imperialism. motives european countries began to industrialize european countries began to...

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Page 1: Imperialism. Motives European countries began to industrialize European countries began to industrialize They began to compete for control of the world’s


Page 2: Imperialism. Motives European countries began to industrialize European countries began to industrialize They began to compete for control of the world’s


European countries began to European countries began to industrializeindustrialize

They began to compete for control of They began to compete for control of the world’s resources for the world’s resources for industrialization and markets to industrialization and markets to export their goods toexport their goods to

European countries also felt that European countries also felt that control of colonies meant more powercontrol of colonies meant more power

Page 3: Imperialism. Motives European countries began to industrialize European countries began to industrialize They began to compete for control of the world’s

Causes of ImperialismCauses of Imperialism

Economic Economic MotivesMotives

The The Industrial RevolutionIndustrial Revolution created an insatiable demand for raw created an insatiable demand for raw materials and new markets.materials and new markets.


European nations wanted to demonstrate European nations wanted to demonstrate their power and prestige to the world.their power and prestige to the world.

Balance of Balance of PowerPower

European nations were forced to acquire European nations were forced to acquire new colonies to achieve a balance with new colonies to achieve a balance with their neighbors and competitors.their neighbors and competitors.

White White Man's Man's BurdenBurden

The Europeans’ sense of superiority The Europeans’ sense of superiority made them feel obligated to “civilize the made them feel obligated to “civilize the heathen savages” they encountered.heathen savages” they encountered.

Page 4: Imperialism. Motives European countries began to industrialize European countries began to industrialize They began to compete for control of the world’s

AsiaAsiaEngland In IndiaEngland In India

The Mughal Empire began to The Mughal Empire began to decline in the 17decline in the 17thth century (1600s) century (1600s)

A British trade company called the A British trade company called the British East India Company saw British East India Company saw their opportunity to move intheir opportunity to move in

The British East India Company The British East India Company took control over some trade along took control over some trade along the India Oceanthe India Ocean

Page 5: Imperialism. Motives European countries began to industrialize European countries began to industrialize They began to compete for control of the world’s
Page 6: Imperialism. Motives European countries began to industrialize European countries began to industrialize They began to compete for control of the world’s

AsiaAsiaEngland In IndiaEngland In India

England began to expand its control England began to expand its control over Indiaover India

India was a great source of wealth for India was a great source of wealth for England (especially cotton for textiles)England (especially cotton for textiles)

England built roads, schools, and England built roads, schools, and established British-style governmentestablished British-style government

England felt they were improving IndiaEngland felt they were improving India

Page 7: Imperialism. Motives European countries began to industrialize European countries began to industrialize They began to compete for control of the world’s

AsiaAsiaSepoy Rebellion (India)Sepoy Rebellion (India)

England was not sensitive to Indian England was not sensitive to Indian culture and traditionsculture and traditions

England was supplying Indian England was supplying Indian soldiers with lard laced bullet casessoldiers with lard laced bullet cases

This was an outrage to Indians This was an outrage to Indians because it went against religious because it went against religious beliefsbeliefs

The Indian soldiers rebelledThe Indian soldiers rebelled

Page 8: Imperialism. Motives European countries began to industrialize European countries began to industrialize They began to compete for control of the world’s
Page 9: Imperialism. Motives European countries began to industrialize European countries began to industrialize They began to compete for control of the world’s

AsiaAsiaOpening ChinaOpening China

European powers saw China as a European powers saw China as a great market to sell goods togreat market to sell goods to

Countries would send armed fleets Countries would send armed fleets forcing China to open to tradeforcing China to open to trade

Each power would carve out its own Each power would carve out its own area of trade along coastal ports area of trade along coastal ports called “spheres of influence”called “spheres of influence”

Page 10: Imperialism. Motives European countries began to industrialize European countries began to industrialize They began to compete for control of the world’s
Page 11: Imperialism. Motives European countries began to industrialize European countries began to industrialize They began to compete for control of the world’s

Opium WarOpium War England began selling opium grown in England began selling opium grown in

India to ChinaIndia to China

By the mid 19By the mid 19thth century (1800s) many century (1800s) many Chinese people were addicted to opiumChinese people were addicted to opium

War broke out between England and War broke out between England and China when China tried to refuse to China when China tried to refuse to allow England to sell opiumallow England to sell opium

England won & gained Hong Kong for England won & gained Hong Kong for 150 years150 years

Page 12: Imperialism. Motives European countries began to industrialize European countries began to industrialize They began to compete for control of the world’s

Boxer RebellionBoxer Rebellion

European influence began to increaseEuropean influence began to increase

Secret society called “Boxers” formedSecret society called “Boxers” formed

1900 Boxer rebelled against foreign 1900 Boxer rebelled against foreign influenceinfluence

Boxers roamed China attacking Boxers roamed China attacking Christians, diplomats… any foreignersChristians, diplomats… any foreigners

Page 13: Imperialism. Motives European countries began to industrialize European countries began to industrialize They began to compete for control of the world’s
Page 14: Imperialism. Motives European countries began to industrialize European countries began to industrialize They began to compete for control of the world’s

AfricaAfricaBerlin ConferenceBerlin Conference

Resource-rich Africa was sought as Resource-rich Africa was sought as a prize for European countriesa prize for European countries

1884 European powers met in 1884 European powers met in Berlin to divide up AfricaBerlin to divide up Africa

No Africans were invitedNo Africans were invited

Africa was divided up by resource – Africa was divided up by resource – ethnicity, religion, language were ethnicity, religion, language were all ignored!all ignored!

Page 15: Imperialism. Motives European countries began to industrialize European countries began to industrialize They began to compete for control of the world’s
Page 16: Imperialism. Motives European countries began to industrialize European countries began to industrialize They began to compete for control of the world’s
Page 17: Imperialism. Motives European countries began to industrialize European countries began to industrialize They began to compete for control of the world’s

Suez CanalSuez Canal

England had considerable England had considerable influence in Egypt (part of the influence in Egypt (part of the Ottoman Empire)Ottoman Empire)

England took control of Egypt’s England took control of Egypt’s Suez Canal in order to have Suez Canal in order to have greater access to trade along the greater access to trade along the Indian OceanIndian Ocean

Page 18: Imperialism. Motives European countries began to industrialize European countries began to industrialize They began to compete for control of the world’s
Page 19: Imperialism. Motives European countries began to industrialize European countries began to industrialize They began to compete for control of the world’s

White Man’s BurdenWhite Man’s Burden

Page 20: Imperialism. Motives European countries began to industrialize European countries began to industrialize They began to compete for control of the world’s
Page 21: Imperialism. Motives European countries began to industrialize European countries began to industrialize They began to compete for control of the world’s
Page 22: Imperialism. Motives European countries began to industrialize European countries began to industrialize They began to compete for control of the world’s


Industrialized European gained Industrialized European gained great wealth while unindustrialized great wealth while unindustrialized countries became poorercountries became poorer

Many colonies began to resent Many colonies began to resent European imposed cultureEuropean imposed culture

Nationalism developed in many Nationalism developed in many colonized countriescolonized countries