information access

INFORMATION ACCESS AND EVALUATION A Quantitative Comparison of Local and National Averages Amanda Hillman American College of Education ET5023 Information Access and Evaluation

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  • 1. A Quantitative Comparison of Local and National Averages Amanda Hillman American College of Education ET5023 Information Access and Evaluation
  • 2. Student Access Strategies for Resource Evaluation Legal and Ethical Issues Appendix
  • 3. Part 1- Quantitative Comparison Retrieved from
  • 4. Student Access
  • 5. Jupiter High School Palm Beach County School System Schools in the United States 2:1 4:1 3: 2 Ratio of Students to Computers Wifi Access Wired Access Computer Access 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 National Avg PBC Schools Jupiter High
  • 6. All students within Jupiter High School have computer access within all of their classrooms with wired internet access. In addition, all students mobile, computer and reader tablets are enabled with Wi-fi with firewall protection for student protection.
  • 7. Use a smartphone Students Use a tablet 44% Desktop computer 52% Laptop 37% 50% Report: Students Use Smart Phones and Tablets for School, Want More -- THE Journal. (n.d.). Retrieved from Research Teacher interviews revealed that the majority of educators within Jupiter High School perform Educational Research. National averages for teachers performing educational research scores at a lower percentage. 78% 66% Retrieved from
  • 8. Free/Reduced Lunch Jupiter High PB County Nationwide Graduation Rate Jupiter High 87.1 % Palm Beach County 79.8 % Nationwide 78 % About Us. (n.d.). Retrieved from sp
  • 9. I personally feel the student to computer ratio fits well, but not all students have equitable access to computers and software needed within the parameters of the school day. Ideally, it would be beneficial for students to have additional time within school to access computers, software and printers if needed.
  • 10. Slide 5 displays the Assertion Method by utilizing the facts of good student to computer ratio, within Palm Beach County, as well as nationwide. The supportive graph exhibits the differing types of computer access for all students, rather than relying on facts which may disengage the learner. Slide 6 displays the wired and Wi-Fi to show precisely how students access internet. The graphic helps to keep the readers attention. Both slides display information and graphics to support the statements.
  • 11. Strategies for Resource Evaluation
  • 12. It can be challenging to evaluate resources, unless the student/individual is knowledgeable on how to evaluate a list of sources. Typical search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.. Will not always provide the proper resources to support educational technology. Every source must be cited properly within the preferred style such as APA, MLA, etc; as well as coming from a credible educational database. Retrieved from
  • 13. Learning Tools Research Center Worldbook SIRS Researcher Gale Literature E-library in both curriculum & Science Learning Tools Home. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • 14. The number of sources available within educational databases such as EBSCO, ERIC, ProQuest, and Google Scholar are more credible for educational research. As well as the number of search results which are cited for one educational source. Students must be sure to cite all sources properly by naming the cite/source, author, publication date, publisher, along with various other important parts to make a source properly credible. resource evaluation - Google Search. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • 15. Retrieved from
  • 16. I believe the students have a variety of databases, a multitude of resources within the media center, and knowledgeable instructors on proper modeling of resource evaluation. Many students are not aware of how many resources are available for their use. Ideally, more teachers and administrators should encourage the students to access and utilize the resources available within the school.
  • 17. Slide 11 states an assertion, that a student should possess knowledge on evaluating resources while examining a journal. Slide 14 displays the Assertion Evidence model by gaining the viewers attention of where to look within a article and how to find citation information. The assertion, identify your sources, is supported by the visual aid on how to do that accurately.
