illaim public pays rr cr ed - … · postal telegraph operators dtacoarage the opinion that a...

THE WASHINGTON HERALD SUNDAY NOVEMBER 25 1906 n i = ilLAIM PUBLIC Plumbers Say Householder Lose Masters Methods CHARGE WORK IS Local Labor Men Pleased by XCTTH Campers Election No Strike Ex pectcd Among Postal Operators Interest Aroused in Coming Election of Bookbinders I wish a member of Journeyman Plumbers Union No 5 yeaterday The Waahington Herald would publish our side of the controversy with the master plumb ers and leave It to the public to Judge of the truth of our statement My name Downey and what I am to tell you is known to every one of our members Tbe matter Is really one in which the public is vitally Interested because ft the public that pays the bills The entire dispute came about through the rapacity of the master plumbers who desire to em- ploy incapable helpers whom they pay a few dollars weekly but for whose serv- ices they charge full union wages Just ask the public what sort of help is sent to their houses when they apply for plumber what sort of service Is ren- dered and what prices they pay A help er is not an apprentice though he should be I know of one man who worked as a helper for fifteen years and now he is driving an ice wagon He never learned the trade We will take boys and make good competent mechanics of them with out cost to the master plumbers or any- one else But we cant teach them all for the reason that so many are employed to do the work that we should do That is true said another member of the union It was our objections to hav- ing our work taken from us by these irre- sponsible cheaply paid helpers and boys that really led to the lockout And it is the public that suffers in the long run for the public pays the bRis for leaky pipes insanitary drainage the thousand and one ills and expenses that result from the employment of this sort of labor Ntimerons expressions of satisfaction though none of surprise were heard yes- terday in Washington at the reelection- of Samuel Gompers as president of the American Federation of Labor at the of the two weeks session of that body at Minneapolis Members and friends of the Knights- of Labor declared yesterday that Mr Gompers reelection was a double tri- umph as it emphasized the fact that the entrance of the American Fderatlon of Laor into the field of polities under its presidents leadership during the re- cent campaign is approved by the Fed Postal telegraph operators dtacoarage the opinion that a strike rcsult be- cause of reported dissatisfaction over ear conditions in the main office in this city It Is understood that the interview which W W Bfwttte E M Canada and W N Patton representing the operators bad in New York Friday with W H Baker general manager of the Postal was eminently satisfactory to the com- mittee It is expected that the throe members- of the navy yard wage board will make their report to Secretary Bonaparte dur- ing the present week No expression is obtainable concerning the efforts of the committee oT Colombia fliteh representing that organization has a general advance in the wages of the navy yard machinists for 1S67 Much interest is evinced in the coming election of officers for Bookbinders Union No 4 which will probably take place Tuesday night unless a special meeting is called for the purpose The withdrawal of P J Flanagan vice president from the nomination for president leaves two candidates for that ofitee J L Feeney the incumbent Joseph McManu Joseph Van Overmeer it is said will contest with Mr Flanagan for the po- sition of vice president- As announced in yesterdays Herald Judge Goorg Gray of Delaware former chairmen of the Coal Commission has consented to act as umpire between P J Coatan and Alfred P Thorn the first representing the machinists of the Southern Railway Company who ask an advance of wages and the second representing the com- pany It is understood that Mr Conton must file his brier Gray by Decdm her 1 furnishing a copy to 3Ir Tboth who will have until December 3D to make answer after which Mr Conlon will be Allowed to make rejoinder any time be- fore the test day of the year The of the umpire in expected early in January In the meantime matters under will remain in abeyance While the master builders and the repre- sentatives of the various trades were en- gaged In a threehour discussion of the controversy between the master plumbers and the journeymen plumbers last night the latter were making merry at the ball given by Local No f at the Xationl Rides Armory on G street near Ninth The ball was largely attended- A New Elevator Device Elevators are fnught with much dan- ger such as breaking of hoisting cable breaks in machinery and appalling loss of life through neglect of operators to close doors when car leaves Almost daily pipers mention some one injured through open elevator doors Sev- eral such accidents have occurred in Washington during the past year Numerous devices have been patented but none seems to meet requirements The public has been shown a device opening closing locking and unlocking elevator doors automatically patented by Capt Hugh Watson of New Orleans wellknown steamboatmanand popular journalist of that State but now an at tache of the office of the Auditor for the Postoffice Department in Washington D C With Capt Watsons device it is im- possible for doors to remain open after oar has left floor no matter how conductors may be Operators need never touch the door The mechanism is simple any one can become familiar with it In a few hours Each floor is independent Should the motor on any floor get out of order the arrangement is such that entire device can be detached from the door instantly Owners of buildings desiring safety should look into merits of this device The recent frightful accident to a lady who was crippled for life in Treasury De State War and Navy Building finding of body of a boy at bottom of elevator shaft in Northwest Washington horrible death of most highly respected lady in Capitol Building protest as to the lax measures used to prevent the loss of life in elevators numerous other slmiHr ac cidents of recent occurrence would it ap- pears cause the government as well as private citizens to look into this matter The loss of one innocent life is worth the cost of a thousand of these devices and where safety Is desired an Investigation would pay A company The Watson Elevator Safety Appliance Company has been chartered laws of the State of Virginia with a capital of 75000 divided Into shares at A limited amount of stock Is for one interested and desiring to working msdal with a view of In do well to address the in- ventor Capt HUGH WATSON No K st nw Washington D C PAYS by INFERIOR of Telegraph the Id Is ell is a and node tncLion may Lodge re- quested and Wash- ington with Judge de- cision for care- less instant death of anether In s le- An t ilO r 4 e taI h V r An- thracite I l discussion Li- t SIlO see- the ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ BAZAAR PROVES A SUCCESS Chinese Laundry n Hit f Christ Church The fair and bazaar for the benefit o the choir of Christ Church Georgetown which was held Thursday and Friday last week at 3019 P street proved a success One of the unique features was the Chinese laundry presided over bj Mrs Bowles Wilson and Miss Ben assist- ed by Miss Walshe Miss Shoemaker Muller and Miss DeLashmutt- A vaudeville show was presented in- cluding popular songs by n chorus seven young ladles comprising Miss Louise Weeden Miss Kllzaoeth AVeeden Miss Blake Miss Vass MIss Cole Falls and Mjss Laub recitations in negro dialect by Miss Cole and Hamlets Solil- oquy by Master Robert Bell The fair was under the direction of the following women Mrs Matthews Mrs Duncan Bradley Mrs Dickenson Mrs Reese Miss Dorsett Miss Grames Miss Hubbard Miss Ball and Mrs Knowles P 0 CLERKS WANT 8 HOURS Railway Distributer Al o Seek penncR While on Duty The Postoffice Department has advised that the chambers of throughout the country are being by the chambers of a number of Pacific Coost cities to press upon their Senators and Representatives the importance o favorable action upon a petition signed by 18000 railway postal clerks in which certain changes in the postal regulations and laws are asked The Los Angeles chamber H B Gur Icy acting secretary is sending out letter to other business bodies in he asks assistance The principal things asked in the tk n of the clerks are that the eighthour law