iltiqiisamiohjoi nfc§ j$ rt. f li...

-r\ ; / .JV** 1 ••:y. r v {• i' ' ;•' ; •~--i»--, & i: t -., ' - > -y j; .v 4 }.*• 1 ,/ -. ''-J If' , .- . .;< —{ \ \ V^L . •' -~~ :1 ; '1 w *o, ?«** ^ . •*-*_- ^ < T _ r 1 - W^irrf-'miiiifaiirr , - T I ' , ^* s " W«-.."S", -sp*«e«we&««jputt^p<**^ tlliWtt. ( y •, «1iW "TT « F -,-i- 3 -F- Hf. jsittei^^; •>>&*bG ! i ,* ^ S -^1„ Ml HI* -A- "•!' •'.!_ J* I 1 / - *i \ < ^ -r^ V A .r * i ? -ffl. uMn» raWjyi-VH rjuryertw iltiQiisamioHjoi •311, < "~RtiV A"C C >r_e > «T fob XIV? Klktt / JL -^ij^O-per-^eEuv^tt-Adrvaiiee x c- BREBQltXTTHIlrtSia^ iFfERNGON; JAN, 2 9 7 1 8 8 5 ; WHOLE HO. 720 / ALMOST EVERY READE :£. 4)f-Tlifi^NBWs knows that- nfc§ J$. rtf li |letos, W I H KE1HI-tal-__CJC- B I » ll HitoEB west oirtbe green slopes of Cedar n }fewbeen, during the past 6 yeara * place where Gilts suitable for r&nyi occagion.and for all ageB,have- ibdep offered at reasonabls prices E^MJefeUy has this be^en so of tjba rjOh^stjma^ade_ SeyferaLmonths 1 -hare been spent in studying-what JLo_bjny_aad schere to "buyujo that -the assortment might be—most arnplete-And goods could be-sold Lower Prices ! ! 1 A 1 > A O > -L, a * i J flt I -=*•- 1 -1 4 ft 1 thanpver before,findthe snbscn- -has-han-sueeeeded beyomHas expectations m securing bargains tor the Holiday trade- It is not necessary here to enumerate" the various lines "of goods to be found there, because— in was of but short duration "We m vailed %o _ace "the" slemer nd more terrible *eahtieeFtK5a~ : ever toown-before, We wore measure arms with men,wh6 had ;he largest and best appointed Hf had wer, been t«en on this t fromTits position on the Feu- take refoge-nnder-cover of the on the James BwerT~Wo hid flniahed-onr last-tribute of- i re- the dead and ouriduty to tu* the- field of onr late struggle, Ine pleasant Afternoon about 3 omUe officers' call was beat and all tiered to get readyto move The fl«l-call next Bounded and all the —lyEverytJody Knows™ -ft *5 that there is a large vanety al ways .on hand Ho-wever, if "Ev- erybody has not been in lately they may not know that the stock of Books is fouv times ^larger than h ~a_ qsnypreVfous year,a!_3_ that the stock is as complete &s any city book store Tou ougnt to spend several hours looking ^over, ncrt onljrthe books, but the%)U)vb guMds7"but~Ebne Tesponded - -Not liking to usje force by detailing men, H.toppdd m s front of 613! 'company Q whentbe reguest was no) sooner made^ it_8priK BKlisabled were ordered to report $o|oton- Then the long roll fol- ioijuIcltSiicoeasion-und esfiry_man wal in the harness and last came L=3 ^-.^j-—T—^-±, i ' ' .^^^fJheii^plaoeg oxi_theHgrfimudrttnd^9teEezafr TDTI wait for orders the WaaaeSx — T ~ = K - . . ^ ^ z . I-wait tor orders tue Baggage tor>Birhng-down--tre~road1 ja ^ Mle ' lpepper, followed "by the eiok Incee nextinordSr oamere^i- Igade and division teams, then ry The_ infantry now_facdd It forming fours and wassoou i^lbwns^Scrap^BtpoJis lxtsh"r~rames""and Mirrors Toilet Oases, BrushTsr . the road on quick time with reafand flanK. By the"heavy Inuon we knew that the-enemy goiii, eavii boo: had fcd^near Germania Tord by break ur Imerthereraud-was trying^ to gei ir rear About sundown we were med that the enemy had "*" r_Combs7; Gold Fens, f the I hue- between us and the- »J iiuu^iiog!^ t( gby nearly -10 miles, le meiL-jwere now urged to—th ltmokt—lumt-of— speed ,and endim \ehioh jwas kept_upjthrough- ^B^^|hferjgatt22yfeS^fepOTry: fa'mejo toy^l^t^e^wieri. chftsei. -T.n W^IYrt fc--/^1jV«*^ ••*%***'*«—'Www - " f - l n i i n w A l I C n -+*^»- zfamiiy. -Tooth phft»r andll' mm mBLES^ -at prices below thbwof^ity^dSaF "erS^hojire, advertising "rare bat gaims?' m Bibles '. • '• throug r0iirolirfa8~by. iSornwailis to taake surrender the ..prisoners ..he had|^i i^jfa^ttife^t^m^cwaiE than ji er gpt from HaleS^history. Fb^te^-rthe-E^t-th'e^ast^of-- -o.urMl s.were goingJover tne; bridge Thousands of Articles^ -- f too numerous to mention" ^may' _be found if you willpyiently look ^11 through ihe stoeKi" v «...;.. . 70YS ! JOYS - — ! t i I t t And DOLLS:-Too -I—!—I—f— I- T)..I I Jk Being crowded fbr£ropgi r we HI have-co'ndensed averj^l^trges'tock: [\^ihese^odsJfflto^^ But-although you ^o-not fpe at •first -glance a -big—^pready-^dSk^t conclude that we; have gone back on ourreputation for. being "Headquarters'^ onjsuxjh g&otfe^ not by any means ^ e hayeJleaps: 5f-fcem-^n^=w4^11-^itamntea3IIow^ "estpnees Please comejin.-and- select them befoie Christmas. • A caiefully selected Stoclc of laEds. at Baj^gnoek; Station, but before al^ atragg onldbe;^Qlfeii;overythe^ge^el : cavalrj .vcd pa tiie scene. an,d charged dp;wn.< e^ftga^esr;..'Som_e_pf -these, Jrot oVt B.bjidge/ r Qther8.ra^ dqwiftp^ rfiieTclvi ^w,: > thr.ew[5nenr 1 ' gunFlnio. Va& wa lid-plongea in^the swift cur- r e n t ' s »were=61ro,wnedrOthers!cro8sed^ iu safet -theiri«comrades on the other sideT" EF tMeeKufidred .were^taEenT prisoitfl' WmSSiohHnow of Boylston was-ial -prisoner here, alJ30~;Gale''of 35S6lt iafcen^omVti(E^&pai^,'but; Ssoaped d'cameTback to lis'the next nlgEt. ? ^fidge ; 'Over--t6e~river was now. dei fediiiricCJhe' army was once more sa m-the other bank. ; A'little ^ej^*aaa^ke=-^efe^reb qriYedroafeiopposite^ank-and-a'n-artU.