
Urinary tract infections Urinary tract infections: Urinary tract is the system that makes urine and carries it out of your body. It includes bladder and kidneys and the tubes that connect them. When germs get into this system, they can cause an infection. Most urinary tract infections are bladder infections . A bladder infection usually is not serious if it is treated right away. If you do not take care of a bladder infection, it can spread to your kidneys . A kidney infection is serious and can cause permanent damage. Urinary Tract: The urinary tract is the network of organs and tubes that process and carry urine out of the body. The kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra are part of the urinary tract. Each part of the urinary tract has a specific function. The kidneys make urine. The ureters are tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder. The bladder stores urine. The urethra is a tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. The kidneys and ureters are the upper urinary tract. The bladder and urethra are the lower urinary tract.

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Page 1: Infections

Urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infections:

Urinary tract is the system that makes urine and carries it out of your body. It includes bladder and kidneys and the tubes that connect them. When germs get into this system, they can cause an infection.

Most urinary tract infections are bladder infections. A bladder infection usually is not serious if it is treated right away. If you do not take care of a bladder infection, it can spread to your kidneys. A kidney infection is serious and can cause permanent damage.

Urinary Tract: The urinary tract is the network of organs and tubes that process and carry urine out of the body. The kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra are part of the urinary tract. Each part of the urinary tract has a specific function.

The kidneys make urine. The ureters are tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder. The bladder stores urine. The urethra is a tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of

the body.

The kidneys and ureters are the upper urinary tract. The bladder and urethra are the lower urinary tract.

The kidneys and bladder work together to make urine and remove it from your body. The kidneys filter waste products and water from the blood to form urine. The urine moves from the kidneys through tubes called ureters to the bladder, which stores the urine until it is full. From the bladder, urine leaves the body through another thin tube, the urethra. After the bladder starts to empty, it normally empties all of the urine.

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Causes of UTIs:

Usually, germs get into your system through your urethra, the tube that carries urine from your bladder to the outside of your body. The germs that usually cause these infections live in your large intestine and are found in your stool. If these germs get inside your urethra, they can travel up into your bladder and kidneys and cause an infection.

Women tend to get more bladder infections than men. This is probably because women have shorter urethras, so it is easier for the germs to move up to their bladders. Having sex can make it easier for germs to get into your urethra.

You may be more likely to get an infection if you do not drink enough fluids, you have diabetes, or you are pregnant. The chance that you will get a bladder infection is higher if you have any problem that blocks the flow of urine from your bladder. Examples include having kidney stones or an enlarged prostate gland.

For reasons that are not well understood, some women get bladder infections again and again.

Symptoms of UTIs:

You may have an infection if you have any of these symptoms:

You feel pain or burning when you urinate. You feel like you have to urinate often, but not much urine comes out

when you do. Your belly feels tender or heavy. Your urine is cloudy or smells bad. You have pain on one side of your back under your ribs. This is where

your kidneys are. You have fever and chills. You have nausea and vomiting.

Call your doctor right away if you think you have an infection and:

You have a fever, nausea and vomiting, or pain in one side of your back under your ribs.

You have diabetes, kidney problems, or a weak immune system. You are older than 65. You are pregnant.

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Respiratory Tract Infections

Follow the links below to find information on respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis, diphtheria, influenza (flu), colds, croup, pneumonia, sinusitis, Legionnaires ‘ disease, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), tuberculosis and whooping cough.

1. Bronchitis2. Common Cold 3. Croup 4. Diphtheria5. Influenza6. Legionnaires' Disease 7. Pleurisy 8. Pneumonia9. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)10.Sinusitis 11.Tuberculosis12.Whooping Cough13.Systematic Reviews of Treatments for Respiratory Tract Infections

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1. Bronchitis :

Bronchitis means that the tubes that carry air to the lungs (the bronchial tubes) are inflamed and irritated. When this happens, the tubes swell and produce mucus. This makes you cough.

There are two types of bronchitis:

Acute bronchitis usually comes on quickly and gets better after 2 to 3 weeks. Most healthy people who get acute bronchitis get better without any problems. See a picture of acute bronchitis.

