in this era of globalization

Upload: shahrul-aiman

Post on 03-Mar-2016




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In this era of globalization , many students did not get the job they want because there are some problems that can not be avoided.

Personal details Asalamualaikum and hi,my name is Muhammad Azmel Bin Mohd Radzun and I just want I few minute of your time to explain why hiring me as your machine technition will ultimately benefits your organization. Im 20 years old and the sixth child of seven siblings.My fathers name Mohd Radzun Bin Othman and my mothers name Rohani Binti Ramli.My father work at Tenaga Nasional Berhad as electrical technician and my mother is housewife.Education background Currently,Im completing my Diploma at Seberang Perai Polytechnic where Im studying for my Mechanical Engineering Diploma with a mejor in machine.My CGPA only 2.98 and I just finish my education at 2015. Course that I have learned there is a lot to do with the machine and maintenance.

Work experience

In the last three year Ive been able to combine my basic education with my work experience is achieved through training activities during the semester break and industrial training. I also get experience in mechanical installation and use hand tool properly for some jobs.Im becames foreman and also a machine operator.My jobs is repair a motorcycles and use a machine such as milling machine and grinding machine.sometimes I also have to repair the machine if the machine is not operate improperly.Ive work for 2 until 3 months and 5 months for my industrial training.


While education and my experience will add value to your organization,when you combine with my passion,dedication and commitment to innovative marketing,I believe I provide the total package.i guarantee that you will not regret making decision to hire me. Together with my technical skills,my past experience has also thought me to be a great player team collaboration,and bulid relationships and communication skills I was praised by my previous employer.

Referents you can contact me through my email or phone number to be devide manager and then we can discuss my qualifications in more details.Thank you very much for taking the time to listen.