in love with my brother/sister

In Love With My Brother/Sister 1: Bella Swan (BPOV) It’s been about 2 years since I’ve been in this hell-hole. Yes, I’m an orphan for the time being. I keep wondering when someone will come and rescue me from this place. My father, Charlie, he was the Chief of Police. Too bad he got killed trying to protect some idiot.! And my mom, Renee, well she was CRAZY in love with my father. (I don’t know why). Yes, I loved my father dearly. But my mom was like, crazy obsessed with him. They were obsessed with each other. Kind of like that couple from those Stephanie Meyer books……….Anyhow, when he died, she didn’t know what to

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Post on 27-Apr-2015




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When Bella gets adopted by the Cullens, because both of her parents died, she falls in love with Edward Cullen, her basically brother. and he falls in love with her. where will this weird relationship take them.?? Espcially since an unexpected surprise changes eerything. and with the crazy obsessed stalker ex girlfriend Tanya trying to break them up, has she finally suceeded?PLEASE COMMENT AND TELL ME WAT U THINK.!!! THANX


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In Love With My Brother/Sister

1: Bella Swan (BPOV) It’s been about 2 years since I’ve been in this hell-hole. Yes, I’m an orphan for the time being. I keep wondering when someone will come and rescue me from this place. My father, Charlie, he was the Chief of Police. Too bad he got killed trying to protect some idiot.! And my mom, Renee, well she was CRAZY in love with my father. (I don’t know why). Yes, I loved my father dearly. But my mom was like, crazy obsessed with him. They were obsessed with each other. Kind of like that couple from those Stephanie Meyer books……….Anyhow, when he died, she didn’t know what to do. She only kept control of what was left of her sanity for me. But that didn’t work out so well. She cried everyday, all day and all night. She never stopped. Never ate anything. Well, until about 2 weeks after, she went into a deep depression. And soon, she killed herself. I knew it was coming. So I would just sit with her when I was home from school. Since we weren’t really close to any of our extended family, the police

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came, and told me to pack my stuff, because they were taking me to an orphanage. And that’s where I’ve been for the last 2 years. Too bad I’m only 16. If I was 2 years older, I would be gone.! I spend most of my time here reading, and listening to my iPod. All I really read is Wuthering Heights. I’ve read it soooo many times.! It’s my baby. Thankfully, the people in charge here let me continue to keep going to my school, Forks High. Now, I’m just counting the days until I can leave this place.

2: New ParentsIt was a Monday, and I was woken up by one of our caregivers, Marissa.

“Bella.! Bella, sweety wake up.!” She screamed, bringing me out of a good night’s sleep. One free of the


“What.? Why are you in here screaming, and waking me up.?” I asked.

“You’ll never guess what’s about to happen.! This couple, the Cullens, they’re here.! They’ve seen your

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picture, heard all about you. And they wanna meet you.! They’re SERIOUSLY thinking about adopting you. I

think that all they need is this meet-and-greet to seal the deal! Oh yeah, and their FILTHY RICH!!!!”

What the hell? I mean, don’t get me wrong or anything. I’m glad that I might possibly be able to get out of here. Finally! But what would some nice, rich people want with me? I guess I was about to find out.

“Bella! Bella, did you hear me.?” Marissa yelled again.

“What, no. I’m sorry, I was thinking. What did you say?”

“I saaiiid,” she stretched the word, “that they will be here in about a half our so you better get up and get in

the shower, and look your best.”

“O-okay,” I stuttered.

“Okay. I’ll see you later,” she said.


I got up, and went through my bag to look for some clothes. My stuff wasn’t ugly. But it wasn’t the best of the best either. After about 10 minutes of looking, I just settled on some Black Skinny Legs, with a black and

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white checker button down tunic, and black flats. I got my clothes, and toiletries, and went into the bathroom. I got in, washed my body, and then my hair with my favorite strawberry shampoo. It smelled so good. After that, I got out, and towel dried my hair. I would have blow dried it, but since 20 minutes had passed already, I wouldn’t have had time. I quickly threw my clothes on, then, put the front half of my hair up, and left the back down. I combed it out so it wouldn’t look so crazy. I put on some eye liner, and mascara, since I was supposed to “Look my best”. I then put on my shoes, and went downstairs to meet my possibly, “future parents”. When I got down there, they were in the sitting area, talking with the social worker. I couldn’t see their faces, since they were sitting with their backs towards me. But I did see that the man had beautiful short, blonde hair, and the woman, a pretty, long and wavy, soft, sandy brown, with honey brown streaks. They didn’t see, nor hear me come down the stairs, however, the social worker spotted me right as I was walking up.

“Ah, Isabella. It’s so nice of you to join us.” She said.

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Trying to irk my nerve this early in the morning I see. That lady knows that I HATE being called by my full name. It’s Bella. Not Isabella. No. Oh no. And me and this lady don’t exactly get along. I know this is one case that she is happy to work with. She wants me out of here almost as much as I do. But I didn’t want to blow my chances. So I just sucked up my annoyance, and spoke.

“Thank you. I came down as soon as I could.”

“Well, this here is Mr. and Mrs. Cullen. They’re thinking about adopting you. Well really, they want to. But they also want to know how you feel about the situation.”

While she was saying this, I was studying my soon to be parents. They wanted to know how I felt about it. Well hell yeah! Let’s go.

“Hello Bella, I’m Carlisle, and this, is my wife Esme.” He said.

“Hello Bella,” said Esme.

“Hi. It’s nice to meet you,” I said, shaking each of their hands.

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“Bella,” Carlisle started, “my wife and I, we would like it very much if you would let us adopt you. You see, we always wanted a big family. But we only have two kids one, your age, a 16 year old named Alice. And then, we have a 17 year old son, Edward. We wanted to have more. But Esme seemed to not be able to have anymore children. Why? We don’t know. I couldn’t even figure it out, and I’m a doctor. But, we wanted to have at least one more teen in the house, then I guess we’ll get a baby boy. Make it even.” He said with a chuckle.

Well, I guess it made sense. And they seemed like nice people. I was all for it.

“I’m very thankful that you would like to adopt me. I don’t think I could last much longer,” I said, pointing a glare in the social workers direction. “And yes, I would like you to adopt me. I would like that very much,” I said with a smile.

“Wonderful then,” Esme said with a huge smile on her face.

“Ok,” said the social worker, “Mr. and Mrs. Cullen, I’m just going to ask you to fill out a few papers and then

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she’s all yours. Isa-bella, you can go upstairs and pack your things so you can be done and ready to leave, the same time your new parents are.”

“Ok,” I said. “I should be down in about 15 minutes……is that enough time?” I asked.

“More than enough,” said Carlisle. “We will be done with this shortly, then we can leave!

“Cool. See you guys in a few.” I said. Then I went up the stairs, 2 at a time, and got all my things together. I went into every room I’ve ever been in, made sure I left NOTHING. I grabbed everything in and out of sight, made sure I had my copy of Wuthering Heights, and my iPod, and left the room. On my way down, I saw Marissa in the hallway. She ran up to me and gave me a big hug. Me and her had grown quite close since I came here. She then rushed off before she could start crying to much. I, myself, shed a couple of tears. But this was for the best. And with that thought, I went down the stairs.

3: Are You Serious.?!

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Soon after, we left, and I couldn’t have been happier. When we were walking out to the car, I saw that they were headed towards a black Mercedes.

So Marissa wasn’t lying about the rich part.

I thought.

We got in the car, and started driving. I soon started to recognize some of the streets from my old neighborhood. And then, BAM.! We passed my house. There were too many sad memories of that place. I have nightmares about the things that happened to my parents almost every night. There’s only those rare nights that I can sleep dreamless, and stay asleep. Like last night. So I wouldn’t start to think of all the things that happened there, I decided to start a conversation with the new ‘rents.

“So, where do you guys live.?” I asked. Esme turned around in her seat and said,

“Oh dear, we live just outside of Forks. Its basically like we live there.!” She said with a laugh. “Our kids go to Forks High School. That’s where you’ll be attending.”

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“Um, that’s kind of funny. You see, I already go to Forks High. I have been since freshman year,” I stated.

“Oh, well then that’s wonderful.! This way we don’t have to go through the whole registration process and everything. I’m surprised you don’t know Alice or Edward. She’s a junior like you. And Ed is a senior.”

She was right. I had never heard of either of them. I didn’t have many friends. Only about 3. Angela, Jessica, and Lauren. Oh, no, make that 4. My personal teddy bear, Emmett. And I didn’t talk to seniors. So this was new.

“No, I haven’t heard of them. But I might have seen them. I don’t really pay attention,” I said with a small chuckle.

“Well honey, you’ll have plenty of time to make up for that. And here we are.!” She said, gesturing towards the humongous house that was to my right. To say the house was nice would be an understatement. It was beautiful.! Mostly all the walls were glass or wood. There was a balcony that over looked the forest. And a

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beautiful, water fountain running over rocks that were in stair formation.

“Bella, come on, we’ll show you around the house. Then to your room,” Carlisle said.

“Ok, let’s go,” I said. Esme came up next to me, and linked her arm with mine and just smiled. They lead me into the house, and the first thing I saw was a beautiful, large foyer. We then went into the very large kitchen. While Carlisle and Esme pointed out different things to me, and new, high-tech things that were in there, they taught me how to use. We soon made our way upstairs, them pointing out Carlisle office, Edward’s room, Alice’s room, their room, and finally, my room. It felt weird to say, ‘my room’ again. I hadn’t in over 2 years. I was lucky because I didn’t have to meet my new ‘siblings’ until this afternoon. Seeing as it was Monday, and they had school. So I got to enjoy my room with some peace and quiet. When I opened the door, I gaped. The room was so big, and me.! How these people knew what I liked was beyond me. The west wall was 100% glass. The other two were a light purple, then the accent wall, a dark purple. The walls were decorated with light, and

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dark purple stars. And on every wall, they had my name in every time of font you could think of. Bella’s and, Bella’s, and, Bella, Bella, bella, Bella, Bella’s ALL OVER THE PLACE.!!! But it was so nice. And I loved it.

“Oh My God, Thank You Guys.!!!!” I screamed.

“You’re very welcome,” Carlisle said. “Esme’s very into designing.”

“Yes, it was my pleasure Bella,” Esme said, squeezing my shoulders. It made me feel like I had parents again. And I did.

At around 3 o’clock, I had just finished putting my things away, and was in the garage, looking at all the cars they had, when the door opened. I looked up to see a silver Volvo pulling into the open spot that I was standing next to.

Time to meet the bro and sis

I thought.

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As soon as the car was cut off, first jumped put a pixie looking girl with neck length, black, spiky hair. She was about, 4’9, and a whole head shorter than me.

“Hi.! I’m Alice. You must be my new sister, Bella,” she said. Now that I think about it, this girl did look kind of familiar.

“Yes hi. It’s nice to meet you,” I said.

“You too. Oh my GOD Bella, it’s going to be so cool having a sister.! I’ve wanted one for so long.!” She said, bouncing in place. She was like a little ball of energy.

“It’s been so boring and…….non-girly having a brother like that goof ball in the car. She said, gesturing towards who I assumed was Edward, still sitting in the car. And I was correct. As soon as Alice did that, Edward opened his door and got out of the car. He was the most beautiful person I had ever seen.

4: Wow (EPOV)Damn. It was Monday. The start of another school week. If I wasn’t Mr. Popular like I am, I would dread

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school. I mean, girls follow me everywhere, I’m rich, well, my parents are, not to mention my good looks. But for some reason, none of this made me cocky. I still get good grades in school. I respectful of all my teachers. I do my homework. And I’m not a player. And I very well could be if I wanted to be. In fact, I’ve only had sex about 5 times in my life. And that was with 2 girls. Not 5 different ones. The first, we were in a relationship. A short one. But it was one. And it was twice. And the second is the relationship I’m in now, With Tanya Denali. We’ve only done it 3 times.

Bringing me out of my thoughts was my alarm clock going off again.! I reached over, turned it off, and got ready to start my day. I went to the bathroom, then took a shower and brushed my teeth. Gotta have good breath for kissing. Ha-ha. I went back into my room with a towel wrapped around my waist to find my tiny little sister Alice, sitting on my bed with some of my clothes and 2 pairs of shoes and her feet. She is obsessed with fashion. She shops every day. But she knows her stuff. So I don’t have a problem with her picking out my clothes every day. They’re always hot.

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Only when she’s nervous, or thinking really hard about something will she pick put 2 outfits, and 2 pairs of shoes, and tell me to choose. Like today. And I could only guess why.

“Well?” she asked. I looked over the clothes, and decided to go with the black slacks, and short sleeve, green button down shirt. Apparently they, ‘brought out my eyes’, which were emerald green.

“Those,” I said, pointing at them. And I just let her pick the shoes. Which she always did anyhow. Thinking or not.

“Thinking about our sister-to-be.?” I asked.

“Yes.! I’ve waited so long for a sister. I wonder what she’s going to be like. And she’s my age, same grade.! We could be like, twins.!!” She exclaimed.

I hoped not. I loved my sister, but I didn’t need another 24 hour sugar ball, shop-aholic sister running around.

“Alice, I’m sure she’ll be everything you’ve been hoping for. Now please leave so I can get dressed,” I said, pushing her towards the door.

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“Ok, ok, I’m going.!” She said, jerking from under my touch and leaving, closing the door behind her. That sister of mine. She sure is something. Wonder what this next one’s going to be like. I got dressed, and went downstairs to see, (and smell), Esme making breakfast.

“Morning Mom,” I said.

She looked up and smiled warmly at me. “Good morning sweety. How’d you sleep?”

“Just lovely. What’s for breakfast?”I asked, coming up behind her and kissing her on the cheek. Yes, I was a Mama’s Boy.! She laughed.

“Pancakes, Eggs, Bacon, and Orange Juice.! Now get a plate so you can eat, and leave so you won’t be late.”

“Ok,” I said. I went over to the cabinet and got out 2 plates, one for myself, and one for Alice. I knew she was upstairs trying to look just perfect. She was such a girl. I filled my plate, sat down, and dug in. about 2 minutes later, Alice came skipping down the stairs, making lots of noise, seeing as she was wearing heels.

“Morning Mommy,” she said. She was also a baby at times. But there was no one like her.

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“Good morning baby. How are you this morning?” Esme said to her.

“Just fine. I’m just excited to meet my new sister.!” She screamed.

“Alice, Alice, calm down sweety.!” Esme said. “She’ll be here when you guys get home from school. As a matter of fact, Carlisle and I are going to meet, and pick her up at around 8. A little after you guys leave. Speaking of leaving….!”

They both looked at me. I had heard the whole conversation. But had no input what so ever because I was busy stuffing my face. I looked up with my mouth full and started chewing slowly. I threw my plate away, hugged my mother, poked Alice, got my keys, and headed towards my car. Alice knew better and started to follow after me. I knew she wouldn’t want to resort to taking her brand new yellow Porsche to school. She got in and we started towards the school.

The day, for the most part was uneventful. I saw Tanya, we made out by her locker, and of course, all the other girls saw me. Nothing really exciting though. And

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something exciting ALWAYS happens in my days. I guess GOD cleared the schedule for when I got home. I met Alice at the car after school, and we drove home. When we got to the house, I pushed the button for the garage, and the door opened. I pulled in to see a girl standing right next to my car.

Well I guess this is her

I thought. I stole a glance at her, and had to do a double take. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. And that’s by a long shot. I mean come on, I was dating Tanya Denali. She is the hottest girl in our school. Heck, our town-or so I thought. This girl had beautiful, long brown hairs. The sun was shining off of it just a little, but enough so that I could see the red in it. She wasn’t that tall. But hey, she was a whole head taller than Alice.! Ha-ha. She seemed to be excited about meeting Alice, but she wasn’t that ball of sugar. Yes.! But while I was over here ogling at her, this was my sister.! How weird.?! And to top that off, they were talking about me. I saw Alice point her finger in my direction, and the girl smile. I guess now is a good time to get out of the

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car. I got out, and smiled at her. Then I walked around the where she and Alice we standing.

“Hello, I’m Edward. You must be our new sis, Bella,” I said. I don’t know why I was trying to ‘whoo’ her.

Dude.! This is your sister. Get a grip.!! Wtf is wrong with you.!!!

My conscience made me notice what I was doing, and straighten up my act…..For about 5 seconds. I flashed a smile at her. This is going to be weird.

“Hello, I’m Bella. So you’re my new big bro,” she said, I could tell she was affected by my presence, but played it off. Very good I might add. She was doing the same thing I was. I was about 5 seconds from asking my sister out. I don’t think Carlisle would be too happy about that. But she was smart. Really smart. She stood with her legs shoulder width apart, one leg turned, hair on one shoulder, and both hands on her hips. She was gorgeous.! I had an awestruck look on my face. So we were going to play games. I loved my new sister.

“In fact I am. It’s going to be nice having you around,” I started to walk into the house. But before I did, I gave

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her a wink on the slick, so Alice wouldn’t see it. She was completely clueless as to what was happening, and to what was about to happen.

5:Sister and Brother (BPOV)Alice didn’t know a thing about what was going on, and I think it was better that way. Edward walked into the house, and I turned to Alice.

“Shall we?” I asked ,motioning towards the door.

“We shall,” she replied. And I couldn’t help but laugh. It was definitely going to be fun having a sister. We went into the house to see Carlisle and Esme sitting in the foyer talking to Edward. Me and Alice walked in laughing, which caused all 3 heads to turn and look in our direction. Edward had a smirk on his face and Carlisle and Esme had looks of shock on their faces. Carlisle was the first to break the silence.

“Well I see the two of you have gotten well acquainted.”

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“Yeah, Dad, this is going to be awesome.!” Alice screamed. I just smiled.

“Yes, well Alice, it seems you’re hogging Bella. Let her get to know Edward. Better yet, why don’t you, Alice, go upstairs and start your homework. And Carlisle and I are going out for a while. We’ll be back around 10,” Esme said.

“Ok,” said Alice with a pout. “I’ll see you in a little while Bella.!”

“Bye,” I said with a laugh. Carlisle and Esme both got up. Esme kissed up both on the cheek, and headed out, and Carlisle patted Edward on the back, and gave my shoulders a squeeze, and he left too. Then Edward turned to me.

And here we go

I thought. He was sitting on the arm of a chair. I was standing on the other side of it. So I went to sit on the couch across from it, the one my parents were just sitting on.

“So,” he started with a smirk, “you like to play games, huh?”

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I had to laugh. This was going to be fun.

“Sometimes,” I said. “I’m very good at them, don’t ya think.?”

“yes, you’re very good at them. So how about we play a little game?” he asked.

“Sure. What do you have in mind?” I said.

He laughed, “Oh, just a little get-to-know-you game.”

I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like this game very much. So I was going to mess with his head a bit. No make that a lot.!

“Ok. So I take it you’re going to start. You know, since it was your idea.”

“Ok,” he said. “Let’s start. uumm, something easy…..and rated PG. Favorite color?” he asked.

“Red,” I said.

“Red,” he said with a smirk. So he wanted to be like that.? Ok.

“OK. My turn. Favorite type of music.?”

“Classical,” he said.

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“Hip-Hop,” I said just to spite him. I really like that dance music, and slow songs. One of my favorites is ‘Tik-Toc’ By Ke$ha.

He made a face and I started cracking up. It was just too funny.

“Ok, enough with the favorites. Let’s see what we think about certain things. Now……. Do you think I’m attractive.?”

Was he serious.?! Was I supposed to answer that? Was I supposed to say whether or not my brother was attractive.? Let’s not make him too full of himself

“You’re ok. Not all my type. Seeing as we’re brother and sister and all. How do you think our parents would feel if they knew that their son and daughter we attracted to each other.?” I asked.

“You’re right. But, on the contrary, I find you very attractive. I know it’s kind of weird seeing as you’re my sister. But still. Who’s to say that sisters can’t be pretty.?” He said.

“So you think I’m pretty.?” I asked, to mess with him.

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“Yes, very, very, pretty. But this should be interesting.”

“Yes, very interesting. Especially tomorrow. When we go to school.” I said arching one eye brow.

“Yes. You’re right. I’ll introduce you to some of my friends and my new lil’ sis. Even though we both know that’s not the case.” I smiled. “Oh yeah. Dammit.! Would you want to meet my girlfriend.? She’ll most likely be there somewhere.”

“I don’t care. But, I don’t really think you’ll need to introduce me to too many people,” I said with a sly grin.

“Well, if you don’t like to meet new peo-“ I cut him off.

“No, it’s not that. So, the thing is, I already go to Forks High School. I have been since freshman year…….kind of.?” I made it sound like a question. He had a dumbstruck look on his face.

“You’re kidding right.? You what.?! No you haven’t.! You’re joking. I don’t believe it. This is crazy….” I let him ramble on for another minute then I finally said, “Are you finished now.?”

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“Yes. Sorry. This is just wild. But I still don’t believe you,” he said with a smile.

“Oh really, well would you mind going up to my room, so I can show you our yearbook. I’ll show you myself, then we’ll find you. Which I’m sure we’ll find, since we go to the same school.!”

“Ok. Let’s go,” he said. We walked up the stairs and into my room. He made himself comfortable on my bed. A bit too comfortable might I add. Like he’s used to being there……

I went into the HUGE walk-in closet, and went over to one of the shelves. I was so short, I had to stand on my tippy toes to reach up there. Then I heard a chuckle from behind me. I turned around to see Edward in the doorway of the closet, looking AMAZING. Stop it. This is your brother. Technically.

“Need a little help?” he asked.

