mitchell Is driver for a swonjliand dealer and said a negro sola the timings to him and he went out after them- Llgktning t > clouds are abwaMnoar- the grpupd They are seldom at a EWfater helghfthaa 2009 feet L I h- r fI t 3 J Nf DOUMA IS UNEASY UNDER THREATS Government Encouraging Peas ¬ eats in Opposition Plot Kxposoil and Frustrated to bAAS nlnnle 1CIng Iniiiiiiiiucl of Italy DISORDERS IX MARTIXIQUE St Petersburg May 24 Memberr of the douma are receiving numerous threatening letters especially from peasants nnd Jews who are dissatis ¬ fied with the course of events The government Is encouraging opposition to the douma In every form In which It presents Itself Even the socialists are becoming ulamoil where extrem late violently denounce the douma Plot Kmstrnfnl Geneva Stay 24Pllct were male known today concerning an attempt Saturday during the ceremonies In connection with tin opening of the Slmplon tunnel at Demmossola Italy to assagalnaloKing Victor Immanue by anarchists It was frustrated only through tho watchfulness of dotec tIII Political Disorders Port Do Franco Martinique May 24i Demonstrations continue here duo to natusl 1 race hatred stimulated for election purposes Random shots lire tired and Insults are being oITereJ to whiles who maintain a judicious calm closely guarding their property NO SCAR IK1S THIS SURGEON IJiAVK WITH HIS KXIFK r London Papers HejHirt n Remarkable Method of OpirulliiK In HospltuU of City New York May HA cable dis ¬ patch to a morning paper from Lon ¬ don says Some of the hospitals here aro employing for operations an ha- mmed surgeon who has perfected a method of Incising the skin without leaving a visible scar Ills success la mainly nttrlbatable to his skill and ex pcrlcnce but his method Is based on tho practice of cutting Ibo skin slant ¬ wise Instead of right angles to the site fare lie uses hollowground scalpels made after his own designs Some ¬ times massage forms part of the heal log treatment It Is said that o1 scars from operations can be removed by this method which It I U declared Is one of the most Important il l van 1 mado In surgery In recant years PHOOUI1SSIVH IAUTV Hnron Hind Xnineil for Clilef of Osngo hiillnns l nartlesville I T May21rncc Progressive party of the Osage Indians In a calico at Pawhuska today nomi- nated I Bacon Rind as their candidate for principal chief and ClresSho Ponka for assistant chief Cyprian Tayrlen of lartcsvic was namel as one of the eight candidates for the council renomlnaiton cdj It Is alleged hero that a speclai agent of the Indian department has boon at Pawhuska and that sensation aldlsclosurea In connection with lease natters were made The Bg Heart faction of the Owgo tribe has yet to make Its nomInations Tho election takes place during the payment oftho week of June 4- FiftyTwo Indicted Carml ill May 24 Fiftytwo voters wero Indicted by the White county grand jury today for selling thcilr votes In recent elections Near- ly ¬ I every township la the county was Investigated and all candidates were required to disclose the names of voters taking money States Attor- ney ¬ Garrison says urns prosecution will follow 1111 lie Owen Delayed Delay In getting on the ways will prwent the Kettle Owen resuming Its regular trips to Drookport and the Illinois side until the middle or last tart of next week The Inactivity of the ferry Is not the cause of the thPIWlts Shatter + d Iostoftlre Safe Newport Ky May 24 Time big safe at the Fort Thomas postofflce was badly shattered by burglars early this morning The discovery was made Jjy Special Clerk Win toss when he reached time omce at 7 a m lie found the door twisted out of shape and wax unable to open it e1 31 f- e Till WRATIIKIU Piolmlily sliowrrx and local thunder storms tonlKlit nnd lhl day The highest temiernturc touched yestenlny ins 00 coil time lowest today sins 07 FOURTH OF JULY Oration Will He Delivered Hy Presi- dent I At Oyster nay New York May 24 President Roosevelt has accepted the Invita ¬ tion of time clergymen and business- men of Oyster Ray to speak at the Fourth of July celebration In the opera houre there In which Sunday and public school children will take part T Vnmlalt Destroy Bed Ilopklnsvllle Ky May 24A to bacco plant bed containing about 450 square yards on the farm of L L Ieavlll one of the largest farmers of this county was visited last night by unknown parties and the plants total ly destroyed by being dug up with hoes Some clues have been secured and Mr Leavlll says he knows all the parties were white me- nPAINTERS SET DAilY Iii S111ENCE OX KIIIK THIS MOUXIXQ Blaze Damages House and CunlenlH to Kxlrnt of OO IkTore It Is Mvlliigulsliiil The sos 1 and 3 flre companies wore called to the residence of Capt George OHart at 913 Jefferson street this morning at 830 oclock Painters were working on tho house using gasoline tire blowing puts to clean the paint from time weather boarding They set the house afire and the tames spread from between the weather boards and walls to the cornice and to tho roof The blare was first fought by time painters un ¬ til It got beyond their control and limo tire department was then called Into service The damage will amount to about SEOO The loss In fully covered by Insurance IXCItUAHi Ten Ill Cent Advance In Colton Mill Wages Danlelfoii Conn May 24 No ices are posted In the cotton mills of a ten per cent Increase In wages to take effect at once Tho Increase affects 20000 operatives In numer ¬ ous nourishing mills In tills section of tho