in this issue - d.a.v public school, news- jan18.pdfway, you cannot...

Hi buddies! This new edition of Impression brings in lots of information, knowledge and loads of innovative ideas. In this issue : From the desk of Principal From the desk of the Student Editor From the desk of the Teacher Editor From the desk of Counsellor @ Library -Book Review Health Tips Special Achievements Sports Achievements Noble Cause Workshops for students Workshops for Principal and staff Teacher’s achievements Spectacular Activities Kids Corner Brain Storming

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Page 1: In this issue - D.A.V Public School, news- jan18.pdfway, you cannot make a person garner adherence to patriotic ideals by directing him to stand for

Hi buddies! This new edition of Impression brings in lots

of information, knowledge and loads of innovative ideas.

In this issue :

From the desk of Principal

From the desk of the Student Editor

From the desk of the Teacher Editor

From the desk of Counsellor

@ Library -Book Review

Health Tips

Special Achievements

Sports Achievements

Noble Cause

Workshops for students

Workshops for Principal and staff

Teacher’s achievements

Spectacular Activities

Kids Corner

Brain Storming

Page 2: In this issue - D.A.V Public School, news- jan18.pdfway, you cannot make a person garner adherence to patriotic ideals by directing him to stand for

Changing Role of Parents in career selection

Life is like Mathematics, to work out your life you need formulas

that suit your uniqueness. The same is true of a career. A well-planned

career is instrumental in a happy and satisfied life. Parents having gone

through this process can help their children from making mistakes in

selecting a career. Parents need to be facilitators and not influencer of

their choices. On one hand a parent’s experience can help in the career

selection process, on the other hand sometimes it might hinder it.

Although parents have gone through this process, however the times

have changed, and their children have very different environment to deal

with and sometimes their choices don’t match with today’s reality.

The parent of today is more than just an authority figure. They are a

friend, philosopher and guide. With a more dynamic educational

environment wherein, the children are taught to be independent and to

take decisions on their own, the parent’s role diminishes.

Involved parents know their children the best and along with vital

information about new career paths and career choices they can

facilitate the process of career selection for them.

There are few factors that are of immense importance in the career

selection process. The parents need to understand and consider these

factors while selecting the career option. Important factors are child’s

aptitude, child’s interest, availability of course, career scope and


Mrs. Suruchi Kataria


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‘When the National Anthem is played, it is imperative for everyone to show

honour and respect. It would instill a sense of committed patriotism and

nationalism.’ It was under this premise that he apex court of India ruled that the

national anthem must be played before every movie in a cinema hall, not to

mention everyone present must stand to pay allegiance to the same.

But would this step really infuse that ‘sense of committed patriotism’

which the Supreme Court talks about? Apparently, no. This is because reverence

towards the motherland is one thing that comes spontaneously, from the inner

self and cannot be forced-fed extrinsically. You cannot make a person develop a

liking for something or someone simply by instructing him to do so. In the same

way, you cannot make a person garner adherence to patriotic ideals by directing

him to stand for 52 seconds.

Furthermore, the Supreme Court is desirous that we, the citizens of the

country, be fed with a dose of national favour every time we visit a cinema hall.

What about other times? The sense of patriotism is a continual process, not for a

few seconds only.

Since patriotism is an emotion, those who are patriotic will remain so no

matter whether the national anthem is played or not. On the other hand, the rest

of us who are not patriotic to that extent, will find it difficult, if not impossible,

to inculcate devoutness for the nation by standing before the start of a movie.

The Supreme Court has explicitly stated that it is an obligation for a

person to stand ‘when’ the anthem is played. But what it has apparently failed to

address properly is the question of ‘where’ the anthem is played. As per

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convention, it is played at international sporting events, diplomatic events and

days of national importance. The cinema hall is not the best place where it

should be played. Every noe and then, when a person enters a movie hall, it is

with the object of buying himself some entertainment. However, as it seems

now, reviving one’s patriotism has also become a purpose. In lieu of this,

Asaduddin Owaisi rightly remarked – “Hope Supreme Court orders Indian

Parliament to sing our national anthem before every session.”