“Uh…yeah,” I said. He came over and I thought he was just going to reach up and get it for me. But what he did surprised me. He bent down and picked my up. He wrapped his arms around my thighs, and lifted me all

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the way up so that I could look down over the shelf to get what I need. I grabbed my yearbook, and he then swung me around so that I was now bridal style in his arms. Then he carried me out of the closet, and closed the door behind him. He set me on the bed, and then sat next to me.

“Thanks,” I said a little dazzled. He flashed that beautiful crooked smile and then said,

“So little liar, let’s see it.” I gave him a playful glare.

“Ok,” I said, and started flipping through the pages.

“This is from last year’s,” I told him. I finally got to the sophomores, and went straight towards the back of the section. Since my last name starts with an S. son, I fond my picture. I pointed at it, and had a look on my face that said, ‘I told you so’.

“Wow. I am so surprised I’ve never seen you at school before. Not in the hallway, or before or after school or anything.!” He said.

“Yeah I know. It is weird. But hey, we know each other now don’t we.?” I asked.

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“Yes we do. And I like the idea of that.”

“Me too,” I said. We sat there staring at each other for what felt like hours. But then, too soon, Alice decided to ruin our moment.

“Uh……..guys.?” she asked.

“Huh.?!” We both said at the same time. Then we looked at each other and started laughing.

“Sorry to barge in, but I just wanted to tell you that Mom called. She and Dad are on their way home.”

What.?! I guess we did sit like that for hours. I looked out the window, and indeed it was dark out. That was…..something.

“Ok, thanks Alice. Me and Bella were just having a friendly conversation,” Edward said.

“Really?” Alice said. “ I thought you had to talk to have a conversation..?”

“You came in at the wrong time,” I defended. “We were having a glaring contest.”

“Oh no,” she said. “You guys were having a gazing contest. And it seems like Lover boy over there won.”

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“Goodbye Alice,” Edward said

“Bye weirdo’s,” she skipped out of the room.

“That was……uh,…….interesting,” I said. He looked down at me.

“Yeah it was. But I suppose we should go downstairs to wait for mom and dad. They’ll be here in about 20 minutes or so,” he said.

“We should,” I said, starting to get up. Edward came around to my side and picked me up again.

“I think you like holding me,” I accused with narrowed eyes.

“Hey, I just might,” he said with a sly grin. He carried me down the hallway and down the stairs, but put me down right at the bottom to Alice wouldn’t see. We started to walk into the foyer when Alice jumped up and ran to stand right in front of us.


“Sorry Alice,” Edward said.

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“You better be sorry. You’re hogging all my time with my new sister.! You had her for 5 hours. That’s not fair,” she pouted.

“No Alice, it was my fault. I’m sorry. But hey, you can have me all of tomorrow,” I said. “We’re in the same grade so I’m bound to see, and recognize you in the hallways now. And we can have lunch together. And when we get home I’m all yours.”

“Yay.!” She exclaimed. “Oh Bella.! We could go shopping.!!! I know this great store in Port Angeles. And then there’s this really nice shoe store across the street…..”

I let her continue on because she was so excited. And it was just so cute. I loved my sister already. About 10 minutes later, Esme and Carlisle walked in. It was then that I noticed Edward wasn’t in the room. But I heard soft music coming from the other room from what sounded like a piano. I said hello to Carlisle and Esme, then went to go find out what the music was about. I turned the corner from the kitchen to find Edward, sitting with his back facing me, playing the piano. The

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melody was so sweet. Almost fragile. I snuck up next to him and sat down. He looked up and smiled.

“I knew it was you,” he said.

“Sure you did,” I said. “You play wonderfully.”

“Thanks,” he said. “I’ve been playing since I was about 7. Esme wanted me to learn, and I’m a mama’s boy, so I did It for her. She loves when I play. As a matter a fact, she should be coming in here any minute now.” And sure enough, about 7 seconds later, Esme came in and stood behind us. When Edward was done playing, she said, ”Thank you Dear.” He kissed her on the cheek and said, “Always mommy.”

It was so cute. A while after that I was time for bed. I had to go back to school tomorrow and I couldn’t be late.

6: School time (EPOV)That Bella, she sure was amazing. Was it weird to say that I liked my sister.? Yes, very, very weird. We all went up to our rooms, and got ready for bed. About 3

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hours had passed, and I couldn’t go to sleep. I knew why. Bella. I kept thinking about her. It wasn’t like I was never going to see her again. I mean come on, I LIVED with her.! I decided to go see her. I was sure she was asleep. I got up out of my bed, and tip-toed down the hall. Fortunately, her bed room door wasn’t closed all the way. That way I didn’t make too much noise. I went to go sit in the chair across the room and just stare at her. She was beautiful. Amazing. Smart. Had wits like a motherfxxer. And she was my sister. My sister. How unfair. The one girl that I really had feelings for, and I couldn’t get because she was like my family. I mean, yeah, she’s adopted. So it wouldn’t be too weird. And in just two years, she would be 18. And off to college, and legal. Could I wait two years? Or what if she didn’t want me.? What if she thought it would be too weird dating her adoptive brother.? Maybe Carlisle and Esme could un-brother me to her. If such a thing were possible. Then they could be her parents, Alice could be her sister, and I could be her husband. Wait-did I just think that? Husband? Was I already thinking about spending my life with her? After a day? Man I’m whipped.! Wait until Emmett hears about this one. He’s

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definitely one I’m gonna have to introduce her to. He’s like my best friend. But as soon as he hears about this, I’m doomed for life. I guess that was the price to pay. I might as well just accept it: I’m in love with my sister.

At about 5 A.M, the sun started to shine, so I decided to go back to my room. We would have to get up and start getting ready in just an hour anyways. But it was just my luck that as soon as I turned around from Bella’s door, who was standing there none other than: Alice.

“What are you doing.?!” She whisper yelled. “You didn’t sleep with her did you.? Oh GOD no, Edward. Not our sister.!”

“No Alice. If you must know, I was just watching her sleep. She fascinates me. And she’s so small. Like a little lamb……my Little lamb…” I said.

“Oh no. This is worse. Much, much worse. You’re in love with her.! Edward.! Our sister.!” She repeated.

“What, no Alice. I’m not in love with her. That’s just weird. Why would you think that.?” I asked. Trying to cover up the truth.

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“Because, I know you Edward. You’d better not be. Or I’m telling Mom and Dad,” she threatened. Oh yeah, I forgot. She was also a tattle-tale.

“Whatever Alice. I’m going to my room now,” I said, brushing passed her. I went into my room and slammed the door shut behind me. But now that I think about it, it was kind of early in the morning for those types of sounds.

Sorry Bella. Hope I didn’t wake you.

I thought. But wait. What was Alice doing outside of Bella’s door. That little monster.! She was probably going to wake Bella up so they could start getting ready for their first official day of school as sisters. Alice is a perfectionist. And she needed lots of time. And school starts at 7. It’s 5. This was so Alice. She was probably going to tell Bella about me being in her room. No.! I had to go tell her not to. I was getting up to go tell her when there was a knock on my door.

“Come in,” I called. But who it was shocked me. It was Bella. Wow.

“Hey,” she said. “I just wanted to ask you something.”

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“Shoot,” I said.

“So…… like watching me sleep huh.?” She asked.

Darn it Alice.! She had such a big mouth.!

“Umm, yeah. It was……interesting,” I said. That seemed to be my favorite word since Bella came into my life. Well, besides Bella.

“I bet it was. You know I’m flexible.?” She asked out of the blue.

“Um, no. I didn’t know that. Reason you brought it up.?” I asked, curious.

“Yeah. I Just wanted to let you know that I can do a lot of different things…..lots of positions. Because I was thinking about joining the gymnastics team at school,” she said. I’m sure if she knew the double meaning behind those first words in the beginning of her sentence, she would have worded it better. Or maybe she did. And now that I look, she did have a sly grin on her face. GOD she was good.!

“Well I think that’s good. Maybe I could help you sometime…..” I offered. I really wanted to.

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“Hhmm, we’ll see. Because you know, I do have my own personal teddy bear to help me. His name’s Emmett. He goes to our school also,” she said. What.? Emmett.? As in, ‘my best friend’ Emmett.? How the—

“You know Emmett.? He’s my best friend. How come I’ve never seen you two together.? Or hanging out.?” I asked.

“I don’t know. Everyone else does,” she said. “He’s my best friend too ya know. Or…….I like the term ‘personal teddy bear’ a lot better. I’m surprised you know him. I guess the secrets will continue to come out.”

“Yes, I guess they will,” I muttered.

“Well I have to get ready. I’ll see you in a little while,” she said.

“Bye….” I trailed off. She smiled and left, closing the door behind her.

When I was done getting ready, I went downstairs to find Esme in the kitchen talking with Bella.

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“Bella, sweety. I know you just got here, but Carlisle and I wanted to let you know that you can call us Mom and Dad whenever you are ready,” Esme was saying,

“Oh, no. It’s fine,” Bella said. “I’m comfortable with Mom and Dad.”

“Wonderful,” Esme said. Neither of them noticed me until I sat down on one of the stools at the island. Bella looked at me and smirked. She was up to something…..

“Mom, doesn’t Edward play the piano so well.?” She asked. What is she doing.?

“Yes, he does,” Esme said.

“You know, I’ve always wanted to learn how to play,” she stated, coming around and putting an arm around my shoulder. Oh, so she wanted to play games again. Ok.

“I could always teach you. Since I’m such an expert,” I said smiling at her. I saw her tremble. Then I saw Esme look at us like we were crazy. That’s right. My mother is very observant. She was looking back and forth between us and I decided that now would be a good

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time to stop smiling like some in love fool. Which I was. But still. I couldn’t let my mother see that.

“So…..we have to get to school,” I said, breaking the silence.

“Where’s Alice.?” Bella asked.

“Probably upstairs putting on her face,” I joked. “But don’t worry, I know just the way to get her down NOW. Alice.!!!!! I’ll leave your Porsche keys on the table for you.! See you later.!” I called. 2 seconds later, you heard doors slamming, and then a little pixie rushing down the stairs.

“Ok, ok. I’m ready. Let’s go.” We all hugged and kissed Esme. Then we left.

On the way to school, it was really weird. Alice let Bella have the front seat so she was next to me. She had her hand on the CD case in the middle, and as much as I wanted to put my hand in top of hers, Alice was watching very closely. We pulled into the school parking lot, and I got out and went to open Bella’s door for her. She was gathering her things so she didn’t have time to see me and object. When she got out, she smiled, and I

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rapped my arm around her shoulder. I mean, she was my sister……… but what I didn’t see was Tanya standing there. I was about to walk right passed her when she cleared her throat, and caught my attention. I needed to end this. Everything she was is just so wrong now. It annoyed me. And how can you be with someone who, there whole being annoyed you? I don’t know if it was her hair, her voice, her height, the way she looked. She just wasn’t………Bella. I didn’t want to seem rude, so I turned my attention from Bella, (because she was all I ever looked at now) and faced her.

“Hello, Tanya,” I sighed.

“And hello to you,” she looked at me with accusing eyes.

“Something you wanted?” I asked. Already knowing the answer.

“Yeah. I was just curious as to why my boyfriend has his arm draped over another girl’s shoulders,” she said.

“Oh! Where are my manners? Tanya, this is Bella, my sister for all intensive purposes,” I said smiling proudly at Bella.

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“It’s nice to meet you Tanya,” Bella spoke for the first time.

“You as well,” Tanya said in that high voice that irked my nerve now. I can’t believe I ever thought that was cute.

“Um, Tanya, do you mind if I talk to you at lunch? It’s important,” I said. I had to break this off. And quick.

“W-why can’t you just tell me now?” she asked, getting nervous. She knew what I wanted to talk to her about.

“Uh, it’s a rather private matter. And plus, we have to get to class. I’ll see you at lunch,” I said, towing Bella along with me. We started for the hallway in a comfortable silence. The only thing uncomfortable was all the stares we were getting. I heard my name mixed with Bella’s lots of times. She did go to this school. She told me what class she had first and I dropped her off. I gave her a kiss on the cheek saying, “See you later lil’ sis.”

Bye, big bro,” she replied. That made me laugh. I headed towards my next class with a huge smile on my face.

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7: Declarations (BPOV)Edward kissed me on my cheek then walked away. I had a huge grin on my face when I sat down in my seat. My friend Jessica sat next to me in this class. I knew if I didn’t stop smiling, she would ask. And she LOVED to gossip. I was in a daze all through class, and I didn’t know why until I passed Edward in the hallway. He gave my left shoulder a squeeze and kept walking, all the while smiling. He couldn’t be the reason could he.? Yes, yes he could. So I guess I might as well accept it: I’m in love with my brother.

When lunch rolled around, I was surprised to find Alice waiting outside of the door for me. We walked in together, bought our lunch, and sat down at a table in the middle of the room. I guess Edward was somewhere talking to Tanya about whatever. But I didn’t have to wait long for him because about 2 minutes later, someone came up behind me, and covered my eyes.

“Guess who,” he whispered in my ear.

“Uumm, Emmett?” I teased.

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“Very funny Bella,” he said. “But no, speaking of Emmett, he’s on his way now. When I told him I knew you he was so excited. His exact words were, ‘You know Bella-bean?!!!!’ I tell you Bella it was so funny. He was like a little boy on Christmas.”

Yes, my teddy bear. He was very protective of me. And I’m surprised he used my private nick-name. Well he was Edward’s best friend too so….

“Oh wow. So he’s sitting with us?” I asked.

“Yes. He should be coming any minute no-“ he was cut off my a loud scream.

“Bella-bean.!!!!!!!” Emmet screamed from the gym doors. The whole room went silent. Emmett looked so goofy standing there screaming my name. It was so cute. I discretely raised my hand so Emmet could see where we were. Once he saw my hand, he rushed over to us. Every pair of eyes in the room followed him. Once he got to our table he picked me up in a super tight bear hug and swung me around. It tickled my stomach. He then sat me back down in my chair then walked to go get his lunch like nothing ever happened. That Emmett.

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Alice started laughing. I smiled back at her. When I looked at Edward, it looked like he had a forced smile on his face. Was he jealous.? No. he couldn’t be. He knew Emmett was just my best friend didn’t he.? He was like a brother. Maybe he wished he could do what Emmett just did. I don’t know. I’ll ask his about it when we get home.

The rest of the day passed in a breeze, and before I knew it, I was at home. I was in my room finishing some homework when there was a knock on my door.

“Come in,” I called. The door opened and Edward walked in, closing the door behind him.

“Hey,” he said.

“Hi. What are you up to?” I asked.

“Nothing really. I just wanted to talk to you about something.”

“Oh? And what would that be about?” I asked.

“Um…….us,” he said. Was there an ‘us’. This whole thing is confusing.! I mean, yeah he’s like my brother, but not really. His parents became my parents because

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they wanted to. That didn’t mean he HAD to become my brother. I mean, they would still be my parents if we were to get married. They would be like in-laws. But these are my real parents. Not in-lawns. But Edward wasn’t my real brother. He was my adoptive one.

“What about us?” I asked. I really wanted to know where he was going with this.

“Bella, I know that you know the way I feel about you. I mean, yeah it is totally weird being in love with your sister but-“ he stopped mid-sentence. He had a look of shock on his face.

“Did I just say that out loud?” he asked in a quiet voice.

I laughed. I laughed really hard. I thought only girls said that. And he was so serious.! I also laughed because that was the exact same way I felt about him.

“Why are you laughing?” he asked, slightly annoyed.

“I’m sorry. It wasn’t funny. It was just that, it’s ok for you to say that out loud because that’s how I feel. But like you said, it’s weird being in-love with your brother. And plus, if we did choose to pursue a relationship, the only alone time we would have is like, when we were

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home. Or if we snuck away for a few hours. And just think of what Alice and Mom and Dad would think. Oh, and if it got around school. Alice would hear about it. And so would Tanya. Then she’d come after me. I know she thought I was the reason you guys broke up,” I said.

“Who told you we broke up.?” He asked.

“I’m not stupid Edward,” I snarled.

“You have a point there. But I get what you’re saying.” He said. “But the other day when I was in here watching you sleep, I was just thinking over all of this. I didn’t know if you would want me. Or think of me as JUST a brother. Or think it’s too weird to date your brother. Which it is. But clearly, I’m not your brother. Something different. But I want to be more.”

He got up from where he was sitting in the chair to sit next to me on my bed. He put his arm around me and I leaned into him. He took his other hand and held one of mine. He laid his hand on top of mine and I closed my eyes and sighed.

“I want to be more too,” I whispered.

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“I know,” he said. “We’ll just have to figure this thing out. But, I love you.”

“I love you too,” I said. Tears filled my eyes and then spilled over. I loved him so much, but it felt like I couldn’t have him because of what other people would think. I soon started crying hysterically and he had to calm me down before I started to hyperventilate.

“Sshh, it’s ok Bella. It’s fine. We’re going to be fine,” he said.

“I know. It’s just, I want this so bad. And I feel like it’s out of my reach,” I said, sniffling. Edward ran his hands through my hair and kissed my forehead.

“I have an idea. Now, it might not work, and we might get caught. But still, we can try it,” he said.

“What?” I asked, a bit too eagerly. He laughed.

“How about……..we don’t tell anyone?” he said.

“What do you mean, don’t tell anyone?” I asked.

“We don’t have to say anything. We can act normal around other people, kind of like we were today. Then

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when we get alone, we can do whatever, like kiss,” he said with a huge smile.

“Ok, that might work. But we’re going to have to eventually tell somebody. At least our family. In about 5 months,” I said giggling.

“Yeah, but they’ll be the ones to take it the hardest. Esme will probably blow it out of proportion. She might even cry, she’s soft,” he said chuckling.

“Yeah. But about this kissing this……..since I have to finish my homework, and it’s almost time for dinner. The only alone time we’ll have for hours is NOW,” I said with a sly grin.

“So you wanna kiss me, huh.?” He asked, smiling.

“Yes, but girls don’t make the first move, it’s totally trashy-“ I was cut off by his lips. They were soft, and slow. He then deepened the kiss with his tongue. He lips were still soft, but more urgent. I could do this all day long. I don’t know how long we sat there, but soon, I felt like I was going to die if I didn’t get some air. I broke the kiss, breathing hard. Edward, noticing why I did it, only moved his lips down to my neck. After about

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30 seconds of getting my breath back, I had to have his lips back on mine. I pulled his face up to mine and kissed him again. We continued on like this until Alice came and knocked on the door.

“Bella, can I come in? I have to show you something,’ she called. If she knew Edward was in here, she would be even more suspicious.

“Uh…… second Alice, I’m changing,” I called. I quickly pulled Edward off my bed and threw him into my closet, I went to go open the door, but then I remembered I was supposed to be changing. I rushed back into my closet and quickly found a tank top and some sweat pants and put them on. It was dark so Edward couldn’t see anything. But he did find my body in the dark and start kissing my neck.

“Don’t leave me,” he begged. I laughed. It was so cute.!

“I’ll only be a minute. I’ll come right back,” I promised. I kissed him quick then ran out of the closet, closing the door behind me. When I finally got to the door, Alice was standing there with a magazine in her hand, tapping her foot impatiently.

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“Hey sis,” I said, slightly out of breath.

“Hey.! I just wanted to show you this really cute outfit I was thinking about getting us this weekend. We could match.! Ooh, we could go take some pictures.! That would be so cool,” she screamed.

“Let me see Alice,” I said, curious as to what these mysterious outfits looked like.

“Here!” she said, way too excited. I looked at the picture. It was actually kind of cute. It had a soft yellow top with no color, but sleeves that stopped just before the elbow. Gray skinny leg jeans, and white flats. There was also a gray and white plaid vest, and a gray hate with a white belt-buckle around it. Black bangles and a silver necklace. My sister and I would rock this.!

“Omg, Alice. This is so cute.! We would so look good in this. We could go get it on Saturday,” I said.

“I know.! I knew you would love it.! Thanks Bella,” she said kissing me on the cheek. I laughed.

“Your welcome,” I said, closing the door as she skipped off. As soon as I closed the door, I felt long arms snake around me waist. He turned us around so he was

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leaning on the door, and I was leaning on him. He bent down and softly kissed my neck.

“You’re leaving me on Saturday?” he asked sadly. I reached up and ran my hand through his hair. It was soft.

“Yes, but only for a few hours. I’m going shopping with my sister,” I said, laughing.

“I’ll miss you. I already miss you. I can’t stand to be away from you now. Can you sleep with me tonight?” he asked. What? I was too tired for that. And I didn’t know about all of that. I looked at him questioningly.

“Oh, not like that. I guess I should have worded that better. What I meant was, would you mind sleeping in my bed tonight?” Oh. That’s what he meant. Well yeah.! Fine with me.

“No, I wouldn’t. I’m sure I would be very comfortable with your arms wrapped around me for 8 hours straight,” I said. He pulled me closer when I said this.

“You’ll never have to ask.”

“Thank you,” I said.

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“I love you.” he then kissed me and I almost fainted. His kisses left me light-headed. My knees went week. I turned around in his arms and put mine around his neck. I soon started pulling him towards my bed because I was going to fall any second now. I could barely walk. But I made it. When we got to the bed, the way we fell made him fall on top of me. Fine with me. We soon stopped because we had to get ready for bed. He went to go pick a movie for us to watch while I changed into my pajamas. I put my hair up into a sloppy bun, and put on my soft blue footie’s. Then I turned off my light and very softly closed my door. I snuck pass Alice’s room, and went to Edward’s. He left the door open for me which I closed very softly also. He was sitting with his ankles cross, leaning against his headboard. The TV was on, waiting to be pressed PLAY. When we saw me, he patted the space next to him. I had to walk around the other side because he was taking the side by the door. For protection I suppose. When I climbed into the bed, he gave me a kiss, and then started the movie.

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“Are you really sleepy? Or did you want to stay up a little while longer with me?” he asked. It was late, and I knew her was tired. His voice was huskier than usual. It was sexy.

