il sostegno degli investimenti privati in paesi emergenti 2013 international finance corporation a...

IL SOSTEGNO DEGLI INVESTIMENTI PRIVATI IN PAESI EMERGENTI 2013 International Finance Corporation A World Bank Group Member

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Page 1: IL SOSTEGNO DEGLI INVESTIMENTI PRIVATI IN PAESI EMERGENTI 2013 International Finance Corporation A World Bank Group Member




International Finance Corporation

A World Bank Group Member

Page 2: IL SOSTEGNO DEGLI INVESTIMENTI PRIVATI IN PAESI EMERGENTI 2013 International Finance Corporation A World Bank Group Member

1. Chi Siamo2. Settore della Meccanica3. Esempi di Progetti finanziati da IFC4. Settore della Chimica5. Finanziamenti alle Reti di Distribuzioni6. Finanziamenti per Fornitura e Commercio7. Servizi di Consulenza

IFC EVP and CEO Jin-Yong Cai

“Per più di mezzo secolo, l'IFC è leader nei mercati emergenti, fornendo consulenza e capitale che hanno contribuito a costruire la prosperità e l'eliminazione della povertà. In realtà abbiamo definito i "mercati emergenti" a lungo termine. Questa è la nostra specialità. Sostenuta da una base di capitale di soli $ 2,4 miliardi dai nostri paesi membri 184, abbiamo investito più di $ 125 miliardi nei paesi in via di sviluppo dal 1956, per migliorare la vita di milioni di persone.”

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About International Finance Corporation (IFC)

• IFC, parte del Gruppo della Banca mondiale, è la più grande istituzione di sviluppo globale focalizzata sugli investimenti del settore privato nei paesi in via di sviluppo.

Forniamo finanziamenti per aiutare le aziende a creare maggiore occupazione e fornire servizi essenziali in paesi in via di sviluppo.

Mobilitiamo capitale nostro e di altre banche, e forniamo servizi di consulenza per garantire uno sviluppo economico sostenibile in paesi emergenti.

Lavoriamo direttamente con le aziende produttrici, i loro fornitori e con i loro acquirenti.

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Con 100 uffici in torno al mondo, IFC ha una prospettiva globale del settoreed un ottima la conoscenza locale dei paesi in via di sviluppo.


Working Together Across Emerging Markets

Industry and Regional Experience

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Latin America and the


Europe and Central Asia


Sub-Saharan Africa17.7%

East Asia and the Pacific


Middle East and North


South Asia 8.5%

Global0.4% Telecom & IT


Trade Finance38.8%

Financial Markets21.8%Infrastructure


Consumer & Social Services



Agribusiness & Forestry


Oil, Gas & Mining3.2%


IFC: Over $125 B Invested in Emerging Markets since 1956

• S&P, Moody’s AAA

• Outstanding Portfolio $56.4 billion

• Committed in FY12 $15.5 billion

• Syndicated in FY 12 $4.9 billion

• # of companies 1,825

• # of countries 103

• IFC FY12 (06/30) Highlights


FY2012 Commitments – by region FY2012 Commitments – by sector

• Largest multilateral source of loan and equity financing for the private sector in emerging markets

•Takes market risk with no sovereign guarantees

•Promoter of environmental, social, and corporate governance standards

•Resources and know-how of a global development bank + flexibility of a merchant bank

•Holds equity in over 800 companies worldwide

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IFC: La Nostra Reputazione e il Nostro Valore• IFC è il più grande investitore multilaterale del settore privato nei paesi

emergenti al mondo• Rating AAA• Redditizia ogni anno da quando è stata istituita• Piu’ di 3.800 persone impiegate nei nostri 100 uffici in tutto il mondo• Un reparto interno di syndication che lavora con oltre 200 banche• Analisi comparativa globale - individua e diffonde le migliori pratiche

internazionali• Consigli per questioni ambientali e sociali• Attenuazione del rischio politico• Status di creditore preferenziale• IFC Performance Standards adottato con Equator Principles da oltre 50

istituzioni globali


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IFC: A development bank with the flexibility of an investment bank

