industrial workers in the new economy

Industrial Workers in the New Economy New immigrants-South Eastern Europe

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Industrial Workers in the New Economy

New immigrants-South Eastern Europe

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These were not W.A.S.P.s

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Most of the immigrants who poured into the US lacked money and

education. They remained in the nations growing cities, where they

toiled long hours for little pay. Despite the harshness of their new lives most still improved their standard of living. In the US they had a chance at social

mobility—moving up in society-unlike in Europe.

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• Working conditions were dangerous, monotonous, repetitive, unsafe, unhealthy, with long hours, and with little pay.

• Labor tried to fight against such condition with little success—fear of …

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The Struggle of Organized Labor

• With a surplus of cheap labor, management held most of the power in its struggles with organized labor

• Strikers could be replaced• Employers also used many tactics for

defeating unions: the lockout, blacklists, yellow dog contracts, calling in private guards or state militia, obtaining court injunctions

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• Management fostered public fear of unions as anarchistic and un-American

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First Unions

• National Labor Union 1866-1st labor union—excluded women—fell apart after depression of 1873-

• Molly Maguires—militant labor union—sometimes used terrorist tactics.

• Both were unsuccessful but they provided a template of action for more successful subsequent groups

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The Knights of Labor-1869 (1877)

• Open to “all who toiled” (except lawyers, bankers, liquor dealers, and gamblers)

• very inclusive—welcomed women and blacks• Fought for an 8 hour day• Abolition of child labor• Membership peaked at 700,000-after a few

strikes membership dropped• Terrance Powderly

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American Federation of Labor

• Very exclusive—associated with skilled workers, led by Samuel Gompers.

• Worked for better wages, hours and working conditions.

• Worked for collective bargaining—but not rule out strikes

• No women

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Sources of labor Weakness

• Some gains by labor but forces were against them

• Only 4% in unions• AFL excluded unskilled, blacks and recent

immigrants• Tensions between ethnic and racial groups• Shifting nature of workers• Most importantly-wealth and power against


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The Great Railroad Strike-1877

• Eastern railroads announced a 10% wage cut. Rail service was disrupted between Baltimore to St. Louis, equipment was destroyed, and rioting in the streets of Pittsburgh. President Hayes sent in troops –11 demonstrators died and 40 wounded. Over 100 died before the strike fell apart.

• 1st major national strike, illustrated disputes no longer local with a national economy

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Haymarket Square Riot-1886

• Strikers and labor leaders were called to a protest meeting in Chicago at Haymarket Square --when police ordered the crowd to disperse someone threw a bomb-it killed 7 officers and injured 67 more. Chicago officials rounded up 8 anarchists and charged them with murder—all found guilty and 7 were sentenced to death.

• Middle class America now associated anarchism with unions and strikers

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The Homestead Strike-1892

• Homestead was one of Carnegie’s steel plants in Pitts.

• Strike called by the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel, and Tin workers—most powerful trade union in the country—why?

• Steel industry was introducing new methods and reducing need for skilled labor

• Cut wages

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• The plant was shut down by Carnegie’s heavy man Henry Frick and he called 300 of Pinkerton’s men to protect the strikebreakers.

• Read p. 618•

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The Pullman Strike-1894


•• CBS on its legacy

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• In the end, what all these strikes illustrated was that government would always intervene on the side of management. Not until the 1930’s will Unions gain the federal support that it would need.