in mworldofsociety he i mo^iselk&epers tamam© pound … · -elliug choice elgin « " «h...

> ftcuitjorh Ulnshin $ V I Julius Ojar i | AMMO! I A FlssaS CI®; | Of T1 | EMTME WINTE I Clknldlir®!®^, Giirl V v % n o r^v ! Hafts, Dines | auradl C V Hats that were tip to " > Hats that were up to If! Hats that were up to y Hats that were up ti> Hats that were up to If! Misses' and (iirls' Wint Misses' and Cirls' Coat Ijl Hirls" I*. K. and Rep D *:* at /3 to '4 former price. If! Misses' and Juniors' CI * * former price. X Misses' \ civet and 'Corf former price. a (iirls' Cloth Capes at /_ % - - One lot of Infants', i If! Dresses. Coats. Caps. Rompe prices for clearance on acco :i F Street, Corn* :~XK-X~x-X-X~XK^'X~X~X"X-X~:^ X',X**X',X**X**X~X-XK~X**X-X-X*4-X j V g i Electrical Coo I * * Electric Coffee Percolators, in pot and urn styles of copper and nickel. :f > Electric Stoves % with and without |* cooking utensils fipMPP *)l (as illustrated). w *:* complete attach*:* ments. fiSEl I Dunlin & M Potterv, Porcelain, Chir | 1215 F St. and "I-wh-W "| .A Low | For Qualit 5 W hen you patroniz tablishment you can dep H iTY butter at the vert ; Economical housev H miml that we're -till 2 Creamery ilnttcr ai J = ==3Sc pi | 5-lb. boxes "FOUR LEAF t S JAMES F. 0 H Stands in Principal Markett Greatest Ability as Ij 9># % *jg J v Home Beautitiers. a , £; You Will s**e sp'Viu*u* «»f ** Piitt's *r«»rk in thousands of tli? ' JJ t-. i>-m bonic- in \VasUIn5t011. t < at! .. 'bit s la : jjU a:: J of A *S> r. a. art'jtif ni ri;. V £ j 'Geo. PlittCo., Inc.,5J ' J .Mail? Show r.*>ius. 11"! .' IIII. a v.-. *:£ | Wo;»ro> nj-. IT'JT 7il» st. n w. «P # % I i ' A!*:TAI $',00n.x>0 j : i:ahm:i) i.ow/hjo : DEK >Sl"i S Ov« r t.M^OOO i ! An Old Friend! | is worthy of your greatest j i : confidence because lie has ' | been TKSTKD BY TIMK. j i An'! for the same reason | you can depend on this I strong old bank to care for : your financial interests. ; SAME RATE uf Interest paid oa || Lota large and small accounts. | National Savings and ! Trust Company, j Corner i^th and N. Y. Ave. ! j : rOKTV SKVKSTII VKAH. ;ji M.>Jt MyHHMMtMMMMH') V tgton pari* £ *:* finklrMo. f DMCE ! V heir R STOCKS OF | 1§9 anad Mi§§@§P | iS<SSs> S^fe t *:* ]!@aft§ | ? $20.00, now $5.00. $X.OO, IHiW S3.53". *1* S5.00. now Si.05. * * S2.50, now Si.00. . » Si.00. now 500. *:* > cr Suits at price. *t* s at t4 to 1 j price. resses: mussed or soiled. t * * -> oth Dresses at 14 to y2 £ lurov Dresses at '-4 to /* *:* 1 v former price. *t* small (iirls" and Hoys' % rs. etc., at greatly reduced unt of mussed condition. > S sr Thirteenth. | % «S Hi AAAAAt#M*tAAAA « » Store Opens S Closes *!* V kimig' Devices! Many housekeepers are en- *:* joying the economy and sat- > isfactorv results in cooking f by electricity. This is especially convenient in apart- *! metits. Our stock includes *t* only reliable, tested devices for practical use.Electric *:* Toasters, Electric Egg ji. Boilers, Electric Stoves, Etc. > artiini Co,, f ia. Glass. Silver. Etc.. . { 1214=18 G St. 1 in{i»»;iim»»»{»»ntm»n»»muu«« Price -=.?i I :y Biflttero 1 e thi> reliable okl es- jj end on getting OL'AL- g LOWEST PRICES. | ives should bear in -elliug choice Elgin « « " H gr lb. = 1 LO\ EK" Creamerv, jj YSTER, 1 Phone Main 4820. g » fit w \ Tfie PerfectDress Tie *T/Ze tie wiif> the ftudon onlaiSs Buy by the l&beL u The Perfect DressHe l&Iade of~i£>e finestIrenc/>Etf>rhs. Sold in tfie best sfiops tfe world over. SOcents anddetter Keys & Lockwood Jtcto HbrJC h3 Burchell's "Bouquet" Cotfee, 30c lb. Over a thousand people enjoy it ev ery morning. Try it. Phone Main 3200 or write. N. W. Burchell, 1325 F. r . I! Mo^iselk&epers 1 By 0ird<gmag E( Pi<§§, Csik@§ &m ((! . , i .1 hese del goods are ma home way of m leeted ingred delivered fre from oven to something t Sunday desse When down town shopping stop and j get a box of Reeves C. M. Caramels. j V Again Tom< tttst ° | j Carnations, INOT by any weans I . offered elsewhere stemmed, perfectly de fresh for Saturday s sa expect, as conditions unusually abundant si VIOLETS.<§{ lilN j Tel. M. 3707 9 Cut Glass The finest C*ut Glass is easily dis'tinguished from the poorer grades by its clearness and brilliancy. and the * sharpness and accuracy of the cuttings. We carry only the finest Cut Glass, many of the pieces being cut especially for us from exclusive designs. Inspect ion does not imply the slightest obligation to purchase. | Gait & Established Over a t Century. # J e ice11ers. S ilversm itIt s. Stationers, jloy Eennsylvan/a Ave. I I I" M I | S 44Without a doubt" i I A 25% I | Dividend 1 H Money invested now in Is g our Furs will easily earn ft *4 .3/C it'"! I1IUIC. M g Present prices on l*ur 9 « < Garments in our stock or g S for those made to your 3 g order arc greatly reduced, j; g Knowing absolutely the f S >tyles to be worn next | ig season, we can make you a t 3 coat now which will be | 3 fashionable a year from | 8 now. or even two years. | fl The price will be at least |; 5 _'5% less than you must f H pay next season. || Come in and let us ex- f :| plain the bargain oppor- i | tunity of ordering at once. | I | 1 Stinemetz, I F and Twelfth. j mt»naa»a»»niKnnn::»aa»i»amm Unquestionably Superior. ^uuns's will Ult'.Miro rip In your I'vrj (it-maud. TUey are attractive all'J well huilt. TP VounV Carriage Benoalt jry. B WUlIl|t 4W 4UC la. are. n w. -. j Our Fine Pastries are served j in our Luncheon 'Department. j j law TamaM© s@ws§=B&fe@di 1 PasilirI@So ; icious bakery de in the real carefully se- ients, and are sh and clean table. Order empting tor rt. 1EEVES, F Sfer@®S >rrow; $ 1.50 # 50c Dozen. he grade of Carnations at $oc doz., hut longvcloped specimens, cut le. Enough for all, zee enable us to offer an up ply. Q)C-VIOLETS. CH. ua&S&xt 14th &H. I - _w; 1 ORCHIDS, SPECIAL, §0© Eaeto II ! Exquisite specimens never sold under $1 and $1 .^o. jj E4t8ii aed H Awarded Grand Prize National Stjle Show. LADIES' made up in new spring .ja =, | models direct from ! abroad. Order now; be ^ a fashion creator, not si follower. Spring fabrics are here. We make this offer to keep our tailors busy till our regular season opens. Paul Leibei, I sic. Ladies5 TaLor, 11211© Q St. itc ( HAS. K. I'.UMONSTOX. Supplies tor the { Inauguration. } "l*OU IllNlNH !!t)l)J|S. CAI-'KS. HK.S'i At HANTS. ||. (( If Vim n»ei| niiyiliiu; in lb- lino of (( i rui ki-ry. «»Ius>iv«i*f, Kitchen I'ti jisils, if etc., viiii v. ill It in] i;s lUi'imrvo In sitisfy j your < wry demand. Inoxiiensive lines l{ thai will answer llie ].iii|inses exactly. "JiiET (»l i:"l'KI< I IS KKFiiKK I'l Itl'IIASINii. ! ChaSo R, Edmnionston, < ii ..:i. i;i:s>s ami llotisefurnfciiiings. ill 12m Pa, Ave. | Before You Start Your I SPRING SEWING I ' ffllave us put your i|SK\vi\c; M A ^D) C I 11 X K in perfect running order.liie f*cost will be around %. g .Ail work guaranteed. | OPPENHEIMER'S, |s Cor. 8th and E Sis. N.W. i*Family Orders a !t -5, ji bsmfegm® V it . ^ '.is ilie tavorite 4- *~~j) r? (0) wine for the fish t ( a5) course. v u \zs ">' llav* :,l! noted ' ' brands. Barton & it Bottle. ^UTV^'S Sautprney $1 bottle. j { Deliveries Until 10:30 P.M. | JOHN T. CROWLEY, *£831 14th st. n.w. Tel. M. 3644. bg ' At 110 season is the skin ! Js more subject to the uncer!2 tainties of the weather than I# 11now5 Dermatine Lotion j 3* i| .prevents chapping, ;h>2 Gl*AItDS THE COMPLEXION. A positive luxury in winter. Keep a bottle on your dresser. _ P Price 23C ' g£'-Thompson Pharmacy, |j Frank C.IIenry, Prop.,703 15th UUANCII KOUMXS&W® ! IN M WORLD OF SOCIETY j MRS. TAFT WILL GIVE A BOX PARTY AT OPERA. 0 Dinner and Musical at the White House Tonight.Personals. The President and Mrs. Taft will entertain at a dinner, to l>e followed by a musical, tonight. This afternoon Mrs. Taft's guests in her box at the opera were Mrs. Rae, Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. McGlinlock and Mrs. Peck hum. Miss llolcn Taft will attend the dance at the Country Club tonight, of which J Mr. William F. R. Ifitt will be host. A tour around the world to occupy j eight months or a year is planned by the Attorney General and Mrs. Wickersham. Immediately following the inauguration they will close their Washington home on 1kfh street and start on the journey. Accompanying them will he Miss Frances Noyes, Miss Martha Bowers and Mr. 0 Frederick Moore, the latter of New York. Despite the serious injuries which she received more than a week ago when the horse she was riding dashed into a street car. Miss Bowers believes she will have recovered sufficiently to make the trip. The party plans to leave San Francisco March 15. Their tirst stop will be Honoi lulu. * *; Count Carlo Montagnini. attache to the 1** Italian embassy, has arrived in Wasli! ington. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roosevelt have as a guest Mrs. If. E. Biscoe, who will remain with them until her husband. Pay Inspector Biscoe. C. S. X.. who ill in th- Naval Hospital, has recovered. Mrs. Gillette Hill will entertain for 11 her house guests at dinner tonight. |: Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt of New I; York will entertain a large party at f: dinner tonight at her house, on 5th avenue, to meet the Russian anibassa dor and Mine. Llakhineteff. 1 *; The President and Mrs. Taft were ent; tertained at dinner last night hv the SeeX: j retary of Commerce and I*il»or and Mrs. X: Nagel, completing the series of similar X: hospitalities in cabinet homes. Their other! X guests were Mr. Justice and Mrs. I §] Hughes. Senator and Mrs. Sutherland, the Assistant Secretary of War and Mrs. j Robert Shaw Oliver, the Assistant Seere- j Xl'tary of ihe Navy and Mrs. Beekinan | X; Winthrop, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Francis! X Adams, Dr. and Mrs. Wilnier and Mr. and ! ? Mrs. Artluir Shepley of St. Louis, who' t are visiting Secretary and Mrs. Nagel. j » tfc The Secretary yf War and Mrs. Stiin-on \ . j entertained at dinner last night at their: -- nome on 1(»th street in compliment to Miss "|||! -"leti Tait. Their additional quests were |l |*. he Postmaster General, the solicitor genii; eral. Lieut. Col. Moreton F. Gage and' Mrs. (Sage, Maj. and Mine, von Herwart'n. I | Mr. Mitchell Lines, Mrs. Thomas K. j Laughlin. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Graves, j Maj. Lassiter. Maj. and Mrs. Charles J Martin. Mr Winfred T. l)etiison. Miss Kmilv lleatty. Miss Catherine Anderson, j Maj. Rhoads, Miss Aileen Gorgas, Miss Frances Gamble, Miss Kleanor Gamble' and Mr. Reginald Hnidekoper. j h The annual hunt ball will be held at | Ute Clievv Chase club Friday evening, i April 1. 101*1: Pain ing will commence at j Id o'<-lock. to be followed by a cotillon. Supper will be served at LLMO and aj , buffet supper later. The committee in whose name the invitations to subscribe have been issued are Mr. Gist Blair, j chairman, and Messrs. .John F. Wilkins, j W". Corcoran Fastis,- Robert M. Thompi I son, George Howard, .1. William Henry, ] O. 1'. Jackson, George F. Downey, Je-; rotne X. Bonaparte. Hugh S. Legai'e, William F. Hitt, Murray A. Cobb, \Yali tor R. Tuekerman. Richardson Clover, Fdson Bradley, Lawrence Townsend, J. jt| Ib nri de Sibour and William C. Marrow. ;i The Mount Pleasant Woman's Christian Teinpetance Cnion will give a musical a tomorrow afternoon from tl to 5, at the home of Mrs. \Y. J. Cawthon. tlie Victoria, lltli and (Milton streets northwest. to benefit the national drinking fountain. Mrs. Katharine Gillett Hill is having a vis?* from In r daughter. Miss Leiniia K. Gillett, and Mr. Dean Sales of Boston. Mrs. Glendower Fvans will address the Congressional Club tills afternoon at 4 o'clock on "The Massachusetts .Minimum Wage Law." Mrs. Johnson of Mainland Mrs. Kinkead of New Jersey will preside at tlse tea table. Mrs. Krriest W. Roberts v.i'.l be assisted in tin- hospitalities of the afternoon bv Mrs. Kului and Mrs. Kent of California Mrs. Howard of Georgia. Mrs. Speer. » Mrs. Charles IS. Smith of New York, and i r 1" AJ -wniiiguu. ARs John W. Falls of .Memphis, Toiin.. | and Airs. T. A. Fauber of London, Kng) land. gav«* a tea Sunday afternoon to ) seventy-five of their friends at the New f Willard. 'I'hev are both remaining at the j Willard until after the inauguration. Master Raymond (liesler entertained a! group of little folks at his l»irtliday party Wednesday evening. The guests were as ) follows: Miss (lertrude Kid well. Miss ) Florence Darling, Master Alton AIcDon,') aid. Miss Adelaide Darling. Master RanI I die Kid well. .Miss Kilith Burgess. .Miss Hazel and ' Zeltna Allen, Master Lenard ; !( Puinphrey. Miss Delia 1 lardester, Miss j jit Kthel Allen. .Master Albert Perkins, Alissj ((jRuth Sntton. -Miss Velva AlrCauley, Miss: jj j Kvelyn Torney, Aliss Ldith Talbert, Alas- {' ier Cliffoi t Strohble, .Master Blake l) Xeilors. .Master liussel Weaver and Alissj j); Duis\ Talbert. AJj's. I!. T\ lialleobaiigh of New BloomSle lield. Pa., is tin- guest of Airs. Rob Roy ?!? AleKahan of tin- Port nor. « I g| j Mrs. Faireliild. wife of Representative »R Fuirchild of Xew Yotk. is entertaining a j box party at the opera today. i yz j Countess de l'ei- tti de la Rovca, wife If. I of the French counselor, eniei taiued at v? j tea yesterday. Countess de Clianihrtut, w i wife of the French military attache, and *=» Mine, ib- l.aboulaye, wife of tiie Frencli jw second secretary, assisted. The Junior League will present "The I v> Little Princess." by Frances Hodgson 52 Burnett, at the Playhouse .Monday and Tuesday nights, February "4-and J.">. Airs. Claude A. Swansea. Alts. Jackson, Jj.* Mrs. Overman and Mrs. Page were Jg among the senators' wives who held large receptions yesterday. ^ Tiie British ambassador and Mrs. Bryce, tiie Spanish minister and Aline. Riano, V Alnie. Ritter. who entertained tlm memV hers of the Swiss Ladies" Society at the V Swiss legation, and Aliss Alary McCauley, *j* who had tiie Initial party of her brother, \i' Lieut. Commander McCauley. and Aliss *C Jean Oliver, were among last night's j, hosts ami hostesses. If. Washington cousins of the bride who #. n- ill utlAnu 1 he nifl prv.i pp of "\1 ice riAnni.... Y " - ' »»»»»-.- L/UU^|rt"* Wise and the Inn' de Richelieu tomorrow, .% will tin Col. and Airs. Henry Alay. Aliss Cncf lia Alay. Air. and Airs. Archibald Hopkins and their niece, Aliss Alarion Wise. J. s* Vicomtcsse Llenoist d'Azy, wife of tlie v *1' PHRM HOtm.V MOTOR V SU*£QS JOURNEYS. *{" FVjHlgS Covering Washington every hour KaLAaAnJ on the hour from (l a.m. to G .-! p.m. With entertaining and in MBilBl atruelive lecture, $1. Lecture tours covering the chy, y. WkflMI government buildings, business, i*' BV^Ulbl residential and historieal secCK tloiis. Arlington. Georgetown, rtr. Zoological Park ami Navy Yard. 10 and ."if- 2:13 p.m.. lime, 3 hours. 23 miles, only $2.00. | PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOURS. Covering the interior of the White House, Capitis; tol. Congressional Library, Bureuu of Printing anil Engraving. 1". S. Treasury, Army and Navy ;r'- Ituliding. Smithsonian Institution, National Mu\i seuiu, Corcoran Art Gullery, Pan-American ltnddleg, 10 a.m., 1 p.m., time, 4 hours, only $2.00. v- Luxurious 9-passeuger touring cars; expert guide-drivers. Our lecturers are college men; rafined, intelligent. Finest service lu America. IIti? lustra ted folders, tickets at leading hotels and §» ticket agencies. All Royal Blue Line cars start from Ograin's Gift Store, I'enna. sve. and 13th £ at. n.w. Phoue Main 3490 for reservations. '2? We will send our elegant new touring cars to yi any hotel or residence Hnd return our tourists after v The tour without charge if they will notify ua, $75 Ph mc Main ."".)'J9. one-half hour before starting. Franch naval attache. was the guest of | honor yesterday afternoon at the second I of the series of French lectures held at I the home of Mrs. Douglas H. Gordon, toob " North Charles street. Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon gave an informal dinner last evening in honor of the vicomtesse, who remained in Baltimore for the evening. Mrs. A. M. Moore, wife of Representative Moore, of Texas, entertained a card , party of twelve tables >esterday. follow- ( cd by tea. to which about R*> extra guests were invited. Mrs. \V. A. Ash brook and Mrs. Scott Ferris poured tea. Mrs. Annie "Wilson Howe, sister of President-elect Woodrow Wilson, and her daughter, Mr?. B. C. Cothran. who have been the guests of Rev. l)r. and Mrs. Harris K. Kirk of Baltimore, returned to Philadelphia yesterday. In speaking of her brother. Mrs. Howe i is quoted as saying: r "I believe that my brother's administration in the White House will be both c demoeratic and simple. i "I have not seen him for some time, i but I know how he feels about that sort j of thing. His stand in regard to the inauguration ceremonies, particularly the s inauguration ball, is characteristic. He t has received hundreds of letters of con- r gratulation for his action in regard to i the ball, so that it is apparent that many persons share his ideas concerning it." 1 Miss Hazel Roberts, daughter of Rep- ] rcsentative and Mrs. Roberts of Nevada. g entertained at luncheon yesterday In compliment to Miss Barbara Stephens, daughter of Representative and Mrs. * Stephens of California. The other s guests were Miss Delia May Henry, the t Misses Prouty. Miss Bessie Burke. Miss < Katherine Brown. Miss Kthel Dloyd. Miss Dorothy Dobyns.Miss Helen Kimmel. Miss Roberta Aimes, Miss White and Miss Belle lilaekley. About a thousand guests attended the reception given yesterday after- noon at the New Willard by Mrs. Wil- t Ham 10. Diffenderfer. in compliment to j 1 Mrs. C. Albert White, the recently elected president of the District of Columbia branch of the Woman's Na- 1 tional Democratic Dengue. In the re. « reiving party were also Mrs. John Miller Horton, Mrs. J. C. Dinthicum, wife of Representative Dinthicum; Miss ' Katherine M. Dabnev. Mrs. .J. De B. Gardner, Mrs. Albert .1. Carrion, Mrs. j J. Kasby-Smith and Mrs. .!. B. Barrel 1. The hostess was handsomely dressed j j in white crepe de chine, and Mrs. ; White was in a peach-tinted brocade charmeuse. < Miss Irma Isabel MacKenzie. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. MacKenzie of this 1 city, was married Wednesday. February ' o. to Mr. Joseph T. Gibbons, son of Mr. ami Mrs. A. J. Gibbons of this city, by Rev. Father Douis O'Donovan at the residence of Cardinal Gibbons in Haiti- ; more. s Mrs. C. Augustus Simpson will be at home tomorrow afternoon at 1610 iMth street. <a A reception will be given at the Khbitt j House tomorrow evening from s to 11 1- < i uy in*? uuu-Ti> ui iiitr reunai MJU(UI o Equality Association iii honor of Rev. * Olympia Brown and Mrs. Clara B. Colby. ' Mrs. J. T- Beardmore of Dominion j Heights, Va.. gave a farewell party Feb- j rnary r. in honor of her sister. Miss tier- j. trude Greer of Baltimore, who lins been j visiting her for several months. The , evening was spent in playing games. | j dancing and music. Kefreshments were served during the evening. Those pres- ( en! were Miss Alice Townsend. Miss = Sara Townsend. Miss l.illian Conway. ( Miss Mamie Conway. Miss Addie Ohm. , anil Messrs. Harvey Townsend. Otis Quesenberry. Arthur Keene, I.eonard i j Waters. Frank Crow, .John Downer, Hay Striekler,'if. 1- Pngh. Carl Conway. Jas- J1 per Holland. W. A. Wise, .1. Morris, W. j C. Money and F. Mead, all from the., city, and .Miss Gertrude Greer. Mr. Wil- J Hani Mai tin. Miss Kva Martin. Miss | Isabel Beardmore. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. if Martin and Mr. and Mrs. J. i.. Beard-,* more. Mine. Gauge. Miss Wetmore, Mrs. '' George Howard. Mrs. Shepard and Mrs. Cleveland Perkins form a committee which is arranging for a flower hall the 1 evening of March 3d, to be given for the j: beiietit of the Washington Diet Kitchen, j; The J.adies' Club of the Washington I Saengerbund celebrated its sixteenth anniversary with a banquet at the J , clubhouse, 31 I C street northwest. Wed- i. nesday evening, January 39, 1913. Ad- j dresses were made by Mrs. K. G. Bar- j ! thell, Mrs. Honneinan, Mrs. Dosseau and j i Mrs. Linzhack. after which handsome j favors were given to all the ladies, j Among those present were Mrs. K. G. i 5 Bart hell. Mrs. Scliaffert, Mrs. Honne- ' man. Mrs. Linzbaek. Mrs. Losseau, Mrs. 4 Sch warts. Miss Olga Dosseau. Mrs. 1 Curley, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Klinge. Mrs. 1 Daiker, Miss K. Scliwarz. Miss P. Holer. J Miss P. Linzback. Mrs. Graser and Mrs. Grinan. < ( Mrs. Kugene W*. Watson ami Miss j i Watson. 1107 31st street, will be at ; home Sunday, February 8. « S Miss I,ela liodgkin has left for Ithaca. X. Y., to join a house party given by : the students of Cornell University. j < j .Judge and .Mrs. William (\ Chambers i of Maryland art- spending: the re- « mainuer of tin* season at JFII Rhode i island avenue northwest. « Mrs. A. Stedman will be home the < remaining Mondays in February. . Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Hail and her daughter, Mrs. I". L. Moore of New York city, entertained at a bridge party of . twelve tables in honor of the ladies whom ' they have known at Congress Hall dur- ! ing the several winters they have spent i there. The prizes were exquisite import- ] ed fan®. A number of guests came in for . the tea which followed. Mrs. William A. Askbrook of Ohio an<l ills. Scott Ferris of Oklahoma presided at the tea table, i which was beautifully decorated with Kil- larnev roses and lilacs. ' , i Marriage Licenses. ; Marriage' licenses have heen issued to the following: Thomas "Cook and Maria Hanks.' i George It. Hayman an>I Harriet Hurley. I William ft. Wilson and Maggie Minor. Thomas G. Longmuir anil Jennie Peter- son. George Mack and Xina P.vle. Harrison L. Kngiand and Dorothy P. Smith. Rvland W. Oapps of tliis city and Nettie M. Klsea of Bluemont, Va. ; Marcus K. Cottrell and Virginia It. Woodward, both of Barhamville. Ya. i Albert T. Mason and Alice Fovee. J 1 a Deaths Reported. i The following deaths have been reported to the health department in the last twenty-four lioiirSi: Walter Williams. years. Georgetown 1 University Hospital. Lewis T. Jones. ««U years. Government Hospital for the insane. i Elmer Mattinglv, -- years, K street northeast. Mary M. Svphax, St years. Itjlt; loth » street northwest. Ho.-ea Rogers, do years, Garfield Hospital. , Frederick U. Dalrymple, 7t> years, lTol * Oregon avenue. Joseph S. Watson, - months. Children's 1 I lospital. Andrew Whitley, *; years, F street southwest. John 11. Wells, o! years, l.'Sl L'Oth street. James Toyer. 74 years, ttltJ Springmans court southwest. TAFT TO EULOGIZE SHERMAN. Precedent Will Be Established When t He Addresses the Senate. President Taft and Speaker Clark are 1 to be speakers at the memorial ceremonies to be held in the Senate chamber > February 15 in honor of the late Vice President Sherman. This will be the 1 first time in the history of the nation that the President of the United States 1 has addressed the Senate under such circumstances. In addition to the President and Speaker. the eulogies are to be pronounced by ten members of the Senate. I HE SPRING LAMB I SELLS FOR $1A POUND jO\6 Weather Tends to Stiffen Prices at Washington Market. . I Spring lamb, crop of mnilv it« r.itial appearance on tlie Washington nark-'i today. and. with its garnishment if tnirt sauce and side dish of given je-as, nay now he enjoyed by persons who do' tot care what they do witii tieir mone\ ) ,egs of the genuine spring lambs retail it Si a pound, or front SI to Ss per g Quality is tiptop, dealers say. th<- lambs j omir> to the market in tirst-olass ship-. >wing to the warm. open weather las prevailed until thrt present wck. Vnyhow, the mint for sauce only costs .<> cents a hunch, and the green peas a: :o he had for lb cents a quart b'»x. Tile -cold weather that has prevailed' iinee ground hog day has brought about a dlght stiffening of prices in sev. ral lines, hougs no marked changes are noted luce last week. Hew Rhubarb on Market. Xe«; rhubarb is about tiie only addition :o the vegetable line, bringing s to 10 (tits a bunch. lb-ices- of other vego.aldes'aie practically unchanged from a aeek igo. Whit.- potatoes ar«- lib c uts .1 ;K-ck; rsweets. 10 cents a <|uart<*r j-eek. rtcw I vets. to cents a hunch; old b««-ts, 4 ?ents t.i bunch; turnips, b cents a ouaiter scck: salsify, or oyster plant, < cents .1 Mini'ii; new eahbage. in cents a head; old! rahbage. ami t> «-cnts; parsnips, s < » nts i quarter peek; n< w carrots. |o cents a; iiunchj old earr< ts. lo i .-nts a quarter, peck; - cauliflower, to lib cents each;! ijr.-cn and wax ln-atis. pi to lb cents i hov. spring onions, three bundles to;"» cen^s; leeks, b cents a bunch; yellow1 »nion'% Pi cents a quarter pock; w.ute .nioii'i lb cents a quarter peck; Spanish' anion* b c.-nts each; spinach. Id cent.- a 4 u art-v. peck; kale, lb cents a half peek, ukra. Id cents a pint box; celery, lo. li: to lb -.nts a hunch: lettuce, .s to lo cents a. head; brussels sprouts, lb to 2n cents a Ivox; green peppers. - for b cents; tomatoes. fb cents a pound; roinaine. chickory and other salads at previous prices. Price of New Potatoes. Retail dealers who have heretofore j icld small old potatoes which had been arefully scrubbed and assorted to run >v»»iil* iii sizp i i .' u' nut a toes Weri- oday selling the same potatoes as 'second crop" stuff, informing pur hasers that the potatoes were a very ate (fop from last season and pracdcallv the same as the new spring (otatovs from southern Florida. Ileal new lAJtatoes brought in cents a Imx oday. tile "second crop" potatoes sellng for from 5 to S cents a hox. The advent of real spring lamb, menioned. above, is the only new feature 11 tli« retail meat market, except that ookett tongue today took a flight skyvard and now retails at t»0 cents per icund Fresh pork is a trifle lower, oin r lasts hiinging 17 cents a pound, ind flue loin chops being down to is ems. Fresh hams and shoulders are IS and 15 cents a pound, respectively, he corned goods bringing 1." and 1". m nts a pound. Smoked meat prices emai'i unchanged, though pure lard is selling for 11 cents, an advance of 1 cut front last week's price. No liango jf any kind is noted in prices >f beef, veal and mutton, though re:ailer.° declare that advances in the wholesale prices, made within the last .veek. will necessitate- sliglit advances it retail if the wholesale quotations tie maintained. Brace in Poultry Prices. Poultry prices stiffened a trifle today, >\ving to a reported scarcity in supply. Turkeys are 23 to .'So cents a pound: ousting fowls are 20 cents; fryers, from two to two and a half pounds weight, ire 23 cents a pound; broilers weighing ibout a pound and a half are .'In cents a ouiid. and capons have advanced rents e pound since last week, today's nice being 2V> cents a pound. Bucks ai> jp 2 cents, to 23 cents a pound, and ;eesc ;ie r. tailing at 22 cents. The ^dvent of the liatching season,! luring whicli farmers and proprietors of gg farms put thousands of egg.s into] ncuba<ors. and the cold weather are, ;iv«-ii ' it tin* cause !"<*r an advaitce of 3 eats a dozen in tile price of eggs. Strictly selected fresh eggs are back to' «» cents a dozen, nearby strictly fresh ire cents; good fresh eggs bring 23 ents. The advance in prices of strictly: resh eggs is offs« t in a measure by the return to 22 cents a dozen for good storage eggs. Butter prices remain the ante to the consumer, though an advance | if 1 cent a pound has been made in > g. ..el,.., u,.ci eivin u i;. lilt" . I » i\,v. .»v_^ yents, other prudes running down to cnts. Quotations on Fruit. Fi ui prices remain um handed since i weeli ago, with oranges ranging from to >>u cents a dozen, grapefruit from cents each to two for 2,> cents, lemons _'0 to «0 cents a dozen and apples all tlie way from «<> cents a peck lor cookers up to >1 a peck fori fancy eating apples. Plenty of shad from southern waters] are a sure sign of the advance of spring, and the fish are apparently ci -xtra large size ami fine quality, lio.-s still h.iiig from l<> S2 cadi, with ducks selling' at from t>0 to 7-7 cents j tpiece. Not a single change is noted in j retail prices of other varieties of fresh lish. though dealers complain of a slight shortage in supplies, due io the old weather of the past week. A - turn to wanner weather, they say. will Liring plenty of fish to the Washington markets, ami no advance in general prices is expected, even during lain. Meeting of Ad Club Governors. The board of governors of the Washing- Lon Au t'luh will hold a meeting next Monday afternoon at r>:7U> o'clock at the National Press Club, according to announcement made today l»v Walter AioLtonneU, president of the club. MARRIED. lit itSKl.t. SHAW. >n |-VI»rn:iii -V lyi."., iir the llev. K. 11#-.: Sn.-ig. 1.1.1. A M SHAW ami WII.l.IAM K. lil'SSKI.I.. * ; DIED. JLOM. Suddenly. <>>i Thai sda v. I"ebruary «!. j 11*1.'!. ::t sihlev Ilo-pital. IX'.RIf*. li.'itU'rd daughter <if M. K. mik! Mlli:i Bltfiu. "uiieral £roiii li»*r par**ills* i***mdeuce. (iTt* Morr.s i str**et northeast. <111 Saturday. February s. ;it 10 a.p.. Relatives .nid friends iuviled to at- I lend. luteruieut at i;leii«ro<Ml eene*tery. 