in the end all you really have is memories 21/cortland ny...member of thu-llbttte that^^^1 will rea4...

mam VOL. 2. THE: CORTLAND TY '8TA!UDi*R!>.'-TUHB!DA^V > N U M B E R 3,14868. <*.. -i- , ,• in - ^^™ HO. 18 11 ii •-"—••— "i" 'tMii m nwrffP'T" •*(** PftoWng Apples- In barreling applCBfor the markot the old and faithful maxim, " Honesty is the best policy " should be regarded as tho golden rule. The faot Is, W this ease, it pay*." ' However great the twap»^ ™*1 be to put inforior/ruUinthunudai,- of the barrel, the fraud « •JmeH «"• tain to be found out, tho buyvr Vender- ed suspicious, and the whole lot com- pelled to submit to a sorious in price. Any orohardist or far-rn/t who is always particular to pick hip apples niooly and uniformly througlj* o'nt the paokago, will quickly aoqnir> a reputation wfcttfh will make hie namp on the package a sufficient guaranty of its contents, without biosc tnspecf tlon, and oOMiinaodforit the Mntfresfc market prfoe. An^; uian w>o would properly appreciate the actual ,niark4 Value of srtoh a »ep'uto|tion v '.f»--»b* »-4- sence of a higher mblivo, would s'obrii to hide-*« few inferior spphjs in the middlo of £ .parage. The correoi method is to,place a layer of »,"io° tn fruit, uniform in sue, and with th# stem end downward, in the baUoift-of the' barrel. Then tjlj up the .barret with good mftrkctabto fruit, remember* Ing that half a do?en bad *pplw(i)ih*y depreciate the lot fifty cents trtadblt- lax per barrel. WI»»»-*te-*eww^~-i»r*) filled and thoroughly shaken down,M ihein stand'Open four or five days! If there is danger of rain cover tlU barrels with boards, After th,ejf h>v«| stood long enough to beooipe 'seasont ed, shako down again, fill op M l ant) put in the heail. Do not press thd head too tightly. Tf a barrel is prop* erly pAtked, shaken down on id season* ed, thesis no need of exoeaiuyo press* ure on the head. Yfr have 1 seen'/IW»ty pressed so tightly 'that many of the •Tipples next to tho head were crushed fiat. YVInn the<h'ead k is in and the! hoops tightened, -tnrn; th^l»»tWu'$P and mark the end which has hitherto; been under, write the variety oi the! fruit, and the 'iKfft'e or initials of the producer, .RttJ oWk will ba.iouud the moat convenient for this purpose. :^«# .h!!:"ill l.Q'?rrW UU*! ! Ill* .r.k"ifl[ eduoation at night, while his oveseeer dednction $-was ht bed, at* tho risk of being sevoYe- ly flogged if Caught. With the as- sistance of Mr. John II, Wilson; Gen* MoGowatu and other lawyers of Ab- .CempToyed, homage eonsldetable improvement,! iand'i*aeelved the first Inspiration, thai', >V^B^jf jpadj. hun # l!Wld«ijn|ifcw race..*Iforesoeiug the fearlnl results of the secession his eutf- rj*f, 6 (IfHingenuous Democratic news- papers have described the Hon. II. M. IVr^tbflteoogntBed leader Ot tho colored men Of Georgia, as a negro of Ndrf^ta-in birth H»nd Northern, «o.uca- tio'n. The oontmry is the faot. Mh Turner wasbdrniif South 4 'Carolina, and roared on a South' Carolina cotton field. Heobtainodtheeleihentsofhis ion. Hdist theflvst,,foa>, o^lorjtrt whom ftwdont J ^ o ^ ^ ^ i o o n t M Miscellaneous Items. About thirty por cent, oftlio gradu- ates of Anwricmi vMiftffcffl, tyifo- •*> "»»»¥ •»Pv»> tlie public" as lawyers. A plough l.oy in Outagamio county, Wis/* lately tamed up a nugget of near- ly pure copper in. his father's Held. It weighed 438 lbs. It is noticeable that apple trees op cultivated lands are producing much more fruit than those whioh are locat- ed in grass, fields. The Boston Post says a gentleman found a quantity of silk on the street, the other day; and on following it up discovered a lady at the oilier end. 1H-O.II brought out. It has a bi-jli OiWn an8,jk ovrfanvfented $'}$*.$' -OPE vfoiw,- ,i"«M.y'.,.««*».q«ta* p»etty »nf Whsh. !-'•;•; r (: ;,.;K; ' ','•:}. '.' "No man in Bn-jiand . tliinks of iglishViran to-Mr. 'lilrWlni ••W'toosjj boof,^. does, ho! tjtacjt ^/^^JlJiBWl^ "quietly asked.'. • • ' ••-" •' '.'v" ,; i ' T could write down twenty! ioaaea, say a piou? man., when I wished Go4 had it one otherwise than ho did ; but which I'now woy httttl^had my owf^ Wjlt.'wbiild' h ' a v e l e d ; i 9 ^ J w ^ P >W*r chief. ' t /f^i T ^rj # : ;^«»i^ilt.r<| wt^'r^eently^ia "rVbtice of t/he'death^ «f t'try v> "(!dMBffl(Jllbn, of JndlolTHur'tf.-*- About a week'fieloVe he died he wai •;draet«l : b^ ^.'^h^la^'^^pfkl .'and lio did his hint type-setting on I notice of his own death. > Cattle or Sheep. It. has been asked, which, stock is bettor for the land, cattle or .sheep ? It does not admit of an unqualified answer. When the farmers of this part of New York, about forty years ago, entered largely on wool raising, they observed an improvement in their pastures, which led them to conclude that sheen were a better stock for hind. But, now most of these farmers, or their luooessors, have disposed of their she'ep, and observe again an improve- ment in their grass laiuls. This would indicate that a change of stock 1118/ be advantageous. I think the benefit whioh appeared at first from keeping sheep was lost by overstocking and by continuod elose cropping. Fino wool was profitable; and farmcrH'wero temp- ted to keep too many sheep. Old pas- tures were fed off" year after year, ' without ploughing; the grass grew thloler^ but was y>jry 'short, wnl,(t})e depth of roots seemed to correspond. A ohange from pasturing to mowing! worked a great deal of improvement and a. change from sheep to cattle.has a similar effect—partly, perhaps be- oauso the grass is not cropped so elose, and partly, it may be p|-eau mod'he- cause of ohange. - Experience teaohos us that all our dry land (in this part of the State): should bo ploughed and re-seeded, some soils frequently and Others at longer iutervals. 1.' Some manures seem better for cer- tain crops, as the sheep manure for wheat; but for genoral improvement of tho land, wo have 110 reason to bo- liovo that one kind \>f stock is super- ior to any other.—N. Reed, m Country Gentleman, ByrriNo ON A Son? TUH»Q.-T-A lako steamer was being repainted, hoar one of tho wharves of a western-otty. A single narrow plank served for 00m- monioation | with the shore. A large quantity of white lead was provided for the painters, and ono night before goiug ashore, two of them, « hom wn will 'call Smith and .I.mes, thought they would appropriate some of it to thoir own nsc. So they tteftTT strong twine around their overalls,' at tho ankle, and filled in the space between tljeljr trqwwra and overalls with forty pounds, more or less, of white lead, going ashore in the dusk Of tho evert- ing, and walking clumsily In aonso- <• of the unusual loading, Jones stumbled overboard into the htk* 1 . Of course he sank like a millstone. Tim alarm was given, and imftfcdiately there wcui bouts gut out, and every preparation made for. \h^ rescue.— M can time, Smith' si nod on shore, loud- ly bowailinsj: . / ' "Oh dear, deart Jonesis^lrowrjftiJ.I His poor "wile' an3 flvo littiiTones— what will booonri ^ot tllom ? And •Tones is. deail I Oh dear, dear t" > v ••What ai« you blubbering about ?" said a bystander. " Don't you see they am getting, mtady W b*wl him out ? He's got to rise three times, vou know." W ' 1 "Wh—what's that you say?" said 8mith. -••«.!' * ^ tell yen Jones ain't' drowned— he'll bo rescued." .i.;<:'> <»• -.:l^__ .-•,.,.. -i *.i amin Ail ,. «*HeM got to (-ome up threo tjmw I" repeated Smith, pulling out his money and changing his whining tone to one of excited interest. " liet yon ekmtpe he dmU oonte up onos/" A oorresjiondo'nt says that all the men of eminence oan be found in Breftdway, Now Yorfc. John C. Cal- houn keeps 11 dry goods store f Daniel Webster a millinery establishment; Henry Way a barber shop} George Washington a boot store Wm. O. Bryant a tailor's establishment; John Bn^bt » hofjery« Thos; C»rlyJe a card printing establishment*;Robert Brown- ing a faro bank, and so on to the end., t "° JsiftUt aiXI1 ^ 1 A savant of Prague, M. Leonard!, invites all pji^o^i^ljy.j.profession to assemble on the 20th September in that city. They are to be received Wo»pltably'an« A, wltrh>ttt : 'dlsMVibttth"'df doctrine The sit tin^s will lost a week and the questions to bo treated are to be metaphysical. Tho promoter of this inceMiijj, who was a professor at Gottmgen at the same time as Hegel, flatters liimseff that' he may briug about an amalgamation of the various schools of philosophy. •———S^^B^-^Jg^p,^^. To DKSTROY SriiMPs.—Bore holes, the larger and deeperthe better, and flit, .tbonx with•doatSbili n Whtat'ithe wood is wall tattrraled^ applyfire,and the stump will be destroyed even down Into the roots. .^, . 3 ly) ,&-,...,.., mission „ as ohaplalii. '«/!& Tiirnet was not b*m a*rave, nor was eithef- qt his parefits, a slivef, fPl-fyi l k » ev nothing ofbM fre«4owt nnUl/h*^ <** » ne'ariy'grown, Bi.^^asbbttiid J but t<» be ftsjwfiMtfstWtl 'witbiHseJ'slavcsi His influence in Georgia is uneqitaled! Atooti&Htk racei 1 !iJ As an orator become mauds the attention of all classes, and oan hold them four hours nt a tt"" ?rj*.d«fe M e'beforo the ,G^i|L. _b^ure,U«a^ l ^ : bfvre 'beltt a masterly effort. iJere is an extract from thai memorable speeon: " Now," sold hel, »I will nVitoJtW ifro^hfcn to everi T He'i e «t^ > o^:the ,, *oft'en l eot!ady'»lU member of thU-llbttte that^^^1 will rea4 '^.reo^ve^''i^ter^Mu^qribOii -UWfij® IbmPtt^^&Wm 'r^uwtfng *-»m t^, atop^P^rfP* i oan^ ^WWrT-Wtfrn**" thi j 1 «h»#fctime«<;Bta«iW)ea8*»iuloatha, tfa, MmSkAiislsaftiyi^^ " Vh * w * nt( » telW **! ih0 ' lMi » hb * u " 1 w " The offer ^*toa-*iiWttfs%8epted,and, of .I,., ,t, ,, l t w -( n itwssn^ Y"*l°•;•' 1 . A, CjixiouB gHeap j^torr. •lUHeM rmWelW.'of'Sanlsbnfy.N ?K,,:ha*,;a f)*0k of'tw^ty^gbt «^p| 'whlolj'^nrttttf ^tj^wln^^ ^rn Jipnse4 i^'a-jfdaae v l ^ j i h e i r q w * o J ^ofOpmo filled 1 with Hay^ieod. TRey haVe p"oen| oiit to pasturo for soveral wieoks past and th* ewessivo' wet weather s having caused the seed" to sproht, a/e nowj beWring- jibbwt wlthHhem' a ^opf-^of grass two inches 'lhlongth., I,t| l«i ihouglit that if the wet weather 00m tinuos much ionger it will blossom.—j Mvnihor. ' >li Th\» Is' the rrtost Urtterestin^ a/ojry some New .liaippsbiue «)\<m wbo^re wearing of WW** WfaWmfo by a pqrsou ou.w!- 0 M frtjlojL we relyj ho'never hftek4fl bherr^fWeii* and—i shouldn't tell a lie. Alr. Kobert I.ueh- ihlcr this was the shepliei-d's naiue^ and he pastured v etght and twenty sheep op Salisbury plain. J.ut. wH»n, tho leaves had' f«(lleibiand' Noyombor; winds were o,hi^.w,hy, ont-, ppon the, world ^{»y coqldu'j ge^jthuir AH. So fjonby kindly put them in "a well pro- tebted shed, with hay enoiigfi to feed them in.tho P¥J w ...W f 9ff r, *W°V; i A ^ d the seed^'BlfteTIMoVvifi, And 1 1t lodged •in tj'eir. wp«Ur f n< - there it did remain •t'ilr'tKe' April moon was full. And then out went their muttons, all in' tho rain, ycu know, and in less than twenty-0110 days the seed began to. grow, and it grew and it growod like the beau in a fairy song, and now tho; grtfSB upon their backs is morc'ii two, iuohes long. And, it is expected, that later in tho year, red, fragrant olover bbjoro* J>W will; i^piea^!. v^not'• nWal of this sheep talo is clear to every eye,. that by judicious management, i f a. person cared tOi try, AoViaight, with a| little trouble, and with tho aid of rainy weather, have his lamb and greou peas growing up' together."—Nho ' York Evening Mail. , /FOWJU^ itif OucHArt-x**—The ; pnbho has yet to learn the (full advantage of keeping poultry. Few seoni to appre-' oiato what they may do among trees' in an orchard. Let any ono try them' in an orchard of a quarter of an acre, where thoy m.ay be kept by a nicked fence"fdur'or flyo fieY higli, putting in say 125 fowls, and obsoryo the result. He will avoid the annoyance in the! garden of whioh so many complain,! tloing just what is needed, keeping the! ground well cultivated, and destroy-1 ing everything'that oan injure the 1 fruit trees, in tho shape of bugs, wowfj.,oj,fj*ben in&^ot^. And, )a^'|i large' nuiiioer of eggs, which aro a cash artiole, to say nothing of tho chickens, which pay well for raising at the present time. I have tried it and know it Is so. I have about one hundred fowls, which have worked admirably among my trees, keepi^(f|.^ 1 ^^^I^j K fl1o*bM- dition, keeping off tho insects, and promoting the ; crow th of tho orohard. I am satisfied that wo have yet to learn the full benefits 'which may bo derived from the proper management of fowls, and it is quito possible that the method I have suggested may of- fer the best wa>' of getting our apple orchards into bearing condition again. ^et'a^.^ontie^;^ .sbaU.wjtfjkir -WW *AwJ.«* l«em to take it for them," ./ae, guml-tvulH i "ttie»«i6uri}i ofan)[ftr^o'IteWa1 i0tn 1 't^Vo^fwflj' b^ L 'ab9u,t!|ioflrte|Bg ap'^.i - /quaj^r..million t^nSj 9f, ap4a o,, <**W!, 0 ' seven on eight hundred thousand tons over last year. It was expected that tr^iH^M»»i<« would 1 'i»'«e« pe* ce'flt bni It Vir- 'not' r^dH '%ifi * Wttift,''".'!! is not probable',t|>att^ Ipw. pri«?ea. pi' ,..l The authorities of Jiizbereny,' a HungariaM' towft.bave jnit' had''fhtj following notice published to the sound oKifie drum: , h Sp^n^ t^t.-ont'ip »n4 blasphemies . are the real causes of ear^luiuakes,eVe'f^ 6ne^ ho"rn^tter who; is ^bfbiddoin-to swear pr uso bad lan- guage, *«^er : p#nalty ( ^»f receiving) twenty-five stripes with a rod and pay- ing a-fliM»'of'<20 floriHsi'' > ' Aii exchange thinks that it is very! iniperdinOht to a'sk a young lady if she remembers anything about the locusts "seveuteen ^birt tigo?*'',A,n.d rehitei >ithat an aequamtanee vonturefd to jprpl pound'; that query! to•**'• old matd of thirty seven, lately; and ulthmurh tho inercnry was intimate with the nine- tics she froco him solid with the re^ spouse—"I. am not supposed, sir, to rentenilier anything that transpired jvhtin 1 was only a few months old I" A. JjiyrV; In a reoerft civil trlttl.ftt Mpnt-j polierj Vt.( having ;kept out Withoiji*) agroement from Saturday morning till Monday morning, Sent in the 'follow ing "special verdict:" "Washington County Court, September* term, I80H, —-vs.?*--. In this case the jury say that their united age's .are '.Ss.n.years, averaging 49 1-12 years; that their aggregate weight is l;W? pot^lds,'av- eraging 16-2/8-4} and pofitftiftlly a,r^ eleven,for Gfant and on,e 'fO)f.Sey-| '^iio-wrj-s/pi<|;fshfHon thisILpetbeyirtvoridj to fjght ^tt,lj«ffter the November elec tiou. Signed foreman." It'fS- need-. less to say that the lawyers enjoyed ' the joke, and tho court discharged; the. jury. The Paris Patrie says: " The oel- ebMeJ Vihi'-we o*4 General <Foy will probably be i-emembered; he said from the tribune of the, Chamber of Deputies loir <W oeoasiob ' or the bill for granting an iHilemnity of a thous- and millions of francs to the French emigres ff ?»Pp youilmpwAbat an equal number of minutes has not elapsed since the death of Jesus Christ I Al % thbSigh those words were pronounced nearly half a Ceritury" 4go, we havo not even 1 yet attained 1 the amount. On the !{6tli. of December next, ealcu lating twenty bissextile years in every j hutidvud,.:Uicfo wilHondyhave 1 passed 982,308 fc 0PQ TS iuh»r«i»WKI«)the birth of | our Savior. A iwolve-month. con-| tains A^fi > a(k3,'8o^iii-'Wo4iM'niv-^ to wait anoth^ithjrty, yt^srsfbfor^iikiaeh- i|tg tlns-fa^Ofis niilHard, which Willi only be completed in 1902. Taking; the average of kiimau life, more than! nine tenths of the beings actually ex- isting on tho surface of the globe wiH not arrive at that data. ?> On Sunday a gentleman, who has a gooddaal of bueinesa on his mind far- ing the week, had his horse hitched up and drove to the post office, leav- ln$ *h*| fc#ma.l! tfgjfopft jfir*at ojfl, Oie "•"^yfrH*!* bviflF 1 * u get his mail matter. Aft ho cx-peetedi, his wall was large, and he coinnicnced ojiening hjt- Uira iand jiernsiugtbem as he passed out on to the walk..' On Monday af- ternoon ho had occasion to use his horse again, and told his hired man man to bring him up. , The gentleman 0/ tba stable..ropjiad*, *«J have not s^en, since jtpu dWiyirf b^n). pff yesterday , afternoon 5" -\ supposed :it was an. right." ^.ifMfii snddetity evclaimed the absent minded nuilt ol business, " I left that horso hitched in front of the post office," and, straight way started off for the police head- quarters. The police had discovered the animal where his owner left him, about four o'uloek on Monday iiwrn Ing, and hud take^ hitn to -a stable where he was fouml In ( ;oo<l order. We wouldh^' mention aidy ifiaiBes for tha,W4»ld.—Hartford Courant.. A!J*eti«y t ^tory. »J?Ue Luagel, tff& pretty French ao- ress, was recently "harried to Prince Tolstoi, gno of the wealthiest young noblemen' *»t>: S*J Pefcersbttrgl ' The Prinoe '"pbjiiio'l the qnpstion" in a somewhat unusual jtpanner. Thero was a fair M,. the St. Petersburg S*rbiiCh Theatri), for'tiio bbuofit [of the Freueh hosjiital. M'tleLusgei presid- ed over one of the stands at^ the. fair, and Prinoe Tolstoi banteringly asked her how D»<ch she would take for It kiss. ; She glanced at him rather stern- ly, and replied that sho would 1 ' not kiss any 1 man but'hef betrothed. The Prince passed on, huisretqrnod to M'Hb Lui'gel'S ' stand a Quarter, of an hour flltcrf ards, r a^, s^'d'^tljpr. thought fully to t,he 'y9p,n^';aoti»e#s, ^ W - U y o u permit me to ask youi.(another ques- tion, Ma^moiBeUeV'V^Wi^rpJeafore, sir." 'fllayeiyou a batrothediWhi She eyed him .a moment- in surprise, and I hen.said, with B blush and smile, « No sir." " Would you like'ti have one ?1» "That.'depefldw oh' olrbuinstanbes, 0 sho' Sftld: ilaWhing'ly,',' '*Wolf, "then,' handed her bis curd. She was groatj- ] l f S^tfj K»Pi%?Mx,i^^»-4 pu^£fa9 i! .w,onj^ M&i ^*yi ^* ^»- following vmoni- ing ho called at her house, tho reply was in the affirmative, mid to day Aludemoisellc Imzgol isft' Princess fcnd:ej<-ha^py,f(»rifo><--i , '- / '' li % '"'H °- u , i iiJLiAsjMBrMMfc^Bfceaati *l. "i •' ' MAfci^£*<!»UHei» s'o»v,iBB>OouNi- TRY.