It is ironical and sad that our revered national anthem will even be played

before some shoddy and abominable film. This will bring down importance of

the anthem.

An argument in favour of the national anthem being played is that it is the

one cementing factor across different culture, religion and ethnicities and thus

will bind us closer. However, there have been instances of brutal violence when

a person refused to stand for the national anthem. As can be observed, this

measure has led to acts of brutality which is in unequivocal contrast to the unity

or harmony it was supposed to achieve.

On the bottom line, it is our duty to uphold what the Supreme Court

instructs us to. Nevertheless, the fact remains that this will not be out of love for

the country but as a compulsion.

In conclusion, Jesse Ventura, defining patriotism, says – “I believe

patriotism comes from heart. Patriotism is voluntary. It is a feeling of loyalty and

allegiance that is a result of knowledge and belief.” Quite contrary to the

Supreme Court directive, isn’t it?

Rishit Nagar


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'New Year Resolutions'

As 2017 is coming to an end I thought of writing an article on 'New Year


Many people make resolutions during the New Year. A resolution is a firm

decision to do something. The most popular New Year’s resolutions are losing

weight, saving money, getting fit, and to stop smoking. About 45% of the

population makes one or more resolution every year. However, only 8% of

people actually attain their goal.

There are several ways to help your chances of achieving your resolution. The

first way is to be realistic. Setting small goals is much better than trying to make

big life changes. 35% of New Year’s resolutions fail because of this. If you were

planning to get in shape, for example, you will have a better chance if you start

with a little exercise each day. People who try to run 5 kilometers each morning

from January 1st will likely give up soon.

Another tip is to plan out how to achieve your resolution. If you want to lose

weight, for example, decide what kind of food you will stop eating and how

often you will exercise. Making a detailed list will help you. Once you have

made your plan, stick to it! It is important to always adhere to your plan.

Another way to make sure your resolution succeeds is to track your progress. If

your plan is to lose weight, write down how much weight you lose each week.

Make a chart of your weight loss and put it somewhere you can see it. This will

help you to keep making an effort. Almost 33% of people who fail their New

Year’s Resolutions do so because they didn’t track their progress.

All the best if you're planning for a new year resolution too!

Sanya Renita Richard Std XI B

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Participation is more important than winning

Parents always think of their child being the best in the world. They think

only of winning. But, they don’t realize that winning is not important but

participating and learning things is. Success is not always about winning but

being happy with the achievements and abilities. Parents should always take

care about how they respond to their child’s attempts in any field and this will

define the word success for him and eventually determine the spirit with which

he will lead the rest of his life. Therefore it is important to appreciate his

efforts and encourage him to participate.

Each child is different. One child may excel in class, the other may be good in

some other field. So parents should never expect the child to succeed in every

task. This will create undue pressure on him.

If you just emphasize on winning, the child may develop a fear of failure and

may refuse to participate or he may become over ambitious and may not be

able to take failures in his life. Participating helps the child to find out his own

positives and negatives. It helps the child to expand his boundaries and

explore more. Nishi Gupta

( PRT English)

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Global Warming and Lack of Emotions

A word which we often see in news flash, articles, magazines or we

hear it in some interviews, cultural program is GLOBAL WARMING. Global

warming, also referred to as a climate change, is the observed century scale

rise in the average temperature of the Earth’s climate and its related effects.

Have we ever thought about what is the cause of this global

warming? Let us accept the truth wholeheartedly. It’s we the social animals,

“Human Beings”. There is one intense problem which we tend to overlook or

ignore it is lack of emotions in us and our coming generations. Global warming

and lack of emotions are interlinked. We need to try and build emotions into

our kids and rest all will be done.

Researchers say the answer to whether emotions can be cultivated is

an overwhelming YES. The problem is too many adults think that bullying,

cruelty, insensitivity or unkind actions are “just a phase”, a boy issue or an

inborn temperament and those are huge misconceptions.