“I’m fine with staying up,” I said.

“Good,” he said, kissing my forehead. “because I wanted to ask you something.”

“Yes?” I said.

“Bella, you know that now, you’re the love of my life right?” he asked. I nodded. “And I swear to you that will never change. Ever. No matter if you want me or not. What I guess I’m saying is, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You know that I’ll be going off to college next school year. And this one’s almost over. We have about 2 or 3 months left. And when I leave, I don’t want to go too far away from home. But I want you to know that even if you don’t see me everyday, that I love you. I won’t meet some other girl up there, and suddenly fall for her. Because you’re the one that I’m going to spend the rest of my life with. It you’ll let me.”

“Edward, what are you saying?” I asked.

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“I’m just saying that I love you Bella. And……. I wanted to ask you if you would marry me… time, of course. But for now, I just wanted to give you this promise ring,” he said, pulling a small little velvet case from one of his bedside tables. He opened the top, and in sat a beautiful diamond ring. It had little spaces for smaller diamonds on both of the sides, from the back to the front, leading up to the huge diamond in the middle. It was beautiful.

“It’s beautiful,” I whispered.

“You like it?” he asked, smiling.

“I love it.!” I said. He kissed me, and then slid the ring onto my ring finger on my left hand. Then he kissed me again. The movie long forgotten.

“There’s 2 more to come,” he said when he broke the kiss.

“The engagement, and the wedding rings of course.”

“You spoil me,” I said.

“Why wouldn’t I? You are my baby,” he said. And I just had to laugh. I loved him so much.

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“I love you so much,” I told him.

“As I love you,” he said. we soon turned back to the movie, and I found myself drifting off to sleep. I noticed Edward doing the same, and soon he turned the TV off, and we scooted under the covers. Right before I hit un-consciousness, Edward put his arm around my waist and pulled me close saying, “I love you.”

8: Secrets (EPOV)I told Bella I loved her, and then went to sleep. That night I had the weirdest dream I have ever had. The dream took place in the hospital. Bella was laying in a hospital bed with a swollen stomach, and a patient’s gown on. But weirder then all of that, she was holding a baby boy with her exact color hair, and my vibrant eyes. I then took the baby from her arms, and began saying things like, ‘You see Mommy?’ and, ‘Don’t ever be as giddy as Auntie Alice, or as goofy as Uncle Emmett.’ And the worse one, the one Bella hit me for, like she would have done if this were real. I told my son, ‘Please don’t be gay.’ Yep. In my dream, Bella smacked my arm.

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Pretty hard, and with a lot of strength for someone who had just had a baby. After that dream, I had a dreamless sleep, and before I knew it, it was time to get up. I had made sure to un-plug my alarm clock last night to make sure not to disturb Bella. If she wanted to sleep, then that’s what she would do. But when I opened my eyes, I found her staring at me. She was looking at me so lovingly. Adoringly. Like I was a prize or something. She was so beautiful to me. So I kissed her and she laughed.

“Good morning, beautiful,” I said.

“Morning,” she yawned.

“How’d you sleep?” I asked.

She smiled hugely. “Just cozy and you?”

“Cozy, but I had the weirdest dream; I feel I’m obligated to tell you about, since you were in it. The only thing I’m worried about is you hitting me. Because you hit me in my dream and it hurt, or so I imagined. And I was surprised you had so much strength after all of that…” I trailed off.

“Edward what are you talking about?” she asked, confused.

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“Ok look. In my dream, we were in the hospital, but you were in the bed with a patient’s gown on……..holding our baby. Your stomach was still swollen. But it was a boy. He had your hair exactly, and my eyes. I took him from you, so you could get some rest. But you weren’t sleep yet. And I started murmuring things to the baby like, ‘see mommy?’ and ‘don’t be as giddy as Auntie Alice or as goofy as Uncle Emmet.’ But the last one earned me a smack on the arm from you, and I think it’s gonna earn me a smack on the head for even dreaming it,” I said.

“Try me,” she said.

“The last thing I said was, ‘Please don’t be gay.’”

As soon as I said that, Bella smacked me on the head. I knew it.

“I knew you were gonna hit me,” I said, rubbing my head.

“You asked our son not to be gay?!” she almost screamed. She was really mad about this. And we didn’t even have our baby yet. She wasn’t even pregnant.! But she said our son.

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“You said our son…..” I said, smiling hugely. She noticed this, and couldn’t help but smile too. It just sounded right. But I knew I had about 5 seconds before she got back on topic and—

“If you ever ask our real son that, I will break your neck. Post labor or not,” she threatened. She was so serious. I guess my kids would never have to worry about their mother. I decided to cheer her up. I kissed her, and then said, “Never, love. I wouldn’t dream of it.” But since I kind of already did, she just glared at me. Whatever. I got on top of her and started kissing her. She would forget our whole conversation by the time I was finished.

After about 20 minutes, she pushed me off of her.

“We have to get ready for school,” she said. “Oh yeah, and I didn’t forget. I knew your motive for doing that. But you know I couldn’t resist,” she smiled.

“I’ve been known to have that affect,” I said, grinning.

“Whatever, shut up,” she said, getting up.

“Don’t leave. Please,” I pouted.

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“We have to go to school though,” she said, smiling sadly.

“No, can’t we just stay home?” I asked.

“Wouldn’t Esme object to that?” she asked.

“Not really. We’re all doing pretty good in school. Missing one day wouldn’t kill us,” I said matter-of-factly.

“O…kay. But- never mind,” she said. I was actually glad she didn’t finish. I didn’t want her coming up with more ideas as to why we shouldn’t stay home.

“I’ll just go tell Alice we decided to stay home,” she said.

“Ok. Hurry back to me,” I said.

“Always,” she said, smiling, then rushing out of the room.

She was amazing. And she was mine. Forever. But I you think about it, it’s kind of weird how this all happened in 3 days. Kinda fast I know, but love waits for no one. And I’d rather be really deep in love, than to be one of those old bachelors, dating around looking for the right

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one, when she’s already passed him up. I really loved Bella. And we were going to get married eventually. Have a wonderful family with 2 or 3 kids. But all jokes aside, I really hope my son isn’t gay. I have nothing against gay people. In fact, I have a cousin who is gay. We used to be really close…..anyway, I just don’t want that for my son. But if her was, then whatever. He was still my son. I hoped he would know how to play the piano like me. Or play basketball. That’d be so cool.! What if he made it to the NBA.?! But wait, Bella probably wouldn’t let him. Too over protective. She ruins all the fun.

“Damn Bella,” whispered, still deep in my thoughts.

“Excuse me?” she said, scarring me. I didn’t notice she was right there. I decided to tell her something else. Didn’t want to risk getting hit again.

“Uh…. I was just thinking that I wanted to get you something, but you’re too smart, you would know I was up to something,” I said, taking her hand. I gave her my crooked smile. The one she stopped breathing to. But it wasn’t working right now.

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“You better watch it Mr. Cullen. You’d be surprised what this petit little thing could do. I wonder if I punched you if it would hurt…” she trailed off. My sweety had issues.

I got up out of the bed, and came and wrapped my arms around her waist. She leaned into me and inhaled deeply.

“So, if we’re not gonna go to school today, what shall we do?” she asked.

“We could stay in here…” I suggested.

“Yeah, we could, but Alice would notice. And she’d be mad. Also, when I went to go tell her we weren’t going to school, I almost got caught with the ring. It’s so shiny. It glinted on her cheek and she looked down and I had to hide my hand. She thought it was from the picture frame in the hall behind me. But it was funny to watch.” She said.

She had such a beautiful voice. It was so soft. I could listen to her talk all day. And never grow bored.

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“I’m sure it was,” I said. “Maybe we could go somewhere today. I really don’t know where though. Maybe to a movie or something.”

“Nah. We stayed up a bit late last night. And if you took me into a movie theater, I would miss the movie, sleeping,” she said laughing.

“Or we could just stay here and do whatever. Lounge around or something. Things have been so hectic and timed since you got here. We need time to rest,” I said pulling her back to the bed.

“Are you trying to get me into bed?” she asked.

“Not in that since…..yet. However, if you want to…..” I trailed off.

“Hold your horses’ lover boy. We’ll get our chance,: she said. We flopped down on the bed, and I picked her up, and laid her straight. Then I got the same way. She leaned her head on my chest and I stroked her hair. She was still tired. And seeing as we got up early intending on going to school, she didn’t get much sleep. I wanted her to be well rested for whatever we did, if we did anything.

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“You’re tired. Go back to sleep,” I whispered.

“No, I’m not tired,” she said. She sounded like a 5 year old, trying to fight sleep.

“Yes love, you are. But it’s ok. You can sleep. I’ll be here the whole time. And they’ll be no interruptions,” I said. but I spoke too soon. Just as I was kissing her good night, r, good morning in this case, Alice barged in.

8 ½ (cont.) (BPOV)Oh lord. Edward was kissing me, right before I had my morning nap, and Alice came in. Oh no. we were in so much trouble. I knew she would come in here sooner or later. And I knew she had came to my room at least twice this morning.

“Well what do we have here….” She said, walking to the foot of the bed and crossing her arms over her chest.

“Alice…..” Edward sighed.

“Don’t you Alice me.! I knew it. I knew you were in love with her the morning I saw you sneaking out of her

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room after watching her sleep,” she said. Alice was very smart.

“And Bella! I’m surprised you said nothing to me about this,” she said, pouting.

“Well…… I was afraid of your reaction. I didn’t know what you would say. Or do!” I said. I didn’t want her to be mad at me. That’s the last thing I wanted. I loved my sister.

“Well you should have just TOLD me! I mean, yeah, I get it. My brother is attractive. And u guys like each other. Yeah, it’s a bit weird, but not really because you’re adopted, so he’s not really your brother. But we’re sisters and you didn’t tell me.!” She said.

I got up from the bed and gave her a hug.

“Alice, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to keep it from you. But this whole thing is so confusing. And it happened kind of quick so…….but we were planning on telling you. I swear,” I said.

She looked to Edward for confirmation. He simply nodded his head, then laid down, and put a pillow over

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his head. I laughed. He was so cute. But that’s what got us into this mess. Stop it.

“Oh yeah Alice. Don’t you remember, earlier this morning when you thought you saw something shiny?” I asked. I had to tell her or she was really gonna kill me.

“Yeah…” she said, curious.

I didn’t say anything else. I just held out my left hand and showed her. She was wide-eyed shocked. Then she squealed and started bouncing. Then she jumped on me and hugged me.

“Oh my GOD.! Edward is in love. Edward is in love!” she sang. She was really a 6 year old trapped in a 16 year olds body.

“Alice, please shut up,” Edward said from underneath his pillow.

“Whatever Edward. It’s about time you fell in love. I fell in love when I was 12. And you were just lonely,” she said proudly. Wait, Alice was in love? With who?!

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“Um, excuse me miss missy,” I said. “You were mad because I didn’t tell you I was with Edward, but you’re in love and you never told me?”

“Oops. I should let you two get back to your ‘together time’,” she said, putting air quotes around together time. She wasn’t getting out of this.

“Oh no, no, no. your telling me. Today. Right now.

“Bella can it please wait. I hate girl talk,” Edward said.

“Ok fine. But as soon as 1:00 hits, you’re telling me,” I said.

“Ok, ok. I promise. Now bye.!” She said rushing out of the room, and closing the door behind her. When she was gone I turned to Edward. He still had his head under the pillow. I went over to him and tried to pull it off. He didn’t budge. I tried again. Still to no avail. Ok. Time to work my magic. I got up on the bed and sat so I was straddling him. I leaned down and whispered,

“If you don’t move the pillow, how will I see your beautiful face?” he moved the pillow and started smiling. I’m such a beast.

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“Ya know, we could stay like this,” she said, grinning.

“And ya know, we will not,” I said, getting off of him. When I was laying next to him, he pulled me extremely close.

“Do you know you’re going to be the death of me?” he asked.

“I hope so,” I said. I smiled and then kissed him.

“So, are you hungry?” he asked. “Oh, you never got your nap. Do you still want to take it, or do you want to eat, and then take it…..or not take it at all,” he asked. He was so caring.

“Um, I think I’ll take my nap, and then eat. I don’t even think I could make it down the stairs,” I said.

“Then I would carry you, of course,” he said, smiling.

“Of course,” I agreed.

“Ok, time to sleep now. get a good rest. I’ll be here when you wake up,” he said. Then he kissed me. This time, without any interruptions. I turned on my side, and scooted into him. He wrapped and arm around my waist and I drifted into unconsciousness. At first, I didn’t

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dream, but then I had a dream that I never expected to have. Edward and I were in the front seat of his Volvo. It was day time, the morning. We were just pulling up to what looked like a pre-school. Once the car stopped, I turned around to the backseat, and said,

“Ok sweety. You be a good boy for mommy today ok?” the little boy who looked back at me had brown hair like mine, and green eyes like Edward’s.

“Ok mommy,” he said. I got out, and went to open the door for him. I undid his seat belt, and he jumped out. He gave me the tightest hug in the world.

“Ok baby. I’ll see you when you get out. I love you,’ I said smiling.

“I love you too mommy,” he said. Just as he was finishing his sentence, Edward snuck up behind him and swung him over his shoulder.

“Ok, squirt. Listen to your teachers ok? And show those other dudes who’s boss. You’re a Cullen. We rule!” he said holding his hand up. Our son smacked it with his and said, “Yeah!”

“Ok, get in there before you’re late,” he said.

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“Ok, bye daddy. I love you.”

“Love you too son,” Edward said, smiling proudly. And just like that, the dream ended, and I woke up. I looked at the clock to see that it was now 12 o’clock. When I went to sleep it was 8. Wow, I must have slept longer than I thought. I turned around to see Edward sleeping as well. I would have to tell him about this dream. It was kind of weird how we both had a dream about a boy, with brown hair, and green eyes. Could it mean something? Maybe, maybe not…

I was so lost in my thoughts, still thinking about my dream that I didn’t realize Edward had woken up, and was looking at me questioningly. Probably because I had a really serious look on my face, and I hadn’t once looked at him.

“Something wrong?” he asked.

I look him straight in the eye. “No, something weird,’ I said.

“You……wanna tell me what it is?” he said.

“Yes. I think I have to. Don’t you know how this morning, you told me about that dream you had last

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night.? About the pretty baby boy?” I asked. He nodded.

“Well, just now, when I had my nap, I had a similar dream. We were in the car, dropping off the little boy. And he was just as you described his in your dream. He had brown hair, and green eyes. But he was about 4 or 5 years old. We were dropping him off to pre-school. I turned around, and told him to be good, and that I loved him. Then he said, ‘I love you too mommy.’ Edward it was so cute. Then we got out, to hug and kiss him goodbye, and you, being the big goof that you are, you came up from behind him, and swung him over your shoulder. Then you said something that I should have smacked you for,” I said.

“What?” he asked, smiling.

“You told him, ‘ Ok squirt, go in there and listen to your teachers. And show those other dudes who’s boss. You’re a Cullen, we rule.!’” I said, in a poor imitation of his voice.

“Oh wow!” he said. “And we said my dream was weird. But don’t you think it’s kind of freaky how we both had

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dreams of a little boy with brown hair and green eyes.? Doesn’t that mean something?”

“I don’t know. But that’s what I was thinking about when I woke up. That’s why when you woke up I didn’t notice.”

“Hhmm, maybe we should tell Carlisle about this. He might know something. Oh, but then that would mean that we would have to tell him about……us,” he said.

“Yeah….. or we could tell him about the dreams. But different ones. Not necessarily the ones about our son,” I said.

“Yeah! That could work. Then we would at least have some idea as to what is going on,” he said.

“Ok. But let’s at least see if it happens again. Maybe it was you telling me about your dream, that triggered me having my dream. But then again, maybe not. Like I said, let’s see if it happens again tonight, and if it does, then we go to Carlisle.”

“Ok, that sounds good,” he said. “But I take it you won’t be sleeping with me again tonight?”

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“I would, but no. you would keep me up. And we need sleep. It’s back to school tomorrow. But I’m fine for the weekends, and Fridays,” I said smiling.

He sighed in defeat. “Fine, I guess you’re right. But are you hungry now?”

“Um, I think I am. What do we have in then house?” I asked.

“I really don’t know. I was thinking we could go out and get something. We could bring Alice along also,” he said. That would be nice. She would like that.

“Ok, that sounds wonderful. I’m just gonna go tell Alice, then go get in the shower,” I said.

“Ok, see you in a little while,” he said sadly. I kissed him, then left.

When I got in the hallway, I went straight to Alice’s room. I hope she didn’t think I forgot. Thinking about it, I looked down at my ring and smiled. Edward. He was everything to me.

I got to her door, and knocked. She answered it right away.

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“Hey Bella. Come in, let’s get this over with,” she said. It sounded weird coming out of her mouth, seeing as she was always so excited, and bubbly. Right now, she was dreading this conversation. I wonder why…if she was so ‘in love’.

I sat down on her bed, and crossed my legs. She sat across from me, and did the same.

“So,” I started. “who’s this mystery boy that you’re in love with, that I don’t know about.”

“Ok. Do you know that really cute boy who sits at our table at lunch? The one with the blonde hair, and really pretty hazel eyes? He’s always to my right,” she said, getting excited. She was in love.

Now that I think about it, I did know who she was talking about. I think Edward mentioned once that his name was Jasper.

“Jasper?!” I scream-yelled. At the very least, he was cute. Really cute. For my sister.

“Yes!! Yes, that’s him.!” She said, bouncing on the bed.

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“But, you guys never talk, or hold hands, or do anything together. The most I’ve seen you guys do is make cute little looks at each other like you were 12,” I said, laughing. It really was cute though.

“Yeah……that’s because Jasper’s parents are very strict. And lots of the females at the school are already jealous of me. And they want Jasper because he’s hot, and rich. And they all would use the first chance they got to go, and tell his parents. Then, I really would never be able to see him. They would totally switch his schedule around. So we wouldn’t have not one class together, have lunch together, not even pass each other in the hallways,” she said, sadly.

“So, when do you two have your together-time?” I asked.

“When we can. Lots of times, he’ll drive me home from school. That’s why lots of times, I’m not in the car with you and Edward after school. or, on the weekends, when he can sneak away. But mostly, it’s just at school, and then we talk on the phone every night. And text,” she said.

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She was so sad over this. But I could see why. I could just imagine how I would feel if I couldn’t see Edward regularly, without sneaking around. And I was extremely lucky to live in the same house with him! I wish there was something I could do for Alice.

“Oh, Alice, it’s gonna be ok. Soon, you’ll both be out of here, and off to college. Try to work something out so you go to the same one. Or one that’s really close to his. When you guys get grown, his parents can’t tell him not to fall in love and get married. Well, kinda late for the love thing. But still,” I said, trying to comfort her.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Thanks Bella. I feel a lot better about it now. I knew it could be great having a sister,’ she said, smiling. I reached over, and gave her a big, sisterly hug. She returned it immediately.

“Oh, yeah. Edward and I were hungry, and we were thinking about getting you, and all going out to get something,” I told her.

“That would be great. I’m staaaaarving!” she said, stretching the word. Bubbly Alice was back.

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“Ok. Well I’m gonna go to my room, shower, and get dressed. Then I’ll do my hair, and go in Edward’s room and talk to him for a bit. I know you’ll need an extra 20 to 30 minutes,” I said, giggling.

She laughed too. “Shut up. I’ll be done 10 minutes after you are. If not, then I have to pay for lunch.”

“Deal,” I said. “I’ll see you in a little while.” And with that, I ran out of her room, and into my own. It felt like I hadn’t been in here in forever. But I also felt lonely. I had gotten used to having Edward within 2 feet of me over the last, 19 hours. Oh well. I would be with him soon. I went into my closet, looking at what I could wear. I went straight to my tops. I didn’t feel like getting really dressy. But not too dull either. And it was the spring time. I should go with something springy. Lots of bright, pretty colors. I settled on my long sleeved, hot pink spandex tunic dress that came mid-thigh. It had gold chains printed across it in stripes, a pocket in the middle, and thick spandex at the bottom. I decided to wear my black leggings that came to my mid-calf, and hot pink flip-flops. Pretty. I then headed to the shower to get cleaner. Haha. I quickly jumped into the shower,

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and got out within 5 minutes. I didn’t wash my hair because I had did that yesterday. Once I had my clothes on, with some lotion, and my silver charm bracelet, I went to do my hair. I really didn’t know what to do with it. I needed it done. I decided to leave it down. But I brushed it, and put some oil on it to make it shine. Then I put it all on one side of one of my shoulders. Then I went to put some eye liner on, and some mascara. When I was done, I took a look in my full length mirror. I looked good. Now, time to eat. Well-in about an hour, since we were dealing with Alice. I walked out of my room, to see Edward in the hall way. I smiled. He looked gorgeous. And I knew he wasn’t trying.

“Hey, I was just coming to check on you,” he said. “You look beautiful.”

I blushed. “Thanks,” I said. ‘So, how you thought of any place you want to go?”

“Um, where ever you and Alice choose is fine with me,; he said, taking my hand, and pulling me back into my room. He went and sat in the chair across from my bed, and pulled me onto his lap. He put his face in the crook of my neck and inhaled deeply. Then he breathed out

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through his nose. It tickled. I giggled, then he kissed me there.

:”You smell really good,” he said.

“Thank you. you look really good,” I said, smiling. He looked up at me and smiled also.

“I love you,” he said.

I leaned down and touched my forehead to his.

“I love you too,” I said. Then he kissed me. I smiled against his lips because I couldn’t help it.

“Ok, ok lovebirds, I’m ready!” I looked up to see Alice standing in the doorway.

