in loving memoryfall quarter 2014 sept-oct-nov bethany news may 16, 1924 - september 17, 2014 mother...


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Page 1: in loving memoryfall quarter 2014 sept-oct-nov BETHANY NEWS may 16, 1924 - september 17, 2014 mother estella phillips february 2, 1939 - september 16, 2014 mother audrey west in loving

fall quarter 2014 sept-oct-nov


may 16, 1924 - september 17, 2014

mother estella phillips february 2, 1939 - september 16, 2014

mother audrey west

in loving memory

Page 2: in loving memoryfall quarter 2014 sept-oct-nov BETHANY NEWS may 16, 1924 - september 17, 2014 mother estella phillips february 2, 1939 - september 16, 2014 mother audrey west in loving

Quote for the Quarter:

Constant review is the student's glue

Sis. Audrey West

Scripture for the Quarter:

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

I Thessalonians 4:16-18

from the pastor's desk

editor’s corner

in loving memory

sunday school preview

bethany bible brain busters

your health is now

just for kids

poetry corner

heaven word search

inside this issue

Page 3: in loving memoryfall quarter 2014 sept-oct-nov BETHANY NEWS may 16, 1924 - september 17, 2014 mother estella phillips february 2, 1939 - september 16, 2014 mother audrey west in loving

be encouraged

matthew 8:26-27And He said unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then He arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.

But the men marveled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!

holding pattern

Life often presents us with a holding pattern much like having been on an air-plane and noticed you were not moving. It happens on the ground before you take off and in the air while waiting to land.

At some point the pilot will announce, “We are in a holding pattern”. Upon hearing, “holding pattern” our mind begins to wonder what’s going on? How long will we be stuck! But no matter how many questions we come up with, because we are in a plane, really there is nothing we can do except trust the pilot. Some worry, some fuss and some complain, but through it all, after the worry, fussing and complaining, one must realize it is in the pilot’s hands and simply trust the pilot.

Sometimes life will deal us an airplane situation. There is nowhere to go and nothing we can do except trust the pilot. Yes, we worry, fuss and complain, but we realize the turbulence becomes bearable when we decide to trust the pilot.

If God is your pilot. Remember He made the plane. Remember the wind and the sea obey His voice. Trust that the pilot is preparing you for a smooth landing!

So smooth you cannot wait to tell everyone about your flight. You will tell them the flight was difficult, the waiting was hard, but the pilot made up for it all with a smooth landing, He is developing your testimony which will not only help you in your next flight, but it will help someone to relax during their flight, and it will ultimately bring glory to the Pilot of your life. Be encouraged it is just a holding pattern

Yours in Christ,Reverend Andrew L. Smith, Sr., Pastor

from the pastor's desk

Page 4: in loving memoryfall quarter 2014 sept-oct-nov BETHANY NEWS may 16, 1924 - september 17, 2014 mother estella phillips february 2, 1939 - september 16, 2014 mother audrey west in loving

Greetings my brothers and sisters in the Lord,

I thank God that we are able to provide another fall quarter newsletter to share with you. We know that fall is also known as autumn and it is at this time of the year, that we can see leaves changing colors and falling of the trees. In this sea-son we see beautiful changes to our environment, the new school year has gone into full swing and we celebrate Thanksgiving Day. When I think about giving thanks, I am reminded of this scripture, I Thessalonians 5:18, which says: “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” As I write this article, it is the perfect time to remember this scripture.

God has seen fit to call three of our members home to be at rest with Him. First God called Bro. Johnson, the father of Sis. Simone Johnson home. Then He called Mother Audrey West and Mother Estella Phillips within 24 hours of each other, September 16-17, 2014. We are sad because of this great loss but as the scripture says, we are to give thanks, so we should thank God for their lives as we mourn their deaths! Their physical and spiritual families will miss them more them words can express! Our prayers go up to God to ask for His strength to accept His will. One of the changes of this fall season that we can pray to God about and give Him thanks is our newest ministry, The LBBC College Track. It is our intention to work with our youth from middle school through high school to help prepare them for graduation and the changes that come in our lives as we transition into adulthood. It is our goal to assist them in focusing on their educations after they complete high school. We will share more about this ministry as the year goes on. Please keep it in you prayers. Our prayers must surely go up to God as we give Him thanks on Thanksgiving Day. As Christians, we recognize that “everyday is a day of thanksgiving”. Nonetheless, since our nation has set this day aside as a national day of thanks-giving, let us use it to give our God thanks for everything. We know that this is God’s will for us.

