indus river valley lesson ppt

Aim: How Have Archaeologists learned about the Indus Valley Civilization? Do Now: Study the map of India, then answer the three questions on your handout.

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Page 1: Indus river valley lesson ppt

Aim: How Have Archaeologists learned about the Indus Valley

Civilization?Do Now:

Study the map of

India, then answer the

three questions on your


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Page 3: Indus river valley lesson ppt

India: Geography• India is a subcontinent because it is cut off

from the rest of the Asian Continent.• The Indus Valley Civilization developed

along the Indus and Ganges rivers.• To the north lies the tallest mountains in

the world – the Himalayas. To the Northwest lies another mountain chain called the Hindu Kush. Both acted as a natural barrier to invasion and kept India isolated from its neighbors

• People of India, both then and now, relied on the monsoons, or seasonal winds to bring rain to water crops.

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The Monsoons

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Indus Valley Civilization• Two major cities developed along

the Indus River: Mohenjo Daro and Harappa

• Both were very well-planned cities, each city laid out in a grid pattern

Manhattan uses a grid system! Very well planned!

Madrid does not use a grid system! Its messy!

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Mohenjo-Daro Map

True or False: Mohenjo-Daro had a sophisticated water and sewage system.

Film Clip

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Ruins at Harappa and Mohenjo Daro

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Aerial View of Mohenjo-Daro

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The Great Bath, Mohenjo-Daro

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Well, Mohenjo-Daro

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Granary, Mohenjo-Daro

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pottery, Mohenjo-Daro

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Bison Seal, Mohenjo-Daro

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A Horned-God Seal, Mohenjo-Daro

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A Male Head, Mohenjo-Daro


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A Priest-King, Mohenjo-Daro

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Necklace, Mohenjo-Daro

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Female Figures, Harappa

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Bull Figurine, Harappa

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Elephant Figurine, Harappa

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Burial Pottery, Harappa

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Male Skeleton, Harappa

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Female Skeleton with Child, Harappa

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Harappan Writing

Undecipherable to date.

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Aryan Migration

pastoral depended on their cattle. warriors horse-drawn chariots.

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The Vedas 1200 BCE-600 BCE.

written in SANSKRIT. Hindu core of beliefs:

hymns and poems. religious prayers. magical spells. lists of the gods and goddesses.

Rig Veda oldest work.

Film Clip

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Varna (Social Hierarchy)



Kshatriyas Kshatriyas

Pariahs [Harijan] Untouchables




Kshatriyas Kshatriyas

Pariahs [Harijan] Untouchables


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The Caste System

The mouth? The arms? The legs? The feet?


What is a JATI?





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The Vedic Age

The foundations for Hinduism were