- ieryiduaiiait shoolrth^^liorarbl-tlie" stream \*oon'ragihg. Batteries w'effe nowrpoMonfeTery emineheewith the jin^nlry'Krorthe "Eelghte aidTn~the ravines tajpport them. * For two dajs thQ~6neint licde desperate "effort, to-cross but failed On the seoond -dayat night ,-theJirsVt ;ad,elw4tltthe 24th was !ro:; lieved auc at up the river four toileSTo, gnSMano >r ford, - a-nd the Rhodeifo' Iani andt ae^ batteries were soon with partner, Miixamola, a Frenchman, co'v- ulioct of the n^ark y: About sundown we undo ered withstood and oraftis was sp'eeati' "less for a moment, thou called out "Oh, ^§gfe thw^s- no-good N plaeB"for-poor, causing many to smile-that Maxev," would otherwise have' looked serious A Massachusetts battery now came to our assistance and ~ther advantage now remained with -us^_It was_now near noon-and—flr-new—programme in-Trar opened The combatants were about Abxea=fonrths,of a.wula-apart, and'-the- enemy comn\enced to shoot at US' with common-^P-Tailroad—lrtm;—about three feet long They were not very accurate in their aim Ii3 but did terrible execution when it struck one of onr batteries, we lqjjt_a nmnber ot_ menjiere ThonglTnone of our-company i t three o'olookthe rebel fire slackened IauaImt'few .rebels could be Been from wUere~we were- GeneralHatch told* me to take two men, and, if possible ascertain the, position pf the~ enemy and their movements, without being discovered, and to report without delay I called for two volunteers from ,Warr«ntouS4JiMK)tioii « t daybreak, and at 9 o'olook Warrentou village, onei of the mosfl^tujrleujie and real good looking places IjiW? ever xeen lnJTirgjaj.^ ^'JLhe houBes-w.ttra^well built, and ther- streets l*id out mjsquares: and kept clean It is oaTtiie head waters of the Bappahannock near tb.ft.^JonJSidgf) moliiitaiiis and-coi^ tsined tht^^Mt court hpuse-and hotel 1 tiad jBt qeen, ^O^f Way^hers of thirty mmutea W«* broken by aa order to march, aijdL'we Started for the White Sulphur Bptnig, one of the great reBorte for pleaTUrem the~hot summer months, m tnii_Bi*je,_^The_enemy had sent-a force Up Sh^ river to thus place, and about tm "^% thousand of tham had run across eoxfys of Kings division and the BeKtBHi5iU4^rBtatted _ Beiore ua anoTwere «iugaged with .Them when we started from Warrant""- lh« ftgh* »»" "ulid bloody," und^the enemy was- drivin back \htd large numbeis killed and diowned >n the river Leaving two than_QlmsteadLnMd_Iie3ter_8prBhg from JW-ith nothing but onr "guns and boxes; -1 -we--crawled on~belhes~"like snakes for forty rods and then halfjbentr up a gentle slope towards a House that stood hear the river bauk about fifty feet above the water and five or six rods fiom it It was a splendid mansion and thousand'faien here to wateh_Cbe_f5rd, we Htrirlieg Iback and camped_for Jhe jugbig^igar- ^vJrrenton 1= ni--a^pieGe_oi- woods stbire—waJound the-rebels-had hid: all the^ liop"'loc Bafe kelping^roiLJ^rg^^tnrtJax? ''ihesdi were a godseud to ehil- well shaded with silver maples We crept cautiously up to it, but found no signs ot any one at home We could plainly hear thq rebels talking below but aocount~bf~tlie" that were m could not see them on garden fenco and bushes our way Eeav%jg» my ooys to watoa 1 setjny- gun in tiid feucej climbed ^a tree at the end of the house and w,as soon where I could see and hear The rebels hod nearly completed a bridge of-trees, timbers and plank to cross-on Olm- T^T^fwa^ffowsotTMug^ wailoonbesi'def: fne,. hie .rifle iiLAhe sling over.his shoulder. I oonxited the - fjj%^, and»pteQes;-pfrartUler^t-those. i baok'inrthe roadTkeepihg our , men- busy, and was estiiaatiDg the men Twheg-QlmeteadJired; UjjUTjithe—commandiDg^officer,, whoin.. we aftey^ard', asc^n£me£T : <«Sp8" mortally wouucled^^Eorrorstruck^J^Blid-to-the- grpund—while-a- volley-of musket balls xsutrth^iimbs aW~twigs^hipn-felHin ; the roots. - N.pne 6t us were ^hnr-t-and^hatchihg^onr^guBS-made^tbe brigade, JheJBjergTaba7ahd a r ^ H ^ ^ e r e - now ordered torTTpohtt higher up. the iivor-where they could'reafiBvtCe bridge'^ and a blpody conflict was^.the; reMltr lasting until aarKV. -T ; he...iMd|;e.toing. t destroyjed^ahdJhe_enemy ^driven^baoi witb/a fearluT&ms. It was here that the Berdana with their colts revolving, rifles, •16'shooters,, prpved themselves a thprS' in the sides of; their enemy, by- fcearly annihiiating'a. regiment that charged on them. • That ujgfit,welay in a pieceio|; ±b_thehiiorlh- next morning jbatjSooaTpaDnffljffi^pMdsS pi thefieldof battle. "^TliP ne before sunrise, the smoke of .our fires -was-ascending; through^ the=4;re'etop8,4as. we were boiling.oiir oup of coffee^ and wis-triirg-for, meat to tiai. witbr-tliB~ L faaTd^ tack, . which compared., so unfavorably With the rations and the bill of-fare at homo in thp huppjf clays goneby, when our attention was called to the fact that mmiou ballb 1 were-pafisteg-throngh-the- •tat lower pucos tlian^evei-; For m= Kstancfe, fine pla.m or fringed 10c. )' n o i / l a fin 9.0O n, |jt f.aids tit 5c. 20c . = __^ -fr-inged-eaidf, at only:10:ctsJ eacli. -Special cards foi^JWsh^^SSrjfc -"low .. . p'_ _!—mi-^ " Jilnquiuos by mad. cheeriuil^ an^weied Eepiember, we-niake no change for postage on .-books,' -eaids," 1 tfeeTSent by mail, 'and: can se'ive piomptly custom#rsi2gha may JincL it inipossibfe to come to th* stoie. So whereVflr you are <-within the United States,.; if you' cannot comer WRITE- to- •. -.; - - EDWIN' S0U» Near tlxe Bridge, " Sandy Creek. ' tliey^ ecoi tops of the trees over oar heads; anoth~ er moment and it faometFas i| "fifty jiau- noBs-Jvere hurling shot and shell in'the trees' ovethesd. - ^JSrees-.- were—sUyered us; in full" ast. ; The battery opposed to us was; >. best we hadyet-iseen ajid our^bdt'ter: -suffered^ terribly." - .We layj airfictLjLis ^H^oJ^our-^mtterie-s-itHH . , hollow^febaUs.andshells of both! and br f^ es were hurled-through the Pads, and tbe air and s'livprs flew iu all directions, while the men, without_ orders,,-broke. from .the cpvsrofjth© timber to the open jjuld behind the woods iu wild contusion; batteries f ng ovsis>our shot that 15 ink the crest-in front .tnxew sho.wers-pf : r : .teaad-gr:avel-on r us' 5 Ofcne dartd-tOTt d-oi'Tiit'Up^and-some-of-our . -?ifflc •fi'rej'H lers-sougbtamusement atfd turning, th'(: heads together- in the line, ItlitsgH firm. "Seven in tiie'ljrij here and' about-'thir-fey" ^toSd were Hlied wounded.