impossible miracles

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  • 8/13/2019 Impossible Miracles


  • 8/13/2019 Impossible Miracles



    by Charles Frances HunterTABLE OF CONTENTS

    I Cant Believe Its True

    Norma Jean Le Roy

    This Is My Story

    Something New Is Added!

    The evil ays A "isit

    More Mira#les

    $ods Mer#y S%ills &ver

    The evil Stri'es Again!

    $ods Mira#le (or )ileen

    My New *ome

    +ire Ta%%ing

    +hat Is A Mira#le!

    +hy Mira#les,

    *ow Many +ays Can $od o Mira#les

    A "ision Is A Mira#le

    o -ou +ant A Mira#le,

















  • 8/13/2019 Impossible Miracles


  • 8/13/2019 Impossible Miracles



    And a vast crowd brought him theirlame, blind, maimed, and those whocouldnt s!ea", and man# others, andlaid them be$ore %esus, and he healedthem all& 'hat a s!ectacle it was()hose who hadnt been able to sa# aword be$ore were tal"ing e*citedl#,and those with missing arms and legshad new ones+ the cri!!led were

    wal"ing and um!ing around, andthose who had been blind were ga-ingabout them( )he crowds ustmarveled, and !raised the .od o$/srael& atthew 153031)hat reall# couldnt have ha!!ened,

    could it/$ it a!!eared in an# boo" other than the

    ible, ma#be we couldnt believe it, butbecause it does a!!ear in the ible, we canbelieve it&

    /t ha!!ened because %esus did it( $course, thats the onl# wa# it could haveha!!ened&

    ut %esus died&)hen his miracles must have sto!!ed&

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    )he# would have, )

    :arl# on ;unda# morning, as the newda# was dawning, ar# agdaleneand the other ar# want out to thetomb& ;uddenl# there was a greatearth: /;B) >:C:( DC >: >A;E: AEF ) =/D: A.A/B, %;) A;>: ;A/@ >: '=@&&&& atthew 281

    6%ust as he said he would(/$ that isnt im!ossible, we dont "now

    what im!ossible means(%:;; E>C/;) /; )>: ;A:

    G:;):C@AG, )@AG, AB@ DC:H:C&>ebrews 138

    %esus lived be$ore time was,%esus lives toda#, and%esus will live $orever&

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    /$ he lives $orever and toda#, he must stillbe doing the same "inds o$ miracles he did

    2,000 #ears ago while he was living in ahuman bod# on earth& %esus chose to live ina human bod# on earth, and uni

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    in the human bod# should be able to doim!ossible miracles toda#, ust as he did in

    his other earthl# bod#&'hat was it that gave him this awesome

    !ower to do all these wonder$ul, im!ossiblemiracles /t was .ods might# !ower, the

    !ower o$ the >ol# ;!irit, the !ower

    !romised b# %esus to be given to hisdisci!les I to us, his bod#& %esus had the;!irit o$ the =iving .od in him to em!owerhim to do these great and might# acts o$.od& /t was not until a$ter %esus was

    ba!ti-ed in water and the >ol# ;!irit came

    down on him that he did an#thing unusual&>is miracles started a$ter the heavens wereo!ened to him and he saw the ;!irit o$ .odcoming down in the $orm o$ a dove&

    @ont #ou believe that / am in the

    Dather and the Dather is in me )hewords / sa# are not m# own but are$rom m# Dather who lives in me& Andhe does his wor" through me& %ust

    believe it I that / am in the Datherand the Dather is in me& r else

    believe it because o$ the might#miracles #ou have seen me do& /nsolemn truth / tell #ou, an#one

    believing in me shall do the same

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    miracles / have done, and even greaterones, because / am going to be with

    the Dather& Gou can as" him $oran#thing, using m# name, and / willdo it, $or this will bring !raise to theDather because o$ what /, the ;on, willdo $or #ou& Ges, as" an#thing, using

    m# name, and / will do it( %ohn141014/$ the ible sa#s its true, then it /; true&/$ #our $aith is strong enough to believe

    what we have said above, and strong enoughto believe the ible, then #ou have enough

    $aith to believe some o$ the im!ossiblemiracles we want to share with #ou in this

    boo"& /$ #our $aith is not that strong, wewant these true stories to build #our $aith $or#our own healing, healings through #ou,

    miracles in #our own li$e, and miraclesthrough #ou $or others& ut most o$ all, wewant #our $aith to be absolute and $irm in%esus, the divine, living ;on o$ .od, wholives in and through us human beings onearth toda# b# the might# !ower o$ the >ol#

    ;!irit o$ .od&Eome, wal" along the ;ea o$ .alilee,

    wal" down the hillside, go with us toEa!ernaum as we climb into a boat, go o$$

    !reaching in the cities li"e %erusalem, or

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    come wal"ing on the water with us as weoin %esus on his ourne# through the world

    o$ miracles I im!ossible miracles& Eomewith us to innea!olis, to :aston, to .reena#, to >ac"ensac", to .ar#

    Eome with us as %esus lives in us and seehim do his /J;;/=: /CAE=:; in

    the twentieth centur#& =ets go $or a wal" ons!iritual water with %esus(

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    NORMA EAN LERO(formerly Norma Jean Van Dell)

    Borma %ean was $ull# eaven& And he !ut hishands on their heads and blessed them

    be$ore he le$t& atthew 191315%esus tells all o$ us to come to him with

    the $aith o$ a little child, sim!l# believing&>e wants us to trust him&>e wants us to have con$idence in him&>e wants us to believe that he is ust as

    real now as he was bac" then&>e wants to touch us with his hands and

    bless our lives&Borma %ean was a little li"e atthew&

    atthew was a ta* collector and Borma%ean !re!ared ta* returns $or her living&

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    atthew was a t#!ical human being whodidnt "now %esus and was disli"ed b# most

    !eo!le because he was tr#ing to !lease hishuman sel$ b# ta"ing advantage o$ thoseover whom he had an advantage& Borma%ean wasnt tr#ing to cheat in her ob, butshe was ust as normal a human being as

    atthew, and so she was ust as

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    la"e some where& And besides that, did shereall# believe he was available to meet her

    needs 'ith all the !eo!le he was with, howcould she get his attention when she was usta common, ordinar#, un"nown !erson& ;hedidnt reall# $eel she was im!ortant enough$or the aster to come to her house or even

    to her cit#& And even i$ he was there, wouldhe sto! to bless her when the crowds o$ sic"!eo!le were !ressing him, tr#ing to usttouch the hem o$ his garment( esides allthat, her a$$lictions were be#ond the hel! o$an#one& )he doctors told her that& ;he was

    too $ar gone $or an# hel! $rom an#one in thisworld and ho!e was gone&

    .od said, ?;ee" me and #ou will $indme&

    =ets see how Borma %ean $ound this

    %esus o$ Ba-areth, whom !eo!le said coulddo im!ossible miracles li"e she needed&

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    THIS IS M STORby N"r#a ean LeR"y

    Gou reall# need a com!uter to list all theo!erations / have had since m# $irst one

    be$ore 1955&

    )his was an a!!endectom#& /t le$t a scar,but reall# le$t me with no unusual !roblems&=ots o$ !eo!le have this o!eration and most

    !eo!le are hardl# aware that a !art o$ thebod# is missing& ;o it was with me, and /reall# didnt miss not having an a!!endi*&

    ut /ll never $orget m# second one( /n%anuar#, 1955, a truc" ran into the bac" o$our car causing an inur# to m# bac"& A discin m# s!ine sli!!ed out into the s!inal canaland ru!tured, or herniated& /t was swollenseveral times its normal si-e and was

    !ressing on the nerve in m# le$t leg, ma"ingwal"ing ver# !ain$ul& )he !ain $rom thesli!!ed disc went down through m# hi!,through the bac" o$ m# leg and even into m#toes& )he doctors said i$ it was not ta"en

    care o$ / might not be able to wal" at all&;urger#, a laminectom# and a s!inal

    $usion, was !er$ormed in a# o$ that #ear&)he# removed the disc, too" bone out o$ the

    bac" o$ m# right hi! and inserted it into the

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    s!ace where the disc was removed, so that itwould grow to $ill in the s!ace&

    )he discs between vertebrae allow #ourbac" to bend, but when it has been $used, itdoesnt bend at that !oint&

    )he surger# lasted $our and a hal$ hours&e$ore surger#, the doctors made a series o$

    studies I discogram, m#elogram ands!inogram, !robing m# s!ine& )hes!inogram test, as / understand it, is whenthe# !um!ed the $luid out o$ m# s!ine and$illed it with some !ur!le d#e& )his wasdone without an anesthetic, so / ust

    ?su$$ered it out& )he most !ain$ul was thediscogram where the# insert a needle intoeach disc& Dor about $ort#$ive minutes the#tested each disc in three s!aces, $re

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    in m# mouth tr#ing to bite hard enough notto scream& )his was the most horrible torture

    / could imagine a human enduring&)his started a series o$ events and

    o!erations which too" me to a !oint o$des!eration and total des!ondenc#& / had atotal o$ ten o!erations in all& ne #ear / had

    two(/ had surger# in 1955&/ had surger# in 1960&/ had surger# in 1961&/ had surger# in 1962&/ had surger# in 1963&

    / had surger# in 1964&/ had surger# in 1967&/ had surger# in 1969&/ had surger# in 1973 bod# became the surgeons !ractice

    $ield&)hat $irst bac" o!eration in 1955 was $orthe removal o$ the lowest disc in m# s!ineand the $usion& )his resulted in $i$teen !ercent disabilit#& /t too" over two #ears $or meto !artiall# recover to the !oint where /

    could do things $airl# well& /t was alwa#s alittle bit slower and a little harder $or me todo what was normal& / continued havingdi$$icult# $or $ive #ears, until 1960&

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    /n 1961 / had

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    # nec" "e!t giving me so much !ainthat in 1963 the doctors decided to ma"e the

    s!inal tests in the u!!er vertebrae& )he#$ound two discs out in the nec" and arthriticli"e s!urs on them& )his o!eration was done

    b# o!ening m# throat, ta"ing out m# lar#n*,m# voice bo*, m# eso!hagus and, as /

    understand it, la#ing it all out on theo!erating table& )he# went through the bac"o$ the nec" and too" out the two discs& )histime the# too" bone $rom the $ront o$ m#right hi! to ma"e the $usions& )his meant /had bone ta"en $rom the $ront and bac" o$

    m# hi!& )he# had to go rather dee! into thehi!& )his made me $eel li"e m# hi!s wereout o$ oint when / wal"ed& )he nec"o!eration was not as !ain$ul as the lower

    bac", but it hurt enough& )he# !ut a nail at

    the to! o$ the s!ine to hold the $usion&/n the meantime, m# lower bac" "e!tgetting worse $rom the second accident, soin the s!ring o$ 1964 the# o!erated again&)his time the# went through m# abdomenand did what the# call an anterior $usion&