Compassion and kindness comprise the essence of humanity.

Empathy is the critical emotional ability to put oneself in other people’s shoes

to understand their feelings and situations. Children may understand it as

having sympathy for people when they experience misfortune. Because low

empathy or lack of it is a risk for aggression and violence, instilling empathy in

our youth is essential. Perhaps unexpectedly, having empathy also protects

them from becoming victims.

We, parents and teachers need to put our hands together and make this

place a better place to live for our kids. Let us put empath, kindness and

courage back on our child rearing and educational agendas.

Nilofar Shaikh ( PRT Science)

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Examinations- Fervour or Fever?

Once again examinations are around the corner and this time the ‘final one’.

If taken in the right spirit, they can be milestones in one’s life or else will leave

one with fear, stress or frustration.

With little introspection and care, one can always turn this examination period

into an exciting period.

This is the time when one gets the opportunity to assess oneself. Examinations

should be considered as the assessments to know one’s level of understanding

and one’s preparation to apply that understanding.

Examinations are a part of curriculum. If one manages his/her time well, these

will go as a smooth sailing.

One should not let go recreation for the sake of examinations. But one needs to

be wise enough to choose appropriate ways of recreation. For example,

watching television or chatting with friends do not contribute to relaxation but

add more strain to the eyes. Instead, one should opt for listening to music,

going for a walk or playing a sport. Such activities rejuvenate the brain.

One can utilize the support system of parents and teachers during examinations

by approaching them for problem solving and counseling.

Examinations are the end. They are the beginning to one’s next stage of


Mrs. Ramalakshmi

(PGT English)

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Tolerance, like any aspect of peace, is forever a work in

progress, never completed, and, if we're as intelligent

as we like to think we are, never abandoned.

~Octavia E. Butler

At present, the virus of intolerance has acquired global dimensions. Religious and political

persecution has become rampant. Intolerance stems from an invincible assumption of the

infallibility and truth of one’s beliefs over others, and with the passage of time, this leads

to forcible imposition of one’s ideology on others, often resulting in violence.

The necessity for tolerance has been internationally acclaimed. It is evident that there is

an essential linkage between tolerance, human rights, democracy and peace.

Tolerance is a moral obligation or duty which involves respect for the individual as well as

mutual respect and consideration between people. Tolerance between people makes it

possible for conflicting claims of beliefs, values and ideas to coexistence as long as they

fit within acceptable moral values.

Tolerance can be shown in many ways, on different occasions and at different times. A

person might fully disagree with others on any issue, from religion to politics, while at the

same time honoring and respecting those with different ideas and opinions and treating

them with full dignity and honor.

Tolerance is needed in all spheres of life, and on every level and on every stage, because it

plays a vital role to establish peace and love, from the smallest unit up to the highest unit

of society.

Tolerance does not mean that only one person or party shows tolerance and the others do

not. When some people disagree on a certain issue they must advocate and express their

opinion in a respectful manner. Tolerance must be shown from both sides on issues, in

order for it to be effective.

Here, let it be clear that showing respect and tolerance to the opinions of others does not

necessarily mean you have to compromise your principles or embrace or accept others’

ideas. It is simply a matter of fundamental human rights.

The right of every human being that his sensibilities and sentiments shall not be violated

and offended must be recognized & every human person has the right to have an opinion

and to express it.

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How I taught my grandmother to read by Sudha Murthy

Sudha Murthy is an awesome writer. In this book there are lot many stories

dealing with her own life. The best story according to me is the first story itself

that ‘How I taught my grandmother to read’.

It is easy and in convincing language, classified as chapters and every story has

a moral which makes us to understand the importance of life.

Neha Gaikwad

Std IX-C

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Immunity is the season's magic word. When temperatures drop and windows

and doors stay shut, viruses can thrive indoors; if your immune system isn't up

to the task, you're likely to catch the latest bug to hit town. This means less

energy, the possibility of health complications, and just plain old feeling awful.