principle be applied to their worn and that they be allowed their expense while on duty NEW PLANS FOR THE FAIR Washington Reception Room to Special Feature Architects Are Selected Contract t i the Construction of All Govern- ment DnlldlnuH In Awarded Attkm was taken yesterday by the on scope of the Joint commit tee for the Washington display at Jamestown Exposition looking to fitting up of the reception room or public booth This booth will be about fifteen feet wide and thirty feet deep one end the spacb being reserved for the exhibit and 9111 be a general meeting place for who attend exposition The committee yesterday decided engage the services of the architects Wood Dnan Deming to design scheme of walls and compartments this booth In general it will be up with panels upon the skies Within panels space will be sold to firms schools and others who will place them photographs and ornamental to be accepted by the committee The booth will be furnished in a manner to be attractive and every effort will made to have it regarded as features of the Washington exhibit The contract for the construction of al the government buildings at the Exposition Including the Hfesavto- statte awaitftd by the Treason Department yesterday to George Moore A Sons of Nashville Tenn The contract prfcee is S227JM and the work must completed by April 15 The attitude of the municipal authori- ties toward the establishment of manu- factories in the District as brought out in the letter of the Thomas Somerville Company to the Jobbers and Shippers Association and the comment thereon by the directors on Friday night was the subject of much comment yesterday Many persons among the business men were found to sympathize with the of the board and to criticise the action of the authorities as haying the moral effect at least of scaring manu- facturers away from the District The story of Friday nights meeting called forth from the District Commissioners a statement in which the Somervllle letter was referred to the Commissioners say big that they were bound in law to award such contracts to the lowest bidder MAINTAINS SEARCH FOR BOY Stepfather Obtains Employment in Oily to Continue Hunt In hopes of receiving some news of his stepson Earl CoWey who disappeared front Rome X Y about October 1 his stepfather Frederick McAllister has employment in Washington and will stay here to give the detectives every as- sistance in finding the lad The boys mother is in a nervous condi tion at her home which prevented her taking the trip to Washington A letter mailed by the boy from Washington to her some time ago is the only word she has had of him since his disappearance- The police believe the boy may have come to Washington from some nearby town to post the letter for the purpose of misleading his parents Mr McAllister said last night that the lad was an excitable fellow and had a desire to work for himself while his parents thought that a year or two longer In school would be of benefit to him NO SPECIAL HEBREW LAWS luHsInn Council of State Will Xot Give Separate Consideration Ambassador Meyer has reported to the State Department from St Petersburg at a sitting of the council of state October 27 the problem of according ordinary political rights to the Hebrews WAS discussed and it was finally decided to deal separately with it but to it as forming part of the general question of granting equal political rights jo all nationalities in the Russian Is Drought Bock for Trial William J Wilson the fluent conversa tonaHst who succeeded in obtaining four from Artist Murphy of New York some time ago under alleged false has been brought to for trial Detective Horne who has made several trips to Philadelphia for prisoner whom he took into custody yesterday returned with him to this Ony two of the pictures have been recovered the other two having mysteri ously dIsappeared Farragut Whiskey BEYOND COMPARISON- A highclass thoroughly aged health giving whiskey for family and medicinal uses Price full quart California Wines Port Sherry Ca tawtta c 100 a gallon and up or 35c a quart and upward EUGENE SCHWAB 525 8th St S E at of big of Miss Ex been commerce urged II width Be for sub- committee the the of commer- cial Washingtonians the to a for Jilted the In de- signs be the best Jamest- own was be se- cured great that on not re- gard pictures the lakes MISS pet state- ment Em- pire pretenses Washing- ton city > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ IN THE FRATERNITIES Catholic Knights Flan Party on Thanksgiving WILL GIVE ABRILLIANT BALL nitnnllatic Committee of the Knights of Pythian Jubilee Board of Man user Propose to Make Programme- of December 7 the Mont Successful Elaborate Ever Seen Here Club lUll Society MeeeiiiB Today CatboHc Total Abstinence UnionWeeily its Good Samaritan halt of St YhfeMt de FaHlMeeUnj 6f all oaaferegces exceptteg lamaculate Owcoplten and Holy Trinity Ctofeifcm TcaieraBce UnionMeeting- te Pint UoHcrcsatioMl Chercb Tenth ad G streets northwest 3 p ra Ywwj MCBB Christina AsceciatlonMaM meet lag IB AMockttM ImlMtai an G street Department Y M 0 A Combination meetlag ki 13n batHteg H32 G street north Local branches of the Catholic Knights- of America have completed arrangements for twontythlrd annual donation party entertainment and ball to be given in Convention Hall Thanksgiving evening for the benefit of St Josephs Orphan Asylum This entertainment has come to be looked upon as the social event in Catholic circles in the District and so great is the Interest manifested In it and M large the attendance in recent years that it has been found necessary to engage the largest halt in the city for the accom- modations of Its this year It is s source of satisfaction to the Catholic Knights that the general Interest has kept apace with the everincreasing needs of Su Josephs Asylum and they feel confi dent that the general results this year will surpass those of former years Never in the history of the asylum has it housed and cared for so many orphans as in the past year and the unusually large inmates together with the Increased cost of living and the fact that Congress- no longer makes any provision for this makes it necessary for a gener- ous response to the efforts of the Catholic Knights During the past week the committee on donation of which M A Keane chair man has been making a canvass among the business men for donations The Sis- ters in charge of the orphans wilt thank- fully receive any contribution in money food or otherwise if left at the asylum OR H street between Ninth and Tenth northwest or at Convention Hall on Thanksgiving evening f- Macfurlaiid Will Spenk The programme for the evening will be divided into two parse an emeruUament preceding the ball Commissioner Mao fa Hand will open the entertainment with an address and widely known local talent will be heard J Hoary Buscber will be master of ceremonies at the ban Dr A D floor manager sod Mr P J Neo as sfetant floor manager They will be as slated by the following members of the floor committee selected from local Cath- olic clubs W H DeLacy Dr W P Kenealy Dr Thomas F Lowe Francis- T Hurley J H forger T J Donovan- T B IcNamee W H Julius Yfenig J G Miller J F Malay F A MAguire M P Wale T F Sweeney W B OConnor George L Dant T K Gallaher James A OShoa W P Nor moyle H A ManHen Dr f E Pairo A A WeseWer John J Gorman W S McCarthy C J Columbus E P Har- rington John O Allen Lu P Harlow J A Toomey I J Coaligan and George J Borger There will be a supper table refresh- ment and flower booths in charge of Mrs William Schwing and Mrs A B Coppes who wilt be assisted J y Mecdantes Becker Herold Harvey and Ruppert and Misses Miller Herold Fennell hose and Devoe A Thanksgiving supper will be served and fruits ices sherbets oonfec- t onery and flowers for sale The arrangements have been made by the members of the following committees Executive committee E J Hannan chairman M A Mess vice chairman John A Madigan secretary and N H Shea treasurer Committees on press ad- vertising and entertainment Dr A D Wilkinson chairman William DeLacy and P J Xee Committee on hell and music William McGulre chairman John Elbert lien William H DeLacy on donations M A Keane chair- man William McGuire J H Bueclior P J Nee John Rudden John Elberl John J Miller A J Ronsples James C and the members of the local branches of Catholic Knights of America K Bhibornte Programme The ritualistic committee of the Knights- of Pythias Jubilee committee which has the