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IJa10che 0[: sk . Vol . X o. J &leurs G1i ilCS de Provo S. Albert A RCHIVES

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Page 1: IJa10che sk. Vol. X o - archives.algomau.caarchives.algomau.ca/main/sites/default/files/2012-21_001_059.pdfHor:wn Catholics c:: nd even non-Cectholics concider hir: ... ~t is cll~p.rly

IJa10che 0[: sk . Vol . X t~ o . J

&leurs G1iilCS de MI )I ' u~

Provo S. Albert ARCHIVES

Page 2: IJa10che sk. Vol. X o - archives.algomau.caarchives.algomau.ca/main/sites/default/files/2012-21_001_059.pdfHor:wn Catholics c:: nd even non-Cectholics concider hir: ... ~t is cll~p.rly

o f Home ,


Since a tlOnth , we have seen the picture of

His Hol i ness , the rope J:Jius Xll in alnost all

the newsp~pers and magazines . The name of Pope

cones fron an J:tc->lian Hord t!Papc:1" WIllch neems

is the represent("lnt of Goel on ea rth,

Hor:wn Catholics c:: nd even

non - Cectholics concider hir:l as a nan of Genius .

t'ope }-iu.s III "vas born just 80 'Tears ap'o .

By a happy coincidence , it was on his 63rd birth­

day , 1'lC1rch 2 , 1939 , that he was elected B:i.shop

of Ghr::'st ,md Visible head of the Church .

There can be no doubt thCit he is by nature .one of the [Jost gifted r.1en

living in the world todclY . His genius as a l:~Ilgu. ist, for in stc'Ilce, sur-

prlses E)verybody . Unce at a Gatholic Press Conv ention held in HOLle, he I

Soeu:rs Gri~es de Montr&,t Prov. S. Albert


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,. 'ldr2sseu the df)legC'tes in se ven L ,nguc:'f'''-'S 2nd hE; Dihht hL~V(; vone on i n _ norc: l c~ llgU i. ges , hc~ (l there be-en \J;: r s present to listen intelli r.entJ~ , .

\, He i s f r)u:: thH' S 2 doctor . His degrees \Vcn~ n n t just h:',ndeu to him, ~~ wo rk~~ ~~r ~J l ehl and pn~s ~d hi§ e~G0I~n~1~ions . He iE docto r ,in philo-uc phy, ..Jecred lr1l;.;u logy, Ccln un ~~ nu ClV __ cl\V.

Our Holy Fe.ther has be e n describucl as Cl. "c clUtiol)s but persistent innovator il • He [bde L1any ':1 change in the WC'y of holding se rvict::s and jYlciking \.; 8. siE;l' the r 8 c8pt i on of s~.crarlellts . ~t is cl l~ p.rly his intention tc keep wid(; open the Cl1cHlIl(;ls of grace, Lwk ing then C\c. css ,s ibl e in the maxiL,lUl~l degree to .:-.11 o f his flock in whL',tever c ircunstcmc es they DCl Y find th8mselvl::;s .

'1'l1e tioly Ghost 1125 provided His Church with a s h epherd I-rho is a n exampl Lr i n hlS abilities, llis declicC\tion to duty , but above a ll , in his pr i l;;:st ly p i e ty a nd in his devot i on to the B18sse d 0LtCrcment .

Let us j c;,~ n our h~ c'. rts and voices emd. prr.y f o r our FClthE;r .length of d&ys a nd th~ I lIwl aC}lleVel.1en t o f ~)w glor:..ous r(;wCl.rd tllC'.t aWe.a ts eV8ry good a nd f en thfull servc'nt of our l"laster .

l!i0"~;'O_ a ll our r ead(;rs , Happy b;' ,st e r c' nd Day Go d bless you ;) 11 .,. " .

~!~J l' I' t' jJ (~) (J ' /f1 I., --I i ~~t~l ~" , ~ v I", A :" ~a LO"che ~'9.sk . crLe 'J!v V.JOW~M.cu..J-ll!/' I'·T"/' HI .})~ / At;j' ba 5 t e r , 195 b • \ :~1!'

