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  • 8/9/2019 Ingles Final Mined II


    Educaon and development curriculum


    Octubre 2013

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    Carlos Mauricio Funes CartagenaPresidente de la República

    Salvador Sánchez CerénVicepresidente de la República

    Franzi Hasbún BarakeSecretario de Asuntos Estratégicos de la Presidencia

    Ministro de Educación ad honórem

    Héctor Jesús Samour CanánViceministro de Educación

    Erlinda Hándal VegaViceministra de Ciencia y Tecnología

    Renzo Uriel Valencia AranaDirector Nacional de Educación

    Janet Lorena Serrano de LópezGerente de Gesón Pedagógica

           C     r       é       d       i      t     o     s

    Coordinación de Diseño y Desarrollo Curricular, primera edición

    Equipo Técnico de Diseño Curricular (MINED)

     Herbert Ovidio Aparicio CastellanosSilvia Patricia Reyes Rivas

    Departamento de Currículo

    Wilfredo Alexander Granados Paz

    Coordinación de Diseño Curricular yDesarrollo Curricular

    Brunilda Peña de Osorio

    Equipo Técnico Autoral de Diseño Curricular (UCA)

    Ana Julia VelisRolando Labrador

    Diseño y diagramación

    Centro Integral de Comunicaciones y Periodismo,

    CICOP, SA de

    Primera Edición, 2013.La impresión de este documento ha sido nanciada por el Programa de Apoyo a las Comunidades Solidarias de El Salvador (PACSES), con la Unión Europea.

    Edicios A, Plan Maestro, Centro de Gobierno,Alameda Juan Pablo II y Calle Guadalupe, San Salvador, El Salvador, América Central.

    Teléfonos: +(503) 2537-4100, +(503) 2537-4327, +(503) 2537-3212 |•| [email protected]

    Corrección de eslo

    Pauline Marn

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    El Ministerio de Educación presenta, a la sociedad salvadoreña, un nuevo currículo de la

    primera infancia, como una expresión de la vital importancia que enen los primeros añosde vida para la formación del ser humano.

    El currículo se sustenta en los nuevos conocimientos de la neurociencia, la psicología, la

    pedagogía, la sociología y otras ciencias cuyos hallazgos demuestran que las niñas y los

    niños inician el desarrollo de sus capacidades y competencias claves para integrarse al

    mundo, para desarrollar a plenitud su mente y su cuerpo, desde el período de gestación

    y durante los primeros años de su vida. De allí que la educación inicial es fundamental en

    el desarrollo de la personalidad que incidirá decisivamente en las subsiguientes fases de

    infancia, adolescencia y juventud.

    Tiene un enfoque de valores que se sustentan en el respeto a los derechos humanos, elcual posibilita, a los niños y a las niñas, desde su temprana edad, adquirir una formación

    que les permita dar respuestas equilibradas y respetuosas a sí mismos, a sus semejantes y

    a su medio ambiente; además, los capacita para enfrentar las dicultades que acompañan

    los cambios impulsados por la mundialización, las nuevas tecnologías y los fenómenos


    Este currículo busca lograr un desarrollo integral pernente, profundo y connuo,

    reconociendo que el entorno de la niña y el niño debe construirse de manera que “el

    mundo cognivo esté en contacto con el mundo afecvo y relacional”, es decir, cuando se

    combinan aspectos relacionales de gran trascendencia, como su relación con la familia,

    con otros niños y niñas, con las personas adultas y con la comunidad.

    El currículo para la primera infancia es la respuesta a un proceso de movilización social,

    generado a parr del desarrollo del Plan Social Educavo “Vamos a la Escuela” 2009-

    2014, el cual plantea la necesidad impostergable de dar una respuesta integral y un

    nuevo signicado al tema del desarrollo de la primera infancia en El Salvador. Este es

    parte fundamental del nuevo proyecto educavo global, la Escuela Inclusiva de Tiempo

    Pleno, que junto a otros programas transformarán al sistema educavo tradicional y, en el

    mediano y largo plazo, impactarán todos los ámbitos de nuestra sociedad: la producción,

    el conocimiento, la realización de la persona humana y la convivencia social armónica.

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    El diseño del currículo de la primera infancia ha sido un proceso colecvo y de parcipación

    intersectorial, que tuvo como referente la Ley Nacional de Protección Integral para

    la Niñez y Adolescencia (LEPINA), la Políca Nacional de Educación y Desarrollo de la

    Primera Infancia, la Políca Nacional de Educación Inclusiva y el Plan Social Educavo

    “Vamos a la Escuela”. En este proceso, es importante reconocer y dar las gracias por los

    signicavos aportes dados por el personal asistente técnico pedagógico y docente, los

    centros educavos pilotos, y los siguientes organismos no gubernamentales: Fondo de

    las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF), Centro de Referencia Lanoamericano

    para la Educación Preescolar (CELEP), Save the Children, Plan Internacional, Fundación

    Privada Intervida, Visión Mundial, Ayuda en Acción, Gran Ducado de Luxemburgo, Junta

    de Andalucía, Asociación Intersectorial para el Desarrollo Económico y el Progreso Social

    (CIDEP), Fundación de Apoyo Familiar (FUNDAFAM), instuciones de educación superior,

    centros educavos privados, Mesa Técnica Intersectorial para la Educación y el Desarrollo

    Integral de la Primera Infancia, Red de Educación Inicial y Parvularia de El Salvador

    (REINSAL); y organismos gubernamentales, como el Ministerio de Educación (MINED),

    Ministerio de Salud (MINSAL), Instuto Salvadoreño para el Desarrollo Integral de la Niñez

    y Adolescencia (lSNA).

    La concreción de este proceso es la entrega de un documento curricular actualizado,

    integral y fundamentado en la concepción cienca del desarrollo del niño y de la niña

    como sujetos de derecho, protagonistas y centro del modelo pedagógico de la Escuela

    Inclusiva de Tiempo Pleno, que está desarrollando el Ministerio de Educación. La puesta

    en marcha del currículo exige una ecaz y fuerte coordinación e integración de diferentes

    instancias y sectores con alcance local y nacional, fortaleciendo el papel protagónico que

    el personal docente, la familia y la comunidad enen en lograr signicavos avances en la

    educación integral de la primera infancia.

    El currículo orientará el desarrollo programáco de la educación inicial, desde la concepción

    a los 3 años, y de la educación parvularia, desde los 4 a los 6 años y 11 meses de vida;dene los objevos que buscan ampliar las posibilidades de atención integral y desarrollo

    del área biosicomotora, socioafecva y cogniva, a parr del desarrollo de acvidades

    lúdicas, en contextos cálidos y garantes de derechos, en los que las niñas y los niños crezcan

    y se desarrollen de manera feliz y en el marco de la protección integral. Reconoce que es

    la etapa más signicava del ciclo vital, en que se desarrollan las más diversas formas de:

    expresión y comunicación, el pensamiento, la imaginación creadora, el razonamiento, la

    formación moral y los valores écos, las normas de convivencia, el amor hacia el medio

    ambiente, la idendad y autonomía, el disfrute hacia todas las manifestaciones culturales

    y, fundamentalmente, se sientan las bases de la personalidad, para la construcción de un

    nueva ciudadanía social en paz y con juscia social.

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    El currículo se implementará a través de dos vías: una instucional y otra familiar

    comunitaria, para lo cual el MINED debe atender a los principales actores de este proceso:

    las niñas y los niños, las personas adultas signicavas, madres, padres de familia y

    otros encargados, y al personal direcvo, docente y asistente educavo de los centros


    Por primera vez en la historia educava del país, el Ministerio de Educación, orientado

    por el programa de gobierno de la República, instucionaliza la Educación Inicial y la

    asume como Estado; a la vez, fortalece el enfoque de derechos y desarrollo integral de

    la Educación Parvularia, tal como se hace en la Educación Básica, Media o Superior en

    nuestra organización educacional.

