indepth hygiene company brochure


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Indepth Hygiene Services has been providing specialist hygiene & safety services to commerce and industry for more than 20 years and is now the UK’s leading independent company in this field. We assist major organisations and companies in the public and private sectors to fulfil their obligations to exercise ‘due diligence’ and a ‘duty of care’ as required by hygiene & safety legislation.


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Deep cleaning of grease extract systems� Total elimination of fire hazard conditions

� Work carried out in accordance with HVCA Specification TR19 (previously TR17)

� Provision and installation of access doors to ensure total system cleaning

� Fire Safety cleanliness certification on completion of service

Deep cleaning of air systems� Total elimination of health hazard conditions

� Work carried out in accordance with HVCA Specification TR19 and NADCArecommendations

� Provision and installation of access doors to ensure total system cleaning

� Air quality sampling and monitoring surveys pre and post clean

Deep cleaning of catering and food production facilities� Work carried out in accordance with Government Specifications M&E 142 and 038

� Hygiene & safety audits provided post clean to confirm ‘due diligence’ requirementshave been met

� Optional cleaning of specified installations and equipment to complement daily cleaningroutines

Deep cleaning and disinfection of water systems� Service carried out to meet requirements of health and safety legislation ACOP L8

� Inspection and testing service of supply and installations

� Remedial refurbishment service for water storage tanks

� Disinfection of cooling towers and humidifiers

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Indepth Hygiene Services has been providing specialist hygiene & safetyservices to commerce and industry for more than 20 years and is nowthe UK’s leading independent company in this field. We assist majororganisations and companies in the public and private sectors to fulfil theirobligations to exercise ‘due diligence’ and a ‘duty of care’ as required byhygiene & safety legislation.

Our workforce is experienced and fully trained to provide our services inaccordance with government approved specifications and best health& safety practice; reinforced by fully detailed work method statementsand risk assessments. We are accredited to BS EN ISO 9001/2000,SAFEcontractor, a member of the Heating & Ventilating Contractors’Association, the British Institute of Facilities Management and the FireProtection Association.

With health & safety legislation under constant review and the Fire SafetyOrder placing greater responsibility in the form of self-assessment on theshoulders of building owners and managers, our specialist services for themaintenance of health and safety in the workplace, as described in thisbrochure, are in increasing demand.

Apart from our primary responsibility to deliver professional, fully effectiveservices, we are aware of the need to assist companies and organisationsto contain costs and keep maintenance budgets under control. To this endwe undertake to hold all our contractual prices unchanged for a minimumperiod of three years.

If you are not already one of our many clients, I hope you will findhere information about services which will be of interest to you in yourmanagement of buildings and facilities. If you already retain one of our

specialist services, I hope you will find others of directrelevance to your responsibilities. Whichever is the case,I would be glad to hear how my company maybe of assistance to you and for myself, or one of mycolleagues, to discuss your particular requirements withyou.

Richard NormanManaging Director

Indepth HygieneServices Limited


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Accumulations of grease-ladendeposits in extract ventilationsystems, often linked to cateringfacilities, present a significant firehazard. It is not unusual forgrease extract ducts to runthrough a building to reach a rooflevel exhaust, thereby putting thewhole building structure and itsoccupants at risk in the event offire.

Although filters in canopies helptrap some grease, grease-laden airwill pass through allowing greasedeposits to settle on the internalsurfaces of ductwork. Apart fromthe fire risk, the accumulation ofgrease in extract systems reducesventilation efficiency by restrictingthe amount of air extracted,resulting in over-heating, excessivehumidity and possible failure toremove noxious fumes in thecatering facilities, particularly if gasranges are used. At the sametime, a restricted grease extractwill also allow steam and cookingsmells to permeate other parts ofthe building.

Legal requirements

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety)Order brings major changes to firesafety regulations. Fire Authorities willno longer be responsible for issuing firecertificates. Companies, as well asindividuals, will be made responsible fortheir own compliance with the legislation.Every organisation will be required tonominate a 'responsible person' or'persons', e.g. the employer, the owner orany other person who exercises controlover all, or a part of, the premises. Theresponsible person will have to assessthe risks of fire in a Fire Risk Assessmentand take steps to reduce or removethem. Should the 'responsible person'fail to carry out these duties they will beheld personally liable for injury or deathto building occupants in the event of fire.The Fire Authorities will retain powers forcompliance and enforcement.

