individualized professional growth plan implementation of your pgp


Upload: cayden-berkes

Post on 29-Mar-2015




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Slide 2 INDIVIDUALIZED PROFESSIONAL GROWTH PLAN Implementation of YOUR PGP Slide 3 Slide 4 PGP Themes Slide 5 Defining Distinguished FIDELITY Faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support. The goal is FIDELITY to the process, not perfection, STRETCH! PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Advanced Professional Practice in education involves effective teaching/learning, behavior management in and out of the classroom, acknowledging and accommodating special educational needs, leadership and management of staff and pupils, personal development Slide 6 Dig in & Document it Working the Plan In Process Monitoring Slide 7 Fidelity & Professional Practice Fidelity & Professional Practice Slide 8 Working the Plan (Implementing) Slide 9 Working The Plan Feedback and Sharing Formative Slide 10 Examples of seeking feedback/sharing practices Bringing lessons and achievement data to your PLC for review. PLC members will provide correction and praise that will be implemented by you in future lessons Using protocols for sharing (See DuFour pg. 188) Video taping yourself teaching and sharing the video with your PLC, then taking the feedback and applying it to other lessons Having your colleagues, both PLC and others, come to observe your lessons, then meeting for a debriefing and formative feedback (They may only be looking at one dimension at a time) Slide 11 Examples of seeking feedback/sharing practices Documenting changes to your lessons based on the feedback provided by your peers (comments and revisions) Document observation meetings with your colleagues through written notes or informal observation reports (see forms) Student feedback (exit slips, surveys, etc) Reflection journal to document before and after moments related to content, process and/or product Slide 12 Samples of Observation Forms Slide 13 Slide 14 In Process Monitoring Slide 15 Examples of In-Process Monitoring Reflection notations on unit plans Transcript of conversation (could tape) Review of formative assessments designed in the PGP and collection of the data to affect change (Heres What) Data Analysis Sheet (tic sheets, scanned item analysis) Using the final data to inform revised instructional practices (Critical to Distinguished)