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Individual behavior


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Individual behaviourIndividual behaviour Organizations are composed of individual and individual is different from Organizations are composed of individual and individual is different from

the other. The behaviour of each individual is influenced by several the other. The behaviour of each individual is influenced by several factors. Every individual has particular motives, ambitions, perceptions factors. Every individual has particular motives, ambitions, perceptions and abilities. To understand the human behaviour in organization in a and abilities. To understand the human behaviour in organization in a better way a careful study of all the factors which affect the human better way a careful study of all the factors which affect the human behaviour is must. behaviour is must.

The factors which affect the human beaviour are persons, environment The factors which affect the human beaviour are persons, environment and the organization itself.and the organization itself.B = F(P,E and O)B = F(P,E and O)B = Individual behaviourB = Individual behaviour

P = PersonP = Person E = environment E = environment O = OrganizationO = Organization Thus individual behaviour is a function of person, environment and the Thus individual behaviour is a function of person, environment and the


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I. Personal factorsI. Personal factors FACTORS AFFECTING BEHAVIOUR




Biographical Factors

Learned Characteristics

1. Physical Characteristics

2. Age

3. Gender

4. Regligion

5. Marital Status

1. Personality

2. Perception

3. Attitudes

4. Values

1. Economic Factors

2. Social Cultural

3. Political Factors

4. Legal Environment

1. Physical Facilities

2. Organisation Structure

3. Leadership

4. Reward System

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A. Biographical characteristicsA. Biographical characteristics Characteristics which are genetic in nature and are inherited Characteristics which are genetic in nature and are inherited

These are the qualities which the human being are born with. These are the qualities which the human being are born with. These are the characteristics which cannot be changed, At the These are the characteristics which cannot be changed, At the most, these can be refined to some extent. If the managers most, these can be refined to some extent. If the managers know about the inherited qualities and limitations of the know about the inherited qualities and limitations of the person, they can use there organizational beavhiour person, they can use there organizational beavhiour techniques more effectively .all these characteristics are techniques more effectively .all these characteristics are explained in detail as follows:explained in detail as follows:

1.1. Physical characteristics:Physical characteristics: Height, skin, complexion,vision, Height, skin, complexion,vision, shape and size of nose, weight etc. all these have an impact on shape and size of nose, weight etc. all these have an impact on the performance of the individuals.sometimes said that the the performance of the individuals.sometimes said that the eyes betray the character of a person. Tall and slim people are eyes betray the character of a person. Tall and slim people are expected to dress well and behave in a sophisticated manner expected to dress well and behave in a sophisticated manner and fat people are supposed to be of a jolly nature. Not has not and fat people are supposed to be of a jolly nature. Not has not been scientifically proven. It is very difficult to understand been scientifically proven. It is very difficult to understand which is the independent variable and which is the dependent which is the independent variable and which is the dependent variable.variable.

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2.2. Age: Age: Age is determined by the date of birth. Age is determined by the date of birth. Psychologically, younger people are expected to be Psychologically, younger people are expected to be more energetic, innovative, adventurous, ambition and more energetic, innovative, adventurous, ambition and risk taking. Whereas old people are supposed to be risk taking. Whereas old people are supposed to be conservative, set in their own ways and less adaptable. conservative, set in their own ways and less adaptable. Though it is incorrect to generalize all old people as Though it is incorrect to generalize all old people as inadaptable, Psychologically. Performance declines inadaptable, Psychologically. Performance declines with advancement of age because older people have with advancement of age because older people have less stamina, memory etc. Younger people are likely to less stamina, memory etc. Younger people are likely to change job to avail better job opportunities, but as one change job to avail better job opportunities, but as one grows old, the chances of his quitting job are less. grows old, the chances of his quitting job are less. There is a relationship between age and absenteeism There is a relationship between age and absenteeism also. Older people tend to absent more from their jobs also. Older people tend to absent more from their jobs due to unavoidable reasons e.g. going for a vacation. due to unavoidable reasons e.g. going for a vacation.