supervision of the work of the first rank of the order to be exemplified in amplified form at the coming Jubilee in December and several members of the order to whom have been assigned parts in the production held enthusiastic re- hearsals at Pythian Temple on Tuesday and Friday evenings Hear About Turkish Children- A meeting of the Mothers Club con- ducted in connection with the District W C T U was held on Wednesday at headquarters 522 Sixth street northwest in charge of the Capitol Hill Union Mrs Alice Shadier superintendent of mothers meetings served as hostess and Mrs Marsh gave a Bible lesson Mrs Bodfleh spoke of Children I have mot in this and other lands and described a wedding in the land of the harem Mrs Clinton Smith Mrs M G Hughes Mrs Grace L Chnpln and Mrs A C Giles also spoke and refresh- ments were served by Mrs Cole Miss Dougherty Mrs Chapm and Mrs Cop land Colony of New England Women At the last meeting of the Washington colony of New England women hold at the residence of Mrs Benjamin 1015 Nine- teenth street northwest resolutions were passed expressing sorrow at the death of Mrs Lyman and Miss Waite two members A paper on the early history of Con necticut was rood by Mrs Gilfallen and- a poem by Mrs Ham The present of the colony are Mrs Benjamin Mrs Charlotte Emerson Main Mrs Rath burn Miss Webster and Mrs Gilfallen Outing Committee Busy A meeting of the special auxiliary of the summer outing committee formed for the purpose of establishing a summer outing camp for colored children and mothers similar to Camp Good Will was held in the general office of the Associated Sll G street northwest Tuesday afternoon Mrs Fornandte chairman explained the of the meeting and the kind and Sock emus ftt the patons number- of In- stitution Is Harrison Beck r Com- mittee Simpson Plans afte- rnoon dlstrlct president prom- inent off- icers Char- ities se meet- ing Boys Wilkin- son the ofF t > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ BUYS BETTER IVEONEY AT I I cR ED I FORLESS CASTELBERGS f i rr i- CdFTS 4 f7 J Pure WhIte Stove In year choice of atObo- tnaunsllda 55 per cent mote at casb jewelers fl50 SIOO WEEKLY Two rare Dlaonds wIth Rub or gunz ale gun ot the eU pure preet A tIIlt aMy large Imper- utlOll permits 10- 0J LTD GOLD per colt Tmfldr otlllr I ore- eA settles This 15- 0pI5 A WEEK Sappblre mine wmtr pete oar wATnnn = of cooperation to be expected from summer outing committee The auxiliary voted to establish permanent organlxattoa to carry on work and commence immediately plans for the raising of funds D A H PitNHeti Amendnicntt The passage of several conltuttona amendments caused the elimination of customary literary awl musical pro gramme at the November meeting o- CooatttuUon Chapter D A R at residence of the regent Mrs Hannah B Sperry 18 Q street northwest Grand 1C of P Visits Next to the grand visitation of season will be made by the officers the Grand Lodge Knights of Pythtas the District of Columbia next evening when they call at Capital Lodge No a Last Tuewtay night they a fraternal visit to Mount Vernon Lodge lit Pythiajt Temple Upon the conclusion of the visitation the doors were thrown open to outsiders and smoker was given Tlie Mens Ctub of Trinity M K Church gave Its second annual entertain went Monday evening m church build lag at the corner of Fifth and C streets southeast The Sunday school room was decorated with American Hags and bunt- Ing potted plant and palms President Hemline of the club made a intro- ductory address and announced the pro MEDICAL STUDENTS ENTERTAIN lunch it ml SnoochmaUInfir Enliven Evening After Ditntie annual dance of the Gorge Wash- ington University Junior rivedtearclass In Pythian Temple was follow by an elab- orate lunch In the banquet bill where wit and humor enlivened the repast E W Nojnes acted as and various members reipoade with enthn- siasm to tMMMc The Cuvt Juniors on Deck n a Medical Mans Maiden The DfHoVi Wife Is Dancing Oompatlbjw lt M glcine The followtng is the list of patrons of event Margaret Everett Grace TCverett Alice L Baker Hannah Browning Florence I Merrill Rowena Y Bttrwetr Jennie Pago Avery Ella Park Parry Mrs E W Smith Mrs Frank J Brown Mrs A LitUejohn Miss K KIesecker Mrs E R Noyes Florence A1 Plsrce Mrs J R- Uitteffeld Mrs D V Higgins Miss C Baushn Mrs J S Neate Clara T An dtrson Lilly Alexander E Jones Mrs A J Wheeter tUlle Sklppon Flor ence A Pierce Mrs J F Wood Miss fi- D R Glover Ij B Bryan Miss L Evans Miss Tctwl Zerega Fred S Avery Frank J Brown A J Browning William A Bryan R F Dun mire E D Everett F E A S Garnet George H Hairt D W HIggins E J Morgan C S Lawrence J R LIt tlefield R S McKnIg t Herman E Molzahn J S B R Noyes Harry A Ong O E Patterson H S Pyne R A Quick J W Sherwood Smith W M IrbySmlth H M Tayloe Edward Taylor Fred C Weber C C Weidemann Charles Wheatley Joseph Wllhelm J T Wolfe A J Wheeler BLISSFUL PROPHET COMING Bliznlietli Towne Will Speak Here on Xew Thought Principle Mrs Elizabeth Towne of Holyoke Mass the Blissful Prophet will de- liver a lecture at RaBSchers next Sunday afternoon under the direction of the New Thought Center of Washing- ton on A Tale of R l Life and Some Morals Mrs Towne will explain the philosophy- of living from the mental Hence point of view She says Xew Thought Is the greatest thing in the world and also the oldest th j prac tlnal and universal application of the principles of love Love We always have with us Always there have been a few who understood its principles and aimed to apply tfcprn In their own lives But Upio0ae Wearing Apparel on Easy Paymentsf- or into women and children Dont spend your last dollar for clotlio before the holidaYs BUY them here and pay us each week or month Fennerly Dodek Berman 1014 7th Street N W No brand store In the city the a tile tile the JUt the of of Tuesday patel Mens Club tiN brief grme tOll such or- es Frazier Neate E Mrs I a little Hes DODEK L I a ivoslntertaIflttieR1l The as the Mien Miss W Na- tional I ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ < Only 4 Weeks To Christmas ONT put yourself dont embarrass money to buy proper and worthy Xmas giftsJust open an account at as freely as you wish from our stock of DIAMONDS WATCHES AND JEWELRYY- oull buy them cheaper here and have plenty of time after Christmas to pay us in little sums of A DOLLAR OR SO A WEEK MAKE SELECTIONS NOW CASTELBERGS The Largest Credit Jewelers in the World 935 Pennsylvania Avenue Wadungtoni Principal Jewelers and Opticians outs your purse dont bother about the Castelbergssel- ect Ii1 J D L only now is the knowledge of the Golden Rule the love rule becoming Anything like universally practical One has truly said that New Though works so quietly and with o little regard to outward appearances that few people are aware of the enormous extent of the movement Its adherents who can lie found In every quarter of th globe n her three minion They are not to build up a large organtauto or to establish churches Mrs Towne is the editor of the Nauti- lus and has written several books The lust Issue of the Nautilus was a single sheet but today it has seventytwo pages and an extensive circulation In Europe and subscribers in nearly every country of the globe whether civilized or barbarous The local New Thought Center give the Washington Loan and Trust Building on Monday afternoon December 3 and an invitation Is extended to the public to at- tend both lecture and reception FENCEES WILL DEFEND CUP Wnnl injrton Club PrepaflnB for Con- test Over CaiMlnl Trophy The Washington Fencers Club Is now defend the Casein Cup the competition for which will be held on February 2 ISM in the clubrooms Among the new members recently etaet ed are H S H Prince von Lynnr Lieut Eduardo M Suez naval attache W A Royaards of the Netherlands L s ttoa A C Cunningham U S N C F Ca brera Nathan Wyeth and Henry T Pratt ELKS TO PAY TRIBUTE TO DEAD Washington Lodge Hold Aiinnnl Memorial Service December 2 Washington Lodge No 15 B P O Elks will bold Its annual memorial serv- ice Sunday evening December 2 at the New National Theater commencing at S oclock The United States Marine Baud will furnish the Inatrumental music vocal numbers wilt be rendered by the Elks and of national reputation will deliver addresses The executive committee In charge of the event is composed of X G chairman D E Summers secre- tary Lloyd B Brooke Frank B Clark son Jacob HeW A C Hntchtoson J William Lee George A Maaou John C Charles H Utermehle and Jmes L Ward TALK ABOUT