-.. The went to pi rinir Paris," so reckless had : j • " -. ' ,.; 1 •£**: , , ,, j ^^tajus mpstly-gpent-in-cannonading- Md,hardened-ttj-tteirgHn-r*-^— .._• J . :• • .-.: .• • • ••? and-sh paa^be rwitlt»0 % appateiife [-Soon a ma/ih company iilavd to auoTC . ^ ^ ^ ^ e i t h e r s i d e > 6 i e e p t thltUll0 73 b<?at you got high low iebel| ra . eye4 tbeniselves^SPverabtoha uer^ame, HpW jdoes -it go - - - er, "iv-j h JaPk and ov«r tlie ri et. h ^iUBOti b l i bo;lyi as li wheeled tojthe right about and" 1 started on the road to Warrenton at a rapid paop t ->Fhiqti-we-kept .up-all fl^ht^gniy, r.Qstingon^ m the r time We reached btllNblll-KU ' "Ooi Special Cones ondence from ^Wanted—A cheese bujer ^—wMiBsTSTora "Wilhams-is-home Troy. —..Our tat colleotor has the tax nearly alr/collected - _ ~ —Alfred Millard has purchased the I W. Deoker place —The band boys will soon announce their annual hop , —W II Mooneypf-Syraotprena-spogd^ nag a week with his mother ' 7 —Miss "Mate" Brown is teaching mf the Log Loudpp scnool district jr^Mail^parrier^ Jennings braved the storm on Monday a la horsejyick —S"W Armstrong of Ch-ieago is in town renewing tho old acquaintances —"Eize" Eastman has gone to V a r mont a~nd the political—horoscope—js clouded ^^rank Rogers has renounced sincfte blessedness-and the boys are smoking t-sn centers —The infant daughter of Mr and Mrs E B Chapman was buried SatnrdayJast _ . on theyankees ns in the h i e of tresh -meat —The dren of Israel on their johin j through the wilderness could not have uccu. more thankful ttfe first tune it rained manna lhe hogs Were-, suirouuded and firing conimenopAou all sides, bullets bounded and flew i g all directions- for a while, then the work of diessing and cutting up witlrjaok^kmves commenced None ol the pork t^s salted down, but all was taken tty'ltno home trade to relieve pres- eiit y/M^t' Sueh- acts' ot^-Kafedaiism^. f apine and plunder cannot of course "be justihod by qjy modern law of civxjiza tion, but it bhouTd be remembered that war is a stern—necessity—which has no "law, and kXAffsjao.'Tioan^sTHnd-'tBsrpir preetsrvatiou.ia tlie first-law. of Nature t i 'which: we Btirfctly- adhered in "all our waiudtiriiJgB aiid that^w'e—were fouiid guilty of no-violations'thereof when ."calted;|anu.aocou| r of ons.. steward;; -ship*. - . — - • - - - — . ' =_ ' 0w\:SpS6ittl Correspondence. —Zero weather, : • "^AW-coldedg; 2: _: ' " . ". :""" :rJ= T ."—Two fegt^pf snow, . __. \==And stflt ebminglf - . , . . - • ' ti '•' -^School elsses ih four Weks. —B. N. Bally of Manhsville was down Tuesday. . - -r^^jri-jeillsJia^rentedJvJmlMoCloh^ nell'Sfarmjuit-east of .tpwh and will move.ojaLte.itiih'.two or three weeks. - ' —Hydorn aid Son tradi^ the p&Bt'year. : reports ,au'$i6,.60O _i. -Thewoodand lnmber dealers -proved-ttieTgoodrsleighing-last-week; ; r-Eld. EnPell hos^losed his 'evening mPetings for^ the present on aocount of TEe~sTorE2^ 5tlrer - ' <• —^oioHSirBj^o^e^3f^311isbTffglr;iff visiting her «c*n Jacob Powers. —Mrs. Al.. -Eo.Wera who have, been quite poorly all winter is very much im- proved in health. .She intends making q trip East in'the anmmerr- —Mr;^Eastman Carpenter jwas.jirresi' ted last week.hyJ3gicefLBeadis"afad taken, to. Oswego tpi plead - to an- ^ndictment found againa'rhim'by the grand jury; -"The coroners in the' Druse murder oase, ..the-iiaiiienlar%,;whioh :CpTD"eaied=iir nnr-lasl; issue, find that Boxana Druse felonipuslyand with mjafic_e;j^orgMTogBM asBannsa^^ym. "Drnse',with a revolver shfit-and also with ah dxeand knocked him on the bead, then severed the head frPrnf,the hot^ftrorB^^icb' wpuhds said Tjruse ^le'crj'aDd'That she cutand burned As he 1 raised to. look a severed his- .'head from his Bti'uck 6iT#"ith. an axe. -His If* IV ot railroad iron.,causing more fun than fright, by their- throwing- Up .clouds'-ot: dirf in our front, as they generaUy fell < -liis-lsod^-ih- a stovP. Also fpufld - that Mary J. Draifcffjtebrge Druse and Prank Gates wereieionibusly presorTtand that tlie latter, fired one or_more~shota at de !iM.sed. A warraht-for -the arrest 6f" ; all (our was made out. "" /'. • \ -Miss=-Marv—Howardt=hB8 -raturned- frointhewest mtdisjywitmg Uer sraterr —Our constable John Bartlett, has returned from his visit east and peace and quietude again reign supreme* —Present Williams of the Ellisbursh Cornet band beholds the reflection of his beautiful phiz in a new hundred d6l lar silver plated horn —Dr Thompson the present mcum -bent,_W—E^JMaish,_A.»