    )he# actuall# $used one o$ the same discsthat the# had $used in the $irst o!eration, butthis time the# $used the $ront li"e the# hadthe bac" be$ore& /n order to hold it !ro!erl#,

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    the# !ut in a one and threeeighth inch screwat an angle&

    /n 1966 / $ell over some rein$orcing steeland again damaged m# bac"& ac" throughthe tests again and another o!eration in1967& )his time the# could not $use, but the#did remove another disc& ecause o$ the

    man# o!erations, m# heart and blood!ressure began to show signs o$ trouble, sothe# ust sewed me u! without the $usion&Jain continued and seemed to get worse andworse, but / was resigned to endure it the

    best / could&

    A$ter the earlier o!erations, the doctors!rovided me with a canvas brace, $irst withlight steel ribs in it, then a$ter the secondo!eration, with heavier steels over the lightones& ut a$ter this o!eration where no

    $usion was made, / had to wear a solid steelbrace encased in leather& / could onl# ta"e ito$$ $or short !eriods to rela* or when it wase*tremel# hot, and / removed it to slee! atnight&

    # husband, 'all#, won a tri! to

    >awaii, including L200 s!ending mone# in@ecember, 1968& Celuctantl# the doctor

    !ermitted me to go since it was $l#ing& >ehad restricted m# travel to distances o$under 100 miles b# car& / wanted to sa# /

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    stood in the Jaci$ic cean so / wal"ed outinto the water and was thrilled until

    suddenl# catastro!he struc"(An undertow caught me, swe!t me o$$

    m# $eet and with strain, struggle, and $right,the brea"ers $inall# rolled and tumbled meonto the beach& / $elt li"e m# whole bac"

    had been torn a!art and / was not onl#hurting I / was scared()raged# was con$irmed when the

    medical e*amination later disclosed that allthe rest o$ the movable discs o$ m# entires!ine had been ru!tured& / was

    bro"enhearted, our dream vacation had beentragicall# interru!ted, we had a long, hardtri! home, and m# ho!e o$ ever being wellvanished into dar"ness&

    )he con$irmation o$ the damage had to

    wait until we got bac" home, but the distresso$ ho!elessness and the !ain, lessened to abearable state b# !ain medication, wasvividl# !resent $rom the time o$ the traged#until the doctor later told me the horriblenews& / didnt want to go bac" to surger# so

    when we got bac" home, / started doctoringm#sel$& ut it seemed surger# had become awa# o$ li$e $or me&

    # ;e!tember, 1969, / could no longerstand the !ain, so / went into the hos!ital $or

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    m# si*th time through those terri$#ing,!ain$ul tests, and $inall# $or m# si*th s!ine

    o!eration& )he# removed the last twomovable discs and $used them, !lus $usingthe one the# couldnt $use in 1967& # thistime the# had di$$icult# getting the bone $orthe $usions& )he# had alread# ta"en

    ma*imum bone $rom the $ront o$ m# le$t hi!and $rom m# !elvic bone& )he# had cutunder each "nee to see i$ the# could ta"e the

    bone& # le$t leg was the one / could notwal" on and the# didnt want to mess u! m#good right leg& /t too" three surgeons $ive

    and a hal$ hours to do the o!eration& )he#couldnt get m# blood !ressure u! $or

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    encased brace& 'e had to have someonewith me $or $our wee"s until / could get out

    o$ bed b# m#sel$&/ reall# $elt that li$e had !rett# well come

    to an end $or me& / didnt want to live an#more because / was su$$ering so much, andit seemed as though / had no ho!e $or

    im!roving& / didnt thin" / would ever beable to do an#thing again e*ce!t ust liethere I hel!less and des!ondent& )hedoctors said / had a 100M disabilit#&

    / started having other sic"nesses alongwith the bac" !roblems& Jeo!le used to

    com!liment me on how beauti$ul m# hairwas, but even m# hair started $alling out& /thought the medicine caused it& / didnt even

    bother going to a doctor $or that& 'hat wasthe use ur doctor bills had destro#ed all

    our $inancial ho!es& / started wearing a wigin %anuar# o$ 1970 1972 it seemed li"e ever#thing in m#

    bod# went wrong&)he !otassium went down "idne#s mal$unctioned&

    # th#roid wasnt $unctioning !ro!erl#&/ had something that had a long name

    that / cant remember bladder was not wor"ing right&

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    Bothing in m# bod# seemed to $unctionright&

    # hair eventuall# all came out e*ce!t a$ew little bunches on the le$t side, and eventhat was ra!idl# $alling out&

    An internist said all m# hair would $allout, even m# e#ebrows&

    / thin" this was about the $inal blow(# s"in was $la"ing o$$ in big whitehun"s and the doctors couldnt do a thingabout it&

    )he# had to even tell me / would neverbe an# better& )he onl# thing the# could do

    was to give me !ain !ills and slee!ing !ills,along with other medication& )he# said thiswas to maintain me but o$$ered me no ho!e$or cure&

    Dinall# in Bovember o$ 1973 the#

    o!erated on m# bladder without goingthrough the abdomen causing more scartissue& )he surger# was !er$ormed throughthe vaginal canal, causing m# hi!s to $eelli"e the# were bro"en because o$ the lac" o$

    bones in them&

    / 'A; A;=):=G ;C: /'=@ B:H:C 'A=F A.A/B(

    / EA: >: AB@ EC/:@ DC A'::F&

  • 8/13/2019 Impossible Miracles


    / ust "new / would never be able to doan#thing again in all m# li$e&

    ;ince 1965, / had an income ta* businessso / could use m# brain, even i$ most o$ m#

    bod# was hel!less& / wondered i$ / wouldever be able to do that in the 1974 ta*season&

    / had someone ma"e some longhandled$orce!s, tongli"e things li"e a barbecuetong so / could !ic" u! a !a!er cli! oran#thing / dro!!ed on the $loor& Becessit#made me $ind wa#s to do little obs whenm# bac" wouldnt bend&

    / had been ta"ing two to $our slee!ing!ills ever# night and !ain !ills ever# three tosi* or eight hours $or over twelve #ears, eversince the second accident& )hat was a long,discouraging and agoni-ing twelve #ears,

    never without !ain, never withoutmedication, never $ree $rom going$re

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    never seeming to !ass and the !ain neveronce leaving m# aching bod#&

    )o go an# !lace was no o#&Ehristmas was an ordeal&.oing to church was terrible&/ was unha!!# most o$ the time&/ $orced a smile when / $elt / had to, but

    there was no smile inside&

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    ;ome $riends o$ ours began to ta"e us tosome meetings called Eharismatic meetings&

    'e began to hear tal" about miracles andhealings&

    )he# tal"ed about gi$ts o$ the ;!irit&'e heard what the# called messages in

    tongues and inter!retations&Jeo!le tal"ed about %esus ust li"e the

    ible tal"ed about him, onl# it was li"e hewas alive toda# and still doing miracles, but

    now through !eo!le&/ didnt understand it, but we !robabl#

    went to hal$ a do-en meetings be$ore@ecember o$ 1973&

    ne da# a $riend said, ?)he >unters are

    coming to town( ;he seemed e*cited aboutthis, but all / could sa# was, ?'ell, who arethe >unters ;he said the# would be inAugsburg Eollege in innea!olis& /t didntma"e much di$$erence to me who an#bod#was, because / was so ho!elessl#

    discouraged and sic"& ;he said that the>unters !ra# and .od heals !eo!le in theirmeetings&

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    ?>ow did #ou $ind out about all this, /as"ed&

    ;he said she was on their mailing list andin their newsletter the# list their schedule o$s!ea"ing engagements and miracle services&;he must have !reviousl# been to one o$their services& ;he wanted to ta"e me to the

    meeting but / was still con$ined to the house$rom the surger#& / $elt nobod# could everdo an#thing $or me& / guess / wasntthin"ing about the =ord at that time&

    / said, ?/m too sic" to go&;he said, ?Goure not doing an# better

    here, so #ou might as well go& %ust sta# aslong as #ou can and get !ra#ed $or&

    Jraise .od $or $riends('e decided to go in our car so we could

    leave i$ we didnt li"e it, or i$ / got too tired&

    / thought, ?/$ / go and get !ra#ed $or andnothing ha!!ens, ma#be the# will leave mealone and

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    'e arrived earl# enough to get a seatabout hal$ wa# bac"& As the >unters came in

    and / loo"ed at all the !eo!le, / thought, ?/llnever get near them an#wa#& 'hats the useo$ even !ra#ing&

    )he meeting began and all "inds o$things began to ha!!en that / hadnt seen

    be$ore& Drances tal"ed about how .od haddelivered her $rom $ive !ac"s o$ cigarettes ada#, instantl#& ;he as"ed ever#one whowanted to be delivered o$ an# tobacco, drugsor alcohol to come $orward $or %esus todeliver them&

    'all# um!ed u! and went to the $ront$or cigarette deliverance& 'hen Eharles andDrances laid hands on the heads o$ all thosewho went $orward, the# $loated bac"wardsto the $loor& /t was strange, because the#

    seemed to barel# touch them and instantl#the# $ell bac"wards& ost o$ them didnteven bend+ it was li"e the# were sti$$, butthe# loo"ed rela*ed& ;ome even $ell

    bac"wards without an#one touching them&'all# came bac" to his seat so e*cited(

    >e said, ?h, how great it was( / was slainin the ;!irit( >e "new he had beeninstantl# delivered& >e "new %esus hadtouched him and he was so e*cited he couldhardl# sto! tal"ing about it& As a matter o$

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    $act, he hasnt ?come down to earth #eta$ter 3 #ears& /t was about the greatest thing

    that ever ha!!ened to him& >e was somightil# touched that !eo!le call him ?ld.lor# Dace( >e li"es that, because thatsthe wa# he $eels&

