infographic nanotechnology 13 nov 2018 - …cancer treatment: nanotechnology can locate &...

Advancement in the field of nanotechnology and its applications especially to the field of medicines and pharmaceuticals has revolutionized the twentieth century WHAT IS NANOTECHNOLOGY? A muldisciplinary and interdisciplinary area of applicaon, deals with agriculture, energy, electronics, medicines, healthcare, texle etc The term “Nano Technology” was first used by Tokyo Scienst Norio Taniguchi” 1974. Dr. K. Eric Dexler in explored the technological significance of Nano scale in his famous book Engine of Creaon: The coming Era of Nano Technology” 1980 in WHAT IS NANO SCALE? “Nano” is a Greek word which means 'dwarf' or 'very small', it indicates 1 billionth -9 (10 ) of something, e.g. 1 Nano meter = 1 billion of a meter APPROACHES OF NANOTECHNOLOGY Top-Down Approach: (BIG making SMALL) Nano objects are created from larger objects . e.g. Silicon Chips Follows the principles of Molecular Recognion Boom-Up Approach: (SMALL making BIG) Larger structures are built by linking atom by atom e.g. . Based Nano-Factories on Self Assembly NANOTECHNOLOGY APPLICATION It has wide variety of potenal applicaons in everyday life, ranging from consumer goods to medicine to improving the environment Disease Diagnosis: Nano scale diagnosc devices are more efficient to detect even diseases Bacteria & Viral Infecons like Cancer & AIDS HEALTH & MEDICINE WATER TREATMENT AND REMEDIATION FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ENERGY IMPLICATIONS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY NANOMATERIALS Carbon Nanotubes: “allotropes of carbon with a cylindrical CNTs, are nanostructure”. Its features are Drug Delivery: Implanted nano technology devices like pacemakers could dispense drugs or hormones as and when required in chronic diseases. It will help in lowering overall drug consumpon and side effects Tissue Engineering: Nano- technology makes use of biodegradable polymer such as polycaprolactone coated with collagen to promote the wound healing process to repair damaged ssue. Cancer Treatment: Gold Nano cells Nanotechnology can locate & eliminate cancer cell using by aaching anbodies to Nano cell surface. Recently, a new technology has been found by turning nanoparcles of calcium phosphate into fully biodegradable radio frequency (RF) agents that can be imaged in MRI and CT scans Nano Robocs can act as miniature surgeons, navigate the human body and repair or replace damaged cells. It can be used in cancer treatment and detecon instead of Radiaon Therapy and Chem Therapy, which oen end up destroying more healthy cells than cancerous one ENVIRONMENT Novel Hydrogen Storage Systems based on carbon nanotubes and other lightweight nanomaterials. Photovoltaic Cells Organic Light- And Eming Devices based on quantum dots Nanocatalysts for hydrogen generaon Potenal Risks to Human Health: Nano parcles being slowly degradable may accumulate inside the body and get adsorbed on to the surface of ssues & fluids which may affect regulatory mechanism enzymes & other proteins Untraceable Environmental Issues: Destrucve Weapons of mass destrucon, Increase in Global Warming in the long run, Nano Polluon created by toxic wastes from nano material manufacturing Nano Ethics: NT can worsen the division of rich & poor by creang Nano divide and affect the internaonal relaons through Nano Arms Race “Grey-goo” A hypothecal situaon where self replicang nano robots go out of control, and consume all maer on earth Combang Climate Change by developing nano material which can effecvely help to reduce the CO in the air and trigger bioremediaon to get 2 rid of toxic waste Solid Waste Management: The conversion of organic waste into bio gas and ferlizers can also be quickened through the use of Nano parcles like Iron oxide parcles Controlling Polluon: Metal oxide nano catalysts are being developed for the prevenon of polluon due to industrial emissions Nano Sensors for the detecon of contaminants and pathogens Nano Membranes for water purificaon, desalinaon and detoxificaon Anmicrobial Nano Emulsions used for decontaminaon of food equipment, packaging of food etc An-bacterial Silver Nano-Parcles used for increasing the shelf life of agricultural products Bio Indicators to detect the bio magnificaon of pescides and ferlizers. Bio-conjugated Nano Parcles (encapsulaon) for slow release of nutrients and water to enhance agricultural producvity. Construcon: Nanomolecular structures to make asphalt and concrete more robust to water seepage INDUSTRY Texles: Nano Fibers making clothes water and stain repellent or wrinkle-free Household: Bio acve Coangs making Self-Cleaning Surfaces, windows, toilets etc CNT helps in aircra manufacturing leading to increase performance ( Heavy Industry) The study of Extremely Small Structures physical size in the range of 1-100 nanometres (nm) or anything made by specifically placing materials atom by atom or molecule by molecule WAY FORWARD Need for Proper Analysis Methods to detect nano parcles in the environment & human body and an effecve strategy for Recycling & Recovery 10 -9 At this scale the general physical, chemical, electrical, biological and opcal properes of a material behave in a different manner and follow “the laws of quantum physics” Highest strength to weight rao: HELPS in creang light weight spacecras Easily penetrate membranes such as cell walls: HELPS in cancer treatment Flexible Electrical resistance: HELPS in developing sensors that can detect chemical vapours Nanoparcle is a small object that behaves as a whole unit in terms of its transport and properes, specifically used in to afflicted body areas, thus minimizing delivering disease-fighng drugs secondary effects Nanosensors are any biological or chemical sensory points used to convey informaon about nano parcles to the outside world Quantum Dots, (4,000,000 dots take a semiconductor nano crystal, are very special because of its size up 2 cm). Used in several areas such as solar cells, LEDs, medical imaging and quantum compung Nature: the strongest and sffest CNTs, are materials on earth in terms of tensile strength discovered ll to date It is either Forms: a seamless cylinder, Single-Walled known as Carbon Nanotubes (SW-CNTs) or stacked one inside many cylinders the other, known as Mul-Walled Carbon Nano tubes (MW-CNTs) CNTs, can Electrical Properes: carry 1000 mes more electric current than on equivalent copper and silver wire The temporary stability Thermal Property: of CNT is up to 2800°C in vacuum IT AND ELECTRONICS TINY TRANSISTORS of CNT which help in developing Nano circuits to further miniaturi- zaon of computer Intelligence Gathering through Nano sensors/cameras/recording devices, precision guiding tools etc DEFENCE Nano Porous zealots, nano porous polymers and aapulgite clays for water purificaon Significance