—The Phlladetpliia Ihtttetin says that'wInMe Gen^GWm^was'in the Gal> , ipet^aiUnpidftuti lOoparKedwhioh^ add^ another proof of his worthiness for tho highest honors of the republic. At one «^f tM°iP^lifl1 t t wwAuga ^ . J ^ h n f son was indulging in some of his char* aeteristie- solf-gloritioatioim over the " Haoriffdoa " which "ho had ni.ide for tht* ^Oohti 1 ^ if'pd;oho or;|iipi i e Of hii Cabinet' JOln^.iirt^,^ sejfpraiso! Gen. Cj. rftn k pw4'. ">'W*M gentlemen-, so far as I am concerned, ,^rS^.|Wto[rTfr m0Mm W the country. The country liiyt always , ^ M M ) l | ] p6*.f|St for it.,, I suppose I would be ready to make; sttcrtfioes, '^ut' I'.havtt never had the opportunity and 1 think that, as .a j^neral^Tifll^ 6ur fVablM men gte^ ihbro irom thjii«o.nntr* than they glv«j -toit."-'- - "'--i' ' (I'ltBO *r I .'3,84-F.ll.. ) Aioi't vui J'l'm I ^iitni •JKI(<'O.U'<!I ill In V-i--.. 1 l-mvt »<ii!i d.SSP.M. !j^'P^^«;;w^^f^' ( i«'ii..m^'".}4 this town tho other day, whoon being aaked if lio jKadfl*<! taken something strange, into nil stomach, implied that ho ijolhjve^ bo had-^'-It mrist h»V4 been that glass of water.-r-IIaven't been so ;fntpi|trdeht, doctor, folf ^nj l*Vs4riol"'.o'L< " .!• (*lt*Jl<i i .1: j :' ton* *iv"iilj|;.tiin''rinl MSgfl j ".'•*'!'" 'I A SuRtilBltAOA, ' .'"., ' ' " «!«IWl-|lUlWlltlK llWttllllllWll, lulu ,tf_yobcan. »»In Blue, tJffl VlckO(1(' l |)t 0 iir Y H1 •AwS'thO'Tr^^-i 1 .^*. ^ii pin.1, Wlillo in W»«*ri«lri|et lit. don, HIIIMI tio»fi of volort top, QootUlut Tfluti »wl; what Will 0 owtvrsy Ol«ol»l Sookii for homime, ana will tend 'Ixcoi'il, nutl (lepiiiilr of Grant awl lflnlv. ;oorr Bita PAIN PAIKT, Try litu eurotoryour cniimlnlnt [ l-'in- your dloitr) tlum Hlmfl lio Grownoit with «lml(iu« victory. Stbft VotoforWOtt ire to: •fffitt with L'lmlmin victory. M VA1NT,' free of coat, at I)Ri , lYOCIuitliaiii Siiuiii-o, N. V.i fo» Vou can tout) PA1NF WOI.GO'PP'H utile*, JTO OhntlMun Bmi It will remove pain or lainoneaa at,tho vom flNtspf pltcatloh',' and a MOItai and apcody euro for all noroJ or ulceni. it has no atrmrt, loaves no ataln, and la .. H I4w4 I sold uvory whoro. WOLCWTS ANNIUU,ATpn hvtWooHljratandair, romedyforcatorrh., Phil(>ow«i,.|1. f AblfcS- 1 OK OKNTtBMW ' CAN ' I i WATliH, Mill*:Drosa, SeWIUtf Mavh...... ...,„ SnsntlnK, &c, by atowhoura' work for OILMAN * CO.'SliKKAT 0NKUQ1AAK 8ALK, 111 " Btro8t, ;ao»to(i,¥v«r Clrcularaaentfroerj nil Hanover Kiwi NEW WSDIOAL On MamiHua of Iniiii-tidiiiico, Errors of Youth, and t . I ••.!'.• ' ' / , ,, .... ' '- Boarton<©olla^ SSS! T IIIB 1MMKNHK tl paat IninliiiiHi n»r»Uq«a»ortJio Our chocks arid aaan jtl liunliuiKa has liiiluc' .iioator.thiilklli Our chocks aiulexc) u list* cuiiliilu nearly evory! • Wuanur •JgJft ItorolgnandOo hiiiulied, or tonforII. -A««iit« wanted tn ovory town.; ,7i<l4tSa^ I .wrrARaalrarBpJ ww»»6v« avti <w»iro (w^pmJ W This groat remedy la an exc^anMpitttwn /< piri)hf Uu Stomi, Infbmatgji tho systdm, possessea. C at noiirlahliij/art'd Stro-nfeUjonltitf pow.or ouablos atnhlacl, to JllitoWllio.-|iua : rl!«»l MWI/maViia illoop. ron-vahliii,', and CHtaMlahc* roliuat luallp. mntmin aid Vhewtri for HUt* -Xmn Cured. Price, Fifty •»nt! iSST- AJwrtSi »a»tad. >Ad4rM« Wh 'IV " A« Wm*^mmt>v,4- ,•:•:•••,'. ; , li.^-iiaww. ByraQusac BlUghawxtoa a<nd ^ew York Bloil'vTay. 8UMM IC1( AHHANQKMiSN'rS. (QHEAPESft BH0»TBfl* and QtJIOBSBT KOTJTB to l'hlladelphla, llalllmon,. TllKOUOH FAltBS to Baltimore, aiS.«B; to Philadelphia, 18.00; to New York, (via Kr» HaUwayO SB.15; b Sinilrii, »>jb. •»• 1IAIKI.VUIC t111KUKMl) 'I'l 1 ItOInill. On and II11 cr Monday, May 11th, 1663, trains will rnn as follows, (Sundays excopted): . tKAVK SVKAOTJBBt ••-. 8.00 A. M. I'..MMI-I-I in.; at Blnirharoton with Kxprcts tfio Krlu Kallway, for Now York Train on .and Dunkirk. 0i85 P. M.—TMnncctltijr at BliiBhomton with an Kx- pfona 'I'niln on tho Krlu 1,'nllwav Raat. with Hleoplug Qua aUffn%d. arriving In Na"" on tho KrloWallway Raat, loping Cava atlaoflbil. art' ' JeW York aPI.10 boxl morning. tfeAVK BINOnAMTON i-M'-A 1 . M.^-Obnnocllng With tho KxpresaUVa'nis on .-[, ,.. | m Y ork Oontral-Kallway, |Ja»t and 4.00 ft M.-rOm arrival of Kxpraas TrainsftoinNow , . York and Uunklrk, and Way Tialu from •hnlra, and coiinootlntf with -Express , Train* on (New York Central Kallway, i A •I'liroiikh ticket a to New York, Philadelphia, BalU- inoru, Kfiulra, Corning,, &c, can he the office ofWYiJ; 6. Brayfim,liorth. aide oT the Now VoiV «3iitnl MVmt »e*t A a^at tMTMbetiOnlee. cor- no^or pnond^a ^ ^ m ^ n U M * . . f .\ In nv^tfi |5rle ^l-vyay. ) llfl'l^ 'IMWff 66mo ^to*. ,-' lit Express, (VtoddayB oxcupted J tor *or, Builalo, Halaniaiica ami nuii- i«k|hg dlroct cpnnectlon wltJi tttaXtlahUc and Groat Weatoru, a. audat Klnil*torOanandat™,.: it Express, pally, for Rochoator. But Salamanca, llniiklrk and tlioWi-a*. •idays iixcciileil.)torlluf- iiitiitlini, (Sundays ex*cob. aPttWifufa't^''^ 4 ' •» excepted,)ftr Jto*^0^4loif< r ]pTwiu^torthewSst. Kht^HundiiyaexeeiPted.) 1B.39P.K.- aavUrtat Tfato. Dally,tortho Waal. days excepted)) HI 'n.r Ifuwley; for I ; Jersey City" wffh nild- M ut Now Seraey -Halt £»«», Jlajtlmpru ,mid Baltimore Mall, (fheiduya iress, Dally, oopnaelhig at th iiionilni' express train "ltallroad" for'Baltimore ndays oxeoiited.) '' j »0.4»P. 8.80 A. Xt0!$ri ™r^.l!&$ l £r mMm- 1 ^^ Wo are constantly purchasingtorcash In thu Now York will BoatouMai-kota.KillVliida of , , NOT^opODSj •auuiliii eowpits, fmm idol pHpfcsWC GOOPS, *ft, *o,, VWch wo are actually soiling «t »n avoi hofug strictly than thai of r give bottei" othor houjo, an avoragc price o| for each artiole. *>!>r,»»M d our trade much larger ir cash, and our i.'it'ta «vsg -'.'!tr*'flij'ff'rflf^i.••"**"*WT" 1 ™ir.^"fffH W Ave aneelally invited t<i gl«o ua a trial. .'' HKN11 r»ll A l II111;III,All AN 11 KXOIIANI1K 1,1 KV. Onir club syateu HO for -WWlfoi. n other-fitm, nc. 1 Jrion'oy"irt 'RogloterelS'^ettera. wnd >.a ' a trial oliih, a id Vml Will acknowledge*' that yolt eiin, not allord to buyg«(«da of any Mkarhonso thoroaftor; f ASTMAlM A. KBNOALI.V - unovor St., Boston, Mass, . "v'TiTtf >-:'\"1\t\ '"' ''! V'-i' 1 :'.!• •-* '••• -"Alf^BlsnriBBrNHJW- •• 'i.- 8T()CK Of 0OPDB ! AT THE 8TOHE PORME^tY POCUPfBD BY AI#"ON iSr KELLOGG, ' H jg^' r *vv*lli€),;il, Y. XiTAVINO ««ronasad tho above atore, ami i Ailed.' It II with an nut Ire new stock of gouda, will null ut an per,qent. leas than last season I THE AHHOKTM1CNT I,S> OtlUll'l.KTIC u ,, ,ji]8.«)HaNTCTy,AM». VAniBTY. ,'!,.„,.';'-ii,..-irr$JWrr1»*».'i- •,•<••• . STAPLE and FANOY BUY GOODS *»ms*otm >•••••. ™®Wmra&ooDs, [i-H- .1 '< A D i.. •r< ,(i J-40« ' Svuhil XotUv*. tUbe adverUser, having been M.lored to hwlth id n few weeks, by a vary rsatntrie remedy, after having I Hilll'urvd aovornl yenra with a n'ovcrd lung altoellon, I and. that dread dlsatae, Oonsumpllou Is anxldas lo I make known to bis fellow-snffiuwni thu meati* af•nW. i To all who dealto It, ho will aeml a copy of Die pre- aerljitlon used (ftdi Of clmrg<i), with tli.i dltectlona rorpreparihgand ni»»Htf' the aamo,' HvWcnlhey Uu And a ainta Uvaa ron OosmmrnoN, ASTHMA, BHON- niiriria, Ac. The only object of tint lulvurllser ID sending the Proscription l« to lieneiti the aflllctod, avid upturn! tnfinnuttion which he cuiicelves to he In- valiiiibUi; and lm hopes evory aulfeter will Iry Ida remedy, aa It will edst them Bbftlhg; arid nay pWve alileaalng. ' >'"•','' ''•"•'• • ' Partlea wishing tho prescription will iilcaauaddres* IDS Houth Hmmd St., Winiamahiiigh,'Kings'toiinty. i New York. 4$ H A gaatlamaS who HaKefaHto»y*>ar« from N«rV«*« DcWIItyv I'mmiitura Dooay, and all tho efliicla if yowthful Indiscretion will, tor the sake of siillotlng hnmanity, send free to aj) who need It, the recipe and illiccH.m for iilakln-; IWo alinjilii rumedy bjf will6o ho waa cured. Kittt'erors wlatilng to profit DV<n« adver- tiser's experience can do so by addrasaiug^iu perfect confidence, jfp^Ul B. OOpipJ, i 1 •>• No. 1) Codir street. New York. •'!!' U.H '• TT .. .,1 SAVK^ . uitims, 'itiBBVjfb; LA CSS, UUTTONS, H081MHV, an C loth 8, Case 1 me res, :• ' Aiid.TAIi^HS'YltlMMlNtlH. ' Black Dross Hllka, AlpaCaa, DoT^hiea, l'rlntid Will- Of|yai(dlea, JarwiMa, &r,., *e. , Ajijo, all that Is need. koei Is callall to ny stock lof J^X^T^m WARE 4r wai ids a '^{OtJIl^S/'^^VlfJ^ONS,: Ac,, All of which will IMI Hold at • tin) lowtst tnurktt rata. The public are respectfully Invited to examine goods and prion at this atom Worn purchasing olae- fan at I Apparatus for PbyBioal Training. Patent ''Home fiyitwasitim. rjTHB ONM OOMW.ETJBl'OBTABUJ (IYMNA- IUH. KVB1 INVBNTKD. mVALUABLE TO 0UPATI0N8. NO EOT Dpi* atmplo Character havo naceasary scope and variety, not "^MM- IW lao^affaaitij^arcliies. ta:taMl-<m.a«.jaii.aciiilea devised TO ALL WAJTj^G FAEMI SKW SETTI/BMI»rT O** VxiNTEtrAND. A Hart Opportunity in th* toil Maikel anil mom <!«• tm Mi uiu in \Uihmi and hailihy VHttxtiein thi.UnUn. pnly ThiflV Miles Houth of Philadelphia, on a RaUr/Md ; fysitiga HiohHollandhighli/pmtiicUte Wheat Lhnid; amo/ig Uu but in the Hardin Sta/*>qf JVkw Jemy. It eouslsta of 60 squaro mile* of OOOO laud, divi- ded Into farms of different sizes to suit tHe purchaser —»««» SO AORKS ANn urWAuna. , ',.,., PBI0B AND T«BM8. . The land la sold at the rate of t # ner ilea farm land payalilo onofourlh caah, and tho balance by half-yearly Installments, with legal Interest, within tho term, of four yoara, upon farms of 90 acres and upwards. , Ptvo-acro jots soil at from *160 to aWO ; tan- lota, at from $800 to *.«0, ami town lola Ml foot f. hy one hundred , md flfiy foot deep, at $160 to $2( paynblo otie-|iair cash and tho balance wilhin o y It Is only upon Sarins of twonty aCrOs, of more, I . All four years' time |„ g| ve n Tho whole tract, with ftf road, Is laid out with tine ate a town In the center. mile:' front on the tall- A spacious avenues, with .'/ TUB 8.toi/;'. ':, lis In Kttoal p a t V a KICH Ot-a* LOAM, snltablo Wheal, tjratt and Puttitoet- also a dark aud tloh'ai * W , »rYwj»irf/Moto»»-*a«»0**arkan.] dy loam, suitable for corn, sweet polatooe. tobac all kinds or vegetable and root crops, and the Am variation of fruit, auchas Orapes, Peara, Paaohe! Apricots, Nectarines, Blackberries, Melons and oth ir fruits best adapted to the Phlladeljrtilaaud Now Yo nun kela. III respect to tha toll and owj>» there ri n bo no mistake, as visitors con AXainlno both .and no to me i«xpei:i eil to buy before so doing, and finding the w statements c6rrcot—uhdor Oiose circumstances, «»- hit thene statement* were correct then umilil be no 'it' tu tlnlr btlitij miiih'. lvt»conslderod Taj BB»TiBwWiffft >s *i>* ustou, [See Itiiiiu li« of Solon Robinson. Esq., of the New York Tribune, aud of Dr. Cliaa. T. Jackson, Sta » Zoologist of Mass., which will be furnished Inqulreri. | '.<r»E MASHBT6. By loiiklug ovor the niaii the mailer will parcel uit ltciiloys the beettnarkelIn the Union, and has r,,- retteomniflnlcatlon with New York and Phtladelph! I thai twice a day, being only tAMy-ttoq inUee front < the la - ieV. Proifuco Iiithta lnArkct brings double tho prlc j that It does lu locations distant from the elllea. 111 this location It can bo put Into market tho name da < It Is/ratUOred, and 'for What tho farmer sells hegeln eter •"' what ho sella brfiiga Mm ajdiiaiice, buttorwhat hi buys ho pays.two prlcea. In; ^1|» isheWt^attbeloSt^prff IntLwea . lahringHMin ajdiiaiico, but for what I locating her* the aeMli 1'assiiclatoa. He ht [ldren, fllvlno service, ami ligation, and ho Is "car alar . dlh*o> \mknow*. ! II , . ADVANTAGES. He la within atowhoars, h; groat cities of Now England am lie la near hla old friends and • as'aoclatos. lie hai sehnola fiirhla chlhlreii, divine aervlee, nutl all tin advantages of civilization, and ho Is near a largo cltj. ' mimmxn..' MMkfe**** I * h «:wln , «r» halng aalnbrlouii a«i .. whilst the summers aro no warmer than In the Norl I. Tho location la upon tho line of latitude Willi Nortl cm Virginia. '-' i. i ,, P^«*0.f WAJfTlWi. ~ 1 IsAT.TH, would bo mud hilldnosa of Iho climat make It exoetlesttoVall Ha,a,uliifner(U<l>bUllu- ' Vlsliora WIIUIOIICOK oneo Ip atowdays., < Chilli and fever* are unknt «JONV«l4lllNCI!S A* IfANll. i | Building material la plenty. Vlah and Oyateia at* plentirul and cheap. WllV.TIlK Paoi'XUTV HAS Nlll< )IXKN SMTTI.KIIIlKlrOKr:. i 'this uuosllon.thfl reader naturally asks. It is Ii •iponoil through tho propeHy hut a short (line. -,:.ylsUontAfa »B*J» flvej tW land In oart-laga, frf i 6f«Kpense, and Mrp".od Mroeand opportunity |hoiouKh investagatton, i7 . • . i mote whooome Mtha vliw lo eettle, thouhlM.ty .mmto*teM\»eir.iHirchttee«, •»locations are not )tt 'V 9QrVb\<tlO»ii.; '". i ...I I ii,faJ** Antunuj of ISM, thapopulaUon of V|nvM«d I d«0. '••"&AXJL>! i 868. I MM v a\ avSVi' ^** ^ TMPOBTAHT TO Al . . ' ' . Dry Goods, Dress C i:ft: io-'.q .•,. •'• i- Thla long-eatabllabod, woll-trloil.ovor true llouse, mvm BKATfifrr *ysvsR : 0$tyLffl A iMAONiWOBNT BTOOK OK HALL rpoer- Sloik', Their tauuonao Bnlldl»g> t**"*" "J** 1 *, f'-^fija 5 ln ' eldeTfi fullbTgWodVia des rablo OoW i from Cellar to (.arict, <»impil«- Ing evorylhlng. In Wooi^s, iOWwS,' W Mohairs, SUka i .*j I iJ- i' / • wis, Cloaks, Trimmings, t Ae. A 0H1 H nek oT •M, ACS, { ,...)-- !,. '/Ol-!'l:,l.''hl "I ,.: • '•". V.ufiu --ill I , That shall command tha examination and pal ron i o ••)••'•„ ••• 'i *s»dr»>d'. » « • » . '..t town plot In the center has A population of llirl lo; rAt th* prom- * -'- avoapopiilaUon >I0 by 1878. Iiiinrovomonts aro going on i ons. Now buildings, stores add nilinuu thousand peorde. At the! preseiit'into of Ii Vlimlaml wlllhaveapopiilaUon of twonty, " " "™^. ^Ttuipri— ' - ' ed and plautod. IV; ,•.. 1'JtKHKNT-1MPHOV1CMKNTS. in tho Vlnoland tract areelghteett publicsdhoOli :Viiteseminaries. The MellloillstCoiil'ei. omliii ihep consisting ot Methodist; PresbytoHdn,- Baptist, Knlsi oopW, Unitarian and dthoii denominations* and Oddfellow orders, " ........ vSrltfttS^-^"•' " * - ' ling at the present time one of the largest „.nTl^oUnlfod Suites, Tho building Will ho »M toot long, Ktt feet wide, mill four stm lea high. 'I'horoaio i J • ClIUKCllKS, illat, Eplsi . Miisohlc 'aiSi fof I'uujUoctufil linprovojaeil. tT ., .; j PVBWC A»0*NM»NT8. ; •','." -Vlnoland Is thu Hist place In the worfd where a gun. oral system of public adornment has been, "All the' roads i*o plarttod v$th shade trpba, anhlthe roadsides seeded to gr»s»/- The houses Sot back from thofp»4sls^s,flower».audsl^bb^^^Ui*t»m Vlnoland already ono of the moat bountiful placet In thb; cdilntry; w r PAJRB. ' Vlnhlnnd la tho flist settlement Id the world who decided measures have been adopted to secure'tl interest* ot Hie actual settlor against tho spuculiito . No pi'opiii-ly is sold but upon tho express condition that It shall be built upon within a year. By Ihht sv ' It npo t of • th. provision hvory part oflhecpurttry Is Iniproved. The liiiprnvoiiiont o f one pjroperty eunancoS thevaluo M the neighboring prppurijr, fa this> respept tholid oneo la co operative In lta character. This, prdvl lou accounty, tit a groitt extoht,' for thb remnrkrib ptao ipld lalior. ttholollu. bis. prdvlsi its.'to a great evtunt,• fur the rcmnrklihhi aucoessMf vlheland, and the prosperity of the pluue. : ' ; THrt-TfcMPEBANOB'PftmotPLB. Eyory year It la submitted to a vote of tho whether any tavern shall be licensed to toll Tho license has never Ixwi parrlcdii ami no S old in Vlnoland. At the laat olootlon thorp y/m not nof Vdtb ohafiii favWr of liimor SQlIInK, a Atil^tliat has never prolialilv iicc.utrcd hefiiie. Tills Is & great prptoctlon to rumityoa, aud lo tho (mhis^flous l}«l>lta| To MANOTAiVftmens. > The town affords a fine openingtorvnrlous niitnuJ facturlng businesses, being near I'hlladvlphla, .and tho sin rounding country has a large population which] ow one id the most heautll'iil and' moat agreo&ble for a resl- rtii'oi d» a good market This selllemout la a 'places In tho country, Oeneu,. . • ' ft Is lutumleil to iiiukn It a FRUIT AND VINE growing country, as (Ida cnlfuro Is tho moat piolltu hip and tho liest ttdapttxl to the market. Every ad-: vantage and eonvenicnce for settlera will he introdu- ced which will Insnro tlio,prosperity.iof tho place. The hard limes throughout llio country will be an ad" vantage to the sottloment. as It compols peoplo to re- .......... _ | issefiBeaitho oldaeaoola-i miles Into a far- ueoeeaarUa of cl vl|l«i-: ', and whuro, In caae of . . . - to a ewhORm otNawEiiglaW apd.tlie Middle StMea. ntty, lia tho l«mu- i, at but ltttlo ox- ness. It lain a •Ol red : i&^^®Ml$Mft&*- -. purch* oM|»»^»eo*B»j!'df,: heeu lacking whugr'- " helny cV Hi ,.^,.n„, and without neglect ol „,i,„,^,v. .* u. <U'. settled country, whore no danger or risk Is Incurred. There Is no groat oxpoi'idlttires of money reuu|ree bafoes It,can'be made to pay, as' Is usually tin? case. !Aiiotherliii|M.rtaiitcoiisld.irutlonlalts , ;:;•;.:;;' ^ W ^ B , TlmaaatXr hereiiiieara no danger of losing his fam- ily 'bytho.o dnaulAil Aivera SvhTcli. lit some plncos, a»»f&llaij«ifaM(^li^'»sW'ser- t '- ' whkhMqalte'natslobaoett* what Is to mated, «tert«r*lly at a loss of onet " amoB* thewomaaana cksMamli i<SL,_ ... . essential sMatt InKhe profitable cultivation of a and the richest soil in the world may yield very ly If tho settlor is unkble Ur&ppud upon It lifs lalmr ,onia<*oan»bf Us .Mrermjr. ttss agus, or |f*>m- U. Uke trade at a L W A s for kU grain. flare all the bvManenaof refiaobieht'aiiu cnltlfHilim aroat'hand. Itls notn»oo«s»»y tovifloAfty nillM to I a fieur mill, over!* ropgh rosld andfchrotlgtia wl|d»r- ness country; nor are the winters «uht->tnuy>aro short is, ami of a 'fnuilly health Is an tonii, and open. The seasons commence veiy oarly. In iehwt<frequei».}y oommonoing ougit I chard* and vineyards u.. Iiollnld U scene of be«ul, « •dlntbaUntow Thouui f KV .•,-.- purchasing, and poo > desire the best location should vlHlltho.pWn If I. Idemossltated; by the fflR-pfoortuaBifel'tt tor In I'lipper tulles hermoll oomptetAy any evaporation and la" the other make**' aatos. '•" SUBSO^ff <(ft-,->ii'i bj * ; ' . /! —•WWafl iHw fin.- .'iin ' ONLY TWO DOIJ^Bfl P«K AWttJM ithoArStoxurcb ** which Oyninaatlc* will leaving only tho amall )us<)^lnajr}ttl,by th* hL'n" 1 Jvo tai ioM^sjfe ........... , colored.! and bj,** Iruwnlotirjfl*rle*( i the! ting*,MS for any of the exercises? -*n>e Ipparatua can also be «onv«tedUtofatrapes* forth* athlete, or a *,Wlng •II"' inatratftn.