    En ese marco, es relevante destacar el reconocimiento a docentes de educación parvularia

    y a diversos agentes comunitarios que, día a día, con dedicación, esmero y amor, aenden

    a los más pequeños del sistema educavo y cuya noble labor es de alta signicación social

    por el impacto benecioso en la formación de niñas y niños, que se converrán muy

    pronto en ciudadanos y ciudadanas con mejores condiciones para gesonar su vida social

    y el desarrollo del país.

    Asumamos este nuevo reto del Plan Social Educavo “Vamos a la Escuela” 2009-2014,

    implementando el currículo con la movación, la creavidad y el entusiasmo que caracteriza

    al personal educavo de este nivel -cuyos esfuerzos contribuyen a la construcción de un

    nuevo país-, y enriqueciéndolo con sus propios saberes y experiencias.

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    General Introducon to the Curriculum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

    General Guidelines for Preschool Educaon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13a. Guidelines for English Teachers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

    b. Suggesons for Diverse Learners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

    c. Methodological Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

    d. Learning Assessment Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

    e. Sequence of Objecves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

    EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT CURRICULUM. PRESCHOOL 4 . . 191. Introducon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

    2. Objecves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

    3. Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

    4. Achievement Indicators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

    Integrated Methodological Suggesons. Learning and Development Situaons. . . . . . . . . . 26

    • Who I am, I am like this, I am...  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

    • Once upon a me... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29• Discover, feel, learn and have fun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

    • Traveling around the world. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

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    EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT CURRICULUM. PRESCHOOL 5 . . . . . 351. Introducon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

    2. Objecves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

    3. Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384. Achievement Indicators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

    Integrated Methodological Suggesons. Learning and Development Situaons. . . . . . . . 43

    • Who I am, I am like this, I am...  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

    • Once upon a me... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

    • Discover, feel, learn and have fun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

    • Traveling around the world. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

    EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT CURRICULUM. PRESCHOOL 6 . . . . . 531. Introducon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

    2. Objecves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

    3. Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

    4. Achievement Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

    Integrated Methodological Suggesons. Learning and Development Situaons. . . . . . . . . .  62

    • Who I am, I am like this, I am... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

    • Once upon a me... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

    • Discover, feel, learn and have fun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

    • Traveling around the world . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

    BIBLIOGRAPHY  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   71

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    1 Marnez Mendoza, Franklin. Primera infancia, bilingüismo y educación infantl. Editorial Trillas, Madrid,


    Recent studies indicate that the best me for a child to learn a foreign language is inthe rst three or four years of life1. Children at this age actually have a strong potenal

    to acquire almost an innite number of new informaon, including foreign language.

    Children who learn a foreign language at a very early age, have a more acve brain

    sphere and later have fewer dicules in school subjects other than English.

    The way babies and small children learn to talk proves that they are natural learners,

    so preschool years are vital for language learning. Parcularly in the rst three to

    four years of life, the foundaons for thinking, language, vision, atudes, aptudes,

    and other characteriscs are laid down. Consequently, it would be a waste not to use

    a child’s natural ability to learn during his or her most vital years, when learning aforeign language is as easy as learning the rst.

    Through play and exploraon, children can learn a language quickly and easily. It is

    in preschool when teachers can maximize a child’s willingness and ability to learn by

    using sensory smulaon and play combined with language learning. Small children

    can learn by listening, seeing, imitang, and praccing, when they are introduced to

    rhymes, songs, games, and counng in a foreign language. In this way, learning is

    easier if it is done through acve and fun methodologies, using all of the senses.

    These are all important reasons for exposing children to early foreign language learningwith an appropriate methodology for their age.

    This curriculum suggests topics and acvies for four, ve, and six year-olds in

    preschool that can be integrated with the Salvadoran curriculum taught in the Spanish


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    a. Guidelines for English Teachers

    The role of English teachers is to mediate between language knowledge

    and children´s learning process in order to acquire communicaon

    skills. In this sense, the teacher becomes a companion, a mediator and

    a movator of the process who, along with the children, is looking for

    areas of interest in which dialogue, exploraon, and discovery may

    oer children opportunies to pracce and produce language.

    To achieve this, teachers will nd it useful to consider the following


    Start by learning about the situaon of children, families and their✦

    community, who should also parcipate in planning the educaonalprocess and other acvies to promote the development of boys

    and girls.

    Plan ahead: The acvies to be developed for the children should✦

    take into account the developmental characteriscs, the children´s

    environment and the families’ involvement.

    Provide boys and girls with constant feedback about the visual✦

    and auditory materials used.

    Use children’s basic needs from her/his daily rounes to✦

    contextualize the English language.Support boys and girls in remembering signicant experiences✦

    and movate children to express them in English as much as they

    are able to do so.

    Monitor constantly children´s language producon with clear,✦

    precise and natural modeling.

    Do advanced preparaon of the environment and materials to be✦

    used in the English class, so the process may proceed with higher


    b. Suggesons for Diverse Learners

    Curricular Adaptaons

    Curricular adaptaons and the use of inclusive strategies are a

    response to diversity among learners. These strategies involve

    adjustments or modicaons made in the curriculum in order to meet

    the individual learning characteriscs. In this case, the adaptaons

    are aimed at:

    School-Wide Curricular Adaptaon:✦ These are adaptaons

    implemented on the school-wide level to meet special needs.

    Generally, these take into account needs for mobility and special

    aenon, or in the common spaces like playground, cafeteria,etc. Something that the teacher can do is to label in English the

    common spaces, like hallways and oces, in order for children to

    visually recognize the vocabulary in English in the space where

    they move.

    Classroom Curricular Adaptaons:✦  Adjustments have to do with

    the planning done by the teachers according to specic needs;

    for example, changes in group acvies where the teacher uses

    dierent sensory expressions like singing, use of dierent materials

    to sense texture and develop the capacity to discriminate odors,

    sound smulaon, use of ash cards, etc.

    Adaptaons in Communicaon:✦ Use of specic teaching and

    learning materials, technical and technological aids, computers,

    sign language, etc., when there are communicaon barriers.

    Non- Signicant Adaptaons:✦  This refers to the use of instruconal

    strategies or minor changes in the curriculum on a classroom

    level, in order to take into account learners’ needs. Evaluaons

    should be creave, focused on process more than products and

    the original level of children’s abilies.


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    Signicant Adaptaons:✦   Imply deep changes in objecves,

    specic contents and the evaluaon process in order to account

    for learning dicules.

    c. Methodological Guidelines

    The early childhood curriculum is developed with exibility and

    relevance taking into consideraon children’s reality, needs,

    movaons and interests.

    This document presents some methodological guidelines for

    each program and ideas or suggesons that teachers may use in

    the evaluaon of their curriculum proposal for his/her individual

    classroom situaon.

    As the curriculum considers the children’s human rights approach,

    the development perspecves and how they perceive reality in

    a comprehensive manner, there has been an eort to present

    suggesons on four cross-cung topics. These help to distribute

    themes and strategies in four sequenal me periods, to organize

    the methodological sequence of learning situaons and facilitate the

    development and evaluaon of the progress of children.

    These integrated methodological suggesons, or situaons of learning

    and development, meet the objecves and indicators of success of

    each program.

    By the end of the year, the methodological sequence of planned

    learning and development situaons will have worked out the process

    to achieve all objecves based on comprehensive development and

    will assess whether or not the performance indicators proposed for

    the program have been achieved.

    The cross-cung themes suggested for Early Childhood Educaon


    Who I am, I am like this, I am (body and movement, identy and1.

    autonomy, emoons and feelings, values and social interacons,


    Once upon a me... (The family, members, roles, home,2.

    relaonships, etc).

    Discover, feel, learn and have fun (at school or community circle).3.Travel around the world (community, country and universe).4.

    Each theme may work with dierent integrang methodological

    suggesons. The quanty of acvies will depend on the planning

    me by the teaching team at each level.

    The me assigned to each cross-cung theme also depends on the

    planning, and the age of the group, the context and the characteriscs

    and interests of girls and boys.

    d. Learning Assessment Guidelines

    The evaluaon process can be summarized and organized by

    answering the following quesons: Why should we evaluate? What to

    evaluate, how to evaluate and through what means? Who evaluates?

