improving the performance, availability, and security...

IMPROVING THE PERFORMANCE, AVAILABILITY, AND SECURITY OF DATA ACCESS FOR OPPORTUNISTIC MOBILE COMPUTING BY STEPHEN D. SMALDONE A dissertation submitted to the Graduate School—New Brunswick Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Graduate Program in Computer Science Written under the direction of Liviu Iftode and approved by New Brunswick, New Jersey May, 2011

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Page 1: IMPROVING THE PERFORMANCE, AVAILABILITY, AND SECURITY … · Improving the Performance, Availability, and Security



A dissertation submitted to the

Graduate School—New Brunswick

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

Graduate Program in Computer Science

Written under the direction of

Liviu Iftode

and approved by

New Brunswick, New Jersey

May, 2011

Page 2: IMPROVING THE PERFORMANCE, AVAILABILITY, AND SECURITY … · Improving the Performance, Availability, and Security

c© 2011

Stephen D. Smaldone


Page 3: IMPROVING THE PERFORMANCE, AVAILABILITY, AND SECURITY … · Improving the Performance, Availability, and Security


Improving the Performance, Availability, and Security of

Data Access for Opportunistic Mobile Computing

by Stephen D. Smaldone

Dissertation Director: Liviu Iftode

An opportunistic model of mobile computing is presently emerging in which users can

fully benefit from their personal computing environment wherever they are without hav-

ing to carry “heavy-weight” mobile systems with them. The transition to this model

can be seen as part of the pervasive computing vision, being catalyzed by the near

ubiquity of powerful smart phones, the increasing availability of local PC hardware,

and recent trends in virtualization and cloud computing. The fate of the opportunistic

mobile computing model will be essentially decided by the performance, availability,

and security of data access relative to alternative solutions. Mobile users require safe

and efficient access to their data from whatever PC or device they are currently us-

ing, wherever they may be. These requirements expose several new challenges to the

performance, availability, and security of user data access under opportunistic mobile

computing conditions.

In this dissertation, we identify challenges to user data access within the opportunis-

tic mobile computing model, present novel approaches to address them, and demon-

strate the effectiveness of these approaches through extensive experimentation. To im-

prove the performance of data access for opportunistic mobile computing, we introduce

the concept of safe borrowing of local storage, which we prototyped as the TransPart


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system. To improve the availability of data access for opportunistic mobile computing,

we introduce the concept of a self-cleaning portable cache, which we prototyped as the

Horatio system. To improve the security of remote data access for opportunistic mo-

bile computing, we introduce the Working Set-Based Access Control (WSBAC) scheme,

which applies the concept of the working set to distributed file system access control.

The main conclusion of our research is that opportunistic mobile computing can be

realized in a safe and efficient manner for mobile users. Given the ad-hoc nature of

opportunistic mobile computing, it is likely that the challenges identified in this dis-

sertation will continue to exist into the foreseeable future. Fortunately, as our research

shows, they can be addressed using nascent technologies and applying our concepts

without violating the basic tenet of opportunistic mobile computing, namely to mini-

mize the burden of what hardware users must carry.


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This dissertation was only possible through the contribution, encouragement, advice,

support, and good will of a large number of people. I cannot hope to repay them in kind,

and I humbly thank them all for their efforts. I wish to thank my advisor, Professor

Liviu Iftode, and the members of my committee, Professor Mahadev Satyanarayanan

(Carnegie Mellon University), Professor Badri Nath, Professor Vinod Ganapathy, and

Dr. Ramon Caceres (AT&T Labs Research) for their generosity in taking the time to

review and offer insightful suggestions to greatly improve this dissertation. I would also

like to thank the other Rutgers Computer Science faculty members whose classes and

seminars I have had the privilege of attending. I have thoroughly enjoyed the many

hours of learning, discussion, and debate.

I first met my advisor, Professor Liviu Iftode, when I was an undergraduate at

Rutgers. Since then, his vision, passion, drive, and sense of humor have been a constant

source of motivation and confidence for me as I progressed (and sometimes stumbled)

along the trail to this point. Through the past decade that I have had the honor of

working with Liviu, he always believed in me and my work, even during the times when

I lost confidence in myself. He taught me to always strive for improvement and that

good enough can always be made better. He also taught me to listen to and value the

opinions of others as much as my own. It is impossible to enumerate all of the other

valuable lessons, which I have learned while working with Liviu. Simply put, I cannot

imagine having undertaken this effort without him. I thank him for this and everything

else I have undoubtedly failed to mention.

I have also had the good fortune of being able to work on the greater part of this

dissertation with Professor Mahadev Satyanarayanan (Carnegie Mellon University).

Satya’s clear vision, direction, constant optimism, and kind advice have provided a


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wealth of benefit to me as I struggled to complete this work. I am honored to have had

the opportunity to work so closely with Satya. His impact on my technical thinking

and writing skills cannot be overstated.

Through my time at Rutgers, I have had the pleasure of working with many excellent

people. My relationship with Aniruddha Bohra began when he was the TA for the

undergraduate operating systems class I attended. Later he became my good friend

and research partner. I can hardly think of a single topic, both technical and non-

technical, that we did not debate during the six years we spent together at Rutgers.

He was both a mentor and role model to me, always willing to offer both advice and

criticism whenever they were needed. For this I thank him. I was very lucky to be

introduced to real systems research by Florin Sultan. I can still remember speaking

with him late at night after crashing Minuet, once again. If not for him and Aniruddha,

I may never have ventured into research on my own. Pravin Shankar has been both a

good friend and colleague. Our numerous discussions and debates have served, at times,

to alter and validate my own opinions. Finally, Professor Vinod Ganapathy helped me

to frame a substantial portion of this dissertation. His energy and optimism helped

to guide me through the failures on the road to success. I have enjoyed working with


I want to acknowledge the many members of the DiscoLab with whom I have had the

privilege of sharing my time at Rutgers. I especially thank Murali Rangarajan, Nishkam

Ravi, Arati Baliga, Lu Han, Tzvika Chumash, Vancheswar Ananthanarayanan, Mohan

Dhawan, Shakeel Butt, Vivek Pathak, Gang Xu, and James Boyce. I also want to

include Professor Ahmed Elgammal and his graduate student Chetan Tonde, who are

members of the Rutgers Computer Science Department, but not affiliated with Dis-

coLab. Working with Ahmed, Chetan, and Vanchi on the CyberBike has been a very

rewarding endeavor. Through the years, all of these people have contributed their time,

ideas, and opinions to the many projects, discussions, meetings, practice talks, papers,

and posters that encompass the work and life of a graduate student. They have been

crucial to my time at Rutgers, and I have enjoyed interacting with each of them. I also

want to thank the numerous people outside of Rutgers who have collaborated with me


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on to my work, especially, Benjamin Gilbert (Carnegie Mellon University), Jan Harkes

(Carnegie Mellon University), Professor Eyal de Lara (University of Toronto), and his

graduate student Nilton Bila (University of Toronto). Their insights, hard work, and

feedback helped me to build and evaluate the systems central to this dissertation.

I want to thank my parents, Donald and Lesyle, and my brother, Gregory, for the

unfailing confidence and encouragement they have given me in my life. I would not be

me, without them. Finally, I must thank my wife, Marcy. She gives meaning to my

life and work. Her love, dedication, and willingness to sacrifice have been unbounded

over the past ten years. I can never repay her for the freedom she has afforded me in

allowing me to pursue a dream. This dissertation would not exist, but for her love and


Thank you all!


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To my wife, Marcy.


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Table of Contents

Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii

Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv

Dedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x

List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1. Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2. Opportunistic Mobile Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.3. Taxonomy of Opportunistic Mobile Computing Approaches . . . . . . . 3

1.4. Data Access Challenges for Opportunistic Mobile Computing . . . . . . 21

1.5. Summary of Dissertation Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

1.6. Contributors to the Dissertation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

1.7. Organization of the Dissertation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

2. Improving the Performance of Mobile Data Access . . . . . . . . . . . 32

2.1. Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

2.2. TransPart Design and Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

2.3. Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

2.4. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

2.5. Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

2.6. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

3. Improving the Availability of Mobile Data Access . . . . . . . . . . . 64


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3.1. Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

3.2. Motivating Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

3.3. Horatio Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

3.4. Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

3.5. Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

3.6. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

3.7. Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

3.8. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

4. Improving the Security of Mobile Data Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

4.1. Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

4.2. Applicability of WSBAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

4.3. WSBAC Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

4.4. Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

4.5. Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

4.6. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

4.7. Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

4.8. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

5. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

5.1. Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143


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List of Tables

1.1. Comparison of Opportunistic Mobile Computing Approaches . . . . . . 10

2.1. Portable Storage Device Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

2.2. Postmark Configuration for TransPart Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

2.3. Modified Andrew Benchmark Results for TransPart . . . . . . . . . . . 47

3.1. Data and Control State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

3.2. Portable Devices Used In Horatio Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

3.3. Macrobenchmark Workloads for Horatio Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . 83

3.4. Microbenchmark Suspend Results for Horatio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

3.5. Microbenchmark Resume Results for Horatio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

3.6. Self-Cleaning Time for Horatio (Microbenchmarks) . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

3.7. Self-Cleaning Time for Horatio (Macrobenchmarks) . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

3.8. Energy Consumption for Horatio (Microbenchmarks) . . . . . . . . . . . 92

3.9. Eager State Propagation Results for Horatio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

4.1. Working Set Estimation Time and Storage Costs for WSBAC . . . . . . 121

4.2. Working Set Error and Over-Estimation Results for WSBAC . . . . . . 123

4.3. Working Set Sensitivity Results for WSBAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124


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List of Figures

1.1. Virtual Machine Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1.2. VM Encapsulation for Mobility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1.3. Thin Client Remote Access Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

1.4. VM on USB Device Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

1.5. VM on USB Device Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

1.6. VM on Network Share Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

1.7. VM on Network Share Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

1.8. VM over Internet Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

1.9. VM over Internet Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2.1. TransPart Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

2.2. TransPart System Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

2.3. TransPart Experimental Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

2.4. Postmark Results for TransPart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

2.5. Application Launch Latency for TransPart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

2.6. Office Productivity Benchmark Results for TransPart . . . . . . . . . . . 49

2.7. Software Installation Benchmark Results for TransPart . . . . . . . . . . 50

2.8. Bonnie++ Results for TransPart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

2.9. Start-up Time for TransPart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

2.10. SanDrive Shutdown Time for TransPart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

2.11. MSD Shutdown Time for TransPart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

2.12. IPOD Shutdown Time for TransPart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

3.1. Oases of Connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

3.2. Data and Control Transfer in Horatio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

3.3. VM Ownership and Handoff in Horatio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71


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3.4. Rules for Ownership Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

3.5. Suspend and Resume Overheads for Horatio (Macrobenchmarks) . . . . 88

3.6. Workload Dirty State Generation for Horatio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

3.7. Update Locality for Horatio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

4.1. Remote File Access Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

4.2. WSBAC Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

4.3. WSBAC Implementation – Polex Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

4.4. Policy View Namespace (PVN) for WSBAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

4.5. WSBAC Implementation – Polen Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

4.6. OpenSSH Compilation Results for WSBAC (Polex) . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

4.7. Microbenchmark Results for WSBAC (Polen) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

4.8. OpenSSH Compilation Results for WSBAC (Polen) . . . . . . . . . . . . 127


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Chapter 1


1.1 Thesis

Opportunistic mobile computing can be achieved if critical challenges in

the performance, availability, and security of user data access, introduced

by the weakening of the binding between the user’s data location and the

environment from where it is accessed, are solved.

In support of this thesis, the dissertation we present identifies challenges to current

models of user data access for opportunistic mobile computing along the key attributes

of performance, availability, and security, and presents novel solutions to them in the

form of three system architectures. We demonstrate improvements in mobile user data

access for: (i) performance by introducing the concept of safe borrowing of local storage;

(ii) availability by introducing the concept of a self-cleaning portable cache; and (iii) se-

curity by applying the working set concept to distributed file system access control. As

mobile computing becomes more influenced by pervasive computing concepts through

the inclusion of virtualization and cloud computing technologies, the tight binding be-

tween the storage location of a user’s data and the personal computing environment

from where it is accessed is weakened. Therefore, a critical goal of opportunistic mobile

computing is for users to have safe and efficient access to their data, and we believe

that mobile data access plays a key role in the effectiveness of opportunistic mobile

computing for users. Therefore, improvements to data access for mobile users that

address current challenges in performance, availability, and security, advances the over-

all effectiveness of opportunistic mobile computing for users to the betterment of the

overall user experience.

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1.2 Opportunistic Mobile Computing

Mobile computing is growing beyond the original usage model where users carry their

laptops with them, wherever they go. Slowly, it is merging with the vision of pervasive

computing [91, 113], largely fostered by modern trends in virtualization and cloud

computing. In this newly emerging opportunistic mobile computing model, users are

no longer burdened by the need to carry “heavy-weight” hardware in order to interact

with their personal computing environments. Instead, users are free to take advantage

of whatever PC hardware resources are available to them within their locality. By

leveraging such local computing resources, users are able to carry out their computing

tasks on this “borrowed” hardware. The key effect of this is a reduction of the size,

weight, and energy demand of what must be carried to be effective on the go; a user’s

mobility footprint.

As a user’s mobility footprint is reduced, as close to zero as possible, other challenges

emerge. These challenges are due to the weakening of the tight binding between the

location of a user’s data and the computer environment from where it is being accessed.

The need for users to carry their computers in preparation for all possible computing

tasks they may require is being retired, but at the same time, this challenge is being

replaced by new challenges that affect the adoption of the opportunistic computing


Central to personal computing is that users have safe and efficient access to their

data. This data can be generalized to include not only the files and directories of a user’s

file system structure, but also the applications, associated libraries, and preferences

that make up the complete personal computing user experience. Although computing

resources can be borrowed in an opportunistic fashion, mobile users cannot simply

borrow their data. It is unique to them and cannot simply be “foraged” from the local

environment around them.

The requirements of safe and efficient access to data expose challenges along three

critical dimensions under opportunistic mobile computing scenarios: (i) performance,

(ii) availability, and (iii) security. In the remainder of this chapter, we explore the

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breadth of opportunistic mobile computing approaches, examining each with respect to

their advantages and disadvantages, and introduce three critical challenges to oppor-

tunism in mobile computing, which motivates the respective approaches presented in

the chapters to follow. As we describe, each of the two most opportunistic approaches

faces a different challenge; performance of data access on one hand and availability of

data access on the other. At the same time, they both share the security of data access

as a common challenge.

1.3 Taxonomy of Opportunistic Mobile Computing Approaches

Since the advent of laptop precursors and other “small” form factor devices to provide

portable computational resources for users, the concept of mobile computing has evolved

to a point where today there exist a vast number of different forms of mobile devices.

As new generations of devices are unveiled, they speciate to support an ever more

specified set of computing tasks. Although there have been periods of convergence, it is

still common for people to carry one, two, or sometimes even more computing devices.

Essentially, there seems to be a certain, perhaps psychologically motivated, requirement

for preparedness that mobile individuals feel necessary in order to account for whatever

tasks they may need to accomplish while in transit.

While pervasive computing [113] concepts are steadily being realized and accepted in

people’s daily lives, the world of mobile computing has attempted to adopt the seamless

feel of pervasiveness. The concept of cyber foraging [91], for example, trades user

preparedness in favor of adaptability. Under this model of mobile computing, a mobile

individual is willing to shed some (perhaps most) of her technological devices, lightening

her load in terms of what must be carried to satisfactorily meet her requirements. A

mobile individual doing so assumes that there will be ample computing resources to

satisfy her needs, wherever and whenever those needs arise.

Adaptability under Cyber Foraging come in two forms. First, the mobile individ-

ual must be willing to adapt to use whatever computational resources are available

at her present location. Second, the technology in the environment must be capable

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of adapting to the task requirements of the individual. While traditional models of

mobile computing have presented a pessimistic approach, assuming that all resources

must be carried, cyber foraging, and other related concepts such as Mobile Ad-Hoc

Networks (MANETs) [54], Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) [85], desktop and

server virtualization [14, 21, 22, 24], Cloud Computing [11, 16, 19], and Online Social

Networks (OSNs) [10, 15, 18], present more optimistic models that favor and support

opportunism [51, 52].

In this dissertation, we primarily restrict our consideration of mobile computing ap-

proaches to a subset of the universe of approaches. When referring to mobile computing,

we strictly limit our scope to the traditional sense of mobile personal computing, that

of a mobile user interacting with her personal computing environment. At times, this

style of computing has been referred to as a mobile form of the desktop paradigm of

computing. By extension, when we refer to opportunistic mobile computing, we mean

any approach to mobile personal computing that allows a mobile individual to oppor-

tunistically take advantage of local computer resources to lighten the burden of what

must be carried to complete her desired tasks.

To better understand the breadth and scope of opportunistic mobile computing, we

present a taxonomy of approaches. We classify them according to a set of criteria and

qualitatively assign values based upon the properties of each criterion and its impact on

the mobile user experience. In the taxonomy presented in this section, we first define the

classification criteria, briefly review the Virtual Machine technology and terminology

underlying some of the approaches, then describe each of the existing mobile computing

approaches according to our classification criteria.

1.3.1 Classification Criteria

To classify the variety of opportunistic mobile computing approaches, we propose a set

of qualitative classification criteria that characterize the relevant properties that may

impact the user experience under each approach. The criteria we propose are: (i) Mo-

bility Footprint, (ii) Accuracy of Re-Creation, (iii) Network Resiliency, (iv) Network

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Demand, (v) Physical Vulnerability, and (vi) Efficiency of Opportunism. For every ap-

proach, each criterion is evaluated as one of {zero, very low, low, high, very high, perfect}.

Mobility Footprint

We define mobility footprint as the size, weight, and energy demand of what must

be carried by a mobile individual in order to perform her computer-related activities.

Broadly speaking, we make a subjective judgment across the three dimensions based

upon the amount of effort required by the user in order to make efficient use of her

computer resources within the scope of typical personal use. Of course, the bounds of

this scope can vary dramatically. For example, the requirements of a person updating

her online social networking status are likely to be substantially less than that of a

business traveler relying on her devices to act as a mobile proxy for her office. For

the purposes of this taxonomy, we generalize the requirements of the mobile individual

and just assume a reasonable usage model. A zero rating in this criterion is the best

possible, while very high is the worst. We do not assign a meaning to perfect for this


Accuracy of Re-Creation

We define accuracy of re-creation to be the level to which the user experience is simi-

lar to the user-anticipated experience. There are two ways in which we must consider

similarity. First, how accurately does an approach reproduce the same computing ex-

perience as the original or base case, for example a laptop the user carries. Second,

how accurately does an approach reproduce the same computing experience between

hardware environments. In other words, how dependent is the approach on the under-

lying similarity of the hardware configuration at each location. The former is concerned

primarily with the translation of user experience from a typical user environment into

a form that is approach-ready, perhaps on the same hardware environment. The lat-

ter is concerned with the translation between varying configurations of the available

hardware environments. For this criterion, a perfect rating is the best possible, while

the worst is very low. Since all approaches recreate the experience to some extent, we

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assign no meaning to the zero rating.

Network Resiliency

We define network resiliency to be the impact of network performance on the user

experience provided by a specific approach. The two common network performance

parameters are latency and bandwidth. This criterion is concerned with the level to

which an opportunistic mobile computing approach relies on either predictable perfor-

mance or a specific threshold of performance to be met. Some approaches are impacted

more by latency issues, such as jitter, while others depend heavily on bandwidth. From

a user’s perspective, latency issues tend to impact interactive performance [108], while

poor bandwidth tends to cause delays in bulk data transfers. Either of these usually

has a negative impact on the user experience. Additionally, this criterion is concerned

with the tolerance of an approach to network disconnection. For this criterion, the best

possible rating is perfect, while the worst is zero.

Network Demand

We define network demand to be the level to which an approach depends on the network

for correct functioning. While network resiliency attempts to assess the impact of

network performance on the user experience, network demand assesses how heavily

an approach may utilize the network, whenever it chooses to do so. For example,

an approach may function correctly under conditions of network disconnection, but

may fully utilize the network whenever it is available. A good exemplar of such a

system is the Coda [72] network file system, which functions under conditions of network

disconnection by caching a user’s files and updates locally at the client until a network

connection is once again available, at which point it will synchronize the local cache

with the server. Coda would be classified as having very high network resilience and

very high network demand. For this criterion, a zero rating is the best possible, while

very high is the worst. We do not assign a meaning to perfect for this criterion.

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Figure 1.1: Virtual Machine Architecture

Physical Vulnerability

We define physical vulnerability to be the level of potential risk due to physical damage

or theft, and the impact of those occurrences on user experience. Primarily, we are

concerned with the tolerance to such events a user’s data possesses. At one extreme,

a user may always access her data over a network on a server where it is kept syn-

chronously replicated. At the other extreme, a user may carry her data on a portable

device and never bother to back it up. The former would be classified as zero physical

vulnerability, while the latter as very high. For this criterion, perfect has no meaning.

Efficiency of Opportunism

We define efficiency of opportunism to be the level of opportunism required by each

approach. Opportunism is broadly defined to include hardware, software, and network

requirements. Basically, anything that might be required to be supplied to a mobile

individual at any specific location is included in the assessment of this criterion. The

best possible rating for this criterion is perfect, while the worst is zero. Of course, in

the context of this dissertation, we assume opportunism to be a desirable property.

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Figure 1.2: VM Encapsulation for Mobility

1.3.2 Virtual Machine Overview and Terminology

Before we present the comparison of different opportunistic mobile computing ap-

proaches, we need to provide some virtual machine related background and terminology.

Virtual Machines (VMs) [61] have been proposed as a method to migrate a mobile

individual’s computing environment from location to location [47]. They do so by

encapsulating all of a user’s data, applications, and preferences into a single “virtual

PC” image, and transferring that image over networks between systems. Figure 1.1

illustrates the architecture of a typical Virtual Machine installation and Figure 1.2

illustrates how VM encapsulation can be utilized to support user mobility through

“virtual PC” migration.

In Figure 1.1, the high-level architecture of a Virtual Machine is presented. A

hypervisor or Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) is the software layer that provides

hardware virtualization and monitoring functions to a number of Virtual Machines

(VMs) or guests. We refer to the underlying hardware as local or host hardware. Finally,

an independent instance of an operating system executes within each guest VM, and

each guest OS may execute one or more processes. We use this terminology consistently

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throughout this dissertation.

In Figure 1.2, as a user moves between locations, the user’s VM State, i.e. files,

applications, preferences, etc. are migrated between clients. This state migration can

occur over the network or through the use of a USB flash device carried by the user.

As we will discuss in the following sections, the method of VM State migration has a

direct impact on the performance and availability characteristics of the user’s computing


1.3.3 Approaches Toward Opportunistic Mobile Computing

The opportunistic mobile computing approaches can be classified into four categories:

(i) Thin Client Remote Access, (ii) VM on USB Device, (iii) VM on Network Share, and

(iv) VM Delivered over the Internet. In our taxonomy, we also define a fifth category

to include the baseline non-opportunistic approach, referred to as Carry PC Hardware.

Table 1.1 presents a comparison of the the opportunistic mobile computing ap-

proaches. For each approach, the table lists our six classification criteria and the as-

sociated assigned ratings. In the remainder of this section, we present a description of

each approach and review the classification criteria ratings for each.

Carry PC Hardware

The baseline Carry PC Hardware approach is not opportunistic at all. Obviously, car-

rying your PC hardware in any form, e.g., laptop, handheld, tablet, etc., is an approach

in which users favor preparedness over opportunism. This approach is characterized by

a relatively large mobility footprint. The first benefit is a lack of network dependency.

This approach is perfectly resilient with respect to network performance, and places

no demand on the network, as it pertains to recreating a user’s personal computing

environment. The applications a user may choose to execute may have their own net-

work performance requirements, but we do not consider that for the purposes of this

classification. The second benefit is that the accuracy of re-creation for this approach

is perfect, regardless of location. The PC hardware never varies, ensuring a consistent

computing experience for the user.

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Aside from the size of the user’s mobility footprint, the potential cost associated

with this approach is due to the high level of physical vulnerability. Portable devices

and the associated data stored on them may be lost, damaged, or stolen. Frequent

backups can offer a measure of data protection, but they do not guarantee zero data

loss or ensure continuity of availability. In the event of such a catastrophic occurrence,

there will most likely be a period of unavailability while the user acquires replacement

hardware and restores her applications, files, and preferences.

Thin Client Remote Access

The Thin Client Remote Access approach is one where a user accesses her PC environ-

ment from a client application that executes on local PC hardware and communicates

over a network connection to a remote display server. Figure 1.3 presents a graphical

representation of this approach. In the figure, a thin client station communicates with

a remote display server. The client application captures all keyboard and mouse input,

and transmits it to the server. All of a user’s applications, files, and preferences are

stored and accessed at the server, which sends display images, sometimes called screen

scrapes, back to the client. A number of freely available and commercial versions of

thin clients are available today.

VNC [32], or Virtual Network Computing, is one of the more popular freely available

examples of the thin client approach, but there are a number of others [26, 31, 12].

Recently, a model that utilizes virtual machines as a method of isolation between user

processes on the remote display server has emerged. This approach has been termed

the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) approach, but is similar in spirit and usage

model to traditional thin clients. Finally, the THINC [37] project employed various

low-level graphical optimization in order to improve the performance of thin clients for

graphically intensive execution scenarios.

In terms of opportunism, we classify this approach as very low. Whether the client

PC hardware is borrowed or not, only the display, keyboard, and mouse are fully

utilized. All other system resources, i.e., CPU, memory, and disk, are minimally used

just to store and execute the thin client software. No user applications or data are

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Figure 1.3: Thin Client Remote Access Overview

ever stored, executed, or accessed at the thin client. The benefits of this approach

are four-fold. First, there is zero mobility footprint as users can access their remote

desktops from virtually any PC that can establish a network connection to their remote

display server. Second, the accuracy of re-creation is perfect. Users will always be able

to access their unique desktop environment from the remote display server. Third, the

demand placed on the network is low, due to the fact that only the low level inputs and

display images are transferred between the client and server. Due to compression and

other optimizations, the amount of data exchanged can be kept relatively low. Finally,

there is zero physical vulnerability, under this approach due to the fact that all of a

user’s data is maintained at the remote display server.

Aside from the very low opportunism of the thin client approach, there are other

drawbacks. This approach requires network connectivity. It is not resilient to network

disconnection and it is highly sensitive to network jitter. Although the approach min-

imizes network bandwidth requirements, it is subject to fairly strict network latency

requirements for the entire duration of a user session, as demonstrated by Tolia et

al. [108]. Finally, since multiple user sessions are executed concurrently on each remote

display server, there are potential reliability issues, and a single server failure may im-

pact a large number of users. Recent trends, including the VDI approach, are making

strides in improving this situation, by providing better isolation between users and live

session fail-over between servers, but this still requires a careful architecting of both

the server and network infrastructure to support such fault tolerance.