stale Tho cotton manufactur- Ing ¬ Industry was never In a more flourishing condition 1KSO TOO VALUABLE Senator Lodge Will Introduce Hill to Cut Down Coin Washington May 21Lodge an nounred In tho senate today that he would call up tomorrow tho measure authorizing the Phlllpplue commission to lower the amount of silver In the Philippine coins of that molar to pro¬ vent exportation for Its bullion value Tho present price of silver Is so high that the Philippine peso Is worth more for bullion than Its face value DEFENSE RESTS Case of film Muiilrrer Will Go to Jury Late Tomorrow New York May 21 Further tes Umony that Josephine Terronova was Insane when sbo murdered her aunt and uncle was adduced today In the trial of the 17yearold Italian girl The defense will close today The state will offer expert testimony to rcibut the plea of the defense of mental Irresponsibility on the part of the girl when the deed was com ¬ milled Tho case probably will go to time Jury late tomorrow DIJlIKS FIIlKi 1 HOUTICI UV MUD Mutlruccl Who Clunj to Vesuvius Through Kruptlmi Driven Away Naples May 24 That which llhe recent awful eruption of Mount Ve ¬ suvius could not accomplish the tor ¬ rents of mud resulting from the floods of the laitt few days have brought about The mud lisp BO sur ¬ rounded the royal observatory and obstructed Ingress and egress that Director Matteuccl his assistants and tho carbineers under hint have been compelled to abandon their post and come to Naples lllchinlon In Denominated Owensboro Ky May 24Con gressman James Richardson was re nominated by the democrats of the Titled Kentucky district at qreenvllle today BETWEEN GATES BUGGY IS CAUGHT Occupants In Trap Await Ap ¬ proach of Train Mrs Charles Itliuon Thrown Out Sustains Severely Sprained Hack Hut IM Saved Mil KHUON AND GATKTENDER J A cut of freight cars struck a bug gy In which Charles Khuon and wife an aged couple residing on West Broadway just beyond Twentyfifth street a< re riding this morning at CCO oclock at llth and Broad ¬ way and Mrs Khuon Is lying at her home with a severely sprained back the horse Is bruised and the buggy partly demolished Caught In betw m two automatic railroad gates unable la go back ¬ ward or forward and with a string of freight cars hearing down on them was tho unnerving situation in which the aged couple found themselves And but for their presence of mind fa keeping their seats both might have been ground to death under tlra wheels of the cars Tho cause of The accident Is at ¬ tributed to the carelessness of both Khuon and the gate tender J F Wright but both claim they exercis ed due caution + I was riding to town with my wire Khuon related shortly after tho accident and we were coming from our home I did not hear any warning bell ring from the sate tow¬ er and did not hear or see the op proach ing cars I come by this street dally and have never been In danger of on accident before depending on the gates for protection When I got under the first gate I noticed the one on the oast side of the crossing being rapidly lowered I looked aside hasti ¬ ly and saw the cars coming I struck my mare and she started forward at a more rapid pace Tho gate came down struck her on top of tho head and she jumped back My mare Is gentle and but for this fact both my- self and wife might not be living t to ielll the Story The rear of my buggy was on the tracks and I could not force my mare an Inch ahead on account of time gate The west gate was down and I could not back so I held the animal In this I position mill struck lleldJty Rates The question of getting out of time way was not to be considered My wife sat With me anti when the bug ¬ gy was struck was thrown out I left the vehicle and assisted her She sustained a severely sprained back and Is now at home unable to move The buggy was partly demolished and my mare slightly brulEcdbut un + hurt Had we attempted to back or had tho mare been wild she might have pulled us directly In the path of tho cars I consider our escape mi- raculous and will say that I heard no warning bell from either gate tower or engine The engine was a switch englllt No 182 In charge pt Foreman Hen- ry ¬ Lewis and Engineer Tim Austin It was pushing the cars west and the engineer was unablo to seethe bug- gy on account of the length of the string and a turn In the tracks The gate tender J FWrlght stat- ed that he did ring his bell and did every thing he could to warn time aged couple I rang my bell several tlmesand Jet tho gates down I did not see time driver attempt to cross until too late I thought he knew the train was com ¬ ing and did not see him again until my gates were down I was busy with the mechanism It was then too law to avert the accident The engine was stopped as soon na the accident was seen by the crew Mrs Knuon was resting well after tho accident but on account of her age and the nature of the lnjurymay bo seriously hurt Too result of the sprain can not bo told for some time It may be permanent Detective Will Baker la seriously ill at his home on the north side r < tj iii X CUMBERLAND BRANCH Qe A + OUT 0V KXISTHNCK i tq 1JV MUHOER TODAY A- x 1 > e t A Des Moines Iowa May 24 ft i thei iof existence this mornIng WCIIt j Moderator Hunter Corbett ota daily established the unionof p 4is f n6unccnvent > was followed bt te cheers The existing boards of f the two churcbxaiwlll carry on 3 their work Inf harmqnj1thli y X year There will he nor cI rtI l X consolidation until 1907 i w = > < a- t Ott 1 v1 I y