    When to evaluate?

    Why should we evaluate? 

    To understand and assess children’s level of development and✦

    learning, as well as the support and adaptaon required to

    strengthen the progress and to overcome dicules.

    To idenfy strengths and weaknesses of teaching performance✦

    and ensure the necessary adjustments are made, according to the

    integral development of children.

    What to evaluate? 

    Progress and dicules in boys and girls’ development as✦

    expressed in the objecves and performance indicators.

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    Teacher’s performance and the parcipaon, communicaon and✦

    relaonship with the families and communies.

    How to evaluate and through what means?

    Through connuous observaon and mely recording of✦


    Talking and listening connuously to children, considering the level✦

    of developed communicaon skills.

    The organizaon of integrated acvies that allows the assessment✦

    of achievement indicators.

    Who parcipates in the evaluaon process and how? 

    In addion to the teacher and support sta (if any), it is important to


    Children, because this promotes their development and✦

    comprehensive learning. The children’s parcipaon, however,depends on the success of communicaon skills to express what they

    feel and think. It is important to ensure the parcipaon of every


    The family, so that they provide informaon about development✦

    factors observed in the child.

    When should teachers evaluate? 

    At the beginning of the educaonal process.✦

    During and at the end of the adaptaon period.✦

    The me of arrival and departure from class.✦

    At the end of each period, the teacher should prepare a documentthat integrates all the informaon recorded on each child to assess

    developmental achievements.

     Assessment techniques and instruments

    Checklist: An instrument of observaon with a scale which indicates✦

    those performance indicators that are used to evaluate each boy and

    girl, with two opons indicang whether the child achieves or does

    not achieve something.

    Interview: It may be structured, and have quesons that will be asked✦

    to the parents or the person responsible for the child, in terms of theachievements made by the child that have been observed at home.

    During this process the responsibility for strategies in educaon can

    be shared with family or the person responsible for the child.

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    Preschool 4

    Teachers and families will support

    children to be able to:

    Idenfy the parts of the body and✦

    their parcular movements and

    expressions through the development

    of the gross and ne motor skills in

    physical and playful acvies.

    Make boys and girls aware of their✦

    own body in space, in me and in its

    relaon with the environment.

    Use their senses of sight, hearing,✦

    touch, smell and taste to explore theirenvironment, using vocabulary related

    with the senses.

    Experience body awareness, strength✦

    and coordinaon through motor


    Respond to a variety of musical✦

    rhythms through body movement.

    Explore nature by observing,✦

    discovering and experimenng

    elements, such as plants, seasons,

    the weather, the moon, the sun,

    stars and animals and to be able to

    establish relaonships between the

    environment and its conservaon.

    Preschool 5

    Teachers and families will support

    children to be able to:

    Experiment with their bodies, sensory✦

    and movement possibilies in

    dierent mes and spaces.

    Express their own feelings, needs✦

    and emoons, and respect those of


    Express opinions, feelings and✦

    emoons about facts and events of

    nature, and the socio-cultural and

    Salvadoran identy.

    Explore the environment and natural✦

    phenomena through observaon,

    discovery and experimentaon.

    Develop literacy skills expressing✦

    thoughts, emoons and feelings

    though play.

    Pronounce correctly words in English✦

    modeled by the teacher.

    Discover characteriscs and✦

    relaonships between objects and

    situaons in the context of meaningful

    experiences that contribute to the

    development of logical thinking and

    mathemacal expression.

    Preschool 6

    Teachers and families will support

    children to be able to:

    Experience body precision and✦

    coordinaon in physical, arsc and

    playful acvies.

    Develop visual-motor and eye-hand✦

    coordinaon in expression acvies.

    Demonstrate healthy self-esteem,✦

    autonomy and identy development

    in individual and collecve acvies.

    Demonstrate responsible, creave✦

    and condent autonomy in dierent

    school situaons.

     Demonstrate awareness of gender✦

    equity and respect for diversity

    in their relaonship with boys,

    girls and adults through atudes

    of cooperaon, tolerance and


    Pr✦ acce habits related to healthy

    eang, personal hygiene, order, rest,and recreaon.

    Express opinions, feelings and✦

    emoon about facts and events of

    the socio-cultural aspect and the

    Salvadoran identy, through dierent

    forms of language, taking into

    account respect for diversity.

    e. Sequence of Objecves

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    Preschool 4

    Listen to and say numbers in✦

    meaningful contexts.

    Relate quanes of concrete objects✦

    and acons to numbers.Develop hand-eye coordinaon in the✦

    accomplishment of daily acvies.

    Perform daily life acvies✦

    independently and self-condently.

    Express feelings, needs, and emoons✦

    and respect those of others.

    Pracce habits related with healthy✦

    eang, hygiene, order, rest, recreaon

    and health.

    Interact with peers, praccing social✦

    harmony norms.

    Pracce trac rules and road safety✦

    through play acvies.

    Preschool 5

    Pracce trac rules and road safety✦

    through play acvies.

    Recognize vowel and consonant✦

    sounds in the foreign language.Learn to work neatly tracing and✦

    wring leers correctly in the foreign


    Recognize basic colors and shapes in✦

    the foreign language.

    Trace and write numbers from 1 to 10✦

    in the foreign language.

    Preschool 6

    Establish cause and eect✦

    relaonships in natural phenomena

    through experimenng.

    Interact with the social and cultural✦environment, praccing values and

    social harmony norms.

    Develop competencies for✦

    interpreng images, codes, and

    symbols through dierent language


    Determine qualies, variaons and✦

    relaonships between objects and


    Compare, order, count and arrange✦

    serially by size, color, and shape,

    objects in meaningful experiences

    which develop thought and logical-

    mathemacal expressions.

    Pracce trac rules and road safety✦

    through play acvies.

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    Educaon anddevelopment curriculum

    Preschool 4

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       I  n   i  c   i  a   l   I

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    1. Introducon

    This preschool curriculum for four-year olds introduces and describes

    a set of fundamental guidelines that guarantee the right to high-quality

    educaon that will enable children to achieve bio-psychomotor,

    cognive, social-aecve, and emoonal development through their

    everyday acvies in the classroom. Family and community support

    is also necessary to achieve these goals.

    Thus, teachers´ and families’ awareness about child growth

    and development will provide the rst tools to be able to selectappropriate teaching material and to interact with children in ways

    that will enhance their learning through playing. Strategies aimed

    at promong educaon in which children´s rights, gender equity,

    diverse learning, inclusiveness and peace culture should be taken into

    account by the educaonal community upon organizing acvies.

    Other aspects that these guidelines emphasize are organizaon of

    space, appropriate use of resources, relevant curricular adaptaons

    and situaons through an integrated approach using all children´s

    experiences, so that the process is unied and allows for innovave

    acons. Workshops, corners, fun projects, open classrooms, among

    others are some of the acvies that should be planned through

    integrated exercises. However, these guidelines are exible enough

    for educators to modify them according to the needs that dierent

    environments demand.

    The program is designed for areas of experience and development:

    Personal and social development

    Expression, communicaon and representaon

    Relaonship with the environment

    2. ObjecvesTeachers and families will support children to be able to:

    Idenfy the parts of the body and their parcular movements and✦

    expressions through the development of the gross and ne motor

    skills in physical and playful acvies.

    Make boys and girls aware of their own body in space, in me and✦

    in its relaon with the environment.

    Use their senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste to explore✦

    their environment, using vocabulary related with the senses.

    Experience body awareness, strength and coordinaon through✦

    motor acvies.

    Respond to a variety of musical rhythms through body✦


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    Explore nature by observing, discovering and experimenng✦

    elements, such as plants, seasons, the weather, the moon, the

    sun, stars and animals and to be able to establish relaonships

    between the environment and its conservaon.

    Listen to and say numbers in meaningful contexts.✦

    Relate quanes of concrete objects and acons to numbers.✦

    Develop hand-eye coordinaon in the accomplishment of daily✦


    Perform daily life acvies independently and self-condently.✦

    Express feelings, needs, and emoons and respect those of✦


    Pracce habits related with healthy eang, hygiene, order, rest,✦

    recreaon and health.