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Page 1: Infographic NANOTECHNOLOGY 13 Nov 2018 - …Cancer Treatment: Nanotechnology can locate & eliminate cancer cell using Gold Nano cells by aaching anbodies to Nano cell surface. Recently,

Advancement in the field of nanotechnology and its applications especially to the field of medicines and pharmaceuticals has revolutionized the twentieth century


A mul�disciplinary and interdisciplinary

area of applica�on, deals with agriculture,

energy, electronics, medicines,

healthcare, tex�le etc

The term “Nano Technology” was

first used by Tokyo Scien�st “Norio

Taniguchi” 1974. Dr. K. Eric Dexler in

explored the technological significance

of Nano scale in his famous book “Engine

of Crea�on: The coming Era of Nano Technology”



“Nano” is a Greek word which means

'dwarf' or 'very small', it indicates 1 billionth -9(10 ) of something, e.g. 1 Nano meter =

1 billion of a meter


Top-Down Approach: (BIG making

SMALL) Nano objects are created

from larger objects . e.g. Silicon Chips

Follows the principles of Molecular


Bo�om-Up Approach: (SMALL

making BIG) Larger structures

are built by linking atom by atom

e.g. . Based Nano-Factories

on Self Assembly


It has wide variety of poten�al applica�ons in everyday life, ranging from consumer goods to medicine to improving the environment

Disease Diagnosis: Nano scale diagnos�c devices are more efficient to detect even diseases Bacteria & Viral Infec�ons like Cancer & AIDS







Carbon Nanotubes: “allotropes of carbon with a cylindrical CNTs, are nanostructure”. Its features are

Drug Delivery: Implanted nano technology devices like pacemakers could dispense drugs or hormones as and when required in chronic diseases. It will help in lowering overall drug consump�on and side effects

Tissue Engineering: Nano-technology makes use of

biodegradable polymer such as polycaprolactone coated with

collagen to promote the wound healing process to repair

damaged �ssue.