IFC’s Products and Services

Senior Debt Structured Finance

Mezzanine Finance

Private Equity

• On-lending• Liquidity

management• Acquisition financing• Warehousing

facilities• Syndicated loans

• Partial credit guarantees

• Securitization• Bond


• Convertible debt

• Subordinated debt

• Other Tier II instruments

• Common shares• Preferred shares

• $1 billion program• Guarantees to issuing banks• 46 issuing banks in 24

countries• 92 confirming banks in 62

countries• $579 million of issued

guarantees in first 12 months

• Corporate governance• Risk management• Small and medium business

banking• Housing finance• Energy efficiency finance

Global Trade Finance Program

Advisory Services Sustainable Finance

• Carbon finance• Sustainable energy• Supply chain financing• Corporate governance


• $500 million program• S/T Open account

trade for EM firms/exporters

• Uncommitted credit lines for pre-approved buyers

Global Trade Supplier Finance


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1. Energy Efficient Machinery

2. Construction Materials

3. Chemicals

1. Power

2. Renewable

3. Transportation

4. Water

5. Telecom

1. Grains

2. Fruit & Vegetables

3. Animal Production

4. Processed Food

5. Forestry

1. Education

2. Retail

3. Health

4. Tourism

5. Property

1. Financial Infrastructure

2. MSME Finance

3. Retail Finance

4. Trade & Supply Chain

Manufacturing Agribusiness Services

Infrastructure & Oil - Gas Financial Markets


IFC focus into a wide range of sectors where it offers the highest impact

IFC’s Sector Focus

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Industry Target Segments

2-3 Wheelers • Motor & Electric Bikes

Transport Vehicles &


• Commercial (trucks, vans, buses, rail)

• High Value components (car parts, power train, systems)

Infrastructure Machinery

• Construction / Mining (Cranes, excavators)

• Energy supply (generators, cables ,oil & gas drilling)

Energy Efficiency

• Motors, pumps, compressors, HVAC systems, commercial/

industrial refrigeration, batteries, metering tools, smart grid

components, lighting (LED/CFL)

Agri Machinery • Agricultural equipment,

Production & Processing

Target Sub-Segments

Base of Pyramid Needs

Infrastructure and Climate Change

IFC Goals Sample Products

Renewables Supply Chain

• Components for solar, wind power generation


IFC’s Global Manufacturing Focus

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How IFC differs from other Equity Partners

IFC e’ in grado di fornire prestiti, capitale netto, o una combinazione di entrambi, a seconda delle esigenze del cliente.

IFC ha un orizzonte d'investimento più lungo (5-7 + anni) ed è meno ciclico rispetto alla maggior parte degli investitori finanziari.

Con le sue partecipazioni, IFC può agire come un "onesto mediatore" in situazioni di joint venture, dando un maggiore comfort per gli azionisti di minoranza.

Leader tra le finanziarie multilaterali per lo sviluppo dei paesi emergenti - IFC ha ampiezza di esperienza di investimenti e anni di esperienza nei mercati emergenti dando un valore aggiunto ai propri clienti.

La solida reputazione di IFC aggiunge credibilità alle società partecipate che accedono ai mercati internazionali dei capitali.

IFC offre le migliori pratiche di know-how in materia di corporate governance, la gestione ambientale, le comunità locali, e requisiti assicurativi.


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IFC aggiunge valore in paesi a medio reddito, concentrandosi su settori come investimenti per l'innovazione e l'efficienza energetica per aiutare le imprese in questi paesi ad adottare la nuova tecnologia rispondendo anche alla scarsità delle risorse ed il cambiamento climatico.

1. Chi Siamo2. Settore della Meccanica3. Esempi di Progetti finanziati da IFC4. Settore della Chimica5. Finanziamenti alle Reti di Distribuzioni6. Finanziamenti per Fornitura e Commercio7. Servizi di Consulenza

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Esperienza nel settore di Energy Efficient Machinery

• Dal 1960, IFC ha investito oltre 1,8 miliardi di dollari in più di 80 imprese del settore dei trasporti in 26 paesi.

• IFC puo’ contare su specialisti interni con esperienza a livello mondiale nel settore e capacità di benchmarking

• Grande conoscenza ed alta esposizione dei mercati in rapida crescita come Brasile, India, Cina, Turchia e nei Balcani.