Chronic bronchitis keeps coming back and can last a long time, especially in people who smoke. Chronic bronchitis means you have a cough with mucus most days of the month for 3 months of the year for at least 2 years in a row.

This topic focuses on acute bronchitis. Both children and adults can get acute bronchitis.

Causes acute bronchitis:

Acute bronchitis is usually caused by a virus. Often a person gets acute bronchitis after having an upper respiratory tract infection such as a cold or the flu. In rare cases, acute bronchitis is caused by bacteria.

Acute bronchitis also can be caused by breathing in things that irritate the bronchial tubes, such as smoke. It also can happen if a person inhales food or vomit into the lungs.

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Symptoms of bronchitis:

The most common symptom of acute bronchitis is a cough that is dry and hacking at first. After a few days, the cough may bring up mucus. You may have a low fever and feel tired.

Acute bronchitis symptoms usually start 3 or 4 days after an upper respiratory tract infection. Most people get better in 2 to 3 weeks. But some people continue to have a cough for more than 4 weeks.

Pneumonia can have symptoms like acute bronchitis. Because pneumonia can be serious, it is important to know the differences between the two illnesses. Symptoms of pneumonia can include a high fever, shaking chills, and shortness of breath.

2. Common Cold :

The common cold usually causes a runny nose, nasal congestion, and sneezing. You may also have a sore throat, cough, headache, or other symptoms.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors:

It is called the “common cold” for good reason. There are over one billion colds in the United States each year. You and your children will probably have more colds than any other type of illness.

Colds are the most common reason that children miss school and parents miss work. Parents often get colds from their children.

Children can get many colds every year. They usually get them from other children. A cold can spread quickly through schools or daycares.

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Colds can occur at any time of the year, but they are most common in the winter or rainy seasons.

A cold virus spreads through tiny, air droplets that are released when the sick person sneezes, coughs, or blows their nose.

You can catch a cold if:

A person with a cold sneezes, coughs, or blows their nose near you

You touch your nose, eyes, or mouth after you have touched something contamined by the virus, such as a toy or doorknob.

People are most contagious for the first 2 to 3 days of a cold. A cold is usually not contagious after the first week.


Cold symptoms usually start about 2 or 3 days after you came in contact with the virus, although it could take up to a week. Symptoms mostly affect the nose.

The most common cold symptoms are:

Nasal congestion Runny nose

Scratchy throat


Adults and older children with colds generally have a low fever or no fever. Young children often run a fever around 100-102°F.

Depending on which virus caused your cold, you may also have:

Cough Decreased appetite


Muscle aches

Postnasal drip

Sore throat

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3. Croup:

Croup is breathing difficulty accompanied by a "barking" cough. Croup, which is swelling around the vocal cords, is common in infants and children and can have a variety of causes.

Croup Causes:

Croup is most commonly caused by a viral respiratory infection that is easily passed among children. Common viral causes include parainfluenza, influenza, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and rhinovirus. Prior to the vaccine era, diphtheria caused most cases of croup and was referred to as membranous croup, but today, fortunately, this is exceedingly rare.

Croup Symptoms:

The infection starts with a cold, cough, and low-grade temperature. Symptoms gradually develop over two days. The typical barking cough is usually present by day three and is more likely to be worse at night. The presence of stridor (wheezing on inspiration), hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, and respiratory distress are common but may or may not be severe.

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4. Diphtheria :

Diphtheria is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae. This disease primarily affects the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract (respiratory diphtheria), although it may also affect the skin (cutaneous diphtheria) and lining tissues in the ear, eye, and the genital areas.

Causes of diphtheria:

Diphtheria is caused by toxin-producing strains of the gram-positive bacillus Corynebacterium diphtheriae. There are four biotypes of the bacterium (gravis, mitis, intermedius, and belfanti), and each differs in the severity of disease it produces. Nontoxigenic strains are usually responsible for less severe cutaneous diphtheria.

The signs and symptoms of respiratory diphtheria are caused by the bacterium's ability to cause a localized inflammatory reaction of the cells lining the upper respiratory tract. In certain cases, the disease can become more severe and widespread, and it can involve other organs of the body as well.


Symptoms usually occur 2 to 5 days after you have come in contact with the bacteria.