^^lf, -ft| oxplalnliiH how oach is-par. U _,,»(••.> .'..|10 The wapexe adjustment, w|th thirty-two lllns- tr*Uons.,..»7;*..".'.' .... Z........ 7, S 60 Tbe8wlngad(o*tmeat;...;..^...i .... i' ........ 1 go Bent bv Express to any part of the United State* or Oauada, on receipt of p»l<jo. Address, *&*• •.'-'' "' ^ ?Be*^nan'filt'N''i»* AUUHTH IttbofVsd Spool and Bai " :hli»e audhand us*, uneurpass- TOX,Ko.8tt***rl tear Broadway, Mew York, •BMMMH )pen. Tho eor — l tho plowing Is uva^roW"hoftby»efiJlfa WHAT VISlU'OltS W1U. HKK. The visitor will see as good crops growing In Vine- drods of fanus are under cuiu'vaflon. lid wlllsoo hundreds or orchard* aud vlrieyarila lu hoarlng, He ca» be driven through a hundred miles of farms, or- Inovards npofi tho Vlneland tract, and a e»,bgsKyjoKI4lBpsi)va«»t«t»iot»»4).ll- ._.»». T1ioiJUd«rs r lg6«l ruriiiaUlM'carrta- ges to those who come to look on tho land, free of •*- pense. A spado always acooutpaules the carriage and WhSl, W « r A - a . , I^h4< r--"*- r - AlF«oboliTOfiirhdme*lrt from the now land by tho , ate sot Wlen. orsptecirtatori, bW^uta'tff Industry, intelligence, pallepea and norvo. - '" I^irgo numbers of" " pie who at once. Improved land Is alsototsale. ' ' J '1'IMIlKlt LAND can be bought with or without timber the ttmln-r at market valuation. •'• - .THB'trttJi.'-, ••••' ThetllloUlndlspiitaMei'Warrantoe deeds given, clear of all lncumbranees,'#rle* tho money is paid. Bo^ngcoovenieacesathaad. i „Letters promptly answered, uml Iteisnls of Solon Robinson and Dr. On**.. T.*,0'acksoii sent, together with the "Vfaeland Ktfrml. ,r y and othor particulate, whlcH Wl per*sent Address, '.•,'•. OSA8. K. 1.AN1HS, Proprittor, , nl6 yiH*>iad P.^:. N^Jomey. Manhood r iot ^'Hfj^teBied, Just published, a new edition of Dr. Colvor- well'a OelebHtod Basay on xkarndbateUre (without medicine) of SpermatorrhOM, or Soiiilnal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal boaseai Im jaitsac^ Mental and Phvsleal lacapaelty, Impedl- incnte to Marriage, etc.; alto, <xm*li*spttt»,BtlUspty and tit*, Induced by solUndulgonco or sexual oxtrav- aganco. CsT* Price, In a aoalod envelope, only 8 cent*. The celebrated autlior, In. this admirable essay, cloarlv demonstrate* from a thirty y*ar»tieaco*ssriil practice, that the alanmiur iaobsequoncea of Self- knife; polntliurout a mode of euro at oneo simple, oertaln) and eSoetwl, by meallt of wU*h Overy »uf- tor*r,uomatt*r.wh*t hit eoadjtlon may bo, may cove b h w ^ h e a ^ . iirttalaiyTalS nwltaUly. rar-Thla Locturo should W i n tho hands of overy youth and evory man In tho Hud. . Sent, iiudor seal, In a plain ejnvoldpe, to any address, potlpaU, on recolpt oTTlf cenft,^ or two„pos{ J, to 55 p *,V ^ ,,0 > D * <?WfV|BWEtL'« "Mairriage 1S7 Bower* Now York, Pott Offloo Box 4,886, iOloaktrtB*. Valvtyta and Trlmm ng«i i.-il AND AN »1CXR1»M«BD IDTTl-.M. 1 All) .J,-;.'.. I. •! .1 •: .ill. AgrandjStoakofi, m&v .CJA-Hf-KSPS, .! ou. '.ciaoapii^ •iMtttie:-u>i:i oi 8ad.-Ada*W*v "• .'!*i iaook^ Before TT^ Bay! Brag Is a good d. give special n "<nat Wo sa- i > and •Kohl fast la helter. Unit for the inter, aiK all time forwanl, •a-,, tin 11 ibt-fjtoi'"' Wmo^rWAta,' ' " '''' "' ' h >i oi-.oi *<i .- •" • •!••• '(".I boli liotnti) ii TB•'CROWb.^•' , , •' •iiK/.<tfwtf ""'' bo»at of. »nr IntogTlty, Means, jiy. s less tlnin othi-is igrtty. tlon, Discipline aud Kcm • <Von natny Good* M buy them Aoeoinmoda- omtmy. Wo will aj:ll We (1 a.^tATB 0* HEW YORK, i OHHI or TBS SKOSBTABir Ot BTATa, ) "•"7 Aibanu, Auffutt Ut, 1368. \ tit) th* Shetifie* *W County Of CorUanp ir~ sm-NoMc* 1* Hereby «Wp, tu *K! i a. tt ia r i cn " 11 Klectlon to bo hold In this State on tha Tuesday »,„ o S S S i t U * flrat Monday of Nowmbe-r next, th. fol |mv I luTomcors aretoboelectcd.towit: fi ifaKSMXMS ?n iff »«&, W JTc.nat \&&#*rJ£ U. ft*' l^cy^Hobert C. "jfnHn.sWtorof State PrtMAHln Uieptaoeonii,, ry A. Biii'iiiim; , , . _^_, Aderic of the Ooart of Appeal*, fa the aslaco or ^h1rtTt^rce' < lCloctor. of iUld«ta»t-Vl*-Prc,, Onondaga. -> — -J< x OOUKTT ortioas* >tJ»o t e ^ t S u u w M roa SAID '' A' Meniher of AssMobjry : ^i/ j, . _ „, A l-lslrlct AtfarnAr. fa the pUc> of Alvah D. " 9 * 0 Jostloe* of 8*aWtfa*l,fa*« pl»C0 of Ja.nci ^WttKHka ••zJf'-"'\ w -s*yir'*'— ' Foreclosure Sale. tv- (,'oiitm- or COUTIANI,. lien. iftl. Solomon Bhevlller, Bsul, Hhovlnor. Hannah Bhevlller, lienjamlo J Joi IOT, Thomas J. Holdrldgo aud If man Mauon. In punw. am e and by virtue of a Jhdjpnent of foroclosur* and sale liiado In t*ia ntiove entlOeil aotlmi on the ail, da; oTOctobor, A7D. 1888, the anbaortD^roteteo tat th.i of J^rr ereln doscrllHid as follow*: andrttnetointhototfaor NeWYwlt, Mil bolitg tweht^acWJ^f land taken ftatVr'lMSS On „AGAI|N! •i ill'it)'i> ))'• ni;»pi: «'i.'.l'a)*W'>*)ad'-• . ..II i All >»".'' j BOAST OF TOURBABCrAINd ,; .... •••... n • •• : i." - " I ONH! AND A llAl.V HIII.UUNH THIN VKAH, The tuterent of tho patrons | In an establlsn- ment i< , J. Jlko ours, falls like , the dews or heaven, oqiial/y upon all, > ly. , III- •.("•! ' .-1 ," ' II'. j flmb QaJl, ^jpino and Ijrove: September 18th, 1808. B remises directed by said Jm leroln descrlhod as folli •^s t %omp^^i-i ed on tho woti by lands owned by Hnloinon »liovl)ijr. on the sodtli by Uhd' of AraW *V*tar. On the east h, lands of said Hhovlller, and on the north by lands ul W^-MeSkli Atao, ahhthor pfaceJW WW. On lot -No, tarn said town of HanbnJ, known on the nu|, and tnrvey ofaald lot, made hy Nathan Bottlon.*' anbdlvlslon nilie,—which la boundedop the hqrth I.) amTtof ThomaB J. Holdrldgo, on thee|»t'by had* of Petor Moraklo and the said Nolompn Bhevlller, suit oh the west by line of lotrNe. OH, containing Oily Actv*, of land, more or lea*. IVttod O o r t l w d / W t . Ift, lst),\ <,' .1 ISAAC W;BROWN,'Hetortc.. Aii-riiiiii HPMUS, Plaintiff's A t t d H w / M lil5w; D.'M<^AaTirB . i Co., nU rillMC MBKOUANTfi' PHOTECTIVB UNION Morofuitilo Beferenoe Eegisti r I MKKCHANTS'PKOTBOTlVE UNION prgah _ o promote and protoct.trado, hy onabl ni " Sllliserlbera tonlluli) fac.llllv and safely lu g'rul tl of e-liitms, at nil polni s, 111 In September, 1 w 8, pn credits, aud the recovery of* olalnnt, at'nll p'olnta, liave ' •• • ' '" '-• " ' •' --in- to imiiouneo, that the) llsh lu mm large (Jiiat'L TilK MKUCJlANTS'. l'ltOTKOTIVBUNION j CANT1!.«. ItfvFKBiertCK RE^rSmTilt, Contkinli 5 miiiig othor things, thu Naniu*, Mature of ijutluess, .liuniiit of Capital, Financial Standing, and Rating as to Credit) of over eOO.OoO of tho prinolpt* mur- villages and sett lenient s throughout the I lolled State*, their territories, ami the British Provinces oflNnrlh Amorieni mid embracing tlm most Imporlaut.iiiifor matlou attainable uiid uocessary to oonble the mer- chant lo nsi-'ei lulu al a glance the Ca.illal, Chai icter. aud D.ogrge nf Credit of such of, his customer* is are deemed worthy of any gradation of credit, coi lprle- Ingj also,a Ntkiiapor IHreclory, Containing tin title, character, price, and place of publication, wit particulars relative'to each' Journal, being a 'complete S iiido to thdilifoss of ovory •-.ouni.v In til* Iftiited tales. The roports and Information will be eonAnod to those doomed w.orthy of some line of credit; ami as tho same will be bhsed, so Air as prncttcnhlo, upon the written atateinonta of the parties thomsulvot, rof)a*d and corrected by well-known andrellablo legal Corros- pondenta whoso character will prove A'tfCMttpmetbf the correctnoss of tho Information furnished by them, It Is believed that tho reports will prove ntpro ttiith- till ami complete, mid, llieroforo, superior to *d)l of much greater value, than anyproviously Issued. L . By aid of the MKUCANTil.lC RKKEKENCE 1 ItCl'Klt, business men will lie able lo nseeilnlu glance, the capital and gradation ut credit, aa con Id with financial worth, of nearly evory mertl mailhlaetnrcr, trader, and bahker, within tho ab if iniarly *vofy Jierfel] named territorial limits. On or about tho first of each month, lll'olso receive - ong other thin iirtheiaSms nlhacil l-olitllli wlH'alsb receive the Monthly llhronlde coiltalhlnj among othor things, a record of such Important el.mi :os lirth* himo and condition ol Afins, tbrougTiout lie country, aa may occur subsequent to tho pub lea .half-yearly wjumoof tho MERCANTILE lir-voar JERBOAS', Thu Muri-ha. sitlr rplumofvr 'Union -Mercantile Kofcr. (lb shares of the Capital s'tbeh. in addition to participating In tho profits,.will receive TWO copies ; and no more thantenshares of the Qap Itnl Stock will bo allotted to any one applicant. All renlll lances, ortlor*. or omndii nl< at Ions ndat lv« TWVMtlve Uiildnju/rho American Kxclisngo rjiuk Unldn No. I 28 Broadway, (Box 2fJ( 8) Now nlllinll I8G8. VSin'. ®; :! H. Speaker,"*; 'Cft. Di • • I -H!l,l-I :.:i!M •» ,;jjj^ r rm 9 CAPS,, • -Aw-to'-'Vim-s, i! ' W%t6£%M l & AM RETAI^l iTB"* IIAVE JfUBT BOUCUIT A VERY LA«OK FURS and F U R OOOD8 of all (and*, fo* the Veil and Winter trade, epns1tUng,|n part of,,, Fine Hudaoo Bajwad State MJilt-, Splendid sot*, at* low Aguro. Ohoico l<*itoh Furs, f vss^wstr* «*** *ri *°* * ' "• ;•, ^in^tA^t'^Qfttmai:^ {• And an almost endless ttooar of R i v e r M i n k , F r o n c h C o n e y , and Cltll- r..r>»r-t ^tfMltlaVaWliraA BEAVEll, 66NRt, AND BASDItPQDB, ' > At >>r^'tt>arl^.f*s^to»rt/ 'Thelart^aAocaJof ' '•'•" '"' <•' ,$iitfal<),i1l!5f<)ljf ,'aui Coon KOIIOH, !rLf„ l .l^ v * Si*' **$* •>«««*. IB» Uila se, tlm, of Uie ooonrfr. Ahp,»b^r»A»to<)k,of the beat B»ir«€,BT * IftOHE^RIMMINQIS, , ri(r,) v.:', Mil, t<!\ JKi.iy," ,*..»•• . "pi MoodtHmrrrltiB-*, A c , Ao. -b . '^^'oA^^BJ-WNpiRSOtl);,$j T Oall In and ozamlne our goods. l»»« ,tftM4fO«< »cB.-.»RBNDfcBY*00„ ••!&-'• - •••- ••^«^*j I'I r ' ' ••• - •• ' -.-.••. •• •- ^ " . ' ' " " .J!^ Election l^otloe. . SircBixr'a Orrioa, COBTLAHOVIIXX, I Co»Ti.Am> COUNTT, N. Y., Aug. 4,1888. f N OTICE »« homby glvon that tho Oonfral Kkction will lw held m this county on the Tuesday tut coedlng tho Arst Monday of November next, at which tlmo thoro will bo chosm) tho following offlcort, to ^i*. -.• A'Oovornor in the place of Reuben R. Ponton; A tlentenanKrOvernor In .the place of Stewart I,. Woodford; A Canal Cotnmltslonor In the phvse of Robsnc. ^An bspector of State Prisons in tho pMce of Hear, A- A Clork m of tho Oonrt of Appeals In the plate of K An f wVoTt}:» of bocemlier noxt. ,M~***-<±-IM -... .. Thlrly-lhroo Electors of Prealdont and Vrc*-Pr»P|. United States, for tho Twpnty-thlrd /'ongre,.!,,,,,, District, eomposod Of fhe counlls» of Oofilaiul ld Onondaga. , oouwr omoam* *iao TO »• aMontn TOK *AID itS^&SSET&h* cjffc* of A.vah D. Wa- ,0 Two anttloe* of Setakms In the phtee of Jsmei Comttock and Alexwd« MoVeaj i A Corona* In the place of Daniel W< wurdlek; All[Whosoi terms of oflice will expire on tho last d.» Of Deoembernext This Mtloeta given fa P•» T »>«> M »e^ l ^f , ««• nolle* of of State.'*) oopy «t which 11* herein, "SBAAOW. 11ROWN, tho Socrotary auiioxod. i of which i fa hereunto ..8AAC W. 11ROWN. Hheriff Cortland County. m vurpoae} dj»ya»»o**>t«' for tho Court Housoln r i Cortland i Id coanty, on n O'clock la the . i'and mortgaged neiil to bo sola, anil im-imii iiesi iim-o aa limine- .nil that tract or parcel of land eltualo In the toWu. of llarfprd. Cortland coun the «5th day o< November, Ii forenoon of tliat day, tho real 1I1>RKME COURT.—Silas Baldwin w. Harriei \s r l Knowlton and Pftgie Oroen • and Alexnmli r w Clark, Cominlselonora tor loaning certain moiit>" thb ilnitvd States, and Harriet) VV. Knowlton and Uharloa J, Knowlton, executors of Sarah KnowlUni. doecasod, and Matfilns Van lloosou. In pursuance »l tn order of tho Suproino (Vinrt, made In the ahuvc cause, dated tho 7th day of Sopterabor, 1808. tlm un doMlgned; Commissioners In partition, will sell al public auction, lo th* highest bidder, at Ilia I I stops of tho Court Housowln the vUlage of Cortland, on tho 7th day of NotortiW, ISHoTarftl 'o'clock, A M.,all that piece or parcel of land situated In Uu town of Preblo, Id tho cdnnty Of Cortlahd, ahd hound- od and descrilwd a* follow*: "Being the atuth half nf lot number throe In the subdivision of lot number Mxty-aSVaiA'WIdsald^toWn'ofPMble, befelnliliig si tho in ii 11 h i ' lino of lam I'ln mid (line 'lone the south-east coruor of said aubdivlslon, on the last iltio of lands belonging lo Michael llaynos; thence .north on a Straight lino with the oast llii* of John 1 liolli-ulii-ck's, botwoon tho said Holluiibock and John It. Van Ilnskirk'a lands as the line now 1s, ten chain* and twelve aud ouo-half llukt; thence west thirty out chains and sixty links, to the weet line of tatd lot, I hence smith to the south weal 'cornor of aald lot, ten chain* and twelvo and one-half links; thence cam tblrty-olio chains and sixty link* to the ptaoS/ifiii- ginning, coutalnlng tWrty-ono acrp* three-quarwrs, and tlirrty-ntile rods and ono fourth of a rod or land, more or h-sa." Dated September 9th, 1888. CHAS, l-'o,-I I II, ) '"'* ' i-W. If. W i « n M , VCtrnihtlreloncrt . C. Bl.tll-Allfc, | ,,.,.- A. P. SJCITII, Plff'e Attv. ' niawfi Claims against the Oouuty ot Cort- ,i. M "., land. ,. Qrfios or ,w*,Ci*|wo»! BOARD or ( riftrgBVisoRsTOct. 11,1888. i fiURflUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OP CHAP I. toi-s3<if Lawaof 1NA1, notice la herohy given UIHI nil peison* having hills or accounts against the coun- ty of Cortland aro required to deposit tin- aamo In a bog pronarod for their reception, at. the Count) 'OlerVe office In Cbrtlaiidvlllo, only vonnod, on or la- tere the third day of tho next annual meeting nf the Board of Huporvltort. fa delimit of such preiiunia tlon, eald bin* oi• iieiountK will Mot 1>« audited at an. on. Tuesday, the Wth day of J -13? wemlior, 1888. II. MUNUKU, Clerk. I N PURSUANCE of an order of A. P,. Smith, 8ur rogate of tho county of Cortland, notice Ishcrcliv Jan pi vim to all >ieisotis having claims against the eilai'c ,docuased,tlmlllia) with the voiictur> raving of, (loprgo W.Wateon.of Truxton.docuased, thai tlity Hroruqhfrod to exhibit tho same, I iieisoni W.Wat* Utoroof, to tho auhtorlboiv the executor of the said decoatcd, at his offlch In Truxten village, on or beferu ' Jbiled Mav 88,18» CKY HTKVEIiS. ' mtdf Oeorjaft' If: UHI SUi day of December,« CHAU Executorof thu last will am" Watsott, duceaaed. ,,„•,( I N PURSUANCE of an order or A. P. Smith. Sur rogate of the coiuttx of c'm tlaud, notice Is licrcliy given to nil persons having claims against the eaisu f Obodlah caimlir, of tSnclrtnatnT, deceased, thai they uro required to exhibit the same, with the voiicb era thorcof, to the subscriber, tho oxoculor of Urn aald deceased, stthotteroof BtatyKfoJflnan.liirin Executor of tlto estate ot Ooedlahi Canulff, deed D48 M. •Ihn... w<U^ I., illlllll n i. Ii ,11,,, — - I N PURSUANCE of an order of A. P. Sntlih, »nr . rogate of the cotfnty df Cortland, nolico Is hcrcli) given to all poisons having claim* agalptt the oauau " Vlrg" )*hl i in-* .ul, to tlto subscriber, the admlnlatrater of in. of liotay E." Dllloy. of Virgil, deubsed, lhal the) *l« ieqiilied to exhibit the same, With the voucnen said deoeased, at his house In Virgil, on or tofurc tlio «th day of March, 1888.' Dated AniruatSlst, WW. -.( •, :J- i - •> -iTnivfMHNSON, Admlnlttrator of the estate ofBeUy K. DUlo*.dc I ' 9 TORBUANOE of An order'of : A.'p.'S'mith. Rnr rogate of the county of Cortland, notice is horehy given to ail iHirsona having claim* against l|te osi«t« of RosWoll llirding, of OormiAvlAT, Scoiuied, tint * repaired tp oxhlldt the aanxo, with the roucb roqf, to the anoscrlber, tt)S executor of the B«W thereof, _ deceased, at alt residenceTin dortiaaid vill P^rA^ber^^"^' ""' K> (•'• u 11ir of the estate of l<»w • ii I" N.Y- Corl- | N l-liltsllAN<-I. Of an order, of A. r, Smlib, Bur * I""! SUitrvi nivir. A^MK' •"T;A'I'IJ0'B , 'I ; N"(3 : '' ! ! I i "I •'• tjAURISON' BtOOK, ADJOINING O, W, COLLINS' 0SOOSMT MOB*, CORTLAND,*. T, •! _ rogate of tho comity of Cortlaud> imlliu la aorob) glvon to all pei .ons having claims against tho cnuiic of Charles c. Rdnrtds. 6f Truxten, Cortland potuiiy: N. Y., deceased, that they U$ WflM to exhibit the same, with thu vouchers thereof, to th* subscriber* III Hie olllie of A. N. KoilOHev. II, N. v., im 'Of hotoM'tli* ISth • day o WBifl MARTHA J. ROUNDS, AAarWtttrttrlx N PTtTRBUANOE of a«'o>«e*'o/ , J*f»mP Smith Surrogate of;lhe county.of,CkMdand1 notlco I* erob^ given to all lietsons ltavlng cialrni agalnsl the estate of Ira Grant, of OorllandvIUo, deooasBd, thai thov aro required to exhibit tho aanm, with the- vouch- otaJheroOf, to the BtJbtcrBier*, the eirediitors # 'th« aald, do<i**«edj»ttht residence of Madison Weodruir. I Dated October lo..! . MADISON WOODHUPK. •'• JUIilAM.VANHORlfKrf, Kxeoutor and ExecuWIk of the otUW of Ira Oram deceased. , njfi *a»atasa||attitsaAaxa»itaiat««aaaka->! Sportsmen, Attention! EIFLES, PISTOLS, &c, all whn deecripuuii, lu I 1NVITK tlienllentlon of Bpnrtamon and have occasion to uso a gun of any descrli » y stock of ^ Tolosooplc HlfU)8,Sln{'loan<l Doulil" Bnrrolorl Binos, Douhlo-Bnrrolo<l Rlflo and Shot Guns ; A«i HlNOl.i:, DOUBI.V. and TRIPLE BaJUsBLBTJ SHOT '•• "Hai 0018, n all of aup*Tlor material and manafacturo. The Tele- acoitlc Iflflo,faall its. parte, la.inajiufacuircd hy my self, In the host postdWe manner, la warrant«d, and ha*,l claim, no superiorfathe world. I «J*o heeep the Bifin Const, and a good assoriroeni of Ustotntre, fiUcM and ^mmiinlrton, of various kinds' and pf the very beat quality. , »3**~<laRA neatly REPAIRED aidfinishedaccord- ing teorder, , A.-. , A goheral attortmout of articles pertaining to Qua- neryVepttortale. T H °*^AU 8 .^K^ ( fiest^vrora W .d more widely knowd than any other. '• )'•'• At wholesale by ,\ '• THOMSON, I.ANODON A bo., , 881 Broadway, •"•**-.•- '•* llwftaVgr.ll-- 1 *" ••*" ) II I Haaal icanl'ii ^aatjL.aa\u_a rilHOHBOlTB 080WH ngtor Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 21/Cortland NY...member of thU-llbttte that^^^1 will rea4 '^.reo^ve^''i^ter^Mu^qribOii -UWfij® IbmPtt^^&Wm 'r^uwtfng *-»m t^, atop^P^rfP*

