implementing gender-responsive climate action for sustainable development

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  • 8/20/2019 Implementing Gender-responsive Climate Action for Sustainable Development


    Gender Equity Thematic Group & SocialDevelopment Discussion Group

    24 November 201! 12"00 # 1"00 pm!

    $inda %dams! Senior Social DevelopmentSpecialist! SED

    Expert Group Meeting on “Implementing

    gender-responsive climate action forsustainable development” 

    The vie's e(pressed herein are the vie's o) the presenter and do not necessarily re)lect the vie's or policies o) the %sian Development *an+,%D*-! or its *oard o) Governors! or the .overnments they represent/ %D* does not .uarantee the accuracy o) the data included in this paper andaccepts no responsibility )or any consequence o) their use/ The countries listed in this paper do not imply any vie' on %D*s part as to soverei.nty

    or independent status or necessarily con)orm to %D*s terminolo.y/

  • 8/20/2019 Implementing Gender-responsive Climate Action for Sustainable Development


    • mplementation $ima or+ 3ro.ram adopted by N5666 ,673820-

    2090 %.enda )or Sustainable Development 8 stand8alone .oal toachieve .ender equality re)lected in the entire %.enda 8includin. Goal 19! on ta+in. ur.ent action to combat climatechan.e and its impacts/

    • Good practices and practical approaches to implementation o).ender #related mandates and decision in N5666 processesand mechanisms

    • ecommendations on ho' to implement .ender8responsiveclimate policy and actions" technolo.y development and

    trans)er and climate )inance• EG: outcomes presented at %d ;oc or+in. Group on the

    Durban 3lat)orm )or Enhanced %ction ,%D3- 7ctober 201 and673821 side event

    EGM Purposes

  • 8/20/2019 Implementing Gender-responsive Climate Action for Sustainable Development


    UNF Processes !verloo" Gender

    • N5666 ,si.ned 1s participation

    • 2010 si.nal that GE and 'omen>s participation necessary )or 66e))ective action ,mainstreamin. .ender aspects across )inance!adaptation! and capacity buildin.-

    • 2012 Doha Decision 29?631@ 8 6all )or Submission o) 3arties toshare vie's on )or .ender balance in dele.ations!

    capacity buildin. needs and .ender8sensitive climate policyA )irstin8session 'or+shop on .ender in the N5666A mandate )or BGender and 66C as standin. item on 673 a.enda

    • 2014 $ima or+ 3ro.ram on Gender ,adopted at 673820- .oes

    beyond .ender balance to include G:

  • 8/20/2019 Implementing Gender-responsive Climate Action for Sustainable Development


    Normative s#ift in limatePolic$ %iscussion

    • *ali %ction 3lan ,200 673819- shi)t )rom technocratic policy

    discussions → a'areness?advocacy on ran.e o) issues!includin. GE and 66

    • Global Gender and 6limate %lliance ,GG6%- launched ,200673819- → collective advocacy to ensure 66 decision ma+in.!

    policies! pro.rams are .ender responsive• omen and Gender 6onstituency ,200

  • 8/20/2019 Implementing Gender-responsive Climate Action for Sustainable Development


    Gender Mainstreaming efforts acrossUNFGlobal Environment 5acility ,GE5- started operations .ender8blind

    Gender :ainstreamin. 3olicy ,adopted GE5 6ouncil 2011- Gender Equality 3lan and oadmap )or Gender Equality Gender 6oordinator in %dministration nit ,2014-

    G65 ,Green 6limate 5und-

    5irst climate )und to start )undin. operations )or adaptationand miti.ation proects in D6s 'ith G: mandate anchored inor.ani=in. charter

    Gender 3olicy and %ction 3lan ,2014-

    Gender inte.rated in +ey operational policies # investment)rame'or+! per)ormance measurement )rame'or+! a.enciessee+in. accreditation as implementers or )inancialintermediaries to address G: in G658)unded pro.rams andproects

  • 8/20/2019 Implementing Gender-responsive Climate Action for Sustainable Development


    UNF implementation gaps

    Te(t o) N5666 mandated .ender decisions notsu))iciently active

    Terminolo.y doesn>t su))iciently de)ine aim! scope!direction and authori=ation o) mandates

    $ac+ o) clear tar.ets and ensurin. means o)implementation

    mbalance in G: across thematic areas $imited resource allocation

  • 8/20/2019 Implementing Gender-responsive Climate Action for Sustainable Development


    Gender Issues in GF !perations &related processes

    Gender balance 'ithin the G65 Secretariat *oard decision adoption o) G65 Gender 3olicy

    allo'ed )or national conte(tuali=ation G65 3er)ormance :easurement 5rame'or+

    ND% .ender competencies and capacities )orsta+eholder en.a.ement

  • 8/20/2019 Implementing Gender-responsive Climate Action for Sustainable Development


    'e$ entr$ points to strengt#en GFoperational policies(guidelines

    :onitorin. and accountability )rame'or+ Direct %ccess G65 access modality #under Enhanced

    Direct %ccess ,ED%- pilot phase F200m )or at least 10pilots

    3rivate Sector 5acility 'ith :S:E 3ilot %pproach G65 proect concept notes and )undin. proposalstemplates require more e(plicit .ender re)erences ,orperceived as optional-