    # $riend had bought a co!# o$ the

    >unters boo", Since Jesus Passed By, toac

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    the verge o$ cr#ing& )ears began runningdown m# chee"s& Dinall# an usher came

    over to me and said, ?'hats the matterGou are !ale and loo" wea"& / said, (N)hisis m# $irst time out o$ the house since / hadsurger# and / want to get !ra#ed $or but /cant even get in line& / had lost 'all# in

    the crowd and couldnt $ind him or an#oneelse / "new& / must have $elt li"e the sic"man at the ethesda Jool& >e had been sic"$or thirt#eight #ears when %esus as"ed him,?'ould #ou li"e to get well ?/ cant, thesic" man said, ?$or / have no one to hel! me

    into the !ool at the movement o$ the water&'hile / am tr#ing to get there, someone elsealwa#s gets in ahead o$ me& %ohn 557)=& 'hen / was ostled out o$ line andwas getting so wea" that / could hardl#

    stand there, / $elt li"e someone else wasalwa#s beating me ?into the !ool at themovement o$ the water& / wish / hadremembered that %esus $inall# came alongand healed him& All / could thin" o$ at thetime was that someone else "e!t getting

    !ra#ed $or when / was edged out o$ the line&:ver#one wanted so much to be healed thatnight& )he healing waters seemed to bemoving and !eo!le were being healed allover the $ront o$ the church&

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    )he usher went over to Eharles andwhis!ered something to him, and Eharles

    whis!ered something bac" to him& )he manthen came to me and too" me to Eharles $or

    !ra#er&/ still $elt that it was emotion that caused

    !eo!le to $all bac"wards, and / had good

    control o$ m# emotions& /m not sure / waseven thin"ing about healing at the time& /was a$raid that i$ / $ell bac" / would hurt m#

    bac" again, so / wasnt going to go down&>e ver# gentl# touched me as he so$tl#as"ed %esus to touch me and heal m# bac"& /

    had on snow boots that had hal$ inch heelsand / ?dug the heels into the car!et to bracem#sel$&

    / $elt a !ower go into m# head when hetouched me and / too" a little ste!

    bac"wards+ then another ste!& / didnt "nowwhat was ha!!ening& ;omething was!ushing me but / "new it wasnt Eharles& >ebarel# touched me& / ended u! going downand $ound m#sel$ l#ing $lat on the $loor(

    'all# had $ound me b# that time and

    was ne*t to me as / was under the !ower o$.od& / was aware o$ ever#thing but the $orceo$ the !ower o$ .od was li"e a ?wind o$energ# that !ushed me bac" and held me tothe $loor& / began testing m# hi!s $irst

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    because the# were so bad, and told 'all# /still had some !ain& 'hen / got u! b# bac"

    didnt hurt( Eharles !ra#ed again $or the!ain in m# hi!s& >e also laid hands on both'all# and me and !ra#ed $or & oth o$ uswent down again(

    / had never been without !ain in m# hi!s

    since the 1962 surger#, and hadnever beenfree of the pain in the deep incision scar onmy back where it was torn during so many


    When I got up this time I WAS F!! "F

    #$A# AWF%& PAI' A# &AS#(( I# WAS

    )"'!(( I# *I*'+# $%# A# A&&(( I#*I*'+# $%#(( I# S!!,!* S"

    I,P"SSIB&!- B%# )"* $A* *"'! A'

    I,P"SSIB&! ,IA/&!(0

    And it was so simp1e for him to do. I

    never rea1i2ed before what a great physicianJesus is. $e had performed an impossib1e

    surgery on me without testing- without pain-

    without anything e3cept the gent1e hea1ing

    power of the $o1y Spirit of )od(

    I went back to my seat and sat down& /

    D:=) .@(uch later that night / went to bed and /

    still $elt good& / >A@ ::B >:A=:@AB@ / FB:' /)(

  • 8/13/2019 Impossible Miracles



    About noon the ne*t da# / began to have!ain all over m# bod#& ut the one worst!ain s!ot where it had hurt unceasingl# $or#ears didnt hurt( / FB:' / >A@ ::B

    >:A=:@( )he hi!s were better, but again /had some !al n&

    / had read in Since Jesus Passed G how;atan will attac" with s#m!toms to tr# toma"e #ou lose $aith in #our healing, so / was

    !re!ared $or him& >e reall# is deceiving,

    though& 'hen #ou $eel !ain #ou can almostimagine more !ain than #ou have& Gou canremember how bad it was be$ore #ou wereheated and #ou can so easil# believe thedevils lies& / must admit that $ear tried to

    attac" m# mind& / "now the ible tells methat $ear is o$ the devil, but somehow, hisnegative salesmanshi! seems at the tem!tingtime to be more !ositive and more !racticalthan trusting %esus& /snt that stu!id .odnever tem!ts an#one( >e will test us to

    ma"e us stronger, but onl# the devil tem!ts&Ean #ou imagine trusting ;atan more than%esus right a$ter %esus had ta"en #ears o$

    !ain out o$ #our bod# %ust because some

  • 8/13/2019 Impossible Miracles


    s#m!toms are !ut on #ou b# the dece!tivedevil, #ou are tem!ted to believe %esus isnt

    real and cant do miracles that will last&/t is so im!ortant that we health# or

    sic" constantl# meditate on the !romises o$.od in the ible& )hen when tem!tationscome, and the# will come to all o$ us, we

    have the "nowledge o$ .ods written!romise that we can overcome an#tem!tation the enem# can !ut in our !ath&=oo" at these three !romises .od gives to

    !re!are us with the !ower o$ his word $orust the time / was $acing&

    @ear brothers, is #our li$e $ull o$di$$iculties and tem!tations )hen beha!!#, $or when the wa# is rough,#our !atience has a chance to grow&;o let it grow, and dont tr# to s

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    that come into #our li$e arentan#thing new and di$$erent& an#

    others have $aced e*actl# the same!roblems be$ore #ou& And notem!tation is irresistible& Gou cantrust .od to "ee! the tem!tation $rom

    becoming so strong that #ou cant

    stand u! against it, $or he has!romised this and will do what hesa#s& >e will show #ou how to esca!etem!tations !ower so that #ou can

    bear u! !atientl# against it& 1Eorinthians 101213 )=

    'ho his own sel$ bare our sins in hisown bod# on the tree, that we, beingdead to sins, should live untorighteousness b# whose stri!es #ewere healed& 1 Jeter 224 F%H

    %:;; >A@ >:A=:@ :(>e gave me evidence that / was healed

    on Drida# night(/ believed / was healed bod# $elt healed&%esus wants us to trust him so he can

    bless us&'hen he said to Jeter three times, do #ou

    love me, Jeter @o #ou reall# love me >emust have wanted so much $or Jeter to love

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    him enough that when ;atans tem!tationscame he would trust him, even when he was

    a$raid he would lose his li$e& Jeter $ailed%esus and believed the lies o$ ;atan that the#would "ill him& Jeter needed !ower that hedidnt have at his greatest time o$tem!tation&

    'as this m# greatest time o$ tem!tation'ould /, too, choose to believe the lieso$ the devil instead o$ the truth o$ .ods

    !romises 'ould / den# %esus thrice be$orethe coc" crew 'ould / $all $or his lies'ould / have more $ear o$ the enem# "illing

    me than trust that %esus had healed me/ had $ear o$ being "illed b# the enem#,

    ust li"e Jeter had $ear o$ being "illed&)his was a ver# real $ear to me enem# was the !ain$ul, cri!!ling,

    destro#ing diseases / had lived with $or solong&)his $ear was as real an enem# to me as

    Jeters enemies, and ust as ca!able o$"illing me&

    )>:C:; AB)>:C JA/B(

    'as that the one s!ot in m# bac" onwhich / anchored m# assurance that / washealed Drida# night

    /t was close to it&Bo, its not

  • 8/13/2019 Impossible Miracles


    r, is itBo, its not reall# close at all&

    / had discerned the devils lie and /re$used his tem!tation& .ods assurance, hisword which / had hidden in m# heart, wasm# shield and m# buc"ler(

    >e that dwelleth in the secret !lace o$

    the most >igh shall abide under theshadow o$ the Almight#& / will sa# o$the =ord, >e is m# re$uge and m#$ortress m# .od+ in him will / trust&;urel# he shall deliver thee $rom thesnare o$ the $owler, and $rom thenoisome !estilence& >e shall coverthee with his $eathers, and under hiswings shalt thou trust his truth shall

    be th# shield and buc"ler& )hou shaltnot be a$raid $or the terror b# night+

    nor $or the arrow that $lieth b# da#+Bor $or the !estilence that wal"eth indar"ness+ nor $or the destruction thatwasteth at noonda#& Jsalm 9116F%H.od had also made 1 Eorinthians 1013

    real to me& Gou reall# can trust .od to "ee!the tem!tation $rom becoming so strong that#ou cant stand u! against it, $or he >A;

    !romised and will do what he sa#s&

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    >e '/== show #ou how to esca!etem!tations !ower so that #ou can bear u!

    !atientl# against it&>e had done this ust $or me&>e had shown me that all the little !ains

    and s#m!toms were not reall# to be $eared&>e had shown me how to esca!e them&

    .od had "e!t his !romise $or me ust li"ehe said he would&/ didnt choose to trust the devil more

    than %esus(/ didnt den# %esus when he needed me

    to trust him(

    Beither did %esus den# me be$ore m#Dather in heaven, because / didnt den# him&>is love $or me had become real enough thatm# love $or him let me trust him&

    / 'A; )C=G >:A=:@(

    )hen the coc" crowed(J:):C ':J)&ut / C:%/E:@(%ust as .od had said, overcoming the

    tem!tation increased m# $aith I / becamestronger in character so m# destin# was to

    be $ull and com!lete instead o$ sic" inde$eat&

    %esus had healed each a$$liction / hadbeen !ra#ed $or, but the =ord reminded methat / had not as"ed $or healing o$ m#

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    illnesses other than m# bac", nec" and hi!s&/ guess / hadnt had enough courage or

    enough $aith or enough guts or whatever itta"es to as" them or to tell them about m#hair !roblem and the causes o$ m# hair all$alling out& / was !robabl# also embarrassed&.od im!ressed on m# mind to as" $or

    ever#thing to be healed&'e started at once to $ind out i$ the>unters were still in the area& 'all# s!entthe whole a$ternoon on ;aturda# in

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    res!onded and received and began !raising.od in a new language, ust li"e the# did in

    the ible on the @a# o$ Jentecost(>alleluah& # li$e has never been the samesince then& And / never had the !ain again(

    )his new understanding o$ the healing!ower o$ .od was a drastic change $rom the

    wa# / understood the teachings o$ m#church& / was under the im!ression,a!!arentl# $rom m# church teachings, thatthe =ord gives #ou ailments and illnessesaccording to #our need $or !unishment& /