That's why it's essential to ward off the very real threat of colds, flu, and other

scary winter germs. It’s essential to safeguard yourself from the cold weather

and stay healthy throughout the season.

Precautions to fight against Winter Diseases

• Wear extra layers of clothes to keep yourself warm

• Maintain hygiene

• Moisturise frequently

• Avoid consuming cold water

• Avoid Hot water bath

• Eat a healthy diet.

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• ELETS Technomedia Pvt Ltd declared D.A.V. Public School as one of the top schools

of India in Digital Learning Top Schools of India Ranking Survey 2017.

• D.A.V.Public School bagged AAA+ grade in India’s Best Schools -West Zone by the

survey conducted by CAREERS 360 Magazine.

• D.AV. Public School, Airoli has been awarded as one of the best schools by National

Burn Centre.

• Hindustan Times and C-4 Survey has declared DAV Public School, Airoli as one of the

top ten best schools in Navi Mumbai for the 8th consecutive year (2010,2011,2012,2013,

2014,2015,2016, 2017)

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• Nitin Anil Chhangani bagged Bronze medal in State Level Karate

Championship U-14 Kumite on 13th Nov’17 organised by Shivsena Dindoshi


• Sahil Sanghvi of Std VIII bagged 3rd position in Karate, Aarth Daware

bagged 5th position in High Jump, Neel Waghdhare of Std IX bagged 4th

position in Table Tennis, Table Tennis Team comprising of Gaurav Mangale

of Std IX-E, Harsh Joiser of X-B bagged 4th position Aarth Daware, Parth.P of

Std XI, Shubham B of Std X, Chinmay D of Std X-C and Sanjeev Mishra of

Std X-F bagged 5th position in DAV National Sports held at DAV Ambala.

• Krishna Patel of Std XI bagged bronze medal in DAV National in Athletics

(Shotput) held at DAV Public School, Hardwar from 21st Dec to 23rd Dec’17.

• Parth Mudholkar of Std V got winner position in U/12 Cricket Match

organized by Shree Swami Samarth Cricket Academy.

• Aditi Parab of Std IX received certificate of achievement for completing 200

m race in 26.89 secs in Reliance Foundation Athletics Meet 2017 held at


Page 14: In this issue - D.A.V Public School, news- jan18.pdfway, you cannot make a person garner adherence to patriotic ideals by directing him to stand for

• Aditya Singh of Std XI got qualified for scholarship under NTS Scheme.

• Pranav Dilip Todkar of Std X got 1st division in Akhil Bharteeya Gandharva

Mahavidyalaya Mandal Exam.

• Suchin Govindrajan of Std VI and Anuja Kashikar of Std V bagged 1st

position, Koushik V of Std V bagged 2nd position and Sahana Kumar of

Std VI bagged consolation in Junior Group, Jagannath Iyengar of Std IX

and Anushree Govindrajan of Std XI bagged 2nd position in Senior group in

Chinmaya Geeta Chanting Competition.

• National Burns Centre organized Quiz Competition, Isha Kadam got 98

marks, Sannidhi Shenvi got 96 marks, Aarav Ninad got 96 marks,Sai Pruthi

got 96 marks, Rishav Subhashis got 94 marks, Sanoha Singh got 94

marks, Aadi Rane got 94 marks and Anisha Dutta got 96 marks of Std V,

Tanisha Pradhan got 96 marks, Soumya Bhole got 96 marks, Tanish Antre got

96 marks, Aditi Atpadkar got 94 marks, Shravani Patil got 94 marks and

Kavya Iyengar got 94 marks of Std VI.

• Tanvi Natu of Std IX bagged 2nd Rank and secured 90% in BYJUS Aptitude

Champ Competition.

• Veer Jain of Std V got a certificate of “Coolest Kid” by My Blue Nile,

Bhandup on 9th Dec’17.

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• Colour Day Activity was conducted for the students of Nursery to Sr.Kg on

8th Dec’17.

