information theory - chapter 7 : channel capacity and coding

Information Theory Chapter 7 : Channel Capacity and Coding Theorem – Part II Syed Asad Alam Electronics Systems Division Department of Electrical Engineering Linköping University May 3, 2013 [email protected] (Linköping University) Chapter 7 May 3, 2013 1 / 39

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Page 1: Information Theory - Chapter 7 : Channel Capacity and Coding

Information Theory

Chapter 7 : Channel Capacity and Coding Theorem – Part II

Syed Asad Alam

Electronics Systems Division

Department of Electrical Engineering

Linköping University

May 3, 2013

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Previous Lecture

Chapter 7 : Part I

Fano’s inequality

Channel capacity and channel models

Preview of channel coding theorem


Jointly typical sequences

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Thomas M. Cover and Joy A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory

(2nd Edition)

Inspiration of slides from lecture slides of ECE534, University of Illinois

at Chicago


Linear Block Codes → MIT 6.02 and other online sources

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1 Channel Coding Theorem

2 Zero-Error Codes

3 Converse to the Channel Coding Theorem

4 Coding Schemes

5 Feedback Capacity

6 Source-Channel Separation Theorem

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Channel Coding Theorem

Channel Coding Theorem

Proof of the basic theorem of information theory

Achievability of channel capacity (Shannonn’s second theorem)


For a discrete memory-less channel, all rates below capacity C are achievable

Specifically, for every rate R < C, there exists a sequence of (2nR, n)codes with maximal probably of error λn → 0

Conversely, any sequence of (2nR, n) codes with λn → 0 must have

R ≤ C

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Channel Coding Theorem

Key Ideas of Shannon

Arbitrary small but non-zero probability of error allowed

Large successive use of channel

Calculating average probability of error over a random choice of


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Channel Coding Theorem

Ideas behind the Proof

Same ideas as Shannon

Random code selection

Average probability of error

. . .

Difference in the decoding rule

Decoding by joint typicality

Look for a codeword that is jointly typical with the received sequence

Probability that any other codeword is jointly typical is 2−nI

If fewer than 2nI → High probability that no other codewords can be

confused with the transmitted word

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Channel Coding Theorem


Generate a (2nR, n) code at random, independently, according to the


p(xn) =



p(xi). (1)

Codebook (C), contains 2nR codewords as rows of matrix:

C =

x1(1) x2(1) . . . xn(1)...

.... . .


x1(2nR) x2(2

nR) . . . xn(2nR)

. (2)

Each entry in the matrix is generated i.i.d, i.e.,

Pr(C) =2nR∏




p(xi(ω)). (3)

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Channel Coding Theorem


Random code C generated according to (3)

Code revealed to both sender and receiver

Sender and receiver know the channel transition matrix p(y|x)

A message W (ωth row of the codebook) is chosen according to a

uniform distribution

Pr(W = ω) = 2−nR, ω = 1, 2, . . . , 2nR. (4)

Send this message over n uses of the channel

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Channel Coding Theorem


Receiver declares that W was sent if:

(Xn(W), Yn) is jointly typical

There is no other indexW ′ 6= W such that (Xn(W ′), Yn) ∈ A(n)ǫ

If no such W exists or more than one such exist, an error is declared

If W 6= W → Decoding error

Let E be such event when decoding error occurs

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Channel Coding Theorem

Probability of Error

Let E = W(Yn) 6= W be the error event


Pr(E) =∑


Pr(C)P(n)e (C) (5)

Pr(E) =∑






λω(C) (6)

Pr(E) =1





Pr(C)λω(C) (7)

The inner sum does not depend on ω, so assuming that the message

W = 1 was sent

Pr(E) =∑


Pr(C)λ1(C) = Pr(E|W = 1) (8)

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Channel Coding Theorem

Probability of Error

Let Ei = {(Xn(i),Yn(i) ∈ A(n)ǫ }, i ∈ 1, 2, . . . , 2nR. Then,

Pr(E|W = 1) = P(Ec1 ∪ E2 ∪ · · · ∪ E2nR |W = 1) (9)

