in loving memory clarice

In Loving Memory Clarice Owens May we all shine our “True Colours” And be beautiful like a Rainbow

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In Loving Memory

Clarice Owens

May we all shine our

“True Colours”

And be beautiful like

a Rainbow

May 2020

11. Rising Strong







The Power of the Your Earth Star


#1 Earth Star Chakra• Colour: Brown

• Element: Earth

• Archangel: Metatron and


Your Earth Star Chakra is not a part of your physical body like the other 7 chakras

Located 30cms below your feet, it makes up part of your etheric body.

It connects directly to the core of the earth and to Gaia. It is a chakra of oneness which is connected to the Earth, the collective consciousness of humanity, and it is connected to the vast field of All That Is.

Distinct from the Root Chakra,

which is the grounding chakra

of the seven-chakra system,

the Earth Star Chakra is the

grounding point for an individual’s

entire extended chakra system

and their relationship to the

collective planet and the universe.

To Earth’s Gateway 1D

Earth’s Star 2D

Sole Chakras

Knee Chakras

Bass Chakra

Sacral Chakra

Solar Plexus 3D

Heart Chakra

Thymus Chakra 4D

Throat Chakra

Brow Chakra

Crown Chakra

Soul Star 5D

To Source

1D: Beings without mind.

• The first dimension of space. Awareness is a point. The mineral

kingdom resonates to this level of consciousness. The minerals, water,

genetic code in humans' bodies resonates to this level.

2D: Beings with mind, but without self-awareness.

• The second dimension of space. Awareness of point and line. The

plant kingdom and lower animal kingdom resonates to this level.

These beings are only conscious of their species identity and their

need for feeding, fighting and procreation. Live solely within the

awareness of the moment.

• Humans second dimensional consciousness is centred in the lower

brain that autonomic system which includes The sympathetic nervous

system, the parasympathetic nervous system and the Enteric nervous

system to regulate and maintain life support functions.


Third Dimensional Reality –

The Physical Realm

3D: Beings with mind and capable of self-awareness.

In the third dimension you see yourself as a separate

entity in comparison to other people and the universe

• I must compete with others in order to ‘make it’ so I can

get my share of abundance.

• Life is characterized by polar - opposites. There are good

decisions and bad decisions, good thoughts and bad

thoughts, good people and bad people, for example.

• The labels I have for myself define who I am as a person.

Words like parent, wife, son, my job title, home-owner, etc.

are how I identify myself in comparison to others.

Fourth Dimensional Reality – The Hallway

into the Fifth Dimension, Consciousness

begins to Awaken

4D: Beings with mind, self-awareness and a unified timeless

perception of Self. (An Enlightened Being)

As the light of consciousness begins to awaken within, your belief system

of third dimensional reality seems absurd.

You may even become angry or resentful of the society that implanted

these belief systems. In fourth dimension, comparison and judgment still

exist however with more ‘spiritual’ themes.

For example:

• You may describe yourself as “awake” while judging those you feel

are “asleep.”

• The attention has shifted from pursuits in the material world to the

pursuit of knowledge and understanding.

• I am angry because I have been lied to. I must warn and tell others

about the Illuminati, government, reptilians, chemtrails, etc…

• Since on some level I believe that I am my mind, I am weary of

things like mind control or subliminal messages.

• I may take on a spiritually themed ego structure. In this case, I may

judge those who still eat meat, watch the news, drive a car, etc..

• More knowledge and better understandings seem to be the key to

my fulfillment.

• Ego is my ultimate enemy and therefore my ‘goal’ is to get rid of it.

4D: Continued

Fifth Dimensional Reality – Unity

Consciousness, The All is the One, and

the One is the All

5D: Beings with mind, self-awareness, unified timeless

perception of Self, simultaneous consciousness of individuated

selves as oneself. (Soul-Self)

• As consciousness begins to awaken even further, the ego

drops and judgments begin to fade away.

• You realize that the darkness of the world is a direct reflection of

the shadow that still exists inside of you. You no longer try to

change the world, but rather begin to heal yourself.

• The love that grows within begins to translate into compassion and

understanding for the external world.

• Love is the only weapon that truly holds power.

• I am no longer attached to my labels, but see myself as an ever-

changing field of consciousness.

• I ultimately hold all the power to ‘create’ my perception of reality,

nothing is inherently ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Nothing has power over me or

my reality unless I have on some level agreed to it.

