implementation of wireless communication between computers

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  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers















  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers



      In this project work the basic and essential concepts of radio communication

    were utilized to create a wireless communication channel between two Computers. One

    computer is placed at the transmitter section. In this section we can see the display of the

     parameter values. The second computer is placed at the receiving end, where the

    maintenance persons are monitoring the system. ere we can monitor the parameters

    condition continuously. ! "IC micro#controller $%&f'((!) and *!+-, /- are used

    as interfacing units between the system and 0 transmitter and also at the receiver 


    The program code is written in !ssembly language and the serial communication

    concept is used to transfer the data. This project can be used as an alternate to wireless


  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers



     The project report describes on the design development and fabrication of one

    demo unit of the project work 1Implementation of wireless communication between


     3ow a day, with the advancement technology, particularly in the field of *icro#

    controllers, all the activities in our daily living have become a part of Information

    Technology and we find micro#controllers in each and every application. Thus, trend is

    directing towards *icrocontrollers 4ased "roject works. owever, in this project work,

    the transferring of data serially is monitored. /ubse5uently, after serial processing, these

    signals are encoded. This information is transmitted through 0 transmitter. The received

    information $using suitable 0 receiver) is again decoded into digital signal at the

    receiver end. Then the decisions are taken with the help of micro#controllers and

    associated software.

    The micro#controller block is playing a major role in this project work. The

    *icro#controller chip is used in this project work is "IC %&f'((!, and this is like heart of 

    the project work. The "IC micro#controller is 67 pin IC.

    *icro controllers are 1embedded2 inside some other device so that they can

    control the features or actions of the product. !nother name for a micro#controller,

    therefore, is 18mbedded Controller2. *icro controllers are dedicated to one task and run

    one specific program. The program is stored in O* $read only memory) and generally

    does not change. *icro controllers are often low#price devices. ! battery operated micro#

    controller might consume 97 mille watts. ! micro#controller has a dedicated input device

    and often $but not always) has a small :8; or :C; display for output. ! micro#controller 

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


    also the input from the device it is controlling and controls the device by sending to

    different components in the device.

     3ow coming to the project work, to obtain the parameter $transferring of data

    serially between to computers) from transmitter to the receiver, where the serial data

    transfer is monitored, the radio transmission techni5ue is incorporated in the design. 0or 

    this adio transmission, there are number of mechanisms by which adio waves may

    travel from a transmitting to a receiving antenna. The terms, !?8/, /@A

    >!?8/ and /CO"8 or TO"O/8IC >!?8/ designates the more important of 


    The ground wave can eBist when the transmitting and receiving are close to

    surface of the earth and are vertically polarized. The sky wave represents that reaches

    receiving antenna as a result of a bending of the wave path introduced by the ionization in

    the upper atmosphere. The space wave represents energy that travels from the

    transmitting to the receiving antenna in the earth troposphere. The radio transmission at

    fre5uencies above about -7*z is normally the space wave propagation. The

    transmitters that are fre5uency modulated find eBtensive use at fre5uencies use at

    fre5uencies above 67*z.



    ! system is something that maintains its eBistence and functions as a whole

    through the interaction of its parts. 8.g. 4ody, *ankind, !ccess Control, etc ! system is a

     part of the world that a person or group of persons during some time interval and for 

    some purpose choose to regard as a whole, consisting of interrelated components, each

    component characterized by properties that are selected as being relevant to the purpose.

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


    8mbedded /ystem is a combination of hardware and software used to achieve a

    single specific task.

    8mbedded systems are computer systems that monitor, respond to, or control an

    eBternal environment.

    8nvironment connected to systems through sensors, actuators and other IDO


    8mbedded system must meet timing E other constraints imposed on it by


    !n embedded system is a microcontroller#based, software driven, reliable, real#

    time control system, autonomous, or human or network interactive, operating on diverse

     physical variables and in diverse environments and sold into a competitive and cost

    conscious market. !n embedded system is not a computer system that is used primarily

    for processing, not a software system on "C or =3I+, not a traditional business or 

    scientific application. igh#end embedded E lower end embedded systems. igh#end

    embedded system #

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers



    2.1 R%&'( F)*+,*-'*/

    ! radio wave is an electromagnetic wave propagated by an antenna. adio waves

    have different fre5uencies, and by tuning a radio receiver to a specific fre5uency you can

     pick up a specific signal.

    adio is a technology that allows the transmission of signals by modulation of 

    electromagnetic waves with fre5uencies those of light.

    In todayFs economy, people are demanding more and more mobility to function

    efficiently. To address this demand, companies are moving data by air instead of wire.

    There are many applications in which it is more efficient to move data wirelessly. 0or this

    reason, it is necessary to make communications between two "CFs as easy as possible by

    allowing people to move computers without moving wires. ! communication client

     program will interface with the userFs "C to send data to the wireless data link. On the

    opposing end, a different user will use the second communications program to receive the

    data from their data link. The data itself will be sent by 0 waves from a transmitter 

    device to a receiver device. The 0 transmission will be transparent to the users "CFs as

    if they were directly connected to each other using a /- crossover cable.

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


    2.2 I0*0*-%'(-

    To implement the wireless /- interface two different circuit boards will be

    designed. The two boards will consist of a transmitter and receiver. The transmitter will

    accept data from a /- $G#pin) of a "C port and transfer the information to 0 signal.

    The receiver will capture the 0 signal, transferring it back to a digital signal, and finally

    import it into the /- $G#pin) port of a "C. The purpose of the rest of this document is

    to specify the integration of this 0 technology.

    2.3 U-'/

      !s the unit of fre5uency is the hertz $z), fre5uencies shall be eBpressedH

    # in kilohertz $kz), up to and including -777 kz

    # in megahertz $*z), above - *z, up to and including -777 *z

    # in gigahertz $

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    The micro#controller is a chip, which has a computer processor with all its support

    function, memory $both program storage and !*), and IDO built in to the device. These

     built in functions minimize the need for eBternal circuits and devices to design in the final


    *ost microcontrollers do not re5uire a substantial amount of time to learn how to

    efficiently program them, although many of then which have 5uirks which you will have

    to understand before you attempt to develop your first application.