  • 18. According to Polly & Hannafin The primary goal of professional development is to improve student learning . Learner-centered instruction has proven potential to bridge well-documented achievement gaps (Polly & Hanafin ,2010, 58(5), 557-571) Undergraduate degree 25% moderate to majorly beneficial Graduate degree 33% moderate to majorly beneficial Professional development activities or training 61% moderate to majorly beneficial Training provided by faculty to enhance technology support 61% moderate to majorly beneficial Independent learning 78% moderate to majorly beneficial Source: Retrieved from
  • 19. Many teachers devote a small or significant amount of time to professional development which is both useful and meaningful for educational technology. Palm Beach County Teachers Nationwide public school teachers None 15% None 13% 1-8 hours 58% 1-8 hours 53% 9-16 hours 19 % 9-16 hours 18% 17-32 17-32 4% 33 or more 3% 9% 33 or more 7%
  • 20. Part 2-Quantitative Comparison Retrieved from mages/compare.jpg
  • 21. All schools Your school/educational environment Handhelds provided 19% Yes, the library provides handheld IPADs for students to check out for up to 5 days signing an agreement with the school. Lend Laptops 10% Every student may check out a laptop for 2 days and must fill out an agreement with the school. CIPA Protections: Use blocking or filtering software 99% Yes, the school utilizes a encrypted firewall for student protection. Student Internet Access Monitored 96% Yes, all student internet access is monitored for school protection, Parent contract 79% Yes, parent agreements are utilized for specialty events such as field trips of extracurricular activities. Student contract 76% Every student signs the student body agreement to be respectful and behaved at the start of the school year. Monitoring software 67% Technical staff monitor the software and computer usage. Honor Code 53% When students complete a virtual assignment, they sign an honor code to ensure academic integrity. Allowed Access only to Intranet 46% Yes, most of the computers are allowed access to internet. Internet Access in U.S. Public Schools and Classrooms (1994-2005)
  • 22. Many students and individuals misuse the digital rights of certain images which are copyrighted and protected. All images, graphics, and sources should be properly cited according to Fair Use and copyright protection. Retrieved from
  • 23. The Childrens Internet Protection Act (CIPA) passed within 2000, protects the rights of students accessing anything which may be deemed harmful or profane in nature. The safety and secure identify of all minors is the main goal in protecting students rights within the CIPA act. Palm Beach County Schools utilizes the use of Blue Coat WebPulse service, a cloud-based community watch program, to meet the CIPA necessities as well as keeping the budget to a lower amount. Retrieved from nts/files/FAQ._Internet_Children%27s_Protection_Act. 6_0.pdf
  • 24. Utilizing the Assertion-Evidence model can aid in making a PowerPoint presentation more useful and engaging. Typical presentations which have a superfluous amount of text tends to limit the audience in connecting the message in the slideshow. According to Garner , Alley, Sawarynski & Zappe Because slides are used so often by engineering educators to communicate research, to teach students, and to have students demonstrate what they have learned, the question arises how effective this topic-subtopic structure is, compared with other slide structures, for helping audiences understand and remember the information. (Garner, Alley, Sawarymski & Zappe, 2011, (1-23) ) Retrieved from AA& Fdownload&ei=Z3rKUKTbFaGCiwLJi4DQDw&usg=AFQjCNHVPEYkIOi6afRI7rBc8iXgVRk7A&bvm=bv.1355325884,d.cGE
  • 25. Student access utilizes a variety of assertions and graphics to support the assertion. All slides utilize a darker colored background to bring attention to information and graphics. The slides are fairly consistent with color and font, but varies according to section.
  • 26. Resource evaluation utilizes a variety of assertions, such as slide 15 stating Identify your sources, as well as pictures to support each slide. Legal and Ethical Issues displays facts on the importance of copyright and CIPA with graphics to support, as well as how CIPA relates to Palm Beach County schools in a differing font to grab attention of the viewer.
  • 27. Retrieved from Learning Tools Home. (n.d.). Retrieved from Retrieved from Pearson | Always Learning. (n.d.). Retrieved from Report: Students Use Smart Phones and Tablets for School, Want More -- THE Journal. (n.d.). Retrieved from Retrieved from Retrieved from Background & Analysis. (n.d.). Retrieved from About Us. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • 28. Retrieved from Retrieved from Protection_Act.6_0.pdf Polly, D., & Hannafin, M. (2010). Reexamining technology's role in learner-centered professional development. Educational Technology Research & Development, 58(5), 557571. doi:10.1007/s11423-009-9146-5 resource evaluation - Google Search. (n.d.). Retrieved from QQFjAA& s%2F900%2Fdownload&ei=Z3rKUKTbFaGCiwLJi4DQDw&usg=AFQjCNHVPEYkIOi6afRI7rBc8iXgVRk7A&bvm=bv.1355325884,d.cGE