• Judgment now has become discretion. Although I no longer judge

people from a moral standpoint, I use discretion in what I spend my

time and energy on.

• I am beginning to see that “god”, “the universe,” or “source” lies within.

• As the master inside of me begins to awaken I realize I have held the

power all along. The fear of mind control and manipulation drops


5D: Continued

Together with the 12 chakrasystem, it forms a completeenergetic structure that startsfrom the ground up and allthe way to the highest cosmicgateway energy centre.

Also called the “super root”, the

Earth Star chakra is the grounding

energy centre that belongs to the

etheric body. It represents our

“anchor” for both the physical and

the spiritual world and gives you

daily life energy and relates to the

very foundation of your being,

within everyday life

Anchored in the Earth Star the Light

body can manifest faster & clearer

as its directly connects to the earth

The Earth Star chakra allows us to

energetically absorb the elements we

need in order to function effectively. This

chakra is very important in supporting us

to achieve our life mission.

A conductive body

absorbs free electrons

from the earth. Once

inside the body, these

free electrons act like

antioxidants, which

provides many health


When we die, the Earth Star goes into

stasis. It does not cease to be, rather it

waits for our return to body once more

on the cycle of rebirth.

We have one Earth Star through all of

our lives. Mother Earth, knows each

and every one of us. She knows of our

first moment of conscious life when she

created an Earth Star just for each one

of us, she follows our many lives and

ascension. She knows us, we are of her.

We are her children. We are in her


The Earth Star Chakra forms prior to birth in the

geographic location and familial circumstances

required by the Soul to accomplish the lessons of

mastery. It contains the memory of the Soul’s

journey and of this life’s innumerable paths. It

contains the memory of the One Path that is the

Soul’s Highest Intent for this

When a baby takes its first

breath, the Earth Star arrives,

holding the conscious life

force to the Earth.

This chakra relates to the very foundation of your being,

within everyday life. It also relates to energy and is your

anchor into physicality. It receives elemental energy

from the Earth and feeds it into the physical energy

systems then dumps waste products from the aura,

transmuting it.

Your Earth Star Chakra translates the

energy of the higher dimensions in a

way which can be safely and evenly

integrated into the Earth’s crystalline


The Earth Star Chakra locks the individual’s

energies into a harmonious relationship with

the planet and anchors the body into the

time and space coordinates of the planet.

The Earth Star Chakra connects us to the

Earth’s Core as well as the Earth’s

Electromagnetic Fields.

Without balancing the Earth Star

Chakra it is almost impossible to

completely balance the lower

chakras of the physical body. Any

efforts of manifestation will be

hindered without grounding our

spiritual energy to the Earth.

Secures our auric connection within the three-

dimensional physical world. It is through this

chakra that we can discharge excess or

negative energies, transmute them and then

reabsorb positive healthy energy, subsequently

recharging the physical, emotional and spiritual

bodies within the self.

It carries inside, collective

memories of incarnation

including DNA programs

& our ancestral origins of

belief and disease.

Naturally grounds and

assimilates any healing

changes taking place

& draws new programs

into cellular memory.

We carry the records of our past but these memories remain dormant until we are ready. This chakra is also believed to

hold the keys to past lives, karmic patterns and DNA origins.


EARTH STAR CHAKRA?If you’re anxiety-prone or lean on the airy side of the four elements, theearth star chakra is your new bestie. Developing a strong connection tothis chakra can give you an unshakable feeling of being grounded.

Let’s look at the

In a balanced state you will have atrue core understanding of who youare and the ability to remain focused& grounded. Earth Star has a “Merlin”energy about it and it invites you tosee all the beauty in all of creationwhile actively participating inreturning Earth to balance = Love.

Activities such as using the computer,

running errands, working, or just going

through life at a hectic pace can

cause you to become ungrounded.

Fully activating the earth star chakra

allows you to stay fully grounded in

spite of these day-to-day tasks.

When Grounded

• We are able to draw upon all of our faculties as well as abilities and experience.

• We live life with courage, feeling and being more capable of handling any


• It aligns harmoniously our energetic body with the energies from the core of our

planet, grounding and nourishing us.

• Feeling deeply connected to our inherent inner powers, a connection to the

collective planet and the universe, seeing the big picture, working for a greater

cause, peace of mind and feeling secure.

