inbound revenue acceleration webinar for managed services & it consulting

Inbound Revenue Acceleration Webinar for Managed Services & IT Consulting

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Post on 23-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Inbound Revenue Acceleration Webinar for Managed Services & IT Consulting

Inbound Revenue


Webinar for

Managed Services

& IT Consulting

Page 2: Inbound Revenue Acceleration Webinar for Managed Services & IT Consulting

Jennifer Feinberg

Co-Founder and President

SP Home Run Inc.

Connect With on LinkedIn

Follow @Jen_Feinberg

Page 3: Inbound Revenue Acceleration Webinar for Managed Services & IT Consulting

Joshua Feinberg

Co-Founder and Revenue Growth Strategist

SP Home Run Inc.

Connect With on LinkedIn

Follow @Joshua_Feinberg

Page 4: Inbound Revenue Acceleration Webinar for Managed Services & IT Consulting


A. Getting Found Early Enough, in the Right Context, to Matter

B. Creating Scalable, Predictable, Revenue Growth

C. Your Biggest Questions About Growing Your

Managed Services & IT Consulting Revenue

D. Additional Resources

E. Your Homework / Next Steps

Page 5: Inbound Revenue Acceleration Webinar for Managed Services & IT Consulting

This slide deck gives you an outline of the questions covered in the webinar. To watch the recording for the “Inbound Revenue Acceleration Webinar for Managed Services & IT Consulting” visit

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Getting Found Early Enough, in the Right Context, to Matter

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“Every single deal comes down to price. I never get in early enough to explain our real value. This sucks!”

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The 2005 Buyer’s Journey

10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Prospects ready to speak with your sales team

Marketing • Trade shows • Print ads • Direct mail • Email spam

Sales • Buyers at the mercy of sales team • Sales controls access to information (asymmetry) • Marketing could be totally unaccountable and it didn’t matter • Seller-centric sales cycle

Cold calls

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Today’s Buyer’s Journey

10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Prospects ready to speak with your sales team

Marketing • Trade shows • Print ads • Direct mail • Email spam

Sales • Sales needs to get found early as

trusted advisors • Buyer-centric sales cycle • Sales monopoly on info gone

Disruption of Traditional Playbook • Search • Social • Mobile • Cloud

• Sales and marketing alignment is critical • Marketing has massive control over sales’ paychecks

• Personalization is critical • Much more consultative

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Buyer’s Journey Within 3 Years

10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Prospects ready to speak with your sales team

Marketing • Trade shows • Print ads • Direct mail • Email spam

Sales Challengers • Order takers and

explainers gone • True consultants

dominate sales

Disruption of Traditional Playbook • Search • Social • Mobile • Cloud

• Podcasting • Video • Live Video • Personalization

• Sales and marketing “departments” disappear revenue team

• Marketing owns 70% to 90% of revenue generation

Thought Leaders

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Is Your Leadership in Denial?

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Moment of Truth

Getting found before that 70% point is critical to competing in today’s managed services and IT consulting markets

The way to do so helpful, original, remarkable content ◦ True differentiation! (in eyes of buyer personas)

Is your company on board? ◦ Or living in 2005 with Windows XP?

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A. Getting Found Early Enough, in the Right Context, to Matter

B. Creating Scalable, Predictable, Revenue Growth

C. Your Biggest Questions About Growing Your

Managed Services & IT Consulting Revenue

D. Additional Resources

E. Your Homework / Next Steps

Page 14: Inbound Revenue Acceleration Webinar for Managed Services & IT Consulting

Creating Scalable, Predictable, Revenue Growth

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Public Domain Image Courtesy of the United States Food and Drug Administration

“In God we trust; all others must bring data.” -- W. Edwards Deming American engineer, statistician, professor, author, lecturer, and management consultant


Page 16: Inbound Revenue Acceleration Webinar for Managed Services & IT Consulting

Strangers Promoters Visitors Leads Clients

Attract Convert Close Delight

Blog Keywords

Social Media

Forms Calls to Action Landing Pages

Email Sidekick Notifications Workflow Automation

Events Social Inbox

Smart Content

How to Create Scalable, Predictable, Revenue Growth

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Page 18: Inbound Revenue Acceleration Webinar for Managed Services & IT Consulting

Moment of Truth

Does your website content talk more about your company? ◦ Or the problems that you solve for your clients?

