information session non-state actors in development actions in ghana agenda : 9h00 –...

INFORMATION SESSION Non-State Actors in Development Actions in GHANA AGENDA: 9h00 – 9H30 Registration of participants 9h30 – 10h00 Opening session (address by Minister of Local Government, Rep. of ILGS and address by Head of EU Delegation) 10h00 – 10h45 Background, objectives and priorities of the call for proposals, Presentation of the Guidelines & Annexes 10h45– 11h 30 Questions/Answers 11h30-12h Pause café/closing

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Page 1: INFORMATION SESSION Non-State Actors in Development Actions in GHANA AGENDA : 9h00 – 9H30Registration of participants 9h30 – 10h00Opening session (address

INFORMATION SESSIONNon-State Actors in Development

Actions in GHANA


9h00 – 9H30 Registration of participants

9h30 – 10h00 Opening session (address by Minister of Local Government, Rep. of ILGS and address by Head of EU Delegation)

10h00 – 10h45 Background, objectives and priorities of the call for proposals, Presentation of the Guidelines & Annexes

10h45– 11h 30 Questions/Answers

11h30-12h Pause café/closing

Page 2: INFORMATION SESSION Non-State Actors in Development Actions in GHANA AGENDA : 9h00 – 9H30Registration of participants 9h30 – 10h00Opening session (address

Delegation of the European Union to Ghana Republic of Ghana

Contracting Authority Delegation of the European Union to Ghana

Non-State Actors in Development

Actions in partner countryGHANA

Coconut Grove Regency Hotel, Accra - 20th February 2013


Thematic programme “Non State Actors ” Reference: EUROPEAID/133777/L/SV/GH

Page 3: INFORMATION SESSION Non-State Actors in Development Actions in GHANA AGENDA : 9h00 – 9H30Registration of participants 9h30 – 10h00Opening session (address


Provide relevant information on the call for proposals with specific reference to the rules and procedures for the application process.

Discuss and clarify all enquiries/issues with regard to the main documents for the Call for Proposals (Guidelines, Grant application & relevant annexes)

Page 4: INFORMATION SESSION Non-State Actors in Development Actions in GHANA AGENDA : 9h00 – 9H30Registration of participants 9h30 – 10h00Opening session (address


1. Background to the Call for Proposals2. Objectives of the Call for Proposals and priorities3. Financial Allocation for the call for proposals4. Type of actions 5. Evaluation criteria and procedure for selection of

applications6. Instructions on how to fill the Grant Application Form (Annex

A) and procedure on how to present the application7. Information on the indicative calendar and contractual issues

for selected applicants

Page 5: INFORMATION SESSION Non-State Actors in Development Actions in GHANA AGENDA : 9h00 – 9H30Registration of participants 9h30 – 10h00Opening session (address

Citizens Demand for Accountability

• To promote citizens demand for accountability and responsiveness of Local Authorities for better service delivery.


Strengthened civil society capacity to demand accountability at local level by: -> ensuring responsiveness of LAs to the demands of the citizenry; -> organising and empowering citizens to engage with LAs


Page 6: INFORMATION SESSION Non-State Actors in Development Actions in GHANA AGENDA : 9h00 – 9H30Registration of participants 9h30 – 10h00Opening session (address

Ghana’s Decentralization policy has adequate

provision for citizens’ participation in Development

Many good initiatives already ongoing: From CSOs / independent institutions • HIPC fund tracking/ DACF tracking SEND • Mineral Royalties ISODEC • District Oversight Committees APRM• Social Auditing NCCE• STAR-Ghana


Page 7: INFORMATION SESSION Non-State Actors in Development Actions in GHANA AGENDA : 9h00 – 9H30Registration of participants 9h30 – 10h00Opening session (address

Specific objective of this Call for Proposals:

‘’To support initiatives and actions aimed at ensuring the effective delivery of public goods and services such as water, sanitation, health (improved maternal health delivery), etc. through citizens’ empowerment and organisation’’



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• The indicative amount made available under this call for proposals is EUR 2,000,000 from the Budget year 2012.

• Subject to the final decision of the Budgetary Authority, an additional EUR 1,000,000 may be allocated to this call for proposals from the 2013 budget.