• Solide relazioni con i principali players grazie ad un approccio a lungo termine per gli investimenti

• Focus sul tema del climate change: l'evoluzione del settore dei trasporti verso macchine ad alta efficienza energetica (che ora comprende il trasporto, i macchinari e le energie rinnovabili - pannelli solari, turbine eoliche)

• Development Impact: la creazione di posti di lavoro diretti e indiretti, trasferimento di know how, la promozione di una crescita economica sostenibile e la competitività


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Presentation Title 13

Supply Chain

OEM/Tier1 Distribution/ Aftermarket End-users

Input Materials

• Job Creation/Skills Development• SME Development

• Access to Infrastructure Services• Climate Change Mitigation

• Innovation

Global Trade Supplier Finance (GTSF)

- Advisory Services

Distribution Finance– Distributors / Aftermarket/ End-

users– Fleet / Machinery Purchases– Captive Finance Companies– Risk Sharing Mechanisms– Advisory Services

Supply Chain and OEM Financing- Commercialization of new technologies

(safety systems, cleaner emissions, alternative fuels)

- Manufacturing – projects with high energy/fuel efficiency component

- High innovation/technology/ safety component projects

- Low value components with large jobs in IDA/Frontier (wire harness, PCB assembly)

IFC approach to the Machinery Sector – Financing the value chain

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1. Chi Siamo2. Settore della Meccanica3. Esempi di Progetti finanziati da IFC4. Settore della Chimica5. Finanziamenti alle Reti di Distribuzioni6. Finanziamenti per Fornitura e Commercio7. Servizi di Consulenza

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• Volkswagen, $175m (India)

• Piaggio 2/3 Wheelers, $50m (Vietnam, India)

• Continental, $100m (Thailand)

• Standard Profil Components, $52m (Turkey)

• Marcopolo Buses $30m (Latin America region)

• Kumho Tires , $36m (China)

• Microvast EV + Batteries, $25m (China)

• Petlas Tires, $30m (Turkey)

• Apollo Tires, $75m (India, SA)

• Fuba Electronics, $13m (Tunisia)

• Randon Buses, $38m (Brazil)

• SN-Power La Higuera Renewable Energy, $208m (Chile)

• Energomera Group Electronics, $60m (Russia)

• Borets Electrical Submersible Pumps, $50m (Russia)

• Goldwind high-efficiency Wind Turbines, $50m (China)

• WEG Infrastructure Engines, $25m (Brazil)

• Avtokran Cranes, $28m (Russia)

• Polycab Power Cables, $85m (India)

• Same Deutz-Fahr, tractors/ harvesters, $30m (India, Croatia, China)

• TJSC Rise, farm equipment & services, $10m (Ukraine)

• Salala Rubber, renovation of rubber processing plant, $10m (Liberia)

• Wadi, poultry feed milling and pelleting, $65m (Egypt)

• Jain Irrigation, irrigation systems, $70m (India)

• Koyo Ecological Agrotech, ($30m) (China)

• Conaprole, dairy facility expansion, $108m (Uruguay)

Transport Equipment Infrastructure Machinery

Agribusiness Machinery

Sample IFC Investments


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PMC – Magneto SerbiaSerbia – March 2012

Project DescriptionA Greenfield metal stamping factory located in Grosnica, a supplier park dedicated to FIAT’s new plant in Kragujevac. It will produce seat structure, safety component and system, suspension and car jacks, with manufacturing processes for FIAT.

Project SizeTotal cost: € 37 millionIFC Loan: € 20 million

IFC Added Value• Crisis response and Counter-cyclical role - Market

conditions in Europe magnifies IFC's countercyclical role as most European banks have been limiting their exposure to emerging markets due to funding constraints.

• Global presence and partnership – Sponsors have already inquiring about possible cooperation with IFC in other emerging markets.

• Risk mitigation - Project is Sponsor’s first investment in Serbia. Partnering with IFC provides comfort to Sponsors in terms of country knowledge and contacts.

Developmental Impact• Job creation: 367 direct skilled jobs (with training

programs), and 10,000+ indirect jobs

• Technology transfer - Sponsors are FIAT trusted suppliers and have state-of-the-art technologies and efficient processes. 16

Continental Automotive LtdThailand - March 2012

Project DescriptionGreen field manufacturing facility with a production capacity of 500,000 high pressure pumps and 2,500,000 injectors per year.