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3.3. Gender: Gender: Being a male or female is genetic in nature and it is Being a male or female is genetic in nature and it is considered to be an inherited feature. Whether women considered to be an inherited feature. Whether women perform as well as in jobs as men do, is an issue which has perform as well as in jobs as men do, is an issue which has initiated lot of debates, misconceptions and opinions. Some initiated lot of debates, misconceptions and opinions. Some areas like problem solving ability, analytical skill, competitive areas like problem solving ability, analytical skill, competitive drive motivation, leadership, sociability and learning ability, drive motivation, leadership, sociability and learning ability, there are no consistent male-female differences. Some role there are no consistent male-female differences. Some role were considered to be exclusive domain of women e.g. nurses, were considered to be exclusive domain of women e.g. nurses, airhostesses etc. but now with the passage of time, we have airhostesses etc. but now with the passage of time, we have males in these professions also. Similarly, some jobs which males in these professions also. Similarly, some jobs which were considered to be exclusive domain of men e.g. pilots, were considered to be exclusive domain of men e.g. pilots, defense jobs, etc. have started accommodating women also, defense jobs, etc. have started accommodating women also, though with condition gender has its impact on absenteeism though with condition gender has its impact on absenteeism the tendency to abstain from work is more in females then in the tendency to abstain from work is more in females then in men, the turnover is also more in female employees, though men, the turnover is also more in female employees, though the evidence is mixed in this case some studies have found the evidence is mixed in this case some studies have found that females have high turnover rates, while the other do not that females have high turnover rates, while the other do not find any difference. Although this trend is changing with the find any difference. Although this trend is changing with the passage of time, but majority of the Indian families follow passage of time, but majority of the Indian families follow these norms.these norms.

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4.4. Religion:Religion: People who are highly religious are supposed to have People who are highly religious are supposed to have high moral values e.g. they are honest, they do not tell lies or talk high moral values e.g. they are honest, they do not tell lies or talk ill of others. They are supposed to be contended. But there is ill of others. They are supposed to be contended. But there is another side of the picture also though there are no evidence but it another side of the picture also though there are no evidence but it has been observed that sometimes people who are highly has been observed that sometimes people who are highly dishonest and immoral are more religious as compared to the dishonest and immoral are more religious as compared to the other. other.

5.5. Marital status:Marital status: Research has consistently indicated that as Research has consistently indicated that as marriage imposes increased responsibilities, to have a steady job marriage imposes increased responsibilities, to have a steady job becomes more valuable and important. Few other questions which becomes more valuable and important. Few other questions which need answer e.g. (i) What will be the effect of divorce or death of need answer e.g. (i) What will be the effect of divorce or death of the life partner on the performance of an employee? (ii) What the life partner on the performance of an employee? (ii) What about couples who live together without getting married. So far about couples who live together without getting married. So far there are no answer to these questions. there are no answer to these questions.

6.6. Experience: Experience: The impact of seniority on job performance is an The impact of seniority on job performance is an issue which is subject to a lot of misconceptions and speculations. issue which is subject to a lot of misconceptions and speculations. Research indicates that there is a positive relationship between Research indicates that there is a positive relationship between seniority and job performance. Employee turnover is also seniority and job performance. Employee turnover is also considered to be negatively related to seniority.considered to be negatively related to seniority.

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7.7. Intelligence:Intelligence: Whether it is an inherited trait or acquired trait, this Whether it is an inherited trait or acquired trait, this factor affects the behaviour of the people. Intelligent people are factor affects the behaviour of the people. Intelligent people are generally not adamant and stubborn , rather they are considered to generally not adamant and stubborn , rather they are considered to be stable and stable and predictable.

8.8. Ability:Ability: Ability refer to the capacity or capability of an Ability refer to the capacity or capability of an individual to perform the various tasks in a job. Ability of an individual to perform the various tasks in a job. Ability of an individual can be of two types:individual can be of two types:

(i) Intellectual ability(i) Intellectual ability to perform mental activities some to perform mental activities some important dimensions used to ascertain intellectual ability are important dimensions used to ascertain intellectual ability are number aptitude, comprehension, perpetual speed and test of number aptitude, comprehension, perpetual speed and test of reasoning. For some important jobs or assignment, a person has to reasoning. For some important jobs or assignment, a person has to clear some admission test. clear some admission test.

