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Information Technology and Communication Services (ITACS)Computer Center Bulletin


Computer and Information Services Bulletin / 1994-02-11

Monterey, California, Naval Postgraduate School

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lo1J7&;6 --t::Y---5 . ...

Naval Postgraduate School

omputer and Monterey, California

February 11, 1994


Supercomputing Matlab 4.1

ervices B u L L E T N

finish faster in the 'econ' queue than in the 'reg' queue if the 'reg' queue is unusually full.

An early release of Matlab 4.1 has been installed on the Cray. It is now the default when you enter the matlab( 1) command. This is a pre-beta release so we may encounter problems. In particular, the complex scilib BLAS and FFT routines are not used and the "movie" command does not work. However, .mat files may be shared between the Cray and desktop workstations. Please report any prob­lems in a mail message to consult.

Also, as a courtesy to other users, please attempt to find out how much memory your job really needs and request only that much with the 'QSUB -IM' option. Job accounting, ja( l ), gives nice reports on how much memory and time your job uses.

Batch MATLAB Q: If a Matlab calculation would require 180 MB of RAM on a workstation, can it be run on the Cray?

A: Yes. 180 MB of RAM on a workstation is 45 MW (180 MB I (4 B/Word)), so this will indeed fit on the

Network Queuing System Apparently the configuration of the Network Queuing System (NQS) batch queues (econ, reg , prem) has been causing slower turnaround time for some jobs, given the available resourc­es on the machine.

We are currently trying to tune the queue limits so that throughput is maximized. If your job seems to be queued up for a long time (as indicated by a 'Q' in the ST column of a

q•t•t --

command) then you may want to try

submitting to another queue. As the machine is becoming more fully loaded you may want to try some of the other queues. Strangely enough, a job may

N s D E --~~~~~~~---.

Supercomputing . . . . . . . . 1 Matlab 4.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Network Queuing System . 1 Batch MATLAB . . . . . . . . 1 Cray Fortran 6.0 . . . . . . . 2

Unix Workstations . . . . . . . 2 Your Unix Account is Open! 2 Kermit on Center Suns . . • 3 Kermit Brings Unix Graphics to

Your PC.. . .. . .. . ... 3 Popper: E-mail for TCP/IP 3 Dial In to Center Suns . . . 3 Big-Print Computer Screens 4

Micro Notes . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Tips for WordPerfect Theses 4 Free Virus Scan . . . . . . . 4

Network News . . . . . . . . . . 5 Internet Information . . . . . 5 Topical Internet Guides . . 7

Library: New Database Systems

Cray. There are 250 MW of memory available to user jobs. Currently, batch queues have a limit of lOOMW. Thus, two large jobs can run simulta­neously. To run Matlab in a batch queue:

1. Create a file (you might call it RunMat.nqs) like the following (note that the options are ell T and ell M, not one T and one M):

I QSUB -q r•g -lT 7200 -ill '7Mw ja ma.tlllb < atartup.m >5 run.out :la -at

The ja(l) commands start and stop job accounting and are nice to have. (Unix users will remember that when you see a number in parentheses after a command, that 's a sign that there are man pages giving more informa-

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Naval Postgraduate School

tion about the command.) The startup.m file is a file containing your matlab commands that don't require any response on your part.

2. Then submit it using qsub(l), e.g.:

q11ub RunHat.nq11

For more information on using NQS (network queuing system), read file /usr/Jocal/doc/congrats.txt on sirius. Mike Mccann ([email protected])

Cray Fortran 6.0 In December, the Cray Fortran compiling system was upraded to release 6.0. It offers, Cray tells us, in­creased optimization, reliability and functionality. For information describing all the features included in this release as well as instructions on using these features, refer to the CF77 6.0 Programming Environment Re­lease Overview R0-5020 6.0, located in In-163 (inquire in In-130) and also available for checkout from In-102a. A brief description of the major CF77 6.0 enhancements follows.