'\\~ , ;~ ,,; '/J1i7~ '~:~ . \ . ' ~

' )

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SOLITuDE l"lBrch the 8 th's plclne was boarded by

J:Lev . father Bourbonnais and lVlathieu , on their WbY to Beauv21, where they attended the re -

, treat . They picked up Erother ot . ll.rnaud at .. .. :. Buffalo lfarrovvs 11'lhe1'e the "cat" had previo'6s ­

ly tCJken hiLl . After two weeks absence , vIe vvere gl&.d to

welc(me our kind Fathers hone and they were filled with praise and gratitude for these days 01 grace spent in q~ iet solitude under the guidance of an experienced retreat naster .

11' Ull GUD hLD :':'uULS ~n July l<:54"Hev . Fcther H. Dufault , O. lILI .

cane here to study the Chipewvc-\!l lan,a;uc}ge . He hC:ts been here for about a vear ,mel a half . He W2S

klnd to all and he learned-to speak so that he could speak to the people in Church on 0undays .

l-:ow bv the last ['12.il a letter caLle and his superiors have naLled hin Pastor of Di llon . 'Therefore by the 22nd of bareh plane, Father left us .

l, Te vvill alw2vs re r.lenber hOI/v kind and f ood Father Dufauli \~lS to us . He taught

us catechi~;,1 he vvc!s our supervisor when vve CaLle to skate c:mel slide during the winter . l..Je thcmk hiLl for all he did lor us .

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4 I'JOfi-TmUulD BOUl"lD

Father Mathieu \vent north to see the p~;pt~ , vvhp are up there fish­ing, trapP';j..irg, and hunting . l\lany of then had n5~ ~~~n Father for sone time thc:..t is why he went to bring them th~ help of the sacraments . Fa ther r -<, tlL"n CCln trc ... vel anywhere because' "he wants to save the sOllls of the peop~~ .

1rnest L'10i5e

Fiwl\'I DILLON Rev . !ather elegent . pastor of

Dillon took a few hours off to pay us a visit . We are always glad to see "Father when he comes here .

Mr. Grirnard, the school tec:..cher also carne in . He visited the class rooms but' as \ve h:ld all gone hone we did not .- see him . ~Je hope he lik\c~ our school ns we do.

Virginie Toulejours

A. PLr:,j~SMjT VIS::L cl'OR . It was indeed D happy crowd of

chlldren who unexpectedly' charged in the sisters' home on the afterlioon of §ebruary ' 29 . To the cry of "Sis~ ters , Sister Nother if here, 1\'E.' saw he r at the plane!! , the sisters w~re perplexed but the mystery was soon sol :red when in the doonvay they siJ.W thelr dear Mother Provincial Mother ,

I ,

Berthe Do r ois accoD~anied bv Sr . A . Desilets, prov i ncial hurs& r~ Since news travel slowlv in the north, the letter annou~cing her arrival being on the plane "it w~s a surprise for the sisters: but a happy one at thot .

We were very gl ~d to he or that l'·lother was to rer:w,in with us L whole week . Th1S D8( nt for us a visit to our clc: ssrooIil which we had a nticipated for a long time . Hovv hElPPY we were to hear her telk to us. lift e r singing her .:.~ few songs, she gave us sane pretty oedals and last but not least some bCllloons .

\Je Here v~~rv sorrv to sse her going cmd we hope th(~ t' she will cooe back ag2in soon .

Pr{l.YLHFULL THj,m.~ Once Elgain, 0ister h .LachancG

superior of ~t . Paul's Hospitc:..l in Saskatoon h<1 s shown r SpE:C i <:,l mmner how kind she is to us . 0r . Superior: has sent us ct supply ~f good tlunr;s to e[~t c.tDd dr:'nk . .she certainly deserves a big thr nk you clIld even though we cannot pay her in r<:turn, we shc ~ 11 prCl y for her ond usk Jesus to bless her nnd her work. "More O iings are wrought by pr2yor th~ n this 'mrld thinkofll .

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TU ,huL ':C~LL, .l.J

In e[~ rly l"lr.: rch I'Ve h" d the sur­prise of seeing rlev . ~r . nntoinette H iv~rd of ~l~ a 1 8 Crosse step off the p1~ne . ~he n~xt day, however our uevoted nurse, Sr . B. \lebber I'vas boarding the Norse;,wn for 2 : light to Prince hlbert. Sister WLS on her wny t o Lon t rec l Hhere she will Lw.ke her d,n r.. 'llCl 1 ten- days r etreat . On her w~y hOGe she will visit her b r othe r Fred of Toronto .