Project SizeTotal Cost: €180 millionIFC Loan: €70 million

IFC Added Value• Mobilization: Mobilized 50% of the debt requirement for

the project

• Risk mitigation: Sponsor values IFC's presence as a proxy to a local partner in a country where the Group hadn't operated previously

• Global partnership: IFC is in a unique position to support the Group's expansion in Asia and assist with local knowledge

Developmental Impact• Climate change: new diesel technology will lower

carbon dioxide emissions by over 15% relative to regional standards, and by 5% relative to world-class standards

• Technology transfer: generate 780 high-skilled jobs

• Support local suppliers: will generate around EUR40 million of local purchases annually by 2014

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Same Deutz-Fahr Group SpA Croatia/India - May 2012

Project DescriptionThe projects financed the upgrading and expansion of the farm equipment production capacity of Same Deutz-Fahr Group SpA , a midsized Italian farm equipment producer, in its operations in India , Croatia and China.

Project SizeIFC Loan: $36 million (India, Croatia, China)

IFC Added Value• Crisis response: Current market conditions in Europe have

made it more challenging for companies to pursue investments by expanding its credit lines with existing relationship banks. IFC will provide long-term funding that is also scarce in Croatia and India without a pledge of local fixed assets of the borrower.

• Long-term partnership: Same values IFC's role as a long-term partner, as its relationship with IFC evolves through changing market environments and its own evolving needs.

Developmental Impact

• Contribution to rural development: Mechanization is introduced in response to farm labor scarcity, and it will increase land and labor productivity, which in turn will contribute to higher farmers’ incomes.

• Continued know-how and technology transfers: given the Group's focus on product innovation, the Project is expected to result in continued technology and know-how transfer through the expansion of the Company's operations

Apollo Tyres LimitedIndia – September 2010

Project DescriptionA green field tire manufacturing facility located at the industrial park near Chennai in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. Apollo is also implementing smaller capital expenditure programs at its existing facilities at Limda (state of Gujarat).

Project SizeTotal Cost: $515 millionIFC A Loan: $30 millionIFC Syndicated B Loan: $30 million

IFC Added Value• Corporate Social Responsibility Partnership: Apollo

strengthened the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility activities to build sustainable business models. IFC had earlier supported Apollo in its anti-AIDS/HIV campaign.

• mobilizing investments from participant banks, in addition to IFC’s investments of its own account

Developmental Impact

• creation of about 1,500 skilled and semi-skilled direct, permanent jobs and an additional 2,000 jobs during the construction phase

• Project will result in the development of new Small & Medium Enterprise (SMEs) in the supply chain.

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Standard ProfilTurkey - March 2006

Project DescriptionSponor purchased Standard Profil Otomotiv Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi, the largest manufacturer of automotive sealing systems in Turkey. Sponsor wanted to improve the Turkish manufacturers operations and prepare it for its next stage of growth.

Project SizeTotal cost: €78 million IFC investment: €17 million debt and €3 million equity

IFC Added Value• Sponsor specifically sought IFC’s participation in

this transaction because of IFC’s strong presence in Turkey and knowledge of the local business community and financial sector

• Transaction supported a local company grow into a leading player in the European market

• Provided global industry expertise to the company

• Enhanced the competitiveness of locally-based OEM in growing their business both nationally and in the region

Developmental Impact

• Support innovation through the company’s R&D capacity

• Created employment opportunities for highly skilled technicians within Turkey


Volkswagen India Pvt. Ltd.India – August 2009

Project DescriptionCar manufacturing (small to compact size) with stamping, body and shop, and assembly with a capacity of 110,000 vehicles per year.