CF77 compiling system enhancements

New command line options were added to CF77:

-0 task[0-3] scalar[0-3) vector[0-3] inline[0-3]

These options allow the user to ask for different levels of optimization without requiring knowledge of the different compiling stages.

cflist was added to the CF77 environment. To invoke this tool, execute

cf77 -r[0-2) fil•.f

The new cf77 -dp option globally disables double preci­sion arithmetic for all stages of the compiling system.

CF77 language enhancements

Fortran 90 WHERE and some Fortran 90 array intrinsics are now supported.

CF77 performance enhancements

Miscellaneous improvements to the vectorizer improve the vectorization of multiple reduction loops, loops that compute a max or min of an array, and some search loops.


February 11, 1994

Performance is improved by using base-level entry and exit sequences for routines that have no calls and re­quire a small number of B and T registers.

CFT77 can now inline routines with character argu­ments, and routines with multi-entry/multi-exits. FPP now generates the SHORTLOOP directive, im­

proving performance for appropriate vectorizable loops. Use the fpp -gl switch to enable SHORTLOOP genera­tion.

Autotasking enhancements

FPP autotasking thresholds have been tuned, improving batch performance for Unicos 7.0.

FPP will generate FOLR2, FOLR2P, FOLRC and RECPS calls with scalar initialization code.

A new SCHEDULE directive allows users to override the default scheduling parameters used by FPP.


Support for PREMUL T was removed. Mike McCann ([email protected])

Unix Workstations

Your Unix Account is Open!

Know your file permissions

All Computer Center Unix users should be aware that, by default, all files on the system are readable by any other user on the system. Here is the first rule of net­work computing:



Networked Unix systems are inherently insecure. Please 0 be aware that anything you have stored here may be copied, and thus could cause you embarrassment or worse.

The chmod(l) and umask(l) commands can be used to protect files and directories; however, these should be used the same way you might use a $2.00 lock to pro-

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tect your desk drawer-to protect something that isn't really very valuable from people who realty aren't very strongly motivated.

One thing that you may want to protect is your elec­tronic mail. If you read mail with the mail( I) program and quit with 'q' then those messages that have been read are saved in file 'mbox' in your home directory. You can protect this file from unauthorized perusal by using chmod:

ebmod go-r -/.mbox

(That means Group, Other, subtract Read access.) For more information on using chmod(l) see the man page or Section 4.11 in Chapter 2 of the Visualization Labo­ratory User's Guide or page 2 of Unix Made Easy.

Kermit on Center Suns Kermit is now available for the Sun Workstations. To use kermit, type in kermit

at a Unix prompt.

Kermit communications software provides serial and network connections. It provides file transfer, terminal connection, character-set translation, and script pro­gramming.

There is a man page available; just type man kerinit

al a Unix prompt. The version of kermil installed is actually called C-Kermit. C-Kermit is fully documented in the book

Using C-Kermit

Frank da Cruz and Christine M. Gianone Digital Press ISBN: 1-55558-108-0 Prentice-Hall ISBN: 0-13-037490-3 Price: US $34.95.

Jody Schivley [email protected]

Kermit Brings Unix Graphics to Your PC You can now use MS-DOS Kermit on your PC to con­nect to the Unix workstations in the Computer Center (via your modem, of course), and view MATLAB, S-PLUS and NCAR Graphics results (as well as results


February 11, 1994

from any other Unix packages that can produce Tektronix 4010 output). If you 're interested in installing MS-DOS Kermit on your home PC, see Irma Bozardt in In-147 (ext. 2731) for a distribution diskette and a handout describing the installation procedure and how to display graphics on your home PC using Kermit. (But please return the floppy to Irma after installing Kermit on your PC.)

MS-DOS Kermit will also run under MS-Windows. In­cluded in the C:\MSKERMIT directory which the flop­py diskette creates on your hard drive is a Windows Program Information File called KERMIT.PIP. Refer lo pages 203-205 in the book Using MS-DOS Kermit,

availab1e in In-130 (ext. 2574) for details on how to run Kermit under Windows.