'OX KI.K Suddenly. mi Thursday. February *!. 1**1-!, at til** residence of her daughter, Mr*, j John \l. Raker. Mm* .".111 »ir*'**t northeast. I MKl.HSA A. fONKI.i:. ag*-d sixty-three years. iotiee "1 funeral li* -r. <Ii"l»*'i"isl«iir*^. \\ \ *.. |uipert- please i-'-py.* JEVEAI.V Ilep'ii'"d ibis 1 iI * tv*"ii:'*-.i.iy. February l'-'l". al 11:1". p.m.. aftei a brief ill'iiens. al !h<* resident-*' of lier ilau;liler. 1?>4!: fill ii slr«-ei northwest. M.1KV E. DEVFAI'X. Sin- was l!* bebv**d Iii-.;,nr *>f t'l.nitl i Dexe.tiis Walker, atld sjsler of I Stewart Alexande "uueral February S. at - p.m.. foiu late residence. lAM.'IN <tu Thursday. F* hruav* i*. l!*l:5. al j lilt* iKiar of l«»"l' niece. Mrs. Ju'ia Fowler. ' I "a inn* Mil Hrlghls. >ld.. ICEI.MX !1 \XI.ON of Tralee. County Kerry, Ireland. aip*d seventy four. 'lllteral fiotn SI. Margaret's Ciimv'o. Seal I'iensaut. K; turduy morning at lit o'.loek. 1ARVEY. «»u February 7. If*]:;, at i:is r bleu. e. J.'S2" 1 It!i street northwest. ERNEST I.. I IIAUVJCY. son of the late Richard F. and Elizabeth F. Ilarvev. iotice tif funeral hereafter * IO 1*15 It I NEK. Departed this life on Tlnirsdnv. Fehruaiy 0. 12) Id. at 2:54 ANNA, devoted wife of the late Charles ilolhruner. "UD'-ral F hruury 8 at lilt.'U* m.ui. from lier late residence. <J2 C street northwest. lutermeut (private) at Roekville. JId. 7 lEISEK. On Thursday. February P.* 13. at 5 p.m. at fiarhehl Hospital. WII.1.IAM S-. neloTei; of Einiiie A. Keiser. funeral from Metropolitan Rapt is t Church on Stftuniji?* If *ruarr v *t 2 p ni IntfrniCBi l»ri%ot<*. kkiski:. I ». «» !*..A *=ik* *1 on of <H . r.«».:sr*\ \o. 21. will N* li^ld !)vs il .1 r. rit T.;u> oV «wk ? » tr»k wi'li »n : n tvjjiirtl «» tM df-i»h «-f ISro. W S. KKI>r.lI past srr:«i««l Bv ord«T. JoM-TlI i:» KRoi IIS. ><* - inrr LAV. I!I \^*l I4» |»art«i«I 1/ on T! v ." morr.iuj, frVtiruarr II. 1 !t 1 . ;»t 2 a.m., rr*ulfin-.-. 1«»12 T> *«rN»; sotithr.i-?, 1.1 l/.A 1j\\VKI'\('K, ih»* J#o|o\ .{ w ,I «»f .1 »ti l#atvr»*iti'»' bihI I ho mother «»f \«: i m*. I N-th. KtliH, t'lmrlh* and fb«» 1*i«- John I*ior*iw»\ A i^oihi i's Iwvrf ihwv for th- \\ul t**riof fr!'Mi«lv «i«» flu. ; <Ik» and frh'iid** v- in« \\ i \> iinU .! ).! « Funeral services to 1m> l,etd I:i tlsu-.-r \l r. t iili:"-'!! SuinJ.ix. Feb. tary ». a - 1 M VI riVi.l V > .|i! mi \\ ,,i i i »ry wis. i i.Mi l: r . » ».-.i ; .1 Vis:,* I. Vlattitiirix. as**d ii> I no x s. Funeral fmm bis InJf i 7k. inirtlieast. oil S:i I inlay. I 'i ruarx v. a; . V in. Interment :it <:Icnnoxd eciiM-lcrx' Ml KI'llY xVn VV edlic-tlax Kfbrila: x till.; -f 4 4:. It III JIMIN II Ml Itl'IIV is'lovct il l ' aini of Mary I. Murplix. ,(i < « 11*i 1 llx-lt I' I'll: ra fpnut S Matthias* < .up Sntu ii; in.train;, at In o'< Imi. O'MII.I. In .X in; renii-«i:|.t of ,,nt 11«t». darling. III".I I- \ < i ii: V m'MII.I eh., | I'm iei| tins life nine xoar* ago t.«Iax |"et ruary 7. It* 4 ller sacred memory still ie mails xxifhin our In-arls IV V I IKK I Villi K VVI» Mitllini I'dl Siiildetilv. in tin- pars.mute of >1- re A. V| I", /ion 4'lints "J17 sip. ' s.n.tlux-. «t. at Iti at o'clock VV . 1 i. ,.4- x .x r ng. February pal."., xxliile xlle l . . eptioii to tin* pasior, Vlis S VK.VII I \1 M * I'd! of t I street stiullieasi. II..x t .J « tf lit 11 ies VV. I'oe. FunnaI from Metro|toli t an V M I C'lliinrlt. |t strxs-t soul tlx", t st. Sunday. I f' tttarx It. at k j, m. sin xxns a stCMird' of tin- t liureli and a till e\ inple of I tr Flirts*, ianity. KOKV.Us «»n T!iitrs.ii February >' P'P llttsKV. Iteloved husband Nttnn. V. Itopeis Funeral fioni late "sid net lit.". I 'ark p i northeast, on Saturday. I ! «n r.x o'clock Itclatixcs atnl f'-i.-iids Incited < foil tidal (teach anil Fredericksburg. V a. |H|irn please ixt|tf.| 7* HYAN tin Tuesday, .lannarv k"v pip:. .1 VMI ItYAN". retired, sergeant I S *1 t ::t Valleyo. t'al soli of tin late I'atr.Ck an Mary llyan. ngc.f tiftx tu.i y.»r.. Intcrinent at Marc lslnu.1 cemetery. Vnll"|o. t'al. SIMI'SttV. Filtered int.. ..-l .n VVe.tnes.lay Fol.rua t lltl.'I. a" II lit p.m . I'. 1 .*M Is Iti' Itusliand of Vmily \\ Simpson Fini. il from Ms l.xte resl.l n-f l.'.n lltii streMint liens!, Saturday. 1 V! .ruary s. at k p m Friend* and itlatix.s inxlied. Intcimeu: private. 7* SMITH. I tit Wodnesxlay. February a, ISM."., a 7:4."> p.ui.. at ills residence. 22.".* Flex.iaw street n.trl Invest. VV I l.l.l VM T. SMITH, t be* i ts I llllsl.aml ot Fassie 1». Smith, In t'ie fiirty-eighlli year of Ills age. Funeral Saturday. February s. at I Hit o elo k. from Walker Memorial F.aptlst Ohurcli. 1 a street near V street wortInvest. VI! trie la invited. "* TIIO'I T. Kit VV .sines,lay. February lf»l i. Providence Hospital, VMM A -I I" love.I xx i of < haries V. Trott and mother of Fthel M 'IV.,. r in tit,, lift x* -1 Ii. rtl rear of iier aire. Funeral from II mile's unrtertakinc establish no-nt. .Mli and II street* iHirtliwi'jt. Situ day iimrutlig. February S. «t s ihi; ih- o lo linuiaeulnle i opeeptlon t'lmr-h. **<h :i \ streeis. nhcrr tins- will la> sul.i lit a.m. Interment at Holy KooJ «imetery. 7 Vill./.. o.i Tlmr-dar. I"'hraat.v in 13. .it s V It.VKItAIIA Mil 7. leloved wife of I r « eriek I'.. Voiz. used thirt.t eight ».»r-. Funeral Saturday at p.m. from tin- residedof her limtiior. I' II Iluhler mid South I'm litia aroua.- -outhenst. Itelatives and frieit . invito*!. S' WFI.L-. |io|iart>.1 iIik lif.. on W. due-da* February lftl.'!. at 11 a.m.. at li'» i< -Idenee. 131 not!i street northwest. ,I"IIN II . beloved husband of Faniiic li.-ll \V« lis. Fuieval Sunday. Februart at 1 ."at p.ui f.-oti. Mount J.-zrell Baptist at!i ami 1-2 *:t ids -mithonst. Key. II. V IVyton. |i«Mor. Kola tires ami frioml- invitoti. s* WIN'FIKI.It. Departed thi- life on W.ilm- ... February jftl.". at 4 .".0 p.m.. at tlm y deaeo of her soti-in-law. Fdward II. ltrsi' r 11*111 I street northwest. I.F.TToN'1 AN. ! loved wife of Walter W infield ami mother >>f llattie Braiton and dauchtcr of » harlot. Stewart. Funeral Sunday. February ! . at 1:3t> p.m.. fro a Melroj«»!itaii Baptist f'liiiriHi. It !< tireen ll'tit and 13th streets tintlintit. lie v. M. W. It. Norman. pastor. Fa -k* t will n- ; Im- o|Hn<'d in ehitreh. Friends invited. 8* In Memoriam. Kill.I. In sad but lovinir remeuibranee of tor dear irsband and toy father. R'tltF.ltT 11. KKI.I. who died four years a?n today, Febj ruary 7. limit. While in pea.-efu! sleep Your sa.-red tiiemorv we sha'l always he«p BY MIS WIFK AND D A I '< i IITFIt. .THNME K A XI) \|. IS I'.LI. IIFWIOF l.i -ad i > til loviuc reiiietillrt a nee toy darlmv baby |.: other. WII.I.IF IIENN'IUF. who departed this life three years ago t>. j day. February 7. lt'ld. Three tears Lave pa--. il. my heart's still so *-, \s tiiiM* me-s on I ini.s him more: Ills men.or* is as dt at today - in the hour lie passed away. <omI took little Wiliie front our home. Bet imver from our hearts. * BY IMS l.uVIMi I I .MM A flSTH At c la -ail liliT ill.' t -iii.muIi: :<|1'I1 « : tny U-I..V.-.1 1.!!>' :::i I. AI.I'.FUT It. I'YSH.V «»ii" U':ii (f lay. ! I'ltruacj .. Itiltl |'i c I 1.: \ : " « ;t: liis txravi* Mai \\ i 1 it'i ami «I -it> !? :. r -a., mi l sr«-"'»i iii" in"li»<»r» In my In-art shall stay. i:\ iii< i.ovivt; win:, novkij.a. l*iW LI'iS. Ill r<»\mi'innry -if our mollo liAVIMA I'oU'LKS. nlio lefi us sis; j-.-ars ago today. I'.-lirtuir.v 7. 1SU7. "Itai-UwBid. turn hai-kward. oh. Hun-. iu II iflii. Makf in«' a <-hil<l a;:iin Just for tonight. Mother, iniiii' liat'k trniu tin* rt-linii". -linre. Take mi' again Iyour hi-nrl a" of von. over lay .-hniiiwr- your loving w»t«*li keip: Him k II :n sleep. niolhi'l. fork tin- to "lp»p "* I I:«»>I IIIIK Mrt l\<; t'lllMMti-.N*. \V| I! Ill -.111 III: 1 lovi'.ia ri'ii»enil». of I.I,hi". JOll N Will., uhn fill a»> in Ji'-ii" tui-li mm!" ago tmlay. Ko'iria. 7. 1tH»l. l».iy- of " nllii -s " ill i oil!' n lin-. T.-.i:" ol' io o-.v i:l!i 111. A I", ill. | UII-IIIO V l.l'I'll" till' I'll III 111' ill 'ii 111 '. T: oiittli In aM'ii oiaaaiil li.iu twelve y'-ai lltiiM His l.oYINt: MAI <; IJ'SA l.\ l"lt!" r'liJsl^KAta Ul&UViUtiS. Joseph Fc Birch's Sons, t A! <y V W" I'arli-r fo, F neraW M - T. A.W . Ptin,!,, wvst i.M AKI.ISIIHi IsSO. jiiSKi'if <;wvr.i.K s SONS 17:m-"O PA. WE. ' »«PFt, PHONE" MAIN r.MtJ-.Vin n. 'I~srbady~OX I.ITITT. .mux T. I;AHNKR. Vr1407 9'h «t. Ph. :ie V rtTRT. FRANK 0E!ER'S SONS. 112rt .SEVENTH ST. N.W. M.nlirr h:iiv»V telephone .-all. North 32# Cj serge P. Ztarihorstv »fkt ! , n en tf* «. \ .11 Ol. t*r.7 OHAS S. 71 .tTIOPUT M W. R. SPBARE' fTXFKAI. DIRECTOR AM) KMRAEMBR. 94© F Street NoW. WAMIINOTO.V U. C. Main Frank A. Speare. M^r. J A :\ IKS f."C L EM i7. NTS"SON > FhoneW.804. i-M' XVisct.nsinave TorTx r. \vkigiTi~co:; Ij?.n7 to? 11 St. WW Phone M. 47 A. Oc FREY ck BRO., Funeral Dln-i-tiir" :in«l FmltalB>"r*. ?«<*» 1»tV> If. n.rr. N" *.*.« tVM.IJAM I.IK. Kum-ra: Director and i'a '.hit. IJvcrr in connection. (" Mn'n dl«>u» ciiar-i-! and modern crematorium price*. I'f v n.-.v. T»l'-nti < nI> i WM, H. SARDO <& CC" FI NKHAL DIRECTORS AND KMBAI.MFR^ i? »> «» Mndi-rn » h'!pftI, Phon«* f»in**i r.' FUNERAL DESIGNS. MARCHE, Florist, ArSisiic. Iu' xpeuslie Kun< ral l»e>i£n« and Floral Spray*. ACTO DELIVERY. 735 14th ST N W. TEE. M 0#.Vl. Appropriate PSor&ii li'okeni Artistic.inpjj>«'ii*i»e. I'rouipt auto de leery eerrtor. OsiCse Bros. Co., J-u F S:. Phones Main 427«-42T». J. H. SMALL &~SONS, Florilt," Corner 15th and H sis.. WASHINGTON. Waldorf-Astoria mid 115:! Broadway, New Y.m*. Flowers for Kunerata n Specialty Funeral Oesitrua. Funeral l»e»t^ua. GEO. C. SHAFFER, Beautiful floral rioMgDa very reasonable la prleaa Phone 241« Main. 14th and I sta. B.W. J. R. Freeman, FHorist. "Our Floral Deltas Last." 612 13th SI. N.w. ruoxe MAIN 23SA, a