These responsibilities will equally apply toa contractor who is in charge of part of thepremises in order to provide a service e.g.a contract caterer. They will need to ensurea Fire Risk Assessment is carried out forthe catering facility and this assessmentmust include the kitchen's grease extractventilation system where grease from thecooking operation accumulates in theducting. This is a potential fire risk areaand the catering contractor has aresponsibility to ensure action is takento eliminate the risk.


As a result of the escalatingcosts of compensation forlosses arising from majorfires and recent court casejudgements, Insurers,particularly those who aremembers of the Association

Deep cleaning of greaseextract ventilation systems

Cleaning away grease from anextract ventilation system...

...clean and safe surfaces


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of British Insurers, are now includingclauses in their policies requiringspecific action to be taken to reducefire risks in grease extract systems.

Those who fail to comply with the newFire Safety Order will find their propertyinsurance either impossible to obtain,difficult to renew or invalid in the case of fire.

Risk assessment =probability x consequence

If a building has a grease extractventilation system then it is most likelyto have a probability level of risk - it hasprobably not been cleaned since itsinstallation or, if it has, it is likely to havebeen inadequately or only partiallycleaned and not fully cleaned since.

The consequence of a fire occurring in thegrease extract system can be substantial -not only to property but to the lives of theoccupants. Fires at Heathrow, SouthMimms Service Station, the Witney TownCentre and several hotels bear witness tothe high cost of damage caused by fires ingrease extract systems.

Dangers from building changes

The fire at Witney Town Centre was a classicexample. A simple non-grease catering unithad been changed to one cooking high fatcontent food. The result: grease depositsbuilt up on the internal surfaces of a usuallyfairly clean extract which the centreoperators had almost forgotten existed,a flash fire occurred igniting the greasedeposits leading to almost total destructionof the shopping centre.

Assessing the risk

As a first step, we will carry out adetailed survey of your grease extractsystem and provide a photographic andwritten report quite free of charge. Ifyou have not already carried out a risk

assessment of the system, this reportwill provide you with invaluableinformation with which to prepare one.It will also describe what remedial actionneeds to be taken to eliminate anyidentified risks.

Eliminating the risk

Eliminating the fire risks can only beachieved by professional deep cleaning,beyond the capabilities of general cleaners.Our fully trained and equipped workforcewill restore safety to all types of extractsystems in accordance with the HVCAGood Practice Standard SpecificationTR19. Where access to the ductwork isnot already in place we will install accesspanels as part of the service to allow

thorough cleaning throughout the system.Where vertical risers form part of thesystem our trained operatives are qualifiedto clean the internal surfaces thoroughly,yet safely using approved rope accessequipment and techniques.

Evidence of compliance

On completion of the deep cleaning servicewe provide a Fire Safety CleanlinessCertificate. This certificate can be shownto Insurers as evidence that you have takenappropriate action to eliminate risks to yourbuilding and its occupants.

Example of blocked vents,discovered during a survey

All contractual prices guaranteed not to be increased for minimum of three years 3

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The air quality within a building isinfluenced by many factors;particles of dust and fibres, gasesthat are generated within thebuilding and contaminants andpollutants brought in fromoutdoors.

Dangers to health

Many pollutants can be of a toxic nature,harmful to human health through theirpotential to cause infection or allergicreactions. The combination of often-foundmoisture, or free water, on the bottom ofventilation ducting and/or humidity togetherwith dust provides nutrients for microbialgrowth. Some illnesses caused byhazardous substances may not appear forsome years after initial exposure. It is,therefore, vital to carry out air qualitymonitoring to identify any present orpotential dangers to building occupants.

Air quality monitoringservice

Air quality survey report

Our survey report will provide anassessment of air quality at variouspoints within a building and within theair distribution ductwork itself. Itsessential elements are to report on:

� AHU functioning efficiency

� filtration effectiveness in the AHU

� air and surface contamination

� internal air duct surface depositlevels and characteristics.

Measurements of relative humidity andtemperature, carbon dioxide and monoxidelevels and airborne bacteria are standard toall our testing.

Findings are authenticated by independentUKAS accredited laboratory analyses andaccompanied by recommendations forremedial action. The data will enablecomparison with HSE OccupationalExposure Limits and provide buildingmanagement with invaluable information forthe completion of COSHH Assessments asrequired under Health & Safety legislation.