Bluish coloration of the skin Bloody, watery drainage from nose

Breathing problems

o Difficulty breathing

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o Rapid breathing

o Stridor


Croup-like (barking) cough

Drooling (suggests airway blockage is about to occur)



Painful swallowing

Skin lesions (usually seen in tropical areas)

Sore throat (may range from mild to severe)

5. Influenza :

Influenza is a viral infection that attacks your respiratory system — your nose, throat and lungs. Influenza, commonly called the flu, is not the same as the stomach "flu" viruses

that cause diarrhea and vomiting.

Influenza and its complications can be deadly. People at higher risk of developing flu complications include:

Young children

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Older adults Pregnant women People with weakened immune systems People who have chronic illnesses

Your best defense against influenza is to receive an annual vaccination.


Flu viruses travel through the air in droplets when someone with the infection coughs, sneezes or talks. You can inhale the droplets directly, or you can pick up the germs from an object — such as a telephone or computer keyboard — and then transfer them to your eyes, nose or mouth.

Influenza viruses are constantly changing, with new strains appearing regularly. If you've had influenza in the past, your body has already made antibodies to fight that particular strain of the virus. If future influenza viruses are similar to what you had before, either by having the disease or by vaccination, those antibodies may prevent infection or lessen its severity.

But antibodies against flu viruses you've encountered in the past can't protect you from new influenza subtypes that are very different immunologically from what you had before. Four such different (novel) virus subtypes have appeared in humans since the global epidemic (pandemic) of 1918, which killed tens of millions of people.


Initially, the flu may seem like a common cold with a runny nose, sneezing and sore throat. But colds usually develop slowly, whereas the flu tends to come on suddenly. And although a cold can be a nuisance, you usually feel much worse with the flu.

Common signs and symptoms of the flu include:

Fever over 100 F (38 C) Aching muscles, especially in your back, arms and legs Chills and sweats Headache Dry cough Fatigue and weakness Nasal congestion

6. Legionnaires disease :

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Legionnaires' disease is a severe form of pneumonia — lung inflammation usually caused by infection. Legionnaires' disease is caused by a bacterium known as legionella.

You can't catch Legionnaires' disease from person-to-person contact. Instead, most people get Legionnaires' disease from inhaling the bacteria. Older adults, smokers and people with weakened immune systems are particularly susceptible to Legionnaires' disease.

Legionella bacterium also causes Pontiac fever, a milder illness resembling the flu. Separately or together, the two illnesses are sometimes called legionellosis. Pontiac fever usually clears on its own. But untreated Legionnaires' disease can be fatal. Although prompt treatment with antibiotics usually cures Legionnaires' disease, some people continue to experience problems after treatment.


Legionnaires' disease usually develops two to 14 days after exposure to legionella bacteria. It frequently begins with the following signs and symptoms:

Headache Muscle pain Chills Fever that may be 104 F (40 C) or higher

By the second or third day, you'll develop other signs and symptoms that may include:

Cough, which may bring up mucus and sometimes blood Shortness of breath Chest pain Fatigue

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Loss of appetite Gastrointestinal symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea Confusion or other mental changes

Although Legionnaires' disease primarily affects the lungs, it occasionally can cause infections in wounds and in other parts of the body, including the heart.

A mild form of Legionnaires' disease — known as Pontiac fever — may produce symptoms including fever, chills, headache and muscle aches. Pontiac fever doesn't infect your lungs, and symptoms usually clear within two to five days.


The bacterium Legionella pneumophila is responsible for most cases of Legionnaires' disease. Outdoors, Legionella bacteria survive in soil and water, but rarely cause infections. Indoors, though, Legionella bacteria can multiply in all kinds of water systems — hot tubs, air conditioners and mist sprayers in grocery store produce departments.

Although it's possible to contract Legionnaires' disease from home plumbing systems, most outbreaks have occurred in large buildings, perhaps because complex systems allow the bacteria to grow and spread more easily.