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McCreary Says Kentucky Can

Support Greater Population

Over Vunrirr Million Located In NewYoik LiiWi YearSix lluudml

4 Cnnio Mallet



Washington May 24 When thesenate resumed consideration of theimmigrant bill the committed

amendment authorizing the motionof a bureau of Information tor MrUalllngcr moved to strike out all ofthe amendments except that portionpermitting tho various state to berepreitcnteJ by agents At Uio Immlnstation and Senator McCreary op ¬

posed tho motion Ho eald that ospeclal efforts had bran mado to securea better distribution of Immigrants

1 tiropentstemnew comers locatu In the easternstate atiil largo cities wht theyare not needed whereas the southWhore Immigration IIs desired Is alniD enUry overlooked In supportof lets contention he nand that 2SG000 alleys located In Now York last4oor and only COO sought homes < nKentucky

He also called attention to thofact that the south is not representedilff the Immigration service and criti ¬

1 used the arrangement as sectionald

Huy MalirialI At HomeWashington May 24 The son

nlo cotutuIUtv on finance toddy fa ¬

vorably reported a resolution directIng that materials for the Panamaranal shull bo of domestic productionand nianufactureunleiu the president

1t + KIIIII tlio bids for the same vxorbltant

llnlxo Post llo ICmlmMy

44 NVashlngton May 24 Senator1 Knox yesterday gave notice of an

ntnrndnvnt to the diplomatic andmitill e

pie from a legation to au embassy

Joe Not on SliclfUackItItbllrn Kentuckys Inimitable campaigner may not after all paw hornthe stump and become a forgotteniluantlly There Is reason to bellesthat llepresentallve Frank Hopklniwas not Indulging In mere speculationthe other day when ho statedI In an In ¬

terview that Senator Iilackburn mayyet be In the race for the democratic

s nomination for governor


eKnliMin Men Will Atlcnipt to Hnlso Lid-


UiulsTllIe Ky May 21Ioonkeepers at a meeting this morning decldrd to resist the Sunday closing or ¬Sundayfarrnts


nk II <nji liic < l lroin Interferlni With

loiiliii Inik

Louisville Ky stay 24Judge4 Ryan In the federal court sustained

un Injunction against the Kentuckyracing commission to prevent Interferdice with the proposed meet at Doug ¬

las park-S

Lau Siuliilncil lf JuryF lexhu ton Kylay 24 The

a1 suit of J Alexander ChtUs a color-ed


attorney of this city to test theright of railroads to compel negroesto ride In separate coaches from thewhite people was tried before a jurytin lha circuit court today and a vordiet rendered In favor of the defend ¬