    !long with micro#controllers getting faster, smaller and more power efficient they

    are also getting more and more features. Often, the first version of micro#controller will

     just have memory and digital IDO, but as the device family matures, more and more pat

    numbers with varying features will be available.

    >ith all the '79 manufactures products taken into the account, there are over 

    two hundred different '79 part numbers, each with different features and capabilities.

    0or most applications, we will be able to find a device within the family that meets our 

    specifications with a minimum of eBternal devices, or an eBternal but which will make

    attaching eBternal devices easier, both in terms of wiring and programming.

    0or many micro controllers, programmers can be built very cheaply, or even built

    in to the final application circuit eliminating the need for a separate circuit. !lso

    simplifying this re5uirement is the availability of micro#controllers with /!* and

    88"O* for control store, which will allow program development without having to

    remove the micro controller from the application circuit.

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  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers



      F',)* 1 F)(0 MA232 () ( F',)* 2 T( MA232 () (

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers



      The 4lock diagram of the project work 1Implementation of >ireless

    Communication between two Computers2 is eBplained. 0or better understanding, the total

     block diagram is divided into two various blocks and each block eBplanation is provided

    in this chapter. The complete block diagram consists of the following blocks.

    0unctional =nits

    *!+- Connector

    "ower /upply




    ;ecoder# 4uffer 

    /erial Interface




    4.1.1 F,-'(-% U-'/

    The above figure conceptually displays the proposed system architecture for our 

     project. 8ach boB represents a different functional unit. 8ach boB will be described below

    to give the reader a better understanding of this system.

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    4.1.2 MA- C(--*()

    The *!+- connector will be used to transfer data from the *!+- $%pin)

     port of a "C to the input line converter. The connector will be a G7#degree flat mount

    design that will allow the pins of a serial connection to be transferred to data lines in a "C

     board. ! typical model would be %'#7G0#3; ight !ngle ;#/ub connector made by


    4.1.3 #(*) S,

    The !C main 4lock is the power supply which is of single phase -7? ac. This

    should be given to step down transformer to reduce the -7? ac voltage to low voltage.

    i.e., to &? or %? ac this value depends on the transformer inner winding. The output of 

    the transformer is given to the rectifier circuit. This rectifier converts ac voltage to dc

    voltage. 4ut the voltage may consist of ripples or harmonics.

    To avoid these ripples the output of the rectifier is connected to filter. The filter 

    thus removes the harmonics. This is the eBact dc voltage of the given specification. 4ut

    the controller operates at 9? dc and the relays and driver operates at %? dc voltage. /o

    we need a regulator to reduce the voltage. ('79 regulator produces 9? dc and ('%

    regulator produces %? dc. 4oth are positive voltages.

    4.1.4 R*/*

     The dual button switch will allow the user to start, stop, and reset the device as

    they see fit. It will also have a data line going to the led to indicate if the circuit is onDOff.

    4.1.5 M')( C(-)(*)

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


    *icro controller is a true computer on a chip the design incorporates all of the

    features found in a microprocessor C"=H arithmetic and logic unit, stack pointer, program

    counter and registers. It has also had added additional features like !*, O*, /erial

    IDO, counters and clock circuit.

    4.1.6 E-(&*)9B,*)

    The 8ncoder#4uffer is to be designed to condition the signal for the transmitter by

    adding error detection and encoding. i.e. how 7Fs and %Fs will be declared. One proposal

    for is to use *anchester encoding. *anchester encoding uses logic of a high to low as 7

    and low to high as a %. That implies that every bit period is divided into two and insures

    that the transaction from high to low or low to high is in the middle of each period. 4y

    creating this phenomenon we allow the transmitter to synchronize with the receiver at

    every bit. >ith this we will be able to maBimize reliability and implement techni5ues to

    assist in error detection.

    4.1.7 D*(&*)9B,*)

     The ;ecoder#4uffer is to be designed to condition the signal for the receiver by

    checking for errors and reproducing the %Fs and 7Fs by implementing the same logic as

    the encoder. The decoder#buffer will synchronize with the encoder#buffer reading the

    information, checking fore errors and sending it on to the serial interface.

    4.1.8 S*)'% I-*)%*

    The serial interface on the transmitter will accept a data line from the *!+ -

    connector and transfer it to TT:DC*O/ standard logic level. The TT:DC*O/ signal will

    then be sent on a data line to the 8ncoderD4uffer. The serial interface on the receiver will

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


    accept a data from the ;ecoderD4uffer and transfer it to TT:DC*O/ standard logic level.

    The TT:DC*O/ signal will then be sent on a data line to the *!+- Connector.

    4.1. T)%-/0'*)

    The transmitter will be an !* hybrid transmitter that operates at a fre5uency of 

    6--.G *z. The transmitter accepts a TT:DC*O/ signal on a data line from the

    8ncoderD4uffer and will output a signal to an antenna. The proposed transmitter is

    manufactured in Italy by Telecontrolli s.p.a and supplied by Okwelectronics part number 


    4.1.1! R**':*)

    The receiver will be a !* /uperegen eceiver *odule that operates at a

    fre5uency of 6--.G*z. The receiver accepts a signal from an antenna and will output

    TT:DC*O/ signal on a data line to the ;ecoderD4uffer. The proposed receiver is

    manufactured in Italy by Telecontrolli s.p.a and supplied by Okwelecronics part number 


    4.1.11 A-*--%

    =ser defined depending on re5uired signal distance D power.

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    5. S*)'% I-*)%*

    The serial interface is comprised of a send and receive interface. The send

    interface is accomplished by connecting a serial connector to the serial transmit pin,

    ground and looping back the re5uest to send $T/) and clear to send $CT/) pins. :ooping

    the T/ and CT/ pins allows the computer to effectively control its own handshaking.