Our air quality monitoring service can beprovided as a stand-alone service or as apre-cursor to deep cleaning of the airconditioning systems to eliminate identifiedhazards.


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It is well known that the lack ofmaintenance and cleaning of airconditioning systems is a majorcause of staff sickness and thespread of common infections inthe workplace. Sick buildingsyndrome was coined to cover amultitude of air-borne risks tohealth.

The legal requirements

The Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare)Regulations require building owners andmanagers to ensure enclosed workplacesare ventilated with fresh or purified air.From 1st January 1996 an EC directivenow incorporated in these regulationsrequire the ventilation systems to beregularly and properly cleaned and tested.Failure to exercise this ‘duty of care’ couldresult in prosecution of building owners andmanagers.

Meeting legal requirements

Our air conditioning deep cleaning servicehas been designed to assist managementmeet their legal obligation to exercise a‘duty of care’. As a first step, we will carryout a survey of your system and provide adetailed photographic and written report.This will be tantamount to providing anMOT on the state of your system and willidentify the presence of any hazards tohealth and safety.

Where hazards are shown to exist, ourdeep cleaning service will be carried out inclose consultation with you to ensure theminimum disruption to work operations andstaff.

Cleaning prior tocommissioning new orre-furbished systems

To ensure there are no contaminantsin ductwork systems prior tocommissioning, we will carry out athorough deep clean of new orrefurbished installations to meetbuilding regulations, and inaccordance with procedures laiddown by BSRIA AG3/89.3 and HVCADW/TM2. In highly sensitive areas,such as computer rooms, intensivecare units and operating theatres,this pre-commissioning service ismandatory. Just ask us to surveyand provide quotations at theplanning stage.

Deep cleaning of airconditioning systems

All contractual prices guaranteed not to be increased for minimum of three years 5

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The increase in Food Hygiene andSafety Regulations in recent yearshas reinforced the need formanagement to ensure thoroughcleaning programmes are in placeto maintain the highest standardsof food hygiene & safety incatering and food productionfacilities.

Meeting ‘due diligence’requirements

The Food Hygiene Regulations and theFood Safety Act cover all premises wherefood is prepared or sold. For a hygieneand safety regime to comply fully with the‘due diligence’ provisions, periodic deepcleaning should be in place for thoseinstallations and equipment which are notfully cleaned as part of the daily cleaningroutines. The specification for our hygiene& safety deep cleaning services for cateringand food production facilities is based onGovernment Specifications 038 andM&E142.

Identifying risks

As a first step to ensuring that yourcatering or food production facilitiescomply with all relevant legislation wewill provide you with a fully detailedsurvey report on the hygiene and safetystatus of all installations and equipmentwith accompanying costings forproviding our specialist hygiene & safetydeep cleaning service tailored to yourrequirements. This report is quite free ofcharge and provided without obligationfor you to proceed.

Deep cleaning of catering andfood production facilities


...and after deep cleaning programme


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In some cases, for example, wherestaff are able to maintainsatisfactory standards of hygienefor major items of equipment, it isthe difficult and concealed areaswhich require professional deepcleaning services. We will identifywith you precisely the areas whichrequire deep cleaning tocomplement your own cleaningprogrammes so that together weachieve an overall standard ofhygiene and cleanliness that willensure approval by EHOinspections of the total facility.

High level cleaning - often it is the wallsurfaces above 6 feet, which cannot becleaned by staff. Similarly the ceilings, lightfittings and roof structural supports areoften out of reach for staff. Our deepcleaning will ensure all unhygienic and firehazardous deposits are removed fromthese difficult surfaces.

Floors - there are many different floorsurfaces in use in catering, food productionfacilities and dining areas. Daily cleaning bystaff is often insufficient to maintain therequired standards of hygiene and safety.By using specialised equipment andchemicals, our operatives will ensure yourfloor surfaces are thoroughly cleaned andfree of all contaminants.

Canopies & Filters - often these aredifficult for staff to access for cleaning. Ourspecialist service will ensure removal of allpotentially fire hazard deposits from internalsurfaces of canopies, filters and drip trays.Where filters are worn or ineffective we canprovide a filter replacement service.

