inglês ppt - integral - in on at tempo lugar


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Post on 11-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Inglês PPT - Integral - In on at Tempo Lugar
Page 2: Inglês PPT - Integral - In on at Tempo Lugar

My class is in the morning

My class is in the afternoon

My class is in the evening

My class is at night

My class was on a beautiful afternoon day

Page 3: Inglês PPT - Integral - In on at Tempo Lugar

Meses sem o dia: Our classes start in May

Estações do ano: There are flowers in the Spring

Séculos: We are in the twenty first century

Anos: I was born in 1967

Espaço de tempo: I’ll be there in two days

Page 4: Inglês PPT - Integral - In on at Tempo Lugar

Rua: My house is in that street

Bairro: Let’s meet in Piatã

Cidade: She’s in Salvador now

Estado: I was in Bahia last year

País: Salvador is in Brazil

Continente: USA is in North America

Espaço fechado dentro de: There are toys in the box

Page 5: Inglês PPT - Integral - In on at Tempo Lugar

Dia da semana: Our classes start on Monday

Data com o dia: I arrived here, on May 3,1969

May 3

The third of May

Dias: I’ll be there on Easter Sunday

They saw him on Chirstmas day

Expressões: I like to be on time

It is on schedule

Page 6: Inglês PPT - Integral - In on at Tempo Lugar

Rua: My house is on Deraldo Motta street

Estrada: Let’s meet on that road

Rio: My house is on Joanes

Lago/Lagoa: The sands are white on the Abaeté lagoon

Costa/Praia: We like to rest on the beach

Fronteira: It’s on the boardes of Brazil

Fazenda: I have a house on a farm

Ilha: I live on an island

Tela: Look at the text on the screen

Contato com a superfície: The book is on the table

Expressões: On Earth

Page 7: Inglês PPT - Integral - In on at Tempo Lugar

I’m going to school at two o’clock

I usually sleep at midnight

Let’s meet at sunset

She had a baby at twenty one

They got married at 35 years old

I’m busy at the moment

I’ll be free at lunchtime

Page 8: Inglês PPT - Integral - In on at Tempo Lugar

At first, I didn’t give him attention

At the beginning, everything was dark

At last, I saw him

At least, I saw him

Will you see your mother at Easter?

I always receive gifts at Christmas

Page 9: Inglês PPT - Integral - In on at Tempo Lugar

Rua com nº: My house is at 394, Deraldo Motta street

Local público: Let’s meet at the airport

Local específico: She’s at school now

Com o caso genitivo: I was at Maria’s house

Posição junto a um ponto: It’s at the bus stop

Evento: There will be students at the meeting