individual who is making the nomination: (optional - · a big thank you to...

A big thank you to those staff members, students, and parents who took the time to complete the nomination form for the NPH S teacher recognition program, "Above & Beyond" that we have started this year . The January honoree was Karen Marsh with Tam i Eshleman being recognized for the month of February . A big thank you to Applebee's and Valentino's for their generosity in contributing $ 25 gift certificates to this teacher recognitio n program . Karen Marsh — January Honore e Mrs . Marsh works very hard to help the music department run smoothly . She helps with band, vocal, and orchestra . Mrs . Mars h does all the bookkeeping and accounting for the numerous fundraisers for these programs . She is well organized and works at a fas t pace all the while being very thorough . Mrs . Marsh can also be seen helping with the musical, behind the scenes wherever she is needed . She also readies the PAC for outside group performances and helps find and train student technicians to assist with these outside performances . Karen takes her job seriously and has an excellent attendance record . We know that we can always count on her . She works well with her peers and is extremely well liked by her students . She is an indispensible part of the NPHS music program . Tami Eshleman — February Honoree Every day Mrs . Eshleman goes above and beyond what is asked of her . Whether it involves getting a neighbor's classroom ready fo r a substitute or covering a class for another teacher who has to be absent for that period, she is always there for the students and staf f of NPHS . If a computer lab is unavailable for a class to use that period, Mrs . Eshleman will exhaust every option to find a place fo r the students to accomplish what they need to get done for that class . Be it students or another teacher, Mrs . Eshleman does what sh e can to help out . She is extremely helpful and patient with new staff members . Mrs . Eshleman will spend extra time to assist any staff member with a question or problem . She always does so in a helpful and patient manner with a smile on her face . She cares for her students and is a great teacher . Nomination forms are included in the monthly newsletter as well as being available in both the main office and the guidance office . I encourage parents, students, and staff to nominate a teacher for their efforts going "Above & Beyond" as they perform their routin e task of providing the very best educational experience for the students of NPHS . Previous nominees will be carried forward and wil l receive ongoing consideration for this recognition . Please take the few minutes that are needed to complete the nomination form s o that special teacher who has made a difference for the students will be publicly recognized . Thank you to Mrs . Marsh and Mrs . Eshleman for all the wonderful things they do to help our students to achieve success at NPHS . The staff, students, and administration truly appreciate all you do for everyone at NPHS . Congratulations ! Principal-Jim Whitne y Associate Principal-James Ayre s Dean of Students-Stephen LaLond e Activities Director-Rich Reinert

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A big thank you to those staff members, students, and parents who took the time to complete the nomination form for the NPH S

teacher recognition program, "Above & Beyond" that we have started this year . The January honoree was Karen Marsh with Tam i

Eshleman being recognized for the month of February .

A big thank you to Applebee's and Valentino's for their generosity in contributing $ 25 gift certificates to this teacher recognition

program .

Karen Marsh — January Honore e

Mrs . Marsh works very hard to help the music department run smoothly . She helps with band, vocal, and orchestra . Mrs . Marsh

does all the bookkeeping and accounting for the numerous fundraisers for these programs . She is well organized and works at a fast

pace all the while being very thorough .

Mrs . Marsh can also be seen helping with the musical, behind the scenes wherever she is needed . She also readies the PAC for

outside group performances and helps find and train student technicians to assist with these outside performances . Karen takes her

job seriously and has an excellent attendance record . We know that we can always count on her . She works well with her peers and

is extremely well liked by her students . She is an indispensible part of the NPHS music program .

Tami Eshleman — February Honoree

Every day Mrs . Eshleman goes above and beyond what is asked of her . Whether it involves getting a neighbor's classroom ready fo r

a substitute or covering a class for another teacher who has to be absent for that period, she is always there for the students and staf f

of NPHS. If a computer lab is unavailable for a class to use that period, Mrs . Eshleman will exhaust every option to find a place for

the students to accomplish what they need to get done for that class . Be it students or another teacher, Mrs . Eshleman does what she

can to help out .

