inaugural of effective communi cation

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  • 8/14/2019 Inaugural of Effective Communi Cation


    Inaugural of



  • 8/14/2019 Inaugural of Effective Communi Cation



    Introduction to Communication

    Process of Communication

    Component of Communication

    Function of Commercials Bank

    Case Study

  • 8/14/2019 Inaugural of Effective Communi Cation


    Introduction toCommunications

    Communication is derived from Latin term communist

    which means to make common, to transmit & toimpart.

    It ref. to Something that is communicated by or toor between people or groups

  • 8/14/2019 Inaugural of Effective Communi Cation


    Need & Importance ofCommunication

    Man is a social animal & cannot live in the societywithout communication .

    Communication is essential & cannot imagine life withoutit.

    The ways to communicate is natural and fundamental tothe human species.

    Communication was present even before language Primitive men used facial expression and gestures or

    what is now called body language to communicatetheir thoughts and feelings.

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    Process ofCommunication

    Communication is a two- way process .

    In every act of communication there is a Sender &Receiver .

    The Sender transmits a message to the Receiver whotries to understand it gives some feedback .

    When Sender gets any response from Receiver , we cansay that communication has taken place.

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    SenderStage no 1.

    ReceiverStage no 2.



    Encoding DecodingFeedback withunderstanding

  • 8/14/2019 Inaugural of Effective Communi Cation


    Process of Communication

    Communication establishes when a person want tospeak to other person

    Communication starts with an idea or concept which isthe essential to communicator

    Communicator translates message into signs/symbolicforms & send it to Receiver

    Receiver receives symbols/signs & get the idea ofSender

    Sender wants receiver to give feedbacks

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    Component of Communication 7 Components of Communication are as follows:-

    Sender Expression






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    Component of Communication

    7 Components of Communication are as follows:-

    Sender:- ref. to one who conceives on ideas orthoughts & feels the need to communicate; can informreceiver to make him take a particular course of action

    Expression :ref. to use of symbols; Symbols may be

    verbal or non verbal . Encoding :ref. to put message into the code, bcoz it

    has to moved from Sender to Receiver; through somemedium or channel; involves the use of symbols

    Medium : ref. toverbal, non-verbal, visual & electronic

    Receiver :ref. to one who receive message; two wayprocess; in the absence of Receiver the act ofcommunication wont be completed; message reachesreceiver decodes the symbol ,words & signs intothoughts which convey meaning to Sender

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    Component of Communication

    Decoding :ref. toreceiving message from Receiver;receiver tries to interpret & understand the messageproperly; decoding is done correctly Receiver can giveproper response.

    Feedback : Goal of communication ;Sender aims atgetting an response from Receiver; other words whena receiver gives some response & that response is

    conveyed back to the sender it is called feedback.

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    Characteristics ofEffective Communication

    Language: ref. to proper knowledge of language &should use simple & easy language .

    You Atti. : ref. to your attitude to win goodwill of

    receiver. Mental Atti. :ref. to understand the mental attitude of


    Voice control: ref. to proper voice control in oral

    communication Pronunciation: ref. to pronounce words clear & correct

    Grammatically correct: ref. to write appropriatelanguage

  • 8/14/2019 Inaugural of Effective Communi Cation


    7 Cs of Effective Communication

    i. Completeness

    ii. Conciseness

    iii. Consideration

    iv. Correctness

    v. Clarity

    vi. Courtesy

    vii. Concreteness

  • 8/14/2019 Inaugural of Effective Communi Cation


    Function of

    Commercials Bank

  • 8/14/2019 Inaugural of Effective Communi Cation


    Function ofCommercial Banks

    Bankingfunction Non-Bankingfunction

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    Banking function

    Acceptance of deposit from the public

    ii. Saving Bank A/C

    iii. Current Bank A/C

    iv. FD A/C

    v. Recurring Deposits Loan & Advances

    vii. Loan to agriculture, inc. , trader

    viii. Overdraft

    ix. Cash-Creditx. Direct loans

    xi. Bills discounted

  • 8/14/2019 Inaugural of Effective Communi Cation


    Banking function

    Acceptance of deposit ref. to accepting depositfrom public

    Saving bank A/C:- ref. to salaries & low income grouppeople; restriction on money withdrawal

    Current A/C:- ref. to biz people; no restriction onmoney withdrawal & deposits

    FD:- ref. to deposit of money for fixed time; moneycan be withdrawn after fixed time

    Recurring deposit:- ref. to deposit of money forspecific time at an regular interval of time; inculcatethe habit of small saving

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    Banking function Loan & Advances:- ref. to extend loan & advances by

    the way of deposit Loans to agriculture:- ref. to grant loan for agro &

    allied activities; loans are short terms credit in form ofcrop loan

    Overdraft:- ref. to withdrawal of any amt as comparedto what is deposited; additional amt for collateralsecurity