• When balanced, this chakra connects the etheric body to the physical world,

creating security for the soul to fully express itself.

• When activated and healthy it gives us deep stability, connection, strength and


• It aligns us with the magnetic core of Earth and provides the necessary

foundation for spiritual evolution. In working with this chakra you are affecting

powerful healing for yourself, your family, the earth and the collective human


• Greater awareness of nature and a stronger connection to mother


• Intuitively know how to help heal the earth.

• A strong feeling of being grounded and safe.

• A healthier root chakra.

• Easily dispel negative energy you may pick up throughout your day.

• The earth star chakra is especially great for healers.

• Because this chakra is connected to the energy of the earth you can

easily pull energy from this chakra on days you need a boost.

• It brings a sense of stability, interconnectivity, and awareness to the

etheric and astral body

When Grounded

The earth star chakra allows spiritual healers, psychics or

anyone who interacts with people to release the excess

energies they pick up from others by providing them the

ability to draw from the earth’s vibrational energies to clear

those unnecessary energies out.

It also helps spiritual energy to take form into

matter or channel into something of structure.

It’s our body’s lightning rod, grounding us to the safety and healing

available from the energy of the Earth, and transforms the trapped

energy in our bodies, restraining us from living the lives we want into

gifts we use to be truly awesome.

Without this grounding force, we are left floating around, spaced out,

feeling like we’re not living in the present moment, in the now.

Without grounding we are like a live electricity cable zapping about,

dangling in mid-air.

When the Earth Star Chakra is functioning, it

allows one to be centred and grounded, by

having the ability to do such things as:

• Getting and holding a job

• Getting a good education

• Keeping one’s personal finances in order

• Staying healthy by Getting good nutrition

• Spending time in nature

• Getting enough physical exercise

• Not needing to use recreational drugs.

One of it prime functions, isthat it is the chakra into

which we release negative

vibrations and unwanted

waste energy. Enabling us

to transmute such energy, it

supports us in our healing

and restorative processes.

Indicators that the Earth Star chakra is imbalanced are:

• Being unfocused• Feeling spacey• Out of touch with one’s own needs and feelings• Disassociating due to fear and/or as a coping mechanism• Lack of boundaries• Not feeling capable• Avoidance issues

When disassociated with the Earth Star chakra we are more susceptible to physical or psychic attacks.

When Not Grounded • Less able to deal with stress.

• Inability to cope with everyday realities

• Inability to maintain boundaries or think clearly

• Being unfocused

• Feeling spacey

• Out of touch with one’s own needs and feelings

• Disassociating due to fear and/or as a coping mechanism

• Not feeling capable

• Avoidance issues

• Letting the earth star chakra get ‘out of tune’ can lead to

feeling out of touch with oneself and one’s surroundings

• We are also more susceptible to environmental pollutants and


• As well as geopathic stresses and severe weather phenomena

• Foot, ankle and leg knees, hips, pelvic region

and circulation problems

• Adrenal problems

• Weight issues

• Paranoia or extreme mental health issues

• Addictions

• Vertigo

• Eating disorders

• Tendency to lose balance,

• Fight or flight’ type reactions,

• Avoidance of daily life,

• Dissociation, and being heavy

• Influences by outside sources.

Vulnerable to external influences Physically,

it may manifest as:

Craving rooted foods


• Nuts

• Potatoes

• Onions

• Carrots, etc.

can also indicate that

your body is trying to tell

you that you have an

imbalance here.

Being a grounding chakra, it helps us to be productive in daily life,

acting as a safety switch that keeps us safe from being energetically

overloaded from the spiritual plane.

Before attempting to lift higher to

activate your higher chakras it’s

important to first ground yourself to

the Earth’s crystalline grid.

Activating your higher chakras will

effectively run a great deal more

crystalline energy through your

light body.

To avoid energetic overload, and

to prevent yourself from blowing a

fuse, it is essential that you activate

your Earth Star Chakra first.

Whenever you practice meditation, channelling or regression,

(together with Muladhara) is the energy centre that keeps you

connected to Earth’s vital force.

Earth Star Chakra

Affirmations• I am present!

• I am grounded on all levels!

• I am one with the Earth!

• I feel the connection with the Earth

and with all people!

• My past is healed and my present

is healthy!

• I am opened and grounded!

• I love myself and all the planet!

• Life happens for me

• I am here!

When Two Become One You Are Life