info sys solved puzzles

7/18/2019 Info Sys Solved Puzzles 1/75 | A<-->B--C | D <--> denotes husband-wife -- denotes brothers 8. The product of 5 different temperatures is 1.!f a"" of then r inte#ers then find a"" the temperatures ans. -$-1$1$$% &.There r & cities numbered 1 to &.'rom how man( cities the f"i#ht can start so as to reach the cit( 8 either direct"( or indirect"( such the path formed is di)isib"e b( %. e#. 1%*8-'"i#hts #oes throu#h 1-%-*-8. 1+. !f i do this pu,,"e i find it to be hard than the "ast pu,,"e that i did before that after that..............)er( comp"e stmt. !s that pu,,"e difficu"t$eas($cant sa( or depends on the no. of pu,,"es 11. /ep"ace each "etter b( a di#it. 0ach "etter must be represented b( the same di#it and no be#innin# "etter of a word can be +. 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 ------- T 0 2 ------- Ans3 + 41$ 2 4 8 $0 4 $ T 4 . 1. Ann$ Boobie$ Cath( and Da)e are at their month"( business meetin#. Their occupations are author$ bio"o#ist$ chemist and doctor$ but not necessari"( in that order. Da)e 6ust to"d the bio"o#ist that Cath( was on her wa( with dou#hnuts. Ann is sittin# across from the doctor and net to the chemist. The doctor was thin7in# that Boobie was a #oof( name for parents to choose$but didnt sa( an(thin#. hat is each persons occupation9 Ans3 :ince Da)e spo7e to the bio"o#ist and Ann sat net to the chemist and across the doctor$ Cath( must be the author and Ann the bio"o#ist. The doctor didnt spea7$ but Da)id did$ so Bobbie is the doctor and Da)e the chemist. 1%. :ometime after 1+3++ ; a murder too7 p"ace. A witness c"aimed that the c"oc7 must ha)e stopped at the time of the shootin#. !t was "ater found that the postion of both the hands were the same but their positions had interchan#ed. Te"" the time of the shootin# =both actua" and c"aimed. Ans3 Time of shootin# 4 1135? ; C"aimed Time 4 1+35& ;.

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<--> denotes husband-wife-- denotes brothers

8. The product of 5 different temperatures is 1.!f a"" of then r inte#ers then find a"" the


ans. -$-1$1$$%

&.There r & cities numbered 1 to &.'rom how man( cities the f"i#ht can start so as to reach

the cit( 8 either direct"( or indirect"( such the path formed is di)isib"e b( %.

e#. 1%*8-'"i#hts #oes throu#h 1-%-*-8.

1+. !f i do this pu,,"e i find it to be hard than the "ast pu,,"e that i did before that afterthat..............)er( comp"e stmt.

!s that pu,,"e difficu"t$eas($cant sa( or depends on the no. of pu,,"es

11. /ep"ace each "etter b( a di#it. 0ach "etter must be represented b( the same di#it and no

be#innin# "etter of a word can be +.

2 0

2 0

2 0

2 0


T 0 2-------

Ans3 + 41$ 2 4 8 $0 4 $ T 4 .

1. Ann$ Boobie$ Cath( and Da)e are at their month"( business meetin#. Their occupations

are author$ bio"o#ist$ chemist and doctor$ but not necessari"( in that order. Da)e 6ust to"d the

bio"o#ist that Cath( was on her wa( with dou#hnuts. Ann is sittin# across from the doctor

and net to the chemist. The doctor was thin7in# that Boobie was a #oof( name for parents

to choose$but didnt sa( an(thin#. hat is each persons occupation9

Ans3 :ince Da)e spo7e to the bio"o#ist and Ann sat net to the chemist and across the

doctor$ Cath( must be the author and Ann the bio"o#ist. The doctor didnt spea7$ but Da)id

did$ so Bobbie is the doctor and Da)e the chemist.

1%. :ometime after 1+3++ ; a murder too7 p"ace. A witness c"aimed that the c"oc7 must

ha)e stopped at the time of the shootin#. !t was "ater found that the postion of both the

hands were the same but their positions had interchan#ed. Te"" the time of the shootin#

=both actua" and c"aimed.

Ans3 Time of shootin# 4 1135? ; C"aimed Time 4 1+35& ;.

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1?. 2et number in the series is 1 $ $ ? $ 1% $ %1 $ 11 $ 9

Ans3 ?.

2o number has di#its more than ?. A"" of them are 1 $ $ ?$ 8 $ 1* $ % $ *? con)erted to

numbers in base 5.

15. :hahru7h spea7s truth on"( in the mornin# and "ies in the afternoon$ whereas :a"man

spea7s truth on"( in the afternoon. A sa(s that B is :hahru7h. !s it mornin# or afternoon

and who is A - :hahru7h or :a"man9

Ans3 Afternoon.A is :a"man.

1*. Two trains startin# at same time$ one from Ban#a"ore to (sore and other in opposite

direction arri)e at their destination 1 hr and ? hours respecti)e"( after passin# each other.

@ow nuch faster is one train from other9

Ans3 Twice.

1. There are * )o"umes of boo7s on a rac7 7ept in order = ie )o".1$ )o". and so on . i)ethe position after the fo""owin# chan#es were noticed. A"" boo7s ha)e been chan#ed o".5

was direct"( to the ri#ht of o". o".? has o".* to its "eft and both werent at o".%s

p"ace.o".1 has o".% on ri#ht and o".5 on "eft. An e)en numbered )o"ume is at o".5s p"ace

'ind the order in which the boo7s are 7ept now.

Ans3 $ 5$1$%$*$?.

18. ! bou#ht a car with a pecu"iar 5 di#it numbered "icence p"ate which on re)ersin# cou"d

sti"" be read. n re)ersin# )a"ue is increased b( 8*%%.hats the ori#ina" number if a"" di#its

were different9

Ans3 n"( + 1 * 8 and & can be read upside down. :o on rearran#in# these di#its$ we #et

the answer as 1+&*8.

1&. The shape in the s7etch be"ow is that of a suare attached to ha"f of a simi"ar suare.

Di)ide it into four eua" pieces.

Ans3 @int 3 The fi#ure can be di)ided into 1 eua" trian#"es.

+ There are two ba""s touchin# each other circumferencica""(. The radius of the bi# ba"" is ?

times the diameter of the sma"" a"". The outer sma"" ba"" rotates in antic"oc7wise direction

circumferencica""( o)er the bi##er one at the rate of 1* re)sec. The bi##er whee" a"so

rotates antic"oc7wise at 2 re)sec. hat is 2 for the hori,onta" "ine from the centre of sma""

whee" a"wa(s is hori,onta".


1 % ?

E % ? 5 5


? * 8 &

- % ? 5

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% ? ?

E 1 5 ?


% * & 8

------------F :tri7e off an( di#it from each number in se)en rows =need not be at same p"ace and

combine the same operations with % di#it numbers to #et the same addition. After this stri7e

off another di#it from a"" and add a"" the 2o.s to #et the same di#it 2o. perform the same

process a#ain with 1 di#it 2o.s. i)e the no.s in rows at each sta#e.

There is a safe with a 5 di#it 2o. The ?th di#it is ? #reater thansecond di#it$ whi"e %rd

di#it is % "ess than nd di#it. The 1st di#it is thrice the "ast di#it. There are % pairs whose

sum is 11. 'ind the number.

Ans3 *5&.

% there are #uards Ba" and ;a" wa"7in# on the side of a wa"" of a wearhouse=1m G11m in opposite directions. The( meet at a point and Ba" sa(s to ;a" H:ee (ou a#ain in the

other sideH. After a few moments of wa"7in# Ba" decides to #o bac7 for a smo7e but he

chan#es his direction a#ain to his pre)ious one after 1+ minutes of wa"7in# in the

other=opposite direction rememberin# that ;a" wi"" be waitin# for to meet. !f Ba" and ;a"

wa"7 8 and 11 feet respecti)e"($ how much distance the( wou"d ha)e tra)e""ed before

meetin# a#ain.

?. 1% 7i#s and * "ibs can produce 51+ tors in 1+ hrs$ 8 7i#s and 1? "ibs can produce ?8?

tors in 1 hrs.

'ind the rate of production of tors for 7i#s and "ibs. 0press the answer in torshr.









F 'ind the 5 di#it 2o.

@int3 5 is used at"east once in the ca"cu"ation.

* A f"( is there 1 feet be"ow the cei"in# ri#ht across a wa"" "en#th is %+m at eua" distance

from both the ends. There is a spider 1 feet abo)e f"oor ri#ht across the "on# wa"" eidistant

from both the ends. !f the width of the room is 1m and 1m$ what distance is to be

tra)e""ed b( the spider to catch the f"($ if it ta7es the shortest path.

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/amesh sit around a round tab"e with some other men. @e has one rupee more than his

ri#ht person and this person in turn has 1 rupee more than the person to his ri#ht and so

on$ /amesh decided to #i)e 1 rupee to his ri#ht I he in turn rupees to his ri#ht and %

rupees to his ri#ht I so on. This process went on ti"" a person has no mone( to #i)e to his

ri#ht. At this time he has ? times the mone( to his ri#ht person. @ow man( men are therea"on# with /amesh and what is the mone( with poorest fe""ow.

8Fuestion re"ated to probabi"ities of remo)in# the red ba"" from a bas7et$ #i)en that two

ba""s are remo)ed from the bas7et and the other ba"" is red. The bas7et contains

b"ue$red$(e""ow ba""s.

&en7at has 1bo(Idau#hters.The product of these chi"dren a#e is .The sum of their

a#es #i)e the door numberof en7at.Bo( is e"der of three.Can (ou te"" the a#es of a"" the


%+J3sa(s a"" of m( other ? friends ha)e mone(3sa(s that ; said that eact one has mone(

23sa(s that J said that precise"( two ha)e mone(

3sa(s that said that % of others ha)e mone(.

;3Jand 2 said that the( ha)e mone(.

A"" are "iers.

ho has mone( I who doesnt ha)e9

%1;ost man has a data of name surname door number$ pet name of ? fami"ies. But on"(

one is correct for each fami"(. There are a set of statements I uestions.

%% ? coup"es ha)e a part(. Dependin# on the set of statements$ find who insu"ted whomand who is the host of the part(.

%? 5 women #i)en some of their hei#hts =ta""$medium$short @air= "on#$ p"ainted$

stards=B"ac7 or Brown$ sari$ medium$-short.Ta""->no sari.;"ainted->medium. Answer the


%5 A person has to #o both 2orthwards I :outhwards in search of a 6ob. @e decides to #o

b( the first train he encounters.There are trains for e)er( 15 min both southwards and

northwards. 'irst train towards south is at *3++ A.. and that towards 2orth is at *31+. !f

the person arri)es at an( random time$ what is the probabi"it( that he #ets into a train

towards 2orth.

%* A person has his own coachI. hene)er he #oes to rai"wa( station he ta7es his coach.

ne da( he was supposed to reach the rai"wa( station at 5 c"oc7. But he finished his wor7

ear"( and reached at % c"oc7. Then he run# up his residence and as7ed to send the coach

immediate"(. @e came to 7now that the coach has "eft 6ust now to the rai"wa( station. @e

thou#ht that the coach has "eft 6ust now to the rai"wa( station. @e thou#ht that he shou"d

not waste his time and started mo)in# towards his residence at the speed of % mi"eshr. n

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the wa($ he #ets the coach and reaches home at * oc"oc7. @ow far is his residence from

rai"wa( station.

% /adha$eeta I /e)athi went for a picnic. After a few da(s the( for#ot the date$ da( and

month on which the( went to picnic. /adha said that it was on Thursda($ a( 8 and eeta

said that it was Thursda( a( 1+. /e)athi said 'rida( Kun 8. 2ow one of them to"d a"" thin#swron#"($ others one thin# wron# and the "ast two thin#s wron#"(. !f Apri" 1st is tuesda($

what is the ri#ht da($ date and month9

%8. There is **%%m rectan#u"ar area. /am is 118 times faster than Lrishna. Both of them

started wa"7in# at opposite ends and the( met at some point then$ /am said H:ee (ou in the

other endH Then the( continued wa"7in#. After some time /am thou#ht he wi"" ha)e tea so

he turned bac7 wa"7ed bac7 15 meters then he chan#ed his mind a#ain andcontinued

wa"7in#. @ow much Lrishna has tra)e"ed b( the time the( meet9

%&. There are 5 bur#"ars and once went to a ba7er( to rob it ob)ious"( The first #u( ate 1of the tota" bread and 1 of the bread. The second #u( ate 1 of the remainin# and 1 of 

the bread. The third #u( $fourth #u( and fifth #u( did the same. After fifth #u( there is no

bread "eft out. @ow man( bread are there9

?+. A"" members be"on#in# to D are members of A.

A"" members be"on#in# to 0 are members of D.

A"" members be"on#in# to C are members of both A I D.

:ome members of A does not be"on# to D. A"" members be"on#in# to D are members of 0. 5

uestions are there.

?1. rite each statements true or fa"se3-1. The sum of the 1st three statements and the nd fa"se statement #i)es the true


.The no. of true statements fa"se statement.

%. The sum of nd true statement and 1st fa"se statement #i)es the first true statement.

?. There are at most % fa"se statements.

5.There is no two consecuti)e true statements.

?. There are twe")e consecuti)e f"a#s at an eua" inter)a" of distance. A man passes the

8th f"a# in 8 seconds. @ow man( more seconds wi"" he ta7e to pass the remainin# ? f"a#s9

?%. A person has to co)er the fied distance throu#h his horses. There are fi)e horses in thecart. The( ran at the fu"" potentia" for the ? hours continuous"( at constant speed and then

two of the horses ran awa( to some other direction. :o he reached the destination ?8 hours

behind the schedu"e. !f the fi)e horses wou"d ha)e run 5+ mi"es more$ then the person

wou"d ha)e been on"( ? hours "ate. 'ind the distance of the destination.

??. A boat "ea)es shore A and at the same time boat B "ea)es shore B. The( mo)e across

the ri)er. The( met at 5++ (ards awa( from A and after that the( met %++ (ards awa( from

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shore B without ha"tin# at shores. 'ind the distance between the shore A I B.

?5. A person was #oin# throu#h train from Bomba( to ;une. After e)er( fi)e minutes he

finds a train comin# from opposite direction. e"ocit( of trains are eua" of either direction.

!f the person reached ;une in one hour then how man( trains he saw in the 6ourne(9

?*. 'ood #rains are to be sent to cit( from #odown. wner wants to reach the food #rains at11 C"oc7 in the cit(. !f a truc7 tra)e"s at a speed of %+7mhr then he wi"" reach the cit(

one hour ear"ier. !f the truc7 tra)e"s at a speed of +7mh then he wi"" reach the cit( one

hour "ate. 'ind the distance between the #odown to cit(. A"so with which speed the truc7

shou"d tra)e" in order to reach at eact"( 11 c"oc7.

?. There are fi)e persons A$B$C$D$0 whose birthda(s occur at the consecuti)e da(s.

Birthda( of A is some da(s or da( before C I birthda( of B is eact"( the same da(s or da(

after 0. D is two da(s o"der than 0. !f birth da( of C is on ednesda( then find out the

birthda(s of other.

?8. ;ersons sa( these statements.A sa(s either Democratic or "ibera" wins the e"ections.

B sa(s Democratic wins.

C sa(s neither democratic nor "ibera" wins the e"ection.

f these on"( one is wron#. ho wins the e"ection9

?&. :i persons A$B$C$D$0 I' went to so"dier cinema. There are si consecuti)e seats. A sits

in the first seat fo""owed b( B$ fo""owed b( C and so on. !f A ta7en on of the si seats$ then B

shou"d sit ad6acent to A. C shou"d sit ad6acent to A or B. D shou"d sit ad6acent to A$ B or C

and so on. @ow man( possibi"ities are there 9

5+. :uppose there are four #rades A$ B$ C$ D. =A is the best and D is the worst ? personsKac7$ Kean$ ;ou" and Juc( wrote the fina" eam and made the statements "i7e this3-

1. Kac73 !f ! wi"" #et A then Juc( wi"" #et D.

. Juc(3 !f ! wi"" #et C then Kac7 wi"" #et D.

Kac7 #rade is better than ;ou" #rade.

%. Kean3 !f Kean doesnt #et A then Kac7 wi"" not #et A.

?. ;ou"3 !f Kac7 #et A$ then Kean wi"" not #et B$ Juc( wi"" #et C$ ! wont either A or B.

!f a"" the abo)e statements are true$ then which person wi"" #et which #rade9

51. 0ach man dances with % women$ 0ach women dances with % men. Amon# each pair of

men the( ha)e eact"( two women in common. 'ind the no. of men and women.

5. A sur)e( was ta7en amon# 1++ peop"e to find their preference of watchin# t.).

pro#rammes. There are % channe"s. i)en no of peop"e who watch at "east channe" 1$ at

"east channe" $at "east channe" %$ no channe"s at a""$ at "east channe"s 1 and %$ at "east

channe"s 1 and $ at "east channe"s and %. 'ind the no of peop"e who watched a"" three.

5%. A bird 7eeper has #ot ; pi#eon$ m(nas and : sparrows. The 7eeper #oes for "unch

"ea)in# his assistant to watch the birds. :uppose p41+$ m45$ s48.

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a. hen the bird 7eeper comes bac7$ the assistant informs that birds ha)e escaped. The

bird 7eeper ec"aims oh noM a"" m( sparrows are #one. @ow man( birds f"ew awa(.

b. when the bird 7eeper come bac7$ the assistant to"d him that birds ha)e escaped. The

7eeper rea"ised that at"east sparrows ha)e escaped. hat is minimum no of birds that can


5?. :e"ect from the fi)e a"ternati)es A$B$C$D$0. At the end of each uestion$ two conditions

wi"" be #i)en. The choices are to fi""ed as fo""ows.

A3 !f a definite conc"usion can be drawn from condition 1.

B3 !f a definite conc"usion can be drawn from condition .

C3 !f a definite conc"usion can be drawn from condition 1 and .

D3 !f a definite conc"usion can be drawn from condition 1 or .

03 2o conc"usion can be drawn usin# both conditions.

1. ;erson 1 sa(s 2<5

;erson sa(s n>5.

;erson % sa(s %2>+;erson ? sa(s %n>1+

;erson 5 sa(s 2<8.

hat is the )a"ue of 29

55. There are 2 coins on a tab"e. There are two p"a(ers AIB. Nou can ta7e 1or coins at a

time. The person who ta7es the "ast coin is the "oser. A a"wa(s starts first.

1. !f 24$ then

a A can a"wa(s win b( ta7in# two coins in his first chance.

b B can win on"( if A ta7es two coins in his first chance.

c B can a"wa(s win b( proper p"a(.d none of the abo)e.

. A can win b( proper p"a( if 2 is eua" to

a 1% b % c d %? e ?8

Ans3 0.

%. B can win b( proper p"a( if 2 is eua" to

a 5 b* c % d ?1 e none

?. if 2<?$ can A win b( proper p"a( a"wa(s9

5*. There are ? parties A$B$C$D. There are % peop"e $($,. G-sa(s A or D wi"" win. N-sa(s A

wi"" not win. O-sa(s B or D wi"" not win. n"( one of them is true. hich part( won9

5. 5 persons /$:$T$P$ are contestin# for a meda". 0)a"uation is o)er 0n#"ish$ aths$

;h(sics$ Chemistr( and @indi. Toper wi"" #et 5 mar7s$ "east wi"" #et 1 mar7. 2o ties an(

where. / #et ? and won the o)era"" meda". #ets first in Chemistr( and third in @indi$ T

#ot consistent scores in ? sub6ects. Their fina" standin#s where in the a"phabetica" order.

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hat was the score of : in Chemistr(.

5. There are % t(pes of castes$ sa( A$B$C. A- a"wa(s te""s truth$ B- a"wa(s fa"se$ C-


G sa(s --> O is of C t(pe$ ! am of A t(pe.

N sa(s --> G is a B t(pe.O sa(s --> G is of B t(pe.

ho is of which t(pe9

58. ;ersons A and B. ;erson A pic7s a random no. from 1 to 1+++. Then person B pic7s a

random no. from 1 to 1+++. hat is the probabi"it( of B #ettin# no. #reater then what A has


5&. Three bo(s and three #ir"s brou#ht up to#ether. Kim$ Kane$ Tom$ ir#ina$ Dorth($ GGG.

The( marr( amon# themse")es to form three coup"es. Conditions are3-

i :um of their a#es wou"d be the same.

ii ir#ina was the o"dest.iii Kim was dorth(s brother.

i) :um of a#es KaneEKim and TomEdorth( is same.

i)e the three coup"es.

*+. GQ=1% - GQ=1& 4*+. :o")e for G.

*1. G O NEG N O 4 N O G.

'ind the three di#its.

*. Two boats start from opposite ban7s of ri)er perpendicu"ar to the shore. ne is faster

then the other. The( meet at + (ards from one of the ends. After reachin# opposite endsthe( rest for 1+mins each. After that the( start bac7. This time on the return 6ourne( the(

meet at ?++(ards from the other end of the ri)er. Ca"cu"ate the width of the ri)er.

*%. Bas7etba"" Tournament or#ani,ers decided that two consecuti)e defeats wi"" 7noc7 out

the team. There are 51 teams participatin#. hat is the maimum no. of matches that can

be p"a(ed.

*?. The aster sa(s to his #randmaster that me and m( three cousins ha)e a#es in prime

nos. on"(. :ummation of our a#es is 5+. randmaster who 7nows the a#e of the master

instant"( te""s the a#es of the three cousins. Te"" the a#es of three cousins.= 1 is not

considered as prime no.