• The Contracting Authority reserves the right not to award all available funds.

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• Any grant requested under this call for proposals must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:

Minimum amount: EUR 300,000 Maximum amount: EUR 500,000

A grant may not be for less than 50% of the total eligible costs of the action and should not exceed 90%.

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In order to be eligible for a grant, the applicants must:• Be legal persons and

• Be non profit making and

• Be civil society organisations, including non-governmental organisations, non-profit organisations, community-based organisations, networks and coalitions thereof at local, national, regional and international level

Page 11: INFORMATION SESSION Non-State Actors in Development Actions in GHANA AGENDA : 9h00 – 9H30Registration of participants 9h30 – 10h00Opening session (address


• Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with their co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity (ies), not acting as an intermediary;

• Be established in Ghana or in a European Union Member State;

• Have a track record in promoting social accountability

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Activities can include the following (not exhaustive) Working collaboratively with Metropolitan, Municipal and

District Assemblies and citizen groups to promote citizens-government dialogue for effective service delivery;

The conduct of surveys and assessments on the level of service delivery such as water, sanitation, health, etc. at the district level;

The conduct of research/studies to identify specific bottlenecks impeding the effective delivery of specific services such as the improvement of maternal health, potable water supply, sanitation ,etc.

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Initiatives to facilitate the effective coordination of civil society organisations and other relevant stakeholders such as traditional authorities for an institutionalised engagement with Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies for the identification and execution of development projects;

The provision of technical support to the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies to implement and monitor the delivery of basic social services to their constituents;

Building the confidence and capacity of citizens and rights awareness as well as facilitating the development of coalitions and alliances for effective citizens-government engagement;

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Strengthened partnership between civil society organisations and the media for effective engagement with local government on service delivery;

Enforce compliance with provision of Local Government Act 462 regarding information disclosure and public consultations, etc.

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This is a restricted Call for Proposals. It includes two phases:

Phase 1: Submission of Concept NotePhase 2: Submission of Full Application Form

In the first instance, ONLY CONCEPT NOTES must be submitted for evaluation. Thereafter, applicants whose Concept Notes have been pre-selected will be invited to submit a Full Application Form.

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• Prior registration in PADOR for this Call for Proposals is obligatory.

Phase 1, concept note: Registration in PADOR is obligatory for:

- applicants; - their affiliated entity(ies) Phase 2, full proposal: Registration in PADOR obligatory

for all pre-selected applicants and all their affiliated entity(ies)

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Applications must be submitted in accordance with the instructions indicated in the Grant Application Form

The Grant Application Form is available in ANNEX A to the Guidelines.

ANNEX A includes two sections:

1) the Concept Note (PART A)

2) the Full Application Form (PART B)

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I) Concept Note: the instructions for the drafting of the concept note are included under “Part A, section I” of the Grant Application Form (Annex A) to the Guidelines

II) Checklist for Concept Note: applicants must verify that their Concept Note is complete using the checklist included in “Part A, section II” of the Grant Application Form).

III) Declaration by the applicant: it is available under “Part A, section III” of the Grant Application Form) Submit one original and two (2) copies in A4 size, each bound.Incomplete concept notes may be rejected.

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There is no specific template for the Concept Note but the applicant has to ensure that the text of the concept note:

does not exceed 5 full pages (A4 size) of Arial 10 characters with 2 cm margins;

responds, in the same sequence, to the headings indicated in the Part A, section I of Annex A

is drafted as clearly as possible to facilitate its assessment.

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Questions may be sent by e-mail/fax no later than 7th March 2013 to the below addresses (please use all of them), indicating clearly the reference of the call for proposals:

E-mail addresses: [email protected]

Replies will be given no later than 18th March 2013. Contracting Authority has no obligation to provide further

clarifications after this date.

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Deadline for request for any clarifications from the Contracting Authority

7th March 2013 at 2 pm (local time in Ghana)

Last date on which clarifications are issued by the Contracting Authority

18th March 2013

Deadline for submission of Concept Notes 28th March 2013 at 3 pm (local time in Ghana)

Information to applicants on the opening & administrative checks and Concept Note evaluation

30th April 2013

Invitation for Submission of Full Applications 30th April 2013

Deadline for submission of Full Applications(tentative)