Pr(E|W = 1) ≤ P(Ec1|W = 1) +



P(Ei|W = 1) (10)

From joint typicality

P(Ec1|W = 1) ≤ ǫ, for n sufficiently large

P(Ei|W = 1) ≤ 2−n(I(X;Y)−3ǫ)

Pr(E) = Pr(E|W = 1) ≤ P(Ec1|W = 1) +



P(Ei|W = 1) (11)

Pr(E) ≤ ǫ+



2−n(I(X;Y)−3ǫ) ≤ 2ǫ, n is sufficiently large (12)

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Channel Coding Theorem

Random Codes

The probability of error is small, as long as R < I

If p(x) is such that it maximized I(X;Y), R < I becomes R < C

There much exist at least one code C∗ for which we have

P(E|C∗) =1



λi(C∗) ≤ 2ǫ (13)

We keep half of the codewords and throw away the worst half, then the

maximal error probability will be less than 4ǫ

The codebook has now 2nR−1 codewords

The rate is R− 1n= R as n → ∞

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Channel Coding Theorem

Channel Coding Theorem – Summary

Random coding used as a proof for the theorem

Joint typicality used as a decoding rule

Theorem shows that good codes exist with arbitrarily small error


Does not provide a way of constructing the best codes

If code generated at random with appropriate distribution, the code is

likely to be good but difficult to decode

Hamming codes → simplest of a class of error correcting codes

Turbo codes → Close to achieving capacity for Gaussian channels

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Zero-Error Codes

Zero-Error Codes

Motivation for the proof of the converse

If P(n)e = 0 → R ≤ C

W is uniformly distributed, i.e., H(W) = nR, we have

nR = H(W) = H(W|Yn)︸ ︷︷ ︸


+I(W;Yn) (14)

≤a I(Xn;Yn) ≤b



I(Xi;Yi) (15)

≤c nC (16)

R ≤ C (17)

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Converse to the Channel Coding Theorem

Fano’s Inequality and the Coverse to the Coding Theorem

Theorem (Fano’s Inequality)

For any estimator X : X → Y → X, with Pe = Pr{X 6= X}, we have

H(Pe) + Pelog|X | ≥ H(X|X) ≥ H(X|Y). (18)

This implies 1+ Pelog|X ≥ H(X|Y) or Pe ≥H(X|Y)−1

log|X |

In this case, for a discrete memoryless channel with a codebook C and

the input message W uniformly distributed over 2nR, we have

H(W|W) ≤ 1+ P(n)e nR. (19)

Capacity per transmission is not increased if channel used multiple times

I(Xn;Yn) ≤ nC for all p(xn) (20)

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Converse to the Channel Coding Theorem


I(Xn;Yn) = H(Yn)− H(Yn|Xn) (21)

= H(Yn)−n∑


H(Yi|Y1, . . . ,Yi−1,Xn) (22)

= H(Yn)−n∑


H(Yi|Xi) (23)





H(Yi|Xi) (24)



I(Xi;Yi) (25)

≤ nC (26)

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Converse to the Channel Coding Theorem

The Proof of Converse

We have W → Xn(W) → Yn → W

For each n, let W is uniformly distributed and

Pr(W 6= W) = P(n)e = 1


i λi

Using the results we have

nR =a H(W) (27)

=b H(W|W) + I(W; W) (28)

≤c 1+ P(n)e nR+ I(W; W) (29)

≤d 1+ P(n)e nR+ I(Xn;Yn) (30)

≤e 1+ P(n)e nR+ nC (31)

R ≤ P(n)e R+


n+ C (32)

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Converse to the Channel Coding Theorem

The Proof of Converse

R ≤ P(n)e R+


n+ C (33)

Since P(n)e = 1


i λi, P(n)e → 0 as n → ∞

Same with the second term, thus, R ≤ C

However, if R > C, the average probability of error is bounded away

from 0

Channel capacity : A very clear dividing point.