mam —


TY '8TA!UDi*R!>.'-TUHB!DA^V > NUMBER 3,14868. < * . . - i - , ,• i n -

^ ^ ™

HO. 18

11 ii •-"—••— "i" 'tMii m nwrffP'T" • * ( * *

PftoWng Apples-In barreling applCBfor the markot

the old and faithful maxim, " Honesty is the best policy " should be regarded as tho golden rule. The faot Is, W this ease, it pay*." '

However great the t w a p » ^ ™*1 be to put inforior/ruUinthunudai,-of the barrel, the fraud « •JmeH «"• tain to be found out, tho buyvr Vender-ed suspicious, and the whole lot com­pelled to submit to a sorious in price. Any orohardist or far-rn/t who is always particular to pick hip apples niooly and uniformly througlj* o'nt the paokago, will quickly aoqnir> a reputation wfcttfh will make hie namp on the package a sufficient guaranty of its contents, without biosc tnspecf tlon, and oOMiinaod for it the Mntfresfc market prfoe. An^; uian w>o would properly appreciate the actual ,niark4 Value of srtoh a »ep'uto|tionv '.f»--»b* »-4-sence of a higher mblivo, would s'obrii to hide-*« few inferior spphjs in the middlo of £ .parage. The correoi method is to,place a layer of »,"io°tn

fruit, uniform in sue, and with th# stem end downward, in the baUoift-of the' barrel. Then tjlj up the .barret with good mftrkctabto fruit, remember* Ing that half a do?en bad *pplw(i)ih*y depreciate the lot fifty cents trtadblt-lax per barrel. WI»»»-*te-*eww^~-i»r*) filled and thoroughly shaken down,M ihein stand'Open four or five days! If there is danger of rain cover tlU barrels with boards, After th,ejf h>v«| stood long enough to beooipe 'seasont ed, shako down again, fill op M l ant) put in the heail. Do not press thd head too tightly. Tf a barrel is prop* erly pAtked, shaken down on id season* ed, t h e s i s no need of exoeaiuyo press* ure on the head. Yfr have1 seen'/IW»ty pressed so tightly 'that many of the

•Tipples next to tho head were crushed fiat. YVInn the<h'ead kis in and the! hoops tightened, -tnrn; th^l»»tWu'$P and mark the end which has hitherto; been under, write the variety oi the! fruit, and the 'iKfft'e or initials of the producer, .RttJ o W k will ba.iouud the moat convenient for this purpose.