*5. There are two fami"ies A"ens and smiths. The( ha)e two chi"dren each. There names are

A$B$C$D whose a#es are different and a#es are "ess then or eua" to 11. The fo""owin#

conditions are #i)en3-

i As a#e is three (ears "ess then his brothers a#e .

ii B is e"dest amon# the four.

iii C is ha"f the a#e of the e"dest in A"ens fami"(.

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i) The difference in sum of the a#es of A"ens chi"dren and smiths chi"dren is same as that of 

fi)e (ears a#o.

'ind the a#es of a"" the chi"dren.

**. a$b$c$d$e are ha)in# numerica" )a"ues. There are some conditions #i)en3-

a a4c <444 bM4eb Difference between a and c as same as difference between c and b as same as difference

between a and d.

c cd.

Then find a$b$c$d$e.

*. There are si cards in which it has two 7in# cards. a"" cards are turned down and two

cards are opened.

a hat is the possibi"it( to #et at "east one 7in#.

b hat is the possibi"it( to #et two 7in#s.

*8. There are 5 persons a$b$c$d$e and each is wearin# a b"oc7 or white cap on his head. Aperson can see the caps of the remainin# four but cant see his own cap. A person wearin#

white sa(s true and who wears b"oc7 sa(s fa"se.

i a sa(s i see % whites and 1 b"oc7.

ii b sa(s i see ? b"oc7s.

iii e sa(s i see ? whites.

i) c sa(s i see % b"oc7s and 1 white.

2ow find the caps weared b( a$b$c$d and e.

*&. There are two women$ 7a)itha and shami"i and two ma"es sh(am$ ara)ind who are

musicians. ut of these four one is a pianist$ one f"utist$ )io"inist and drummer.

i Across ara)ind beats pianist.ii Across sh(am is not a f"utist.

iii La)ithas "eft is a pianist.

i) :hami"is "eft is not a drummer. ) '"utist and drummer are married.

+. hen Arthur is as o"d as his father @ai"e( is now$ he sha"" be 5 times as o"d as his son

C"ar7e is now. B( then$ C"ar7e wi"" be 8 times o"der than Arthur is now. The combined a#es

of @ai"e( and Arthur are 1++ (ears. @ow o"d is C"ar7e9

1. The se)en di#its in this subtraction prob"em are +$ 1$ $ %$ ?$ 5 and *. 0ach "etter

represents the same di#it whene)er it occurs.

D A D C B- 0 B 0


B ' 0


hat di#it is represented b( each "etter9

. The Kones ha)e named their four bo(s after fa)orite re"ati)esR their friends$ the :miths$

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ha)e done the same thin# with their three bo(s. ne of the fami"ies has twin bo(s. 'rom the

fo""owin# c"ues$ can (ou determine the fami"ies of a"" se)en chi"dren and their a#es9

i a"entine is ? (ears o"der than his twin brothers.

ii inston$ who is 8$ and Benedict are not brothers. The( are each named after a


iii Briscoe is two (ears (oun#er than his brother @ami"ton$ But three (ears o"der thanDewe(.

i) Decatur is 1+ (ears o"d.

) Benedict is % (ears (oun#er than a"entineR the( are not re"ated.

)i The twins are named for unc"es.

%. otorboat A "ea)es shore ; as B "ea)es FR the( mo)e across the "a7e at a constant

speed. The( meet first time *++ (ards from ;. 0ach returns from the opposite shore without

ha"tin#$ and the( meet ++ (ards from. @ow "on# is the "a7e9

?. n the !s"and of imperfection there is a specia" road$ Jo#ic Jane$ on which the houses

are usua""( reser)ed for the more mathematica" inhabitants. Add$ Di)ide and 0)en "i)e inthree different houses on this road =which has houses numbered from 1-5+. ne of them is

a member of the ;u77a Tribe$ who a"wa(s te"" the truth. Another is a member of the otta

Tribe$ who ne)er te"" the truth and the third is a member of the :ha""a Tribe$ who ma7e

statements which are a"ternate"( true and fa"se$ or fa"se and true. The( ma7e statements as



1. The number of m( house is #reater than that of Di)ides.

. ( number is di)isib"e b( ?.

%. 0)ens number differs b( 1% from that of one of the others.

D!!D0 3

1. Adds number is di)isib"e b( 1.. ( number is %.

%. 0)ens number is e)en.

002 3

1. 2o ones number is di)isib"e b( 1+.

. ( number is %+.

%. Adds number is di)isib"e b( %.

'ind to which tribe each of them be"on#s$ and the number of each of their houses.

5. The names of the inhabitants of a"7ie Ta"7ie Jand sound stran#e to the )isitors$ and

the( find it difficu"t to pronounce them$ due to their "en#th and a few )owe" sounds the(

contain. The a"7ie Ta"7ie #uide is discussin# the names of four inhabitants SA$B$C and D. Their names each contain upto ei#ht s(""ab"es$ a"thou#h none of the four

names contain the same number. Two of the names contain no )owe" soundsR one contains

one )owe" soundR and one contains two )owe" sounds. 'rom the uides statements be"ow$

determine the number of s(""ab"es and )owe" sounds in each of the four a"7ie Ta"7ie


i The one whose name contains two )owe" sounds is not A.

ii Cs name does not contain more than one )owe" sound or fewer than se)en s(""ab"es.

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iii The name with se)en s(""ab"es does not contain eact"( one )owe" sound.

i) B and C do not ha)e names with the same number of )owe" sounds.

) 2either the name with fi)e s(""ab"es nor the name with se)en s(""ab"es contains more

than one )owe" sound.

)i 2either the name with si s(""ab"es$ nor the Bs name$ contains two )owe" sounds.

*. Two identica" twins ha)e a )er( unusua" characteristic. ne te""s nothin# but "ies on

onda(s$ ednesda(s and 'rida(s$ and te""s nothin# but the truth a"" other da(s. The other

te""s nothin# but "ies on Tuesda(s$ Thursda(s and :aturda(s$ and te""s nothin# but the truth

a"" other da(s. n :unda(s both chi"dren spea7 the truth.

. Accordin# to the information presented$ which of the fo""owin# con)ersations wi"" be


aTwin A 3 HToda( (ou are a "ierH

Twin B 3 HNou are te""in# the truthH

bTwin A 3 HToda( (ou are a "ierH

Twin B 3 HToda( ! am a truth te""erHcTwin A 3 HTommorow ! sha"" be a "ierH

Twin B 3 HThats correctH

dTwin A 3 HTommorow (ou wi"" be a "ierH

Twin B 3 HToda( (ou are a truthte""erH

eTwin A 3 HNesterda( we were both truthte""ersH

Twin B 3 HNou are "(in#H.

8. Assume that the twins fo""owed a different set of ru"es$ so that on a #i)en da( both to"d

on"( the truth whi"e net da( both on"( "ied$ a"ternatin# da(s of truth te""in# and "(in#.

Pnder these ru"es$which of the fo""owin# con)ersations wou"d be possib"e9

a Twin A 3 HToda( (ou are a "ierHTwin B 3 HThat is correctH

b Twin A 3 HToda( (ou are a "ierH

Twin B 3 HThat is not soH

c Twin A 3 HTommorow we wi"" be "iersH

Twin B 3 HNesterda( we were truthte""ersH

d Twin A 3 HTommorow we wi"" be "iersH

Twin B 3 HNou are 1 (ear o"der than ! amH

e Twin A 3 He a"wa(s te"" the truthH

Twin B 3 He some times te"" the truthH.

&. !f the twins are heard sa(in# the fo""owin# on the same da($ which choice presents acorrect statement 9

Twin A 3 H!t is :unda( Toda(H

Twin B 3 HNesterda( was :unda(H

Twin A 3 Hit is summer season nowH

a it is a summer sunda(.

b it is a summer monda(.

c it is onda( but not summer.

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d it is :unda( but not summer.

e it is impossib"e to determine whether it is :unda( or onda(.

8+. !n the month of october in a (ear has eact"( four monda(s and four frida(s$ find what

da( of wee7 wii" be on the +th of 2o)ember of that (ear.

Ans3 +th 2o)ember was a wednesda(.

81. :i persons A$B$C$D$0 I ' went to so"ider cinima. There are si conseuti)e seats. A sits

in one of the seats fo""owed b( B$ fo""owed b( C and soon. !f a ta7en one of the si seats $

then B shou"d sit ad6acent to A. C shou"d sit ad6acent A or B. D shou"d sit ad6acent to A$ B$or

C and soon. @ow man( possibi"ities are there9

Ans3 % wa(s.

8%. !n mathematica countr( 1$$%$?....$8$& are nine cities. Cities which form a no. that is

di)isib"e b( % are connected b( air p"anes. =e.#. cities 1 I form no. 1 which di)isib"e b( %

then 1 is connected to cit( . 'ind the tota" no. of wa(s (ou can #o to 8 if (ou are a""owed

to brea7 the 6ournies.Ans3 5.

8?. ABCD0 are sisters. 0ach of them #i)es ? #ifts and each recei)es ? #ifts 2o two sisters

#i)e the same combination = e.#. if A #i)es ? #ifts to B then no other sisters can #i)e four to

other one.

=i B #i)es four to A.

=ii C #i)es % to 0.

@ow much did A$B$C$0 #i)e to D9

Ans3 Donor no of #ifts A 1 B - C 1 D

85. There are some bu"bs$which are numbered from 1 to 1++.a"" the bu"bs are in onconditions. The fo""owin# operations are performed3-

1. Those bu"bs number which are di)isib"e b( are switched ''.

. Those bu"bs numbered which are di)isib"e b( % are switched 2 =which are a"read( ''

and '' bu"bs are switched 2.

%. :imi"ar"( bu"bs numbers di)isib"e b( ? are either switched 2 or '' dependin# upon

there pre)ious condition.

?. This procedure is adopted ti"" 1++th bu"b.

At the end there were how man( bu"bs which were in 2 condition9

Ans3 1+ = on"( perfect suares .

8*. There are different numbers re"ated with A$B$C$D$0.such that$ ABCD4000. 0CD-


'ind ABD.

Ans3 B0.

8. 'ind the tota" no of 1+ di#its whose sum is ?.

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88.'our musician prob"em=refer /0 BA//2:.

8&./0 BA//2: prob"em --> ;rob"em number 5 to 8 pa#e no. ?.

&+. A$ B$ C are % #ir"s and there are + App"es. 'or e)er( ? App"es$ A ta7es$B ta7es %. 'or

e)er * App"es$ C ta7es App"es9 Ans3 *131?53%+%.

&1 T$ P$ are % friends di##in# #roups in fie"ds. !f T I P can comp"ete i #roo)e in ? da(s I$

P I can comp"ete 1 #roo)e in % da(s I I T can comp"ete in da(s. 'ind how man( da(s

each ta7es to comp"ete 1 #roo)e indi)idua""(. Ans3 ? da(s.

& ? mathematician has app"es. !f he arran#es them in rows of % one wi"" be "eft. The

same is the case with 5$$& app"es. But when he arran#ed them in rows of 11$ non wi"" be

"eft. 'ind the no. of app"es.C h e ta na :

Ans3 &?*. =@int3 11* 1111 111* 111 40......11* 4%D&?*.

&% @ starts runnin# after T reaches 15th the( must when @ reach 1*th$ if @ wants win atwhat speed @ shou"d be run9 2ote3 ne circ"e is there$ (ou show this t(pe of prob"em.

&? There are ? mothers$ ? dau#hters and the co"our of their dresses$ and the( are a#ed 1$

$ % I ?. Detai"s of the dresses are #i)en I then it as7ed about the remainin# dresses.

&5 There are 5 "e)e"s of do""s and each of different co"ors I condition are #i)en. 2ote3 This

t(pe of prob"em a"so refer.

&* 5 student A$ B$ C$ D$ 0. ne student 7nows 5 "an#ua#es. Ji7e that up to one "an#au#e.


:panish is most popu"ar "an#au#e. % persons 7nows ;orchi#ese.

B I C norma""( spea7 0n#"ish$ but when D #athered$ the( switched to :panish because

that is on"( common between the three.

n"( "an#au#e common between A$ B$ 0 is 'rench.

n"( "an#au#e common between C I 0 is !ta"ian.

&. An esca"ator is descendin# at constant speed. A wa"7s down and ta7es 5+ steps to reach

the bottom. B runs down and ta7es &+ steps in the same time as A ta7es 1+ steps. @ow

man( steps are )isib"e when the esca"ator is not operatin#. A2:. 15+.

&8. 0)er( da( a c(c"ist meets a train at a particu"ar crossin#. The road is strai#nt before thecrossin# and both are tra)e""in# in the same direction. C(c"ist tra)e"s with a speed of 1+

Lmph. ne da( the c(c"ist comes "ate b( 5 min. and meets the train 57m before the

crossin#. hat is the speed of the train.

*+ 7mph.

&&. 'i)e persons muc7er6ee$ misra$ i(er$ pati" and sharma$ a"" ta7e then first or midd"e

names in the fu"" names. There are ? persons ha)in# first or midd"e name of 7umar$ %

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persons with mohan$ persons with de) and 1 ani".

-- 0ither mu7her6ee and pati" ha)e a first or midd"e name of de) or misra and i(er ha)e their

first or midd"e name of de).

-- f mu7her76ee and misre$ either both of them ha)e a first or midd"e name of mohan or

neither ha)e a first or midd"e name of mohan.

-- 0ither i(er of sharma has a first or midd"e name of 7umar but not both.ho has the first or midd"e name of ani"9

Toda( is u7her6ee.

1+1. Two turns ha)e )ertain pecu"iar characteristics. ne of them a"wa(s "ies on onda($

ednesda($ 'rida(. The other a"wa(s "ies on Tuesda(s$ thursda(s and saturda(s. n the

other da(s the( te"" the truth. Nou are #i)en a con)ersation.

;erson A -- Toda( is sunda( and m( name is ani".

;erson B -- Toda( is tuesda( and m( name is Bi"". hat is toda(9

Toda( is tuesda(.

1+ hich of the fo""owin# statements can be deduced from the information presented9i !f it is :unda($ the twins wi"" both sa( so.

ii !f it is not :unda($ one twin wi"" #i)e the correct da( and the other wi"" "ie about


iii n an( #i)en da($ on"( one twin wi"" #i)e his correct name.

a i on"(.

b i and ii on"(.

c i and iii on"(.

d ii and iii on"(.

e i$ii and iii.

1+% !f the twins are heard sa(in# the fo""owin# on the same da($ which choice presents acorrect statement9

Twin A 3 H!t is :unda( Toda(H.

Twin B 3 HNesterda( was :unda(H.

Twin A 3 Hit is summer season nowH.

a !t is a summer sunda(.

b !t is a summer monda(.

c !t is onda( but not summer.

d !t is :unda( but not summer.

e !t is impossib"e to determine whether it is :unda( or onda(.

1+?. Jo#ica" reasonin# tactics practice pu,,"e poetr(.

1 @enn($ Aie$ Amie are friends. Conditions3-

a @err( or Aies is the o"dest.

b!f Aie is the o"dest$ Amie is the (oun#est.

ho is the (oun#est I who is the o"dest9

Ans3 Amie is the (oun#est$ Aie is o"dest.

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1+5. There is a rober( and four persons are suspected out of them one is

actua" thief$ these are the sentences said b( each one of themM

A sa(s D had done

B sa(s A had done

C sa(s i dddnt done

D B "ied when he said that i am thief 

ut of these on"( one man is true remainin# are fa"se

ans C is thef$ D is trueM

1+* @ow man( four di#it numbers di)isib"e b( four can be formed usin#

1$ $ %$ ?R repetitions are not a""owedM ans *

1+ A )ender so"ds two thin#s at same cost 1 /: with one item at 5Uprofit and other at

+U"oss$b( this transaction he made profit or "oss b( how much9 Ans "oss$*+paise

1+8. Con)ersation between two emp"o(ees is as fo""ows3-0;JN00-13 @e""oM 2ow (our eperience is twice the m( eperience.

0;JN00-3 0act"( two times.

0;JN00-13 But at the "ast meet$ (ou said that (our eperience is thrice of m( eperience.

0;JN00-3 That is when we met at (ears bac7$ (our eperience is thrice that of (ours.

hat is the eperience of two emp"o(ess with the compan(9

Ans3 0;JN00-13 ? (ears 0;JN00-3 8 (ears.

1+& ther are four persons A$B$C$D and for "an#ua#es en#"ish $french$#erman$ita"ian.


1 on"( one "an#ua#e is spo7en b( more than two men A dont 7now en#"ish

% a man can spea7 either french or #erman but not both

? a"" man cannot spe7 in a #roup=no common "an#ua#e

5 A can mediate when B and C want to spea7 with each other

* each men can spea7 two "an#ua#es


A french ita"ian

B en#"ish french

C #erman ita"ian

D #erman ita"ian

11+. There are % women $the( ha)in# three 6ewe""s$ named diamond emera"d$ rub(

% women A$B$C % thiefs D$0$' each the( had ta7en one 6ewe" from each of the women

fo""owin# conditions

one who had ta7en diamond is the bache"or and most dan#erous

D s brother in "aw 0 who is "ess dan#erous than the thief who had sto"en emera"d

=this is the 7e( from this e had sto"en rub(

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D did nt sto"en from B

one more condition is there

111. there were three suspects for a robber( that happend in a ban7$ tomm($

 6o( and bruce0ach of them were sa(in# that ! ha)ent done an(thin# and the

other two has done it.po"ice found that tomm( was "(in# .who is the thief.% =A/L:.

11. Koe started from bomba( towards pune and her friend 6u"ie in opposite

direction.the( meet at a point .distance tra)e""ed b( 6oe was 1.8 mi"es

more than that of 6u"ie.after spendin# some both started there wa(.

 6oe reaches in hours whi"e 6u"ie in %.5 hours.Assumin# both were tra)e""in#

with constant speed.ath is the distance between the two cities.

11%. there were fi)e hunters A$B$C$D$0 and fi)e anima"s A$B$C$D$0. @unter

ha)in# the same name with the anima" didnt 7i"" it. 0ach hunter has

missed some anima".A anima" was hunt b( the hunter whose name matches with anima" hunt b(

hunter B.

C anima" was hunt b( the hunter whose name matches with anima" hunt b(

hunter D.

0 has hunt C and missed D .find out anima"s hunted b( A$B$C. *m.

11?. A bo( pic7s up the phone and as7s Hho are (ou9H. The )oice from the other side

answers H! am (our mothers mother-in-"awH. hat is the re"ation of the bo( with the fe""ow

spea7in# at the other end.

115. !ma#ine a rectan#"e. !ts "en#th 4 width. A suare of 1 inch is cut on a"" corners sothat the remainin# portion forms a bo when fo"ded. The )o"ume of the bo is VVVVV cubic

inches. 'ind the ori#ina" dimensions of the bo.

11*. persons are doin# part time 6ob in a compan( sa( A and B. T@e compan( is open for

a"" the da(s of the wee7. A wor7s e)er( second da(. B wor7s e)er( %rd da(. !f Awor7s

on first 6une and B wor7s on second 6une. 'ind out the date on which both A and B wi""

wor7 to#ether.

11. Consider a pi"e of Diamonds on a tab"e. A thief enters and stea"s 1 of th e tota"

uanit( and then a#ain etra from the remainin#. After some time a second thief enters

and stea"s 1 of the remainin#E. Then %rd thief enters and stea"s 1 of the remainin#E.Then ?th thief enters and stea"s 1 of the remainin#E. hen the 5th one enters he finds

1 diamond on the tab"e. 'ind out the tota" no. of diamonds ori#ina""( on the tab"e before the

1st thief entered.

118. !ma#ine ? persons A$B$C$D. =!t is a stren#th determinin# #ame. A found it hard$ but

cou"d pu"" C and D to his side. AC and BD pairs on opposite sides found themse")es

eua""( ba"anced. hen A and B echan#ed thier positions to form pairs AD and BC$ BC pair

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cou"d win and pu"" AD to thier side. rder the ? persons in Ascendin# order accordin# to

thier stren#ths.

11&. Consider a beaut( contest. % persons participate. Their names are Attracti)e$

De"ectab"e$ 'ascinatin#. The( are from % tribes ;u77as$ ottas$ :ummas. ;u77as - A"wa(s

spea7 truth. ottas - A"wa(s spea7 "ies. :ummas - :pea7 truth and "ies a"ternati)e"(. 0achof the % persons ma7e statements. The person who spea7s truth is the "east beautifu".

'rom the statements the( #i)e and the character of the % triba" t(pes$ find out which person

be"on#s to which tribe. A"so find out the persons in the Ascendin# order of their beaut(.

1+. There are 5 positions-C"er7$ Bu(er$ Cashier$ ana#er$ '"oorwa"7er. There are 5 persons-

rs.A""en$ rs.CJar7$ Twain$ 0win#$ Bernett. Conditions3

1. C"er7 and cashier "unch time 11.%+.to1.%+.

. thers 1.%+ to 1.%+.

%. rs.A""en and Bernett p"a( durind "unch time.

?. C"er7 and cashier share Bach"or rooms.

5. 0win# and Twain are not in #ood terms because one da( when Twain retuned ear"( from"unch he saw 0win# a"read( sittin# for "unch and reported about him to the mana#er. 'ind

out which person ho"ds which post.

11. There are 8 courses to be hand"ed b( facu"t( in semesters. ? in 1st semester and ?

in nd semester. The candiadates hired for the post are 7$ "$ m$ n$ o. The courses are

a")ino$ :ha7espeare$ Ko(ce$ Chauncer........... :ome conditions wi"" be #i)en "i7e$

1. J and 2 hand"e :ha7espeare and a")ino.

. and hand"e a")ino and Ko(ce.

1. A fami"( ! 7now has se)era" chi"dren. 0ach bo( in this fami"( has as man( sisters as

brothers but each #ir" has twice as man( brothers as sisters. @ow man( brothersand sisters are there9

ans3 ? bo(s and % #ir"s.