Cancer Treatment: Gold Nano cells Nanotechnology can locate & eliminate cancer cell using by a�aching an�bodies to Nano cell surface. Recently, a new technology has been found by turning nanopar�cles of calcium phosphate into fully biodegradable radio frequency (RF) agents that can be imaged in MRI and CT scans

Nano Robo�cs can act as miniature surgeons, navigate the human body and repair or replace damaged cells. It can be used in cancer treatment and detec�on instead of Radia�on Therapy and Chem Therapy, which o�en end up destroying more healthy cells than cancerous one


Novel Hydrogen Storage Systems based on carbon

nanotubes and other lightweight nanomaterials.

Photovoltaic Cells Organic Light-And

Emi�ng Devices based on quantum dots

Nanocatalysts for hydrogen genera�on

Poten�al Risks to Human Health: Nano par�cles being slowly degradablemay accumulate inside the body and get

adsorbed on to the surface of �ssues & fluids which may affect regulatory mechanism

enzymes & other proteins

Untraceable Environmental Issues:Destruc�ve Weapons of mass destruc�on, Increase in Global Warming in the long run, Nano Pollu�on created by toxic wastes from

nano material manufacturing

Nano Ethics: NT can worsen the division of rich & poor by crea�ng Nano divide and affect the interna�onal rela�ons through Nano Arms Race

“Grey-goo” A hypothe�cal situa�on where self replica�ng nano robots go out of control, and consume all ma�er on earth

Comba�ng Climate Change by developing nano material which can effec�vely help to reduce the CO in the air and trigger bioremedia�on to get 2

rid of toxic waste

Solid Waste Management: The conversion of organic waste into bio gas and fer�lizers can also be quickened through the use of Nano par�cles like Iron oxide par�cles

Controlling Pollu�on: Metal oxide nano catalysts are being developed for the preven�on of pollu�on due to industrial emissions

Nano Sensors for the detec�on of contaminants

and pathogens

Nano Membranes for water purifica�on, desalina�on

and detoxifica�on

An�microbial Nano Emulsions used for decontamina�on of food equipment, packaging of food etc

An�-bacterial Silver Nano-Par�cles used for increasing the shelf life of agricultural products

Bio Indicators to detect the bio magnifica�on of pes�cides and fer�lizers.

B io-conjugated Nano Par�cles (encapsula�on) for slow release of nutrients and water to enhance agricultural produc�vity.

Construc�on: Nanomolecular structures to make asphalt and concrete more robust to water seepage


Tex�les: Nano Fibers making clothes water and stain repellent or wrinkle-free

Household: Bio ac�ve Coa�ngsmaking Self-Cleaning Surfaces, windows, toilets etc

CNT helps in aircra� manufacturing leading to increase performance( Heavy Industry)

The study of Extremely Small

Structures physical size in the

range of 1-100 nanometres (nm) or

anything made by specifically placing

materials atom by atom or molecule by



Need for Proper Analysis Methods to detect nano par�cles in the environment & human body and an

effec�ve strategy for Recycling & Recovery


At this scale the general physical,

chemical, electrical, biological and

op�cal proper�es of a material behave

in a different manner and follow “the laws of

quantum physics”

Highest strength to weight ra�o: HELPS in crea�ng light weight spacecra�s

Easily penetrate membranes such as cell walls: HELPS in cancer treatment

Flexible Electrical resistance: HELPS in developing sensors that can detect chemical vapours

Nanopar�cle is a small object that behaves as a whole unit in terms of its transport and proper�es, specifically used in to afflicted body areas, thus minimizing delivering disease-figh�ng drugs secondary effects

Nanosensors are any biological or chemical sensory points used to convey informa�on about nano par�cles to the outside world

Quantum Dots, (4,000,000 dots take a semiconductor nano crystal, are very special because of its size up 2 cm). Used in several areas such as solar cells, LEDs, medical imaging and quantum compu�ng

Nature: the strongest and s�ffest CNTs, are materials on earth in terms of tensile strength discovered �ll to date

It is either Forms: a seamless cylinder, Single-Walled known as Carbon Nanotubes (SW-CNTs) or

stacked one inside many cylindersthe other, known as Mul�-Walled Carbon Nano tubes (MW-CNTs)

CNTs, can Electrical Proper�es:carry 1000 �mes more electric current than on equivalent copper and silver wire

The temporary stability Thermal Property:of CNT is up to 2800°C in vacuum


TINY TRANSISTORS of CNT which help in developing Nano circuits to further miniaturi-za�on of computer

Intelligence Gathering through Nano sensors/cameras/recording devices, precision guiding tools etc


Nano Porous zealots, nano porous polymers and a�apulgite clays for water