: ^ « # .h!!:"ill l.Q'?rrW UU*! ! Ill* .r.k"ifl[

eduoation at night, while his oveseeer dednction $-was ht bed, at* tho risk of being sevoYe-

ly flogged if Caught. With the as­sistance of Mr. John II, Wilson; Gen* MoGowatu and other lawyers of Ab-

. C e m p T o y e d , homage eonsldetable improvement,! iand'i*aeelved the first Inspiration, thai', > V ^ B ^ j f jpadj. hun # l!Wld«ijn|ifcw race..*Iforesoeiug the fearlnl results of the secession

his eutf-

rj*f,6 (IfHingenuous Democratic news­papers have described the Hon. II. M. IVr^tbflteoogntBed leader Ot tho colored men Of Georgia, as a negro of Ndrf ta-in birth H»nd Northern, «o.uca-tio'n. The oontmry is the faot. Mh Turner wasbdrniif South4'Carolina, and roared on a South' Carolina cotton field. Heobtainodtheeleihentsofhis

ion. Hdist the flvst, ,foa>, o^lorjtrt whom ftwdont J ^ o ^ ^ ^ i o o n t

M Miscellaneous Items. About thirty por cent, oftlio gradu­

ates of Anwricmi vMiftffcffl, tyifo- •*> "»»»¥ •»Pv»> tlie public" as lawyers.

A plough l.oy in Outagamio county, Wis/* lately tamed up a nugget of near­ly pure copper in. his father's Held. It weighed 438 lbs.

It is noticeable that apple trees op cultivated lands are producing much more fruit than those whioh are locat­ed in grass, fields.

The Boston Post says a gentleman found a quantity of silk on the street, the other day; and on following it up discovered a lady at the oilier end.

1H-O.II b r o u g h t o u t . I t h a s a bi-jli

OiWn an8,jk ovrfanvfented $'$*.$' -OPE vfoiw,- ,i"«M.y'.,.««*».q«ta* p»etty » n f W h s h . !-'•;•; r • ( : ;,.;K; ' ','•:. '.'

" N o man in Bn-jiand . tliinks of

iglishViran to-Mr. 'lilrWlni ••W'toosjj boof,^. does, ho! tjtacjt ^ /^^J lJ iBWl^

"quietly asked.'. • • ' ••-" •' '.'v",; i ' T could write down twenty! ioaaea,

say a piou? man., when I wished Go4 had it one otherwise than ho did ; but which I'now woy httttl^had my owf Wjlt.'wbiild' h 'ave led; i9^Jw^P >W*r chief. ' t


wt^'r^eently^ia "rVbtice of t/he'death^ «f t'tryv>"(!dMBffl(Jllbn, of JndlolTHur'tf.-*-

About a week'fieloVe he died he wai •;draet«l: b^ ^ . ' ^ h ^ l a ^ ' ^ ^ p f k l .'and lio did his hint type-setting on I notice of his own death. >

Cattle or Sheep. It. has been asked, which, stock is

bettor for the land, cattle or .sheep ? It does not admit of an unqualified answer. When the farmers of this part of New York, about forty years ago, entered largely on wool raising, they observed an improvement in their pastures, which led them to conclude t h a t s h e e n w e r e a b e t t e r s t o c k for hind.

But, now most of these farmers, or their luooessors, have disposed of their she'ep, and observe again an improve­ment in their grass laiuls. This would indicate that a change of stock 1118/ be advantageous. I think the benefit whioh appeared at first from keeping sheep was lost by overstocking and by continuod elose cropping. Fino wool was profitable; and farmcrH'wero temp­ted to keep too many sheep. Old pas­tures were fed off" year after year,

' without ploughing; the grass grew thloler^ but was y>jry 'short, wnl,(t)e depth of roots seemed to correspond. A ohange from pasturing to mowing! worked a great deal of improvement and a. change from sheep to cattle.has a similar effect—partly, perhaps be-oauso the grass is not cropped so elose, and partly, it may be p|-eau mod'he-cause of ohange. -

Experience teaohos us that all our dry land (in this part of the State): should bo ploughed and re-seeded, some soils frequently and Others at longer iutervals. 1.'

Some manures seem better for cer­tain crops, as the sheep manure for wheat; but for genoral improvement of tho land, wo have 110 reason to bo-liovo that one kind \>f stock is super-ior to any other.—N. Reed, m Country Gentleman,

ByrriNo ON A Son? TUH»Q.-T-A lako steamer was being repainted, hoar one of tho wharves of a western-otty. A single narrow plank served for 00m-monioation | with the shore. A large quantity of white lead was provided for the painters, and ono night before goiug ashore, two of them, « hom wn will 'call Smith and .I.mes, thought they would appropriate some of it to thoir own nsc. So they tteftTT strong twine around their overalls,' at tho ankle, and filled in the space between tljeljr trqwwra and overalls with forty pounds, more or less, of white lead, going ashore in the dusk Of tho evert­ing, and walking clumsily In aonso-<• of the unusual loading, Jones stumbled overboard into the htk*1. Of course he sank like a millstone. Tim alarm was given, and imftfcdiately there wcui bouts gut out, and every preparation made for. \h^ rescue.— M can t i m e , S m i t h ' si nod o n s h o r e , l oud-

l y b o w a i l i n s j : . / '

"Oh dear, deart Jonesis^lrowrjftiJ.I His poor "wile' an3 flvo littiiTones— what will booonri ^ot tllom ? And •Tones is. deail I Oh dear, dear t" > v

••What ai« you blubbering about ?" said a bystander. " Don't you see they am getting, mtady W b*wl him out ? He's got to rise three times, vou know." W ' 1 "Wh—what's that you say?" said 8mith. -••«.!'

* ^ tell yen Jones ain't' drowned— he'll bo rescued." .i.;<:'> <»• -.:l^__ .-• , . , . . -i *.i am in Ail , .

«*HeM got to (-ome up threo tjmw I" repeated Smith, pulling out his money and changing his whining tone to one of excited interest. " liet yon ekmtpe he dmU oonte up onos/"

A oorresjiondo'nt says that all the men of eminence oan be found in Breftdway, Now Yorfc. John C. Cal-houn keeps 11 dry goods store f Daniel Webster a millinery establishment; Henry Way a barber shop George Washington a boot store • Wm. O. Bryant a tailor's establishment; John Bn^bt » hofjery« Thos; C»rlyJe a card printing establishment*;Robert Brown­ing a faro bank, and so on to the end.,


"° JsiftUtaiXI1 ^ 1

A savant of Prague, M. Leonard!, invites all pj i^o^i^ljy . j .profess ion to assemble on the 20th September in that city. They are to be received Wo»pltably'an«A,wltrh>ttt:'dlsMVibttth"'df doctrine The sit tin^s will lost a week and the questions to bo treated are to be metaphysical. Tho promoter of this inceMiijj, who was a professor at Gottmgen at the same time as Hegel, flatters liimseff that' he may briug about an amalgamation of the various schools of philosophy.

• •———S^^B^-^Jg^p,^^.

To DKSTROY SriiMPs.—Bore holes, the larger and deeperthe better, and flit, .tbonx with•doatSbili n Whtat'ithe wood is wall tattrraled^ apply fire, and the stump will be destroyed even down Into the roots. .^, .3 ly) ,&-,...,..,

mission „ as ohaplalii. '« / !& Tiirnet was not b*m a*rave, nor was eithef-qt his parefits, a slivef, fPl-fyi l k » e v

nothing ofbM fre«4owt nnUl/h*^<**» ne'ariy'grown, Bi.^^asbbttiidJbut t<» • be ftsjwfiMtfstWtl 'witbiHseJ'slavcsi His influence in Georgia is uneqitaled! Atooti&Htk racei1 !iJAs an orator become mauds the attention of all classes, and oan hold them four hours nt a tt"" ?rj*.d«feMe'beforo the , G ^ i | L . _b^ure,U«a^l^:bfvre 'beltt a masterly effort. iJere is an extract from thai memorable speeon: " Now," sold hel, »I will nVitoJtW ifro^hfcn to everi THe'ie«t^>o^:the,,*oft'enleot!ady'»lU member of thU-llbttte that ^ 1 will rea4 '^ .reo^ve^' ' i^ter^Mu^qribOii

-UWfij® IbmPtt^^&Wm 'r^uwtfng *-»m t , a t o p ^ P ^ r f P * i oan ^ W W r T - W t f r n * * " t h i j 1«h»#fctime«<;Bta«iW)ea8*»iuloatha,

tfa, MmSkAiislsaftiyi^^ "Vh* w * n t ( » t e l W **!ih0'lMi»hb*u"1 w" The offer *toa-*iiWt tfs%8epted, and, of

.I,., ,t, ,,ltw-( n itwssn^ Y"*l°•;•' 1 . A , CjixiouB gHeap j^torr.

•lUHeM rmWelW.'of'Sanlsbnfy.N ?K,,:ha*,;a f)*0k of'tw^ty^gbt « ^ p | 'whlolj' nrttttf ^tj^wln^^ ^rn Jipnse4 i^'a-jfdaae v l ^ j i h e i r q w * o J ^ofOpmo filled1 with Hay^ieod. TRey haVe p"oen| oiit to pasturo for soveral wieoks past and th* ewessivo' wet weathershaving caused the seed" to sproht, a/e nowj beWring- jibbwt wlthHhem' a ^opf-^of grass two inches ' lhlongth., I,t| l«i ihouglit that if the wet weather 00m tinuos much ionger it will blossom.—j Mvnihor. ' >li

Th\» Is' the rrtost Urtterestin^ a/ojry

some New .liaippsbiue «)\<m wbo^re wearing of WW** WfaWmfo by a pqrsou ou.w!-0M frtjlojL we relyj ho'never hftek4fl bherr^fWeii* and—i s h o u l d n ' t tel l a l ie . Alr. K o b e r t I .ueh-

i h l c r t h i s w a s t h e shepl ie i -d ' s naiue^

and he pastured vetght and twenty sheep op Salisbury plain. J.ut. wH»n, tho leaves had' f«(lleibiand' Noyombor; winds were o,hi^.w,hy, ont-, ppon the, world ^»y coqldu'j ge^jthuir AH. So fjonby kindly put them in "a well pro-tebted shed, with hay enoiigfi to feed

them in.tho P¥Jw...Wf9ffr,*W°V; i A ^ d

the seed^'BlfteTIMoVvifi, And11t lodged •in tj'eir. wp«Ur fn<- there it did remain •t'ilr'tKe' April moon was full. And then out went their muttons, all in' tho rain, ycu know, and in less than twenty-0110 days the seed began to. grow, and it grew and it growod like the beau in a fairy song, and now tho; grtfSB upon their backs is morc'ii two, iuohes long. And, it is expected, that later in tho year, red, fragrant olover bbjoro* J>W will; i^piea^!. v^not'• nWal of this sheep talo is clear to every eye,. t h a t b y j u d i c i o u s m a n a g e m e n t , i f a.

person cared tOi try, AoViaight, with a| little trouble, and with tho aid of rainy weather, have his lamb and greou peas growing up' together."— Nho ' York Evening Mail.

, /FOWJU^ itif OucHArt-x**—The ; pnbho has yet to learn the (full advantage of keeping poultry. Few seoni to appre-' oiato what they may do among trees' in an orchard. Let any ono try them' in an orchard of a quarter of an acre, where thoy m.ay be kept by a nicked fence"fdur'or flyo fieY higli, putting in say 125 fowls, and obsoryo the result. He will avoid the annoyance in the! garden of whioh so many complain,!

tloing just what is needed, keeping the! ground well cultivated, and destroy-1 ing everything'that oan injure the1

fruit trees, in tho shape of bugs, wowfj.,oj,fj*ben in&^ot^. And, )a^'|i large' nuiiioer of eggs, which aro a cash artiole, to say nothing of tho chickens, which pay well for raising at the present time.

I have tried it and know it Is so. I have about one hundred fowls, which have worked admirably among my trees, keepi^(f| .^1^^^I^jKfl1o*bM-dition, keeping off tho insects, and promoting the ; crow th of tho orohard. I am satisfied that wo have yet to learn the full benefits 'which may bo derived from the proper management of fowls, and it is quito possible that the method I have suggested may of­fer the best wa>' of getting our apple orchards into bearing condition again.

^et'a^.^ontie^;^ .sbaU.wjtfjkir -WW *AwJ.«* l«em to

t a k e i t for t h e m , " . / a e , guml-tvulH

i "ttie»«i6urii ofan)[ftr^o'IteWa1 i0tn 1 ' t^Vo^fwflj' b^L'ab9u,t!|ioflrte|Bg ap'^.i -/quaj^r..million t^nSj 9f, ap4ao,,<**W!,0 ' seven on eight hundred thousand tons over last year. It was expected that tr iH^M»»i<« would1'i»'«e« pe* ce'flt bni It Vir- 'not' r dH '%ifi * Wttift,''".'!! is no t p r o b a b l e ' , t | > a t t ^ I p w . pri«?ea. pi'

,..l The authorities of Jiizbereny,' a HungariaM' towft.bave jnit' had''fhtj following notice published to the sound oKifie drum: ,hSp^n^ t^t.-ont'ip »n4 blasphemies . are the real causes of ear^luiuakes,eVe'f^ 6ne^ ho"rn^tter who; is ^bfbiddoin-to swear pr uso bad lan­guage, *«^er : p#nalty ( »f receiving) twenty-five stripes with a rod and pay­ing a-fliM»'of'<20 floriHsi'' > '

Aii exchange thinks that it is very! iniperdinOht to a'sk a young lady if she remembers anything about the locusts "seveuteen ^bir t tigo?*'',A,n.d rehitei >ithat an aequamtanee vonturefd to jprpl pound'; that query! to•**'• old matd of t h i r t y s e v e n , l a t e l y ; a n d u l t h m u r h t h o

inercnry was intimate with the nine-tics she froco him solid with the re spouse—"I. am not supposed, sir, to rentenilier anything that transpired

jvhtin 1 was only a few months old I"

A. JjiyrV; In a reoerft civil trlttl.ftt Mpnt-j polierj Vt.( having ;kept out Withoiji*) agroement from Saturday morning till M o n d a y m o r n i n g , Sent i n t h e ' fo l low

ing "special verdict:" "Washington County Court, September* term, I80H, —-vs.?*--. In this case the jury say that their united age's .are '.Ss.n.years, averaging 49 1-12 years; that their aggregate weight is l;W? pot^lds,'av­eraging 16-2/8-4 and pofitftiftlly a,r eleven,for Gfant and on,e 'fO)f.Sey-|

' iio-wrj-s/pi<|;fshfHon thisILpetbeyirtvoridj to fjght ^tt,lj«ffter the November elec tiou. Signed foreman." It'fS- need-. less to say that the lawyers enjoyed

' the joke, and tho court discharged; the. jury.