    !resumed that, since / had been through so

    much !ain and sic"ness $or so long, / musthave been ver# bad in .ods sight& / didntwant to dis!lease .od, so / would tr# hard tolive right, but assumed / wasnt doing ver#well because / thought .od "e!t !unishing

    me more and more& )he harder / tried itseemed the more o!erations / had& / actuall#was a$raid to go outside $or $ear .od wouldstri"e at me again(

    )he thought never occurred to me to ever

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    .ods sight& /t was the ba!tism with the>ol# ;!irit that gave me the !ower and the

    understanding o$ the true .od in the;cri!tures& / $ound ut that it is the >ol#;!irit who reveals the truth& )he ible too"on a whole new meaning and a !ersonalunderstanding o$ the sim!le truth, and then /

    $ound .od to be a loving and !ersonal .odwho wouldnt even thin" o$ im!osingsic"ness or a$$liction on his children& Jeo!lehad told me that .od !unished us withillnesses and in other wa#s ust li"e we

    !unish our children& / didnt even sto! to

    consider that / wouldnt tr# to "ill m#children with some cri!!ling !unishment,nor brea" their bones or beat them hal$ todeath ust because the# didnt obe# me& /tnever occurred to me that ma#be .od

    wouldnt be that mean either(%ust be$ore / went to the $irst >untermeeting when .od began this $antasticseries o$ healings, someone among theEharismatic grou!s / had attended with m#$riends said that sic"nesses and a$$lictions

    came $rom the devil& )hat was a com!letel#new thought to me, and it was hard tocom!rehend& /snt it inconceivable thatsomeone who had been e*!osed to the ibleand who thought she was a Ehristian, would

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    be so com!letel# deceived b# the devil as totrans$er the blame $or sic"ness $rom the

    devil to .od >ow could / have been soblind( %esus wasnt "idding when he calledthe devil a liar and deceiver& >e sure had me$ooled $or a long time& / FB' .@@:;B) EA;: ;/EFB:;;& /t is the

    devil who causes it, and .od a!!arentl#allows him certain $reedoms, but !raise .od,he alwa#s wins b# using all the meanness o$;atan to let his light shine brightl# incontrast to the devils dar"ness& / won the

    battle when .ods light was so brightl# and

    tenderl# shined on m# inner li$e $or ahealing even more im!ortant than the

    !h#sical healings he gave me&

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    # bod# was mightil# touched b# the!ower o$ .ods >ol# ;!irit when %esus, thegreat !h#sician, healed me on @ecember 8,9, and 10, 1973& / went bac" to m# doctor on

    @ecember 18th, ust a little over a wee"later& :ven b# this time, m# hair was aboutan inch and a hal$ long and was thic" allover m# head# 'hen / $irst $elt $u-- on m#almost com!letel# bald head, / was ust alittle a$raid to be ho!e$ul, but m# ho!es and

    $aith were increasing& /t didnt ta"e .odlong to grow enough hair to convince methat he had hairgrowing !ower as well ashealing !ower& )his was a thrilling time o$m# li$e to almost literall# see the hair grow

    longer and longer&>ere is a letter m# beaut# o!erator wroteto tell o$ her !art in watching .ods/m!ossible iracle in the ma"ing I whileit was ha!!ening

    ?eing Borma %eans beautician, /can truth$ull# sa# that her hair grew atan unusuall# $ast rate&

    ?/ts growth is a!!ro*imatel# one inch!er month, which is twice that o$ the

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    average !ersons hair growth rate o$onl# onehal$ inch !er month&

    ?As $ar as te*ture is concerned, itseems to be thic"er ever# time / do it&

    ?)he =ord reall# "nows how to blessabundantl#(

    ;usan Eoo"e)he ama-ing !art o$ this miracle was that

    as it got long enough to be sha!ed andta!ered, it didnt need an# changes( .od letit grow !er$ectl# st#led and ta!ered, even

    better than a beaut# o!erator could have

    done( / could hardl# believe that .od wasdoing such wonder$ul, !ersonal things $orme& >ow he must love us( /t wasim!ossible, but / could see it, and $eel it( /give him all the glor# and !raise and honor

    $or doing it $or me& Ean #ou imagine Dorme who had mistrusted him so much $or solong, he "new ust what to do to bring to me,a mere human o$ no earthl# im!ortance, a

    !er$ect, !ersonal miracle o$ such magnitude&)o me, it was earthsha"ing and would have

    easil# registered 10 on the Cichter scale o$the earth

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    couldnt believe it was !ossible, but the#saw it and admired it( )han" #ou %esus&(( /

    love #ou, %esus, $or doing such a !er$ectmiracle o$ m# hair along with the $antasticmiracles o$ m# bac", nec" and internalorgans, s"in, heart and whatever else #ouhealed when #ou made m# bod# !er$ect(

    .=CG ) GC :H:C=A;)/B.BA:( / !raise #ou, %esus(%esus, / will do ever#thing to live a li$e

    that will ma"e #ou and .od the ha!!iest #oucan !ossibl# be& 'ith #our !ower and hel!, /give #ou m# whole li$e to use as #ou

    choose(/ went to an internist $or e*amination& >e

    believed in healing and didnt laugh at me&A$ter his e*amination, he discharged mewithout an# negative re!orts& )he doctor

    who had done m# bladder surger# alsodischarged me as being whole&Eharles had made a statement to me a$ter

    he !ra#ed the $irst time $or m# bac"& >esaid, ?@ont throw awa# #our crutches,

    braces, or medicine until #ouve chec"ed

    with #our doctor& uscles get wea" whilewearing a brace so #ou need to let them getstrengthened& / will alwa#s be so than"$ul$or that because / had been wearing the steel

    brace since 1967 and m# muscles were

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    ?shot& / didnt !ut on m# brace on ;aturda#a$ter m# bac" was healed on Drida# night

    and he was right I m# bac" was wea"& >adhe not told me what he did, / would have

    been discouraged and !robabl# m# $aithwould have wea"ened, but / believed / washealed and acce!ted his statement that /

    would have to let m# muscles strengthenbe$ore / could do entirel# without the brace&Jraise .od $or the gi$t o$ wisdom given himalong with the gi$t o$ healing&

    About the third or $ourth o$ %anuar#,1974, / went bac" to the doctor who was in

    charge o$ the bac" !roblems& >e did notbelieve in healing and ust laughed at mewhen / told him what had ha!!ened& /wanted him to give me a lighter, morecom$ortable brace, but he wouldnt let me

    have it& / had to wear the heav# steel bracewhich was encased in leather all through ta*season& # muscles were so wea" that /couldnt get along without something tosu!!ort them& )hat brace was driving menuts all through the hard wor" o$ the ta*

    season& /n %ul# / went bac" to m# bac"doctor, and insisted that / had to have adi$$erent "ind o$ a brace& / $elt li"e m# bac"was healed and the brace was what wascausing all the hurting& >e reluctantl# told

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    me that he would write a !rescri!tion $orwhatever "ind / wanted& >e said / would

    alwa#s have to have the heav# steel brace,but because o$ m# insistence, he wrote the!rescri!tion $or a light brace with two steels$or su!!ort& )hese could be removed as m#muscles strengthened, which / $ull# believed

    would ha!!en& /t was m# intention, and /told m# doctor so he would be aware o$what / !lanned to do, to $irst remove the twoheav# steels in the brace and then laterdiscard the whole brace& >e said that /should not ta"e the heav# steels out until

    %anuar#, 1975, at least, and / would have towear the brace with the light steels the resto$ m# li$e& /n ;e!tember / removed thesteels because m# muscles had strengthenedso much, and b# the end o$ Bovember o$

    1974 / was able to com!letel# discard allsu!!ort and le$t the brace o$$& Jraise the=ord( 'hat a relie$(

    / discontinued all medication at the endo$ the ta* season o$ 1974& / had threemedical tests made in the $all o$ 1974 and

    the# showed all the s"in condition !roblemand hair !roblems were com!letel# gone, sothe doctor o$$iciall# sto!!ed the medicationwhich / had alread#

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    / waited about a #ear be$ore writing to letthe >unters "now about the healing, because

    / wanted to be sure / reall# was healed& /waited until / was com!letel# out o$ bracesand was sure nothing was coming bac"&)hen / heard the# were to be bac" at the.os!el )abernacle in A!ril o$ 1975, about

    seventeen months a$ter the# $irst as"ed %esusto !er$orm the miracles that changed'all#s and m# entire !h#sical, s!iritual andmental lives& / was e*cited and was going to

    be able to tell them and show them!ersonall# what .od had done( / would get

    to sa# those wonder$ul words, ?/H: ::B>:A=:@(

    # hair had grown 13 1O2 inches, andever# hair was the same length, giving it that

    !er$ect beaut#!arlor loo", onl# even better

    than the best beaut# o!erator could do& /twas thic", beauti$ul et blac" and alwa#s$resh loo"ing and health#(

    /m glad the ible sa#s that we can evencall %esus our $riend, and he trul# showedhis wonder$ul $riendshi! when he intervened

    in m# behal$ and healed me com!letel#& Boone will ever "now, and / dont have theabilit# to e*!ress, how ver# grate$ul / am tohim $or his love, $or his com!assion and his

    !ersonal touch to m# bod# and m# soul, and

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    $or his including m# beloved 'all# in hismiraclewor"ing, li$echanging !ersonal

    trans$ormation o$ our whole wa# o$ li$e and!ur!ose in living& All we both want to donow is to s!end the rest o$ our lives $or him(

    / ust cant begin to tell #ou how muchdi$$erent li$e is now& 'all# could hardl#

    reali-e what it was li"e to come home $romwor" and $ind his meals !re!ared& /t hadbeen over twelve #ears since that hadha!!ened& >e had been the one who had toadd another ob at the end o$ the da# andta"e care o$ me #ear a$ter #ear, da# a$ter

    da#, night a$ter night& >e was the one whohad to do the cleaning and other duties o$ta"ing care o$ our home&

    Ehristmas, 1975, was di$$erent& /t was ane*citing da# and / "new whose birthda# we

    were celebrating& >e was a ver# real !ersonin m# li$e and / "new he was not ust a bab#bo# born o$ the virgin ar#+ / "new he wasthe magni$icent ;on o$ .od, ;avior, >ealer,and Eontroller o$ m# li$e& / had $allen inlove with this %esus& >e was real and alive in

    m# li$e&Dor all these #ears / had never been able

    to wear decentloo"ing shoes, i$ an# at all&Bow the $lat shoes had been laid aside $orwhatever "ind / wanted to wear& / have no

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    more !roblem with m# hi!s going out o$oint& :ver#thing we had done $or all those

    miserable, o#less #ears was histor#& 'e had!lanned ever#thing around a !ermanentl#disabled !erson until / was sic" o$ it. :ver#

    !lan we made, the clothes we bought, the$ood that was !re!ared b# 'all# or someone

    else, the constant tri!s to the doctors withthe bills eating ever#thing we could !iecetogether and more I ever#thing $or aho!eless, cri!!led invalid&

    ) B' /); A== H:C(DC:H:C( / ':==( .=CG ) .@

    DC >/; :CEG AB@ F/B@B:;;(

  • 8/13/2019 Impossible Miracles




    =et me go bac" and share a little o$ whatha!!ened to 'all# and what .od did $orhim, and us together&

    'all# had tried to be a Ehristian be$oreall the sic"ness came into our lives, but nomatter how #ou ?tr#, #ou cannot live aEhristian li$e on #our own I it ta"es %esusin #ou to do this, but we didnt "nowan#thing more than to tr# on our own,ho!ing we could be good enough to !lease.od and get to heaven&

    'hen the 1965 second accident hit andwhen our $inancial ho!es were gone as welost the lawsuit $or damages, 'all# lost all

    ho!e and all !ur!ose $or living& >e ustseemed to ?