“Well, are you two just gonna sit there all cuddled up on the chair? Or are we gonna go eat?” she asked with her hands on her hips. I looked down at Edward to see him staring at me. The same way he had before Alice had came in. I don’t think he even realized she was there.

“Edward, are you ready to go?” I whispered.

He tightened his grip on my waist. “I’m ready to go wherever you are,” he said.

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“Ok. Let’s go!” Alice said, storming down the hallway, and down the stairs.

Edward kissed me again, then he got up, taking me In his arms bridal style. I squealed in surprise.

“You are adorable,” he said. I leaned down to kiss him yet again.

“Oh geez!!!!!! WOULD YOU GUYS COME ON??!!” Alice screamed. She was at the doorway again. Edward and I just laughed. Then she walked away mumbling something along the lines of, ‘And they say I take too long’. That sister of mine……

“I guess we should go. Before she kills us,” Edward said.

“I agree.” And with that, we carried me out of my room, and down the stairs. When we got to the garage, Edward put me down, and took my hand. He led me to the car, and opened the door for me. Alice was driving, so I got the front seat, and Edward took the back. The ride there, Alice was fussing, and complaining about how annoyingly ‘in love’ we were, and that it was going to make us late for everything. Then when me and

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Edward would exchange looks, and giggles, she would get even more mad. It was hilarious.

We got to the restaurant and Edward was at my door in a flash. He opened my door, and I got out. Alice play-gagged, and got out also. He put an arm around my waist, and we walked in. when we got to the waiting area, there were lots of people there. Guess this place was popular. We just took a seat, and waited our turn. Alice started texting someone, Jasper I suppose. And Edward started tracing lines on my back, since I was sitting on his lap. I was just looking around aimlessly, when I heard some snickering. I turned in the direction of the sound to see about 5 waitresses standing by the seating booth, looking at Edward. They were twisting their hair around there fingers, and undressing him with their eyes. Oh no, we weren’t having that. I turned to Edward and put my arms around his neck. This got his attention, and he smiled up at me.

“Yes love?” he asked.

“Oh nothing. I just wish that there weren’t some many people here. That way we wouldn’t have to wait so long. I wonder why?” I said.

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“It’s ok, sweetheart. It shouldn’t be much longer,’; he said. Then he kissed me. Just like I had planned. I deepened the kiss for just a bit longer. But by the time pulled away, he was breathing heavy. He shifted uncomfortably, and I knew why. Those male hormones were kicking him in the side. I looked up to see all the waitresses looking at me with jealous expressions. I fake smiled at them, and they all went back to work, clearing people out of the waiting room. I turned back to Edward to see him with a confused look on his face.

“You little devil…” he said, smirking.

“I couldn’t have them ogling at my future husband, and leaving us starving,” I said, smiling innocently.

“I know that’s right,” he said. Then one of the waitresses that was staring at Edward came back in, and showed us to our table. We sat down, and she was passing out menu’s to everybody. But then she ‘accidentally’ dropped one. She bent over, rear in Edward’s direction, and picked it up. He didn’t notice. He was staring at me. She stoop back up straight and said, “Oh, I’m sorry about that. Here’s another one.”

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Edward was brought out of his trance by this, and looked at her confused. “Sorry about what?” he asked.

“Nothing, never mind,” she said, unsatisfied. Then she walked away. I started laughing so hard.

“Bella, calm down,” Alice said.

“What did I do? Wait…..what did she do? Why is Bella laughing?” Edward asked. My sweety was so clueless.

“Apparently, the waitresses here think you are totally gorgeous. They were eyeing you in the waiting room,” Alice said. “That’s why Bella started talking to you, and made you kiss her. This made them mad, and the service sped up. so, our waitress escorted us to our table and passed out the menu’s. then she purposely dropped your menu, and bent over, so you could look at her butt. But you’ve been staring at Bella since she kissed you. So you noticed nothing, and the waitress was mad. And this was just so funny to Bella, and now, she’s laughing.”

Alice saying all of this just made it that much more funnier. Edward was next to me, and he pulled me into a hug so I could calm down. He knew me too well. I

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inhaled deeply, and calmed down instantly. I was dizzy all of a sudden. Good thing I wasn’t standing. I would have surely fallen. Edward looked down and kissed me. Was he trying to make me faint? Then I heard a gasp. At first I thought it was Alice. But it was too high, and baby-ish to be her. I looked up to see Tanya, standing with Stacey, and the rest of her followers.

“I knew it was because of her. I always knew it. as soon as you introduced her to me,” Tanya said, tears welling up in her eyes. Me, being the fool I was, reached up and pulled my hair to the side. The same hand that had the ring on it! and this surely didn’t go unnoticed.

“What?!” Tanya screamed. “Please tell me that is from your mother.”

“Um, no. It’s not. It’s from me,” Edward said. “I mean, can’t I give the one I’m going to spend the rest of my life with, the mother of my kids, my wife, a ring?”

“The hell you can! You never gave me a ring,” she said, pouting.

“And why do you think that is? Maybe he didn’t love you. Or feel as strongly about you as he does about

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Bella,” Alice said. “Tell me, did you and Edward ever have the same dream about a little boy with brown hair like Bella’s? And green eyes like Edward’s? or, in your guy’s case, strawberry blonde hair? No, I don’t think so. So you, and your lame ass followers can go, and leave my brother, my sister, and me alone.”

“No. no, I’m not leaving until you give me an explanation,” Tanya said.

“Tanya,” Edward sighed. “Ok look. I fell in love with Bella. And I felt like I couldn’t live without her. It was like she was everything I was looking for. It still is that way. She is my life. And you…….when I got to school, everything about you annoyed me. Your voice, hair, they way you pout and you think it’s cute. But I don’t really think it’s you. Just the fact that you aren’t Bella. And that’s bad for me to be in love with another person, but still be in a relationship with you. That would be unfair to you. So I had to break it off.”

“The whole time, I had my head in the crook of Edward’s neck. I was dizzy again. I had to breathe, and when I did, I smelled his sent. It made me light headed. He just smelled so good. But I felt it was time for me to

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say something. I looked up at Tanya, who was standing with her arms crossed, eyeing my ring.

I put my hand under the table, and looked her straight in the eyes. “Tanya, I’m sorry all of this happened. But it was never my intention to steal Edward from you. it just sort of……happened. But don’t worry. You’re a pretty girl. You’ll find someone else pretty quickly, I’m sure.”

“Yeah. Thanks. But, um, we’re gonna go. And that’s a really pretty ring,” she said, sniffling. I would have to keep this on at all times. I’m sure she would try something with it. I never realized, or even stopped to think about how Tanya would feel about all of this. I was just sure she was just with Edward for even more popularity then she already had, and for all the gossip to be about her. But she could have fallen for him over all of that. I fell for him in one day. No, make that a few hours. And I don’t know how long they were together for. Wow, maybe I should talk to her sometime when we were in school.

Bringing me out of my thoughts was that annoying, hoe-ish nurse. She had a knowing smirk on her face. She had heard the whole conversation.

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“So, are you guys ready to order?” she asked.

“Um, could you give us like, 10 more minutes,” Edward asked, smiling. I knew he wasn’t trying but he dazzled the girl. He probably didn’t even notice. She had to put one hand on our table to steady herself. She shook her head really fast, then walked away.

“That was……weird,” Alice said, turning back to her menu.

I looked at my own menu to see what I wanted. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I looked at the food items, and everything sounded amazing. I was like a pregnant woman, wanting to eat everything she saw. I decided to try the buffalo-ranch chicken sandwich, and fries. That would be good. I hoped. When the waitress came back. We all ordered our food and drinks, then we got into some light conversation. We got back home around 3. When we came in, Edward and I were holding hands. But then we saw Esme and Carlisle in the living room and we immediately dropped them. It was so funny I almost laughed. Carlisle must have gotten off early today. I wondered when we were gonna tell them.

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“Hello kids, where have you guys been?” Carlisle asked, smiling.

“We were all hungry, so we decided to go and get something to eat,” Alice said sitting down next to Carlisle. I could tell she was a daddy’s girl. I went to sit in one of the chairs across from them, and Edward sat on the arm. We couldn’t touch, but we had to be close.

“Did you enjoy your food Bella?” Carlisle asked.

“Yeah, it was great,” I said, smiling.

“Well that’s wonderful. My girls have to stay happy. And you son?” he asked Edward.

“Um, it was………interesting,” Edward said. I knew what he was thinking about. All the waitress, and Tanya mess.

“Oh, girl trouble? You know Edward, you really should get into a really good, loving, and lasting relationship. I think it would do you some good,” Esme said.

I sighed and put my head on the back of the chair. I know Edward noticed, and wanted to soothe some part of me, but we couldn’t. Not right now at least.

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“Um, yeah. I know it would, I actually have someone in mind right now. I just have to talk to her the right way. Not come off as cocky or too confident or anything. That would definitely ruin my chances,” he said. He was so funny.

“Oh really? What is she like? Describe her,” Esme said, getting excited.

“Oh, she has really beautiful brown hair, that has red in it when she’s in the sun, these mysterious, big brown eyes that are out of this world. She blushes when she’s embarrassed and it’s the cutest thing ever. She’s really smart, and has those fast wits. She’s amazing. I love her already,” Edward said. While he was talking, he had reached over, to make It seem like he had his arm resting on the back of the chair, but he was rubbing my hair. I guess he couldn’t just talk about me like I wasn’t here, without touching me. The whole time, I was trying so hard not to smile hugely. So I just smirked. That would do until we got upstairs.

“Well son, she sounds great. I Can’t wait until you talk to her so we can meet her. You’ll be going off to college

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soon, and we want somebody with you to one day start a family with,” Carlisle said. If only he knew.

“Yeah, I know. But you guys will meet her in time. Just be patient. I promise that you guys will have seen here way more than you see Alice by the time I graduate,” he said.

“Well that’s just wonderful,” Esme said. “But I have to go to the store, and your guy’s dad has to come with me.”

“Yes ma’am,” Carlisle said. “We’ll be back later guys.” He went, kissed Alice and I on the cheek, and patted Edward on the back, then they left. As soon as they closed the door, Alice screamed.

“EDWARD.!!!! You are crazy. Oh my GOD our parents are so clueless. You just described Bella and she was sitting right here, and they didn’t even notice. And Esme was looking at Bella the whole time.! I think she thinks Bella is ill because of the way she was looking. She could have easily figured it out!”

“yeah, she could have,” I said.

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But she didn’t. so that gives us more time,” Edward said. Then he pulled me up out of the chair and into his arms.

“You do look ill though Bella. Are you ok?” he asked. I didn’t feel bad. But I was very cold. And my stomach was in knots. And my hands felt clammy. I did feel bad.

“Um, no. I think I need to lie down,” I whispered. Edward immediately picked me up, and carried me to my room. He set me down on my bed. He pulled the covers around me and made sure I was warm.

“I’m gonna go, and get you some medicine to make you feel better. I’ll be back in a few seconds. He left the room, and was back in record time, and with some water.

“Here, take this. It’s gonna make you fall asleep, even though I’m sure you won’t need the extra sleepiness. But it’s make you feel a lot better when you wake up. Sleep tight,” he said. Then he leaned over, and kissed me. I was out in seconds.

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9: Complications (EPOV)Bella went to sleep, just like wanted her to. I felt like she wasn’t getting enough rest. I also wanted her to feel better right away. I sat in the chair right next to her bed, and just stared at her. She was so beautiful. And she was mine. All mine. I loved her so much. She meant everything to me. We were going to have a wonderful life. But before we could do anything: we had to tell Esme and Carlisle. I was terrified to hear what they would think, or say. Would they take Bella away from me? No. No, I wouldn’t let them. And I was about to be 18. Bella could come live with me. She would be 17 soon also. But what was I thinking? They wouldn’t do anything like that. My parents were very understanding. And I wasn’t very rebellious so……

About half an hour after Bella had gone to sleep, she started to mumble. So she talked in her sleep. Interesting.

“Edward…….me and you. Forever,” she said, then smiled.

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This surprised me. I sat there, looking at her with a shocked expression. She was dreaming of me. It felt amazing. She loved me as much as I loved her. And it felt good to know it. I would be by her side forever. No matter what.

Bella woke up around 5. I was still in the same place that I was when she went to sleep. I hadn’t taken my eyes off her the whole time.

“Good afternoon, Sleeping Beauty,” I said.

“Hey,” she said, groggily. She laid her head back down on the pillow and looked at me.

“Are you still tired? Do you feel any better?” I asked. I hoped she at least felt somewhat better.

“I don’t know yet. I need to get up and walk around the house or something. Then I’ll know,” she said, pulling the covers off of her.

She tried to stand up, but she had a head rush, and fell right back on her bed. I quickly got up to help her steady herself.

“Whoa, you ok there?” I asked her.

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“Yeah, just a little woozy. No big deal. I’m fine,” she said, trying to blow it off. Not about to happen.

She got back up, successfully, and started for the door. I put one arm around her waist, just in case, but otherwise let her hold herself up, so she could see if she was ok. We walked down the hall, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. She seemed fine. She started rubbing her hands through her hair, and GOD was it sexy. I couldn’t help but notice the way her body curved in even more when she lifted her arm. And my hand was right there. I wonder what she would say if I just-

No. I stopped that thought before it could go any further, and I picked her up and ran to my room. We weren’t at that stage in our relationship yet. We hadn’t even really talked about it. And plus, she was just sick. Hell, she might still be! I should be concerned about her. I mean, I was, but still. Ok, let me distract myself.

“So, are you good?” I asked, moving my hand to the small of her back, to keep it from roaming.

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“Uh, yeah. My stomach is fine. And I feel normal. Do I still look pale? Or am I back to my normal color?” she asked.

“No, you’re not pale anymore. You’re beautiful. Like always,” I said, then I kissed her.

I loved kissing her. And this one was different. I felt like I hadn’t kissed her in weeks, and I just had a few hours ago. I missed her, even though she was right here, and had been since last night. I didn’t want to let her go. I deepened the kiss, and she didn’t disagree. I lifted her up to sit on the island, so she wouldn’t get too tired from standing. I got between her legs, and we were like that for GOD knows how long. Bella was my life. I couldn’t believe I had thought I had everything and that I was complete until she came into my life. I wanted to be with her forever, and make her happy. That’s all I wanted to do was make her happy. Soon, she pulled away, gasping for air. But my lips weren’t ready to leave her just yet. I moved down to kiss her neck, her shoulder, her collar bone, and back up to her neck. But I guess she had enough air, because about a minute later,

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she pulled my face back up to hers, and we continued this for another 20 minutes.

“Well look what we have here!” I heard a booming voice say. I knew who it was instantly. None other than my best friend, or, my love’s ‘personal teddy bear’. Emmett. I pulled away from Bella with one last kiss, then turned my head to look at Emmett, but kept my arms around Bella’s waist. I could see that he was smiling hugely. No doubt making a list of jokes in his mind to tell until we were old and gray.

“Emmett,” I sighed.

“Teddy Bear!” Bella screamed, and smiled hugely. She was like a 5 year old, waiting for her big brother to come home.

“Bella-bean!!! You’re not so innocent anymore are you?!” Emmett screamed. Just as he was saying this, Alice walked in with Rosalie, Emmett’s girlfriend.

“Hey Rose! I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever!” Bella screamed. Wait, Bella knew Rosalie? Well I guess it made sense. I mean, Emmet and Bella being like brother and sister and all.

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“Hey Bells! I didn’t know you were with Mr. Cool over there,” Rose said, looking in my direction.

“Yes, yes I am. Surprised right?” Bella asked.

“Hell yeah! Emmett’s told me everything. I never thought Edward would fall in love! I at least thought it would be like…….oh, I don’t know…….2 years after he went off to college!” she said.

“Well I did. Isn’t that a good thing? That way I’m not up there sleeping with everyone. And breaking every girl’s heart because I don’t want them,” I said, defensive.

”Oh no. Sweety it is a good thing. A very good thing. This keeps you grounded. And safe. If you were single, and you went up there messing around with all of those girls, you would have to sleep with a bat right beside your bed. It would be terrible,” she said. I guess she was right. But……

“What are you guys doing here anyway?” I asked.

“Oh, they came over to have a little couple’s get together. Jasper’s on his way now,” Alice said, speaking for the first time. Wow, Alice actually didn’t speak.

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“Ok…..why didn’t you tell us sooner?” Bella asked.

“Well…….I came in your room, thinking you were still asleep. I was going to ask Edward were you any better. But when I went in there, you guys were nowhere to be found. So I came down here and I saw you guys…….doing what you were just doing. And I didn’t want to interrupt. So I had an idea. And I called Rose and Emmet, and I told Jasper.”

“Ok. That’s fine. I’m just gonna go up to my room and change my clothes,” Bella said.

“Yeah, me too,” I said. Alice, Rose, and Emmett looked at me like I was crazy. I was pulling Bella off the counter and she didn’t seem to notice. I set her down and took her hand.

“What?” I asked.

“You’re gonna go up to Bella’s room and change her clothes also?” Emmett asked. Then he started cracking up laughing. Huh?......... Oh!! I get it.

“No! I was just saying that I was going to change my clothes also,” I said.

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“Sure you were,” Rose said.

“I’m serious! Bella can you believe this?” I asked her.

“Believe what?” she asked, confused. She wasn’t paying attention to anything we were saying. I was starting to think that maybe our kissing took too much out of her. Whatever Alice had planned tonight, I had a felling Bella would be asleep for the majority of it.

“Nothing. Never mind. Let’s just go upstairs,” I said. “We’ll be back down in a little while,” I called back to the others. Once we got upstairs, I took Bella into her room and set her on the bed. She wasn’t acting herself, and I wasn’t about to leave her alone for one second. She went to pick out some clothes and out them on. Then we went to my room so I could do the same. She said she was fine by herself but I wasn’t trusting that.

“Edward, I’m a big girl. I can handle it,” she said, pouting in the cutest way ever, and folding her arms across her chest.

“I know you can sweetheart, but I just can’t let you out of my sight. Not right now at least,” I said, pulling her

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close to me. She laid her head on my chest. She was so short.

“You’re still tired aren’t you?” I asked her.

“A little. But I can wait for bed. I don’t think those pills you gave me wore off completely yet,” she said. she was acting normal again. I wonder what those few minutes earlier were about.

“It’s ok. I know we won’t be doing much. If you’re sleepy, just tell me and we’ll call it a night, ok?”

“No. I don’t want to ruin your night. I’m fine. If I’m tired I’ll just go to bed,” she said. Was she crazy?!

“Bella. You are so funny. If it’s a couple’s night, and my other half isn’t there, then what will there be for me to do? If you’re tired, like I said, tell me and we’ll call t a night. You can go right to sleep. I’ll be with you the whole time. Hell, I don’t think I have a choice anymore. I won’t be able to sleep without you there. Just please let me take care of you,” I begged her.

“Ok. Fine…….. I love you. So much. You take really good care of me. I know there’ll be no problems spending the rest of my life with you,” she said.

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“I love you too. With every ounce of my being. Now let’s get down stairs before Alice calls a search crew up here,” I said, laughing.

“Kay,” sighed. She was really tired. My poor sweety. I wish I could make her feel better.

We got downstairs, and found everyone in the living room, with the lights off, and just one lamp on. Rose and Emmet took the love seat, Jasper and Alice had the two chairs, and the couch was left for Bella and I.

“Finally, you guys are down here!” Alice said. “Bella, this is Jasper. Jasper, Bella.”

“It’s nice to meet you Bella,” Jasper said, shaking her hand.

“You too,” she said. I’m sure she would have said more if it weren’t for the fact that she had about 5% of energy left. I led her over to the couch and we sat down. I made it so I was sitting on the couch, with my legs laying on it also, and Bella in between them so she could sleep.

“So Alice, what do you have planned?” Rose asked.

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“Well……I was thinking we could just talk. Or I was gonna say watch a movie. But Emmett would probably laugh through the whole thing; funny or not. You, Rose, would probably talk back to the screen. And Bella would be sleep…………..LIKE SHE IS NOW!!! And Edward would be busy worrying about her,” she said. it was true. Bella was out cold in my arms. And it felt amazing. I could stay like this forever. I didn’t even need a blanket. Bella was much more warmth than I needed. But I probably should still get a cover. Sick people tend to be cold when they’re really hot. I’ll ask for one in a few.

“So what do you guys want to talk about?” Emmett asked. I really didn’t care. The whole time I would be watching Bella. I didn’t really want to engage in any of their conversation without the love of my life. Man I was whipped.

“Man! Edward….dude!!!!!!!! YOU ARE SO WHIPPED!!!!” Emmett screamed when he noticed me looking down at Bella like there was nothing else in the world.

But I felt bad for Emmett. That landed him a smack in the head from Rose. Alice threw a magazine at him. And

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Jasper somehow had some paper, and threw paper ball at him. And me, I gave him a death glare that shut him up quick. It wasn’t what he said that bothered me. Though I knew it bothered everyone else. What bothered me was the fact that he screamed, and Bella was sleeping.

“Sorry Bella-bean,” he whispered.

After that, they got into some small talk. And soon after, some violent talk. Emmet was getting hit or bruised every 2 minutes. That dude had some problems. I still hadn’t taken my eyes off Bella, but I did let my mind wander. I found myself thinking about when I went away to college. How hard it would be for the both of us. Especially me. I could barely stand to be away from her for 5 minutes. Tomorrow at school was going to be hell. But maybe I could still live here, but go to school. I didn’t have to live in one of their dorms. The school was only half an hour away. I could drive there and back every day. That way I could see my Bella every day, and we wouldn’t have to go through the really emotional parting stage. And the highest level of trust that couples like us got through. And I really didn’t want

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to get up there, and goof up. Like if I went to a party and got drunk and ended up smashing some girl. That would be horrible. And Bella would never get over that. And I could lose her for good over something that stupid. No. I wasn’t doing that. And I wasn’t moving up there. I would talk to Carlisle and Esme about it tomorrow when I got home from school.