|_M^_Warawell mentioned as sand Baalf Our Sppoial €o»i.ppondence The lum^er^nesBrare busy atrgresentr oad logs-aro inovmg m all direction ^"r Jjongstipat is v very sick with typhoid fever H)s ftiends are anxious about him _ __ —We are faVortd with two skating i;mk8 at present l h e y run day and night. The boyt. und girls are havmg a gay time The-^potato—buyera—ara~biT8y--tlii<i-- week Smith of Borne h W " g h t -ofr^ Plehsent Point loaded two oaes Wyman df Orwell will- lpnd two also The pno» paid w-thirty and thirty five eoufo D B Bose caught a largo gray woll in h^bar^yajrdlast Saturday morning Biawolfatap » sohiawhst tame' he had a •hwBfe leather strap around his neck Bike •& Fields had him on exhibition in theuf tkatmg rink Saturday evening The-tratBCion is agitated of building a cheese fsPtory in tins villoge this 8 P rip g Thitus a central point, na » ^ - fey 7-1 ll { *' i!oads lead into phe village an6Tthe~ milk of 400 c6ws could be brought there If . somel good mau will build a factory he can be assured of the above - numtWof cows ~ F o r e i g n iVt-wnt • ~~Puvate advicts received Saturday af- ternoon from Koiti aBstrt that the rob els ( have snrrouiid"k Qeuerid btewait m the desert, where he has taken up an mtratfohed position to nrw ut reiutoSoe ments fiom General Wolsley and J F Converse are 1 candidates for supervisor —Tlie voung people of Ellisburgi have in preparation- a fine dramatic entertainment whioh will b«oftered to the public under direction of the lecture ^sseflmtion... .. ••-—.-.'• . .• •;.—. ,.— The great anxiety IQ .London on Sun- day m regard to the sifety ol General Stewart and hi army oi the Nile Expe- dition from whom no definite news has b^jr^«e^mtejhel7th m a t , ovefc- shudowed tho jnterest in the explosionj ,L -^r any vllla S es 1 U I t a | y »"d Piancp are v ^y.iitdJi > h4viii b b<scii~dt,viu3te,tfcd b y uvainnch^eB, hundreds of people have been kitled_and men, women »ria ohildun-are~ wounded, homeless and m awf uldistxesfc ^Ehftones-of- .^—R W. t e e has purchased Ihe.'farm formerly owned_.and. now occupied liy D;. L. Buryi-f M|f. Eury wilLramoTexio: the If. B Chamberlain place which he recently purchased.' —* r ' - • ' -v '•«*-— - - —-;.-- -^The second entertainment, of. ths Ellisbiirgh lecture as.Boeiation wiltTbela co¥cerlPby®e''tweifthrIn^ntr|r-b,and" J & S; A.-who are- reckoned- .par excellence in-theirLcalling ano^we - predict- they will" provide A musical feast- for- those who mayTrtfehd,- ^fe^prpgrJrMe^nnowgr ed .comprises both vocal arrd instrument- al tousic',7 molfidinp; »gl0s7 by piccqjp, cornet anjj flute. The^ccosicin is^Wed- nesday evening, February 4-,- at School House Hall. ' - _. —The anchor ice -«nd sndw coming dowjttho c«^lfc;hili_forjmediat dam, nt snow-^an.d ice at a. point soath' of, our villagp which has caused the flats to overflow and' the -creek- to raise- to a. heighlvwhioh at present-threatens the "safety—of--the; lower"-big-bridge; ThB" cellam-pfJAopkinsbujjid-ABniB!on,'g cider mill and vineg&r : works.'fiave^b^^a^SubZ merged causing considerable damage and the live dtoek in their barn as also in Mr. Palmfer*! barn had-to-"be removed Mfl_plaC.ej3fiAafely._l. BRUNO.. •— r fPort Ouiario. Our Bpe'citkl Cor_68t)OfidenJ, Plenty of snow and business reviv- mg, . . . 1--; __ -__ * ,—Rev. _!.'H. Tillapiiugh filled his rSguIar apbointmeut at Bethel-O'prners, Jast Sindily:.. By theV^Ay, qu;7oyster" supper vail be held foj^hj^.benefit ut tbp residence ~ of 'evening, ^fas; It 29. D-1 Ehle, Thursday ""•^sSsiKpEjivej;Is vei'y ; 'high,r thb water, is ovir th'elqoor of Taggarit_& frown's prrpsr- n.ill arid. ttlstr tiieir ^a-^imill Bdals^wMcli" weie supppBed^to have been vh auTed up4ftr^nougli:^^sa£ety--ar'e-uiit der>the ice., . •' j] ''• ' - "—Last. -Sairarday '-jjobupjo o^ foxes jatacajiejia-ijnjsan^^s!^ nearly'all the men' ancT'ipdys of the'place went, for them, but ifftjsr' considerable s'cirjalshingtho '.foxos' tSiifiod;. tlieir_flaak and escaped; but one of .theUnpu «aid iF his d6g.''bad be.ri M^e it -would have endedldiff-rent. '. sent tinotiy heard, -to resoue them. j.-M.itipha] fatal' avalanches- wpre r4- ported lronfthe department of the Biaut« Alp'es. At the village of Metoulles a- crowdedchurch -was razed; amnhe"wor"-" shippersburied beneatli thp~-qhUin8l At a^quatryrTn the vicinity twenty workmen were overwhelmed; Tho fall of—snow* hoAnjsy5r^e:e^e:grea6^ri_lae-«Alpi^m^ tho memory of"man... ' ' ' '•' Mttjli; Thffp"a'st weelcr»has been thp-*1iullest the^rarket has" exi-sripnced ,• so far this year. Only 'I6TTbalea_ we're taken rang- iug-'from 13 to 1.7o.' About 16 to,_J_3|,o -w*s4he-Pjri^-paid-for-gciod--hops^^F far as we,can judge the prides oreiitrong'- -er-insttuj ebmrf-ry' than in.New*Yoi>k„ bdt thia U. explained by the. fact that there are few it' auy striott-y-ebdico goods iw tho pity Iu fact, so soH_e_~.vro -they that it is runiored4bat a largo .impjjrta? tion of^finelJerman hops .ai't^ oU" their7 jio^-^thiSscmiit&y^Jsp^ai-m-Jamount^ about 2,000 of _our bales; TtfeVe^gpoda will probably have to be iOo. or. upward. There is however 'u_g.ood.supi- ply of poor and medium grmtes that are hard :tu sell eveiuat very ljp# prices. I h e urgency "for^goods,--tQ. fill...conltaots--: . made tiailyiu the season is now pasta d it'rtanalua to be seen how the ma^etwill. J mainfain .itselfnviTOoHr'tliat-BtiiUulation.. - We still believe that - choice' gdud» ar& • . wortlndi' they aTe-xro\vT^llrngjEg^bxit"-"~ .Where there is such u largo /uiplus oJE ^iit'erior goods they tisniiily hiivo ff v t_na.- cjiioy'to pull dowu the fjotbei' goojs t m"dess " tfatye-«_ouM-be-ar^tgA/-dtmuudTJi 1 ; the—^ latter; " At-all events it, cau do no good to rush hops upon tlie market,'and the cbSSeryative - " plan, w K c i r litis""%brked> well during the past Bix weeks, la still the--Hfg pTnrto__Jilow_. -_)._ I» lllu .-TIuou a:iluu.<l V-«ul<!,[_, ' Tim geijerSl-opiuiPhia/ihut tlie vxSaa. has passed, through the' .'luitural -stages of birih, lift) a_i|d death, aiid.ia, iiovv un- dergttwg^ie-ohiwgeijri-tte-deutttfr-tb-iinal- (leoay. Wo k^'b^^d.t'"^yh-atWr-'thia b e true or.fiwse, butjfflb dolfiiow that there is but one\ geiuiub' Duvis Sewiug Ma» ehiiie, and that is tho only; machine ..that ..- uses tho vertical fogd, Dpn'flciil, to* s^e i -. i t r • '-. '-=•• ;• ' " •^i^-_ fSm, wf' : \ ||te-i-' wM h. i s5=^sr*-*r ' V .'.'^V^ w "•• j~ •X

