imlitir 1 -  · web viewthe hps team will be linking with the be active committee...

St Mary’s Convent Primary School Bunscoil Clochar Mhuire Trim, Co. Meath. Fón: (046) 9431919 Faics: (046) 9437942 Ríomhphost: [email protected] Website: Uimhir Rolla: 16646O Imlitir 21 5 th February , 2018 Every Day Counts at St Mary’s Convent Primary School 29 th Jan – 2 nd Fab 2018 Room Attendan ce Room Attendan ce Room Attendan ce Room Attendance 01 97.9 % 08 83% 16 87.9% 26 97 % 02 96.6% 09 93.1% 17 96.6% 27 90% 03 96.6% 10 96.8% 18 92.9% 30 98.4% 04 93.8% 12 96.8% 19 94.8% 31 96.8% 05 85.3% 13 95.8% 20 99.2% 06 97.5% 14 95% 23 & 24 88.5% 07 91.3% 15 96.6% Well done to room 20 on nearly having full attendance last week. Please note that notification in writing, with the reason for all absences, to the teacher is required. A letter or note in the homework journal will suffice . A chairde, Safety Week Feb. 5 th – 11 th It’s Safety Week this week in St Mary’s. The children will be learning about road safety. All the Junior Infant’s will be receiving hi vis vests. First Class will be completing the Seatbelt Sheriff programme and Second Class will be completing the Hi Glo Silver programme. The senior classes will be learning about cycling safety. Health Promoting Schools – HPS We are now in Year 2 of the HPS programme. Our actions this year are: 1. Promoting physical activity in the school 2. Promoting oral hygiene. Awarded Green Flag June

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Page 1: Imlitir 1 -  · Web viewThe HPS team will be linking with the Be Active committee to continue to encourage physical activity in the school. We have numerous after

St Mary’s Convent Primary SchoolBunscoil Clochar Mhuire

Trim, Co. Meath.Fón: (046) 9431919 Faics: (046) 9437942

Ríomhphost: [email protected] Website: www.stmarystrim.ieUimhir Rolla: 16646O

Imlitir 215th February , 2018

Every Day Counts at St Mary’s Convent Primary School29th Jan – 2nd Fab 2018

Room Attendance Room Attendance Room Attendance Room Attendance01 97.9 % 08 83% 16 87.9% 26 97 %02 96.6% 09 93.1% 17 96.6% 27 90%03 96.6% 10 96.8% 18 92.9% 30 98.4%04 93.8% 12 96.8% 19 94.8% 31 96.8%05 85.3% 13 95.8% 20 99.2%    06 97.5% 14 95% 23 & 24 88.5%    07 91.3% 15 96.6%    

Well done to room 20 on nearly having full attendance last week. Please note that notification in writing, with the reason for all absences, to the teacher is required. A letter or note in the homework journal will suffice.

A chairde,

Safety Week Feb. 5th – 11th

It’s Safety Week this week in St Mary’s. The children will be learning about road safety. All the Junior Infant’s will be receiving hi vis vests. First Class will be completing the Seatbelt Sheriff programme and Second Class will be completing the Hi Glo Silver programme. The senior classes will be learning about cycling safety.

Health Promoting Schools – HPS

We are now in Year 2 of the HPS programme. Our actions this year are:

1. Promoting physical activity in the school2. Promoting oral hygiene.

The HPS team will be linking with the Be Active committee to continue to encourage physical activity in the school. We have numerous after school and in school activities available to children e.g. Be Active Club, rounders, gaelic football, camoige, athletics, badminton, Siúlaimis, COW, WOW and more. As we are a HPS school, the HSE will facilitate training in Get Children Active  and Oral Hygiene. Children and young people should have at least 60 minutes of moderate intensity activity daily. Adults should have at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity daily. Research shows that children whose parents are active are more than 5 times as likely to be active than those whose parents are

In order to continue our success with our Healthy Eating Policy, it is important that parrents/guardians:

Provide a healthy, well-balanced lunch for their child daily

Awarded Green FlagJune ‘05/’07/11/13

Page 2: Imlitir 1 -  · Web viewThe HPS team will be linking with the Be Active committee to continue to encourage physical activity in the school. We have numerous after

Encourage healthy eating at home Assist  in the implementation of school policy by not allowing their child to bring fizzy drinks,

crisps, sweets, chocolate bars, chewing gum, cereal bars,“Fast Food” or other junk food to school

Avoid sending in party bags or treats when birthdays occur. The teacher will be obliged to return this food unopened.

Follow the Green-Schools guidelines, reduce packaging and re-use bottles and lunchboxes where possible.

Take part in our TRY IT FRIDAY initiative which encourages children to try a new healthy food on Friday.

S. MinogueHPS coordinator

Best wishes to all our pupils making their Confirmation on Saturday next. We hope that there will be great celebrations to mark the arrival of The Holy Spirit. Many thanks to Ms Lynch and Mr Galligan who have prepared them so well; to Ms Mc Gale who has prepared the Banna; to Ms Mc Kenna and Ms O Connor who looked after the choir, Rebecca, Helen and Debby for printing and photos, Fr Seán for his spiritual guidance and finally all the pupils who practised with Banna and Cór, as well as giving of their time to come along on Saturday.