Chris Essert, 0213p or [email protected]

Popper: E-mail for TCP/IP People familiar with downloading and installing soft­ware (like TCP/IP and pop) from the Internet have asked the Computer Center to install the server side of Popper Version 3, a Post Office Protocol server also known as pop. It manages electronic mail for Macintosh and MS-DOS computers running TCP/IP. The popper server was developed at the University of California at Berkeley and conforms fully to the specifications in RFC 1081 and RFC 1082. Popper is running only on the,, server. There are man pages. (You'll need to find and install on your comput­er the PC or Mac side of popper.)

Jody Scl1ivley, [email protected] .mil

Dial In to Center Suns Q. What's the best way to dial in to the Computer Cen­ter Suns? The default machine is ga1axy, but sometimes it seems too busy.

A: Users are asked to log on to any of the workstations (in50200 through in50217, and ro140201 through ro140215) instead of galaxy.They are nearly as fast as the server, and since they have less traffic, should be quicker. Those are the machine names; specify, for example,

instead of galaxy at the TSB> prompt.

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Naval Postgraduate School

Big-Print Computer Screens For some people, one of the biggest advantages of Unix workstations, with their big, high-resolution graphics monitors, is the ability to work in Unix or mainframe windows with the text set larger than is possible on PC or Mac monitors, or mainframe or VTIOO terminals. On Computer Center workstations, to get a large-print Unix window, type


The mainframe terminal emulation window is, by de­fault, in large print. How to use it is described in a sheet called Mainframe from Sun, available in In-146.

Larry Frazier, [email protected]

Micro Notes

Tips for WordPerfect Theses Figures cause trouble more than almost anything else in WordPerfect theses. Here are some points to watch for.

Whatever your figure looks like, always keep Wrap Text Around Figure set to Yes. If you set it to No, WPerf will overlay your figure on top of surrounding text.

Almost all thesis students set their figures to Full width, within Horizontal Position. Otherwise, by de­fault, they'll be half the width of the page.

If it's a full-page figure, give it an anchor type of Page. Then you can choose Full Page within Vertical Posi­tion, instead of having to guess what the right height is.

If the figure is less than full page, set the anchor type to paragraph, and create the figure right after the Hard Return ending the paragraph in which you first mention it. (The thesis checker does not allow a figure to appear in the middle of a paragraph in the middle of a page.) If there isn't room for the figure on this page, WPerf will automatically move it to the top of the next page, and folJowing text will fill in the rest of this page. ~ is as the thesis checker requires. If the figure moves to the next page, you won't be able to see it in the regular text screen in DOS WPerf. If you want to be sure it's still there, use View Document to check. If you want to


February 11, 1994

edit the figure, or just find where the figure code is, press Alt-F9; WPerf will find it for you.

What about equations? While it's generally acceptable to say "as seen in Fig. 14." and have it appear on the next page, with equations, you usually say something like "applying the Mortenson transformation:" and you expect the equation to appear on the next line. There's seldom a problem with single-line equations, but multi­line equations can be troublesome. If you're at the bottom of the page, there may not be room for the 0 equation, and so WPerf puts it on the folJowing page. And then it lets a line or two of later text slip in. How to beat this? Block the equation and the line of text folJowing it, and go into Format (Sh-F8 in WP DOS, Layout, Page in WPWin) and WPerf will assume you want to Block Protect it. Then the equation will do what you (and the checker) want.

What about figures in WPerf Windows? By default, WPWin has a feature called Auto Code Placement. It has its uses, but this writer has found that it tends to place figures just before the last line of the paragraph. The thesis checker won't accept this. Go into File, then Preferences, then Environment. At the top left of that large box is Auto Code Placement. Tum it off (click on it so that it no longer has an X in its box).

What about WPerf 6.0 (DOS and/or Windows)? I don't know. I haven't been given a copy of either one to play with. Students tell me that the Thesis Styles work with WP6DOS without trouble. I also hear that WP6DOS is faster than WPWin5.2.