ant company

Mm Davis In BetterNew York May 24Mrs Jeffer

son Davis had a restless night but IIImuch hotter this morning




Frankfort K May 24 iZfJJikt iJ

j that he desires any personsb > Aboutlo bid oh state printing totttI I

a1si tract Ho peak parlcularlf of ty

Q thy I printing of teachers record Je

<I grade 0kS No more concan lot 93 the state

1CnJ hand

liarboo four years supply

lII iIMii tNmo j i if oo

rf I S I 1J7r

f S

Tho circulation of The Sunfor the iiiontli of April was

Diluslueas averageInstinct tclU you

that It Is the paper thattells Us circulation dally thatmerits your confidence


Lobbyist However Says Hu Cnn BuyHomo and Jolly Ollicrs

Boiton May 24 Lobbyist WalterJ Bullock who aided In killing theovertime bill before the state leglslalure last night cynically classified themembers of that body Ho nays 16 percent are good fellows who can bureached by dinners theater tickets anJ

Jollies 201 per cent can bo boughtoutright or Influenced and C5 par costaro honest Bullock says ho has neverurutl money to influence legislators

CTcvelmiehC-leveland 0 May 21An earth ¬

quake shock lasting fortyeight sec¬

ondiwas recorded here today on theseismograph at St Ignatius collegeThe Initial movement como from tluIHast and the return shock from theWest



Mirny Attorneys Iresrnt and StartlinK IXvelopinenU ire

Iolked Iur

Cleveland May 4Thu Inter-state commerce commission began anInvestigation of the Standard 011company here today Many witnessesare summoned and Jt Is expectedtlmra will be 6omo startling developmontsA dozc r Standard Oil and rail-way


attorneys are In attendance

Loses PosillooCleveland May 24 W R Judd

former manager of the Republic Oilionipany lies lout his position Illsillsmlfwal followed the anknawkxlgelriit of the ownership of till Itopubllo by the Standard companyJudd Is summoned to appear beforetbu Interstate contra <Tcor commission


b HiMill of Kxtortlonatc Clmrees forlulu Hire

Son Francisco May tExtortlontlu charges for automobile hireduring the pet two weeks followingthe flre are likely to develop Into nscandal of IIIIKO proportions before 1tintllnanro rommltteo finishes auditing nccounts In then tabulated statementtiled with tho committee there appeana charge of UOii99 for automobilehire Only 129 claims were presenteeto cover this sum In the same tauliIs a statement of charges for milkhuller eggs bread vegetables drugshay grain and clothing fTho totalcost of there necessaries duns not equalthe cost of hire of automobiles

Thenlrlnil hank IroJectel

Chicago May 1The TheatricalNational Hank IIs the namo to bo giv-en to a new financial Institution whichA III be opened next month In this cityTho new bank Is the outcome ui thelarge theatrical merger recently effect¬

cd by now Krlangcr U F Keithjnd the managers of the Western Vandevlllo Managers Association and willbo financed by the manager Time cap-

itol stock will bo 1000000 and allpaid up and the business will be madeup largely by theatrical managers nndprofessional people

No Nearer SolutionLouisville May 2Lrrhadetectivesa

polka and coroner aro today no near¬

er a solution to the mystery surrounding the find of a mans head In theOhio river near Shawnee park thanthey wore twentyfour hours ago Notthe slightest clew that would lead lothe Identification has to tar beenfound All cling to the murder theoryand are working along that line

Intrlrk H earing EndedNew York May 2tThe hearing

before Hcconiicr Ooff to determinewhether or not Albert T Patrickshall bo granted a new trial on thecharge of causing the death of Wil ¬

liam Marsh Rico was practically con ¬

cluded today roo recorders decl ¬

alan Is expected In a few days

Go to PenNew Castle May 24 Peter Bra

ley was given two years for accessesry to his father In killing Len Hallard John Dow toy a promlntntvoting man was given three yearsfor hors stealing

flotrh Heat JenkinsKansas City Mo May 24 Frank

Patch defeated Tom Jenkins for thechaniploushlp of America as catchajcichcan hutch won the first andihled Wits

J 1fltdeAi



J E Gbittenden of Crjltenden

Record Held

Case Grew Out of Hitter rolltlcalWar and




J E QhUtenden editor of theCrlttcnden Ilecord a paper at Marl ¬

on Crittenden county Ky Is Injail at Smithland Livingston countyawaiting trial on the charge of conttmpt of court lie will be tried to-