Soon, I started to get sleepy myself, so I just called it a night, and carried Bella up stairs. I took her to her room, and laid her on her bed with the covers around her. Then I went in my room to put my pajamas on. Then I went back to Bella’s for the night. I laid down next to her, and pulled her close to me. She was still sleep, but she grabbed my shirt like I was a teddy bear or something. Like she didn’t want me to leave. Hey, I was here to stay. That was my last thought of the day as I drifted into unconsciousness.

Bella’s alarm clock went off at 6 in the morning. I knew what that meant: School. I really didn’t want to go. But if I wanted to get this graduation thing done, I guess I would. I reached over and turned it off. I didn’t want it to disturb Bella. My mood was instantly lightened when

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I realized that this was the second night in a row that I had woken up next to Bella. I was surprised she wasn’t up already. She had been sleep for a really long time. Since early last night. And she tool that nap. I hope it was nothing too serious. My worry went down some when Bella started to stir. She rubbed her eyes first, then she pulled the cover over them. She was not a morning person.

“No, no, no, Sweety. We have to get ready for school. And besides, if you put the covers up, how will I see your pretty face?” I asked her, using the same trick she used on me. It worked.

She lowered the covers just a bit. But enough so that I could she was frowning playfully. I kissed her forehead, and sat up.

“You stayed with me,” she said. But it sounded weird. Like she was horse. Maybe it was just the morning, and what with all that happened yesterday. Let’s see…..

“Yes I did. I told you I would,” I said, smiling.

“I’m glad you did,” she said, sighing sleepily. Nope, she had lost her voice. Damn.

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“Um, Bella? Are you aware that you have lost your voice?” I asked her.

“Yeah. Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you. I meant to, so you wouldn’t worry, I lose my voice once a month. Usually around the middle of the month. I don’t really know why. But I’m used to it now. And you’ll get used to it too,” she said. Wow. She lost her voice every month?

“Is it uncomfortable? Does your throat ever hurt or anything?” I asked, concerned.

“Um, nope. The only thing is, when this happened, I can eat nothing hot, or spicy. And I can only drink water. Nothing else. It does something to my throat when I have these things. And they usually last for about a week,” she explained.

“Man. I have to go a whole week without hearing your beautiful, clear voice again?” I asked, pouting.

“It’s ok, it’ll be back before you know it,” she said, running her hands through my hair. She’s the only one I would ever allow to do that. I never let anyone touch my hair. Not my mother, not Alice, and certainly not Tanya. No one. But Bella was……Bella. She could do

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whatever she wanted as far as I was concerned. Whatever made her happy.

“Ok. Now let’s go get this school thing over with so I can be with you!” I said. She started laughing and I couldn’t understand why. She sensed this and told me.

“You’re smiling like a 2 year old who just got a sucker,” she said, still laughing.

“Well dear, that’s because I’m extremely happy. Do you know how good it makes me feel to wake up next to you? To smell your strawberry sent, or feel your hair on my face?” I asked her, all jokes aside.

“I know how good it makes me feel to hear you say that,” she said. “I also know how good it makes me feel to wake up in your arms, feeling very protected. Like you wouldn’t let any harm come to me.”

“Not if my life depended on it,” I said.

“Why do you do that Edward?” she asked. Huh?

“Do what?” I asked. I wasn’t doing anything but staring at her……

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“Why do you stare at me like you’re a blind man seeing for the first time?” she asked me. Oh, now I understood. The gang was talking about this last night.

“Because………you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. And, you are the love of my life. And I just don’t see how someone could be so amazing. You’re beautiful, smart, funny, crazy, and clever. Everything! I just don’t see how I got so lucky to have you. You’re like my angel. And one day you will be my wife. Wifey. You know, I think I’m gonna call you that….” I said. I was just rambling. But the whole time, she listened with a smile on her face.

“I love you so much, hubby,” she said. Then she started cracking up. “That sounds so weird coming out of my mouth.”

“Ok, now we really have to get up and hurry…….. Or we could just stay home again,” I said with a hopeful smile.

“Negative,” was all she said before getting up, and going into her closet. I didn’t realize what she had put on last night. She had on a tank top and some shorts. GOD she was sexy. See, that’s why I stared at her the way I did. I

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didn’t want to go away from her yet. So I followed her into the closet. I found her bent over, looking in one of her drawers. Was she trying to kill me? I groaned and she heard it.

She turned her head, but stayed bent over. “Problem?” she asked, smiling. She was trying to kill me. She was so evil.

“Uh… actually, there is no problem, none at all,” I said. and it was true, what she was doing wasn’t a problem. She could stay like that all day. But of course, my dream was cut short when she found what she was looking for, and stood up straight. Then she went over to all her racks of clothes, to look for something else. I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I kissed her neck and she giggled. I guess that tickled. Hey, I wonder what her tickle spot was. Hhmm… maybe I should experiment. I kissed her neck again and she giggled again. That wasn’t it. So I moved to her under arms. Lots of people were ticklish there. I just moved my hands some kind of weird way until she laughed. She laughed, but it wasn’t the cracking up, ‘stop-it’ spot. Last place. Somewhere on her stomach. I

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found it on m first try. I put my hand on the front of her stomach, towards the side. Then I moved it. She jerked in a weird way. Then I just stated tickling her and she went crazy. She was jumping up and down. Yelling for me to stop. She laughed so hard she had tears coming out of her eyes. It was hilarious. I was laughing too. By the time we were done, I saw Alice standing in the closet doorway, looking at us like we were crazy.

“Well, if you guys are done with your little ‘tickle fest’, we have to leave in 20 minutes. Edward, unless you want to drive your Aston Martin to school…’d better get on it. Because I’m taking your Volvo with, or without you guys,” she said. This little pixie was mistaken if she 1) thought she was driving my Volvo without me in it. And 2) making me take my beautiful Aston Martin Vanquish. Funny. I would show up to the school in her Porsche. Let’s see what she’d say about that.

“Ok, ok. Sorry Alice, I tried to start getting ready but Edward came in here tickling me,” Bella said, pointing her accusing eyes toward me.

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“Snitch,” I said, before leaving the closet. I heard them laughing, and saying that I was a baby. I went to my room to have a really quick shower, knowing that Alice had already had my clothes on my bed.

We were at school, and I was in my 3rd period class. The next period was lunch. Yes! That meant I get to see my Wifey. Haha. I usually went to go pick Bella up from her class, and we would walk to lunch together. That’s why I was surprised that when I came, she wasn’t there. I walked around the halls, to see if maybe she was talking to someone, or a teacher. I was about to give up and go in the lunch room, thinking she was in there when I was pulled into one of the corridors of our hallways. I turned to see who it was. And of course, it was none other than Tanya. She was smiling evilly. No doubt planning something.

“What do you want Tanya?” I asked her. Really wasn’t up for her games. I had to find Bella.

“Edward, can I asked you a question?” she said. she was extremely close, and I didn’t like anyone that close to

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me but Bella. I backed up, and moved over so that we were across from each other.

“Sure, I guess,” I said.

“Why are you with that boring, pale excuse for a girl? I mean, I know you have to be bored with her. You remember how much fun we used to have? All those fun nights we used to have?” she asked, snaking back up, closer to me. I didn’t know what she thought she was doing.

“Yes, Tanya. I do remember that. But, that was the past. We will never re-live those moments again. Or anything like them. I’m with Bella now. I love her. She’s everything to me,” I said with a small smile. Just thinking about her made my whole mood light up. Even with this devil.

“Oh please! Whatever Edward. I know you want us to get back together. You just don’t want to hurt your little Bella’s feelings. It’s ok. She doesn’t have to know. It’s would be our little secret,” she said. then that little slut kissed me. I used to love kissing her. But now, it just made me sick. Her lips weren’t Bella’s. and it felt all

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wrong. Like she didn’t know what she was doing or something. I pushed her off of me roughly, and had the urge to spit.

“GOD Tanya what is wrong with you?! didn’t I just say I was with Bella. You know what? You’re just jealous. Jealous because everybody’s talking about our relationship. Jealous because she has me and you don’t. Because she’s way more beautiful then you’ll ever be. I love her, know matter what you think of her. Oh, and by the way. When we were together, I might have had guys looking at me because they wanted you. But that’s nothing compared to the number I get with Bella. She looks way better than you,” I said.

And that left her struck surprised. I tried to walk away but she pulled me back and kissed me again. She didn’t give up did she?!

“Now you mean to tell me you didn’t enjoy that?” she asked.

“No. No I didn’t enjoy it. Not one bit,” I said. I turned to leave, but when I did, what I saw stopped my heart. I saw Bella standing right there with tears streaming

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down her face. She walked away before I could say anything. Tanya started laughing,

“Dammit you little whore!” I screamed. That shut her up. Then I ran after Bella. It took me a little while, but I finally found her. Good thing we had an hour lunch, because we would need time to talk. She was sitting at the end of the hall, in front of a locker, by a door. She was crying. I could hear it. She had her knees up to her chest, and her head down. She was rocking back and forth. My angel. She was hurting so much. I hated Tanya.

“Bella. Bella sweetheart, please talk to me,” I begged. I sat down next to her, and put my arm over her shoulders.

She didn’t say anything. She just continued to cry. This was making me miserable. I couldn’t stand it. all I wanted was for Bella to be happy. And she wasn’t. I could hardly breath.

“Bella. I’m sorry. I told her to get off of me. I said that I was with you, and that I would be forever. She wouldn’t listen,” I tried to explain. Bella still didn’t say anything.

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But she laid her legs straight, and looked up at me. She had red puffy eyes. She looked so sad.

‘Oh Bella,” I said. She laid her head on my chest, and cried even harder. I rubbed her hair out of her face, and tried to fan her. She was getting really hot, and I didn’t want her to hyperventilate. Well at least she wasn’t mad at me. Or was she? I couldn’t tell. But I knew she wasn’t going to be able to get through the rest of the day. I picked her up, and took her to the car. I texted Alice and told he we were leaving. She would catch a ride with Jasper. When we got home, I took Bella straight up stairs to my room, and laid her down. I laid next to her, and just let her cry. She wasn’t up for talking, so I just let her do it. a while later, when I was sure she didn’t have any more water left in her body, she cried herself to sleep. I was happy about that. She needed to sleep. That crying took a lot out of her. She needed to rest. Maybe when she woke up, she would talk to me. My shirt was soaked. But I didn’t care. My sweety was in pain. And I caused it. I would do everything I could to make it better for her. And I would

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also have Alice put her in her place. She probably already was.

Bella woke up about an hour after we went to sleep. Her eyes will still red and puffy. The only better thing was that she looked well rested. She looked up at me and sighed. Then she looked back down. She looked around and noticed we were in my room. She laid back down on the pillow, and scooted closer to me.

“I’m sorry about that,” she whispered.

“No Bella. Don’t apologize. I’m the one who should be apologizing. I’m so sorry for all of that. I-“ she cut me off.

“No Edward. It’s ok. I heard the whole thing. I heard everything you said. Everything she said. It wasn’t like I walked up right when she kissed you and got mad. I was crying because, you really do love me. Even with Tanya. You said I was your everything. I cried because I hadn’t felt loved like this since way before by parents died. You’re the first person to really love me since my parents, and that was when I was a child. When my father died, all love I’d ever felt was gone. My mother

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couldn’t think of her love for me because my father was gone. He was her every thought. She couldn’t do anything without him. So that’s why I cried. And I also cried because you know me so well. You just let me cry, and took me home, and let me stain your shirt with tears. You let me cry myself to sleep. I just love you so much Edward. I love you for loving me,” she said. I believed her with all of my heart. But she just looked so miserable. I’d never seen anyone so sad before.

“Of course Bella. I love you with every bone in my body. I will never stop loving you. And I can understand how your mother felt. Just think if you were gone from me forever? I wouldn’t be able to breathe. Or do anything else for that matter. Why wouldn’t anyone love you? You’re amazing. Anyone who can’t see that is blind,” I said. “Bella look at me.” She looked up with tears coming down her face again. But not as hard.

“Sshh, don’t cry,” I said, wiping her tears. “Bella, I promise to be here for you no matter what. You are my everything, and I couldn’t imagine being with anyone else. You’re beautiful. On the inside and out. Don’t let what anyone thinks, or says ever break your faith in me,

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or in yourself. I know what you’ve been through. Way more than a girl your age should have been through. And I know that your heart is fragile. It’s ok Bella. I’ve got you. I love you. Do you hear me?” I asked her.

“Yes,” she said. Then she gave me the tightest hug in the world. Like she never wanted to let go. And I’m sure she didn’t. Everyone in her life always left her. Not me, not this time. We were in this for life. I hugged her back, and put my face in her hair. She smelled so good. I pulled back to look at her. She was crying again.

“Thank you. So much,” she said, crying.

“Any time, love,” I said. Then I just stared at her. She laid over, and put her head in my lap. I rubbed her hair and we stayed like that until the next morning. We both fell asleep, without anything to eat at all. We were starving when we woke up.

“Good morning, beautiful,” I said, kissing her forehead.

“Hey sweety,” she said smiling. I was so in love with her. She just didn’t know. Words couldn’t explain.

“I love you,” I said. I just had to tell her. I couldn’t hold it in.

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“I love you too. Now feed me before I die,” she said.

“Whatever you want, Wifey,” I said, picking her up and heading downstairs.

We go into the kitchen, and I went over to the fridge, I opened it up, and looked to see what we had.

“So, what do you want to eat?” I asked her.

“Uh, don’t you want to put me down. Aren’t I getting heavy?” she asked.

“Please! You’re as light as a feather. Why do you think I carry you all the time?” I asked.

“Whatever Edward,” she said, smacking me in the back of my head.

“Hey, keep your hands to yourself or we’re gonna have a fight,” I said, smiling up at her.

“Is that a threat Mr. Cullen?” she asked.

“If you say so, Wifey,” I said.

“You’re just mad cause I’ll win,” she said, jumping out of my arms.

“And where do you think you’re going?” I said.

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“You’ll see,” she said. Then she rushed behind me so quick, I almost missed it. She was so tiny. But before I could turn around, she wacked me on the head with something. It didn’t hurt, but she wanted to fight. Ok. Let’s fight. She ran into the living room, and I was right on her heels. Good thing today was Saturday. We would be late for school. She jumped up on the couch, laughing hysterically. I got in a crouch, and growled playfully. I was prepared to pounce.

“You wouldn’t,” she said.

“Wanna bet?” I asked her.

“Nooo!!!!” she screamed as I jumped on her, sending us both flying down on the couch.

“Ah! Get off me!” she screamed, while kicking. She was still laughing so it made it that much more funnier. I had her pinned down, with her arms up, and over her head. I didn’t notice I was staring at her until she stopped laughing. She looked so good right now. I bent down and kissed her. Her lips were really soft. I loved how they felt against mine. Nothing like Tanya’s. Ew, no. when Bella and I were play fighting, I had pinned her

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down but my knees were on either side of her. But then she moved her legs. She opened them and now I was between them. She scooted down so that she was laying flat on the couch. This was really messing with my male hormones, and my body was reacting. Bella noticed, and pulled me closer to her. Did she want to do this? And if she did, this was not the place. We would have to go up to her room or mine.

“Bella, do you want to do this?” I asked her. I had to be sure.

“Yes. Please Edward?” she begged. I wasn’t saying no to that. I picked her up and carried her to my room. I closed the door behind us. (And locked it)

I set Bella on the bed and took off my shirt, then I got back on top of her and we finished what we started.

10: Wow (BPOV)Wow. I couldn’t believe we had just done that. I had no energy left. Even though it was my first time, it didn’t really hurt. It was more of a discomfort. And for like, 3 minutes. The rest was amazing! And I was glad it was with Edward. We were just lying here. I was about to go

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to sleep, and I was sure Edward already was. I loved him so much. He was so patient, and gentle. It wasn’t rushed. And I loved it.

I woke up around 1 in the afternoon. When I opened my eyes, I saw that Edward was fully dressed, and had a new pair of my pajama’s resting on his chair.

“Hey…..” he said.

“Hey. How are you?” I asked him.

“Excellent. How do you feel? Are you really tired? Worn out? Cause ya know, I’ve been known to have that affect,” he said. Right.

“Actually, I’m perfectly fine. And no, I’m not worn out,” I said, trying to sit up. but my body wouldn’t let me do even that.

“You might say that, but your body is thinking otherwise. Here, let me help you,” he said, coming over to me and letting me rest on his chest.

“Do you want to go and shower, then we can watch a movie or something. Or……you know what? We never

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did have our breakfast. I’m not surprised you have no energy. We haven’t eaten in over 24 hours,” he said.

“How about I shower, then we can eat, then watch our movie?” I said.

“That sounds fine to me. Here, let me get your clothes.”

“Edward……….why do you have my pajamas?” I asked.

“While you were sleeping, I went to go get them. Just in case you woke up, and wanted to have something on. Which I’m sure you would. But if you’re gonna put these on when you get out of the shower, then you can just wear my shirt for now,” he said, getting one of his over sized t-shirts out of a drawer. I put it on, then struggled to get out of his bed. After a while, he just got my clothes, picked me up, and carried me to my room.


“Yes, love?” he said.

“Um, was……was I like…….you know, loud?” I asked, shyly.

He laughed. Really hard. “Bella, you weren’t screaming if that’s what you meant. The neighbors don’t know my

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name. But I could tell you enjoyed it. I did too. No, but if you did scream, we would have had some major explaining to do,” he said, laughing.

He set me down rite by my bed.

“Ok, Love. I’ll let you have your shower, and your time to yourself. I’m sure you need it. I’ll come and check on you in about a half hour. Or you can just come and find me. I’ll most likely be in my room, ok?” he asked.

“Ok,” I said. He kissed me, and then left. He was right; I did need time to myself. I need to think. To make sense of things. We hadn’t spent a minute apart since the whole Tanya thing. I went into my bathroom, and ran some water. I wanted to take a bath. My body needed to soak. Especially since I feel like I just used every muscle in my body. I put some sweet smelling, bubble bath in the water. Then I took of Edwrd’s shirt and set it down. It smelled just like him. It made me smile, just a little while ago; he was everywhere, all around and in me. He was the most important person in my life. And he loved me so whole heartily, and fully. For me. And that’s why I cried so hard the other day.

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I sat down in the tub and sighed contently. It felt so good. The warm water soothed my muscles instantly. I felt like I could fall asleep in here. I could. But that would be dangerous. I let my hair get wet, but decided to wash it in the morning. But GOD I was starving. I was sure that after I got out of this bath, and had something to eat; I would be asleep for days. I was so happy we didn’t have to get up tomorrow.

While I let my mind wander, Alice popped into it. Where was she? I felt like I hadn’t seen her in a week. I’d ask Edward later. I washed my body, and then got out. I let the water out, and dried my hair. I had to ring it our really good until it wasn’t dripping anymore. L put it up into a sloppy bun, and wrapped the towel around my body. I walked out, turning the light off behind me and went into my closet. Edward had put the pajamas he had gotten for me on the top of one of my dressers. I went and got some underwear and put them on. Then my pajamas. Once I was fully dressed, I went to go find Edward. I looked in his room, but he wasn’t there. So I went downstairs to see him cooking in the kitchen. Well, cleaning up the kitchen. He had just cooked us

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breakfast. Eggs, pancakes, sausage, and bacon. It looked and smelled delicious. I rally was hungry.

“Hey,” I said. He looked up at me.

“Hello, love. Are you ready to eat?” he asked.

“Of course! I have 4 meals to make up for,” I said.

“OK, then let’s eat,” he said, smiling.

The food was awesome. I ate everything on my plate, and Edward’s. We really were starving. I don’t think that’s healthy. We were sitting in the movie room, watching this romantic comedy. It was a huge flat screen, and movie chairs, and couches in there. We were on one of the couches, with a blanket over us. The movie was really funny. I laughed almost every 3 minutes. I looked over at Edward to find him staring at me.

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing,” he said simply. But he didn’t look away.

“Are you even watching the movie?” I asked.

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“Not really. I found something else to watch,” he said, smiling.

“Sure you did. Oh! Edward, where’s Alice? I haven’t seen her in forever,” I said.

“Alice is hanging out with Jasper for the day. His parents had some business thing to go to for the weekend, so she’ll most likely be back over there tomorrow,” he explained.

“Oh, ok,” I said. “But where’s Esme and Carlisle? I haven’t seen them either.”

“Esme’s in her studio now, looking at the blueprints for this new house to design. And Carlisle is at work, as usual. But they wanted to take us all out to dinner tomorrow night. Spend a little family time together,” he said.

“That sounds nice,” I said. And it did. I would get to spend time with my parents, and my sister. I already spent all my time with Edward. Tomorrow should be fun.

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About 3 months had passed since Edward and I had watched our movie. It was now May, and in just a week, we would be Going to Edward’s graduation. Well, our graduation. I had been doing too well in all of my classes, which were senior classes. So they decided to let me graduate early. I was so happy. This way I wouldn’t have to be away from Edward! I had applied to the same college he had a soon as I found out. I’m glad they let me know early. I got accepted, and that added to the happiness. The only thing was Alice. She was doing good in her classes, but she still had Junior classes. She couldn’t graduate with us. She was so sad I wished I could cheer her up some kind of way. But there had been lots of surprises also.

One morning, I woke up, and I had this really strong craving for some pizza. I told Edward and he laughed.

“What’s so funny?!” I asked, putting my hands on my hips.