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    >e grew colder and colder toward .odand colder and colder toward me& As /

    com!lained to him about m# !ain, hebecame more grouch# and bitter about thesituation& / can understand a little more howhe $elt now, but our lives became almostunbearable toward one another&

    ur home had become a battleground $orthe civil war between us&/ would #ell at him and he would come

    bac" at me with the same miserable attitude/ had&

    )he sic"ness o$ was almost worse than

    the sic"ness in m# bod#&'e were sim!l# coe*isting $or

    economical reasons and necessit#&'e couldnt a$$ord $inanciall# to live

    a!art I the bills too" ever#thing we had

    and we were dee!l# in debt and growingdee!er&'all# began to use $oul language and

    cursing became more natural than decentwords&

    'hat was dee! inside him began to $low

    out o$ his mouth with the vileness o$ theser!ent he was serving, the ver# devilhimsel$&

    /n %ul# o$ 1973, 'all# attended a ill#.raham Erusade and gave his li$e to %esus&

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    @ee! in his heart he hated himsel$, butcircumstances had !ulled him into the

    control o$ the $orces o$ evil& .od "e!tdrawing and drawing, but he couldnt #ieldhis li$e totall# to him&

    =i$e $or 'all# was greatl# im!roved, bitwith m# sic"ness and !ain and im!osition

    on his time and !ull against the li$e hewished he could have, he could not ishabits were dirt#, but his heart "e!t wantingto be clean+ clean enough $or %esus to live

    there& /t was a di$$erent "ind o$ guilt, butguilt it was and it hurt inside, and was hardto hide $rom !eo!le on the outside& /t might

    be easier $or Jaul to e*!lain to #ou what wasgoing on inside 'all#& Jaul seemed to haveabout the same trouble& )his is what he had

    to sa# about his striving to !lease .od andsel$ at the same time

    )he law is good, then, and the troubleis riot there but with me, because / am

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    sold into slaver# with Sin as m#owner&

    / dont understand m#sel$ at all, $or /reall# want to do what is right, but /cant& / do what / dont want to Iwhat / hate& / "now !er$ectl# well thatwhat / am doing is wrong, and m# bad

    conscience !roves that / agree withthese laws / am brea"ing& ut / canthel! m#sel$, because /m no longerdoing it& /t is sin inside me that isstronger than / am that ma"es me dothese evil things&

    / "now / am rotten through andthrough so $ar as m# old sin$ul natureis concerned& Bo matter which wa# tturn / cant ma"e m#sel$ do right& /want to but / cant& 'hen / want to do

    good, / dont+ and when / tr# not to dowrong, / do it an#wa#& Bow i$ / amdoing what / dont want to, it is !lainwhere the trouble is sin still has mein its evil gras!&

    /t seems to be a $act o$ li$e that when /want to do what is right, / inevitabl#do what is wrong / love to do .odswill so $ar as m# new nature is

  • 8/13/2019 Impossible Miracles


    concerned+ but there is something elsedee! within me, in m# lower nature,

    that is at war with m# mind and winsthe $ight and ma"es me a slave to thesin that is still within me& /n m# mind/ want to be .ods willing servant butinstead / $ind m#sel$ still enslaved to

    sin&;o #ou see how it is m# new li$e tellsme to do right, but the old nature thatis still inside me loves to sin& h,what a terrible !redicament /m in('ho will $ree me $rom m# slaver# tothis deadl# lower nature )han" .od(/t has been done b# %esus Ehrist our=ord& >e has set me $ree& Comans71425'hat was missing 'hat did Jaul

    discover that made the di$$erence in hisbeing able to turn awa# $rom the old evilnature inside him that held him in bondage'all# wanted so much to be $ree, but ins!ite o$ all his earnest e$$orts, he ustcouldnt live li"e he "new he should and li"ehe wanted so much to do&

    )hen came the night o$ @ecember 7,1973, when 'all# and / went to our $irstmiracle service& )hat night Drances invited

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    all who wanted to be delivered $romcigarettes to come $orward& Gou can

    understand wh# 'all# ran to the $ront o$ theauditorium to be delivered $rom this hold thedevil still had on him& >e meant it when he

    !ra#ed with Drances >unter $or %esus todeliver him $rom cigarettes& )hats wh# he

    wouldnt sto! reoicing and tal"ing aboutwhat had ha!!ened when he returned to hisseat to tell me what it was li"e to be slain inthe ;!irit as Drances touched him& /t wasreall# %esus who had touched him b# the

    !ower o$ the >ol# ;!irit through Drances

    hands as he $ell bac"wards to the $loor underthe !ower o$ .od never to be the sameagain& )hen came the second touch in hisli$e as a $ew minutes later, Eharles laidhands on both o$ us and as"ed %esus to

    bless & Eharles didnt "now how much weneeded blessed& /t not onl# needed blessing,it needed an overhaul as much as m# bod#did& oth were ho!elessl# cri!!led be#ondre!air b# an# human !ower&

    'hen %esus delivered 'all# that Drida#

    night, he was com!letel# and totall#delivered o$ an# desire $or cigarettes, $or

    beer or alcohol, and .od cleaned u! hismouth instantl#& >e has never had a desireor tem!tation since that night to smo"e,

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    drin" or swear& )his was done b# the !owero$ the >ol# ;!irit&

    /t was on ;unda# morning that 'all#went to Drances again and as"ed to be

    ba!ti-ed with the >ol# ;!irit& Drances gentl#laid her hands on his head, he $ell under the

    !ower o$ .od and instantl# began !raising

    .od and s!ea"ing in tongues, ust li"e itha!!ened in the ible when Jaul laid handson the Ehristians&

    )his was the touch that changed 'all#sde$eat to victor# in his Ehristian li$e& >e had$ound what was missing& >e $ound what

    Jaul tal"ed about in the eighth cha!ter o$Comans when he moved $rom the de$eat inhis Ehristian li$e in the seventh cha!ter tothe victor# in the eighth cha!ter& Again, letJaul tell what ha!!ened to 'all# when he

    received the ba!tism o$ the >ol# ;!irit&;o there is now no condemnationawaiting those who belong to Ehrist%esus& Dor the !ower o$ the li$egiving;!irit I and this !ower is minethrough Ehrist %esus I has $reed me$rom the vicious circle o$ sin anddeath& 'e arent saved $rom sinsgras! b# "nowing the commandmentso$ .od, because we cant and dont

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    "ee! them, but .od !ut into e$$ect adi$$erent !lan to save us& >e sent his

    own ;on in a human bod# li"e ours Ie*ce!t that ours are sin$ul I anddestro#ed sins control over us b#giving himsel$ as a sacri$ice $or oursins& ;o now we can obe# .ods laws

    i$ we $ollow a$ter the >ol# ;!irit andno longer obe# the old evil naturewithin us&

    )hose who let themselves becontrolled b# their lower natures liveonl# to !lease themselves, but thosewho $ollow a$ter the >ol# ;!irit $indthemselves doing those things that

    !lease .od& Dollowing a$ter the >ol#;!irit leads to li$e and !eace, but$ollowing a$ter the old nature leads to

    death, because the old sin$ul naturewithin us is against .od& /t never didobe# .ods laws and it never will&)hats wh# those who are still underthe control o$ their old sin$ul selves,

    bent on $ollowing their old evildesires, can never !lease .od&

    ut #ou are not li"e that& Gou arecontrolled b# #our new nature i$ #ouhave the ;!irit o$ .od living in #ou&

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    And remember that i$ an#one doesnthave the ;!irit o$ Ehrist living in him,

    he is not a Ehristian at all& Get, eventhough Ehrist lives within #ou, #our

    bod# will die because o$ sin+ but #ours!irit will live, $or Ehrist has

    !ardoned it& And i$ the ;!irit o$ .od,

    who raised u! %esus $rom the dead,lives in #ou, he will ma"e #our d#ingbodies live again a$ter #ou die, b#means o$ this same >ol# ;!irit livingwithin #ou& Comans 8111/t was the !ower o$ this same >ol# ;!irit

    living within 'all# that gave him !ower tolive above the desires to sin& Beither 'all#or Borma %ean are !er$ect( ut it wasthrough the !ower %esus !romised to send

    bac" to us, the !ower that we were to

    receive when the >ol# ;!irit came u!on us,that 'all# and / were able to die to sel$ andlet %esus trul# be =ord o$ our lives, =ord and@eliverer $rom our old evil natures& )hat

    !ower o$ the >ol# ;!irit is still wor"ingwithin us to burn out the rest o$ our carnal

    nature, but the >ol# ;!irit living within usalwa#s gives us that ever!resent desire to

    !lease .od and %esus in ever# act andthought& 'hen a wrong attitude or thoughttries to get into our minds, the >ol# ;!irit is

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    instantl# there to sa# ?no, and we are e returns home so $ull o$ the o# o$

    %esus that he can hardl# wait to tell me all

    the things %esus has done through himduring the da#&

    >e alwa#s as"s %esus to lead someone tohim ever# da# with whom he can share&

    Almost ever# da# he tells o$ some !erson

    in his wor", or a child who has acce!ted%esus as their ;avior&>e can hardl# sto! tal"ing about %esus&>is li$e was turned u!side down b# this

    new$ound !ower to witness&>is $ace shines with the glor# o$ .od

    night and da#&>e loves %esus so much that when he

    tells !eo!le what he has done $or us andwhat he can do $or them, tears $low out o$his e#es& )he tears o$ loving re!entance run