    Interact with peers, praccing social harmony norms.✦

    Pracce trac rules and road safety through play acvies.✦

    3. Contents

    Personal social development

    a. The body and its movement

    Discovering our body 

    Recognion of the parts of the body, real and in drawings.✦

    Playing with the body in moon

    Experimenng with movement of the body in space: up-down,✦


    Coordinaon, balance, and body control with games and✦

    movements, such as walking, running, jumping.

    Body care and personal safety 

    Progressive development of habits and atudes toward personal✦


    Pracce of security drills in handling objects and toys; pracce→

    earthquake, ood and re drills.

    Hygienic pracces like handwashing, cleanliness in personal care.→

    b. Building identy and personal autonomy

    Building identy 

    Sharing personal and family history: birthdays, family members,✦

    favorite food, pets and toys.

    Idencaon of the family, its members and some of the roles.✦

    Idenfy his or her full name.✦

    Expressing feelings and emoons

    Expression of feelings, moods and emoons, like love, being✦

    happy or sad.

    Idencaon, expression and regulaon of emoons, feelings✦

    and moods.

    c. Social relaonships and valuesShowing of aecon and trust to relaves, classmates, teachers✦

    and other adults.

    Praccing values in games and acvies of daily living such as:✦

    love, peace, solidarity, collaboraon, and respect for individual


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    Expression, communicaon and


    a. Expression and communicaon

    Listening and speakingUnderstanding and listening to stories, tales and narraons to✦

    increase vocabulary.

    Praccing intonaon, gestures and facial expressions during✦


    Pronouncing words with appropriate suprasegmental features.✦

    Expanding the vocabulary by idenfying and using new words and✦


    Interpreng image sequences using a logical and chronological✦


     Approach the world of reading and wring as media

    Pronouncing new words in games, by idenfying images and✦


    Enjoying books, stories, poems in English.✦

    Enjoyment of the rhythm, rhyme and beauty that words occur in✦

    simple poems.

    b. Express and communicate with body language

    Idencaon of dierent parts of the body through playful games✦

    and songs.

    Experimenng with gestures, movements and sounds as personal✦

    resources to express their own feelings and emoons with

    communicave intenon.

    Exercising spaal orientaon games with body movements:✦

    up-down, front-back, inside-out, near-far, above-beneath , on,

    between, beside.

    c. Express and communicate with art

    Exploring the characteriscs of objects from sensory smuli:✦shapes, sizes and colors.

    Conducng games through gross and ne motor in shapes like✦

    circles, squares, and triangles.

    Experimenng with primary and secondary colors: red, yellow✦

    and blue as primary colors and green, black and white.

    Exploraon and representaon of experiences, needs, emoons,✦

    and objects through: stamping with ngers and objects, drawing,

    painng, modeling, collage, murals.

    d. Express and communicate with the musical


     Imitaon and reproducon of sounds, rhythms and simple✦

    melodies associated with animals and emoons.

    Pronouncing with appropriate intonaon in the performance✦

    of simple songs, individually or collecvely on his or her own

    iniave, following the rhythm with percussion instruments,

    dance or movement.

      Intonaon and interpretaon of simple songs in rhythm with✦percussion instruments.

    e. Express and communicate with visual language and


    Enjoying and learning with media and technology: audiovisual✦

    programs and games that promote development in the English

    language during class.

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    Relaonship with the environment

    a. Interacng with the natural world

    Discovering the human body 

    Idenfying external parts of the body.✦

    Movements of the body in his/her surroundings.✦

    Exploring the animal world 

    Exploring the animal world: Learning about the characteriscs of✦

    pets, wild and sea animals.

    Becoming aware of the most representave animals in their✦

    environment using stories.

    Exploring the world of plants

    Discovering plants: parts, kinds, shapes, size and color such as✦

    trees, owers and fruits.

    Exploring the inanimate world 

    Experimenng changes in the weather: cloudy, rainy, sunny day.✦

    Exploring the universe:

    Learning about the sun, the moon and the stars.✦

    Exploring the planet Earth, ulity heat and sunlight to everyday✦life.

    Temporary locaon: Day - night.✦

    Understanding natural phenomena:

    Becoming aware of the weather and the seasons: summer,✦


    Exploring the environment and natural phenomena through✦

    observaon, exploraon and experimentaon.

    b. Interacng with the social world

    Living together as a family 

    Idenfying family members by their names and types of✦


    Idenfying the parts of the house: bedroom, living room, kitchen,✦

    and bathroom.

    Exploring the school 

    Exploring the school and its areas and funcons: playground,✦

    classroom, principal’s oce, etc.

    Recognizing and respecng school sta: teacher, principal, and✦

    administrave sta, classmates, etc.

    Being part of a community 

    Asking about the community: community helpers, recreaonal✦

    spaces, types of housing, vehicle, etc.

    Recognizing transportaon signs and trac signals.✦

    Foods: Fruits and vegetables.✦

    Knowing our country 

    Learning about naonal emblems that idenfy us: the ag, the✦

    naonal anthem and the seal.

    c. Exploring the world of logical math relaonships andexpressions

    Exploring the world of objects and collecons

    Recognizing and experimenng with primary and secondary✦


    Recognizing the circle, triangle and square.✦

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    Exploring the world of numerical expressions

      Introducing the concept of quanty. Quanfying expressions.✦

    Basic quaners: same/dierent.

    Construcon of numbers:

    The concept of numbers: 1 to 5 and their graphical✦


     Counng numbers from 1 to 5.✦

    4. Achievement Indicators

    Says his/her full name.✦

    Points to ve body parts.✦

    Understands that he/she is dierent from others.✦

    Idenes himself/herself as a boy or girl.✦

    Cuts and pastes simple gures.✦

    Walks straight ahead keeping the balance.✦

    Runs around obstacles in one direcon.✦

    Idenes family members and their roles.✦

    Tells stories about family acvies.✦

    Expresses aecon and trust to classmates and school✦


    Pracces values in games and acvies.✦

    Washes hands and pracces personal hygiene.✦

    Copies accurately simple shapes like circles, triangles and✦


    Draws up to ve human body parts including: head, trunk, arms✦

    and legs.

    Idenes, counts and understands numbers up to ve.✦

    Classies geometric shapes by size and primary colors: circle,✦

    triangle, square, big, lile, red, blue and yellow.

    Uses gestures and movements with the purpose of✦


    Makes up a story in a logical sequence.✦

    Pracces equee: apologizes on own iniave, asks for✦

    permission, greets, thanks, and uses the word please.

    Expresses emoons, feelings and moods.✦

    Imitates animals and elements of nature.✦

    Uses body movements of up-down, front-back, inside-out, near-✦

    far, above- beneath, on, between and beside.

    Follows the rhythm of music: fast-slow.✦

    Says the day of the week in their acvies.✦

    Recognizes day and night.✦

    Idenes and perform acons like jump, run, and walk.✦

    Idenes some animals in their environment.✦

    Recognizes the Naonal Tree, Naonal Flower and Naonal Coat✦of Arms.

    Idenes the sun, moon and stars.✦

    Knows posions, like up/down, in/out.✦

    Classies geometric gures by characteriscs, shape, size and/or color.✦

    Interacts with other children and signicant adults.✦

    Idenes the dierent areas of the school, its funcons and use✦

    with respect.

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    Some dierent globalized methodological proposals for learning and development situaons are included

    in this secon; they are distributed in four cross-cung, integrang topics. This sequence may be carried

    out with the curriculum for four years; however, this is not the only sequence that can be suggested.

    Each teacher adapts the curriculum to the context, the needs and interests of children; teachers can

    create other sequences and modify or recreate the strategies and resources proposed.

    Each area of experience and development has been assigned an idenfying symbol.

    Personal and social development

    Expression, communicaon and representaon

    Relaonship with the environment

    Taking into account the developmental characteriscs of boys and girls, and the objecves, contents and

    achievement indicators suggested in this curriculum for this age, the following are proposals for learning

    and development situaons, distributed in four integrang themes.