• Fancy Dress Competition on the occasion of Christmas was conducted on

18th Dec’17, on 19th Dec’17 for the students of Jr.Kg and on 20th Dec’17 for

the students of Sr.Kg.

• Various Activities were conducted for the students of Std I to Std IV on 22nd


➢ Star Making Activity- Std I

➢ Christmas Bell Making – Std II

➢ Christmas tree decoration – Std III

➢ Mask Making – Std IV

Christmas Vacation for the students from 25th Dec’17 to 3rd Jan’18.

• Food Festival for Std VII was organized by the Scout and Guide students on

22nd Dec’17.

• Rs. 22450/- was collected from Food Festival organized for the students of

Std I and II.

• Students of Std V, Std VI and Std VII handed over basic needs materials to

‘Khushi’ NGO on 22nd Dec’17.

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• Workshop on Animation, 3D Modelling VFX and 2D Animation Graphics was

organized on 2nd Nov’17 for the students of Mass Media and Graphics of Std


• Workshop on Classroom Behaviour was conducted for the students of Std V

on 18th Dec’17 by Revati Sethuraman.

• Workshop on Adolescence was conducted for the students of Std VI on 19th

Dec’17 and for the students of Std VII on 20th Dec’17 by Revati Sethuraman.

• A Workshop on ‘Exam Hack’ was conducted for Std X and Std XII students

on 19th Dec and 20th Dec’17 organised by Rotaract Club of Mumbai by Mr.

Jigar Gala.

• A workshop on ‘Aptitude Testing’ was conducted for the students of Std XII

on 20th Dec’17 organised by Pearl Academy.

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Principal Mrs. Suruchi Kataria attended a two day orientation programme on 9th Nov and

10th Nov’17 on Effective Implementation of Training in DAV Institutions for Training

Coordinators, Cluster Heads and Principals organized by DAVCME, DAVCMC, held at

DAV Nerul.

• Principal Mrs. Suruchi Kataria attended Quality Evaluation workshop organized by

CBSE in Rajhans Vidyalaya , Andheri on 24th Nov’17.

• Two days Capacity Building Workshop was conducted for the teachers of Nursery to

Std IV in D.A.V schools on 17th Nov’17 and 18th Nov’17.

Teachers who attended the workshops are …

Std VI to Std VIII

o English: Mrs. Sujata Bagchi, Mrs. Rupali Pol, Mrs. Shyamla John, Mrs. Sudha

Chaddha, Mrs. Amrit Kaur, Mrs. Amrita Bhattacharjee.

o Hindi: Mrs. Pratibha Yadav, Mrs. Sunita Gaur, Mrs. Bhavna Saun, Mr. Deepaknath


o Science: Mr. B.B. Singh, Mrs. Sandhya Pantavne, Mrs. Shrenika P., Mrs. Reema

Kala, Mrs. Mohini Pant, Mrs. Kashmira H.

o Sanskrit: Mrs. Pratima, Mrs. Sheela Patil

o Marathi: Ms. Swati Kadam

o Maths: Mrs.Manju Pukale, Mrs. Arpana Bokade, Mrs. Jayashree Iyer, Mrs. Rita

Barua, Mrs. Sheetal Patil, Mrs. R. Swati, Mrs. Jyoti Jadhav

o Social Science: Mrs. Suba Edward, Mrs. Kavita Nashirkar, Mrs. Shalini Arora, Mrs.

Laveena Shah

Std IX & Std X

o English: Mrs. Bhagyashree S., Mrs. Saba Shaikh, Ms. Malkeet

o Hindi: Mrs. Asha L., Mrs. Manjusha A.

o Science: Mrs. Ajita P., Mrs. Jai P.,Mrs. Lekshmy Biju, Mrs. Premlata Menon

o Sanskrit: Mrs. Kranti

o Marathi: Mrs. Anita P., Mrs. Pushpa J.

o Maths: Mr. Chandrakant P., Mrs. Sushama Singh, Mrs. Sangeeta Singh.

o Social Science: Mrs. Sugandhi Gupta, Mrs. Supriya Biswas, Mrs. Priti Singh, Mrs.