How the infection spreadsMost people become infected when they inhale microscopic water droplets containing legionella bacteria. This might be the spray from a shower, faucet or whirlpool, or water dispersed through the ventilation system in a large building. Outbreaks have been linked to a range of sources, including:

Hot tubs and whirlpools on cruise ships Cooling towers in air conditioning systems Decorative fountains Swimming pools Physical therapy equipment Water systems in hotels, hospitals and nursing homes

Scientists aren't certain how much exposure to the bacteria is needed to cause disease, but some people have developed infections after inhaling contaminated droplets for just a few minutes. And unlike many bacteria, which spread within a small radius, legionella bacteria may be capable of traveling as far as four miles through the air.

Although legionella bacteria primarily spread through aerosolized water droplets, the infection can be transmitted in other ways, including:

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Aspiration. This occurs when liquids accidentally enter your lungs, usually because you cough or choke while drinking. If you aspirate water containing legionella bacteria, you may develop Legionnaires' disease.

Soil. A few people have contracted Legionnaires' disease after working in the garden or using contaminated potting soil. It's also possible that the disease may spread when earth containing the bacteria is stirred up at large construction sites.

7. Pleurisy :

Pleurisy is inflammation of the lining of the lungs and chest (the pleura) that leads to chest pain (usually sharp) when you take a breath or cough.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Pleurisy may develop when you have lung inflammation due to infections such as pneumonia or tuberculosis. This inflammation also causes the sharp chest pain of pleurisy.

It may also occur with:

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Asbestos-related disease Certain cancers

Chest trauma

Pulmonary embolus

Rheumatoid arthritis



The main symptom of pleurisy is pain in the chest. This pain often occurs when you take a deep breath in or out, or cough. Some people feel the pain in the shoulder.

Deep breathing, coughing, and chest movement makes the pain worse.

Pleurisy can cause fluid to collect inside the chest cavity. This can make breathing difficult and may cause the following symptoms:

Bluish skin color (cyanosis) Coughing

Shortness of breath

Rapid breathing (tachypnea)

8. Pneumonia :

Pneumonia is a breathing (respiratory) condition in which there is an infection of the lung.

Community-acquired pneumonia is pneumonia in people who have not recently been in the hospital or another health care facility (nursing home, rehabilitation facility).

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Causes, incidence, and risk factors:

Pneumonia is a common illness that affects millions of people each year in the United States. Germs called bacteria, viruses, and fungi may cause pneumonia.

Ways you can get pneumonia include:

Bacteria and viruses living in your nose, sinuses, or mouth may spread to your lungs.

You may breathe some of these germs directly into your lungs.

You breathe in (inhale) food, liquids, vomit, or fluids from the mouth into your lungs (aspiration pneumonia)

Pneumonia caused by bacteria tends to be the most serious kind. In adults, bacteria are the most common cause of pneumonia.

The most common pneumonia-causing germ in adults is Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus).

Atypical pneumonia, often called walking pneumonia, is caused by bacteria such as Legionella pneumophila, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and Chlamydophila pneumoniae.

Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia is sometimes seen in people whose immune system is not working well.

Many other bacteria can also cause pneumonia.

Viruses are also a common cause of pneumonia, especially in infants and young children.

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Risk factors (conditions that increase your chances of getting pneumonia) include:

Cerebral palsy Chronic lung disease (COPD, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis)

Cigarette smoking

Difficulty swallowing (due to stroke, dementia, Parkinson's disease, or other neurological conditions)

Immune system problem (See also: Pneumonia in immunocompromised host)

Impaired consciousness (loss of brain function due to dementia, stroke, or other neurologic conditions)

Living in a nursing facility

Other serious illnesses, such as heart disease, liver cirrhosis, or diabetes mellitus

Recent surgery or trauma

Recent cold, laryngitis, or flu


The most common symptoms of pneumonia are:

Cough (with some pneumonias you may cough up greenish or yellow mucus, or even bloody mucus)

Fever, which may be mild or high

Shaking chills

Shortness of breath (may only occur when you climb stairs)

Other symptoms include:

Confusion, especially in older people Excess sweating and clammy skin


Loss of appetite, low energy, and fatigue

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Sharp or stabbing chest pain that gets worse when you breathe deeply or cough

9. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) :

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a serious form of pneumonia. It is caused by a virus that was first identified in 2003. Infection with the SARS virus causes acute respiratory distress (severe breathing difficulty) and sometimes death.

SARS is a dramatic example of how quickly world travel can spread a disease. It is also an example of how quickly a connected health system can respond to a new health threat.