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Figure 1.4: VM on USB Device Overview

VM on USB Device

The VM on USB Device approach takes advantage of a VM’s ability to completely

encapsulate a user’s personal computing environment, including her files, applications,

and preferences, and store it on a small form factor USB storage device. Essentially, a

user can carry her data and execution state, and otherwise opportunistically “live off

the land”, making use of whatever PC hardware is locally available.

Figure 1.4 presents an overview of the general model for this approach. In the

figure, a user at Location #1 suspends her computing session at Client Station #1

and initiates a shutdown of the client station. During this shutdown, all VM state

is updated directly on the portable USB device, which is utilized as a disk device by

the client station. Once shutdown is complete, the user disconnects her USB device

and leaves the site. In transit, she carries all of her execution state, files, applications,

preferences, etc. (VM state) with her. Upon arrival at Location #2, she connects the

portable USB device to Client Station #2 and boots the client station directly from

the USB disk to resume her computing session.

Figure 1.5 presents an example of the typical architecture utilized in this approach.

Both the VM state and VMM software are stored on the USB storage device. The

client station boots directly from the USB disk, first loading and executing the VMM

software, then resuming the execution of the guest VM, reading the VM state directly

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Figure 1.5: VM on USB Device Architecture

from the USB device. Other than a compatible hardware architecture and the ability

to boot from a USB storage device, there are no particular requirements on the client

station. Ubiquity is thus enhanced by eliminating the need to pre-install any software

on client stations. Only the USB storage device needs to be configured with the correct

boot image. Finally, under this model the client disk is unused and no state or state

updates are stored persistently on the local disk.

The SoulPad [42] project was the first to propose and evaluate this approach. Vari-

ous products [5, 6, 8, 13, 23] have since been launched to virtualize a user’s computing

experience across a broad spectrum from full environment encapsulation, similar to

SoulPad, to more application-specific virtualization, in which one or a small subset of

a user’s application set (and associated data) is encapsulated and stored on a USB key.

We classify this approach as highly opportunistic. Essentially, a user needs only

to carry a light-weight device in order to re-create her computing environment. The

benefits of this approach are a very small mobility footprint and, in general, a high

accuracy of re-creation. The accuracy of re-creation may vary for some of the appli-

cation virtualization techniques, depending on how application-specific they are, but

techniques such as SoulPad do not suffer from this. From a network perspective, this

approach is perfectly resilient to network performance issues including disconnection,

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and it places absolutely no demand on the network. Not including potential user or

application requirements, the approach itself does not rely on the network. Similar to

the Carry PC Hardware model, the VM on USB Device approach assumes the user

carries all of the data required to re-create her computing environment.

Unfortunately, physical vulnerability is a concern with this approach. Loss or de-

struction of the USB device leads to, potentially permanent, data loss. Although a

careful regimen of backups can help, this requires users to be sufficiently disciplined

for it to be a satisfactory solution. It also requires a backup system to be run period-

ically to scan for data modifications, even when none may exist. Minimizing a user’s

window of vulnerability to potential data loss essentially means increasing the backup

frequency, potentially altering a user’s mobility patterns or behavior.

VM on Network Share

The VM on Network Share approach also takes advantage of VM encapsulation of a

user’s personal computing environment. In this case, though, rather than carrying a

portable USB storage device, a user utilizes a client PC, connects to a network share

exported from a file server within a distributed file system [28, 64, 89], and initiates her

computing session by resuming her guest VM from the client.

Figure 1.6 provides an overview of this approach. In the figure, wherever a user may

be, either Location #1 or #2, she directly accesses her data from a client station over

a client-server distributed file system connection. In this model, the primary replica

of her VM state remains on file server storage, and all read and write requests and

responses are passed between the distributed file system client and server. Although

the user’s data may be temporarily copied to the local OS buffer cache on the client,

it is not copied to any local persistent storage device. An extension of this model is

to perform a network boot from the network file system export using a network boot

technique such as the Preboot eXecution Environment (PXE) [27] specified by Intel.

With this extension, a user could directly boot a VMM image from a network export,

and subsequently resume her guest VM. This method allows for a completely diskless

local client. In either case, network booting or not, the user simply suspends her guest

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Figure 1.6: VM on Network Share Overview

VM when she is done and disconnects the client from the file server.

Figure 1.7 presents the architecture of the typical VM on Network Server approach.

The figure presents the non-network boot case, where the VMM software is directly

installed on the local client. As a guest VM executes, the reads and writes to VM

state are issued over the network to the file server. These are handled similar to other

distributed file system accesses. While prefetching and caching do occur at the client,

nothing is stored persistently on any local client storage devices. On termination of

the guest VM session, updates that may reside in the client buffer cache are flushed

to the file server, to maintain consistency. Once the distributed file system export is

unmounted at the client, any state remaining in the client buffer cache will be purged

and is no longer available at the client.

vDesk [20] is a commercial system that utilizes network attached storage to imple-

ment the VM on Network Server approach. Since all major OSes support the execution

of file server software, and most allow for PXE configuration as well, it is straight-

forward for an administrator to deploy an instance of this approach with free or off-

the-shelf software. In fact, a recent study [60] has even been conducted using both the

NFS [43] and AFS [64] network file systems to serve VM state to clients.

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Figure 1.7: VM on Network Share Architecture

The benefits of this approach are that it is highly optimistic, has a high accuracy

of re-creation, and has as small a mobility footprint as possible; one in which a mobile

individual has nothing to carry with her. Additionally, it has very low physical vulner-

ability, but it is not zero. This is due to the fact that when the distributed file system

export is mounted at the local client, direct file system-level access is possible from the

client to all of the data stored on the distributed file system export. This exposes the

guest VM state to potential corruption, inadvertent modification or deletion, or even

issues due to malicious client software such as a rootkit or virus.

Unfortunately, the VM on Network Server approach depends heavily on network

performance. In fact, it is directly dependent on the performance of the underlying

distributed file system. The network demand of this approach is very high, since it

must transfer VM state over the network prior to operating on it locally. Also, it is

only moderately tolerant of network degradation. Latency and jitter tend to have a sub-

stantially negative effect on distributed file system performance, due to the synchronous

message-passing nature of underlying distributed file system protocols. Distributed file

systems tend to perform very well under conditions of high bandwidth and low latency,

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but very poorly under degraded performance, and disconnection can cause data avail-

ability problems for clients. In practice, distributed file systems are more likely to be

utilized for LAN deployments, and are typically not deployed under WAN conditions

such as would be found under Internet-scale deployments. Finally, although some file

system, such as the Coda [72] file system, are designed to gracefully handle conditions

of degraded network performance, the assumptions made regarding average file size and

the optimizations used to tolerate poor network performance do not generally apply to

VM state. For example, Coda performs whole file caching at the time a file is first

opened. Since guest VM state can range well over tens of gigabytes, whole file caching

would cause serious, likely intolerable, delays during the initial resume of a guest VM.

VM Delivered over the Internet

The VM Delivered over the Internet approach is another approach that leverages VM

encapsulation of a user’s personal computing environment. Unlike the previous ap-

proach, it does not leverage a generic distributed file system as the delivery mechanism

for VM state. Instead, recognizing the detrimental effects of poor network performance

on distributed file systems, this approach utilizes a specialized software layer to replicate

VM state between a client station and a specialized VM state server. A user initiates

a session by first creating a local replica copy at a client, and then can resume a guest

VM once a consistent replica has been established.

Figure 1.8 provides an overview of the approach. In the figure, once a user has

completed her computing session, she suspends her guest VM and initiates a VM state

checkin process. This process transfers VM state updates to the server. Once the server

has validated and committed the updates to its copy of the VM state, replica ownership

is transferred to the server from the client, Client Station #1 in this case. To verify

ownership, a token is passed by the client to the server. Only a client with a valid

token can commit VM state updates to the server. Once the state updates have been

committed and ownership transferred, the user is free to travel to her next location.

When she arrives at Location #2, she borrows Client Station #2, initiates the VM state

checkout process, which creates a new replica at the client, and transfers ownership to

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Figure 1.8: VM over Internet Overview

the client. To ensure consistency, a new ownership token is generated during each

checkout, and it is only known to both the client and server. As an optimization, in the

event that some or all of a VM state replica still resides on this client, only the updates

need to be transferred. This may happen if a user has previously initiated a replica at

this client, during a prior site visit. Once ownership has been transferred, the guest

VM can be resumed and the user can continue to utilize her computing environment

from where she last suspended.

Figure 1.9 presents the architecture of the VM Delivered over the Internet approach.

The base model of this approach requires only the VMM software to be installed at a

client. Once a VM state replica has been established through the checkout process, it

may persist indefinitely at a client, such that the next time a user initiates a checkout

at the same client, some or all of the VM state may already be in residence. Since the

approach attempts to be efficient in the amount of VM state transferred between client

and server, only updates are ever sent in either direction. Additional optimizations

include lazy VM state copying and lookaside caching [106]. The former allows the

client to wait until a portion of VM state is about to be accessed before downloading

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Figure 1.9: VM over Internet Architecture

it from the server. The latter allows a user to carry a small USB storage device pre-

populated with a version of her VM state replica, which can serve as a low latency, high

bandwidth source of VM state.

The Internet Suspend/ResumeR© (ISR) system [73, 92] was the first to propose the

VM Delivered over the Internet approach towards opportunistic mobile computing.

While ISR builds upon previous work in the Andrew [64] and Coda [72] distributed

file systems, it introduced numerous improvements specific to the area of opportunistic

mobile computing. These improvements span both optimizations for performance and

new security mechanism in order to cover multiple aspects of the approach.

In terms of opportunism, the VM Delivered over the Internet approach is perfect.

In the absence of lookaside caching, a user is not required to carry anything with her

from site to site. This also leads to a zero mobility footprint. Similar to the other VM-

based approaches, the accuracy of re-creation is high, while this approach also benefits

from a very low physical vulnerability due to the validation of VM state that occurs

during the checkin process. Additionally, since there are fixed checkpoints introduced

by the checkin/checkout process, the approach allows a user to initiate a VM state

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rollback, to a prior version of her VM. Finally, this approach exhibits very high network

resiliency. By replicating VM state locally, at a client, it is much less susceptible to

variations and degradations in network performance. In fact, this approach can even

operate completely disconnected from the network, provided a fully populated replica

is available either on the local client or from a lookaside cache.

The VM Delivered over the Internet approach achieves very high network resiliency

by relying more heavily on network bandwidth to reduce the effects of varying network

latency. Synchronous network access is needed only to service cache misses. Once a

part of VM state is cached, further execution only involves local accesses to it. The zero

mobility footprint of this approach comes at the price of large VM state transfers. Even

if this state is fetched lazily from a server, it is likely to involve many tens or hundreds

of MB at startup, with further transfers during execution. This results in significant

startup delay and slower interactive execution. When a user terminates a session, VM

state updates have to be transferred back to the server. In trusted environments such

as home or office, the user can depart without waiting for this transfer to complete. At

other locations, the user must suffer this delay.

1.4 Data Access Challenges for Opportunistic Mobile Computing

In surveying the approaches to opportunistic mobile computing, we observe a common

distinction that separates them into those that are highly opportunistic from those

that are not. Opportunism weakens the binding between the data storage location of a

mobile individual’s data and the data access location through the inclusion of borrowing.

The act of borrowing PC hardware all but ensures that a mobile individual will have

to go outside of the borrowed PC environment to bring in her data. This can even be

shown for the simple case of web browsing. Although a user can borrow someones PC

to browse web pages, it is not nearly as convenient as if she were to have access to all

of her bookmarks and browser preferences.

Although mobile individuals may be willing to accept the separation of data storage

location from data access location in favor of the benefits in seamless mobility, they are

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not willing to accept degradation to their overall computing experience. Furthermore,

the act of borrowing reduces the level of trust mobile individuals can place in the

personal computing environment they utilize. Taken together, this means that we

cannot sacrifice data access efficiency or safety for the sake of mobility. Therefore,

to maximize the acceptance of opportunistic mobile computing, we must meet these

requirements as best as possible.

In this section, we first elaborate the requirements of data access efficiency and

safety, then describe the three challenges that we identify and solve to improve the per-

formance, availability, and security of data access for opportunistic mobile computing.

We present each challenge in terms of the opportunistic approach to which it applies

and in the context of the data access efficiency and safety requirements.

1.4.1 Requirements of Data Access Efficiency and Safety

To better understand the requirements of data access and efficiency, we examine the

lifecycle of a user session. We break it into three phases. In the first phase, a user

initiates her computing session to restore her environment to its execution-ready state

from its quiesced state. For a laptop, this means to boot or resume from hibernation.

For a VM, it means to resume from suspend. We call this phase Session Initiation.

The second phase is the execution-ready phase where a user interacts with her data

(applications, files, preferences, etc.). We call this phase Interactive Execution. In

the final phase, a user terminates her session. For a laptop this means to initiate

shutdown of hibernation, and for a VM this means to suspend. We call this phase

Session Termination. We list the requirements of data access efficiency and safety

throughout the user session lifecycle as follows.

Session Initiation

In the Session Initiation phase, the data access efficiency and safety requirements can

be broken down into two properties that must be maintained. First, ensure the avail-

ability of data access such that the required data is accessible to bring the system from

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a quiesced state to an execution-ready state. Second, ensure that the latency of Ses-

sion Initiation is minimized. The first property is safety-oriented, while the second is


Interactive Execution

During the Interactive Execution phase, there are two properties to satisfy: the data

access efficiency and safety requirements. First, data access availability must be main-

tained to ensure correct session execution. Second, data access performance must be

good enough to ensure tolerable interactive response latency. As with the Session Initi-

ation tasks, the first property is safety-oriented, while the second is efficiency-oriented.

Session Termination

In the Session Termination phase, the data access efficiency and safety requirements

can be broken down into two properties that must be maintained. First, ensure the

availability of data access such that any updates to that data can be performed correctly.

Second, ensure that the latency of Session Termination is minimized. As with the tasks

in the prior phases, the first property is safety-oriented, while the second is efficiency-


Preservation of Confidentiality and Integrity Throughout

Finally, throughout all three phases two additional properties must be maintained in

order to satisfy the data access efficiency and safety requirements: confidentiality and

integrity of the mobile individual’s data. Both of these properties are safety-oriented.

1.4.2 The Performance Challenge

In the VM on USB Device approach described earlier, a user carries her data on a

portable USB storage device. As she travels from location to location, she is free to

“live off the land” and borrow whatever PC hardware happens to be available for her

to use. At this point, she connects her USB device to the PC, boots off of the device,

and initiates her computing session by resuming her guest VM.

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Unfortunately, since her data is stored on a small, portable, inexpensive USB stor-

age device, the performance of data access is significantly worse than what she would

normally expect to experience from a normal internal PC hard drive. Essentially, she

borrows the entire PC, except for the local internal disk. This affects performance

across the entire lifecycle of her session. During Session Initiation and Termination,

the slower performing drive causes additional latencies. During Interactive Execution,

response latencies are increased and, as we will show, can be intolerable at times. Fi-

nally, the performance of most common I/O-intensive tasks, e.g., software installs and

updates, source compilation, small and large file operations, and office processing, are

impacted by the relatively slower performing storage device. In fact, just about every

aspect of her computing experience if negatively impacted.

To overcome this challenge in performance, we introduce the concept of safe bor-

rowing of local storage. The key idea is to leverage the free disk blocks of the borrowed

computer’s internal disk to construct a virtual storage device to provide faster storage

for a guest VM. An additional goal of this concept is to ensure reciprocal protection

between the VM and borrowed PC by isolating their disk accesses. As long as the

integrity of the the USB device is preserved (i.e., it is not modified), the integrity of its

virtual storage device is also preserved. Hence, the privacy and integrity of data in the

non-free parts of the internal disk are also preserved. Software running within a VM

(malicious or not) cannot view or modify non-free parts of the internal disk. At the

same time, all data stored on the virtual storage device can be encrypted to preserve

the confidentiality of the VM state. By using the free space of the higher-performing

local storage of borrowed hardware, the speed at which performance-critical operations

can be completed is increased, improving the user experience during all session lifecycle


In Chapter 2 of this dissertation, we demonstrate the feasibility of safe borrowing,

as a solution for the performance challenge under opportunistic mobile computing sce-

narios. In the context of the VM on USB Device approach, we present the design,

implementation, and prototype evaluation of the TransPart system.

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1.4.3 The Availability Challenge

In the VM Delivered over the Internet approach described earlier, a mobile individual

relies completely on leveraging local computer resources opportunistically. When a user

resumes her session, a replica of the associated VM state must instantiated at the local

client station. Once the necessary portions of VM state have been copied to the local

client, a user can resume her guest VM.

Unfortunately, the availability of a user’s data can vary greatly under opportunistic

mobile computing conditions, influenced by factors such as network connectivity and

performance. As discussed earlier, VM state transfer can place a very high demand on

the network due to the potentially large size of the VM state, even after factoring in

existing optimizations, such as lazy state transfer. This affects data access availability

throughout the session lifecycle. During Session Initiation, poor network performance

including disconnection can lengthen the resume latency or even completely prevent

a guest VM from being resumed. During Interactive Execution, since portions of VM

state are requested lazily from the VM state server, the impacts of network performance

can be perceived as additional interactive response latency, or as in the case of network

disconnection, premature session termination due to unavailable data. Moreover, pre-

mature termination can have catastrophic effects on the consistency of the local VM

state replica, potentially forcing a user to roll back to a previous consistent checkpoint.

During Session Termination, suspend latency is dependent on network performance.

Under conditions of severe network performance degradation, the time to terminate a

session may be so large that it forces a user to choose between saving her updates to

the VM state server or foregoing it and rolling back her guest VM to a recent point of

consistency, losing her most recent updates. Of course, in trusted environments such

as home or office, the user can depart without waiting for VM state update transfer to

complete. In public environments such as an Internet cafe, the prudent user suffers the

suspend latency in order to ensure safe completion of state update transfer.

To overcome this challenge in availability, we introduce the concept of a self-cleaning

portable cache. Our solution is to treat smart phones as trusted personal assistants that

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serve as local self-cleaning, read-through, write-back caches of user data. We leverage

smart phone technology since it is portable, “light-weight”, has internal storage, and

offers multiple connectivity options. Under this model, a user can suspend her session

and check in her VM state to the smart phone rather than directly to the VM state

server; similarly, she can resume from the smart phone. Even when Internet connectivity

is poor, the physical proximity of a user’s smart phone to a borrowed client station

ensures good connectivity between them. To reduce device vulnerability, the portable

cache opportunistically uses cellular, WiFi, or other networking technology to self-clean;

that is, to asynchronously propagate modified VM state to VM state servers while users

are in transit. This self-cleaning aspect of Horatio distinguishes it from VM on USB

Device approaches, which rely solely on passive USB storage, and are hence vulnerable

to device loss or damage. A self-cleaning portable cache does not increase the size or

weight aspects of a user’s mobility footprint since most users already carry cell phones

for voice calls and texting. Only the energy aspect increases slightly.

In Chapter 3 of this dissertation, we demonstrate the feasibility of a self-cleaning

portable cache as a solution for the availability challenge under opportunistic mobile

computing scenarios. In the context of the VM Delivered over the Internet approach,

we present the design, implementation, and prototype evaluation of the Horatio system.

1.4.4 The Security Challenge

In both of the highly opportunistic mobile computing approaches described earlier, VM

on USB Device and VM Delivered over the Internet, mobile individuals initiate and

execute computing sessions from borrowed PC hardware. Until now, we have primarily

focused on ensuring usability under opportunistic mobile computing conditions. We

must also consider security aspects. As it pertains to user data access, there are two

aspects that are critical to ensure: (i) data integrity and (ii) data confidentiality. Cen-

tral to the issue is the reduced level of trust a user may place in borrowed hardware

relative to how strongly she trusts what she owns.

In the context of opportunistic mobile computing, there have been advances to-

wards the establishment of trust in borrowed PC hardware. Surie et al. [105] utilize

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a USB device-based approach to establish a root of trust from the USB device up

through guest VM state. Unfortunately, this approach cannot protect against BIOS or

VM-based attacks. They also assume untampered, non-malicious hardware. Ravi et

al. [84] propose a similar model, but extended to support verification of the local PC

BIOS and protection against VM-based attacks. Finally, Garriss et al. [59] focus on

detecting software attacks for borrowing situations that involve public kiosks. Similar

to the other approaches, the authors acknowledge that hardware-based attacks remain

a concern. This leaves open the possibility of attacks that modify or replace hardware

peripherals and internal components with malicious versions, e.g., covertly introducing

a USB sniffer.

It is this lack of a mechanism to completely determine the trustworthiness of a bor-

rowed PC that prevents there being a good solution to the dual data access challenges

of maintaining confidentiality and integrity. In fact, we take the position that there is

unlikely to be a good solution to this; one that is both verifiably correct and will con-

vince the average non-technical user of such. Instead, we take the complimentary goal

of minimizing the potential damages that may result from such an attack due to the

lack of full trust establishment. We claim that our approach is complimentary to even

one that provides full trust establishment, since attacks can still occur within trusted

computing environments.

In both of the highly opportunistic approaches, VM on USB Device and VM De-

livered over the Internet, on disk data confidentiality is maintained through the use

of data encryption. The VM Delivered over the Internet also utilizes cryptographic

hashing to validate the integrity of the data, while both rely on a regimen of frequent

backups to provide further data integrity. Since access to VM state is a requirement

of both approaches, we extend our focus to include remote data access to file servers,

from untrusted borrowed computers. Remote file access is typically secured using stan-

dard distributed file systems authentication mechanisms, such as VPNs and firewalls.

Since a borrowed computer is essentially untrusted, it may contain malware, for ex-

ample viruses, worms, hardware sniffers, etc., that compromise the confidentiality and

integrity of a user’s remotely stored files when they are accessed via these devices. The

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security challenge exists throughout the lifecycle of a user session.

To overcome this security challenge, we apply the concept of working sets to access

control, specifically in the context of remote data access for users over distributed file

systems. Our solution is to observe and extract working sets for users when they access

files from trusted (non-borrowed) devices and use the working sets to restrict user

file accesses when performed from untrusted (borrowed) devices. Intuitively, most file

accesses are governed by the working set; indeed prior work has shown temporal patterns

in user file accesses [100]. Since a user will tend to access a file that she has recently

accessed, using the working set does not overly restrict file accesses, while malware

accesses to the file system typically exhibit no such temporal patterns. This novel

access control scheme improves the security of user data access under opportunistic

mobile computing conditions by minimizing the risks to the confidentiality and integrity

of remote data and restricting user data access to those items a mobile individual is

likely to access in the near future. Damage caused by malware is thus restricted to a

user’s working set.

In Chapter 4 of this dissertation, we demonstrate the feasibility of the Working Set-

Based Access Control (WSBAC) scheme as a solution for the security challenge under

opportunistic mobile computing scenarios. In the context of the VM on USB Device

and VM Delivered over the Internet approaches, we present the design, implementation,

and prototype evaluation of the WSBAC system.

1.5 Summary of Dissertation Contributions

This dissertation has three main contributions in the area of data access for opportunis-

tic mobile computing, which were published in the Proceedings of the 7th International

Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys), 2009 [97], Pro-

ceedings of the 14th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SAC-

MAT), 2009 [96], Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Mobile Comput-

ing and Clouds (MCC), 2010 [93], and Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer

Science Technical Report CMU-CS-10-110, 2010 [98].

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We present the design, implementation, and evaluation of three different systems –

TransPart [93, 98], Horatio [97], and Working Set-based Access Control (WSBAC) [96],

which improve the performance (TransPart), availability (Horatio), and security (WSBAC)

of data access for opportunistic mobile computing users, respectively.

TransPart is a system to improve the performance of data access for opportunistic

mobile computing systems by using the higher-performing local storage of borrowed

hardware to speed up performance-critical operations. We introduce the concept of

safe borrowing of unused portions of local disk storage. Safe borrowing allows a user

to fully realize the benefits of the higher-performing local storage while preserving the

integrity and privacy of the existing data on the non-free parts of that local storage. To

facilitate this, our solution constructs a virtual storage device on demand by borrowing

free disk blocks from the host’s storage. In support of user mobility and opportunistic

use of available local hardware, TransPart requires no modifications to the software

or hardware of a borrowed computer. We also suggest potential uses of the ideas

underlying TransPart in other VM-based contexts. We present experimental results

confirming that TransPart offers low overheads and startup cost, while improving the

performance of data access for opportunistic mobile computing users.

Horatio is a system to improve the availability of data access for opportunistic

mobile computing systems by utilizing nascent smart phone technology. We introduce

the concept of a self-cleaning portable cache for VM state and leverage the nearly-

ubiquitous presence of smart phones to transform them into trusted personal assistants

for mobile users. Since most users already carry cell phones for voice calls and texting,

Horatio does not increase the size or weight of what must be carried — there is only

a small increase in the energy requirements. We present the benefits of Horatio, which

are threefold: it (i) reduces the suspend and resume latencies of VM guests by acting as

a local read-through and write-back cache for VM state, (ii) performs self-cleaning by

transferring VM state updates back to the persistent store while the user is in transit

between sites, and (iii) minimizes the energy demands it places on the smart phone

by opportunistically offloading associated state management computation to the local

resources. We present a system design for Horatio that separates VM state into two

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distinct components: data state and control state. This separation simplifies the use of

VM state replication and VM state transfer parallelism, while enabling the speculative

transmission of VM state updates through eager state propagation (see Section 3.3.6).

We report experimental results confirming that Horatio improves the availability of

data access for opportunistic mobile computing users, even with current smart phone

limitations. We also suggest improvements to the smart phones’ protocol stacks to

further improve Horatio’s performance by an order of magnitude.

Working Set-Based Access Control (WSBAC) is a novel scheme to restrict dis-

tributed file system accesses from untrusted (e.g., borrowed) devices, in support of

remote user file access. For example, such remote file access occurs frequently for em-

ployee’s accessing files on corporate intranets. Under opportunistic mobile computing,

users not only access the local state of their personal computing environment from bor-

rowed PC hardware, but also any remote resources such as files stored on distributed

file systems. This potentially exposes such remote resources to data confidentiality and

integrity risks, due to viruses, rootkits, malicious hardware, and other malware. The

key idea of WSBAC is to continuously observe and extract working sets for users when

they access files from trusted devices and use the working sets to restrict user file ac-

cesses from untrusted devices. For the purposes of this dissertation, we will assume

that devices administered by the corporation are trusted, and that other devices (e.g.,

borrowed or personal devices) are untrusted. However, WSBAC is independent of this

assumption and will work with any technique that can be used to differentiate between

trusted and untrusted devices, e.g., devices equipped with TPM hardware and integrity

measurement tools [87] could be considered trusted. We present the design, implemen-

tation, and evaluation of tools to automatically extract working sets, and transparently

enforce WSBAC without requiring changes to the distributed file system.

