in 1300s bc.,in the troas region located in the northwest of anatolia,known as the biga peninsula...

LEGEND OF TROY In 1300s BC.,in the Troas region located in the northwest of Anatolia,known as the Biga Peninsula these days there was a country called Troy. The legendary Troy was a mighty city ruled by King Priam .King Priam’s people lived in wealth and abundance and they were socially developed. The wife of King Priam was about to give birth to his second child.One night she had a dream and in the morning she told her dream to the king.Her dream was interpretted by the oracles.They told that the quenn would have a second son ,but he would cause the extinction of this kingdom,so King Priam

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Post on 29-Mar-2015




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Page 1: In 1300s BC.,in the Troas region located in the northwest of Anatolia,known as the Biga Peninsula these days there was a country called Troy. The legendary


In 1300s BC.,in the Troas region located in the northwest of Anatolia,known as the Biga Peninsula these days there was a country called Troy. The legendary Troy was a mighty city ruled by King Priam .King Priam’s people lived in wealth and abundance and they were socially developed.

The wife of King Priam was about to give birth to his second child.One night she had a dream and in the morning she told her dream to the king.Her dream was interpretted by the oracles.They told that the quenn would have a second son ,but he would cause the extinction of this kingdom,so King Priam ordered his warriors to kill his son.

Page 2: In 1300s BC.,in the Troas region located in the northwest of Anatolia,known as the Biga Peninsula these days there was a country called Troy. The legendary

Ida MountainThe warriors were afraid of killing the baby,so they left him in Ida Mountain as they thought that he would be killled by the wild animals in the forest.Then a shepherd found him and looked after him.

Ida Mountain


Page 3: In 1300s BC.,in the Troas region located in the northwest of Anatolia,known as the Biga Peninsula these days there was a country called Troy. The legendary

Olimpos Mountain One day there was a wedding of mermaid Thetis and Peleus. All the gods and goddesses, except Eris the goddess of strife and discord, were invited to the wedding ceremony.


Page 4: In 1300s BC.,in the Troas region located in the northwest of Anatolia,known as the Biga Peninsula these days there was a country called Troy. The legendary

Eris threw an apple on which was written “for the fairest” on the table. Then a quarrel between the goddesses Athena, Hera, and Aphreodit started as they all thought themselves as the fairest.


They gave the golden apple to Zeus,but Zeus sent the goddesses to Paris and added that he was a prince in fact and he could choose the fairest.


Page 5: In 1300s BC.,in the Troas region located in the northwest of Anatolia,known as the Biga Peninsula these days there was a country called Troy. The legendary

After they found Paris they gave him the golden apple and wanted him to choose “the fairest”.Hera offered him to give the kingdom of Asia.Arena offered an infinite success and wisdom and Afrodit promised to give the love of the most beautiful woman in the world.Paris judged Afrodit as” the fairest “of all.



Page 6: In 1300s BC.,in the Troas region located in the northwest of Anatolia,known as the Biga Peninsula these days there was a country called Troy. The legendary

In exchange, Aphrodite made Helen, the most beautiful of all women and wife of Menelaus, fall in love with Paris. When Menelaus,the king of Sparta,went to Girit. Paris and Helen escaped to Troy.One day King Priam sent Paris in order to solve a problem with the Spartans.


Page 7: In 1300s BC.,in the Troas region located in the northwest of Anatolia,known as the Biga Peninsula these days there was a country called Troy. The legendary

Agamemnon, king of Mycenae and the brother of Helen's husband Menelaus, led an expedition of Achaean troops to Troy and besieged the city for ten years because of Paris' insult.

However, they were unsuccessful as a high stone wall protected Troy.


Page 8: In 1300s BC.,in the Troas region located in the northwest of Anatolia,known as the Biga Peninsula these days there was a country called Troy. The legendary

When night fell, the Trojans were very curious about the wooden horse and pulled it into Troy.


The Greeks were very furious by their defeat and came out with a plan. They left a wooden horse outside the walls of Troy and pretended to sail away in their ships.


Page 9: In 1300s BC.,in the Troas region located in the northwest of Anatolia,known as the Biga Peninsula these days there was a country called Troy. The legendary

The ancient city of Troy ,where the Trojan war took place, was added to the UNESCO world heritage list.

The ancient city of Troy is located in the outskirts of the Mount Ida.The name of Troy was cited in Iliad legend of Homeros for the first time.


Page 10: In 1300s BC.,in the Troas region located in the northwest of Anatolia,known as the Biga Peninsula these days there was a country called Troy. The legendary

In the ancient city of Troy which has nine layers ,there are some house basements,a theatre,highly developed drainage system,baths and various kinds of belongings.


Page 11: In 1300s BC.,in the Troas region located in the northwest of Anatolia,known as the Biga Peninsula these days there was a country called Troy. The legendary

The wooden horse,the symbol of the Trojan War ,was presented as a gift to our city.It is shown to the local and foreign tourists.It is open to visit to tourists any time of the day.