impact of urbanization on eco systems in nellore

IMPACT OF URBANIZATION ON ECO-SYSTEMS IN NELLORE By, Md Maaz ali, 2120200118, b.plan,Ist year, s.p.a, Vijayawada.

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Page 1: Impact of urbanization on eco systems in nellore





Md Maaz ali,


b.plan,Ist year,

s.p.a, Vijayawada.

Page 2: Impact of urbanization on eco systems in nellore

WHAT IS URBANIZATION? Urbanization: The physical growth of

urban areas due to population growth It is a processThe demographics of urban areas change

throughout this processEconomies of urban areas also change as

they grow

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ABSTRACT Nellore is the most coastal district in the

southern part of the Indian federal state Andhra Pradesh.

A large part of Nellore's population depends on maritime activities; shrimp farming in particular.

It is a huge business in the area ever since the national government started to promote its expansion for lucrative reasons.

Shrimp farming has however caused several problems in the district.

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1 - A GENERAL OVERVIEW OF NELLORE, ANDHRA PRADESH Nellore, the district this paper focuses on, is a

coastal area in the southern part of the Indian federal state Andhra Pradesh.

It is located along the Bay of Bengal and it has a coastline of 163 km.

The district, which extends over 13076 square km, is divided into 46 Mandals (administrative entities of local government).

In total Nellore's population counts over 2.5 million inhabitants. The urban area and cities surrounding Nellore city have the highest population density and form the developing and industrial part of Andhra Pradesh

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Nellore is famous for its production of handmade golden jewelleries and its touristic hotspots, such as the many sites of historical importance. For instance the Udayagiri fortress, Mypadu beach, the Ranganayakula temple on the bank of the Penna, and the famous rocket launching centre at Sriharikota are popular attractions.

The Pulicat Lake, one of the largest brackish water lagoons, is located in the southern part of the region. In 1976 this lake was classified as a Bird Sanctuary and it is said to be a birdwatchers paradise.

Although tourism and the upholding of cultural values are important activities in the region, a major part of the population in Nellore depends directly or indirectly on agriculture and aquaculture.

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CLIMATE:- Broadly, the district can be divided into

two natural parts: an eastern part and a western part.

The eastern part adjoins the coast and is quite fertile. The western part, the inland part, is mountainous and the land is largely covered with shrub diversified with stony and rocky plains.

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ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF SHRIMP FARMINGThere are numerous scientific reports which note that economic activities in Nellore district, especially shrimp farming and rice agriculture, have lead to a significant environmental degradation, as well as pollution and depletion of natural resources.Driven by expanding agriculture and aquaculture, the biggest threats to the remaining mangrove forests in Nellore district are posed by chemical pollution (e.g. pesticides from agriculture), release of waste-waters (including chemical additives, antibiotics and artificial feed from shrimp farms) into the ecosystem, and deforestation along with the construction of dikes with sluice gate to retain water that disturb the tidal regime.

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Besides the loss of mangrove forest, by catch during collection of wild seed and broodstock threatens biodiversity in this already vulnerable ecosystem, which is additionally disturbed by invasive species that are introduced by agriculture and global commerce (e.g. invasive organisms "hitchhike" to the region on trade ships from all over the world) (Primavera, 2006).

Overexploitation of broodstock and by-catch of so-called “incidental species” which is attributed to shrimp hatcheries, are also causes for rapid decline in wild fisheries in estuaries and the Bay of Bengal

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Mangrove degradation is accompanied by the degradation of interdependent estuaries, increased erosion, runoff and flooding risks, as well as problems with water quality and biodiversity loss, which eventually affects the resilience of local agriculture and aquaculture and forces shrimp farmers to treat intake water used for regulating the salinity of hatcheries

Besides changing land use of coastal estuaries - 20% of extensive, and 8% of the intensive and semi-intensive aquaculture farms were constructed in inter-tidal wetlands

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SOCIAL ACTORS AND STAKEHOLDERS:- Stakeholder Interest in field

area +/ -

Agriculture farmers

Make a living/ income -

Ancillary industries

Make profit +/-

CAA Sustainable CZM

Consumers / International market Large-scale shrimp farmers

Demand for consumption Make profit



Fishermen and fisheries

Make a living/ income -

Local villagers Access to resources/ make a living


NACA Sustainable CZM

NGOs Research, assisting sustainable development, asserts interests


Shrimp farmers: small-scale

Make a living/ income +/-

Shrimp farmers: large-scale

Make profit +

Tourism sector Make a living/ income -

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STAKEHOLDERS FROM A – Z:- Agriculture farmers

Many agriculture farmers populate Nellore.

The main produced crops are groundnut, tobacco, jowar, sugarcane, chillies, and particularly rice.

Based on these crops several agro-based industries have been established. These include sugar factories, bran oil plants, and rice mills.

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ANCILLARY INDUSTRIES :- We describe ancillary industries as all industries

that are directly related to the shrimp farming industry.

Among them are the hatcheries, which collect the seed needed for the farms, the processing industry, and the export industry. These industries are often clustered in larger organizations.

One type is formed by vertically integrated firms, which combine different related businesses to incorporate the whole production .Another type of cluster is formed by associations that represent one of the industries.

For instance, the Seafood Exporters Association of India (SEAI) is an association of seafood exporting firms that represents their interests (SEAI, 2011).

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COASTAL AQUACULTURE AUTHORITY (CAA) :- The CAA is an authority established by the Central

Government. Its primary functions are to regulate and register

coastal aquaculture farms. All shrimp farms are obliged to be registered with

the CAA. The CAA also oversees inspection of these farms

with the aim to assess their environmental impact and to order removal or demolition if a farm exceeds set thresholds their compendium the CAA lists a set of requirements for shrimp farms to meet. An example of such a standard is that shrimp farms need to have a distance of at least 100 meters from the nearest drinking water source to reduce salinization (CAA, 2006). for pollution.

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CONSUMERS/ INTERNATIONAL MARKET:- Shrimp farming is a highly profitable

business in Nellore The development of commercial shrimp

farm industries, coupled with the financial assistance that shrimp farmers have received from the MPEDA and commercial banks, has led to an immense increase of the production in the early 1990s.

Especially, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu are famous for their contribution to the national shrimp production

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Asia-Pacific that wants to develop aquaculture.

Their objectives are to increase the production of aquaculture, to improve rural income and employment possibilities, to diversify farm production and international exchange.

In India the NACA, together with the National Centre for Sustainable Aquaculture (NaCSA), has helped to establish small-scale shrimp farms.

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NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS (NGOS) :- NGOs are legally embodied organizations whose

operations do not depend on governments. These organizations most commonly pursue

social objectives. Several types of orientation can be distinguished:

empowerment, participation, service, and charity NGOs that can be seen as representing both the

environment and the international customers are the certification bodies.

Both the Aquaculture Certification Council (ACC) and the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) are NGOs that certify shrimps.

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TOURISM SECTOR :- Nellore is an attractive area for tourists. Many people in Nellore can make a

living from tourism. Nellore coast is famous for its long

coastline and impressive beaches. Unfortunately for the tourist sector,

these sites are threatened by the shrimp farms that are also settling along the coastline.

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Problem Tree :-

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Objective Tree:-

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Individual measures :-

Secure water and pond preparation

Stock same batch of shrimp seed

Encourage monitoring

Monitoring health/ bio security

Create and maintain farmer unity

Pooling farmers

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Food safety

Record maintenance/traceability

Environmental awareness

Restrictions on environmental pollution

Offering compensation for lower yields by better market access

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