    The receive interface is accomplished by connecting to the receive pin of a second serial

    interface rather than the transmit pin, and once again connecting the T/ and CT/ pins.

    JA0',&* S;' K*'-

    !/@# in the conteBt of digital communications is a modulation process, which

    imparts to a sinusoid two or more discrete amplitude levels. These are related to the

    number of levels adopted by the digital message. 0or a binary message se5uence there are

    two levels, one of which is typically zero. Thus the modulated waveform consists of 

     bursts of a sinusoid binary !/@ signal $lower), together with the binary se5uence which

    initiated it $upper). 3either signal has been band limited. There are sharp discontinuities

    shown at the transition points. These result in the signal having an unnecessarily wide

     bandwidth. 4and limiting is generally introduced before transmission, in which case

    these discontinuities would be Kround offF. The band limiting may be applied to the

    digital message, or the modulated signal itself. The data rate is often made a sub#multiple

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


    of the carrier fre5uency. One of the disadvantages of !/@, compared with 0/@ and "/@,

    for eBample, is that it has not got a constant envelope. This makes its processing $e.g.,

     power amplification) more difficult, since linearity becomes an important factor.

    owever, it does make for ease of demodulation with an envelope detector.

    JRF ASK M(&,* 433.2MH<

    :ow Cost solution for Telemetry and adio control. >e have mini size transmitter 

    T>/6-6 and receiver >/6-6 at fre5uencies. The transmitter speed is up to -@bps $uses

    /!> device) and the receiver is 9@bps $:C superregen). The operation range is up to

    77 feet $(7mts).


     TWS-434 Pin Diagram


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    RWS-434 Pin Diagram

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    #OWER SU##LY$

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    #OWER SU##LY$

      "ower supply unit consists of /tep down transformer, ectifier, Input filter,

    egulator unit, Output filter.

      The /tep down Transformer is used to step down the main supply voltage from

    -7? !C to lower value. This -7 !C voltage cannot be used directly, thus it is stepped

    down. The Transformer consists of primary and secondary coils. To reduce or step down

    the voltage, the transformer is designed to contain less number of turns in its secondary

    core. The output from the secondary coil is also !C waveform. Thus the conversion from

    !C to ;C is essential. This conversion is achieved by using the ectifier CircuitD=nit.

      The ectifier circuit is used to convert the !C voltage into its corresponding

    ;C voltage. There are alf#>ave, 0ull#>ave and bridge ectifiers available for this

    specific function. The most important and simple device used in ectifier circuit is the

    diode. The simple function of the diode is to conduct when forward biased and not to

    conduct in reverse bias.

    The 0orward 4ias is achieved by connecting the diodeFs positive with positive of 

    the battery and negative with batteryFs negative. The efficient circuit used is the 0ull

    wave 4ridge rectifier circuit. The output voltage of the rectifier is in rippled form, the

    ripples from the obtained ;C voltage are removed using other circuits available. The

    circuit used for removing the ripples is called 0ilter circuit.

      Capacitors are used as filter. The ripples from the ;C voltage are removed and

     pure ;C voltage is obtained. !nd also these capacitors are used to reduce the harmonics

    of the input voltage. The primary action performed by capacitor is charging and

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    discharging. It charges in positive half cycle of the !C voltage and it will discharge in

    negative half cycle. ere we used %777L0 capacitor. /o it allows only !C voltage and

    does not allow the ;C voltage. This filter is fiBed before the regulator. Thus the output is

    free from ripples.

    egulator regulates the output voltage to be always constant. The output voltage

    is maintained irrespective of the fluctuations in the input !C voltage. !s and then the !C

    voltage changes, the ;C voltage also changes. Thus to avoid this egulators are used.

    !lso when the internal resistance of the power supply is greater than -7 ohms, the output

    gets affected. Thus this can be successfully reduced here. The regulators are mainly

    classified for low voltage and for high voltage. ere we used ('79 positive regulator. It

    reduces the &? dc voltage to 9? dc ?oltage.

      The 0ilter circuit is often fiBed after the egulator circuit. Capacitor is most often

    used as filter. The principle of the capacitor is to charge and discharge. It charges during

    the positive half cycle of the !C voltage and discharges during the negative half cycle. /o

    it allows only !C voltage and does not allow the ;C voltage. This filter is fiBed after the

    egulator circuit to filter any of the possibly found ripples in the output received finally.

    ere we used 7.%L0 capacitor. The output at this stage is 9? and is given to the


    The output of the ('79 regulator is connected to "IC %&f'((! microcontroller,

    transmitter, receives.

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      The input of the circuit is taken from the main. It is a single#phase -7? ac voltage.

    This -7 !C voltage cannot be used directly, thus it is stepped down. The /tep down

    Transformer is used to step down the main supply voltage from -7? !C to lower value.

    4ecause the microcontroller and sensors are operated at M9? dc voltage and relays and

    drivers will be operate at M%? dc voltage. /o first this -7C !C voltage should be

    stepped down and then it should be converted to dc. !fter converting to dc it is applied to

    controller, sensors, relays and drivers. In this project we used -7D%? step down

    transformer. The output of ('79 regulator is given to "IC microcontroller and three

    sensors. The main part of this project is "IC micro controller.


    !n encoder is a circuit in which a code or signal presented in one format can be

    changed to format compatible with the circuitry it interfaces with. In case of the T+#7%

    the format delivered by the user is a %#bit parallel code consisting of ' address bits and 6

    data bits. This code must be changed to a serial format in order to become compatible

    with the transmitters input. This is the job of the T+#7% encoder motherboard, or more

    specifically, the T%8 encoder IC found on the T+#7% encoder motherboard $an

    encoder is already built#in to the T+#GG@6!).