Project SizeTotal Cost: €580 millionIFC Loan: €135 million

IFC Added Value• Long-term capital and local currency financing (swap

intermediation) otherwise not available in a crisis context

• Thorough knowledge of the Indian market and regulations

• Flexible approach to deal with SMEs and multinationals

• Potentially advisory services provision (local supplier base)

• Demonstration effect to other foreign investors

• Risk mitigation and syndicated loans (resource mobilization)

Developmental Impact

• >2,500 direct jobs (with training programs), and >10,000 indirect jobs

• Technology and skills transfer, and localization of the supplier base (75% localization rate; new vehicle (POLO))

• Increased energy efficiency and lower emissions

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PetlasTurkey – December 2008

Project DescriptionSponsor (AKO) wanted to expand its distribution network and modernize Petlas, the fourth largest tire manufacturer in Turkey. The goal was to maintain Petlas’s position in tires for tractors and heavy duty equipment, while playing an increasing role in the automotive aftermarket tire sub-sector.Project SizeTotal cost: $188 millionIFC A Loan: $50 millionIFC Syndicated B Loan: $90 million

IFC Added Value• IFC supported the entrance of a local company in a

sector which is currently dominated by 3 established international players.

• Global technical and sector expertise through industry best practices that help reduce risk and improve financial reporting

• Long term financing and comprehensive package including A loan and B loan as well as advisory services

Developmental Impact• Investment is in one of the least developed cities of

Turkey, where Petlas is the largest employer, providing currently 1250 permanent jobs in the region.

• Job creation of about 690 local people

• Enhancing efficiency and production quality through

KumhoChina - December 2004

Project DescriptionNanjing Kumho Tire Co., Ltd. (NKT) is a Chinese manufacturer of radial and bias tires for passenger cars and light trucks. IFC provided financing for capacity expansion.

Project SizeTotal cost: €130 million IFC loan: €61 millionIFC equity: €6 million

IFC Added Value• Structured and provided long term capital through

debt and equity

• Mobilized two parallel loans: $12 million from DEG and $15 million from Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

• Contributed to a more flexible enabling environment for joint mortgage registrations in China.

Developmental Impact

• Efficiency improvement through technology transfer

• Created 1000 employment opportunities

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1. Chi Siamo2. Settore della Meccanica3. Esempi di Progetti finanziati da IFC4. Settore della Chimica5. Finanziamenti alle Reti di Distribuzioni6. Finanziamenti per Fornitura e Commercio7. Servizi di Consulenza

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• US$70m Risk Sharing Facility• Ukraine

• US$10m Equity• Brazil

• US$110m Equity and US$70m Debt

• Tanzania and West Africa

• US$25m Debt• Mozambique

• US$4b• Global

• € 20m Debt and €5m Convertible Debt

• Yugoslavia

• US$25m Debt and US$15m

Concessional Financing

• Mexico

Representative Transactions with Global Clients

• Bayer Ukraine Ltd.

• Heidelberg Cement Africa • Ikea Moscow

• BHP Biliton, Mitsubishi, Industrial Dev. Corp., Gov’t of Mozambique Joint


• Michelin Group Joint Venture

with Tigar Rubber Products


• Swiss Re/UBF Seguros SA

• Global Trade Liquidity Program

• € 50m Share Issue• Ukraine and Russia

• US$15m Debt• Russia

• John Deere

• Risk Sharing Agreements

• Multi-Country

• € 35m Debt• India

• Volkswagen India Pvt. Ltd.

• EDF La Ventosa

• Veolia Voda S.A.• A Loan $200MM, B Loan $125mm

• Equity $50MM• Refinancing

• Egypt

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By RegionBy Sector

IFC’s Current Chemicals Portfolio

$1.3 billion committed as of June 2012






(IFC Own Account)

Basic Chemical Manufacturing

Other Chemicals

Pesticides, Fertilizer and Other Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing

Petroleum & Coal Products

Resins, Synthetic Rubber, and Artifical Synthetic Fibers and Filament Manufactur-ing




14% 7%

(IFC Own Account)

East Asia and the Pacific Europe and Central Asia

Latin America and the Caribbean Middle East and North Africa

South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa

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IFC’s Experience in the Chemicals Sector


Bayer, Ukraine – agrochemicalsUPL, India: pesticides, herbicidesAtul, India: pesticide intermediatesEngro Corporate, PakistanICS, Senegal: phosphoric acidIndo Jordan, Jordan: phosphoric acidEngro Chemicals, Pakistan: ammoniaTrigen II, Trinidad & Tobago: ammoniaFosfertil, Brazil: SSP, TSP, MSP, DAPGNFC, India: ammonia, ureaDeepak Nitrate, India:

ammonia,Urea,DAPPQB, Bolivia: ammonium nitrateKuAz, Russia: ammonia, ureaIndo Egyptian, Egypt: phosphoric acidKoyo, China: ammonia, ureaAbocol, Colombia: ammonium

nitrate,NPKJIFCO, Jordan: DAPJPMC, Jordan: phosphateEngro Emergency, Pakistan: ureaOCI, Egypt: ammonia, ureaParadeep, India: phosphateItafos, Brazil: phosphate