Srilekha N.

Page 18: In this issue - D.A.V Public School, news- jan18.pdfway, you cannot make a person garner adherence to patriotic ideals by directing him to stand for

Std XI and Std XII

o English: Mrs. Ramalakshmi V., Mrs. Anuradha Varma, Mrs. Suniti Arora

o Maths: Mrs. Lata C., Mrs. Deepali Bohra

o Physics: Ms. Gopa Pramanik, Mr. Yogesh J.

o Chemistry: Mrs. Balvinder C.

o Biology: Mrs. Dalia C., Mrs. Sonia M.

o Physical Education: Mrs. Varsha Joshi, Mr. Sanjeev M, Mrs. Suniti Ingle.

o Computer Science: Mrs. Manisha Desai, Mrs. Prajakta

o Accountancy and Business Studies: Mr. Ajay J.

o Economics: Mrs. Bharti Mishra.

• Two days Capacity Building Workshop was conducted for the teachers of Nursery to

Std IV in D.A.V schools on 15th Dec and 16th Dec’17.

Teachers who attended the workshops are

o Pre-Primary- Mrs. Megha Thawani, Mrs.Sonal Kamble, Mrs. Jayshree Surve, Mrs.

Ravneet Thakur, Mrs. Aarti Pathak, Mrs. Suchita Kandale, Mrs. Kanchan Kumar,

Mrs. Ranjana Saravade, Mrs. Geeta Anchan, Mrs. Jenita

o Std I-Std II- Mrs. Shashi Thakur, Mrs.Archana Rane, Mrs. Sindhu Samuel, Ms.

Zeba Shaikh, Mrs. Ranjana, Mrs. Rajni Arora, Mrs. Mayuri. Kurlekar, Mrs.Anita


o English : Mrs. Nishi Gupta, Mrs. Ekta Santani, Mrs. Deepali Kulkarni

o Social Science: Mrs. Gunashree. S, Mrs Richa Malhotra, Mrs. Gurpreet.Kaur, Mrs.


o Science: Mrs. Nilofar Shaikh, Mrs. Sangeeta Sengupta. Mrs. Mahashweta, Mrs.

Sushma. Ardak

o Maths: Mrs. Radhika, Mrs. Priya Shankar, Mrs. Jayasree. V, Mrs. Bhavana Mehra

o Hindi: Ms Sapna. Singh, Mrs. Sangeeta Tripathi, Mrs. Manisha Saxena, Mrs.

Seema Maurya, Mrs. Shilpa. Mhatre

• Realia App Workshop for teachers was conducted on 21st Dec’17.

• Principal Mrs. Suruchi Kataria, Mrs. Sonia Manuja, Mrs. Molly Rajan, Mrs. Priti Singh

and Mrs. Jai Parkar attended a workshop on ‘ Remodelled Structure of Assessment’

organized by CBSE at DAV Nerul on 5th Jan’18.

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• Mahashweta Roy bagged 3rd position in Essay Writing Competition held at New Horizon

Public School, Airoli in the event Gurumohatsav-2017 on 3rd Dec’17

• FESTIVALS :- Children’s Day

• Sci-Tech Vision was conducted on 15th Nov to 17th Nov’17 for the

students of Std I to Std IV.

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• Digital Art

• Model Making

• Master Chef

Page 21: In this issue - D.A.V Public School, news- jan18.pdfway, you cannot make a person garner adherence to patriotic ideals by directing him to stand for

• Conversation Skill Competition was conducted for the students of Nursery on 12th

Dec’17, on 13th Dec’17 for the students of Jr.Kg and on 14th Dec’17 for the students of


• Christmas

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Divide the clock face into three parts so that the sum of the numbers in each part is the same.

Answer in the next edition

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Meet you in the next edition with lots of flavour.