(ii) Physical ability(ii) Physical ability person’s stamina, manual dexterity, leg person’s stamina, manual dexterity, leg strength and the like. If the performance of a particular job strength and the like. If the performance of a particular job requires some specific physical abilities, it is the duty of the requires some specific physical abilities, it is the duty of the management to identify the employees having those abilities management to identify the employees having those abilities

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B. Learned characteristicsB. Learned characteristics Learning is defined as Learning is defined as “a relatively permanent change in “a relatively permanent change in

behaviour resulting from interactions with the environment”behaviour resulting from interactions with the environment”

1.1. Personality: Personality: By personality we don’t mean the physical By personality we don’t mean the physical appearance of a person. Psychologists are not concerned with a appearance of a person. Psychologists are not concerned with a smart person, with a smiling face and a charming personality. They smart person, with a smiling face and a charming personality. They consider personality as a dynamic concept describing the growth consider personality as a dynamic concept describing the growth and development of a person’s whole psychological system. Rather and development of a person’s whole psychological system. Rather than looking at parts of the person, personality looks at some than looking at parts of the person, personality looks at some aggregate whole that is greater than the sum of the parts. By aggregate whole that is greater than the sum of the parts. By personality generally refers to personal traits such as dominance, personality generally refers to personal traits such as dominance, Aggressiveness, persistence and other qualities reflected through a Aggressiveness, persistence and other qualities reflected through a person’s behaviour. Some personality traits like physical build and person’s behaviour. Some personality traits like physical build and intelligence are biological in nature but most traits like patience, intelligence are biological in nature but most traits like patience, open mindedness, extrovert ness etc. can be learned an individual’s open mindedness, extrovert ness etc. can be learned an individual’s personality determines the types of activities that he or she is suited personality determines the types of activities that he or she is suited for. for.

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2.2. Perception: Perception: Perception is the viewpoint by which one Perception is the viewpoint by which one interpretes a situation in other words, perception is the interpretes a situation in other words, perception is the process by which information enters our mind and is process by which information enters our mind and is interpreted in order to give some sensible meaning to the interpreted in order to give some sensible meaning to the world around us .psychology says that different people see world around us .psychology says that different people see and sense the some thing in different ways. For example, if a and sense the some thing in different ways. For example, if a new manager perceives an employee to be a job shirker, be new manager perceives an employee to be a job shirker, be will tend to lose good relatives and friends because we will tend to lose good relatives and friends because we change our perceptions about them.change our perceptions about them.

3.3. Attitude: Attitude: The way a person feels about something, a person, The way a person feels about something, a person, a place, a thing a situation or an idea. In general, if a person a place, a thing a situation or an idea. In general, if a person has positive attitude about his work it will be reflected by has positive attitude about his work it will be reflected by very good work performance, less absenteeism, less very good work performance, less absenteeism, less turnover, obedience towards rule or authority etc. if a turnover, obedience towards rule or authority etc. if a negative attitude can be changed by simple persuasion or by negative attitude can be changed by simple persuasion or by training and coaching. training and coaching.

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4.4. Values:Values: According to Milton Rokeach ,”values are global According to Milton Rokeach ,”values are global beliefs that guide actions and judgments across a variety beliefs that guide actions and judgments across a variety of situations. Values represent basic convictions that a of situations. Values represent basic convictions that a specific mode of conduct is personally or socially specific mode of conduct is personally or socially preferable to an opposite mode conduct "Values carry on preferable to an opposite mode conduct "Values carry on individual’s ideas as to what is right, good or desirable. individual’s ideas as to what is right, good or desirable. All of us have a Hierarchy of values that form our All of us have a Hierarchy of values that form our value system like freedom, self respect, honesty, value system like freedom, self respect, honesty, obedience, equality and so on. can be observed from their obedience, equality and so on. can be observed from their bahaviour individual values are influenced by the parents, bahaviour individual values are influenced by the parents, teacher, friends and other external force. As a product of teacher, friends and other external force. As a product of learning and experience in the cultural setting in which he learning and experience in the cultural setting in which he lives. values are very important in study of organizational lives. values are very important in study of organizational behaviour because these help in understanding the behaviour because these help in understanding the attitudes and motivation of individual as well as attitudes and motivation of individual as well as influencing their perceptions.influencing their perceptions.

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II. Environmental FactorsII. Environmental Factors A brief description of the external factor follows:A brief description of the external factor follows:(1). Economic factor:(1). Economic factor: A few economic factor which directly or A few economic factor which directly or

indirectly affect the individual behaviour are as explained below:indirectly affect the individual behaviour are as explained below:(a). Employment level (a). Employment level if the job opportunities are less, the individual if the job opportunities are less, the individual

will have to stick to a particular organization even though he does will have to stick to a particular organization even though he does not have job satisfaction. on the other hand if the job opportunities not have job satisfaction. on the other hand if the job opportunities are more, the employees turnover will be more.are more, the employees turnover will be more.