Chlttenden Is alleged to haveprinted uncomplimentary and dam ¬

aging arUcles against Judge J FGordon circuit judge In that cir ¬

cuit and was Indicted at SmithlandThe publications grew out of an elec-


and although the Indictmentwas found ilnlo time ago arrest didnot follow until Monday Chltten ¬

den was taken to Smlthland yesterday and In falllns tii glvo bond waslocked up

liisI case iJnUractlng a great dealof attention Ho Is known hereamong lhe + oiltlclan8 and newspapermen

Burton Will Not Rdilgn

senalorll1urtollticing before the postofflce depart-ment


for personal gain announctdire will not resign from the senate



In Felled With Chair amid Jumpi OffTwo Story Hulillntf With ¬

out Injury

Elmyra N Y May 24LeonKleffer insane and angered at hisfamily bemuse ho was tobx removed to an nay ¬

lum today beat his wifeshead to a pulp with a shovel andhammer leaving her for diad and at ¬

tacked his daughter A nelghfor felled Kleffer with a chair The daugh ¬

ter escaped1 serious Injury Kkfforthen crawled to tbe top of a two sto-


houso and jumped off unhurt MrsKleffer Is dying The man was ar ¬


Two toys DrownedSouth Haven Mich May 24

Scott Shepherd of Chicago aged 19

and Clarence Coleman of Kalamazoo Mkh were drowned today lietorn the eyes of the Shepherd andColeman families who were having nfamily picnic at the lake They slip ¬

pal Into1 ttip water from a raft andclutching each other In the watersank before aid could reach them

Irlnrm Unas FarewellLondon May 24Princess Kna os

llattenberg left today for Madridwhore her marriage to King Alfonsotakes place next weekAll along theroute from Kensington Palace to VIetoxin station the future queen was cordually tainted by thq people Theprincess Is accompanied by her motherand two brothers

Will InvoHtlunle ClearerPhiladelphia May 4t a meet-


of the board of directors of thePennsylvania Railroad company II

committee was appointed to Invoitlgate the allegations recently made betaro the Interstate commerce commlsslon that certain officers of the Penn ¬

sylvania railroad hold stock In severalcoal companies

To Toke Iartjr XortliwaitllIer1eNorway where ha will nmcet andconduct to DanOs Island the first tar ¬

ty of the Wellman polar expeditioneighteen joiners will accompany Ma ¬

jor Hersey to put together the tint ¬

ber and canvass shed In which thedirigible balloon will bo housed


Arrested for TheftWill Mltcho colored was arrested

this afternoon by Patrolman Cross onthe charge of stealing a number ofvaluables from John K Heodrkk MrHendrick Is moving from Smlthlandto a house on Broadway near Eighthstreet Several articles of furniturewere stoles Mitchell Is driver for aswonjliand dealer and said a negrosola the timings to him and he wentout after them-


t >

clouds are abwaMnoar-the grpupd They are seldom at aEWfater helghfthaa 2009 feetL I h-

rfIt 3




Government Encouraging Peas ¬

eats in Opposition

Plot Kxposoil and Frustrated to bAASnlnnle 1CIng Iniiiiiiiiucl of



St Petersburg May 24 Memberrof the douma are receiving numerousthreatening letters especially frompeasants nnd Jews who are dissatis ¬

fied with the course of events Thegovernment Is encouraging oppositionto the douma In every form In whichIt presents Itself Even the socialistsare becoming ulamoil where extremlate violently denounce the douma

Plot KmstrnfnlGeneva Stay 24Pllct were male

known today concerning an attemptSaturday during the ceremonies Inconnection with tin opening of theSlmplon tunnel at Demmossola Italyto assagalnaloKing Victor Immanueby anarchists It was frustrated onlythrough tho watchfulness of dotec

tIIIPolitical Disorders

Port Do Franco Martinique May24i Demonstrations continue hereduo to natusl1 race hatred stimulatedfor election purposes Random shotslire tired and Insults are being oITereJto whiles who maintain a judiciouscalm closely guarding their property