She is extremely helpful and patient with new staff members . Mrs . Eshleman will spend extra time to assist any staff member with a

question or problem. She always does so in a helpful and patient manner with a smile on her face . She cares for her students and is a

great teacher .

Nomination forms are included in the monthly newsletter as well as being available in both the main office and the guidance office . I

encourage parents, students, and staff to nominate a teacher for their efforts going "Above & Beyond" as they perform their routin e

task of providing the very best educational experience for the students of NPHS . Previous nominees will be carried forward and will

receive ongoing consideration for this recognition . Please take the few minutes that are needed to complete the nomination form s o

that special teacher who has made a difference for the students will be publicly recognized .

Thank you to Mrs . Marsh and Mrs . Eshleman for all the wonderful things they do to help our students to achieve success at NPHS .

The staff, students, and administration truly appreciate all you do for everyone at NPHS . Congratulations !

Principal-Jim Whitney

Associate Principal-James Ayre s

Dean of Students-Stephen LaLonde

Activities Director-Rich Reinert

Nominee's Name:


Qualities that make the nominee so very special - to you:

Individual who is making the nomination: (optional

Parent Teacher Conferences

March 19 — THURSDAY — 5:00 — 9 :00 p.m.

March 20 — FRIDAY — 8 :00 — 11 :30 A.M.

*In order to help everyone at conferences, we ask that every attempt be made to limit the length ofconferences to 5

minutes. This should provide all parents/guardians an opportunity to visit with their child's teachers . If additional time is

needed, we ask that you schedule another time with that teacher .

We would appreciate anyone who can attend on Friday morning to please do so as we generally have significantly fewe r

attendees on that day . Doing so should help to relieve the heavier crowd that we usually have on Thursday evening .

Theatre EtiquetteEntering the Theater and Staying Seate d

The general protocol is to arrive at the theater at least five to ten minutes ahead of the scheduled performance time, t o

find your seat, pick up a program, and be seated . Conversation with companions or those seated nearby is appropriate an d

welcome, but as soon as the lights dim, discussions should cease .

It is important that you stay seated (in your seat) except in cases of emergency . Such cases would include matters of a n

urgent health nature (impending sickness necessitating a trip to the restroom, continued coughing, or anything that might distur b

others) . If you must exit the theater, please wait until the end of a song or act and wait to come back in until the end of a song o r

act . Please come to the performance intending to stay for the entire performance . Please keep children seated with you and do

not allow them to roam . Please turn off your pagers and cell phones before the concert begins .

No Talking, Singing, or Yelling - During the performance, it is absolutely important not to talk, sing, hum or yell . If necessary,

a discreet whisper to your companion may be acceptable if it occurs infrequently, but the general rule is to keep your attentio n

focused on the performance in front of you.

Clapping and Showing Appreciation - When you read your program, you may notice music with more than one movement. Do

not clap between movements, rather, wait until the end of the entire song . Performers love feedback. It is customary to wait until

the end of a song to applaud. However, if a soloist does an exceptional job please show your appreciation with the appropriat e

applause .

Nn Fatino nr nrinkinu - Thnrincr a performance van should not eat or drink .

Attendance Is Crucial to Success In School (and the workplace )I would like to take a moment to follow up on one of the topics from our last issue of thi s

newsletter. As we have looked back at those students who have had failing grades this year at NPHS, a n

overwhelming number of those students also have significant absenteeism . It is especially alarming when

we see those students who miss a day or two week after week . The unfortunate consequence of a hig h

absence rate in school is a lack of success . At the high school level that too often translates into a student

not earning their diploma. I don't know of any walk of life or occupation where you can be absent a

significant amount of time and still get the job done . We must work together to change this situation . Good

attendance is crucial to success in any walk of life . This is a life-long habit we strive to develop in all of ou r

students . If this is the expectation of both the home and the school we will then have our greatest success .

We need all of our students here each and every day in order to have the greatest success . Help us to help

all of our students to grow and mature into the well educated, responsible young men and women we al l

desire. Good attendance is a must.