SARS is caused by a member of the corona virus family of viruses (the same family that can cause the common cold). It is believed the 2003 epidemic started when the virus spread from small mammals in China.

When someone with SARS coughs or sneezes, infected droplets spray into the air. You can catch the SARS virus if you breathe in or touch these particles. The SARS virus may live on hands, tissues, and other surfaces for up to 6 hours in these droplets and up to 3 hours after the droplets have dried.

While the spread of droplets through close contact caused most of the early SARS cases, SARS might also spread by hands and other objects the droplets has touched. Airborne transmission is a real possibility in some cases. Live virus has even been found in the stool of people with SARS, where it has been shown

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to live for up to 4 days. The virus may be able to live for months or years when the temperature is below freezing.

With other corona viruses, becoming infected and then getting sick again (re-infection) is common. This may also be the case with SARS.

Symptoms usually occur about 2 to 10 days after coming in contact with the virus. There have been some cases where the illness started sooner or later after first contact. People with active symptoms of illness are contagious, but it is not known for how long a person may be contagious before or after symptoms appears.


The hallmark symptoms are:

Cough Difficulty breathing Fever greater than 100.4 degrees F (38.0 degrees C) Other breathing symptoms

The most common symptoms are:

Chills and shaking Cough -- usually starts 2-3 days after other symptoms Fever Headache Muscle aches

Less common symptoms include:

Cough that produces phlegm (sputum) Diarrhea Dizziness Nausea and vomiting Runny nose Sore throat

In some people, the lung symptoms get worse during the second week of illness, even after the fever has stopped.

10. Sinusitis:

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Acute sinusitis; Sinus infection; Sinusitis - acute; Sinusitis - chronic; Rhino sinusitis

Sinusitis refers to inflammation of the sinuses that occurs with a viral, bacterial, or fungal infection.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors:

The sinuses are air-filled spaces in the skull (behind the forehead, nasal bones, cheeks, and eyes) that are lined with mucus membranes. Healthy sinuses contain no bacteria or other germs. Usually, mucus is able to drain out and air is able to circulate.

When the sinus openings become blocked or too much mucus builds up, bacteria and other germs can grow more easily.

Sinusitis can occur from one of these conditions:

Small hairs (cilia) in the sinuses, which help move mucus out, do not work properly due to some medical conditions.

Colds and allergies may cause too much mucus to be made or block the opening of the sinuses.

A deviated nasal septum, nasal bone spur, or nasal polyps may block the opening of the sinuses.

Sinusitis can be:

Acute -- symptoms last up to 4 weeks

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Sub-acute -- symptoms last 4 - 12 weeks

Chronic -- symptoms last 3 months or longer

Acute sinusitis is usually caused by a bacterial infection in the sinuses those results from an upper respiratory tract infection. Chronic sinusitis refers to long-term swelling and inflammation of the sinuses that may be caused by bacteria or a fungus.

The following may increase your risk or your child's risk of developing sinusitis:

Allergic rhinitis or hay fever Cystic fibrosis

Day care

Diseases that prevent the cilia from working properly, such as Kartagener syndrome and immotile cilia syndrome.

Changes in altitude (flying or scuba diving)

Large adenoids


Tooth infections (rare)

Weakened immune system from HIV or chemotherapy


The classic symptoms of acute sinusitis in adults usually follow a cold that does not improve, or one that worsens after 5 - 7 days of symptoms. Symptoms include:

Bad breath or loss of smell Cough, often worse at night

Fatigue and generally not feeling well,

Fever, Headache - pressure-like pain, pain behind the eyes, toothache or facial tenderness

Nasal congestion and discharge

Sore throat and postnasal drip

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Symptoms of chronic sinusitis are the same as those of acute sinusitis, but tend to be milder and last longer than 12 weeks.

Symptoms of sinusitis in children include:

Cold or respiratory illness that has been improving and then begins to get worse

High fever, along with a darkened nasal discharge, for at least 3 days

Nasal discharge, with or without a cough, that has been present for more than 10 days and is not improving

11. Tuberculosis :

Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious bacterial infection that involves the lungs, but may spread to other organs.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors:

Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis). You can get TB by breathing in air droplets from a cough or sneeze of an infected person. This is called primary TB.