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Page 1: IN MWORLDOFSOCIETY HE I Mo^iselk&epers TamaM© POUND … · -elliug choice Elgin « " «H grlb. = 1 LO\EK" Creamerv, jj YSTER, 1 Phone Main 4820. g fit » w \ TfiePerfectDressTie


ftcuitjorh Ulnshin$V

I Julius Ojari| AMMO!I A FlssaS CI®;


I Clknldlir®!®^, GiirlV v%

n o r^v

! Hafts, Dines| auradl C

V Hats that were tip to" > Hats that were up to

If! Hats that were up toy Hats that were up ti>Hats that were up to

If! Misses' and (iirls' WintMisses' and Cirls' Coat

Ijl Hirls" I*. K. and Rep D*:* at /3 to '4 former price.If! Misses' and Juniors' CI* * former price.

X Misses' \ civet and 'Corfformer price.a (iirls' Cloth Capes at /_

% - -

One lot of Infants', iIf! Dresses. Coats. Caps. Rompe

prices for clearance on acco

:i F Street, Corn*:~XK-X~x-X-X~XK^'X~X~X"X-X~:^


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"| .A Low| For Qualit

5 W hen you patroniztablishment you can dep

H iTY butter at the vert

; Economical housevHmiml that we're -till

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J = ==3Sc pi| 5-lb. boxes "FOUR LEAF t

S JAMES F. 0H Stands in Principal Markett

Greatest Ability as Ij9># % *jg J

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You Will s**e sp'Viu*u* «»f** Piitt's *r«»rk in thousands of tli? '

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r. a. art'jtif ni ri;.V £ j'Geo. PlittCo., Inc.,5J' J

.Mail? Show r.*>ius. 11"! .' IIII. a v.-. *:£ |Wo;»ro> nj-. IT'JT 7il» st. n w.

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]!@aft§ |?$20.00, now $5.00.

$X.OO, IHiW S3.53". *1*S5.00. now Si.05. * *

S2.50, now Si.00. . »

Si.00. now 500. *:*>

cr Suits at price. *t*s at t4 to 1

j price.resses: mussed or soiled. t* *


oth Dresses at 14 to y2 £

lurov Dresses at '-4 to /* *:*1v

former price. *t*small (iirls" and Hoys' %rs. etc., at greatly reduced *£unt of mussed condition. >

Ssr Thirteenth. |



Store Opens S Closes *!*V

kimig' Devices!Many housekeepers are en- *:*

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by electricity. This is especially

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only reliable, tested devicesfor practical use.Electric *:*

Toasters, Electric Egg ji.Boilers, Electric Stoves, Etc. >

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Price -=.?i I:y Biflttero 1e thi> reliable okl es- jjend on getting OL'AL- gLOWEST PRICES. |

ives should bear in-elliug choice Elgin «

«" H

gr lb. = 1LO\ EK" Creamerv, jjYSTER, 1

Phone Main 4820. g»


Tfie PerfectDress Tie*T/Ze tie wiif> the ftudon onlaiSs

Buy by the l&beLuThe PerfectDressHe

l&Iade of~i£>e finestIrenc/>Etf>rhs.Sold in tfie bestsfiops tfeworldover. SOcents anddetter

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i.1 hese delgoods are ma

home way ofm

leeted ingreddelivered frefrom oven to

something t

Sunday desse

When down townshopping stop and

j get a box ofReeves C. M. Caramels.


Again Tom<tttst °

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. offered elsewherestemmed, perfectly defresh for Saturday s sa

expect, as conditionsunusually abundant si


j Tel. M. 3707


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I" M

I |S 44Without a doubt" iI A 25% I| Dividend 1H Money invested now in Isg our Furs will easily earn ft*4 .3/C it'"! I1IUIC. M

g Present prices on l*ur 9« < Garments in our stock or gS for those made to your 3g order arc greatly reduced, j;

g Knowing absolutely the fS >tyles to be worn next |ig season, we can make you a t3 coat now which will be |3 fashionable a year from |8 now. or even two years. |fl The price will be at least |;5 _'5% less than you must fH pay next season. ||

Come in and let us ex- f:| plain the bargain oppor- i

| tunity of ordering at once. |I |1 Stinemetz,I F and Twelfth. jmt»naa»a»»niKnnn::»aa»i»amm

Unquestionably Superior.^uuns's will Ult'.Miro rip In

your I'vrj (it-maud. TUey are attractiveall'J well huilt.

TP VounV Carriage Benoalt jry.B WUlIl|t 4W 4UC la. are. n w.


Our Fine Pastries are served jin our Luncheon 'Department. jj

law TamaM©s@ws§=B&fe@di1 PasilirI@So ;icious bakeryde in the realcarefully se-

ients, and are

sh and cleantable. Orderempting torrt.

1EEVES,F Sfer@®S

>rrow; $ 1.50#

50c Dozen.he grade of Carnationsat $oc doz., hut longvclopedspecimens, cutle. Enough for all, zee

enable us to offer an


ua&S&xt 14th &H.

I - _w; 1


§0© EaetoII! Exquisite specimensnever sold

under $1 and $1 .^o.

jj E4t8ii aed H

Awarded Grand Prize National Stjle Show.

LADIES'made up in new spring .ja =,

| models direct from! abroad. Order now; be ^

a fashion creator, not sifollower. Spring fabricsare here.We make this offer to keep our

tailors busy till our regular seasonopens.

Paul Leibei, I sic.Ladies5 TaLor, 11211© Q St.

itc ( HAS. K. I'.UMONSTOX.

Supplies tor the{ Inauguration.} "l*OU IllNlNH !!t)l)J|S.

CAI-'KS. HK.S'i At HANTS. ||.(( If Vim n»ei| niiyiliiu; in lb- lino of(( i rui ki-ry. «»Ius>iv«i*f, Kitchen I'ti jisils,if etc., viiii v. ill It in] i;s lUi'imrvo In sitisfyj your < wry demand. Inoxiiensive lines

l{ thai will answer llie ].iii|inses exactly."JiiET (»l i:"l'KI< I IS KKFiiKK I'l Itl'IIASINii.

! ChaSo R, Edmnionston,< ii ..:i. i;i:s>s ami llotisefurnfciiiings.

ill 12m Pa, Ave.

| Before You Start YourI SPRING SEWING

I '

ffllave us put your

i|SK\vi\c; M A ^D)C I 11 X K in perfectrunning order.liie

f*cost will be around%.g .Ail work guaranteed.| OPPENHEIMER'S,|s Cor. 8th and E Sis. N.W.

i*Family Orders a

!t -5,

ji bsmfegm®V

it .

^'.is ilie tavorite

4- *~~j) r? (0) wine for the fisht ( a5) course.v u \zs ">' llav* :,l! noted

' ' brands. Barton &it Bottle. ^UTV^'S Sautprney$1 bottle.


{ Deliveries Until 10:30 P.M.

| JOHN T. CROWLEY,*£831 14th st. n.w. Tel. M. 3644.

bg '

At 110 season is the skin! Js more subject to the uncer!2tainties of the weather thanI#

11now5Dermatine Lotionj 3*i| .prevents chapping,;h>2 Gl*AItDS THE COMPLEXION. A

positive luxury in winter. Keep abottle on your dresser. _

P Price 23C'

g£'-Thompson Pharmacy,|j Frank C.IIenry, Prop.,703 15th





Dinner and Musical at the WhiteHouse Tonight.Personals.

The President and Mrs. Taft will entertainat a dinner, to l>e followed bya musical, tonight.This afternoon Mrs. Taft's guests in

her box at the opera were Mrs. Rae,Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. McGlinlock and Mrs.Peckhum.

Miss llolcn Taft will attend the danceat the Country Club tonight, of which JMr. William F. R. Ifitt will be host.A tour around the world to occupy jeight months or a year is planned by the

Attorney General and Mrs. Wickersham.Immediately following the inaugurationthey will close their Washington home on1kfh street and start on the journey. Accompanyingthem will he Miss FrancesNoyes, Miss Martha Bowers and Mr.0 Frederick Moore, the latter of New York.Despite the serious injuries which shereceived more than a week ago when thehorse she was riding dashed into a streetcar. Miss Bowers believes she will haverecovered sufficiently to make the trip.The party plans to leave San FranciscoMarch 15. Their tirst stop will be Honoilulu.

* *; Count Carlo Montagnini. attache to the1** Italian embassy, has arrived in Wasli!ington.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roosevelt haveas a guest Mrs. If. E. Biscoe, who willremain with them until her husband.Pay Inspector Biscoe. C. S. X.. who i«ill in th- Naval Hospital, has recovered.

Mrs. Gillette Hill will entertain for11 her house guests at dinner tonight.

|: Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt of NewI; York will entertain a large party atf: dinner tonight at her house, on 5th

avenue, to meet the Russian anibassador and Mine. Llakhineteff.1

*; The President and Mrs. Taft were ent;tertained at dinner last night hv the SeeX:j retary of Commerce and I*il»or and Mrs.X: Nagel, completing the series of similarX: hospitalities in cabinet homes. Their other!X guests were Mr. Justice and Mrs. I

§] Hughes. Senator and Mrs. Sutherland,the Assistant Secretary of War and Mrs. jRobert Shaw Oliver, the Assistant Seere- jXl'tary of ihe Navy and Mrs. Beekinan |X; Winthrop, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Francis!X Adams, Dr. and Mrs. Wilnier and Mr. and !? Mrs. Artluir Shepley of St. Louis, who't are visiting Secretary and Mrs. Nagel. j»

tfc The Secretary yf War and Mrs. Stiin-on \. j entertained at dinner last night at their:-- nome on 1(»th street in compliment to Miss"|||! -"leti Tait. Their additional quests were|l |*. he Postmaster General, the solicitor genii;eral. Lieut. Col. Moreton F. Gage and'Mrs. (Sage, Maj. and Mine, von Herwart'n. I| Mr. Mitchell Lines, Mrs. Thomas K.

j Laughlin. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Graves, jMaj. Lassiter. Maj. and Mrs. CharlesJ Martin. Mr Winfred T. l)etiison. MissKmilv lleatty. Miss Catherine Anderson, jMaj. Rhoads, Miss Aileen Gorgas, MissFrances Gamble, Miss Kleanor Gamble'and Mr. Reginald Hnidekoper. jh The annual hunt ball will be held at |Ute Clievv Chase club Friday evening, iApril 1. 101*1: Pain ing will commence at jId o'<-lock. to be followed by a cotillon.Supper will be served at LLMO and aj, buffet supper later. The committee inwhose name the invitations to subscribehave been issued are Mr. Gist Blair,j chairman, and Messrs. .John F. Wilkins,

j W". Corcoran Fastis,- Robert M. ThompiI son, George Howard, .1. William Henry,] O. 1'. Jackson, George F. Downey, Je-;rotne X. Bonaparte. Hugh S. Legai'e,William F. Hitt, Murray A. Cobb, \Yalitor R. Tuekerman. Richardson Clover,Fdson Bradley, Lawrence Townsend, J.jt| Ib nri de Sibour and William C. Marrow.;i The Mount Pleasant Woman's ChristianTeinpetance Cnion will give a musical

t» a tomorrow afternoon from tl to 5, atthe home of Mrs. \Y. J. Cawthon. tlieVictoria, lltli and (Milton streets benefit the national drinkingfountain.