Larry Frazier, ln-113, x2671

Free Virus Scan The School has a site license for the McAfee virus scanning system for DOS computers. Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to download a copy of the files for their use in their office or for personal use at home. There is a scanner, to find the virus, a cleaner, to remove it, and a shield to detect one before it can get to your disk. These files should be available on the Ban­yan Vines network, or from your curriculum's or de­partment's designated security contact. If you can't find them elsewhere, you can go to ln-151, log in to the public accounts as described on the PC screen, and get the working files as well as the documentation by typ­ing



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If there are any problems, contact Larry Frazier, In-113, x2671, or Joe Rogers, In-104, x3458.

Network News

Internet Information In response to the overwhelming interest in the Internet, the following is offered to those who could not attend the recent Computer Center talk. To get instructions on how to use FTP, print out the DDN New Users Guide on VM by typing in the command ddndoc

or consult the printed copy in the rack outside In-147. This article was downloaded from the Internet, another demonstration of how easily information can be shared via the Internet. The views are those of the author, Jim Milles.

FAQ is short for Frequently Asked Questions; this is a new users FAQ, i.e., a guide for new users, retrieved from the Internet. Instructions for getting your own copy are at the end of this article.

Some recommended books for new users of the Internet:

LaQuey, Tracy. TJie lnrernet Companion Plus: A

Beginner's Start-Up Kit for Global Networking. Read­ing, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1993. 196 pp. ISBN 0-201-62719-1, $10.95. (Read this first; the best guide for the true beginner, useful even for the pre-beginner who has not yet signed on to the Internet.)

Gilster, Paul. The Internet Navigaror. New York: John Wiley, 1993. 470 pp. ISBN 0-471-59782-1. $24.95. (An elegantly written and cleanly designed guidebook, strongly recommended for the individual dial-up user.)

Hahn, Harley & Rick Stout. The Internet Complete Reference. Berkeley: Osborne McGraw-Hill, 1993. 818 pp. ISBN 0-07-881980-6, $29.95. (Considered by many the best of the new crop of Internet books, and at 800+ pages, by far the most comprehensive. The humor, however, seems somewhat more lame than some oth­ers.)


February 11. 1994

Krol, Ed. The Whole lnrernet: User's Guide & Catalog. Sebastapol, CA: O'Reilly & Associates, 1992. 376 pp. ISBN 1-56592-025-2, US$24.95. (In the fast-moving world of the Internet, for most of 1993 this was the successor to Zen as the essential guide to the Internet. Although it has now been superseded somewhat by more up-to-date works such as The Internet Complete Reference, I still find it the best-written of the Internet books.)

Other useful books for new users:

Aboba, Bernard. The Online User's Encyclopedia: Bul­letin Boards and Beyond. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1994. 806 pp. ISBN 0-201-62214-9, $32.95. (A remarkably useful and comprehensive work, covering everything from the basics of computer com­munications, to using local bulletin boards, to the intri­cacies of the Internet.)

Dern, Daniel P. The Internet Guide for New Users.

New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994. 570 pp. ISBN 0-07-016510-6, $40.00 (hardcover); ISBN 0-07-016511-4, US$27.95 (paper). (Dem is the former editor of Internet World magazine and author of nu­merous articles on the Internet in many other publi­cations.)

Engst. Adam. lnterner Starter Kit for M acin1osl1. India­napolis: Hayden Press, 1993. 641 pp. ISBN 1-56830-064-6, $19.95. (Highly recommended by Mac users, many of whom preferred this to the Fraase book listed below. Comes with a disk containing a variety of Internet access software, including a "legal copy of MacTCP 2.0.2.")

Fisher, Sharon. Riding the Internet HigJ1way. Carmel, Indiana: New Riders Pub., 1993. 266 pp. ISBN 1-56205-192-X, $16.95.

Fraase, Michael. The Mac Internet Tour Guide: Cruis­ing the Internet rhe Easy Way. Chapel Hill NC: Ventana Press, 1993. 288 pp. ISBN 1-56604-062-0, $27.95. (The first Internet guide written for Macintosh users; includes an SOOK disc containing useful soft­ware.)

