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2002. All rights reserved. ClientXClient Inc. Think Like a Customer! © 2008 All rights reserved. ClientXClient 888.892.7939 World’s Largest Financial Company Solution: 10X the Work at 1/10 the Cost SESSION WEDNESDAY: 11:15 – 12:30 Sanibel Michael R. Hoffman, CEO CLIENT x CLIENT 908.350.3012

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Innovative approach for reporting and analysis to reduced analytical and IT resources at world's largest bank amidst chaotic, seismic change. Deploying information set (content) delivery with flexible, interactive analysis tools (in this case QlikView from QlikTech). Walk through tips of how business analyst survived and succeeded. National Center for Database Marketing Client X Client Case Study Presentation. NCDM presentation December 2008.


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World’s Largest Financial Company Solution: 10X the

Work at 1/10 the Cost

SESSION WEDNESDAY: 11:15 – 12:30 Sanibel

Michael R. Hoffman, CEOCLIENT x CLIENT908.350.3012

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Presentation Description: June 2008

In one of the most challenging two years in banking history, hear how a top tier financial institution engaged best practices in database marketing to navigate this storm. In this session you will learn how they harnessed hundreds of millions of records and a tremendous wealth of market data to empower decision makers ranging from top executives to product, marketing, finance and local office managers. Learn how just-in-time, interactive business intelligence delivered through dashboards, scorecards and strategy sessions enabled managers to visualize, monetize and prioritize solutions efficiently.

 Discover:• Five best practices for harnessing people, processes and data amid cost

reductions and lay-offs• Four steps to take when the workload exceeds resources 10:1• Three tricks to get marketing database decision tools into the hands of the

decision makers

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Our Story Starts: 9:00 am 12/1/2006

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SummaryCurrent responsibilities include leading Marketplace Strategies & Insights team, part of the Liabilities, Segment and Marketplace Decision Management group which matrixes to our Global Decision Management organization. Key responsibilities include:- Develop Marketplace Strategies and Recommendations- Provide comprehensive Competitive Intelligence and Insights- Produce and Deliver Insights deliverables on a monthly and weekly basis- Deploy new dashboard technologies to rapidly distribute information

Past responsibilities at Citibank include leading the Marketing Business Intelligence and Reporting team to automate delivery of insights to Citibank's marketing team.SpecialtiesNegotiations, Leveraging, Business Intelligence, Strategic Planning, Competitive Intelligence, Database Marketing and Innovation.ExperienceSenior Vice President, Decision Management Public Company; 10,001 or more employees; C; Banking industry November 2007 – Present (1 year 2 months) Business Analysis Director, Manager of Marketplace Strategies & Insights for bank. Promoted to Senior Vice President in May 2008.Vice President, Marketing Strategy & Analysis Public Company; 10,001 or more employees; C; Banking industry September 2006 – November 2007 (1 year 3 months) Managed Business Intelligence and Reporting for the Marketing Team. Manage, automate and develop new processes to deliver and deploy customer information including deployment of new BI Dashboard Technologies. Group folded into Decision Management in late 2007.

Speaking on Behalf of Client – Here is a snippet about him: (Linked -In Excerpt)

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The Story Starts Here

Lower IndicatorsVolume by Price

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2008 Even More Difficult

• $3 Billion Cuts

• Additional Cuts

• More: Entire Departments Gone

• New Exec Management

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Financial Services – Crisis. “It’s not just us”

Information Demand Grows at Executive Level – Less Layers, Less Staff, Less Time

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Crisis. Not Just Financial

Upper IndicatorsRussell 2000NasdaqDowFinancial

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Back to Our Story 9:00 am 12/1/2006

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Today: 6:30 am Start at Home

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What’s wrong with this picture?

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Reporting Can Not Keep Up…

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Here are this months reports

Obsolete by time viewed, no shared observations, need social networking wrapped around information analysis

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Archiving? Notations? Relevence?Context? What about SARBOX?

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How would a 10 yr old want info?

Tip 1: Eliminate Paper (as much as possible), you are in contentBusiness – make data interactive, self navigating

Davenport: “Kill the spreadsheet sprawl… 20% errors”

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You Are Too Popular

Message to business analysts – You Are in Information Publishing Business. Provide decision data/information sets, key metrics and observations in a way that end users can interact and share

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I need this back for a meeting in two hours

Forget Cycle Time – Foster Interaction and Conclusions. Drive to a Decision

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What about us?

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Tip 2: Segment Your Customers ^internal

“Focusing on Executive needs during a time of change and postponing peer projects, though eventually following through for them” From client – How to drive success with constrained resources

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Inventory Resource-Sucks

“GO TO!” v.s. “Go Away”

•Projects•Data Sets •Data Providers•Partners•Reports •Departments

Inventory regular reports & standard requests – are they obsolete? Do they add value? Are the relevent? Automate performance monitoring and manage exceptions. Imbed measurements in processes (dare I say ‘triggers’) and systems.