    ! transmitter is a circuit with an output sent through the air by light, sound or 

    electromagnetic waves at a specific fre5uency. In the case of the T+#GG@6!, the output is

    an amplitude modulated radio fre5uency of -77*z. The transmitter receives a coded

    signal from the encoder and uses that signal to modulate its -77*z carrier. In simple

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


    terms, the output of the transmitter is an electromagnetic representation of the input data



    ! receiver is a circuit capable of accepting and processing light, sound, or 

    electromagnetic waves of a specific fre5uency. In the case of the 8#GG, the -77*z

    radio fre5uency signal sent by the transmitter is received, and the incoming data eBtracted

    from that signal. The eBtracted data is then sent out in serial format to the decoder board.


    ! ;ecoder is a circuit in which a coded signal of a specific format $usually that of 

    its compatible encoder) is received and changed to a format compatible with the circuitry

    it interfaces with $usually the format originally presented to the encoder is the same

    format used for the output of the decoder when used in wireless systems, but not always).

    In the case of the 8#7%, the incoming code is a % bit serial format. This code must be

    checked to ensure that the first ' bits $address bits) match the address of the decoder IC.

    This is the job of the 8#7% decoder motherboard, or more specifically, the T%;

    decoder IC. 0ound on the 8#7% decoder motherboard.

    If the incoming ' bit address is correct, the last 6 bits of the % bit code $data bits)

    are passed on to the data outputs of the 8#7%, and the ?alid I; relay closes and remains

    closed until the incoming signal is no longer present. The 6 data bits, however, latch and

    remain in whatever state they were set to by the last transmission, until they are changed

     by the neBt transmission.

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    !ll I4* "C and compatible computers are typically e5uipped with two serial

     ports and one parallel port. !lthough these two types of ports are used for communicating

    with eBternal devices, they work in different ways. ! parallel port sends and receives data

    eight bits at a time over ' separate wires. This allows data to be transferred very 5uickly

    however, the cable re5uired is more bulky because of the number of individual wires it

    must contain. "arallel ports are typically used to connect a "C to a printer and are rarely

    used for much else. ! serial port sends and receives data one bit at a time over one wire.

    >hile it takes eight times as long as to transfer each byte of data this way, only a few

    wires are re5uired. In fact, two#way $full dupleB) communications is possible with only

    three separate wires# one to send, one to receive, and a common signal ground wire.

    4i#directional communications

    Communicating by wires

    The "arity 4it

    Cable lengths


    ;C8 !nd ;T8 devices

    G pin to 9 pin !dapters

    /ynchronous and !synchronous Communications

    JB'9&')*'(-% C(00,-'%'(-/

    The serial port on your "C is a full#dupleB device meaning that it can send and

    receive data at the same time. In order to be able to do this, it uses separate lines for 

    transmitting and receiving data. /ome types of serial devices support only one#way

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    communications and therefore use only two#wires in the cable N the transmit line and the

    signal ground.

    JC(00,-'%'- = ='/

    Once the start bit has been sent, the transmitter sends the actual data bits. There

    may either be 9,&,(, or ' data bits, depending on the number you have selected. 4oth

    receiver and the transmitter must agree on the number of data bits, as well as the baud

    rate. !lmost all devices transmit data using either ( or ' data bits. 3otice that when only

    ( data bits are employed, you cannot send !/CII values greater than %(. :ikewise, using

    9 bits limits the highest possible value to -%. !fter the data has been transmitted, a stop

     bit is sent. ! stop bit has a value of %# or a mark state# and it can be detected correctly

    even if the previous data bit also had a value of %. This is accomplished by the stop bitFs


    JT;* #%)' B'

    4esides the synchronization provided by the use of start and stop bits, an

    additional bit called a parity bit may optionally be transmitted along with the data. !

     parity bit affords a small amount of error checking, to help detect data corruption that

    might occur during transmission.

    JC%=* L*-;/

    The *!+#- standard imposes a cable length limit of 97 feet. Aou can usually

    ignore this 1standard2, since a cable can be as long as %7777 feet at baud rates up to

    %G77 if you use a high 5uality, well shielded cable. The eBternal environment has a large

    effect on lengths for unshielded cables.

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    JMA232 >?(%* C(-:*)*)@

    /ince the /- is not compatible with todays microprocessors and micro

    controller, we need line driver to convert the /- signals to TT: voltage levels that

    will be acceptable to the '79%Fs T+; and +; pins. One eBample of such a converter is

    *!+ - from maBim corp. The *!+ - converts from /- voltage levels to TT:

    voltage levels, and vice versa. One advantage of *!+- chip is that it uses a M9?

     power source, which is the same as the source voltage for the "IC %&f'((! micro

    controller. In other words, with a single M9v power supply we can power both the "IC

    and *!+ -, with no need of for the dual power supplies that are common in many

    older systems. The *!+ - re5uires four capacitors ranging from % to microfarad.

    The most widely used value for this capacitor is microfarad.


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    JDCE %-& DTE &*:'*/

    Two terms you should be familiar with are ;T8 and ;C8. ;T8 stands for ;ata

    Terminal 85uipment, and ;C8 stands for ;ata Communication 85uipment. These terms

    are used to indicate the pin#out for the connectors on a device and the direction of the

    signals on the pins. Aour computer is a ;T8 device, while most other devices are usually

    ;C8 devices. If you have trouble keeping the two straight then replace the term 1;T8

    device2 with your "C and the term ;C8 device with 1remote ;evice2 in the following

    discussion. The /#- standard states that ;T8 devices use a 9#pin male connector,

    and ;C8 devices use a 9#pin female connector. Aou can therefore connect a ;T8 device

    to a ;C8 using a straight pin#for#pin connection. owever, to connect two like devices,

    you must instead use a null modem cable. 3ull modem cables cross the transmit and

    receive lines in the cable.

    The ;T8 device puts this line in a mark condition to tell the remote device that it

    is ready and able to receive data. If the ;T8 device is not able to receive data $typically

     because its receive buffer is almost full), it will put this line in the space condition as a

    signal to the ;C8 to stop sending data. >hen the ;T8 device is ready to receive more

    data it will place this line back in the mark condition. The complement of the T/ wire is

    CT/, which stands for Clear to /end. The ;C8 device puts this line in a mark condition

    to tell the ;T8 device that it is ready to receive the data. :ikewise, if the ;C8 device is

    unable to receive data, it will place this line in the space condition. Together, these two

    lines make up what is called T/DCT/ or 1hardware2 flow control. The software wedge

    supports this type of flow control as well as +onD+off or 1software2 flow control.