Gardner, James. A DOS User's Guide to the Internet. Waterloo, ON, Canada: MKS fMortice Kern Systemsa, 1993.

Kehoe, Brendan. Zen and the Arr of the Internet: A

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Beginner's Guide. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1993. 112 pp. ISBN 0-13-010778-6, $22.00. (One of the first and most popular guides to the Internet. The first edition was distributed for free on the Internet; it is still available at many anonymous ftp sites, e.g., directory /introducing.the.internet, filename zen.txt.}

Kochmer, Jonathan and NorthWestNet. The Internet

Passporr: NorthW estN et's Guide to Our World Online. 4th ed. Bellevue, WA: NorthWestNet, 1993. 515 pp. ISBN 0-9635281-0-6, $29.95. (A comprehensive guide to Internet resources, comparable to Krol's The Whole

Internet but even broader in scope. It covers a number of areas that other guides ignore.}

Lambert, Steve & Walt Howe. Internet Basics. New York: Random House, 1993. 495 pp. ISBN 0-679-75023-1, $27.00. (Although this is a good, gener­al guide to the Internet for any user, it is especially useful for those who access the Internet through the commercial Delphi information service. Howe is the sysop of the Delphi Internet SIG.)

Levine, John R. and Carol Baroudi. The Internet for Dummies. San Mateo, California: IDG Books, 1993. 355 pp. ISBN 1-56884- 024-1, $19.95. (A very useful, well organized, and readable book, one of the publisher's popular " ... for Dummies" series.)

Marine, April; Kirkpatric, Susan; Neou. Vivian; and Ward, Carol. Internet: Getting Starred. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: PTR Prentice Hall, 1992. 360 pp. ISBN 0-13-327933-2, $28.00. (Includes useful information on how to obtain Internet access, as well as other technical reference material.)

Quarterman, John S. The Matrix: Computer Networks and Conferencing Systems Worldwide. Bedford, MA: Digital Press, 1990. 719 pp. ISBN 1-55558-033-5, $49.95. (A comprehensive guide to the history and present-as of 1990-state of the lnternet and its compo­nent and related networks. Recommended for those who want to learn the background and history of the Internet.)

Smith, Richard and Mark Gibbs. Navigating the Internet. Carmel, Indiana: SAMS Publishing, 1993. 500 pp. ISBN 0-672-30362-0, $24.95. (A highly readable guide, with an easy-to-use listing of Internet resources


February 11, 1994

arranged by subject. Smith is well known for his popu­lar online "Navigating the lnternet" courses.)

Tennant, Roy, John Ober, & Anne G. Lipow. Crossing

the Internet Threshold: An Instructional Handbook. 134 pp. ISBN 1-882208-01-3, US45.00. Berkeley, CA: Library Solutions Press, 1993. (Includes helpful fact sheets on various Internet tools from ftp and telnet to archie, gopher, WAIS, and World-Wide Web.)

If you know ftp For those who know enough about using the Internet to be able to use ftp, the following sources are very useful (note that they are regularly updated, so the version numbers and file names may change):

De Presno, Odd. "The Online World." Available by anonymous ftp from, directory /pub/msdos/info, type binary, filename Uncompress with PKZip 2.04g. (An excellent source for coverage of European resources, also excellent for users of commercial services like CompuServe, Genie, and MClmail.)

December, John. "Information Sources: the Internet and Computer- Mediated Communication." 15 December 1993, release 3.15. Available by anonymous ftp from , directory /pub/communications, filename internet-cmc.lxt. (Gives locations and access instruc­tions for hundreds of Internet training documents, direc­tories, and other materials. Essential for locating the many valuable Internet resources discussed in the other guidebooks.)

Gaffin, Adam and Electronic Frontier Foundation. "Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet." January 1994. Avail­able by anonymous ftp from, directory /pub/Net_info/Big_Dummy, filename bigdummy.txl.