1%. 2o. of anima"s is 11 more than the no. of birds. !f the no. of birds were

the no. of anima"s and no. of anima"s were the no. of birds= ie.$ interchan#in# no.s

of anima"s and birds.$ the tota" no. of "e#s #et reduced b( one fifth =15.

@ow man( no. of birds and anima"s were there9

ans3 birds311$anima"s3

1?. !n a soap compan( a soap is manufactured with 11 parts.'or ma7in# one soap (ou wi""

#et 1 part as scrap. At the end of the da( u ha)e 51 such scraps. 'rom that how man(soaps can be manufactured9 ans3 E E 1 4 5.

15. |

% | 2o. does not occur in this

---------------- |

5 | mu"tip"ication.

? |

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% | 'ind the product.

---------------- |


------------- |


ans 8 1%


5 *

5 * +

8 ? % + +


& + ? 8


1*. There is a 5di#it no. % pairs of sum is e"e)en each.Jast di#it is % times the first one.

% rd di#it is % "ess than the second. ? th di#it is ? more than the second one.'ind the di#it.

ans 3 5&*.

1. There are fi)e thie)es$ each "oot a ba7er( one after the other such that

the first one ta7es 1 of the tota" no. of the breads p"us 1 of a bread.

:imi"ar"( nd$ %rd$?th and 5fth a"so did the same. After the fifth one no.

of breads remained are %. !nitia""( how man( breads were there9

ans 3 %1.

18.There are some chic7en in a pou"tr(. The( are fed with corn ne sac7 of cornwi"" come for & da(s.The farmer decides to se"" some chic7en and wanted to ho"d

1 chic7en with him. @e cuts the feed b( 1+U and sac7 of corn comes for %+ da(s.

:o initia""( how man( chic7en are there9

1&.Two peop"e G I N wa"7 on the wa"" of a #odown in opposite direction.

The( meet at a point on one side and then #o ahead. G after wa"7in# for some time$

wa"7s in opposite direction for 15 mtrs.Then a#ain he turns bac7 and wa"7s

in the ori#ina" direction. hat distance did N wa"7 before the( met a#ain$

if G wa"7s 11 mtrs b( the time N wa"7s

8 mtrs.

1%+. ;rob"em from :ALP2TAJA D0! ;POOJ0: T ;POOJ0 P.

;rob"em no3 %= a"7in# bac7 to happiness.

1%1. 'ind a fi)e di#it number sub6ect to fo""owin# conditions3-

a. !t contains prime no di#its.

b. %rd di#it is the "a#est.

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c. 1st di#it 4 =% rd di#it - 1.

c. :um of ?th di#it and 5th di#it is "ess than 1st di#it.

d. a"ue of the 5th di#it "ies between the )a"ue of 1st di#it and nd di#it$ 5th di#it is one ha"f 

of the ?th di#it.

Ans3 18?

1%. 1$ $ %$ ? di#its are a)ai"ab"e. @ow man( number of ? di#ited numbers which are

di)isib"e b( ?. =There shou"d be no repetition of di#its in the numbers can be formed9

Ans3 * numbers.

1%%. A hi"" of ??+ (ards is there. Two competitors KACL and K!JJ #o up the hi""$ first KACL

reaches the topmost and immediat"( starts bac7 and meet K!JJ + (ards from the topmost

point. 'ina""( KACL reaches the startin# point +.5 minutes ear"er than K!JJ. :peed whi"e

comin# down is 1.5 times the speed of #oin# up. 'ind the time ta7en b( KACL for who"e

 6ourne( =88+ (ards9

Ans3 *.% minutes.

1%?. A merchant in the "ast da( se""s "amps for /s.1 price. @e finds that he has #ot 5 U

#ain on one and +U "ost on the other. Did he "oose or #ain o)era""9 !f so how much9

Ans3 *+ paise Joss.

1%5. ? persons are there ca"edd K@2$ KACB$ ;!T0/$ and !JJ!A:. ? "aun#a#es are there

named 02J!:@$ !TAJ!A2$ 0/A2$ '/02C@. Conditions3-

a. There is no common "an#ua#e for a"".

b. 0cept one "an#ua#e$ no "an#ua#e is spo7en b( more than two.

c. ne can 7now either erman or '/02C@ but not both.

d. Kohn cant spea7 02J!:@ But Kohn can act as interpreter between KACB and ;!T0/.

Kacob 7nows 0/A2 but he can tai"7 with !JJ!A who doesnt 7now a word of 0/A2.e. 2o common "an#ua#e between K@2$ ;!T0/$ and !JJ!A:.

hich two "an#ua#es does each person spea7s9

@int3 !TAJ!A2 !: :;L02 BN T@/00 ;0/:2: =This hint is #i)en in Fuestion paper

1%*. 5 coup"es are there.

023 J$ $ 2$ $ ;.

023 :$ T$ P$ $ .

1+ seats are in one row. dd numberd seats are reser)ed for 02 on"( Ji7e that man(

conditions are there. This prob"em is from /0-BA//2: BL.

1%. ! participated in a race.15th of those who are before me are eua" to 5*th of those

behind me. hat were the tota" number of contestants in the race9

1%8. 'ind the % di#it number. Third di#it is suare root of first di#it. :econd di#it is sum of

first and third di#its. 'ind the number.

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1%&. This prob"em is of time and wor7 t(pe. :ome A and some B are ab"e to produce so

man( tors in so man( hours.=for eamp"e 1+ A and + B are ab"e to produce %+ tors per

hour. Ji7e this one more sentence was #i)en. e ha)e to find out the rate of wor7in# of A

and B in torshour.

1?+. A and B p"a( a #ame of dice between them. The dice consists of co"ors on their facesinstead of numbers. A wins if both dice show same co"or. B wins if both dice show different

co"ors. ne dice consists of 1 red and 5 b"ue. hat must be the co"or in the faces of other

dice.=i.e how man( b"ue and how man( red9. Chances of winnin# for A and B are e)en.

1?1. A #ir" has 55 marb"es. :he arran#es them in n rows. The nth row consists of n marb"es$

the =n-1th row consists of =n-1 marb"es and so on. hat are the number of marb"es in nth


1?. This uestion is of ana"o#( t(pe. :ome sentences re#ardin# tastes of peop"e to poetr(

are #i)en "i7e a"" who "i7e As ;oem$ "i7e the poems of B. Ji7e this or 8 sentences were

#i)en. Fuestions were based on this.

1?%. This uestion is a"so of ana"o#( t(pe. 'our persons are there A$B$C$D. 0ach of the four

persons own either ;$F$/$:. 1+ sentences usin# if c"ause were #i)en. e ha)e to find out

which be"on#s to whom.

1?? 0)er( station in 2 rai"road issues e)er( other stations tic7et. :ome stations are added.

2ow the( ha)e to issue ?* more tic7ets. i)e the 2o. of stations after and before added.

1?5 There was a race between % peop"e. e$ Dou# and Anne. hen ! ta7e 1 steps the

distance co)ered is eua" to Dou#s ? steps and Annes 8 steps. ! ta7e * steps to e)er(

steps of Dou# and 8 steps of Anne. ho won the race9

1?*@ow man( bearers wi"" an ep"orer need for a * da( march if each man can carr( the

food stuff of one man for ? da(s.

1? Consider the fo""owin# statements3

A"bert3 Da)e did it.

Da)e3 Ton( did it.

u#3 ! did not do it.

Ton(3 Da)e "ied when he said that i did it.

=a!f on"( one out of a"" abo)e statements is true$ who did it9

=b!f on"( one out of a"" abo)e statements is fa"se$ who did it9

1?8 A contribution of /s. 5++ was raisedfrom 5++ peop"e. The fee was as fo""ows3

en3 /s.%.++ each

omen3 /s. .++ each

Chi"dern3 +.?8 each

!f number of women is more than number of men$ how man( chi"dern are there9

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1?& A"ice and Jiu had some berries. The tota" of A"ices berries and suare of number of

berries with Jiu is *. The tota" of Jius berries and suare of number of berries with A"ice is

1*. @ow man( berries does each of them ha)e9

15+ A rope "adder was "eft down from a ship. 1 steps of the "adder were eposed at 1+3++am. The ueen who was #oin# to )isit the ship$ said she wou"d )isit at 13++ pm as she

wou"d ha)e to c"imb "esser number of steps then. The tide in the sea increases from

mornin# to afternoon at the rate of 1. meters per hour. The distance between an( steps

of the "adder is +.? mts. @ow man( steps wi"" the ueen ha)e to c"imb9

151 5 hunters Doe$ Deer$ @are$ Boarand /ow 7i"" 5 anima"s. 0ach hunter 7i""s an anima"

that does not correspond to his name. A"so each hunter misses a different anima" which

a#ain does not correspond to his name.

a The Deer is 7i""ed b( the hunter$ 7nown b( the name of the anima" 7i""ed b( Boar.

b Doe is 7i""ed b( the hunter$ 7nown b( name of anima" missed b( @are.

c The Deer was disappointed to 7i"" on"( a @are and missed the /oe.

15 A "oca" forecast ser)ice has accurac( of % sa(s 2o rain $ and eterio"o#ica" ser)ice

ha)in# accurac( of ?% sa(s /ain. if ;reference is as no rain what is the chance of rain9

15% a 1+ 1 & 8 % ? * 5 5 * ? % 8 V V

b ? 1* 51 V

rite the net e"ements in the series.

15? A an is sittin# in the "ast coach of train cou"d not find a seat$ so he starts wa"7in# to

the front coach $he wa"7s for 5 min and reaches front coach. 2ot findin# a seat he wa"7sbac7 to "ast coach and when he reaches there$ train had comp"eted 5 mi"es. hat is the

speed of the train.

155 The "d car of ar( reuires t(res to be chan#ed after each ?+++ 7m. !f she wants to

#o for ?+++ 7m 6ourne( then how man( minimum number of t(res she wi"" need.

15* A coin is so unba"anced that it ma( come both heads in tosses as it ma( come tai"s

in a sin#"e toss. hat is the probaba"it( of #ettin# a head in a sin#"e toss.

15 A pen$ penci" and eraser to#ether cost W1.++. if 0;$ and %;>?0 then what a sin#"e

pen wi"" cost9

158 A "oca" forecast ser)ice has accurac( of % sa(s 2o rain $ and eterio"o#ica" ser)ice

ha)in# accurac( of ?% sa(s /ain. if ;reference is as no rain what is the chance of rain9

15& :her"oc7 ho"mes thrwated the p"an to 7idnapp rs mar( when the( were uestioned

erc( and his two associated ship( and ran(.when the( were te""in# the stor( one of them

to"d one thin# wron# and other true$ the other to"d both true$ and the "ast to"d both fa"se.

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eaminin# the fo""owin# te"" the ro"es p"a(ed b( each

erc(33 1 i wrote the ransome note

ship( bro7e into the window

ran( 1 ship( wrote the ransome note

merc( ran awa( with the "ad(

ship( 1i bro7e into the windowran( wrote the ran some note.

1*+ Tom as7ed 7im did (ou "i7e the stamps9 :he said (es $me and rob too "i7ed them. Lim

a#ain said that rob #ot % more than he wou"d ha)e #ot$ if i wou"d ha)e 7ept more than$

what he #ot. Tom as7ed how man( u #a)e /ob9 :he rep"ied more than what ! #ot. Te""$

how man( stamps each rob and 7im #ot9

1*1 The )ir#o c"ub members used to meet e)er( wee7 to p"a( cards. 0ach time the( used

to seat around a round tab"e and for their memor( the( used a"" the possib"ecombinations of 

postions each for a sin#"e time on"(. Can (ou te"" for how man( times the( met9

0ssa(s As7ed!f (ou are #i)en a chance to chan#e a thin# in (ou hometown$ what wou"d (ou chan#e9 i)e

eamp"es wh( (ou want to do so.

Te"e)ision is creatin# a communication #ap amon# (oun# #eneration.

1*. A person needs * steps to co)er a distance of one s"ab. !f he increases his foot "en#th

=step "en#th b( % inches he needs on"( 5 steps to co)er the s"abs "en#th. hat is the "en#th

of the each s"ab.

Ans3 %1 inches.

1*%. There are 1& red ba""s and one b"ac7 ba"". Ten ba""s are put in one 6ar and theremainin# 1+ are put in another 6ar. hat is the possibi"it( that the b"ac7 is in the ri#ht 6ar.

Ans3 1.

1*?. There is one "i"( in the pond on 1st 6une. There are two in the pond on nd 6une .

There are four on %rd 6une and so on. The pond is fu"" with "i"ies b( the end of the 6une.

=i n which date the pond is ha"f fu""9

Ans3 &th. --the 6une has %+ da(s.

=ii !f we start with "i"ies on 1st 6une when wi"" be the pond be fu"" with "i"ies.

Ans3 &th Kune.

1*5. A "orr( starts from Ban#"ore to (sore at *.++ A.$ .++ A.$ 8.++ am.....1+ pm.:imi"ar"( one another starts from (sore to Ban#"ore at *.++ am$.++ am$ 8.++

am.....1+.++pm. A "orr( ta7es & hours to tra)e" from Ban#"ore to (sore and )ice )ersa.

=i A "orr( which has started at *.++ am wi"" cross how man( "orries. Ans3 1+.

=ii A "orr( which had started at *.++pm wi"" cross how man( "orries. Ans3 1?.

1**. A person meets a train at a rai"wa( station comin# dai"( at a particu"ar time . ne da(

he is "ate b( 5 minutes$ and he meets the train 5 7.m. before the station. !f his speed is 1

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7mph$ what is the speed of the train.

Ans3 *+ 7mph. /efer--:ha7unta"a De)i Boo7.

1*. A theif stea"s ha"f the tota" no of "oa)es of bread p"us 1 "oaf from a bac7er(. A second

theif stea"s ha"f the remain# no of "oa)es p"us 1 "oaf and so on. After the 5th theif has

sto"en there are no more "oa)es "eft in the bac7er(. hat was the tota" no of "oa)es did thebac7er( ha)e at the bi##inin#.

Ans3 %1.

1*8. A #ardener p"ants 1++ meters towards east$ net 1++ meters towards north$net 1++

meters towards west. &8 meters towards east$ &* meters towards north and &* meters

towards west$ &? meters towards south. and &? meters towards east and so on. !f a person

wa"7s between the trees what is the tota" distance tra)e""ed b( him before he reaches the


Ans3 |---------------| | | | | | | | --------|- | ---------------------| -.

1*&. There are four women and % men. The( p"a( brid#e one ni#ht. 'ind widow amon#

them. /u"es3

=i wife and husband are ne)er partners.

=ii ife and husand ne)er p"a( more than one #ame. ne ni#ht the( p"a(ed four #ames as


1. ------ E ------ )s ------- E ---------

. ------ E ------ )s ------- E ---------

%. ------ E ----- )s ------- E ---------

?. ----- E ------ )s ------- E ---------

the woman are mar7ed abo)e.

Ans3 /efer ;rob"em 1. ind Teasers b( :ummers.

1+. 'rom a )esse"$ 1%rd of the "iuid e)aporates on the first da(. n the second da( %?th

of the remainin# "iuid e)aporates. hat fraction of the )o"ume is present at the end of the

second da(.

Ans3 5+U.

11. There is a ? inch cube painted on a"" sides. This is cut down into of 1 inch cubes. hat

is the no of cubes which ha)e no pointed sides9

Ans3 8.

1. :am and a"a ha)e a con)ersation. :am sa(s ! am certain"( not o)er ?+. a"a sa(s !am %8 and (ou are at"east 5 (ears o"der than me. 2ow$ :am sa(s (ou are at"east %&. A"" the

statements b( the two are fa"se. @ow o"d are the( rea""(9

Ans3 a"a 4 %8 (rsR :am 4 ?1 (rs.

1%. /am :in#h #oes to his office in the cit($ e)er( da( from his suburban house.

@is dri)er an#aram drops him at the rai"wa( station in the mornin# and pic7s him up in the

e)enin#. 0)er( e)enin# /am :in#h reaches the station at 5 C"oc7. an#aram a"so

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reaches at the same time. ne da( /am :in#h started ear"( from his office and came to the

station at ? C"oc7. 2ot wantin# to wait for the car he starts wa"7in# home. an#aram

starts at norma" time$ pic7s him up on the wa( and ta7es him bac7 house$ ha"f an hour

ear"(. @ow much time did /am :in#h wa"79

1?. !n a rai"wa( station$ there are two trains #oin#. ne in the harbour "ine and one in themain "ine$ each ha)in# a freuenc( of 1+ minutes. The main "ine ser)ice starts at 5 oc"oc7

and the harbour "ine starts at 5.+A.. A man #oes to the station e)er( da( to catch the

first train that comes. hat is the probabi"it( of the man catchin# the first train9

Ans3 +.8.

15. A fami"( G went for a )acation. Pnfortunate"( it rained for 1% da(s when the( were

there. But whene)er it rained in the mornin#s$ the( had c"ear afternoons and )ice )ersa. !n

a"" the( en6o(ed 11 mornin#s and 1 afternoons. @ow man( da(s did the( sta( there


Ans3 18.

1*. A"bert and 'ernandes ha)e two "e# swimmin# race. Both start from opposite ends of

the poo". n the first "e#$ the bo(s pass each other at 18 m from the deep end of the poo".

Durin# the second "e# the( pass at 1+ m from the sha""ow end of the poo". Both #o at

constant speed but one of them is faster. 0ach bo( rests for ? seconds at the end of the first

"e#. hat is the "en#th of the poo"9

1. 0ach a"phabet stands for one di#it in the fo""owin# mu"tip"ication.

T @ ! :

! :


G ' G GG G P G


G G 2 G G


hat is the maimum )a"ue T can ta7e9

18. !f 1? of the time from midni#ht p"us 1 of the time from now to midni#ht is the

present time$ then hat is the present time9 . !n a 1+ di#it number$ if the 1st di#it number

is the number of ones$nd di#it number is the number of twos$ and ... so on. 1+th di#it is

the number of ,eroes$ then find the number.

1&. A train b"ows a siren one hour after startin# from the station. After that it tra)e"s at

%5th of its speed it reaches the net station hours behind schedu"e. !f it had a prob"em

5+ mi"es farther from the pre)ious case$it wou"d ha)e reached ?+ minutes sooner. 'ind the

distance between the two stations.

18+. An arm( 5+ mi"es "on# marches at a constant rate. A courier standin# at the rear

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mo)es forward and de"i)ers the messa#e to the first person and then turns bac7 and

reaches the rear of the arm( as the arm( comp"etes 5+ mi"es. 'ind the distance tra)e""ed b(

the courier.

181. "(mpic race 3 ? contestants 3 A"an$char"ie$ Darren $Brain. There are two races anda)era#e is ta7en to decide the winner. ne person comes at the same position in both the

race. Char"ie a"wa(s come before Darren. Brian comes first once. A"an comes third at"east

once. 'ind the positions. A"an ne)er comes "ast. Char"ie I Darren comes nd at"east once.

18 There are *5*1 number of ba""s in a ba#. ut of which one is hea)( ba"". !n how man(

minimum number of wei#hin# (ou can find the hea)( ba"".

Ans3 8.

18% The profit made b( a compan( in one (ear is enou#h to #i)e *U return on a"" shares.

But as the preffered shares #et on return of .5U$ so the ordinar( shares #ot on return of5U. !f the )a"ue of preferd shares is /s ?$++++++$ then what is the )a"ue of ordinar(


Ans3 /s. *$++++++.

18? There were 5+ p"a(ers p"a(in# a #ame amon# themse")es. 0ach p"a(er is out of the

#ame when "ose % matches. hat is the number of matches shou"d be p"a(ed in order to #et

the winner.

185 A I B two p"aces. C I D are two peop"e. C started from A and D started from B. hen

the( meet each other in the wa( C tra)e"ed 18 m more than D. Then C ta7es 1% and ha"f a

minute and D ta7es ? minutes to reach the other end. hat was the distance between A IB.

Ans3 1*.

18* ! ha)e been hearin# a #ir" sin#in# a son# for "ast two score. :on#3 !f se)en times fi)e

and three times se)en is added to m( a#e it wou"d be as far abo)e si nines and four as the

difference between twice of m( a#e and a score. i)en-A score is + (rs.

18 A tourist wants to #o from A to B. There are four wa(s to do this3-

1. To ta7e a wa#on. The wa#on stops for ha"f an hour at a station in between a I b and then

#oes to b.

. To wa"7 to B. !f he "ea)s A at the same time the wa#on "ea)es$ he wi"" be between b( thewa#on b( 1 mi"e to reach B.

%. To wa"7 from A at the same time the wa#on "ea)es from A. @e wi"" arri)e at the mid

station at the time when the wa#on is prepared to "ea)e. @e can ta7e the wa#on from there.

This wi"" ta7e shortest time.

?. To #o on upto the mid station I to wa"7 from there. @e wi"" reach at B 15 minutes before

the wa#on.

hat is the distance between A I B9.

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188 !n a train there is one bra7eman$ conductor$ en#ineer I fireman. Their names are Art$

Kohn$ Tom I ;ete #i)en in this order or in re)erse order. Nou ha)e to te"" the occupation of

the four$ w.r.t. these conditions3-

1. Bra7eman has no re"ati)es.

. Kohn is o"der than art.%. 0n#ineer I fireman are brothers.

?. Kohn is petes nephew.

5. 'ireman is not conductors unc"e.

*. Conductor is not en#ineers unc"e.

Ans3 ;ete I Tom are brothers. Tom--'ather and Kohn is his son.





18& There is a 18 stron# bui"din# and ? peop"e "i)e in it. The( are dentist$ "aw(er$accountant$ architect. Dentist f"oor is 5 times the "aw(ers f"oor. Account is be"ow dentist. !f

archetect mo)es two f"oors up he wi"" be midwa( between dentist and account. !f architect

mo)es to midwa( of the bui"din# =&th f"oor then he wi"" be midd"e of dentist I "aw(er.

round f"oor can be i#nored i.e. f"oor +.