As always, it is our desire to inform, inspire and entertain you. If there is anything else that we can do to make our newsletter better, please let us know.

Yours in Christ,Sister Janice Stutts

editors' corner

Page 5: in loving memoryfall quarter 2014 sept-oct-nov BETHANY NEWS may 16, 1924 - september 17, 2014 mother estella phillips february 2, 1939 - september 16, 2014 mother audrey west in loving

lord, lord you know i have no friend like you.if heaven is not my home, then lord what shall i do.

the angels are beackoning me from heaven's open door,and i can't feel at home in this world anymore.

this world is not my home,lord, i'm only passing home and all my treasuresare all laid up on high.i miss my friends and loved ones,who've all gone long beforeand i can't feel at home in this world anymore

in loving memory

Page 6: in loving memoryfall quarter 2014 sept-oct-nov BETHANY NEWS may 16, 1924 - september 17, 2014 mother estella phillips february 2, 1939 - september 16, 2014 mother audrey west in loving

mother estella phillips

If your brain was put in a birds butt it would fly backwards

Mom what's for dinner? "poke, roll and grits" translation: poke out your mouth, roll your eyes and grit your teeth.

You don't believe Christ rode the jack (jackass)

You're so skinny that if I hit you with a wet towel in the front you can see the wet spot in the back of you.

You are such a thief, you can steal sugar out of sweet bread.

I will cut off your head and throw it at your dying body.

I will jump down your throat, tap dance on your liver and dare your bowel to move.

Mom can I have that? "People in hell want ice water too and can't have it, so no".

Mom where's Jeffrey? "He's in his skin, he jump out you jump in"

Mom, what time is it? "It's time for all dogs to die ain't you sick?"

Page 7: in loving memoryfall quarter 2014 sept-oct-nov BETHANY NEWS may 16, 1924 - september 17, 2014 mother estella phillips february 2, 1939 - september 16, 2014 mother audrey west in loving

mother audrey west

When we take out time to reflect on Audrey West

We come to realize she is one of the best!Retirement for her will be more than a time of rest, Because she knows God is good and that she is blessed.

Her job with San Francisco City and County was only one of many,She's also wife, mother, auntie as if that wasn't plenty.

Then there's the work of the Lord; musi-cian, singer and teacher, the daughter of a Louisiana Pastor and Baptist Preacher.

She's retired from the work she did for the city, And it is their loss, and that sure is a pity.

This soft-spoken, humble, loving, kind and gentle child of God,Worked for the police then for men-tal health, that might seem odd.

God always knows what's best for his children and so, to the children's centers was where she was next to go.

There she showed that she was very thoughtful and caring,By going part-time for a while an-other's job sparing!

The lovable woman worked there, with her presence graced, Until she retired and then had to leave that place,

The real Audrey West is more than a San Francisco employee, She stands out most for her love for God that others can see.

Philippians 3:14 is her favorite verse, and motto I'm sure, When things got rough, must have been her cure.

"I press toward the mark for the high calling of God in Christ Jesus"

The real Audrey West has just reached a small mark, rer retire-ment from the city and county is really a start. she'll continue on with other jobs she has to do,

Let her life be an inspiration and a lesson for both me and you!

With much love, Sis. Janice M.R. Stutts

Page 8: in loving memoryfall quarter 2014 sept-oct-nov BETHANY NEWS may 16, 1924 - september 17, 2014 mother estella phillips february 2, 1939 - september 16, 2014 mother audrey west in loving

spring quarter 2014

Our overall theme for this quarter is Sustaining Hope.

What’s already established is that you have hope, now hold on to it. These upcoming lessons will show you how.

