impacted tooth removal

Impacted Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure A wisdom tooth is removed by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon or by your dentist. The procedure often takes place at the surgeon’s office. If you are at high risk for complication or you are having all your wisdom teeth pulled at one time, then your surgery must take place in hospital. Your surgery will usually be delayed if you have any infections, until the infection has cleared up. You can take antibiotics to help heal the infection, which is prescribed by your dentist. A local anesthetic will be given by your doctor to numb the area where the tooth will be removed. If several or all of your wisdom teeth will be removed at the same time, then a general anesthetic will be given to you be your doctors who prevent pain in the whole body and will make you sleeping through the procedure. You can’t eat or drink anything after midnight before surgery so that you are prepared for anesthetic

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After the impacted tooth extraction, it's simple for a coagulation to shape in the attachment. The coagulation may bring about dry attachment condition, otherwise called alveolar successors. contact us on


Page 1: Impacted Tooth Removal

Impacted Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure

A wisdom tooth is removed by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon or by your dentist. The procedure often takes place at the surgeon’s office. If you are at high risk for complication or you are having all your wisdom teeth pulled at one time,

then your surgery must take place in hospital. Your surgery will usually be delayed if you have any infections, until the infection has cleared up. You can take antibiotics to help heal the infection, which is prescribed by your dentist.

A local anesthetic will be given by your doctor to numb the area

where the tooth will be removed. If several or all of your wisdom teeth will be removed at the same time, then a general anesthetic will be given to you be your doctors who

prevent pain in the whole body and will make you sleeping through the procedure. You can’t eat or drink

anything after midnight before surgery so that you are prepared

for anesthetic

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Stitches are required after the tooth is removed. Of which some stitches dissolve over time, whereas the remains are removed after a few days, which is prescribed by your doctor that whether your stitches need to be removed or not. On the wound a folded cotton gauze pad is placed to stop bleeding.

What to do after surgery?

Your surgeon will open the gum tissue over the tooth and take out any bone that is covering the tooth to remove the wisdom tooth and the tissue connecting the tooth to the bone will be separated then wisdom tooth is removed. To make surgery easier or less pain full or to easy removal of tooth, sometime surgeon will cut the tooth into smaller pieces.

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The recovery period is most commonly only with few days. They can suggest you to take painkillers and also you can follow some tips for fast recovery

Change your gauze pad timely when they become soaked with blood and also bite gently on the gauze. If you still have bleeding 24 hours after your surgery, then inform your doctor

Don’t bite inside your cheek or lip or your tongue when your mouth is numb. Always careful, don’t lie flat it may lead bleeding prop up your head with pillow to

stop bleeding.

Apply an ice-pack on the outside of your cheek for 15 to 20 minutes at a time for the 1st 24 hours, otherwise You can also use moist heat-such as a washcloth soaked in warm water and wrung out-for the following 2 or 3 days.

Take a rest and relax yourself because physical activities may increase bleeding. Eat soft foods, which is easy to chew like soup or pudding. Don’t use a straw for the first

few days because it may cause blood clot and delay healing.

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