  • 8/20/2019 Implementing Gender-responsive Climate Action for Sustainable Development


    )ecommendation *reas to Parties tot#e UNF+ GF

    3romotin. .ender equality and empo'erment o)'omen in climate policy & action

    ncorporatin. .ender considerations in technolo.y8related processes & mechanisms

    ncorporation o) .ender considerations in climate)inance mprovin. .ender responsiveness o) G65 proects and


  • 8/20/2019 Implementing Gender-responsive Climate Action for Sustainable Development


    )ecommendations, gender considerationsin climate polic$ and action

     %dopt the G: strate.y Support development comprehensive approach!

    includin. Secretariat institutional arran.ements andN5666 mechanisms! based on coherent .uidance on

    G: and provide the resources to implement equest development o) technical .uide )or G: in

    N5666 processes and mechanisms to support 3arties>implementation o) the G: Strate.y

    Encoura.e preparation o) national .ender equality andclimate chan.e strate.ies

  • 8/20/2019 Implementing Gender-responsive Climate Action for Sustainable Development


    )ecommendations, genderconsiderations in climate finance

    esource 'omen>s ri.hts institutions?or.ani=ation topromote .ender equality and 'omen>s empo'erment!includin. en.a.ement 'ith relevant climate )inance actorsand mechanisms

    3rovide tar.eted capacity development and empo'erment o)

    'omen 8 brin. voice! needs! priorities to climatetechnolo.ies! )inance and policies into relevant climate)inance processes! climate )unds! and national decision8ma+in. processesA

    ncrease accessibility o) climate )inance mechanisms )or local'omen>s .roups by e(plorin. options # brea+ do'n allocations that 'ould allo' )undin. to be channeled tointermediary 'omen>s .roups

  • 8/20/2019 Implementing Gender-responsive Climate Action for Sustainable Development


    )ecommendations, climate finance

    mec#anisms operational andprogramming processes and procedures

    Stren.then institutional accountability and transparencysystems # hold both )unds and implementin. a.enciesto account )or .ender equality impacts o) proects

    :ore harmoni=ed )rame'or+s )or results reportin. and

    measurin. .ender equality impacts and trends inclimate )inance Encoura.e .ender e(pertise )rom donor a.encies and

    recipient countries to be part o) the processes lin+ed to

    climate )undin. streams o) those a.encies

  • 8/20/2019 Implementing Gender-responsive Climate Action for Sustainable Development


    )ecommendations, gender

    responsiveness of GF pro.ects andprograms *uild capacity o) G65 sta)) to provide and technical

    assistance! includin. to G65 accredited entities Gender competency as part o) the e(pertise o) members o)

    speciali=ed G65 e(pert panels ,%ccreditation 6ommittee!ndependent Technical %dvisory 3anel-

    Gender e(pertise a decision criterion to head 5und>s 9accountability units ,ndependent Evaluation nit! ndependentnte.rity nit! ndependent edress :echanism-

    Support national desi.nated authorities ,ND%s- to stren.thencapacity to consider .ender issues

    6ountries requestin. readiness support to include activities thatpromote .ender8related mandates o) the 5und

  • 8/20/2019 Implementing Gender-responsive Climate Action for Sustainable Development


    )ecommendations, GF gender

    responsiveness of GF pro.ectscontd e)erence mandatory inclusion o) .ender indicators )or each

    proect?pro.ram in G65 proect implementation .uidelines :a+e consideration o) proect8speci)ic .ender issues a

    criterion in selection o) 10 pilots under G65 Enhanced Direct %ccess 3ilot %pproach

    :andate provision pre)erential )inancial mechanism )or useo) climate8relevant technolo.ies by 'omen in communitiesand 'omen8o'ned businesses in developin. countries

    G65 results mana.ement )rame'or+ # .o beyond

    quanti)ication o) .ender outcomes ,se( o)bene)iciaries- to addressin. qualitative in support o).ender equality

  • 8/20/2019 Implementing Gender-responsive Climate Action for Sustainable Development


    /in"ing *%0 !perations to globaldialogue on Gender and limate #ange

    •  %D* levera.e Gender :ainstreamin. 6ate.ori=ation andoperational e(periences in G65 development o)procedures and practices

    • ET% s Day

  • 8/20/2019 Implementing Gender-responsive Climate Action for Sustainable Development


    For1ard #allenges

    • No common understandin.?classi)ication 'hatconstitutes .ender8responsive climate action

    • no'led.e .ap amon. +ey sta+eholders o) lin+bet'een .ender equality and climate action # those in climate policy )rom scienti)ic! technical! and)inancial bac+.round re.ardin. social dimensions o)climate chan.e issues

    • To increase transparency and accountability o) )unds #

    develop common )rame'or+ to Bta.C! trac+! 'ei.h! andscore .ender8responsive climate actions

  • 8/20/2019 Implementing Gender-responsive Climate Action for Sustainable Development


    2#an" $ou3

    $in+" http"??'''/adb/or.?proects?documents?harnessin.8climate8chan.e8miti.ation8initiatives8bene)it 8'omen