“Who wants pizza in the morning? Sweetheart, that’s not normal,” he said. I knew it wasn’t. but still. I wanted some pizza. So I went downstairs, got the phone book, and ordered myself some. It came in about half an hour,

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and I was In the kitchen eating it, and talking with Alice when it happened. The pizza was fine. But my stomach was not. I ran into the downstairs bathroom, and hovered over the toilet. All the pizza came back up, with whatever I had last night. Ew. My mouth tasted horrible. I had to drink some water, and whatever else I could find. I hated throwing up. that’s why I always made a conscience effort not to get sick. About 10 minutes after that, I was fine. I felt completely normal. But then I was extremely tired. I went to sleep, and it was about 11. When I woke up, it was 3:30.! How did I sleep so long, and I had just had a good night’s rest? Then, the unthinkable happened. My period was late. What the hell? I was never late. NEVER. Damn! No. no, I couldn’t be. I hoped I wasn’t. this couldn’t be happening. I had convinced myself to just thinking I was sick. I did it for Edward’s sake too. Every time I threw up, or was asleep, he was having panic attacks. But I knew it had to be true when I went downstairs one day, and I saw Esme.

“Morning Mom,” I said.

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“Good morning Sweety. Oh, Bella, you are just glowing! You look lovely in the mornings. I wish I could say the same,” she said, laughing. Who was she kidding? She was beautiful. But I don’t think she had noticed she had just confirmed her daughter was pregnant. I couldn’t take this. I went upstairs, changed my clothes, grabbed Edward, and we headed to nearest drug store. I bought about 8 different tests. I had to be sure.

We got some, and took them all. We waited for 15 minutes, and they all said positive. I started crying. I was shaking, and going crazy. This was so wrong. We would have to tell Esme and Carlisle about our relationship, then let them know we were having a baby. Oh god. I was going to be a mommy. I mean, yeah, I was great with kids. But, a full time mother? While dealing with my first year of college? Wow. I wasn’t having an abortion. That’s for sure. But I wasn’t giving this baby up for adoption either. I know how miserable it is there. This is my baby. I would take care of it, and love it. Oh GOD. This confirmed our dreams also. Edward and I had had more of those weird dreams

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about the baby boy with brown hair and green eyes. I just knew I was having a boy.

So now here I was, 3 months pregnant, and a week away from my graduation. With my father being a doctor and all, I didn’t have to go for appointments at the doctor’s office. We had finally told Esme and Carlisle about our relationship, and the baby, and Carlisle wanted to check me our right away. Just to make sure I really was pregnant, and that I was also healthy. They were really shocked about my being pregnant. But not so much about the relationship itself.

“I see the way you look at her Edward.” Esme had said when we told them. “It’s like she’s something that you’ve been waiting for, and you’ve finally got it.”

“Yes. That’s exactly how it feels,” he said, looking at me. I blushed.

“Yeah,” Carlisle said. “At first, I thought it was just because you were glad to have another sister. And someone to keep Alice off your back.” He said with a smile. “But then I could see how whenever we were around, and something happened, you went into full

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protection mode. Or that time Esme and I suggested you needed a girl in your life. I knew you were talking about Bella. She was sitting right there for GOD’s sake! I also saw how low-key you reached over, and rubbed her hair. I’m not blind Edward,” he said. my face was like a tomato now. I couldn’t believe he knew that far back, and didn’t say anything.

I was in my room when a knock at the door sent me out of my thoughts.

“Come in,” I called. The door opened, and I looked to see Alice standing there.

“Hey Alice. What’s up?” I asked her, smiling.

“Nothing. I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to come shopping with me. You’re gonna start getting bigger soon, and we want to get all the cute stuff while it’s new, fresh, and on sale! Summer is the baby season, and all the good clothes will be gone my the middle og June,” she said.

“OK. That sounds good. Because lord knows I won’t be able to fit anything in that closet for a year,” I said sadly. The only thing that I hated about this pregnancy,

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now that the morning sickness had passed, was that it made me way more emotional than I used to be.

“Great! Oh, and we can shop for stuff for the baby too. Since we don’t know if it’s a girl or boy yet, we can get a stroller, and some multi-sex colored new born suits. I’m gonna be and Auntie! Auntie Alice… does that sound?” she asked. She was so excited.

“Try Mommy. GOD. I’m gonna be Mommy from now on,” I said, lying back on my pillow.

“It’ll be alright Bella. You’ll be a wonderful Mommy! And you’ll also have Edward to help you. I know he will be a great father. Not to mention me, Mom, and Dad. And I know Esme is psyched about being a Grandma! It’s ok Bella. No, we’ll leave in about half an hour. So get ready. And don’t look in the mirror. You’ll get depressed. Just look yourself down. Or come and ask me,” she said getting up to leave. But then she turned around, and gave me a big hug.

“Thank you so much Alice,” I said.

“Anytime,” she said. Then she left. It was a good thing I was going off to college early. I couldn’t take the high

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school drama of being the pregnant. I knew what the only thing that could lift my spirits was. I left my room and went to Edward’s.

His door was open, and he was lying on his stomach, watching TV.

“Hey babe,” I said, sitting next to him.

“Hello sweetheart. And hello to you Jr.,” he said, touching my stomach. We both knew that it was a boy, but no one else knew. Not even Carlisle.

We had decided to name him after Edward. Well, really me. Edward was going to let me name the baby because he said since I would have to go through so much during this pregnancy, it was only right. Whatever. And plus, I had already liked the name Edward. He had such a manly name. Edward Anthony Masen Cullen. It was pretty! Haha.

“So, I’m going out with Alice to go shopping for myself, and the baby in a little while. I’m going to get fat, so we have to by new clothes,” I said, pouting.

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Edward laughed. “Love, you’re not going to get fat. You’re just gonna be……puffy.” He was trying not to laugh too hard in my face, but he couldn’t help it.

“Edward, this isn’t funny!” I said, getting irritated. He sat up, and pulled me over so that I was in his lap. He put his arms around my torso, so that his hands rested on my stomach.

“No sweety, it’s not. But you’re getting all worked up over nothing. Of course you’re going to get bigger. That’s what pregnant women do. That’s a good thing. That means out baby is growing healthy, and almost strong enough to live without having to be inside of you. wouldn’t you rather get bigger, knowing the baby was alright, rather than staying small, but the baby being unhealthy?” he asked. Well when he put it like that…..

“I guess you’re right. It’s just this pregnancy is making me too emotional. Alice even noticed. She told me when I got dressed, not to look in the mirror because I would get depressed. Am I getting bigger already?” I asked, looking over myself.

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“No, you aren’t. but I’ve heard that pregnant women tend to notice themselves gaining weight long before anyone else does. So to you, it might look like you’ve gained a few pounds. But to everyone else, you look the same,” he said.

“Well then I won’t look into the mirror when I get dresses today. But I’m gonna have to look into it sometime. I might as well get it over with. I’ll do it tonight. Then I’ll cry.” I didn’t want to cry. But I knew it was going to happen.

“Ok, let’s get you happy. What are you guys going to buy?” he asked.

“Um, Alice said something about a stroller. She super excited about being an Auntie. And, mostly just a few little things for the baby. We’re having the baby shower when I’m 7 months so no need to buy too many things now. And then just maternity things for me. A few shirts, maybe a few dresses. I don’t know. I just know I’ll be sad when I’m buying them,” I said, looking down.

“Do you want me to come with you?” he asked.

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“Yes, I do. But I haven’t really spent that much time with Alice. And I know this would mean a lot to her. You stay here. I’ll be fine. Maybe you could go hang out with Emmett or something. You can talk him into not being so goofy when the baby comes. Oh, and the baby is never going over there. Not until he’s 18,” I said, smiling.

“I knew you would be an over protective mother. Since the first time I had the dream,” he said.

“Speaking of that, when this baby comes, let me try to go to sleep, and you ask him not to be gay, I’m going to hit you even harder, knowing that it was coming,” I said.

“Ok ok. I promise,” he said, kissing my neck.

“Ok. Now I have to go get ready. I’ll see you later. I love you,” I said.

“Love you too,” he said. I kissed him goodbye, then crawled off the bed, and got ready for this dreadful shopping trip.

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“Oh please Bella?!” Alice begged. “Just try on this last one, and I won’t make you try on anymore. I promise.”

“Fine,” I said. We had been shopping for 3 hours now. She had made me try on everything she picked out, and that I picked out. I didn’t see why, seeing as I still had a flat stomach. I guess we would know for sure in about a month, when I was beginning to show.

Now, she was making me try on this tunic top, that’s sort of like a dress, for the summer. It was pretty, but I just wanted to go home. And I was really hungry. I went into the dressing room, but the top-dress on, and came back out as quickly as possible.

“Oh it’s so cute! Ok. We’ll buy it, and then we can leave,” she said. we had a cart full of things, not to mention the car. We had been to 20 different stores and I was worn out. We had even went to an all baby store. We were supposed to just get a stroller for now, but Alice got carried away, and went crazy. She bought bibs, bottles, pacifiers, diapers. Diapers! Who was she buying them for? At 3 months?! But I wasn’t complaining. The more she did, the less I had to do. And I knew I was going to be tired 24/7 once my son came.

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We were finally able to head home after we bought everything. We stopped to get something to eat, and then we went home. When we got there, Edward was sitting on the porch.

“Hey guys. How’d it go?” he asked. He got my answer from my face. I looked drained.

“Awesome!” Alice said, grabbing bags from the car. Edward immediately went to go help her, seeing as I couldn’t at the moment. Esme saw that we were home, and came to help too. Soon they had everything out of the car, and Edward came and picked me up, and carried me into the house. The whole living room was filled with bags. Edward laid me down on the couch, and he sat at the other end of it, with my feet in his lap. Alice went through all the bags, sorting them into piles of what was mine, and what was the baby’s. Esme was turning the spare room in the house into the nursery. All of this stuff could go in there for now. but we could be buying 3 cribs. Why, I don’t know. I knew it wasn’t necessary, but still. Alice insisted that we buy one for my room, one for Edward’s, and one for the nursery. The one for my room was fine with me. I wouldn’t feel

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comfortable having my baby in another room when I first brought him home. But I was going to let Alice do what she wanted. I didn’t care. As long as my baby had all that he needed, and was happy, I was fine.

I was now about 6 months, and boy was I showing. We had graduated, and I didn’t think anyone noticed that I was pregnant. Only two in particular. The first was Angela. We had been friends since forever, so she would notice any change in my behavior, or body. She didn’t even beat around the bush.

She had came right up to me. “Bells are you pregnant?” she asked with all seriousness.

“Yes,” I said to her. I mean, why not be honest? She was one of my best friends.

“Oh my GOD!” she said.

“My baby shower’s in September. You have to come,” I invited her.

“Will it be at the house?” she asked.

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“Yes. I really didn’t want it to be too big of a thing where we have to rent some place out you know.” I said to her.

She was surprised, but otherwise happy for me. She was just worried about my well being.

Now for the other one who noticed. Whom other would it be than Miss Slut herself? Tanya.

“So Bella, you’ve been acting different lately. Any problems?” she asked, with fake care in her voice.

“Actually, I have no problems. My life is just perfect. I’m graduating a year early. I’m engaged to the most wonderful man in the world,” I said, holding my hand out for her to see the new ring. Yeah, Edward had proposed. “And, I’m having a little baby boy. I know you knew. That’s why you’re over here. I’m not dumb. Mad because I have your life?” I asked her, smiling. I was standing with my hands over my stomach. Edward came up behind me and put his there too. She looked down at them, and tears welled up in her eyes.

“This is so unfair! I hate you. I should be the one marrying Edward, and having his baby!” she screamed.

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Good thing it was noisy, or the whole school would have known everything.

“Obviously not,” I said with a smirk. Then I walked away, Edward clinging to me.

Yup. Graduation day was funny. Emmett did a little dance when he was handed his diploma. Then we all went out to eat. It was a rally fun time. Now I was getting closer and closer to my due date, and I was getting nervous. Esme had finally gotten he nursery done. It was painted a soft green, with a white crib, a little chest for his diapers, clothes, and bottles. Carlisle had confirmed what we already knew. We were having a boy. The nursery also had soft white carpeting. It was beautiful. When Esme showed me, I cried. I was so happy, and grateful that she did this for us. I was still 6 months, but in 3 weeks, I would be 7, and that’s when new were having the baby shower.

I was in my room with Alice and Rose, discussing the shower. We were trying to figure out what we could do there. There were about 20 or so ladies coming. Some from school, some that I just know, and some that Alice and Rose knew. We were fine on food. Emmett had

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decided to take care of that. As long as it was appropriate, and not spicy. I couldn’t take that right now.

We decided to play guess the baby’s name, and a few other games they came up with. Emmett came to pick Rose up around 5 so they could go out. They were so cute. And Alice still wanted to go shopping. Thankfully, not for the baby this time. Edward came into my room once they left, and lay down next to me. We didn’t talk about anything in particular, we just laid there happily. We were both really tired from all that was going on. He laid his head on my bloated stomach and sighed.

“A few more months,” he said, rubbing it. Then we fell asleep.

When I woke up, I saw that Edward and I were now facing each other, and he had his hand over my stomach.

He was still asleep. I knew he had been worrying about the baby. He was wondering whether or not he would be a good father. I knew he would be. If he was this devoted to me, I could just imagine how wonderful he

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would be to his son. If we were having a girl though, he would be even better. I knew he would spoil her, give her anything she wanted, and be very over protective. Perhaps in the future, when we had another baby, we would have a girl. I really hoped we would. Edward looked so peaceful right now. I loved him so much. He was everything I could have asked for, and more. When I first came here, I never thought any of this would happen. I never thought I would fall in love with this amazing person, get engaged, and have a baby with this amazing person. I never wanted to be away from him. Never. I leaned over, and kissed his forehead.

“I love you,” I whispered. My sweety pie. Then I started to get up. but when I was about to stand, I felt my hand being pulled back down. This sneaky little-

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked.

“I really don’t know,” I said, truthfully.

“How about you stay with me?” he asked, eyes still closed.

“Forever,” I said, and then laid back down.

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“Can I take you somewhere? It’s a really beautiful place. I think you would really like it,” he said.

“Ok. Is it far?” I asked.

“Oh, no. It’s right behind the house. We can walk. It’ll only take about 5 minutes.”

“Ok, let’s go then.” I said with amusement.

“Let’s,” he agreed. We got up, put some shoes on, and we left. We went out the back door, and across the big lawn. Then we were on a trail that led deep into the forest. Edward took my hand and smiled.

“Soon, we’re going to be parents,” he commented.

“Yeah, I know. It’s scary. Are you ready?” I asked.

“I think I am,” he said, thoughtfully. “I hope I’ll be a good father. I really don’t want to mess up.”

“I hope you don’t either. But everyone makes mistakes. We’re first time parents. And we’re young, there’s going to be lots of mistakes. And we’re going to need a lot of help. But we’ll get better by the day. It’ll be ok,” I smiled. He smiled back.

But then he pulled me to a sudden stop.

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“Bella, this is a place I found one day when I was out walking around when we first moved here. I like to come here when I need to think, or just to relax. And I think we both will need a lot more of that now. I this place is also special to me. And I wanted to share something special to me with someone VERY special to me,” he said.

Then he moved the thin layer of leaves and branches out of the way, and I saw one of the most beautiful places I had ever seen. It was a nice sized meadow, surrounded by green trees. It had no canopy over it, so the sun just showed in beautiful rays, which made all the flowers sparkle. Yes, there was a ton of different kinds of flowers. The grass was a brilliant green, but very colorful because of all the flowers. And it was quiet. I loved it.

“Do you like it?” Edward asked. My throat was thick. I couldn’t answer him, so I just nodded my head. I felt like I was about to cry. Stupid hormones and pregnancy.

Not you baby

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I thought, looking down at my big belly, and rubbing it. Edward pulled me deeper into the meadow and we sat down under one of the trees. It was so bright here.

“So, I wanted to ask you something,” he said.

“What about?” I said, looking at him.

“Well, you know we’ll be going off to college in a few months. I was wondering if you wanted to stay in a dorm up there, live here, or, we would get an apartment up there, near campus,” he said. Huh. I hadn’t really thought about our living situations. I didn’t want a dorm. That’s for sure. You never knew who those people would room you with. It could be someone crazy. If I wasn’t having a baby, then I wouldn’t really care. But I was, and I didn’t want the chance of having some wild roommate, who came home at all crazy hours of the night, waking up my baby. And some of them brought home drunk men. Oh no.

“Can we get an apartment? Because as much as I would love to stay here, that means we would have to get up

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earlier to leave out, and Lord knows we’re going to need our sleep. And that would be a lot wasted on gas.”

“Ok. That sounds about right.” He said.

“So I guess we should look online for something up there. We also would have to go up there, to check it out. I would hate for us to show up there, and the place be a complete mess,” I said.

“We can also ask Esme. She knows a lot about ads and things like that. And she knows what to look for. She could probably go up there with us one time, just in case,” he said.

“Ok,” I said, smiling.

“Bella, I think we should go, and get something made, or just for the baby. I feel like everyone else has gotten everything. And we have the baby shower coming up. I want him to have something from us,” he said.

“I feel the same way. Hey! How about we go to a jeweler, and pick out one of those newborn wristlets. We could get it engraved with something like, ‘To Jr. From your parents, with love’ or something,” I said.

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“I love that idea. We can go tomorrow,” he said.

“Ok,” I said, resting my head on his chest. We had been out here for at least an hour now. I knew at least one person in that house was wondering where we were. I knew what Alice would be thinking. But no, we hadn’t done that since I found out I was pregnant. After the first time, we had done it a few more times. But once I knew I was having a bay, I wouldn’t touch Edward for about a week. It really was quite funny. He had almost convinced me once. But I wasn’t having it. I was too terrified that 1) I would get double-pregnant. Even though I knew there was no way that could happen. And 2) I thought it would somehow hurt the baby. My mind was really conjuring up some crazy things that first week. I was seeing things. Having rally weird dreams about pancakes. It was insane. And the ‘not- touching-Edward’ thing was really something. In school, I would sit next to Alice instead of Edward. I steered clear of him in the hallways. People had thought we had broken up. and of course, word got to Tanya, and she tried yet again to get him. But we hadn’t. At first, Edward thought it was because I was mad at him for

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getting me pregnant. I wasn’t. It takes two; it was just as much as my fault as it was his. I had to explain to explain to him one night that I loved him just as much, and I wasn’t mad. I still talked to him. I just wouldn’t let him touch me for that week.

We were sitting in my room, and I was trying to explain to him. I was as far away from him as possible on my bed, and of course, I made him sit in the chair. He tried to sit in the one next to my bed. But oh no. I made his sit in the one across the room.

“Edward, I love you so much. It hasn’t changed. I’m just scared that any little thing will make this worse,” I said.

“Ok Bella. But tell me this. When I touched you before, when we kissed, hugged, slept, held hands; did any of that get you pregnant?” he asked.

“No, but still. I wasn’t pregnant then. I am now!” I said, getting mad. I wasn’t mad at him or anything for that matter. I just was. That first week, all my hormones were all over the place, so I cried almost every 3 minutes over something un-important. And with me not touching Edward, it was hell for him. I wasn’t letting

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him comfort me, since he couldn’t touch me. It took a very long, 2-hour talk with Carlisle to convince me that I wouldn’t get re-pregnant, harmed, or the baby harmed, if Edward touched me. Edward was extremely grateful. Then he swept me up in his arms and kissed me. It felt really good. I hadn’t kissed him in a week for GOD’s sake!

Bringing me back to the present was the sound of the wind blowing. I looked up at Edward to see him staring down at me.

“Sorry,” I said, blushing.

“No it’s ok. You were deep in thought. I didn’t want to interrupt,” he said.

I laughed. I was being so stupid that first week. “Edward, don’t you remember when we first found out we were having a bay, and I wouldn’t touch you?”

He grimaced at the memory. “I try not to,” he said. “I don’t see what’s so funny either.”

“I’m just laughing because……now that I look back on it, I was being ridiculous. I was so serious about you not touching me, and now it’s like, I was really going crazy. I

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really don’t know what that was about. I’m sorry for that,” I said, getting serious.

“It’s ok. But yeah, you really were going crazy that week. We would be asleep, and you would wake up muttering something about pancakes,” he said. Yes, I had the pancake dream every night that week. ‘Then you would jump and gasp at something mid-air. And it would be nothing there. We were all worried. We were going to take you to the hospital at first. But then that week was over, and you were back to normal,” he said, smiling.

“I don’t see how you guys kept from laughing,” I said.

“Well, Alice laughed all the time. Esme was worried, and Carlisle thought it was funny, but he was really trying to make sure you were ok. And me, I was depressed the whole week because you wouldn’t let me touch you,” he said, running his nose over my collarbone.

“I could only imagine how I looked,” I said.

“Uh…..” he started.

“Uh?” I asked.

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“Well, when Rose and Emmett would be around, you would act the same way. Emmett being his goofy self thought it was hilarious. He went out, and bought a video camera. He got at least 10 good tapes of you acting crazy. We were gonna show it at the baby shower, then at one of Jr.’s older birthday parties,’ he said.

“Oh Lord.” I said, putting my face in my hands. “Shouldn’t we get back?” I asked.

“Yeah, we should. Come on. We can come back here when every you want,” he said.

“Ok,” I said. Then we left our beautiful meadow behind, for now.

“Um, how about an L?” Angela asked.

We were now at my baby shower, and we were playing Guess the Baby’s Name. Thankfully, no one had guessed an E yet. That would definitely give it away.

“Ok, maybe an S then,” a lady named Alyssa said.

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“Nope,” both Edward and I said at the same time. We looked at each other then laughed. And then he kissed me.

“Awww!” said everyone who saw.