    /oftware flow control uses special control characters transmitted from one device to

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    another to tell the other device to stop or start sending data. >ith software flow control

    the T/ and CT/ lines are not used.

    DTR stands for ;ata Terminal eady. Its intended function is very similar to the

    T/ line. ;/ $;ata /et eady) is the companion to ;T in the same way that CT/ is to

    T/. /ome serial devices use ;T and ;/ as signals to simplify confirm that a device

    is connected and turned on. The software wedge sets ;T to the mark state when the

    serial port is opened and leaves it in that state until the port is closed. The ;T and ;/ 

    lines were originally designed to provide an alternate method of hardware handshaking. It

    would be pointless to use both T/DCT/ and ;TD;/ for flow control signals at the

    same time. 4ecause of this ;T and ;/ are rarely used for flow control.

    JS-;)(-(,/ %-& A/-;)(-(,/ C(00,-'%'(-/

    There are two basic types of serial communications, synchronous and

    asynchronous. >ith synchronous communications, the two devices initially synchronize

    themselves to each other, and then continually send characters to stay in sync. 8ven when

    the data is not really being sent, a constant flow of bits allows each device to know where

    the other is at any given time. That is, each character that is sent is either actual data or an

    idle character. /ynchronous communications allows faster data transfer rates than

    asynchronous methods, because additional bits to mark the beginning and end of each

    data byte are not re5uired. The serial ports on I4* style "Cs are asynchronous devices

    and therefore only support asynchronous serial communications. !synchronous means no

    1synchronization2, and thus does not re5uire sending and receiving idle characters.

    owever, the beginning and end of each byte of data must be identified by start and stop

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


     bits. The start bit indicates when the data byte is about to begin and the stop bit signals

    when it ends. The re5uirement to send these additional two bits causes asynchronous

    communication to be slightly slower than synchronous however it has the advantage that

    the processor does not have to deal with the additional idle characters.

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers





    ,-/'-*& '- R

    :('& &*%>@


    :('& 0%'->@











  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


    :('& '-*)), '/)>@






    :('& &*%>@


  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers




    ,-/'-*& '- R

    :('& &*%>@


    :('& 0%'->@












  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


    :('& '-*)), '/)>@




    :('& &*%>@


  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


    I-/%'- (&'- '-( #IC 0')((-)(*)$

    %. >rite the program in *":!4 I;8.

    . /ave the file as .c. and compile it.

    -. !fter successful compilation of the coding close the *":!4 I;8.

    6. 0iB the Controller IC into "IC 0lash kit.

    9. Then click on *icro controller *icro /ystems "IC 0lash /oftware Icon on the


    &. It displays on dialog boB. Then select open and select the program which we

    already saved as .c.

    (. Then it asks the Confirmation that The IC is empty, select ok.

    '. Then it asks 0uses /ettings, select A8/

    G. Then it displays 0uses /ettings ;ialog 4oB.

    %7. In that put >;T ## J ;isabled, >T## J 8nabled, Oscillator## J +T then click on


    %%. Then it displays the "rogram successfully installed into "IC.

    %. Then emove the IC from the "IC 0lash and it is ready for used into the project

    or circuit operation.

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


    H%)&%)* R*+,')*0*-/$

    %. "ower supply unit

    . *icro controller 

    -. *!+ - IC

    6. /erial Interface

    9. Transmitter and eceiver 


    C'),' D'%)%0

    #(*) /, ,-' (-/'// ( (('- ,-'/

      i) /tep down transformer 

      ii) ectifier unit

      iii) Input filter 

      iv) egulator unit

      v) Output filter 

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers



      The /tep down Transformer is used to step down the main supply voltage from

    -7? !C to lower value. This -7 !C voltage cannot be used directly, thus it is stepped

    down. The Transformer consists of primary and secondary coils. To reduce or step down

    the voltage, the transformer is designed to contain less number of turns in its secondary

    core. The output from the secondary coil is also !C waveform. Thus the conversion from

    !C to ;C is essential. This conversion is achieved by using the ectifier CircuitD=nit.


      The ectifier circuit is used to convert the !C voltage into its corresponding ;C

    voltage. There are alf#>ave, 0ull#>ave and bridge ectifiers available for this specific

    function. The most important and simple device used in ectifier circuit is the diode. The

    simple function of the diode is to conduct when forward biased and not to conduct in

    reverse bias.

    The 0orward 4ias is achieved by connecting the diodeFs positive with positive of 

    the battery and negative with batteryFs negative. The efficient circuit used is the 0ull

    wave 4ridge rectifier circuit. The output voltage of the rectifier is in rippled form, the

    ripples from the obtained ;C voltage are removed using other circuits available. The

    circuit used for removing the ripples is called 0ilter circuit.


    Capacitors are used as filter. The ripples from the ;C voltage are removed and

     pure ;C voltage is obtained. !nd also these capacitors are used to reduce the harmonics

    of the input voltage. The primary action performed by capacitor is charging and

    discharging. It charges in positive half cycle of the !C voltage and it will discharge in

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


    negative half cycle. /o it allows only !C voltage and does not allow the ;C voltage. This

    filter is fiBed before the regulator. Thus the output is free from ripples.


    ('79 egulator 

    egulator regulates the output voltage to be always constant. The output voltage

    is maintained irrespective of the fluctuations in the input !C voltage. !s and then the !C

    voltage changes, the ;C voltage also changes. Thus to avoid this egulators are used.

    !lso when the internal resistance of the power supply is greater than -7 ohms, the output

    gets affected. Thus this can be successfully reduced here. The regulators are mainly

    classified for low voltage and for high voltage. 0urther they can also be classified asH

    i) "ositive regulator 

      %###J input pin

      ###J ground pin

    -###J output pin

    It regulates the positive voltage.

    ii) 3egative regulator 

      %###J ground pin

      ###J input pin

      -###J output pin

    It regulates the negative voltage.