We are sure ~ister Webbe r has enjoye6 h~r trip do\n : L~st and we are anxious to see her ClgJ' in .

During her ClOSenCl:. , 0ister ./1. . Hiv~rd h2s very aLly indeed taken over the duties o f night nurso . We like her, she sec,c,s so kind to 2.11 who comE to her . '~ Je s(~crctly hope th.::' t SOIa8 d;·,y she'll becorw our nurse .

Henriette J c: ' nvier

'I'lt,hC'l'OH T1L_ V DL~

5 The trC1ctor i s " (~rv useful h~ ­

cause the brothers use it to haul hay c.: nd wood .

- ~lfred J~nvier

~,, 150 [GDt; During the ChristEw s ha lide' 'TS,

t'l 'VO teachers de c :~ded to visit SOf!1e hones ut the other vi11a~e . The dis ­t ; nc e 2nd the not ve ry vrell beate n tn, il proved t o be CA hc·.nclic Lp , but luckily Lrnos t Herman was home for a hol idRY vvi th his one hundred cmd fi fty dollcl1:;s ,LW , ~ nd toboggan out ­fit and offe reel the tvvo sisters Cl ride . The offer WClS glcdly c.. ccepted and the trip proved to bG a r2ther exciting , ; [3 ',vell , ' S R speedy one . Thank you Lrnest for your kindness .

'l'HL ~L ';: In:' 'l'HL '=:'UlJL Gne ship drives ec': st ,-md another drives west \Vi til the sulfsc'r:;1o winds thc lt blo,;J' , "1'is the set of the s;; ils und not the

Vt' chongtlles , During the wint e r, Brother drove the tractor t o Dillon a nd Euff :... l o i~&rrows . On his 1-,[H V ou t he tool:: SOnle lun ber for the building o f a schoo l at Dill on Lnd on his wayb<.. ck he brought sl ~ pplios f or the mission .

'fha t t ol ls then the ",my they ro . Like the Hinds o f the sea are the winds of i'ate as we voyage along through life , ' Tis the set of the soul t hat decides the gOC1 l c1nd not th c~ caln or the strife .

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.' , ' () , ' J---C) --c.. ~~,~&e;. / ',.: .. ,' -- ........... ~ ~ .• " '- ' t , • ~':~ . . ' , '. , c":'t...


'/ ;'


DOCTO~l Cl'.L1~ Doctor HO~~Dnn of lle a In

Crosse cm.1G here three tines since Ghristuc::.s . r1'he people c::- re heppy to seE: hiD 'I,'J'hen he VlS?-tS thG0 . ~Qnetlyes,hb t~kes.peQ pler t o ut . J CJ sph 0 rlosplt.sl dt .l..le c..-

l e Grosset ]"(; he o~)erc:tes th~rn o r o therwise 11(; lps then to be better a guin .

h iss I') olet it . l ~ . of =le c. lL Crosse spent 2 n~fht here . She brought two batnes \,.rho had been ill bc~ c l: to thoir happy lJothers .

',ie hope Hiss i;u l e t L_b,; d

(. cha nce she Hill COlle b;: ck to s ee us our pla ce <::nd th<: t vvhen she h[' s

acc'.in . i\;iarcel J-anvi.er

JOYb hIW SUIU{O'vIS un Jc:munru thE; 2nd, Freda Beatrice ':L'herese , dC'ughter 0:::' 1.nn I'le·.r i e

t nd l;,lex Jci. nvier WD. S born . :Ln spite o f her r1.:1ny ncnws , Freda weighed only six pounds, but , how happy her brothers (' nd sisters were t o hLtve her . \le

hope thrt ~nily ,ilio is now ~t the b&n will soon be able to see her too .

Best wlslws to the happy parmlts .

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To c heer the hCClrt s o f f ond paren ts cane J uliR, dL ug ht e r of Mr . ~ Mr s . Joseph 11.ontg r imd; Doris , daught e r

I, o f ~r ~ Mr s . Pat hc DuYlL ld . J o seph flo y , Gldes t SOll o f l'lr . L: lIrs . Llfre d Chee cham , hclPPY c,dd i t i (m to HOS8 , ll'lc ry and Jenn y . Jos t2 ph Johnny s on o f 1-lr . ~,', AI's . J e[:n Mer i e i..,ert1r' i ­g r e . L1E1e r , Gon o f l"1r . d rs . J~ r sene l'ilcD onE.l l d .