    Cash-Credit:- ref. to cash loan against security of goods

    or personal security etc. Direct loan:- ref. to loan granted to biz & trade againstsecurity of movable property

    Bills discounted:- ref. to advancing loans to commercial


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    Non-Banking Function

    Agency Service:-ii. Collection

    iii. Payments

    iv. Sales & Purchase of Financial Assets

    v. Trustee, Executor & Attorney Utility Service:-

    vii. Draft facilities

    viii. Locker facilities

    ix. Guarantor

    x. Underwriting

    xi. Compilation of static's

  • 8/14/2019 Inaugural of Effective Communi Cation


    Non- Banking Function

    Agency Service:- ref. to bank act as agent performingservice to account holder

    Collection:- ref. to collecting cheque, draft, bills etc.are received by the customers

    Payments:- ref. to payment on behalf of theircustomer likes rent, taxes etc

    Sales & Purchase of Financial Assets:- ref. to buying &selling of securities, shares or any other financialassets

    Trustee, Executor & Attorney:- ref. to custodian &manager of the customers funds. Funds are managedfor higher returns

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    Non- Banking Function

    Utility Service:- ref. to modern economy & theirfacilities

    Draft Facilities:- ref. to transfer of money from bank

    to bank Locker Facilities:- ref. to safe deposit vault to

    customer; its help them to deposit valuable assets Guarantor:- ref. to offer guarantee of payment on

    behalf of importer Underwriting:- ref. to facilities provided by JS

    Company for raising funds Compilation of Stats:- ref. to compliant stats & biz

    information related to trade etc

  • 8/14/2019 Inaugural of Effective Communi Cation


    Case StudyAbout

    Function of Bank

  • 8/14/2019 Inaugural of Effective Communi Cation


    Is a Multi-NationalCommercial Bank

    Founded in 1870

    H.Q at Frankfurt am Main

    in Germany Dr. Josef Ackermann, CEO

    & Chairman of the MgntBoard; Dr. Clemens Brsig,

    Chairman of theSupervisory Board

    I t d ti t

  • 8/14/2019 Inaugural of Effective Communi Cation


    In 1872, January bank was founded in Germany

    It was founded as Foreign Trade Bank

    Pvt. Banker Adelbert Delbruck & Politican Ludwing

    Bamberger Its 1st International branches were in Japan (Shanghai)

    1872 & UK (London) 1873

    Introduction to

    & P f

  • 8/14/2019 Inaugural of Effective Communi Cation


    Acquisition & Project of

    In 1876, Berlin bank- Verein & Deutsche Union-Bankwere acquired

    Later, Deutsche Bank also surpassesDisconto-Gesellschaft

    Major project undertaken by DB are:- Northen Pacific Rail-Road in US1883

    Baghad Railway1888

    Finanical Bond to Krupp Steel1885

    Bl f

  • 8/14/2019 Inaugural of Effective Communi Cation


    Blooper of

    In 1929, bank merged with Disconto-Gesellschaft

    Germanys defeat in 2nd World War; force the bank tobreakup into 10 regional bank in April1948

    As Alliance Authority had command over theGermans

    As 10 regional bank were consolidated in 3 majorbanks as:-

    v. Nord-deutsche Bank AGvi. Sddeutsche Bank AG

    vii. Rheinisch-Westflische Bank AG

  • 8/14/2019 Inaugural of Effective Communi Cation


    Transformation of

    It was transfer from Commercial Bank to Investment Bank

    Accor. 2005, 75% of Bank Revenue comes from investment

    RoE was increased from 4% to 25%

    Its World Class leader in Investment Bank Market It is also called as Bugle Bracket

    Offer financial service called Bankamiz in Germanbranches bank 2006

    Bankamiz a Turkish words

  • 8/14/2019 Inaugural of Effective Communi Cation


    Global ATM Alliance

    DB is member of Global ATM Alliance

    The advantage for the customer of DB is:-

    They can usetheir card anywhere in the world They can check their card anywhere in the world

    They dont have pay a single penny while using theircard anywhere in world


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    Simple yet striking form, the symbol has a highattention-provoking and recognition value.

    The identity of Deutsche Bank: The slash stands for consistent growth and dynamic

    development The square-shaped frame can be interpreted as a sign

    of security and a controlled environment In a nutshell, the logo stands for consistent growth in

    a secured environment. It is striking, unmistakable and timeless It can be used in all media. Clearly recognised at great distances

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    Web-blography (Wikipedia)

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    Special Thanx toS.Dutta


  • 8/14/2019 Inaugural of Effective Communi Cation


    Presented by:-

    Amar. J no 13

    Pratik.Kno 18

    Atul . S no 40

    Pawan.Kno 17

    Mohit. M no 25Kunal. S no 41