important facts about pest control. · in the carpet and other materials (10 percent flea cocoons,...


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Page 1: Important Facts about Pest Control. · in the carpet and other materials (10 percent flea cocoons, 35 percent flea larvae and 50 percent flea eggs), which means that just treating
Page 2: Important Facts about Pest Control. · in the carpet and other materials (10 percent flea cocoons, 35 percent flea larvae and 50 percent flea eggs), which means that just treating
Page 3: Important Facts about Pest Control. · in the carpet and other materials (10 percent flea cocoons, 35 percent flea larvae and 50 percent flea eggs), which means that just treating

Important Facts about Pest Control.

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Page 4: Important Facts about Pest Control. · in the carpet and other materials (10 percent flea cocoons, 35 percent flea larvae and 50 percent flea eggs), which means that just treating

About the Author.

Dennis Kokontis is 36 years of age and has been in the pest control industry for 14 years. Very early

on in his career he realised he had found something he was quite good at and enjoyed.

In 2006 Dennis decided to start his own business and registered his business name Pestfree. In the

first year he began to build up his client base slowly, as he was a little concerned about leaving

secure employment and going out on his own, as we all are. In April 2008 he decided to take the

plunge and start a small family business together with his wife and has not looked back since.

As a result of pure hard work, perseverance, good business sense and a bit of guts, Dennis has

managed to grow quite rapidly in a short period of time. He has a team of 19 people operating the

Sydney business and in September of 2010 he branched out to Brisbane. Dennis believes his formula

to his rapid growth is his passion for the industry and taking chances. He also believes that it’s not

all about the money, even though that does sound a bit cliché. He doesn’t mind going that extra

mile for the customer and spending that little bit of extra time with the customer. Dennis is thrilled

and grateful for the success he has achieved so far and with the support of his loyal clientele and

Pestfree family he hopes to someday be a national company!

Interesting Facts about Pests.


When you see one cockroach it usually means that there are many more out of sight. Cockroaches are resistant to radiation so they can even live in the backs of microwave ovens.


Australia's termites (white ants) are the most destructive timber pests

in the world and they are able to severely damage a house within 3


There are an estimated 140,000 new termite attacks, on homes each year.

Termites eat, work and play in your house 24hrs a day, 7 days a week.

How much is your house worth?

Page 5: Important Facts about Pest Control. · in the carpet and other materials (10 percent flea cocoons, 35 percent flea larvae and 50 percent flea eggs), which means that just treating


In a typical household room only 5 percent of fleas will be found on pets, the rest are found

in the carpet and other materials (10 percent flea cocoons, 35 percent flea larvae and 50

percent flea eggs), which means that just treating your pet

normally won't get rid of fleas.

Fleas can cause allergic reactions and are responsible for

transferring many diseases, they were even responsible for

spreading the Black plague (bubonic plague) using rats as

their hosts.

Fleas can live up to 100 days without a blood meal, this

means that if you are moving into a house which has not

been occupied for 3 months, there can be fleas which are carrying someone else’s diseases.

It is easier to treat a house for pests before you move in, than to treat most diseases.

Rats and Mice

Rats and mice can also damage cupboards, books and plastics by gnawing them, if they start

gnawing electrical wires then you have a very serious problem and may end up with a house


Having any rodents living in your building will also attract snakes.

If you are locking your house or belongings up for more than a month, it is advised that you

use a preventative treatment against rodents.

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs can live for up to 12 months without a blood meal, so don't be fooled if you are

moving into a house that has not been occupied for a while.

People commonly know bed bugs are a big problem for hostels, backpackers, motels and

hotels, but did you know you can pick up bed bugs from restaurants , boats, trains, and

aircraft. Commercial entities should be treated regularly in order to maintain their


Page 6: Important Facts about Pest Control. · in the carpet and other materials (10 percent flea cocoons, 35 percent flea larvae and 50 percent flea eggs), which means that just treating

Common Myths about Pests.

There are a multitude of myths about summer insects that home owners subscribe to - most of which falsely minimise the threats of wasps, bees, mosquito's and ants.

Consider the myth of stinging insects, which many believe must be physically provoked to attack and sting. However, stinging insects, especially wasps, do not have to be physically touched/provoked to attack and sting. Rather, these pests must only feel that they or their colony is threatened, which can simply happen when a human gets too close. In America stinging insects send over half million visitors to hospital emergency rooms every year. How important is your childs safety?

Another common pest myth is that mosquito's are only active at dawn and at dusk. Although most are active then, mosquito activity is not limited to these times of day. Mosquitoes feed on blood, which means that they will be seeking out meals whenever they prepare for reproduction. Although most people know them for causing itchy, red welts, mosquito's can cause very serious diseases, by using continuous preventative treatments you can reduce your chance of catching a disease.

Finally, there is the common myth that seeing one ant indoors does not equal a full-blown infestation. Although this can be true, ants leave an invisible chemical trail for other ants to follow once they locate a food source. If that food source is in your home, you can count on ant colonies developing. While most ants are considered harmless, they can be a nuisance particularly to restaurants.