London Papers HejHirt n RemarkableMethod of OpirulliiK In HospltuU

of City

New York May HA cable dis ¬

patch to a morning paper from Lon ¬

don says Some of the hospitals herearo employing for operations an ha-

mmed surgeon who has perfected amethod of Incising the skin withoutleaving a visible scar Ills success lamainly nttrlbatable to his skill and expcrlcnce but his method Is based ontho practice of cutting Ibo skin slant ¬

wise Instead of right angles to the sitefare lie uses hollowground scalpelsmade after his own designs Some¬

times massage forms part of the heallog treatment It Is said that o1scars from operations can be removedby this method which It IU declaredIs one of the most Important ill van 1mado In surgery In recant years


Hnron Hind Xnineil for Clilef of Osngohiillnnsl

nartlesville I T May21rnccProgressive party of the Osage IndiansIn a calico at Pawhuska today nomi-


Bacon Rind as their candidatefor principal chief and ClresSho Ponkafor assistant chief Cyprian Tayrlenof lartcsvic was namel as one ofthe eight candidates for the council

renomlnaitoncdj It Is alleged hero that a speclaiagent of the Indian department hasboon at Pawhuska and that sensationaldlsclosurea In connection with leasenatters were made The Bg Heartfaction of the Owgo tribe has yet tomake Its nomInations Tho electiontakes place during the payment ofthoweek of June 4-

FiftyTwo IndictedCarml ill May 24 Fiftytwo

voters wero Indicted by the Whitecounty grand jury today for sellingthcilr votes In recent elections Near-ly


I every township la the county wasInvestigated and all candidates wererequired to disclose the names ofvoters taking money States Attor-ney


Garrison says urns prosecutionwill follow

1111 lie Owen DelayedDelay In getting on the ways will

prwent the Kettle Owen resuming Itsregular trips to Drookport and theIllinois side until the middle or lasttart of next week The Inactivity ofthe ferry Is not the cause of the

thPIWltsShatter +d Iostoftlre Safe

Newport Ky May 24 Time bigsafe at the Fort Thomas postofflce wasbadly shattered by burglars early thismorning The discovery was made Jjy

Special Clerk Win toss when hereached time omce at 7 a m lie foundthe door twisted out of shape and wax

unable to open it


31 f-e

Till WRATIIKIUPiolmlily sliowrrx and local

thunder storms tonlKlit nnd lhlday The highest temiernturctouched yestenlny ins 00 coil time

lowest today sins 07


Oration Will He Delivered Hy Presi-dent

IAt Oyster nay

New York May 24 PresidentRoosevelt has accepted the Invita ¬

tion of time clergymen and business-men of Oyster Ray to speak at theFourth of July celebration In theopera houre there In which Sundayand public school children will takepart TVnmlalt Destroy Bed

Ilopklnsvllle Ky May 24A tobacco plant bed containing about 450square yards on the farm of L LIeavlll one of the largest farmers ofthis county was visited last night byunknown parties and the plants totally destroyed by being dug up withhoes Some clues have been securedand Mr Leavlll says he knows all theparties were white me-



Blaze Damages House and CunlenlH toKxlrnt of OO IkTore It Is


The sos 1 and 3 flre companieswore called to the residence of CaptGeorge OHart at 913 Jeffersonstreet this morning at 830 oclockPainters were working on tho houseusing gasoline tire blowing puts toclean the paint from time weatherboarding They set the house afireand the tames spread from betweenthe weather boards and walls to thecornice and to tho roof The blarewas first fought by time painters un ¬

til It got beyond their control andlimo tire department was then calledInto service

The damage will amount to aboutSEOO The loss In fully covered byInsurance


Ten Ill Cent Advance In Colton MillWages

Danlelfoii Conn May 24 No

ices are posted In the cotton millsof a ten per cent Increase In wagesto take effect at once Tho Increaseaffects 20000 operatives In numer¬

ous nourishing mills In tills sectionof tho stale Tho cotton manufactur-Ing


Industry was never In a moreflourishing condition


Senator Lodge Will Introduce Hill toCut Down Coin

Washington May 21Lodge announred In tho senate today that hewould call up tomorrow tho measureauthorizing the Phlllpplue commissionto lower the amount of silver In thePhilippine coins of that molar to pro¬

vent exportation for Its bullion valueTho present price of silver Is so highthat the Philippine peso Is worth morefor bullion than Its face value