1.6 Contributors to the Dissertation

The following is a list of people who co-authored papers from which material was used in

this dissertation. Chapters 2 and 3 of this dissertation are the result of a collaboration

between by my advisor, Professor Liviu Iftode, and Professor Mahadev Satyanarayanan

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(Carnegie Mellon University). During this time, Professor Satyanarayanan acted as a

co-advisor and contributed in many ways to all aspects of this work. Professor Vinod

Ganapathy contributed to the motivation for WSBAC, and to the design of the Polen

speculative update mechanism. Aniruddha Bohra implemented parts of the FileWall

system upon which the WSBAC system was built and evaluated. He was a graduate

student at Rutgers at that time he worked on the project, also advised by Professor

Iftode. Benjamin Gilbert (Carnegie Mellon University) contributed to the design of

the state transference mechanism utilized by the Horatio client. He also contributed to

the design and implementation of the free block discovery and virtual device creation

mechanisms for the TransPart prototype. Jan Harkes (Carnegie Mellon University)

contributed to the initial design of the TransPart virtual device creation mechanism.

Professor Eyal de Lara (University of Toronto) contributed to Horatio prototype eval-

uation. Nilton Bila (University of Toronto) implemented and executed a custom real

work macrobenchmark as part of the Horatio prototype evaluation.

1.7 Organization of the Dissertation

This dissertation is organized as follows. Chapter 2 describes TransPart, a system that

improves the performance of data access for opportunistic mobile computing users.

Chapter 3 describes Horatio, a system that improves the availability of data access

for opportunistic mobile computing user. Chapter 4 describes the Working Set-Based

Access Control Scheme (WSBAC), an access control system that improves the security

of data access for opportunistic mobile computing users. Finally, Chapter 5 concludes

the dissertation.

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Chapter 2

Improving the Performance of Mobile Data Access

2.1 Problem Statement

In Section 1.3.3, we described a class of systems that exploit virtual machine (VM)

technology to encapsulate and dynamically deliver user-specific state to a computer

from a bootable USB key, thus enabling user mobility across hardware. While the

specific systems that have been proposed [42, 45, 73, 90, 92] differ considerably in

their technical details, they share the top-level goal of decoupling a user’s personal

computing environment from a specific machine. Moreover, their usage model is quite

different from the email, Web access, and social networking capabilities provided by

BlackBerries, iPhones, and other mobile devices. The strength of these systems lies

in their ability to precisely, safely, and rapidly re-create a user’s Windows or Linux

desktop environment as a thick client on borrowed hardware at any time and place.

Unfortunately, portable storage devices sacrifice I/O performance in order to obtain

the highest capacity and robustness at the lowest cost, size, and weight. In addition,

USB connectivity limits storage bandwidth well below that of internal storage connec-

tivity such as SATA. As Table 2.1 shows, the I/O read and write performance of typical

USB-attached storage devices is substantially slower than that of an internal disk. This

severely impacts operating system performance, including basic functionality such as

swapping and application launch.

In this chapter, we propose a zero-install approach, called TransPart, that leverages

the free disk blocks of the host computer’s internal disk. TransPart constructs a virtual

storage device from these free disk blocks and uses it to provide faster storage for VM-

based mobility. TransPart ensures reciprocal protection between the VM and host by

isolating their disk accesses. As long as the integrity of TransPart is preserved (i.e., the

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USB device is not modified), the integrity of its virtual storage device is also preserved.

Hence, the privacy and integrity of data in the non-free parts of the host disk are also

preserved. Software running within a VM (malicious or not) cannot view or modify

non-free parts of the host disk. At the same time, TransPart can encrypt all data

stored on the virtual storage device, and thus, preserves the privacy of the VM state.

In this chapter, we present the design, implementation, and evaluation of a TransPart

prototype. Experimental measurements from this prototype confirm that it offers low

overhead and start-up cost, while improving user experience.

2.2 TransPart Design and Implementation

In this section, we present the design and implementation of TransPart. Throughout

this chapter, we use a number of specific terms as we describe the model, design, and

implementation. For clarity, we define these terms first.

2.2.1 Notational Terminology

When referring to the borrowing of PC hardware from one user by another, we refer

to both users unambiguously as the owner and the borrower. We refer to the hardware

and software components of the owner’s PC as the local components. We also refer to

the owner’s PC as the borrowed PC.

As described before, the host is the execution environment within which a guest

virtual machine or VM may execute. We use the terms host, host virtual machine

monitor, or VMM interchangeably. Collectively, the host VMM and guest VMs define

the borrower’s software that executes on the owner’s PC hardware. The guest VM

executes a user’s transient personal computing environment and encapsulates the user’s

PC state.

Finally, a free disk block is a disk block that satisfies one of two conditions: (i) it

has not been allocated to a local file system or (ii) it has been allocated to a local file

system, but is not currently in-use by that file system.

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2.2.2 Correctness Criteria

The design of TransPart is directed by a set of design goals. We list these below.

• Borrow the free disk blocks of a local hard disk to create a virtual storage device

for a guest execution environment.

• Protect the in-use local disk blocks from guest VM read and write operations.

• Achieve the first two goals without any modifications to local hardware, OS, or

application software.

Finally, our design assumes that the local OS does not execute concurrently with

the borrower’s software. This enforces a strict isolation between the local OS and the

borrower’s software accesses to the local storage device while the borrower’s VMM is

executed. Furthermore, the VMM is restricted from even mounting any host file systems

and using them directly. When a host OS is hibernated, its hibernated image contains

cached file system state. If the VMM were to mount and use a host file system directly,

it would likely cause a consistency problem between the on-disk file system state and

the hibernated host image.

2.2.3 Usage Model

A user who wishes to borrow a PC to temporarily execute her transient personal com-

puting environment must first connect her portable USB device to the PC and power

it on. This causes the PC to boot the VMM software stored on the user’s USB key.

In order to execute the user’s guest VM using the free blocks of the local disk as a

transient storage location, the VMM must export the available free blocks on the local

disk as a virtual device, and provide a device interface. While the VMM boots up,

TransPart discovers all available free blocks on the local disk partitions and allocates a

TransPart virtual disk device for the guest VM by aggregating them. The TransPart

device provides the user access to the free blocks of the local disk, while protecting the

privacy and integrity of any existing local data.

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TransPart allows a user to utilize the free blocks of a local disk. This is illustrated as thewhite boxes in the local disk. The black boxes are in not free. Then it copies the guestVM from the portable USB storage device to the local disk. This is illustrated as the greenfilled boxes in the local disk. From this point on, the guest VM executes from the localdisk. The VMM is always accessed from the portable USB storage device.

Figure 2.1: TransPart Overview

Once the VMM has finished booting and TransPart has allocated a virtual device

for the user’s guest VM, the state of the guest VM can either be copied all at once

to the virtual device or it can be left on the USB device, and portions of it will be

copied on-demand, during guest VM execution. In either case, the user can resume her

guest VM, at this point. She is now free to start working within her personal computing

environment, unhindered by the performance restrictions of her portable storage device.

Figure 2.1 illustrates the usage model for TransPart.

2.2.4 Design Overview

In this section, we describe our design for the TransPart system. Recall that our design

goal is to borrow the free blocks from a local disk, while protecting both the integrity

and privacy of the existing local data. To accomplish this goal, TransPart must perform

several tasks. It must first discover free blocks on local disks and allocate a TransPart

device that aggregates these blocks into a virtual disk. It then transfers guest VM state

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(1) TransPart performs free block discovery. (2) TransPart performs device allocation. (3)& (4) TransPart copies guest VM state from the USB flash disk to the newly allocatedTransPart device. Note: the host and guest I/O buffer caches are not shown in this figure.

Figure 2.2: TransPart System Architecture

to the TransPart device, either on-demand or prior to guest VM execution. Finally,

after the user finishes work and suspends the guest VM, TransPart must transfer all

guest VM state modifications back to the portable USB device. These operations are

depicted in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2 also illustrates the path I/O accesses take as they flow through the system.

A file system access from an application, for example, is issued to the guest VM’s virtual

file system. This access is intercepted by the VMM and passed to the TransPart device,

ultimately being serviced by one or more local disks. I/O performance is improved by

conventional buffer caches in both the host and guest OSes; these are omitted from the

figure for clarity.

Since TransPart devices only include free local disk blocks, it is impossible for a

guest VM to either read or write to a block that is in use by a local file system.

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2.2.5 Free Block Discovery

During the host’s boot process, and prior to execution of a guest VM, TransPart scans

the host’s local storage devices to discover available free blocks. This process occurs in

two phases. In the first phase, TransPart enumerates local devices searching for storage

devices; then, it discovers the individual storage volumes on these devices. Such volumes

include physical disk partitions as well as aggregate volumes such as software RAID

and Logical Volume Manager volumes. Each storage volume usually contains a single

file system or swap partition.

In the second phase, TransPart searches through each storage volume to discover the

available free blocks. Most, if not all, modern file systems maintain a set of block allo-

cation tables as meta-data on disk, for each formatted disk partition. For instance, the

Linux ext2 [44] file system stores a block allocation bitmap in each block group, which

maintains the allocation status for each block in the associated block group. TransPart

utilizes file system on-disk semantics to properly parse the file system metadata and

discover free disk blocks. To preserve host file system consistency, TransPart will only

use host file systems that were unmounted cleanly when the host was powered off.

Normally, swap partitions are not available for use by TransPart, since host PC state

resides there when hibernated. However, if the host PC has been shut down rather than

hibernated, TransPart can also use disk blocks from any swap partitions it finds, since

in this case there is no risk of overwriting important data. Of course, since the PC has

been shut down, it must undergo a full reboot (rather than resuming from hibernation)

once the TransPart session has finished.

TransPart tracks free blocks not as individual units, but as free block extents, or

runs of consecutive blocks. This minimizes the amount of data that must be tracked

and allows for more intelligent block allocation policies. We defer discussion of block

allocation policies and the related topic of fragmentation until Section 2.4 of this chap-


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2.2.6 Device Allocation

Once TransPart has discovered free disk blocks, it allocates a TransPart device for

the guest VM. The minimum size for the given TransPart device is determined by

the size of the guest VM state. In most cases, the device size can be substantially

smaller than the full guest VM state size, since only portions of the state are fetched on

demand as needed for guest VM execution. This on demand model incurs additional

I/O performance overhead but allows the guest VM to be executed without copying

the entire guest VM state to the host.

2.2.7 Implementation Details

Our TransPart prototype is implemented in about 550 lines of C and a small amount of

Python 2.6 and shell script code. Together, the TransPart components are installed on

the portable storage device and are executed from the portable storage device during

various stages of boot-up of the host VMM. No modifications are made to existing

software in either the host or the guest.

Our prototype supports free disk block discovery from ext2/3/4 and NTFS file

systems as well as Linux swap devices. For low-level semantic access to ext2/3/4 file

systems, TransPart uses the Linux e2fsprogs [112] library. For semantic access to NTFS

file systems, it uses the ntfsprogs [2] library. To create in-kernel TransPart devices,

we use the existing Linux Device-mapper [1]. By doing so, we take advantage of all

the performance benefits of the mature Linux kernel code supporting logical volume


Finding Free Disk Space

The task of collecting available disk space into a TransPart volume is performed by the

gather free space tool, which performs the following actions:

First, the e2fsprogs blkid library is used to gather a list of disk volumes and their

file system types. Since gather free space executes after VMM initialization, Linux

software RAID and Logical Volume Manager (LVM) [3] volumes have already been

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assembled, and are included in the volume list returned by blkid.

Next, each volume is examined using the appropriate file system-specific libraries,

unless it contains a Linux swap partition. In that case, it is examined directly by

gather free space. Volumes containing file systems not recognized by gather free-

space are skipped. For each recognized file system, gather free space performs a

consistency check on the file system. If the check indicates that a file system was not

unmounted cleanly or is known to have errors, or if an NTFS or Linux swap partition

contains hibernated memory state, the file system is skipped. Also, if any errors are

encountered while reading the file system, it is skipped. These tests attempt to ensure

that gather free space will not damage any local file system.

For each file system that is deemed safe to use, gather free space obtains the

file system block allocation bitmap. These bitmaps are scanned to generate a stream

of extents, or runs of free blocks. The lengths and locations of the largest 100,000

extents yet encountered are recorded in a binary heap. To improve the performance of

TransPart volumes, extents smaller than 4 MB are ignored. Building TransPart devices

from larger extents helps to decrease the average number of disk seeks required during

I/O operations, thus, improving overall throughput.

Finally, the Linux device-mapper infrastructure is directed via the libdevmapper

library to create a block device from the extents recorded in the binary heap. Device-

mapper [1] provides a mechanism for creating virtual disks that redirect accesses to other

disks in a configurable, table-driven fashion. Before the list of extents is presented to

libdevmapper, it is sorted by originating volume and sector offset within that volume.

This reduces seeks during streaming accesses to the TransPart volume, since its sectors

are more likely to be ordered with respect to sectors on the physical disks.

The device-mapper implements a logical volume as a table of extents. If the host’s

file systems were highly fragmented and gather free space were to include every

free extent, the table could grow quite large. The Linux kernel places the table in

the vmalloc allocation area, which is limited to 128 MB on x86 systems and cannot

be swapped to disk. Limiting the table to the largest 100,000 extents ensures that

gather free space creates the largest TransPart device possible without consuming

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more than a few megabytes of kernel memory.

Allocating Free Disk Space

The gather free space tool can create a virtual disk, but cannot make it usable to

a guest VM. This task is performed by the early scratch setup initialization script,

which executes during VMM boot.

First, early scratch setup executes gather free space to create a TransPart

device. By default, early scratch setup imposes a minimum size for that device. If

gather free space is unable to create a volume of at least this size, early scratch-

setup produces an error and terminates. It then creates an LVM volume group on top

of the TransPart device. Next, it creates a swap partition (2 GB default size) within

the volume group, then formats and enables it for use. Finally, a storage volume is

created from the remainder of the space in the volume group. This volume is formatted

to create a file system (ext4 by default), which is then mounted within the VMM1.

2.3 Evaluation

Our experimental evaluation of the TransPart prototype addresses two questions:

• How much does TransPart improve the transient personal computing environment


• How much time does TransPart add to VM session start-up and shutdown?

Together, these questions allow us to explore both the benefits and costs of the TransPart

system. Our goal is to evaluate the benefits of the TransPart system towards improving

the user experience within the framework of VM-encapsulated mobile computing.

In this section, we describe our experimental methodology (Section 2.3.1), then

present two sets of experimental results. First, we report results pertaining to TransPart

1To improve performance under the default ext4 case, mkfs.ext4 is run with the lazy itable initoption, causing mkfs.ext4 to defer initialization of file system block groups to a background task whichruns when the volume is first mounted.

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benefits (Section 2.3.2) and then we present results pertaining to TransPart costs (Sec-

tion 2.3.3).

2.3.1 Experimental Methodology

For all experiments, we use a Dell Optiplex 755 PC with a 2.33 GHz Core 2 Duo CPU,

3 GB of RAM, a 250 GB Serial ATA disk at 7200 RPM, and support for Hi-Speed USB.

This PC acts as the host PC, which boots the portable USB-based VMM and executes

OpenISR and the TransPart software. We use OpenISR version 0.9.9 as the transient

personal computing system and run a VMware guest VM (ISR parcel) configured to

use 512 MB of memory and a 4 GB virtual disk. We chose the size of our guest VM

to represent a small real-world parcel that a user might actually possess on a USB

key. The guest VM state is fully stored on the portable storage device (similar to the

SoulPad model described earlier). Inside the guest VM, we run the Fedora Linux 10

OS (Linux kernel version 2.6.27). For all VM storage devices, we use the Linux ext4

file system.

Figure 2.3 shows a diagram of the individual components of our experimental con-

figuration. For the transient personal computing case (Figure 2.3a), all guest VM state

is accessed directly from the attached portable USB device during guest VM execution.

For the TransPart case (Figure 2.3b), guest VM state is first transferred to the host

PC’s local SATA disk and accessed from there during guest VM execution.

We select a range of portable storage devices to hold the guest virtual machine

state. Table 2.1 lists the devices and their relevant performance characteristics. We

also include a row for the internal hard disk used in this study (Internal SATA Drive).

Transfer rates listed are the sequential read and write performance for each device.

The Label column specifies the short-hand notation used to refer to a specific device

throughout this evaluation.

To understand the performance improvements provided by TransPart, we execute six

different benchmarks that are representative of the range of tasks for a typical PC user.

Each benchmark is executed inside the guest VM and represents a different workload

focus. The Postmark [70] benchmark measures the performance of a small I/O and

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(a) Portable USB Device Configuration (b) TransPart Configuration

Transient personal computing configuration is shown on the left (a) and TransPart config-uration is shown on right (b). Benchmarks are executed within guest VM on host PC. ForTransPart, a portion of guest VM state is first transferred to host PC disk, while the restis transferred on demand. Guest VM state is accessed directly from USB for the transientpersonal computing cases.

Figure 2.3: TransPart Experimental Configuration

metadata intensive workload across a set of files (Section 2.3.2). We execute a custom

benchmark to measure the launch latency of a variety of common desktop applications

(Section 2.3.2). The next benchmark we run is a modified Andrew benchmark [64],

which emulates a software development workload (Section 2.3.2). To determine user

perceived desktop application performance, we execute a custom office productivity

benchmark consisting of common operations within the [104] Writer

(word processor) application (Section 2.3.2). We then execute a software installation

benchmark that emulates the task of installing a set of software packages within the

guest VM (Section 2.3.2). Finally, the Bonnie++ [50] benchmark tests the performance

of a set of simple file system accesses to a single large file (Section 2.3.2).

The costs of TransPart can be broken down into two categories: start-up costs and

shutdown costs. At start-up, a new TransPart device must be allocated from the free

blocks available on the host disk. Additionally, VM state must be fetched from the USB

device and copied to the TransPart device prior to VM Resume. These two components

comprise the additional overhead that does not occur when resuming the VM without

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Postmark ParameterNumber of Files 5000Number of Subdirectories 50File Sizes 512 bytes - 10 KBNumber of Transactions 20000Operation Ratios equalRead Size 4 KBWrite Size 4 KBBuffered I/O no

Table 2.2: Postmark Configuration for TransPart Evaluation

TransPart. At shutdown, TransPart must copy the modified portions of the suspended

VM’s state (memory and disk) back to the USB device. This comprises the additional

TransPart costs during shutdown. To better understand the real impact of these costs,

we perform experiments to measure the individual start-up and shutdown times for

each of the different portable USB devices with and without TransPart (Section 2.3.3).

All benchmarks in the evaluation are run a minimum of 5 times, and we report the

average results. Before each new run of a benchmark, we suspend the VM and rollback

its state to a saved checkpoint.

2.3.2 TransPart Performance Benefits


In this experiment, we execute the Postmark [70] benchmark (version 1.51). Postmark

was created in 1997 and its workload is characterized by many operations on short-

lived, small files, and consists of many data and meta-data operations. Since it does

not attempt to approximate application processing, it performs very little CPU activity,

and is I/O-intensive by design. Table 2.2 lists the Postmark configuration that was used

in this experiment, based on the Traeger et al. [111] and Soules et al. [101] studies.

Figure 2.4 presents the results of this experiment. Each bar in the figure represents

one of the four devices included in the evaluation and reports the completion time

for the Postmark benchmark. Additionally, the bar labeled Host presents the results

for a guest VM that has been installed on and executes directly from the host PC.

We expect the Host case to represent the “optimum” VM performance, under normal

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SanDrive MSD IPOD TransPart Host


e (s


Storage Device

Completion time of the Postmark v1.51 benchmark, in seconds. Results are the mean offive runs.

Figure 2.4: Postmark Results for TransPart


Since Postmark includes a mixture of operations (read, write, create, and remove),

it executes a diverse set of both data and meta-data operations. As such, it attempts

to generate a realistic workload under test. The IPOD and TransPart cases outper-

form both flash drive cases (SanDrive and MSD) by up to a factor of three, while

the TransPart IPOD, and Host cases are all similar to each other for this workload.

TransPart and Host are very close (less than two seconds separating them), demon-

strating that TransPart achieves near optimal performance for this benchmark. For

the TransPart case, only the guest VM is performing I/O operations to the host SATA

disk, while the VMM executes from the USB key. So, there is a slight benefit due to

this under meta-data intensive workloads, as demonstrated by the faster completion

time for TransPart over Host.

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spreadsheet firefox gimp f-spot evince totem


e (s





Application launch latency time for six common desktop applications, in seconds. Resultsare the mean of five runs.

Figure 2.5: Application Launch Latency for TransPart

Application Launch Latency

An important indicator of user experience is application launch latency [76]. In this

experiment, we are specifically interested in quantifying the time it takes for a typical

desktop application to be available for use by a user, once the user has chosen to launch

it. This is quite important, as poor performance in this area tends to evoke a visceral

reaction by a user, tainting her perception of overall desktop performance from that

point onward. To evaluate this, we launch a set of six commonly used applications,

measuring the application launch latency within a guest VM for the three portable

USB drives, TransPart, and a guest VM that executes within VMM software installed

on the host. We use a custom script to launch and measure the launch latency for

(i) the spreadsheet, (ii) the Firefox web browser, (iii) the Gimp image

manipulation tool, (iv) the F-Spot photo editing tool, (v) the Evince document viewer,

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Benchmark Storage DevicePhase SanDrive MSD IPOD TransPart HostOverall 5904 4970 3142 2820 2275MakeDir 34 39 22 14 21Copy 782 616 178 164 136ScanDir 43 14 16 9 7ReadAll 57 137 80 50 42Make 4987 4506 2846 2583 2070

Completion times of a Modified Andrew benchmark for overall benchmark and for indi-vidual phases: (MakeDir) subdirectory creation, (Copy) source tree copy, (ScanDir) filestatus check, (ReadAll) file data access, and (Make) compilation and linking. Results arethe mean of five runs and all standard deviations are less than 6%.

Table 2.3: Modified Andrew Benchmark Results for TransPart

and (vi) the Totem multimedia (audio/video) player.

Figure 2.5 presents the results of this experiment. From the figure, we make three

observations. First and most important, TransPart improves performance for all appli-

cations tested. These improvements are most evident when focusing on the spreadsheet

and Firefox cases, but TransPart also exhibits the best performance for all transient

personal computing cases. When compared to the SanDrive, MSD, and IPOD cases,

TransPart exhibits up to a factor of 10, 7, and 4 performance improvements, respec-

tively. Second, application launch latencies for the SanDrive and MSD cases are both

high and variable, likely beyond the range of tolerance for a typical user. The latencies

for the IPOD case are still noticeably large to a user, but in a more tolerable range. The

latencies also vary less for IPOD than the SanDrive and MSD cases. Finally, TransPart

exhibits performance close to the Host case for all applications, but some of the re-

sults show that there is still room for improvement. The Gimp application performs a

number of small data and meta-data operations on launch, and so TransPart slightly

outperforms the Host case for this application.

Andrew Benchmark

We execute a modified Andrew benchmark [64] against the Linux kernel sources (version such that it will exceed the memory capacity of the VM under test in order

to force I/O accesses to the disk. The benchmark consists of five phases: (MakeDir)

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recursively create subdirectories, (Copy) copy the source tree, (ScanDir) query the

status of each source file in the tree without accessing data, (ReadAll) read the data of

each source file, and (Make) compile and link the sources.

The results are presented in Table 2.3. For each phase, we report the completion

time (in seconds) for each of the four portable USB devices included in the evaluation.

From the table, we observe that TransPart substantially improves the performance

in all transient personal computing cases. The result is a 109% improvement over

the SanDrive case, 76% over MSD, and 11% over IPOD. When examining the results

for the individual benchmark phases, we observe that in all but one phase (ReadAll)

both rotational disk devices (IPOD and TransPart) substantially outperform the flash

devices (SanDrive and MSD). Finally, when comparing TransPart to Host, we observe

that TransPart takes 23% longer than Host.

Office Productivity

The goal of this experiment is to measure the user experience for a user that is perform-

ing a mixture of typical operations in a suite of office productivity tools. To accomplish

this, we created a custom benchmark that performs word processing tasks using the Writer application. The benchmark consists of a set of Python scripts

that interact with the open API provided by the suite [104].

Since the rate of document content generation will ultimately influence the disk I/O

rate during the benchmark due to periodic file saving, we introduce enough think time to

impose a maximum content generation rate of 30 words per minute. We choose 30 words

per minute based upon the study by Karat et al. [69], which shows the average content

creation rate for an average typist. In the ideal case (i.e., zero-latency I/O operations),

the minimum running time of the benchmark is 15 minutes due to synthetic think time.

This represents the best possible performance for the benchmark.

From the results shown in Figure 2.6, we observe a modest overall performance im-

provement between 22 and 73 seconds (from 2% to 8%) when comparing the portable

USB device cases to TransPart. These improvements are due to a reduction of applica-

tion start-up time and reduced delays in application interactive responsiveness during

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SanDrive MSD IPOD TransPart Host


e (s


Storage Device

Completion times of custom office productivity benchmark, in seconds. Results are themean of five runs.

Figure 2.6: Office Productivity Benchmark Results for TransPart

the benchmark. We verified the impact of TransPart on application responsiveness

qualitatively, and found the interactive performance of the word processing application

with TransPart to closely resemble that of the local PC. For the portable USB device

cases, we experienced additional and varied delays in application responsiveness. Fi-

nally, when we compare the TransPart and Host cases, we observe that they are similar

and TransPart is again near optimal.

Software Installation

While software installation may not seem typical of a mobile user, one can envision a

mobile user on an extended trip needing to apply software updates to remove recently

discovered security vulnerabilities [7]. We evaluate the effectiveness of TransPart for

software installs by simulating a user performing software installation tasks using the

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SanDrive MSD IPOD TransPart Host


e (s


Storage Device

Completion times of custom software installation benchmark, in seconds. Results are themean of five runs.

Figure 2.7: Software Installation Benchmark Results for TransPart

well-known YUM [25] open-source package-management utility. To do so, we execute

the install of a set of software packages consisting of a commonly used, open-source,

office productivity suite ( and various related dependency packages.