    Who I am, I am like this, I am...✦

    Once upon a me…✦

    Discover, feel, learn and have fun.✦

    Traveling around the world.✦

    Integrang theme

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    There are many acvies in which the teacher canwork the body schema, but a puppet is suggested

    here to represent the human body. (This could be

    made of cardboard, foam board, or other material).

    Each part of the puppet’s body should move, and

    children should have the freedom to play with the

    main body parts (head, trunk, arms, legs), and

    then the teacher could invite students to move the

    puppets body parts freely.

    The teacher can introduce a conversaon to the✦

    children and tell them that they have a special

    visit from Bob, the puppet dancer. Bob’s visit

    to school is to tell them that he has a body so

    perfect that he can move as he wants. And that

    he will be with them at school all week.

    During this week, Bob can play with children,✦

    inving them to discover their moving body

    parts: head, trunk, arms, legs and exploring

    each part together.

    Bob or teacher could teach them a song like✦“Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and

    toes, knees and feet, head, shoulders, knees

    and feet and hands that move well, yes, yes”.

    The puppet or the teacher can do it by moving

    each part of the body as it is menoned in the

    song. Aer the song, children could be invited

    to look for objects in the classroom that indicate

    some aributes of color, shape, size, etc., aer

    that they will give the object to the teacher orput them in a special place. Then the teacher

    can invite them to reect: through a queson

    like “what did you move?” “What part of the

    body was used to take the object?” “How did

    you know which was that part?” Etc.

    Teachers can invite children to form groups and✦

    give them the next project (paper or cardboard).

    Children in the group have to agree and decide

    which member of the group they will draw with

    all parts of the body that they already know.Then they will divide responsibilies for drawing

    with crayon, they outline the human gure of

    the child lying on the oor and the body parts

    in full detail on the drawing. When they nish,

    the teacher may put the newsprint on the wall

    with the human gures drawn to observe and

    talk about the dierent characteriscs which

    are reected in each gure. Also they may see

    and appreciate the dierences in the bodies of

    boys and girls.By the end of the week, Bob could invite children✦

    to make their own puppet; the teacher could

    provide a picture of a person (divided into parts)

    so that they can color. When nished, they could

    take it home so with the help of their families

    they can build their own puppet by joining the

    pieces with materials that allow mobility (yarn,

    paper fasteners, etc.).

    “A surprise”

    Specic objecves: Teachers and

    families will support children to be

    able to:

    Recognize and say the names of•

    body parts.

    Experiment with his or her body and•

    its ability for sensory movement.


    Puppet, newsprint, cardboard, kra•

    paper, crayons, markers, pencils,

    pictures with a drawing of a human

    body, thumb tacks, song.


    It can be done inside or outside the•



    20 minutes per day, three mes a•


    Integrang theme

    Who I am, I am like this, I am...

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    Achievement Indicators

    Points to ve body parts.•

    Understands that he/she is dierent from others.•

    Draws up to ve human body parts including: head, trunk, arms and legs.• Follows the rhythm of music: fast-slow.•

    Idenes and performs acons like jump, run, and walk.•


    Recognion of the parts of the body,•

    real and in drawings.

    Idencaon of dierent parts of the• body through playful games and songs.

    Movements of the body in his/her•


    Integrang theme

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    Integrang theme

    The idea for this topic is based on meaningfulexperiences for children. The teacher may sit in a

    circle, either in the classroom or elsewhere in an

    appropriate place for this acvity. Teachers can start

    a conversaon by asking what a family is. Where do

    families live? , Whom do you live with? , Are all the

    families the same? How do you feel in your family?

    Teachers should include generang and dialogue

    quesons. Aer this brainstorming of ideas, inquire

    about what they would like to invesgate or do in

    relaon to the family. Depending on the objecvesthat are to be met and the interest of the teacher,

    the project “There was a Special Family” will be


    Preparaon: Children and teacher together plan

    the structure, acvies and all the other elements

    of the project, then the acvies will be prepared

    with the required resources. Remember to keep it

    simple and adequate for the children’s ages.

    For example, make dierent kinds of puzzles incardboard or paperboard with dierent shapes (a

    circle, square and or triangular form), each with a

    picture of the dierent types of families, then color

    them, paint them or decorate them with creavity.

    Then, carefully cut between 12 and 20 pieces and,

    when nished, store them in a bag or box.

    Also, teachers can make compilaons of shortstories, poems, songs and pictures about family,

    and home before the end of the day.

    I have a family:  The family can provide a family

    photograph or the teacher may propose to the

    children to make a drawing of their family in

    rectangular paper the size of a photo, then they can

    glue it in a frame for a mural. This can be decorated

    creavely applying dierent techniques and using

    ne motor skills, with red, yellow, and blue nger

    paint. In this way, they get to know the dierent

    families that make up the group class. Besides, boys

    and girls can idenfy who has the tallest member

    and the smallest, the oldest and the youngest,

    etc. It should be emphasized that everyone is just

    as important as the others, although they have

    dierent physical characteriscs.

    Guess what a family is: What if we play a guessing

    game? The teacher can ask the queson and tell

    children to sit in a circle and listen carefully. It issuggested to read stories of each dierent family

    and their members. The teacher can movate

    them to tell, how many members there are in their

    families, etc.

    “Once upon a me… there was a special family”

    Once upon a time…

    Specic objecves: Teachers and

    families will support children to be

    able to:

    Idenfy and say the names of family•

    members and other relaves.

    Interact with the social and cultural•

    values and norms.

    Enjoy arts and cultural experiences•

    through verbal languages.

    Appreciate the beauty reected in•

    their creaons.


    Materials or recycled paper.•Paper, crayons, paint, use primary•

    colors, glue, scissors, etc.

    Modeling clay, play dough.•

    Recorder and music. Poems.•


    Classroom, mulpurpose room.•


    The project could last a month.•

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    Integrang theme:

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    “Fantasc Tour”

    The teacher invites and encourages children to

    take a “great ride” that will take them through theschool. While doing this trip, they will be doing

    stops (principal’s oce, the courtyard, cafeteria,

    recreaon areas or other places according to each

    school) and while making the trip, in every staon

    they can pracce greeng the people they meet.

    Children can sing the good morning songs, facial

    expressions to greet, depending on each staon.

    Bathroom Staon:✦   Boys and girls should talk

    about how they look, and acvies that mustbe done in this place, such as to wash hands

    thoroughly with soap. The teacher may take the

    opportunity to talk about how important it is to

    pracce hygienic habits to prevent diseases. This

    experience should also lead teachers to make

    children aware about the importance of water

    and the preservaon of natural resources. Of

    course proper use of the bathroom should be


    Library Staon:✦  Teachers should invite boys andgirls to observe and describe the place, talk about

    what they see and their impressions. Observe

    their reacon accordingly and guide the proper

    handling of books. Then, boys and girls should be

    introduced to the person in charge of the library

    (if this resource is available). Teachers can allow

    some free me (as appropriate), so children may

    check out books.

    Play Area Staon:✦ Children should be invited to

    explore freely without guidance, observe them

    and then invite them to discuss quesons such

    as how they felt playing. What happened? Then

    encourage them to express what happened while


    Kitchen Staon:✦ Teachers are encouraged tostart a conversaon about what they like to eat,

    what they cook at home, who cooks at home,

    what measures must be taken in the kitchen to

    avoid accidents. Children may be invited to sing

    the song “The cup “.

    Courtyard Staon:✦  Dierent games can be played

    there, for example, it may happen that someone

    says “running!” And all run, other says “jump!”

    It is suggested to connue this fantasc ride to otherstaons, that they may have, such as the infant

    room, music room, computer center, art room,

    among others.

    Integrang theme:

     Discover, feel, learn and have fun

    Specic objecves: Teachers and

    families will support children to beable to:

    Interact with the social and cultural•

    environment, respecng and

    building standards of courtesy and

    social interacon while playing in

    everyday life.

    Experience habits related to hygiene•

    and order with the support and

    responsibility of the family and



    The resources to be used can be•

    classied according to the staons


    Storybooks for the library, paper,•

    and crayons.