Frequently asked questions about Pest Control.

What pests can be controlled?

Termites and Borer,



Bed Bugs,

Flying bugs, such as Flies, Bee's, Wasps and Mosquito’s,

Feral animals like Cats,

Native animals such as Possums,

Fleas, and Most other bugs such as Moths, Cockroaches, Spiders, Silverfish, Carpet Beetles, Ants.

Page 7: Important Facts about Pest Control. · in the carpet and other materials (10 percent flea cocoons, 35 percent flea larvae and 50 percent flea eggs), which means that just treating

Can I do Pest Control myself?

Yes you can and you may have some success, depending on what type of pests you have.

There are many DIY products on the market, however due to strict regulations strong

pesticides can only be used by licensed technicians.

Will Pest Treatments leave a smell?

In most cases you or your customers will not be able to smell any treatments which have

been used, if you are using a professional pest control company.

Is it worth getting a Termite inspection done?

Definitely, many people worry about floods and fires, but in Australia

Termites cause more damage than either of those. Most home

insurances don't cover Termite damage, ever wondered why?

It is recommended that you get a Termite inspection done-

When buying a house, it can cost a lot more than a couple of hundred dollars if you buy a house infested with termites.

When selling a house, this builds rapport with the potential buyers as it is one less thing they have to worry about.

If you already own a building, The Australian standard AS3660.2 recommends that termite inspections be carried out at least every 12 months, and more frequently for high risk areas.

How much does Pest control cost?

Costs vary widely, and it is a good idea to get a quote from your pest control company before they start work. Good pest control companies will offer free quotes.

Prices are usually based on the size and structure of the home/building, other factors may also be assessed. For example general treatment of a single storey 1 bedroom unit may cost $130 - $160, a single storey house would be $160 - $200 and a two storey house $220 - $280.

Also be wary of anyone offering cheap pest control and uninvited door to door “Pest control inspectors” as there have been quite a few SCAMS in the past few years. (More on SCAMS later in this document)

Page 8: Important Facts about Pest Control. · in the carpet and other materials (10 percent flea cocoons, 35 percent flea larvae and 50 percent flea eggs), which means that just treating

Are pest control methods going to hurt my pets or unborn child?

Some pest control methods are poisonous, but if they are applied properly and the correct advise is given then you will have nothing to worry about. A professional pest control company will advise you to keep pets away from some treated areas until treatments have dried and they may advise pregnant women and small children stay away from treated areas for up to 3 hours.

Are the chemicals used toxic?

For a product to be effective against a pest it has to be toxic to the pest. However the range of products used today are derived from natural sources or synthesized from natural derivatives.

A lot of the new generation products target parts of the insect biology that mammals either are not susceptible to, or at least our level of tolerance is far superior to the insect. So by careful selection the impact of treatments on you, your family and your pets can be minimised.

Should I get bee's controlled in my yard?

In most cases NO. Bee's travel long distances and are useful for spreading pollen, simply killing the bee's in your yard will be a very short term fix. However if you have a bee's nest in your yard then it would certainly be a good idea to have this removed. Make sure you get a professional to remove it as a swarm of aggravated bee's can cause serious injury.

How do subterranean termites get into a house? If there is an opening 0.4mm wide between you slab and your house then the answer is Very Easily. They may enter directly from the soil, or they may build airtight tubes leading from their colony in the soil to the wood of your house. Sometimes you will see these tubes, but often you will not.

What should I do if I find Termites?

1. Don't disturb or spray them with anything, this may make it harder to track them.

2. Don't panic or react quickly, they will not do much more damage in a couple of days.

3. Contact a professional to do a full assessment of your building.

How important is it to have regular pest inspections conducted?

If you are are running a business you simply have to way up the costs versus reward.

How much damage would Rodents, Cockroaches, Bed bugs, and other pests do to your reputation if a customer found them in your establishment?

Page 9: Important Facts about Pest Control. · in the carpet and other materials (10 percent flea cocoons, 35 percent flea larvae and 50 percent flea eggs), which means that just treating

Could you be sued for someone getting sick? How much would this cost?

Could a health inspector close your establishment down?

Perhaps it's best to call a Pest control company now and find out how much it will cost to have peace of mind.

Do I have to remove everything from my cupboards?

If you are employing a professional pest control company the only things you should need to do is remove and cover open food packets. Most techniques are designed to carefully target specific areas, and special covers are used where required. If you have specific concerns it's best you speak directly with your pest control company.

Questions you should ask the Pest control company.

Do you guarantee your work or offer a warranty?

It is nearly impossible for anyone to guarantee that pest control will work and if they offer a guarantee then be very sceptical. There are many factors which can affect the results of pest control and although you should not expect a guarantee you should definitely make sure they offer a warranty. The difference is that with a warranty they will come back and re do faulty work for free. Be careful that the warranty your pest control company offers does not come with to many conditions and if possible hire a company with an unlimited warranty.

Page 10: Important Facts about Pest Control. · in the carpet and other materials (10 percent flea cocoons, 35 percent flea larvae and 50 percent flea eggs), which means that just treating

Do you have insurance?