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers



    The 0ilter circuit is often fiBed after the egulator circuit. Capacitor is most often

    used as filter. The principle of the capacitor is to charge and discharge. It charges during

    the positive half cycle of the !C voltage and discharges during the negative half cycle. /o

    it allows only !C voltage and does not allow the ;C voltage. This filter is fiBed after the

    egulator circuit to filter any of the possibly found ripples in the output received finally.

    ere we used 7.%L0 capacitor. The output at this stage is 9? and is given to the



     ! computer#on#a#chip is a variation of a microprocessor which combines the

     processor core $C"=), some memory, and IDO $inputDoutput) lines, all on one chip. The

    computer#on#a#chip is called the microcomputer whose proper meaning is a computer

    using a $number of) microprocessor$s) as its C"=s, while the concept of the

    microcomputer is known to be a microcontroller. ! microcontroller can be viewed as a

    set of digital logic circuits integrated on a single silicon chip. This chip is used for only

    specific applications.



    ! designer will use a *icrocontroller to


  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


    6. !* and O* are inbuilt in the *C.

    9. Cheap compared to *".

    &. *ulti machine control is possible simultaneously.


    '79% $!T*!:), "IC $*icrochip), *otorola $*otorola), !* "rocessor,


    Cell phones, Computers, obots, Interfacing to two pcFs.

    M')((-)(*) C()* F*%,)*/$

    igh#performance I/C C"=.

    Only -9 single word instructions to learn.

    !ll single cycle instructions eBcept for program branches which are two cycle.

    Operating speedH ;C # 7 *z clock input ;C # 77 ns instruction cycle.

    =p to '@ B %6 words of 0:!/ "rogram *emory, =p to -&' B ' bytes of ;ata

    *emory $!*) =p to 9& B ' bytes of 88"O* data memory.

    "in out compatible to the "IC%&C(-4D(64D(&D((

    Interrupt capability $up to %6 sources)

    8ight level deep hardware stack 

    ;irect, indirect and relative addressing modes.

    "ower#on eset $"O).

    "ower#up Timer $">T) and Oscillator /tart#up Timer $O/T).

    >atchdog Timer $>;T) with its own on#chip C oscillator for reliable operation.

    "rogrammable code#protection.

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


    "ower saving /:88" mode.

    /electable oscillator options.

    :ow#power, high#speed C*O/ 0:!/D88"O* technology.

    0ully static design.

    In#Circuit /erial "rogrammingP $IC/") P.

    /ingle 9? In#Circuit /erial "rogramming capability.

    In#Circuit ;ebugging via two pins.

    "rocessor readDwrite access to program memory.

    >ide operating voltage rangeH .7? to 9.9?.

    igh /inkD/ource CurrentH 9 m!.

    Commercial and Industrial temperature ranges.

    :ow#power consumption.

    In this project we used "IC %&f'((! microcontroller. "IC means "eripheral Interface

    Controller. The "IC family having different series. The series are %# /eries, %6# /eries,

    % /eries, %'# /eries, and 6# /eries. >e used %& /eries "IC microcontroller.

    #' M')((-)(*) 16F877A:

    • Operating fre5uencyH ;C#7*hz.

    • 0lash program memory$%6 bit words)H'@ 

    • ;ata memory$in bytes)H-&'

    • 88"O* ;ata memory$in bytes)H9&

    • InterruptsH%9

    • IDo portsH !,4,C,;,8

    • TimersH-

    • !nalog comparatorsH

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


    • InstructionsH-9

    #IN DIAGRAM OF #IC 16F874A877A$

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers



  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers



      :ike every other system development design cycle embedded system too have a

    design cycle. The flow of the system will be like as given below. 0or any design cycle

    these will be the implementation steps. 0rom the initial state of the project to the final

    fabrication the design considerations will be taken like the software consideration and the

    hardware components, sensor, input and output. The electronics usually uses either a

    microprocessor or a microcontroller. /ome large or old systems use general#purpose

    mainframe computers or minicomputers.

    U/*) I-*)%*/$

      =ser interfaces for embedded systems vary widely, and thus deserve some special

    comment. =ser interface is the ultimate aim for an embedded module as to the user to

    check the output with complete convenience. One standard interface, widely used in

    embedded systems, uses two buttons $the absolute minimum) to control a menu system

    $just to be clear, one button should be QneBt menu entryQ the other button should be

    Qselect this menu entryQ).

    !nother basic trick is to minimize and simplify the type of output. ;esigns

    sometimes use a status light for each interface plug, or failure condition, to tell what

    failed. ! cheap variation is to have two light bars with a printed matriB of errors that they

    select# the user can glue on the labels for the language that he speaks. 0or eBample, most

    small computer printers use lights labeled with stick#on labels that can be printed in any

    language. In some markets, these are delivered with several sets of labels, so customers

    can pick the most comfortable language.

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


      In many organizations, one person approves the user interface. Often this is a

    customer, the major distributor or someone directly responsible for selling the system.


    There are many different C"= architectures used in embedded designs such as

    !*, *I"/, ColdfireD&'k, "ower"C, +'&, "IC, '79%, !tmel !? , ', /, ?'97, 0#

    ?, *- etc.

    This in contrast to the desktop computer market, which as of this writing $77-) is

    limited to just a few competing architectures, mainly the IntelD!*; B'&, and the

    !ppleD*otorolaDI4*  "ower"C, used in the  !pple *acintosh. >ith the growing

    acceptance of Rava  in this field, there is a tendency to even further eliminate the

    dependency on specific C"=Dhardware $and O/) re5uirements.

    /tandard  "CD%76  is a typical base for small, low#volume embedded and ruggedized

    system design. These often use ;O/, :inuB or an embedded real#time operating system

    such as S3+ or Inferno.