PAINTERS Delineation of Frontier Life Ills cussed nt Art Club Painters of Frontier Life a paper by Mist Catherine B Martow was the prin cipal topic of discussion at a meeting of the Columbia Heights Art Club In the home of the newly elected vice president- of the District of Columbia Federation of Womens Clubs Mrs J Finney Eagle Miss Barlows treatment of lien subject showed tier love of her native land and her ambition for and appreciation of typical American art She dwelt principally upon the works of the less wellknown artists such as Cat Hn Mrs Edith Emerson in her paper The Nile also interested her audience Mrs Dorris read nn original poem en titled The Tourist Refrain of the Nile Mrs M B Tullock read a paper on her travels in Egypt Shield of Honor Lodge Visited At the official visitation Iris Lodge No 50 Shield of Honor was complimented by Grand Master Adrian Hughes and the grand officers of Maryland and the Dis- trict on the work It was doing and the members it WftS bringing into the fold Two new members were initiated on the night of the visitation- D O S R Gives Annual BaIl Columbia Bund No 21 and Koenigin Luise Bund No 4 D O S R will give their annual ball tomorow evening at Masonic Temple AH arrangements have been completed and the officers of the two bunds are confident of a most successful entertainment To Tell About Ecuador Hon Joseph W Lee United States Min- ister to Ecuador will be the next speaker before the National Geographic Society at the popular course meeting to be held in National Rifles Armory 920 G street northwest Friday evening Mr Lee will take as his topic Beautiful Ecuador Give St Cecilia Concert At a musicale given by the pupils of Holy Cross Academy on Connecticut ave- nue in honor of St Cecilia the young ladies participating ma do an excellent 1m on rendering a difficult programme in excellent style working has Towne a In Its rooms In hard at getting a team In shape to TIM quartet McCor- mick Maxwell Sol Morris W H Sintehuann pr lon their audio ce will Mrs reception work orators ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ A wide ueortiaent of bean tlfully tfejigne- easei Biggest watch ever offereo la Two besntlful pars white Diamonds la this I4brat solid gold sttlr The prim cannot be uptcat- e4S80 WEEK II 1325 Special Ladies Watch Elgin Moreneut S year cue i Never Sold 20 I 9- r 175 A Fine guaranteed god Unfer raIn Whtngtcn W C T U TIGHTS BOOZE DROPS Health Officer to Stop Sale of Alcohollnden Candy The W C T T of the District has joined in the hue and cry against the ooozedrop candy and a protest against the sale of alcoholsoaked confectionery has been sent to the District health off- icer The W C T U fs also after the booze drops because they are being sold to children- A recital by Mrs Augusta C Bainbridge of incidents which came under her per- sonal observation during the days imme- diately following San Francisco earthquake will be the feature of a meet- ing of the executive committee of th Womans Christian Union in the W C T U bulktlng 62 Sixth street northwest this afternoon at 2 o clock LEGAL AID SOCIETY AVnihluKtoiInn 3la lv Attor ne Inchi f in New York Merrill E Gates Jr has been appointed attoraeyiachief of the Legal AM of YOrk CUya organteaUon maintained by prominent citizens and lawyers for purpose of furnishing for it or to not know how to secure the legal assistance and protection of which they way stand in need From a small begin- ning thirty years age the philan- thropic socially uplifting work of this society has grown until now there are in addition to the main otitee four branch offices and during current year more tItan S03I applications nave been attended to by the attorneys for- th society Mr Gates will enter on his new duties on January 1 1SST He is the son of ex President Merrill K Gates LL D of Rutgers and Amherst colleges for the last seven years a resident of Washing- ton where Ms son Mr Merrill IS Gates jr took the first year of his law course at the Law School of the George Wash- ington University He was president of the Law School class of 1S02 during the first year of the course but intending to practice i New York City Mr Gate took the hist two years or his course at the Columbia Law School Columbia Uni- versity of New York City and was ad- mitted to the bar in IS08 He was gradu- ated from AmberaC College In ISBi and was for three yeans OH the staff f the Independent both in the editorial de- partment aud later in the business Office Since ISA he has been practicing laW in New York City having been connected with the ofitees of Eaton Lewis and later with Gould WHkie The many friends of Mr Gates in well as the friends ana acsqualntances of father will watch with interest the work which a young lawyer of Ms training and inclination toward philanthropic work will accom- plish In this rapidlygrowing work for good citizenship in New York City A society of the same name and pur- pose the Aid Society of Washing- ton was organized In the District of Co- lumbia about a year ago and has re- lieved about 50 cases The president of the society is Mr Robert Root Bennett 1717 T street northwest the treasurer is Mr H H Martin 1361 Harvard street ARMY AND NAVY Army Orders CWiJOHN I CHAJinEULAIX i Hetor ettce Inspector Kcnerat to Hm fraueisco as iMi t r aeperl Pacific Mart 4 CXI OS C GUEOORY assbtaat sw from San Francfeoo t PreiW f Meats lust I wrt G ARTHUU HADSELL Nineteenth lawtry detailed captain to axnmaod Thirty Situ Comiwar IhBtppioe Scents rice First Unit William II Grabaaa Twentieth Infantry rUAKLKS B HEPBURN Signal Corp to Get IlnsirfUl WashlnstoB lUrntck lInt Lfawt RUDOLPH E SMYSBR Fourteenth C by quartenawier from New York CUr t St Louts ss aMbtaat depot oaartcr- BMMer First Ltent THKODOKB B TAYLOR Btcwath- Oialry wltewd duty w trai t qi rt nn ster Capt WENDELL L SIMPSON ti rte xaastr arm transport serrfee to San Kra fcco as aeafetant depot QUBrtennastw Navy Orders LiMt W S CRQSLEY tieUKbed Maine wait orders to eWHBKinder In tcf Atkette Meet oo Pay IntprctBT E I UYAN to Ciwriestwi- Payrm54 f T I HARRIS detested Charlosiwi to Ctotaaen Ant Papna er B G MORSBLL de4a hed Chi MOVKSIBNTS OF VESSELS The frtfewins are the merements of natal tends roperted te the Department fes erdar ARRIVED NeTfintxsr 23 Eazfe at Manzsnlllo- Notem er S Helena at llaakew S teforao at Bre merton Scerriion at San Juan Lcenidu at Ganntancuna SAILED Nrvt n er 22 Eipte1 from iIaaa n Jo for surrey grounds November SSaotpita fwmSaB Juan for Urn Roads fr Monte Ohrbti Wftrden T uxt n and Maed ao h treat Le rae Island for Norfolk from Asiatic Station to Atlantic Coast the Young i the legal advice and nee to those need Ii and are able to pay made the Wash on aS I L gal froM Dlrl CHI First I gem Capt acting Mme Lkwt R Jet trginb to lilt I hsim h gags to SaT Ham Cerebra and Ie r Baltimore r 1 Wants So- ciety Nsw who not t lila general Try McLItAN alt Cisiheten ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ 107000Own- ers of C H I C K ERIN a Pianos stand ready today to proclaim to the world the un varying excellence of this grand old pianoforte Now reenfore this army with the hundreds nay thousands to whom EACH Chickening Piano has given hours of enjoyment and you have An Army who will advise you to put your piano happiness in a PIANO- A full line of these noble in struments including the famous QUARTERGRAND Is shown Sole representatives in Wash- ington SflffD PIANO 1328 F Street THE NEW TO CINCINNATIA- ND ST LOUISW- ILL LEAVE Washington 800 A M Arrive Wheeling Arrive Cincinnati Arrive St Louis Solid Vestibuled Train with through Sleeping Car to St Louis Parlor Car to Wheeling Breakfast on Car Ride through the famous scenic portion of the Alle- ghenies in daylight Supper- on Dining Car Arrive Cincinnati before midnight in time to take cars for all parts of city and suburbs Arrive St Lout breakfast next morning This train also has a fasttrain connection from Cumberland reaching PITTSBURG at 505 P M CHURCH NOTICES VMTARIA5 ILL CHURCH comer 14th and L st tiw Ulysses G B Pierce minister 935 Sandy school and class fur comparative study of religion in Unity stair slams II Morning ncrrte sermon Tjy the mMstcr 7 0 YOIM P oites RtMjpetM Union th Hitfirhiwg amine Thnraky at U oclock NINTh STREET 9TH AND D STS NE REV B E Utz supply pastorSerrkds 11 m 4 3 p m teisStf t I I- An of del- Ightful ofMillions t here i OHIO 5555551 Daylight Train 740 P M 1150 P M 845 A M lining sours I i Army 0 I WARERO BALTIMORE b CHRISTIAN a ¬ ¬ ¬