The r e i s no r o s e wi thou t Cl t ho rn, the r e f o r e we we r e s orry t o hear t hc t s i x - uonthe d o l d Dori s , d ;:·.ughte r o f .bdv~ard a n d Li ne .Iont ­g r a nd t ook i t s f light t o jo in the enge l (.-e n d .

lcI r s l 0c... r c'. :" i ne Loke n '\Vas f l own to Saskc t oem (,rhe r e s h e underwent e very s erious o pere tion . 'vJe are g l c: d th[i t she i s now r e turned t o ~ fh i t e ­fi sh LLke , h e r hot1eto1;vn .

~rs . fuo n iqu e Sylve s tre i s slow­ly re c ov (.;r i ng f rOl!1 c.. v ery bad liutrt End kl dn e y c ondition . We r e j oi c e with he r fc .rnly who h e v e gre[,tly miss8Q t he i r d e cT liw th E-: r du ring he r s tay a t t h e ho s pitLl. .

Ot he rwis E:: ",11 h ,o\s been qui e t not'IVl ths U;rJ d i nL: the s e vere v"ree. , the r c on d it ions . Some light case s o f i n flue nza he v e been t n~[' t e d bu t the br i ght spring sun will giv e n ew Vi D

and vigo r t o 211 . 7

Bd lLF, _Cr;:'U1L0 I t is vvi t h s inc ere d e e p gru ­

titude t ht, t b i ste r 0ulJerio r a nd 811 the sis t (; r s viev,T t he r1c' nv u se ful ccrt i cl e s rE~ c e iv ed during- t he c ou rs e

Our f a r mJc' ~r ~ lo th e r h ou se :::- s a lso froD t he hospit :,ls 0-:: .t)~_g,~ · c,r ,

Ca l ga ry , 0[:sk2 t o on (' n d the l-rovin c i a l house h l'. v e cc:~ us e d t h i s j oy and happine s s .

',In canno t rep(~ y i n kin d but ;lwh[!.t I haVe I g i ve you [,.11H : h e Er t fe l t thank s cmel c:. p r oDisG . l'ha t we s1121l r ewmbe r you kind siste r$ in onr cl& ily v is it s 'l, li t h Jesu s .

1,LOlTb l nwn you ' n.; ulorw ,"li th JeL sus, i ... nd He SI,,,ruetly snil e s on thee , 1,Jill y ou s ome t in6 ,,,,h i s p e r t o Hi m .I.. l i tth, :;rn yer f o r ne?

Hnd ,'vhen 2: T r,1 [l l one 1;vi t h J usus , j,nd e ll ul s e i 8 his frnr.1 vi e1'v, Dee p in h~_ s 0c:c:red }h;[lrt I T 11 dJ'op 2 lit t l e :) !..'[: vel' f o r y ou .

0 1' . !le r i e Ther~ se

Page 9: IJa10che sk. Vol. X o - archives.algomau.caarchives.algomau.ca/main/sites/default/files/2012-21_001_059.pdfHor:wn Catholics c:: nd even non-Cectholics concider hir: ... ~t is cll~p.rly

~ /(1 \':' .. / f ( ;~.' I ~ JlJ, '1' ::uL i3L .l'~ \T.i ;LLl . rl'~IJ.l:'? " F I. I. Good no rrow 't:i..s S t . V~lentine's lJey

't.~ / /.11 in the Dorning tiLw :.( -. ~Y~I\' 1.~nct .J.. (' [,mid c.t your \vindo1,l

~ ........ _Av ~~7 10 be your V,-:lentine . \. '" '" .... J 0u1' Vc: l entine piTt'.' opened by

,-/ ." (r~\ , the singing of this song into which "\:..~ ~ \,.;-,,'t-----:i we put c' gr~~r..: t d GL. l of joy und

»V/ ~ /1 ,/ c=J huppines s . J.s n o clas s c ould conta in ""- us &11 we all had our pel rties in our

mine . Th E; d a v before Wf:~ we r e bt; sV out our c i. ,rus . · .

own cla ss es so :.: Call tGll you only D.bout i ndHe d coloring , (j('dressinr and sendi.ng

On the 14th in ttl<.; aft~;rnoon our pc~rty to ok pl.::. ce . \'e plc:c:red gcU~1eS sc' ng sonb"s etnd enjoyed our hc ~ t lunc h . 1'11' . StC1sLlik , ~ave' R c ho colc:te bar to 8very child in school 2nd this g r cc, tly c ont r ibutecl ~o our plea sure . ~if.o wish to thC1nk hin since r e l y .