(b). Wage Rates(b). Wage Rates what a person will get in money terms, is the major what a person will get in money terms, is the major factor affecting the decision of a worker to stay in a particular factor affecting the decision of a worker to stay in a particular organization or shift to another one which will pay more wages.organization or shift to another one which will pay more wages.

(c). General economic environment(c). General economic environment some employees who are some employees who are working in government offices or public sector undertakings are not working in government offices or public sector undertakings are not affected by economic cycles. Whatever the economic position of the affected by economic cycles. Whatever the economic position of the organization they will receive their salaries. Whereas the employees, organization they will receive their salaries. Whereas the employees, who work in the organizations which are severely affected by who work in the organizations which are severely affected by economic cycle, are subjected to lay of and retrenchment.economic cycle, are subjected to lay of and retrenchment.

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(d). Technological development(d). Technological development the technological development has the technological development has made the job more intellectual and upgraded. This make it the duty made the job more intellectual and upgraded. This make it the duty of management to retrain the employees. For those, who pickup and of management to retrain the employees. For those, who pickup and acquaint themselves with new technology, the job will be rewarding acquaint themselves with new technology, the job will be rewarding and challenging.and challenging.

(2). Socio-cultural factor(2). Socio-cultural factor relationship with many family member, relationship with many family member, friends, colleagues, supervisors and subordinates. similarly every friends, colleagues, supervisors and subordinates. similarly every individual has cultural background , which shapes his values and individual has cultural background , which shapes his values and beliefs. Work ethics achievement need effort-reward expectations beliefs. Work ethics achievement need effort-reward expectations and values are important cultural factor having impact achievement and values are important cultural factor having impact achievement need effort-reword Expectations and values are important cultural need effort-reword Expectations and values are important cultural factor having impact on the individual bahaviour factor having impact on the individual bahaviour

(3). Political factors(3). Political factors. In a politically stable country there will be a . In a politically stable country there will be a steady level of employment and high level of capital investment. steady level of employment and high level of capital investment. whereas companies are reluctant to invest large sum of money in a whereas companies are reluctant to invest large sum of money in a politically instable country. politically instable country.

(4). Legal environment.(4). Legal environment. Rule and laws are formalized and written Rule and laws are formalized and written standers of behaviour. Both rules and laws are strictly enforced by standers of behaviour. Both rules and laws are strictly enforced by the legal system. the legal system.

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(III).(III). Organizational factorsOrganizational factors

Organizational factor are as explained below:Organizational factor are as explained below:

1.1. Physical facilities.Physical facilities. Arrangement of people and things so that is has Arrangement of people and things so that is has a positive influence on people. Some of the factor which influence a positive influence on people. Some of the factor which influence individual behaviour are noise level, heat, light, ventilation, individual behaviour are noise level, heat, light, ventilation, cleanliness, nature of the job, office furnishing, number of people cleanliness, nature of the job, office furnishing, number of people working at a given place etc.working at a given place etc.

2.2. Organisational structure and designOrganisational structure and design reporting system lines of reporting system lines of communication established among different levels in the communication established among different levels in the organization.organization.

3.3. LeadershipLeadership the human bahaviour is influenced to a large extent by the human bahaviour is influenced to a large extent by the behaviour of the superiors or leader. Behaviour of the leader are the behaviour of the superiors or leader. Behaviour of the leader are more important than their qualities.more important than their qualities.

4.4. Reward systemReward system the behaviour and performance of the individuals is the behaviour and performance of the individuals is also influenced by the reward system established by the also influenced by the reward system established by the organization to compensate their employees.organization to compensate their employees.