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Post on 28-Aug-2018




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Plumbers Say HouseholderLose Masters Methods


Local Labor Men Pleased by XCTTH

Campers Election No Strike Expectcd Among PostalOperators Interest Aroused inComing Election of Bookbinders

I wish a member of JourneymanPlumbers Union No 5 yeaterday TheWaahington Herald would publish our sideof the controversy with the master plumbers and leave It to the public to Judge ofthe truth of our statement My nameDowney and what I am to tell you isknown to every one of our members

Tbe matter Is really one in which thepublic is vitally Interested because ftthe public that pays the bills The entiredispute came about through the rapacityof the master plumbers who desire to em-

ploy incapable helpers whom they paya few dollars weekly but for whose serv-ices they charge full union wages

Just ask the public what sort of helpis sent to their houses when they applyfor plumber what sort of service Is ren-

dered and what prices they pay A helper is not an apprentice though he shouldbe I know of one man who worked as ahelper for fifteen years and now he is

driving an ice wagon He never learnedthe trade We will take boys and makegood competent mechanics of them without cost to the master plumbers or any-one else But we cant teach them all forthe reason that so many are employed todo the work that we should do

That is true said another member ofthe union It was our objections to hav-ing our work taken from us by these irre-sponsible cheaply paid helpers and boysthat really led to the lockout

And it is the public that suffers in thelong run for the public pays the bRis forleaky pipes insanitary drainage thethousand and one ills and expenses thatresult from the employment of this sort oflabor

Ntimerons expressions of satisfactionthough none of surprise were heard yes-terday in Washington at the reelection-of Samuel Gompers as president of theAmerican Federation of Labor at the

of the two weeks session of thatbody at Minneapolis

Members and friends of the Knights-of Labor declared yesterday that MrGompers reelection was a double tri-umph as it emphasized the fact that theentrance of the American Fderatlon ofLaor into the field of polities underits presidents leadership during the re-

cent campaign is approved by the Fed

Postal telegraph operators dtacoaragethe opinion that a strike rcsult be-

cause of reported dissatisfaction over earconditions in the main office in this

city It Is understood that the interviewwhich W W Bfwttte E M Canada andW N Patton representing the operatorsbad in New York Friday with W HBaker general manager of the Postalwas eminently satisfactory to the com-


It is expected that the throe members-of the navy yard wage board will maketheir report to Secretary Bonaparte dur-ing the present week No expression isobtainable concerning the efforts of thecommittee oT Colombia flitehrepresenting that organization has

a general advance in the wagesof the navy yard machinists for 1S67

Much interest is evinced in the comingelection of officers for Bookbinders UnionNo 4 which will probably take placeTuesday night unless a special meetingis called for the purpose The withdrawalof P J Flanagan vice president fromthe nomination for president leaves twocandidates for that ofitee J L Feeneythe incumbent Joseph McManuJoseph Van Overmeer it is said willcontest with Mr Flanagan for the po-

sition of vice president-

As announced in yesterdaysHerald Judge Goorg Gray of

Delaware former chairmen of theCoal Commission has consented

to act as umpire between P J Coatanand Alfred P Thorn the first representingthe machinists of the Southern RailwayCompany who ask an advance of wagesand the second representing the com-pany

It is understood that Mr Conton mustfile his brier Gray by Decdmher 1 furnishing a copy to 3Ir Tbothwho will have until December 3D to makeanswer after which Mr Conlon will beAllowed to make rejoinder any time be-

fore the test day of the year Theof the umpire in expected early in

January In the meantime matters underwill remain in abeyance

While the master builders and the repre-

sentatives of the various trades were en-

gaged In a threehour discussion of thecontroversy between the master plumbersand the journeymen plumbers last nightthe latter were making merry at the ballgiven by Local No f at the XationlRides Armory on G street near NinthThe ball was largely attended-

A New Elevator DeviceElevators are fnught with much dan-

ger such as breaking of hoisting cablebreaks in machinery and appalling lossof life through neglect of operators toclose doors when car leaves

Almost daily pipers mention some oneinjured through open elevator doors Sev-eral such accidents have occurred inWashington during the past year

Numerous devices have been patentedbut none seems to meet requirements

The public has been shown a deviceopening closing locking and unlockingelevator doors automatically patented byCapt Hugh Watson of New Orleans

wellknown steamboatmanand popularjournalist of that State but now an attache of the office of the Auditor for thePostoffice Department in WashingtonD C

With Capt Watsons device it is im-possible for doors to remain open afteroar has left floor no matter how

conductors may be Operators neednever touch the door

The mechanism is simple any one canbecome familiar with it In a few hoursEach floor is independent Should themotor on any floor get out of order thearrangement is such that entire devicecan be detached from the door instantly

Owners of buildings desiring safetyshould look into merits of this deviceThe recent frightful accident to a ladywho was crippled for life in Treasury De

State War and Navy Building findingof body of a boy at bottom of elevatorshaft in Northwest Washington horribledeath of most highly respected lady inCapitol Building protest as to the laxmeasures used to prevent the loss of lifein elevators numerous other slmiHr accidents of recent occurrence would it ap-pears cause the government as well asprivate citizens to look into this matterThe loss of one innocent life is worth thecost of a thousand of these devices andwhere safety Is desired an Investigationwould pay

A company The Watson ElevatorSafety Appliance Company has beenchartered laws of the State ofVirginia with a capital of 75000 dividedInto shares at

A limited amount of stock Is forone interested and desiring to

working msdal with a view of Indo well to address the in-

ventor Capt HUGH WATSONNo K st nwWashington D C


















with Judge




instant death of anether In

s le-An











































Chinese Laundry n Hitf Christ Church

The fair and bazaar for the benefit o

the choir of Christ Church Georgetownwhich was held Thursday and Fridaylast week at 3019 P street proved asuccess One of the unique features wasthe Chinese laundry presided over bjMrs Bowles Wilson and Miss Ben assist-ed by Miss Walshe Miss ShoemakerMuller and Miss DeLashmutt-

A vaudeville show was presented in-

cluding popular songs by n chorusseven young ladles comprising MissLouise Weeden Miss Kllzaoeth AVeedenMiss Blake Miss Vass MIss ColeFalls and Mjss Laub recitations in negrodialect by Miss Cole and Hamlets Solil-oquy by Master Robert Bell

The fair was under the direction of thefollowing women Mrs Matthews MrsDuncan Bradley Mrs Dickenson MrsReese Miss Dorsett Miss Grames MissHubbard Miss Ball and Mrs Knowles


Railway Distributer Al o SeekpenncR While on Duty

The Postoffice Department hasadvised that the chambers ofthroughout the country are beingby the chambers of a number of PacificCoost cities to press upon their Senatorsand Representatives the importance ofavorable action upon a petition signedby 18000 railway postal clerks in whichcertain changes in the postal regulationsand laws are asked

The Los Angeles chamber H B GurIcy acting secretary is sending outletter to other business bodies inhe asks assistance