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    li"e rivers o$ water out o$ his e#es when hetal"s to .od and %esus li"e li$elong $riends&

    >e can even tal" to me $or hours with a love$or me li"e / never believed was !ossible love $or him has been so magni$ied b#the !ower o$ the >ol# ;!irit and the love o$%esus that is as near !er$ect as / could ever

    imagine&)he# call him ?=@ .=CG DAE:because he trul# is $illed with the glor# o$.od night and da#&

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    /t was seventeen months a$ter m# healingand our encounter with the =ord %esus andthe >ol# ;!irit through the >unters that wewal"ed into the church to meet them and

    share what had ha!!ened& )he# were as"edto wait $or us in the !astors stud#& )he

    !astor had ust told them a lad# and manwould be in to share an e*citing miracle thathad ha!!ened when the# were in his church


    / wal"ed in wearing high heel shoes anda $ull head o$ m# own hair and a o# li"e noone could have on this earth without %esus&)he# reall# didnt "now what we re doing as/ entered the room, bent over and touched

    m# toes and then hugged them& 'ith a bac"$used in so man# !laces that it wasim!ossible to bend at all, / was able to bendit with ease and touch m# toes& / told themhow / had hel!ed 'all# move $urniture anddo an#thing an# normal, health# woman

    could do& / had !ainted two o$ the bedrooms,ceilings as well as walls, which would have

    been im!ossible be$ore& / had mowed andra"ed the #ard, scrubbed the $loor and loved

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    doing it, ridden a bic#cle, driven the car,ba"ed and coo"ed $or lots o$ com!an#, and

    an#thing else that came m# wa# to do&/ told them about the da# we had had an

    aw$ul bli--ard& 'e needed snow tires onboth cars& 'all# too" the @uster and / drovethe lds& 'e s!ent $ive hours tr#ing to ma"e

    an eight bloc" round tri!& )he @uster hadtwo bald tires and he "e!t getting stuc"& /wanted him to let me ta"e the wheel whilehe got out to !ush, but the wind and snowwas blowing so hard that it would ust cut#our $ace, so he wanted me to sta# in the

    lds& 'ithout him "nowing it, / got ut o$the car while he was gunning the @uster toget u! a small incline and / !ushed it outalone until he got u! the grade& Ean #ouimagine that( )he muscles in m# bac" had

    become as strong as a #oung womans&/ tried to tal" to Eharles and Drances $astenough that night to !iece together what /had been and what / now was b# the healing,trans$orming !ower when %esus touched methrough them& )he#, o$ course, were thrilled

    to hear the stor#+ and 'all# and / ho!e it notonl# thrills #ou as #ou read it, but that it will

    bring ho!e not onl# $or healing, but willbring $aith to an#one who needs a healing&'e !ra# that right now as #ou read this, the

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    same !ower that raised %esus $rom the deadand raised me $rom m# bed o$ a$$liction will

    raise #ou $rom #our sic"ness or a$$liction&

    ?%esus, than" #ou $or #our might#healing !ower and $or healing m#

    bod# so com!letel#& %esus, we as"#ou to touch the bod# o$ the !erson

    reading this and heal them in the samecom!lete, wonder$ul wa# #ou healedme& )han" #ou, %esus, $or the miracleo$ healing&;everal months a$ter we shared with the

    >unters about what .od had done in ourlives, the# invited us to go to >ouston,)e*as and a!!ear on their television

    !rogram& 'e were delighted and it was athrill to tell multitudes about what .od haddone& / was able to demonstrate the wa# /

    had once used that tongli"e instrument to!ic" u! !a!er cli!s or other dro!!ed itemswhen / couldnt bend m# bac"& / showedthat big steel brace and the lighter braces /had worn so long& )hen / demonstrated how/ could bend m# bac" b# touching m# toes,running u! ste!s and in other wa#s& / reall#never reali-ed what an e$$ect this testimon#would have until months later the# told whathad ha!!ened to a man in Eali$ornia& )he#

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    recorded the !rogram on television ta!e tobe sent around the nited ;tates and Eanada

    and aired in di$$erent cities during the ne*tseveral wee"s& 'hen it was !la#ed in onecit# in Eali$ornia, a man sat in his televisionroom watching& >e had had the same bac"

    !roblems / had, and had $usions ust as m#

    bac" had been $used& As he watched andheard m# testimon# his $aith too" hold andsuddenl#, the !ower o$ .od touched himand he um!ed u!, bent his bac", began to

    um! and test it over and over again, andwas com!letel# and totall# healed& >e called

    the o$$ice o$ >unter inistries in >oustonand was so e*cited telling them about thisama-ing miracle that he could hardl# tal"&.od had used this television ta!e to recordhis miraclewor"ing !ower and wee"s later

    had s!o"en to the heart o$ a man hundredso$ miles awa# to demonstrate the living%esus&

    ;atan never li"es to lose one o$ his!otential victims& >is deceiving wa#s andhis counter$eit attem!ts to ta"e awa# m#

    healings were man# and varied&'hen we got bac" home $rom being on

    the television !rogram, the devil made oneo$ his attem!ts to ma"e me thin" / wouldhave more bac" troubles& ost !eo!le who

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    have a bac" !roblem have something li"e a!l#wood board under their mattress& 'e had

    !ut a three

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    !ain in m# bod# and / too" as!irin a $ewtimes& Dinall# he gave u! and the !ains

    ended& )he $irst time / gave m# testimon# atchurch / was sic" with !neumonia $or threewee"s& / didnt get the connection until /gave the testimon# again, and got sic" again&)hen / reali-ed he didnt want me to tal"

    about what .od had done& >e tried toconvince me that i$ / didnt shut u!, / wouldbe sic" again& 'hen he $ound out / wouldtell m# stor# an#wa#, he started ma"ing mesic" be$ore / would s!ea"& /t had to be;atan, because the $irst time / didnt get sic"

    was when the !astor as"ed me withouttelling me be$orehand, and the devil didnthave time to ma"e me sic"&

    / began s!ea"ing out o$ town at meetingsand because / "new the dates in advance, /

    would get sic" each time& )he attac"s wereworse and lasted longer& ne time a coldwent down into m# chest and / su$$ered witha terrible coughing s!ell& /t seemed he eventried to "ee! me awa# $rom m# own churchso / couldnt be !ra#ed $or& / thin" the last

    attac" li"e this ha!!ened ust be$ore / was tos!ea" in Ale*andria, innesota& / got what /call the ?!lague& / coughed so much that /vomited& / dont thin" / ever coughed somuch and so hard in m# li$e& / went an#wa#,

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    but / sto!!ed b# the church and m# !astorrebu"ed ;atan, bound him and his !ower,

    and as"ed %esus to heal me& / wasnt sic"even a minute more a$ter he !ra#ed& 'e hadthe best meeting that da# we had ever had&

    / thought the devil had given u! thebattle, but months later 'all# and / had the

    e*citing !rivilege o$ ta"ing a boat cruise$rom iami to Bassau with the >unters on a@elight$ull# Eharismatic Ehristian 'al";eminar& )he devil tried in several wa#s to

    bloc" us $rom getting there, but he didntsucceed and the da# arrived when we were

    on the shi! and were being $ed the word o$.od b# the !ractical teachings o$ the>unters& 'e were having the thrill o$ ourlives& 'e were as"ed to go to the dec" tohave grou! !ictures made& )he !hotogra!her

    began !ositioning us $or the !icture& >eas"ed us to move bac" a ste!& / didnt noticea $ourinch ledge and when / ste!!ed bac" /lost m# balance as m# $oot dro!!ed o$$ theledge, $ell bac"wards and in an attem!t tocatch m#sel$, / turned sidewa#s and $ell

    $urther over a three$oot ledge and landedacross a dec" chair& # rib hit the arm o$ thechair with such an im!act that / thought /had torn m# whole bac" a!art&

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    / "new / was badl# hurt, but the sudden$ear that struc" me was even worse& / ust

    "new that / had torn m# bac" a!art and thethoughts that / would be right bac" where /was those long, horrible #ears o$ torturerushed to m# mind& / cried $rom the !ain andthe $ear& 'all# was almost in shoc" with

    $ear& Eharles and Drances rushed to mewhile others were also tr#ing to hel!& )he#immediatel# too" s!iritual authorit# over thedevil and his !owers and commanded m#

    bod# to be healed and commanded the s!irito$ $ear to leave& )he !ain subsided a little,

    but was still hurting& # side beganswelling and in a $ew hours / had two big

    bruises in the sha!e o$ hearts on m# hi!s&)he swelling was rather bad and causedadditional !ain& A$ter much !ra#er, most o$

    the !ain le$t about ten ocloc" that night& #the ne*t morning the swelling had gonedown b# m# rib and / could move the riband hear it crunch and / "new it was bro"en&

    / went to the shi!s doctor and he madearrangements $or me to have it Kra#ed

    when we doc"ed at @odge /sland in iami,Dlorida& )he doctor e*amined me, $elt therib as 'all# and / told him how it crunchedand he said he could $eel it too& >e and thenurse both said it was bro"en& )he nurse got

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    me into a gown and !ut me on the Kra#table& 'hile she !ut the $ilm in, or whatever

    the# do, / said, ?&F&, =ord, do #our thingand do it

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    @odge /sland& 'e !raised the =ord $or thehealing and $or ma"ing the rest o$ our

    vacation tri! what it was& >ad the rib beenbro"en, it would have ended our tri!& /would have had a di$$icult time riding over1,500 miles bac" home in an automobile&.od wouldnt let the devil have his wa# and

    ruin this tri!, even though he reall# tried&)his was ust another con$irmation thatm# bac" had been made totall# new andstrong, because the !revious damages inru!tures o$ the vertebrae were caused b# lessthan this accident& .od is a good .od(

    >alleluah(/ cant even wonder or imagine what li$e

    would be li"e, /$ / had li$e le$t, had m#$riends not insisted that / go to that $irstmeeting& / dont want to even thin" about it&

    =i$e is too glorious li"e it is, and 'all# and/ loo" $orward to the e*citing things %esus isgoing to do with each new da#

    / "now Eharles and Drances didnt dothese miracles& / "now .od did themthrough the =ord %esus Ehrist, and to him

    we give all the glor# and !raise&;o $or the second time the# called in the

    man who had been blind and told him,?.ive the glor# to .od, not to %esus, $or we"now %esus is an evil !erson&

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    ?/ dont "now whether he is good orbad, the man re!lied, ?but / "now this /