    ! common configuration for very#high#volume embedded systems is the system

    on a chip, an application#specific integrated circuit, for which the C"= was purchased as

    intellectual property to add to the ICs design. ! related common scheme is to use a field#

     programmable gate array, and program it with all the logic, including the C"=. *ost

    modern 0"


    :ike typical computer programmers, embedded system designers use compilers,

    assemblers, and debuggers to develop embedded system software. owever, they also

    use a few tools that are unfamiliar to most programmers.

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


    /oftware tools can come from several sourcesH

    • /oftware companies that specialize in the embedded market.

    •  "orted from the

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


    interrupt lets the debugger operate in hardware in which only the C"= works. The C"=#

     based debugger can be used to test and debug the electronics of the computer from the

    viewpoint of the C"=. This feature was pioneered on the ";"#%%.

    !s the compleBity of embedded systems grows, higher level tools and operating

    systems are migrating into machinery where it makes sense. 0or eBample, cell phones,

     personal digital assistants and other consumer computers often need significant software

    that is purchased or provided by a person other than the manufacturer of the electronics.

    In these systems, an open programming environment such as :inuB, O/

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


    '. Operational test.

    G. /afety test.

     START U#$

    !ll embedded systems have start#up code. =sually it disables interrupts, sets up

    the electronics, tests the computer $!*, C"= and software), and then starts the

    application code. *any embedded systems recover from short#term power failures by

    restarting $without recent self#tests). estart times under a tenth of a second are common.

    *any designers have found a few :8;s useful to indicate errors $they help

    troubleshooting). ! common scheme is to have the electronics turn on all of the :8;$s) at

    reset $thereby proving that power is applied and the :8;s themselves work), whereupon

    the software changes the :8; pattern as the "ower#On /elf Test eBecutes. !fter that, the

    software may blink the :8;$s) or set up light patterns during normal operation to

    indicate program eBecution progress or errors. This serves to reassure most

    techniciansDengineers and some users. !n interesting eBception is that on electric power 

    meters and other items on the street, blinking lights are known to attract attention and


  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


    S(%)* T((/$

    %. *":!4

    . "rotel

    -. "ropic

      6. I#Tech "IC C Compiler 

    M#LAB I-*)%'(-$

    *":!4 Integrated ;evelopment 8nvironment $I;8) is a free, integrated toolset for 

    the development of embedded applications employing *icrochips "IC micro and ds"IC

    microcontrollers. *":!4 I;8 runs as a -#bit application on */ >indows, is easy to

    use and includes a host of free software components for fast application development and

    super#charged debugging. *":!4 I;8 also serves as a single, unified graphical user 

    interface for additional *icrochip and third party software and hardware development

    tools. *oving between tools is a snap, and upgrading from the free simulator to *":!4

    IC; or the *":!4 IC8 emulator is done in a flash because *":!4 I;8 has the same

    user interface for all tools.

    Choose *":!4 C%', the highly optimized compiler for the "IC%' series

    microcontrollers, or try the newest *icrochips language tools compiler, *":!4 C-7,

    targeted at the high performance "IC6 and ds"IC digital signal controllers. Or, use one

    of the many products from third party language tools vendors. They integrate into

    *":!4 I;8 to function transparently from the *":!4 project manager, editor and


  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers



    E$ H'* K*'

    I#T8C /oftware makes industrial#strength software development tools and C

    compilers that help software developers write compact, efficient embedded processor 


    0or over two decades I#T8C /oftware has delivered the industrys most

    reliable embedded software development tools and compilers for writing efficient and

    compact code to run on the most popular embedded processors. =sed by tens of 

    thousands of customers including hirlpool, Sualcomm, Rohn ;eere

    and many others, I#T8Cs reliable development tools and C compilers, combined with

    world#class support have helped serious embedded software programmers to create

    hundreds of breakthrough new solutions.

    >hichever embedded processor family you are targeting with your software,

    whether it is the !*, "ICC or '79% series, I#T8C tools and C compilers can help

    you write better code and bring it to market faster.

    I#T8C "ICC is a high#performance C compiler for the *icrochip "IC micro

    %7D%D%6D%&D%( series of microcontrollers. I#T8C "ICC is an industrial#strength !3/I

    C compiler # not a subset implementation like some other "IC compilers. The "ICC

    compiler implements full I/OD!3/I C, with the eBception of recursion. !ll data types are

    supported including 6 and - bit I888 standard floating point. I#T8C "ICC makes

    full use of specific "IC features and using an intelligent optimizer, can generate high#

    5uality code easily rivaling hand#written assembler. !utomatic handling of page and bank 

    selection frees the programmer from the trivial details of assembler code.

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


    E0=*&&*& C C(0'*)$

    !3/I C # full featured and portable

    eliable # mature, field#proven technology

    *ultiple C optimization levels

    !n optimizing assembler

    0ull linker, with overlaying of local variables to minimize !* usage

    Comprehensive C library with all source code provided

    Includes support for 6#bit and -#bit I888 floating point and -#bit long data


    *iBed C and assembler programming

    =nlimited number of source files

    :istings showing generated assembler

    Compatible # integrates into the *":!4  I;8, *":!4 IC; and most -rd#party

    development tools

    uns on multiple platformsH >indows, :inuB, =3I+, *ac O/ +, /olaris

    8mbedded ;evelopment 8nvironmentH

    "ICC can be run entirely from the. This environment allows you to manage all of 

    your "IC projects. Aou can compile, assemble and link your embedded application with a

    single step.

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


    Optionally, the compiler may be run directly from the command line, allowing

    you to compile, assemble and link using one command. This enables the compiler to be

    integrated into third party development environments, such as *icrochips *":!4 I;8.

    E0=*&&*& //*0 ((/$


    !n assembler is a computer program  for translating assembly language  U 

    essentially, a mnemonic representation of machine language U into object code. ! cross

    assembler $see cross compiler ) produces code for one type of processor, but runs on

    another. The computational step where an assembler is run is known as assembly time.