Case of film Muiilrrer Will Go toJury Late Tomorrow

New York May 21 Further tesUmony that Josephine Terronovawas Insane when sbo murdered heraunt and uncle was adduced today Inthe trial of the 17yearold Italiangirl The defense will close todayThe state will offer expert testimonyto rcibut the plea of the defense ofmental Irresponsibility on the partof the girl when the deed was com ¬

milled Tho case probably will go totime Jury late tomorrow


Mutlruccl Who Clunj to VesuviusThrough Kruptlmi Driven Away

Naples May 24 That whichllherecent awful eruption of Mount Ve ¬

suvius could not accomplish the tor ¬

rents of mud resulting from thefloods of the laitt few days havebrought about The mud lisp BO sur ¬

rounded the royal observatory andobstructed Ingress and egress thatDirector Matteuccl his assistants andtho carbineers under hint have beencompelled to abandon their post andcome to Naples

lllchinlon In DenominatedOwensboro Ky May 24Con

gressman James Richardson was renominated by the democrats of theTitled Kentucky district at qreenvllletoday



Occupants In Trap Await Ap ¬

proach of Train

Mrs Charles Itliuon Thrown OutSustains Severely Sprained Hack

Hut IM Saved


A cut of freight cars struck a buggy In which Charles Khuon and wifean aged couple residing on WestBroadway just beyond Twentyfifthstreet a< re riding this morning atCCO oclock at llth and Broad ¬

way and Mrs Khuon Is lying at herhome with a severely sprained backthe horse Is bruised and the buggypartly demolished

Caught In betw m two automaticrailroad gates unable la go back ¬

ward or forward and with a stringof freight cars hearing down on themwas tho unnerving situation in whichthe aged couple found themselvesAnd but for their presence of mind fakeeping their seats both might havebeen ground to death under tlrawheels of the cars

Tho cause of The accident Is at ¬

tributed to the carelessness of bothKhuon and the gate tender J FWright but both claim they exercised due caution +

I was riding to town with mywire Khuon related shortly aftertho accident and we were comingfrom our home I did not hear anywarning bell ring from the sate tow¬

er and did not hear or see the opproach ing cars I come by this streetdally and have never been In dangerof on accident before depending onthe gates for protection When I gotunder the first gate I noticed the oneon the oast side of the crossing beingrapidly lowered I looked aside hasti ¬

ly and saw the cars coming I struckmy mare and she started forward ata more rapid pace Tho gate camedown struck her on top of tho headand she jumped back My mare Isgentle and but for this fact both my-self and wife might not be livingtto ielllthe Story

The rear of my buggy was on thetracks and I could not force my marean Inch ahead on account of time gateThe west gate was down and I couldnot back so I held the animal In this

I position mill strucklleldJty Rates

The question of getting out of time

way was not to be considered Mywife sat With me anti when the bug ¬

gy was struck was thrown out I leftthe vehicle and assisted her Shesustained a severely sprained backand Is now at home unable to moveThe buggy was partly demolishedand my mare slightly brulEcdbut un +

hurt Had we attempted to back orhad tho mare been wild she mighthave pulled us directly In the pathof tho cars I consider our escape mi-

raculous and will say that I heardno warning bell from either gatetower or engine

The engine was a switch engllltNo 182 In charge pt Foreman Hen-ry


Lewis and Engineer Tim AustinIt was pushing the cars west and theengineer was unablo to seethe bug-gy on account of the length of thestring and a turn In the tracks

The gate tender J FWrlght stat-ed that he did ring his bell and didevery thing he could to warn time

aged coupleI rang my bell several tlmesand

Jet tho gates down I did not see time

driver attempt to cross until too lateI thought he knew the train was com ¬

ing and did not see him again untilmy gates were down I was busy withthe mechanism It was then too lawto avert the accident

The engine was stopped as soon na

the accident was seen by the crewMrs Knuon was resting well after

tho accident but on account of herage and the nature of the lnjurymaybo seriously hurt Too result of thesprain can not bo told for some timeIt may be permanent

Detective Will Baker la seriouslyill at his home on the north side





> e tA Des Moines Iowa May 24 ft

itheiiof existence this mornIng WCIIt j

Moderator Hunter Corbett otadaily established the unionofp4is fn6unccnvent > was followed btte cheers The existing boards of fthe two churcbxaiwlll carry on 3their work Inf harmqnj1thli y

X year There will he nor cI rtIl Xconsolidation until 1907 i


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