Unit I: Sept.2014 our theme is The Days Are Surely Coming.

When God gives you A Vision of the Future Sep. 7 Jer 30:1-3, 18-22 which includes Restoration Sep. 14 Jer 31:31-37 holding on to hope should be easier.

But, when He adds A New Future Sep 21 Jer 32:2-9, 14-15 and Improbable Possibilities Sep. 28 Jer 33:2-11 surely hope is worth sustaining.

Unit II: October 2014 theme is Dark Nights of the Soul.

Just because we are promised a great future doesn’t mean it’s gonna be a cake walk. When times get difficult Rejoice Anyway Oct. 5 Hab. 2:1-5; 3:17-19 and say to yourself My Redeemer Lives Oct. 12 Job 19:1-7, 23-29.

Beware, because while you hope, others complain, as we will see in Hope Complains Oct. 19 Job 24:1, 9-12, 19-25; Psa 55:16 then you will see that Hope Satisfies Job 42:1-10.

Unit III: November 2014 theme is Visions of Grandeur.

I hear often the term grandeur used sarcastically, but with God it is a blessed assurance. When God’s Glory Returns Nov. 2 Ezek 43:1-12 oh what a blessing it would be, but sometimes we need something tangible to reinforce that blessing.

The Altar a sign of Hope Nov. 9 Ezek 43:13-21, A Transforming Stream Nov. 16 Ezek 47:1, 3-12 worship and transformation pay attention to these lessons. Transformed Inheritance Nov. 23 Ezek 47:13-23 reach for your blessing and Let Zion Rejoice Nov 30 Isa 52:1-2, 7-12.

see you in sunday school!

Deacon Chris Norwood

Who had a vision of the holy city, New Jerusalem, and describes it for us?• Peter• John• Luke• Jesus

How many gates does New Jerusalem have?• 8• 12• 16• 24

What is written on each gate of the City?• Holy is the Lord God almighty.• The names of the 12 apostles.• Holy, Holy, Holy.• The names of the 12 tribes of Israel.

How many foundations does the city have?• 4• 7• 8• 12

What shape best describes the city?• Dome• Cube• Round• Cylindrical

What provides the city with light?• The sun.• The moon.• The Lamb.• The stars.

A pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeded from...• The foundations of the city.• The holy Mountain of the Lord.• The throne of God and of the Lamb.• The gates, and unto the uttermost parts of the city.

A river flows down the middle of the street. What is the name of the tree standing on both sides of it?• The tree of knowledge of good and evil.• The tree of healing.• The tree of life.• The tree of eternal blessings

How many times a year does the tree bear fruit?• 1• 2• 6• 12

The servants of God will have His name in...• The palms of their hands.• Their forehead.• The soles of their feet.• The flesh from their shoulder to their thigh.

sunday school quarter review bethany bible brain busters

Page 9: in loving memoryfall quarter 2014 sept-oct-nov BETHANY NEWS may 16, 1924 - september 17, 2014 mother estella phillips february 2, 1939 - september 16, 2014 mother audrey west in loving

Children should always thank God for His blessings. You have families that love you. You have a church family that loves you as well and is concerned about your spiritual and physical well-being. You are blessed with schools to attend, water, clothing, food and the things you need. God also blesses you with some of the things you want.Here is a scripture that tell us about being thankful. Unscramble the words and put them into the right blank to hear this message from God’s Word, the Bible:

1. oldr 2. viggni3.inteygevrh4.sujse5.hnastk6. uro7. lyawsa8. tcihsr9. odg10. enam11. tefhra

“____________ _________________ ___________________

to ____ the _______________ for _________, in the

__________ of ____ __________ _______________

_____________. “

just for kids

Page 10: in loving memoryfall quarter 2014 sept-oct-nov BETHANY NEWS may 16, 1924 - september 17, 2014 mother estella phillips february 2, 1939 - september 16, 2014 mother audrey west in loving

The latest statistics show that around 42% of online adults use multiple social networking sites. Perhaps not surprisingly, the majority of social media users are under the age of 30, although the number of older users is on the rise. Around 45% of Internet users aged 65 or older now use Facebook, increasing from 35% in 2012.