Martin, Jerry. "There's Gold in them thar Networks! or Searching for Treasure in all the Wrong Places." RFC 1402, January 1993. Available by anonymous ftp from, directory /introducing.the.internet, file­name

Milles, James. "An Introduction to Using the Internet at Saint Louis University School of Law." Available by anonymous ftp from, directory /pub/millesjg, filename interlaw.wp (binary, WordPer­fect 5.1/5.2 format), interlaw.txt (ASCII), or (Postscript). (Although the focus is on legal resources,




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this guide should be useful for any V AXNMS user. It is also the only source I know of that discusses the differing commands for the BITNET and Unix listserver systems.)

Noonan, Dana. "A Guide to Internet/Bitnet." June 1993. Available by anonymous ftp from, di­rectory /nnews, filename guidel .nnews. (A rare and valuable guide for the V AXNMS user.)

"NYSERNet New User's Guide to Useful and Unique Resources on the Internet." Version 2.2, April 1992. Available by anonymous ftp from, directo­ry /pub/guides, filename

Parker, Elliott S. "Getting to Start: Selected Readings in Computer Communication." Ver. 4.01 (13 Dec 1993). Available by sending an e-mail message to [email protected] containing only the line GET NETST ART INFO F=MAIL (A lengthy bibliography of books, articles, and other materials about the Internet and related topics.)

Pony, Jean Armour. "Surfing the INTERNET: An Intro­duction." Version 2.0.2, May 15, 1993. Available by anonymous ftp from, directory /pub/guides, file surfing.2.0.3.txt.

"SURAnet Guide to Selected Internet Resources." De­cember 1993. Available by anonymous ftp from, directory /pub/nic, file infoguide.12-93.txt. Yanoff, Scott. "Special Internet Connections" (updated frequently). A list of interesting and useful selections showing the broad range of Internet resources, includ­ing a few Online Public Access Catalogs, chat lines, weather servers, Campus Wide Information Systems, and other reference resources. Available by anonymous ftp from, directory /pub, filename

How to get connected to the Internet: Engle, Mary, Marilyn Lutz, William W. Jones, Jr., and Genevieve Engel. Internet Connections: A Librarian's

Guide to Dial-Up Access and Use. Lita Monographs 3. Chicago: Library and Information Technology Associa­tion, 1993. 166 pp. ISBN 0-8389-7677-8, $22.00.

Estrada, Susan. Connecting to the Internet: An 0 'Reilly

Buyer's Guide. Sebastapol, CA: O'Reilly & Associates, 1993. 170 pp. ISBN 1-56592-061-9, $15.95.


February 11, 1994

Notess, Greg R. Internet Access Providers: An Inter­national Resource Directory. Westport, CT: Meckler, 1993. ISBN 0-88736-933-2, $22.95.

If you have e-mail access to the Internet, you can ob­tain a copy of the Public Dialup Internet Access List (the most comprehensive list of Internet access provid­ers for individuals and small organizations) by sending an e-mail message containing the command "Send PDIAL" to [email protected].

Latest version of this document

"Where to Start" for New Internet Users, is available by anonymous ftp from, directory /pub/millesjg, filename newusers.faq. It may also be obtained by e-mail by sending a message to [email protected] containing only the line GET NEWUSERS FAQ NETTRAIN F=MAJL

Jim M i/les [email protected]

Topical Internet Guides The Clearinghouse for Subject-Oriented Internet Re­source Guides offers access via Anonymous FTP, Go­pher, and WorldWideWeb/Mosaic.

Jf you're not familiar with the Clearinghouse, please take a look (1'11 attach access instructions below). Lo­cated at the University of Michigan, the Clearinghouse serves as a central location for topical Internet guides. Efforts are made to keep the most current versions, and to provide wide access via the tools mentioned above. The guides are WAIS-indexed for full-text searching. If you are a system builder, Internet trainer, or Internet user with a specific topic in mind, you may find infor­mation of interest in the Clearinghouse. If you are an author of such a guide, please consider sending it to [email protected] for inclusion in the Clearinghouse. Monthly usage statistics are provided to authors. More information is available about this project within the Clearinghouse itself.

How to Access Resource Guides Available from the Clearinghouse

Access to these guides is available via Anonymous

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FfP, Gopher, and WorldWideWeb/Mosaic (see below). From within Gopher, a WAIS index of the full text of these guides is searchable.