    'A; =/B@, AB@ B' / ;::( %ohn92425

    Beither / nor the doctors can e*!lainwhat %esus did to m# bac" and nec"& A$terthe $usions the doctors and / "now that /

    could not bend m# bac", and now we all"now that / can bend it $reel#&/ dont "now how he did it, ?but / "now

    this/ E=@B) :B@, ) B' /

    EAB( Authors Bote

    As a !art o$ the veri$ication o$ theseremar"able miracles in Borma %ean, weas"ed her to have a doctor in innea!olise*amine the records which were availableand to Kra# her s!ine to let us "now certain

    $acts we $elt would be o$ interest to thereaders o$ this boo", as well as to e*alt %esusin the !er$ormance o$ these miracles&

    A doctor told Borma %ean be$ore she hadthe Kra#s made in August, 1976, that i$ the$usions were shown to be !ro!erl# holding

    and the screw and nail were still in !lace, thegreatest miracle would be that she could

    bend her bac" as $reel# as she did in highschool& >er bac" !reviousl# wouldnt andcouldnt bend with the $usions in !lace&

  • 8/13/2019 Impossible Miracles


    'e are including her doctors letter&

    45 *ove &ane- 'orth "aksSt. Pau1- ,innesota 66447

    August 85th- 495:

    ,r. /har1es $unter

    47;87 ,emoria1 *rive

    $ouston- #e3as 5578; re< ,rs. 'orma Jean =an *e11

    *ear ,r. $unter-

    As you know. ,rs. =an *e11 asked me to e3amine the

    medica1 records which you mai1ed up from $ouston-

    #e3as> as we11 as the ?@ays of the &umbo@Sacra1 Spine-

    taken at %nity $ospita1- Frid1ey- ,innesota on Aug. 86th-495: and interpreted by *r. $arry ,i3er- adio1ogist. I

    a1so e3amined ,rs. =an *e11.

    I wi11 first answer your specific uestions as re1ayed to

    ,rs. =an *e11 in your te1ephone conversation with her.

    4. ou asked. Is the 4 CDE0 screw sti11 present0 Ans. es-

    the 4 CDE0 screw which was inserted during her operation

    of ,arch 4Eth- 49:;. is sti11 c1ear1y evident and is firm1y in


    P1ease find enc1osed *r. ,i3er+s report. ou wi11 note in

    his report that the screw sti11 transfi3es the 1umbosacra1Joint and I wou1d therefore conc1ude that this operation

    has been moat successfu1.

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    8. ou asked. are the fusions from the previous operations

    sti11 present0 Ana.< es- ou wi11 note again in *r.

    ,i3er+s report- that the e3tensive fusions from the previoussurgery are a1so c1ear1y evident on both sides- from the ;th

    &umbar =ertebra and e3tending downward into the

    sacrum. #his too- confirms the success of the previous


    C. ou asked- Are the donor sites for the bone removed

    from the pe1vic bones sti11 visib1e or have they a11 hea1ed

    in0 Ans.< #he donor sites are c1ear1y visib1e as

    trans1ucent areas in the I1iac /rests on both sides-

    indicating the donor sites from which cortica1 cance11ous

    bone grafts were taken.

    A1though *r. ,i3er doesn+t mention these in his report-they are mentioned by another adio1ogist as incidenta1

    findings on fi1ms of the abdomen which had been taken

    about a year previous1y. I compared these fi1ms and they

    are practica11y identica1.

    "n physica1 e3amination. ,rs. =an *e11+s back has a uite

    good range of motion. "n forward f1e3ion- she can+t uite

    touch the f1oor- stopping short by about C or ; Inches. #his

    is about average for many peop1e in her age range. #he

    mu1tip1e surgica1 scars are readi1y apparent- but I e1icited

    no significant pain when pa1pating the area. ,rs. =an *e11

    stated that prior to her hea1ing- she used a 1arge uantity

    of pain@re1ieving medication- as we11 as s1eeping pi11s etc.on a regu1ar basis. But since then. none are needed.

    In the September- 495: issue of /$IS#IA' &IF!

    maga2ine- /har1es Farah- Jr- has contributed an artic1e

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    entit1ed< #oward a #heo1ogy of $ea1ing0. In this artic1e- he

    states- )od hea1s through doctors and )od hea1s through

    prayer. A11 true hea1ing is divine- whether )od does itthrough natura1 means- doctors- or through supernatura1

    means. )od wi11s to hea10.

    Francis ,ac'utt- ".P.- in his book- $!A&I')- G495; by

    Ave ,aria PressH- states on page 85;< Sometimes )od

    works through nature and the ski11 of doctors> sometimes

    he works direct1y through prayer and sometimes through

    both- but a1ways there shou1d be cooperation- mutua1

    respect and an admiration for the variety of ways in which

    )od manifests his g1ory.0

    I find myse1f in agreement with the views as e3pressed by

    theme two men of )od.

    In summary then- in my opinion- ,rs. =an *e11 ham

    e3perienced at 1east two kinds of hea1inge also suggested that / be underthe care o$ an internist, and in an attem!t to

    relieve the almost constant !ain he sent meto the curative wor"sho! $or dee!heattreatments and whirl!ool thera!#& / did thisand then attem!ted an e*ercise !rogram athome& )he !ain increased in the s!ine when/ did some o$ the e*ercises, so /

    discontinued them&/n 1964 while m# husband was deer

    hunting, / awo"e earl# in the morning withe*treme !ain in m# arm& / had a habit o$slee!ing with one arm over m# head and the

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    !ain was almost unbearable, and the armwas $ro-en, or loc"ed, in an overthehead

    !osition( / tried to call out to our sonsslee!ing in another room, but the !ain wasso intense / couldnt get much more than aloud whis!er out& Bot onl# was the !ain inm# arm, but it had s!read to the chest area

    as well&As soon as the doctor arrived in hiso$$ice / called him and e*!lained what hadha!!ened and about the !ain / was having inm# s!ine and chest& /t certainl# was obviousin m# voice& >e e*!lained that he thought it

    was $ibrom#ositis, and / was given a!rescri!tion $or muscle rela*ants&

    /n @ecember o$ 1964 / was again sent tothe curative wor"sho! $or treatments, thistime b# an internist& )he treatments didnt

    seem to be hel!ing me& / would loo" at allthese !eo!le who were so cri!!led and here/ was a health#loo"ing woman& / thin" / $eltout o$ !lace, but the doctor e*!lained that nomatter what / loo"ed li"e on the outside this

    !ain was real and / FB:' it(

    / was ver# much aware o$ the !ain / hadda# and night and it was becoming worse( /was now aware o$ !ain in ever#thing / did&

    :ven a sim!le little thing li"e letterwriting was !ain$ul&

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    'i!ing u! $loors was !ain$ul&a"ing beds was !ain$ul&

    >olding !ac"ages was !ain$ul when /went to a store&

    )al"ing on the tele!hone was !ain$ul andun!leasant because o$ holding the receiver(

    Cunning the vacuum was !ain$ul&

    'ashing dishes was !ain$ul&Eoo"ing was !ain$ul&;itting down was !ain$ul&.etting u! was !ain$ul&=#ing down was !ain$ul&;tanding u! was !ain$ul&

    :ver#thing was !ain$ul&/ could not continue with an# tas"

    because once the !ain started, it wouldincrease the rest o$ the da# unless /com!letel# sto!!ed doing an#thing& / soon

    learned to ta!er o$$ and not do much in an#one da#& :ven in s!ite o$ medication, m#s!ine was still ver# !ain$ul&

    /n arch o$ 1965, the doctor sent me tothe hos!ital $or Kra#s o$ m# s!ine& A$ter hee*amined the Kra#s he told me / had

    osteoarthritis o$ the s!ine with deteriorationand that / would have to learn to live with

    !ain as there was no cure as #et $or thisdisease& / was stunned I / was da-ed I /dont remember what / said to him& / ust

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    remember / didnt "now what arthritis was,much less osteoarthritis, but it was

    something !ain$ul, )>/; E> / FB:'('hen he said there was no "nown cure, /thought o$ the !ain and the #ears ahead o$me, and / was onl# 38 #ears old& # world$ell a!art(

    'hen the doctor told me / hadosteoarthritis and that / would $orever haveto live with the !ain, and that it would in all

    !robabilit# get worse and worse, / cried outto .od $or hel!( / "new he "new how / $elt(/ had never "nown an#one who had been

    healed b# .od, and had onl# heard about aman named ral Coberts who had !eo!lehealed as he !ra#ed& )his reall# didntregister an# ho!e $or m# healing, but / hadread .ods word and it said that %esus could

    heal !eo!le& / didnt "now how .od coulddo an#thing about m# ho!eless condition,but / "new i$ an#one could, it would have tobe .od& /$ he didnt do something, thenthere was no ho!e&

    / loo"ed u! the word ?osteoarthritis&

    )he medical de$inition is ?degenerative ointdisease& )he de$inition o$ degenerative

    oint disease is, ?A chronic oint diseasecharacteri-ed !athologicall# b# degenerationo$ articular cartilage and h#!ertro!h# o$

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    bone, clinicall# b# !ain on activit# whichsubsides with rest+ it occurs more commonl#

    in older !eo!le, a$$ecting the weightbearingoints and the distal inter!halangeal oints o$the $ingers, there are no s#stemics#m!toms& la"istons Joc"et edical@ictionar#, c.raw>ill oo" Eom!an#

    / didnt understand it, but / didnt li"e it&)he doctor gave me a shot o$ Bovocainand then a shot o$ cortisone in the s!ine tocounteract the !ain& / $elt $airl# good on;aturda#, but b# ;unda# morning / had !ainall over m# entire bod# where it hadnt been

    be$ore& )he shots were reall# a $orewarningo$ what was to come& >e discontinued themand gave me instructions to rest and not !utm# arms over m# head $or $ear the# wouldloc" in that !osition and cause e*treme !ain&

    )hen / went into de!ression& / cried $orno reason at all& / was tired all the time( /tseemed / never got over being tired& / wastired when / went to bed& / was tired when /wo"e u!& / was tired all the time& # doctore*!lained to me that it was the !ain that was

    causing the $atigue& / hadnt even reali-edthis& /m not the "ind who li"es to lie downand rest during the da# because / have soman# things to do& Bot onl# that, i$ / did tr#and lie down, all the wor" / had to do would

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    "ee! running through m# mind and /couldnt rest at all&