    Balls and games for the playground.•


    The whole school.•


    It can be done with an average of•

    20 minutes per day, three mesa week, or according to the class


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    Showing of aecon and trust to relaves, classmates, teachers and other adults.•

    Hygienic pracces like handwashing, cleanliness in personal care.•

    Praccing values in games and acvies of daily living such as: love, peace, solidarity, collaboraon, and respect for individual•


    Exercising spaal orientaon games with body movements: up-down, front-back, inside-out, near-far, above- beneath, on, between,•


    Exploring the school and its areas and funcons: playground, classroom, principal´s oce, etc.•

    Achievement Indicators

    Expresses aecon and trust to•

    classmates and school personnel.

    Pracces values in games and•


    Washes hands and pracces personal•hygiene.

    Uses body movements of up-down,•

    front-back, inside-out, near-far, above-

    beneath, on, between and beside.

    Idenes the dierent areas of the•

    school, its funcons and use with


    Integrang theme

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    Integrang theme

     Traveling around the world

    “We’re explorers”

    Taking advantage of spaces other than the

    classroom, like the pao, hallways or the courtyard,

    teachers can do the games suggested below.

    Boys and girls can gather in a circle outside the

    classroom, they will be movated to play the role of

    explorers that need to go to discover new things.

    The story:✦ Tell a story that talks about a fantasc

    and a magical forest, for example: The forest is

    called “Morning sun “ because when the sun

    shines every living thing around sings with joy, like the plants and animals that live there.

    When the moon rises, and the night falls, it is

    at this me that all forest dwellers gather to

    eat together and relax to start again the next

    day. Among the suggested quesons to ask are:

    what do they do during the morning?, in the

    aernoon? at night? Then start to sing “Sun lile

    sun...” or some other song that has relevance to

    the day and night.

    Get Moving!:✦   While on the tour, childrenare told that in situaons like in the forest

    somemes they move with very strong steps

    and these movements are called earthquakes.

    Children should play with their body movement

    like earthquakes and also how to act in case of

    a real one happens. Teachers need to be very

    cauous and prevent as much as possible that

    children get harmed. Songs or simple rhythms

    should be used to make this situaon a fun

    experience, for example:

    -1... 2... 3.... (Clap) When you feel the earth move

    (make the move with the body) Hands body and

    walk slowly.

    -1 ... 2 ... 3 ... (Clap) When you feel the earth move

    (make the move with the body) No shoung is beer

    (makes sound of silence) and it is a “snail”.

    -1 ... 2 ... 3 ... (Clap) While saying when you feel the

    earth move (make the move with the body) then look

    up, look down, to one side to the other, and seek for

    help. (Do all the movements).

    Making gestures:✦  Teachers should ask what kind

    of emoons they feel when the earth moves and

    exemplied by gestures: fear, sadness, crying,

    anger and worry, among others, but also remind

    them that there will always be people who

    will help us when this happens. Helping gives

    emoons and moods such as joy, condence,

    and peace (make all the gestures). Later in the

    class the teacher may represent faces withmoods on the board or newsprint sheets, with

    the colors that suggest those emoons.

    The magnifying glass:✦  Upon connuing with the

    tour, teachers should take the magnifying glass

    to observe the plants and animals that live in the

    forest. You can use ashcards of animals during

    the tour. Children are asked to mimic the body

    of the animals they have seen. For example

    Specic objecves: Teachers and

    families will support children to beable to:

    Idenfy and express feelings, needs•

    and emoons.

    Explore the environment and natural•

    phenomena through observaon,

    exploraon and experimentaon.



    Magnifying glass.•


    The school.•


    It can be done with an average of•

    20 minutes per day, three mes

    a week, or according to the class


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    Praccing values in games and•

    acvies of daily living such

    as: love, peace, solidarity,

    collaboraon, and respect for

    individual dierences.

    Idencaon, expression and•

    regulaon of emoons, feelings

    and moods.

    Imitaon and reproducon of•

    sounds, rhythms and simple

    melodies associated with animals

    and emoons.

    Exploring the animal world:•

    Learning about the characteriscsof pets, wild and sea animals.

    Discovering plants, parts, kinds,•

    shapes, size and color such as

    trees, owers and fruits.

    Learning about the sun, the moon•

    and the stars.

    Exploring the planet Earth, ulity•

    heat and sunlight in everyday life.

    Temporary locaon: day - night.•

    bueries, chickens, worms, cows, rabbits,

    frogs, sh, ants, bees, among others. The class

    can walk with varied rhythms to imitate animals;

    for example, long, slow steps like cows, or fast

    as rabbits, birds or sh, or crawling like snakes,

    etc. Similarly, boys and girls are invited to talk

    about the animals in the community and pets in

    their homes if they have any. They should talk

    about how these animals are, how and where

    they live, what they eat, their life cycle, their

    usefulness, etc.

    Aer the tour, they can prepare a skit for families

    of what was being found in exploring the fantascwoods.

    Achievement Indicators

    Walks straight ahead, keeping the balance.•

    Runs around obstacles in one direcon.•

    Expresses emoons, feelings and moods.•

    Idenes, counts and understands up to ve.•

    Imitates animals and elements of nature.•

    Follows the rhythm of music: fast-slow.•

    Recognizes day and night.•

    Idenes the sun, moon and stars.•

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    Preschool 5

    Educaon anddevelopment curriculum

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    1. Introducon

    The early childhood educaon curriculum for ve year olds providesessenal guidelines that guarantee the right to a high quality

    educaon, that enable children to achieve maximum bio psychomotor,

    cognive, social and emoonal development through their everyday

    acvies in the classroom. Family and community support is also

    necessary to achieve these goals.

    Thus, boys and girls at this age should have the right to educaon

    in accordance with their maturity level, growth and development

    which enable them to discover the wonderful world of reading and

    wring, numerical construcon, environmental exploraon andexperimentaon, and their personal, social, and ecological history.

    Learning should be a joyful experience that helps boys and girls

    to discover their potenal through contact with everyday life and

    should also contribute to their equitable and integral development.

    Therefore, strategies aimed at promong educaon in which children’s

    rights, gender equity, diverse needs, inclusiveness and peace culture

    should be taken into account by the educaonal community upon

    organizing acvies.

    As with four-year olds, this curriculum oers these guidelines which

    emphasize organizaon of spaces, appropriate use of resources,

    relevant curricular adaptaons and situaons through an integrated

    approach that takes into account all children’s experiences, so that

    the process is unied and allows for innovave acons. Workshops,

    learning corners, fun projects, open classrooms, among others are

    some of the acvies that should be planned through integrang

    exercises. However, these guidelines are exible enough for educators

    to modify them according to the needs that dierent contexts


    The program is designed for areas of experience and development:

    Personal and social development

    Expression, communicaon and representaon

    Relaonship with the environment

    2. Objecves

    Teachers and families will support children to be able to:Experiment with their bodies, sensory and movement possibilies✦

    in dierent mes and spaces.

    Express their own feelings, needs and emoons, and respect✦

    those of others.

    Express opinions, feelings and emoons about facts and events of✦

    nature, and the socio-cultural and Salvadoran identy.

    Explore the environment and natural phenomena through✦

    observaon, discovery and experimentaon.

    Develop literacy skills expressing thoughts, emoons and feelings✦

    through play.

    Pronounce correctly words in English modeled by the teacher.✦

    Discover characteriscs and relaonships between objects and✦

    situaons in the context of meaningful experiences that contribute

    to the development of logical thinking and mathemacal


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    Pracce trac rules and road safety through play acvies.✦

    Recognize vowel and consonant sounds in the foreign language.✦

    Learn to work neatly tracing and wring leers correctly in the✦

    foreign language.

    Recognize basic colors and shapes in the foreign language.✦

    Trace and write numbers from 1 to 10 in the foreign language.✦

    3. Contents

    Personal social development

    a. The body and its movement

    Discovering our body Idenfying the body parts of girls and boys through simple✦


    Perceiving qualies and characteriscs of the body´s systems and✦

    organs through their senses.