On average, Americans spent 7.6 hours a month using social media, with the majority of individuals accessing social networking sites through cell phones.

But what attracts us to social media?

This is Facebook's mission statement:"Facebook's mission is to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected. People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what's going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them."

This sums up what the majority of social networking sites endeav-or to achieve, and there is no doubt that the general public has succumbed to the world of social media, perhaps a little too much.

Social media addiction

Recent statistics show that 63% of American Facebook users log on to the site daily, while 40% of users log on multiple times a day.We all have our own reasons for using social media. Some of us like to browse at other people's status updates and photos, while others use the sites as a way to vent their emotions.

But according to researchers, one of the main reasons we use social media is for self-distraction and boredom relief.

"Therefore, social media is delivering a reinforcement every time a person logs on,".

your health is now

"For those who post status updates, the reinforcements keep coming in the form of supportive comments and 'likes.' And of course we know that behaviors that are consistently reinforced will be repeated, so it becomes hard for a person who has devel-oped this habit to simply stop."

This behavior can lead to Facebook addiction.

In fact, such behavior is so common that researchers have creat-ed a psychological scale to measure Facebook addiction - the Berge Facebook Addiction Scale (BFAS).

The scale uses six criteria to measure Facebook addiction. These include statements, such as "you spend a lot of time thinking about Facebook and planning how to use it" and "you use Facebook to forget about personal problems." The researchers say that scoring "often" or "very often" on four of the six criteria indicates Facebook addiction.

The research team found that individuals who gained positive feedback about themselves on Facebook showed stronger activi-ty in the nucleus accumbens of the brain - a region associated with "reward" processing. This stronger activity correlated with greater Facebook use.

From these studies, it appears that many users who are addicted to Facebook use the site as a way of gaining attention and boost-ing their self-esteem.

But can this behavior have negative effects on mental health and well-being?

In 2012, Anxiety UK conducted a survey on social media use and its effects on emotions.

In 1971, the first email was delivered. More than 40 years on, social media has taken the world by storm. Social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, are now used by 1 in 4 people worldwide. Such activity may seem harmless, but some researchers suggest social media may affect our mental health and well-being.

social media: how does it really affect our mental health and well-being?

Page 11: in loving memoryfall quarter 2014 sept-oct-nov BETHANY NEWS may 16, 1924 - september 17, 2014 mother estella phillips february 2, 1939 - september 16, 2014 mother audrey west in loving

The survey found that 53% of participants said social media sites had changed their behavior, while 51% of these said the change had been negative.

Those who said their lives had been worsened by using social media also reported feeling less confident when they compared their achievements against their friends.

"This problem has definitely gained recent attention," says Dr. Rauch. "We know that many people on social media sites often present idealized versions of their lives, leading others to make upward social comparisons, which can lead to negative emotions."

Furthermore, the survey revealed that two thirds of participants reported difficulty relaxing and sleeping after they used the sites, while 55% said they felt "worried or uncomfortable" when they were unable to log onto their social media accounts.

In a more recent study, the team found that social interaction on social media sites, specifically Facebook, may have a negative impact on face-to-face encounters for individuals who already have high levels of anxiety.

Another concern regarding social media use is cyber bullying. As stated earlier in this feature, the majority of social networking users are under the age of 30, and most of these are adolescents.It is not purely the use of social media that is getting out of control, but our need to be electronically connected at all times.

"I think parents should be aware that their adolescent children are living at a time where they are constantly 'on' and connected. I would encourage any parent to explore ways to encourage or even mandate 'off' time, not just away from social media sites, but away from the devices. That is probably good advice for all of us.

Could Facebook be used to improve mental health and well-being?

Although many studies point to the negative impacts of social media on mental health and well-being, some researchers say they could have the opposite effect.

Social networking sites could be a useful tool in identifying indi-viduals with mental health issues.The team found that people who shared fewer pictures on the site communicated less frequently, had a longer profile and fewer Facebook friends, and were more likely to experience social anhedonia - the inability to encounter happiness from activities that are normally enjoyable, such as talking to friends.