Anonymous FTP:

host: una. path: /inetdirsstacks (a key to the file names is available from the FTPable file .README-FOR-FTP)

Gopher: gopher =>What's New and Featured Resources =>Clearinghouse ...

Guides Currently A val/able from the Clearinghouse

Adult/Distance Education Aerospace Engineering Agriculture Animals Anthropology, Education Archaeology, Historic Preservation Architecture, Building Archives Biological Sciences Black/African Book Discussions & Reviews Buddhism Business, Economics Business, Misc. Academia, News Business Chemistry Computer-Mediated Communication Computing Conservation Diversity Earth Sciences East Europe Economics Education Educators Environment Geography, Library and Information Science German History Government, Politics Health Sciences Higher Education Journalism Law


Library Linguistics, Political Science Math & Science Education Multiple Subjects (Gopher Jewels) Multiple Subjects Networks & Communities Neurosciences Personal Finance Philosophy Physical Sciences Public Policy Religion Religious Studies Social Science Theater US Federal Government US Politics West European History & Culture Women's Studies, Feminism Writing


New Database System

February 11, 1994

The Research Reports Division of the Dudley Knox Library is awaiting delivery of its new database man­agement system. The Scientific and Technical Informa­tion Library Automation System (STILAS), is a client-server system which is replacing the SABIRS System, now housed on the Mainframe. SABIRS is a FORTRAN-based collection management program designed for the Library in the early 1960s. It has been unable to keep up with recent developments in collec­tion management systems; as a result, the Library was forced to search for a replacement that more fully met the needs of the NPS community.

STILAS provides greater power to both end-users and staff. Searching the database of Research Reports hold­ings will no longer require the assistance of a librarian. Users wiJl be able to search this system in much the same way they can now search BOSUN, the online catalog in the main library. STILAS' ability to down­load cataloging records will provide our users with timely access to information at a savings in manpower



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in our cataloging area. Finally, the Accountability mod· ule will allow Research Reports staff to efficiently manage the records required for circulation and control of classified materials.

In addition to increased power, STILAS offers the library the potential to integrate new information re· sources, dial into specialized collections that are of interest to our students and faculty, and access the Internet. Although the classified environment restricts the way we use some of this potential, STILAS places us in a strategic position to participate in resource·sharing relationships that are sure to develop in the future.

Diane Crankshaw 5015P@NA V PGS

February 11, 1994


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Computer Center Mainframes The Center operates (1) An Amdahl 5995-700A (384 MB processor storage, 1 GB expanded storage) loosely coupled with an IBM 4381 Model C13 (24 MB). Interactive computing Is provided under VM/XA CMS, batch processing under MVS/ESA with JES3 networking. (2) A Cray Y-MP/EL 98 (8 cpus, 2 GB memory, Unlcos).

Hours of Operation

VM & MVS 24 hrs/day, 7 days/Wk 656-2713: status recording

BOSUN M.-Th. 0700-2300 (Library) Fr., Sa. 0700-1800

Sunday 0700-2200 Consulting (ln-146,ext 3429)

Mon-Thu 0800-1130 1315-1545 Fri 0900-1130 1315-1545

Dial-up 656-2709 up to 9600 bps TAC Access 64 7 -8422

Terminal Clusters (Open)

ln-141 17 Sun SPARC 10/41 5 3472G Graphics/APL 2 3192·2 Graphics/APL

ln-364E 14 3192 Graphics/APL

Ro-222 15 Sun Spare 10/41 wkstn.

Sp-311 8 Sun Spare 10/41 wkstn.