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In the United States, most people will recover from primary TB infection without further evidence of the disease. The infection may stay inactive (dormant) for years. However, in some people it can reactivate.

Most people who develop symptoms of a TB infection first became infected in the past. However, in some cases, the disease may become active within weeks after the primary infection.

The following people are at higher risk for active TB:

Elderly Infants

People with weakened immune systems, for example due to AIDS, chemotherapy, diabetes, or certain medications

Your risk of contracting TB increases if you:

Are in frequent contact with people who have TB Have poor nutrition

Live in crowded or unsanitary living conditions

The following factors may increase the rate of TB infection in a population:

Increase in HIV infections Increase in number of homeless people (poor environment and nutrition)

The appearance of drug-resistant strains of TB

In the United States, there are approximately 10 cases of TB per 100,000 people. However, rates vary dramatically by area of residence and socioeconomic status.


The primary stage of TB usually doesn't cause symptoms. When symptoms of pulmonary TB occur, they may include:

Cough (usually cough up mucus) Coughing up blood

Excessive sweating, especially at night



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Unintentional weight loss

Other symptoms that may occur with this disease:

Breathing difficulty Chest pain


12. Whooping Cough ( Pertussis):

Pertussis is a highly contagious bacterial disease that causes uncontrollable, violent coughing. The coughing can make it hard to breathe.  A deep "whooping" sound is often heard when the patient tries to take a breath.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Pertussis, or whooping cough, is an upper respiratory infection caused by the Bordetella pertussis or Bordetella parapertussis bacteria. It is a serious disease that can cause permanent disability in infants, and even death.

When an infected person sneezes or coughs, tiny droplets containing the bacteria move through the air, and the disease is easily spread from person to person.

The infection usually lasts 6 weeks.

Whooping cough can affect people of any age. Before vaccines were widely available, the disease was most common in infants and young children. Now that most children are immunized before entering school, the higher percentage of cases is seen among adolescents and adults.


Initial symptoms, similar to the common cold, usually develop about a week after exposure to the bacteria.

Severe episodes of coughing start about 10 to 12 days later. In children, the coughing often ends with a "whoop" noise. The sound is produced when the

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patient tries to take a breath. The whoop noise is rare in patients under 6 months of age and in adults.

Coughing spells may lead to vomiting or a short loss of consciousness. Pertussis should always be considered when vomiting occurs with coughing. In infants, choking spells are common.

Other pertussis symptoms include:

Runny nose Slight fever (102 °F or lower)


Typhoid feverEnteric fever

Typhoid fever is an infection that causes diarrhea and a rash - most commonly due to a type of bacteria called Salmonella typhi (S. typhi).

Causes, incidence, and risk factors:

The bacteria that cause typhoid fever S. typhi spread through contaminated food, drink, or water. If you eat or drink something that is contaminated, the bacteria enter your body. They travel into your intestines, and then into your bloodstream, where they can get to your lymph nodes, gallbladder, liver, spleen, and other parts of your body.

A few people can become carriers of S. typhi and continue to release the bacteria in their stools for years, spreading the disease.

Typhoid fever is common in developing countries, but fewer than 400 cases are reported in the U.S. each year. Most cases in the U.S. are brought in from other countries where typhoid fever is common.


Early symptoms include fever, general ill-feeling and abdominal pain. A high (typically over 103 degrees Fahrenheit) fever and severe diarrhea occur as the disease gets worse.

Some people with typhoid fever develop a rash called "rose spots," which are small red spots on the abdomen and chest.

Other symptoms that occur include:

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Abdominal tenderness Agitation

Bloody stools



Difficulty paying attention (attention deficit)


Fluctuating mood



Severe fatigue

Slow, sluggish, lethargic feeling



Diarrhea is loose, watery, and frequent stools. Diarrhea is considered long-term (chronic) when you have had loose or frequent stools for more than 4 weeks.

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Diarrhea in infants and children (especially under age 3) can cause dangerous dehydration very quickly.

Diarrhea in adults is usually mild and goes away quickly without complications.

Common Causes

The most common cause of diarrhea is viral gastroenteritis, or the stomach flu. This is a mild viral infection that goes away on its own within a few days.