    Playing with the body in moon

    Understanding and following through movement and balance✦

    posions: up-down, front-back, inside-out, throwing, catching,


    Performing ne motor movements of their face, eyes, cheeks,✦

    nose, and tongue. Performing ne movements with their hands

    as well.

    Idenfying, expressing, and regulang emoons, feelings and✦


    Enjoying body movements, with speed and balance, to walk, jump,✦

    run, crawl, swing, turn up, turn down, back and walk on ptoe.

    Body care and personal safety 

    Progressive development of habits and atudes for welfare and✦

    personal safety.

    Praccing hygienic habits: bathing daily, changing clothes, tooth✦

    brushing and hand washing, especially before eang and aer

    using the bathroom, using the toilet, combing, and blowing theirnose.

    Praccing safety measures in the kitchen, bathroom, pao, etc..,✦

    in case of earthquakes, oods and re drills through simple

    commands in the foreign language.

    Progressive development of feeding skills: use of spoon, fork,✦

    napkin; eang without help; hygienic habits like washing their


    Praccing signs and safety rules for streets, sidewalks and trac✦

    lights, through simple vocabulary.

    b. Building identy and personal autonomy

    Building identy 

    Idenfying the family, its members and some of their roles.✦

    Sharing personal and family history.✦

    Building autonomy 

    Progressive development of habits and skills for autonomy✦

    and personal care. Use of vocabulary related to silverware,geng dressed and placing objects and materials orderly in the


    Expressing feelings and emoons

    Idenfying and expressing emoons, feelings and moods such as✦

    friendship, love, and trust.

    Idenfying, expressing and regulang emoons, feelings and✦


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    c. Social relaonships and values

    Praccing social manners and values such as: love, peace,✦

    cooperaon, responsibility, respect, courtesy, honesty, order,

    respect for diversity, etc.

    Internalizing rights and dues that children have as cizens to✦

    enjoy the services provided by the places and instuons of thecommunity.

    Expression, communicaon and


    a. We express and we communicate

    Listening and speaking

    Listening, understanding and expressing stories, rhymes, and✦

    songs using appropriate vocabulary in the target language.

    Praccing intonaon, gestures and facial expressions with songs✦

    using the target language.

    Increasing the vocabulary according to the needs.✦

    Wrien or graphic comprehension and expression

    Interpreng and producing messages in pictures, images and✦

    convenonal signs through vocabulary in the foreign language.

    Creang oral sentences or phrases in the foreign language from✦

    gures, pictures and simple stories, or graphical representaon

    on drawings.

     Approach the world of reading and wring

    Interpreng words, phrases in situaons of reality of children:✦

    Using 4 or 5 words from their interest.

    Playing with words that include vowels (a, e, i, o, u,) and some✦

    consonants like m, p, t, s.

    Recognizing meaning of generated words and phrases.✦

    Pronouncing and idenfying images, sounds and spelling through✦


    Having fun with children’s literature

    Creang personal stories orally and listening to each other’s✦

    stories aenvely.

    b. Express and communicate with body language

    Exercising and enjoying movements with the dierent parts of the✦

    body as when they open and close, relax, move and stop, when

    they go up-down, front-back, inside-out, near-far, under, over,

    between and le-right.

    Exercising ne motor skills, using forms of circles, squares,✦

    triangles, and rectangles.

    Expressing thoughts, feelings and emoons about objects,→people, animals, drawings, events and experiences.

    Experiencing eye-hand skills and procient graphic-stroke motor→

    skills, linearity control, orientaon and space organizaon.

    Idenfying and expressing emoons, feelings and moods such→

    as friendship, love and trust.

    Using gestures and movements with a communicave→


    c. we express and communicate with artProducing orally characteriscs of objects such as shapes, sizes,✦

    textures, colors, odors, etc.

    Exercising ne motor and listening comprehension skills by✦

    drawing shapes like circles, squares, triangles and rectangles.

    Represenng experiences through art techniques: drawing,✦

    painng, and modeling.

    Recognizing primary and secondary colors.✦

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    d. We express and communicate with the musicallanguage

     Discriminang and reproducing orally onomatopoeic sounds of✦

    social and natural environment, such as machines, animals and


    Reproducing and interpreng songs and musical games individually✦and collecvely.

    Playing sounds, rhythms and melodies following musical beats✦

    along with body movement.

    Enjoying the musical language as a tool of communicaon with✦

    others and creave expression.

    Imitang and reproducing sounds, rhythms and simple melodies→

    associang with: body movements with dierent rhythms.

    e. Express and communicate with visual language andtechnology

    Exploring media and technological resources as elements of✦

    expression in the foreign language.

    Playing and enjoying media and technology through programs✦

    and educaonal audiovisual games in the foreign language.

    Relaonship with the environment

    a. Interacng with the natural world

    Discovering the human body 

    Discovering external and internal parts of the body and its✦


    Discovering their senses, organs and funcons, hygiene and care.✦

    Idenfying the stages of human life.✦

    Exploring the animal world 

    Learning about the basic characteriscs of domesc and wild✦

    animals in the foreign language.

    Invesgang and learning vocabulary about the life cycle of✦

    animals, specically when they are born, grow, reproduce and

    die.Exploring some animals from Salvadoran wildlife.✦

    Exploring the world of plants

    Discovering vocabulary related to the dierent kinds of plants,✦

    shape, size, color and usefulness.

    Experiencing the life cycle of plants, as they sprout, grow,✦

    reproduce and die, learning the basic vocabulary in the foreign


    Expressing orally, feelings related to contact with nature.✦

    Exploring the inanimate world 

    Discovering inanimate elements of nature such as earth, water,✦

    re and air.

    Learning about the importance of water, its properes and its✦

    physical states.

    Exploring the universe, learning and praccing vocabulary related✦

    to the Solar System.

    Praccing orally basic vocabulary related to the planet earth.✦

    Producing vocabulary related to the understanding of natural✦

    phenomena through observaon, taking note of changes in the

    weather, such as cloudy, rainy and sunny days; and becoming

    aware of the two seasons in El Salvador.

    Expressing orally feelings related to contact with nature.✦

    Parcipang in drills at school in case of emergencies.✦

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    b. Interacng with the social world

    Living together as a family 

    Idenfying the family, its members, and some of their roles.✦

    Recognizing and naming household units and its objects.✦

    Learning about the school 

    Recognizing and naming the parts of school and taking care of its✦


    Recognizing the vocabulary related with the funcons of the sta✦

    at school.

    Being part of a community 

    Praccing vocabulary in English related to types of housing and✦

    community instuons.

    Producing orally the names of professions and occupaons in the✦


    Becoming aware of transportaon and trac signals.✦

    Idenfying dierent places in their community and the roles of its✦


    Exploring the surroundings near children’s reality through various✦


    Learning about our country 

    Idenfying our naonal symbols: ower, tree, bird, ag, Naonal✦Anthem and Naonal Coat of Arms.

    c. Exploring the world of logical math relaons andexpressions

    Exploring the world of objects through play acvies

    Expressing in English basic properes and relaonships of✦


    Grouping and classifying objects by their physical properes:✦

    color, shape, size.

    Building relaonships: high/low, long/short, big/medium/small,✦

    more/less, fast/slow, full/empty.

    Expressing comparisons between objects of one or two properes✦


    Expressing in English spaal locaons, such as front/back, top/✦

    boom, right/le, up/down.

    Expressing temporal relaons in English.✦

    Introducing esmaon and me measurement such as present-✦

    past-future me, night-day, tomorrow. Days of the week, months

    of the year and seasons.

    Introducing and producing orally me in English.✦

    Introducing and producing orally, in English, plane and solid✦

    geometric shapes in everyday objects such as circle, triangle,square, rectangle and geometrical bodies such as the sphere and


    Exploring the world of numerical expressions through play


    Introducing the concept of quanty in English through basic✦

    quaners: same and dierent.

    Applying basic quaners in games and daily acvies.✦

    Idenfying, counng and understanding up to 10.✦

    Wring number associaons with graphical representaons.✦

    Experiencing with numbers: grouping, sorng, counng from 1 to✦


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    4. Achievement Indicators

    Recognizes himself/herself as a boy or girl, as well as his/her✦

    physical features.