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Post on 06-Jul-2019




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BREBQltXTTHIlrtSia^ iFfERNGON; JAN, 2971885; WHOLE HO. 720 /


:£. 4)f-Tlifi NBWs knows that-

nfc§ J$. rtf li |letos, W I H KE1HI-tal-__CJC-

B I » ll HitoEB

west oirtbe green slopes of Cedar


} few been, during the past 6 yeara * place where Gilts suitable for

r&nyi occagion.and for all ageB,have-ibdep offered at reasonabls prices E^MJefeUy has this be en so of tjba

rjOh^stjma^ade_ SeyferaLmonths1

-hare been spent in studying-what JLo_bjny_aad schere to "buyujo that -the assortment might be—most

arnplete-And goods could be-sold

Lower Prices ! !


A — 1




> - L ,


* „ i —



I -=*•-

1 -1 4 ft


thanpver before, find the snbscn--has-han-sueeeeded beyomHas

expectations m securing bargains tor the Holiday trade- It is not necessary here to enumerate" the various lines "of goods to be found there, because— —

in was of but short duration "We m vailed %o _ace "the" slemer

nd more terrible *eahtieeFtK5a~ : ever toown-before, We wore measure arms with men,wh6 had ;he largest and best appointed H f had wer, been t«en on this t fromTits position on the Feu-take refoge-nnder-cover of the on the James BwerT~Wo hid

flniahed-onr last-tribute of-ire-the dead and ouriduty to tu* the- field of onr late struggle,

Ine pleasant Afternoon about 3 omUe officers' call was beat and all t i e r e d to get readyto move T h e fl«l-call next Bounded and all the

—lyEverytJody Knows™ -ft *5

that there is a large vanety al ways .on hand Ho-wever, if "Ev­erybody has not been in lately they may not know that the stock of Books is fouv times larger than

h~a_ qsnypreVfous year,a!_3_ that the stock is as complete &s any city book store Tou ougnt to spend several hours looking ^over, ncrt onljrthe books, but

the%)U)vb guMds7"but~Ebne Tesponded -

-Not liking to usje force by detailing men, H.toppdd m s front of 613! 'company Q whentbe reguest was no) sooner made^


BKlisabled were ordered to report $ o | o t o n - Then the long roll fol-ioijuIcltSiicoeasion-und esfiry_man wal in the harness and last came

L = 3 ^-.^j-——T—^-±, i ' ' .^^^fJheii^plaoeg oxi_theHgrfimudrttnd^9teEezafr TDTI wait for orders the WaaaeSx ™ — T ~ = K - . . ^ ^ z . I-wait tor orders tue Baggage

tor>Birhng-down--tre~road1ja^Mle' lpepper, followed "by the eiok

Incee nextinordSr oamere^i-Igade and division teams, then ry The_ infantry now_facdd I t forming fours and wassoou

i^lbwns^Scrap^BtpoJis lxtsh"r~rames""and Mirrors Toilet Oases, BrushTsr

. the road on quick time with reafand flanK. By the"heavy

Inuon we knew that the-enemy

goiii, eavii boo:

had fcd^near Germania Tord by break ur Imerthereraud-was trying^ to gei ir rear About sundown we were med that the enemy had

"*" r_Combs7; Gold Fens, f

the I hue- between us and the- »J iiuu^iiog!^t(gby nearly -10 miles, le meiL-jwere now urged to—th ltmokt—lumt-of— speed ,and endim \ehioh jwas kept_upjthrough-^B^^|hferjgat t22yfeS^fepOTry: fa'mejo toy^l^t^e^wieri. chftsei.

-T.n W^IYrt fc--/^1jV«*^ ••*%***'*«—'Www - " f - l n i i n w A l I C n -+*^»-

zfamiiy. -Tooth phft»r

a n d l l ' mm mBLES^ -at prices below thbwof^ity^dSaF "erS^hojire, advertising "rare bat gaims?' m Bibles '. • '•

throug r0iirolirfa8~by. iSornwailis to taake surrender the ..prisoners ..he had|^i i ^ j f a ^ t t i f e ^ t ^ m ^ c w a i E than ji er gpt from HaleS^history.

Fb^te^-rthe-E^t-th'e^ast^of---o.urMl s.were goingJover tne; bridge

Thousands of Articles^ --ftoo numerous to mention" ^may' _be found if you willpyiently look ^11 through ihe stoeKi"v «...;.. .

70YS ! JOYS - — ! t i I t t

And DOLLS:-Too -I—!—I—f— I- T ) . . I I


B e i n g c r o w d e d f b r £ r o p g i r w e HI have-co 'ndensed averj^l^trges'tock: [ \ ^ i h e s e ^ o d s J f f l t o ^ 4 n i a U . s p a c e ^

B u t - a l t h o u g h y o u ^ o - n o t fpe a t •first -glance a -big—^pready-^dSk^t c o n c l u d e t h a t w e ; h a v e g o n e b a c k o n o u r r e p u t a t i o n for. b e i n g " H e a d q u a r t e r s ' ^ onjsuxjh g & o t f e ^ n o t b y a n y m e a n s ^ e h a y e J l e a p s : 5f-fcem-^n^=w4^11-^itamntea3IIow^

" e s t p n e e s P lease c o m e j i n . - a n d -s e l e c t t h e m b e f o i e C h r i s t m a s . •

A c a i e f u l l y s e l e c t e d Stoclc of


at Baj^gnoek; Station, but • before al^ atragg onldbe;^Qlfeii;overythe^ge^el:

cavalrj .vcd pa tiie scene. an,d charged dp;wn.< e^ftga^esr;..'Som_e_pf -these,

Jrot oVt B.bjidge/rQther8.ra^ dqwiftp^ rfiieTclvi ^w,:>thr.ew[5nenr1' gunFlnio . Va& wa lid-plongea in^the swift cur­rent ' s »were=61ro,wnedrOthers!cro8sed^ iu safet -theiri«comrades on the other sideT" EF tMeeKufidred .were^taEenT prisoitfl' WmSSiohHnow of Boylston was-ial -prisoner here, alJ30~;Gale''of 3 5 S 6 l t iafcen^omVti(E^&pai^,'but; Ssoaped d'cameTback to lis'the nex t nlgEt. ? ^fidge;'Over--t6e~river was now. dei fediiiricCJhe' army was once more sa m-the other bank. ; A'little ^ej^*aaa^ke=-^efe^reb qriYedroafeiopposite^ank-and-a'n-artU.-ieryiduaiiait shoolrth^^liorarbl-tlie" stream \*oon'ragihg. Batteries w'effe nowrpoMonfeTery emineheewith the jin^nlry'Krorthe "Eelghte aidTn~the ravines tajpport them. * For two dajs thQ~6neint licde desperate "effort, to-cross but failed On the seoond -dayat night