Eating or drinking contaminated food or water can also lead to diarrhea. Such common causes of diarrhea include:

Food poisoning

Traveler's diarrhea

Certain medications may also cause diarrhea, including:

Certain antibiotics Chemotherapy

Laxatives containing magnesium

Diarrhea may also be caused by certain medical conditions, including:

Celiac disease Inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis)

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Lactose intolerance

Malabsorption syndromes

Less common causes of diarrhea include:

Carcinoid syndrome Nervous systems disorders, including autonomic neuropathy or diabetic


Partial removal of the stomach (gastrectomy)

Radiation therapy

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Zollinger-Ellison syndrome

RashesRashes involve changes in the color or texture of your skin.

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Often, the cause of a rash can be determined from its visible characteristics and other symptoms.

Common Causes

A simple rash is called dermatitis, meaning inflammation of the skin. Contact dermatitis is caused by things your skin touches, such as:

Chemicals in elastic, latex, and rubber products Cosmetics, soaps, and detergents

Dyes and other chemicals in clothing

Poison ivy, oak, or sumac

Seborrheic dermatitis is a rash that appears in patches of redness and scaling around the eyebrows, eyelids, mouth, nose, the trunk, and behind the ears. If it happens on your scalp, it is called dandruff in adults and cradle cap in infants.

Age, stress, fatigue, weather extremes, oily skin, infrequent shampooing, and alcohol-based lotions aggravate this harmless but bothersome condition.

Other common causes of a rash include:

Eczema (atopic dermatitis) -- tends to happen in people with allergies or asthma. The rash is generally red, itchy, and scaly.

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Psoriasis -- tends to occur as red, scaly, itchy patches over joints and along the scalp. Fingernails may be affected.

Impetigo -- common in children, this infection is from bacteria that live in the top layers of the skin. Appears as red sores that turn into blisters, ooze, then crust over.

Shingles -- a painful blistered skin condition caused by the same virus as chickenpox. The virus can lie dormant in your body for many years and re-emerge as shingles.

Childhood illnesses such as chicken pox, measles, roseola, rubella, hand-foot-mouth disease, fifth disease, and scarlet fever.

Medications and insect bites or stings.

Many medical conditions can cause a rash as well. For example:

Lupus erythematosus Rheumatoid arthritis, especially the juvenile type

Kawasaki disease

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GonorrheaGonorrhea is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI).

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Gonorrhea is caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Anyone who has any type of sex can catch gonorrhea. The infection can be spread by contact with the mouth, vagina, penis, or anus.

The bacteria grow in warm, moist areas of the body, including the tube that carries urine out of the body (urethra). In women, the bacteria may be found in the reproductive tract (which includes the fallopian tubes, uterus, and cervix). The bacteria can even grow in the eyes.

Health care providers in every state in the U.S. are required by law to tell their State Board of Health about anyone diagnosed with gonorrhea. The goal of this law is make sure the patient gets proper follow-up care and that their sexual partners are found and tested.

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You are more likely to develop this infection if you:

Have multiple sexual partners Have a partner with a past history of any sexually transmitted infection

Do not use a condom during sex

Abuse alcohol or illegal substances


Symptoms of gonorrhea usually appear 2 - 5 days after infection, however, in men, symptoms may take up to a month to appear. Some people do not have symptoms. They may be completely unaware that they have caught the infection, and therefore do not seek treatment. This increases the risk of complications and the chances of passing the infection on to another person.

Symptoms in men include:

Burning and pain while urinating Increased urinary frequency or urgency

Discharge from the penis (white, yellow, or green in color)

Red or swollen opening of penis (urethra)

Tender or swollen testicles

Sore throat (gonococcal pharyngitis)

Symptoms in women can be very mild or nonspecific, and may be mistaken for another type of infection. They include:

Vaginal discharge Burning and pain while urinating

Increased urination

Sore throat

Painful sexual intercourse

Severe pain in lower abdomen (if the infection spreads to the fallopian tubes and stomach area)

Fever (if the infection spreads to the fallopian tubes and stomach area)

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If the infection spreads to the bloodstream, fever, rash, and arthritis-like symptoms may occur.