February 6th is Safer Internet Day, please check out this link for some great ideas: Please note that we have had issues in our school around Cyberbullying and that it is important to supervise your children’s use of the internet, in particular Viber, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Whats app, Twitter etc. If you do come across inappropriate comments, remember to screen shot or take a photo of these comments, which could be helpful in resolving the matters.

Meitheal: On Tuesday mornings 9.30 – 10.30 a group of volunteers help with teaching materials and other work for the junior classes in particular. We wish to thank those who come in and invite more to join. If you have an hour to spare and would enjoy a cuppa and chat while working (!) please let me know. Thanks. Listeners to listen to Junior and Senior Infants are also needed.

Enrolment: Offers of places were posted today. Offers were made to all siblings born before May 31 st for new Junior Infants i.e. four before that date. End of November was the date for others but we expect that to improve with second round offers which will be posted on Wednesday February 14th. We did receive a large volume of applications in the last few days before the submission date and now have a waiting list for Junior Infants. Please contact us if you were expecting a letter and it has not arrived by tomorrow’s post.

Confirmation Day: Bishop Michael Smith will visit our parish this coming weekend. He will administer the Sacrament of Confirmation in St Patrick's Church on Saturday at 11am. Candidates will sit with their chosen sponsor in allocated seating along the main aisle of the church. All other family members will sit in the side aisles, although there may be a few vacant rows along the main aisle at the back of the church. Due to the seating limitations, early arrival at the church on Saturday morning is advised. After entering the church, the pupils must go to their relevant class teacher to collect Confirmation Name Cards and three Mass booklets (including one for themselves) - please note that there will be a maximum of three booklets per pupil. All pupils must wear the full school uniform during the ceremony. It is customary for Confirmation pupils to make a Confirmation Pledge at the end of the Mass  and we invite you to have a discussion with your child in the coming days with regard to the pledge. The priests will hear the Confessions of Confirmation candidates this Friday evening 7-8pm in the church. A photographer will visit the school on Wednesday, 14th February, to take class and individual photos of the Confirmation girls. Finally, we hope the sun will shine over Trim on Saturday and that the day's events will be memorable for everyone. Ms Lynch and Mr Galligan

Page 3: Imlitir 1 -  · Web viewThe HPS team will be linking with the Be Active committee to continue to encourage physical activity in the school. We have numerous after

Catholic Schools week was great in St Marys. There were lots of highlights. Thanks to everyone who contributed in any way. Being a Catholic school is part of what makes it so special at St Mary's. Sr Paul conducted a beautiful closing ceremony at an Assembly on Friday morning. We are so lucky to have her input and pastoral care always. Fr Seán imparted a special blessing on all of the pupils and staff there.

Grandparents day was definitely one of the highlights of the week. Lots of Grandparents visited classrooms and told their stories and lots brought their grandchildren to Mass. It was a great occasion. The photos tell it all.

Page 4: Imlitir 1 -  · Web viewThe HPS team will be linking with the Be Active committee to continue to encourage physical activity in the school. We have numerous after

Rainbows is a peer support group for children in 1st - 6th classes who have experienced a death of a loved one or parental separation.The aim of the programme is to assist the participants with an understanding of their new family unit. An application form will be sent in a separate email. Please compete and return to the school before Thursday 8th February. Mrs O’Brien

Computer Room News: Work continues for 1st – 4th classes in Scratch this week with fairy stories having a twist in the tale while 5th and 6th classes will create a program that will give them the answers to their questions. Parents keep asking your children to show you their Scratch progress!

Ms DebbyMise le meas,

Cóilín Ó Coigligh, Príomh Oide.

Nathanna na Seachtaine: Tá tuirse orm (orainn!!)   Seanfhocal na Míosa: Giorraíonn beirt bóthar (Giorraíonn sé dhuine is tríocha bóthar gan dabht!!)

Green News

Last week was a very exciting week in St Marys! As well as being Catholic Schools week, we had an Energy Action day on Friday. Gavin Harte from Pedal Energy took 6 classes from the senior end of the school and the girls pedalled to create smoothies (and lots of fun memories!).Aidan Gray from An Taisce, who is also a parent in our school, kindly staged an electrical current experiment in the yard with second class. Don’t worry it was very safe! The two classes proved that an electrical current could be passed through about 60 humans to light up a robot. Aidan also made a lovely display of recycled electrical goods in the yard and the children got to discuss what he had brought along. Our drone unfortunately wasn’t in good flying order that day so we had to take photos from the ground. We are very grateful to Aidan, Gavin and indeed Bernadine from Meath County Council for their support of all our green initiatives.Anne Hughes another parent kindly left in her interactive globe which the First classes used to focus on the global element of our Green Flag theme.Other activities in the school that day included Third class making windmills and Convection snakes with first class and Senior Infants reading all about Guzzler, the Green Energy monster who wanted to save energy.Well done everyone!Recycling continues in St Marys. Congratulations to the pupils who keep this initiative going. We accept batteries, ink cartridges, mobile phones, card, toilet rolls, cans, footwear and postage stamps. Many charities