For R ≤ C → (P(n)e → 0), exponentially and for R > C → (P

(n)e → 1)

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Coding Schemes

Coding Schemes

Main focus → Codes that achieve low error probability and simple to


Objective → Introduce redundancy such that errors can be detected and


Simplest scheme → Repition codes

Encoding→ Repeat the information multiple times

Decoding→ Take the majority vote

Rate goes to zero with increasing block length

Error correcting codes → Parity check codes, hamming codes

Redundant bits help in detecting/correcting errors

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Coding Schemes

Linear Codes

Hamming code is an example of linear, block, error correcting codes

Any linear combination of codewords is also a code word

Blocks of bits of length (k) mapped to a code word of length n having

n− k extra bits → (n, k) code

Code rate is k/n

Codewords produced from message bits by linear transformations of the


c = d.G (34)

where c is an n-element row vector containing the codeword, d is a k-element

row vector containing the message and G is a k × n matrix called generator


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Coding Schemes

Linear Codes

Generator matrix is given by

Gk×n =[Ik×k|Ak×(n−k)


There is another matrix called parity check matrix H

Rows of H are parity checks on the codewords and should satisfy

cHT = 0 (36)

Can also be derived from G

H =[− PT |In−k


Should satisfy

GHT = 0 (38)

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Coding Schemes

Systematic Linear Codes

Mapping between message and code explicit

Split data into k-bit blocks

Add n− k parity bits to each block → n-bits long code

Parity BitsMessage Bits




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Coding Schemes

Hamming Codes

Example in the book

H =

0 0 0 1 1 1 1

0 1 1 0 0 1 1

1 0 1 0 1 0 1


0000000 0100101 1000011 1100110

0001111 0101010 1001100 1101001

0010110 0110011 1010101 1110000

0011001 0111100 1011010 1111111


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Coding Schemes

Hamming Codes

Formally specified as (n, k, d) codes where d is the distance

Detects and correct up to one bit error

Block Length : n = 2n−k − 1

Number of message bits : k = 2n−k − (n− k)− 1

Distance (min. number of places two codewords differ) : d = 3

Perfect codes → Achieve highest possible rate

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Coding Schemes

Decoding of hamming codes

Minimum distance is 3

If codeword c is corrupted in only one place, it will be closer to c

How to discover the closest codeword without searching over all the


Let ei be a vector with a 1 in the ith position

If codeword corrupt at i, then received vector can be written can be

written as r = c+ ei.

Hr = H(c+ ei) = Hc+ Hei = Hei (41)

Hei is the vector corresponding to the ith column of H.

Hr provides information which bit was corrupted and reversing it to get

the correct codeword

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Coding Schemes

Hamming Code (7, 4, 3)

Can be shown using a Venn diagram

P1 P2





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Coding Schemes

Hamming Code (7, 4, 3)

Let the message be 11012




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Coding Schemes

Hamming Code (7, 4, 3)

Placing parity bits in each circle so that parity of each circle is even




0 1


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Coding Schemes

Hamming Code (7, 4, 3)

Assume one of the bits have changed as shown

Parity constraints violated for two of the circles

Error caused by the bit at the intersection of these two circles




0 1


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Coding Schemes

Other Codes

With large block lengths, more than one error possible

Multi-bit error correcting codes proposed

Reed and Solomon (1959) codes for nonbinary channelsBCH codes, which generalizes Hamming codes using Galois field theory

to construct t-error correcting codes

Examples : cd-players use error correction circuitry based on two

interleaved (32, 28, 5) and (28, 24, 5) Read-Solomon codes that allow the

decoder to correct bursts up to 4000 errors

Convolution Codes→Each output block depends on both the current input

block and some of past input blocks

LDPC and Turbo codes→ Achieving capacity with high probability

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Feedback Capacity

Feedback Capacity

Encoder DecoderChannelEstimate



W Xi(W, Y i−1) Y i W


Can we achieve higher rates with feedback

Proof to show we cannot

A (2nR, n) feedback code as a

Sequence of mappings xi(W, Y i−1)Sequence of decoding functions g : Y → 1, 2, . . . , 2nR