Mrs. Katharine Gillett Hill is having avis?* from In r daughter. Miss Leiniia K.Gillett, and Mr. Dean Sales of Boston.Mrs. Glendower Fvans will address the

Congressional Club tills afternoon at 4o'clock on "The Massachusetts .MinimumWage Law." Mrs. Johnson of MainlandMrs. Kinkead of New Jersey willpreside at tlse tea table.Mrs. Krriest W. Roberts v.i'.l be assisted

in tin- hospitalities of the afternoon bvMrs. Kului and Mrs. Kent of CaliforniaMrs. Howard of Georgia. Mrs. Speer.

» Mrs. Charles IS. Smith of New York, and ir 1"

AJ -wniiiguu.

ARs John W. Falls of .Memphis, Toiin..| and Airs. T. A. Fauber of London, Kng)land. gav«* a tea Sunday afternoon to) seventy-five of their friends at the Newf Willard. 'I'hev are both remaining at thej Willard until after the inauguration.

Master Raymond (liesler entertained a!group of little folks at his l»irtliday partyWednesday evening. The guests were as

) follows: Miss (lertrude Kid well. Miss) Florence Darling, Master Alton AIcDon,')aid. Miss Adelaide Darling. Master RanII die Kid well. .Miss Kilith Burgess. .Miss

Hazel and ' Zeltna Allen, Master Lenard ;!( Puinphrey. Miss Delia 1 lardester, Miss jjit Kthel Allen. .Master Albert Perkins, Alissj((jRuth Sntton. -Miss Velva AlrCauley, Miss:jj j Kvelyn Torney, Aliss Ldith Talbert, Alas-{' ier Cliffoi t Strohble, .Master Blakel) Xeilors. .Master liussel Weaver and Alissjj); Duis\ Talbert.

AJj's. I!. T\ lialleobaiigh of New BloomSlelield. Pa., is tin- guest of Airs. Rob Roy?!? AleKahan of tin- Port nor.« Ig| j Mrs. Faireliild. wife of Representative»R Fuirchild of Xew Yotk. is entertaining a

j box party at the opera today.i

yz j Countess de l'ei- tti de la Rovca, wifeIf. I of the French counselor, eniei taiued atv? j tea yesterday. Countess de Clianihrtut,w i wife of the French military attache, and*=» Mine, ib- l.aboulaye, wife of tiie Frenclijw second secretary, assisted.

The Junior League will present "The Iv> Little Princess." by Frances Hodgson52 Burnett, at the Playhouse .Monday and

Tuesday nights, February "4-and J.">.

Airs. Claude A. Swansea. Alts. Jackson,Jj.* Mrs. Overman and Mrs. Page wereJg among the senators' wives who held large

receptions yesterday.^ Tiie British ambassador and Mrs. Bryce,

tiie Spanish minister and Aline. Riano,V Alnie. Ritter. who entertained tlm memVhers of the Swiss Ladies" Society at theV Swiss legation, and Aliss Alary McCauley,*j* who had tiie Initial party of her brother,\i' Lieut. Commander McCauley. and Aliss*C Jean Oliver, were among last night'sj, hosts ami hostesses.

If. Washington cousins of the bride who#. n- ill utlAnu 1 he nifl prv.i pp of "\1 ice riAnni....

Y" -' »»»»»-.- L/UU^|rt"*Wise and the Inn' de Richelieu tomorrow,

.% will tin Col. and Airs. Henry Alay. AlissCncf lia Alay. Air. and Airs. ArchibaldHopkins and their niece, Aliss AlarionWise.

J.s* Vicomtcsse Llenoist d'Azy, wife of tliev

*1' PHRM HOtm.V MOTORV SU*£QS JOURNEYS.*{" FVjHlgS Covering Washington every hour

KaLAaAnJ on the hour from (l a.m. to G.-! p.m. With entertaining and in

MBilBlatruelive lecture, $1.Lecture tours covering the chy,

y. WkflMI government buildings, business,i*' BV^Ulbl residential and historieal secCKtloiis. Arlington. Georgetown,rtr. Zoological Park ami Navy Yard. 10 and."if- 2:13 p.m.. lime, 3 hours. 23 miles, only $2.00.

| PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOURS.Covering the interior of the White House, Capitis;tol. Congressional Library, Bureuu of Printinganil Engraving. 1". S. Treasury, Army and Navy

;r'- Ituliding. Smithsonian Institution, National Mu\iseuiu, Corcoran Art Gullery, Pan-American ltnddleg,10 a.m., 1 p.m., time, 4 hours, only $2.00.v- Luxurious 9-passeuger touring cars; expert

guide-drivers. Our lecturers are college men; rafined,intelligent. Finest service lu America. IIti?lustra ted folders, tickets at leading hotels and§» ticket agencies. All Royal Blue Line cars start

from Ograin's Gift Store, I'enna. sve. and 13th£ at. n.w. Phoue Main 3490 for reservations.'2? We will send our elegant new touring cars toyi any hotel or residence Hnd return our tourists afterv The tour without charge if they will notify ua,$75 Ph mc Main ."".)'J9. one-half hour before starting.

Franch naval attache. was the guest of |honor yesterday afternoon at the second Iof the series of French lectures held at Ithe home of Mrs. Douglas H. Gordon, toob


North Charles street. Baltimore. Mr.and Mrs. Gordon gave an informal dinnerlast evening in honor of the vicomtesse,who remained in Baltimore for the evening.Mrs. A. M. Moore, wife of RepresentativeMoore, of Texas, entertained a card ,

party of twelve tables >esterday. follow- (cd by tea. to which about R*> extra guestswere invited. Mrs. \V. A. Ashbrook andMrs. Scott Ferris poured tea.

Mrs. Annie "Wilson Howe, sister of President-electWoodrow Wilson, and herdaughter, Mr?. B. C. Cothran. who havebeen the guests of Rev. l)r. and Mrs.Harris K. Kirk of Baltimore, returned toPhiladelphia yesterday.In speaking of her brother. Mrs. Howe i

is quoted as saying: r"I believe that my brother's administrationin the White House will be both c

demoeratic and simple. i

"I have not seen him for some time, ibut I know how he feels about that sort jof thing. His stand in regard to the inaugurationceremonies, particularly the s

inauguration ball, is characteristic. He thas received hundreds of letters of con- r

gratulation for his action in regard to ithe ball, so that it is apparent that manypersons share his ideas concerning it." 1

Miss Hazel Roberts, daughter of Rep- ]rcsentative and Mrs. Roberts of Nevada. gentertained at luncheon yesterday Incompliment to Miss Barbara Stephens,daughter of Representative and Mrs. *

Stephens of California. The other s

guests were Miss Delia May Henry, the tMisses Prouty. Miss Bessie Burke. Miss


Katherine Brown. Miss Kthel Dloyd.Miss Dorothy Dobyns.Miss Helen Kimmel.Miss Roberta Aimes, Miss Whiteand Miss Belle lilaekley.

About a thousand guests attendedthe reception given yesterday after-noon at the New Willard by Mrs. Wil- tHam 10. Diffenderfer. in compliment to j 1

Mrs. C. Albert White, the recentlyelected president of the District ofColumbia branch of the Woman's Na- 1

tional Democratic Dengue. In the re. «

reiving party were also Mrs. John MillerHorton, Mrs. J. C. Dinthicum, wifeof Representative Dinthicum; Miss '

Katherine M. Dabnev. Mrs. .J. De B.Gardner, Mrs. Albert .1. Carrion, Mrs. jJ. Kasby-Smith and Mrs. .!. B. Barrel 1.The hostess was handsomely dressed j j

in white crepe de chine, and Mrs. ;White was in a peach-tinted brocadecharmeuse. <

Miss Irma Isabel MacKenzie. daughterof Mr. and Mrs. W. K. MacKenzie of this 1

city, was married Wednesday. February '

o. to Mr. Joseph T. Gibbons, son ofMr. ami Mrs. A. J. Gibbons of this city,by Rev. Father Douis O'Donovan at theresidence of Cardinal Gibbons in Haiti- ;more.


Mrs. C. Augustus Simpson will be athome tomorrow afternoon at 1610 iMthstreet.


A reception will be given at the Khbitt jHouse tomorrow evening from s to 111- < iuy in*? uuu-Ti> ui iiitr reunai MJU(UI o

Equality Association iii honor of Rev. *

Olympia Brown and Mrs. Clara B. Colby. '

Mrs. J. T- Beardmore of Dominion jHeights, Va.. gave a farewell party Feb- jrnary r. in honor of her sister. Miss tier- j.trude Greer of Baltimore, who lins been jvisiting her for several months. The ,evening was spent in playing games. | jdancing and music. Kefreshments wereserved during the evening. Those pres- (en! were Miss Alice Townsend. Miss =

Sara Townsend. Miss l.illian Conway. (Miss Mamie Conway. Miss Addie Ohm. ,anil Messrs. Harvey Townsend. OtisQuesenberry. Arthur Keene, I.eonard i jWaters. Frank Crow, .John Downer, HayStriekler,'if. 1- Pngh. Carl Conway. Jas- J1per Holland. W. A. Wise, .1. Morris, W. jC. Money and F. Mead, all from the.,city, and .Miss Gertrude Greer. Mr. Wil- JHani Mai tin. Miss Kva Martin. Miss |Isabel Beardmore. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. ifMartin and Mr. and Mrs. J. i.. Beard-,*more.

Mine. Gauge. Miss Wetmore, Mrs. ''George Howard. Mrs. Shepard and Mrs.Cleveland Perkins form a committeewhich is arranging for a flower hall the 1

evening of March 3d, to be given for the j:beiietit of the Washington Diet Kitchen, j;The J.adies' Club of the Washington I

Saengerbund celebrated its sixteenthanniversary with a banquet at the J ,

clubhouse, 31 I C street northwest. Wed- i.nesday evening, January 39, 1913. Ad- jdresses were made by Mrs. K. G. Bar- j !

thell, Mrs. Honneinan, Mrs. Dosseau and j iMrs. Linzhack. after which handsome jfavors were given to all the ladies, jAmong those present were Mrs. K. G. i 5

Bart hell. Mrs. Scliaffert, Mrs. Honne- '

man. Mrs. Linzbaek. Mrs. Losseau, Mrs. 4

Sch warts. Miss Olga Dosseau. Mrs. 1Curley, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Klinge. Mrs. 1

Daiker, Miss K. Scliwarz. Miss P. Holer. JMiss P. Linzback. Mrs. Graser and Mrs.Grinan. <


Mrs. Kugene W*. Watson ami Miss j iWatson. 1107 31st street, will be at ;

home Sunday, February 8. «S

Miss I,ela liodgkin has left for Ithaca.X.Y., to join a house party given by :

the students of Cornell University. j <


.Judge and .Mrs. William (\ Chambers i

of Maryland art- spending: the re- «

mainuer of tin* season at JFII Rhode i

island avenue northwest. «

Mrs. A. Stedman will be home the <

remaining Mondays in February. .

Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Hail and herdaughter, Mrs. I". L. Moore of New Yorkcity, entertained at a bridge party of .

twelve tables in honor of the ladies whom '

they have known at Congress Hall dur- !

ing the several winters they have spent i

there. The prizes were exquisite import- ]ed fan®. A number of guests came in for .

the tea which followed. Mrs. WilliamA. Askbrook of Ohio an<l ills. Scott Ferrisof Oklahoma presided at the tea table, iwhich was beautifully decorated with Kil-larnev roses and lilacs. '



Marriage Licenses. ;Marriage' licenses have heen issued to

the following:Thomas "Cook and Maria Hanks.' i

George It. Hayman an>I Harriet Hurley. I

William ft. Wilson and Maggie Minor.Thomas G. Longmuir anil Jennie Peter-


George Mack and Xina P.vle.Harrison L. Kngiand and Dorothy P.

Smith.Rvland W. Oapps of tliis city and NettieM. Klsea of Bluemont, Va. ;Marcus K. Cottrell and Virginia It.

Woodward, both of Barhamville. Ya. i

Albert T. Mason and Alice Fovee. J1 a

Deaths Reported.i

The following deaths have been reportedto the health department in the lasttwenty-four lioiirSi:Walter Williams. years. Georgetown


University Hospital.Lewis T. Jones. ««U years. Government

Hospital for the insane. i

Elmer Mattinglv, -- years, K streetnortheast.Mary M. Svphax, St years. Itjlt; loth »

street northwest.Ho.-ea Rogers, do years, Garfield Hospital.,

Frederick U. Dalrymple, 7t> years, lTol *

Oregon avenue.Joseph S. Watson, - months. Children's 1

I lospital.Andrew Whitley, *; years, F street

southwest.John 11. Wells, o! years, l.'Sl L'Oth street.James Toyer. 74 years, ttltJ Springmans

court southwest.


Precedent Will Be Established When t

He Addresses the Senate.President Taft and Speaker Clark are


to be speakers at the memorial ceremoniesto be held in the Senate chamber >

February 15 in honor of the late VicePresident Sherman. This will be the 1

first time in the history of the nationthat the President of the United States 1

has addressed the Senate under suchcircumstances.In addition to the President and Speaker.the eulogies are to be pronounced by

ten members of the Senate. I


jO\6 Weather Tends to StiffenPrices at Washington

Market.. I

Spring lamb, crop of mnilv it«r.itial appearance on tlie Washingtonnark-'i today. and. with its garnishmentif tnirt sauce and side dish of given je-as,nay now he enjoyed by persons who do'tot care what they do witii tieir mone\ ),egs of the genuine spring lambs retailit Si a pound, or front SI to Ss per g

Quality is tiptop, dealers say. th<- lambs jomir> to the market in tirst-olass ship-.>wing to the warm. open weather Hi.itlas prevailed until thrt present wck.Vnyhow, the mint for sauce only costs

.<> cents a hunch, and the green peas a:

:o he had for lb cents a quart b'»x.Tile -cold weather that has prevailed'

iinee ground hog day has brought about a

dlght stiffening of prices in sev. ral lines,hougs no marked changes are notedluce last week.

Hew Rhubarb on Market.Xe«; rhubarb is about tiie only addition

:o the vegetable line, bringing s to 10(tits a bunch. lb-ices- of other vego.aldes'aiepractically unchanged from a

aeek igo. Whit.- potatoes ar«- lib c uts .1

;K-ck; rsweets. 10 cents a <|uart<*r j-eek.rtcw I vets. to cents a hunch; old b««-ts, 4?ents t.i bunch; turnips, b cents a ouaiterscck: salsify, or oyster plant, < cents .1

Mini'ii; new eahbage. in cents a head; old!rahbage. f» ami t> «-cnts; parsnips, s < » ntsi quarter peek; n< w carrots. |o cents a;iiunchj old earr< ts. lo i .-nts a quarter,peck; - cauliflower, to lib cents each;!ijr.-cn and wax ln-atis. pi to lb centsi hov. spring onions, three bundles to;"»cen^s; leeks, b cents a bunch; yellow1»nion'% Pi cents a quarter pock; w.ute.nioii'i lb cents a quarter peck; Spanish'anion* b c.-nts each; spinach. Id cent.- a

4uart-v. peck; kale, lb cents a half peek,ukra. Id cents a pint box; celery, lo. li:to lb -.nts a hunch: lettuce, .s to lo centsa. head; brussels sprouts, lb to 2n cents a

Ivox; green peppers. - for b cents; tomatoes.fb cents a pound; roinaine. chickoryand other salads at previous prices.

Price of New Potatoes.Retail dealers who have heretofore j

icld small old potatoes which had beenarefully scrubbed and assorted to run>v»»iil* iii sizp i i .' u' nut a toes Weri-

oday selling the same potatoes as

'second crop" stuff, informing purhasersthat the potatoes were a very

ate (fop from last season and pracdcallvthe same as the new spring(otatovs from southern Florida. Ilealnew lAJtatoes brought in cents a Imxoday. tile "second crop" potatoes sellngfor from 5 to S cents a hox.The advent of real spring lamb, menioned.above, is the only new feature

11 tli« retail meat market, except thatookett tongue today took a flight skyvardand now retails at t»0 cents pericund Fresh pork is a trifle lower,oin r lasts hiinging 17 cents a pound,ind flue loin chops being down to isems. Fresh hams and shoulders areIS and 15 cents a pound, respectively,he corned goods bringing 1." and 1".m nts a pound. Smoked meat pricesemai'i unchanged, though pure lard isselling for 11 cents, an advance of 1cut front last week's price. Noliango jf any kind is noted in prices>f beef, veal and mutton, though re:ailer.°declare that advances in thewholesale prices, made within the last.veek. will necessitate- sliglit advancesit retail if the wholesale quotationstie maintained.

Brace in Poultry Prices.

Poultry prices stiffened a trifle today,>\ving to a reported scarcity in supply.Turkeys are 23 to .'So cents a pound:ousting fowls are 20 cents; fryers, fromtwo to two and a half pounds weight,ire 23 cents a pound; broilers weighingibout a pound and a half are .'In cents a

ouiid. and capons have advancedrents e pound since last week, today'snice being 2V> cents a pound. Bucks ai>

jp 2 cents, to 23 cents a pound, and;eesc ;ie r. tailing at 22 cents.The ^dvent of the liatching season,!

luring whicli farmers and proprietors ofgg farms put thousands of egg.s into]ncuba<ors. and the cold weather are,;iv«-ii ' it tin* cause !"<*r an advaitce of 3eats a dozen in tile price of eggs.Strictly selected fresh eggs are back to'«» cents a dozen, nearby strictly freshire cents; good fresh eggs bring 23ents. The advance in prices of strictly:resh eggs is offs« t in a measure by thereturn to 22 cents a dozen for goodstorage eggs. Butter prices remain theante to the consumer, though an advance |if 1 cent a pound has been made in

>g. ..el,.., u,.ci eivin u i;.lilt" V« . I » i\,v. .»v_^

yents, other prudes running down tocnts.

Quotations on Fruit.Fi ui prices remain um handed since

i weeli ago, with oranges rangingfrom to >>u cents a dozen, grapefruitfrom cents each to two for 2,> cents,

lemons _'0 to «0 cents a dozen and

apples all tlie way from «<> cents a

peck lor cookers up to >1 a peck forifancy eating apples.Plenty of shad from southern waters]

are a sure sign of the advance ofspring, and the fish are apparently ci-xtra large size ami fine quality, lio.-sstill h.iiig from l<> S2 cadi, withducks selling' at from t>0 to 7-7 cents jtpiece. Not a single change is noted in jretail prices of other varieties of freshlish. though dealers complain of a

slight shortage in supplies, due io theold weather of the past week. A r« -

turn to wanner weather, they say. willLiring plenty of fish to the Washingtonmarkets, ami no advance in generalprices is expected, even during lain.

Meeting of Ad Club Governors.The board of governors of the Washing-

Lon Au t'luh will hold a meeting next

Monday afternoon at r>:7U> o'clock at the

National Press Club, according to announcementmade today l»v Walter AioLtonneU,president of the club.

MARRIED.lit itSKl.t. SHAW. >n |-VI»rn:iii -V lyi."., iir

the llev. K. 11#-.: Sn.-ig. 1.1.1.A M SHAWami WII.l.IAM K. lil'SSKI.I.. * ;

DIED.JLOM. Suddenly. <>>i Thai sda v. I"ebruary «!. j

11*1.'!. ::t sihlev Ilo-pital. IX'.RIf*. li.'itU'rddaughter <if M. K. mik! Mlli:i Bltfiu.

"uiieral £roiii li»*r par**ills* i***mdeuce. (iTt* Morr.s istr**et northeast. <111 Saturday. February s. ;it

10 a.p.. Relatives .nid friends iuviled to at- Ilend. luteruieut at i;leii«ro<Ml eene*tery.

'OX KI.K Suddenly. mi Thursday. February *!.1**1-!, at til** residence of her daughter, Mr*, jJohn \l. Raker. Mm* .".111 »ir*'**t northeast. IMKl.HSA A. fONKI.i:. ag*-d sixty-threeyears.

iotiee "1 funeral li* -r. <Ii"l»*'i"isl«iir*^. \\ \ *..

|uipert- please i-'-py.*

JEVEAI.V Ilep'ii'"d ibis 1 iI * tv*"ii:'*-.i.iy.February l'-'l". al 11:1". p.m.. aftei a

brief ill'iiens. al !h<* resident-*' of lier ilau;liler.1?>4!: fill ii slr«-ei northwest. M.1KV E.DEVFAI'X. Sin- was l!* bebv**d Iii-.;,nr *>ft'l.nitl i Dexe.tiis Walker, atld sjsler of I

Stewart Alexande"uueral February S. at - p.m.. foiu late residence.lAM.'IN <tu Thursday. F* hruav* i*. l!*l:5. al j

lilt* iKiar of l«»"l' niece. Mrs. Ju'ia Fowler. '

I "a inn* Mil Hrlghls. >ld.. ICEI.MX !1 \XI.ON ofTralee. County Kerry, Ireland. aip*d seventyfour.

'lllteral fiotn SI. Margaret's Ciimv'o. Seal I'iensaut.K; turduy morning at lit o'.loek.

1ARVEY. «»u February 7. If*]:;, at i:is r bleu. e.J.'S2" 1 It!i street northwest. ERNEST I.. IIIAUVJCY. son of the late Richard F. andElizabeth F. Ilarvev.

iotice tif funeral hereafter *

IO 1*15 It I NEK. Departed this life on Tlnirsdnv.Fehruaiy 0. 12)Id. at 2:54 ANNA,devoted wife of the late Charles ilolhruner.

"UD'-ral F hruury 8 at lilt.'U* m.ui. from lier lateresidence. <J2 C street northwest. lutermeut(private) at Roekville. JId. 7

lEISEK. On Thursday. February P.* 13. at 5

p.m. at fiarhehl Hospital. WII.1.IAM S-.neloTei; of Einiiie A. Keiser.

funeral from Metropolitan Rapt is t Church on

Stftuniji?* If *ruarr v *t 2 p ni IntfrniCBil»ri%ot<*.

kkiski:.I ». «» !*..A *=ik* *1 on of <H.

r.«».:sr*\ \o. 21. will N* li^ld !)vs il .1 r.

rit T.;u> oV «wk ? » tr»k wi'li »n : n tvjjiirtl «» tMdf-i»h «-f ISro. W S. KKI>r.lI past srr:«i««lBv ord«T.

