important antonyms for your next big exam and all antonyms gets on one click @smartkeeda


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Today’s General English Questions by


A. obedient B. rebellious

C. meek D. friendly

Answer: Option A


Defiant (Adj.): If you say that someone is defiant, you mean they show aggression or independence by refusing to

obey someone.

Obedient (Adj.): A person or animal who is obedient does what they are told to do.

Ex: Rahul is always defiant in his behavior.


A. destructive B. genuine

C. affirm D. harmonize

Answer: Option B


Counterfeit (Adj.): money, goods, or documents are not genuine, but have been made to look exactly

like genuine ones in order to deceive people. = Fake

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Genuine (Adj.): It’s is used to describe people and things that are exactly what they appear to be, and are

not false or an imitation or fake.

Ex: Smugglers always try to make a good counterfeit of genuine currency.


A. melting B. fixture

C. amendment D. separation

Answer: Option D


Fusion: A fusion of different qualities, ideas, or things is something new that is created by joining them


Separation: The separation of two or more things or groups is the fact that they are separate or become

separate, and are not linked.


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4. Costly

A. economical B. frugal

C. thrifty D. expensive

Answer: Option A


Costly (Adj.): If you say that something is costly, you mean that it costs a lot of money, often more than

you would want to pay. = expensive ≠ inexpensive

Ex: “In those weather conditions any mistakes could be costly”

Economical (Adj.): Economical means using the minimum amount of time, effort, or language that is


Ex: Nano is a very economical little car.


A. meditate B. become serious

C. deteriorate D. retreat


Gravitate (Verb): If you gravitate towards a particular place, thing, or activity, you are attracted by it and

go to it or get involved in it.

Retreat (Verb): If you retreat, you move away from something or someone.

Ex: China always gravitates towards India’s land. When India takes action against it they retreat.

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