Ans3 Dentist 15. Accountant 1%. Archetect 1. Jaw(er %.

1&+ ? "adis$ rs ar#arat$ rs ;rice$ rs inter I rs 0""en went for mar7etin#. 0ach went

for shops on"(. Their surnames are "orret$ torre($ doris and marsha"". ne went to a

hardwares shop. Two went to ban7. Two went to buchers. A"" but dorris went to #rocer( etc.

ho went where9

1&1. A software en#ineer starts from home at % pm for e)enin# wa"7. @e wa"7s at a speed

of ? 7mph on "e)e" #round and then at a speed of % 7mph on the uphi"" and then down the

hi"" at a speed of * 7mph to the "e)e" #round and then at a speed of ? 7mph to the home at

& pm. hat is the distance on one wa(9

1&. A ba# contains certain number of fi"es. 0ach fi"e is numbered with one di#it of + to &.

:uppose the person want to #et the number between 1 to +++ =or +++ chec7 . @ow

man( minimum number of fi"es shou"d be present in the ba#.


1&%. a E b E c Ed 4 d E e E f E # 4 # E h E i 41.

!f a 4 ?$ what are the )a"ues of d and #. 0ach "etter ta7en on"( one of the di#it from 1 to &.Ans3 a 4 ? $b 4 $ c 4*$ d 4 5$ e 4 %$ f 4 8$ # 4 1$ h 4 $ i 4 &.

1&?. A fro# 6umps % ft comes bac7 ft in a da(. !n how man( da( it wi"" come out of %+ft

deep we""9

Ans3 8 da(.

1&5. A-B4C

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Ans3 A4&$ B45$ C4?$ '4.

1&*. hen the actua" time pass 1 hr$ wa"" c"oc7 is 1+ min behind it. hen 1 hr is shown b(wa"" c"oc7$ tab"e c"oc7 shows 1+ min ahead of 1 hr. hen tab"e c"oc7 shows 1 hr$ the a"arm

c"oc7 #oes 5 min behind it. hen a"arm c"oc7 #oes 1 hr$ wrist watch is 5 min ahead of it.

Assumin# that a"" c"oc7s are correct with actua" time at 1 noon$ what wi"" be time shown b(

wrist watch after * hr9

Ans3 53?3%.5 =n G *+ 5+*+ G +*+ G 55*+ G *5*+.

1&. A software en#ineer 6ust returned from P:$ has eaten too much fat I put a "ot of

wei#ht. 0)er( sunda( he starts wa"7in# ? 7mhr on "e)e" #round$ then up at % 7mXhr$ then

bac7 down hi"" at *7mXhr$ then a#ain on "e)e" #round at ?7mXhr ti"" he reaches his

destination. !f he returned home at & p.m.$ what distance did he co)ered9

Ans3 ? 7m.

1&8. Answer the uestions from facts3-

The members of certain tribe are di)ided into % casts abhor$ dra)id ampR ma#ar.

1. An abhor woman cant marr( dra)id man.

. A ma#ar woman cant marr( a dra)id man.

%. A son ta7es the caste of his father and a dau#hter ta7es caste of her mother.

5. A"" marria#es ecept those mentioned$ are not permitted.

*. There are no chi"dren born out of a wed"oc7.

1&& There are sca"es of temp A I B. !t was #i)en A )aries from 1? to 1%% and B )aries

from %* to 8. 'ind the temperature$ when temperature of A is eua" to temp of B.Ans3 5.5.

Jet t4mEc$ c4-+ 4> m45111&

a4a.5111& -+ 4> a45.5.

+1. There are ? married coup"es$ out of which$ % poep"e in a #roup is needed. But there

shou"d not be his or her spouse in the #roup. @ow man( #roups are possib"e9

Ans3 %.

+. !n the ? di#its 1$$%$?$ how man( ? di#ited numbers are possib"e which are di)isib"e b(

?9 /epeatations are a""owed.Ans3 *?.

+%. Two men are #oin# a"on# a trac7 of rai" in the opposite direction. ne #oods train

crossed the first person in + sec. After 1+ min the train crossed the other person who is

commin# in opposite direction in 18 sec. After the train has passed$ when the two persons

wi"" meet9

Ans3 Appro. min$ chec7 it once.

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+?. The no. of chi"dren$ adu"ts. The no. of adu"ts the no. of bo(s. The no. of bo(s no. of

#ir"s. The no. of #ir"s no. of fami"(. Conditions3-

1. 2o fami"( is without a chi"d.

. 0)er( #ir" has at "east one brother and sister.

Ans3 c > a > b > # > fR & * 5 ? %.

+5. There are ? bo(s - Anand$ Anand(a$ adan and ura"i with nic-names perich$ ,omie$

drumm( and madeena not in the same order. :ome conditions.

Ans3 Anand 3 ;erich

Anand(a 3 Drumm(

adan 3 Oombie

ura"i 3 adeena

+*. There are diamonds$ 1 spade and 1 c"ub and 1 ace and a"so 1 7in#$ 1 6ac7 and 1 ace

are arran#ed in a strai#ht "ine.

1. The 7in# is at third p"ace.. The "eft of 6ac7 is a heart and its ri#ht is 7in#.

%. 2o two red co"ours are in consecuti)e.

?. The ueens are separated b( two cards.

rite the order of which suits =hearts $c"ubsand names =6ac7s ueens etc. are aran#ed9

+. rite each statement as true or fa"se.

8 ar7s

1. The sum of the first three statements and the second fa"se statement #i)es the true


. The no. of true statements > 2o. of fa"se statements.

%. The sum of second true statement and first fa"se statement #i)es the first truestatement.

?. There are atmost % fa"se statements.

5. There are no two conseuti)e true statements.

+8. There are % pi"es each contains 1+$ 15$ I + stones. There are A$ B$ C$ D$ '$ and @

persons. ne man can catch upto four stones from an( pi"e. The "ast man who ta7es wi""

win. !f first A starts net B and so on$ who wi"" win9

Ans3 a( be '.

+&. !n a certain department store the position of Bu(er$ Cashier$ C"er7$ '"oorwa"7ar I

ana#er are he"d$ thou#h not necessari"( respecti)e"($ b( 0)ans$ Ames$ Conro($ Da)is ampRBu(er. The cashier I the mana#er were roommates in co""e#e. The Bu(er is bache"or$ 0)ans

I iss Ames ha)e on"( business contacts with each other. rs. Conro( was #reat"(

dosappointed when her husband to"d her that the mana#er had refu#ed to #i)e him a raise.

Da)is is #oin# to be the best man when the c"er7 I the cashier are married. hat position

does each person he"d9

1+. !n a four team foot-ba"" tournament$ a"" the teams p"a(ed each ther in three rounds

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of matches as shown in the Tab"e - A. :ome of The resu"ts of the tournament are shown in


Tab"e - B. Psin# the C"ues #i)en be"ow$ p"ease fi"" in the b"an7 co"umns in the resu"t Tab"e - B

=oa"s for I oa"s A#ainst9.

2ote 3 Two points for win$ one point for draw I ,ero points for defeat are awarded.

C"ues 31. 0ast ,one won the tournament despite scorin# one "ess #oa" than the runners-up.

. 2orth ,one scored an odd number of #oa"s in their first round ame.

%. :outh ,one$ who fai"ed to score in their fina" match$ were beaten b( a two-#oa" mar#in in

the first round.

?. 0ast ,one "ost their match a#inst west ,one.

5. A"" four teams scored #oa"s in the second round matches.

*. est ,one scored the same number of #oa"s a#ainst east ,one as 2orth ,one scored

a#inst them.

11. 0ast ,one scored four #oa"s in round two match.Tab"e - A =atches ;"a(ed

/ound 1

2orth ,one )s :outh ,one

est ,one )s east ,one.


:outh ,one )s est ,one

0ast ,one )s 2orth ,one

/ound %

:outh ,one )s 0ast ,one

est ,one )s 2orth ,one.

Tab"e - B =/esu"ts;"a(ed on Draw Jost o"as 'or oa"s A#ainst ;oints

0ast Oone % - - - 9 % ?

2orth Oone % - - - 9 9 ?

est Oone % - - - ? % %

:outh Oone % - - - 5 1

1. !n certain communit($ there are thousand married coup"es. Two thirds of the husbands

who are ta""er than their wi)es are a"so hea)ier and three uarters of the husbands who are

hea)ier than their wi)es are a"so ta""er. !f there are 1+ wi)es who are ta""er and hea)ier

than their husbands$ how man( husbands are ta""er and hea)ier than their wi)es9

1%. Both the uptas and :inhas ha)e two (oun# sons$ whose a#es are under 0"e)en. The

names of the bo(s$ whose a#es rounded off to the nearest (ear are a"" different$ are /a6esh$

;ra)een$ Ja"ith and ;rathap. Ta7in# the a#es of the bo(s on"( to the nearest (ear$ the

fo""owin# statements are true3-

/a6esh is three (ears (oun#er than his brother is.

;ra)een is the o"dest.

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;rathap is 5 (ears o"der than the (oun#er :inhas bo(.

Ja"ith is ha"f as o"d as one of the upthas bo(s.

The tota" a#es of the bo(s in each fami"( differ b( the same amount toda( as the( did fi)e

(ears a#o.

1?. A "on# Di)ision ;rob"em3-=







!n the comp"ete so"ution$ there are four 5s. 'ind the missin# di#its.

15. 'o""owin# ser)ices are operated b( Asian air"ines between the two are "ocated in

different countries with different time ,ones. As it is norma""( done$ the time shown is the

"oca" time - )i, !:T I T:T.

/e#u"ar '"i#ht :upersonic '"i#htArri)e A"eandria 131+ T:T 153?+ T:T

Depart A"eandria +35+ T:T 35+ T:T

Arri)ed /ampur %3?+ !:T

!s the arri)a" time of supersonic f"i#ht into /ampur from A"eandria same as the Arri)a" time

of the /e#u"ar f"i#ht$ assumin# each :er)ice - /e#u"ar and :upersonic maintains its own

constant speed of f"i#ht.

1* A$ B$ C$ D$ 0 re"ated. 'our of them made these statements each3-

i C is m( son-in-"aws brother.

ii B is m( fathers brother.iii 0 is m( mother-in-"aw.

i) A is m( brothers wife.

ho made these statements9

1 A ship is awa( from the shore b( 18+ mi"es. A p"ane is tra)e""in# at 1+ times speed of

the ship. @ow "on# from the shore wi"" the( meet9

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18 A c"oc7 showin# * oc"oc7 ta7es %+ secs to stri7e * times. @ow "on# wi"" it ta7e to stri7e

1 at midni#ht9

Ans3 ** seconds.

1& n"( bo(s a#ed > 1* wear coats. Bo(s a#ed > 15 #o to watch footba"". :ome morestatements are #i)en. hat can be said about those who are watchin# footba""9

+ There are % societies A$ B ampR C ha)in# some tractors each. A i)es B and C as man(

tractors as the( a"read( ha)e. After some da(s B #i)es A and C as man( tractors as the(

ha)e. After some da(s C #i)es A and B as man( tractors as the( ha)e. 'ina""( each has ?

tractors. hat is the ori#ina" 2o.of tractors each had in the be#innin#9

Ans3 A - %&. B - 1. C - 1.

1. B0 B0 4 ACB.

A, B, C

 are non ,ero numbers. 'ind B$ 0.

Ans: B=1 E=9.

. A$ B$ C$ D$ 0 are ha)in# numerica" )a"ues. There are some conditions #i)en3-

a A4C <444> BM40

b Difference between A and C as same as difference between C and B as same as

difference between A and D.

c C < A and C > D$

Then 'ind A$ B$ C$ D$ 0.

%. There are si cards$ in which$ it has two 7in# cards. A"" cards are turned down and two

cards are opened.

a hat is the possibi"it( to #et at "east one 7in#9

b hat is the possibi"it( to #et two 7in#s9

?. A person went to a shop and as7ed for chan#e for 1.15 paise$ but he said that he cou"d

not on"( #i)e chan#e for one rupee but a"so for 5+p$ 5p$ 1+p and 5p. hat were the coins

he had9

Ans3 1-->5+p ?--->1+p 1--->5p.

5. There are % nurses and the( wor7 a"to#ether on"( once in a wee7. 2o nurse is ca""ed towor7 for % consecuti)e da(s.

2urse 1 is off on tueseda($ thursda( and sunda(. 2urse is off on saturda(. 2urse % is off

on thursda($ sunda(.

2o two nurses are off more than once a wee7. 'ind the da( on which a"" the % nurses were

on wor7.

*. There are 5 persons A$ B$ C$ D$ 0 and each is wearin# a b"oc7 or white cap on his head.

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A person can see the caps of the remainin# ? but cant see his own cap. A person wearin#

white sa(s true and who wears b"ac7 sa(s fa"se.

i A sa(s ! see % whites and 1 b"ac7.

ii B sa(s ! see ? b"ac7s.

iii 0 sa(s ! see ? whites.

i) C sa(s ! see % b"ac7s and 1 white.2ow 'ind the caps weared b( A$ B$ C$ D and 0.

. There are two women$ La)itha and :hami"i and two ma"es :h(am and Ara)ind$ who

are musicians. ut of these four one is a ;ianist$ one '"utist$ io"inist and Drummer.

i Across Ara)ind beats ;ianist.

ii Across :h(am is not a '"utist.

iii La)ithas "eft is a ;ianist.

i) :hami"is "eft is not a Drummer.

)> '"utist and Drummer are married.

8. 1% rd of the contents of a container e)aporated on the 1st da(. %? th of theremainin# contents of the container e)aporated the second da(. hat part of the contents

of the container are "eft at the end of the second da(9

&. A man co)ered 8 steps in %+ seconds but he decided to mo)e fast and co)ered %?

steps in 18 seconds. @ow man( steps are there on the esca"ator when stationar(9

1. ;erson13 ost of us are satch K.

;erson3 ost of us are 6ute :.

;erson%3 Two of us are satch K.

;erson?3 Three of us are 6ute K.

;erson53 ! am satch K we ha)e to find who is satch and who is 6ute.Ans3 :3 :atch K3Kute.

. 'our persons are there to cross a brid#e the( ha)e one torch "i#ht.

;erson A can cross in 1 min.

;erson B can cross in min.

;erson C can cross in 5 min.

;erson D can cross in 1+ min.

The( ha)e to cross brid#e with in 1 min. At a time on"( two persons can cross.

!. A I B ----> .

!!. A <---- 1.

!!!. C I D ----> 1+.!. B <---- .

A I B ---->


Tota" 1.

%+. hat is the maimum number of s"ices can (ou obtain b( cuttin# a ca7e with on"( ?


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Ans3 1*.

%1. Three are three boes. !n first bo$ two white ba""s. !n second bo$ b"ac7 ba""s. !n

third bo$ 1 white I 1 b"ac7 ba"". The "ab"es on the boes are not correct. Then (ou ha)e to

open one bo and to find the co"our of the ba""s in a"" boes.

Ans3 pen the bo "ab"ed b"ac7 I white. !f white ba""s are there then the bo "ab"ed withwhite ba""s contain b"ac7 ba""s and "ab"ed with b"ac7 ba""s contain one b"ac7 and one white

ba"" and )ice )ersa$ if two b"ac7 ba""s are there.

%. There is a ? inch cube painted on a"" sides. This is cut into number of 1 inch cubes.

hat is the number of cubes which ha)e no painted sides9

%%. :am and a"a ha)e a con)ersation. :am sa(s ! am certain"( not o)er ?+. a"a sa(s !

am %8 and (ou are at"east 5 (ears o"der than me. 2ow :am sa(s (ou are at"east %&. A"" the

statements b( the two are fa"se. @ow o"d are the( rea"(9

%?. /am sin#h #oes to his office in the cit( e)er( da( from his suburban house. @is dri)eran#aram drops him at the rai"wa( station in the mornin# and pic7s him up in the e)enin#.

0)er( e)enin# /am sin#h reaches the station at 5 oc"oc7. an#aram a"so reaches at the

same time. ne da( /am sin#h started ear"( from his office and came to the station at ?

oc"oc7. 2ot wantin# to wait for the car he starts wa"7in# home. an#aram starts at norma"

time$ pic7s him up on the wa( and ta7es him bac7 house$ ha"f an hour ear"(. @ow much

time did /am sin#h wa"7ed9

%5. :ome peop"e went for )action. Pnfortunate"( it rained for 1% da(s when the( were

there. But whene)er it rained in the mornin#$ the( had c"ean afternood and )ice )ersa. !n a""

the( en6o(ed 11 mornin# and 1 afternoons. @ow man( da(s did the( sta( there tota""(9

%*. eoffre($ @a""mann and o""( attend and inter)iew and #i)e three different statements


To ma7e it a "itt"e comp"e. ut of the three statements made b( each one$ one is fa"se.

eoffre( sa(s3 ! am - fa"se

@a""mann is e"der than me b( one (ear.

o""( is 5

@a""mann sa(s3 ! am not the (oun#est -

eoffre( is (ears (oun#er than me

o""( is (oun#er than me b( one (ear - fa"se

o""( sa(s3 eoffre( is %

! am a (ear (oun#er than eoffre(

=! dont remember this statement but it is fa"se.


oeffre( is as oef states$

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And oef44 % as o""( states.

Both cannot be true.

0ither one has to be true or either one has to be fa"se.

:tart deri)in# from this point and u #et$

eoffre( @a""mann o""(A#e3 % 5

%. There is a cube$ which has to be inscribed with the fo""owin# pair

of numbers on opposite sides.1 and *$ and ?$% and 5.

@ow man( different wa(s can it be done9

%8. Theres an e"ectric wire runnin# 1 7m from the side of a bui"din#.

The number of po"es in between them is p"aced in an inter)a" of 

distance between each other.

!f one po"e is remo)ed then the distance between each po"e becomes 1 % meters.'ind out how man( po"es were 7ept.

%&. The time ta7en to tra)e" in train from Town A to Town B is 5 hours.

There are trains startin# from both towns at an inter)a" of 1 hour.

@ow man( trains meet in 1 trip9

Ans 3 1+ trains chec7 it as trains come from both sides e)er( hour.

?+. :hadow went to an !s"e where the nati)es "ie and the )isitors spea7 truth.

:hadow saw a sa"esman and wanted to 7now whether he was a nati)e or a )isitor.

@e did not pose a uestion direct"( but as7ed him indirect instead.

:hadow saw a woman and as7ed the sa"esman$H!s that a 2AT!0 or!:!T/9H .'or which the sa"esman rep"ied$H :he is a )isitorH.

!s the sa"esman a 2ati)e or a isitor9

Ans 3

:ince :hadow himse"f saw himher as a woman and as7ed the sa"esman.

The :a"esman rep"ied $H:@0 H b( which he spea7s truth and is a isitor.

:a"esman is a isitor.

?1. Three friends di)ided some bu""ets eua""(.

After a"" of them shot ? bu""ets the tota" number of bu""ets remainin# is eua" to the bu""ets

each had after di)ision.'ind the ori#ina" number di)ided.

Ans3 18 = mar7s

!nitia""( .

2ow -? -? -?

0uation is %-1 4

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?. There are % societies A$ B$ C.

A "ent cars to B and C as man( as the( had a"read(.

After some time B #a)e as man( tractors to A and C as man( as the( ha)e.

After sometime c did the same thin#. At the end of this transaction each one of them had?.

'ind the cars each or#ina""( had.

Ans3 A had %& cars$ B had 1 cars I C had 1 cars

?%. The Bu""s$ ;acers$ Ja7ers and Ka,, ran for a contest.

Anup$ :u6it$ Kohn made the fo""owin# statements re#ardin# resu"ts.

Anup said either Bu""s or Ka,, wi"" definite"( win

:u6it said he is confident that Bu""s wi"" not win

Kohn said he is confident that neither Ka,, nor Ja7ers wi"" win

hen the resu"t cameit was found that on"( one of the abo)e three had made a correct

statement.ho has made the correct statement and who has won the contest.

Ans3 :u6ithR Ja7ers

??. 'i)e peop"e A $B $C $D $0 are re"ated to each other.

'our of them ma7e one true statement each as fo""ows.

=i B is m( fathers brother.

=ii 0 is m( mother-in-"aw.

=iiiC is m( son-in-"aws brother

=i)A is m( brothers wife.

Ans3 =i D =ii B =iii 0 =i) C

?5. :ome statements are #i)en be"ow3

J sa(s a"" of m( other four friends ha)e mone(

sa(s that ; said that eact"( one amon# them has mone(

2 sa(s that J said that precise"( two amon# them ha)e mone(

sa(s that said that three of the others ha)e mone(

;$ J and 2 said that the( ha)e mone(

A"" the abo)e statement are fa"se..

ho has mone( I who doesnt ha)e an( mone(9

?*. 'ift( minutes a#o if it was four times as man( minutes past three oc"oc7$how man(

minutes is it to si oc"oc79

Ans3 Twent( si minutes.

?. A hote" has 1+ store(s.hich f"oor is abo)e the f"oor be"ow the f"oor$ be"ow the f"oor

abo)e the f"oor$ be"ow the f"oor abo)e the fifth.

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Ans3 The sith f"oor.

?8. :e)en members sat around a tab"e for three da(s for a conference.

The members names were Abhishe7$ Amo"$ An7ur$ Anura#$Bhuwan $asu and i7ram.

The meetin#s were chaired b( i7ram.

n the first e)enin# members sat around the tab"e a"phabetica""(.n the fo""owin# two ni#hts$ i7ram arran#ed the seatin#s so that he cou"d ha)e Abhishe7

as near to him as possib"e and abesent minded asu as far awa( as he


n no e)enin# did an( person ha)e sittin# net to him a person who had pre)ious"( been

his nei#hbour. @ow did i7ram mana#e to seat e)er(bod( to the best ad)anta#e on the

second and third e)enin#s9


:econd e)enin#3i7ram$An7ur$Abhishe7$Amo"$asu$Anura# and Bhuwan.