The principal things asked in thetk n of the clerks are that the eighthourlaw principle be applied to their wornand that they be allowed their expensewhile on duty


Washington Reception Room to

Special Feature

Architects Are Selected Contractt i

the Construction of All Govern-

ment DnlldlnuH In Awarded

Attkm was taken yesterday by theon scope of the Joint commit

tee for the Washington display atJamestown Exposition looking tofitting up of the reception room or publicbooth This booth will be about fifteenfeet wide and thirty feet deep one endthe spacb being reserved for the

exhibit and 9111 be a general meetingplace for who attendexposition

The committee yesterday decidedengage the services of the architectsWood Dnan Deming to designscheme of walls and compartmentsthis booth In general it will beup with panels upon the skies Within

panels space will be sold to firmsschools and others who will placethem photographs and ornamental

to be accepted by the committeeThe booth will be furnished in a mannerto be attractive and every effort willmade to have it regarded asfeatures of the Washington exhibit

The contract for the construction of althe government buildings at the

Exposition Including the Hfesavto-statte awaitftd by the TreasonDepartment yesterday to George MooreA Sons of Nashville Tenn The contractprfcee is S227JM and the work mustcompleted by April 15

The attitude of the municipal authori-ties toward the establishment of manu-

factories in the District as brought outin the letter of the Thomas SomervilleCompany to the Jobbers and ShippersAssociation and the comment thereon bythe directors on Friday night was thesubject of much comment yesterdayMany persons among the business menwere found to sympathize with the

of the board and to criticise theaction of the authorities as haying themoral effect at least of scaring manu-facturers away from the District Thestory of Friday nights meeting calledforth from the District Commissioners astatement in which the Somervllle letterwas referred to the Commissioners saybig that they were bound in law to awardsuch contracts to the lowest bidder


Stepfather Obtains Employment inOily to Continue Hunt

In hopes of receiving some news of hisstepson Earl CoWey who disappearedfront Rome X Y about October 1 hisstepfather Frederick McAllister has

employment in Washington and willstay here to give the detectives every as-

sistance in finding the ladThe boys mother is in a nervous condi

tion at her home which prevented hertaking the trip to Washington A lettermailed by the boy from Washington toher some time ago is the only word shehas had of him since his disappearance-

The police believe the boy may havecome to Washington from some nearbytown to post the letter for the purpose ofmisleading his parents

Mr McAllister said last night that thelad was an excitable fellow and had a

desire to work for himself while hisparents thought that a year or two longerIn school would be of benefit to him


luHsInn Council of State Will XotGive Separate Consideration

Ambassador Meyer has reported to theState Department from St Petersburg

at a sitting of the council of stateOctober 27 the problem of according

ordinary political rights to the HebrewsWAS discussed and it was finally decided

to deal separately with it but toit as forming part of the general

question of granting equal political rightsjo all nationalities in the Russian

Is Drought Bock for TrialWilliam J Wilson the fluent conversa

tonaHst who succeeded in obtaining fourfrom Artist Murphy of New

York some time ago under alleged falsehas been brought to

for trial Detective Horne who hasmade several trips to Philadelphia for

prisoner whom he took into custodyyesterday returned with him to this

Ony two of the pictures have beenrecovered the other two having mysteriously dIsappeared


A highclass thoroughlyaged healthgiving whiskey for familyand medicinal uses Pricefull quart

California Wines Port Sherry Catawtta c 100 a gallon and up or35c a quart and upward
















cialWashingtonians the







bethe best







not re-









pretenses Washing-ton














Catholic Knights Flan Partyon Thanksgiving


nitnnllatic Committee of the Knightsof Pythian Jubilee Board of Man

user Propose to Make Programme-of December 7 the Mont Successful

Elaborate Ever Seen Here

Club lUll Society MeeeiiiB TodayCatboHc Total Abstinence UnionWeeily

its Good Samaritan haltof St YhfeMt de FaHlMeeUnj 6f all

oaaferegces exceptteg lamaculate Owcopltenand Holy Trinity

Ctofeifcm TcaieraBce UnionMeeting-te Pint UoHcrcsatioMl Chercb Tenth ad G

streets northwest 3 p ra

Ywwj MCBB Christina AsceciatlonMaM meetlag IB AMockttM ImlMtai an G street

Department Y M 0 A Combinationmeetlag ki 13n batHteg H32 G street north

Local branches of the Catholic Knights-of America have completed arrangementsfor twontythlrd annual donationparty entertainment and ball to be givenin Convention Hall Thanksgiving eveningfor the benefit of St Josephs OrphanAsylum This entertainment has cometo be looked upon as the social event inCatholic circles in the District and sogreat is the Interest manifested In it andM large the attendance in recent yearsthat it has been found necessary to engagethe largest halt in the city for the accom-modations of Its this year It is ssource of satisfaction to the CatholicKnights that the general Interest has keptapace with the everincreasing needs ofSu Josephs Asylum and they feel confident that the general results this year willsurpass those of former years Never inthe history of the asylum has it housedand cared for so many orphans as in thepast year and the unusually large

inmates together with the Increasedcost of living and the fact that Congress-no longer makes any provision for this

makes it necessary for a gener-ous response to the efforts of the CatholicKnights

During the past week the committee ondonation of which M A Keane chairman has been making a canvass amongthe business men for donations The Sis-

ters in charge of the orphans wilt thank-fully receive any contribution in moneyfood or otherwise if left at the asylumOR H street between Ninth and Tenthnorthwest or at Convention Hall onThanksgiving evening f-

Macfurlaiid Will SpenkThe programme for the evening will be

divided into two parse an emeruUamentpreceding the ball Commissioner Maofa Hand will open the entertainment withan address and widely known local talentwill be heard

J Hoary Buscber will be master ofceremonies at the ban Dr A D

floor manager sod Mr P J Neo assfetant floor manager They will be asslated by the following members of thefloor committee selected from local Cath-

olic clubs W H DeLacy Dr W PKenealy Dr Thomas F Lowe Francis-T Hurley J H forger T J Donovan-

T B IcNamee W H JuliusYfenig J G Miller J F Malay F AMAguire M P Wale T F SweeneyW B OConnor George L Dant T KGallaher James A OShoa W P Normoyle H A ManHen Dr f E PairoA A WeseWer John J Gorman W SMcCarthy C J Columbus E P Har-rington John O Allen Lu P Harlow JA Toomey I J Coaligan and George JBorger

There will be a supper table refresh-ment and flower booths in charge of MrsWilliam Schwing and Mrs A B Coppeswho wilt be assisted J y Mecdantes BeckerHerold Harvey and Ruppert and MissesMiller Herold Fennell hose andDevoe A Thanksgiving supper will beserved and fruits ices sherbets oonfec-

t onery and flowers for saleThe arrangements have been made by

the members of the following committeesExecutive committee E J Hannanchairman M A Mess vice chairmanJohn A Madigan secretary and N HShea treasurer Committees on press ad-vertising and entertainment Dr A DWilkinson chairman William DeLacyand P J Xee Committee on hell andmusic William McGulre chairman JohnElbert lien William H DeLacy

on donations M A Keane chair-man William McGuire J H BuecliorP J Nee John Rudden John ElberlJohn J Miller A J Ronsples James C

and the members of the localbranches of Catholic Knights ofAmerica

K Bhibornte ProgrammeThe ritualistic committee of the Knights-

of Pythias Jubilee committee which hasthe supervision of the work of the firstrank of the order to be exemplified inamplified form at the coming Jubilee inDecember and several members of theorder to whom have been assigned partsin the production held enthusiastic re-hearsals at Pythian Temple on Tuesdayand Friday evenings