Regardless of the path one chooses after graduation from high school, everyone must be able to

get places at the correct time of the day without the aid of bells . In addition to the knowledge one gains

while earning their high school diploma, we also believe we have a responsibility to nurture and help ou r

young people to grow and mature . Helping our students to learn time management is a valuable skill t o

possess .





Musical "Footloose "

March 13, 14,&15

7 :30, 7:30,&2:00 PM

March 19 2:00 PM Dismissal

March 20 NO SCHOO L


Mav 2, 2009

0 OiiCi'

I 20n9 NOrih Pi i,Z' HS y .t:'artI(Xik 2 0 U.) :

jostensyea rbooksco m

Students I-

Online ordering will allowyOu tO personalize your yearbook

• • • • M • • MI 0 • ■ • • NM • • MI


senior student should remain in a study hall that i s

School YearJuniors have the opportunity to earn the

privilege of not having to attend study halls thei r

senior year. In order for that to happen several

requirements have to be met . Written parent

permission is required . If a parent feels their

okay. In order for a student to be considered a

senior, he/she must be on schedule to graduate

with their class in May 2010 . In addition the

senior to be must have a record of goo d

attendance (including being tardy) and n o

significant discipline infractions.

Spring Sports Student/Athlete

and Parents Meeting

The Spring Sports Student/Athlete an d

Parents meeting will be held on March 9 ,

2009, at 7:00 p.m . in the Dawg House. The

individual sports will hold their meeting s

immediately following the conclusion of th e

spring sports group meeting . This is a

mandatory meeting for all student/athletes

who are out for a spring sport and thei r

parents .

Flowers/Balloons/etc .NPHS wil

not acceptdeliveries

from florists ,parents or friends fo rstudents for any occasion .

cooperation is greatly 'appreciated . Please help us to

ensure our students' success by doing everything yo u

can to be sure your child is here and on time each and

M • • M • • - • • - • • • • = • • - • • - • • - • - • • MI • • MN • • -

Student Absence

(308 )535-7105Ext 3 . "---=iPlease remember it is the responsibility of the i

parent/guardian to notify the school attendance office of i

all absences . If there is no notification, the absence i s

recorded as a truancy . Unfortunately, if this is the

situation, the end result could be that your child may in

the end not receive credit for one or more classes . Your

i severy day. Their immediate and future success depends i

on it!

Senior Study Halls for the 2009-20I 0


A reminder that cell phones and other electronic device s

are permitted as long as they remain turned off and out o f

sight during school hours . See pages 19 & 20 of the

Student Handbook if you have questions .

Prom 2009Prom 2009 will take place on Saturday, May 2 at

North Platte High School. Decorating for pro m

will begin on Friday May 1 . The students will b e

able to work throughout the day . We will also

need help in the evening to finish up wit h

decorating; making sure everything is set

up, etc . Also, we are always in need of

parents to help tear down the day after prom .

Clean up will start at 9 A .M . on Sunday, May 3 .

The more help we get, the quicker we can ge t

the job done. This usually takes a couple of

hours. Any junior parent who is interested i n

helping with prom, please contact either Mrs .

Kelley Klemptner ( kklemptner@nppsd .org) o r

Mrs. Donna Mikesell ( d mikesell@nppsd .org) o r

at the High School (535-7105) . Thanks!!


When a student is ill and must go home, it is important the parents/guardians come i n

to the nurse's office to get the child . This is for the safety and protection of your child

and provides a necessary time for communication between the nurse and the parents

regarding the illness/injury . .Thank you for your cooperation .