Third e)enin# 3i7ram$Anura#$Abhishe7$asu$Bhuwan$An7ur$Amo".

?&. Two trains start from stations A and B spaced 5+ 7ms apart at the same time and


As the trains start$ a bird f"ies from one train towards the other and on reachin# the second

train$ it f"ies bac7 to the

first train.This is repeated ti"" the trains co""ide.

!f the speed of the trains is 5 7mh and that of the bird is 1++7mh.

@ow much did the bird tra)e" ti"" the co""ision.

Ans3 1++ 7ms.

5+. 'our prisoners escape from a prison.The prisoners$ r 0ast$ r est$ r :outh$ r 2orth head towards different directions after

escapin#.The fo""owin# information of their escape was supp"ied3

The escape routes were The 2orth /oad$ :outh /oad$ 0ast /oad and est /oad.

2one of the prisoners too7 the road which was their namesa7e.

r.0ast did not ta7e the :outh /oad

r.est did not the :outh /oad.

The est /oad was not ta7en b( r.0ast

hat road did each of the prisoners ta7e to ma7e their escape9

Ans3 r.0ast too7 the 2orth /oadr.est too7 the 0ast /oad

r.2orth too7 the :outh /oad

r.:outh too7 the est /oad.

51. Comp"ete the series3

5$ +$ ?$ *$ $ 8$ 9

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Ans3 1 =as 5?4+$ +E?4?$ ??4*$ *-?4$ ?48$ 8E?41.

5 A so"dier "ooses his wa( in a thic7 6un#"e. At random he wa"7s from his camp but

mathematica""( in an interestin# fashion. 'irst he wa"7s one mi"e 0ast then ha"f mi"e to

2orth. Then 1? mi"e to est$ then 18 mi"e to :outh and so on ma7in# a "oop.

'ina""( how far he is from his camp and in which direction.

Ans3 Distance tra)e""ed in north and south directions

1 - 18 E 1% - 118 E 151 - and so on

4 1==1-=-1?

:imi"ar"( in east and west directions

1- 1? E 11* - 1*? E 15* - and so on

4 1== 1- = - 1?

Add both the answers

5% @ow can 1+++++++++ be written as a product of two factors neither of them containin#,eros

Ans3 power & 5 power &

5? Con)ersation between two mathematcians3

'irst 3 ! ha)e three chi"dern. The product of their a#es is %*.

!f (ou sum their a#es$ it is eact"( same as m( nei#hbours door number on m( "eft.

The second mathematician )erfies the door number and sa(s that it is not sufficient.

Then the first sa(s H 7 one more c"ue is that m( (oun#est is rea""( the (oun#estH.

!mmmediate"( the second mathematician answers . Can (ou answer the uestion as7ed b(

the first mathematician9

hat are the chi"deren a#es9 Ans 1$* and *

55 Ji#ht #"ows for e)er( 1% seconds . @ow man( times did it #"ow between 135358 and

%3+3? am.

Ans 3 %8% E 1 4 %8?

5* 5++ men are arran#ed in an arra( of 1+ rows and 5+ co"umns accordin# to their


Ta""est amon# each row of a"" are as7ed to fa"" out.

And the shortest amon# them is A.

:imi"ar"( after resumin# that to their ori#ina" podsitions that the shortest amon# each

co"umn are as7ed to fa"" out.And the ta""est amon# them is B .

2ow who is ta""er amon# A and B 9

Ans A

5 A person with some mone( spends1% for c"oths$ 15 of the remainin# for food and 1?

of the remainin# for tra)e".

@e is "eft with /s 1++- . @ow much did he ha)e with him in the be#inin# 9

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Ans3 /s 5+-

58 There are si boes containin# 5 $ $ 1? $ 1* $ 18 $ & ba""s of either red or b"ue in


:ome boes contain on"( red ba""s and others contain on"( b" sa"es man so"d one bo

out of them and then he sa(s H ! ha)e the same number of red ba""s "eft out as that of b"ueH.

hich bo is the one he so"ds out 9

Ans3 Tota" no of ba""s 4 8& and =8&-& 4 *+ 4 %+

and a"so 1? E 1* 4 5 E E 18 4 %+

*+ rass in "awn #rows eua""( thic7 and in a uniform rate.

!t ta7es ? da(s for + cows and *+ da(s for %+ cows to eat the who"e of the #rass.

@ow man( cows are needed to eat the #rass in &* da(s.9

Ans 3 +

# - #rass at the be#innin#

r - rate at which #rass #rows$ per da(( - rate at which one cow eats #rass$ per da(

n - no of cows to eat the #rass in &* da(s

# E ?r 4 + ? (

# E *+r 4 %+ *+ (

# E &*r 4 n &* (

:o")in#$ n 4 +.

*1There r some bees in a #arden..15th of them went to a particu"ar

f"ower$1%rd went to another f"ower$% times the difference of the

abo)e two went to third f"ower..n one was remainin# n it was roamin# man( bees were there9 =% mar7sAns315

*there was a communit( in which there were 1+++ coup"es.!n that

%rd of men who r ta""er r a"so hea)ier n %?th of the men who r

hea)ier r a"so ta""er n there were 1+ women who were both hea)ier n

ta""er than men.:o how man( men r both ta""er n hea)ier than men9

*%A man dri)es with constant speed..n he after some time he sees a

mi"estone with -di#its..then he tra)e"s for an hr n sees the same

di#its in re)erse order..n then after an hr he sees that the

mi"estone has the same di#its with a + between whats theman speed9


*?There were s(stems A n B.1? de#rees in A is eui)a"ent to %* in

s(stem B.and 1%% in A is eui)a"ent to 8 in what is the

temperature where the( both r eua"9

Ans351.5 =con)ersion A4=%B-+

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*5 G N O G N O

A B E A B -

------------ -------------

C D 0 ' B A

find G$N$O$

**A women bu(s some shoestrips n then ? times of that she bu(s

pac7et pins n then 8 times of shoestrips she bu(s hand7erchiefs..n

she has a bi"" of /s%.?..n she pa(s for each artic"e as man( paise

as there r artic"es=of tht particu"ar item.2ow whats the number of 



*s.Anitha #ot her sa"ar( n she spent ha"f of it in shoppin# n #a)e

1/: to a be##ar.After that 1 of the remainin# mone( she spends ina hote" n she #i)es /s.- as a tip to waiter.n then 1 of the

remainin# she spends a#ain n she #i)es % /: as charit(..n after that

fina""( she is "eft with /s 1- when she comes out.hats the actua"

mone( she had9

/s ?- =% mar7s

*8. A person is c(c"in# in a circu"ar trac7.At some point he notices

that 15 of peop"e in front of him and 5* of peop"e to#ether

condtitute the tota" no. of c(c"ists.'ind the tota" no. of c(c"ists.


*&.Trains "ea)e from 2ew Nor7 to ashin#ton e)er( hour on the

hour=13++$3++.....Trains "ea)e from ashin#ton to 2ew Nor7 e)er(

hour on the hour and ha"f hour=13++$13%+$3+$3%+.....!t ta7es a train 5

hrs to comp"ete its 6ourne( from ashin#ton to 2ew Nor7 as we"" as

from new (or7 to washin#ton.A train "ea)es from new (or7 to washin#ton. 'ind

out how man( trains it wi"" meet before it reaches washin#ton.

Ans31& or 1=not sure.

+ A pen$ penci" and eraser to#ether cost W1.++. if 0;$ and ;>?0 then what a sin#"e pen

wi"" cost9

1. !n a c"ass there are "ess than 5++ students . when it is di)ided b( % it #i)es a who"e

number. simi"ar"( when it is di)ided b( ?$5 or #i)es a who"e number.find the no. of

students in the c"ass.

ans3 ?+

. Pnc"e reuben and aunt c(nthia came to town to shop reuben bou#ht a suit and hat for

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c(nthia paid as much as for her hat as reuben did for his suit then she spent the rest of


mone( for a new dress on the wa( home c(nthia ca""ed reubens attention to the fact that

his hat

cost W1 more than her dress then she added if we had di)ided our hat mone( different"( sothat

we bou#ht different hats mine costin# 1 and 1 time cost if (ours then we each wou"d ha)e


the same amount of mone( in that case said unc"e reuben Hhow much wou"d m( hat ha)e


Ans 3 Pnc"es hat costs W*.? =tota" mone( was W&

%. 'our fami"( names are #i)en and their frends name are #i)en but not in order.= u ha)

to find

which frend be"on#s to which fami"( 0ach frend prepares sa"ad usin# % different fruits .the( are

#i)en app"e$ cherr($ #rape$ banana.$ no two frens uses the same combination.

arious conditions are #i)en and ? ues as7ed.

hich fruit did mand( didnt use9

ho is f"ures friend9

2ame the fruits common btwn 0rica and stac(9

?.@ere is a simp"e mathematica" pu,,"e set b( Jon#fe""ow in his own f"ower($ poetica"


!f 15th of a hi)e of bees f"ew to the badamba f"ower$ 1%rd f"ew to the s"andbara$ % times

thedifference of these two numbers f"ew to an arbour$ ad one bee continued to f"( about$

attracted on each side b( the fra#rant 7eta7i and ma"ati$ what was the tota" number of


Ans3 15

5. =dont remember the eact uestiona man whi"e sortin# fi"es pic7s up fi"e number


one$ pic7s up fi"e no. $mises two fi"es$and so on...after that he found that he pic7ed up 5U

of the

fi"es. @ow man( fi"es were there9


*. A man wa"7s at ? 7mhr on p"ain$ then at % 7mhr uphi"" and then returns throu#h the

same road at * 7mhr downhi"" and at ? 7mhr on the p"ain. !t ta7es a"to#ether * hours. :o

what distance he co)ered in one wa(9

Ans3 1 7m

:o"ution3 Jet p"ain road 4 7m

And hi"" road 4 ( 7m

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9 ? E (% E (* E ? 4 *

9 E ( 4 *

9 E ( 41

. There are some men and some "od#es for which the

fo""owin# conditions ho"d true Si 0ach "od#e is represented b( eact"( % men .

ii 0ach man is associated with eact"( "od#es.

iii An( pair of "od#e has on"( one man in common.

@ow man( men and how man( "od#es were there9

Ans3 * men and ? "od#es.


i J1 is represented b( 1$ $ %. J is represented b( %$ ?$ 5. J% is represented b(

1$ ?$ *. J? is represented b( $ 5$ *.

ii 1 is associated with J1$J%. is associated with J1$J?. % is associated with J1$J. ?

is associated with J$J%. 5 is associated with J$J?. * is associated with J%$J?.iii Common between J1 and J is on"( %. Common between J1 and J% is on"( 1.

Common between J1 and J? is on"( . Common between J and J% is on"( ?. Common

between J and J? is on"( 5. Common between J% and J? is on"( *.

i.e a"" the #i)en conditions are satisfied.

8. A person se""s items for /s. 1 each. 'or one he

profits 5U and for the other he "osses +U. A"to#ether did he "oss or #ain9 And b( how


Ans3 @e "osses b( *+ paise.

:o"ution3 Cost price of the item for which he "osses 4 /s.11++8+ 4 /s. 15.

Cost price of the item for which he ains 4 /s.

11++15 4 /s &.*.

9 Tota" cost price is /s. ?.* and tota" se"" price is

/s. ?.

:o a"to#ether he "osses b( /s. +.*.

&. ( fatherYs a#e was in the (ear Z. ! am ob)ious"( ta"7in# about +th centur(. !n

which (ear was m( father born9

Ans3 !n the (ear 18&.:o"ution3 4 ?? as ??Z 4 1&%* and the suare of an( other

inte#er wi"" not fa"" in between 1&++ and +++. i.e m(

father was ?? in the (ear 1&%*. 9 m( father was

born in the (ear 18&.

8+.A man was #oin# b( c(c"e. After #oin# %rd of tota" distance the c(c"e bro7e down and

he had to comp"ete the 6ourne( on foot. At the end he found that he wa"7ed twice as "on# as

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he was on c(c"e. @ow man( times the speed of the c(c"e is as the speed of wa"7in#9

Ans3 ? times.

:o"ution3 Jet the distance be , 7m$ speed of c(c"e be 7mhr

and wa"7in# speed be ( 7mhr.

Then he co)ered ,% 7m b( c(c"e in ,% hr andco)ered ,% 7m on foot in ,%( hr.

9 accordin# to the uestion ,% 4 ,%( 9 ( 4 ?.

81.!n a badminton tournament a team is e"iminated from the tournament if it "osses

#ames. !f there are 51 teams then what is the maimum number of #ames reuired to

se"ect the champion9

Ans3 1+1

:o"ution3 To e"iminate the 5+ teams 5+ 4 1++ #ames are

reuired. And the champion team ma( "ose in at

most 1 #ame. 9 a. no. of #ames reuired 4 1+1.

8. There are % tribes in a !s"and. :ororean who a"wa(s spea7 truth$ 2ororean who a"wa(s

spea7 fa"se and idorean who spea7 truth and fa"se a"ternate"( in either order. 'rom the

statements #i)en b( A$B and C =who be"on# to % different tribes$ three persons from the

is"and$ identif( who be"on#s to which tribe.

A 3 C is :ororean.

B is idorean.

B 3 A is 2ororean.

C is idorean.

C 3 A is idorean.

! am :ororean.



idorean 2ororean :ororean

:o"ution3 Thin7 "o#ica""(.

8%. There are 5 persons A$B$C$D$0 . A"" of them ha)e different occupations and none of

them are of same a#e. There professions are Consu"tant$ ;"anner$ 0n#ineer$ 2utritionist andTechnician definite"( not in the same order. 'rom the fo""owin# conditions determine whose

profession is what9

i The consu"tant is the o"dest amon# them.

ii The Technician is not (oun#er than the ;"anner and the ;"anner is not (oun#er than the


iii D is not as o"d as A and a"so not as (oun# as B$ who is not as o"d as the 0n#ineer and

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a"so not as (oun# as C.

i) C is not the (oun#est amon# them.

Ans3 2ames are #i)en in descendin# order of their a#es.

Consu"tant 0n#ineer Technician ;"anner 2utritionist

A D B C 0:o"ution3 Thin7 "o#ica""(.

8?. ? persons$ atts$ /o#er$ Ynei" and :mith$ were eatin# in a restaurant whi"e :mith was

7i""ed b( poisonin#. Durin# in)esti#ation the other % persons #a)e the fo""owin# statements.

The( #a)e one fa"se statement each.

atts 3 i ! didnYt do it.

ii Ynei" sat beside me.

iii e had our usua" waiter.

/o#er 3 i :mith was across the tab"e from me.ii e had a new waiter.

iii The waiter didnYt do it.

Ynei" 3 i /o#er didnYt do it.

ii The waiter has poisoned :mith.

iii atts "ied when he said that we had our usua"


ne amon# these three persons and the waiter murdered :mith. ho is the murderer9

Ans 3 Ynei" is the murderer.

:o"ution3 Thin7 "o#ica""(.

! ha)e #i)en the fa"se statements in red and ita"ics.

85 There is a ? inch cube painted on a"" sides. This is cut down into of 1 inch cubes. hat

is the no of 

cubes which ha)e no pointed sides.

Ans3 8 [=n-=n-=n-\ where n is side "en#th of the cube

8*. 'ind the )a"ues of each of the a"phabets.

2 2: 2

E 2

K P 2 0

Ans3 &%*

8. !f a c"oc7 ta7es seconds to stri7e $ how "on# wi"" the same c"oc7 ta7e to stri7e 1+9

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Ans3 The c"oc7 stri7es for the first time at the start and ta7es seconds for *

inter)a"s-thus for one inter)a" time ta7en4*. Therefore$ for 1+ seconds there are &

inter)a"s and

time ta7en is &*41+ and 1 seconds.

88. 'ift( minutes a#o if it was four times as man(minutes past three oc"oc7$ how man( minutes is it to

si oc"oc79

Ans3 Twent( si minutes.

8&. 0)er(da( in his business a merchant had to wei#h

amounts from 1 7# to 117#s$ to the nearest 7#.

hat are the minimum number of wei#ht reuired

and how hea)( shou"d the( be9

Ans3 .The minimum number is 5 and the(

shou"d wei#h 1$%$&$ and 817#s.

&+. /am$ :h(am and umnaam are friends. /am is a widower and "i)es a"one and his


ta7es care of him. :h(am is a bache"or and his niece coo7s his food

and "oo7s after his house.umnaam is married to ita and "i)es in "ar#e

house in the same town.ita #i)es the idea that a"" of them cou"d sta(

to#ether in the house and share month"( epenseseua""(.

Durin# their first month of "i)in#to#ether$ each person contributed /s.5. At the end of 

the month$ it was found that /s & was the epense sothe remainin# amount was

distributed eua""( amon#

e)er(one. The distribution was such that e)er(one recei)ed a who"e number of /upees. @owmuch did each

person recei)e9Ans. /s =@int3 /ams sister$:h(ams niece and umnaams wife are the

same person

&1. :am and a"a ha)e a con)ersation.

] :am sa(s ! am certain"( not o)er ?+

] a"a sa(s ! am %8 and (ou are at "east 5 (ears o"derthan me

] 2ow :am sa(s (ou are at "east %&

A"" the statements b( the two are fa"se. @ow o"d are the( rea""(9

Ans3 a"a 4 %8 (rs$ :am 4 ?1 (rs.

&. rass in "awn #rows eua""( thic7 and in a uniform rate. !t ta7es ? da(s for + cows

and *+ da(s

for %+ cows to eat the who"e of the #rass. @ow man( cows are needed to eat the #rass in &*


Ans 3 +

[@int3 # - #rass at the be#innin# r -rate at which #rass #rows$ per da( ( - rate at which

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one cow eats #rass$ per da( n - no of cows to eat the #rass in &* da(s

# E ?r 4 + ? ( # E *+r4 %+ *+ ( # E &*r 4 n &* ($ :o")in#$ n 4 +. \

&%. Three crimina"s were arrested for shop "iftin#. @owe)er$ when interro#ated on"( one

to"d the truth in

both his statements$ whi"e the other two each to"d one true statement and one "ie. Thestatements were3

] AJB0/T 3=a Chander passed the merchandise. =bBruce created the di)ersion.

] B/PC0 3=a A"bert passed the merchandise. =b! created the di)ersion.

] CJ!0 3=a ! too7 the #oods out of the shop. =b Bruce passed them o)er.

Ans3 A"bert passed the #oods. Bruce

created the di)ersion. C"i)e too7 the #oods out of the


&?. There 2 stations on a rai"road. After addin# G stations on the rai" route ?* additiona"

tic7ets ha)eto be printed. 'ind 2 and G.

Ans. 4 and 2411 = Jet initia""($2=2-1 4 tR After addin#$ =2EG=2EG-1 4 tE?*RTrai" and

error method

&5. Comp"ete the Tab"e #i)en be"ow3

Three footba"" teams are there. i)en be"ow is

the #roup tab"e. 'i"" in the s

;"a(ed on Jost Draw oa"s 'or oa"s A#ainst

A 1

B 1 ?C %

Ans3 The fi""ed tab"e is #i)en be"ow

;"a(ed on Jost Draw oa"s 'or oa"s A#ainst

A + + 1

B + 1 1 ?

C + 1 1 %

&. 'our prisoners escape from a prison. The prisoners$ r. 0ast$ r. est$ r. :outh$ r.

2orthhead towards different directions after escapin#. The fo""owin# information of their escape

was supp"ied3

] The escape routes were The 2orth /oad$ :outh /oad$0ast /oad and est /oad.

] 2one of the prisoners too7 the road which was theirnamesa7e.

] r. 0ast did not ta7e the :outh /oad

] r. est did not the :outh /oad.

] The est /oad was not ta7en b( r. 0ast

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hat road did each of the prisoners ta7e to ma7e

their escape9

Ans3 r. 0ast too7 the 2orth /oad

r. est too7 the 0ast /oad

r. 2orth too7 the :outh /oadr. :outh too7 the est /oad.

&8. A hote" has two win#s$ the east win# and the west win#. :ome east win# rooms but

not a"" ha)e an ocean

)iew.A"" west win# rooms ha)e a harbor )iew. The char#e for a"" rooms is identica"$ ecept

as fo""ows 3

] 0tra char#e for a"" harbor )iew rooms on or abo)e

the %rd f"oor

] 0tra char#e for a"" ocean )iew rooms ecept those

without ba"con(] 0tra char#e for some harbor rooms on the first two

f"oor I some east win# rooms without ocean )iew but

ha)in# 7itchen faci"ities.

hich of the fo""owin# cannot be determined on the

basis of the information #i)en3

!. hether there are an( rooms without a

ba"con( for which an etra char#e is imposed.

!!. hether an( room without a 7itchen or

a )iew in)o")es an etra char#e.

!!!. hether two etra char#es are imposedfor an( room.

=A ! on"( =B !! on"(

=C !!! on"( =D !! and !!! on"(

=0 !$ !! and !!!

Ans3 =A

&&. A ship went on a )o(a#e. After it had tra)e"ed 18+ mi"es a p"ane started with 1+ times

the speed of the

ship. 'ind the distance when the( meet from startin# point.

Ans3 ++mi"es. = Distance tra)e"ed b( p"ane 4 11+ distance tra)e"ed b( ship E 18+

%+1. 'athers a#e is three (ears more than three times the sons a#e. After three (ears$

fathers a#e wi"" be

ten (ears more than twice the sons a#e. hat is the fathers present a#e9

Ans3 %% (ears.

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%+. Ji#ht #"ows for e)er( 1% seconds . @ow man( times did it #"ow between 135358 and

%3+3? am.

Ans 3 %8% E 1 4 %8?