Hear About Turkish Children-A meeting of the Mothers Club con-

ducted in connection with the DistrictW C T U was held on Wednesday

at headquarters 522 Sixth streetnorthwest in charge of the Capitol HillUnion

Mrs Alice Shadier superintendent ofmothers meetings served as hostess andMrs Marsh gave a Bible lesson MrsBodfleh spoke of Children I have mot inthis and other lands and described awedding in the land of the harem MrsClinton Smith Mrs MG Hughes Mrs Grace L Chnpln andMrs A C Giles also spoke and refresh-ments were served by Mrs Cole MissDougherty Mrs Chapm and Mrs Copland

Colony of New England WomenAt the last meeting of the Washington

colony of New England women hold atthe residence of Mrs Benjamin 1015 Nine-teenth street northwest resolutions werepassed expressing sorrow at the death ofMrs Lyman and Miss Waite two

membersA paper on the early history of Con

necticut was rood by Mrs Gilfallen and-a poem by Mrs Ham The present

of the colony are Mrs BenjaminMrs Charlotte Emerson Main Mrs Rathburn Miss Webster and Mrs Gilfallen

Outing Committee BusyA meeting of the special auxiliary of the

summer outing committee formed for thepurpose of establishing a summer outingcamp for colored children and motherssimilar to Camp Good Will was held inthe general office of the Associated

Sll G street northwest Tuesdayafternoon

Mrs Fornandte chairman explainedthe of the meeting and the kind












Beck r






dlstrlct president







































irr i-




Pure WhIte Stove In yearchoice of atObo-

tnaunsllda 55 per cent moteat casb jewelers



Two rare Dlaonds wIthRub or gunzale gun ot the eUpure preet AtIIlt aMy large Imper-utlOll permits



LTD GOLDper colt Tmfldr otlllr




settles This

15-0pI5 A WEEK


wmtr peteoar



of cooperation to be expected fromsummer outing committee

The auxiliary voted to establishpermanent organlxattoa to carry onwork and commence immediately plansfor the raising of funds

D A H PitNHeti AmendnicnttThe passage of several conltuttona

amendments caused the elimination ofcustomary literary awl musical programme at the November meeting o-

CooatttuUon Chapter D A R atresidence of the regent Mrs Hannah BSperry 18 Q street northwest

Grand 1C of P VisitsNext to the grand visitation of

season will be made by the officersthe Grand Lodge Knights of Pythtasthe District of Columbia nextevening when they call at Capital LodgeNo a Last Tuewtay night theya fraternal visit to Mount Vernon Lodgelit Pythiajt Temple

Upon the conclusion of the visitation thedoors were thrown open to outsiders and

smoker was given

Tlie Mens Ctub of Trinity M K

Church gave Its second annual entertainwent Monday evening m church buildlag at the corner of Fifth and C streetssoutheast The Sunday school room wasdecorated with American Hags and bunt-Ing potted plant and palms PresidentHemline of the club made a intro-ductory address and announced the pro


lunch it ml SnoochmaUInfir EnlivenEvening After Ditntie

annual dance of the Gorge Wash-

ington University Junior rivedtearclass In

Pythian Temple was follow by an elab-

orate lunch In the banquet bill where witand humor enlivened the repast

E W Nojnes acted as andvarious members reipoade with enthn-siasm to tMMMc The Cuvt

Juniors on Deck n a MedicalMans Maiden The DfHoVi Wife IsDancing Oompatlbjw lt M glcine

The followtng is the list of patrons ofevent

Margaret Everett Grace TCverett AliceL Baker Hannah Browning Florence IMerrill Rowena Y Bttrwetr Jennie PagoAvery Ella Park Parry Mrs E WSmith Mrs Frank J Brown Mrs ALitUejohn Miss K KIesecker Mrs E RNoyes Florence A1 Plsrce Mrs J R-

Uitteffeld Mrs D V Higgins Miss C

Baushn Mrs J S Neate Clara T Andtrson Lilly Alexander E JonesMrs A J Wheeter tUlle Sklppon Florence A Pierce Mrs J F Wood Miss fi-

D R Glover Ij B Bryan Miss LEvans Miss Tctwl Zerega

Fred S Avery Frank J Brown A JBrowning William A Bryan R F Dunmire E D Everett F E A SGarnet George H Hairt D W HIgginsE J Morgan C S Lawrence J R LIttlefield R S McKnIg t Herman EMolzahn J S B R Noyes HarryA Ong O E Patterson H S Pyne RA Quick J W Sherwood SmithW M IrbySmlth H M Tayloe EdwardTaylor Fred C Weber C C WeidemannCharles Wheatley Joseph Wllhelm J TWolfe A J Wheeler


Bliznlietli Towne Will SpeakHere on Xew Thought PrincipleMrs Elizabeth Towne of Holyoke

Mass the Blissful Prophet will de-

liver a lecture at RaBSchers next Sundayafternoon under the direction of the

New Thought Center of Washing-ton on A Tale of R l Life and SomeMorals

Mrs Towne will explain the philosophy-of living from the mental Hence point ofview She says

Xew Thought Is the greatest thing inthe world and also the oldest th j practlnal and universal application of theprinciples of love Love We always havewith us Always there have been a fewwho understood its principles and aimedto apply tfcprn In their own lives But

Upio0ae Wearing

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or into women and children Dontspend your last dollar for clotlio before

the holidaYs BUY them here and payus each week or month

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JUt theofof



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such or-







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only now is the knowledge of the GoldenRule the love rule becoming Anythinglike universally practical

One has truly said that New Thoughworks so quietly and with o little regardto outward appearances that few peopleare aware of the enormous extent of themovement Its adherents who can liefound In every quarter of th globe nher three minion They are notto build up a large organtauto or toestablish churches

Mrs Towne is the editor of the Nauti-lus and has written several books Thelust Issue of the Nautilus was a singlesheet but today it has seventytwopages and an extensive circulation InEurope and subscribers in nearly everycountry of the globe whether civilized orbarbarous

The local New Thought Center give

the Washington Loan and Trust Buildingon Monday afternoon December 3 and aninvitation Is extended to the public to at-tend both lecture and reception


Wnnl injrton Club PrepaflnB for Con-test Over CaiMlnl Trophy

The Washington Fencers Club Is now

defend the Casein Cup the competitionfor which will be held on February 2ISM in the clubrooms

Among the new members recently etaeted are H S H Prince von Lynnr LieutEduardo M Suez naval attache W ARoyaards of the Netherlands L s ttoaA C Cunningham U S N C F Cabrera Nathan Wyeth and Henry TPratt


Washington Lodge Hold AiinnnlMemorial Service December 2

Washington Lodge No 15 B P OElks will bold Its annual memorial serv-ice Sunday evening December 2 at theNew National Theater commencing at Soclock

The United States Marine Baud willfurnish the Inatrumental musicvocal numbers wilt be rendered by theElks and of nationalreputation will deliver addresses

The executive committee In charge ofthe event is composed of X G

chairman D E Summers secre-tary Lloyd B Brooke Frank B Clarkson Jacob HeW A C Hntchtoson JWilliam Lee George A Maaou John C

Charles H Utermehle and Jmes LWard


Delineation of Frontier Life Illscussed nt Art Club

Painters of Frontier Life a paper byMist Catherine B Martow was the principal topic of discussion at a meeting ofthe Columbia Heights Art Club In thehome of the newly elected vice president-of the District of Columbia Federation ofWomens Clubs Mrs J Finney Eagle

Miss Barlows treatment of lien subjectshowed tier love of her native land andher ambition for and appreciation oftypical American art

She dwelt principally upon the works ofthe less wellknown artists such as CatHn Mrs Edith Emerson in her paper