Tip: During the first 70%+ of the buyer’s journey, even the best prospects won’t give a you-know-what* about your services until you’ve established trusted advisor status. ◦ * Trying to keep today’s content PG-13 (insert your own expletive)

Page 19: Inbound Revenue Acceleration Webinar for Managed Services & IT Consulting


A. Getting Found Early Enough, in the Right Context, to Matter

B. Creating Scalable, Predictable, Revenue Growth

C. Your Biggest Questions About Growing Your

Managed Services & IT Consulting Revenue

D. Additional Resources

E. Your Homework / Next Steps

Page 20: Inbound Revenue Acceleration Webinar for Managed Services & IT Consulting

Your Biggest Questions About Growing Your Managed Services & IT Consulting Revenue

Page 21: Inbound Revenue Acceleration Webinar for Managed Services & IT Consulting

What’s Trending?

• clients • right • especially • Leads • area

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Blog Keywords

Social Media

How to Create Scalable, Predictable, Revenue Growth

Page 23: Inbound Revenue Acceleration Webinar for Managed Services & IT Consulting

How can we differentiate ourselves from our managed services competition and be seen?

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How can we attract the right managed services clients within a small geographic area? (part of the San Francisco Bay area)

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Visitors Leads


Forms Calls to Action Landing Pages

How to Create Scalable, Predictable, Revenue Growth

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What’s most important if we want to generate more IT consulting leads?

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How can we generate more of the right quality, managed services leads?

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How can we grow our IT consulting pipeline?

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Leads Clients


Email Sidekick Notifications Workflow Automation

How to Create Scalable, Predictable, Revenue Growth

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How can we be consistent with growing our managed services revenue and keep the growth moving?

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What managed services pricing strategies should we use? And how should we structure service level agreements?

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What should we concentrate on for finding IT consulting clients and sales?

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How can we make sure that we find the right size, quality IT consulting clients?

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Promoters Clients


Events Social Inbox

Smart Content

How to Create Scalable, Predictable, Revenue Growth

Page 35: Inbound Revenue Acceleration Webinar for Managed Services & IT Consulting

How can we grow our managed services business?

Page 36: Inbound Revenue Acceleration Webinar for Managed Services & IT Consulting

This slide deck gives you an outline of the questions covered in the webinar. To watch the recording for the “Inbound Revenue Acceleration Webinar for Managed Services & IT Consulting” visit

Page 37: Inbound Revenue Acceleration Webinar for Managed Services & IT Consulting


A. Getting Found Early Enough, in the Right Context, to Matter

B. Creating Scalable, Predictable, Revenue Growth

C. Your Biggest Questions About Growing Your

Managed Services & IT Consulting Revenue

D. Additional Resources

E. Your Homework / Next Steps

Page 38: Inbound Revenue Acceleration Webinar for Managed Services & IT Consulting

Additional Resources

Watch the Webinar Recording at

Watch the Webinar Recording at

Page 39: Inbound Revenue Acceleration Webinar for Managed Services & IT Consulting

Additional Resources

Watch the Webinar Recording at

Watch the Webinar Recording at

Page 41: Inbound Revenue Acceleration Webinar for Managed Services & IT Consulting


A. Getting Found Early Enough, in the Right Context, to Matter

B. Creating Scalable, Predictable, Revenue Growth

C. Your Biggest Questions About Growing Your

Managed Services & IT Consulting Revenue

D. Additional Resources

E. Your Homework / Next Steps

Page 42: Inbound Revenue Acceleration Webinar for Managed Services & IT Consulting

Your Homework / Next Steps

Sign Up at

Page 43: Inbound Revenue Acceleration Webinar for Managed Services & IT Consulting

Your Homework / Next Steps

Sign Up at

Page 44: Inbound Revenue Acceleration Webinar for Managed Services & IT Consulting

Image Courtesy of Håkan Dahlström

“Skate to where the puck is going,

not where it’s been.” -- Wayne Gretzky

Page 45: Inbound Revenue Acceleration Webinar for Managed Services & IT Consulting

This slide deck gives you an outline of the questions covered in the webinar. To watch the recording for the “Inbound Revenue Acceleration Webinar for Managed Services & IT Consulting” visit