“Ok! I got it! How about an E?” Angela screamed. She really wanted to be the first one to get the baby’s name.

“Yes. Ok, that’s a start. Anybody up for the second letter?” Edward asked.

“Yeah!” Jessica screamed. “And the next 5! The baby’s name is going to be Edward Jr.!” she said, jumping up our of her seat. It was really funny.

After all the games we played, we received our gifts. We got pampers, bottles, bibs, baby clothes, cute kittle bootees, pacifiers, another stroller, and everything else a baby would need. The embarrassing part was Rose’s gift.

It was the last box to open, and I could only guess why. It was either from Alice or Rose. But of course, from Rosalie. It was long and rectangular, like a clothes box. I guess it was more baby clothes. Thanks Rose. But when

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I opened it up, it was far from anything for a baby, and pretty far off from clothes.

I took the top off, and in the box sat something really thin, and lacy. It was so thin that I could see the tissues paper in the bottom of the box through it. s, it was also see through. I held it up so I could get a better look at it, not remembering that there were people in front of me, waiting to see what I was looking so wide eyed at. It was a black lace thong, and corset. I gasped when I looked at it. I looked over to Edward who had a huge grin on his face. He was such a man.

“Dude! You’re gonna get to take that off!” Emmett screamed. “Hey Rose, did you get one for yourself?”

Rose came over and smacked him in the back of the head with one of the boxes.

“Ow!” he screamed.

“Sorry about that Bella. But, I’ve seen the ring. I know you guys were trying to hide that you wee engaged, but I just wanted to buy you something to start off with. This way you’ll have one left over when Edward’s

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hungry self rips up all the rest of them,” she said with a smile.

“You guys are engaged? WHAT THE HELL?!!!” came a tiny, but infuriated voice from behind me. I knew exactly who it was: Alice. She left her place from Jasper’s side to come over to us. Yes, Jasper had been able to come. I was so happy.

“We were gonna tell all of you guys today anyway,” I said, blushing.

“Yeah, we really were,” Edward said, putting his hands on my stomach.

“Sure you guys were,” Alice said.

“We’re sorry. But at least now you know. Do you forgive us?” I asked.

“Only if you guys agree to let me plan your wedding,” she said.

“Fine….” I said, already dreading what she had in mind.

“Ok! I love you Bells! You too Edward!” she said, jumping up and down, and then skipping over to us to give us a hug.

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About an hour later, the party quieted down, and people started to leave. Soon, it was only Edward, Alice, Rose, Emmett and I left. Rose and Emmett were spending the night because tomorrow I was having another ultrasound, and they wanted to see.

“That baby shower was really fun,” Rose said as all the girls were in my room, changing into our pajamas. We were about to go down and watch a movie with the boys.

“Yeah it was, until you unveiled our secret,” I said to her playfully.

“Hey, they were gonna find out soon enough,” she said, holding her hands up in surrender.

“Yes, we were gonna find out!” Alice said. She was so funny when she was mad. She was like a 2 year old, craving attention.

“Well I’m sorry. Now let’s get downstairs so we can make our sundaes before Emmett gets there. There’ll be none left if we let them beat us.” I said. We made our way down the stairs, me very slowly since I was about to be 8 months pregnant.

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When I finally got to the kitchen, I looked to see Emmett loading up on stuff for his sundae, Rose arguing with him about being fat. Alice and Jasper making there’s in complete bliss. They didn’t get enough time together. And Edward in his own little world, humming to himself, making two sundaes.

I walked over to him to stand across the island.

“Hey, sweetheart. I hope you don’t mind. I made your for you,” he said, pushing one of them toward me.

“Why thank you,” I said, leaning over to kiss him. He met me half way and we shared a brief peck.

After about another 10 minutes, all 3 couples we able to go into the movie room, and start the movies. Of course, Edward and I got the couch, as always. Especially with me being pregnant now. I needed to be as comfortable now. Alice and Jasper got the loveseat, and Emmett and Rose took the other one. They decided to watch a scary movie. We gave the boys the choice of the movie. Why we did that, I don’t know. I just sat back on Edward, and ate my ice cream. I wasn’t really scared of scary movies. I hoped this pregnancy wouldn’t

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tamper with my mind, having to do with this movie. But I couldn’t get my hopes up. I kept remembering my first week. It was terrible. Maybe I would fall asleep before all the scary parts came. My wish wasn’t granted. Alice and Rose we busy screaming into Emmett’s and Jasper’s chests, I sat there, laughing. I don’t know why, but it was funny to me. Edward just laughed at me laughing, and kissed my temple. Soon, the movie was over, and Alice and Rose were more than relieved. We started to get ready for bed after that. Even though we were having a sleepover, there was no way that I was sleeping without Edward. Since the girls were supposed to sleep in my room, and Edward was too, I just had Emmett and Jasper come in there too, and sleep on the floor. My floor had carpet, so Alice and Rose wanted to sleep with them too. Edward and I were in my bed, and we were all just having light conversation. But soon, both couples were out, and it was just Edward and I awake.

“I’m so tired,” I said, rubbing my belly.

“Yeah, it was a long day,” Edward said, putting his hands over mine.

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“I wish I wasn’t fat anymore,” I said, pouting.

“You’re not fat. And you’ll only be big for a little while longer. Then you’ll be back to your normal petite, short, self.” He said, laughing.

“Yeah, yeah,” I said, yawning. “Edward, what if I’m early. What If the baby comes before it’s supposed to?” I asked, getting anxious.

“Well, if you were to go into labor anytime soon, then we would have something to worry about. The baby could get sick, and be very light weight. But once you’re 8 months, the baby really could come at any time. It will be big enough, and strong enough to live outside of you. So I suppose we should pack like, 2 bags. On for here, and one for the car. Just with your things, in case we do need to go to the hospital because you’re in labor.” He said, thoughtfully.

“That sounds good. Wouldn’t want to have to rush back here. But GOD, it’s gonna hurt. I’m not good with pain. Emotionally, or physically. I’m gonna scream,” I warned him. “I’m also going to break your hand.”

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“I’ll be fine. I’ll only be worrying about you. But I’ll be there the whole time Bella. I won’t leave. Ever.” He vowed. And I believed him. How could I not? He’d been there when I needed him most, already. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that he wouldn’t be around. We were going to have a great life. A bit complicated, yes. But that would only be in the beginning. We were going to have a son, and be in college. Have great careers. Be married. Have wonderful family and friends. Everything was going to be fine. Not to mention how spoiled out son would be. I knew that he was going to take after Edward, and be gorgeous. The girls, that’s the thing I would be worried about. I knew Alice would give him anything. Also Emmett. Rose was going to be like a second mother to him. She loved babies. And I know that when he got older, she would be very protective of him.

“Sweetheart, are you asleep?” Edward asked.

“No. just thinking about the baby and how wonderful he is going to be,” I said, smiling.

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“Yes, he will be wonderful. And a total stud since he’ll take after his amazingly hot father,” Edward said, getting cocky.

“Oh, whatever Edward,” I said, laughing. He laughed too. Then I sighed. I was so happy. I just knew everything was going to be alright.

“You’re tired. Sleep Bella. It’s ok. We get to see the baby again tomorrow. If you go to sleep now, you’ll be closer to it,” he said. He was right. And I was really tired. I kissed him and then buried my head in his chest. I was out in seconds.

11: Baby (EPOV)Bella was asleep now. And she was healthy, safe, and happy. And that was all I wanted. And I could say the same for the baby. I couldn’t wait until Bella had him. It was going to be so amazing. I knew Bella would make an amazing mother. I could tell by the look that came into her eyes when she thought, or talked about the baby. That happy smile that appeared on her face when she rubbed her stomach was priceless. It was like she

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already knew the baby. But, while I was telling Bella that she needed her sleep, I needed mine also. We had a full day ahead of us tomorrow. It would be filled with new surprises. Oh Lord……

When I woke up that morning, I heard laughing. I also felt 4 different hands on my chest. I opened my eyes, and I almost died. Emmett, Jasper, Alice, and Rose we all hovered over me. Bella was sitting next to men, watching while leaning against her head board, with both hands on her stomach. But she was laughing too.

“Well good morning, Eddy,” Emmett said. He knew I hated that name.

“What the hell are you guys doing?” I asked, sitting up.

“Maybe we should let Bella explain,” Alice said, smiling.

I turned to Bella, who was still rubbing her belly. “Well sweetheart?” I asked.

“Ok,” she said, sitting up. “Well, I was asleep, but these goofies over here woke me up. So I wanted to see if you were still sleep also. But I had put my hand on your chest, and I could feel your pulse. I really didn’t pay much attention to it because it was even. But when I

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leaned over you, it sped up rapidly. It was so weird. Like you knew I was there even in your sleep. So I called the others over, so they could see what I was talking about. They came over, and I leaned over again, and the same thing happened. Then they laughed, and that’s when you woke up.”

“Looks like little Eddy’s hyper-aware of Bella, even in his sleep. If you know what I mean,” Emmett said, nudging Jasper. They both laughed. Was I? I concentrated, and then looked down. Oh thank GOD.

“Wow. Ok……..but, why were you guys so loud that you woke Bella up?” I asked, a bit irritated that they didn’t let her sleep.

“Uh-oh. Feisty Edward’s come out to play,” Rose said.

“It’s ok sweety,” Bella said. “They weren’t that loud. I was about to wake up anyway. I’m starting to feel my sleeping getting lighter.”

“Sure……… So, what have you guys been up to since you’ve been away. I know you’ve been doing something, because aside from Bella, you all have a

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guilty look in your eyes. So tell me,” I said, looking at all of them.

“Ok, but it we wanted to wait until you both were awake, because it’s for both of you,” Jasper said. Huh?

“Ok, let’s go!” Alice said, going over to Bella, and helping her up. She was getting big.

I followed them all out of Bella’s room, and saw that we were headed towards the nursery. Emmett opened up the door and we all walked inside. At first, I didn’t notice anything different, but then I heard Bella gasp. I looked at her to see tears coming down her face. She did say this pregnancy was making her emotional. I turned to look where she was looking, then I saw it. On the one plane white wall that Esme had left alone, now was far from plain. The background was still white, but it now had a painting of me behind Bella, my arms around her waist, and she holding our baby. We were both looking at him with so much love. Bella looked so much like a mommy in this painting. And it was big too. It covered mainly the whole wall.

“Oh my GOD,” Bella said, breaking the silence.

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“This is amazing,” I said.

“When did you guys have this done?” Bella asked them.

“Jasper knows a guy who does really good work, as you can see. We called him about a month ago. We wanted to do something special for you guys. He started about 3 weeks ago, and he put the finishing touches on this morning, while you guys were asleep,” Alice said.

“Thanks you guys. So much,” I said.

“Yes, thank you. This means a lot to us. Hey Alice, is this why you’ve been trying to keep me out of the nursery?” Bella asked.

“Yes. But now you can come in here anytime you want,” she said, smiling.

“That’s good because I thought about something,” Bella said, looking at each of us, resting on me. When I have the baby, we’ll be up at school. I’ve decided that while I’m on maternal leave, I’ll just stay here, until I can go back to class, then the baby and I will come back up there. Edward, you can stay there, or you can drive back and forth every day. It’s your choice. Even though we will have an apartment. You still need to go to class.”

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“Um, we’ll of course I’ll just stay here with you and the baby. It’s ok. I can make the drive every day. And we can just get an apartment when you come back from maternal leave, when we’ll be there more permanently,” I said.

I couldn’t stand the thought of being without Bella for any length of time. And my baby. Oh no. especially not when it was just born, she would need all the help she could get. And plus, this would be even better because, both Bella and I both scheduled our classes so we only got 3 days a week. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturday mornings. This way, we could be down there with our family, getting help with the baby, and not have to worry about class all week.

“Alright,” she said. She took another look at our picture on the wall. “It’s so beautiful,” she said. Then she went up to each of them, and gave them a grateful hug.

“Ok, now let’s go have some breakfast!” Emmett screamed.

“Hey!” Bella screamed. “You startled my son. Don’t do that. He just kicked me, telling me to tell you to SHUT

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UP!” That was hilarious. The whole room started laughing.

Emmett went over to Bella and I thought we was going to give her a hug or something. But no. Being Emmett, he did the unthinkable. Get got on his knees in front of her, and, he being so tall was right at her belly.

“Sorry little fella,” he whispered. “Uncle Em didn’t mean to scare you.” he rubbed Bella’s belly, and then he smiled up at her. She reached down and rubbed his head. She smiled too.

“It’s ok, teddy bear,” she said.

A look of shock came across his face. “You haven’t called me that in a long time,” he said. He looked like he was about to cry. Emmett crying??!!

“I know,” Bella said sadly. “And I’m sorry. But I’m gonna start back. We’re all becoming a family. And my son’s gonna start calling you a teddy bear too. Well, once he learns to talk, and things like that,” she said.

“Ok Bella-bean,” he said, smiling hugely.

“You haven’t called me that in a while either,” she said.

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“I know,” he said, getting up, and giving Bella the tightest hug he could manage with her big belly. O though that this was so nice. They needed their Brother-Sister time. They hadn’t really had much of it since the whole baby thing.

“No, can we please go eat?!” Alice said.

“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go eat,” Bella said, grabbing my hand and we all made out way downstairs.

When e got down there, I smelled food already. I looked to see Esme putting eggs on all the plate that were filled with other foods.

“Oh Mom that smells delicious,” Bella said.

“Thank you darling,” said Esme. “Are you guys ready to eat?” she asked the rest of us.

“Yes!” we all screamed. Then we burst out in laughter.

“Ok, go wash your hands, then you guys can eat,” she said. We let Bella go first so she wouldn’t have to stand and wait. And Emmett went with her because he was fat, and couldn’t wait to eat.

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They walked in the bathroom, and it was silent for a minute. Then we heard a scream. I looked around the corner to see Bella’s shirt soaked with water. He face was too.

“Oops,” Emmett said, putting his hands over his surprised mouth.

“Emmett I’m going to kill you!” Bella screamed. She got a hand full of water in her cupped hands, and threw it on him. Then she smacked him in the back of the head. I’m pretty sure it hurt because somehow, Bella’s strength had greatened since she’d gotten pregnant. She’d hit me a few times.

“Ow!” Yup it hurt. But this time, everyone had gathered around the bathroom door. Even Esme. They were all laughing. At first, I was mad. But then when Bella threw the water on Emmett, I had to laugh also.

“Emmett,” Bella said, trying to calm down. She was taking deep breaths. “Get one thousand feet away from me in 2.5 seconds or I will punch you in the nose.” She sounded so serious. I was scared to say anything. Apparently Emmett was also. He rushed out of the

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bathroom as fast as he could. We heard him run up the stairs, and into one of the rooms, slamming the door behind him.

After all of that, we all got our hands washed, and were able to sit down and eat. Esme had made toast, pancakes, biscuits, sausage, bacon, eggs, and waffles. It was all really good. She had made a variety of things for the amount of people in the house. She and Carlisle had to eat too. He was off work today, thank goodness. He was coming down the stairs when we were all in the middle of our breakfast.

“Hey kids,” he said to each of us, smiling.

Then he went over to Bella, kissed her on the forehead, and touched her stomach.

“And hello to you too grandson,” he said, smiling. This made Bella laugh out loud. It was really cute.

We all finished our breakfast soon after that, then we went to go sit in it the backyard and talk. We formed the chairs so that they were in a circle. We were having small talk until Carlisle came out, and said that we could do the ultrasound whenever we wanted. Of course,

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Emmett, Rose, and Jasper were all excited to see, so we went right away. We went into Carlisle’s office, and since there was no bed like there would be at the doctor’s, we just had Bella sit in a chair right by the machine. She lifted her shirt, and Carlisle put that cold, blue stuff on her. It made her laugh. She was so beautiful……

“Ok,” said Carlisle when it popped up. “The baby seems to be doing fine. Getting big also,” he said with a laugh.

“Awww!” Rose cooed.

“Ok guys. This right here is the head. And this is the foot,” Carlisle said, going on, and pointing to the different spots.

“Oh look! The baby’s sucking his thumb!” Alive exclaimed.

“Yeah, babies tend to do that every now and then Alice,” Bella said, smiling at her.

“Hey, is that his other thumb? It’s so big! Well, bigger than his other one. Is that healthy?” Emmett asked.

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“Um……Emmett, that’s not his thumb,” Carlisle said. everyone was laughing, but he didn’t get it.

“The what is-………Oh!” he said, finally getting it.

“That’s my boy,” I said. Bella looked at me and rolled her eyes.

“Oh sure, little Eddy’s got something,” Emmett said.

“Ok, ok, that’s enough,” Carlisle said.

“So, that’s it. There really isn’t another ultrasound required now. All you have to do is wait for your water to break. You have another month before you have to worry about that though. But, if it should break before then, the baby will most likely be fine. But he will have to stay in the hospital a bit longer than you will Bella. Just to run some tests, and make sure everything with him is fine. But I doubt that. Your pregnancy has run smoothly. No pains or false alarms so far. So everything should be fine,” he said.

“Ok. That’s fine. I’m just worried about the pain,” Bella said, grimacing.

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“Yes well, every woman who is having a bay will go through the same thing you will. But you will be able to get an Epidural once you’re a certain centimeters dilated. That will lessen the pain, and make it more bearable until it’s time to push,” he said.

Bella groaned. She really didn’t want this to hurt. I wish I could take the hurt for her. She was probably going to be like those mothers who, once they were pushing, told their husbands, “I am never letting you touch me again!”

I would laugh at that. Then she would break my neck….

It was now October, and Bella was due in November, but now, she could go into labor at any time. He birthday, which was September 13, had come and gone. I took her out to dinner since she really didn’t want a party or anything. But she graciously accepted gifts from everyone else. We were now taking our college classes, though still living at home until the baby came. Bella decided that when she was home with the baby, she would try the online classes, just until she came back.

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My first month of school was fine. I liked it. I felt grown up. Like I was making something of myself. And I wanted out son to be proud of us, and also be proud to call us his parents. I was enjoying college. That was until, that one unfortunate day.

It was the afternoon, and I had stayed behind to talk to one of my Professors about his class. I wasn’t dropping it or anything. I just wanted him to tell me exactly what I should be working on, since we don’t use everything in the book.

We had had our talk, and I was on my way to my car. Bella had stayed home today because she wasn’t feeling well. I was almost there when a girl walked by, looked at me, then walked over to me. I couldn’t tell who it was until she got up close. Tanya. Did GOD hate me?

“Well hello, Edward. I didn’t know you went here,’ she said, smiling evilly.

“Yes well, I tried to make sure of that,” I said, frowning and looking away.

“I don’t see why. I thought you would want to see me,” she said, touching my chest.

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I yanked her hand off of me with a lot of force. “Was there something you wanted? I have to get back home to my fiancée,” I said, over enunciating fiancée.

“Oh that’s right, you’re still with that little girl,” Tanya said, crossing her arms.

“Yeah, she’s a little girl alright. One who’s about to become a mother, while making something of herself and getting an education. One who’s not a gold digger and one who doesn’t use her body to get what she wants.” I said, making my way to my car door.

“Whatever Edward. You’ll realize one day. And when that day comes, you’ll be sorry. I won’t be single anymore,” she said.

“Tanya, there’s a 100% chance of that never happening. But if it did, you would come back to me in a heartbeat. Even if I was still with Bella, you would still want me. Like you do now. So anyway, I’m going home to my family and son now. I hope I don’t see you around,” I said. Then I slammed the car door shut, and sped out of the parking lot, leaving her standing there.

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I really hated that day. And somehow, after that, I happened to see Tanya everywhere! I don’t see how I didn’t see her before. I guess that’s because now she wa watching me, and stalking me. I should get a restraining order put on her. GOD she irked me. It really got bad when she saw Bella and I walking around campus together. I guess she didn’t know Bella went here too. Oh well. She would get over it. I hoped.

I was sitting on my bed, with my head against the headboard. I looked to my left to see Bella lying there, fast asleep. She was rally getting tired these days. I was fine with it. I guess her body was preparing for what it was about to go through. I just hoped everything would go smoothly. I had heard of those stories where mothers die giving birth to those kids. GOD please don’t let that happen to Bella. That was so scary. That was scarier than everything we’ve went through during this pregnancy. From Bella’s weird first week, to the mood swings. Lord, the mood swings. That was the first time Bella had gotten mad at me. She screamed at me because she had wanted Starbucks, and I went and got her coffee, when she’s wanted hot chocolate. But she

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said sorry like, 5 minutes afterwards. Then she cried because she had screamed at me. It was so weird.

But like I said, I just didn’t want anything bad to happen. Just then, Bella opened her eyes and looked around the room. Then her eyes widened, and she gasped. Then she looked down at her legs. I was confused.

“Edward….” She said.

“Yes, Love?” I asked her.

“Um, you need to put some shoes on, bring me mine, grab our coats, call Alice, Mom, and Dad, get my bag, and take me straight to the hospital,” she said calmly. Huh? Oh! Oh my GOD! She was in labor. She was about to have the baby. Oh my GOD!

“Uh, um, ok Love. I’ll be right back. You just stay calm, and relax. We’ll be at the hospital soon.” I then went to Alice’s room, not bothering to knock, and barged in. thank goodness she was on her bed looking at a magazine.

“Hey!” she screamed. “Didn’t I tell you to kno-“ I cut her off.

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“Bella’s in labor. We need to get to the hospital NOW. go get Mom and Dad and tell them to meet us there. I’ll take Bella’s bag,” I said.

“Ok. Oh I’m so excited!” she said. I then went to Bella’s room, and grabbed her bag, her shoes, and her coat. We weren’t sure how long she would be in there, so she had two pairs of clothes, and some of the baby’s things.