    'hen m# children were small and ta"inga$ternoon na!s, / would sit down and readthe ible and thoroughl# eno# it, but asthe# grew older, / grew awa# $rom thiswonder$ul habit, and "now now this was a

    big mista"e&/n 1965 when this terrible de!ression hitme, / began attending onda# night iblestudies, and while / eno#ed them, m# dail#ible reading was still cast aside& /t seemedli"e / had so man# things to do& )he

    de!ression was so heav#, / cried most o$ thetime and $elt that no one in the entire worldloved me& :ven though m# children wouldcome and !ut their arms around me /couldnt seem to sto!& ;till that $eeling

    continued that nobod# loved me&B@G =H:; :( 'hat a horriblethought, and #et / couldnt sto! this $eeling&@ee! within me / "new .od loved me, soone night when / was $eeling !articularl#miserable / !ic"ed u! m# ible and ust sat

    there and held it in m# la!& / didnt o!en itor read it& / ust held it&

    )he ne*t night / !ic"ed it u! again, /o!ened it and started to read& A change cameover me that / cant e*!lain, but somehow /

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    FB:' things were going to be di$$erent& /"new .od loved me and cared about me and

    so did m# $amil#( /nstantl# the de!ressionle$t(

    )he de!ression was gone, but thehousehold tas"s became harder to do, the

    !ain more severe and the tired $eeling more

    e*hausting& /d go to bed with !ain andwa"e u! with !ain, and along with this, thatterrible $eeling o$ constant e*haustion& / wastired o$ being tired(

    )hen / went to an e#e, ear and nose!h#sician, because in addition to being tired

    / was having terrible !ain in m# head, $aceand aw& / could hear the aw oints as /o!ened m# mouth to eat& >e said it wasarthritis o$ the aw bone which caused the


    n a# 19, 1967, m# doctor sent me to)he .reen a# rtho!edic Eom!an# with a!rescri!tion $or a steel bac" brace& # thistime m# bac" "e!t wanting to curve in,es!eciall# when / would sit $or an# length o$time during church services or in the car&

    @riving was ver# !ain$ul, but / had learnedto hold the wheel at the bottom and steer,rather than raise m# arms as #ou normall#would do& )his hel!ed&

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    / went to the rtho!edic Eom!an# andwas $itted $or the brace& / was stunned as /

    stood there and reali-ed that there was nowa# / could bend in this brace& / thought o$all the things this would "ee! me $romdoing& / had them ta"e the brace o$$ andtear$ull# told the man / ust wasnt read# $or

    something li"e that #et& / becamedetermined that this disease wasnt going tocone showed me a lesse*!ensive one I a shoulder su!!ort& )his /

    used when we would go on a tri!& /t hel!edm# shoulders and s!ine&/n the meantime the doctor gave me

    !rescri!tions $or the arthritis, but / couldnttolerate the medication $or an# length o$time because o$ the reaction on m# stomach&

    # 1968 the arthritis !ains had continuedto increase in m# s!ine and nec"shoulderarea as well as the chest& At night / would beawa"ened out o$ a sound slee! with shar!

    !ains across m# chest& / remember the $irst

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    time it ha!!ened / thought / was having aheart attac" and was going to die right then

    and there& /t ha!!ened so man# times /$inall# got used to it& ;ometimes the coldweather would cause the same reaction& / gotto the !oint / didnt even want to go out inthe cold(

    ne ;unda# / had muscle s!asms and alot o$ !ain in the nec" area, and as / wasstanding in line to ta"e communion, /suddenl# !assed out $rom the intense !ain& /wondered how much more / could stand&

    / had had continuous !ain in m# entire

    mouth $rom one aw oint to the other $orover a #ear, !lus the !ains in m# ears& / wassent to an orthodontist to be sure it was not adental !roblem& >e made a cast o$ m# biteand $ound that to be o"a#& / was then sent to

    an internist who made 5 Kra#s o$ the awoint& >e also made a rheumatoid test, but$ound no rheumatoid arthritis&

    # 1970 m# hi!s were increasingl#!ain$ul and sti$$& .etting in and out o$ thecar or a chair, bending over to !ic"

    something u! or to ta"e something out o$ theoven made me $eel as i$ someone hadinserted a rod across m# hi!s so / couldntstraighten u!&

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    # 1974 the !ain in m# le$t arm becameso severe that / couldnt slee! on it at night&

    )he minute / would turn on m# side, the!ain would wa"e me u!& /t hurt $rom m#shoulder to m# elbow& # !h#sician sentme to ellin >os!ital in A!ril, 1974, $or

    BEH3 nerve ending tests&

    )he# stuc" needles into m# arm&)he# stuc" needles in m# hand&)he# stuc" needles in the $lesh# !art o$

    m# thumb&)he# stuc" needles into the ends o$ m#


    )he# stuc" needles in the bac" o$ m#shoulders&

    )he machine would register the $indingswherever the needles were !laced and thenthe doctors told me the aw$ul news muscle

    atro!h#&Bo cure&Bo ho!e&Bo medication&Bo thera!# elbows were so !ain$ul / couldnt li$t

    a bowl o$ vegetables, much less a s"illet$rom the stove to !our the grav#& )he bo#swould do it $or me& / had real di$$icult#tr#ing to do dishes, so m# $amil# would alsohave to do this $or me&

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    'e have a twostor# colonial home withwashing $acilities in the basement, so / had

    to do a lot o$ stair climbing& / $ound a littlerelie$ b# going down the stairs bac"ward,

    but $inall# m# "nees and hi!s couldnt ta"eit an# more&

    # husband and / tal"ed it over and

    decided to sell our home and loo" $or onewith ever#thing on one level& /n a# o$1974 he contacted a realtor and e*!lainedour !roblem& / !ra#ed and as"ed the =ord tolead us to the right home $or us because /"new .od "new how much !ain / was

    having& :ver# home he showed us was toosmall& ur $urniture wouldnt $it in it& 'eloo"ed at several, and m# heart cried out,?h, =ord, #ou "now how much !ain /mhaving& Jlease lead us to the home #ou

    "now will be the one we need& ut nohome we loo"ed at would do& )he #ard waseither too small or something else wasntright and I became discouraged, butsomehow / "new .od wouldnt let medown& # bod# was the tem!le o$ .od

    s!irituall#, but it was a dila!idated home!h#sicall#&

    'hich wa# should / turn'hich wa# could / turn

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    M NE% HOME

    )he =ord had another !lan $or us( Jraisehis >ol# Bame(

    >e answers !ra#er, but in a muchdi$$erent wa# than we e*!ect sometimes( >e

    answered mine in a much better wa#,because instead o$ a onestor# house, hemade a change in m# bod#, his tem!le,instead o$ m# home&

    /t ha!!ened a little a$ter 10 J&& on thenight o$ %ul# 13,1974( >eres how(

    ;everal women had been meeting $orlunch where we than"ed .od be$ore and

    !raised him a$ter eating& )his had become ahighlight in m# li$e and was $illing a dee!hunger $or more o$ .od& / had been reading

    boo"s written b# Eharles and Drances>unter and loved their e*citing relationshi!with %esus and the thrilling wa# the# had o$

    !ortra#ing the o# and victor# in servinghim& / thought I had read all o$ their boo"s,

    but a!!arentl# / hadnt& / didnt "now what

    had reall# ha!!ened because / didnt "nowthe# had written a boo" called )>: )';/@:; D A E/B& And then / discovered

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    the# were going to be s!ea"ing at one o$these luncheons&

    )he >unters shared with e*citingenthusiasm what %esus was doing and /loved ever# word& )he# were tal"ing o$things / hadnt read in their boo"s& )hingsli"e miracles that had been ha!!ening in

    their services& / didnt reall# "now what tothin", but somehow / believed what the#were sa#ing was true& )heir boo"s hadalwa#s been real and alive to me&

    A$ter the# s!o"e the# invited all thosewho wanted to receive the ba!tism o$ the

    >ol# ;!irit to go to the bac" o$ the room&;omeone had also said something about

    being ?slain in the ;!irit& All this wasstrange to me and / didnt understand what itall meant& :ven though it sounded di$$erent,

    it seemed that the# had something / wantedin m# li$e& )his one thing / "new I i$ .odhad a gi$t $or me, / 'AB):@ /)( / dont"now what ha!!ened, but when Drancestouched me / $loated bac"wards to the $loorand it was beauti$ul&

    )he# s!o"e with such assurance aboutthe healing !ower o$ %esus that / was $illedwith awe( )he# told stories o$ healings thatha!!ened in their meetings that were somuch li"e those o$ the Bew )estament that

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    it was li"e the# were telling ible stories,but / "new the# were current events& )hen

    the# tal"ed about the miracle service at thehigh school auditorium that night& )he# said%esus was going to !ass b# and would behealing the sic"& )he# tal"ed about whatwould be ha!!ening that night with such

    conviction that / had no doubt that therewould be healings& / was so e*cited that /could hardl# wait $or the time $or the serviceto arrive&

    'e got to the auditorium almost an hourearl# so we wouldnt miss a thing& / had !ain

    in ever# oint in m# bod# that night&At this time / was Ehairman o$ the .reen

    a#, 'isconsin arthritis grou! and servedon the board o$ directors o$ the ArthritisDoundation o$ 'isconsin& / had a dee!,

    !ersonal interest in !eo!le with arthritis andwanted to do all / could to hel! them&)he miracle service began with a lot o$

    !raising .od and / loved it& / was reall#s!irituall# $ed that night&

    ! to this time / had a "nowledge $rom

    the word o$ .od that !eo!le could behealed, but so $ar as / "new / had not #et

    been able to believe in m# heart that / wouldbe healed& )he wa# the# tal"ed thata$ternoon caused me to "now in m# mind,

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    but the realit# that / would be healed had not$ull# reached m# heart& / wanted to be, and /

    had ho!es& 'hat would it ta"e to change this$rom head "nowledge to believing in m#heart

    'hen the miracle service got under wa#something was ha!!ening within me& Cight

    a$ter the singing started / could $eel the!ower and the !resence o$ %esus& 'hen wewere worshi!!ing .od in song, the# beganto sing in languages that / didnt "now& )he#later said this was called singing in the;!irit& /t was beauti$ul, but even more, /

    could $eel the !ower o$ .od li"e / had never$elt it be$ore& )he ible sa#s that tongues are$or the unbeliever& 'hen / heard singing intongues, it caused me to believe in s!ea"ingin tongues and in !ower&

    / had never seen the =ord worshi!!edand loved so much in m# entire li$e& :ven i$/ had not been healed / would still haveremembered the miracle service because o$the love and adoration o$ the =ord( # li$ereall# changed&

    )hen the >unters had ever#one in theaudience stand real straight with our $eettogether and e*tend our