Another study, suggests that using social media may even spread happiness. The research team, found that happy status updates encourage other users to post happy status updates themselves.

"Our study suggests that people are not just choosing other people like themselves to associate with but actually causing their friends' emotional expressions to change," In fact, the researchers believe that this viral spread of happi-ness is so strong that if magnified, it could trigger an "epidemic of well-being."

Overall, it appears that the exact effects of social media on our mental health and well-being remain to be seen. But one thing is certain; our use of social networking sites is unlikely to fade anytime soon. live well and healthy ya’ll- until next time.

Bro. Stephen Greer

Page 12: in loving memoryfall quarter 2014 sept-oct-nov BETHANY NEWS may 16, 1924 - september 17, 2014 mother estella phillips february 2, 1939 - september 16, 2014 mother audrey west in loving

little bethany's top chefs

heavenly cake (so rich you don't need frosting)

• 1 (18.25 ounce) package yellow cake mix• 1 (3.5 ounce) package instant vanilla

pudding mix• 4 eggs• 8 ounces sour cream• 8 (1 ounce) squares German sweet

chocolate, grated• 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Lightly grease and flour one 9x13 inch cake pan.

Mix all ingredients and pour into prepared pan.

Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 55 minutes.

heavenly shrimp

• 4 lb. med. shrimp (peeled & deveined)

• 1-1 1/2 sticks butter• 1 bunch green onions

(chopped fine)• 1/4 c. fresh parsley (chopped fine)• 1/2 lb. fresh mushrooms (sliced)• 2 pods garlic (crushed)• 1/4 c. Parmesan cheese• Juice of 1 lemon• Salt & red pepper to taste


Melt butter and saute green onions and parsley until soft.

Add sliced mushrooms, saute about 5 min.

Add shrimp and lemon juice and simmer another 5-10 minutes.

Add garlic, salt and pepper.

Turn heat to lowest temperature set-ting and let simmer 5 more minutes.

Add Parmesan cheese and stir over heat until cheese melts.

If using as a pasta dish pour mixture over cooked spaghetti and serve hot with salad and French bread.

If serving as an hors d'oeuvre place mixture in chafing dish and serve with your favorite cracker.

This yields about a quarter to 2 quarts of buttery shrimp sauce.

heavenly layered bars

• 1 roll (16.5 oz) Pillsbury™ refrigerated chocolate chip cookies

• 1/2 cup chocolate cookie crumbs• 1 bag (11 oz) butterscotch chips (2 cups)• 1 1/2 cups flaked coconut• 1/2 cup chopped walnuts• 1 can (14 oz) sweetened condensed milk (not evapo-



Heat oven to 350°F. Line 13x9-inch pan with heavy-duty foil, extending foil over sides of pan.

Spray bottom and sides of foil with cooking spray or grease foil. In pan, break up cookie dough. With floured fingers, press dough evenly in bottom of pan to form crust.

Sprinkle cookie crumbs evenly over crust. Top evenly with butterscotch chips, coconut and walnuts. Drizzle sweetened condensed milk over top.

Bake 30 to 40 minutes or until edges are golden brown. (Center will not be set.) Cool completely, about 2 hours. Use foil to lift bars from pan. For bars, cut into 6 rows by 6 rows.

Page 13: in loving memoryfall quarter 2014 sept-oct-nov BETHANY NEWS may 16, 1924 - september 17, 2014 mother estella phillips february 2, 1939 - september 16, 2014 mother audrey west in loving

they got the word

They got the word they got the word, oh I'll be at the great coronation it's gonna be held in the middle of the air.

They got the word, they got the word, I said yes to Jesus, they got the word, I'll meet Him in that city built four square. There's a great coronation coming up filled with joy and gladness, The special guests attending, will be all the children of the Lord. I've got a standing invitation, with all the saints from every nation. We'll be there when they crown Him Lord of Lords. We are our Father's children, one, united, in God, Jesus Christ; we are on our way to that great coronation, where we'll crown Him Lord of Lords. But you have to wait, wait ‘til I get there. When the curtains fall, and the roll is called, We'll be leaving a world of sin, and the saints will go marching in.