The Nile also interested her audienceMrs Dorris read nn original poem en

titled The Tourist Refrain of the NileMrs M B Tullock read a paper on her

travels in Egypt

Shield of Honor Lodge VisitedAt the official visitation Iris Lodge No

50 Shield of Honor was complimented byGrand Master Adrian Hughes and thegrand officers of Maryland and the Dis-trict on the work It was doing and themembers it WftS bringing into the foldTwo new members were initiated on thenight of the visitation-

D O S R Gives Annual BaIlColumbia Bund No 21 and Koenigin

Luise Bund No 4 D O S R will givetheir annual ball tomorow evening atMasonic Temple AH arrangements havebeen completed and the officers of the twobunds are confident of a most successfulentertainment

To Tell About EcuadorHon Joseph W Lee United States Min-

ister to Ecuador will be the next speakerbefore the National Geographic Society atthe popular course meeting to be held inNational Rifles Armory 920 G streetnorthwest Friday evening Mr Lee willtake as his topic Beautiful Ecuador

Give St Cecilia ConcertAt a musicale given by the pupils of

Holy Cross Academy on Connecticut ave-nue in honor of St Cecilia the youngladies participating ma do an excellent 1m

on rendering adifficult programme in excellent style



Towne a In Its rooms In

hard at getting a team In shape to




Maxwell Sol Morris W H Sintehuann

pr lon their audio ce

willMrs reception













A wide ueortiaent ofbean tlfully tfejigne-easei Biggest watch

ever offereo la

Two besntlful pars whiteDiamonds la this I4bratsolid gold sttlr The primcannot be uptcat-

e4S80 WEEK

II 1325SpecialLadies Watch

Elgin Moreneut Syear cue


Never Sold 20I




Fineguaranteed god




Health Officer to Stop Sale ofAlcohollnden Candy

The W C T T of the District hasjoined in the hue and cry against theooozedrop candy and a protest againstthe sale of alcoholsoaked confectioneryhas been sent to the District health off-icer

The W C T U fs also after the boozedrops because they are being sold tochildren-

A recital by Mrs Augusta C Bainbridgeof incidents which came under her per-sonal observation during the days imme-diately following San Franciscoearthquake will be the feature of a meet-ing of the executive committee of thWomans Christian Union in the W C TU bulktlng 62 Sixth street northwest thisafternoon at 2 o clock


AVnihluKtoiInn 3la lv Attorne Inchi f in New York

Merrill E Gates Jr has been appointedattoraeyiachief of the Legal AM

of YOrk CUya organteaUonmaintained by prominent citizens andlawyers for purpose of furnishing

for itor to not know how to secure the legalassistance and protection of which theyway stand in need From a small begin-ning thirty years age the philan-thropic socially uplifting work of thissociety has grown until now there arein addition to the main otitee fourbranch offices and during currentyear more tItan S03I applications navebeen attended to by the attorneys for-th society

Mr Gates will enter on his new dutieson January 1 1SST He is the son of exPresident Merrill K Gates LL D ofRutgers and Amherst colleges for thelast seven years a resident of Washing-ton where Ms son Mr Merrill IS Gatesjr took the first year of his law courseat the Law School of the George Wash-ington University He was president ofthe Law School class of 1S02 during thefirst year of the course but intending topractice i New York City Mr Gatetook the hist two years or his course atthe Columbia Law School Columbia Uni-

versity of New York City and was ad-

mitted to the bar in IS08 He was gradu-ated from AmberaC College In ISBi andwas for three yeans OH the staff f theIndependent both in the editorial de-

partment aud later in the business OfficeSince ISA he has been practicing laW inNew York City having been connectedwith the ofitees of Eaton Lewis andlater with Gould WHkie

The many friends of Mr Gates inwell as the friends ana

acsqualntances of father will watchwith interest the work which a younglawyer of Ms training and inclinationtoward philanthropic work will accom-plish In this rapidlygrowing work forgood citizenship in New York City

A society of the same name and pur-pose the Aid Society of Washing-ton was organized In the District of Co-

lumbia about a year ago and has re-

lieved about 50 cases The president ofthe society is Mr Robert Root Bennett1717 T street northwest the treasurer isMr H H Martin 1361 Harvard street


Army OrdersCWiJOHN I CHAJinEULAIX i Hetor

ettce Inspector Kcnerat to Hm fraueiscoas iMi t r aeperl Pacific

Mart 4 CXI OS C GUEOORY assbtaat swfrom San Francfeoo t PreiW f Meats

lust I wrt G ARTHUU HADSELL Nineteenthlawtry detailed captain to axnmaod ThirtySitu Comiwar IhBtppioe Scents rice FirstUnit William II Grabaaa Twentieth Infantry

rUAKLKS B HEPBURN Signal Corp to

Get IlnsirfUl WashlnstoB lUrntcklInt Lfawt RUDOLPH E SMYSBR Fourteenth

C by quartenawier from New YorkCUr t St Louts ss aMbtaat depot oaartcr-BMMer

First Ltent THKODOKB B TAYLOR Btcwath-Oialry wltewd duty w trai t qi rt nn ster

Capt WENDELL L SIMPSON ti rte xaastrarm transport serrfee to San Kra fcco asaeafetant depot QUBrtennastw

Navy OrdersLiMt W S CRQSLEY tieUKbed Maine

wait orders

to eWHBKinder In tcf Atkette Meet oo

Pay IntprctBT E I UYAN to Ciwriestwi-Payrm54 f T I HARRIS detested Charlosiwi to

CtotaaenAnt Papna er B G MORSBLL de4a hed Chi

MOVKSIBNTS OF VESSELS The frtfewins arethe merements of natal tends roperted te the

Department fes erdarARRIVED

NeTfintxsr 23 Eazfe at Manzsnlllo-Notem er S Helena at llaakew S teforao at Bre

merton Scerriion at San Juan Lcenidu atGanntancuna

SAILEDNrvt n er 22 Eipte1 from iIaaa n Jo for surrey

groundsNovember SSaotpita fwmSaB Juan for

Urn Roads fr Monte OhrbtiWftrden T uxt n and Maed ao h

treat Le rae Island for Norfolkfrom Asiatic Station to Atlantic Coast



thelegal advice and nee to thoseneed Ii and are able to pay



Wash on aS


L gal

froMDlrl CHI






Lkwt R Jet trginb to lilt Ihsim


gags to


HamCerebra and





So-ciety Nsw





























ers of C H I C K E R I N aPianos stand ready today toproclaim to the world the unvarying excellence of this grandold pianoforte

Now reenfore this army withthe hundreds nay thousandsto whom EACH Chickening

Piano has given hours ofenjoyment and you have

An Army

who will advise you to put yourpiano happiness in a

PIANO-A full line of these noble in

struments including the famousQUARTERGRAND Is shown

Sole representatives in Wash-



1328 F Street







Washington 800 A M

Arrive Wheeling

Arrive Cincinnati

Arrive St Louis

Solid Vestibuled Trainwith through Sleeping Carto St Louis Parlor Carto Wheeling

Breakfast on CarRide through the famousscenic portion of the Alle-ghenies in daylight Supper-on Dining Car

Arrive Cincinnati beforemidnight in time to takecars for all parts of city andsuburbs

Arrive St Lout breakfastnext morning

This train also has a fasttrainconnection from Cumberlandreaching PITTSBURG at 505 P M



ILL CHURCH comer 14th and L st tiwUlysses G B Pierce minister 935 Sandy schooland class fur comparative study of religion inUnity stair slams II Morning ncrrte sermon Tjy

the mMstcr 7 0 YOIM P oites RtMjpetM Unionth Hitfirhiwg amine Thnraky at U oclock

NINTh STREET 9TH AND D STS NE REVB E Utz supply pastorSerrkds 11 m 4

3 p m teisStf













740 P M

1150 P M

845 A M