Selective deepcleaning

Evidence of compliancewith legislation

On completion of our deep cleaningservice we provide a Work QualityCertificate, which is your guarantee thatwork has been carried out to the higheststandards and can be used as evidencefor Health and Safety Inspectors andEnvironmental Health Officers that youhave met your legal obligations toexercise ‘due diligence’.

Maintenance of requiredstandard

In consultation with you we will put in placea regular programme of hygiene and safetymaintenance tailored to the usage patternof your facilities.

Usually this would mean three or sixmonthly services to ensure standards ofhygiene and safety are maintained at alltimes. And, remember, our contractualprices are guaranteed not to be increasedfor a minimum period of three years.

All contractual prices guaranteed not to be increased for minimum of three years 7

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Deep cleaning and disinfectionof water systems

The current recommendationsunder Health & Safety LegislationACOP L8 refer specifically to thecontrol of legionellosis. Itrecommends regular inspection,cleaning and disinfection of theseinstallations:

� Hot Water Calorifiers

� Cold Water Tanks

� Water Softeners

� Cooling Towers & Condensers

� Shower & Bathroom Facilities

� Humidification Plant

� Vehicle Washing Facilities

The key installations for water supply arethe cold water storage tanks. Frequently,however, they are rarely inspected andoften poorly maintained. Corrosion, rustand other harmful deposits are allowed tobuild up to become a potential source ofcontamination of the water supply.

Indepth Hygiene provide a range ofservices to re-assure building owners andoccupiers that their water supply is free ofpossible contamination and any risk tohealth. We will totally refurbish water tanksincluding applying new linings, coatingsand insulation to comply with current byelaws. Cooling towers and humidifiers willbe totally disinfected using fully approvedspecialist chemicals.

We will provide regular inspection andmonitoring surveys to check that the watersupply is safe and potable. For newlyinstalled commercial and industrial watersystems we will provide a specialist pre-commission cleaning service.

All disinfection processes and chemicalsare fully approved, supported by detailedrisk assessment and method statements.On completion of our service we provide awater quality certificate.

All contractual prices guaranteed not to be increased for minimum of three years8

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AccentureAlliance & LeicesterAllied DunbarAON Risk ServicesAssociated NewspapersAssociation of British InsurersB & QBank of EnglandBank of ScotlandBassBMWBNP ParibasBP InternationalBritish CouncilBritish LibraryBritish Red CrossBritvicBUPAClifford ChanceCoca ColaCornhill InsuranceCredit AgricoleCredit LyonnaiseDEFRADeloitte & ToucheDesoutterDeutsche BankDHLDirect LineDixonsDTZEarls Court &Olympia Conference CentresEpsom RacecourseEurestExel LogisticsFidelity Investment ServicesFirst Choice HolidaysFreshfieldsFujitsuGlaxoSmithKlineGoldman SachsGoldsmith CollegeHalifax EquitableHampton Court PalaceHeinzHermes Pension ManagementHitachi EuropeHMP BrixtonHMP HighdownHMS NelsonHome OfficeImperial CollegeImperial War MuseumInstitute of Child HealthInvensys

Investcorp InternationalJohnson & JohnsonKensington PalaceKMPGLegal & GeneralLondon UndergroundL'OrealMAN GroupMerck, Sharp & DohmeMercury One 2 OneMetropolitan PoliceMicrosoftMinistry of DefenceNational GridNatural History MuseumNational Westminster BankNewmarket RacecourseNorwich Crown CourtNorwich UnionPenguin BooksPilkington GlassPriory HospitalsProctor & GamblePrudentialPublic Records OfficeRoyal Military CollegeRolls RoyceRothschildRoyal Albert HallRoyal Bank of ScotlandRIBARoyal Ocean Racing ClubSaatchi & SaatchiSecuricor Omega ExpressShakespeare GlobeShell InternationalSonyStandard Chartered BankSun Micro SystemsTate ModernTelewest EuropeTescoTexacoThe Environment AgencyThe Salvation Army3iUniversity of BuckinghamUniversity of SouthamptonUniversity of WestminsterVictoria & Albert MuseumVirgin AtlanticWallace CollectionWH SmithWWAV Rapp Collins GroupYouth Hostel AssociationYoung & Rubicam

Clients who have retainedIndepth Hygiene Services

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Indepth House, Wellesley Road, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5BWTel 020 8661 7888 Fax 020 8661 7506

Email: [email protected]