info 375 presentation

TROJANS A Category of Malware

Upload: rcy28

Post on 18-Nov-2014




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  • 1. A Category of Malware
  • 2. Online Version This presentation can also be viewed at the following link:
  • 3. Background What is a Trojan? How is it used? Why should I care about Trojans?
  • 4. Method of Intrusion Typically a form of social engineering (non-harmful, interesting, routine, etc.) Disguised e-mail attachment Drive-by download
  • 5. Early Symptoms of Infection Abnormal amounts of data corruption Crashing (BSOD) Pop-ups Hijacking Strange behavior in general
  • 6. Consequences of Infection Electronic money theft Keystroke logging Webcam & screen viewing Remote control Used as part of a botnet Modification or deletion of files And much more
  • 7. Removal & Prevention Reboot into Safe Mode and remove the startup entries related to the malware Alternatively, try a malware scanner such as Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Prevent future infections by learning most infections are a result of human error on the victims end
  • 8. Ex. Trojan.FakeAV Method of Intrusion: Spam e-mail, social networking links through Facebook/Twitter, fake downloads Early Symptoms of Infection: Pop-ups regarding security issues, fake scans, fake system errors Consequences of Infection: Compromised financial assets, possible backdoor into your system, etc.
  • 9. Ex. Trojan.FakeAV (Continued) Removal: As before, remove the startup entries or simply use free software most common Trojans arent difficult to detect and remove automatically Prevention: Again, users can prevent these kinds of attacks by learning safer Internet surfing habits such as avoiding suspicious links and treating unfamiliar sites with suspicion
  • 10. Summary Trojans may appear to be less invasive than viruses and worms, but can be just as malicious Trojans seek to invade through deception users often let them in without realizing it Trojans can be prevented through education
  • 11. References Turner, Dean, and Marc Fossi. "Symantec Report on Rogue Security Software." Symantec, Oct. 2009. Web. 26 Feb. 2014. . "The Difference Between a Computer Virus, Worm and Trojan Horse." IT Business Edge, 22 Jan. 2014. Web. 25 Feb. 2014. . "What Is a Trojan Virus?" Kaspersky Lab. Web. 26 Feb. 2014. . Young, amonn, and Eric Chien. "Trojan.FakeAV." Symantec. Web. 26 Feb. 2014. .