The Paris Patrie says: " The oel-ebMeJ Vihi'-we o*4 General <Foy will probably be i-emembered; he said from the tribune of the, Chamber of Deputies loir < W oeoasiob ' or the bill for granting an iHilemnity of a thous­and millions of francs to the French emigres ff ?»Pp youilmpwAbat an equal number of minutes has not elapsed since the death of Jesus Christ I Al

%thbSigh those words were pronounced nearly half a Ceritury" 4go, we havo not even 1 yet attained1 the amount. On the !6tli. of December next, ealcu lating twenty bissextile years in every j hutidvud,.:Uicfo wilHondyhave 1 passed 982,308fc0PQTSiuh»r«i»WKI«)the birth of | our Savior. A iwolve-month. con-| tains A^fi>a(k3,'8o^iii-'Wo4iM'niv-^ to wait anoth^ithjrty, yt^srsfbfor^iikiaeh-i|tg tlns-fa^Ofis niilHard, which Willi only be completed in 1902. Taking; the average of kiimau life, more than! nine t e n t h s o f t h e b e i n g s a c t u a l l y e x ­

i s t i n g o n t h o s u r f a c e of t h e g l o b e

wiH not arrive at that data. ?>

On Sunday a gentleman, who has a gooddaal of bueinesa on his mind far­ing the week, had his horse hitched up and drove to the post office, leav-ln$ *h*| fc#ma.l! tfgjfopft jfir*at ojfl, Oie "•"^yfrH*!* bviflF1* i»u *« get his mail matter. Aft ho cx-peetedi, his wall was large, and he coinnicnced ojiening hjt-Uira iand jiernsiugtbem as he passed out on to the walk..' On Monday af-ternoon ho had occasion to use his horse again, and told his hired man man to bring him up. , The gentleman 0/ tba stable..ropjiad*, *«J have not s^en, since jtpu dWiyirf b n). pff yesterday , afternoon 5" -\ supposed :it was an. right." .ifMfii i» snddetity evclaimed the absent minded nuilt ol business, " I left that horso hitched in front of the post office," and, straight way started off for the police head­quarters. The police had discovered the animal where his owner left him, about four o'uloek on Monday iiwrn Ing, and hud take^ hitn to -a stable where he was fouml In (;oo<l order. We wouldh^' mention aidy ifiaiBes for tha,W4»ld.—Hartford Courant..

A!J*eti«yt^tory. »J?Ue Luagel, tff& pretty French ao-

ress, was recently "harried to Prince Tolstoi, gno of the wealthiest young noblemen' *»t>: S*J Pefcersbttrgl ' The Prinoe '"pbjiiio'l the qnpstion" in a somewhat unusual jtpanner. Thero was a fair M,. the St. Petersburg S*rbiiCh Theatri), for'tiio bbuofit [of the Freueh hosjiital. M'tleLusgei presid­ed over one of the stands at the. fair, and Prinoe Tolstoi banteringly asked her how D»<ch she would take for It kiss. ; She glanced at him rather stern­ly, and replied that sho would1' not kiss any1 man but'hef betrothed. The Prince passed on, huisretqrnod to M'Hb Lui'gel'S ' stand a Quarter, of an hour flltcrf ards, r a^ , s^'d'^tljpr. thought fully to t,he 'y9p,n ';aoti»e#s, ^W-Uyou permit me to ask youi.(another ques­tion, Ma^moiBeUeV'V^Wi^rpJeafore, sir." 'fllayeiyou a batrothediWhi She eyed him .a moment- in surprise, and I hen.said, with B blush and smile, « No sir." " Would you like'ti have one ?1» "That.'depefldw oh' olrbuinstanbes,0

sho' Sftld: ilaWhing'ly,',' '*Wolf, "then,'

handed her bis curd. She was groatj-]l f S^tfj K»Pi%?Mx,i ^»-4 pu^£fa9i!.w,onj^ M&i ^*yi ^* ^»- following vmoni-ing ho called at her house, tho reply was in the affirmative, mid to day Aludemoisellc Imzgol is ft ' Princess fcnd:ej<-ha^py,f(»rifo><--i,'-/''li %'"'H °-u

, i iiJLiAsjMBrMMfc^Bfceaati * l . "i •'

' MAfci^£*<!»UHei» s'o»v,iBB>OouNi-TRY.—The Phlladetpliia Ihtttetin says that'wInMe Gen^GWm^was'in the Gal>

, ipet^aiUnpidftuti lOoparKedwhioh^ add^ another proof of his worthiness for tho highest honors of the republic. At one «f tM°iP lifl1tt wwAuga ^.J^hnf son was indulging in some of his char* aeteristie- solf-gloritioatioim over the " Haoriffdoa " which "ho had ni.ide for tht* ^Oohti1^ if'pd;oho or;|iipiie Of hii Cabinet' J O l n ^ . i i r t ^ , ^ sejfpraiso! Gen. Cj.rftnk pw4'. ">'W*M gentlemen-, so far as I am concerned, , rS .|Wto[rTfr m0Mm W the country. The country liiyt always

, M M ) l | ] p6*.f|St for it.,, I suppose I would be ready to make; sttcrtfioes, '^ut' I'.havtt never had the opportunity • and 1 think that, as .a j neral Tifll 6ur fVablM men gte ihbro irom thjii«o.nntr* than they glv«j -toit."-'- - "'--i' '

(I'ltBO *r I .'3,84-F.ll.. ) Aioi ' t v u i

J'l'm I ^iitni •JKI(<'O.U'<!I

ill In V-i--..

1 l-mvt »<ii!i


!j^'P^^«;;w^^f^' (i«'ii. .m^'".4 this town tho other day, whoon being aaked if lio jKadfl*<! taken something strange, into nil stomach, implied that ho ijolhjve bo had- '-It mrist h»V4 been that glass of water.-r-IIaven't been s o ;fntpi|trdeht, d o c t o r , folf ^ n j

l * V s 4 r i o l " ' . o ' L < " .!• (*lt*Jl<i i .1: j

:' ton* *iv"iilj|;.tiin''rinl MSgfl j ".'•*'!'" 'I

A SuRtilBltAOA, ' . '" . , '

' " «!«IWl-|lUlWlltlK llWttllllllWll, lulu , tf_yob can.

»»In Blue,

tJffl VlckO(1('l|)t0iirYH 1 •AwS'thO'Tr^^-i1.^*. ii pin.1, Wlillo in W»«*ri«lri|et lit. don, HIIIMI tio»fi of volort top, QootUlut Tfluti

»wl; what Will 0 owtvrsy Ol«ol»l

Sookii for homime, ana will tend 'Ixcoi'il, nutl (lepiiiilr of Grant awl lflnlv.

;oorr Bita PAIN PAIKT, Try litu euro tor your cniimlnlnt [ l-'in- your dloitr) tlum Hlmfl lio Grownoit with «lml(iu« victory.

Stbft VotoforWOtt

ire to: •fffitt with L'lmlmin victory. M VA1NT,' free of coat, at I)Ri , lYOCIuitliaiii Siiuiii-o, N. V.i fo»

Vou can tout) PA1NF WOI.GO'PP'H utile*, JTO OhntlMun Bmi It will remove pain or lainoneaa at,tho vom flNtspf pltcatloh',' and t« a MOItai and apcody euro for all noroJ or ulceni. it has no atrmrt, loaves no ataln, and la

.. H I4w4 I

sold uvory whoro. WOLCWTS ANNIUU,ATpn hvtWooHljratandair,

romedyforcatorrh., Phil(>ow«i,.|1.

f AblfcS-1 OK OKNTtBMW ' CAN ' I i WATliH, Mill*:Drosa, SeWIUtf Mavh...... ...,„

SnsntlnK, &c, by a tow houra' work for OILMAN * CO.'SliKKAT 0NKUQ1AAK 8ALK, 111 " Btro8t,;ao»to(i,¥v«r Clrcularaaentfroerj

nil Hanover Kiwi

NEW WSDIOAL On MamiHua of Iniiii-tidiiiico, Errors of Youth, and

• t. I • • . ! ' . • ' ' / , ,, .... ' '-

Boarton<©olla^ S S S ! TIIIB 1MMKNHK tl

paat IninliiiiHi n»r»Uq«a»ortJio

Our chocks arid


jtl liunliuiKa has liiiluc' .iioator.thiilklli

Our chocks aiulexc) u list* cuiiliilu nearly evory!

• Wuanur



hiiiulied, or ton for II. -A««iit« wanted tn ovory town.;

,7i<l4tSa^ I .wrrARaalrarBpJ ww»»6v« avti <w»iro ( w ^ p m J

W This groat remedy la an exc^anMpitttwn /< piri)hf Uu Stomi, Infbmatgji tho systdm, possessea. Cat noiirlahliij /art'd Stro-nfeUjonltitf pow.or ouablos

atnhlacl, to JllitoWllio.-|iua:rl!«»l MWI/maViia illoop. ron-vahliii,', and CHtaMlahc* roliuat luallp. mntmin aid Vhewtri for HUt* -Xmn Cured. Price, Fifty

•»nt! iSST- AJwrtSi »a»tad. >Ad4rM« Wh 'IV " A«

W m * ^ m m t > v , 4 - ,•:•:•••,'. ;, l i . ^ - i i a w w .

ByraQusac BlUghawxtoa a<nd ^ew York Bloil'vTay.



to l'hlladelphla, llalllmon,. TllKOUOH FAltBS

to Baltimore, aiS.«B; to Philadelphia, 18.00; to New York, (via Kr» HaUwayO SB.15; b Sinilrii, »>jb.

•»• 1IAIKI.VUIC t111KUKMl) 'I'l 1 ItOInill. On and II11 cr Monday, May 11th, 1663, trains will rnn

as follows, (Sundays excopted):

. tKAVK SVKAOTJBBt ••-. 8.00 A. M. I'..MMI-I-I in.; at Blnirharoton with Kxprcts

tfio Krlu Kallway, for Now York Train on .and Dunkirk.

0i85 P. M.—TMnncctltijr at BliiBhomton with an Kx-pfona 'I'niln on tho Krlu 1,'nllwav Raat. with Hleoplug Qua aUffn%d. arriving In N a " " •

on tho KrloWallway Raat, loping Cava atlaoflbil. art' '

JeW York aPI.10 boxl morning.

tfeAVK BINOnAMTON i-M'-A1. M.^-Obnnocllng With tho KxpresaUVa'nis on .-[, ,.. | m Y o r k Oontral-Kallway, |Ja»t and

4.00 ft M.-rOm arrival of Kxpraas Trains ftoin Now , . York and Uunklrk, and Way Tialu from

•hnlra, and coiinootlntf with -Express , Train* on (New York Central Kallway, i A

•I'liroiikh ticket a to New York, Philadelphia, BalU-inoru, Kfiulra, Corning,, &c, can he the office ofWYiJ; 6. Bray fim, liorth. aide oT the Now VoiV «3iitnl MVmt » e * t A a ^ a t tMTMbetiOnlee. cor-no^or pnond^a ^ ^ m ^ n U M * .

.f.\ I n nv^tfi |5rle ^l-vyay.

) llfl'l^ 'IMWff

66mo ^to*. ,-' lit Express, (VtoddayB oxcupted J tor

*or, Builalo, Halaniaiica ami nuii-i«k|hg dlroct cpnnectlon wltJi tttaXtlahUc and Groat Weatoru,

a. audat Klnil* tor Oanandat™,.: it Express, pally, for Rochoator. But Salamanca, llniiklrk and tlioWi-a*.

•idays iixcciileil.) tor lluf-

iiitiitlini, (Sundays ex*cob.

aPttWifufa't^''^4' •» excepted,) ft r Jto*^0^4loif< r

]pTwiu^torthewSst. Kht^HundiiyaexeeiPted.)

1B.39P.K.- aavUrtat Tfato. Dally, tor tho Waal.

days excepted)) HI 'n.r Ifuwley;


I ; Jersey City" wffh nild-M ut Now Seraey -Halt £»«», Jlajtlmpru ,mid

Baltimore Mall, (fheiduya

iress, Dally, oopnaelhig at th iiionilni' express train "ltallroad" for'Baltimore

ndays oxeoiited.) '' j


8.80 A. Xt0!$ri

™r^.l!&$l£r mMm-1^^

Wo are constantly purchasing tor cash In thu Now York will BoatouMai-kota.KillVliida of , ,

NOT opODSj •auuiliii eowpits, fmm idol

pHpfcsWC GOOPS, *ft, *o, , VWch wo are actually soiling «t »n avoi

hofug strictly than thai of r give bottei" othor houjo,

an avoragc price o|

for e a c h a r t i o l e . *>!>r,»»M d our trade much larger

ir cash, and our

i.'it'ta «vsg

-'.'!tr*' flij'ff'rflf^i. ••"**"*WT"1 ™ir. "fffH W

Ave aneelally invited t<i gl«o ua a trial. .'' HKN11 r » l l A l II111;III,All AN 11 KXOIIANI1K 1,1 KV.

Onir club syateu

HO for -WWlfoi.

n other-fitm, nc.

1 Jrion'oy"irt 'RogloterelS'^ettera. wnd >.a ' a trial oliih, a id Vml Will acknowledge*' that yolt eiin, not allord to buyg«(«da of any Mkarhonso thoroaftor;

fASTMAlM A. KBNOALI.V -u n o v o r S t . , B o s t o n , M a s s ,

. "v'TiTtf >-:'\"1\t\ '"' ' ' ! V'-i'1:'.!• •-*

'••• -"Alf^BlsnriBBrNHJW- •• 'i.-


AI#"ON iSr KELLOGG, • ' •Hjg^'r*vv*lli€),;il, Y.

XiTAVINO ««ronasad tho above atore, ami i Ailed.' It I I with an nut Ire new stock of gouda, will null ut

an per,qent. leas than last season I THE AHHOKTM1CNT I,S> OtlUll'l.KTIC

u ,, ,ji]8.«)HaNTCTy,AM». VAniBTY.

, '!, .„,.';'-ii, . .-irr$JWrr1»*».'i- •,•<••• • . STAPLE and FANO Y BUY GOODS *»ms*otm >•••••. ™®Wmra&ooDs,

[ i -H- .1 '< A D i.. •r< , ( i


' Svuhil XotUv*.

tUbe adverUser, having been M.lored to hwlth id n few weeks, by a vary rsatntrie remedy, after having I Hilll'urvd aovornl yenra with a n'ovcrd lung altoellon, I and. that dread dlsatae, Oonsumpllou • Is anxldas lo I make known to bis fellow-snffiuwni thu meati* af •nW. i

To all who dealto It, ho will aeml a copy of Die pre-aerljitlon used (ftdi Of clmrg<i), with tli.i dltectlona rorpreparihgand ni»»Htf' the aamo,' HvWcnlhey Uu And a ainta Uvaa ron OosmmrnoN, ASTHMA, BHON-niiriria, Ac. The only object of tint lulvurllser ID sending the Proscription l« to lieneiti the aflllctod, avid upturn! tnfinnuttion which he cuiicelves to he In-valiiiibUi; and lm hopes evory aulfeter will Iry Ida remedy, aa It will edst them Bbftlhg; arid nay pWve alileaalng. ' >'"•','' ''•"•'• • • '

Partlea wishing tho prescription will iilcaauaddres*

IDS Houth Hmmd St., Winiamahiiigh,'Kings'toiinty. i New York. 4$

H A gaatlamaS who HaKefaH to» y*>ar« from N«rV«*« DcWIItyv I'mmiitura Dooay, and all tho efliicla i f yowthful Indiscretion will, tor the sake of siillotlng hnmanity, send free to aj) who need It, the recipe and illiccH.m for iilakln-; IWo alinjilii rumedy bjf will6o ho waa cured. Kittt'erors wlatilng to profit DV<n« adver­tiser's experience can do so by addrasaiug^iu perfect confidence, jfp^Ul B. OOpipJ, i

1 •>• No. 1) Codir street. New York. •'!!' U.H '• TT

.. .,1

SAVK^ . uitims,

'itiBBVjfb; LA CSS,


an C loth 8, Case 1 me res, • :• ' Aiid.TAIi^HS'YltlMMlNtlH. '

Black Dross Hllka, AlpaCaa, DoT^hiea, l'rlntid Will-

Of|yai(dlea, JarwiMa, &r,., *e. , Ajijo, all that Is need.

koei Is callall to n y stock lof

J^X^T^m WARE 4r wai ids a

'^OtJIl^S/'^^VlfJ^ONS,: Ac,, All of which will IMI Hold at • tin) lowtst tnurktt rata.

The public are respectfully Invited to examine goods and prion at this atom Worn purchasing olae-

fan at n «


Apparatus for PbyBioal Training.

Patent ''Home fiyitwasitim. rjTHB ONM OOMW.ETJBl'OBTABUJ (IYMNA-


EOT D p i *

atmplo Character havo naceasary scope and variety, not

" ^ M M - IW lao^affaaitij^arcliies.

ta:taMl-<m.a«.jaii.aciiilea devised


A Hart Opportunity in th* toil Maikel anil mom <!«• tm Mi uiu in \Uihmi and hailihy VHttxtiein thi.UnUn. pnly

ThiflV Miles Houth of Philadelphia, on a RaUr/Md ; fysitiga HiohHollandhighli/pmtiicUte Wheat Lhnid; amo/ig Uu but in the Hardin Sta/*>qf JVkw Jemy.