In total, 45 packages are installed with a combined size of 151 MB, resulting in an

additional 350 MB of disk space utilization once installed. To eliminate the effects of

network I/O performance on this benchmark, we download the required packages to the

guest VM ahead of time. Therefore, the benchmark results only measure the time to

perform all local software installation operations. Most modern system update processes

first download all of the update packages and then install them during a second phase,

to ensure that updates are applied together and that success is not subject to network

performance. So, for the purposes of this experiment, we can safely ignore the network

download phase.

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Sequential Write Sequential Read Random Seek



r R





Benchmark Phase




Each bar represents the average transfer rate in MB/sec for a particular specific phase ofthe Bonnie++ v1.03 benchmark. Results are mean of five runs.

Figure 2.8: Bonnie++ Results for TransPart

Figure 2.7 presents the results of this experiment. From the figure, we observe

that TransPart substantially outperforms all portable USB device cases. Compared to

both SanDrive and MSD, TransPart exhibits improvement by over 75%, and results

in a 43% improvement over IPOD. Finally, the performance of TransPart and Host

are statistically equivalent and TransPart achieves near optimal performance for this



Bonnie++ [50] was developed in 2000 as an improvement over its predecessor Bon-

nie [41]. The benchmark’s workload is composed of low-level I/O performance tests,

and is not necessarily typical of most mobile user tasks, but we include it in the interest

of completeness. In this experiment, we report the results of the following tests over all

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device cases: (i) sequential read tests, (ii) sequential write tests, and (iii) random seek

tests, using Bonnie++ version 1.0.3.

Figure 2.8 presents the results, consisting of the data transfer rates (in MB/sec) for

each of the four devices included in the evaluation. From the figure, we observe that the

TransPart case substantially outperforms all other transient personal computing cases

for sequential write performance. For the random seek case, the SanDrive, IPOD, and

TransPart results are similar, while MSD exhibits lower performance. For sequential

reads, we observe that TransPart outperforms the MSD and IPOD cases. Also, we

observe an anomaly for SanDrive read performance. Investigating more deeply, we find

that this is due to a combination of the asymmetric read and write performance of the

SanDrive device (see Table 2.1), two layers of disk buffering occurring in the system

(guest VM and VMM buffer caches), and the Bonnie++ benchmark’s choice of test

file size (1 GB). We ran Bonnie++ using a larger test file (2 GB) and present the

results in Figure 2.8 as the SanDrive-2GB case. From these results, we observe that

the anomaly disappears. We also ran the MSD, IPOD, and TransPart cases with the

2 GB test file, and did not observe any difference from the original results. For clarity,

we choose not to report them. Finally, the TransPart and Host cases are quite similar,

with Host performing slightly better for sequential reads, while TransPart performing

slightly better for sequential writes. We interpret these results to mean that TransPart

performs close to optimal for this benchmark.

2.3.3 TransPart Costs

Start-up Time

This experiment measures the total start-up time taken to boot the borrowed PC from

the different portable USB drives and resume the guest VM parcel. We measure the

individual components of start-up time for each portable USB drive with and without

TransPart. For these experiments, TransPart discovers enough free blocks to allocate

a 100 GB TransPart device. The results are presented in Figure 2.9, and we group

the bars by portable USB device. For example, the SanDrive and TransPart-SanDrive

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e (s


Storage Device

VMM BootTP Allocate

VM State CopyVM Resume

Total start-up time, in seconds. Stacked bars are composed of the VMM Boot and VMResume components for all cases, and TP Allocate and VM State Copy components forthe TransPart cases. Results are mean of five runs. All standard deviations are less than6%.

Figure 2.9: Start-up Time for TransPart

cases are both booted from the SanDrive USB device. In the former, the guest VM

is resumed directly from the SanDrive, while in the latter, the guest VM state is first

copied to a TransPart device. Therefore, the cost of using TransPart is the difference

between the two bars in each group.

From Figure 2.9, we observe the net increase in total start-up time for TransPart

to be in the range of 2-15 seconds. Considering the benefits of TransPart as exhibited

earlier by the performance results presented in Section 2.3.2, the modest additional

start-up costs due to TransPart are completely acceptable. In fact, the improvements

in application launch latency alone more than make up for this additional start-up time.

Each stacked bar in Figure 2.9 is composed of the time to boot the VMM from the

portable USB drive (VMM Boot) and the time to resume the guest VM (VM Resume).

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e (s


Storage Device

VMM ShutdownVM State Save

VM Suspend

Total shutdown time, in seconds. Stacked bars are composed of the VM Suspend andVMM Shutdown components for the SanDrive case, and VM State Save component forthe TransPart cases. The number (0, 5, 50, 500) is the amount of modified state (in MB)that must be saved back to the USB device. Results are mean of five runs. All standarddeviations are less than 6%.

Figure 2.10: SanDrive Shutdown Time for TransPart

For the TransPart cases, the free block discovery and allocation time (TP Allocate),

and the time to copy the guest VM state to the TP device (VM State Copy) are

also presented. By comparing the TransPart cases with their respective non-TransPart

cases, we observe a trade-off between the reduction in VM Resume time and the costs

of TP Allocation and VM State Copy. Although VM Resume Time is reduced by 20-53

seconds when compared to respective non-TP cases, this reduction is offset by 22-68

seconds of additional start-up costs (TP Allocate and VM State Copy), accounting for

the net increase in start-up time.

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e (s


Storage Device

VMM ShutdownVM State Save

VM Suspend

Total shutdown time, in seconds. Stacked bars are composed of the VM Suspend andVMM Shutdown components for the MSD case, and VM State Save component for theTransPart cases. The number (0, 5, 50, 500) is the amount of modified state (in MB)that must be saved back to the USB device. Results are mean of five runs. All standarddeviations are less than 6%.

Figure 2.11: MSD Shutdown Time for TransPart

Shutdown Time

This experiment measures the total time taken to suspend the guest VM parcel to the

different portable USB drives and power off the borrowed PC. We measure the indi-

vidual components of shutdown time for each portable USB device and the TransPart

case, and present the results in Figures 2.10 - 2.12. We present the results in three

figures based upon portable USB device. For example, the SanDrive and TransPart-5

(Figure 2.10) cases are both booted from the SanDrive drive. In the former, the guest

VM is suspended directly to the SanDrive drive, while in the latter, the guest VM is first

suspended to the local SATA disk and then the modified portions of VM state (memory

and disk) are saved to the USB device. To account for a broad range of use cases, we

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e (s


Storage Device

VMM ShutdownVM State Save

VM Suspend

Total shutdown time, in seconds. Stacked bars are composed of the VM Suspend andVMM Shutdown components for the IPOD case, and VM State Save component for theTransPart cases. The number (0, 5, 50, 500) is the amount of modified state (in MB)that must be saved back to the USB device. Results are mean of five runs. All standarddeviations are less than 6%.

Figure 2.12: IPOD Shutdown Time for TransPart

vary the amount of modified state at suspend time between 0 MB and 500 MB. The

5 MB case represents light disk I/O workload such as web browsing or online shopping,

while the 500 MB case represents a heavy disk I/O workload such as downloading large

files or streaming video. Finally, in both the base portable USB device and TransPart-

0 MB cases, the VM is resumed, allowed to idle for a fixed period of time and then shut

down without any other VM state modifications due to user activity.

From Figures 2.10 - 2.12, we observe a net decrease in shutdown time for all

TransPart cases but TransPart-50 IPOD (Figure 2.12). This benefit is in the range

of 2-23 seconds. Conversely, for the workloads with the heaviest data modification

(TransPart-500), we see a net increase in total shutdown time for TransPart to be in

the range of 11-78 seconds. Considering the benefits of TransPart as exhibited earlier by

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the performance results presented in Section 2.3.2, the additional shutdown costs due

to TransPart are completely acceptable. As with the start-up case, the improvements

in application launch latency alone more than make up for this additional shutdown


Each stacked bar in Figures 2.10 - 2.12 is composed of the time to suspend the guest

VM (VM Suspend) and the time to power down the host PC from the VMM (VMM

Shutdown). For the TransPart cases, the time to copy back the varying amounts of

modified VM state is also reported (VM State Save). By comparing the TransPart cases

with their respective non-TransPart cases, we observe a trade-off between the reduction

in VM Suspend time and the additional costs of copying the VM modifications back to

the USB device after the VM has been suspended. We estimate the break-even point

to occur when there is approximately 150 MB of modified guest VM state to save.

2.3.4 Summary of Results

To summarize, we draw four conclusions from the results of our evaluation. First, un-

der data-intensive workloads, TransPart performs as well as or better than most non-

TransPart configurations. In only one specific case (Bonnie++ sequential reads) does

one of the non-TransPart configurations (SanDrive) perform better than TransPart.

Second, for mixed I/O workloads composed of both data and meta-data intensive op-

erations, TransPart clearly outperforms all non-TransPart configurations. Third, even

under conditions of light I/O workload, typical user interactive applications benefit

from TransPart through reduced application launch latency and improved responsive-

ness. Finally, TransPart improves software update and installation performance to a

more tolerable level, enabling more frequent software updates for mobile users.

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2.4 Discussion

2.4.1 Reasonable Safety Assumptions

We have made two assumptions while designing TransPart. First, we assume that no

one physically tampers with any hardware involved, including the portable storage de-

vice and the borrowed local PC hardware. We believe this to be a realistic assumption

given the usage models envisaged. Most reasonable people would not loan out hard-

ware storing precious data if they expected physical tampering to occur. Additionally,

we believe it is reasonable to assume that in other scenarios where a user may borrow

a PC, such as in an Internet Cafe, while kiosk computing, or when using a compute

cluster, a level of surveillance (either human or video) would exist to deter such phys-

ical tampering from occurring. Second, we assume that the local OS does not execute

concurrently with the borrower’s software. This enforces a strict isolation between the

local and the borrower’s software access to the local storage device.

Under these two assumptions, we can extend the TransPart model to include a re-

mote software attestation process [94, 88]. One way to do so is for a host owner to

connect to a “well-known” trusted 3rd party verification site using his Internet con-

nection. Then, a local software component can calculate a secure hash of the host

borrower’s VMM software stored on the connected USB and send it to the verification

site. The verification site would then respond with the results of verification by compar-

ing the transmitted hash against “known-good” hashes. Since all user personalization

occurs in a guest, the VMM software is easy to sanitize as we expect there to be a small

number of such “known-good” hashes.

Validation of the VMM software by the 3rd party would establish a root of trust

starting with the verification site down to the VMM software stored on the user’s USB

disk (we refer the reader to [94, 75, 34, 88, 59, 105, 84] for the relevant details of these

techniques.) The guest VM need not be verified, since only the VMM needs to be

trusted to ensure that a borrower’s guest VM may safely use the free blocks on the

owner’s local disk. The owner’s and borrower’s blocks are isolated from each other, by

the trusted VMM, protecting both the integrity and privacy of each user’s data.

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Nevertheless, the primary goal of this work is to enable one user to borrow another

user’s PC and execute their personal computing environment utilizing the full available

performance, without compromising the owner’s privacy or the integrity of her data.

Although it might be possible to provide a stronger security model by relaxing some

of our design constraints (i.e., allowing OS modifications), we believe that our model

provides a reasonable balance of safety for the owner and usability for both parties.

Although we have primarily focused on protecting the owner’s data, the proposed so-

lution should also guarantee the guest VM’s privacy with respect to the host. TransPart

achieves this goal at two levels: (i) the host OS is always suspended during guest VM

execution and (ii) all guest VM data can be encrypted while it resides on the local

disk. Although we chose to perform all experiments without TransPart encryption, we

have conducted a sampling of tests and find performance to be similar with encryption

as without. This is largely due to the existence of high performance in-kernel block

encryption modules, such as the Linux dm-crypt [9] module.

2.4.2 Recovery Semantics

Persistence is one of the key properties of file systems. Modern file systems must

be tolerant of system reboots, sudden losses of power, and even system crashes due

to software bugs. These file systems are designed to not only minimize data loss,

under such circumstances, but to allow consistency to be restored to the file system.

TransPart, given its transient nature, introduces a temporal factor to traditional file

system recovery semantics.

A normal file system expects to “own” all of its disk blocks, including the free ones.

Therefore, whenever it performs a consistency check, the file system can assume that

no changes have been introduced by an outsider. A TransPart file system cannot make

such an assumption. In the event of a crash requiring the recovery of a TransPart file

system, any changes made in host file system block allocation can potentially impact

TransPart recovery. Such changes might occur, for example, if after a TransPart session

crash, the host OS is booted and previously free blocks are allocated and overwritten.

In this event, once the user boots back into the TransPart-enabled VMM, file system

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recovery may not complete correctly, resulting in potential loss of data.

To minimize the impacts of crashes, TransPart needs to keep a copy of the logical-

to-physical disk block mapping used to create any TransPart devices on the external

USB device. Additionally, TransPart needs to verify that all required disk blocks are

still free to borrow from the host file system prior to rebuilding the TransPart volume

and executing file system consistency checks. If certain blocks are no longer available

to TransPart, it might still be able to recover some portion of the corrupted file system.

It depends mainly on what is stored on the blocks that are no longer available. This

exposes an additional avenue for further investigation. The question is how to improve

recovery chances by placing critical file system metadata based upon an understanding

of the host file system allocation policy. Using this knowledge it may be possible to

choose a TransPart layout that allows for graceful degradation during periods of host

file system growth. In general, the longer the host OS executes between a TransPart

crash and recovery, the greater the probability of TransPart data loss.

2.4.3 Unsupported Volume Types

The current TransPart prototype does not support borrowing the free blocks from

encrypted or hidden [17] volumes. Nor does it support other existing volume types, such

as Microsoft’s venerable FAT file system or DBMS raw volume formats. The TransPart

design does not preclude these volume types from being utilized by TransPart. At

present, there is just a lack of support for such access within Linux, but if suitable

volume access libraries were to be developed, then such support could be integrated

into TransPart similar to what is already included.

2.4.4 Potential Improvements

Free Block Allocation Policies

Our design allows for a number of possible approaches for allocation of free blocks to

TransPart devices. In fact, since there are already multiple layers of indirection starting

with the guest OS down to the PC hardware, there may be some benefit to considering

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the entire software stack in determining the correct block allocation approach for any

particular guest VM. With TransPart, since each guest VM is allocated a set of blocks

dynamically, it is possible to customize block allocation to match the needs of each


Effects of Disk Fragmentation

Fragmentation of the host’s disks can dramatically reduce the effective throughput of

the TransPart device. The small free space extents that are produced by file system

fragmentation incur the same access latency as larger extents, but many such extents

must be combined to produce even a few megabytes of storage capacity. To limit

performance degradation, our prototype therefore ignores extents smaller than 4 MB.

For sufficiently large or fragmented file systems, a more sophisticated policy might

further improve performance; for example, on disks with plenty of free space available,

TransPart could afford to be even more selective in its choice of free extents.

2.5 Related Work

The opportunistic use of free blocks on a storage device was investigated by Cipar

et al. [48] in the Transparent File System (TFS). Beyond this high-level similarity,

however, there is considerable divergence of goals and mechanisms between TFS and


TFS focuses on a class of Internet-scale peer-to-peer applications such as SETI@Home

and Freenet, where individual users contribute their personal desktops to a free pool

when the desktop is not being used. These applications have to be tolerant of weak

persistence guarantees: TFS can unilaterally release space allocated to any file that

is not currently open. In contrast, until the next reboot, TransPart offers the classic

persistence guarantee of a file system: once created, a file remains in existence until

it is explicitly deleted. This strict compatibility with the guarantees provided by ex-

isting file systems allows unmodified transient personal computing systems (and, by

extension, guest OSes and guest applications within a locally-executing VM) to use

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TransPart. TFS and TransPart also differ in their interfaces, with TFS providing a file

system interface, while TransPart offers a block device interface that can support any

desired file system or can be utilized for non-file system purposes, such as swap space.

Files allocated via TFS need to be explicitly deleted. In contrast, no explicit cleanup

is needed after use of TransPart: the virtual device simply disappears, and its storage

reappears as free blocks of a mounted file system on the host OS.

Since TFS is intended to be used while the host OS is active, it is implemented

through in-kernel modifications to the ext2 file system. In contrast, TransPart is used

only when the host OS is inactive, hence its implementation completely avoids changes

to the host file system. Instead, it is implemented in userspace, using the same libraries

as fsck to navigate ext2/3/4 and NTFS file system data structures.

More broadly, opportunistic use of free storage has been extensively investigated by

earlier work. As early as 2002, Beck et al. introduced the term logistical storage to

describe opportunistic use of free storage at Internet sites to reduce network transmis-

sions [38]. Other work of this genre include IBM’s Storage Tank [80] and Kang et al.’s

work [67] on virtual storage provisioning. These efforts address storage opportunism

at network scale, while TransPart targets individual storage devices. Also relevant

is Lumb et al.’s work on using free blocks to improve disk scheduling by overlapping

high-priority and low-priority disk workloads [77].

2.6 Summary

This chapter introduced the performance challenge to user data access for opportunistic

mobile computing, and presented our approach to addressing this challenge by exploit-

ing the unused parts of the disk on the borrowed hardware. Our approach synthesizes

a virtual disk from these free disk blocks, and uses it for the I/O-intensive aspects of

VM on USB Device opportunistic mobile computing. Our experiments confirm that

this approach can result in significant user-visible performance improvement.

From a broader perspective, our work addresses a long-standing anomaly in the

transient use of hardware. Consider a situation where you borrow someones hardware,

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use it, and then return it. Assuming that you have not tampered with the hardware,

the owner is confident after the next power cycle that almost every component of his

hardware (processor, memory, display, graphics accelerator, network interface, wireless

interface, DVD drive, etc.) is back in its pristine state. The sole exception is, of course,

the disk. Even if you had no malicious intent, it is possible that you inadvertently

ran software that viewed disk contents that the owner considered private or, worse,

modified or deleted important files. Encryption of disk blocks by the owner can ensure

privacy in this context, but it cannot prevent mutilation or deletion of disk contents.

In this context, TransPart can be viewed as a mechanism for transient borrowing

of free disk blocks. We posit that the unstated owner intent when loaning hardware is

(a) to allow unrestricted use of free disk blocks so long as they remain free at the end of

the loan period, but (b) to deny read and write access to allocated disk blocks during the

loan period. This is the intuitive meaning of “pristine” for a disk-like device. In other

words, it is to provide the borrower with the illusion of a virtual disk that is composed

solely of the free blocks of the real disk. Today, this owner intent is sustained purely

through the good will and best efforts of the borrower. TransPart can be viewed as a

lightweight mechanism that enforces this implicit owner intent.

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Chapter 3

Improving the Availability of Mobile Data Access

3.1 Problem Statement

The zero mobility footprint benefit of the VM Delivered over the Internet comes at the

price of large VM state transfers. Even if this state is fetched lazily from a server, it is

likely to involve many tens or hundreds of MB at startup, with further transfers during

execution. This results in significant startup delay (“resume latency”), and slower

execution (“slowdown”). When a user finishes work, modified VM state has to be

transferred back to the server. In trusted environments such as home or office, the user

can depart without waiting for this transfer to complete. But in public environments

such as an Internet cafe, the prudent user suffers a final delay (“suspend latency”).

Moreover, poor network connectivity or even network disconnection presents a challenge

to the availability of a user’s personal computing environment under this approach to

opportunistic mobile computing.

In this chapter, we show how the storage and Internet connectivity of smart phones

can be used to alleviate the availability challenge to opportunistic mobile computing.

Our design treats smart phones as trusted personal assistants that serve as self-cleaning

portable caches for VM state. We call such an assistant Horatio, alluding to Hamlet’s

trusted ally in Shakespeare’s play. A user can suspend his VM state to Horatio rather

than directly to the server; similarly, he can resume from Horatio. Even when Internet

connectivity is poor, the physical proximity of Horatio to the client ensures good con-

nectivity between them: for example, a USB 2.0 cable or one of the emerging wireless

technologies such as Ultra-Wideband (UWB). To reduce device vulnerability, Horatio

opportunistically uses cellular, WiFi, or other networking technology to asynchronously

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Figure 3.1: Oases of Connectivity

propagate modified VM state to VM state servers while users are in transit. This self-

cleaning aspect of Horatio distinguishes it from approaches such as SoulPad [42] that

rely solely on passive USB storage, and are hence vulnerable to device loss or damage.

Horatio does not increase the size or weight aspects of a user’s mobility footprint be-

cause most users already carry smart phones for voice calls, email, web browsing, and

texting. Only the energy aspect increases slightly.

3.2 Motivating Examples

To illustrate how Horatio can improve user experience, we provide two hypothetical

scenarios that capture the essence of real-world usage.

3.2.1 A Day in a Busy Professional’s Life

Jill is a young professional. On a typical morning, she does homework on a desktop for

her part-time MBA course and then checks her e-mail before leaving for work. During

her commute, her VM is suspended to a VM state server. At work, she resumes her

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desktop session and has a productive morning. Over lunch, she finishes her homework

and then downloads and watches an episode of her favorite TV sitcom. After work, Jill

meets friends at a coffee shop to view and edit vacation pictures on a laptop loaned by

the coffee shop. Before heading to the gym, she updates her iPod for the workout with

a podcast delivered earlier to her VM.

In this scenario, the VM Delivered over the Internet approach readily supports Jill’s

well-connected desktop sessions at home and office. However, resume and suspend times

at the coffee shop are unacceptable because of poor Internet connectivity. Since the

loaner laptop has to be returned to the coffee shop, Jill is forced to wait for the full

duration of the suspend latency.

Horatio could greatly improve Jill’s user experience at the coffee shop. When leaving

work, Jill suspends her desktop session to her smart phone. At the coffee shop, she

quickly resumes from the phone. Before leaving the coffee shop, she quickly suspends

to her phone, returns the loaner laptop and heads off for the gym. During her walk,

Horatio uses the phone’s 3G connectivity to send VM state changes to the VM state

server; Horatio completes this task during her workout by using WiFi connectivity in

the gym.

3.2.2 A Week in a Global Traveler’s Life

Jack is a marketing consultant with projects that span the U.S. and Europe. An

upcoming business trip requires him to make multiple stops within the U.S. and then

multiple stops within Romania1. As Figure 3.1 illustrates, Jack will experience two

oases of connectivity (entirely within the U.S., and entirely within Romania) within

which Internet connectivity is excellent. However, connectivity is poor between the

U.S. and Romania. When Jack travels between client sites A and B within the U.S., he

can resume his personal computing session directly from the VM state server; when he

is ready to leave a site, he can suspend his session back to the server. However, when

Jack travels between sites in Romania (C and D in Figure 3.1), his user experience

1Advisor’s home country

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is unacceptable2. Because of poor connectivity to his VM state server in the U.S., he

experiences long resume latency, substantial slowdown and long suspend latency. Thus,

his personal computing environment becomes virtually unusable.

Horatio offers a powerful solution to this problem. Before leaving the U.S., Jack

can suspend his session to Horatio. In Romania, he can resume directly from Horatio.

As Jack moves from Site C to Site D, for example, he can quickly suspend and resume

to and from Horatio, with performance similar to what he experiences while in the

U.S. Additionally, as he travels within Romania, Horatio can opportunistically take

advantage of transient good connectivity to the U.S. to incrementally propagate modi-

fied state to his VM state server. Finally, when Jack returns to the U.S., Horatio can

complete any remaining state transfer and synchronization steps.

3.3 Horatio Design

The enabling technology for Horatio is the smart phone, whose primary function in-

cludes basic mobile phone capabilities such as voice calls and texting. In addition, these

smart phones may be viewed as “always-on” computing and storage devices with mul-

tiple network modalities (such as 3G, WiFi, and Bluetooth) for Internet connectivity.

Since these devices are still in the early stages of evolution, their capabilities are likely

to improve significantly over time. Our goal in this research is to both validate the

Horatio concept on currently-available smart phones, and to identify specific directions

of improvement for future smart phones to serve as Horatio devices.

Horatio’s goal is to serve as a performance accelerator for VM Delivered over the

Internet approaches, and to thus improve user experience in situations where Internet

connectivity is poor or non-existent. In other words, Horatio should reduce resume

latency, slowdown, and suspend latency in scenarios such as those in Section 3.2. It

should also enable use of a machine with no Internet connectivity as a client station.

It should achieve these benefits without significantly increasing the mobility footprint

(i.e., energy usage) of a smart phone.

2Please note that this is meant as a hypothetical scenario, rather than a realistic portrayal of trueuser experience in Romania.

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To meet these requirements, our design and implementation are based on a few key

principles. We list these below, and discuss them in Sections 3.3.2 to 3.3.6:

• Expose opportunities for parallelism, asynchrony, and speculation in data trans-

fers by separating data from control (Sections 3.3.2, 3.3.6, and 3.3.6).

• Recognize that trust flows upstream, while performance flows downstream (Sec-

tion 3.3.3).

• Use client and server resources rather than Horatio resources whenever possible

(Section 3.3.4).

• Keep Horatio clean (Section 3.3.5).

3.3.1 Design Assumptions

We have made the following four assumptions in designing Horatio. First, Horatio oper-

ates within the environment provided by the VM Delivered over the Internet approach.

Consistent with this model, a Horatio user requires temporary use of clients wherever

needed, and establishes or implicitly assumes trust in those clients prior to use [84, 105].

Second, we assume a Horatio user carries a smart phone that supports wireless

networking (3G and WiFi), and has a USB-mountable disk large enough to store a

user’s VM data. This assumption is realistic since modern smart phones already support

multiple wireless networking options, and many come with 8 GB or more of disk (some

are even upgradeable to over 16 GB with microSD storage). For both 3G and WiFi, we

assume a fixed-fee cost model rather than a volume-sensitive model for wireless data


Our third assumption is that users place extended trust in their smart phones, but

only transient trust in clients that are opportunistically borrowed. Between resume and

suspend, the user trusts the client that is executing her VM. Once she walks away after

suspend, she no longer counts on that client to remain uncompromised or to propagate

dirty state to the server. In contrast, she has complete confidence that Horatio will

propagate dirty state to the server even if it takes many hours or days. Although

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State Name Type Typical Size DescriptionMemory Image data 200 MB Encrypted and compressed memory

image and registers.Disk Image data 3.5 GB Individually encrypted and compressed

chunks of virtual disk.Keyring control 5.5 MB Encryption keys and cryptographic

hashes of virtual disk chunks. En-crypted with a key stored in the con-figuration file.

Configuration File control 500 bytes Operational parameters of a VM andencryption key used to encrypt thekeyring and memory image.

Ownership Nonce control 10 bytes A unique identifier generated when aVM is checked out from a VM stateserver.

Table 3.1: Data and Control State

attacks on smart phones are growing, this problem needs to be solved even if the smart

phone is not used as a Horatio device.

Fourth, we assume strong connectivity between the opportunistically borrowed

client and Horatio, which is reasonable given the close proximity of Horatio to the

client. For the client-server and Horatio-server links, we allow for the broadest range

of connectivity, including total disconnection.