,-theJirsVt ;ad,elw4tltthe 24th was !ro:; lieved auc at up the river four toileSTo, gnSMano >r ford, - a-nd the Rhodeifo' Iani andt ae^ batteries were soon with

partner, Miixamola, a Frenchman, co'v- ulioct of the n^ark y: About sundown we undo ered withstood and oraftis was sp'eeati' "less for a moment, thou called out "Oh, ^§gfe thw^s- no-good NplaeB"for-poor,

causing many to smile-that Maxev," would otherwise have' looked serious A Massachusetts battery now came to our assistance and ~ther advantage now remained with -us^_It was_now near noon-and—flr-new—programme in-Trar opened The combatants were about Abxea=fonrths,of a.wula-apart, and'-the-enemy comn\enced to shoot a t US' with common-^P-Tailroad—lrtm;—about three feet long They were not very accurate in their aimIi3 but did terrible execution when it struck one of onr batteries, we lqjjt_a nmnber ot_ menjiere ThonglTnone of our-company i t three o'olookthe rebel fire slackened IauaImt'few .rebels

could be Been from wUere~we were-General Hatch told* me to take two men, and, if possible ascertain the, position pf the~ enemy and their movements, without being discovered, and to report without delay I called for two volunteers from

,Warr«ntouS4JiMK)tioii « t daybreak, and at 9 o'olook Warrentou village, onei of the mosfl^tujrleujie and real good looking places I j i W ? ever xeen lnJTirgjaj.^ 'JLhe houBes-w.ttra^well built, and ther- streets l*id out mjsquares: and kept clean I t is oaTtiie head waters of the Bappahannock near tb.ft.^JonJSidgf) moliiitaiiis and-coi^ tsined tht^^Mt court hpuse-and hotel 1 tiad jBt qeen, ^O^f Way^hers of thirty mmutea W«* broken by aa order to march, aijdL'we Started for the White Sulphur Bptnig, one of the great reBorte for pleaTUrem the~hot summer months, m tnii_Bi*je,_^The_enemy had sent-a force Up Sh^ river to thus place, and about tm"^% thousand of tham had run across eoxfys of Kings division and the BeKtBHi5iU4^rBtatted_Beiore ua anoTwere «iugaged with .Them when we started from Warrant""- lh« ftgh* »»" "ulid bloody," und^the enemy was- drivin back \ h t d large numbeis killed and diowned >n the river Leaving two

than_QlmsteadLnMd_Iie3ter_8prBhg from

JW-ith nothing but onr "guns and boxes;-1-we--crawled on~belhes~"like snakes for forty rods and then halfjbentr up a gentle slope towards a House that stood hear the river bauk about fifty feet above the water and five or six rods fiom it It was a splendid mansion and

thousand'faien here to wateh_Cbe_f5rd, we Htrirlieg Iback and camped_for Jhe jugbig^igar- ^vJrrenton1=ni--a^pieGe_oi-woods stbire—waJound the-rebels-had hid: all t h e ^ liop"'loc Bafe kelping^roiLJ^rg^^tnrtJax?

''ihesdi were a godseud to ehil-

well shaded with silver maples We crept cautiously up to it , but found no signs ot any one at home We could plainly hear thq rebels talking below but

aocount~bf~tlie" that were m

could not see them on garden fenco and bushes our way Eeav%jg» my ooys to watoa 1 setjny- gun i n tiid feucej climbed a tree at the end of the house and w,as soon where I could see and hear The rebels hod nearly completed a bridge of-trees, timbers and plank to cross-on Olm-T^T^fwa^ffowsotTMug^ wailoonbesi'def: fne,. hie .rifle iiLAhe sling over .his shoulder. I oonxited the - fjj% , and»pteQes;-pfrartUler^t-those.ibaok'inrthe roadTkeepihg our , men- busy, and was estiiaatiDg the men Twheg-QlmeteadJired;

UjjUTjithe—commandiDg^officer,, whoin.. we aftey^ard', asc^n£me£T:<«Sp8" mortally wouucled^^Eorrorstruck^J^Blid-to-the-

grpund—while-a- volley-of musket balls xsutrth^iimbs aW~twigs^hipn- fe lHin ; the roots. - N.pne 6 t us were ^hnr-t-and^hatchihg^onr^guBS-made^tbe

brigade, JheJBjergTaba7ahd a r ^ H ^ ^ e r e -now ordered torTTpohtt higher up. the iivor-where they could'reafiBvtCe bridge'^ and a blpody conflict was^.the; reMltr lasting until aarKV. -T;he...iMd|;e.toing.

tdestroyjed^ahdJhe_enemy ^driven^baoi witb/a fearluT&ms. I t was here that the Berdana with their colts revolving, rifles, •16'shooters,, prpved themselves a thprS' in the sides of; their enemy, by- fcearly annihiiating'a. regiment that charged on them. • That ujgfit,welay in a pieceio|;

±b_thehiiorlh-next morning

jbatjSooaTpaDnffljffi^pMdsS pi thefieldof battle. "^TliP ne before sunrise, the smoke of .our fires

-was-ascending; through^ the=4;re'etop8,4as. we were boiling.oiir oup of coffee^ and wis-triirg-for, meat to tiai. witbr-tliB~LfaaTd^ tack, . which compared., so unfavorably With the rations and the bill of-fare at homo in thp huppjf clays goneby, when our attention was called to the fact that mmiou ballb1 were-pafisteg-throngh-the-

•tat lower pucos tlian^evei-; For m= Kstancfe, fine pla.m or fringed 10c. )' n o i / l a fin 9.0O n, |jt f . a i d s tit 5c . 2 0 c . =__^ -fr-inged-eaidf, a t only:10:ctsJ eac l i . - S p e c i a l cards f o i ^ J W s h ^ ^ S S r j f c

-"low .. . p'_ _ ! — m i - ^ " Jilnquiuos by mad. cheeriuil^

a n ^ w e i e d E e p i e m b e r , w e - n i a k e n o c h a n g e for p o s t a g e on .-books,'

-eaids,"1 tfeeTSent b y m a i l , 'and: can se ' ive p i o m p t l y c u s t o m # r s i 2 g h a m a y JincL i t in iposs ib fe to c o m e t o t h * s t o i e . S o whereVflr y o u are

<-within t h e U n i t e d States,.; i f y o u ' cannot comer WRITE- to- •. -.; - -

EDWIN' S 0 U » Near tlxe Bridge, " Sandy Creek.

' t l iey^ ecoi

tops of the trees over oar heads; anoth~ er moment and it faometFas i | "fifty jiau-noBs-Jvere hurling shot and shell in'the trees' ovethesd. - ^JSrees-.- were—sUyered

us; in full" ast.; The battery opposed to us was; >. best we hadyet-iseen ajid our^bdt'ter: -suffered^ terribly."-.We layj

airfictLjLis ^H^oJ^our-^mtterie-s-itHH . , h o l l o w ^ f e b a U s . a n d s h e l l s of both! a n d b r f ^ e s were hurled-through the

Pads, and tbe air and s'livprs flew iu all directions, while the men, without_ orders,,-broke. from .the cpvsrofjth© timber to the open jjuld behind the woods iu wild contusion;

batteries f ng ovsis>our shot that 15 ink the crest-in front .tnxew sho.wers-pf :r:.teaad-gr:avel-onrus'5 Ofcne dartd-tOTt d-oi'Tiit'Up^and-some-of-our .