I then rushed back to my room, and handed bella her coat. She put it on while I put my shoes on, and hers. I help her up off the bed, and down the stairs, hr bag on my back. We made it to the car, and were now on the road. Thankfully, she wasn’t having really bad contractions yet. She said they felt more like cramps right now. But I knew this was just the early stage. We made it to the hospital in record time. I parked the car, and went to go get Bella a wheelchair. I came back to get her then we were off to the ER.

I saw one of the nurses in the hallway, and tried my best to calm down, so I wouldn’t freak out while I ws talking to her.

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‘Um, excuse me ma’am, my fiancée’s in labor and we need to get her into a room,” I said.

“Oh of course. Can I just have your name’s?’ she asked politely, while walking us to a room.

“Yes of course. Um, hers is Isabella Marie Swan,……..and mine is Edward Anthony Mason Cullen,” I said as she wrote down our names.

“Cullen as in, Dr. Cullen’s son?” she asked, smiling.

“Yes, that’s me. Or, us I should say, pointing to Bella’s stomach. “It’s a boy,” I said.

“Hello! The pain is getting worse!” Bella screamed. I didn’t realize we had stopped walking.

“Oh! I’m sorry love,” I said.

“Yes, I’m also very sorry Miss Swan. My name is nurse Sherry, and you can come right in here,’ the nurse said. “This is one of our delivery rooms. Now, I’ll need you to take this gown and go put it on, then you must get in the bed, and wait for your contractions. The doctor should be in here momentarily. You’ll only be in here during labor, and delivery. Then we’ll move you to a

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regular room,” she told Bella. She just nodded, and took the gown, she could barely walk, but she had to change. About 5 minutes later, she came out, and made her way to the bed. It hurt me to see her like this, so I picked her up, and laid her on the bed. She was heavy now, but I could handle it. I was building up muscle. The nurse had Bella and I fill out some forms, then Carlisle came in, with the rest of the family. Jasper, Emmett, and Rose included.

“Dang Bella I bet it’s gonna hurt,” Emmett screamed. Bella looked t him with narrowed eyes. Then they became soft. She was up to something.

“Teddy bear, could you come here?” she asked sweetly.

“Sure Bella-bean,” he said, walking over to her.

Once her got up close, she grabbed him by the collar REALLY HARD. He looked so scared.

“Now go far, far, far away,” she said, jerking him away.

We had now been here for an hour, and the doctor had been here and introduced herself. I was secretly glad that it was a female doctor, rather than a male. I guess it was my ego. She had told Bella that she had to be

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nine centimeters dilated before she could do any pushing. She also said that it would take hours, since right now, she was only one.

Bella’s contractions were getting worse now. she had been in labor for about 9 hours. I was right next to her the whole time. About an hour later, the nurse came in and said that Bella could get an Epidural. She quickly agreed, and signed the form for it. Once that was over with, Bella was feeling better. She was actually cheerful.

“I’m excited,” she said. “Our baby is going to be so cute! And small. I’m afraid I’ll lose him!”she said, jokingly.

“It’ll be fine love,” I said to her, kissing her forehead.

“I can’t believe I’ll be a mommy soon. I’ll be responsible for, and have complete control over another person’s life. That’s so weird,” she said. We were all laughing. Then we made small talk. That was until about 3 hourse later. Bella had fallen asleep. The doctors said it was fine. She needed to rest. If she had a contraction, or felt the need to push, then she would wake up. Which is exactly what she did. She was asleep, and the doctor

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checked her. She said that she was now nine centimeters dilated, and she should wake up any moment now. as soon as she said that, Bella’s eyes flew open and she screamed.

“I need to push,” she said, breathing heavily. She was now all of a sudden sweating really bad.

“Ok sweety. Bella, we’re gonna push on the count of three ok? I’m gonna need you to hold it for ten seconds. ok, 1, 2, 3,” the doctor said.

I was keeping Bella’s hair out of her face. For some reason, she didn’t want it in a ponytail. That was crazy.

“5, 6, 7,” the doctor was counting.

“You’re doing so good sweety,” I said to her.

“8, 9, and 10. Ok Bella, take a deep breath, then push again. Ready?” Bella nodded. “Ok, and 1, 2, 3, 4, ,5, 6,7,8,9,10. Great, great. Oh, I can see the baby’s hair. Just like you’re Bella,” the doctor said.

“It’s ok. You’re doing good Bella!” Alice said.

“Ok. We need to get the baby’s shoulders, Then the rest will be easy,” the doctor said. “Ok, and 1, 2, 3…”

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The doctor was still counting. I was sweating like crazy. My baby was right there. Were so close to having him now.

“Aahh!” Bella screamed. She was in so much pain. My father was holding up on of her legs, and Alice the other. I was holding her hand, and I felt like it was shattering beneath her touch. But this wasn’t about me.

“Ok Bella. One more push to get the rest of the baby’s body out, and you will have your little boy! Ok, ready, and……1, 2, 3” the doctor counted. It was quiet, except for the doctor’s counting, and Bella’s grunting. Then all of a sudden, a precious cry was heard, and Bella took a deep breath, and laid her head back on the pillow.

She closed her eyes and whispered, “Thank you Jesus.” One of the nurses ten put a towel on her stomach, and put the baby on it. they wrapped him up, and handed him to Bella. They were all busy checking the time, and his weight for the birth certificate.

“Hi sweety!” Bella said to Jr. “Happy birthday, baby.”

She then looked up at me with so much love it hurt. “You see daddy?” she asked him. He looked so tired. I

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was once told that the contractions hurt the baby too. Since it squeezes down on their bodies.

Bella then held him up to me and let me hold him. He fit right into my arms. He was so small. And so perfect. My son.

12: Parents (BPOV)It was finally over. I had did it. I had given birth to a healthy, and beautiful baby boy. It hurt like hell! I fell in love with my son as soon as I heard him cry. He was so beautiful. And just like I knew he would be. With my color hair and Edward’s striking green eyes. Edward was holding him now, and they looked so cute. I knew he was going to be a wonderful father. I would have nothing to worry about. Soon, they moved me to a regular room, like the nurse said, and everyone came in. The all held him, and cooed to him. Rose was dumbfounded. I knew she wanted to have babies of her own soon. Esme cried. She loved babies also. They were supposed to be adopting a baby boy. But I guess they will wait now that we already have one. They might get

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one in the next year though. I finally thought about the date. It was October 15. But son was born in October. Wow.

My motherly instincts came quick, and natural. I even breast fed Jr., and burped him easily. It was like a second nature to me. She was now asleep in my arms, and I was just staring at him. Everyone had went home to change clothes and stuff. Edward had stayed though. He knew I was tired so he took the baby from me, and let me get some sleep. This was exactly how it was in my dream. I was just waiting for Edward so say it. but he didn’t. I turned over and looked at him.

“What? I’m not about to get hit,” he said laughing.

“Whatever Edward,” I said, smiling. Then I was out cold.

When I woke up, I looked over to see Edward in one of the chairs, sleeping. I looked to my other side to see if the baby was sleeping in the basinet. He wasn’t. I started to freak out. Where was my baby? If all of my family was gone, and Edward was asleep, where was he? I was getting outraged, and just about ran out of

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the room, though I was in no condition to walk, and went to go find my baby. But it wasn’t necessary. As soon as I was taking the covers off of myself, a nurse walked in, holding him.

“Here you go. I’m sorry Miss Swan. We just had to run some mandatory tests, to make sure the baby was fine, and there were no sicknesses or anything going on with him. Mr. Cullen over there said it was ok. He was there for a while, but he wanted to come and check on you,” she said.

“Oh, no, thank you very much. I greatly appreciate it,” I said.

“You’re very welcome. If you need anything, just hit the call button,” she said. Then she walked out.

I was holding Edward Jr., rocking him back and forth. He wasn’t asleep anymore, which I was happy about. I took this time to really study my son. I looked really deep into his eyes, and could see that they were an exact copy of his father’s. Nothing from mine. I also saw that he knew who I was, and was happy. I loved my baby so much. His cheeks had the same red tint that mine

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always seem to have. And his hair. Those almost made me cry. I got my hair and my eyes, from my real father, Charlie. And to see his curls in my son’s head was just……..emotional. Not to mention that I looked just like my father. And Jr. looked just like me. Take away the green eyes, and he would be Charlie. My eyes got watery, but I wiped them before they could spill over.

Jr. started to make little noises, and turn his head towards my chest.

“I guess you’re hungry again little boy,” I said, kissing him. I started to feed him, and let my mind wander. I couldn’t wait until Edward woke up. Then I could go to sleep. I knew I was going to be up for a month, without any sleep.

Jr. started to turn his head away from my chest, so I put the gown back over my shoulder, then I grabbed one of the blankets that was beside my bed. I put it over my shoulder, and then held him up so I could burp him. He then went to sleep. My baby.

I put him in the basinet next to me, so he could rest easily, without me moving him. I didn’t want to go to

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sleep though. Not until Edward had woken up. they both looked so peaceful. My family. We were a family now. I was a mommy, and Edward was a daddy. It hadn’t dawned on me until just now. from now on, my name would me mommy, mom, mama, later on, possibly even grandma. Oh lord. That made me sound so old. I think I’ll just stay with mommy for now.

About 15 minutes later, Edward had woken up. I was watching some TV, checking on Jr. every 2 minutes, when I heard him yawn, and stretch.

“Hello, Love. How are you feeling?” he asked.

“I’m perfect.” I said, smiling and looking at Jr.

“That’s good,” he said. Then he noticed where my focus was. “He’s perfect also. I love him so much Bella.”

“Me too. He’s my whole life now. Everything I live for. Well, besides you. But I think you can feed, and clothe yourself,” I said, chuckling.

“Yeah, I think I can too. We now have a lot of responsibility,” he said. “It’s going to be hard work.”

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“Yeah, I know. But I can handle the hard work. He’s worth it. And, it’s what comes with parenthood,” I said. “I know we’re going to be great parents.”

“Yes. We’ll do everything we can and more for him,” he said.

“I love you,” I said. Then he came over o me, and gave me a kiss.

“I love you too,” he said. Then he kissed me again. Then he went over to Jr. and kissed him on the forehead.

“Don’t you wanna stop crying for mommy? Yeah, there we go. It’s ok baby,” I said. I was trying to calm Jr. down. We were now at home, and Jr. was 1 month old. Still a tiny little thing though. When he was born, he was only about 3 pounds and 8 oz. since he was premature.

He was crying because Uncle Emmett had decided to 1) run up the stairs screaming, and barge into the nursery when Jr. was sleep. And 2) go over to him, and make funny faces, which were actually scary faces, thinking that he was awake. I got up and punched him in the stomach. How dare he come in, and wake my baby?!

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Jr. had stopped crying now, and I think he was trying to go back to sleep. I let him fall asleep in my arms. I just sat there and looked at Emmett. Edward was right I his room, so I knew that he would come in, furious in about 5, 4, 3, 2-

“Emmett, what the hell?!” he whisper screamed. He was conscience that his son was trying to sleep.

“I’m sorry! I thought the little dude was awake!” he said, defensive.

“Maybe you should have checked first,” I said quietly.

“Man, parent life has made you guys no fun,” he pouted.

“Well when you have a baby to take care of, life isn’t all about fun anymore,” Edward said. “You’ll see.”

“Oh no I won’t!” he said.

“Yes you will. Emmett, you’re with Rose. Rose. She wants about 3 kids of her own. Trust me, you’ll see,” I said.

“Yeah, yeah,” he said, walking out of the room to go sulk to Rose, I guess.

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I had looked back down at Jr. and smiled. I was completely in love with my son. I never wanted to be away from him. Edward literally had to pry him from my arms. The first time he did it, when we first got home, I cried. I didn’t want anyone else to hold him. I didn’t know why. And come on! Edward was his father! But, he was the only one I would let hold him without having a complete melt down. I knew that nothing would happen if someone else held him, I was just REALLY attached. I woke up at least every two hours because Jr. would be crying. Then, when he wasn’t, I still woke up, just to see if he was ok. I couldn’t stand to be away from him. And I was completely over protective. Carlisle noticed there was something odd in my behavior. He knew that mother’s would get attached to their newborn babies. But not the way I was. I mean, crying when his father held him? And almost having a heart attack when the rest of my family did? He decided that I needed to go to the doctor’s office. Then to the psychiatrist. He scheduled me an appointment, and I was set to go next week.

Bringing me back to the present was Edward talking.

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“Love, are you ok in here?” he asked.

“I’m just fine. Jr.’s almost all the way asleep,” I said.

“You really love him don’t you?” Edward asked.

“Yes. But……I feel like ‘really’ isn’t the right word. It’s like, I now feel complete. He’s everything to me. My whole purpose in life is him now.” I said.

Edward looked sad. I knew what he was thinking. “Edward, I know that since we’ve had this baby, you feel like I don’t love you as much anymore. But I do. Just like I did before we had the baby. You are my whole world. Without you, I would be nothing. And without you, I wouldn’t be this happy. I wouldn’t have our beautiful son, or a man to love me unconditionally. But, the way I love Jr. is different. He’s our son Edward. So please don’t ever doubt my love for you. And don’t try to compare my love for you with Jr.’s. I’m sure this whole, crazy obsession with him will wear off soon. But I love you Edward. So much,” I said, tears now falling down my face.

“No sweetheart. I would never doubt your love for me. And I want you never to doubt mine for you. I know

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how much you love Jr. I love him just as much. And we’re going to have a great family. The whole, obsession thing is just going to take some getting used to.” He said, wiping the tears from my eyes.

“Ok. Well maybe I can try to start now. I’ll put Jr. in his crib, then I can go take a nap with you,” I said. I was looking at Jr. as I said this. It made my heart quicken in pace, just saying it.

“Are you sure Bella? Maybe you should try something a little less dramatic. Like letting Alice hold him,” he said. He was right. If I left him here, I would only come right back 10 seconds later.

“Ok, let’s go,” I said, standing up, and walking down the hall to Alice’s door, Jr. in my arms.

When we got there, Edward knocked on her door, and she opened it immediately.

“Hey Bella, Edward, baaaby!” she cooed to Jr. “What’s up guys?”

“Um,……I’ve decided to kind of, wane myself off of Jr. or, not so much as him, but my obsession with him,” I said.

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“Oh……” she said. I knew she was startled by this.

“Alice,” Edward said, “Bella knows that her behavior is unusual, and she just wants to at least be able to be comfortable with you, Esme, and Carlisle holding him. Then maybe, sometime in the future, other people. But we decided to start slow.” We were now in her room. I was sitting on her bed, and Edward was still standing up.

“So…..what does this have to do with me?” she asked, confused.

“I’ve decided to let you hold him, and try not to have a heart attack,” I said smiling.

She had a look of awe on her face. “Are……are you sure Bella? Edward, the only time I’ve held him is when she’s not around,” she said. Huh?! No, Bella. Calm down. This is all apart of the process.

“Yes I’m sure. I have to do this,; I said. I stood up, and walked over to Alice. Then I held Jr. in a way so he could fit easily into her arms. She cradled them automatically, smiling. She loved her nephew too. I finally realized that I was being so selfish with him. He didn’t just belong to

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me. He was everyone’s in this house. I mean, yeah, I was his mother. But he also had an auntie, and grandparents that lived here too. Not to mention the idiot uncle he had, and the other caring auntie.

“Oh, Bella he’s still so tiny. And light weight. I never knew there was anyone smaller than me!” she exclaimed. But her voice was so high that it wasn’t loud. And it didn’t disturb Jr. in the slightest.

Now, I would be lying if I said that Alice holding him didn’t make me a little edgy. But other than that, I was fine. Now that I had this mindset that he had a family, it was a bit easier. I think the only one I would hold out on, was Emmett.

“So, Bella, how do you feel?” Edward asked.

“Uh, I’m a bit edgy. Like, I feel nervous. But it’s manageable. I think that if I practice this every day, I will be fine.” I said, looking at my son. “Then, maybe every week, we would move to something a bit challenging. And I know what the highest mark on that scale would be….”

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“Emmett,” they both said. I laughed. They were so much alike.

Jr. was starting to stir. This immediately brought all my attention back to him. Alice looked down at him, and then to me. There was question in her eyes.

“No it’s fine Alice. As long as he doesn’t cry, I think I’ll be fine,” I said. When Jr. was fully awake, he started to look around the room. At first, he looked at Alice. I knew he recognized her. But I knew what he was searching for: Me. I was always with him. The first thing he searched for when he woke up. I knew that if I didn’t make myself visible to him, he would start crying, and I would have to take him from Alice. He was just as much attached to me as I was to him.

I went over, and rubbed his head. He looked at me, and then I saw happiness in his eyes, since he wasn’t really smiling yet. Now that he knew Mommy was around, he would be fine. And so would I. he wouldn’t cry so we should be good.

After that, we stayed in Alice’s room for about an hour. Talking and laughing. She held him the whole time.. she

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seemed perfectly at ease. I was too. I could now have Alice hold him and be fine with it. I knew Edward a=was ecstatic by this. I was already getting better. Tomorrow, I would let Esme hold him. Then the next day, Carlisle. This part should be easy. I knew the hard part was going to be leaving him alone in the nursery while I was somewhere else. I would always have that walky-talky thing with me, so I could hear everything. Even the wind blowing.

I didn’t expect to be this obsessed with my son. Oh, well. I’m working on it. and I would be going to the doctor’s soon, so I should be fine.

A while later, Edward and I were sitting in his bed, while he was holding Jr.

“Hey squirt. You know, your mommy over there is crazy obsessed with you. She’s like that crazy woman from the movie, who couldn’t leave that black guy alone. You know the one all the girls call ‘fine’?” he said, messing with the baby.

I could have sworn Jr. looked at him like he was crazy. Especially since he had called me a crazy obsessed

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woman. Jr. wasn’t having that. He started to cry, and reached for me.

“Ha! Don’t mess with my baby,” I said, taking him from Edward.

“Mama’s boy,” Edward said.

I hit him on the knee. “Shut up!” I said. “He’ll come around to be like this with you. Soon. I’m going to make sure of it.”

“Ok. He’s still a mama’s boy though, he always will be. But I love him jus t the same,” he said, looking at Hr. I had gotten him to stop crying now. he usually didn’t cry long with me. Most times he stopped within two minutes.

Edward reached out his arms to hold Jr. again, and I gave him to him. Then I laid back, and closed my eyes. I was tired. And Edward had to go to school tomorrow. Thankfully, he was coming home at 2. I needed him here.

“Edward,” I said, startling him. We had been quiet for about 10 minutes now.

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“Yes love?” he said.

“I love you so much,” I said, grinning at him. He smiled back.

“I love you too,” he said.

Before I knew it, I was in my room, putting Jr. in his crib, and about to go to bed. Edward was sleeping in here tonight.

It was so crazy. Because in my whole, ‘obsession-with-my-son’ thing, I had put the crib on the other side of my bed, farthest from the door. I was just too terrified of something happening, and someone breaking in and having full access to him first. But, I still had him right next to my bed, against the wall, so that if I needed to check on him, I just had to open my eyes.

He was already asleep, so that was one thing I didn’t have to make him do. Then Edward and I were out, right after him. It was a long day.

13: Annoying (EPOV)

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Yesterday was amazing. I never thought Bella would be able to do it. She was obsessed with our son. And to see her so free, letting Alice hold him……it was the highlight of my day.

I wanted to stay in bed, but I had to go, and get ready for school. I would be home to Bella and Jr. earlier today, since I only had 3 classes. I got up, kissed Bella, picked Jr. up and fed him, then laid him back down. Bella was awake now so he would be fine. Then I went and got ready.

When I got to the school, there were a lot of people roaming around, going to their next classes. I had made a few friends here. I saw two of them and waved. Then I headed over to my first class.

That went by in a blur. The whole day did. Before I knew it, I was on my way to my 3rd class. But when I was in the hall, about to go in, you know who was there. Say it with me: TANYA.

“Are you stalking me or something?” I asked her, frowning.

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“No. Where’s your little pet? Is she at home, or have you finally come to your senses?” She asked.

“I’ve came to my senses a long time ago. I think it was the day I broke up with you,’ I said, grinning.

“So where is she?” she demanded.

“Oh yeah that’s right. You don’t know. She had the baby. He’s about a month now. So beautiful. So she’s at home with him, and our parents,” I said, smiling to myself. Just thinking about those two made me smile.

“Oh? What does he look like?” she asked.

“He has Bella’s hair. Her curls, and color. And my eyes. And my nose, and ears. But everything else is Bella. Especially that beautiful red tint that’s always in her cheeks. He had the exact same thing. He even has hr personality. Their totally obsessed with each other,” I said, rambling on about my little family.

“How sweet. I want to see him sometime,” she said. I couldn’t tell if she was serious, or just teasing.

“Really?” I asked.

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“Yeah. I want to see what kind of beautiful baby you created without me,” she said, smiling.

“Sure……,well I have to get to class. I’ll see you around.” I said. I hope not though.

“See you,” she said. I turned to walk away but she pulled me back and crashed my lips to hers. It took me a second to react any kind of way, because I was shocked. But somehow, I found myself kissing her back. I wound my hands around her waist and pulled her closer to me. What the hell? Stop man. You love Bella. Stop. I pushed myself away from her, and she was smiling.

“So you liked that did you?” she asked.

“No, I didn’t,” I said, a bit breathless. But then something moving caught my attention behind her. I looked to see a beautiful long, brown haired woman, holding a baby behind her. Bella. Damn! She saw. And I couldn’t defend myself because I had kissed her back. It’s not like I pushed her right off of me.

I looked closer to see that Bella had tears coming out of her eyes. She held Jr. up so that he was resting his head on her shoulder. Then she turned and walked away.

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I hated Tanya!!!!!!!!!