Community News Green News

Dates to Remember

Meitheal: Every Tuesday morning 9.30-10.30.Drama Club: Every Thursday 3-4pm for 5th ClassBanna: Tuesdays @ 3.00 – 4.00Confirmation: Saturday 10th Feb @ 11.00First Confession: Wed 7th March @ 7.30pmCommunion: Saturday 5th May @ 11.00 Family Fun Bingo: Sunday March 18th @ 3.00pm

Page 5: Imlitir 1 -  · Web viewThe HPS team will be linking with the Be Active committee to continue to encourage physical activity in the school. We have numerous after

benefit from our recycling and it is a great habit to cultivate in our pupils. Barrettstown is the newest charity to benefit from our battery collection. Please continue to send in your batteries. WOW will continue from the usual meeting points (Mornington House and the Matchbox) and COW will resume in the spring. Míle buíochas to Ms Flattery and Ms Finn for being there every week to escort the pupils up to the school. The weather has been very challenging lately so well done all who walk to school.Remember Green is cool at home, at school and around the globe!

Pedal Energy Day

Human Electrical Circuit

Page 6: Imlitir 1 -  · Web viewThe HPS team will be linking with the Be Active committee to continue to encourage physical activity in the school. We have numerous after

St Mary’s Parents’ AssociationDates for Your Diary:

February 9th: Bingo Committee meeting at 9.30am in the staffroom. If you want to help out at all come along and see what we are planning.

March 18th: Family Fun Day Bingo with all funds raised going towards the MUGA fund. The Bingo will be held in the Dr. Eileen Reilly hall from 3-5pm. All welcome to attend what promises to be a great afternoon.

Caroline SmithSecretary

Community Notices

St Marys Easter Camp. Dates 26th – 29th March 10.00 – 2.30 for children aged 4-12. Lots of fun activities planned. Leaflets will be distributed next week. Contact Ms Carr or Ms Leavy.

Page 7: Imlitir 1 -  · Web viewThe HPS team will be linking with the Be Active committee to continue to encourage physical activity in the school. We have numerous after

Homework Club in St Mary’s for children from 1st – 6th Classes. Application Forms are available from Ms Conaty Room 11 or Ms Lynch Room 31.

Trim : Free Walking group name Walkies. Meeting point, across from the garda station Trim. Time 10am to 11am Day : Friday Contact Dorenda  087 2726479

Navan : Buggy Buddies the free local walking group open to parents and carers of babies.  Meeting Point:  Blackwater Park  Time 9.30am-10.30am  Day Thursday. Contact Margo 0894576235

The Meath Community Games will take place at Kells swimming pool on Sunday March 4th, 2.30 start for girls and 5.00 start for boys, will get check in/warm up times closer to the date.To practice and give the swimmers a chance to meet each other we are going to hold two 1 hour coaching sessions at Aura Trim as follows:Sunday 11th and Sunday 18th February from 5pm to 6pmWe will have two lanes and an Aura coach available to usCost will be €3 per swimmer per week and that covers entry and coachingWe would love to see you at these sessions and spread the word!We can also use these sessions to select swimmers for each event ( we can enter two swimmers per event).

The following are the events at the Meath Final:Age Category:Boys & Girls U/8 Over 6 1 length 25m FreestyleBoys & Girls U/10 Over 8 1 length 25m FreestyleBoys & Girls U/10 Over 8 1 length 25m BackstrokeBoys & Girls U/12 Over 10 2 lengths 50m FreestyleBoys & Girls U/12 Over 10 2 lengths 50m BreaststrokeBoys & Girls U/12 Over 10 2 lengths 50m BackstrokeBoys & Girls U/14 Over 12 2 lengths 50m FreestyleBoys & Girls U/14 Over 12 2 lengths 50m BackstrokeBoys & Girls U/14 Over 12 2 lengths 50m BreaststrokeBoys & Girls U/14 Over 12 2 lengths 50m ButterflyBoys & Girls U/16 Over 14 2 lengths 50m FreestyleBoys & Girls U/16 Over 14 2 lengths 50m BackstrokeBoys & Girls U/16 Over 14 2 lengths 50m Butterfly

Panel Details: Boys & Girls U8 competitors must be able to swim one length of the poolFind more information at

Under 12 Camogie Starting back in Trim GAA on Monday Feb 5th @ 6pm. New players welcome. Enquiries: 086-8795233 (Michelle)

Trim Badminton club - looking for new members age 9-15 year olds- takes place in Trim GAA on Thursday nights from 7-8.30 - the first hour is coaching with an external coach. Pop in and try it. First night is a FREE Trial. Then €5 a night.

GK Stage Academy, Performing Arts Easter Camp comes to Trim GAA this March 26th - 29th from 10am - 1pm. A jam packed four days of dance, drama, song and fun for boys and girls ages 3 - 12years. Places strictly limited and filling fast! Call 0863566061 or message to book yours!

Page 8: Imlitir 1 -  · Web viewThe HPS team will be linking with the Be Active committee to continue to encourage physical activity in the school. We have numerous after