Just before all "Ides over Sis ter ~l~peri o r e.lso sent us SODe candy . 1'0 her ena to 811 our tee chers vv8 wish t o say a hee. l'ty thc.,nk y ou . .

Henriette Jhnvier

s ehuUL .'. \. y~' D . .J_._GtIT .Lhe tr1;. cl~s ctnd snovnnob::..les L."om the .... ·',uth came h ere (11 .. ite o ften

during thH Hint., . . :. -'b ,; t ,'l e l. f LoT '. 1 t,t ~: t L:; ; • . l:: . C . i:,l ~)pli es 'vhile the smrwrr;obiles t ooL " t i'.,;.,f.;:l 1,1\... \ove r t; sE.:llin~ ; .

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On Janu~ ry the 29th we had 2 truck ride . l1r . .hlson to ok tl18 boys and g irls atout a ni l e a nd a half on the l ake . It was r a ther cold end SODG of the gi rls shi¥e r ed be caus e the y were wear ing fancy clothes and f &ncy shoes , but we boys we r b enjoying it ~ l l.

1.nother tiI'1e too Mr . Hclnson gave us a lIbug ride!! around the t own . Wa.s it not kind of these two dri vers to g ive us s~ch j oy? \!e &r e very thankful t o theD .

rtlfred J a nvie r

11-11(, ~:LUGH ' .:3 VlbI1' On January 27th . JVI r . vJaugh came

here t o visit us . He arrived here in the a ft ernoon . He asked us SODe ques tions and we did our best t o answer . He gaVE Cl half- hour hol i day as he had so~e business to deal . wi th . The next [,lOrning when he came again , we just had ti~e t o bid him a farewell .

Virginie Toul e j our .


ty of us and we shall have our gar­den plot at our hor:1e . Our newly­elected pr esident is Marc el Janvier, vice - pr esedunt is 1l.1fred Janvier and I was chosen t o be the secretarY .

llt our w;eting we discussed the probleMs of seeds . We decided to bring a f ew cents each so as t o buy ther:1 oursel ve s .

hll of us are eage r to start t o work anel it 1001:s as if it will s oon b e time, as the snow is f Rs t dis ­ap~)eClring .

tJhe n our scmg God save

meeting was ove r we t he Queen . Abrd.han Hoise .

lvm . NEILSON ' VI SIT On March 20th . Mr . Heilson

visited us . He told us abou t the garden we ure go in?" to hmw this year . The first thing he said WElS to have a fl ut sign , at l east f our feet high,so he will be able to see that our seeels do not mix up with our parent ' s .

i"l.fter I read the minutes of our 4H CLUB HLLTH.JG

On f..'Iarch the fifth we had meeting . All the memb~ rs came our class . This year t here a r e

l as t meet ing , hl fred t old of the i ­ou r te[1S disc uss ed at tha t same time . to J.fter l~ecess we saw a picture thir- shovf and how we l oved t o see ours e l -

ves on t he s cree n .

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," ,,:1,:

My cousin adelaide's w8dding was on Februa­ry 14th . On thLt duy , she becane bride of Leon Billette of Dillon . l:;lC'ny people went to the "V'Tedding mass stli.d by n~;v . Fatlwr .uufnult • .

ThFt aft2rnoon , the newly wed, ('nd their friends enjoyed the usu~ l dance session at the 1c~ j eunE::sse Hc.l1 . 1.11 went hOr:1e hn ppy .

fI r . and drs . BillE::tte will Ll~ · ke their hone in Dillon . .

l'largueri tu d. J.::mvibr .

Obi tuc ). ry .