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MODALS OF MANMODALS OF MAN1.1. Rational Economic Man:Rational Economic Man: Who are primarily motivated by Who are primarily motivated by

money. They took the “economic man” and rational man money. They took the “economic man” and rational man approach to understand and predict the human behaviour. approach to understand and predict the human behaviour. This modal is based on classical organization theory. The This modal is based on classical organization theory. The scientific management movement was based on the belief scientific management movement was based on the belief that by rationally explaining the one best way to do things that by rationally explaining the one best way to do things and offering incentives to workers in the from of piece rates and offering incentives to workers in the from of piece rates and bonuses, organizational output can be increased. and bonuses, organizational output can be increased. Psychologists have also studied this modal for predicting Psychologists have also studied this modal for predicting human behaviour. For example,McGregor’s assumptions of human behaviour. For example,McGregor’s assumptions of theory x reflect this mode. In this model, people are induced theory x reflect this mode. In this model, people are induced to produce more by providing them with economic to produce more by providing them with economic incentives. In this case, there is no organization- employees incentives. In this case, there is no organization- employees conflict because both are satisfying their needs conflict because both are satisfying their needs simultaneously.Management is getting more production and simultaneously.Management is getting more production and people are getting more money.people are getting more money.

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DrawbacksDrawbacks Though, the need of money is inexhaustible and the man Though, the need of money is inexhaustible and the man

will never have enough ; but after a certain stage ,only will never have enough ; but after a certain stage ,only money will not be sufficient for him. he will have some money will not be sufficient for him. he will have some psychological need also. Which can not be fulfilled by the psychological need also. Which can not be fulfilled by the organization in this case Therefore , it can be stated that the organization in this case Therefore , it can be stated that the hole assumption of rational economic man are not sufficient hole assumption of rational economic man are not sufficient in understanding and predicting human behaviour in understanding and predicting human behaviour

2.2. Social Man: Social Man: Advocates of this school considered the Advocates of this school considered the worker as social man. A part of the social group. Influenced worker as social man. A part of the social group. Influenced by the social forces and seeks satisfaction of the needs by the social forces and seeks satisfaction of the needs which are related to the maintenance of his social which are related to the maintenance of his social relationships. relationships.

Eltan mayoEltan mayo conceived the concept of the social man when conceived the concept of the social man when he carried out Hawthorne studies during (1927-1932). The he carried out Hawthorne studies during (1927-1932). The total system of social man is directed towards people .the total system of social man is directed towards people .the following changes were required in the managerial strategy.following changes were required in the managerial strategy.

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i.i. Earlier the management was conceived only with Earlier the management was conceived only with the output given by the workers. In this approach, the output given by the workers. In this approach, the management had to pay attention to the workers the management had to pay attention to the workers also as human beings.also as human beings.

ii.ii. Under this concept , the psychological needs were Under this concept , the psychological needs were also to be considered also to be considered

iii.iii. To analyses and motivate human behaviour in term To analyses and motivate human behaviour in term of groups rather than on individual basis. of groups rather than on individual basis.

iv.iv. Instead of being the controller of behaviour, Instead of being the controller of behaviour, managed were supposed to act as the supporter of managed were supposed to act as the supporter of workers. workers.

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2.2. Organisation manOrganisation man An extension of social man. The concept of organization man was An extension of social man. The concept of organization man was

introduced by introduced by William WhyteWilliam Whyte. He believed that it is very important . He believed that it is very important for a person to be loyal to the organization and cooperative with the for a person to be loyal to the organization and cooperative with the fellow workers. any person who believes in this value system and fellow workers. any person who believes in this value system and acts in this way is an organization man every individual should acts in this way is an organization man every individual should sacrifice his individuality for the sake of the group and the sacrifice his individuality for the sake of the group and the organization.organization.

1.1. The group is the source of activity. Individuals creates only when The group is the source of activity. Individuals creates only when they move in a group .A group helps to produced a whole that is they move in a group .A group helps to produced a whole that is greater then the sum of its parts.greater then the sum of its parts.

2.2. The ultimate need of every individual is belongingness.The ultimate need of every individual is belongingness.3.3. The organization man concept emphasizes that there is no conflict The organization man concept emphasizes that there is no conflict

between the individual interest and the interest of the organization. between the individual interest and the interest of the organization. Even if there is any conflict, individual interest will be sacrificed in Even if there is any conflict, individual interest will be sacrificed in favor of the group interest to remove the conflict. People will be favor of the group interest to remove the conflict. People will be willing to sacrifice their interests for the organization only if they are willing to sacrifice their interests for the organization only if they are positive that the organisation would take care of thempositive that the organisation would take care of them..