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Tip 3: Inventory Reports, Distribution, Use, Value

• Fire your work – not your Employees• Automate what you can, spend your time innovating• Reduce Reporting – Democratize Analysis

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The Reports Are Coming…

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Sample Proposal… Nice way to say we found problems:Objectives, Proposed Solution and Benefits

Objective: Expand existing Daily Reporting Capabilities provided by Finance …• Increase drill-downs beyond product balances to include number of accounts and average balances; geography: Division, Area, State;

as well as ranges for tenure and balances.• Increase speed of information flow, providing for better pricing decision support and quicker campaign tracking for senior executives and

marketing managers• Move beyond pre-canned views hampered by large spreadsheets with limited “what-if” scenarios• Focus on consumer accounts directly rather than being dependant on an allocation formula currently used by Finance• Become less dependent on self-reported Sales MIS

Proposed Solution with Benefits: Daily Data Warehouse• Finance currently planning to use this source to replace Blue Book Reporting • Easier to access than alternative systems, including RMS and an extension of other processes that have shifted to the monthly data

warehouse (planned X System replacement)• Accurately captures account-level atomic data on a daily basis (balances and open accounts by FC, geography, product and date

opened – all at multiple levels).• QC efforts from IT and Decision Management have proven accuracy of process vs Finance.• Product differences appear to be based on a combination of the following:

1. Private Banking allocation formulas by Finance2. Alignment of Products between the warehouse and Finance3. Balance Differences may appear are spot balances on the warehouse and Finance sometimes uses spot balances and sometime

MTD averages• Variance within products is consistent week to week. • Proposed Data Delivery within CxC Dashboard Solution.

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Tip 4. Keep The Best

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Tip 4: Keep The Best Talent Available

1. Free the best analysts and managers, keep them excited – you need new solutions

1. Business and data savvy2. Can work one-on-one with end users

Reality note: You will not be able to hire, you may not be able to outsource

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Meetings? Face to Face is Important

Be armed with interactive reporting and systems, have analytics and decision resources at table, on-line, war room approach. Analysts responsible for best, moderate, worst case estimates.

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Another meeting?

What is in it for me? Role? Conclusion?

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Use Face to Face to Drive Passion, Force Decisions, Identify Obstacles, Gain Commitment

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Tip 5: Extreme Bias to Action

I will not start meeting until we agree that nobody leaves until we have decision X

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Five tips for harnessing people, processes and data amid cost reductions and lay-offs

1. Eliminate paper - paper is slow, static, single location, wrong 2. Segment Your Customers3. Inventory Reports, Distribution, Use, Value4. Keep the Best People, Reports, Departments5. Bias to action – results driven meetings, workshops

1. Be visible2. Be Active3. Engage4. Meetings end with decision set – not data set5. Eliminate decision lag time – 6. Test where possible7. Always run best, worst, moderate scenarios

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How do end users want data?

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Data Data Data Data Data Data

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All DataGranularTime SeriesCalculated

QlikView Sample: Designed for Non Analyst

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Next Generation - Information Sets vs Data(Fabric to link or unify existing (and future) metrics, systems, departments and business disciplines)

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Compress Time to Deliver Value

Month 1 Month 8Month 2 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7Month 3


Plan DeploySystem


Plan Bus Req

Plan Bus Req

Sys Req

Select DesignDeploy LaunchBuild

5-7 Months

2 - 3 Months***Early value delivered in just 6 weeks

Case Study


“We will get to data warehouse later. Our new information and sources exceed our ability to measure let alone analyze performance ”…CIO

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Retention & Granularity: See customers detail transactions before they left and build alerts to counter defections

10’s of thousands to 100’s of millions detailed transactions reduce execution guesswork and cycle time

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“Get all the source data we can”

• Built Database in 1 Day (In this case 30M customers)• Initial Analysis Next Day• Added additional lines of business on the fly• Became The SOURCE• How about detail transactions…Daily• Add third party, econometric, competitor – kitchen sink

• Due Diligence Question – Executive Planning• Total Cost of Operation < $100,000 over 3 years

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We kept ourselves afloat by...

Concentrating on adding insights to the deliverables, and not just sending numbers Staying innovative despite the complete lack of funding Pushing ourselves to help front line partners Focusing on Executive needs during a time of change and postponing peer projects, though eventually following through for them Realizing that we can’t be everything to everyone

Different than past – auto keys – ability to even more rapidly bring disparate data together

One other key: Use Finance software in Marketing and use Marketing Software in Finance – try it and something great will happen

* Client’s Response to ‘How did you keep your job and get promoted?”

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Questions, Comments

Michael R. Hoffman, 908.350.3012


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