It eouslsta of 60 squaro mile* of OOOO laud, divi­ded Into farms of different sizes to suit tHe purchaser —»««» SO AORKS ANn urWAuna. ,

',.,., PBI0B AND T«BM8. . The land la sold at the rate of t # ner ilea farm land payalilo onofourlh caah, and tho balance by half-yearly Installments, with legal Interest, within tho term, of four yoara, upon farms of 90 acres and upwards. , Ptvo-acro jots soil at from *160 to aWO ; tan-lota, at from $800 to *.«0, ami town lola Ml foot f. hy one hundred ,md flfiy foot deep, at $160 to $2( paynblo otie-|iair cash and tho balance wilhin o y It Is only upon Sarins of twonty aCrOs, of more, I . All four years' time |„ g|ven

Tho whole tract, with ftf road, Is laid out with tine ate a town In the center.

mile:' front on the tall-A spacious avenues, with

.'/ T U B 8.toi/;'. ':, lis In Kttoal patVa KICH Ot-a* LOAM, snltablo Wheal, tjratt and Puttitoet- also a dark aud tloh'ai * W , »rYwj»irf/Moto»»-*a«»0**arkan.] dy loam, suitable for corn, sweet polatooe. tobac all kinds or vegetable and root crops, and the Am variation of fruit, auchas Orapes, Peara, Paaohe! Apricots, Nectarines, Blackberries, Melons and oth ir fruits best adapted to the Phlladeljrtilaaud Now Yo nun kela. III respect to tha toll and owj>» there ri n bo no mistake, as visitors con AXainlno both .and no to me i«xpei:i eil to buy before so doing, and finding the w statements c6rrcot—uhdor Oiose circumstances, «»-hit thene statement* were correct then umilil be no 'it' tu tlnlr btlitij miiih'. lvt»conslderod

Taj BB»TiBwWiffft >s *i>* ustou, [See Itiiiiu li« of Solon Robinson. Esq., of the New

York Tribune, aud of Dr. Cliaa. T. Jackson, Sta» Zoologist of Mass., which will be furnished Inqulreri. |

'.<r»E MASHBT6. By loiiklug ovor the niaii the mailer will parcel uit ltciiloys the beettnarkelIn the Union, and has r,,-

retteomniflnlcatlon with New York and Phtladelph! I thai

twice a day, being only tAMy-ttoq inUee front < the la -ieV. Proifuco Iiithta lnArkct brings double tho prlc j that It does lu locations distant from the elllea. 111 this location It can bo put Into market tho name da < It Is/ratUOred, and 'for What tho farmer sells hegeln

e t e r •"' what ho sella brfiiga Mm a jdiiaiice, but tor what hi buys ho pays.two prlcea. In;

^ 1 | »

isheWt^attbeloSt^prff In tLwea . lahringHMin ajdiiaiico, but for what I

locating her* the aeMli

1'assiiclatoa. He ht [ldren, fllvlno service, ami ligation, and ho Is "car alar

. dlh*o> \mknow*.

! II , . ADVANTAGES. He la within a tow hoars, h;

groat cities of Now England am lie la near hla old friends and • as'aoclatos. lie hai sehnola fiirhla chlhlreii, divine aervlee, nutl all tin advantages of civilization, and ho Is near a largo cltj.

' mimmxn..' MMkfe**** I *h«:wln,«r» halng aalnbrlouii a«i .. whilst the summers aro no warmer than In the Norl I. Tho location la upon tho line of latitude Willi Nortl cm Virginia. '-' i. i

,, P^«*0.f WAJfTlWi. ~ 1 IsAT.TH, would bo mud hilldnosa of Iho climat make It exoetlesttoVall Ha,a,uliifner(U<l>bUllu- ' Vlsliora WIIUIOIICOK oneo Ip a tow days., < Chilli and fever* are unknt

«JONV«l4lllNCI!S A* IfANll. i | Building material la plenty. Vlah and Oyateia at* plentirul and cheap. WllV.TIlK Paoi'XUTV HAS Nlll< )IXKN SMTTI.KIIIlKlrOKr:.

i 'this uuosllon.thfl reader naturally asks. It is Ii •

•iponoil through tho propeHy hut a short (line. -,:.ylsUontAfa »B*J» flvej tW land In • oart-laga, frf i 6f«Kpense, and Mrp".od Mroeand opportunity |hoiouKh investagatton, i7 . • .

i mote whooome Mtha vliw lo eettle, thouhlM.ty .mmto*teM\»eir.iHirchttee«, •»locations are not

)tt 'V 9QrVb\<tlO»ii.; '". i ...I I ii, fa J** Antunuj of ISM, thapopulaUon of V|nvM«d

I d « 0 . '••"&AXJL>! i 8 6 8 .

I MM v a\ avSVi ' ** ^ TMPOBTAHT TO Al

. . • • ' ' .

Dry Goods, Dress C

i: ft : io-'.q

. • , . •'• i -

Thla long-eatabllabod, woll-trloil.ovor true llouse,

mvm BKATfifrr *ysvsR :0$tyLffl



Their tauuonao Bnlldl»g> t**"*" "J**1*, f'- fija 5 l n ' eldeTfi fullbTgWodVia des rablo OoW i

from Cellar to (.arict, <»impil«-Ing evorylhlng. In

Wooi s, iOWwS,' W Mohairs, SUka

i .*j I iJ- i' / • wis, Cloaks, Trimmings,

t Ae. A 0H1 H nek oT



,...)-- !,. '/Ol-!'l:,l.''hl "I ,.: • '•". V.ufiu --ill I , That shall command tha examination and pal ron

i o ••)••'•„ ••• 'i * s » d r » > d ' . » « • » . ' . . t •

town plot In the center has A population of llirl lo; rAt th* prom- * -'-avoapopiilaUon

>I0 by 1878. Iiiinrovomonts aro going on i ons. Now buildings, stores add nilinuu

thousand peorde. At the! preseiit'into of Ii Vlimlaml wlllhaveapopiilaUon of twonty, "

" "™ . ^Ttuipri— ' - '

ed and plautod.

IV; ,•.. 1'JtKHKNT-1MPHOV1CMKNTS. in tho Vlnoland tract areelghteett publicsdhoOli

:Viiteseminaries. The MellloillstCoiil'ei. omliii i h e p

consisting ot Methodist; PresbytoHdn,- Baptist, Knlsi oopW, Unitarian and dthoii denominations* and Oddfellow orders, " . . . . . . . . vSrltfttS^-^"•' " * - '

ling at the present time one of the largest „.nTl^oUnlfod Suites, Tho building Will

ho »M toot long, Ktt feet wide, mill four stm lea high. 'I'horoaio i J •

ClIUKCllKS, illat, Eplsi . Miisohlc

'aiSi fof I'uujUoctufil linprovojaeil. tT ., .; j PVBWC A»0*NM»NT8. ; •','."

-Vlnoland Is thu Hist place In the worfd where a gun. oral system of public adornment has been,

"All the' roads i*o plarttod v$th shade trpba, anhlthe roadsides seeded to gr»s»/- The houses Sot back from thofp»4sls^s,f lower».audsl^bb^^^Ui*t»m Vlnoland already ono of the moat bountiful placet In thb; cdilntry; w r •

PAJRB. ' Vlnhlnnd la tho flist settlement Id the world who

decided measures have been adopted to secure'tl interest* ot Hie actual settlor against tho spuculiito . No pi'opiii-ly is sold but upon tho express condition that It shall be built upon within a year. By Ihht

sv ' It npo t of • th. provision hvory part oflhecpurttry Is Iniproved. The

liiiprnvoiiiont of one pjroperty eunancoS thevaluo M the neighboring prppurijr, fa this> respept tholid oneo la co operative In lta character. This, prdvl lou accounty, tit a groitt extoht,' for thb remnrkrib


ipld lalior.

ttholollu. bis. prdvlsi

its.'to a great evtunt,• fur the rcmnrklihhi aucoessMf vlheland, and the prosperity of the pluue.

: ' ; THrt-TfcMPEBANOB'PftmotPLB. Eyory year It la submitted to a vote of tho

whether any tavern shall be licensed to toll Tho license has never Ixwi parrlcdii ami no

Sold in Vlnoland. At the laat olootlon thorp y/m not nof Vdtb ohafiii favWr of liimor SQlIInK, a Atil^tliat

has never prolialilv iicc.utrcd hefiiie. Tills Is & great prptoctlon to rumityoa, aud lo tho (mhis^flous l«l>lta|

To MANOTAiVftmens. > The town affords a fine opening tor vnrlous niitnuJ facturlng businesses, being near I'hlladvlphla, .and tho sin rounding country has a large population which]

ow one id the most heautll'iil and' moat agreo&ble for a resl-

rtii'oi d» a good market This selllemout la a

'places In tho country, Oeneu,. . • ' ft Is lutumleil to iiiukn It a

FRUIT AND VINE growing country, as (Ida cnlfuro Is tho moat piolltu hip and tho liest ttdapttxl to the market. Every ad-: vantage and eonvenicnce for settlera will he introdu­ced which will Insnro tlio,prosperity.iof tho place. The hard limes throughout llio country will be an ad" vantage to the sottloment. as It compols peoplo to re-

. . . . . . . . . . _ | issefiBeaitho oldaeaoola-i

miles Into a far-ueoeeaarUa of cl vl|l«i-: ', and whuro, In caae of

. . . - to a

ewhORm otNawEiiglaW apd.tlie Middle StMea.

ntty, lia tho l«mu-i, at but ltttlo ox-ness. It lain a




- . purch* oM|»»^»eo*B»j!'df,:

heeu lacking whugr'- " helny


Hi ,.^,.n„, and without neglect ol „,i,„,^,v. .* u. <U'. settled country, whore no danger or risk Is Incurred. There Is no groat oxpoi'idlttires of money reuu|ree bafoes It,can'be made to pay, as' Is usually tin? case. !Aiiotherliii|M.rtaiitcoiisld.irutlonlalts

, ; : ; • ; . : ; ; ' ^ W ^ B , TlmaaatXr hereiiiieara no danger of losing his fam­

ily 'bytho.o dnaulAil Aivera SvhTcli. lit some plncos, a»»f&llaij«ifaM(^li^'»sW'ser- t '- ' whkhMqalte'natslobaoett* what Is to mated, «tert«r*lly at a loss of onet " amoB* thewomaaana cksMamli i<SL,_ ... . essential sMatt InKhe profitable cultivation of a and the richest soil in the world may yield very ly If tho settlor is unkble Ur&ppud upon It lifs lalmr

,onia<*oan»bf Us .Mrermjr. ttss agus, or |f*> U. Uke trade at a L W A s for kU grain. flare all the bvManenaof refiaobieht'aiiu cnltlfHilim aroat'hand. Itls notn»oo«s»»y tovifloAfty nillM to

I a fieur mill, over!* ropgh rosld and fchrotlgti a wl|d»r-ness country; nor are the winters «uht->tnuy>aro short

is, ami

of a 'fnuilly health Is an


and open. The seasons commence veiy oarly. In iehwt<frequei».y oommonoing

ougit I chard* and vineyards u. . Iiollnld U scene of be«ul, « •dlntbaUntow Thouui


. • , - . - — purchasing, and poo > desire the best location should vlHlltho.pWn

If I.

Idemossltated; by the

fflR-pfoortuaBifel'tt tor In I'lipper tulles hermoll oomptetAy any evaporation and la" the

other make**' aatos.

'•" SUBSO^ff

<(ft-,->ii'i bj * • ; ' . • /! —•WWafl iHw fin.- .'iin



** which Oyninaatlc* will

leaving only tho amall )us<)^lnajrttl,by th*


Jvo tai

ioM^sjfe........... , colored.! and bj,** Iruwnlotirjfl*rle*( i the! ting*,MS

for any of the exercises? -*n>e Ipparatua can also be «onv«tedUtofatrapes* forth* athlete, or a *,Wlng

• I I " ' i n a t r a t f t n . ^ ^ l f , - f t |

oxplalnliiH how oach is-par. U _,,»(••.> .'..|10

The wapexe adjustment, w|th thirty-two lllns-tr*Uons.,..»7;*..".'.'....Z........7, S 60

Tbe8wlngad(o*tmeat;. . .; . .^.. . i . . . . i ' . . . . . . . . 1 go Bent bv Express to any part of the United State*

or Oauada, on receipt of p»l<jo. Address,

• *&*• • . ' - ' ' "' ?Be*^nan'filt'N''i»*

AUUHTH IttbofVsd Spool and B a i " :hli»e audhand us*, uneurpass-

TOX,Ko.8tt***rl tear Broadway, Mew York,

• B M M M H )pen. Tho eor —

l tho plowing Is uva^roW"hoftby»efiJlfa

WHAT VISlU'OltS W1U. HKK. The visitor will see as good crops growing In Vine-

drods of fanus are under cuiu'vaflon. lid wlllsoo hundreds or orchard* aud vlrieyarila lu hoarlng, He ca» be driven through a hundred miles of farms, or-

Inovards npofi tho Vlneland tract, and a e»,bgsKyjoKI4lBpsi)va«»t«t»iot»»4).ll-

._.»». T1ioiJUd«rsrlg6«l ruriiiaUlM'carrta-ges to those who come to look on tho land, free of •*-pense. A spado always acooutpaules the carriage and

WhSl, W«rA-a . , I^h4< r--"*-r-AlF«oboliTOfiirhdme*lrt from the now land by tho

, ate sot Wlen. orsptecirtatori, bW^uta'tff Industry, intelligence, pallepea and norvo. • - '"

I irgo numbers of" " pie who at once.

Improved land Is also tot sale. • ' ' J '1'IMIlKlt LAND

can be bought with or without timber the ttmln-r at market valuation. •'• - .THB'trttJi.'- , ••••'

ThetllloUlndlspiitaMei'Warrantoe deeds given, clear of all lncumbranees,'#rle* tho money is paid. Bo^ngcoovenieacesathaad. i „Letters promptly answered, uml Iteisnls of Solon Robinson and Dr. On**.. T.*,0'acksoii sent, together with the "Vfaeland Ktfrml.,ry

and othor particulate, whlcH Wl per*sent Address, '.•,'•.

OSA8. K. 1.AN1HS, Proprittor, , nl6 yiH*>iad P.^:. N^Jomey .

Manhood r i o t ^ ' H f j ^ t e B i e d , Just published, a new edition of Dr. Colvor-well'a OelebHtod Basay on xkarndbateUre (without medicine) of SpermatorrhOM, or

Soiiilnal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal boaseai Im jaitsac^ Mental and Phvsleal lacapaelty, Impedl-incnte to Marriage, etc.; alto, <xm*li*spttt»,BtlUspty and tit*, Induced by solUndulgonco or sexual oxtrav-aganco.

CsT* Price, In a aoalod envelope, only 8 cent*. The celebrated autlior, In. this admirable essay,

cloarlv demonstrate* from a thirty y*ar»tieaco*ssriil practice, that the alanmiur iaobsequoncea of Self-

knife; polntliurout a mode of euro at oneo simple, oertaln) and eSoetwl, by meallt of wU*h Overy »uf-tor*r,uomatt*r.wh*t hit eoadjtlon may bo, may cove b h w ^ h e a ^ . iirttalaiyTalS nwltaUly.

rar-Thla Locturo should Win tho hands of overy youth and evory man In tho Hud. .

Sent, iiudor seal, In a plain ejnvoldpe, to any address, potlpaU, on recolpt oTTlf cenft,^ or two„pos J,to55p*,V ^ , , 0 > D * <?WfV|BWEtL'« "Mairriage

1S7 Bower* Now York, Pott Offloo Box 4,886,

iOloaktrtB*. Valvtyta and Trlmm ng«i i . - i l AND AN »1CXR1»M«BD IDTTl-.M. 1

All) . J , - ; . ' . . I. •! .1 •: . i l l .

AgrandjStoakofi, m & v

.CJA-Hf-KSPS, .! ou . '.ciaoapii^

•iMtttie:-u>i:i oi 8ad.-Ada*W*v "• .'!*i

iaook^ Before TT^ Bay! Brag Is a good d.

give special n "<nat Wo sa-

i > and

•Kohl fast la helter.

Unit for the inter, aiK all

time forwanl, •a-,, tin 11 ibt-fjtoi'"' Wmo^rWAta,' ' " '''' "' ' h >i oi-.oi *<i .- •" • •!••• • '(".I boli

liotnti) ii TB•'CROWb.^•',•,•'

• i i K / . < t f w t f " " ' ' bo»at o f .

»nr IntogTlty, Means,

j iy. s less tlnin othi-is


tlon, Discipline aud Kcm • <Von natny Good* M

buy them

Aoeoinmoda-omtmy. Wo will aj:ll



a . ^ t A T B 0 * HEW YORK, i OHHI or TBS SKOSBTABir Ot BTATa, ) " • " 7 Aibanu, Auffutt Ut, 1368. \

tit) th* Shetifie* *W County Of CorUanp ir~ sm-NoMc* 1* Hereby «Wp, t u*K! ia. t t ia r i c n"1 1

Klectlon to bo hold In this State on tha Tuesday »,„ o S S S i t U * flrat Monday of Nowmbe-r next, th. fol |mv I luTomcors aretoboelectcd.towit:

fi ifaKSMXMS ?n iff » « & , W J T c . n a t \ & & # * r J £ U. ft*' l ^ c y ^ H o b e r t C.