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3. The self actuating man: 3. The self actuating man: SelfSelf actuating man assumes actuating man assumes that man’s inherent need is to use his capabilities and that man’s inherent need is to use his capabilities and skills in such a way that he should have the skills in such a way that he should have the satisfaction of creating certain things.satisfaction of creating certain things.

i.i. The basis assumption about this concept is that the The basis assumption about this concept is that the various needs of a man can be put in the order of various needs of a man can be put in the order of priority. For example. MASLOW has put various priority. For example. MASLOW has put various needs in a hierarchy: needs in a hierarchy:

Self actualization according to this diagram is the Self actualization according to this diagram is the ultimate goal, because it is last in the hierarchy and ultimate goal, because it is last in the hierarchy and by the time this goal is achieved , all the other needs by the time this goal is achieved , all the other needs of the man are also satisfied.of the man are also satisfied.

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ii.ii. In the process of self actualization, there are various In the process of self actualization, there are various changes in the behaviour of the individual and he changes in the behaviour of the individual and he moves from immaturity of maturity.moves from immaturity of maturity.

iii.iii. Self motivated and self controlled. Any incentives Self motivated and self controlled. Any incentives given by the management can not motivate him given by the management can not motivate him after a certain level and any control imposed on him after a certain level and any control imposed on him cannot threatn him.cannot threatn him.

iv.iv. The earlier models were based on the assumption The earlier models were based on the assumption that a man has got immature personality. However, that a man has got immature personality. However, the reality is that if a man is left free, he will put in the reality is that if a man is left free, he will put in his maximum efforts.his maximum efforts.

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5.5. Complex man: Complex man: Complex man presents the real picture Complex man presents the real picture of human behaviour.The earlier models assume that of human behaviour.The earlier models assume that man will always behave according to certain set man will always behave according to certain set patterns.Most behaviours in the organization can be patterns.Most behaviours in the organization can be understood by taking assumptions of complex man. understood by taking assumptions of complex man. following are a few assumptions about the complex following are a few assumptions about the complex man:man:

i.i. People are not only complex but are also highly People are not only complex but are also highly variable. Though their needs can be arranged in a variable. Though their needs can be arranged in a hierarchy, but this hierarchy is also not universal.hierarchy, but this hierarchy is also not universal.

ii.ii. People are capable of learning new motives through People are capable of learning new motives through their organizational experiences.their organizational experiences.

iii.iii. People’s motives in different organizations or different People’s motives in different organizations or different sub parts of the same organization may be different.sub parts of the same organization may be different.

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Though this model is quite complex, it Though this model is quite complex, it indicates the real situation and lays emphasis indicates the real situation and lays emphasis on the fact that human behaviour is not as on the fact that human behaviour is not as simple as assumed in the previous models. simple as assumed in the previous models. Hence current thinking on the subject is to take Hence current thinking on the subject is to take a ‘complex man approach and recognise that a ‘complex man approach and recognise that different individuals have different needs and different individuals have different needs and personality traits and if there is a proper match personality traits and if there is a proper match between these and the environment they between these and the environment they operate in, functional will emerge. operate in, functional will emerge.

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Performance of individual depends on four elements of Performance of individual depends on four elements of individuals behaviors i.e., motivation, ability, role individuals behaviors i.e., motivation, ability, role perceptions, situational contingences.perceptions, situational contingences.

1.1. Motivation:Motivation: A strong positive motivation will enable the A strong positive motivation will enable the increased output of an employee but a negative motivation increased output of an employee but a negative motivation will reduce the performance.will reduce the performance.

2.2. Ability:Ability: Ability refers to the capacity or capabilities of an Ability refers to the capacity or capabilities of an individual to perform the various tasks in a job. Ability can individual to perform the various tasks in a job. Ability can be both intellectual as well as physical. Ability will include be both intellectual as well as physical. Ability will include natural aptitudes as well as learned capabilities required to natural aptitudes as well as learned capabilities required to successful complete a task.successful complete a task.

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3.3. Role Perception: Role Perception: A person’s beliefs about what A person’s beliefs about what behaviors are appropriate in particular situation are behaviors are appropriate in particular situation are known as role perception of the employees. For known as role perception of the employees. For accurate role perfection, an employee must accurate role perfection, an employee must understand the specific task assigned to him, the understand the specific task assigned to him, the relative importance of that task.relative importance of that task.

4.4. Situational Contingencies:Situational Contingencies: Conditions beyond the Conditions beyond the employee’s immediate control; at least in the short employee’s immediate control; at least in the short term. Contingencies which originate from the term. Contingencies which originate from the external environment are generally beyond the external environment are generally beyond the control of employees and the organization.control of employees and the organization.