-?ifflc •fi'rej'H lers-sougbtamusement atfd turning, th'(: heads together- in the line,

ItlitsgH firm. "Seven in tiie'ljrij here and' about-'thir-fey"

^toSd were Hl ied

wounded.-.. The went to pi rinir Paris," so reckless had • : j • " -. • • ' ,.; 1 •£**: , , , , j ^ ^ t a j u s mpstly-gpent-in-cannonading-

Md,hardened-ttj-tteirgHn-r*-^— .._• J. :• • .-.: .• • • ••? and-sh paa^be rwitlt»0%appateiife

[-Soon a ma/ih company i i lavd to auoTC . ^ ^ ^ ^ e i t h e r s i d e > 6 i e e p t t h l t U l l 0

73 b<?at you got high low i e b e l | r a . e y e 4 tbeniselves^SPverabtoha uer^ame, HpW jdoes -it go - - -

er, "iv-j h JaPk and ov«r tlie ri et.h

^iUBOti b l i bo;lyi as li

wheeled tojthe right about and"1 started on the road to Warrenton at a rapid paopt->Fhiqti-we-kept .up-all fl^ht^gniy, r.Qstingon^ m thertime We reached

btllNblll-KU ' "Ooi Special Cones ondence


^Wanted—A cheese bujer

^—wMiBsTSTora "Wilhams-is-home


—..Our tat colleotor has the tax nearly

alr/collected - _ ~

—Alfred Millard has purchased the I W. Deoker place —

—The band boys will soon announce their annual hop ,

—W II Mooneypf-Syraotprena-spogd^ nag a week with his mother— ' 7

—Miss "Mate" Brown is teaching m f the Log Loudpp scnool district

jr^Mail^parrier^ Jennings braved the storm on Monday a la horsejyick

—S"W Armstrong of Ch-ieago is in town renewing tho old acquaintances

—"Eize" Eastman has gone to V a r mont a~nd the political—horoscope—js clouded

^ ^ r a n k Rogers has renounced sincfte blessedness-and the boys are smoking t-sn centers

—The infant daughter of Mr and Mrs E B Chapman was buried SatnrdayJast _ — .


theyankees ns in the h i e of tresh -meat —The dren of Israel on their johin j through the wilderness could not have uccu. more thankful ttfe first tune i t rained manna l h e hogs Were-, suirouuded and firing conimenopAou all sides, bullets bounded and flew i g all directions- for a while, then the work of diessing and cutting up witlrjaok^kmves commenced None ol the pork t ^ s salted down, but all was taken tty'ltno home trade to relieve pres-eiit y/M^t' Sueh- acts' ot^-Kafedaiism^. f apine and plunder cannot o f course "be justihod by qjy modern law of civxjiza tion, but it bhouTd be remembered that war is a stern—necessity—which has no

"law, and kXAffsjao.'Tioan^sTHnd-'tBsrpir preetsrvatiou.ia tlie first-law. of Nature t i 'which: we Btirfctly- adhered i n "all our waiudtiriiJgB aiid that^w'e—were fouiid guilty of no-violations'thereof when ."calted;|anu.aocou|rof ons.. steward;; -ship*. - . — - • - - - — . ' = _ '

0w\:SpS6ittl Correspondence.

—Zero weather, • : •

" ^ A W - c o l d e d g ; 2 : _ : ' " . ". :""" :rJ=T

."—Two fegt^pf snow, . __.

\==And stflt ebminglf - . , . . - • ' ti

'•' -^School elsses ih four Weks.

—B. N. Bally of Manhsville was down

Tuesday. • . -

-r^^jri-jeillsJia^rentedJvJmlMoCloh^ nell'Sfarmjuit-east of .tpwh and will move.ojaLte.itiih'.two or three weeks. -

' —Hydorn a i d Son tradi^ the p&Bt'year. :

reports ,au'$i6,.60O

_ i . -Thewoodand lnmber dealers

-proved-ttieTgoodrsleighing-last-week; ;

r-Eld. EnPell hos^losed his 'evening

mPetings for the present on aocount of

TEe~sTorE2^5 t l r e r- ' <•


visiting her «c*n Jacob Powers.

—Mrs. Al.. -Eo.Wera who have, been quite poorly all winter is very much im­proved in health. .She intends making q trip East in'the anmmerr-

—Mr;^Eastman Carpenter jwas.jirresi' ted last week.hyJ3gicefLBeadis"afad taken, to. Oswego tpi plead - to an- ^ndictment found againa'rhim'by the grand jury;

-"The coroners in the' Druse murder oase, ..the-iiaiiienlar%,;whioh :CpTD"eaied=iir nnr-lasl; issue, find that Boxana Druse felonipuslyand with mjafic_e;j orgMTogBM asBannsa^^ym. "Drnse',with a revolver shfit-and also with ah dxeand knocked him on the bead, then severed the head frPrnf,the hot^ftrorB^^icb' wpuhds said Tjruse ^le'crj'aDd'That she cutand burned

As he1 raised to. look a severed his- .'head from his

Bti'uck 6iT#"ith. an axe. -His

If* IV

ot railroad iron.,causing more fun than fright, by their- throwing- Up .clouds'-ot: dirf in our front, as they generaUy fell


-liis-lsod^-ih- a stovP. Also fpufld- that Mary J. Draifcffjtebrge Druse and Prank Gates wereieionibusly presorTtand that tlie latter, fired one or_more~shota at de !iM.sed. A warraht-for -the arrest 6f";all (our was made out. "" / ' . •


-Miss=-Marv—Howardt=hB8 -raturned-frointhewest mtdisjywitmg Uer sraterr

—Our constable John Bartlett, has returned from his visit east and peace and quietude again reign supreme*

— P r e s e n t Williams of the Ellisbursh Cornet band beholds the reflection of his beautiful phiz in a new hundred d6l lar silver plated horn

—Dr Thompson the present mcum -bent,_W—E^JMaish,_A.»|_M^_Warawell

mentioned as

sand Baalf Our Sppoial €o»i.ppondence

The lum^er^nesBrare busy atrgresentr oad logs-aro inovmg m all direction

^ " r Jjongstipat isvvery sick with typhoid fever H)s ftiends are anxious about him _ __

—We are faVortd with two skating i;mk8 at present l h e y run day and night. The boyt. und girls are havmg a gay time

The-^potato—buyera—ara~biT8y--tlii<i--week Smith of Borne h W"ght -ofr Plehsent Point loaded two oaes Wyman df Orwell will- lpnd two also The pno» paid w-thirty and thirty five eoufo

D B Bose caught a largo gray woll in h^bar^yajrdlast Saturday morning Biawolfatap » sohiawhst tame' he had a •hwBfe leather strap around his neck Bike •& Fields had him on exhibition i n theuf tkatmg rink Saturday evening

The-tratBCion is agitated of building a cheese fsPtory in tins villoge this 8 P r i p g Thitus a central point, na » ^

- fey


ll { *' i!oads lead into phe village an6Tthe~ milk of 400 c6ws could be brought there If . somel good mau will build a factory h e can be assured of the above - numtWof cows ~