JoM-TlI i:» KRoi IIS. ><* - inrr

LAV. I!I \^*l I4» |»art«i«I 1/ on T! v ."

morr.iuj, frVtiruarr II. 1 !t 1 . ;»t 2 a.m.,rr*ulfin-.-. 1«»12 T> *«rN»; sotithr.i-?, 1.1 l/.A1j\\VKI'\('K, ih»* J#o|o\ .{ w ,I «»f .1 »ti

l#atvr»*iti'»' bihI I ho mother «»f \«: i m*. IN-th. KtliH, t'lmrlh* and fb«» 1*i«- John I*ior*iw»\A i^oihi i's Iwvrf ihwv for th-

\\ul t**riof fr!'Mi«lv «i«» flu.Y« ; <Ik» and frh'iid** v- in«

\\ i \> iinU .! ).! «

Funeral services to 1m> l,etd I:i tlsu-.-r \l r.t iili:"-'!! SuinJ.ix. Feb. tary ». a - 1

M VI riVi.l V > .|i! mi \\ ,,i i i

»ry wis. i i.Mi l: r . » ».-.i ; .1Vis:,* I. Vlattitiirix. as**d ii> I no x .» s.

Funeral fmm bis InJf i 7k.inirtlieast. oil S:i I inlay. I 'i ruarx v. a; .

V in. Interment :it <:Icnnoxd eciiM-lcrx'Ml KI'llY xVn VV edlic-tlax Kfbrila: x till.; -f

4 4:. It III JIMIN II Ml Itl'IIV is'lovct il l' aini of Mary I. Murplix. ,(i < « 11*i r» 1 llx-ltI'

I'll: ra fpnut S Matthias* < .up Sntu ii;in.train;, at In o'< Imi.

O'MII.I. In .X in; renii-«i:|.t of ,,nt 11«t».darling. III".I I- \ < i ii: V m'MII.I eh., |I'm iei| tins life nine xoar* ago t.«Iax |"etruary 7. It* 4 ller sacred memory still iemails xxifhin our In-arls

IVV I IKK I Villi K VVI» Mitllini

I'dl Siiildetilv. in tin- pars.mute of >1- re A. V| I", /ion 4'lints "J17 l« sip.'

s.n.tlux-. «t. at Iti at o'clock VV . 1 i. ,.4- x .x r

ng. February pal."., xxliile xlle l . .

eptioii to tin* pasior, Vlis S VK.VII I \1 M *

I'd! of t I street stiullieasi. II..x t .J «

tf lit 11ies VV. I'oe.FunnaI from Metro|toli t an V M I

C'lliinrlt. |t strxs-t soul tlx", t st. Sunday. I f'

tttarx It. at k j, m. sin xxns a stCMird'of tin- t liureli and a till e\ inple of I tr

Flirts*, ianity.KOKV.Us «»n T!iitrs.ii February >' P'P

llttsKV. Iteloved husband Nttnn. V.Itopeis

Funeral fioni late "sid net lit.". I 'ark p i

northeast, on Saturday. I ! «n r.xo' Itclatixcs atnl f'-i.-iids Incited

<foiltidal (teach anil Fredericksburg. V a.

|H|irn please ixt|tf.| 7*

HYAN tin Tuesday, .lannarv k"v pip:. .1 VMIItYAN". retired, sergeant I S *1 t

::t Valleyo. t'al soli of tin late I'atr.Ck an

Mary llyan. ngc.f tiftx tu.i y.»r..Intcrinent at Marc lslnu.1 cemetery. Vnll"|o.


SIMI'SttV. Filtered int.. ..-l .n VVe.tnes.layFol.rua t lltl.'I. a" II lit p.m . I'. 1 .*M IsIti' Itusliand of Vmily \\ Simpson

Fini. il from Ms l.xte resl.l n-f l.'.n lltii streMintliens!, Saturday. 1 V! .ruary s. at k p mFriend* and itlatix.s inxlied. Intcimeu:private. 7*

SMITH. I tit Wodnesxlay. February a, ISM."., a

7:4."> p.ui.. at ills residence. 22.".* Flex.iawstreet n.trl Invest. VV I l.l.l VM T. SMITH, tbe* i ts I llllsl.aml ot Fassie 1». Smith, In t'iefiirty-eighlli year of Ills age.

Funeral Saturday. February s. at I Hit o elo k.from Walker Memorial F.aptlst Ohurcli. 1 a

street near V street wortInvest. VI! trie lainvited.


TIIO'I T. Kit VV .sines,lay. February lf»l i.

Providence Hospital, VMM A -I I" love.I xx iof < haries V. Trott and mother of Fthel M'IV.,. r in tit,, lift x* -1 Ii. rtl rear of iier aire.

Funeral from II mile's unrtertakinc establishno-nt. .Mli and II street* iHirtliwi'jt. Situ

day iimrutlig. February S. «t s ihi; ih- o

lo linuiaeulnle i opeeptlon t'lmr-h. **<h :i

\ streeis. nhcrr tins- will la> sul.i lit

a.m. Interment at Holy KooJ «imetery. 7

Vill./.. o.i Tlmr-dar. I"'hraat.v in 13. .it s It.VKItAIIA Mil 7. leloved wife of I r «

eriek I'.. Voiz. used thirt.t eight ».»r-.

Funeral Saturday at p.m. from tin- residedofher limtiior. I' II Iluhler mid South I'mlitia aroua.- -outhenst. Itelatives and frieit .

invito*!. S'

WFI.L-. |io|iart>.1 iIik lif.. on W. due-da*February lftl.'!. at 11 a.m.. at li'» i< -Idenee.131 not!i street northwest. ,I"IIN II .

beloved husband of Faniiic li.-ll \V« lis.Fuieval Sunday. Februart at 1 ."at p.ui f.-oti.

Mount J.-zrell Baptist at!i ami 1-2*:t ids -mithonst. Key. II. V IVyton. |i«Mor.Kola tires ami frioml- invitoti. s*

WIN'FIKI.It. Departed thi- life on W.ilm- ...

February jftl.". at 4 .".0 p.m.. at tlm y

deaeo of her soti-in-law. Fdward II. ltrsi' r

11*111 I street northwest. I.F.TToN'1 AN. !loved wife of Walter Winfield ami mother >>fllattie Braiton and dauchtcr of » harlot.Stewart.

Funeral Sunday. February ! . at 1:3t> p.m.. fro a

Melroj«»!itaii Baptist f'liiiriHi. It !<tireen ll'tit and 13th streets tintlintit. lie v.

M. W. It. Norman. pastor. Fa -k* t will n- ;Im- o|Hn<'d in ehitreh. Friends invited. 8*

In Memoriam.Kill.I. In sad but lovinir remeuibranee of tor

dear irsband and toy father. R'tltF.ltT 11.KKI.I. who died four years a?n today, Febjruary 7. limit.While in pea.-efu! sleepYour sa.-red tiiemorv we sha'l always he«p


IIFWIOF l.i -ad i > til loviuc reiiietillrt a neetoy darlmv baby |.: other. WII.I.IF IIENN'IUF.who departed this life three years ago t>.

j day. February 7. lt'ld.Three tears Lave pa--. il. my heart's still so *-,\s tiiiM* me-s on I ini.s him more:Ills men.or* is as dt at today- in the hour lie passed away.

<omI took little Wiliie front our home.Bet imver from our hearts.

* BY IMS l.uVIMi I I .MM A flSTH At c

la -ail liliT ill.' t -iii.muIi: :<|1'I1 « : tnyU-I..V.-.1 1.!!>' :::i I. AI.I'.FUT It. I'YSH.V

«»ii" U':ii (f lay. ! I'ltruacj .. Itiltl|'i c I 1.: \ : "

« ;t: liis txravi*Mai \\ i 1 it'i ami «I -it>

!? :. r -a., mi l sr«-"'»i iii" in"li»<»r»In my In-art shall stay.

i:\ iii< i.ovivt; win:, novkij.a.

l*iW LI'iS. Ill r<»\mi'innry -if our molloliAVIMA I'oU'LKS. nlio lefi us sis;j-.-ars ago today. I'.-lirtuir.v 7. 1SU7.

"Itai-UwBid. turn hai-kward. oh. Hun-. iuII iflii.

Makf in«' a <-hil<l a;:iin Just for tonight.Mother, iniiii' liat'k trniu tin* rt-linii". -linre.Take mi' again Iyour hi-nrl a" of von.

over lay .-hniiiwr- your loving w»t«*li keip:Him k II :n sleep. niolhi'l. fork tin- to "lp»p "*

I I:«»>I IIIIK Mrt l\<; t'lllMMti-.N*.

\V| I! Ill -.111 III: 1 lovi'.ia ri'ii»enil». I.I,hi". JOll N Will., uhn fill a»>

in Ji'-ii" tui-li mm!" ago tmlay. Ko'iria.7. 1tH»l.

l».iy- of " nllii -s " ill i oil!' n lin-.T.-.i:" ol' io o-.v i:l!i 111. A

I", ill. | UII-IIIO V l.l'I'll" till' I'll III 111' ill 'ii 111 '.

T: oiittli In aM'ii oiaaaiil li.iu twelve y'-ailltiiM His l.oYINt: MAI <; IJ'SA l.\


r'liJsl^KAta Ul&UViUtiS.

Joseph Fc Birch's Sons,t A! <y V W" I'arli-r fo, F neraWM - T. A.W . Ptin,!,, wvst

i.M AKI.ISIIHi IsSO.jiiSKi'if <;wvr.i.K s SONS

17:m-"O PA. WE.' »«PFt, PHONE" MAIN r.MtJ-.Vin

n. 'I~srbady~OXI.ITITT. .mux T. I;AHNKR. Vr14079'h «t. Ph. :ie V rtTRT.


M.nlirr h:iiv»V telephone .-all. North 32#

Cjserge P. Ztarihorstv»fkt ! r» , n entf* «. \ .11 Ol.

t*r.7 OHAS S. 71 .tTIOPUT M


94© F Street NoW.WAMIINOTO.V U. C. MainFrank A. Speare. M^r.

JA :\IKS f."CLEM i7.NTS"SON>FhoneW.804. i-M' XVisct.nsinave

TorTx r. \vkigiTi~co:;Ij?.n7 to? 11 St. WW Phone M. 47

A. Oc FREY ck BRO.,Funeral Dln-i-tiir" :in«l FmltalB>"r*.

?«<*» 1»tV> If. n.rr. N" *.*.«

tVM.IJAM I.IK. Kum-ra: Directorand i'a '.hit. IJvcrr in connection. (" Mn'n

dl«>u»ciiar-i-! and modern crematoriumprice*. I'f v n.-.v. T»l'-nti n» < nI> i


i? »> «» Mndi-rn » h'!pftI, Phon«* f»in**i r.'


ArSisiic. Iu' xpeuslie Kun< ral l»e>i£n« andFloral Spray*. ACTO DELIVERY.

735 14th ST N W. TEE. M 0#.Vl.

Appropriate PSor&ii li'okeniArtistic.inpjj>«'ii*i»e.I'rouipt auto de leery eerrtor.

OsiCse Bros. Co., J-u F S:.Phones Main 427«-42T».

J. H. SMALL &~SONS, Florilt,"Corner 15th and H sis.. WASHINGTON.

Waldorf-Astoria mid 115:! Broadway, New Y.m*.Flowers for Kunerata n Specialty

Funeral Oesitrua. Funeral l»e»t^ua.GEO. C. SHAFFER,

Beautiful floral rioMgDa very reasonable la prleaaPhone 241« Main. 14th and I sta. B.W.

J. R. Freeman, FHorist."Our Floral Deltas Last."

612 13th SI. N.w. ruoxe MAIN 23SA,