%+%. There are + po"es with a constant distance between each po"e. A car ta7es ? second

to reach the

1th po"e.@ow much wi"" it ta7e to reach the "ast po"e.

Ans3 ?1.?5 seconds =Jet thedistance between two po"es 4 $ @ence 113?331&39

%+?. A man co""ects ci#arette stubs and ma7es one fu"" ci#arette with e)er( 8 stubs. !f he

#ets *? stubs how

man( fu"" ci#arettes can he smo7e. Ans3 8E14&

%+5. The minute and the hour hand of a watch meet e)er( *5 minutes. @ow much does the

watch "ose or #ain timeand b( how much9

Ans3 ainsR 511 minutes

%+*. A sur)e( was ta7en amon# 1++ peop"e to find their preference of watchin# T. .

pro#rams. There are %

channe"s. i)en the no of peop"e who watch

] at "east channe" 1

] at "east channe"

] at "east channe" %

] no channe"s at a""

] at "east channe"s 1and %] at "east channe"s 1 and

] at "east channe"s and %

'ind the no of peop"e who watched a"" three.

%+. :ome statements are #i)en be"ow3

] J sa(s a"" of m( other four friends ha)e mone(

] sa(s that ; said that eact"( one amon# them has


] 2 sa(s that J said that precise"( two amon# them

ha)e mone(] sa(s that said that three of the others ha)e


] ;$ J and 2 said that the( ha)e mone(

A"" the abo)e statement are fa"se. ho has mone( I who doesnt ha)e an( mone(9

%+8. 5++ men are arran#ed in an arra( of 1+ rows and 5+ co"umns accordin# to their

hei#hts. Ta""est amon# each

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row of a"" are as7ed to fa"" out. And the shortest amon# them is A. :imi"ar"( after resumin#

that to

their ori#ina" positions that the shortest amon# each co"umn are as7ed to fa"" out. And the

ta""est amon#

them is B. 2ow who is ta""er amon# A and B 9

Ans. A

%+&. r. athurs 6ewe"s ha)e been sto"en from his ban7

"oc7er. The ban7 has "oc7ers of 1 peop"e which are

arran#ed in an arra( of % rows and ? co"umns "i7e3

1 % ?

5 * 8

& 1+ 11 1

] The "oc7er be"on#in# to K20: was to the ri#ht of 

BJACL: "oc7er and direct"( abo)e !JJA/:.

] BT@: "oc7er was direct"( abo)e !JJA/:.

] :!T@: "oc7er was a"so abo)e /ANs =thou#h not direct"(.] /002: "oc7er was direct"( be"ow :!T@:.

] !J:2: "oc7er was between that of DA!: and BT@.

] !JJA/: "oc7er was on the bottom row direct"( to

the ri#ht of @0/D:.

] @!T0: "oc7er was on the bottom ri#ht hand corner in the same co"umn as BT@:.

hich bo be"on#ed to r. athurs9

Ans3 Bo number & be"on#s to r.athurs.

%1+. ;rob"em based on sets. 1++ pp". 85 are married$ + ha)e phone$ 5 ha)e house$ *+ha)e car. find pp" ha)in# house$ car$ phone and r married99 eas( set prob"em. i am not sure

abt fi#ures but find tota" pp" who do not ha)e these thin#s

and subtract from 1++ to #et pp" ha)in# a"" these.

ans. 1+

%11. )i""a#e and town. in between a hi"". a person tra)e"s on c(c"e 8 7m uphi"" and ?

downhi"" to reach town continuous"( in hrs 5+ min. then he comes to )i""a#e in ? hrs and

%+ min. find his speed uphi"" and downhi"".

ans. uphi"" *downhi"" 1*

%1. find wi,ards a#e. his a#e is % times sons a#e$ his fathers a#e is ?+ more than twice

his a#e. tota" of their a#es is 1?+.

ans. %*+

%1%. there r some steps. i come down steps then see a man at bottom. then he comes up

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and i #o down at same speed=m( speed. when ? steps r remainin# for me i find tht man

has reached the top.

for m( sin#"e step downwards he too7 steps up. find tota" steps.

ans. steps.

%1? ne person went to mar7et to purchase three )arieties of choco"ates. @e hadpurchased + items with + cents. 'ud#es are a)ai"ab"e at ? cents each$ chaco bars are

a)ai"ab"e at ? for a penn( and #um pints are a)ai"ab"e at a penn(. @ow man( of each item

he had purchased.

%15 There is a fi)e di#it number$ where the third number is one hi#her than the sum of first

and second di#its. 'ourth di#it is twice of fifth and third di#it is twice the fourth. :econd

di#it is fi)e more than the first di#it. hat is the number

%1* A cube$ which is painted red on a"" its sides$ is cut into cubes with three strai#ht

cuts. 2ow how man( cubes ha)e

i 2o red face

iine red face

iiiTwo red faces

i)Three red faces

%1 !t is a t(pica" Tap prob"em. There are two taps$ which are used to fi"" the tan7 and one

tap to empt( the tan7. 'irst tap fi"" the tan7 in 1+ min.$ whi"e the second ta7es uarter of an

hour to fi"" the tan7 if both are operated independent"(. Third tap is capab"e of empt(in# the

tan7 in se)en and a ha"f minutes. !f a"" the taps are opened simu"taneous"( =when the tan7

is empt( how "on# =if e)er wi"" it ta7e for the tan7 to #et fi""ed comp"ete"(9

%18 Ten (ears before$ one is se)en (ears more than the Hha"f the a#eH of other. 2ow the

brideYs a#e is %+ (ears. And a"so one is nine-tenths the a#e of other. hat is #roomYs

present a#e.

%1& Two #u(s are tossin# coin with a bet of W1 for each #ame. After some tosses.$ one #u(

earned W% whi"e the other won three times. @ow man( #ames do the( p"a(.

%+ There is one 8 mar7s ana"(tica" uestion. hich is the easiest pu,,"e ! had e)er seen.

There are in tota" ei#ht members in the #roup. 'i)e members are to be se"ected from that

#roup. The( had #i)en three conditions. e ha)e to answer four mu"tip"e-choice uestions

which are framed based on the abo)e three conditions. !n a"most a"" the uestions$ answercan be found out b( e"iminatin# the answers from the choices. oin# thru the /0 Barrons

ana"(tica" section wi"" he"p. et the #ist of it.$ rather than tr(in# to so")e more and more.

%1 There are four friends$ who are spea7in# about the pi,,a$ which one of them ate

before. 0ach one wi"" sa( one statement and we were #i)en that one of them is "(in#. e

ha)e to find out who ate the pi,,a. 0as( one..$ no need to worr( abt. this.

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% A"" the abo)e nine pu,,"es are )er( eas( when compared to this one. This is difficu"t

not because of "o#ic but because of its #rammer. The sentence structure is too comp"icate.

This uestion reminded me of pu,,"e 1 of sa7untha"a de)iYs ;u,,"es to ;u,,"e P.

%%. there is a 1 7m "on# wire p"ces on po"es . if the no of po"es is reduced b( 1 then he

distance of wire between each po"esincreases 1 man( po"es are there intia""(.X 

%?. c"ar7 $6ones$mason$ smith are ? pp". there are ? professions

dru##ists$#rocer$butcher$po"iceman.find out who is who9

1c"ar7 and 6ones are nei#hbours and the( dri)e each other to wor7.

6ones earns more than mason

% the po"ice man earns more than the dru##ists and i Hthin7H the #rocer.

? the po"iceman does not ha)e a dru##ists as a nei#hbour.

5 the butcher wa"7s to wor7

*po"iceman does not meet the #rocer unti" he arrests him for commitin# an offence.

%5. A and B write a test

A sa(s H i #ot a third of the ues. wron#H

B sa(s H i #ot 5 wron#H

to#ether the( #ot three uarters of the uestions correct.

how man( did a #et correct. =5 m

%*. !f a die has 1$* and %$? and $5 opposite each other how man( such dies can be made.

%. There are three boes $ !n one bo Two white ba""s $ !n two bo b"ac7 ba""s !n three

bo 1 white I1 b"ac7The "ab"es on the boes are not correct.Then (ou ha)e to open one bo and to find the

co"our of the ba""s in a"" boes.

:o"ution3 pen the bo "ab"ed b"ac7I white !f white ba""s are there then the bo "ab"ed with

white ba""s

contain b"ac7 ba""s and "ab"ed with b"ac7 ba""s contain one b"ac7 and one white ba"" and


if two b"ac7 ba""sare there.

%8. there are containin# 5 $ $ 1? $ 1* $ 18 $ & ba""s of either red or b"ue in co"our.:ome boes contain on"( red ba""s and others contain on"( b"ue . ne sa"es man so"d one

bo out of them and then he sa(s H ! ha)e the same number of red ba""s "eft out as that of

b"ue H.

hich bo is the one he so"ds out 9

Ans 3 tota" no of ba""s 4 8& and =8&-& 4 *+ 4 %+

and a"so 1? E 1* 4 5 E E 18 4 %+

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%&. A chain is bro7en into three pieces of eua" "enths containin# % "in7s each. !t is ta7en

to a bac7smith to 6oin into a sin#"e continuous one . @ow man( "in7s are to to be opened to

ma7e it 9 Ans 3 .

%%+ when the actua" time pass 1hr wa"" c"oc7 is 1+ min behind it when 1 hr is shown b(

wa"" c"oc7$ tab"e c"oc7 shows 1+ min ahead of it when tab"e c"oc7 shows 1 hr the a"arm c"oc7#oes 5min behind it$ when a"arm c"oc7 #oes 1 hr wrist watch is 5 min ahead of it assumin#

that a"" c"oc7s are correct with actua" time at 1 noon what wi"" be time shown b( wrist

watch after * hr


=n G *+ 5+*+ G +*+ G 55*+ G *5*+

%%1. comp"ete the fo""owin#

a. W W ^ 9 9

_ ^ ^ _ _ W 9 9 some what simi""ar "i7e this...but not c"ear.

b. 1 $ % $ $ 1% $ 1 $ VV $ ?% Ans 3 %1

c. 1$ %$ &$ VV $ 1*&++

%%. A #ir" too7 part in a =some #ame with man( others in a circu"ar c"osed circuit. After

peda"in# for se)era" minutes$ he found that 1%th of the c(c"ists ahead of her and %?th of

the c(c"ists behind him to#ether formed the tota" no. of participants. @ow man( were

participatin# in the race9

%%%. ' a"" pets i ha)e$ ecept a"" are rabbits

' a"" pets i ha)e$ ecept a"" are fish

' a"" pets i ha)e$ ecept a"" are cats

@ow man( rabbits$ fish and cats are there9

%%?. #i)en

carpenter E painter 4 11++

painter E e"ectrician 4 %++

e"ectrician E p"umber 4 51++

p"umber E mason 4 ++

mason E "abour 4 %+++

"abour E painter 4 11++

find e)er( persons cash9 =i dont 7now the eact amount mentioned abo)e.

%%5. out of %+ uestions$ the three persons A$B I C answered ?5 correct answers$

B answered 55U of A$ B and C to#ether answered 5 U more of what A answered.'ind how man( answers each answered9

%%*. Kim$Bud and sam were rounded up b( the po"ice (esterda(. because one

of them was suspected of ha)in# robbed the "oca" ban7. The three suspects made

the fo""owin# statements under intensi)e uestionin#.

Kim3 !m innocent

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Bud3 !m innocent

:am3 Bud is the #ui"t( one.

!f on"( one of the statements turned out to be true$ who robbed the ban79

%% There are two containers on a tab"e. A and B . A is ha"f fu"" of wine$ whi"e B$ which is twice As si,e$

is oneuarter fu"" of wine . Both containers are fi""ed with water

and the contents are poured into a

third container C. hat portion of container Cs miture is wine 9

%%8 A wa"" c"oc7 "oses 1+ minutes e)er( 1 hour. !n 1 hour b( the wa""

c"oc7 $ a tab"e c"oc7 #ets 1+ minutes ahead of it. !n 1 hour b( the tab"e c"oc7 an a"arm c"oc7

fa""s 5

minutes behind it. !n 1 hour of the a"arm c"oc7$ a wristwatch #ets 5 minutes ahead it. At

noon$ a"" ?

timepieces were set correct"(. To the nearest minutes$ what time wi"" the wrist show whenthe correct time is *

p.m. on the same da( 9

%%& HNou see$H said rs.urph($H;add( is now one and one-third times as

o"d as he was when he too7 to drin7$ and "itt"e Kimm($ who was fort( months o"d when

padd( too7 to

drin7 is now two (ears more than ha"f as o"d as ! was when ;add( too7 to drin7 $ so when

"itt"e Kimm( is as o"d as ;add( was when he too7 to drin7.our three a#es combined wi""

amount to 6ust one hundred (earsH @ow o"d is "itt"e Kimm(9

%?+Both the A""ens and the :miths ha)e two (oun# sons under e"e)en. The name of thebo(s whose a#es rounded off to the nearest (ear are a"" different are Arthur$ Bert$ Car" and

Da)id . Ta7in# the a#es of the bo(s on"( to the nearest (ear $

the fo""owin# staements are true

Arthur is three (ears (oun#er than his brother

Bert is the o"dest

Car" is ha"f as o"d as one of the a""en bo(s

Da)id is fi)e (ears o"der than the (oun#er smith bo(

the tota" a#es of the bo(s in each fami"( differ b( the same amount

toda( as the( did fi)e (ears a#o

@ow o"d is each bo( and what is each bo(s fami"( name.

%?1 !n a certain or#ani,ation there are either men e"i#ib"e to ser)e on a e"i#ib"e to ser)e on

a new"( estab"ished commitee of four. The se"ection of the members is not an eas( matter $

howe)er for there are 6ea"ousies and attachements amon# the candidates which pre)ents a

free choice of four committeemen$ if (ou were the president of the or#ani,ation cou"d (ou

se"ect a committee of four satisf(in# a"" these whims9

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Ames wi"" ser)e with an(bod(

Brown wont ser)e un"ess C"a(ton ser)es

C"a(ton wont ser)e with 0)ans

Da)is wont ser)e without hu#hes

e)ans wi"" ser)e with an(bod( 'rench wont ser)e with Da)is un"ess rant ser)es too$ and wont

ser)e with C"a(ton un"ess Da)is a"so


rant wont ser)e with both Brown and C"a(ton and wont ser)e with

either Ames or 0)ens

@u#hes wont ser)e un"ess either Brown or 'rench ser)es and wont

ser)e with C"a(ton un"ess rant ser)es too and wont ser)e with both

Ames and 0)ans

%? An artist has eact"( se)en paintin#s --- $T$P$$$G$N$ and O -- from which she mustchoose eact"( fi)e

to be in an ehibit. An( combination is acceptab"e pro)ided it meets the fo""owin#


!f T is chosen $ G cannot be chosen

!f P is chosen $ N must a"so be chosen

!f is chosen $ G must a"so be chosen

1 hich one of hte fo""owin# is an aceptab"e combination of 

paintin#s for inc"usion in the ehibit9

A. T$P$$G$N

B. T$P$$N$O

C. T$$G$N$O

D. P$$$N$O

0. P$$$O$N

!f paintin# T is chosen to be amon# the paintin#s inc"uded int he

ehibit which one of the fo""owin# cannot be chosen to be amon# the

paintin#s inc"uded in the ehibit9

A. PB.


D. N

0. O

%hich one of the fo""owin# substitutions can the artist a"wa(s ma7e

without )io"atin# restrictions affectin# the combination of paintin#s

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#i)en that the paintin# mentioned first was not$ and the paintin#

mentioned first was not$ and the paintin# mentioned second was$

ori#ina""( #oin# to be chosen 9

A. T rep"aces

B. P rep"aces NC. rep"aces G

D. rep"aces N

0. O rep"aces

? !f the artist chooses paintin# to be inc"uded amon# the

paintin#s in the ehibit$ which one of the fo""owin# must be true of 

that combination of paintin#s9

A. T is not chosen

B. N is not chosen

C. P is chosenD. is chosen

0. O is chosen

%?% Nesterda( m( mother as7ed me to bu( some stamps. :tamps are a)ai"ab"e in

paise$paise$1+paise$15paise and +paise denominations. 'or three t(pes of stamps ! was

as7ed to bu( fi)e of each. 'or the other two t(pes of stamps. ! was as7ed to bu( si of

each. Pnfortunate"( ! for#ot which ! was supposed to bu( fi)e of and which to bu( si of 

Juc7"( m( mother had #i)en me the eact mone( reuired to bu( the stamps $ /s. %.++ and

the shop7eeper was ab"e to #i)e me the correct stamps. hich stamps did ! bu(9

%??'armer Kones so"d a pair of cows for /s. 1+ $ n one he made a profit of ten percentand on the other he "ost ten percent. A"to#ether he made a profit of fi)e percent. @ow man(

did each cow ori#ina""( cost him9

%?5.eera was p"a(in# with her brother usin# 55 b"oc7s.:he #ets bored p"a(in# and starts

arran#in# the b"oc7s

such that the no. of b"oc7s in each row is one "ess than that in the "ower row. 'ind how

man( were there

in the bottom most row9

%?*./ahu" too7 part in a c(c"in# #ame with man( others in a circu"ar c"osed circuit. After

peda"in# forse)era" minutes$ he found that 15th of the c(c"ists ahead of him and 5*th of the c(c"ists

behind him

to#ether formed the tota" no. of participants. @ow man( were participatin# in the race9

%?.Tom wants to catch a hare. @e is standin# 5+ (ards south from the hare. The hare

starts mo)in# due east.

Tom$ instead of mo)in# in the northeast direction$mo)es in such a wa( that at e)er( instant$

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he is #oin#towards the hare. !f speed of tom is one and one-third times that of the hare$

find the distance each

tra)e"ed before he cau#ht the hare.

%?8.Two peop"e are p"a(in# with a pair of dies. !nstead of numbers$ the dies ha)e different

co"ors on theirsides. The first person wins if the same co"or appears on both the dies and the second

person wins if the

co"ors are different. The odds of their winnin# are eua". !f the first dice has 5 red sides and

1 b"ue

side$ find the co"or=s on the second one.

%?&.A compan(s director said durin# the board meetin#3 H The compan(s income from

roads wi"" be

sufficient to pa( *U of the entire stoc7 issue$ but since we are pa(in# .5U interest on the


stoc7 of /s.?$ +++$+++ we are ab"e to pa( on"( 5U of the common stoc7H. 'ind the )a"ue ofthe common stoc7.

%5+. r. A2NA2 "eft A2NT2 b( car to attend a weddin# at A2NC!TN. @e had been

dri)in# for eact"( two hours

when the car #ot punctured. !t too7 his dri)er eact"( ten minutes to chan#e the whee". !n

order to p"a( safe

the( co)ered the remainin# distance at a speed of %+ mph. conseuent"($ r. A2NA2 was

at weddin# ha"f an-

hour behind schedu"e. @ad the car #ot the puncture on"( %+ mi"es "ater $ ! wou"d ha)e been

on"( '!'T002

minutes "ate he to"d the dri)er . @ow 'ar is A2NC!TN from A2NT2.Ans3 1+ mi"es

%51. A"pha$ Beta $ #amma$ de"ta and epsi"on are friends and ha)e birthda(s on consecuti)e

da(s thou#h ma( not

be in order. amma is as man( da(s o"d to A"pha as Beta is (oun#er to 0psi"on. De"ta is two

da(s o"der

then 0psi"on. ammaYs Birthda( is on ednesda(. Te"" whose birthda( is when.


A"pha3 'rida(

Beta 3 :aturda(amma3 ednesda(

De"ta3 Tuesda(

0psi"on3 Thursda(

%5.The uarter of the time from midni#ht to present time added to the ha"f of the time

from the present to

midni#ht #i)es the present time. hat is the present time9

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Ans3 &hrs past %* minutes A

%5%. A man is #oin# to a weddin# part(. @e tra)e"s for hrs when he #ets a puncture.

Chan#in# t(res ta7es 1+mins.

The rest of the 6ourne( he tra)e"s at %+ mi"eshr. @e reaches %+mins behind schedu"e. @ethin7s to himse"f that

if the puncture had occurred %+mi"es "ater$ he wou"d ha)e been on"( 15mins "ate.

'ind the tota" distance tra)e"ed b( the man

%5?. After wor"d war !! three departments did as fo""ows 'irst department #a)e some tan7s

to nd I%rd departments eua" to

the number the( are ha)in#. Then nd department #a)e some tan7s to 1st I %rd

departments eua" to

the number the( are ha)in#. Then %rd department #a)e some tan7s to nd I1st

departments eua" to

the number the( are ha)in#. Then each department has ? tan7s. 'ind the initia" number oftan7s of each department9

Ans R A-%& B-1 C-1

%55. A #ir" A to"d to her friend about the si,e and co"or of a sna7e she has seen

in the beach. !t is one of the co"ors brownb"ac7#reen and one of the si,es %5?555.

!f it were not #reen or if it were not of "en#th %5 it is 55.

!f it were not b"ac7 or if it were not of "en#th ?5 it is 55.

!f it were not b"ac7 or if it were not of "en#th %5 it is 55.

a hat is the co"or of the sna7e9

b hat is the "en#th of the sna7e9

Ans3 a brown b 55

%5*.A man was on his wa( to a marria#e in a car with a constant speed. After hours one

of the tier is punctured

and it too7 1+ minutes to rep"ace it. After that the( tra)e"ed with a speed of %+ mi"eshr and

reached the marria#e

%+ minutes "ate to the schedu"ed time. The dri)er to"d that the( wou"d be "ate b( 15

minutes on"( if the 1+ minuteswas not waste. 'ind the distance between the two towns9

%5. Three c"oc7s where set to true time. 'irst run with the eact time. :econd s"ows one

minuteda(. Third #ains one minuteda(. After how man( da(s the( wi"" show true time.