----------------------- -MARC H

3Boys Bba11 @ Hastings/TBA

5Quarter 3 Ends

Girls Bball State Tournament @ Lincoln6

K-12 NO SCHOOLGirls Bball State Tournament @ Lincoln

7Girls Bball State Tournament @ Lincoln

10FBLA Meeting @ 7 :00 PM in Commons

12Boys Bball State Tournament @ Lincoln

13Musical "Footloose" @ 7:30 PM

Boys Bball State Tournament @ Lincoln14

Musical "Footloose" @ 7:30 PMBoys Bball State Tournament @ Lincoln

15Musical "Footloose" @ 2:00 PM

1 6Boys Golf @ North Platte/9 :00 AM

192:00 PM Dismissal

Parent/Teacher Conferences/Evenin g20

NO SCHOOL 9-1 2Parent/Teacher Conferences/AM

Girls Tennis Doubles@ North Platt e10:00 AM

21B/G Track @ UNK Invite @ Kearney

9:00 AM


B/G JV Soccer w/Lexington (H) 5 :00 PMI

24B Soccer w/Gering (H) 5 :00 PM

G Soccer @ Gering 5 :30 PM

Varsity Vocal Concert 7 :30 PM

26G Tennis @ McCook 4 :00 PM

B/G JV Soccer w/Kearney (H) 4 :30 PM9/10 Band/Choir Concert 7:30 PM

27B/G Track @ McCook 3 :30 PM

MORP Dance2 8

B/G V Soccer @ Lincoln High 1:00 PM3 0

G Tennis w/Oga11 ala (H) 4 :00 PM31

B/G Soccer @ Lincoln SE 5 :00 PMNPHS Talent Show 6 :30 PM

Tickets $5.00

"Either you decide to stay1 in the shallow end of the

pool or you go out in the

ocean." Christopher Reeve


Mark Your Calendars for "Footloose" !North Platte High School will present "Footloose: The Musical" in th e

NPHS Performing Arts Center on March 13 and 14 at 7:30 p.m. and

March 15 at 2 :00 p.m. The musical is based on the 1984 movi e

"Footloose" starring Kevin Bacon . It is a classic tale of teen rebellion

and repression and features a delightful combination of danc e

choreography and realistic and touching performances. When

teenager Ren and his family move from big-city Chicago to a small

town in the West, he's in for a real case of culture shock . Though he

tries hard to fit in, the streetwise Ren can't quite believe he's living i n

a place where rock music and dancing are illegal. There is one small

pleasure, however: Ariel a troubled but

lovely blonde with a

jealous boyfriend. His biggest obstacle :

lies in Ariel's father,

Bible-thumping minister, who is respons' le for keeping the tow n

dance-free. Ren and his classmates want to do away with thi s

ordinance, especially since the senior prom is around the corner, bu t

only Ren has the courage to initiate a battle to abolish the outmoded

ban and revitalize the spirit of the repressed townspeople .

Fast-paced drama is filled with such now-famous hit songs as "Let' s

Hear It for the Boy", "Holding Out For a Hero", and "Almos t

Paradise" .

Tickets will be available beginning February 16t h

and will be,,

available at Westfield Pharmacy, Riddles Jewelry ,

The Shepherd's and the NPHS Activities Office . Cost is $8 for adults

and $6 for students . For more information, contact Leah Purdy at the

high school. Save the date and come join us for this exciting and

high-energy show.

Speech and Debat e

March 19 & 2 0NSAA State Debate @ Kearney

March 21NCTA State Debate and Congress @


March 26, 27, & 28NFL District Speech and Debate @

Cheyenne, WY

Guidance Office March


Mid-Nebraska Community Foundation Scholarships due

(seniors) .


Noon dismissal (9-12) - High School Speech & Debat e


End of 3rd Term




Boys' State Interviews — 9 :00am (Guidance Office)

10-11 Senior graduation announcements, mugs, etc . to be

distributed in the Alumni Room from 9 :00am — 3 :45pm .

Balance must be paid when you pick up your order .

13-15 Musical "Footloose" — 7 :30pm (Performing Arts Center)


9th Grade registration 4 :30pm and 7 :00pm (Performing

Arts Center)


Girls' State Interviews — 9 :00am (Guidance Office)



Parent/Teacher Conferences — 5 :OOpm-9 :OOpm



Parent/Teacher Conferences — 8 :OOpm-11 :30am


9th Grade registration — 7 :00pm (Performing Arts Center)

23-27 MORP Week !