3.3.2 Data and Control Separation

Achieving Horatio’s twin goals of improving the opportunistic mobile computing experi-

ence and efficient self-cleaning is complicated by several factors. These include the large

size of VM state, the wide range of network connectivity that has to be tolerated (rang-

ing from gigabit LANs down to kilobit wireless links and even total disconnection), and

the unpredictability in the availability and durability of network connections. When

WiFi coverage is available, it is preferable to 3G for self-cleaning both from the view-

point of performance and energy usage. When WiFi is unavailable, 3G may be the only

choice. In addition, a recently-used client may sometimes assist in propagating dirty

state after suspend, even though our trust model does not require it to provide this


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Figure 3.2: Data and Control Transfer in Horatio

A good Horatio design has to work robustly and efficiently even in the face of

considerable uncertainty in connectivity and client participation. We address these

requirements by enabling uncoordinated, asynchronous data transfers to take place

in parallel to the server from one or more recently-used clients as well as Horatio.

Our design follows the principle of meta-data separation advocated by Tolia et al. in

their work on DOT [107]. As their work shows, the key to achieving efficiency while

preserving correctness with minimal coordination across multiple data transfer channels

is to cleanly separate bulk data from its meta-data.

As Table 3.1 illustrates, Horatio views a VM as consisting of two very distinct

components: data state and control state. The data state consists of an encrypted VM

memory image and individually-encrypted 128 KB chunks of the virtual disk. The

control state, which is the knowledge necessary to decrypt, validate and use the data

state, consists of an encrypted keyring, a configuration file, and an ownership nonce.

Clean separation of control and data simplifies the use of replication and parallelism,

while enabling the speculative transmission of modified data to be performed through

the use of eager state propagation. Horatio can be quite cavalier in its use of these

techniques for data state, provided it handles control state very carefully. Figure 3.2

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Client #1 Client #2

(3 )(1) (3a)

(1) Client 1 transfers data state updates, then control to Horatio. (2) As users transitsbetween sites, Horatio “cleans” data state by transmitting updates to the server. Horatiomay transfer VM ownership once all of the updates have reached the server. Optionally,as the user transits between sites prior clients can transmit data state updates as anoptimization to preserve Horatio’s battery life. Finally, (3a) VM ownership is transferredto Client 2 from Horatio. The client can fetch data state from Horatio (3a) or from theserver (3b) depending on network connectivity between the client and the server.

Figure 3.3: VM Ownership and Handoff in Horatio

illustrates client-Horatio-server interactions, which are explained in more detail in the

following sections.

VM Ownership and Handoff

The absence of state sharing across VMs means that a single exclusive lock per VM

is acceptable. In Horatio, the ownership nonce represents this lock. When a VM is

checked out, the VM state server generates a new ownership nonce. This nonce has

to be provided when the VM is checked in. Possession of the nonce is proof that the

entity performing the checkin is acting on behalf of the user. This is a reasonable

assumption since all network connections (client-server, client-Horatio, and Horatio-

server) are encrypted and authenticated. Exactly one site (client, server, or Horatio)

can own a particular VM at any point in time. Only the VM owner can decrypt and

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validate the data state, but any site can cache parts of the data state or transmit parts

of it in any way it chooses. As a result, most of a VM’s data state can be transferred

by the site most able to do so. Regardless of how it reached its destination, such data

can be safely used after validation.

Ownership handoff occurs in three steps. First, the source site confirms that all

required data state updates have been sent to the destination site. Second, the keyring

and configuration file are transferred. These are utilized by the destination to validate

the data state that has been transferred from the source. The destination does so by

performing a SHA-1 cryptographic hash on the data state and comparing it to hashes

stored in the keyring. Finally, the ownership nonce is transferred using a two-phase

commit protocol. If the source site is a client or Horatio, it deletes its copy of the

control state, rendering it unable to decode any data state that is still cached.

Figure 3.3 illustrates the state transfers that occur along with the benefits of data

and control separation. In the figure, a user at Client 1 suspends his VM and initiates

the checking process to Horatio. Client 1 first transfers a full copy of the data state

updates to Horatio and then transfers VM ownership (1). As the user transits between

sites, Horatio transfers the data state updates to the server (2). Optionally, data state

updates can also be transferred by Client 1 to the server (4). Once a full copy of the

data state updates have arrived at the server, Horatio can complete the checkin process

and transfer VM ownership to the server (2). During this process, the server would

validate the data state using the cryptographic hashes stored in the keyring. It is also

possible for Horatio to retain ownership, based on the desire of the user. Finally, once

the user arrives at his destination, he can checkout from the current VM owner (either

Horatio (3a) or the server (3b)). The current owner (in the case of Figure 3.3 it is

Horatio) transfers VM ownership to Client 2 (3a). From this point on, Client 2 fetches

data state from either the server or Horatio depending on the network connectivity

between the client and the server.

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Reducing Suspend Latency

When client-server bandwidth is poor, the user can save time by performing a checkin

of his VM to his Horatio device rather than directly to the server. This can occur over

any available connectivity such as USB, Ethernet, WiFi, or Bluetooth. Because the

bandwidth between the client and Horatio is likely to be greater than the bandwidth

between the client and server, checking in to Horatio can significantly decrease suspend


The client first transmits modified data state to Horatio, then transfers VM owner-

ship. After this point, the client may still have modified data state in its cache and may

continue transmitting this dirty state directly to the server after the user departs. Since

the data state is fully validated through cryptographic hashing during the checkin pro-

cess, correctness is preserved regardless of the source of data state transfers. Allowing

such transfers from prior clients is an optimization that can reduce Horatio’s mobility

footprint by reducing the volume of wireless data it needs to transmit.

Reducing Resume Latency

Horatio can reduce resume latency by serving as a lookaside cache [106] for data state.

If the VM is currently owned by the server, the control state is fetched from there.

Otherwise, it is fetched from Horatio. Using the control state, the cryptographic hashes

of the memory image and virtual disk chunks can be obtained. These are used to

demand-fetch parts of data state from Horatio, if possible. Sometimes, Horatio may

not possess parts of the data state (typically those parts that are unmodified relative

to the VM state version stored on the server). In that case, the lookaside reference fails

and the client fetches that data directly from the server.

Horatio can be used to resume a VM on a client that is disconnected from the Inter-

net. For this to be successful, the user must have performed two steps in anticipation

of this possibility. First, he should have transferred ownership of the VM to Horatio.

Second, he should have hoarded [72] all data state on Horatio.

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Figure 3.4: Rules for Ownership Transfer

3.3.3 Trust versus Performance Flow

The separation of data from control, together with the extensive use of parallelism,

asynchrony and speculation in data transfers, results in a large and complex distributed

VM state space that spans a VM state server, multiple clients, and a Horatio device.

Reasoning about correctness in this state space (for example, “Can site A transfer

ownership of VM X to site B right now?”) requires a simple set of rules that is consistent

with user intuition. Our rules are based on a trust-performance hierarchy that arises

from the introduction of a trusted portable device into the client-server model.

At the apex of trust is a VM state server. By definition, a server is the ultimate

authority for all the VMs that it owns. It contains the definitive, complete and most re-

cent states of those VMs, except for some periods of time when a VM has been checked

out on a client or suspended to Horatio. Although the server may be temporarily inac-

cessible due to poor Internet connectivity, it is assumed to be completely trustworthy

and reliable.

In the eyes of its owner, a Horatio device is completely trustworthy. It is thus ideally

placed to offer VM-related services to its owner even when the server is inaccessible or

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poorly-connected. For example, Horatio can buffer updates for asynchronous propaga-

tion to a server. This resembles the role envisioned for waystations by Kim et al. in

their work on Fluid Replication [71].

Lowest in the trust hierarchy is a borrowed client at which a user has checked out a

VM. The decision to trust the client is made by the user based on familiarity (such as

a machine at work or home), reputation (such as use of a machine at an Internet cafe

that is known to provide malware-free machines), or an explicit trust establishment

procedure [59, 105].

Counter to this trust hierarchy, which flows upstream (from client, through Horatio,

to server) is a performance hierarchy that flows downstream. State that is already

cached at the client has the lowest access cost and hence highest performance. State

on Horatio is slower to access, but often much faster than accessing state on a distant

server. Finally, state on the server is most complete, but slowest to access.

These considerations of trust and performance lead to a set of simple rules per-

taining to ownership transfer. We distinguish between “upstream” and “downstream”

ownership transfers as shown in Figure 3.4. In the case of downstream transfers, while

the downstream device must have access to all VM state in order to resume the VM,

the state can be fetched on demand. Therefore, the downstream site must either have

ongoing access to an upstream site holding all of the data state, or must hoard all of

that data state in advance. Dirty state can be held by an upstream site under the same

rules. When transferring ownership upstream, on the other hand, all dirty state must

be propagated before ownership transfer can complete, and the ownership transfer pro-

cess must cryptographically validate that the destination site does indeed hold a correct

copy of the state. This is necessary because the downstream site can discard VM state

after control transfer.

As just described, while Horatio is the VM owner, it must maintain copies of all

dirty data that has not yet been committed on the server. In addition, Horatio may

optionally retain copies of unmodified VM data. This allows Horatio to serve as a

lookaside cache, supplementing the client’s own cache. Cache misses can be serviced

from the well-connected Horatio rather than a poorly-connected server.

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3.3.4 Resource Conservation on Horatio

In focusing on Horatio, it is important not to lose sight of the fact that the primary

function of a smart phone remains voice communication and texting. If its Horatio

functionality drains its battery to the point where the primary function is impacted

at a critical moment, the net effect for the user can be quite negative. Striving to

reduce Horatio’s mobility footprint is therefore an important aspect of our design and

implementation. We offload as much resource-intensive work as possible to clients and

servers. This is reflected both in the structure of Horatio-client and Horatio-server

communication protocols, and in low-level implementation aspects. In this context, a

major advantage of a wired client-Horatio communication link such as USB is that it

also has the potential to supply energy to the Horatio device.

Offloading work to clients and servers also has a positive impact on performance.

Smart phone designs must balance platform capabilities against battery lifetime, and

therefore have limited CPU, memory, and storage capacity. Even when the borrowed

client is a laptop, it is typically much more computationally capable than a smart

phone. Further, in scenarios such as the first scenario in Section 3.2.1, laptop battery

life tends to be less critical than Horatio battery life. Of course, these considerations

have to be balanced against the goal of improving opportunistic mobile computing user

experience. When necessary, Horatio should be prepared to supply its own resources

in order to ensure that the user’s needs are met. For example, if Horatio has good

connectivity to a server via a cellular data network, it should be prepared to upload

modified VM state rather than requiring the client to do so over a much poorer Internet

connection. This might be the case, for example, in the second scenario in Section 3.2.2.

3.3.5 Self-cleaning on Horatio

Despite the high level of trust placed in smart phones, they are also fragile. Since

they are small and carried everywhere, they can easily be damaged or lost; they can

also run out of energy. In these situations, the effect on the user must be minimized.

Therefore, when Horatio holds the most current copy of VM data, it uses any available

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connectivity (such as WiFi or 3G) to save that data on the less-fragile server while the

user is in transit.

Once a VM has been checked in to a Horatio device, Horatio immediately begins

self-cleaning: checking in the VM to the VM state server using any available wireless

connectivity, such as WiFi, WiMax, UWB, or a cellular data network. Because Horatio

is a trusted device and the user need not wait for the transfer to complete, it is ac-

ceptable for this process to take some time. However, the VM data remains vulnerable

to the loss or destruction of the Horatio device until self-cleaning completes. Option-

ally, Horatio can retain VM ownership even after self-cleaning completes; this approach

provides maximum resiliency to loss of the Horatio device, while still allowing the next

resume site to check out from Horatio rather than from the server. If Horatio possesses

both VM ownership and cached copies of all of the VM data, the VM can be checked

out from Horatio and resumed on a fresh client that has no Internet connectivity.

If the Horatio device is lost or damaged while Horatio owns the VM, dirty VM state

stored on the device will be lost. The recovery procedure in this event is the same as

that for a lost or damaged VM: the user can instruct the VM state server to forcibly

make itself the current VM owner, invalidating modified state held by the previous

owner and allowing another client to check out the VM. This operation will roll back

the VM state to its most recent commit on the server. Should Horatio or a client later

attempt to check in the invalidated state, the ownership nonce will no longer match

that at the server, and the checkin will be rejected.

3.3.6 Additional Optimizations

Our prototype contains several additional optimizations for improving suspend latency

and energy efficiency. These are described in the following sections.

Concurrent Upload from Multiple Sites

As discussed in Section 3.3.2, the separation of control and data state allows for the

concurrent propagation of data state to a server from multiple sources. To reduce the

energy demands on Horatio, we take advantage of the fact that any client can continue

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to transfer data state to a server even after ownership has been transferred to Horatio.

After checking in to Horatio and thus relinquishing VM ownership, a borrowed client

will attempt to upload modified VM data directly to the server. Because Horatio

maintains a complete copy of the modified data, the user need not trust that the client

will complete the upload successfully, but any data uploaded by the client is data that

Horatio does not have to expend energy to transmit. Horatio, through its interaction

with the server, will validate the SHA-1 cryptographic hashes of data uploaded by

clients and ignore invalid or incomplete data, so correctness is preserved even if the client

is compromised after the user departs. This optimization strictly improves Horatio’s

battery utilization: if the client fails to upload dirty data, or maliciously uploads invalid

data, Horatio expends no more energy in self-cleaning than if the client did not upload

at all.

Memory Image Differencing

OpenISR 0.9.4, upon which the Horatio prototype is based, treats a VM’s memory

image as a single, large object. Thus, if a VM is resumed even for a moment, the entirety

of the memory image must be transferred to the server at checkin. However, the VM

state server will always have, and Horatio will often have, a copy of the memory image as

of the most recent checkin (the “basis image”). The Horatio prototype implementation

check to see if the destination of a checkin possess such a copy. If so, only a delta

between the basis and current memory images is computed and transmitted to improve

energy efficiency, suspend latency, and self-cleaning time.

If the client is performing a checkin to the server, the server is responsible for

applying the delta to the basis image to produce the new memory image. If the checkin

is to Horatio, however, applying the delta is too expensive an operation to be performed

on the Horatio device. The delta is therefore saved separately on Horatio, forwarded

to the server during self-cleaning, and applied at the server when the VM state is

committed. If another client checks out the VM from Horatio, the basis image plus the

delta is sent.

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Eager State Propagation

In the design described in Section 3.3.2, transfer of modified data state to Horatio

only begins at checkin, after the end of a user’s session. At this point, a user must

wait for potentially several hundred MB of data to be transferred. While this may be

faster than transferring the data to the server over a slow connection, it may still be

unacceptably slow. The client therefore opportunistically collects modified disk chunks

and memory image state from the VM while it is running, and speculatively transmits

this data to Horatio in the background. Due to this speculation, the state that is

collected in this way may not be internally consistent, but it serves to prepopulate the

Horatio device with data that is likely to be needed. At checkin, only the final set of

differences between the previously-transmitted and the final state are sent to Horatio,

minimizing the amount of time that the user must wait. Additionally, the final set of

differences fixes any inconsistencies incurred due to the speculation. Also, because of

potential update locality in the workload, some of the data transmitted to Horatio may

be overwritten before suspend. Eager data transfer thus increases the total amount of

data that needs to be transferred, and therefore, the amount of energy expended by

Horatio. The user can address this concern by connecting the Horatio device to a power

source while using the client.

The Horatio design also allows for concurrent eager state propagation, similar to

concurrent upload that occurs at suspend time. In this case, if ample bandwidth be-

tween the client and server exists, the client may choose to eagerly propagate state

modifications to the server, rather than to Horatio. In fact, given the broad possible

range of link performance combinations between the client-Horatio and client-server

links, the client can optimize eager state propagation by selectively choosing to which

target (Horatio, VM state server, or both) to eagerly propagate the state modifications.

Our current system allows the user to decide.

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3.4 Implementation

The Horatio prototype implementation consists of three separate components: the

Client daemon, the Horatio Phone daemon, and the Server daemon, running respec-

tively on the client, Horatio device, and server. The Client and Horatio Phone daemons

are responsible for performing state and ownership transfers between their respective

devices. The Horatio Phone daemon performs self-cleaning, while the Client daemon

performs concurrent upload, by communicating with the Server daemon. The Server

daemon, in turn, acts as a proxy for the VM state server to assist the other daemons

with these tasks.

The Horatio prototype currently runs on two smart phone platforms, the Open-

moko Neo FreeRunner and the Nokia N95. Specifications for these devices are given

in Table 3.2. The FreeRunner is Linux-based, and supports GPRS and WiFi wireless

connectivity; the N95 is Symbian S60-based, and supports 3G and WiFi.

Most components of Horatio are written in Python version 2 for portability. Perform-

ance critical sections of the state transfer code are implemented in C and compiled

natively for each platform. Use of the Symbian S60 Open C libraries on the N95 al-

lowed the same C source code to be used for both smart phones. We use OpenISR

0.9.4 as our VM Delivered over the Internet system. As part of our Horatio prototype

implementation, we introduced changes to OpenISR [92] client and server code. The

client was modified to initiate the Client daemon. The server was modified to support

applying memory image deltas, as described in Section 3.3.6, and to support ownership

transfer between the client and Horatio. Throughout the evaluation, references to the

ISR client or ISR server map to the borrowed client and VM state server under the

generic VM Delivered over the Internet model.

3.5 Evaluation

Our experimental evaluation of the Horatio prototype addresses four questions:

1. How much does Horatio improve user experience (Section 3.5.2)?

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2. How effective is self-cleaning in reducing the vulnerability of a Horatio device

(Section 3.5.3)?

3. What is the impact of Horatio on a user’s mobility footprint (Section 3.5.4)?

4. How effective is eager state propagation in reducing suspend latency (Section 3.5.5)?

3.5.1 Experimental Methodology and Setup

We use two types of experiments in evaluating Horatio. The “microbenchmark” exper-

iments use synthetically generated VM updates. The “macrobenchmark” experiments

use VM state generated by a set of scripted workloads.


Each microbenchmark is based on an initial VM configured with 512 MB of RAM

and a 4 GB disk. For each set of measurements, we vary the amount of dirty data

state that must be transferred by synthetically generating a predetermined amount of

incompressible state and updating the VM disk and memory images. We distribute

the dirty state equally between memory and disk, e.g., 100 MB of dirty state would be

divided between 50 MB of dirty memory state and 50 MB of dirty disk state.

During suspend and resume, there is a fixed amount of base state that must be

transferred along with the dirty state. For suspend, the amount is 8 MB and consists of

the control state items (keyring, configuration file, and nonce) that must be transferred

to Horatio along with the data state. For resume, the amount is 175 MB consisting of

the control state items and the initial VM memory image. This image must be copied to

the client as the base memory image to which the dirty state memory diffs are applied.

In some situations, a client may already possess a cached copy of the base memory

image. In our experiments, we assume the worst case for Horatio and clear the client

cache after each run.

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Our macrobenchmarks consist of six workloads, lasting between three and forty minutes,

that exemplify activities commonly performed by desktop users. Table 3.3 summarizes

these workloads. Each workload uses the same VM, in the same state: a Debian Linux

5.0 guest with 512 MB of RAM and an 8 GB disk, containing all of the applications

needed to run the workloads.

Hardware Setup

Our evaluation uses three different Horatio devices: (i) an Openmoko Neo FreeRunner,

(ii) a Nokia N95, and (iii) a USB-connected flash storage card. Specifications for these

devices are given in Table 3.2. Device (iii) does not meet all of the requirements for

Horatio, since it cannot perform self-cleaning. We include it because it represents a

case that neither the N95 nor FreeRunner support: USB 2.0 in Hi-Speed (480 Mbps)

mode. Since new models of smart phones are starting to support both microSD and

Hi-Speed USB, it allows us to observe the expected suspend and resume latency for

Horatio on emerging devices.

Our client PC hardware is a Dell Optiplex 755 with a 2.33 GHz Core 2 Duo CPU,

3 GB of RAM, a 250 GB Serial ATA disk at 7200 RPM, and support for Hi-Speed

USB. The server hardware is a Dell SMP server with dual 2.8 GHz Pentium 4 Xeon

processors, 1 GB of RAM, a 32 GB Fast-Wide SCSI disk at 10,000 RPM, and a 1 Gbps

Ethernet connection. We consider two different client-Horatio interconnects: 802.11g

WiFi and USB. We evaluate WiFi for the FreeRunner and N95 smart phones, and

USB for the N95 phone and the USB-connected microSD card. We evaluate Horatio’s

self-cleaning performance over the Internet via both WiFi and the AT&T Wireless 3G

network. The 3G network has advertised upload speeds between 500 Kbps and 1.2

Mbps, and download speeds between 700 Kbps and 1.7 Mbps. For the WiFi experi-

ments, Horatio connects to the Internet via the Linksys 802.11g access point through

a 1 Mbps residential broadband Internet connection. The client and server are also

connected over the same residential link.

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Dirty State SizeHoratio Device 1 MB 10 MB 100 MB 500 MBISR-1 (No Horatio) 1434 (7) 1488 (1) 2118 (3) 4936 (15)N95-WiFi 39 (3) 69 (2) 301 (5) 1239 (28)OM-WiFi 33 (2) 48 (1) 260 (5) 1040 (9)N95-USB 29 (4) 44 (3) 142 (1) 625 (4)SD-USB 23 (1) 25 (1) 40 (1) 136 (2)

Results are suspend times in seconds and are the mean of six measurements. Standarddeviations are reported in parentheses. ISR-1 represents the base ISR case over a 1MbpsWAN link.

Table 3.4: Microbenchmark Suspend Results for Horatio

Dirty State SizeHoratio Device 0 MB 1 MB 10 MB 100 MB 500 MBISR-1 (No Horatio) 282 (2) - - - -N95-WiFi - 398 (3) 409 (2) 506 (6) 951 (20)OM-WiFi - 292 (2) 315 (12) 372 (2) 692 (2)N95-USB - 226 (3) 237 (7) 284 (1) 521 (3)SD-USB - 35 (1) 34 (1) 36 (1) 51 (1)

Results are resume times in seconds and are the mean of six measurements. Standarddeviations are reported in parentheses. ISR-1 represents the base ISR case over a 1MbpsWAN link.

Table 3.5: Microbenchmark Resume Results for Horatio

Throughout Section 3.5, we refer to a particular combination of Horatio device

and connectivity via a two-part abbreviated name. The first part of the name is the

device type, using the abbreviations given in Table 3.2. The second part is the relevant

connectivity. For example, if a suspend-time measurement refers to “N95-WiFi,” it

refers to Nokia N95 using WiFi to communicate with the client. For a self-cleaning

experiment, the same name would refer to an N95 using WiFi to the server.

3.5.2 Improvement in User Experience


We first evaluate Horatio’s suspend and resume times over WiFi and USB, using syn-

thetically generated dirty state as described in Section 3.5.1. Table 3.4 presents the

resulting suspend latencies with 1 to 500 MB of dirty state, and Table 3.5 presents

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the resume times. With smaller amounts of dirty state, suspend and resume latencies

are dominated by the overhead of transferring the fixed VM state. As the dirty state

size increases, this effect is reduced. We also compare against standard ISR (without

Horatio) over a 1 Mbps residential Internet connection.

In the suspend case, Horatio shows a substantial performance improvement over

standard ISR. For resume, standard ISR performs better than both Horatio WiFi cases.

The primary reason for this is that these experiments include a fixed amount of dirty

state at Horatio, which must be propagated back to the client during resume from

Horatio. A resume from the ISR server implies clean state, since all state updates must

have been sent back to the server during the last suspend. Therefore, when resuming

from the ISR server, only the memory image and control state is propagated to the

client. By comparing the base ISR 0 MB case to the Horatio with 1 MB of dirty state

cases (column 2 in Table 3.5), we observe that both USB cases exhibit reduced resume

latencies. Since these cases are dominated by the memory image and control state

transfers, we can see that a clean Horatio resumes faster than the base ISR case.

On the FreeRunner and N95, suspend and resume latencies are limited by the USB

speeds of the Horatio device. At the higher transfer rates seen with the microSD card,

however, the bottleneck becomes the generation and application of memory images on

the client PC. In addition, for both suspend and resume times, observed performance

with the FreeRunner is consistently better than that obtained with the N95. Further

experiments show that the FreeRunner exhibits better WiFi throughput and better

write performance to internal storage: the FreeRunner achieves 870 KB/s and 2.03

MB/s, respectively, while the N95 achieves only 690 KB/s and 688 KB/s.

Finally, we note that as the state size passes 100 MB, the observed suspend and

resume latencies over WiFi start to approach the limits of what a user might be willing

to withstand. Observed latencies over USB are substantially better. The N95 exhibits

adequate performance even with only Full-Speed USB, while the microSD card with Hi-

Speed USB exhibits latencies under a minute for all but the 500 MB suspend operation.

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In this section, we evaluate suspend and resume times experienced with Horatio using

the workloads described in Table 3.3. The testbed for these experiments consists of a

client and server, plus the Horatio device. The client is a desktop system with a 2.66

GHz Intel Core 2 Duo and 2 GB of RAM. Its software consists of Debian Linux 5.0 with

kernel 2.6.26, and the VMware Player 2.5.0 virtual machine monitor. The server is a 3

GHz Intel Pentium 4 host with 2 GB of RAM, running Ubuntu Linux with kernel 2.6.27.

The two hosts communicate through a netem-emulated WAN link with bandwidths of

1 Mbps and 10 Mbps, and a round trip time (RTT) of 20 ms. In today’s Internet,

10 Mbps represents a highly favorable connection. We evaluate Horatio suspend and

resume performance over WiFi using the Nokia N95, and over USB using the microSD


The results of these experiments are presented in Figure 3.5. The figure includes

workload execution times because they represent productive work from a user’s view-

point — in the ideal case, workload execution time would dominate suspend and resume

times and thus result in an all-black bar. As the figure shows, Horatio improves both

suspend and resume times compared to standard ISR, particularly when Horatio is

connected to the client over USB. The improvement is the most dramatic on the 1

Mbps link. If Jill were to watch a thirty-minute video at the coffee shop with a 1 Mbps

connection to the ISR server, her suspend time would be more than one and a half

hours with standard ISR, but just over five minutes with Horatio over USB.