    Uses the right or le hand of body as indicated.✦

    Develops graphics with direconality and communicave✦


    Creates role plays with own iniave using as much English as✦


    Interacts spontaneously in English with other children.✦

    Expresses appreciaon by saying please and thanks✦


    Increases vocabulary on the subject and uses it properly.✦

    Draws proporonal human gures with head, trunk, hands and✦


    Idenes and names in English geometrical gures such as the✦

    rectangle, square and diamond.

    Sings children’s songs in English.✦

    Understands and follows more than two commands at a me.✦

    Asks and answers basic quesons in English.✦

    Uses colors somemes without relang them to reality.✦

    Uses oral language to express and communicate their ideas,✦

    concerns and feelings.

    Parcipates in cultural acvies with art, music and play with✦


    Orders a set of objects that vary in size from the smallest to the✦

    biggest, the rst and the last.

    Understands the relaonship with objects: up-down, front-back,✦

    inside-out, over, under and near-far, when listening to instrucons

    in English.

    Idenes right and le when listening to instrucons given in the✦

    target language.

    Imitates geometric paerns of two colors when instrucons are✦

    given in English.

    Idenes and counts up to number ten.✦

    Parcipates orally in songs, stories, poems and legends using the✦

    foreign language.

    Knows and recognizes dierent places around the community.✦

    Parcipates with enthusiasm and creavity in games, recreaon,✦sports and others, at school and at home.

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    Some dierent globalized methodological proposals for learning and development situaons are

    included in this secon; they are distributed in four cross-cung, integrang topics. This sequence

    may be carried out with the curriculum for four years; however, this is not the only sequence that can

    be suggested. Each teacher adapts the curriculum to the context, the needs and interests of children;

    teachers can create other sequences and modify or recreate the strategies and resources proposed.

    Each area of experience and development has been assigned an idenfying symbol.

    Personal and social development

    Expression, communicaon and representaon

    Relaonship with the environment

    Taking into account the developmental characteriscs of boys and girls, and the objecves, contents

    and achievement indicators suggested in this curriculum for this age, the following are proposals for

    learning and development situaons, distributed in four integrang themes.

    Who I am, I am like this, I am...✦

    Once upon a me…✦

    Discover, feel, learn and have fun.✦

    Traveling around the world.✦

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    Integrang theme

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    On sunny days, outside the classroom (in theplayground or pao), the teacher can invite boys

    and girls to idenfy their shadows. Children are

    invited to have fun with their body movements

    controlling speed balance to walk, jump, crawl,

    swing, turn up, turn down, run, walk on ptoe,


    It is suggested to introduce the topic by talking

    about the dierent parts of the body and the

    dierences between boys and girls, using

    ashcards or illustraons in cardboard. This is agood opportunity to movate and talk about the

    dierent features between boys and girls, without


    Then the teacher can ask children to go in front

    of a mirror to see themselves in it, and at the

    same me, emphasize that we see with our eyes.

    Children should be encouraged to watch their

    image carefully and to make facial movements with

    their eyes, cheeks, nose, and tongue. In addion,

    they should make ne and gross movements withtheir hands. If there is no mirror available in the

    classroom, children could also watch their own

    picture, which teachers may have asked to bring to

    class in advance, and make a brief descripon of

    their own body.

    Then teachers can start by asking some quesons:

    How do you see yourself? Do you feel okay? Do like

    to see yourself in the mirror? Tell us about some

    parts of your body. Are you a boy or girl? What

    part of your body do you like? What part of your

    body you dislike?, among others. And from these

    quesons, teachers should connue talking about

    the characteriscs, dierences and similaries

    between the body of a girl and that of a boy.

    Aerwards, the teacher can invite them to make

    pairs, so they can draw their bodies on cardboard,

    making only the silhouee of her/his body as a

    “shadow”. Once the silhouees are done, children

    are invited to mold with clay straight lines on the

    parts that they like about their body, and brokenlines on the least favorite parts. Then, me should

    be allowed for children to express their reasons for

    the straight lines in dierent parts of the body, and

    how we have to take care of our body.

    This acvity is a good opportunity to talk about

    the idea of “I know how to take care of my own

    body” referring to “our” bodies, and sharing that

    we all have a body that we have to take care and

    love. Teachers should encourage children to talk

    about proper care of the body and senses: cleaning,bathing daily, changing clothes, hand washing, teeth

    brushing, sleeping, eang nutrious food, playing,

    among others. Children may be asked to mimic some

    of these acvies in front of a mirror, for example,

    washing hands, brushing teeth, drying with a towel

    or dressing in front of a mirror, and others.

    It is suggested to encourage the children to share

    hugs. Teachers should also take the opportunity to

    talk about dues and rights of all the children.

    “Having fun with my body!”

    Specifc objectves: Teachers and

    families will support children to be

    able to:

    Experiment with parts of their•

    body and senses, possibilies of

    movement and expression, through

    the coordinaon of gross and

    ne motor skills in physical and

    recreaonal acvies.

    Locate their body in space, in•

    me and in relaonships with the


    Interact with dierent children•

    in games involving the bodymovement.


    Mirror, body, pictures, colors,•

    crayons, charts, and clay.


    the classroom and pao•

    Time suggested

    2 to 3 days, or as long as the•

    teacher may consider adequate.

    Who I am, I am like this, I am...

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    Achievement indicators

    Recognizes himself/herself as a boy•

    or girl, as well as his/her physical


    Interacts spontaneously in English•

    with other children.

    Draws proporonal human gure•

    with head, trunk, arms and legs.

    Uses oral language to express and•

    communicate ideas, concerns and


    Parcipates with enthusiasm and•

    creavity in games, recreaon,

    sports and others, at school and at



    Idenfying the body parts of boys and girls through simple vocabulary.•

    Enjoying body movements, with speed and balance, to walk, jump, run, crawl, swing, turn up, turn down, back and walk on ptoe.•

    Performing ne motor movements of their face, eyes, cheeks, nose, and tongue. Performing ne movements with their hands as•


    Progressive development of habits and atudes for welfare and personal safety: Praccing hygienic habits: bathing daily,•

    changing clothes, tooth brushing and hand washing, especially before eang and aer using the bathroom, using the toilet,

    combing, and blowing their nose.

    Expressing thoughts, feelings and emoons about objects, people, animals, drawings, events and experiences.•

    Experiencing eye-hand skills and procient graphic-stroke motor skills, linearity control, orientaon and space organizaon.•

    Represenng experiences through art techniques: drawing, painng, and modeling.•

    Discovering the external and internal parts of the body and its funcons.•

    Discovering their senses, organs and funcons, hygiene and care.•

    Idenfying the stages of human life.•

    Integrang theme

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    This theme can be developed in the classroom,

    organizing children in groups of ve. In the center

    of the classroom, the teacher can have boxes

    containing ash cards, books with pictures of

    families, puppets, or images that correspond to

    families, such as father, mother, brothers, sisters,

    grandparents, etc.

    Then the teacher encourages children to explore

    the materials in the boxes, asking quesons like

    these: What do you see in the picture? Who are

    they? What are their names? Where do theylive? All boys and girls should be encouraged to


    Once children have explored and expressed in

    English the words learned in the English class the

    teacher presents in a small puppet theater The

    story of Lili, the bee, her family and a beauful

    hive. The narraon begins as follows. . . “Lili, the

    bee, was a very happy girl; her mom “Abi”, her dad

    “Abejo”, and many brothers and sisters. They also

    had a grandmother, called “Abita” who liked to

    make candy and liked to go to the market. Grandma

    was very playful and liked to dance too. She was

    younger than grandpa “Abito”.

    One day, Lili, the bee, wanted to go out and play, but

    had no friends to do so. Then she invited grandma

    Abita to play in the Park. They played and played

    unl it got dark. Grandma Abita decided to return

    home. But as it was late at night, the sky was also

    dark, and grandma Abita, did not recognize the

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