27 MORP Dance


Talent Show - 6 :30 p .m.



ACT Test 8 :00am — noon



10 NO SCHOOL — Easter Break


NO SCHOOL — Easter Break

2009 Rotary Youth Leadership Awar dInformation regarding the 2009 Rotary Youth Leadership Award will be coming in the near future . The

Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) is awarded annually to juniors in high school who have

demonstrated leadership, maturity and an interest in community service . As a RYLA recipient, the students

attend Camp RYLA with other Nebraska students preparing to begin their senior year in high school .Camp RYLA is a five-day leadership camp in July, 2009, in the beautiful Nebraska National Forest nea rHalsey, Nebraska, about 80 miles north of North Platte . The Rotary Clubs of North Platte provide thetransportation to and from Camp and there is no cost to the student for the camp . At camp RYLA,students will have an opportunity to participate in leadership training, learn from outstanding individual swith varied backgrounds, educators, careers and interests, and participate in various recreational an dfriendly competitions . After students return from camp, they are asked to visit a North Platte Rotary clu bto share their camp experience with members of the Rotary Club .

(308) 535-7105 Option 4

Transcripts-Scheduling-Scholarships -

Grade Point Average-Credits, etc .

Mr . Caruso-students alphabetically A- G

Mrs. Horst-students alphabetically H- N

Mrs. Hammond-students alphabetically O-Z

Mrs. Pettera-all 9th grade students

Teresa Schumacher, Guidance Secretar y

Colleen Ashburn, Registra r

The daily announcements are posted on th e

web. Go to Click on high schools ,

fmd North Platte High School and click on it .

Scroll down to North Platte High School

Announcements and click on it.

2009-10 Registration - The counselors are going int o

the classes to distribute registration materials and

discuss the registration process . Students ar e

encouraged to discuss their registration choices wit h

their parents, make individual appointments with thei r

counselor to discuss their courses and then retur n

the completed registration form to the Counselors '

Office by Thursday, March 5th. All registration forms

are due at this time.

2009-10 Registration for incoming freshmen — There will be three sessions available for incoming freshmen an d

their parents to attend to register for their freshman class and become acquainted with the high school . Youonly need to attend one of the three sessions and the sessions last about an hour . The sessions are as

follows :

Tuesday, March 17th 4 :30pm — 5 :30pm (PAC)

Tuesday, March 17th

7:00pm — 8:00pm (PAC )

Monday, March 23rd

7:00pm — 8 :00pm (PAC)

Parent/Teacher arent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, March 19th, fro m

5:00-9:OOpm, and on Friday, March 20th from 8:00-11 :30am. Parents may

pick up their student's class schedule and progress report in front of th e

Commons Area. Teachers will also be in their classrooms to visit wit h






Graduation practice will begin promptly at 9:00 am on Thursday, May Graduation practice will begin

14th, in the Performing Arts Center. Students must attend practice if promptly at 9 :00 am on

they with to participate in the commencement ceremony on May 17th . A

sheet of instructions and rain tickets will be sent home with the

graduating senior, along with their cap and gown, all of which will be

Thursday, May 14th, in the

Performing Arts Center.

Students must attend practice if

distributed at the end of graduation practice. they wish to participate in the

commencement ceremony on

G-raduation announcements will he distributed on Tuesday, March May 17th. A sheet of instructions

10th, and Wednesday, March 11th from 9 :00am - 3:15 pm in th e

Alumni Room. The remaining balance is payable when you pick up

and rain tickets will be sent

home with the graduatin g

senior, along with their cap andyour order. If you have questions concerning your balance due ,

contact Josten 's at 308-872-5055 or see Mrs. Schumacher in the

gown, all of which will. be

distributed at the end of

G-uidance Office . graduation practice.