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ISR-1 ISR-10 N95-WiFi SD-USB


e (s



(a) Email









ISR-1 ISR-10 N95-WiFi SD-USB


e (s



(b) Word









ISR-1 ISR-10 N95-WiFi SD-USB


e (s



(c) Photo









ISR-1 ISR-10 N95-WiFi SD-USB


e (s



(d) Shop











ISR-1 ISR-10 N95-WiFi SD-USB


e (s



(e) Podcast












ISR-1 ISR-10 N95-WiFi SD-USB


e (s



(f) Video

The figure shows that Horatio reduces suspend and resume times experienced by the usersignificantly over normal ISR. The ideal case is an all black bar. The ISR-1 and ISR-10 barsrepresent normal ISR with an emulated WAN link of 1 Mbps and 10 Mbps, respectively.Results are the mean of three measurements and standard deviations are below 19% in allcases. The scales of the graphs differ to improve the presentation.

Figure 3.5: Suspend and Resume Overheads for Horatio (Macrobenchmarks)

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Dirty State SizeHoratio Device 1 MB 10 MB 100 MBN95-WiFi 36 (1) 97 (0) 869 (15)OM-WiFi 13 (0) 82 (1) 775 (1)N95-3G 153 (1) 478 (14) 3848 (103)

Self-cleaning times (in seconds) are given as the mean and standard deviations of threemeasurements (in parentheses).

Table 3.6: Self-Cleaning Time for Horatio (Microbenchmarks)

Workload N95-WiFi N95-3GEmail 213 (14) 739 (5)Word 953 (9) 4354 (91)Photo 839 (19) 3381 (129)Shop 1103 (50) 4830 (313)Podcast 2200 (176) 6398Video 8034 23665

The self-cleaning times (in seconds) are given as the mean of three measurements. Stan-dard deviations are reported in parentheses. Results reported in italics are estimates basedupon measured self-cleaning rates.

Table 3.7: Self-Cleaning Time for Horatio (Macrobenchmarks)

3.5.3 Effectiveness of Self-Cleaning

We evaluate the effectiveness of Horatio’s self-cleaning functionality by determining the

window of time during which VM data stored on Horatio would be vulnerable to data

loss — that is, the amount of time required for self-cleaning. Intuitively, a user would

wish to minimize this time, but a vulnerability time of minutes or hours, rather than

days, is likely to be acceptable.


To perform the self-cleaning microbenchmarks, we use the experimental setup described

in Section 3.5.1. The Horatio device self-cleans 4.5 MB of fixed state and between

1 MB and 100 MB of dirty state, uploading to the ISR server over WiFi or 3G wireless

connectivity. We evaluate self-cleaning over WiFi using both the Nokia N95 and Neo

FreeRunner. 3G connectivity is evaluated using only the N95, since the FreeRunner

does not support 3G.

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As Table 3.6 shows, self-cleaning times are reasonable in all cases. The longest times

are observed for the N95-3G experiments. With 100 MB of dirty state, the N95 was able

to self-clean over 3G in approximately one hour. Use of 802.11g substantially improves

self-cleaning performance, reducing this worst-case time to just under 15 minutes.


In this section, we evaluate self-cleaning using the workloads described in Table 3.3,

over both WiFi and 3G wireless connectivity. The Horatio device transfers 4.5 MB of

fixed state, plus the amount of dirty state generated by the workload, to the ISR server.

The N95 smart phone is used as the Horatio device.

As Table 3.7 shows, the results are comparable to those in Table 3.6. Most cases

complete the self-cleaning process in under an hour, and all but two complete in under

two hours. The worst case self-cleaning time takes an estimated 6.5 hours to complete;

this is for the most data-intensive workload, which generates over 700 MB of dirty

state. Although the self-cleaning times are longer for the two download workloads, we

observe that users are likely to place substantially more value in personally-generated

data, such as their word processing documents and spreadsheets, than they would in

downloaded data such as multimedia files. This is because when lost, most downloaded

content can be fetched again. Therefore, Horatio performs very well under the most

important workloads.

Finally, in all cases there is a substantial performance benefit to using WiFi rather

than 3G. Based upon the observations from both the micro– and macrobenchmark

experiments, we conclude that self-cleaning can successfully reduce the window of data

vulnerability to an acceptable duration.

3.5.4 Impact on Mobility Footprint

In this section, we present an evaluation of the energy costs associated with the suspend

and resume operations. We also evaluate the energy cost of self-cleaning. In actual use,

the user should not have to pay the suspend and resume costs, since the Horatio device

should be able to charge its battery while connected to a PC client. However, it is

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possible that an external power source may not be available for Horatio while the VM

is running.

We use the microbenchmark described in Section 3.5.1 to determine the energy

demands for three operations: (i) suspend, (ii) resume, and (iii) self-cleaning. We

report the amount of energy consumed by the N95 smart phone during each operation,

along with the percentage of battery utilization this represents. For the suspend and

resume operations, we conduct the experiments over both 802.11g WiFi and USB. For

self-cleaning, we perform the measurements for WiFi and 3G. Energy consumption is

measured using the Nokia Energy Profiler utility [4].

Table 3.8 shows the energy consumed during each measurement, and the percentage

of battery power utilized. We calculate the percentage from our energy measurements

and the battery capacity as reported in the device’s specifications. Although we assume

a linear relationship between energy consumption and battery lifetime, it has been

shown that batteries typically exhibit non-ideal properties [79], and the relationship

between energy consumption and battery lifetime is typically non-linear. To ensure

consistent measurements, we fully charged the battery prior to each experimental run.

Still, it is likely that our battery percentage calculations are affected by this non-ideality,

and are only included to provide an alternative representation of the energy costs of

Horatio. As in the previous microbenchmark experiments, we vary the synthetic dirty

state from 1 MB to 500 MB for suspend and resume, and from 1 MB to 100 MB for


As the results show, connecting Horatio via USB is more than twice as efficient than

via WiFi during suspend, and more than five times as efficient during resume. Two

factors contribute to this result. First, WiFi communication inherently requires more

energy than USB. Second, when connecting Horatio over USB we are able to treat

it as a mass-storage device rather than a networked host, allowing us to shift all of

the suspend and resume computation to the client PC. The USB connection therefore

allows us to minimize the work that must be done by the Horatio device during suspend

and resume.

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For self-cleaning, WiFi is more efficient than 3G by at least a factor of five. This is

due to the higher throughput of WiFi: self-cleaning times over WiFi are also shorter

than over 3G by a factor of five on average, enabling the Horatio device to power its

transmitter for much less total time. These results clearly motivate the opportunistic

use of WiFi. It would be especially helpful in the case of large self-cleaning transfers,

since self-cleaning 100 MB over 3G consumes nearly 28% of the device’s battery ca-

pacity. In contrast, a similar operation over WiFi consumes less than 6%. Overall, it

is clear that Horatio does increase the user’s mobility footprint with respect to energy

consumption. However, with opportunistic use of WiFi this increase can be kept small,

and is offset by the fact that the user is not required to carry any other devices to gain

this benefit.

3.5.5 Eager State Propagation

To further reduce the suspend latency after a user completes her personal computing

session, our implementation includes a mechanism for eager state propagation as de-

scribed in Section 3.3.6. The goal of this section is to quantify the benefit and cost

of this optimization in terms of the amount of dirty state transferred from a client

to Horatio. To accomplish this, we use a set of state generation profiles, which are

traces that characterize the updates performed to a VM’s state during a user session.

We gathered the state generation profiles on four of the six workloads described in

Section 3.5.1.

To capture a state generation profile for a specific workload, we execute the workload

in a VM while a background task takes periodic snapshots of the VM’s memory and disk

state. We pause the session during each snapshot to ensure consistency. The resulting

set of snapshots and accompanying traces allow us to deterministically replay the state

updates produced by the session.

To evaluate eager state propagation, we replay our state generation profiles on a

real VM while the eager propagation mechanism transfers dirty memory and disk state

to Horatio in the background. We use the client PC described in Section 3.5.1 and the

microSD card as the Horatio device.

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Suspend Eager Lazy CleaningWorkload State State State CyclesEmail 3.1 129.6 19.5 3.0Word 1.7 220.8 44.1 3.3Photo 1.6 199.1 28.4 6.7Shop 29.3 485.7 44.4 11.0

Results presented are state sizes in MB and are the mean of three measurements. Allstandard deviations are less than 6%.

Table 3.9: Eager State Propagation Results for Horatio

Table 3.9 presents the results. The second and third columns give the amount

of state (in MB) transferred at and before suspend, respectively, and correspond to

the benefit and cost associated with eager propagation. The fourth column gives the

amount of state that would be transferred at suspend if eager state propagation were

not used. Finally, the last column gives the number of eager transfer cycles performed

by the client over the course of the session.

The table shows that the benefit of eager state propagation is very high for the four

workloads tested. For the first three, the amount of dirty state transferred at suspend

is less than 5 MB. The fourth workload contains a large number of state updates late

in the session, which do not have time to propagate to Horatio before suspend, but

are still less than the amount transferred without eager propagation. Finally, the ratio

of the fourth column to the second column is a good indication of the user-perceived

improvement in performance. In all four workload cases, a client would perceive a

performance benefit with Horatio.

As to cost, the total data transferred due to eager state propagation is roughly 5−7

times that occurring without eager transfer, except for the Email workload, where the

difference is a factor of 11. From these results, we conclude that eager state transfer

is worth the cost: the amount of state that must be transferred during suspend is

dramatically reduced, in exchange for a reasonable increase in the amount of data to

transfer. We do not evaluate the energy costs of eager state propagation since we assume

that local power (e.g., through USB, or wall socket) is available to Horatio when state

is being transferred to/from a borrowed client station.

Figure 3.6 presents the distribution of state updates (in MB) for each of the four

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S


y S




Cleaning Cycle


The distribution of state updates (in MB) for each workload during each periodic cleaningcycle. A cleaning cycle starts approximately one minute after the end of the precedingcycle. Suspend time is marked by an “S” on the horizontal axis.

Figure 3.6: Workload Dirty State Generation for Horatio

workloads for each periodic cleaning cycle. In the figure, one run from each workload

is shown, so that the results align directly with cleaning cycles, as compared to the

average results presented in Table 3.9. The right-most set of bars represents the state

transferred at suspend time, which is marked by an “S” on the horizontal axis. These

results illustrate the fact that the rate of data generation by typical user workloads

underutilizes the available write capacity (approx. 360MB/min for microSD). Out of

the four shown, the Shop workload generates the largest amount of updates, yet still

only approaches 17% link utilization. Shop also performs a large number of updates at

suspend time, relative to the other three workloads, and this accounts for the differences

shown in Table 3.9.

Figure 3.7 presents a CDF that illustrates the effects of update locality during each

of the four user workloads. We measure this by periodically summing, at one minute

intervals, the number of updates to each memory location during workload execution.

For each workload, the graph plots the CDF of the number of updates to a 4KB memory

page, for all memory updates. The Word workload exhibits the least amount of update

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0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

% o

f Mem






Number of Updates


CDF of the number of updates to each 4 KB memory page, for all memory updates withineach workload.

Figure 3.7: Update Locality for Horatio

locality with approximately 77% of updated memory pages only being updated one

time and 94% updated three or less times. The Email workload is similar to the Word

workload with 53% updated one time and 95% updated five or less times. The Online

workload exhibits the largest amount of update locality with only 25% of updated

memory pages being updated one time and 95% being updated eleven or less times.

Finally, the Photo workload is similar to the Online workload with 48% updated one

time and 95% updated twelve or less times. From these results, we conclude that by

adaptively adjusting the eager propagation algorithm to account for observed update

locality during a session, the costs of eager state propagation may be further reduced.

3.6 Discussion

3.6.1 Smart Phones as Horatio Platforms

While our experimental results clearly indicate that the current smart phone technology

is already adequate to support Horatio, there are several ways in which this technology

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could better serve it if improved. Connectivity and storage performance are the two

most critical factors on which Horatio’s performance ultimately depends. Incorporat-

ing high-speed flash storage should become standard in order to allow smart phones to

benefit from most recent flash memory technology. Supporting high-performance im-

plementations of the latest interconnects such as USB 2.0, WiMAX and others allows

phones to choose the most effective way to perform self-cleaning at any given location.

The phone’s network stack also needs to be improved to fully exploit existing tech-

nologies, such as WiFi and USB. For example, while the Openmoko and the N95 both

provide 802.11g, which is rated at 54 Mbps, the bandwidth in our experiments maxed

out just under 6.8 Mbps. Fortunately, Horatio’s needs align well with current trends

towards transforming the smart phone into a personal mobile multimedia entertainment


3.6.2 VM State Size

In Section 3.3 of this chapter, we describe the storage capability requirements for smart

phones. Since current smart phones support 16 GB or more of storage via microSD,

it is realistic to assume that they provide ample capacity for VM state modifications

and caching. However, Horatio also supports operation when fully disconnected from

the server. In this mode, the entire VM state must be copied to Horatio in advance

of disconnection; this may require more than 16 GB. We expect current disk growth

trends to continue, and newer smart phones to support even larger storage capacity.

3.6.3 Impact of Network Connectivity

As discussed in Section 3.3, we assume good connectivity between a borrowed client

station and Horatio, while we allow for the broadest range of connectivity options be-

tween Horatio and the VM state server, and between the client and server. In practice,

Horatio must also be able to handle and recover from poor connectivity conditions, in-

cluding disconnection, when they occur. Poor connectivity between a client and server

may cause the user’s session to experience a performance reduction, or in the case of

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disconnection, may block the user session while the client waits for reconnection in or-

der to fetch missing state from the VM state server. Poor connectivity between Horatio

and a server will impact self-cleaning performance, possibly even pausing it in the event

of a disconnect until the link has been reestablished. Once reestablished, self-cleaning

can be resumed from where it left off.

Figure 3.5 shows that as the bandwidth between a client and server increases from

1 Mbps to 10 Mbps, resume and suspend delays are reduced. This mitigates the need

for Horatio. Although Internet bandwidths will grow over time, so will average VM

sizes. It is difficult to predict the net effect of these factors.

3.6.4 Leveraging Mobility History and Prediction

Resume latency can be further reduced if the identity of the next resume site is known

or can be correctly predicted. VM state can be proactively transferred to that site,

effectively warming the cache on the next borrowed client with VM state. Potential

sources of knowledge for accurate prediction include a smart phone’s localization device

such as GPS, and personal calendar information.

3.6.5 Horatio User Interface

We believe that a user’s experience with Horatio can be further improved by providing

a richer GUI. Such an interface may provide users feedback and control over various

Horatio operations. An obvious candidate is the timing of the suspend operation,

where Horatio might be able to allow users to indicate an upper bound for the suspend

latency. This can potentially be enforced if Horatio’s client daemon is allowed to take

some action for the user (warning, slow down, or stop) when the amount of dirty

state to be transferred exceeds a threshold calculated based on the user’s suspend time

requirements and estimated transfer bandwidth.

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3.7 Related Work

Horatio is related to approaches that transport PC state on a USB storage device

(i.e., the VM on USB Device model), for example SoulPad [42], MojoPac [5], and

others [6, 8, 13, 23]. The goal of Horatio is to improve the availability of the VM

Delivered of the Internet approach. It does so along the dimensions of network resiliency

and network demand, and achieves this at a slight increase in the mobility footprint.

Although Horatio shares the physical vulnerability of the VM on USB Device model

because dirty VM state may reside on a Horatio device while awaiting transfer to a

server, the self-cleaning aspect of Horatio bounds the duration of physical vulnerability.

If dirty state on Horatio is lost before self-cleaning completes, only the work done

since the most recent resume is lost. Compared to Horatio, the VM on USB Device

approaches have greater physical vulnerability, since entire computing state resides on

a local USB storage device. If the device is lost or damaged, the only recourse is to

restore from backup, assuming one exists.

3.8 Summary

This chapter introduced the availability challenge to user data access for opportunistic

mobile computing, and presented our approach to addressing this challenge. Our ap-

proach leverages the storage and Internet connectivity of smart phones to improve the

experience of VM Delivered over the Internet opportunistic mobile computing users in

environments with poor wide-area network bandwidth. We instantiated this approach

in a prototype system, which we call Horatio. Horatio treats smart phones as trusted

personal assistants that serve as self-cleaning portable caches for VM state. Horatio

reduces suspend latency by saving VM state to the phone rather than directly to the

server; similarly, users can resume their session from Horatio. To reduce vulnerability

to loss or damage, Horatio opportunistically uses the phone’s network connectivity to

asynchronously propagate modified VM state to VM state servers (self-cleaning).

Our experiments with the Horatio prototype running on the Nokia N95 and the

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Openmoko Neo FreeRunner smart phones show that Horatio reduces resume and sus-

pend latencies by up to 98% and 97%, respectively. For example, Horatio reduces the

suspend latency from 38.3 minutes (for a demanding workload) or 3.3 minutes (for a

light workload) down to 1.2 minutes. While the performance of Horatio on existing

phones is adequate, our experiments also show that improvements in the phones’ pro-

tocol stacks and software environments could further improve Horatio’s performance

by an order of magnitude.

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Chapter 4

Improving the Security of Mobile Data Access

4.1 Problem Statement

This chapter concerns the problem of securing access to files on corporate intranets

under opportunistic mobile computing conditions. This includes both the VM on USB

Device and VM Delivered over the Internet approaches. Remote file access is typically

secured using standard network file systems authentication mechanisms, such as VPNs

and firewalls. However, a user may choose to access files from an untrusted, borrowed

client station. Such a device may contain malware, for example viruses and worms, or

even malicious hardware modifications that can potentially compromise the confiden-

tiality and integrity of a user’s remotely stored files when they are accessed via these


Prior work on securing access to remote resources has focused on verifying the soft-

ware stack on users’ devices. Sailer et al. [87] present an attestation-based approach

that uses Trusted Platform Module (TPM) hardware to acquire integrity measurements

of the software running on a user’s device. User connections are allowed only from de-

vices that run software configurations approved by a remote validation server. While

this approach limits user connection origination from valid trusted devices, it assumes

the existence of TPM hardware on those devices. Unfortunately, given nature of op-

portunistic mobile computing, a user cannot guarantee that they will have access to

a client station with such hardware installed. This necessitates an all-or-nothing ap-

proach to allow access from such devices—either prevent them from accessing to the

remotely shared files, or allow the accesses at the risk of exposing the file system to

malicious actions from these devices.

In this chapter, we propose a novel approach, called Working Set-Based Access

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Control (WSBAC), which restricts file access from untrusted devices without requiring

special hardware and in a manner that is fully compatible with legacy file systems. Our

approach augments access control mechanisms implemented on network file systems

with the notion of working sets. The key idea is to prevent accesses to files outside

a user’s working set when this access happens from an untrusted device.1 When a

user accesses files from a trusted device, she is allowed free access to all her files,

and is limited only by the native access control policy enforced by the network file

system. Simultaneously, a network agent observes her file access patterns and extracts

her working set. This working set is used to construct an access control policy that is

enforced upon access from an untrusted device.

Using the user’s working set to regulate file accesses ensures that access control

is neither overly restrictive, nor overly permissive. Intuitively, most file accesses are

governed by the working set; indeed, prior work has shown temporal patterns in user

file accesses [100]. Because a user will tend to access a file that she has recently accessed,

using the working set does not overly restrict file accesses. In contrast, malware accesses

to the file system, such as those by viruses and worms, typically exhibit no such patterns.

Using the working set to guard accesses from untrusted devices ensures that files outside

of the user’s working set are protected from such accesses by malware. Damage caused

by malware is thus restricted to the user’s working set. Because the working set only

contains files that have most recently been modified by the user (e.g., during the course

of a day), WSBAC can be coupled with version-control systems to recover quickly from

the damage caused by malware.

Implementing WSBAC requires the design and implementation of two key agents,

one that extracts the working set and formulates a file access policy (Polex), and

one that enforces this policy (Polen). We have implemented both Polex and Polen

for the network file system (NFS) protocol. Polex automatically extracts a user’s

1In the context of our research, we assume that devices administered by the corporation aretrusted, and that other devices (e.g., borrowed devices) are untrusted. However, WSBAC isindependent of this assumption and will work with any technique that can be used to differ-entiate between trusted and untrusted devices, e.g., devices equipped with TPM hardware andintegrity measurement tools [87] could be considered trusted.

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Example scenario showing access to remote files from a borrowed client station.

Figure 4.1: Remote File Access Scenario

network file system working set by observing that user’s network file system accesses.

Through this extraction, Polex generates per-user working set summaries, which are

subsequently utilized by Polen. Polen is the WSBAC enforcement agent that inter-

poses on the network file system client-server path and intercepts all messages passed

between them. To perform WSBAC policy enforcement, Polen extracts, inspects, and

modifies network file system message attributes. Finally, Polen provides speculation

mechanisms to allow file creations and writes from untrusted devices to occur in the

case of imprecise working set estimation. Speculations are reconciled and committed to

the file server by the user (or user’s delegate) from a trusted device. To be compatible

with legacy file systems, we have implemented both Polex and Polen as network mid-

dleboxes utilizing our existing FileWall framework [95, 40]. However, WSBAC can also

be implemented without a network middlebox by suitably modifying the file system.

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4.1.1 Example Scenario

To motivate WSBAC, consider the file accesses made by a typical user, Alice (Fig-

ure 4.1). At work, Alice may access several files during the course of a day using her

desktop PC, which she trusts. For instance, she may develop source code using an

IDE, look up or modify documentation using an editor, or use a spreadsheet applica-

tion. Each of these applications involves several accesses, both reads and writes, to

files stored on the network file server. She may also wish to access these files from a

borrowed computer that she does not fully trust, e.g., while at a friend’s house. Such

accesses typically happen via a VPN connection to the network file server.

To ensure safe yet easy access to files in such scenarios, two conflicting requirements

must be met. First, Alice must be allowed access to read/modify her files, being con-

strained only by the access control policy of the network file system. This requirement

is necessary to ensure seamless access to her files. Second, “insecure” accesses to Al-

ice’s files must be denied. This requirement is necessary to prevent accesses that may

potentially be performed by malicious software on an untrusted client station poten-

tially using her credentials. These requirements conflict because of the limited power

of existing network file system administration tools.

Network file system administration tools offer an all-or-nothing choice to enforce se-

cure accesses to remote files. First, existing tools do not offer any fine-grained method

to determine the file accesses performed by Alice, either from the remote file server,

or from client stations. Consequently, these tools can neither observe Alice’s file sys-

tem access patterns nor enforce policies that disallow anomalous file accesses. Second,

network file systems do not store the network context of a user’s accesses with the file

system context. This makes it difficult to differentiate Alice’s file system accesses from

different devices, such as from her work PC or from a borrowed client station.

WSBAC addresses the above shortcomings by extracting the working set of Alice’s

file accesses from trusted devices and enforcing access control based upon her working

set when she accesses files from untrusted devices. WSBAC’s Polex agent continuously

approximates Alice’s working set by observing her file access patterns when she is

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connected from trusted device. This working set is used as the basis for enforcing

access control when Alice connects from an untrusted client station. WSBAC’s Polen

agent enforces policy, in this case as a network middlebox, thereby ensuring transparent

enforcement, even with legacy network file systems.

The ability of WSBAC to continuously and automatically adapt to changes in Alice’s

working set is its central, novel, feature. This feature ensures that untrusted file accesses

are not governed by a static access control policy that is restrictive, hard to formulate,

and hard to maintain. Working sets offer a flexible yet secure abstraction to restrict file

accesses from untrusted client stations. However, enforcing access control by denying

all accesses outside the working set may be too restrictive in certain scenarios. For

example, the IDE or spreadsheet application that Alice uses to access her files may

create temporary files, such as locks, that may not be in her working set. Alice may be

unable to usefully access her files from the untrusted station if the creation of such files

is disallowed. WSBAC handles such cases by allowing for speculative file accesses during

policy enforcement. Speculative file accesses allow the IDE or spreadsheet application

to create and modify temporary files, thereby permitting Alice useful access to her files.

4.2 Applicability of WSBAC

With the background above, we now address some common concerns on the applicability


Suppose that a user, Alice, accesses files from an untrusted client station.

How can she access files that are not in the working set extracted by Polex?

We consider separately the case of reads and writes. Writes to files that are not in the

working set, including the creation of new files, are handled speculatively by Polen;

changes made to such files are visible only to Alice. When Alice accesses these files

again from a trusted device, Polen commits the speculative accesses after they have

been verified by Alice.

To handle reads to files that are not in the working set, WSBAC supports the

inclusion of a reliable secondary authentication mechanism [30, 56, 29, 83] for Alice to

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add files to her working set. The inclusion of this type of mechanism would ensure

that malware on untrusted devices cannot automatically add files to her working set.

Afterward, Alice can access the newly added files in her working set, thereby allowing

WSBAC to be practical even in scenarios where Alice does not have access to a trusted

device for extended periods of time, e.g., during travel.

Can Alice share speculative updates to files with other users? As described

earlier, WSBAC handles writes to files that are not in Alice’s working set using specula-

tion; these updates are normally only visible to Alice until she commits them. However,

there may be cases where these updates must be visible to other users. For example,

suppose that Alice is collaborating on a paper with others.

WSBAC offers Alice two choices to ensure that an update to the paper made from an

untrusted device is visible to her co-authors. Alice can include the file in her working set

using a reliable secondary authentication mechanism; because Polen does not restrict

accesses to files in the working set, updates to the paper will be visible to the entire

group. However, this approach has the disadvantage of committing possibly malicious

updates to the files, e.g., by malware on the untrusted client station, to the file system.

Alice can avoid this problem by instead using WSBAC’s mechanism to share specula-

tive file updates. Using this mechanism, Alice can share speculative updates to selected

files with her co-authors. However, this mechanism also ensures that all subsequent up-

dates to the file (including those made by her co-authors) will be speculative. Changes

are committed only when one of the group members (not necessarily Alice) working on

a trusted device verifies the file updates. In this way, by sharing speculative updates

with her co-authors, Alice is also delegating commit permission to them, should they

be working from trusted devices.

Can Alice defeat WSBAC protection by artificially inflating the size of

her working set? Yes, this is possible. For example, Alice could write a script that

runs overnight from a trusted terminal and accesses all her files, thereby forcing Polex

to include all her files into her working set. Alternately, Alice could add all her files to

her working set via the Web interface.

However, it is to Alice’s advantage to use WSBAC. Much as Alice can disable her

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virus scanner at the risk of being infected, she can disable WSBAC protection at the

risk of exposing the files in her working set to malware. Even in this case, damage

is limited to Alice’s files, because WSBAC augments traditional network file system

access control.

Still, there are several procedural regulations that an administrator could use to

prevent her from artificially inflating her working set. For example, Polen could record

her accesses from an untrusted device and compare them against the Polex working

set. If these accesses differ significantly, the administrator could use this as an indication

that Alice is artificially inflating her working set, and issue her a warning.