Ha-126 3 3278·2 (1 APL)

Ha-201 C 4 3278-2 (1 APL)

Bldg223 11 3178-2 (1 APL)

Knox library (Basement) 3 3278-2

Printers (Mainframe)

ln-140 IBM 3800-3 laser (215 ppm) IBM 3262 Impact (650 lpm)

ln-141 Tek 46930 Color Prntr/Plotter Shinko CHC-743MV Cir Prntr

ln-364 IBM 3268 Impact (APL)

Sp-311 IBM 3203 Impact (1000 lpm)

Ro-222, Ha-201B, Bu-100, Bldg 223 IBM 3262 Impact (650 lpm)

Computer Cen. VisLab, In-148 4 Siiicon Graphics: 1 380 VGX, 2 4G/35 TG, 1 lndlgo2Extreme, 1 Mac Cuadra 700, 1 HP 730, 1 DECstation 5000, 1 Sun SPARC 10/41

Learning Resource Centers

Hours of Operation

Open: M-F 830-1630 (Other access by arrangement)

GL-128 20 Mac Cuadra 700 (Sys 7) 6 PC 486/DX 50

GL-203 33 PC 486/DX 33

GL-318 19 HP 730 1 PC 486/DX 33

ln-151 11 PC 386 (25/33) 1 Discover Scanner (PC) 2 HP LaserJet lllsl 2 Xerox 6085 workstation 1 Xerox image scanner 1 Xerox laser printer

ln-371 6 PC 486/DX 33 4 PC 386/25

Ro-262 15 PC 386/20 2 Z-248 (286)

Points of Contact .B22m .Ext.

Dean, Computer & Information Services (Acting)

Toke Jayachandran He-D139 2392

ADP Security Jeff Franklin He-D139 2469

Knox Library Maxine Renaker Kn-105 2341

Computer Science micro & wkstns Al Wong Sp-525A 2009

Admln. Science micro labs Norm Schneldewind ln-311 2719

ECE micros & workstations Bob Limes Sp-301 3216

Computer Users Council (CUC) Mike Mccann, Comp. Center 2752 Dennis Mar, Secretary 2672

MIS Points of Contact Network Services

Codes OOx, 01, 03x, 07 & Depts. Lonna Sherwin 2794

Codes 05, 21, 22, DAMI Lyle Munn 2794

Codes 04, 06, 08 & Curries. Renll Lightcap 2195

Codes 42, 43 Joe Lopiccolo 2994

February 11, 1994

Computer Cntr Pts of Cntct

Director .B22m .EX!.. Prof. Douglas Williams ln-129 2572

Administrative Assistant Mandy Drury ln-130 2574

Manager, Systems Support David F. Norman ln-118 2641

Manager, User Services (Acting) Dennis Mar ln-133 2672

Manager, Operations Roy Romo ln-132 2004

Manager, Visualization Lab Mike Mccann ln-102E2752

Manager, LRCs & Center Micros Kathryn Strutynski GL-3752696

Editor, Bulletin Larry Frazier ln-113 2671

User Registration and Accounting Irma Bozardt ln-147 2731 Ruth Roy, Manager ln-109 2796

Programming Cnsultnt. ln-146 3429

Shift Supervisor, Opns ln-140 2721

System Status (recorded msg.) 2713

NPS Computer Club Club President: Andy Melton

373-0695 [email protected] [email protected]

Vice President: Frank E. Kelbe 656-2363 [email protected]

Secretary: Alex Dezerega 655 5890 [email protected]

Treasurer: Rick Aral 656-2174 [email protected]

BBS Sysop: 8111 Demers 372-6717 [email protected]

Newsletter Editor: Howard Mohn 647-1834 [email protected]

Windows Chair: Chris McMahan 375-261 [email protected]. nav .mil

Amiga Chairman: Josh Rovero 372-8905 [email protected]

Mac Chairman: Andy Melton 373-0695 [email protected] vy .mil

[email protected] Mac Librarian: Curtis Plunk

647-8829 [email protected] OS/2 Chairman: Mike Schlevelblen

[email protected] BBS: Closet Gouge I & II:

1200, 2400, 9600 bps; 8-N-1; 655-8785 or 655-8787

Distribution: List 3, plus: 250-83, 6-B4, 20-813, 2-B15, 818, 12-F2, 10-F3, 9-F4, 1-F7, 1-F14, 30-0C, 5-FNOC Computer.