"jfnHn.sWtorof State PrtMAHln Uieptaoeonii,, ry A. Biii'iiiim; , , . _^_,

Aderic of the Ooart of Appeal*, fa the aslaco or

^h1rtTt^rce'<lCloctor. of i U l d « t a » t - V l * - P r c , ,

Onondaga. • -> — - J < x OOUKTT ortioas* >tJ»o t e ^ t S u u w M roa SAID

'' A' Meniher of AssMobjry : ^ i / j , . _ „, A l-lslrlct AtfarnAr. fa the pUc> of Alvah D. W»

" 9 * 0 Jostloe* of 8*aWtfa*l,fa*« pl»C0 of Ja.nci

^ W t t K H k a ••—zJf'-"'\ w -s*yir'*'— ' Foreclosure Sale.

tv- (,'oiitm- or COUTIANI,. • lien. iftl. Solomon Bhevlller, Bsul,

Hhovlnor. Hannah Bhevlller, lienjamlo J JoiIOT, Thomas J. Holdrldgo aud I f man Mauon. In punw. am e and by virtue of a Jhdjpnent of foroclosur* and sale liiado In t*ia ntiove entlOeil aotlmi on the ail, da; oTOctobor, A7D. 1888, the anbaortD^roteteo tat th.i



ereln doscrllHid as follow*: andrttnetointhototfaor NeWYwlt, Mil bolitg tweht^acWJ^f land taken

ftatVr'lMSS O n

„AGAI|N! •i

ill'it)'i> ))'• ni;»pi: «'i.'.l'a)*W'>*)ad'-• . ..II i All >»".'' j

BOAST OF TOURBABCrAINd , ; . . . . •••... n • •• : i . " - " I


The tuterent of tho patrons | In an establlsn-

ment i< , J. • Jlko ours, falls like ,

the dews or heaven, oqiial/y upon all, > ly. , • III- •.("•! • ' .-1 ," ' II'. j

flmb QaJl, ^ j p i n o and Ijrove:

September 18th, 1808.

Bremises directed by said Jm leroln descrlhod as folli

•^st%omp^^i-i .« ed on tho woti by lands owned by Hnloinon »liovl)ijr. on the sodtli by Uhd' of AraW *V*tar. On the east h, lands of said Hhovlller, and on the north by lands ul W ^ - M e S k l i Atao, ahhthor pfaceJW WW. On lot

-No, tarn said town of HanbnJ, known on the nu|, and tnrvey ofaald lot, made hy Nathan Bottlon.*' anbdlvlslon nilie,—which la boundedop the hqrth I.) amTtof ThomaB J. Holdrldgo, on thee|»t'by had* of Petor Moraklo and the said Nolompn Bhevlller, suit oh the west by line of lotrNe. OH, containing Oily Actv*, of land, more or lea*. IVttod Oortlwd/Wt. Ift, lst),\

<,' .1 ISAAC W;BROWN,'Hetortc.. Aii-riiiiii H P M U S , Plaintiff's A t t d H w / Mlil5w;

D.'M<^AaTirB . i Co.,



Morofuitilo Beferenoe Eegisti r I

MKKCHANTS'PKOTBOTlVE UNION prgah _ o promote and protoct.trado, hy onabl ni "

Sllliserlbera tonlluli) fac.llllv and safely lu g'rul tl of e-liitms, at nil polni s, 111 In September, 1 w 8, pn

credits, aud the recovery of* olalnnt, at'nll p'olnta, liave ' •• • ' ' " ' - • " ' • ' - - i n ­to imiiouneo, that the) llsh lu mm large (Jiiat'L

TilK MKUCJlANTS'. l'ltOTKOTIVBUNION j CANT1!.«. ItfvFKBiertCK RE^rSmTilt, Contkinli

5miiiig othor things, thu Naniu*, Mature of ijutluess, .liuniiit of Capital, Financial Standing, and Rating

as to Credit) of over eOO.OoO of tho prinolpt* mur-

villages and sett lenient s throughout the I lolled State*, their territories, ami the British Provinces oflNnrlh Amorieni mid embracing tlm most Imporlaut.iiiifor matlou attainable uiid uocessary to oonble the mer­chant lo nsi-'ei lulu al a glance the Ca.illal, Chai icter. aud D.ogrge nf Credit of such of, his customer* i s are deemed worthy of any gradation of credit, coi lprle-Ingj also,a Ntkiiapor IHreclory, Containing tin title, character, price, and place of publication, wit particulars relative'to each' Journal, being a 'complete

Siiido to thdilifoss of ovory •-.ouni.v In til* Iftiited tales. The roports and Information will be eonAnod to

those doomed w.orthy of some line of credit; ami as tho same will be bhsed, so Air as prncttcnhlo, upon the written atateinonta of the parties thomsulvot, rof)a*d and corrected by well-known andrellablo legal Corros-pondenta whoso character will prove A'tfCMttpmetbf the correctnoss of tho Information furnished by them, It Is believed that tho reports will prove ntpro ttiith-till ami complete, mid, llieroforo, superior to *d)l of much greater value, than anyproviously Issued. L .

By aid of the MKUCANTil.lC R K K E K E N C E 1 ItCl'Klt, business men will lie able lo nseeilnlu glance, the capital and gradation ut credit, aa con Id with financial worth, of nearly evory mertl mailhlaetnrcr, trader, and bahker, within tho ab

if iniarly *vofy Jierfel]

named territorial limits. On or about tho first of each month, lll'olso receive -

ong other thin iirtheiaSms

nlhacil l-olitllli wlH'alsb receive the Monthly llhronlde coiltalhlnj

among othor things, a record of such Important el.mi :os lirth* himo and condition ol Afins, tbrougTiout lie country, aa may occur subsequent to tho pub lea

.half-yearly wjumoof tho MERCANTILE lir-voar JERBOAS',

Thu Muri-ha.



'Union -Mercantile Kofcr.

(lb shares of the Capital s'tbeh. in addition to participating In tho profits,.will receive

TWO copies ; and no more than ten shares of the Qap Itnl Stock will bo allotted to any one applicant. • All renlll lances, ortlor*. or omndii nl< at Ions ndat lv«

TWVMtlve Uiildnju/rho American Kxclisngo rjiuk Unldn No. I 2 8 Broadway, (Box 2fJ( 8) Now

nll l inl l

I8G8. VSin'.

®;:!H. Speaker,"*; 'Cft. Di • • I -H!l,l-I :.:i!M •»

,;jjj^rrm9 CAPS,, • -Aw-to'-'Vim-s,i! '


F U R S and F U R O O O D 8 of all (and*, fo* the Veil and Winter trade, epns1tUng,|n part of,,,

Fine Hudaoo Bajwad State MJilt-, Splendid sot*, at* low Aguro.

Ohoico l<*itoh Furs , f

vss^wstr* «*** *ri *°* *'"• ;•, ^in^tA^t' Qfttmai:^ •

And an almost endless ttooar of

R i v e r M i n k , F r o n c h C o n e y , a n d C l t l l -r. .r>»r-t ^ t f M l t l a V a W l i r a A


' > At >>r^'tt>arl^.f*s^to»rt/ 'Thelart^aAocaJof ' '•'•" '"' <•'

,$iitfal<),i1l!5f<)ljf ,'aui Coon KOIIOH,

!rLf„l.l^v* Si*' **$* •>«««*. I B » Uila se, tlm, of Uie ooonrfr. Ahp,»b^r»A»to<)k,of the beat

B»ir«€,BT * IftOHE^RIMMINQIS, , ri(r,) v.:', Mil, t<!\ JKi.iy," ,*..»•• . "pi

MoodtHmrrrltiB-*, A c , Ao. -b . ' ^ ^ ' o A ^ ^ B J - W N p i R S O t l ) ; , $ j T

Oall In and ozamlne our goods.

l»»« ,tftM4fO«< »cB.-.»RBNDfcBY*00„

••!&-'• - • • • - • • ^ « ^ * j

I'I r ' ' • • • - • • • ' - . - . • • . • • • • - ^ " . ' ' " " . J ! ^

Election l^otloe. . SircBixr'a Orrioa, COBTLAHOVIIXX, I

Co»Ti.Am> COUNTT, N. Y., Aug. 4,1888. f

NOTICE »« homby glvon that tho Oonfral Kkction will lw held m this county on the Tuesday tut

coedlng tho Arst Monday of November next, at which tlmo thoro will bo chosm) tho following offlcort, to ^ i * . -.•

A'Oovornor in the place of Reuben R. Ponton; A tlentenanKrOvernor In .the place of Stewart I,.

Woodford; A Canal Cotnmltslonor In the phvse of Robsnc.

^An bspector of State Prisons in tho pMce of Hear, A-A Clorkmof tho Oonrt of Appeals In the plate of KAn fwVoTt:» of bocemlier noxt. ,M~***-<±-IM -... ..

Thlrly-lhroo Electors of Prealdont and Vrc*-Pr»P|.

United States, for tho Twpnty-thlrd /'ongre,.!,,,,,, District, eomposod Of fhe counlls» of Oofilaiul „ ld Onondaga. , oouwr omoam* *iao TO » • aMontn TOK *AID

itS^&SSET&h* cjffc* of A.vah D. Wa-, 0Two anttloe* of Setakms In the phtee of Jsmei Comttock and Alexwd« MoVeaj i

A Corona* In the place of Daniel W< wurdlek; All[Whosoi terms of oflice will expire on tho last d.»

Of Deoembernext This Mtloeta given fa P•»T»>«>M»e l f, ««• nolle* of

of State.'*) oopy «t which 11* herein, "SBAAOW. 11ROWN, tho Socrotary

auiioxod. i of which i fa hereunto

..8AAC W. 11ROWN. Hheriff Cortland County.


vurpoae dj»ya»»o**>t«' for • tho Court Housoln r i Cortland i Id coanty, on

n O'clock la the . i'and mortgaged

neiil to bo sola, anil im-imii iiesi iim-o aa limine- .nil that tract or parcel of land eltualo In the toWu. of llarfprd. Cortland coun

the «5th day o< November, Ii forenoon of tliat day, tho real

1I1>RKME COURT.—Silas Baldwin w. Harriei \s r l Knowlton and Pftgie Oroen • and Alexnmli r w Clark, Cominlselonora tor loaning certain moiit>" thb ilnitvd States, and Harriet) VV. Knowlton and Uharloa J, Knowlton, executors of Sarah KnowlUni. doecasod, and Matfilns Van lloosou. In pursuance »l tn order of tho Suproino (Vinrt, made In the ahuvc cause, dated tho 7th day of Sopterabor, 1808. tlm un doMlgned; Commissioners In partition, will sell al public auction, lo th* highest bidder, at Ilia I I stops of tho Court Housowln the vUlage of Cortland, on tho 7th day of NotortiW, ISHoTarftl 'o'clock, A M.,all that piece or parcel of land situated In Uu town of Preblo, Id tho cdnnty Of Cortlahd, ahd hound-od and descrilwd a* follow*: "Being the atuth half nf lot number throe In the subdivision of lot number Mxty-aSVaiA'WIdsald^toWn'ofPMble, befelnliliig si tho in ii 11 h i ' lino of lam

I'ln mid ( l ine 'lone

the south-east coruor of said aubdivlslon, on the last iltio of lands belonging lo Michael llaynos; thence .north on a Straight lino with the oast llii* of John 1 liolli-ulii-ck's, botwoon tho said Holluiibock and John It. Van Ilnskirk'a lands as the line now 1s, ten chain* and twelve aud ouo-half llukt; thence west thirty out chains and sixty links, to the weet line of tatd lot, I hence smith to the south weal 'cornor of aald lot, ten chain* and twelvo and one-half links; thence cam tblrty-olio chains and sixty link* to the ptaoS/ifiii-ginning, coutalnlng tWrty-ono acrp* three-quarwrs, and tlirrty-ntile rods and ono fourth of a rod or land, more or h-sa." Dated September 9th, 1888.

CHAS, l-'o,-I I II, ) '"'* ' i-W. If. Wi«nM, VCtrnihtlreloncrt

. C. Bl.tll-Allfc, | , , . , . -A. P. SJCITII, Plff'e Attv. ' niawfi

Claims against the Oouuty ot Cort-, i . M "., l a n d .

,. Qrfios or ,w*,Ci*|wo»! W» BOARD or ( riftrgBVisoRsTOct. 11,1888. i

f iURflUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OP CHAP I. toi-s3<if Lawaof 1NA1, notice la herohy given UIHI

nil peison* having hills or accounts against the coun­ty of Cortland aro required to deposit tin- aamo In a bog pronarod for their reception, at. the Count) 'OlerVe office In Cbrtlaiidvlllo, only vonnod, on or la­tere the third day of tho next annual meeting nf the Board of Huporvltort. fa delimit of such preiiunia tlon, eald bin* oi• iieiountK will Mot 1>« audited at an.

on. Tuesday, the Wth day of J -13? wemlior, 1888. II. MUNUKU, Clerk.

IN PURSUANCE of an order of A. P,. Smith, 8ur rogate of tho county of Cortland, notice Ishcrcliv Jan

pi vim to all >ieisotis having claims against the eilai'c ,docuased,tlmlllia) with the voiictur>

raving of, (loprgo W.Wateon.of Truxton.docuased, thai tlity Hroruqhfrod to exhibit tho same,

I iieisoni W.Wat*

Utoroof, to tho auhtorlboiv the executor of the said decoatcd, at his offlch In Truxten village, on or beferu

' Jbiled Mav 88,18» CKY HTKVEIiS.

' mtdf Oeorjaft' If:

UHI SUi day of December,« CHAU

Executorof thu last will am" Watsott, duceaaed. ,,„•,(

IN PURSUANCE of an order or A. P. Smith. Sur rogate of the coiuttx of c'm tlaud, notice Is licrcliy

given to nil persons having claims against the eaisu f Obodlah caimlir, of tSnclrtnatnT, deceased, thai

they uro required to exhibit the same, with the voiicb era thorcof, to the subscriber, tho oxoculor of Urn aald deceased, stthotteroof BtatyKfoJflnan.liirin

Executor of tlto estate ot Ooedlahi Canulff, deed D48

M. • I h n . . . w < U ^ I., i l l l l l l l n i. Ii , 1 1 , , , i l . l t — -

I N PURSUANCE of an order of A. P. Sntlih, »nr . rogate of the cotfnty df Cortland, nolico Is hcrcli)

given to all poisons having claim* agalptt the oauau " Vlrg"

)*hl i in-* .ul, to tlto subscriber, the admlnlatrater of in.

of liotay E." Dllloy. of Virgil, deubsed, lhal the) *l« ieqiilied to exhibit the same, With the voucnen

said deoeased, at his house In Virgil, on or tofurc tlio «th day of March, 1888.' Dated AniruatSlst, WW. -.( •, :J- i - •> -iTnivfMHNSON, Admlnlttrator of the estate ofBeUy K. DUlo*.dc

I' 9 TORBUANOE of An order'of: A.'p.'S'mith. Rnr rogate of the county of Cortland, notice is horehy

given to ail iHirsona having claim* against l|te osi«t« of RosWoll llirding, of OormiAvlAT, Scoiuied, tint

* repaired tp oxhlldt the aanxo, with the roucb roqf, to the anoscrlber, tt)S executor of the B«W thereof, _

deceased, at alt residenceTin dortiaaid vill

P^rA^ber^^"^' ""' K> (•'• u 11ir of the estate of l<»w • ii I"


| N l-liltsllAN<-I. Of an order, of A. r, Smlib, Bur

* I""! SUitrvi n iv i r .




i "I •'• tjAURISON' BtOOK,


_ rogate of tho comity of Cortlaud> imlliu la aorob) glvon to all pei .ons having claims against tho cnuiic of Charles c. Rdnrtds. 6f Truxten, Cortland potuiiy: N. Y., deceased, that they U$ W f l M to exhibit the same, with thu vouchers thereof, to th* subscriber* III Hie o l l l ie of A. N . KoilOHev. I I , N. v., im 'Of hotoM'tli* ISth • day o

WBifl MARTHA J. ROUNDS, AAarWtttrttrlx

N PTtTRBUANOE of a«'o>«e*'o/ ,J*f»mP Smith Surrogate of;lhe county.of,CkMdand1 notlco I*

erob^ given to all lietsons ltavlng cialrni agalnsl the estate of Ira Grant, of OorllandvIUo, deooasBd, thai thov aro required to exhibit tho aanm, with the- vouch-otaJheroOf, to the BtJbtcrBier*, the eirediitors # 'th« aald, do<i**«edj»ttht residence of Madison Weodruir.


Dated October lo..! . MADISON WOODHUPK.

• •'• JUIilAM.VANHORlfKrf, Kxeoutor and ExecuWIk of the otUW of Ira Oram

deceased. , njfi *a»atasa||attitsaAaxa»itaiat««aaaka->! •

Sportsmen, Attention!

EIFLES, PISTOLS, &c, all whn

deecripuuii, lu I 1NVITK tlienllentlon of Bpnrtamon and have occasion to uso a gun of any descrli

» y stock of ^

T o l o s o o p l c H l f U ) 8 , S l n ' l o a n < l D o u l i l "

B n r r o l o r l B i n o s , D o u h l o - B n r r o l o < l

R l f l o a n d S h o t G u n s

"° ; A«i HlNOl.i:, DOUBI.V. and TRIPLE BaJUsBLBTJ SHOT '•• "Hai 0 0 1 8 , n

all of aup*Tlor material and manafacturo. The Tele-acoitlc Iflflo, fa all its. parte, la.inajiufacuircd hy my self, In the host postdWe manner, la warrant«d, and ha*,l claim, no superior fa the world.

I «J*o heeep the Bifin Const, and a good assoriroeni of Ustotntre, fiUcM and ^mmiinlrton, of various kinds' and pf the very beat quality. , »3**~<laRA neatly REPAIRED aid finished accord­ing teorder, , A.-. ,

A goheral attortmout of articles pertaining to Qua-neryVept tor tale.

T H ° * ^ A U 8 . ^ K ^ ( f i e s t ^ v r o r a W . d more widely knowd than any other.

'• )'•'• At wholesale by ,\ '• THOMSON, I.ANODON A bo.,

, 881 Broadway,

•"•**-.•- '•* llwftaVgr.ll--1*" ••*" ) — • I I I Haaal icanl'ii ^aatjL.aa\u_a

rilHOHBOlTB 080WH ngtor

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