One special case of this could be caused directly by a valid process that accesses

files while acting on Alice’s behalf, for example, a client-based virus scanner that scans

Alice’s mounted network file systems.2 This problem can be solved in two ways. One

way is to take advantage of a distributed Mandatory Access Control system [66], such

that any network file system messages issued by the virus scanner can be distinguished

by their accompanying labels and ignored by Polex. For legacy clients, the virus

scanner process can run in the context of a special user, and then all network file

system messages issued by that user ID can be safely ignored.

Does WSBAC compromise Alice’s privacy? Both Polex and Polen continu-

ously monitor Alice’s accesses. While an administrator could potentially use these tools

to compromise her privacy, such compromise is possible even otherwise. The network

file server, accesses to which WSBAC protects, is fully accessible to the administrator

even without Polex and Polen. WSBAC also requires that encrypted file accesses

originating from untrusted devices be decrypted at Polen (rather than at the network

file server). However, because both Polen and the network file server are presumably

administered by the same entity, decrypting file accesses at Polen compromises her

privacy no more than decrypting them at the file server.

In spite of these restrictions, Alice can protect her privacy by using a scheme that

only encrypts the contents of packets (and not their headers, which contain information

2We can safely ignore the effects of a server-based virus scanner since they operate locally atthe file server and do not cause network file systems messages to be issued.

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that is used by Polex and Polen).

Why is virus scanning at the network file server not enough? Although is it

common for virus scanning to occur at network file servers, this technique is insufficient

to protect a user’s data. Virus scanning at the server can intercept file writes and

inspect the modifications to search for virus signatures, should a virus attempt to

propagate itself in the content of the writes. Virus scanning cannot completely protect

the integrity of a user’s data since it cannot detect malicious deletes made by a virus

from an untrusted device. Furthermore, it does not protect the confidentiality of user

data, since any virus masquerading as a legitimate user would have complete access to

all of that user’s data.

4.3 WSBAC Design

In this section, we provide a detailed overview of the design and architecture of our

WSBAC system.

4.3.1 Working Set-Based Access Control

We define a user’s file access working set (WS) to be the set of files (and directories)

the user has accessed over some recent period of time (typically 1 day). Within this set,

files belong to subsets that define the access permissions for that file. For example, all

the WS files for which a user has read permission are included in the read permission

subset of the WS. These subsets are not necessarily disjoint, as a file may be included

in multiple permission subsets (e.g., a file for which a user has both read and write

permissions). Therefore, a file included in any subset of the user’s WS implies that the

user possesses the permission defined by that subset for that file.

Since working sets are specific to each user and typical network file systems scale to

serve several hundred users, it is impractical for an administrator to manually define

the WS for each user of the system. Alternately, allowing users to self-define their WSs

defeats the primary purpose of the WSBAC system. Users will likely over-estimate their

WSs for fear of lacking access to files they may need, even if there is a low probability

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that they will actually need to access the files while working from an untrusted client

station . To address these concerns, we approximate the per-user WSs automatically.

This removes the potential burden on administrators, while reducing the ability of a

user to over-estimate their WS. WS extraction is performed by the Polex agent of our


Automatic extraction of user WSs may lead to inaccuracies because of two possi-

bilities. First, the WS may include files that the user will not need to access from an

untrusted device. Second, required files may be excluded from a user’s WS. In either

case, users will never gain access to a file that they do not already have access to since

WSBAC only augments the standard network file system access policy, and cannot

make a user’s access rights more permissive. In the limit, a user’s WS may only grow

to match the set of all files that she already has permission to access from a file server.

In general, there are two read cases and two write cases that must be handled by the

WSBAC system. File and directory reads may be attempted for files either included in

or excluded from a user’s WS. For these cases, WSBAC allows reads only for those files

included in a user’s WS and denies all other read attempts (although, a user is able to

add files to her WS using a reliable secondary authentication mechanism). Note that

this covers both data and meta-data reads. File and directory writes include both data

and meta-data writes (create, remove, rename fall into this category). Writes to files

and directories included in a user’s WS are performed normally, while writes to files

and directories not included in a user’s WS are performed speculatively (described in

Sections 4.3.4 and 4.4.2). WSBAC enforcement is performed by the Polen agent of

our system.

4.3.2 WSBAC Policy Extraction (Polex)

WSBAC working set extraction and policy formulation is performed by the Polex

agent. Polex resides in the trusted network domain and observes a user’s network

file system accesses when they are performed from a trusted device. These accesses,

which travel between network file system clients and servers in messages, are captured

by Polex and inspected. Polex utilizes the file system attributes contained in these

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Requests from trusted (1) and untrusted (2 and 3) devices are shown. Request 3 is handledspeculatively.

Figure 4.2: WSBAC Overview

messages to construct and maintain per-user working set summaries.

Figure 4.2 illustrates how this occurs. In the figure, a trusted device performs a

network file system access, shown in the figure as a network message labeled 1. This

message travels through the network and ultimately reaches the network file server

where the file access is performed on the file system. Along the way, the message

is captured by a network element and a copy is sent to Polex for processing. Any

network element, such as a network switch, could perform this message capture and

copy forwarding function. To handle the case of encrypted or signed network traffic,

Polex (and Polen) shares the encryption keys with the network file server.

Polex maintains the per-user WS summaries on stable storage, as they are built

and updated. These summaries are built through the use of compact summary data

structures (Bloom filters, in our implementation) and they are exported by Polex for

use in Polen. Polex also utilizes the WS summaries to provide per-user virtual file

system namespaces. These virtual namespaces provide administrators a mechanism

to view and modify the WSBAC permissions for individual users as approximated by

Polex. Further discussion of Polex virtual namespaces is in Section 4.4.1.

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4.3.3 WSBAC Policy Enforcement (Polen)

WSBAC enforcement is performed by the Polen agent. Polen resides in the trusted

network domain, interposed between the network file system clients and servers, and

intercepts all messages passed between them. Polen utilizes the file system attributes

contained within the messages and the per-user WS summaries to enforce WSBAC for

those users accessing the network file system from an untrusted device.

Figure 4.2 shows Polen interposed between network file system clients and a file

server. Messages from untrusted devices, such as message 2 in the figure, are evaluated

against the WSBAC policy. For file accesses that are allowed, Polen forwards them to

the file server (as is the case for message 2 in the figure), otherwise, Polen responds

directly with a “permission denied” message.

4.3.4 Polen Speculation

Writes from an untrusted client station to files not included in a user’s WS are allowed by

Polen, but are not committed to the network file system. Instead, Polen holds these

writes aside by logging them in a vault area. This area is a stable storage location where

speculative writes can be sequestered from the network file system. Access to the vault

is reserved for Polen only. This partitioning of speculative writes from the network

file system provides safety for these writes, while denying visibility of the speculative

accesses for all other users. Speculative writes are visible to the users who issue them.

All user accesses flow through Polen, which exports per-user virtual namespaces to

the users. These namespaces are the union of the real file system merged with the

speculative operations performed by the user.

Polen allows speculative writes to data and meta-data to be performed by a user

from an untrusted device for two reasons. First, the user may wish to create new or

temporary files. If Polen limits writes to files within the user’s WS, it will not permit

this. Second, although Polex may have observed reads to a file and included the file

in the WS for reads, Polex may not have observed any writes by that user to that file.

Since it is possible the user may also have write permission, we allow these writes to

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occur speculatively.

Figure 4.2 shows a speculative access as it traverses the network from an untrusted

device to a network file server (shown as message 3). When the message is intercepted

by Polen, it is logged and stored in the Polen vault area, which may reside on any

stable storage accessible to Polen.

Speculative writes may pose a problem in the cases of write-after-write and read-

after-write sharing between users. This problem is mitigated by two factors, though.

First, for typical deployments of network file systems, both types of sharing have been

found to be very low (between 0.9% and 0.6% of all file systems operations as reported

in [71, 72, 102]). Second, network file systems, such as NFS [43], in the absence of

locking, do not provide strong file consistency between users. They typically provide

close-to-open consistency where update propagation is only guaranteed at the time of

file closure. In any event, there are likely to be cases where update delays due to

speculation pose a problem between users sharing files. To handle these cases, we

extend sharing to speculative accesses through our speculation sharing and delegation

mechanism. We expect (and in fact show in our evaluation) write speculation to be the

exception and not the common case in practice. Further description of this mechanism

is in Section 4.4.2.

Reconciliation of speculative accesses occurs when a user returns to a trusted device

and resumes interacting with the network file system. At this point, Polen starts

reconciliation for speculative changes stored for the user in the vault area. Polen

allows speculative creates and writes to temporary files to be automatically committed

to the server once reconciliation begins, since they will not potentially destroy or modify

any existing data. We assume that all network file servers perform virus scanning for all

file writes before committing them, as this is common practice. In the event that virus

scanning is not performed at the server, automatic reconciliation can be completely


All other speculative updates to existing files must be manually verified by the

user, before Polen will proceed to commit them. This may occur in a number of

ways, including a web-based interface or an automated email service. Once verified,

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The primary components of Polex are shown. Included are the Extraction Handler, AccessContext (state store), and the View Handlers.

Figure 4.3: WSBAC Implementation – Polex Components

speculative updates are presented to the network file server as if issued by the user, and

reconciled by the system in a manner similar to the Coda File System [72].

4.4 Implementation

We have implemented both Polex and Polen by extending FileWall [95, 40], a network

file system middlebox that we developed in prior work. Using a middlebox permits

WSBAC enforcement without modifying the file system. However, WSBAC can also

be implemented without a network middlebox by suitably modifying the file system.

4.4.1 Implementation of Polex

In this section, we describe the implementation of our policy extraction agent. We have

two primary requirements in designing this system. First, it must run online in order to

continuously and automatically adapt to changes in users’ network file system working

sets. Second, it should be non-intrusive to both clients and servers. By requiring

no server modifications, Polex can be easily deployed without impact (in terms of

software maintenance, or performance effects) to the critical resource being monitored.

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We further restrict the system to not require any software modifications to the clients.

For this system to be most useful, it must be deployable in any scenario, including

situations that involve legacy deployments and borrowed devices.

Polex implements a framework to extract approximations of user network file sys-

tem working sets, which form the basis of WSBAC. We built Polex as a network agent

that receives and processes copies of network file system messages to examine message

attributes and extract per-user working sets. Figure 4.2 shows how Polex is deployed

for a typical network file system infrastructure, where copies of network file system mes-

sages are forwarded to Polex by a cooperating network element (e.g., network switch

port mirroring, Polen, etc.) The remainder of this section describes the working set

extraction mechanism, the administration interface provided by Polex, and WSBAC

state maintenance.

Working Set Extraction

As shown in Figure 4.2, and 4.3, Polex extracts per-user working sets by observing the

network file system messages that flow between trusted devices and file servers. This

is accomplished by using semantic knowledge about the network file system protocol.

Since Polex can observe the servers’ responses to the clients’ requests, it can discover,

over time, the file permissions users have to various portions of the file system (files and

directories). Once discovered, these permissions are stored in a set of per-user compact

summary data structures (Bloom filters). Polex creates and maintains six Bloom filters

per user, three for file permissions (read, write, and execute) and three for directory

permissions (read, write, and execute). The Bloom filters comprise the WSBAC user

policy summaries and are stored on local persistent storage. Once generated, they are

held by Polex for later use in Polen.

Figure 4.3 shows how network file system messages are handled by Polex. Mes-

sages from trusted devices are processed by the Extraction Handler, which executes

the extraction algorithm. Once the handler has completed processing a message, it is

dropped. Any messages received by Polex are copies of messages either forwarded

by a network middlebox (such as Polen in Figure 4.2) or forwarded by some other

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Subset of the Policy View Namespace (PVN). For each user (e.g., Bob), there are controland WS view namespaces.

Figure 4.4: Policy View Namespace (PVN) for WSBAC

network element (e.g., a network switch). In any case, we assume that Polex only

receives messages that originated from trusted devices.

Policy View Namespace (PVN)

Polex defines a virtual namespace, called the Policy View Namespace (PVN), for

WSBAC working set summary administration. It is an interface that provides views of

users’ effective network file system access control policies. Through the PVN, adminis-

trators can interact with Polex over the network file system interface using a familiar

set of tools. In fact, one of the main purposes of using the standard file system protocol

as the policy view interface was to enable building tools that could easily take advan-

tage of this well-known interface. Access to the PVN is restricted to administrators. In

a secure deployment, such access would occur over a secured private network, reserved

for this purpose.

The functionality of the PVN is similar to that of the Linux /proc file system. View

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The primary components of Polen are shown. Included are the Enforcement Handler,Speculation Handler, User Policy Summaries (access context), and Vault Area.

Figure 4.5: WSBAC Implementation – Polen Components

Handlers are invoked at Polex on receiving file system requests for virtual objects (see

Figure 4.3). For read-only requests, for example, read, readdir, getattr, etc., the handlers

query the PVN state and generate the file contents dynamically. Write operations

update the PVN state and are used to modify the Polex and PVN configuration

parameters, or manually modify per-user working set summaries. Figure 4.4 shows an

example PVN for user Bob. There is a similar pair of namespaces for every other user

in the system. The figure shows the two primary components to Bob’s PVN: the control

namespace and the WS namespace.

Through the PVN control namespace, administrators can tailor view configurations

to meet their needs. Additionally, they can modify WS estimation parameters and

start/stop the WS estimation process. These tasks can be performed for individual

users (e.g., Bob in the figure) or globally for all users. All objects in the PVN control

namespace are virtual and there are no files (or directories) at the network file server

that stores the content of these objects. Instead, View Handlers (see Figure 4.3) are

invoked to handle accesses to virtual objects. The PVN WS namespace provides a view

of the real exported network file system namespace filtered by the user WS summary

permissions. The names for objects in the WS namespace are derived directly from the

files they represent in the observed network file system, but only the files and directories

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that exist in a user’s estimated working set are visible in the WS namespace. The WS

namespace provides an interface for administrators to query and modify the effective

permission assignments for each of a user’s files and to manually add and remove files

from a user’s estimated working set.

State Maintenance

Polex maintains two different forms of persistent state. First, it maintains the system

configuration based on any parameter/control changes issued through the PVN. Second,

Polex stores the WSBAC per-user working set summaries extracted from the network

file system messages it observes. Keeping the summaries as persistent state is more

for convenience rather than a strict requirement. Since this state is built through

observation of network file system messages, it can be continuously regenerated over

time. The primary penalty, in the case of lost state, is the time that it takes to

regenerate that state.

4.4.2 Implementation of Polen

In this section, we describe the implementation of the policy enforcement agent. Polen

includes mechanisms for WSBAC policy enforcement, write speculation, speculation

sharing and delegation, and update reconciliation.

WSBAC Policy Enforcement

Polen operates on network file system messages as they are exchanged between clients

and servers, as shown in Figure 4.5. As messages are captured, they are handled by

Polen for WSBAC evaluation and enforcement. Polen only operates on messages

from untrusted devices (see Figure 4.2).

Messages from untrusted devices are passed to the Enforcement Handler (see Fig-

ure 4.5). This handler extracts network file system attributes from each message to

determine the file system operation (fop), file identifier (fileid), user identifier (uid),

and request identifier (reqid). The handler then retrieves the user’s working set pol-

icy summary from a local persistent state store using the user’s uid, and checks if the

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fileid is included in the WS of this user with the necessary permission to perform the

requested operation fop. For reads, the network file system message will either be for-

warded to the file server (as in the figure) or Polen will generate a “permission denied”

response message and forward it to the client. For writes, the message will either be

forwarded to the file server or will be speculatively allowed.

Write Speculation

Whenever Polen encounters a write operation to a file from an untrusted device that

is not explicitly allowed based on the WSBAC evaluation, Polen handles it specula-

tively. Such file system updates are stored within a predefined vault area, located on

separate stable storage. This vault area is similar in spirit to the caching mechanism

of the Coda File System [72], but it does not reside on the client as a typical Coda

cache would. Polen includes an interface for a user to view her speculative updates

from the untrusted client station that performed them. This interface can be accessed

via the standard network file system protocol or via a web-based mechanism, and is

implemented by the Speculation Handler as shown in Figure 4.5.

The Speculation Namespace mechanism provides seamless access for untrusted client

stations to their state updates. It does so by overlaying a virtual namespace on top

of the real namespace exported by a file server. Any network file system message that

is allowed by the WSBAC policy is checked to determine if it contains a file operation

targeting a file that has been speculatively updated. This check is performed by using

the file identifier contained in the message to search the per-user speculation map. For

performance, the vault performs whole file caching, similar to the Coda File System,

maintaining a distinct version of all speculatively updated files. Speculative updates

are applied to this version. This has two benefits, first, it reduces the load on the file

server due to speculative updates, and second, it maintains to consistent versions of

a file (base and speculative). Any network file system message that performs a file

operation on a speculatively updated file is passed from the Enforcement Handler to

the Speculation Handler as shown in Figure 4.5.

The Speculation Handler performs two functions. The Speculation Handler responds

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to the current untrusted device request as if it were the network file server. It does

this by fetching the required file system state from the network file server (using the

user’s credentials) and sequentially applying the speculative updates to the state as

necessary. In this fashion, the Speculation Handler can generate an updated version of

the file on demand for the user. Since the vault area performs whole file caching similar

to the Code File System, it only needs to fetch each file from the file server once, at the

time of first speculation. Should the operation fail, then a network file system error is

generated by Polen and forwarded to the untrusted device.


Reconciliation must occur when a user has any outstanding speculative updates stored

for her by Polen in the vault area. During reconciliation, speculative updates must

first be verified by the user who issued them (or by a user’s delegate), before they will

be committed to the server. Such verification guarantees that any speculative updates

submitted by malware will be identified by the user prior to commit.

Users manage their speculative updates through the same interface (network file

system or web-based mechanisms) provided by Polen for write speculation. Through

this interface, a user (or administrator) can manually inspect her speculative updates

currently stored in the vault area, approve the updates to be committed to the file

server, and handle any exceptional conditions that arise. The granularity of the update

is per file, and a user can view the individual changes prior to approving or denying

them. Finally, Polex is able to notify the user of the existence of pending reconciliation

when the user starts accessing her files from a trusted system, once again. It can do

so by sending periodic emails to the user whenever it detects the occurrence of trusted

accesses from the user, and speculative updates are pending reconciliation.

Speculation Sharing and Delegation

As previously mentioned in Section 4.3.4, to support the existing sharing model common

to modern network file systems, we provide mechanisms to allow speculative updates

to be shared between users. The first mechanism has been discussed already. A user

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who has performed a speculative update can directly commit those updates through

the Polen-provided interface. Once committed, they are available to all other users


For more tightly coupled sharing situations, though, it might be tedious for each

user to manually commit changes to a small set of files. For this case, we allow a user

to share a portion of their speculative updates with other untrusted devices. Using the

Polen-provided interface, a user can directly specify, per file, other untrusted devices

that should have immediate visibility to her speculative updates. Under this sharing

model, users experience traditional close-to-open network file system semantics and

are not burdened with manually committing updates. In this case, the users’ updates

remain speculative and WSBAC protection holds.

For trusted devices to access speculative updates from untrusted devices, we provide

a delegation mechanism. The owner of the speculative updates can allow a user of a

trusted device to commit the updates to the shared files (through the Polen user

interface). This gives a user the ability to commit updates as if she was the update

owner. Finally, for frequent sharing between trusted and untrusted client stations,

we allow a trusted device to connect to the file server through the same path as an

untrusted device, to gain visibility to the speculative update similar to an untrusted

device.3 Although this places additional requirements on users in order for them to share

speculative files, it enforces clean separation between trusted and untrusted accesses.

It does expose a trade-off between usability/transparency for users and administrative

security requirements.

4.5 Evaluation

In this section, we present the evaluation of the WSBAC system. Our experimental

evaluation of WSBAC answers six questions:

• What are the processing time and storage costs to perform working set extraction?

3For the purposes of our research, we assume any trusted device that requires such access caneither connect through the secure VPN to be treated as an untrusted device, or may connectto the file server through the Polen path.

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Size of Trace Time to Analyze State Size1 day 52 min 145MB (1.16MB per user)1 hour 3 min 145MB (1.16MB per user)

Table 4.1: Working Set Estimation Time and Storage Costs for WSBAC

• Are any network file system performance overheads imposed by working set ex-


• How accurate is WSBAC working set extraction?

• How sensitive to time is WSBAC working set extraction accuracy?

• How much speculation occurs during WSBAC enforcement?

• What are the network file system performance overheads imposed by WSBAC


In our experimental setup, all systems are Dell SMP systems with two 2.4 GHz Intel

P4 CPUs, and 3 GB of RAM. All systems run a Linux 2.6 kernel and are connected

using a Gigabit Ethernet switch. Polex is configured to listen to all NFS v3 requests

and responses. This is accomplished by enabling port monitoring on the switch. Polen

is configured to interpose on all NFS v3 requests and responses.

4.5.1 Evaluation of Polex

Time and Storage Costs

We measure the costs for Polex in terms of the time it takes to process the network

file system messages it receives, as well as the size of the state that must be stored to

maintain a fixed amount of history. To quantify these costs, we perform offline analysis

using a set of large file system traces provided by Harvard University [55]. These traces

represent a month of network file system usage from the EE/CS Department at Harvard


Table 4.1 shows the results in terms of processing time and the size of the resulting

state, once processing has been completed. We measure these costs for trace samples

of size corresponding to one day and one hour. One day of traces represents 3.3 GB of

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untar configure compile install remove overall


e (s


Benchmark Phase


Figure 4.6: OpenSSH Compilation Results for WSBAC (Polex)

trace storage space corresponding to 6, 308, 023 NFS request/response pairs for a group

of approximately 250 users. To process 1 day took 52 mins and generated 145 MB

(1.16 MB per user on average) of state as history. This equates to an approximate time

compression factor of 96%. Since we utilize Bloom filters to store per-user working set

state, the storage costs remain fixed at approximately 145 MB regardless of trace size.

Therefore, we observe that Polex imposes negligible costs in terms of processing time

and state storage requirements.

Performance–Software Build Benchmark

In the following, we compare the performance of NFS with Polex extraction against

default Linux NFS for an OpenSSH build benchmark similar to a modified Andrew

Benchmark [64]. The approximate round-trip time between hosts in the experiment is

300 µs, which is typical for most LAN environments. We measure the time taken to

complete each of five phases (untar, configure, compile, install, and remove) and report

the results in Figure 4.6.

This figure shows the average time over five runs with a cold client cache for each

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Average Error Rate Over-Estimation RateRun 1 1.08% 31.6%Run 2 0.76% 41.2%Run 3 1.02% 42.5%Run 4 0.79% 36.5%Run 5 0.97% 42.9%Avg 0.92% 38.9%

Table 4.2: Working Set Error and Over-Estimation Results for WSBAC

phase of the benchmark from left to right. The bars in each group are base NFS and

NFS with Polex. We observe that Polex imposes no overhead when compared to the

normal base NFS case. This is expected, since Polex does not interact directly with

the message flows between the network file system client and server. Instead, copies of

the messages are sent by the switch to Polex for processing. These findings serve to

validate our expectations.

4.5.2 Evaluation of Polen


A key factor in the utility of Polen is the accuracy with which the system operates.

The accuracy is presented as the ratio of the set of file permissions that we approximate

incorrectly to the total that we observe (including correctly approximated permissions).

This provides the error or false positive rate for Polen. To quantify the accuracy, we

perform offline analysis using the Harvard traces.

To determine accuracy using the network file system traces, we choose two consec-

utive days worth of trace data. We randomly select ten users from those in the traces.

We use the traces from the first day to perform per-user working set extraction using

the Polex algorithm. Then we run a test against the WS summaries using the traces

from the second day, and measure the number of errors. An error is generated by a

file or directory access, if the access is to a file (or directory) for which the user does

not have the appropriate permission to execute the specific access, according to the

user’s WS summary. These errors represent file access attempts by the user that would

be denied by the WSBAC system, but allowed by the network file server. We repeat

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Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6User 1 0.26% 0.03% 0.02% 0.01% 0.1%User 2 0.31% 4.4% 0% 3.3% 0.27%User 3 0.39% 0.36% 0.82% 2.51% 0.61%User 4 0.48% 1.82% 0.55% 0.66% 0.11%User 5 0.18% 0.28% 0.18% 0.34% 0.27%Avg 0.32% 1.38% 0.31% 1.36% 0.27%

Table 4.3: Working Set Sensitivity Results for WSBAC

this experiment five times using a different two days worth of trace data and randomly

choosing a new set of ten users each time. The results are reported in Table 4.2.

The table shows the average error rate for each of the five runs. The maximum

error rate is 1.08%, the minimum is 0.76%, and the total average is 0.92%. From these

results, we observe that the average per-user accuracy is high (low error rates), and this

confirms that WSBAC is not overly restrictive.

We further assess the rate at which an approximated working set is overly permissive.

We measure this as the percentage of the estimated working set that is included during

the estimation phase, but never accessed in the testing phase. These results are reported

in the third column of Table 4.2. As shown in the table, the maximum over-estimation

rate is 42.9%, the minimum is 31.6%, and the average is 38.9%. Although WSBAC

is more restrictive than the standard network file system discretionary access control

system, the results of this experiment show that there is still room for improvement.


To understand how frequently a user’s working set estimate must be updated, we per-

form a sensitivity analysis on the working set accuracy. For this experiment, we perform

offline analysis similar to the accuracy measurements. This time we choose six consec-

utive days worth of traces. We use the traces from the first day to perform per-user

working set extraction and test with the remaining five days worth of traces. Accuracy

measurements are determined as before, and are reported in Table 4.3.

The table shows the average error rate for five randomly selected users over the five

days following the working set extraction day. From these results, we observe that the

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average per-user accuracy remains fairly stable over a reasonable period of time. Users

1 and 5 are very stable across the five days, while users 3 and 4 are stable four out of

five days. Finally, user 2 is the least stable fluctuating every other day, which possibly

indicates that a multi-day extraction period might benefit some users. In general, the

accuracy results are very promising, given the low error rates across the board.


Since the amount of speculative accesses a user performs is related to the number of

updates that must be validated by the user when they return to a trusted device,

we measure the average rate of speculation for ten randomly chosen users from the

traces. For this experiment, the average speculation rate is 1.44%, the maximum is

2.4%, and the minimum is 0.018%. These results are promising since they imply a low

burden on the average user with respect to the amount of manual validation that must

be performed for speculative updates. Even for heavy users (500 or more requests per

day), the results imply relatively low levels of manual intervention (7 average speculative

requests per day). From these results, we conclude that WSBAC is highly automated,

and does not require an administrator or the end-user to laboriously configure additional

access control policies.