This is one question you MUST ask and make sure you get proof of adequate cover. Most of the time nothing will go wrong if you have chosen a reliable and honest pest controller, but even if it's your uncle who offers to do the job make sure they have adequate cover. There can be some disastrous problems if you are not covered. Adequate cover is upward of $450,000 and will be public and professional indemnity insurance for claims of personal injury and faulty work.

What do I have to do?

This is more for your own piece of mind. If a company cannot explain the process to you clearly or they make it difficult for you, then make another phone call and get one who will make it easy for you. Particularly if it is for a large building or complex.

Are your staff security cleared?

This is important if you are a home owner because you will have strangers coming into your

home and it is essential if your running a business. Ask for proof if you are concerned.

Are you a member of the Australian Environmental Pest Manager Association (AEPMA)

and other reputable registered organisations?

There are several associations which regulate and contribute to the pest control industry

and it is important that the company doing your work is accountable and up to date with

the current standards. If their answer is along the lines of “All the important ones” ask for

more detail or call someone else.

The important associations in NSW are-

Australian Environmental Pest Manager Association (AEPMA)

National Pest Manager Association

Strata Community Australia

Trades Monitor

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service

Page 11: Important Facts about Pest Control. · in the carpet and other materials (10 percent flea cocoons, 35 percent flea larvae and 50 percent flea eggs), which means that just treating

Can you help with our OH&S and HACCP compliance?

Some areas you may need help in are-

Certificates of treatment and/or maintenance (A bonus for the food industry, as it is a record for the council Health Inspectors)

Maintenance log books

Hygiene Plan

What pest control products do you use and why?

It is not particularly important that you know exactly what products and procedures they

use, but by asking this you ensure that they know what they are talking about.

What is your availability? Do you have an after hours service?

This is particularly important if you are a business owner or manager. Think about what your

needs are and will be in the future, it is better to build a relationship with a service provider

who can fulfil all of your needs, rather than having to call someone new when you urgently

need work done.

Will Pest controllers leave a mess once they have come?

Any good pest controller will clean up after them selves and you should be left with a

property which looks the same as before the pest controller came, minus the pests.

SCAMS to watch out for.

Although most people and companies are honest, there are some who just want your money and that want as much of it as they can get. There has been a rise in SCAMS in Australia in the past few years and here are some examples-

Page 12: Important Facts about Pest Control. · in the carpet and other materials (10 percent flea cocoons, 35 percent flea larvae and 50 percent flea eggs), which means that just treating

Door to Door Pest Inspectors-

If you have someone come to your door offering a free inspection then be very very wary, it is easy for a con artist to convince you that you have a pest problem and many intelligent people have fallen for this SCAM. If you are thinking about allowing the Door to Door Pest Inspector to do an inspection then make sure you do a background check in the company and call the company to make sure this individual actually works for them.

Work Once, Paid Twice-

This is more commonly done with possums than with other pests. How it works is a Pest controller will come and remove your possum with a trap, get paid for removing the possum, then come back a couple of nights later and let the possum go near your house, naturally it will go back to it's home which is your house and because the Pest controller removed the last possum quickly you decide to call them again. It is hard to stop this from happening so your best option is to select a larger Pest control company who have a warranty and reputation to uphold.

The “cheat on the chemicals” SCAM-

Treatment chemicals can be expensive and some pest controllers will say they have used more chemicals than they actually have. There are several reasons they may do this and they include-

They may have run out of chemicals while on the job and as they can't charge you for them to drive away and come back with more chemicals, they may pretend that they have used the correct amount and charge you for it, or

They are straight out 'cheap skates' and had no intention of giving you what you paid for, this way they have a higher profit margin.

Unfortunately as most treatment chemicals are odourless this may be hard to to know if you have been scammed, so again the best way to prevent this is to go with a licensed pest controller who has a reputation to uphold, it is also advised that you select a company who is charging a reasonable price, if they are cheap then they are cutting costs somewhere.

Page 13: Important Facts about Pest Control. · in the carpet and other materials (10 percent flea cocoons, 35 percent flea larvae and 50 percent flea eggs), which means that just treating

Exaggeration or Overselling SCAM-

This can happen in many industries, particularly when clients do not know much about the subject matter. Fortunately this can be easier to detect than other scams, all you need to do is get them to prove what they are claiming and do a little research.

If the say you have termites get them to show you with thermal imaging. If they say your ants are actually termites then do a little research into the difference between the two.

Also be wary that they do not bring droppings or other evidence of pests with them, this is not common but it does happen, particularly to commercial kitchens.

If they get angry at you for not trusting them, just get another pest controller to come and do the required work.

Ultimately the best way to ensure you do not get ripped off is to do some research on the company you are looking to employ and make sure they are reputable. If they have ongoing contracts with other large well known companies you should be safe to choose them.

Page 14: Important Facts about Pest Control. · in the carpet and other materials (10 percent flea cocoons, 35 percent flea larvae and 50 percent flea eggs), which means that just treating


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