:Uittll:3 l'fiaulyn , dEJ.Ughtur 0:;: Hr . .::md l'Irs . l-hilip­pc.; 1(;[kigrt~ , took her flight to he,lven <~fter spend­

ing but eight f.1onthe with her dec:r p <.: rents . 70 the bt~ rea :" v(:;d p~rd,ts WE:; offer our h8~rti'8 1t GYiJP,. thy .

l~lr . Cc;lestin J·olibois p,. ssed EHvav [;t his horae in Yean[:l:ke zhe . For a feW months the venerable old I][J.n hc:ci been ailing , 'out llS we 'JIlere usecl to see him suffering vvi. thout a \'lord of cOf.1pl;~ int , his denth surprised nany . His son , Luc i en , tn:vc.;ll t;d fron the l'~orth to C'l ssist at his funerc41, but hlex, wc:..s un,.-; ble to E'.ttend .

One morl:; of our old friends hc~s gOTl<3 to rec(; i ,,~~ thE; r8w,1 rcl of E.l life , lowly in appearr ncE:;, but possibly grec~t to the One who alone judges the he.s.rt of His childrul, rich or poor .


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To Flora and Mrs . Sarazine Jan' ', vier, his daughters and illex , Lucien

and ~ugene his sons, we offer our heetrtft:;l t syr:1pa thy .

H. B. C. On January 4th . Mr . and Mrs . Roy

Simpson boarded a plane on their way to Montreal, where our post l\Ianager was to take a spec i al course in fur gr2ding . During their absence, Bever­ly Lacelle and Eddie hrkinson managed the storE- here .

Upon Mr. Simpson ' s return , Bev . was cal l ed to \finnipeg and from thence he will proceed to Berens Rive r ,where he i s appointed manager . Congratula­tions , Bev . and thanks for all your st2y meant to everyone of us here , who 2re indeed glad to h~ve known you .

TH~ CLL1(KS Now that Bev ha s gone , ~ddie

~rkinson takes his p12ce . Pe ter Bou­dewyn helps him serve the people when they comE to the store . ~one tioe s when his work is done Bddie rides on & dog sled . On Sunday he went fish i ng through the ice with a hook . He ca ught two fish "which he gave away . He said thf't it was nice t o go fish­-L1"'\,",: ('11;' h ,· t', d:l~r. BCCltric() Hf~ rT1an.

r ECTO }lthPHLH Mr . Lace lle fulfilled our long

cherished desire of se Gi nro the sna~~ he to ok of our Christmas concert, when hor came to school before leavin~ . We saw ther.1 in h i s magic vieworr; ho,,",· real they seemed . Congratulations and sincere thanks, Bev .

TO hND FROH TIm Si,N Joseph Janvier , a nephew of

mine came back f rom the San . He hac' left i n Septmabe r 1953 to und e rgo treatments there . Now that he is better h i s parents are happy .

Adrien Herman , a classmate , alco had gone for treatment . He hAS now r e turnetl t o the j oy of his fri fr i ends and relatives .

Mrs . Raphael Janvi e r left her family to tak e her place among the patients of the San . Who do you think was overjoyed et seeing her? No one e lse but her daught e r Susan wi th whOrl she now rooms . live do hope that they wil l s oo n get better and cone bacL hOUle again .

Margaret Janvi(;;r .

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12 II Hushl vlE'RE OFF! 11

Wish to tClke this opportunity to tell sorile of our r (·C'dersab01Jt an " adventure, If ve hed in this great north country . I call it nn adventure,

C6Cc:...US(; to W:; it was new, diffurent and very exciting. I think anybodv

who was [~ fr e shm[::n like myself in this country, would balh;ve a trip of ap­proximatelv two hundred and fifty miles by dog tuaD, "uite an adventure .