To study the fine-grained overhead of Polen with respect to the network file system, we

utilize our own microbenchmark. This benchmark is an NFS client that issues requests

without relying on the client file system interface. Using this benchmark eliminates

any noise due to the client buffer cache and allows fine-grained measurements to be


We present the operation latency of the default NFS protocol, as a baseline. Fig-

ure 4.7 shows the client observed latency for the most common NFS operations, as

reported by various file system workload studies [55]. In the figure, each group of bars

has four members, NFS and Polen in a minimal configuration, and NFS and Polen

in a typical LAN configuration. The average round-trip time is 30 µs for the minimal

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getattr lookup access read write create



e La


y (u




Figure 4.7: Microbenchmark Results for WSBAC (Polen)

configuration and 300 µs for the LAN configuration. The latency measurement for

the minimal configuration represents the average latency measured through a 1 Gbps

network switch. Each bar presents the average response latency over 1000 instances.

We observe that Polen imposes modest overhead when compared to the NFS case

for the minimal configuration. The largest overhead measured for the minimal case was

40 µs, which represents a 15% performance degradation. Since typical LAN round-trip

times are larger than 30 µs, this represents the worst case performance for our system.

Very little of the Polen processing time is hidden by the network latency. As we

introduce delay in the network, most if not all of the Polen processing time is hidden

due to the relative time of processing to network latency. In fact, at and beyond the

300 µs mark (as shown in the figure as the LAN bars) the relative performance between

base NFS and Polen is within 10 µs on average which corresponds to, at most, a 2%

overhead. For WAN users, the situation is even better (e.g., a remote access situation).

Since the typically observed network latencies in a WAN deployment are between 15 ms

- 30 ms, we expect there to be no perceived performance impact on WAN users due to

this system.

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untar configure compile install remove overall


e (s


Benchmark Phase


Figure 4.8: OpenSSH Compilation Results for WSBAC (Polen)

Performance–Software Build Benchmark

In the following, we compare the performance of NFS with Polen WSBAC enforcement

against the default NFS for an OpenSSH build benchmark similar to a modified Andrew

Benchmark [64]. We measure the time taken to complete each of five phases (untar,

configure, compile, install, and remove). To simulate the LAN conditions a typical user

would experience, we introduce additional delay in the network, such that we increase

the approximate round-trip time between hosts in the experiment to 300 µs. The results

are reported in Figure 4.8.

This figure shows the average time over five runs with a cold client cache for each

phase of the benchmark from left to right. The bars in each group are base NFS and

NFS with Polen. We observe that Polen imposes very low overheads (less than 2%

in all cases) when compared to the normal NFS case for remote users over a LAN. We

conclude from these and the microbenchmark results, presented earlier, that Polen

introduces no perceived performance overheads on network file system users.

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4.6 Discussion

4.6.1 Network File System Traces

Although we utilize a well-understood set of network file system traces in our evaluation,

they unfortunately do not allow us to fully evaluate the effectiveness of WSBAC. In

particular, since the traces do not identify the types and capabilities of client devices,

(i.e., trusted vs. untrusted), there are a number of dimensions that we cannot assess

quantitatively in our evaluation. Although it is possible for differing capabilities in a

user’s device to affect how she accesses her file system data, it remains to determine

whether it also affects which data items she will access.

4.6.2 Working Set Reinforcement

One of the assumptions in our design of the WSBAC system has been that a user’s

network file system working set varies slowly over time. Although our accuracy re-

sults support this assumption, continuous and automatic WS adaptation must also

handle WSs with high variability over time. Therefore, it is important for the extrac-

tion process to include automatic and continuous reinforcement. Although our current

implementation does not provide support for reinforcement, it does not preclude it


One approach to include reinforcement support in the WSBAC system is to use a

combination of Bloomier [46] and Counting [57] filters rather than traditional Bloom

filters. Bloomier filters allow for the storage of data with the keys. In these, we could

also store a timestamp that reflects the last access for the associated file identifier.

Counting filters allow for key deletions along with additions. Using these two filters

together, we add file identifiers to each (the Bloomier also includes the timestamps). A

file is considered to be in a user’s WS when it is in both filters and passes a timestamp

check. This approach allows for files to be directly removed from the WS (through

deletion from the Counting filter), and for files to be aged from the WS (through the

use of the timestamps in the Bloomier filter).

An alternate approach to include reinforcement support in the WSBAC system is

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to maintain a more complex data structure on Polex for the purpose of supporting

reinforcement. Our current implementation assumes the use of Bloom filters at both of

the network agents (Polex and Polen). It is equally plausible to expand the amount

of state we are willing to store at Polex. With this additional state, Polex could

generate frequent, reinforced, updates for Polen to utilize. This exposes a possible

trade-off between accuracy of WS estimation and the cost in terms of state size that

must be kept at Polex.

4.6.3 File System Semantics with Speculation

It is important to point out that in certain situations where there is a large amount

of write sharing for a file, it is possible, perhaps even likely, that a remote user’s

speculative updates to such a file will become inconsistent before they can return to

a trusted location to commit these updates. The speculation mechanism in Polen is

best-effort and only applies to writes for files not in a user’s working set. A user who

anticipates such problems with certain files can access these files regularly from a trusted

client to ensure that the popular file is included in the user’s WS. It is also possible for

the user to have an administrator manually intervene and assist them directly.

One approach to avoid the problem of frequent write sharing is to employ versioning

file system support on the protected network file servers. With this support, Polen

would be able to access a version of the file that is consistent with the speculative

updates, and apply those updates to the file. It is a policy decision whether this

version should be brought forward and committed to the network file system (in effect

rolling back other users’ changes), but with this extension, a user would at least be

able to access a consistent version that included her updates. The consistency model

induced by this approach would be similar to close-to-open consistency in the absence

of mandatory file locking. The version of the file that is visible to all users is the one

last committed by any user.

It is also important to point out another area where speculation alters network file

system semantics. Although most file and directory meta-data can be altered by users,

the last access time for a file is managed directly by the file server and cannot be altered

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by a user. Speculation introduces a slight change in the semantics, since the time a

user updates a file will differ, possibly by a large margin, from the time the updates

are committed to the server by Polen. For example, a user may speculatively update

a file at 12 AM at night, but these updates will not reach the file server until 8 AM in

the morning when the user is accessing the file server from a trusted device. Typically,

the last access time for a file would reflect the time the updates were sent to the server

by any client. In the speculative case, the last access time for a file actually reflects

the time of reconciliation and update commit from Polen. It is not clear how this

might affect the day-to-day operation of users or the file server, but the issue cannot be

addressed without extending network file systems to add support for a client to alter

the last access time.

4.6.4 Scaling, Availability, and Usability

One aspect of Polen that was not explored in this research is scalability. For general

deployment of the Polen network agent, it must be able to scale to many clients and

many servers. Alternately, since Polex operates outside of the critical performance

path of network file systems, scalability is not as large an issue. Though, timely gener-

ation of the per-user working set summaries is still important, so the issue cannot be

ignored completely.

To reduce the load on the Polen network agent, it is possible to deploy software

agents to clients that perform similar tasks. Even with these trusted client agents, the

Polen network agent would still be required to guarantee WSBAC enforcement for

trusted devices, or in case any user attempted to circumvent the access control system

by disabling their client agent. The client agents provide a way to offload WSBAC

enforcement for well-behaving users, which would reduce the load on the Polen network

agent. Allowing a client agent to enforce the WSBAC policy also reduces the latency of

WSBAC policy decisions at the client, such that denied or speculative operations could

occur more rapidly (especially for a typical WAN-based remote access scenario).

A second aspect of the system left unexplored is availability. The Polen prototype

was implemented as a single network middlebox, and so it represents a single point

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of failure. Therefore, we should also consider ways to improve the robustness of the

architecture. For this, we propose a traditional distributed active-passive configuration

with failover. Although it would be more beneficial to propose an active-active config-

uration to more efficiently utilize the hardware resources, there are potential challenges

that must be overcome due to the speculation mechanism and the state sharing that

would occur between active peer Polen elements. It is possible that a shared locking

mechanism would suffice to ensure consistent access to speculative state, but we have

not explored this at this time.

Finally, it is unclear how WSBAC will impact the usability of network file systems.

Specifically, there are two aspects that we left unexplored: (i) the effects of WSBAC on

access transparency and (ii) the effects of speculation and reconciliation on file sharing

between users. The first aspect deals with the perceptions of users on their access rights

as they transition between trusted and untrusted scenarios. As they do so, they will

be subject to WSBAC restrictions based upon the trustworthiness of their accesses.

The second aspect involves the magnitude of the burden (or reduced transparency) of

sharing conditions between users. The open question is how much WSBAC mechanisms

will limit or impact such scenarios.

4.7 Related Work

As mentioned previously, the WSBAC vault is similar in spirit to the caching mechanism

of the Coda File System [72]. The WSBAC vault area also draws on some of Coda’s

design features, specifically in the areas of caching and delayed reconciliation of file

updates. The remainder of this section describes the other work related to WSBAC,

which we divide into two categories: (i) Policy Extraction and Inference, and (ii)

Context-Aware Access Control.

4.7.1 Policy Extraction and Inference

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) [65, 58] has been proposed as a standard for net-

work file system access control. Although there are many attractive features in favor

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of RBAC, legacy installations have to handle the onerous task of migrating their ex-

isting access control information (e.g., ACLs, access permissions, etc.) to Roles and

Object Permission Matrices. For large installations, this task is a major road block

towards acceptance of RBAC. Kuhlmann et al. [74] utilize Data Mining techniques to

address this problem automatically, by learning common patterns in the existing ACLs

or permissions lists in order to automatically define the roles in the RBAC system

and place the appropriate users into these roles. In this fashion, they are able to ex-

tract the RBAC policy principles from existing legacy data. There has also been work

to infer access control properties specified in the XACML language [33, 78], to infer

and confine process privileges through the observation of process syscall behavior [82],

and to automatically generate SELinux policies based on observing dynamic program

behavior [99].

Law Governed Interaction (LGI) [81] proposes a distributed policy definition and

enforcement framework for heterogeneous distributed systems. He et al. use the LGI

framework to implement RBAC for network file systems [63]. However, their system re-

quires the server to execute an access control agent to hook into the security framework.

It also requires specialized user agents at each client to communicate with the access

control system. Their server modifications and client agents may limit the deployability

of their system

Although there has been substantial work in the general area of firewall and packet

filter analysis, there are a number of works related specifically to firewall policy infer-

ence [62, 109]. Tongaonkar et al. [109], describe a method to infer high-level policies

from low level firewall rule sets. They describe a method to generate a flattened rule set

(high-level rules) by first generating an automaton based on the low-level rules. Golnabi

et al. [62] use data mining techniques to learn a set of firewall rules from packet logs,

based on packet frequencies. These observed rules are used to analyze the existing

rule set configurations for firewalls as an aid to determine a new, more efficient, set of

firewall rules.

Our work shares a similar goal to these works, in that we are attempting to deter-

mine efficient representations of the access control policies. We differ since we operate

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on network file systems, rather than firewalls. Additionally, we are not attempting to

generate static rules sets, but are approximating the set of resources (files and direc-

tories) that a user needs to access in the near future based on their past accesses. It

is not clear that the working set approach generalizes to network resources other than

network file systems.

Finally, in the general area of policy inference and control, there has been work in

using gray-box techniques to monitor and control the enforcement of operating systems

policies (e.g., buffer cache, memory access control, file layout, etc.) [35]. The general

technique is to either understand the policy under control a priori, or to infer it through

external (to the system) observation. Additionally, it is acceptable to perturb the

system under observation, in order to aid the process or to actually enact control over

system policies. Our goal differs from typical gray-box techniques in that we do not

assume a priori to understand the effective access control policy, instead we determine

the WSBAC policy automatically per-user.

4.7.2 Context-Aware Access Control

Substantial work has been performed in the area of context-aware access control. The

concept has been applied in mobile and pervasive computing to provide secure col-

laborations [110] for wireless and mobile devices, to provide anonymous context-aware

access control for ubiquitous services [114], for ubiquitous service provisioning [53], and

adaptive context-aware access control for ad-hoc networks [86]. A number of works

have been proposed in the area of context-aware access control for web services [68, 39].

These works all attempt to include context in the access control decision-making pro-

cess, in some cases for mobile computing. Our work shares this general approach, but

we utilize different context and apply it in a different manner to a different domain.

First, we leverage a user’s network file system access behavior to further restrict their

access to those files that they are actually using. Second, we only apply this restriction

for user access from untrusted client stations.

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4.8 Summary

In this chapter, we presented the Working Set-Based Access Control scheme for network

file systems. WSBAC is an access control technique that extracts per-user working sets

through the observation of users’ network file system accesses. We also presented the

design and implementation of our WSBAC system, which is composed of two network

agents: Polex and Polen. Polex monitors network file system accesses for users of

trusted devices, extracts per-user working sets, and produces compact per-user working

set summaries. The summaries are used by Polen to enforce WSBAC for user accesses

from untrusted client stations (e.g., opportunistically borrowed devices). We evaluated

our system using a set of real-world traces and our experiments validate our approach.

The average accuracy for working set estimation is high (low error rates) and the

costs in terms of Polex processing time and storage requirements are low. Additional

experiments show that Polex is completely non-intrusive to the critical performance

path of the trusted network file system clients. Finally, we measured the performance

overheads of Polen, which were shown to be very low for typical LAN deployments

and completely hidden for typical WAN deployment scenarios.

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Chapter 5


In this dissertation, we identified challenges to user data access for a class of mobile com-

puting approaches we described as opportunistic mobile computing. We presented novel

approaches to address these challenges and demonstrated their effectiveness through

extensive experimentation. To improve the performance of data access for opportunis-

tic mobile computing, we introduced the concept of safe borrowing of local storage,

which we prototyped as the TransPart system. To improve the availability of data

access for opportunistic mobile computing, we introduced the concept of a self-cleaning

portable cache, which we prototyped as the Horatio system. Finally, to improve the

security of data access for opportunistic mobile computing, we introduced the Working

Set-Based Access Control (WSBAC) scheme, which applies the concept of the working

set to distributed file system access control.

The main conclusion of this research is that opportunistic mobile computing can be

improved to the point of providing a satisfactory user experience. Opportunistic mo-

bile computing represents an important step towards the ideal case, i.e., carry nothing

mobile computing that perfectly recreates the laptop experience in both accuracy and

performance. To go a step closer requires removing assumptions made about portable

storage performance, network performance and availability, and the trustworthiness of

borrowed hardware. These assumptions do not hold in the real world, and once re-

moved expose critical challenges to the usability of the opportunistic mobile computing


Central to personal computing is that users have safe and efficient access to their

data (i.e., files, folders, applications, and preferences). Opportunistic mobile computing

does not alter this fact. Though users are free to borrow available hardware, at their

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present site, they cannot simply borrow their data. It is the requirements of safety and

efficiency of data access combined with the reality of present-day computing technology

“in the wild” that motivates the need for the improvements along the dimensions of

performance, availability, and security, which we have presented in this dissertation.

Along the way, we have described the state-of-the-art in the field of mobile comput-

ing, and offered a taxonomy, which characterizes each approach according to the level of

opportunism inherent in it. The approaches vary from those that are not opportunistic

at all to those that are perfectly opportunistic. We also presented a set of criteria upon

which to evaluate the variety of approaches, and applied them to each taxonomic class.

The two most opportunistic classes, VM on USB Device and VM Delivered over

the Internet both represent approaches that encapsulate a user’s personal computing

environment using virtual machine technology (VMs). The two classes differ in the

mechanisms used to enable VM-based mobility. The VM on USB Device approach

relies on the user to carry a small, portable storage device from site to site. Since

VM execution performance is directly affected by the performance of the underlying

storage device, this approach is challenged by the poor performance characteristics

of small and cheap, portable storage devices. The VM Delivered over the Internet

approach critically relies on the network. In the absence of Internet connectivity or

adequate network bandwidth, this approach is challenged by poor availability. Finally,

in both approaches the user can never fully trust the borrowed hardware. Given the

prevalence of distributed file systems, local trust issues can impact remotely stored

data, for example, due to malware or malicious hardware on the borrowed PC.

To address the challenge in performance, we introduced the concept of safe borrowing

of local storage and leveraged this concept in a prototype system called TransPart. This

system identifies and aggregates the free disk blocks of the borrowed computer’s internal

disk to construct a virtual storage device. TransPart uses this virtual device as a means

to providing higher performing storage for a guest VM. An additional goal of the safe

borrowing concept is to ensure bilateral protection between the VM and borrowed PC by

isolating their disk accesses. As long as the integrity of the the USB device is preserved

(i.e., it is not modified), the integrity of its virtual storage device is also preserved.

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Hence, the privacy and integrity of data in the non-free parts of the internal disk are

also preserved. Software running within a VM (malicious or not) cannot view or modify

the non-free parts of the internal disk. At the same time, all data stored on the virtual

storage device can be encrypted to preserve the confidentiality of the VM state. By

using the free space of the higher-performing local storage of borrowed hardware, the

speed at which performance-critical operations can be completed is increased, improving

the user experience during all session lifecycle phases. Our experimental evaluation

confirmed that the TransPart approach can result in significant user-visible performance

improvements. The results showed a benefit due to TransPart of up to a factor of

three improvement for small file workloads, up to a factor of ten improvements in

application launch latency and sequential writes, and up to a factor of four improvement

in sequential read workloads. Finally, even when the additional costs at startup and

shutdown were factored in, the results showed a net benefit to the user with TransPart.

To overcome the challenge in availability, we introduced the concept of a self-cleaning

portable cache, and instantiated this concept in a prototype system called Horatio.

Horatio turns normal smart phones into trusted personal assistants that serve as local

self-cleaning, read-through, write-back caches of user data. We leveraged smart phone

technology, in building Horatio, since it is portable, “light-weight”, has internal storage,

and offers multiple modes of connectivity. With Horatio, a user can suspend her session

and check in her VM state to the smart phone rather than directly to the VM state

server; similarly, she can resume from the smart phone. Even when Internet connectivity

is poor, the physical proximity of a user’s smart phone to a borrowed client station

ensures good connectivity between them. To reduce device vulnerability, the portable

cache opportunistically uses cellular, WiFi, or other networking technology to self-

clean; that is to asynchronously propagate modified VM state to VM state servers

while users are in transit. This self-cleaning aspect of Horatio distinguishes it from

VM on USB Device approaches that rely solely on passive USB storage, and are hence

vulnerable to device loss or damage. Our experimental evaluation showed that Horatio

reduced resume and suspend latencies by up to 98% and 97%, respectively. While the

performance of Horatio on existing phones was adequate, our experiments also showed

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that improvements in the phones’ protocol stacks and software environments could

further improve Horatio’s performance by an order of magnitude.

To overcome the challenge in security, we applied the concept of working sets to

access control, specifically in the context of remote user data access to distributed file

system within trusted corporate intranets. Our solution is called Working Set Based

Access Control (WSBAC). WSBAC observes and extracts working sets for users when

they access files from trusted corporate devices and uses the working sets to restrict

user file accesses from untrusted (e.g., borrowed) devices. Since a user will tend to

access a file that she has recently accessed, using the working set does not overly

restrict file accesses, while malware accesses to the file system typically exhibit no such

access patterns. This novel access control scheme improves the security of user data

access under opportunistic mobile computing conditions by minimizing the risks to

the confidentiality and integrity of remote data, restricting user data access to those

items a mobile individual is likely to want to access in the near future. Damage caused

by malware is thus restricted to a user’s working set. Our experimental evaluation

using a set of real-world traces demonstrated that the average accuracy for working set

estimation is high (less than 1% average error rate) and the costs in terms of processing

time and storage requirements are low. Finally, performance overheads of enforcement

were shown to be very low for typical LAN deployments (10 µs) and completely hidden

for typical WAN deployment scenarios.

5.1 Future Work

Present approaches to opportunistic mobile computing are enabled by virtual machine

mobility. To increase the mobility of a user, these approaches adapt the location of ex-

ecution for a mobile user’s personal computing environment by weakening the binding

between the personal computing environment and the hardware on which it executes.

The contributions of this dissertation have added a further level of adaptability to

opportunistic mobile computing. TransPart incorporates a sense of transience to per-

sistent storage, allowing the location of VM state storage to adapt to match the location

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of execution. Horatio provides an alternative adaptive path through which to propa-

gate VM state updates back to the primary replica server. Finally, WSBAC adapts the

restrictiveness of distributed file system security to better match the client environment

from which remote file servers are accessed.

In summary, two trends have at least in part motivated the work of this dissertation:

the increased prevalence of VM and user mobility. As these trends continue along their

present path we envision a number of possible research directions and challenges, beyond

those included in this dissertation. We describe them in this section.

5.1.1 Seamless Continuity of Mobile Sessions

In this dissertation, we have focused on a model of opportunistic computing that emu-

lated the laptop paradigm; one in which users suspend the execution of their personal

computing environment when they are about to leave a site and resume it at the next

site. This model assumes that a user will not wish to continue interacting with her per-

sonal computing environment while in transit between sites. In part, this assumption is

due to the limited availability of cost-effective, high-performance wireless Internet con-

nectivity. As such connectivity continues to evolve, mobile users will start to find that

good connectivity is the rule rather than the exception. Also, such good connectivity

will foster broader adoption of applications that can benefit from continuous connec-

tivity. For example, online gaming, mobile video communications, streaming video and

audio applications, etc.

Under the assumption of continuous connectivity, the cycle of suspend and resume

introduces a noticeable point of transition for a user. For example, a user may be

working on her home PC in numerous applications (e.g., Internet games, video chat,

web applications, etc.) Then, when she wishes to move to a new site, she must end or

pause all of her application sessions, suspend her VM and save the VM updates (either to

her portable USB device or to her VM state server). Once saved, she can leave the site.

Of course, at this point she could resume her personal computing environment on her

laptop, should she have good wireless connectivity. Once her VM has been resumed, she

now needs to resume all of her applications again. Even with continuous connectivity,

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the user must endure this cycle of suspend and resume, each time she transitions from

one device to the next. Moreover, she also relies on her various applications to support

this mode of operation.

One goal of mobile computing should be to improving the user experience by pro-

viding the impression of seamlessness. That is moving from one device to the next

should not be obvious; rather it should be fluid. This model introduces a number of

difficult challenges to be addressed. Take a simple example of migrating a personal

computing session from a desktop PC to a laptop. Unless the two hardware platforms

are nearly identical, there will be issues brought about by the heterogeneity of these

devices. Different generations of processors support different ISAs. Also, migrating live

network connections is not trivial, especially when the source and target devices reside

on different network segments. At the application layer, such transference must handle

end-to-end session semantics properly. These are just a few of the potential challenges

to be faced in building such systems.

Work has been done to address some of these challenges within different contexts,

but existing session migration solutions are not enough. Solutions have been proposed

to support network connection endpoint migration, such as I-TCP [36]. Sultan et

al. [103] proposed a session migration technique, called Service Continuations, as a

reliability approach for Internet services. Live VM migration techniques, such as by

Clark et al. [49], have also been proposed. Finally, as mentioned numerous times in this

dissertation, the Internet Suspend/ResumeR© (ISR) system [73] was the first to propose

using VMs to encapsulate personal computing environments for mobile computing.

None of the prior work in the area adequately addresses the new set of challenges

brought about by the goal of providing the perception of seamlessness in mobility.

Moving between similar devices is challenging enough, but the situation is made worse

as we start to increase the diversity of devices included (e.g., desktops, laptops, tablets,

smart phones, etc.) Not only are the execution environments different, but now we start

to introduce differences in the user interface devices, such as display size and layout,

and input devices. Moreover, the same application may actually have a UI tailored to

specific devices. Therefore, we also have to deal with programmability and application

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portability challenges to support such session transfers. When we can overcome these

and possibly other challenges user mobility may no longer constrain computational

capabilities and vice versa.

5.1.2 Safe Borrowing as a Storage Primitive

With TransPart, we introduced the concept of safe borrowing of free disk blocks in the

context of opportunistic mobile computing. We also believe that the safe borrowing

concept has broader application and can be extended beyond the mobile computing


For example, one possible use of safe borrowing is in the context of VM server farms,

as an efficient mechanism for transient VM provisioning. Today, as virtual servers (i.e.,

servers executing within VMs) become more densely concentrated on individual high-

end hardware platforms, maintenance of the hardware becomes a difficult task. The

criticality of a specific piece of hardware is multiplied by the number of critical virtual

servers that must maintain high availability. This poses a particularly onerous task for

administrators as they attempt to schedule downtime for each individual virtual server

in order to perform maintenance on the underlying hardware. Allowing a virtual server

to become transient, temporarily move to another existing hardware platform, and share

all existing resources by borrowing free disk blocks from existing permanent virtual

server residents has the potential to reduce all of the overheads originally introduced

by the VM migration model at scale. Implementing this requires a relaxation of one

of the design constraints introduced earlier, though, since under this context multiple

concurrently executing guest VMs will need to share access to the same set of free


A broader question motivated by this example is how to support such transience

in general. TransPart introduces the safe borrowing primitive within the VMM, but

this does not preclude the primitive from existing in other locations. It would also

be possible to introduce this primitive as an operating system abstraction or perhaps

directly within the disk interface. It is not immediately obvious which position, if any,

provides the best position for the safe borrowing primitive. This requires thorough

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exploration of the design space to understand the trade-offs that may exist based on

position. For example, moving from the VMM to the disk simplifies some aspects of the

design, since the disk continuously receives all requests. Although the recent addition

of the ATA TRIM command exposes some file system semantics to the disk, placing

the transient borrowing primitives within the disk interface is still challenging since it

requires careful consideration of precisely which additional semantics would be required

to support it.

5.1.3 Closing Remarks

In closing, this dissertation has put forth the claim that opportunistic mobile comput-

ing can be achieved if critical challenges in the performance, availability, and security of

user data access could be solved. To address these challenges we have introduced three

concepts: (i) safe borrowing of free disk blocks, (ii) self-cleaning portable caches, and

(iii) Working Set Based Access Control. This claim has been supported by the design,

implementation, and prototype evaluation of three independent systems (TransPart,

Horatio, and Polex/Polen) based on the concepts introduced. Each system demon-

strated that the necessary improvements in the performance, availability, and security

of user data access could be achieved, and along with the results of our evaluations has

validated the central claim of this dissertation.

In the future we anticipate the parallel trends of VM and user mobility to con-

tinue to increase, and we believe that there will be ample opportunity to explore new

directions for research and to address the associated challenges. Such directions will

likely start to blur the traditional boundaries that have existed between personal and

data center computing as the scope of what computing hardware users can leverage

opportunistically expands to encompass more than what is locally available. Going

forward, we have to look to alter the definition of the personal computing paradigm

to include more than smart phones, tablets, and PCs. Future challenges will include

marshaling the vast resources of the cloud (and beyond) in ways the average user can

easily leverage.

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