ERC Refinery, EgyptPSPC (Shell), PhilippinesStar Petroleum (Caltex), ThailandRefisan (Pecom), ArgentinaPetrotel-Lukoil, RomaniaAlliance Oil Company, Russia



Continental Carbon of India Ltd.NPC, Thailand: gas crackerCopesul, Brazil: naptha crackerCopene, Brazil: naptha crackerSamsung, Korea: petrochem/aromatics

complex restructuringHMC Polymers, Thailand: PPPetroken, Argentina: PPPoliteno, Brazil: PEIpiranga I & II, Brazil: PE, PP Indelpro, MexicoProfalca, Venezuela: PPGrupo Zuliano, Venezuela: petrochem

complexSuzhou, China: PVCVinythai, Thailand: PVCEngro PVC, Pakistan: PVCTuntex, Thailand: PTARhodiaco, Brazil: PTARhodia-ster, Brazil: PTA/PETOxiteno, Brazil: EO/MEG Girsa, Mexico: EO/MEGPralca, Venezuela: MEGGidesa, México: EG, PSTrikem, Brazil: PSInnova, Brazil: styrene/PSDaaboul, Syria: LABJose Methanol, Venezuela: methanolKuAz, Russia: caprolactamEleme Petrochemicals, Nigeria: PE, PPXinao, China: Coal-to-DMEDCM Shiram, India: PVCHimadri, India: Coal tar pitch and carbon

blackGalaxy Chemicals, India: SurfactantsEIPET, Egypt: PET

Others/InfrastructureFertilizers & Crop Protection

Inorganic Chemicals

Engro Polymers, PakistanKanoria Vizag, IndiaAtul Ltd, IndiaAlexandria Carbon Black, Egypt: Carbon blackContinental Carbon (CCIL), India: Carbon BlackMaanshan I & II, China: Carbon blackRain Calcining, India: calcined carbonPeroxythai, Thailand: hydrogen peroxideChengdu, China: potassium hydroxide & PVCProdesal, Colombia: caustic soda, chlorineMeghmani Finechem, India: caustic soda,

chlorineMagadi Soda, Kenya: soda ashLukovac Soda, Bosnia: soda ashKanoria Chemicals, India: caustic soda, chlorineJiuda Salt, China: industrial salt

JPMC Terminal, JordanIFC / SCB FacilityEngro Vopak, Pakistan: Chemical terminalMesser, Trinidad & Tobago: industrial gasesOpet Petrolculuk, Turkey: fuel distributionAntai, China: metallurgical cokeEcogreen I & II, Indonesia: oleochemicalsDarong, China: specialty chemicalsGapco, Kenya: storage terminalZhong Chen, China: storage terminalGalnaftogaz, Ukraine: petroleum retailerDongyue, China: fluorine chemicals,

organicsiliconeAtul, India: Dye and pesticide intermediatesHikal, India: PharmaceuticalsVinati Organics (JV), India: specialty chemicalsSRF, Thailand: specialty chemicalsRabobank, Africa: commodity trade facilitySocGen, Africa: commodity trade facilityLaxmi Organics, India: specialty chemicalsRhodia, India: supply chain finance

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1. Chi Siamo2. Settore della Meccanica3. Esempi di Progetti finanziati da IFC4. Settore della Chimica5. Finanziamenti alle Reti di Distribuzioni6. Finanziamenti per Fornitura e Commercio7. Servizi di Consulenza

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• Finanziamento di Distributor Wholesale (Principalmente Floor Planning / Fleet Financing) direttamente a distributori specifici, revolver tra i 2 – 4 anni.

• Portfolio Facility: Facility funded o non funded data direttamente ai distributori / clienti finali, o indirettamente tramite le banche che utilizzano criteri di ammissibilità specifici.