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Feedback Capacity

Feedback Capacity


The capacity with feedback, CFB, of a discrete memoryless channel is the

supremum of all rates achievable by feedback codes

Theorem (Feedback capacity)

CFB = C = maxp(x)

I(X;Y) (42)

Nonfeedback code is considered as a special case of feedback code, thus

CFB ≥ C (43)

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Feedback Capacity


Proving a series of similar inequalities by using index W instead of Xn

nR = H(W) = H(W|W) + I(W; W) (44)

≤ 1+ P(n)e nR + I(W; W) (45)

≤ 1+ P(n)e nR + I(W;Yn) (46)

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Feedback Capacity


I(W;Yn) = H(Yn)− H(Yn|W) (47)

= H(Yn)−n∑


H(Yi|Y1,Y2, . . . ,Yi−1,W) (48)

= H(Yn)−n∑


H(Yi|Y1,Y2, . . . ,Yi−1,W,Xi) (49)

= H(Yn)−n∑


H(Yi|Xi) (50)





H(Yi|Xi) =n∑


I(Xi;Yi) (51)

≤ nC (52)

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Feedback Capacity


Combining the equations

nR ≤ P(n)e nR + 1+ nC (53)

R ≤ C, as n → ∞ (54)

So, rates achieved with feedback is equal to one achieved without


CFB = C (55)

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Source-Channel Separation Theorem

Source-Channel Separation Theorem

Encoder DecoderChannel


Encoder Encoder

Channel Channel




Is a two-stage method as good as any other method to transmit

information over a noisy channel?

Data compression gives us R > H and transmission gives us R < C

Is H < C necessary and sufficient for transmitting a source over a


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Source-Channel Separation Theorem

Source-Channel Separation Theorem



V1,V2, . . . ,Vn is a finite alphabet stochastic process that satisfies AEP

H(V) < C

there exists a source-channel code with Pr(Vn 6= Vn) → 0

In converse


For any staionary stochastic process, if

H(V) > C

the probability of error is bounded away from zero

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Source-Channel Separation Theorem

Proof of Theorem

From AEP→ |A(n)ǫ | ≤ 2n(H(V)+ǫ)

At most contributes ǫ to probability of error

2n(H(V)+ǫ) sequences → n(H(V) + ǫ) bits for indexing

Transmit with error probability less than ǫ if R = H(V) + ǫ < C

Total error of probability ≤ 2ǫ (P(Vn /∈ A(n)ǫ + P(g(Yn) 6= Vn|Vn ∈ A

(n)ǫ )

Hence, the sequence can be constructed with low probability of error for

n sufficiently large if H(V) < C

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Source-Channel Separation Theorem

Proof of Theorem – Converse

H(V) ≤a H(V1,V2, . . . ,Vn)





nH(Vn|Vn) +


nI(Vn; Vn) (58)

≤b 1

n(1+ Pr(Vn 6= Vn)nlog|V|) +


nI(Vn; Vn) (59)

≤c 1

n(1+ Pr(Vn 6= Vn)nlog|V|) +


nI(Xn;Yn) (60)

≤d 1

n(1+ Pr(Vn 6= Vn)nlog|V|) + C (61)

H(V) ≤ C as n → ∞ (62)

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Source-Channel Separation Theorem

Summary of Theorem

Data compression and transmission tied together

Data compression → Consequence of AEP→ There exists a small

subset (|2nH |) of all possible source sequences that contain most of the

probability and that we can therefore represent the source with a small

probability error using H bits per symbol

Data transmission → Based on the joint AEP→ For long block lengths,

the output sequence of the channel is very likely to be jointly typical with

the input codeword, while any other codeword is jointly typical with

probability ≈ 2−nI . Hence we can use about 2nI codewords and still have

negligible error probability.

This theorem shows that we can design the source and channel code

separately and combine the results to achieve optimal performance

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Thank You!!!

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