North Platte High School seniors who have at least a "B" average and a 22 ACT are eligible to participate in UNL's

Advanced Scholars Program . This exciting new program allows students to earn college credit while still in high

school. The online classes are available for $100 per credit hour, with no additional University fees . If you would like

further information concerning the Advanced Scholars program, please contact Keri Hammond at the NPHS Guidanc e

Office. Don't delay — Registration begins this spring for next fall's classes !

If you receive a scholarship, please notify Mrs . Schumacher in the Guidance Office or call her at 535-7105, optio n4, with the exact name and amount of the scholarship, or bring a copy of the scholarship confirmation letter to her .This information is needed no later than April 30th so the senior student can be recognized at Senior Awards Nigh t

and in the commencement program .

Reminder to all college bound seniors . . . get your FAFSAapplications completed as soon as possible .

The NPHS Art Club hosted their annual art show an d

competition from February 14th through Februar y

27th . Schools from around the area participated an d

the local talent was quite impressive . Art works were

judged in six different categories including : Painting ,

Drawing, Clay, Sculpture, Mixed-Media, and 2- D

(which included calligraphy, printmaking ,

photography, and computer-generated art) . The Art

Club Members and NPHS Teachers, Denise Shoults

(Wendelin) and Kathy Wiede (Lewis) would like t o

extend our thanks to our young artists for all of thei r

hard work and to the local merchants (Cinda's, Be n

Franklin, and Joe Odegard) for their support an d

donations . A special thanks to The Art & Gift Gallery

for their help and to the parents of our artists for you r

support of your children's amazing talents!! And we

cannot forget a big thanks to our exceptionall y

qualified and talented judge from Mid-Plain s

Community College, Dik Haneline, for his time an d

support of our students !

PAINTING :1st: "First Flight" by Ellie Perkins2nd: "Swinging Life Away" by Jalee Mille r3rd: "Just Hanging Around" by Jerromy Cissel l


1st : "Just A Girl " by Darien Giles

.2nd : "African Beauty " by Jamie Prickett

3rd : "Ford Interior" by Callan Connelly

Art Club Art Show Results ,

*Best of Show : "Bruised and Beaten" by ZachKramer

*People's choice : "African Beauty" by JamiePrickett

*Art & Gift Gallery Choice: "African Beauty" b yJamie Prickett

Art Club Choices Gift certificates)

"Totem" by Mike Hardy

"Swinging Life Away" by Jalee Miller

"Looking to the Wild" by Michael Bell


"Red Spirit" by Jessica Harri s

"Deep Blue" by Kelsey Barret t

"Ford" by Jonathan Dudley

*►"Vintage Beauty" by Austin Jones

'ITti"O'Brother" by Alyssa Brady

"Lily" by Macey Store y

"4 Designs" by Adriana Flore s

"Egyptian Queen" by Willow Kovand a

"British Museum" by Ellie Perkins

"Untitled" by Shelby Gottul a

"My Favorite Equine" by Brandee Manar y

"Flight Home" by Alex Pachec o

"Days Gone By" by Racine Range l

"Unknown" by Amber Mitchel l

"Up Power" by Jordan Christne r

"Drawn Together" by Mariah Waltemat h

"My Mom Wears Combat Boots" by Skyler Bagnel l

"Fortunate Kin" by Unknown Artist

2-D (including calligraphy, printmaking, photography, and computer-generated art) :

MIXED MEDIA:1st: "Pieced Together" by Zach Krame r

2nd: "Hope: Sign of Faith" by Shelby Rookstool

3rd: "Paper Fan" by Brandee Manary

1st : "Hayley" by Hayley Brown (Photography )

2nd : "Tide Pools" by Ellie Perkins (Photography )

3rd : "Geometric Vertigo" by Sarah James (Photography)


1ST: "The Dreamer" by Chrystina Contrera s

2nd : "Totem" by Mike Hardy

3rd: "Hamburger" by Tiffany Mattox


1st: "Save The Hag" by Chrystina Contreras

2nd: "Alfred Newman" by Amber Mitchell

3rd: "Unknown" by Amber Mitchell