• Portfolio Enhancement Credit Facility: Solitamente investimenti mezzanine in cartolarizzazioni di portafogli direttamente per i distributori dei clienti finali o indirettamente attraverso intermediari finanziari.

• Crediti finanziari dei Venditori: programma di acquisto di crediti in cui il venditore viene pagato secondo i termini stabiliti mentre il distributore ottiene un l'estensione dei termini di pagamento e benefici sul capitale circolante.


Soluzioni di Distribution Finance

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Vantaggi per i distributori e clienti finali: • Crescita dei ricavi: aumentare i volumi di business con più basso capitale• Alternativa di finanziamento: disponibilità finanziamenti più grandi e più a lungo termine e a

condizioni di mercato stabili• Il miglioramento della gestione patrimoniale: Migliorare il capitale circolante attraverso un

estenzione dei termini o una riduzione del magazzino• Capacity building: i servizi di advisory dell’IFC includono attività di formazione per i distributori /

clienti finali

Benfici per I venditori: • Crescita dei ricavi nei mercati emergenti: espansione in nuove e sotto-servite regioni /

segmenti e approfondire le relazioni con i distributori nei mercati emergenti; sostegno pre la crescita dei clienti di PMI

• Fornire finanziamenti ai distributori / clienti finali con un’ esposizione limitata• Aumentare l’attrattivita’ dell’offerta dei prodotti• Credit screening indipendente utilizzando il processo FI, senza necessità di gestione del credito

Benefici per FI• Il supporto dell’IFC riduce i requisiti sul capitale (con rating AAA di garanzia)

• Servizi di Advisory Services per i distributori / clienti finali a seconda delle esigenze


Benefici per il Distribution Finance

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“The IFC Global Trade Liquidity Program won “Best Trade Deal of the Year” awards from three leading global publications: Finance Asia, Global Trade Review, and Trade Finance.”

1. Chi Siamo2. Settore della Meccanica3. Esempi di Progetti finanziati da IFC4. Settore della Chimica5. Finanziamenti alle Reti di Distribuzioni6. Finanziamenti per Fornitura e Commercio7. Servizi di Consulenza

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GTSF Program

• Un investimento di 500 milioni di dollari e un programma di servizio di consulenza per fornire finanziamenti a breve termine per open account trade per aziende in mercati emergenti (EM)

• Possibilità di fornire finanziamenti ai fornitori, sulla base di sconto delle fatture accettate per il pagamento (post-spedizione e post accettazione) di pre-approvati acquirenti

• Finanziamento base pro-soluto e non garantiti ai Fornitori

• Finanziamento contro uncommitted, linee di credito revolving approvati per gli acquirenti

• Fornito come finanziata o non finanziata di supporto direttamente ai fornitori o attraverso le banche partner, con le relazioni di acquisto esistenti e l'espansione delle Finanze Fornitore in EM

• Operazioni attuate attraverso indipendenti o piattaforme elettroniche di Finanza Supply Chain di propieta’ di banche per la consegna automatica e l'approvazione di fatture b / w Acquirenti e Fornitori

• Prezzi market based (tenendo conto del rischio di credito superiore del compratore)

• Tenors fino a 180 giorni

• Accordi click-through tra gli acquirenti, fornitori, piattaforme e IFC (previa una soddisfacente due diligence sui soggetti coinvolti)

• Advisory Services: A seconda delle necessità, IFC e’ in grado di fornire on-boarding/training specializzato ai fornitori per aumentare la loro sensibilizzazione

• E&S: IFC si impegnerà con gli acquirenti a valutare le loro politiche di approvvigionamento e di garantire la conformità dei fornitori con gli standard IFC e le norme sociali.