%58. There were some containers of uantit( 1$ %$ ?$ 5$ *$ 1$ 15$ $ ?$ %8 "iters. 0ach

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was fi""ed with some "iuid ecept one. The "iuids are mi"7$ water and oi". Fuantit( of each

was "i7e this. ater 4 mi"7 oi" 4 water. 'ind out which container was empt( and

containers fi""ed with mi"7 and oi".

%5&. Two tra)e"ers$ one with *? barre"s of wine$ other with + barre"s of wine. The( dont

ha)e enou#h mone( to pa( dut( for the same. 'irst tra)e"er pa(s ?+ francs and #i)es his 5barre"s$ :econd tra)e"er #i)es his barre"s but #ets ?+ francs in echan#e. hats )a"ue of

each barre"$ and dut( for each barre"9

Ans3 a"ue of each barre"-1+ francs$ Dut( on each-1+ francs

%*+. hat is Anns re"ation with her husbands mothers on"( dau#hter-in-"aws sisters


Ans3 Brother-in-"aw

%*1. :ome #u( ho"din# a #"ass of wine in his hand "oo7in# around in the room sa(s$ HThis issame as it was four (ears a#o$ how o"d are (our two 7ids now9H ther #u( sa(s HThree now$

;am had one more in the meanwhi"e.H ;am sa(s$ H!f (ou mu"tip"( their a#es$ answer is &*

and if (ou add the a#es of first two 7ids$ addition is same as our house number.H The first

#u( sa(s$ HNou are )er( smart but that doesnt te"" me their a#es.H ;am sa(s$ H!ts )er(

simp"e$ 6ust thin7.H hat are the a#es of three 7ids9

Ans3 8$ *$

%*. A motor c(c"ist participant of a race sa(s He dro)e with the speed of 1+ mi"es an hour

one wa($ but whi"e returnin# because of "ess traffic we dro)e on the same route with 15mi"es per hour.H hat was their a)era#e speed in the who"e 6ourne(9

Ans3 1 mi"es per hour

%*%. i)en fo""owin# seuence$ find the net term in the series3

=i +$ $ ?$ *$ 8$ 1$ 1$ +$ 1*$ VVVV Ans3 1

=ii %$ *$ 1%$ *$ %%$ **$ VVV Ans3 5%

%*?. Three customers want haircut and a sha)e. !n a sa"oon$ two barbers operate at same

speed. The( ta7e uarter of an hour for the haircut and 5 mins for the sha)e. @ow uic7"(

can the( finish the haircut and sha)e of these three customers9

Ans3 %+ minutes

%*5. A shop7eeper "i7es to arran#e and rearran#e his co""ection of stamps. @e arran#es

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them sometimes in pair$ sometimes in bund"e of three$ sometimes in bund"e of fours$

occasiona""( in bund"e of fi)es and sies. 0)er( time hes "eft with one stamp in hand after

arran#ement in bund"es. But if he arran#es in the bund"e of se)en$ hes not "eft with an(

stamp. @ow man( stamps does a shop7eeper ha)e9

Ans3 %+1

%**. Three different t(pes of ob6ects in a buc7et. @ow man( times does one need to se"ect

ob6ect from the buc7et to #et at"east % ob6ects of the same t(pe9


%*. A stamp co""ector has the habit to arran#e or rearran#e the stamps accordin#"(. whi"e

doin# this he some times 7eeps the stamps in pairs$ or in #roup of % or in ? or in or in * and

rea"ises that in an( case he is "eft with 1 stamp and when he arran#es them in #roups of

no stamps remain. what is the number of stamps he has9

%*8. am( whi"e wa"7in down the street with her dau#hter$ meets her husbands mothers

on"( dua#hter in "aws sisters husband. how is the re"ated to her9 C het ana:

%*&. there are % custoners who wants to ta7e a hair cut and sha)e. there are barbers

who ta7es one uarter of an hour for a hair cut$ and 5 minutes for a sha)e. both the barbers

want to finish off and #o uic7"( to their homes. in what time can do it.

%+. we tra)e""ed to a p"ace at the rate of 1+ mi"es per hour and offcourse returned the

same wa($ but owin# to "ess traffic at the rate of 15 mi"es per hour.what was our re"ati)e


%1. there are % t(pes of app"es in a bo. what is the number of app"es we shou"d ta7e so

that we end up with % app"es of one 7ind.

%. a.%$*$1%$*$%%$**$V b.+$ 1$$1% $*$%% $1$ *%$+$ 1+%$V

%%. 0ach a"phabet A$B.. O is a constant.A41$B4$C4%Q$D4?Q& n so on.0ach "etter is

assi#ned a )a"ue -the position of that "etter raised to the )a"ue of precedin# a"phabet.=C 4 %

QB$D4 ? Q C n so on

Compute the numerica" )a"ue of =G-A=G-B=G-C....=G-N=G-O.

%?. r. T has a wron# wei#hin# arm is "en#thier than other.1

7i"o#ram on "eft ba"ances 8 me"ons on ri#ht.1 7i"o#ram on ri#ht

ba"ances me"ons on "eft.!f a"" me"ons are eua" in wei#ht$what is

the wei#ht of a sin#"e me"on9

%5. !n a #ame of dice$ dice thrown at each turn.The score at each

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turn is ta7en as the product of number on dices.there were fi)e

turns=ro""s.second ro"" is 1 "ess than first n ="i7e this ... the

re"ationship between third n second$third n fourth$fourth n fifth

were #i)en.'ind the score in first ro""$second ro""$third ro""$fourth

ro"".=6us #i)in# an idea abt uestion and don 7now the eact


;P/;J03these are a"wa(s poisonous if red are.

N0JJ3si months in a (ear the( are safe.

/0023 a"wa(s safe to consume if purp"e are poisonous.

/0D3si months in a (ear poisonous.

The co"ors are co"ors of mushrooms a)ai"ab"e.AT this time

which one is safe to consume9

3 ! am

4 E @ 4 - 1

@3 ! am not the (oun#est.

difference between I @ is %

is 5.

3 is (oun#er than .

4 %.

@ 4 E.

r.$r.$r.@ made on"( one statement fa"se.

'ind the a#es of a"" three.=! am not sure abt the statements 6us ch7 it out with others

%* atri prob"em repeated from pre) paper

there are % ma"es A$B$C and % fema"es G$N$. the( p"a(ed 18 #ames of 

#o"f a"to#ether.

1. A scored &?

. G scored 1+*

%. N scored 1+.

?. O scored 1++.

5. B and C scored &* and &8 and dont no whos score what99*. As wife beats Cs wife.

. there are two coup"es whose sum of scores is same.

Determine whos wife is who and scores of B and C.

%. A #ir" had se)era" do""ars with her. she went out for shoppin# and spent ha"f of them in

shoppin# ma""$bein# #enerous she had #i)en 1 do""ar to the be##ar. After that she went for

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"unch and spent the ha"f of the remainin# and #a)e do""ars as tip to the waiter.Then she

went to watch a mo)ie and spent the ha"f of remainin# do""ars and

#a)e autori7shaw-wa"a % do""ars. This "eft her with on"( 1 do""ar.@ow man( do""ars did she

had with her at the be##inin#.

%8. A person sa(s that his son is 5 times as o"d as his dau#hter and his wife is 5 timeso"der than his son and he is twice the a#e of his wife . The sum tota" of a"" the a#es eua"s

the a#e of the #rand mother who ce"ebrated her 81st birthda( toda(.

@ow o"d was his son9

%&. A bar#ain hunter bou#ht some p"ates for W 1.%+ from asa"e on saturda($where price

was mar7ed off at each artic"e .n monda( she went to return them at re#u"ar prices$and

bou#ht some cups and saucers from that much amount of mone( on"(.

the norma" price of p"ate were eua" to the price of one cup and one saucer.!n tota" she

bou#ht 1* items more than pre)ious. saucers were on"( of % cents hence she brou#ht 1+

saucers more tahn the cups$@ow man( cups and saucers she bou#ht and at what price9

%8+. A 6ewe""er prepared a window disp"a( each disp"a(in# % of the 6ems at a time . The(

were meth(st$opa"$sapphire$emera"d$ rub( and #arnet.Disp"a(ed accordin# to the fo""owin#


1 A sho"ud a"wa(s be disp"a(ed on the "eft window and D on the ri#ht.

/ub( shou"d ne)er come with an( of D or .

%.0 shou"d a"wa(s be with :.

then some ? uestions were as7ed on this. eas(

_1 which combination is appropriate9


_ which condition is correct in the ri#ht window9

_% /ub( can be disp"a(ed with fo""owin# other two9_? : can be disp"a(ed with the fo""owin# other two on "eft side window9

%81. /acin# competition.;articipants were from % tribes

:onorean-a"wa(s sa(s truth

idorean-a"ternati)e"( sa(s T and ' $not with an( particu"ar start.

2ororean-a"wa(s 'a"se

A sa(s-1. C obstructed me at the "ast moment $which caused me to "osethe race.

. C a"wa(s spea7 true

%. c is the winner.

B sa(s - 1. A is the winner.

. c sa(s fa"se a"wa(s.C sa(s- 1.B won the /ace

. ! didnt caused an( obstruction to A at the "ast time.

!Dentif( the tribes of each.

%8. A boss te""s 1* th of his "ife in chi"d hood$11 of his in (outh and 1 of his in

bache"or$fi)e (ears after his e"ection

a son was born whom was died four (ears a#o at ha"f his fina" a#e. find the boss a#e.

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. A2:.3? ths so"ution a*Ea1Ea E5......

%8%. Two thie)es went to the museum to sto"e the diamonds first thief sto"e ha"f of them

and whi"e #oin# he too7 another two and "eft. :econd$ third and fourth did the same and

there was ,ero diamonds at the end. @ow man( diamonds initia""( at the be#innin#9

:imi"ar to F. 2o. 1&% :to"en an#oes from :ha7unta"a De)i - ore ;u,,"es Ans3 &

%8?. A$ B$ C are the husbands and D$ 0$ ' are their wi)es not in that order. The( are p"a(in#

the o"f fo""owin# these conditions. D$ 0$ ' and B scores are as fo""ows 1+*$1+$1++ and

&?.A and C scores are &8 and &* not in that order as their names are not disp"a(ed. Two

coup"es #et the same score. B wife beat the A wife "ist out the wi)es names and the scores

the( #ot.


@us ife :core Tota"

A ' &8 1+ ++ 1++ 1&8B D &? 1+* ++ 1+* ++

C 0 &* 1++ &* 1+ 1&8

%85.A women with do""ar bi""s #oto the shoppin# he spent ha"f of the mone( she had for

shoppin# as she was so 7ind she #a)e one do""ar to the be##ar.she went to the hote" and

spent ha"f of the remanin# and she #a)e do""ars to the waiter$the she bu( some #oods

with ha"f of the remainin# and she #a)e % do""ars to the receptionist. how much mone( she

had in the be#inin#9


come in the re)erse order 1E%4?and twice of it 8E41+ and twice of it +E141 and twice

of it ?.

%8*.A conducter in the bus as7 the man how o"d the bo( is.the man rep"ied that m( son is

fi)e times o"der than m( dau#hter and m( wife is fi)e times o"der than m( son and i am

twice o"der to m( wife and our a#es summed upto m( #ranmother whose a#e is 81

(ears.can u te"" me the son a#e9

ans3 5 (ears



41 therefore son a#e is 5 (ears o"d

%8.find out who is o"dest and who is (oun#est from the fo""owin# statements...aeither A or B r the o"dest

beither C is the o"dest or B is the (oun#est.

ans3 A is the o"dest and B is the Noun#est bo( te""s three pp" to #uess mu"e co"or..

number one sa(s its not b"7

number two sa(s its eiterh brown or #re(

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number % sa(s its brown.

..the bo( then sa(s one is at"east "(in# ans at"east te""in# truth...finf mu"e co"or

ans #re(9

%8&. men ta7e turns wa"7in# and ridin# one horse that the( share...wa"7in# speed

?7mhr..ridin# speed rides for some time and ties horse for the other wa"7in#fe""ow and continues wa"7in#......the( 7eep #oin# on "i7e this a"ternate"( ..find time that the

horse rests

%&+. pp" ha)e ho"ida(s on diff da(s...and the( #i)e conditions "i7e As ho" is % da(s

before B etc etc...we ha)e to find the da(s on which the( ta7e ho"ida(

5.* sub6ects % pp" teach each...some cra,( conditions and we #otta find the sub6ect for

each..i cant rea""( reca"" c"ear"( so wh( confuse u #u(s

%&1. A Jad( =sa( J is a phi"anthropist. she #oes to a restaurent$

orders food and pa(s ha"f the amount she has and another do""er to awaiter as tip. she then #oes to a ma""$ does some purchases and pa(s

ha"f the amount "eft and another do""ers to a be##er outside. At

"ast she #oes to a boo7 store$ ta7es some boo7s and pa(s ha"f the

amount "eft and another % do""ers to a be##er outside. she then

chec7s that she on"( had a do""er "eft to her. @ow much mone( she had

initia""(9 A2s. ? W

%&. Three coup"es are p"a(in# #o"f to#ether. The men are 0$ B I T whi"e women are I

@. the( p"a( 8 rounds.

$ $ @ I 0 score 1+*$ 1+$ 1++$ &? respecti)e"(. whi"e B I T scored either &* or &8 as it

was unreso")ed dueto error at scoreboard. hen fina""( reso")ed the( found that two of the coup"es scored

same. !t is #i)en that-

0s wife scored #reater than Bs wife. hos whose wife I how much the men scored each9

%&%. A "ad( bu(s some p"ates in 1%+W with W off e)er( item. she then returns the p"ates for

the same amount net da( to echan#e them for some cups I saucers. 0ach saucer costs

on"( %W each and the no. of saucers is 1+ more than cups. A"to#ether she ta7es 1* more

items than before. !f she had to bu( on"( cups$ how man( of them she cou"d ha)e

been ta7en home on the first da(9

%&?. !mpressed b( admiration of the bo( b( stran#er$ the fathersaid H( son is fi)e times as o"d as m( dau#hter and m( wife is fi)e

times as o"d as m( son. !m doub"e the a#e of m( wife and m(

#randmother is as o"d as the sum of a#es of a"" of us and she is

ce"ebratin# her 81st birthda(.H what is the a#e of the bo(9

A2:. 5 (rs

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%&5. A$ B I C participate in a race I one of them wins. The( be"on# to

three communities-$ 2$

. a"wa(s spea7 the truth$ 2 a"wa(s "ie and a"ternate. 0ach of A$

B I C be"on#s to one communit(.

A :AN:31. ! wou"d ha)e won the race if C had not interfered me at the "ast mo)ement.

. C a"wa(s spea7s truth.

%. C is the winner.

B :AN:3

1. A wins the race.

. C is not a 2.

C :AN:3

1. ! hadnt interfered with A at the "ast mo)ement.

. B wins the race.

Te""$ whos who9

%&*. @arr( is a friend of A( and Am(. Two statements are #i)en about


1. if one of A( and Am( is o"dest then another is (oun#est.

. 0ither @arr( is the o"dest or Am( is the (oun#est.

ho is the o"dest9

A2:. A(

%&.sons a#e is 5 times dau#hters.mother is fi)e times son.father is 5 times wife.

Tota" of a"" a#e is randpas who is ce"ebratin# 81st B`da(.

Ans3-5 (rs

%&8 ne woman bu(s p"ates worth 1.%+W at cent discount each p"ate.Then she echan#ed

the p"ates

for sausers I bow" where one bow" I one sausers costs eua" to one p" of sausers

which costs % cent

is1+ more than bow". no of saucers I bow" is 1* more than no of p"ates.


%&&. Hne-sith of m( "ifeH$ said m( boss$ H! spent as a chi"d$ net one-twe"fth as an o"d

bo($ one-se)enth I 5

more (ears in po"itics I socia"i,ation. This brou#ht me upto when Kimm( born. Kimm( was

e"ected for the

#o)erner four (ears a#o$ when he was ha"f m( present a#e.H

@ow o"d is m( boss9

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A2:.3 8? (rs.

=@owe)er$ ! o)er"oo7ed that one-se)enth part$ I #ot

the answer %* - a wron# answer.


4 =B E ?

=B* E =B1 E =B E 5 E K 4 B4> B 4 8?

?+1.A Coup"e decided to tra)e" a north countr( side .so the( decide to tra)e" a minimum

amount on car the first da( and the second and subseuent da( a distance of + mi"es .!f

the( tra)e" a tota" amount of 1+8+ mi"es. 'ind he distance tra)e"ed on the ?th da( and the &


?+. A card board of %? 1? has to be attached to a wooden bo and a tota" of %5 pins are

to be used on the each side of the card bo. 'ind the tota" number of pins used .

?+%. Durin# a ;i,,a buffet where A eats more times .? than B$ and B eats * times

"ess than C.find the "eat number of times a"" the three has to eat.

?+?. Jast Near m( cousin came to m( p"ace and we p"a(ed a #ame where the "oosin# one

has to #i)e one choc"ate to the person who won the #ame .At the end of the )acation$i.e the

da( m( cousin was "ea)in# she counted number of #ames that i won an she won.At "ast she

#a)e me a tota" of 8 choc"ates e)en thou#h she won about 1 #ames.

'ind the mumber of #ames that we p"a(ed.

?+5. A tree on first da( #rows 1 of its si,e second da( 1%rd of its si,e on the pre)ious

da( simi"ar"( than 1?th and so on.u ha)e to ca"cu"ate after how man( da(s the tree wi"" be1++ times of its ori#ina" si,e.

ans -1&8 da(s

?+*. three person are there "et A B C one a"wa(s te"" truth one a"wa(s "ie and one

sometimes te"" truth

the( are standin# in strai#ht "ine the first person who is seniormost and a"wa(s te""s truth

te""s in midd"e A is standin# the midd"e one sa(s C is in the third position the "ast one sa(s B

is in second position ie midd"e

?+. A$B$C$Dand 0 are 6uniors and '$$@$! are seniors (ou ha)e to ma7e three #roups each

contain# three person such that in each #roup one senior is there and some other conditionswhich i cant reca"" eact"( but was "i7e that if this person wi"" be in #roup than this cant be in

the same #roup .

?+8. there are 1++ teams in a footba"" 7noc7out tournament how man( mathces shou"d be

he"d to #et the winner answer is && ie one "ess than the no of teams bco, in e)er( match on

team #oes out

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?+&.A car tra)e"in# with uniform speed. There r 15 po"es. A car tra)e" from 1 to 1+th po"e in

1+ seconds. the po"es are eua""( spaced. then how man( seconds it ta7es to reach the 15th

po"e9 =?

?1+. A bo( 6ump to the ri)er from the brid#e. @e swim opposite direction of the stream.

After 1+++ (ards he noted that his hat was fa""en at the brid#e. The he #oes to ta7e the hat.@e didnYt chan#e his speed.hat is the )e"ocit( of stream9 =?

?11. Pnc"es A bou#ht a @at I :uit for /s.15.Aunt( B bou#ht a :uit with as much as cost of

unc"eYs @at. Then reamin# cost

he bou#ht Dresses. Dresses cost is one rupee more than his hatYs cost. Then she to"d him

his hatYs hat is 1 and cost of 

her hat. The( spend eua" amount on their purchase .

a. Then unc"e said how much is the cost of @at.

b. @ow much the( spend a"to#ether 9 =?

?1. There are 1 brown ties$1% red ties$ & #reen ties$ 5 b"ue ties and white ties.Then a

man ta7es a tie.

so$ how man( times he at "east ta7e tie to #et the ties !n same co"our9 =*

?1%. rs. Barbin#er bou#ht some p"ates on :aturda( for W1.%+$ when e)er(thin# was bein#

so"d two cents be"ow the re#u"ar price. :he echan#ed those p"ates on onda($ at their

re#u"ar price$ for cups I saucers.

Cost of one p"ate eua"s cost of one p"ate I one saucer. :he returned home with 1* more

artic"es than before. :ince$ saucers cost on"( % cents each$ she bou#ht 1+ more saucers

than cups.

The pu,,"e is$ how man( cups cou"d she ha)e bou#ht on :aturda($ for W1.%+9

A2:.3 1% cups

n onda(3

cup 4 1 cents$ saucer 4 % cents$ p"ate 4 15 cents

n :aturda(3

cup 4 1+ cents$ saucer 4 1 cent$ p"ate 4 1% cents

?1?. r and rs ABC purchase suit and hats for 15 /s. then from remainin# mone( rs.

ABC purchase A dress. :he shaid H ( dress cost is more than 1 /s from (our hats cost.she also added "if we divide our money and then purchase and cost of my hat is

and 1! times yours hat then we had spend e#ual


a. H if that H condition fa""ows what is price of his hat9

b. Tota" amount spend 9

ans. hat4 * /s $ Tota" 4 /s. = not sure

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?15. ( rac7 contains $ %ed colour ties, 1 violate colour ties,1& Blue colour ties, '

(in) colour ties, * +reen colour ties. f electricity +one and i want at "east two ties of

same co"our then how man( ties i shou"d ta7e out from m( rac79

Ans 3 * ties.

?1*. Two trains "ea)in# from two station 5+ mi"es awa( from each other with costant speed

of *+ mi"es per hour$ approaches towards each other on diffrent trac7s. if "en#ht of each

train is 1* mi"e. when the( meet @ow much time the( need to pass each other tota""(9

A2: 3 1+ sec. = not sure

?1. A"" handsome$ fair s7inned$ muscu"ar$ "ean$ emp"o(ed$ and rich men are ta"".

A"" handsome men are fair s7inned.

:ome muscu"ar men are handsome.

:ome muscu"ar men are not fair s7inned.

A"" "ean men are muscu"ar.

2o "ean man is handsome.2o fair s7inned man who is not handsome is rich.

A"" ta"" men who are neither fair s7inned nor muscu"ar are emp"o(ed.

