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Impedance calculation of PSB cavity Impedance calculation of PSB cavity (HFSS : Frequency Domain) 14.Dec.2012 Kt hi H (KEK) Katsushi Hasegawa (KEK)

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Impedance calculation of PSB cavityImpedance calculation of PSB cavity(HFSS : Frequency Domain)( q y )

14.Dec.2012K t hi H (KEK)Katsushi Hasegawa (KEK)

ItemItem● Estimation of permeability (u’, u”)

● Comparison of HFSS calculation and measurement impedance

GeometryPSB it Ch b (KEK i ) 1/2 t h●PSB cavity + Chamber(KEK size) : 1/2 symmetry shape

●FT3L + Cu-Cooling Disc : 2●Port : Coaxial line inside the Chamber (O D/I D = 130 /56 4 mm)●Port : Coaxial line inside the Chamber (O.D/I.D.= 130 /56.4 mm)

Port : The field is excited.The field is excited.Calculate the S-parameter(S11).Another side is short.

E ti ti f R l ti P bilit ( ’ ”) ithEstimation of Relative Permeability (u’, u”) with frequency dependence

1:Data sheet measured by Hitachi Materials

2:Measured impedance of PSB cavity with KEK chamber

3:Measured impedance of MedAustron cavity

4:Measured impedance of FT3L core w/o boundary by 1 turn coilturn coil

Relative Permeability 1e at e e eab ty

DATA :DATA :Hitachi Materials DATA Sheet

Relative Permeability and tanδ(from Hitach materials data sheet)

The data sheetCalc. data

The data sheet (measured by Hitachi materials) u’ and u” : 0.5, 1, 5,10MHz data

Simulation resultInput u(f) : Data sheet of Hitachi Materials

Lines are measurement impedance.Dot lines are simulation results.

Relative Permeability 2e at e e eab ty

DATA :DATA :Measured Impedance of PSB Cavity

Measurement Results(PSB cavity + KEK Chamber)

Relative Permeability and tanδ

2-1: measurement Data : range ~5.3MHz

(from measured PSB cavity Impedance )

2-2: measurement Data (<1MHz) + calc. (>1MHz)Relative permeability is extended by using a function obtained by fitting the data from 0.5 to 1 MHz.

Simulation result : 2-1Input u(f) : Measured |Z| of PSB cavityrange : 0.1 to 5.3MHz

Simulation result : 2-2Input u(f) : Measured |Z| of PSB cavity + calc. [fit(0.5 to 1MHz data)]range : 0.1 to 100MHz

Relative Permeability 3

DATA : M d I d f M dA iMeasured Impedance of MedAustron cavity

Cavity for MedAustron

*Cu Cooling Disc : 1*FT3L :2 (one by one on each side)*FT3L :2 (one by one on each side)

(same size as the PSB core)*1 turn coil : 2(each core)turn coil : (each core)*panel on both side : both side are open in measurement

Measurement results

The equivalent capacitance of this open cavity is 25pF.-> calculate the relative permeability without correction and with correction at 25pF.

Relative Permeability without correctionRelative Permeability without correction

Input relative permeability : average of RingA and RingBInput relative permeability : average of RingA and RingBrange: 0.01 to 13MHz

Correction of Relative Permeability

CorrectionY = G + j B => Y=G + j (B - ωC)

l f dC is a equivalent capacitance of a measured cavity.In case of this open cavity, C is 25pF.

data range : 10kHz to 13MHz (without correction)10KHz to 100MHz (with correction at 25pF)

Simulation resultInput u(f) : MA cavity |Z| w/o correctionrange : 0.1 to 13MHz

Simulation resultInput u(f) : MA cavity |Z| + with correction at 25 pFu(f) range : 0.1 to 100MHz

Measured |Z| : fmax = 6.96MHz |Z|max=327.8Ω Q=0.60HFSS Calc. : fmax = 6.7 MHz |Z|max=327.5Ω Q=0.63

Field Plot at 6.7MHz (|Z|max)Input u(f) : MA cavity |Z| + with correction at 25 pF

E Field B Field

Relative Permeability 4e at e e eab ty

Data:Data:Measured Impedance of 1 FT3L core by 1 t il1-turn coil (w/o Boundary condition)

Measurement results

Relative Permeability and tanδ (1 turn coil)Relative Permeability and tanδ (1 turn coil)

data range : 10kHz to 83MHz

Simulation resultInput u(f) : FT3L + 1 turn coilu(f) range : 0.01 to 83MHz

Summary of relative permeability and tanδ

Relative Permeability (u’) Relative Permeability (u”)

Magnetic Loss Tangent

Summary●Estimate the relative permeability from 4 different data and calculate the cavity impedance by HFSS frequency domain.y p y q y

●The calculation using the relative permeability calculated from MedAustron data with 25 pF correction can be reproducing theMedAustron data with 25 pF correction can be reproducing the impedance measurement.

●When we calculate the permeability from the measured impedance, we must consider the effect of the capacitance.