image retrieval based on the wavelet features of interest

Image Retrieval Based on the Wavelet Features of Interest Te-Wei Chiang, Tienwei Tsai, and Yo- Ping Huang 2006/10/10

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Image Retrieval Based on the Wavelet Features of Interest. Te-Wei Chiang, Tienwei Tsai, and Yo-Ping Huang 2006/10/10. Outline. 1. Introduction. 2. Proposed Image Retrieval System. 3. Experimental Results. 4. Conclusions. 1. Introduction. Two approaches for image retrieval: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Image Retrieval Based on the Wavelet Features of Interest

Te-Wei Chiang, Tienwei Tsai, and Yo-Ping Huang


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1. Introduction 1. Introduction

2. Proposed Image Retrieval System2. Proposed Image Retrieval System

3. Experimental Results3. Experimental Results

4. Conclusions4. Conclusions

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1. Introduction

• Two approaches for image retrieval: – query-by-text (QBT): annotation-based image

retrieval (ABIR)– query-by-example (QBE): content-based

image retrieval (CBIR)

• Standard CBIR techniques can find the images exactly matching the user query only.

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• In QBE, the retrieval of images basically has been done via the similarity between the query image and all candidates on the image database. – Euclidean distance

• Transform type feature extraction techniques– Wavelet, Walsh, Fourier, 2-D moment, DCT, and


• In our approach, the wavelet transform is used to extract low-level texture features.

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• In this paper, we focus on the QbE approach. The user gives an example image similar to the one he/she is looking for.

• Finally, the images in the database with the smallest distance to the query image will be given, ranking according to their similarity.

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System Architecture

1. This system consists of two major modules: • the feature extraction module• the similarity measuring module.

2. In the image database establishing phase:• each image is first transformed from the standard RGB color

space to the YUV space; • then each component (i.e., Y, U, and V) of the image is further

transformed to the wavelet domain.

3. In the image retrieving phase:• the similarity measuring module compares the most significant

wavelet coefficients of the Y, U, and V components of the query image and those of the images in the database and find out good matches.

4. To benefit from the user-machine interaction, a GUI is developed, allowing users to adjust weights for each feature according to their preferences.

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Feature Extraction

• Features are functions of the measurements performed on a class of objects (or patterns) that enable that class to be distinguished from other classes in the same general category.

• Color Space TransformationRGB (Red, Green, and Blue) ->

YUV (Luminance and Chroma channels)

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YUV color space

• YUV is based on the Y primary and chrominance.

– The Y primary was specifically designed to follow the luminous efficiency function of human eyes.

– Chrominance is the difference between a color and a reference white at the same luminance.

• The following equations are used to convert from RGB to YUV spaces:

– Y(x, y) = 0.299 R(x, y) + 0.587 G(x, y) + 0.114 B(x, y),

– U(x, y) = 0.492 (B(x, y) - Y(x, y)), and

– V(x, y) = 0.877 (R(x, y) - Y(x, y)).

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Discrete Wavelet Transform

• Mallat' s pyramid algorithm

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Similarity Measurement

• In our experimental system, we define a measure called the sum of squared differences (SSD) to indicate the degree of distance (or dissimilarity).

• The distance between Q and Xn under the Y component and LL(k) subband can be defined as

m n





2)()( ),(),(),()(

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• The distance between Q and Xn under the component Y can be defined as the weighted combination of LL(k) , LH(k) , HL(k) , HH(k) :

),(),((),( )()()()(




)),(),( )()()()( nYHHYHHnYHLYHLXQDwXQDw kkkk

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• Likewise, the distances between Q and Xn under the component U and V can be defined.

• Then, the overall distance between Q and Xn can be defined as :

),(),(),(),( nVVnUUnYYn XQDwXQDwXQDwXQD

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5. Experimental Results

• 1000 images downloaded from the WBIIS database are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of our system.

• The images are mostly photographic and have various contents, such as natural scenes, animals, insects, building, people, and so on.

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6. Conclusions

• In this paper, a content-based image retrieval method that based on DWT is proposed.

• To achieve QBE, the system compares the most significant wavelet coefficients of the Y, U, and V components of the query image and those of the images in the database and find out good matches by the help of users’ cognition ability.

• Since there is no feature capable of covering all aspects of an image, the discrimination performance is highly dependent on the selection of features and the images involved.

• Since several features are used simultaneously, it is necessary to integrate similarity scores resulting from the matching processes.

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Future Works

• For each type of feature we will continue investigating and improving its ability of describing the image and its performance of similarity measuring.

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Thank You !!!