It was a cold, blustry Decer;1ber L10 rning \"lhen FE:thcr l'IIathietl. roused me n

out o f lilY b t: d, telling ml: he is ['~l[!lost ready to le<.: ve 0 vV\JO\v! Yi I pop out 0':;:

b .:;d and sta rt pulling on 2..11 tht..; WB.rn clothe s I could find; four pa irs of hc2VY wool ~n socks, two pairs of trousers , tvv'O mlJ'oaters, several shirts , a pair of well made Indic.:n Doccassins, a parka, fur cap and fur miitens . With all this on I could · SCi- rc ely DOVE;, uut Fa tht; r tells me the t it was the way t o trc~vE::l in the north , espucictlly for a freshr.12n . ~ilhen I 1'H~nt outside, his six dogs were ready . I just got settled on the tobogpm, when I heard a shorp sne,p of c" whip and "Mush", v1e're off for Dillon . ::L sat in th[t tobe e gc:...n , scarcely [Joving till it w[',s tir,w for dinner . ThD t vms the first Deal I was to ever hClve outside in trw winter tioeHlwn it was approxipatd:y 35 d8g:lZ8"'::S t Glow and wind of about 20 1.1iles . li.fter naking the fire, father dug out the ~Grubfl and pans out of our pack . Now C2..ue the surprising part . HG put every thing togetller into our pans; beans , weiners, potatoes and bread , sprinkled th(~ t 1'li th snow und OVf;r the fin~ it went. Renson why? M08 T

of the ilgruV' was frozen . Out, in the E1iddle of nm,rhere, one cannot be pnrn ticular . You stuf~ it dmm und got going .

We travelled 2..11 this day 2nd DOSt of the night because it was very storr:1Y and we cou~d not se l:) where w(; \iTere going . FinDlly nt 1 . 50 in the morning , we came to Dillon . Aft e r bedding dO\ffi,and feeding th~ dogs , we went to t8d oursel V E;S . I vms so tired, I "vas' nt eVen hungry . Incidently w~ slept a t the R. C. Mission at Dillon .

Th e; next dD:,r about e leven 0' clock ", fter huving late bre;.l l:fnst \iTe' re off agE in for Buf:~lo harrm·Js . h.ft6r a nother tiresone ride, vw got to the l~arrows at seven 0' clock in the evening . Here :L stayed ut the it. . C.

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Mission for a ~~Eek <'nd 2_ Iwlf . i enjoyed it very r,mch , the hospitDlity wr s terrific . -L.n the villDgu :L !"Je t s f; v e rnl old ctc(1t '2..intfiYlces ('nd r12de


\ SODe n EW ones • .s oon r:1y holid(: :TS were c1lr:1ost up and the trip hOI18 was to beg in . ~~ ther dbcided to ~o hO~G 'Ti~ Cl ear Lnke and :Lsland Lake . i ngreed v e ry willingly for in this direction I would see flare new c ountry , meet mo rE; ne','l people .

' ~ E. got t o Cl~~2r Lake in vel''! good tiwe for we hed snow plowed truck rOc_ds and nicu trc;velling weather . IIL01l , The nest r.l0rnin Q; Wi,j got <'nothe r

t , bl izzard vlhich r:lad l) :L t iL1possible to travel, but He had to try because 1 W[lS pressed by til~le • .school would. reopen ill f our davs, c:nd i was 0:. l ong wa y IrOla hO[.'"1e y e"C . .

1, ' e struck out across th0 l <.. ke for :1:s1(.'nd l..Jc~b; . "Iter C)_bout seven or ei (2.' ht f:li11. s of tru_vell ing with the liJ"inJ nnJ snOVl in our f r ce, and no roc.; d to folloH, Fe:. ther hnl t ed the dog s . He decided to turn back cmd !Jab.: for Buffrlo Lc: rrows . ITilt l east we hllve a t:c~ il to follow a nd the )'vind i :uHlr b2Cks , j, hE:. Se id . 00 Lu ck to Buffc 10 LarrO\vs we go , and bc: c ~ : hooE.; b~T the serne route we C(' iJe , storr.l or no storr.} . F[tt he r krw,'l th(...t route very Hell .

Now -L LlUSt Se y ..L l:lUde it be' ck cefor e school r (-;opened , ,; ~ nd nll I have left of thb trip is c- L18Ilo r y , an experience c' nd a tender spot on the tip of my nose .

Uhen [,11 Lrowth seens on t he VVL- n , c.:dl1i r [.tion f;rov.,rs for the only . vis~ble g rowth: b chir.c .

Page 15: IJa10che sk. Vol. X o - archives.algomau.caarchives.algomau.ca/main/sites/default/files/2012-21_001_059.pdfHor:wn Catholics c:: nd even non-Cectholics concider hir: ... ~t is cll~p.rly