in urtero spinal cord repair. spina bifidia spina bifidia is a progressive disease which infers that...

In Urtero Spinal Cord Repair

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In Urtero Spinal Cord Repair

Spina Bifidia

Spina Bifidia is a progressive disease which infers that it has different cases. There are three cases in total.•

Spina Bifidia Occulta: Is the first case. It least dramatic of the three although it is still considered to be very dangerous if a fetus is diagnosed with this case. In this level of the Manifesta, there is an opening in one or more of the bones or vertebrae in the spinal cord. However it does not have apparent damage to the spinal cord.

•Meningocele: This occurs when the meninges which is a covering, which protects the spinal cord, pushes through the opening in the vertebrae into the “meningocele”. The spinal cord however stays intact, so this can be treated with very minimal damage to the nerve pathways.

•Myelomeningocele: This is the worst and most advanced case of the Menifesta. This is an extremely severe case of spinal malfunction, where the section of the spinal cord protrudes through the back. Sometimes sacs are covered with layers of skin, and in most dramatic cases tissues and nerves are exposed. This is one of the most common of the three cases.


• This is the most advanced form of Spina Bifidia. It is what doctors and surgeons are struggling to find a cure to. There is treatment, however the damage that this disease has on an infant and as develop into a child is extremely devastating. What is even more distressing is that without treatment death is not an uncommon outcome. Many parents abort their child when they are informed of the tremendous affects of this disease. And often times there is no other choice, because either way their child will die.

Effects of Spina Bifidia on Infant• One of the most common things would be inability to mobilize independently.

• The ability to utilize anything below the cleft. Things such as sensation, or the control of bowel and bladder movements .

• The most dangerous affect is Hydrocephalus. – This is a separate disease however it is commonly found in people who have cases of Spina Bifidia. It is when the is an excess accumulation of fluid in the brain. The fluid puts pressure on the brain and causes severe brain damage.


• A method of in utero spinal cord repair surgery, first appeared at Vanderbilt University where the studies began. The procedure calls for mothers are administered general anesthesia which also sedates thefetus. The surgeons open the mother’s

abdomen and uterus, while the fetus is still in the womb doctors replace the spinal cord back into the spinal column. Research has proved that this form of treatment is more effective than

MOMS (Mangment of Myelomeningocele Study)• Spina Bifidia surgery was first practiced at Vanderbilt University, In

Philadelphia. Most of the research started at three different universities around the United States of America. These studies were called the MOMS trial. – Universities included George Washington University, University of

California San Francisco, and Vanderbilt University.• The goal of the trial was to preform on 200 patients however after

surgeries proved that the operation was effected they ended the trial after 183 patients.

So what…

• “Throughout the trial, women whose fetuses had been diagnosed with spina bifida contacted the trial’s coordinating center at GWU if they chose to volunteer for the study. That center randomly assigned half of the eligible women to receive prenatal surgery, the other half to receive postnatal surgery.

• Postnatal surgery entailed delivery by planned cesarean section at 37 weeks gestation, after which the surgical team repaired the opening in the newborn’s spine, usually within 24 hours after birth. In prenatal surgery, done between 19 and 26 weeks’ gestation, the surgical team made incisions in the mother and her uterus, then repaired the spina bifida lesion while the fetus was in the womb. Mothers in this group stayed near the center for ongoing monitoring, then underwent delivery by planned cesarean section at 37 weeks, or earlier, because many of the babies in the prenatal surgery group arrived prematurely.”


Tara Hallman

• Hallman was among 158 women who participated in the MOMS trial. She was informed that the twenty year old fetus that had been growning in her had a birth defect called Spina Bifidia. – She decided that she would allow doctors to preform the operation on

her fetus. His name is Brett and he was born January 25th 2003.• Today Brett’s favorite hobbies are playing baseball and swimming.

– He has many of the of the effects such as trouble with bowel movements, however these are things that doctors are able to help him manage.