Foreign iVt-wnt •

~~Puvate advicts received Saturday af­ternoon from Koiti aBstrt that the rob els(have snrrouiid"k Qeuerid btewait m the desert, where he has taken up an mtratfohed position to nrw ut reiutoSoe ments fiom General Wolsley

and J F Converse are1

candidates for supervisor

—Tlie voung people of Ellisburgi have in preparation- a fine dramatic entertainment whioh will b«oftered to the public under direction of the lecture ^sseflmtion... ..—••-—.-.'• . .• •;.—. , . —

The great anxiety IQ .London on Sun-day m regard to the sifety ol General Stewart and hi army oi the Nile Expe­dition from whom no definite news has b ^ j r ^ « e ^ m t e j h e l 7 t h m a t , ovefc-shudowed tho jnterest in the explosionj

, L - ^ r a n y v l l l a S e s 1U I t a | y »"d Piancp are v ^ y . i i t d J i > h4viiib b<scii~dt,viu3te,tfcd by

uvainnch^eB, hundreds of people have been kitled_and men, women »ria ohildun-are~ wounded, homeless and m awf uldistxesfc ^Ehftones-of-

.^—R W. t e e has purchased Ihe.'farm formerly owned_.and. now occupied liy D;. L. Buryi-f M|f. Eury wilLramoTexio: the If. B Chamberlain place which he recently purchased.' —*r ' - • ' -v ' • « * - — - - • — - ; . - -

-^The second entertainment, of. ths Ellisbiirgh lecture as.Boeiation wiltTbela co¥cerlPby®e''tweifthrIn^ntr|r-b,and"J& S; A.-who are- reckoned- .par excellence in-theirLcalling ano^we-predict- they will" provide A musical feast- for- those who mayTrtfehd,- ^fe^prpgrJrMe^nnowgr ed .comprises both vocal arrd instrument­al tousic',7 molfidinp; »gl0s7 by piccqjp, cornet anjj flute. The^ccosicin is^Wed-nesday evening, February 4-,- at School House Hall. ' - _.

—The anchor ice -«nd sndw coming dowjttho c«^lfc;hili_forjmediat dam, nt snow-^an.d ice at a. point soath' of, our villagp which has caused the flats to overflow and' the -creek- to raise- to a. heighlvwhioh at present-threatens the

"safety—of--the; lower"-big-bridge; — ThB" cellam-pfJAopkinsbujjid-ABniB!on,'g cider mill and vineg&r:works.'fiave^b^^a^SubZ merged causing considerable damage and the live dtoek in their barn as also in Mr. Palmfer*! barn had-to-"be removed

Mfl_plaC.ej3fiAafely._l. BRUNO..

• •— r f P o r t Ouiario.

Our Bpe'citkl Cor_68t)OfidenJ,

Plenty of snow and business reviv-

mg, . . . 1--; __ - _ _ * ,—Rev. _ ! . 'H . Tillapiiugh filled his

rSguIar apbointmeut at Bethel-O'prners, Jast Sindily:.. By theV^Ay, qu;7oyster" supper vail be held foj^hj^.benefit ut tbp

residence ~ of 'evening, ^fas;

It 29.

D-1 Ehle, Thursday

""•^sSsiKpEjivej;Is vei'y;'high,r thb water, is ovir th'elqoor of Taggarit_& frown's prrpsr- n.ill arid. ttlstr tiieir ^a-^imill Bdals^wMcli" weie supppBed^to have been vh auTed up4ftr^nougli:^^sa£ety--ar'e-uiit der>the ice., . •' j] ''• ' -

"—Last. -Sairarday '-jjobupjo o^ foxes jatacajiejia-ijnjsan^^s!^ nearly'all the men' ancT'ipdys of the'place went, for them, but ifftjsr' considerable s'cirjalshingtho '.foxos' tSiifiod;. tlieir_flaak and escaped; but one of .theUnpu «aid iF his d6g.''bad be.ri M^e it -would have endedldiff-rent. '.

sent tinotiy heard, -to resoue them.

j.-M.itipha] fatal' avalanches- wpre r4-ported lronfthe department of the Biaut« Alp'es. At the village of Metoulles a-crowdedchurch -was razed; amnhe"wor"-" shippersburied beneatli thp~-qhUin8l At a^quatryrTn the vicinity twenty workmen

were overwhelmed; Tho fall of—snow* hoAnjsy5r^e:e^e:grea6^ri_lae-«Alpi^m^ tho memory of "man... ' ' '

'•' Mttjli;

Thffp"a'st weelcr»has been thp-*1iullest the^rarket has" exi-sripnced ,• so far this year. Only 'I6TTbalea_ we're taken rang-iug-'from 13 to 1.7o.' About 16 to,_J_3|,o -w*s4he-Pjri^-paid-for-gciod--hops^^F far as we,can judge the prides oreiitrong'--er-insttuj ebmrf-ry' than in.New*Yoi>k„ bdt thia U. explained by the. fact that there are few it' auy striott-y-ebdico goods iw tho pity Iu fact, so soH_e_~.vro -they that it is runiored4bat a largo .impjjrta? tion of^finelJerman hops .ai't oU" their7

jio^-^thiSscmiit&y^Jsp^ai-m-Jamount^ about 2,000 of _our bales; TtfeVe^gpoda will probably have to be iOo. or. upward. There is however 'u_g.ood.supi-ply of poor and medium grmtes that are hard :tu sell eveiuat very ljp# prices.

Ihe urgency "for^goods,--tQ. fill...conltaots--: . made tiailyiu the season is now pasta d it'rtanalua to be seen how the m a ^ e t w i l l . J mainfain .itselfnviTOoHr'tliat-BtiiUulation.. -We still believe that - choice' gdud» ar& • . wortlndi' they aTe-xro\vT^llrngjEg^bxit"-"~ .Where there is such u largo /uiplus oJE ^iit'erior goods they tisniiily hiivo ffvt_na.-cjiioy'to pull dowu the fjotbei' goojstm"dess " tfatye-«_ouM-be-ar^tgA/-dtmuudTJi1; t h e — ^ latter; " At-all events it, cau do no good to rush hops upon tlie market,'and the cbSSeryative-" plan, wKcir litis""%brked> well during the past Bix weeks, la still the--Hfg pTnrto__Jilow_. -_)._

I» lllu .-TIuou a:iluu.<l V-«ul<!,[_,

' Tim geijerSl-opiuiPhia/ihut tlie vxSaa. has passed, through the' .'luitural -stages of birih, lift) a_i|d death, aiid.ia, iiovv un-dergttwg^ie-ohiwgeijri-tte-deutttfr-tb-iinal-(leoay. Wo k^'b^^d.t'"^yh-atWr-'thia be true or.fiwse, butjfflb dolfiiow that there is but one\ geiuiub' Duvis Sewiug Ma» ehiiie, and that is tho only; machine ..that ..-uses tho vertical fogd, Dpn'flciil, to* s^e i -. i t r • ' - . '-=•• ;• ' "

• ^ i ^ - _

• fSm, wf':

\ ||te-i-' wM

h. i


'V.'.'^V^ w "•• j ~ • X