Global Trade & Supplier Finance


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Supplier Finance Benefits to Participants

• Key Buyer Benefits

• Improvement in the financial stability of supply chain

• Ability to extend payment terms while still supporting Suppliers with lower cost financing

• Provision of financing facilities to entire supplier base

• Reduction in operational costs through automated settlement of payments

• Supply Finance platform utilization maintains legal obligation between the Suppliers and the Buyer, preserving Accounts Payable status of payment obligations

• Key Supplier Benefits

• More affordable financing option due to superior credit standing of the Buyer

• Non-recourse financing of up to 100% face value of the invoice

• Improved transparency of invoicing process and ability to manage cash flow

• Reduction in Account Receivable operations through automated collection process

• Reduced reliance on debt and stronger financial position

• Ability to convert Accounts Receivable to cash


Page 30: IL SOSTEGNO DEGLI INVESTIMENTI PRIVATI IN PAESI EMERGENTI 2013 International Finance Corporation A World Bank Group Member

IFC is ramping up its resources in post-conflict Africa, increasing its investments and advisory work in some of the world’s poorest and most challenging countries.

1. Chi Siamo2. Settore della Meccanica3. Esempi di Progetti finanziati da IFC4. Settore della Chimica5. Finanziamenti alle Reti di Distribuzioni6. Finanziamenti per Fornitura e Commercio7. Servizi di Consulenza

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IFC Chemicals 31

• Access to Finance: il cambiamento climatico, le infrastrutture finanziarie, Micro / Vendita al dettaglio, gestione del rischio, e le PMI

• Investment Climate: Business Regulation for Enterprise Creation & Growth, il commercio internazionale e degli investimenti, investimenti nel settore climatico per l'industria, e la partecipazione privata nei settori sociali

• Public - Private Partnerships: PPP Upstream Work, Post Advisory Mandate Support, PPP Advisory Mandate

• Sustainable Business: Environment, Social, and Trade Standards, Investimenti, Energia pulita, Corporate Governance, Resource Efficiency, and Investimenti strategici per la comunita’

IFC’s Resource Efficiency nel settore manifatturiero• Resource Efficiency si propone di favorire gli investimenti volti a migliorare l’efficienza dell’uso delle

risorse quali energia, acqua, e nell’uso di materiali che porta a una riduzione • dei costi per le imprese, • dei rifiuti e • delle emissioni di gas serra.

• IFC sfrutta la sua competenza tecnica e finanziaria per sostenere: lo sviluppo di progetti redditizi e compatibili con l'ambiente, nuovi modelli di business e impegni volti a modificare il comportamento del mercato e supportare più investimenti eco-sostenibili, la crescita economica e la bassa emissione di carbonio

Servizi di Consulenza

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IFC Chemicals 32

Technical Improvements in Manufacturing

Improvements to Electrical Drives and Motors• Assessment determined that improvements could be gained by

• proper loading of motors, replacing belts, existing standard motors with energy efficient counterparts, downsizing under loaded motors and installing an Auto Delta-Star converter for varying load motors.

Steam System and Paper Machine Improvements• Efficiencies could be gained by

• reducing combustion air quantity, which can be done by replacing the combustion blower with a new suitable sized blower and by installing a modulator Air-Fuel controller

• Efficiency would also be improved through insulation of flanges, valves and pipelines.

Improvement in Pumping System and Fans• Assessment revealed that additional efficiency could be gained by

• resizing high capacity pumps to more appropriate lower capacities to reduce energy waste and by • introducing variable speed drives and direct coupling of motor and pump to reduce power


Refrigeration and Cooling Improvement• Assessment revealed that simple changes such as replacing water pumps and more substantive actions such

as new a localized refrigeration unit for the RF dryer, a cooling tower and vacuum pumps would improve the specific energy consumption of the system and reduce electricity consumption.

Improvement in Lighting System• Efficiency in the lighting system can be gained by upgrading the dated magnetic ballasts in the fluorescent

lights with more efficient electronic ballasts and by replacing the mercury lamps with more efficient metal halide lamps.

Advisory Services Examples

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IFC Contacts for Global Manufacturing:

Takuro Kimura, Manager of Global Manufacturing – Washington DC

Tel: +1 (202) 458-5596 E-mail: [email protected]

Paolo Spagnoletto, Global Relationship Manager, Global Manufacturing – Washington DC

Tel: +1 (202) 458-8386 E-mail: [email protected]

Emmanuel Pouliquen, Principal Industry Specialist, Global Manufacturing – Washington DC

Tel: +1 (202) 473-9114 E-mail: [email protected]

Stefan Schweitzer, Senior Industry Specialist, Global Manufacturing – Washington DC

Tel: +1 (202) 473-9713 E-mail: [email protected]


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