    Translating assembly instruction mnemonics into opcodes, assemblers provide the ability

    to use symbolic names for memory locations $saving tedious calculations and manually

    updating addresses when a program is slightly modified), and macro  facilities for 

     performing teBtual substitution U typically used to encode common short se5uences of 

    instructions to run inline instead of in a subroutine. !ssemblers are far simpler to write

    than compilers for high#level languages.

    !ssembly language has several benefitsH

    • S**&H !ssembly language programs are generally the fastest programs around.

    • S%*H !ssembly language programs are often the smallest.

    • C%%=''$ Aou can do things in assembly which are difficult or impossible in

    igh level languages.

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


    • K-(*&*H Aour knowledge of assembly language will help you write better 

     programs, even when using igh level languages. !n eBample of an assembler we

    use in our project is !; 9%.


    /imulator is a machine that simulates an environment for the purpose of training or 

    research. >e use a =*"/ simulator for this purpose in our project.


    =niversal microprocessor program simulator simulates a microcontroller with its eBternal

    environment. =*"/ is able to simulate eBternal components connected to the

    microcontroller. Then, debug step is dramatically reduced. =*"/ is not dedicated to only

    one microcontroller family, it can simulate all kind of microcontrollers. The main

    limitation is to have less than &6@#4ytes of !* and O* space and the good

    microcontroller library. =*"/ provide all the facilities other low#cost simulator does not

    have. It offers the user to see the Qreal effectQ of a program and a way to change the

    microcontroller family without changing I;8. =*"/ provide a low#cost solution to the

     problems. =*"/ is really the best solution to your evaluation.

    UM#S * *%,)*/$

    #The speed, =*"/ can run as fast as %D9 the real microcontroller speed. 3o need to wait

    days to see the result of a :C; routine access. !ll the microcontroller parts are

    simulated, interrupts, communication protocol, parallel handshake, timer and so on.

    # =*"/ have an integrated assemblerDdisassembler and debugger. It is able to accept an

    eBternal assembler or compiler. It has a teBt editor which is not limited to &6@#bytes and

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


    shows keyword with color. It can also communicate with an eBternal compiler to

    integrate all the debug facilities you need.

    # =*"/ is universal, it can easily be eBtended to other microcontroller with a library. !sk 

    us for toolkit development.

    # 8Bternal resource simulation is not limited. It can be eBtended to your proper needs by

    writing your own ;::.

    # =*"/ allows you to evaluate at the lowest cost the possibility to build a

    microcontroller project without any cable. # =*"/ include a complete documentation on

    each microcontroller which describe special registers and each instruction


    ! compiler is a program that reads a program in one language, the source language and

    translates into an e5uivalent program in another language, the target language. The

    translation process should also report the presence of errors in the source program.


    Program→ Compiler →







    There are two parts of compilation. The analysis part breaks up the source program into

    constant piece and creates an intermediate representation of the source program. The

    synthesis part constructs the desired target program from the intermediate representation.

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


    T;* (,/'-/ ( ;* (0'*) %)*$

    %. "reprocessor.

    . !ssembler.

    -. :oader and :ink#editor.

    ! naive approach to that front end might run the phases serially.

    %. :eBical analyzer takes the source program as an input and produces a long

    string of tokens.

    . /yntaB !nalyzer takes an out of leBical analyzer and produces a large tree.

    /emantic analyzer takes the output of syntaB analyzer and produces another tree.

    /imilarly, intermediate code generator takes a tree as an input produced by semantic

    analyzer and produces intermediate code

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


    #;%/*/ ( (0'*)$

    The compiler has a number of phases plus symbol table manager and an error handler.

     Input Source

















  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers








    $ut Target


  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers



    1. /tep ;own Transformer $-7D%?) N % 3o.

    2. ;iodes $%3677() N 6 3o

    3.  Capacitors # %777L0 N % 3o p0# %7 3os

    4. egulators ('79 N % 3o

    5. "IC micro controller $%&f'((!) N 3o

    6. Crystal Oscillator $6*z) N 3os

    7. *!+- Connectors N 3os

    8. eset

    . 8ncoder#4uffer N T#%8IC

    1!. ;ecoder#4uffer N T#%; IC

    11. /erial Interface

    12. Transmitter NT>/6-6

    13. eceiver N>/6-6

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers



    The fabrication of one demonstration unit is carried out in the following se5uence.

    0inalizing the total circuit diagram, listing out the components and sources of


    "rocuring the components, testing the components and screening the components.

    *aking layout, repairing the interconnection diagram as per the circuit diagram.

    !ssembling the components as per the component layout and circuit diagram and

    soldering components.

    Integrating the total unit, intertwining the unit and final testing the unit.


    %. !dd display

    . ailway announcement-. 0actory announcement

    6. ;efense communication

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers



    The above project has shown the successful implementation of wireless

    communication using the "IC %&f'((! micro controller.

    ! Transmitter kit is developed and connected to "C to eceive the character, the

    character is then encoded and transmitted through radio fre5uency. !t the end of receiver

    section the decoder will decode the encoded data and applied to the controller. The

    receiver data is then transmitted to another "C.

    This concludes the communication of data from "C to "C.

    JF*%,)* 0(&''%'(-

    %. The user could change the signal character into a word or a teBt in order to

    improve the communication.

    . >hile the transmission and receiving of data there is a possibility for the

    eBistence of noise, because of the usage of micro controller. ence we can use a

     protocol with the header and tailer and also inclusion of CC checker. /o that the

    communication can be achieved with securely.

  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers


  • 8/20/2019 Implementation of Wireless Communication Between Computers




    Customizing and programming ur pic microcontroller# M* #)*&(

    Complete guide to pic microcontroller #*9=((  

    C programming for embedded systems9 K') ,)*

    Teach yourself electronics and electricity# S%- G'='/(

     8mbedded *icrocomputer system9 (-%;%- .?%:%-(>2!!!@

     8mbedded "IC microcontroller# (;- #*%0%-

    Telecommunication and computer by M%)'-


    W*= /'*/$

    • www.*


    od.htm stuff