We'll crown Him, crown Him, I'll be there when they crown Him Lord of Lords. We're gonna have a good time have a good time.

We'll meet Him in that city built four square.

uncloudy day

poetry corner

O they tell me of a home far beyond the skiesO they tell me of a home far awayO they tell me of a place where no storm clouds riseO they tell me of an uncloudy day

O they tell me of a place where my friends have goneO they tell me of that land far awayWhere the Tree of Life in eternal bloomSheds its fragrance on an uncloudy day

O the land of cloudless dayO the land of an uncloudy skyO they tell me of a place where no storm clouds riseO they tell me of uncloudy day

O they tell me of a King in His beauty there,And they tell me that mine eyes shall beholdWhere He sits on the throne that is whiter than snow,In the city that is made of gold.

O they tell me that He smiles on His children thereAnd His smile drives their sorrows awayAnd they tell me that no tears ever come againIn that lovely land of uncloudy day

O the land of cloudless dayO the land of an uncloudy dayO they tell me of a place where no storm clouds riseO they tell me of an uncloudy day

Page 14: in loving memoryfall quarter 2014 sept-oct-nov BETHANY NEWS may 16, 1924 - september 17, 2014 mother estella phillips february 2, 1939 - september 16, 2014 mother audrey west in loving

see jesus

gold streets

throne of god

pearl gates

lamb of god

heaven word search

no sickness

no crying

no dying

tree of life

new name


bema seat


worship service

pure river

Page 15: in loving memoryfall quarter 2014 sept-oct-nov BETHANY NEWS may 16, 1924 - september 17, 2014 mother estella phillips february 2, 1939 - september 16, 2014 mother audrey west in loving

happy birthday

septemberBro. Shon Buford 1st Sis. Angelina Bryant 1stSis. Carla Stutts 2ndDeacon Luster Howard 3rdSis. Tanisha Phillips 4thSis. Gracie M. Washington 5thSis. Asia Freeman 7thSis. Ronny Knox 10thBro. George Washington 15thBro. Samuel Greer 16thSis. Gracie K. Washington 17th Bro. David Branner, Jr. 18thSis. Traci Davis 18thBro. Isaac Greer 20thSis. Jayme Wynn 29thSis. Simone Johnson 30th

octoberSis. Teresa Turner 19thBro. Leon-John Phillps 21stSis. Halimah PetersSis. Anne Esco

novemberSis. LaCresha Phillips 1st Sis. Danielle Kelly 16thDeacon Robby Norwood 18thSis. Tammy Harlan 24thBro. Christian Jones 24thSis. Trejay Stutts 27th

calendar of events

septemberlaymen's annual day 28th

octobercosmopolitan fellowship 5th matthew zion fellowship 19thwomen's annual day 26th

novemberchurch's anniversary 23rdthanksgiving service 27th

church services

sundaySunday School 9:30Morning Worship 11:00

monday Sunday School Preview 6:30

wednesday Basic Bible Study 5:45Topical Bible Study 6:30Prayer Service 7:30

saturday Food Distribution 10:30

newsletter ministry members

Sis. Janice Stutts, EditorSis. Patrice BryantSis Danielle DavisBro. Stephen GreerSis Patricia SmithSis. Michelle Norwood

Bible brain busters: John, 12, The names of the 12 tribes of Israel, 12, cube, The Lamb, The throne of God and of the Lamb, The tree of Life, 12, Their forehead

Just for kids:Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 5:20

Throwback photo

Page 16: in loving memoryfall quarter 2014 sept-oct-nov BETHANY NEWS may 16, 1924 - september 17, 2014 mother estella phillips february 2, 1939 - september 16, 2014 mother audrey west in loving

bethany news fall quarter

september-october-november 2014

1636 Armstrong AvenueSan Francisco, Ca 94124

Dr. Rev. Andrew Smith, Pastor