1. pramod is not fair s7inned. hich of the fo""owin# must be true 9

a pramod is emp"o(ed

b if pramod is muscu"ar$ he is neither handsome nor "ean

c if pramod is ta""$ he is emp"o(ed or muscu"ar.

d if pramod is not emp"o(ed$ he is muscu"ar.

e if pramod is ta""$ he ma( be muscu"ar or handsome$ but not both.

. which must be fa"se if the information #i)en is true 9

a no "ean men are fair s7inned.b some fair s7inned are "ean.

c some rich men are both fair s7inned and muscu"ar.

d some ta"" men are neither fair s7inned nor emp"o(ed

e some rich men are "ean

%. which of the fo""owin# can be deduced from the information #i)en 9

a a"" rich men are handsome

b some rich men are handsome

c some rich men are emp"o(ed

d some rich men are muscu"ar

e a"" rich men are handsome$ muscu"ar$ or emp"o(ed

?. which cannot be shown to be true or fa"se on the basis of the information #i)en 9!. 2o fair s7inned or muscu"ar man is emp"o(ed

!!. :ome muscu"ar men are fair s7inned but not handsome

!!!. 2o fair s7inned man both handsome and "ean

a ! on"( b !! on"( c !!! on"( d ! and !! e !! and !!!

?18 !n u"und$ the shoe store is c"osed e)er( onda($ the boutiue is c"osed e)er( Tuesda($

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the #rocer( store is c"osed e)er( Thursda( and the ban7 is open on"( on onda($

ednesda( and 'rida(. 0)er(thin# is c"osed on :unda(.

ne da( A$ B$ C and D went shoppin# to#ether$ each with a different p"ace to #o. The( made

the fo""owin# statements3

A D and ! wanted to #o ear"ier in the wee7 but there wasnYt da( when we cou"d both ta7ecare of our errands.

B ! did not want to come toda( but tomorrow ! wi"" not be ab"e to do what ! want to do.

C ! cou"d ha)e #one (esterda( or the da( before 6ust as we"" as toda(.

D 0ither (esterda( or tomorrow wou"d ha)e suited me.

hich p"ace did each person )isit 9

?1& The 2o)ice hoc7e( tournaments are on for be#inners. Kust three teams are in the

"ea#ue$ and each p"a(s the other two teams 6ust once. n"( part of the information appears

in the resu"t chart$ which is #i)en be"ow.

Team ames on Jost Tied oa"s 'or oa"s a#ainstA 1 +

B 1 1


The scorin# pattern in the tournament is as fo""ows3

Two points are awarded to the winnin# team. !n case of a tie$ both teams are awarded one

point$ so the tota" points in the standin#s shou"d a"wa(s eua" the tota" number of #ames

p"a(ed = since each #ame p"a(ed is counted as one for each of the two participatin# teams.

f course$ tota" #oa"s scored for and #oa"s scored a#ainst must be the same$ since e)er(

#oa" scored for one team is scored a#ainst another.The #ames are p"a(ed in the fo""owin# order3 ame 13 A s BR ame 3 A s CR ame B s


Can (ou determine the score of each of the abo)e #ames 9

?+ A recent murder case centered around the si men$ c"am$ f"ip$ #ront$ herm$ mast$ and

wa"t. !n one order or another these man were the )ictim$ the murderer$ the witness$ the

po"ice$ the 6ud#e$ and the han#man. The facts of the case were simp"e. The )ictim had died

instant"( from the effect of #unshot wound inf"icted a shot. After a "en#th( tria" the

murderer was con)icted$ sentenced to death$ and han#ed.

ast 7new both the )ictim and the murderer.

) !n court the 6ud#e as7ed c"am his account of the shootin#.

a"t was the "ast of the si to see f"ip a"i)e.

The po"ice testified that he pic7ed up #ront near the p"ace where the bod( was found.

@erm and wa"t ne)er met.

hat ro"e did each of the fo""owin# p"a( in this me"odrama 9

a urderer

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b ictim

c Kud#e

d itness

?1.A a"one can do a wor7 in * da(s B a"one can do in 8 da(s with he"p of c the( finished

the wor7 in % da(s.!f the a#reed sum is *?+ what is the share of c.=refer r.s a#arwa"

? A bo( #oes to schoo" from his house.on one fourth oh his wa( to schoo"$

he crosses a machiner( station. And on one third of his wa( to schoo"$ he crosses a /ai"wa(

station. @e crossed the machiner( station at 3%+ and he crosses the /ai"wa( station at

3%5. hen does he "ea)e the house I when does he reach the schoo" 9 =5

?%.A dri)es a car four times a "ap 1+$+ %+$*+ 7mph what is the a)era#e speed.

??.speed of boat in sti"" water 1+ 7m$if speed up stream is ? 7m and speed down stream

is 1* what is speed of the ri)er.

?5.!f #rand father a#e is sum a"" the three #rand chi"dern whos a#e r in eua" inter)a" what

is the a#e of the #rand father9

?*.!n a #rass fie"d if ?+ cow cou"d eat for ?+ da(s.The same #rass fie"d can feed %+ cows

for *+ da( "on#

wi"" it feed + cows9

? An 0raser$ ;enci"$ 2oteboo7 to#ether costs W1.++. 2oteboo7 costs more than the cost

of ;enci"s. % ;enci" costs more than ? 0rasers. % 0rasers costs more than a 2oteboo7.

@ow much does a penci" costs9 =5

?8 'our persons A$B$C$D were there. A"" were of different wei#hts. A"" 'our #a)e a

statement.Amon# the four statements on"( the person who is "i#htest in wei#ht of a""

others #a)e a true statement.

A :a(s 3 B is hea)ier than D.

B :a(s 3 A is hea)ier than C.

C :a(s 3 ! am hea)ier than D.

D :a(s 3 C is hea)ier than B.

'ind the "i#htest I Jist the persons in ascendin# order accordin# to their wei#hts. =5

?8. A man was tra)e""in# to a p"ace %+ mi"es awa( from startin# point. he was speedin# at*+ mi"eshr. but when he came bac7$ his car #ot brea7down and ha"f an hour was wasted in

reparin# that. a"to#ether he too7 1 hr for return 6ourne(. 'ind the a)#. speed of the who"e


?&.! 2T 0/N :P/0 /0A/D!2 T@!: FP0:T!2.

A detecti)e was assi#ned to #enerate a code usin# ? di#its$ so that no one cou"d brea7 it. he

7new that if the code starts with +$5 or it wi"" be crac7ed. so how man( numbers can be

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formed usin# ? di#its.

?%+. A cow was standin# on a brid#e$ 5feet awa( from the midd"e of the brid#e. sudden"( a

"i#htnin# epress with &+ mi"eshr was comin# towards the brid#e from nearest end of the

cow.seeein# this the cow ran towards the epress and mana#ed to escape when the train is

one feet awa( from the brid#e. if it wou"d ha)e ran to opposite direction=ie awa( from trainit wou"d ha)e been hit the train one ft awa( from the end of the brid#e. Ca"cu"ate the "en#th

of brid#e.

?%1. there are % towns attac7ed b( % dra#ons-$($,. 2umber of da(s attac7 a town is

eua" to number of da(s ( attac7in# another town. 2umber of da(s attac7 is eua" to ha"f

the suare root of number of da(s , attac7in# a town.number of da(s ( attac7in# the town

is twice the suare root of ,.ca"cu"ate how much da(s the curse of each dra#on be.

?%. A town ha)e a popu"ation of 5+++++ and ?U of ma"es and 8U of fema"es are

married to same town. find the tota" number of ma"es

?%%. A and B came bac7 home after their eam and their father as7ed them about the test.

A rep"ied-- 1%rd of m( answers were wron#

B rep"ied-- 5 of m( answers were wron# but to#ether we #ot %? of answers ri#ht.

@ow man( uestions were there for the eam9

?%? e are #i)en 1++ pieces of a pu,,"e. !f fiin# two components to#ether is counted as 1

mo)e = a component can be one piece or an a"read( fied set of pieces$ how man( mo)es

do we need to fi the entire pu,,"e.

Ans3 18

?%5 This prob"em has appeared b?. ? 7ids from fami"ies upta and sharma... their namesare ;ra)een$ ;ra... b"ah b"ah...and some re"ation... which fami"( and what are their a#es..

Ans3 :inhas - 11=pra)een

:inhas - 5="a"it

upta - 1+=pratap

upta - =ra6esh

?%* This was one he"" of a "on# prob"em - But it has appeared before.. Two #ir", after one

#u( = sue$ swe and sam i thin7..:ue first as7s his house no... he rep"ies with two

statements =second is fa"se so she #oes to the wron# house... b"ah b"ah.. same thin#

happens with the other #a"

hat was the house number of sue and samAns3 + and ?

?% A comp"e statement - about an aerop"ane commin# "ate. HThe bo( sa(s if it was *

hours "ater$ the waitin# time wou"d be 15th of the time if the p"ane had come hours

ear"ier instead. the p"ane is supposed to come at midni#ht

Ans 11.++ a.m

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?%8 There are ? statements and ? #u(s = Da)e$ us$ someone e"se and one more someone

e"se - sorr( m( memor( is rottenM An(wa( now these #u(s ma7e ? statements abt. who

commited the crime. e need to find out who did it if =i a"" but one are sa(in# fa"se and =ii

a"" but one are sa(in# true

Ans3 =iarchie= ii ton(

?%& A 7id #oes to a ban7 with a checue... Comes bac7 and sa(s he spent %5 cents .. his

mom sa(s (ou ha)e brou#ht bac7 twice what u )er supposed to #et. hat happened is the

no)ice ban7 c"er7 #a)e do""ars for cents and )ice-)ersa=uote si""( anwa(... hat was the

actua" amount99

Ans3 dont 7now...

??+. Kohn had decided to di)ide his /:.1+++- for his four chi"dren accordin# to their a#es.

The e"der chi"d shou"d be a /:.+- etra for each than his (oun#er chi"d . hat wi"" be the

share of ahesh whois the (oun#est9[% mar7s\

?? side of the measurin# arm was "on#er than the other side .!f % p(ramid width was

p"aced in "on#er side it is eua" to cube width in the shorter arm.!f 8 p(ramid width was

p"aced in "on#er arm then it is eua" to * cube width. Jet 1 p(ramid width is eua" to

1+7#.hat is the w#t of cube width9

??. A$B$C$D are four #ir"s who ha)e 1$$%$? app"es with them respecti)e"(.!f 0 ha)e app"es

eua" to his sister$' ha)e twice the app"es as his sister$ ha)e thrice the app"es than his

sister and ! ha)e four times the app"es than m( sister.A"" to#ether we ha)e % app"es .

A$B$C$D are the sisters of whom and whom9

??%.And($Brian$Cedric$Da)e are architects $barber$ case wor7er and dentist but not in theorder.

Architect wi"" ha)e the "etter rY in his name.

At"east one of the person shou"d ha)e coincidence in the first "etter of their name and their

occupation but not a"" [e#3 and(-architect\

Barber and dentist share their name b( on"( one "etter

hat is the occupation of each person9

???.There are 1++ bu"bs connected to 1++ switches

] 1 to 1++ a"" the switches are put 2.

] n"( e)en numbers of switches are used ie$ 2 means '' and )ice)ersa] :imi"ar"( odd numbers of switches are done

] :witch number which is di)isib"e b( % are done simi"ar"(

] :witch number which are di)isib"e b( ? are done simi"ar"(

This process is done upto 1++ di)isib"es.

hen do a"" the bu"bs are in 2 and '' condition9[8mar7s\

??5. A man wrote his wi""Y accordin#"( the mone( was a"so shared between his car dri)er$5

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sons and 5 dau#hters.'irst he #a)e one rupee to his car dri)er$remainin# 15 of the mone(

is #i)en to his 1st son .a#ain he #a)e one to his car dri)er and remainin# 15 of the mone(

is #i)en to his nd son$ continuin# the process unti" 5 sons are comp"eted .After that he

remainin# mone( is di)ided between his 5 dau#hters. hat was tota" amount of mone(9

??*. ? peop"e identified a crimina" and their statements are3_ A3 0(es was b"ue $hei#ht was ta"" and he wore a hat I a )est.

_ B3 0(es was dar7 $ hei#ht wa short and he wore a hat I a )est

_ C3 0(es was #reen $hei#ht was medium and he wore hat I a tie.

_ D3 0(es was #re( $hei#ht was ta"" and he wore a rain coat and a hat.

0)er(one said on"( one correct identif( other two was untrue . @ow can be the crimina"


??+. A wa"" c"oc7 was s"ow b( 1+minutes . Accordin# to the wa"" c"oc7$a tab"e c"oc7 was 1+

minutes ahead of it . Accordin# to the tab"e c"oc7 an a"arm c"oc7 was 5 minutes behind and

accordin# to the a"arm c"oc7 wrst watch was 5 minutes fast.Atnoon a"" the c"oc7s were

ad6usted .hat wi"" be the time at * ;. wrist watch9

??8.;rofessor Littred#eYs "iterature seminar inc"udes students with )aried tastes

in poetr(.A"" those in the seminar who en6o( the poetr( of browin# a"so en6o(

the poetr( of e"iot.Those who en6o( the poetr( of e"iot despise the poetr( of co"erid#e.

:ome of those who en6o( the poetr( of e"iot a"so en6o( the poetr( of Auden.

A"" of those who en6o( the poetr( of Co"erid#e a"so en6o( the poetr( of Donne.

:ome of those who en6o( the poetr( of Auden a"so despise the poetr( of Co"erid#e.

A"" of those who en6o( the poetr( of Donne a"so en6o( the poetr( of 'rost.


iss arfie"d en6o(s the poetr( of Donne.hich of the fo""owin# must be true9=A she ma( or ma( not en6o( the poetr( of co"erid#e.

=B :he does not en6o( the poetr( of Browin#.

=C :he does not en6o( the poetr( of e"iot.

=D :he en6o(s the poetr( of Co"erid#e.


r.@utab"e en6o(s the poetr( of Browin#.@e ma( a"so en6o( an( of the fo""owin#

poets ecept

=A Auden.

=B Co"erid#e

=C Donne=D 0"iot

=0 'rost


iss !na#uchi en6o(s the poetr( of Co"erid#e.hich of the fo""owin# must be fa"se9

=A she does not en6o( the poetr( of Auden.

=B :he en6o(s the poetr( of Donne.

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=C :he en6o(s the poetr( of 'rost.

=D :he does not en6o( the poetr( of Brownin#.

=0 :he ma( en6o( the poetr( of 0"iot.


Based on the information pro)ided$which of the fo""owin# statements concernin#the members of the seminar must be true9

=A A"" the those who en6o( the poetr( of e"iot a"so en6o( the poetr( of Brownin#.

=B 2one of those who despise the poetr( of 'rost en6o( the poetr( of Auden.

=C :ome of those who en6o( the poetr( of Auden despise the poetr( of Co"erid#e.

=D 2one of those who en6o( the poetr( of Brownin# despise the poetr( of Donne.

=0 :ome of those who en6o(s the poetr( of 'rost despise the poetr( of Donne.

a./immie wears a hat on"( if #oer#e wears a tie.

b.eor#e wears a scarf on"( if Kohnie wears a tie.

c.ic7ie wears a #oo#"es on"( if /immie wears a hat.d$e$f$#$h

some what "i7e this there are 8 statements$from that we ha)e to determine who wears


??&. 8 Li#s and 1? Ji#s can do 51+ tors of wor7 in1+da(s. 1% Li#s and * Ji#s

can do ?8? tors of wor7 in 1 da(s.

Then find wor7 done b( Li#s and Ji#s indi)idua""( in torshr9

?5+.There is a % di#ited number. %rd number is the suare root of the 1st di#it.nd di#it is the sum of 1st and %rd.And that number is di)isib"e b( $%$*$.

hat is that number9

?51. A bo( is p"a(in# a #ame. @e too7 tota""( 55 b"oc7s and 7ept "i7e p"acin#

some number on the #round$net one "ess than that abo)e those b"oc7s

"i7e that ti"" the topmost one is one$"i7e3

=The( didnYt #a)e this pictuire$but m( ep"anation is not c"ear$thatYs ! #a)e u this picture

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the uestion is how man( b"oc7s are there at the base "e)e"9

?5. There r 1++ nations competin# for a wor"d-cup.

The board decided to ma7e Lnoc7-out series.

@ow man( matches to be p"a(ed for decidin# the wor"d champion9

?5%.There is "o# wei#hin# %+7#s. The "o# ha)in# twice thic7ness and twice short as first one

wi"" wei#h howmuch 99

?5?. there ia truc7 which shou"d reach some p"ace at 11`o c"oc7 $ if it tra)e"s with %+ mph it

reaches i

hour before $ if it tra)"es with + mph it reaches 1 hour "ate. what is the distance it must be


and what is the speed it must maintain to rech at eact time9

ans3 1+ mi"es and ? mph

?55.There is a suare cabba#e patch.@e to"d his sister that i ha)e a "ar#er patch than "ast(ear and hence 11 more cabba#es this (ear. Then how man( cabba#es ! ha)e this (ear.9


?5*. there are two co"c7s one runs 1minhrs faster and other 1minhr s"ower

when wi"" the two c"oc7s ha)e time time difference of 1 hr 3

ans 3 %+hrs

?5. i ta7e a tai whose no is % di#it no. it is not di)isib"e b( $%$5$

but di)isib"e b( 11 it is the sma""est no possib"e3

ans 3 11

?58. A man brou#ht some waterme"ons to town and so"d them. he so"d 1 more than 1

of what he brou#ht and e was "eft with one me"on. how man( me"ons did he brin# to Town9

ans3 %

?5&. hen u re)erse the di#its of a#e of father u wi"" #et the a#e of son. one (ear a#o the

a#e of father was twice that of sons a#e. what are the current a#es of father and son9

ans3 % I %

?*+. There wi"" be four friends $one is doctor$ one is "aw(er... the( are ha)in# four cars one

ferrari$ cor)ette .... there were some conditions and we were suppose to find what is

profession of each one and what car the( own. this was the one for 8 mar7s.

?*1. There is a circu"ar rin# in which there are 1 b"ac7 mice and one white mice . a cat

wa"7s circu"ar"( in the rin# and eats e)er( 1th mice. where shou"d the cat start so that the

white mice is the "ast one to be eaten b( cat9

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ans3 if the cat mo)es circu"ar"( it has to start from the 11th mice =c"oc7wise w.r.t. to white


?*. A farmer #rows four t(pes of crops sa( $G$N I O . two conditions were #i)en3

1. !f the farmer #rows crop in a (ear then a"so #rows G that (ear

. !f the farmer #rows crop O one (ear then he ne)er #rows crop N net (earThere were * choices amon# which we were suppose to find one correct one which does not

)io"ate the two conditions the choices were some thin# "i7e3= first pair denotes crops #rown

first (ear and second after semico"on represents crops #rown net (ear $G R G$O =this one

is a )a"id one

Ans3 ! donYt remember the choices but the ans was option C

?*%. !n a c"ass there are "ess than 5++ students . when it is di)ided b( % it #i)es a who"e

number. :imi"ar"( when it is di)ided b( ?$5 or #i)es a who"e number. find the no. of

students in the c"ass ans3 ?+

?*?. There are three t(pes of birds A$B I C . A costs 5pounds$ B costs % ;ounds and C costs1% of a pound. find the no. of A$B IC such that u wi"" #et 1++ birds for 1++ pounds. =! thin7

we were suppose to find % answers since there were % rows in the answer ans3 A 3 ? B 3 18

C3 8

?*5. There are 5 persons who ha)e won top fi)e p"aces in an e)ent in "(mpics . one of

them as7s a"" the fi)e re#ardin# thier positions$ the( rep"( as

a3 Hi am not the "astH

b3 Hc is in third p"aceH

c3 H0 is behind AH

d3 HB is in first p"aceH

e3 HD is not the firstHThe persons who ha)e won #o"d and si")er ha)e "ied find the positions in order=format3

name of first$ name of second$..

ans3 B$D$0$A$C

?**. A coffee se""er has two t(pes of coffee Brand A costin# 5 bits per pound and Brand B

costin# % bits per pound. he mies two brands to #et a ?+ pound miture. he so"d this at *

bits per pound. the se""er #ets a profit of %% 1 percent. how much he has used Brand A in

the miture9 ans3 %+ pounds

?*. Nou are #i)en with two identica" iron bars. one of them is ma#neti,ed and the other is

not. u are suppose to find which one is ma#neti,ed. u are not suppose to use an( other

thin#.m( ans3 first time i to"d that i wi"" suspend the bars free"(. but then the( to"d me that i am

not suppose to use an( eterna" he"p. i too7 some time and then rea"i,ed that a ma#netic

bar in the midd"e repe"s towards the end . i to"d that p"ace one of the bars hori,onta" I then

mo)e the other one perpendicu"ar"( to it . if it repe"s towards an( of ends then the

hori,onta" one is ma#neti,ed if it attracts then is not. The( were con)inced

?*83 hat is the resu"t of =-a=-b=-c...........=-(=-, 9

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m( ans3 i to"d that since there is a term =- the answer is ,ero. The( to"d o7. fina""( the(

as7ed me whether i ha)e an( uestions to them i as7ed them what is the duration of

trainin# and what is fie"d which i wi"" be wor7in# on if i #et se"ected.

An(one "oo7in# for infi so")e :ha7unta"a de)is boo7s$ eor#e summers and /a)i naru"a

this wou"d me more than enou#h. most important thin# is de)e"op ur "o#ica" ana"(sis s7i""

and tr( to remember the approach rather than answers. donYt panic in the inter)iew 6ust becoo" and confident u wi"" definite"( #et throu#h. Best of "uc7 for a""

?*& a 1+ 1 & 8 % ? * 5 5 * ? % 8 V V

b ? 1* 51 V

rite the net e"ements in the series.